srPs1 ?n!?;CT 5!?' W-.'5f"'V-,hi' s"l S '.i.i .. .'-?"- "" - tvc " : ., -v- '..-. t v"" v'L, t' Wi y y THE LANCASTER DAILY INTELIgQEyCEB, TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 1889. 'irk-l ytiw sv H ?K F- iUii IfntfUlgettcetr. i tf S ' J IWKtNMAH. S OKAM,HgTEtKMAM TOV Editor. ",. MOBHtT CLARK, PnblUfccr. t BAJLT INTElXtOEhcCTl.-PnhMjhHl iS s. v? wr? T In the Jtr, bat Sunday. Served fcjr.Mftten in Uli city and eurrenndltig :MrtMtenrfit4A'wtk. By mall live dol del )MMl)IMrJltMvMe; 80 rents a month. UT INTELLIGENCER-One dollar and t cents mr. In advance. IdETO aCBSCniBftUS-IUmlt by check: ; t f lemce rmier, una wncre licnncr or Mm be procured vend In it registered t-itie teslnmcs m second class mall nr.. IM- Amtkus, THS tHTtLUSnTCER, Lancaster, Te. s. -'- "i ' t VXAVOAJTSK, PA., Jane 25, 1889. , . Ammt BecK SThe Remlinir Beard of Trade mma In bveMruckemctliliiK;ll In wldein Beards of Trnde strlke anything We hasten te make record of tliN i iwhtevthient. It is stipnr bceta nnd CImm Bprccklce. Mr. Sprccklcs Is i efittefflRti who ha amassed n fertune . jnftumr mnkinc In California nnd viie '. ibew building n Mg retlncry in I'liila- delphla. Hcfclruluatrleusry In search Vefnw material, nnd hns great faith in ii'the beet, whose cultivation he lias mi " tertaken in California, w here hu lias rArMrhMl a nlnnt, r-snrdallv udantcd te the t; extraction of licet sugar. 1 A uu itcaumg jxmui "i Jiauu iuiuii i ; inai ne W rcauy 10 spend mree or lour Ahufadmi thousand dollars in a sutrar Jffaetery nt Reading if the Hcrks county farmers will agree te plant liny thous theus e'ih acres in sugar beets. It leeks as though there were ek-menta of n geed r& business in this preposition, but it Is t almost tee tempting te le taken at Its h.faee value ; for Itis clear that the Iterks : farmers will haMcn te plant their ncre Jin beets if they have the assurance fjtef a purchaser at a fair price; Jlr. LBpreckcIs will be overwhelmed by bevtB tit he etl'ers such consideration te the fiimtiiMi r.ti rnlQltnf ilintii rPlifi fjirtilKl L?of Lancaster count y keeps n sharp leek- j1, out for the man who is ready te buy his tjrpreduce, and if Sprccklcs conies here !f with money te trade ler beets we win Kj guarantee him all he wants us fast as I'tlie earth can grew them. The tobacco .manufacturer luw lcen ncceiiunmlntcd : 'With mere of the weed than hu hns an- pedte for, nnd no man's fancy for the products or the earth will remain long I unMtlsfled by our farmers if cash ac- cem'panica his order. They have learned L; something however in their long exjwr- -ilence, and they have the memory of the 'moms multlcaulls te keep them from "fputtlng extravagant expectations uixm unsupported foundations. The uierus : muiiicauiis was ioeu ier huk wenn,an v would have been n profltable crei) If vkJherc had been enough ullk worm grow grew fs'r te buy it. In the prctwnt case, as pjthcnf only seems te be One man who twanU sugar lx-cts, it will lie very necos neces ti'fsary that he sheuM say te the farmers fchew much he. will agree te pay for their L ecew ir ion or per acre nciem tney t& lll lu m - 4 ....1 ; 5 i iw vi vnci ,j iut imv iiuiiiy fure 111 me roei. iv is uu very wen 10 ji-pnniiise 10 uuiiu a inciery ; nut wnen iSthere Is, only .one purchaser in bight seineiiiing mere will lie needed te necure thebeet grower. Tlic factory will net l be a comfort and help te him utile's he T'mh null kin lumlu I.. I, n .. II KM. U( v"" " ,,,iT uvv' " ni t (iifii. It .ill. i;i KnnH?kfls is able te tininn n iiiiiiliiiimi fJ? price for beets at his factory, we de net H doubt that our farmers will le glad te P,V test the cost of raising them, and will Hf pursue the industry with ardor if they u. - Hanging Men nnd Women. This rinv n limn mill wiuiifiit ltnnrv in. A --"""-. ..--..... fy w.. r thet gallows and both are by thetr own ?. coiifessieu guilty of the cold bUsKled f murder. Tlic man was one of a band of three who murdiied two men for money ihey carried ; the woman poisoned her husband and children forthewikeof the rt small insurance en their lies. The ? horror excited by the unnatural charae r,' ler of the woman's crime at once stig fJ'Kwtcd the insanity of the murderess, but ft her counsel were qtiitu unable te preve 's lipr lllsmie. Until rtf ttwttui iMtmnu ifni.t l deliberate, cowardly, horrible, but that C.V. Vlf tlm ivnmnli lu liv Tin tin nwtut tvintil. F'SJ kllu .ni.l w.l II... ............ -I. ......! y diiu, nilllCIIIU 11UIIIIII1 IlltMIU lULtilUfl Ft sympathy ami pity. Geed women have r-f flWlmiVl ti Imll.if.. Mm, u in .iii lu.t.ini.i P -"... iwiiviiuiv 111111 pin" iiiii tnj nHV itiil li....i I. ..H.I I.. ........ !... III.. yt w ! iiivii 1111111 iij rmu nui llie, baiid'-frttVv.ia a very decided MJiiti st ment acaiust takhiL' tlie lift- nf e.