l' 5J3 THE LAtfOASTEIt DAILY INTELLIGENCE!?, SATURDAY, JUNE 22, 18S9. -, THE WORLD'S MOST MARVELOUS CLEANSER AND POLISHER ! ! --T-r.ig f -- ,-t-," : r- .-- T ," in,, ' - - ---- "-' - -r-. ffy.41 J wRJLMARKABlT wiOAKFEARANCE UtthXatTCifttt'iiffla fil flWa il-Hiiiiiiiii- f mmmmml Mit&afe.Wss'?) '.....ISkzAW. Of all Dirt IIIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbK .. M li IPMMHHl I Pill Puriti Wl LL DO And receive a Sample lONDON HOILKD DOWN." GLIMPSES OF GASLIGHT LIFE ON DrtlinY LANE. The lli-nni, Sllry Vet nilded Oeail Trav tied by llie Owla f Clvlllntlen lie tircvii Vtte Biid DruilKery tlie Women Clieiwethe Fermer Tlielp Wuy of Llilnf (Special Correspondence.) New Yehk, June 20. Drury Iane, Xximlen. Tiiue, 11 nt night. Every thing In full blast. Always la at that hour. Royal Ruard about Drury Lane theatre. Ned coats. Always during perfonnance. Old custom. Of no earthly use. Started generations age. Get te going. CSet'3 by its own uiemcn. tum. Like custeius obsolete every, where. Theatre building ugly. Very .Ugly. Would Buffer by side of New Yerk grain elovnter. Architectural ug liness the 6tyle there ene hundred years age. Pearl oyster shell plan and inspi ration. Homely eutside. Gorgeous in side. Hngluud getting ever this new. Drury Lane. Heme of happy wretched iu's. Contented binfulness. Ecstatie bqualer. HI issf ul poverty. Serene deg radation. Grinning vice. Especially at 11 at night. Light as day. Almest. Twe-thirds of midnight occupants of street women. "Best of Ged's gift te man." Worst if net rightly appropri ated, Fallen angels the worst devils. Extremes meet. Laws of nature. Noth ing fresher than fresh egg. Nothing worse than sailed ditto. Drury Lane women. Limp. Seedy. Ilaggcd. Un clean. Sallow. Emaciated, or bleated Harpies hovering about gin shops. Gin shops showy. Ilrassy. Glary. Full of (telished barrels. Occupation of theso wo men. Te get treated. Te entreat treats. Te treat each ether. Te find life in gin. Te renew life In gin. Te borrow fleeting phantasy of former youth hi gin. Te live. .Fer gin. Te die. ter gin. Secial women these te passer by. Net reserved. Introduce themselves. Net by name. By meiitieu of pressing want. 1'iessing want, gin. itcmark te me by one. "Yeu said you'd give me a penny last night and I'll take it new.'' Half n glance brings her te colloquial terms. Weman bareheaded. Bennet gene. Fer gin. Face color of putty. Next destination of gown Paper mill Three ethers pass by. Same type. Ann in arm. Singing. At top of voices. More neise than melody. Workings of gin. Net dangerous women. Simply drunk. Plain, common feminine drunk, ilay be seen any night in Londen. Ko Ke pitted center of civilization. Itefiuement, Seurce of missionary endeavor te reform heathen. Seems in places rotten at home while trying te make sound abroad. On corner a "Murphy buster." Vulgar English for potato roaster. Modeled af ter locomotive. With wheels. In min iature. Petate roasted ha'penny each. Suit te season thrown in. Geed mid night relish. Jted glow from the buster furnace. Appetizing fragrance of roast ed otate en midnight air. Twe women fitting en curb by it. Warming them selves by heat of furnace. Ne ether fire. Time, December. Doubtful if they ha ve room. Boiled wlukle stand en next corner. Little plates. Penny n plate. Teuglu Eel Blew kitchen opjieslte. Penny a bowl. Crowded. With midnight Email wage earners. Cressing sweepers. Car riage deer openers. Pure beggars. Soil ed buzzards. Bouquet sellers. Street