THE IiANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, SATURDAY, JUNE 22, 1889. j'i THE FI.AXNEI SHIT. When the air is lint iu a furnace Arc, And the ierM of the universe perspire, And baked nnd parched and all unstarched The tribes of men are a coals In a pyre, When the world nil wilted lien uncomfortable, inert, Then, then the Irnljr wise, wear hi flannel khlrU It's eoellnsr nnd seething tn think of Ice, And rending of polar travel Is nice; And tnoetf or n smoke In the shade of an oak Js all very well J but, take my advice. If you w nt te be cool as a fountain's spurt Or a fro; In a peel, wear your flann el shirt I Frem Me llabfrtliuhrr. Seme Hint te Women, A rlevcr writer In the New Orleans Timci-Demvcrat milnnlts tlie following satirical vlewa en the domestic preblam. Assuredly if woman Is net happy, virtu ous nnd wist- It must Imj through nor own perversity, 'for Kite ha a multitude of counsellers ready nnd eager te point out the way. It Is especially Tn lier character of wlfe that she Is supposed te be In need of poed uilvice lier fullllliiient of the function fending selely, we need hardly say, toward the comfort and well-bclnfref her husband. Important truths can never be dwelt upon tee insistently. Therefore, It may net be miss te recapitulate the few simple rules by following which women can Insure domestic felicity, t'lrst of all, whatever may be her husband's vagaries, she must always greet htm with a smile en her face and a rose in her hair. Very old-fashioned authorities add a blue ribbon te this outfit and thus airily attired the ideal wire hovers upon the threshold, awaiting her lord's return from business or pleasure. It may be suinrested that at certain seasons of the year the rose would be n luxury scarcely harmonious with that strict domestic econ omy enjoined upon the model housewlfe. Likewise, there might be occasions when the unfailing smile would assume te the homecemer the expression of' a sardonic grin. But these are the vulgar objections of sordid minds, and, as such, we may turn away from them. Te even true wue we say earnestly: 111.1 i. ti. niin.. ,it....t t ... motto." The husband is a dangerous ex filosive, and must be dealt with accord ugly. Handle lilm gently; touch hi in with care ; let no ratio shock disturb his iirecnrlaiislv balanced cnuanlinitv. Exer- clse nil the caution used by these who work in a gunpowder nun, or me crash or matter and the wreck of worlds may be the conseiiuence of your rashness. Xnver venture. te approach him by any but the most circuitous rnute. Circumvent him by all means. Outwit him whenever It is feasible. Any attempt at a straightforward course will be judged by your husband at an attempt te rule him; which, as Pet Aiarjerm sain or tne niuiupucatien tame, "Is vthnt nature itself can't endure." Any manual relative te the management of mules or the driving of pigs may be prollt prellt ably studied by the wile Who is anxious te I ilck up a hint wherever she can. See that te is well fed. lest he turn again and rend you, for it is but n step from a leg of mutton te a wlfe ; and be careful net te intrude Ir relevant matters upon his attention during feeding time. lint household comfort and oconemy are lint n small part of the duties of a wife. Her children must be always well dressed and well-mannered, brought forward at the proper moment, and withdrawn from public attention when no longer needed ; alie herself must be Invariably urrayed with Uiste; social claims must no recog nized; si 10 must relinquish none of her early accomplishments, and must keep herself informed concerning literature. science, politics, Ac. She must be careful, also, te preserve what beauty she may liave possessed upon entering the holy statnef inatiimeny. If a woman grows thin, or loses her youthful bloom, it must be assumed that she has done se witli inalleouferethought,or,atloast, that the less is the result of bad management. Above all, she must be gay and sprightly. Upen her rests the responsibility of making home a bright, attractive spot, and ei Keeping ncr husband from straying oil" te the club, or ether haunts of vice. When the evening hour comes slie must cajole him Inte the parlor, made beautiful by her refined taste, nil men, gentry leucimig me mum, Keys, et her nlav one of theso dear, eld-time airs which mar strike the chord of memory iu his savage breast. It makes no difference whether she has u headache or any ether uehe, or has been kept up half the night by a crvtng liiiant. nne win icci riciiiy re warded for such u trilling conquest of self when her liUHliand lulls into an apprecia tive Nlnmber m mih the sofa. Let the wife I fellow these simple maxims mid her part ner will net often ask, " Is marrlage a f.iil- lurev" the Uromnten Hospital for consumptives, iLonden, England, publishes a statement that p2 par cent, or the patients in inai iimiiuueii Iliad unsuspected kidney disease. Lvcry urep let bleed In the system pusses thousands of times threiiiih the lungs In each i'l hours' 7lie same bleed passes through the, klilnejs for purlllcatleii. If the kldnejsiirc net In a Uicalthy condition or auie te ex ei in poison- nus or vuate niatler tlie uclils return le llie ilellcale tissues of the lungs nnd produce Irritation, which resultb In the symptoms of what Is known us consumption, tins explains ffhyCJvcr cent, of the consumptive putlents have uususjiecled kidney disorder. Warner's Hafe Cure puts the kidneys In a healthy cendi tien taking the acids from the bleed wliiih vitiate the lungs and causa consumption. 