-. : ...... ".... ....... ; n nuiiitiu under any eirciimsiiiiices ; , but justice is stern occasleuallv tu' and the Weman die. A lfvnlllni' lu.ii.J . .. ... : : -. : t f. ,ity loiiews u revolting crime. The ter- Ib rer Intended te be inspired by her fate Is ,;.' modified by the prominence given te thu f fact that It is ven rare indeed for women k& te sutler death for murder. And yet e ? d net knew that tills practical nbandeu- TSvBiut of the death inMialty has been K- signalized by murders by women. I)e- P&. fenders of the death ix-nalty Miy that its K't abaiideniiieiit wmilil u fnllnu'.wl !, , pr w " w..... .v .. i?i carnivnl of bleed that desneradees are Ljjl censtantlydetenvd fnim doing murder by fine lear tliat tliey may Iw hung ; and yet rt-fthe almost absolute teiueval of this fear , frenm c'ftfflef the murderously dispened iL 1. ititm i..4 ..j.n. ,.. 1....... j ....... ........! .1. eyv.wjvw iivfi. iTt-viii m nail- i-iivmi ii;i.u IIIL'IU K te mere murder. It may be Mild that Murders by women have always liecn yrery rare, but that does net alter the vr'forceeftbcfact that the abandonment Lvef the extreme peualty has had no per- jf. crpuutu fiieei ou in is class 01 crime. fevj AUQ.niuniercrer uiuideicvi will have a -wholesome terror of being found out, be ,iue penalty wiiai u may, ami tney al- Ft, ""J0 .i "" c in.-nv.-i mui meycail C0I1- tai tlie crime. ivi 1.1 i.n in.i.i-. ' KT .. , """ """"""""' 3S jar. j. n. rewu.seini, ei fcmyiua pe-it- i:'- nlflne ii'rllm (. uu . 11 T ,.!.,!. S .1., llAlflwiin. J 1, I71IJUU IU Ul rer aeuu me pajer any longer, although It ".- lei nnl.l Kii. 1 .l.i ..,. ...11. I.I..1... 4 " J"" , " liui i-111 IUIJ ) Ill-Slvy paper." Vfh jUeubtiess It will le hard te persuade ,;u Mr. Tewuwnd tbut lw it. net it iik,.ii,i,. E-"T nt .. ..,....,. .,.., il. ..!. 11 1 . ... ..11.1 if... ;." H.IHJ1VII11H1:, lliwilll It JIU9KJUIU mill, b be Is net temperate in all thiugs. He rf la abstinent In the uhj of alcohol : and , ?.bellves, as se manv total nlntnim. vfrem liquor de, that this is thoitence : wmperaute; than which there can Widk f KMeina ..(..! ..1... j r. lewnsend hates violently, nud eubtless adores veheiiunt1vt.ii..i. ... i rameuls, temperance is unknown, it f m wneie neg or nothing with them A thing ia wholly geed or wholly bad : ttllfl en (a n -. n ' wwv pu a man. 9 Mr. TewiiMnil tlilnlra ilmt i... -. ' E.ct:n is a wlilskv n,m,.'.. Mktax that lietrays gross prejudice' or luwiguerHiiec , uiui we Known is net ignorance, since Mr. Tewiiheml is an in lallent man. He nevertheless is ttdr a serious niiBannrelien.clnn. 'i-im tTW.UOE-c;KK U net a whisky paper, "ve lu the wuy tlmt it tloea net think ftat the btate uheuhl forbid the maiiti- wetvrp and wle of whlky. It dnca net uuu 'oue man keu d suv te f, Mr,-0wmttd dot teit.thut -v he should net drink whisky eradventeH the right of, the citizen te drjnk It lti proper ttMkicrntlen. s;Th . lNTF.Li,teF.. tocset cenaldet thai te be tcrkper ate n4moHitiell :nt (Ant'tit-iin 1k enlli-d fk whlky.Vir4 W'caWselt demands tcitw IKTancc witlt witiskjr. H Mr. Ttrwnscnd deirinnd.s temperance without whisky 5 which is net temper ance nt all. The limn who is temicratc In the Indulgence efjhls npctltc., when hellas' Het wherewith te indulge them, should get no credit for his temperance; else the prisoners in our Jails would 4 Hid best esteemed In the community for their k'iieraucc. The Inti:m.iekxci:h Is a devotee of temperance. It has the conviction that Ged gave all his gifts te matt for his temperate use, and that he Is te lw fin ally judged according te that ttse. The gifts of mind and hotly and earth all deinnud temperate use j and lutein-perMicr-In vpcccli nnd thought Is net the least abuse. We de net knew whether our esteemed correspondent alwtalus from the use of all unnecessary things as vigorously as from whisky ; but we venture te suggest that there may Ikj room for his growth lit temperance to wards opposition. t - In tlie month efM.iy, 71,218 lintiiigrniits entered the United States, but this does net Include a couipaintlvely small number immigrating fiem Cunndii nnd Mexico, (iermauy senilis 15,00) of tlinm, the Neth erlands 1,07,1 nnd Au&trin .1,SI, in addition te wlik-h puicly Austrlsn Immigration Iliuig.ny scut 1,01(1 and Itoheiuia X10. Uttle Ueniiinrlc gnve us 1,015 and Sweden and Norway lywi, Kusslit and Itnly con cen con ttlbeled about tlve and six thousand re si e -lively, and (Jrcit Hrllnin L7,1K7. -- ' Ay eniiiient Jfew Yerk clergy innti, Dr. II. !'