musicians. The midnight "lower or der." Net much seen by day, City owl. from ts A DAY'S WORK IN AN HOU R AN D Wl LL DO IT BETTER ! If net obtainable near Yeu send name and address, mentioning this paper, te BENJAMIN BROOKE & CO.. Free bylMail. Grimy. Atmospheric sensation of grime everywhere. Air thick with civilized savagery. Savagery? Worse. Fung! of an artificial life. Human meld of artificial conditions. Accumulated rottenness of generations. Bern In Lon Len Lon eon. Bred in Londen. Ne mero able te live out of Londen than swamp mess in a dry field. Evolution of unnatural conditions. Human toad3teob. Same color. Short lived. Yet blooming children here. Live In cellars. Cheeks red. "Pictures of health" nt five. Lean in body nnd vis vis nge gnarled and bony at thirty-fire. Soen lipe, boeh rotten. Willows, net oaks. Willow venerable at sixty; ready te fall. Oak then In Its early prime. Same correspondence in human growths. Side street opening into Drury park. Dim. Let's go down it. Open deer. Private residence. Of native. Femi nieo. Single. Loek In. Thin bed. One chair. One table. One teacup. Plate. Fragments of penny repast Print ever mantelpiece. Highly col ored. "Return of Prodigal Sen." In residence of prodigal daughter. Maxi mum of income. One bhilling jer day. In luck if she gets that. Feels rich when bhe does. Abede of one of her majesty's subjects. Net old. Net yet ugly. Will be been. Traces of gin en her face and form. Prebable age thirty-five. Stands in doorway. Contemplating starb? Ne. Worse. Waiting for flats. Fer victims. Fer the young man void of understand ing. Fer the old man ditto. Fer here they come. Policeman comes along. Carriage stiff. Gait slew. Hearing official. Ad dresses weman: "See here, if I catch you at your deer again I'll run you In." Fur ther down the htreet. Loekl Dingy doorways. Dingier and dingier. Faint light. More women. Like this one. All standing in doorways Same bert of rooms. Rapid slinking back in Hlii'c man gees down. Deers closed Appear ances preserved. I.aw, order, decency and virtue prevail. Ke long as olice elice man'a In sight. 0ened when lie diaj pears. All waiting nnd hoping for the man the coming man the jeung man void of understanding the old man ditto. Waiting. Why? He may bring pence. Fer what? Te buy gin Whv gin? Gin means bliss. Heaven, Para Para dise for four pence. True, for nn hour only. But what matter? Heur of bliss In prespective outweighs hundredfold ten of miijry afterward. Let's cmerge. Inte Drury I.ane ngnln. More "Murphy busters." IVI pie nhups. Fish kitchens full. Ghlsseuddiug te and fro with beer pitchers. Preparations for thousands of midnight Mipjx-rs Hum. Buzz. Glare. Swearing. Singing. Mere women gossiping by gin palace windows. Full within. "The Ixml Wellington." Full the "Retail Entrance." Full the "Bettle and Jug Department. " Full the "Bar Parler." Unceasing in action the beer pump. Girl passes. Accosts anybody. Accosts everybody. Shamu te hern blank. Mod esty a myth. Reputation? Doesn't wunt It. Character? (Jet ever It. Thus her language: "Come, bub, treat us new te n mug of ale, won't you? It's awful cold aud I ain't get no money." Still young. Com Cem Com plexion fieh Altlre fashionably cut. A trifle seedy On the down grade. Hut net yet way down Wn-leluil. miserable creature. Ne Net wretched N'"t uih erahlu Net as unhappy as many another high up in I iff' ipjiri'!ifsund conven tionalities. Simply abandoned Reck less. Cares for nulling at present but a drink