. De Cesta, refers te tlie Johnstown disaster ns follews: "It Is time people stepped feeling with nature and build clttcxM here they will net be drowned out n ml liicnnccd by diiiigoteus dmns. People, who llve In the track nf the Heed ought te be reii)red te mnke up for losses If they are going te linve losses and net resort te the old trick of telegraphing te the mayor of New Yerk for funds te relieve thelr dis tress." The emit Ien Is riulte useless, nnd the ceuiplnlnt that the suilerers should iniike up their losses Is a stitieiideus absurdity. Nearly evcry community Is feeling with liatilie In sonie way, and we belluve that New Yerk hns been declared dangerous by experts In cHrthmiakes. The pcople of the Ceiicnmugli valley wein a little caioless about Hint dam, but such caiclessuess Is a pnrtef human nature, llled te tliobulld tliebulld lug of lliiiuiliuincuui and I'oinpeil at the biihoef a olcnne that hed been fpilet for eenturleM, and no ileulit llie bullders or these days trusted te their wlse men, as the .lolm.iteu ner.s ti listed the euginccrN. When the clmnces of a cal.inilty seem very roineto. peeple are usuully qulle utreless about them. iSVimce assurlii that "pulmonary con sumption is mere te be le.ired In every community than any ether ill sea se that nllects niaiikliid. Choleia, yellow favor and sin iIImi dlscases that paralyze, w 1th flight entire eeiiiitiies are exceedingly limited in thelr lesults, In eoinp.irlseu w Itii llie slaughter of consumption. Iist year Flerida was panic-stricken from the havoc of yellow fox or; but during the miihi year consumption dcstieycd tuore than twice as tinny lives In the llttle state or New Hampshire, ami net a tremor ran through the laxly corpeiate. The average annual deith into In lids country, fiem chelera, yellow fever, smallpox, typhoid fever, diphtheria and scailct lever, all combined, does net rejich the enormous total edlcillm from coiiHUiuptien." The wiitercalls for a deteimlneil ell'erl te lessen (his disease by preventing tlie sale of tubeieiileus reed products. All right, but let people pay closer attention te Mmple laws of health bathing, oxcrclite and eating, and theie h ill ba smaller chimce fort he dlso.ise te get adaugeieiiH grip. A ciMti: ren .maii netj iirrr.s. A lti-(!li That .liny be or lleuellt te " IntelllKiMieer" Itemlnrs. The following Is clipped riein an old uewsttiper : Kranklln Dyie, a highly iespeetnbl and Iiitelligeul rainier or lialena, Kent eeunly, .Mil., gives the fellow lug usii sure euro ler the bite el a mad deg. As will be semi, hu has tested 11 with (he most ginliryiug I0. suits: Kleeainpami Is a plant well known Me nift iierseus, and is (olio round in nnuiv of eurgtmlniis, lininedlatclv alter being bitten, take oue ami a half numes of (he loot efllin plant the gieen loot is peihans preferable, but the ill led will answer, and may be round In our drug sleu. and was used by iiia-sllen or biuise, put It Inte n pint el fiesh milk, bell down le a h.tlf-pirit, strain, and when cold drink it, lasting at least six heiusalleiward. The next morn ing, fasting, thodesnpieii.ued astbe last, and this will be siillUient. Itisio Itisie Itisio eemiuended that after each iIemi nothing be eaten for at least six heiits. 1 haen seu who was liilten by a mad deg, eighteen years age, and four ether ehildien in the neighborhood were also blt tPH i they Ieik the above dew, and ate alheand well te this dav. And 1 have known a number or ethers who were bit ten and applied the kude lemedy. Ills stipjHised that the loot 'contains a iiriuclpie which, being taken up bv (lie bleed in its ciiculatieii, reiiiiterm in or ueutralUesthe deadly ellts.lH of the vims oriivdrephobla. I icelbe Hindu enudriite in this himiile reined v that I am willing ou should glve my naine in comiCLtleii with this stale inmit. The Art of I'nliitliiu. A riill.ulelphi.1 lawver uecntlv dls enssed ihe various ways in whteh women la nt. "In the llrst place, does aw mil in lalnt with eiitMicUheil arms? Are out eut btietchisl armsasiiie sign of a taint? I believe it must depend a great ileal upon whathhe faints lei. Why doesa woman Mint, and what does she de when she Mints? " On the btage we ha e seen, ler instance, Cecilia lalnt with Medus, but as I haie seen It icpieseuted bhe held Ins hands tight in hers and then en his shoulders and then hair way aieund his nisk. I have seen tliolineuiitaln maid Mint. .She beg in deliberately te say, Mam Minting then she repeats, M must faint,' and llnallv dccMica she 'will just be ical down sick If she doesn't faint.' Are these true ro!loc re!loc ro!lec tions of rciuinliie f ilutlng oil the stage ? " 1 am iilraid the lesources or tcMiinenv will be exhaustisl liefme giving us anV rules for agenuine lalnt. Theio is sin h ail lulililte variety of phases that ciKllllcailen or laws et fainting is impossible. I conless 1 don't knew when a faint isa nitural iihe iihe iihe iioiiieueu and w hen it w a line art." There aie ether ures of fainting weith attention, as the ability of the fainter te get ready Ter the orateii. Theio aie Rises en record where tlie paity fainting has walked away from the ciewd and climbed a Kink in enler te lalnt against a particular tiee. Drowned In lx Inches or Water. Frem thcHprtnxllelit lti) A MX.-uliar dii.wuiug acvidenl eceiirred Weduisxluy near the jail, In I'ittblleld, whero Mr. llice is cutting a strcnt tlireugli his recent purchase of land and making ether lmpiecineuts. Henry Heberts, a grandson of (.'. U. Wutklns, was looking about the place, and while-walking acie-s a plank laid ever a dltch.was attaeked w ith an epileptic lit. He fell Mce downward into tlie ditch, and lay en his face in about Mx Inches or water. Ne enu saw him fall, and being helpless he drowned licfoie he could i ivecr Milll.ientlv le help himself. ramllteH er.Mliifii, siiilui'iiiK. The coal miners in Spring Valley. JIM. jiels, have Iwen liK-kud out since Mav Ibt bccaiiM, they w etild net1 agree te a reduei tlen In wages. The town lias decreased in iwpillatlen Irem 6,000 te 3,500 In conne cenne j . Most of thobe who have gene away aiuien, leading laige numbers or women and children unprevided for. There h said te l grwt dUtreVuid desti- tutlen and many famlUefrare absolutely without Med. , . 1 , The strHce of the saw inlrT tHftti at Ilnnger, Maine, is spreading, nndvnboet 500 men in llve tnllliare new out. v f I May Itcnnlr the, Canal. I'rem tlie llattlinern Hun. Mr. i:nech I'ratt, a illre-.-ter In tlie Hus (Uelinmta and Tldewater Canal company, said yesterdays " I take It for granted the Head I m: railroad will repair tlie Bus- quehannaiv Tldewater canal after having snent millions ofdellars en It. and also Ik- cause the eniinl Is net very seriously deninged. It Is net dauwged se hndly as in prei letis 3-cars. 1 should think thcre Is no doubt almut this canal being rcialred. If the Heading read docs net repair the canal Idnrylnnd cannot be se cheaply supplied with Pennsylvania an an thmclte real as at present. Should tlin canal net be repaired the coal for Maryland would have te ceme by railroad via Wil mington, Delaware, and tlicuce ever the Philadelphia, Wilmington ,c liattlmere or llalllmerc A. Ohie railroads, or coma by rail along llie east side of Husniichnuna river, and tlicuce le Haltlmore. The Mils (pichanna it Tidewater canal reaches Irem Havre dn drace te Colum bia, Pa., a distance of about forty miles. The Heading railroad owns the wiinln ( euccrn. It owns alt the stock, and litely inade a contract with the Mate nf Maryland by which Maryland aecepts the paltrvsuui or ?aP,000 per vcar Instead of Jruum per year en Its lean br l,oeo,l)uO te the canal. The only Intercut Maryland has In the canal Is te himillalllmnreaiid Mary land supplied with anthracite eeal, and tlie J2n,noe iKir year tube piid by the Heading railroad." President Charles K. Mayer, of the 11. it O. railroad, Is picidcnt of the Kunipichanua A Tidewater Canal company. Ne right, Se Prayer. I'lctieil liy tliet'lilruge Herald. A group of naval efllcers weie indulg ing the ether day In reminiscences or the war, when one of llicm told llie following yarn : "Jiirly en th morning or December '11, 18fil," he said, "Admiral Perter signaled te the licet before Pert Fisher 'Oct under way and fellow me.' The ship te which I belong was assigned, In the pregramme, te a position between two liemiads close under the fort. We antic Ipated het mid terrible work. The flagship led the way, and was appieaching within range, when Lieutenant Commander H , of my ship, nrdcied all hands called te muster. The brawny tars gilheicd all en the ciuarter decU, with thenllleeiN hi thelrusual tilaccs, ami our commander began te lead fiem llie prayer book the 'Player Ilcrore Hat tin," It was a solemn moment; none knew who or hew many among us might suddenly be usliere.l Inte the piescnce of the Cled of Unities. Our commander fcad a though he felt it; Ihe whole ship's com pany weie awed and hushed, and the thinhhlug of the engines and wash of water along the slde seemed prctermitti rally loud. When about half through a signal was repeited from the llugshlp: " 'Come te anchor In your Hisltlen.' "When It was read te our coniiuander a sudden l evulsien or fecllngrameeicrhiui. Threw lug down the piaycrboek upon Ihe nnicii, ucexciantiisi "'Well, I'll be iri'm going le urav we ain't a-goingte light! Pipe down 1"; Plenty tiPi'line te See tlie Dull. I'reni the Connecticut Wi stern New . A man out in the Holds wanted te Inspect mere closely a three-year old hull. He bellow etl at him and succeeded In attiait lug bin attention. His hullship thought soine of tlie neighboring bulls had gel Inte his territory and cainn up with head down and uestills extended, and lite In his eve; piepared te light, but rertumitely for ihe nan theie happened te bn an appln trce closeiit hiuul, which heMtccccdcdlii dodg ing behind just as the hull inadna dive ler hhn, striking the Iree jiluuib in the centre, which, luckily was just tlie light sie te IH between his liei ns, thus holding him fast for a moment, which gave the lilghtcnr-d man a chance le use his horns as a stoi stei laddcr, thus enabling him te climb thntice, whero he amused himself threw ing apples at the Infuriated bull, who