Almest free from care. Owns uetbiiu; eave what' Eve rg thing Ti refl v... hef ii.ie. Iset uven latlcii." tever i geed enough te "fall." Lets of cases here liern and bred "fallen." Bad, of course. Normally se. Naturally se. Like bears, tigers and rattlesnakes. Net half . as mlserable as peer gentility trying te keep up appearances. Doesn't care what the world says of her. Onlyenu charac ter te keep up. That a bad one. Three nnd six pence a week pays room rent J Expense possibly shared by two or three ethers. Fare. A leaf for two pence, j Twe herring, a penny. Bowl of beup, n penny. Ample bread thrown in Half of this enough for a day. Ne btyle te be kept up. Rubs through life somehow. If net, anyhow. Trusts te luck. Possibly Providence. Lew creat ure, te be sure. Abandoned sparrow. Bail sparrow. Still net eutside of prov idential workings. Has friend,? Her own class. Can get help from them in tinie of need. Poverty's jiecket rcsjiends quickly te poverty's appeal. Reckless ness aids recklessness. IIa3 plenty of congenial company. Mates inale nnd female. Her life? Quarrels. Make ups. Feasting ene day. Starves the next. Temporary alliances. Residence ever shifting. One end of town this week. The ether next. Gets drunk. Arrested. Jailed three months. Out ngaln. Fresh. Recuperated. Resumes life of thestrcet. Likes it. Won't work. Won't reform. Don't want te reform. Reformed posi tion net se comfertablo as that she's new in. Has liberty. Can lie abed till neon. Can ceme nnd go nt pleasure. Ne master. Ne scolding parents. Owns her self. Hospital if sick. Free of charge. Die there better than in many n private family. Net sensitive te opinion of ethers. Dead te society's verdict against her. Or rather armor plated. Society te her a myth. As far rcmecd as Saturn. Farther. Lives In her own world. Of fallen nngels. Knows nothing of any ether. Wants nothing of any ether. Better weild new than ene born ill. PltE.STICB MUM'OKD. OHIOS GRETNAGnECN. llin Mutrlimmlul Knet l Tied Ii ti-ii Trlpa of llit IVrry. Sj.-clal CorreJK)iideuce CINCINNATI. June 20. Sixty-five miles nbove Cincinnati by the windings of the stream, and bathing her feet in the beau tiful river like a lovely maiden, sits Aberdeen, the Gretna Green of the west. The place contains nbeut n thousand 6euls, while directly opposite rises thu mere pretentious city of Maysvilla, lo cated en a high bluff, with the grand old Kentucky lulls forming the background of .a picture worthy the brush of an ar tist. Theeaily lx-ginnlngs of Aberdeen go back te the tpring of 1795, nt which time Cnpt, Nathan Ellis a veteran of the revolutionary war built the first house. Capt. ivllis was accompanied by five of his brothers, and they came directly from Brownsville, en the Monongahela. seeking for homes in the mighty forests and fertile lauds of the then almost un un cxpleicd northwestern territory. The Ohie was the great highway upon whose sweeping current came much of : the tide of emigration which lias peepieii this section of thu Union. Limling at j Limestone (new Mayavillc) the Ellis brothers determined te go no further. Finding that the mart valuable lands had been taken up oil the south side of the I river, they at once determined te settle j en thtioppesito lank. The infant settle ment grew npace, nnd en the fth day of July, 1810, the town was laid out by Na , than Ellis, who became'the flrt justice j of the ueace and wa kucceeded bv a ra- DP mnrkublcmnii named Themas Shelton. Shelton officiated at 111010 marriages than nny ether man tint ever lived in the United States. lle required no license, and for many years kept no receids. Thousands of young people, whose parents were unfavorable te their plans, lied te the "old squire" aud found Ids sen ken an efficient remedy for their misfortune The old gentleman for many years previous te his death had a peculiar passion for uirtchesnnd knives, and if the prospective groom had net the requisite amount of money te pay for the marriage ceremony he would take a watch or knife in exchange, and when death claimed him he had in his posses sion ever !J00 brass nnd silver wutches and many old knives. After the death of Shelton, Masslo Beasley was elected te fill the vacancy mid is new justice of the peace, having been In efliie a hcoie of years, during which time he has married between -1,000 aud 5,000 couples. Squire Beasley is a well preserved man for his age, beir.g new 7rJ years old. He lias never mar ried but once, but has had numer ous proposals from "belles" of the Blue Gras region. His mar riages iievtr run less than one a day and often go up te n dozen. M a 11 y persons from all parts of mn from all parts of r if the United States s &V5 tsafe? e--- have had their m a 11- i a tr n lite solemnized here, ' "It: ''.nv. but the majority are from Kentucky, In diaua and the Vire.iui.ii. His fees run from $1 te 510. and lie has several times U'cn paid as high as ;ij, and ene party freiii New Yerk who came here gave him $10 in geld. In the winter time, when the river is full of floating ice nnd it is censideied very dangerous for any ene teattempt tocrei.H, a wedding couple may often bcbien ha tiling with the ice, and in seme instances the loving ones have been carried teveral miles below the city Ixfere they ran effect n landing. Many thrilling stei'ii-u nre told of het pursuit of irate relatives, of the crossing of the Ohie ju.it in the nick of time, of the discharge of firearms nnd threats of vengeauce and life lung enmity and all that soil of thing. The captain of tha steamer Gretna Green, which plies from the Ohie te the Kentucky shores, is always en the nlert te help the runaway couple. Just as seen a.s they nre aboard he pushes out Inte the stream and 110 pel suasion can prevail iieii him te turn back until the knot U well and securely tied. There has lecently Leen an at tempt te step these (ireina Green mar riages, but it was f runic w, and the num ber is net dhninUhcd j All rlassesef uplei-emu te llie squire, I from these w he are clad hi fine linen and j purple down te iIkme who can l-east of only ene garment and that very often ! neither whole nor clean It Is said that the old man will never marry .1 couple when he has been forewarned. I have ' also heard that he require the native I Buckeyes te get n license, but that I doubt; I lather think l'iat the very first ' questlun that prc-.cit-. iLs If te hi.- mind , Is ns te size of the p n-Li-tlm-ik Squire Shelton alwajH wrote hi-certificates, but j Ik-asley has his printeil. of which the fol lowing Is 11 copy lu all u lieui it luuy rmc-rn Am .1. i". O, , iss . Tlds etHP - iluit t ... . of H maiTu,-i t and U-tnt-vii Jlr iuj ju s - of Uu. cviiuty of coJ.utuef , tliey uutu UiU dav.au Jui &7 ,u N..- 1 1 c. 7 --7 V M II ill WwrWnW- 'iM Jf '.-... 'y7 w m i fMr ..mj j 1 1 A LIE xk mWe. 2M, i u r iiuvp'f-s5a2n wf - - -.'y mk a " sTmmmmmmtam : ' .v' .lM . . w"" ) m g tmWm.m (f fmmw UhPUMI r,pdif I I HfejZtX'At, 1'. V'TtmmmmmmA 'A- - " - "k- 'i,:te?ai9ijrtfeA- ;k:- - -irfJ-gKHflllT" .. ,.