steed under neath pawlug diitiiml bellowing until bis owner came after the cows in the ewmlng and droNehlni away. Jl OOD'HHAItHAl'AlllI.bA. SPRING MEDICINE Isa necessity Willi nearly er.i body. Tlierim iIuhii, llrcil iniiilltlen at this season is dim te Impurities In tlui lilixi.1 wliltli lime leeumnla. Iildiiriiii; ilm w lull r, and which must he r. IK'llcd Ifjeu wish lercel well. HikI'k HareaM rllln theiutis'lily purities mill llie I1I001I, cicaliw a Rinnl appetite, cures bilieusness: and heiulatiie, kiMs healthy arlleii te the kid ih'JkiuhI liver, nnd Imp.iit.H te Ilm whole liedy 11 ruilns of health anil utrniRth. This paring try HOOK'S SAU.SAPAHII.I.A "I take ll(Kl'sSarMiiuirllla eiry jear as a npiliiK tealc, with most satisfactory result.' ('. t'uiMH.n,;tl'IIlrl(li;cstrcct,llroeliljii, N, Y. Heed's tMirMipiirllla Purified in liluod,gne inc r-t 1 imikIIi mid eereaine the licndiiilie and dlrrlncKK, se Hint I nm able le work again. I icceiiiiiirnit lle(KpsMara(arllla toetliriswliiNi lileist In thlu or Inipiue, ami w he led worn out or run down." I.utukii Naxen, Iincll, .Mas. CllKATIW AN APPiri'lTi: " Willi tlie tint bettlu of ilind-nSarsaparlllii my hcadai'he mtlrely dUnppenred, nnd where iMifeni I could net nmsti-r upanapictlln rermy incals, I cannot nou-i;etcnem;li minis tesallsry my npiH'llte. I am al present taking my serniul bottle." Wll.l.lAM Ul.vsiNU, Pest (I. A. It., Nrcnali, Win. N. H, If you decide te (alie Hood'sKiiRnpn Heod'sKiiRnpn Hoed'sKiiRnpn rllla de net he Induced le buy any ether. Heed's Sarsaparilla HeMliynlldiiiKKlsts. Jl ; klx for fG. Prcpaied only by C. I. HOOD A CO.. Lewell, .Mass. 100 DO.SI-S ONK DOI.hAU IVUiu-cditiii'eun. HVAN.VSONS. These Are Trying Times. t llii'j melrjlm; times In ineic senses than ene; and every geed heusewire l;no tliedlltl culty or having iciHHl.Kwis-t bread In viry het Meuther. Hut this task may l rendered loin. imratlcl easy by IimxIiik ihe rlslit kind et 1 lour, and eerj one nhe has used It admits that LEVAN'S FLOUR IslheltlKlilKlud, Try It, and You'll liny It. Levari & Sens, MERCHANT MILLERS. ds-ld 1AI1IKS' " J MJIMUtri.UOITH I1AIU fil'l'KHI'btimtS IIAlll si'i'i:itri.uiiiirt liAiit Kl'l'KltPI.t'Ol'S 11AIH 011 the iipis-r lip. chin, threat and cheeks de. strojidfeioxcr wltheul siln, scar or Irace by llie i;ieelrlc Neislle operation by Dr. J. Van H)ck, Klis'tre Hiirvisiu, 10 North i:icenth Mrcct, l'lilladelpliia. This Is the only liutlnsl 111 thu world that destroys the roots setliehnlr can nuxcr crewr again. IU-iecuiIht this (Hie iiwi or dcpllnlnilcii, tlie tnis?zci, scissors and raroreuly iiiakutliesniialrsiiren mirsr, stiller, darker iiiidjuiure nutuueul. Ifjeu linvelmlrs oil venr I.Kujeu will curry lliein le the gniw Willi seu unless Mill have them deslrexsl by the l.lei-trlc.Visslle. lr. Van Dick ImsmUnu tages eer all ethem lueletirle ejHrathiK, He wuu the second phsslclan in the nerlil te n-r. form this oiicruileu. lluhuseenitcd for Ihlr tis?n yearn, and the demand fur Ills scr lies has tin reused se Unit lie lias )ilin up nllellieriir.ic. I IfUl Illlll 1 iL IU !! M..... r. . ..I .. It .. ' "ii-i')i-i, i.u-eunu niKiy. ijuitrsisl Veins of the niwj iiiiil lac, by the Kleetrlu Nunllc. nn cxclushe 1 kprvlulty, HiiihtiIueiu hair Isa sen. ltle subjis't with every refined ladv, and tlie doctor ebscrcs the strictest irluey lnecry case, and necr puiillshes certfllcati of curi-s. llu imiubers among Ills, patrons many of our leading society ladles from awry part of the 1 mm try. Yeu can consult II tin with cry com ilenw. Ifyeu haw thin obnoxious greulh of hair, hu It ewr se slight or Ihe rewrsc, don't negl's-t II iinellur day, hut consult Iir. Van link aleiicu- Heek frw. Advlie free. Tein.s within the means efcviry eiih; don't iieulis-t your case another day. Consult Dr. Van fhilj nteeic. (mleunud esnillnf Kxiin.s, w North laeeiith strist. Hours, U toil ; Snndnjs, 10 le.l. ai) Dr. Van Djik, Klcetre Surgeon ull'lill. Hiltljihla, bus beun culled te Umcustvrle treat several seclelvludlen, und can lw ceusulbsl at the nte en Heuse, i Parlors C and I)), ljini VCf "- fr,m '"ndiiy, June , teSatuntay, i?,Ve.r'-.,,"nr" "i1" m"" during this 1,1 f LVTl'.! a ''"'"'ht ef ucr patient. cu iwuij'tly, . (vlMwd ytkxtmaUt'. rnu.Ab;LrMtA,Tacy, Jane 35, IM. Blue, lyityx Blue. One of the quickest colors of the sea son in Dress 'Goods. Every--body seems te want it. But the dyenian can't foresee your choice. Heaps and heaps of the stuffs get their color before you begin te pick. Who could knew that you'd snap up Navy en sight ? Of course it's scarce. But you'd hardly mistrust it here. We were short en Navy Mehairs for a little while, and for a day or se en Navy Glo Gle Glo riesa. That's, all. Net that new. Come for Navy Blue in any going stuff; you'll find it in Mohair Cashmeres Gloriosa Serges Nun's Veiling Camel Hair Challis Jacquards Albatross Flannels Silk Warp Henriettas and in almost any ether weave that you care te ask for. The ie and 50c Ginghams that went te 25 and 2TlAc are precisely the same as some of the finest Scotch Zephyrs we have. If makers could fore cast the marketyeu'd never get such a present. Northeast of centre Ner anything like the Black All-wool Challis at 25c. The French at just twice as much is no smoother, no better wool no mere skill in the weaving. Perhaps a trifle finer wool that's all. Northwest or centre. Black Figured Dress Nets ; Normandy Val., Torchon, Ori ental, and Irish Point Laces are especially price-eloquent just new. Chestnut street side, east of Main Aisle. Have you noticed hew a thoroughly geed Canvas Shee stands the cutting and scratch ing of sand at the shore and stones and stubs in the moun tains'? Of course the slimpsy, slcasy affairs, with "pancake" soles, go te bits in a hurry. We don't deal in them ; they're a nuisance. But an honest, well made Canvas Shee is a joy as well as a thing of beauty. Trim, tough, easy, springy. They don't seg and change color for a wetting. Se light that you can wear them long without weariness. Plenty of shoes geed enough for dry, careful use are net right te knock about in. Misses' and Children's Brown Canvas, trimmed with russet goat, button or lace, $1.25. Olive Canvas, ooze trimmed, button or lace, $1.50. Misses' Drab Canvas, ooze trimmed, opera tee, lace, 52.50. Women's Brown Canvas, russet goat trimmings, 51.50; black, with black dongela trim mings, $1.50 ; brown, with dark brown goat trimming, $1.50; black, with copper ooze trim mings, $1.75. Men's Geld Canvas, russet trimmings, 52. Market street front, est of Main Aisle. About five hundred Men's English Cassimere Coats go from $5 te 53 te-day. Net an atom of reason in the Coats themselves for any such price slump. The cloth is of fine quality, the styles correct, the make, finish and fit right. Modest plaids and stripes, in gray, light and dark brown, blue and slate effects. Fer either street or house wear. Precisely the easy, care less, always-ready sort of coat that nicks into every man's needs somewhere. Market stictt side. Seme spick and span White Marseilles Bed Spreads, in new patterns. Just out of the Cus tem Heuse. Medium te fine quality, 54.50 te $10.50 each. The " Exhibition " Spreads are of geed quality Marseilles, with woven colored figures en Avhite grounds, 53 te 57.50. All the old standbys. Think of a full size, fast black, white Marseilles Spread at 52 ! Near Women's Wtiltlitx Heom, Jehn Wanamaker. rpm: hivai, pepntain pi:.v tiumhxt 1 and ehenis-st in Hie market II karat geld pen. Hard rnblicr holder, newr gets out of order, easily tilled. Call and examine before puichiisliigclsculiuc. At HltlSMAN'tttivntV PurutshliiK bleie. li West King sliutl. et: HAM. We desire local! llhn attention of consumers eflsttaui (loedsnnd KniMnecis' tstippllts, te our l.ircc and urlcd stock or I'ipem Vidws, Cocks, .Malleable and Cast Iren Killings, Aslnttes, Vulcibcsten and Usudtirlaii, (sheet. Piston nnd Valve Packings; hcetch and lied l.lne Helleet Ing Gauge Dlasses, htenm ltndluters nnd titc.nn limiting Apparatus; .Set and Cap Screws, and In fact almost ever) thing required by steam uscrs.and all of which lie eiler nt prices which we guarantee te be lower than tnose of any ether dealer In this vicinity. We have positively the largest stock, und be ing connected with the Telephone l chance, are prewired te receive and till all orders In the shortest lKwslble time. When in want of new tiling In our line, call en us for prices and vie will convince ou of our ability and w tiling. ness e wive 011 Meney, Delay and Vexation. Our Lnllltfes for liiriihdiiug Ilmjlnes, Hellers, Shanlug, I'ullejs,;ers,bss-lal Machinery, I'luinlnis' and lias M tiers' Toels, Patterns, Medtls.und Iren and Units Castings, and ter the prompt repair of all kind of iiiiuhlnerv arc unexcelled In Iiueaster, ami u !cM'Ufully solicit u share of our patronage. Central Machine Works, ni a isi xeitrn c inusTiANsntEKr, I-tNCasTF.K, l'A, flood Werk, IteasenniJie t'liarges, J'renipt uv, 'feepieue couiiectleii ilXruit trru. UIVIDnCL-LM HEADQUARTERS AT TIIB-r MAMUFAGTU1I1S. ROSE BROS. & HARTMAH, 14 EAKT KINO HTKECT. yHepnlrlng and Itccevcrlng a Specially. BpMmdSAK Cltttta flail. -ITIOII AMAHTIN. FRUIT JARsT" JELLY TUMBLERS I AT CHINA HALL. Masen Fruit Jars in Pints, Quarts and Half Gallens. The celebrated. Lightning Jars in Quarts and Half Gallens ; this jar has no superior in the mar ket. Jelly Tumblers in any quantity. All at Bettem Prices. HIGH & MARTIN, 15 East King St. OHMM )avttraa. TTAUNEfsR. HARNESS. HABERBUSH'S 30 Centre Square, JiANCAHTKR, PA. Saddles, Harness, LAP BLANKETS, Trunks, Bags, Harness Oil, AND General Stable Supplies, -AT- (HUCCBiSOK TO M. ItADKItnUHrl A SON.) SIGN OF THE GOLDEN HORSE HEADS. Serial "Uoticee. ITlHTATnoi'MAMOkl.iJIlAltl.lAliATl-fel' U tlie city of Ijineanter, ileeeaseil. Ia't teiH of ailinlnlstratlen en said estate IiiiIiik leen cianteil le tlin tlli(lersli;iieil, all persons In ilnliteil thereto are ieciiesled te iimke Iniineili nle iu ineiii, and tliis.n liavlni; elalniH or tie iiiiiikIs lik'iilnM Hie Kline, trill present tliem ss Itlteiil delay for fcettlenient te tlic under blitned, resldlni; In 1'emiea tewnshli!. Lnneaster comity. 