(,.v wi i... ,i...ij mi(iii--mu-i, ae- kllO IlSltflll tlll'lllt.'l-S Mill II 1111,1 Mlfe. MjHanc IIifAsi.cr, JuMlee of Ilia IVace, The following advertisement appears in the papers of this sections MaSSIE IiCAKLEr, I JiO , Notary I'tiMlennd Jiwllcoef Hip Tcace. Tliu iiiatiliueiiI.il knot tied In ILa line-.-, style. Glveniua culL A. N. ElXIB. TWO DASEDALL MEN. fdiert S1.cti.lic 11 nf ClUxertli Ciiiuilnclium mid (Inn Irs li riymi. Ellswerth Ciuuiiugliniii, the premising young pitcher of llie llaltlniereclub, wiwlierii Nev. US, lWVi, In Wilmington, Del. lloliMirued te play liall nl Mollue, Ills., where he went te ru!du when quite young. Hu (It st began te attract attention ni n pitcher, My The New Yerk C'llpinT, wlille playing with the Mellmi lirevvns, un nmntetir orcaiiizatlen of Hint place. lle played with the Mollue Hrevvim from It.S."iuntll ltS7, when he joined the Peoria ltU It was mainly through Ciiimingtiiiir'a line work hi the Ijex tlint the IV-eri.a lh-ls in ISS7 hucninu the rhniiipleii scnil-profi.ieiial team of the ttate of Illinois. Iite hi llie hiiiiiikt of lSi7 Ciiiiiiliiglinin was engaged by llie Itroeklyu club, through the rccenimcitila. tlen of fleer go I'iiiLiiey, Its third lxm'iiion,lie lifnl-i from l'i-eria, 'J'IiIj was his firrt pro pre pro fussieniil engnge liirnt, nnd ('1111 tilnglinm had little chaiice te show what he could de In the box for the Ilroeldyiis, hut the little he did marked him as one of the li CUNXINOIIASI. reining pitchers. At the iK-gtiinliig of 18-e) the Ilroeldyn club, uftr getting 1'eutz mid (Jnriitheni, had n furfllus of pitcher, nnd ns Hultiiuore vuis hadly in ucsl of pitcher, the Brooklyn cluli let it liuveCiiunliiliniii. There t n deiiht Hint I'rcsldent llyrun, of the Jiroeklyn cluh, Ims regrettisl tiiiieiind ngaln that Ih" ileal was m.tde with tlie Itultl Itultl mern eluli wliereliy it Ijtaiuul Cunnlnnliam. He has irevi-l very Isitliersenm te the llrook llreok llroek lyn batsmen hi many a Kmne tliut tliey linvq lust te the IS.'iltliiHircs. During the season of 18-Vi (''iiiinlnliam inada tlie following record vtith the liiiltiinorecluh: Hatting, .lUd; field ing, M'A. IIe was reserved hy Manager llar llar meat thoclesoof last uassu for this year't team. CIIAUU-n li FLVNN. Tlie Sirrlliig Times lays of Clurles E. nynn: "This genial nnd gentlcm'tuly mana ger of the 1'iiurin cluh has ln-en hitcretil hi atlilctk- spurts of all kinds for n large sharu of his thirty-four yeirs of life. IIe was first remiccteil with prufisjslniial h'i'ttball In 1STS, Hlirii 1 10 played with tlie old .Mutuula, of Cliiea'i lle was oneof the originators of llie first City Ijague in Chicago, and occu pied second Iiem) for llie Pioneers. In IMS lie went U I'i-ei 11 and erganizul the I'ceriu IUkI., sal.l te liave Ihs'U 0110 of thu fhiet teams ever gotten together up te that thne. "In lssi Mr. Iiyuii assistul In the organi zation of the Nerthw intern league, und took the management of the I'eerlu cluh. This jioKltleii he ro re tigned after wlu ning fourteen straight games. The cluh was 10 10 10 orgauUeil the uext season under new muuageiueiit, ami en liny i'l eccu pied sixtli pliieu. VyUpeu uiiaiiiineus ll. nn ...... U-l...... rr--i! Nsr3v? . 't:: .'" -n -. x -rjire-.. aui.,11 butfk the nniiu"eiiieiit. CIUI5l.r.S E. fly.vx xrexl, tbe team liem-j after u trip tied for usend place, and fiuUhcd at home tiul for the championship. Frem then 011 until l$s3 he hud no direct connection with professional ball In tha latter year he ergnuizcd the Central luttr luttr iate Iki;;iie, und u kuewu asthti fuluer of that aiwoclatlen. r-':-4?;' .'vC&W JfS Ss'a it1 J0mp iffi s?sy$ft M mmsii 3i 7 I f X-W 'f , -; m. --: - trr- PHILADELPHIA, FEOTT'A. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR THE e( Illr l r 1 JLZA. v. Mrwr.1 KMiYS.'tfm W I .V V-n VlrU.1 M 'ZilM .... , 7" -tha ayallda ami rhka, Mark fracklM, mie and htar pet, illareIarAd aeam, inlarrM itundi, akin einmn ami tunwtra and tha meat deUcaW oDctatlueJ liifnfinl S 'Iwtrn nurtferj j Hu Van llyes, without ih I'Mm of a drop of l4 Dr. VlM lkll'K Ota amwJl utivallan In lim i -!"?'' Hr'ni!UfnMdf'pratinctwriryeanacni liaatmatml handiwdaef raae and hu acettiraal u in ui n HiiNTi, 4 ma uiwraiinn requinm Ktmn ....I 1 i f. t . treaurfvry laauch that lia hia tranfrTd all ihr avail tbAiattlrt of tha !KirUira thill am cerdlall avail tbanianlftff tha Ikirter'a -kill in Mirdlallr 1T lwhaa reat mpaili fur thaffllctt, aiid " - va !"! , a Mia vvihvh'ii iijuiisiw kw p M(t a wi uauu, iinTUB HI Mt( anaUmij and I'hj-lolecj. an aa li arfid certaln Ideml veaavU and ttarraa, and unuwal patwi entr Imi pDrfruiwl l aPKllInd phylcUner aurg-etij an unprufMwkal and InfUiwrtancMlG te Injur Um pailftni. I Van DfCK aanurva aucceaa In arf ram. Tha dmanda fur hit i rraeirra Ui itrnemet tha MtUnt Nrvrr I'nlU. Ihrnk fr. Ilaura.t4ift. hundara. fii tn I umiiaui ttTertirwi. imifnti aejanantw can inwTigMHix&hyitT.j.YaHVrk.X DrVANDYCKBOFFICEt40NenhElwvnthStlBhllfii SumiiuT llcoevto. ST. (!IAKM'X ATLANTIC CITY, umiiiai MlWI Ueeiiuiiiut llelavviire Avenue, will eju'll Tim 11 V iav,.IIisi: :lth. niyjil'mil .IONAI1 WOOITO.V, Jic.1 OTi:i.NOU.MAM)IR ATI.ANTM! CITY. MIWOI'IIN. Duller New .MniiaKeinent. T. ('. (lll.l.irni;, I'roprlnter, I .nte nf ('(jliinailu Hetel, I'lillailelplilu. UllVvllIll 1 1 ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. ltciuixlflcil, ItefiirnUlHil. it) Mlieiiini; Apart liieutH. Aipl'N I'listClasK. Will Ofx-n JIINi; I. JiineM'iiMl MltH. .MAY Y. IlKritOitKlt. rpilll KLOltfDA, ATLANTIC CITY. flieliv, central ln-ltliin. I'urllle Avenue, he Iwi-en S. V. .V TciincHsee Aves. Klrst'liis house. ltensiuiililH rates. Oix-n nil the enr. DAVISA IIUOWMt. nij'jrt-'.'mil LJTOCKTON IIOTi:u r) CAI'H MAY, N.J. OI'CNH JUNi: I.',. KATi:s,8.l ANI fl l'i:il DAY. Hieelal rates ,j-1 lie week, meulli nrKii miii. Newly iiliitcil,iriiiilc!cil 11 ml Inipriivisl : llt),l expellileit. Nevr llllll mill Alilllsement ICikiiii. Chllilien'it New Dliiluc Itall and flay Itoeins. Cuisine mill servlee llrst-'liisK. I.'k k'unt stilttK with iMirlur, luitli iiml ( UtwU Or-liitreft-Ut'ii plerm. I'oisiiel mkeii. I'. TJiKO. WALTuN, I'reprletnr. ilhoUnuni'lie. irn I JUST RECEIVED rite.t KcenigsLurg, Prussia, Twe l!arki;reuiil inaile '--iKTlrilly for Itust ami TliniMiiart( r lA-ugili l'lietesruphs. fROTE.J- 00 1-2 North Queen St., Next Peer te the I'oslelllee. Jhii7-iiii1 (Ceal. TC.MItKlt ANDCOAL. J TOll.UCOWlIOOKKANKeAHKN. Wf.ST. I.KN IIAltll WOU1M. Wliel.