1:1,1 K. MYI.IN, Adnilnlstraler. K. II. Nenril, Attorney. niy7-tettlTn ISTATK eVr AJIOS" 1'UNK, "l,TK OK ;j Uuieaster township, deceased, letters of adinl nlstratien eiimiIiI (slnle Inivlng heeii p rallied tellieniiderslKiied,iill Mrsens Indebted tlieretoanieniested te iniike Iniinedlate pa ment, anil tlio-.e having claims or deiniinils UKalnst the Niine, will present them without delay for Kelllement te the niiderslKiied, rcsld- niK In and near Uincaster. KUHAN A. FUNIC, ..uunii iiitiirr, Administrator. Ilnnu'N A- llr.NBKi,, Atternejs. iiilWtdTnll "lilueic. "A rUHICAI. IIAUUAINs! Kirk Jehnsen & Ce., Have tlie Largest and Klnest Hteck of I'lunes and Orcaiu te lie seen In Ijineaster. In our Small Warn lVpartinent en will find llarinimleas, Aeeordeens, Violins, llanjes, Oul tarsand Hinall .Mnskal Instruments of cery description. rinest ImiHirted StrltiRs. llcadqiiarlern for all Ihe Ijitesi .Veieltlcsln Our Line. I'rlrejfimr antis?d te lie thu Lewest. hlieet miislcKOld at one-third leiH Ihanrata Ihanrata Ihanrata Iokiie jnrlraiiil mailed leall parts of the coun try. Tun tiers will please wrlla for Keclal Prices. Heceiid-Uand llargnln Deparlment ; One Ies. ter Kiiinirc. I'lnne, almost new; ene Oiehle fsiiiare, one Ueaitien, ene Sew knclund all In geed elder, and the prices will milt en; ene IhUliiK Square l'l.ine a Kreat Imiizaln. flood tsoeiul Hand Organs at prlics that will surprise yen. KIRK JOHNSON & CO., Ne. 2i Wint Kins Htnel. ea-I', 8.- I'iancM, Organs and I'lne Furniture mecd. Call nnd examine the Ner llarrli .Musle Illmlers n'.'llvd.lw Eitomcx'e. (1 lVIIl'H.M'ALL -van- Baby Carriages, LAWN MOWERS, Refrigerators ICE CREAM FREEZERS, CROQUET, LAWN TENNIS, BASE BALL Q00DS. W. D, SPRECHERJ SON & CO,, 31 E. King St., Lancaster, Pa. lilHrta-Tn.ThtM COM.AUS AND CUrKH THK I-VTIXT, the most ilesi ruble, und most coinfertahlo sliaMst and tlc any hire, at KUIMMAN'H Gent' I'nrnlshliig Htere, ti West Kins trts.-t. Vrenri: te'akhkii.s and eun .l NI'.HS. All iierseus are lierehy ferlildden te treswwien any of Ihe lands of the Cornwall .jidHiK-edwell estates In IUineii or Ijincaster vsiantles, whether Inclesisl or iinlnclesed, either for the piirHisu of khoetlin: or tlshlng, usUm law will Imi rlKldly enfenssl against all trisv. passing en Mhl laiidn of the undersigned alter thU notice. W.M. COI.K.M AN FUEKJIAN, KV. C. KltKKSIAN, Atteruefc for It. W. Celemnii's Helre. Sai.imi:n.-vk wimii a fi:v.mi:n te ell our Koedn hyiuiinple te.tbe wheleiuile und retail trade. Largest manufacturers In our Hue. Knelestf v-eent stump. Wage ft per day, lVruiaiieiil pusltleu. .Ne IHlals unsMerisJ. Meney ndunciTl'rnr wages, mli rllslng, etc. Cr'NTKNNJAl.MAN'F'O CO., uprlJ-Wdifxi ClnclMatl,OIUe. Cms. I Haberbush's, ' Wtlw..A TIT Z. ftKQ DS AftOM. i V it T XJk 'l jS III LOW PRICES. Following will be found Hat of goed-lor prlced-alwayi in ear cteckt Child' OeldKlngt-rning,2V Misses' Oeld Finger ning, 75c.; ladles' Geld Pinter Rlnt,l.W Hlee-eBottens,25c.,,'0c.,l.00j Cellar Ration, Z'. te tlJBOi Diamond Cetter BaMetii, 18.00; lAdlM'nud Misses llreastplns, 2.V. lefl.OO; Mourning Plan and F-arrlngn, 35c. te I6.00; BrceleU,SSc.leIO; Nickel Cleclu,tlXOi S-Pay Mantle Clecki,K.TS; Liidles'UeM Wtchc, li7; Nlckfl Watches, II.OOj Bllvr Watrlies, HO. Rrpalrlng In all braucliea by geed workmen and all work warranted. H. 2. RHO ADS & SON, Ne. 4 WEST tTftvpct B AROAINHI Shirk's Carpet Hall I - FOIt Wilten, Velvet, Bedy Brussels, Tapestry, Ingrain, Damask and Venetian, Rag and Chain Carpets. OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, &e. We Have the and Biwr Stock in the Cur. H. S. SHIRK St SONS. Oer. West King and Water Sts., Lancaster, Pa. CTIethtitri. 1889 HPHINO NOVKLT1FJ1I -AT- 1889 H. GERHARTS. The most complete Rwertmcnt of Bprtntr Overceating English Cheviot, Diagonal and CasMinere Hulling and Treusering that has ever been shown In this city. Workmanship tlie best nnd nil goods warranted n renrr tented. H. OKIlllAnT, Ne. North tiuccn Htreet. -Only Direct Importing Tailor in the City of Lancaster. s TOP! THINK I At till day, when competition Is great, the customer leeks te ee Who aises.Net Piemlscs -HAHOAINH. Cuntemer, Step I Think I Who pay for ex ex tcnMe advertisements 7 We de net Advcrtlse llargnlns, Clearing Sales, etc., hut give you the benefit of that which ethers gletlic printer. Our Counters Contain All Hint Is New In SUITINGS, TROUSERINGS AND SPRING OVERCOATS." Our Prices arc llie iKiwest Possible todojns tedojns todejns tlco te customer nnd eursch en. NOS. S34AND a0 WEST KINO BTHECT. marlfUlmd T O CLOTHING UUYEH8. LGansman&Bre. Best Goods -FOIt THE- Least Lexiey T Durable Pants at 11V, 75c. S.V, J1.00. Dress Pants at I1..V1, f.'.O), tJJj.1, J.l.00, SI.OO. Scotch Cheviot Suits at 50, !S, 10. Fine English Weisted Coats nnd Vests at KUjO, tS, JIO, (lZ. A Finn Line of 1'rlnce Albert Suits nt $10. 12. S14,10,tll8. Serge Coats nnd Vests at SifiO, M.(10, $1.00. Secisuelter Coats and Vests at We and (1.00. Heys at re. niack Alpacca Crwls nt 11.00, JI.S'i, SlJiO, II.7S, j-.'.oe, ' Fln Hundred Children's Pants nt 20, 25 nnd 60 cents. A Ijirge Assortment of Children's' Suits, (1.00,'., S1.60. (l.T.'i, (2. lk'tter Suits al KM, $.1, J.1.M, (1. SEE OUH English Serge Suitings te Order, In Illack and Ultie, at (12. They aie Geed Value for the .Meney. 97T All goods Mild from new en nt almost One-Half Original Price. L. Gansman & Bre., 66 and 68 NORTH QUEEN ST., S. W. CORNER OF ORANGE, LANCASTER, PA. Jj- Notiennected Willi any ether Clothing Heuse In the city. goelto. H Eltlt'B HOOKSTOHi;. TABLETS 1'OIt 1U'SINFvS MEN. Special Jeb Leis of PENCIL TAHLETS for Oltlce Use, at Special Bettem Prices, rCome and Examine Kunplcs AT L B. HERR'S, M 55 N. QUEEN ST., LANCASTElt, l'A. -T ANCASTEH HlOllhCHOOU 1889. CLASS 1889. AT G, L. FONDERSMITH'S BOOK, STATIONERY & ART STORE. Can UuSccn home lleautlful Il.l.l'STHATKO POK.MS, CAHI) CASKS, OOl.I) l'KNH AND .STKIU.INT! SII.VKIt HDl.DHltS, (501,1) AND SILVKU I'KXCII.S, WIUT1XO CASICS, XOVi:i.TIli IX CHAMOIS SKIX, Ac, Ac, At'., Sultahle for Graduating Presents. 46 East King Street. tfa-Opposlte Court Heuse. ni20-lfd r Attcvttcue. Y U1HEK S. KAUFFMAN, ATl-OHNEV-AT-LAW. Second Fleer Eshlciuan Law Bulldlnj. Ne. 4.1 XerlliUukcHiretU arrJ-iydiw fl " , KINO STREET. f&ttll. B AUOA1N81 . lethiitr. M ahtin nnea. After Saturday's trade, the Busy busy dny.ef the week, we nre again ready with het weather garments for all s I zes and ages, whether It la a Days, .! Kilt for a hey of three or a Bull rer a man eTrlghty yenrs In thin and cool, but strong nnd (tumble, Serges, Cheviots and Light Weight Cfuslmerc made up stylish nnd nt prices that jeu'll wonder hew tlipr can he made. Men s Suits In Light Weight Cnsslmeres, Cheviots and Serges, (8.00 te 810.00. Heys' Suits, natty styles, geed finish, strong material, well made, J3.00 te 115.09. Many patterns te select from. We glve Little Ueys' Suits much uttentlen, and see Hhnt style nre right, thnt the cloth lsofthebcst,nnd make and finish ahec the average. Kilt and line Pant Suits, 12 loS8,llleusoValsl.x. Hhlrt Waists, 1 est Hack Hese, Heys' Onure Shirts and Draw ers. Men's French Iinlurlggnn Shirts nnd Drawers, fiOc : Jean nnd Naln 7.oek Drawers, 25e nndCOc. Light Weight Chcv lets, Scetcti Flan nel and Silk Stripe Shirt. Hose nnd Suspen ders. Many new things In Silk and Grenadine Neckwear, Washable Silk. Percale nnd Pique In Feur-lii-Hand nnd Windsors. MARTIN BROS, Clothing, Custom Tailoring and Furnishing Goods, NOB. 20 AND 28 NOUTH QUEEN STREET. TVTVEnS A IIATJIFON" " SERGK.S AXD FLANMDLS ren NUMMCH COMFORT. AVi: INVITK AX INSPECTION' OK OUIl DISPLAY OF SKRGKS AXD FLANNKI.S FOB SUMMER WEAR, TO ORDER WE I1AVJ-: THEM IX ULUK, HLACK, KEVERAL SHADES OF HROWX, C.REYS AXD MAXY LK5HT COLORS. TO ORDER FROM $lrt TO fi5. MYERS .V RATHFOX, RF.LIAHLE CLOTHIERS, XO. 12 EAST KIXG STREET, LAXCASTER, PA. "W ILLIAMSON A lOSTEIt. BOY'S LIGHT-COLOHED SAILOR SUITS, In Striped French Flannel. Hey's Jersey Cleth Sailor Suits in Dark lllus, Hub and Drab. Gray Cleth Sailor Suits, (1.7S. HOY'S SUMMER SUM'S, In Light Colored l'hc lets and Casslmcret, Fashionable and Durable, (.", K (7. Gents' Sumuu r Scrge, In Hlue and Stene Drewn, it), f 10, IIJ. Gents' and Hey's Summer Pantaloons, (1.60, (.',S2.W,(S. FLAXXEL. ... - SILKS. Our Line or bummer Flannels and Silk sunn's Cannet he Equallid for Quality and Price. Flannels from 11.00 te 12.50. Silks and Strl-d Silks, from (2.73 te (V7.i. Ijirgu Stock of Deiiiel l'lai. litis froinilete 73c. THE nnvr ljullcs' Hright Deugela Flelblu Sole Shee, with square or round tees, straight button lllei und straight lops in the innrkcl. Call and sea them, as they will stand Inspection. Madote catch the p rand tit the feel. Has all the st vie desired In higher priced goods, and our price is HOT WEATHER HATS. Fer a cool, coinfertahlo hat, our line nf Strnw nats is coniecd or Mackluaws, .Manillas, Pan anias. Canten Milaus, Englisli Webslcrs nnd the Mnmlllla Hark. Alse a full line or Full Mints- Light Sen Hats and all shades and sluies or IJght Pis-kel and htlll Hals, and every wirUtv of Children's Hats, Caps. Steamers and Tarn O'Shautcrs. AlseUidles' Sailor Hats villi while, black or colored liauds. All at any down prices. Williamson & Fester, ati-38 EAST KING ST., LANCAHTEIt, PA., AXD ai8MAJUET8TD,EET, 1MRHI8BUH0 l'A 'Cl "(-x, tlWsi jv .- . . V !A.Miii;