-salB aiul Itclull, by , II. 1I..MAUTIN&CO., nHyit IJI Water Hlrrt'l, Uinea.ler. Pu. '1.l.'MU.llI)Ni:itHCOMl,ANY. COAL DEALERS. OrrirES.N'e. 12U North Qiittcn Street, unit Ne. &0I Nerlli rrlnivslreel. Yah us North 1'rlnee Ktrivt, m-ur lteailliif Depot. uuKlJ-trj LANCVSTKlt. I'A. 5r.f fit' . jO? s-'-teTr'S --xes3L sr Z-X-r,'i?li i , IMluni 7 I ,; fc- a. -rfc-ryja: ! ON THE FEMALE FACE. W Ot I- rI- fctUILIl! I 7-. ! IK JKlVK FMKiW k. - Mr-'&Jv !'Olti:Vl!II, wlilieul pain, k, bark, r iracvTw ELECTRIC NEEDLE OPERATION r UK. VA5 DICK, 40 N. EIctU Nt, rUUteliUft, ThU ta a pun It tcfenUfle omritlen, ed la ndetwd hfall jjhytluUn and lumetu if emtecnr u tMinff ttm ewf mttKMj le lb world Lv which tb rueig can h dUngal El be IimIp pftn never irew anlii. Htif mv 19 with this humilUtin, annorlruraed obceikxw cvinrta lutr eq bur (aca knew thai tha um of drpUaterMt, tM tweeter, aciaaen or taier only make thiM bain mew MA hAtM euaravr. darknr, mera enmnuui aad oeiwcaova. mom tampwriitg with jreur fac and oensuU Dft. VAM UTCXal one and arrmnjra f traUnn and t fteTOVCV frill nni iniM iiir-tinifT viihiih, m uir ai44,tiwnimiM uuuuuarka, wmda. cjma, waru. txvmm, nniarnNi vvina 01 tee neme, amaii wbll lampg tm wrirlit tit HBA tha latntrlii nJ1 rmiiillim l A. t jjaai. iixni, a atwuij nauii. narvMi ufiUl.aknewUbWp lal pat lane, aed aaevM 1 finintnr fa HatAa' :.. 1 . - . .t. r .-.- -.Tin: - fur hia arrrlrwa iBaic urartlra te hia tireihar ntinlclana. lnvit.l tu rr4iauli hint. ltivili in rrtfiairil. hltu. INn charw tttr t All WDO WWI la rwUlma;Ut.ndtitittAka hta tarnat awit rrwivs iuii panicuura iv rnau, ajineuta Um gev alc. s IX'IMti: A HOME I'OU YOUIl FAMILY. vfJ Secure a Heme for Your Familj. I'OH SAI.K ex tui: most liukhai. tkkmh. Tw-e-stnry brlrk ilwellliiR Iieiikck, lets l 11-vi ueeii, en uineasler uveiine, between Wl- iiiivuuti lA'iniin siriiis. , '!-...... .,...!.... Ill 1 I... (W , nimui uiii-k iltteillllK iiijuses wim mae- ia sarit rixif, ixirelies in front, lets 115 tivt deep, ou TM ...nni iiue, iH.-iwts.-ii i.iiesiiiuv uuu nmuiii streets. Twivsterv brick ilvvrlllnir beuses with front X'ii ynnls, Iren leiuiji, lets K fivt deep, en Wet- ,!)3 Walnut, ImImci ri .Mary unit l'lne trccU fSk Twe-slnry lirlek dwelling houses, e 115 feet deep, en v est U'liiea street, between Charlette and Mury sltccu. Three-story brick dwelling houses, lets ISO feet eii-p, wim en in iiiiMicrn iiuproveiiieiita, front yunli, en West Cliestuut street, betweeul'ln iiiet .etui nireem. Alse houses en Knst AYuluut, North lime, North Mury, between Walnut mid lA-men. and lA'iueii, bet wit n Mary and l'ine ttrects. All thn above hiiiim.si are In geed order, liewly puiereit. Kiisllxtiires Inuilthe roeini, water la the kitelieiuind the eilliirs wnrruiited te be dry. (.'all mid see fur yourself, no trouble te (hew you. J NO. F. li It I EL, 1 ,..., JACOII OlttKL, 'Liecuteri. arj North Mary .Street. uprtM-lyd,M,W..S. 4IICI.ICU0. I IC YCLIIS, TltlCYCLIS, TANDKMH. COLUMBIA Bicycles, Tricyles, Tandem?, DURABLE, BIMPLE. tiUAiiANTKnn maiinsT GHAUK, U.Ll'.STItATKl) OATALOQUi: VIIKE. POPE MPGCO., 79 FRANKLIN ST., BOSTON. t.VNCll IIOl'KKM-12 Warren St., New 2U Waliush A vr..CliIniiu. I'er Sale by JOHNS. MUH.SEU, Ne. 8 reel, Columbia. uS-ly I Htns1 muS-1) dee4 Tirnci: is in:iti:iiY OIVKNTHATTHE n. 1.M.11 iiiiiMr.-s ji warren ni., ivew tuiti -,a -ll W'.ilirikli V -t r-lilmtiril T.M k' ...:-. .. . .- :. .. 1... zjt .in uniumneeier iivenuuiu-eiueiii vynn, tj iluiU'iier iireservntleii of order In the city, ic A iiiiiI prenimiiiitf inesiiieereusiiuir, mrowiuier tirlnirnrseiiibs. ruckets or ether firework!' .-..-..,.. ........... . .: -T ' ' t IT. fere llie M, 4th utul Mb day of July, wtH te VJ trlctlv-euriireeii. ine sum oruiiinnce vuumjr it preniuiit 1 ne iirinic 111 kuiis ur outer areitraHJv or ihesclUng.i-.uHng, throwing or ilrlmtcfr.iMrn-'. or ether ilrewerks eperulim; In a suulur HH ' tier, within the llmlu or 1 he city. 'i'l ' jebe-tfj EDW. KUtlliEY,Mj, .' . KA M ffl m -sa Nerfli &M il