1'he dle-tettei' Stomach Hitter I'oeplo ieore Anether I'elut. In the L'nited States Circuit Court for the Southern District of New Yerk, Judge Ship- hiaii handed down an opinion a few days age bu the suit of the owners of the trade marks Cevering Hostellers Stomach Hitter against vrneld Theller nnd Cernell Thcller, the coin- minders located en Vesey street, New etk L'ltv. In which It was decided that, although he defendants made use of their own names nn the labels atUxed te the bottles containing iiltters prepared by them, jet as they were evi dently designed te Imitate the Hosteller luhcU, ihey were lufrlugers, unit a lierpetuai injunction iras emitted and an accounting of damages or- lercd, together with the eels of the suit. Ills he evident Intention or me uesieuer people te irelect their valuable trademark against ull In ringer. lcciitl Jloticee. iiiekleii'H Arnica Salve. ,,.. IIiutU i i vl' In lliaunrlil frir Pllla. Hnilked kerej.L'k'ers.salt'ltheuui, Kecr Seres, Tetter. L.iapiWSl I1U11U1, II1U1U(11', .,,!, l-, nitu Utrii, l'rnntlimc mill tMixltU I'lV CUfCS 1'IICS. Or lie pay required, It is guaranteed toglvejier teglvejier vecl satisfaction, or money refunded. 1'rlee 2j I'ents iter box. Fur sale by II. H. Cochran, bruKtflst, Nes. 1J7 uud l'lil North tjiuvn street, Lancaster, l'u. JuucJMyd 'I'llll NOW lllM.'Ull'y. v.iii liit t linnl finr frlemlv find iieiphtinni talking about It. S'eu may J eurself be une of he ini.iiv he knew from oerseiial exierlence lust hew geed a thing It Is. If you huvceer rrled II. ou ureoneof Its staunch L-iuu-e the weudtrful thing about It Is, that uhcuniHC glelia trial, lir. Kings M'W tlv L'uvery cm r alter nenis a piuce in ine iieuse. ir mi ime neer useil It nnd should be utlllctcd liVlth a cough, cold or any Threat, Lung or Lhesl treuuie, secuie usuuieiii encenim give it fnir triiil. Ii U iruarauteed eer'tlme. or meiie) refunded. Trial. llettlesFree at 11. U. LOCIUUU S l'rugiuic, iw. i.w . tnwn tuni, Ijtncaster, la, (8) Metliis! Mothers ! ! Mothers ! I ! Are seu disturbed ut night and broken of your ri st by a sick child Millerlug and crjing with Hit exciiiclutlng pain of cutting tteth? If l-e, goat onceand getntiotlle or Ml us. i.-s- UOW'S SUOTHINU KYlll'l'. It will relieve he peer little sullerer liiuuedlateUilels'Ud liien It there Is no mistake about II. There Is biet a mother en eurth who has ever ued It, who will lint tell ou ut once that it will regu late the beucU, and gUe rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like nuglc. Ills iH.Tfectly safe te uwe lu ull cases and Ipleasant te the taste, and 1. the jirekcrlptlen of lone et the oiliest ami iieiiemalepli)blclansaud Lmrses in the L nlleil Stales. Sold everywhere. Li cents a bottle. luaj 1'J-lydAw A '"Oiimlii'.cKiit Opinion. K, llninbrldge Muiuhe, I j County Atty., Mnvi'e.. Tex .Mi's "Have umkI Kleeirle Hit. Iters w lib most happy results. .My brother ulse wascrj low vrllh .MiilurlaU'everund Juundtce, but was cured b timely use of this medicine. Am Katl-tlwl KItctric Ultters saved lib. life." Ir. 1. 1. wiieoxseii, in nerse i.uve, ivy., adds ..i... .. .. .....I..... nuiuui,it,.i.i..ii M llhu luiiiuuiij.ijii's uer-iiiu'm A-ut:tra he would have dksl, hud It lint been for l.kvtrlc Hitters. Tlilt great remisjy win warn en. us well us cure airJTaljrlaT Diseases, nnd fur ull Kidney. ILIverundSteuiach l)terderskiuud uutsiiuled. rriif.'V'. uud il.ut II. II. Cuch run's DruxMerc. Il37 and IS N- Uuecn St., Ijima.ter, l'u. (0) MterncHO. I fHKR s. KAUFFMAN, 1 ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Second Fleer Eshleman Law Building. Ne. 43 fi or in WUK8 Direti. aprs-iyuw tUTICUBA 11EMEDIKH. Frem Pimples te Scrofula v PnerlanU 8 ycsvrs, cevcrlnK ftsce, head, and entire body with whltescras. Skin red, Itchy, and liliHHllnH. Hair all Kene. HpenthundrwIaofileHftrsi. Pronenncusl Incurable. Cures! by Citlciirn Home Heme dies. My disease (psoriasis) first broke out en my left check, spread Ing across my nose, and al most covering my face. It run Inte my eyes, and the physician was afraid I would lese my eyesight altogether. It spread all ever my head, and my hair all fell out, until I waa entirely bald-headed ; It then broke out en my arms and shoulders, until my arms were Juit one sere. Hoevered my entire body, my face, head and shoulders being the worst. The white scabs fell constantly from my head, shoulders and arms; the skin would thicken and be red and very Itchy, and would crack and bleed If scratched. After spending many hundreds of dollars, I was pronounced Incurable. I heanl of the Cuticura rtKMKtiiKS, and after using two bottles Cvticura Hesol Hesel vknt, I could see a change; and after I had taken four bottles, I was almost cured ; and when I had used six bottles of CtiTleuu a He He sei.vkkt and one box of CirricunA, and one cake of CtrricrnA Se ah, I was cured of the dreadful disease from which I had suffered for five years. I thought the disease would leave a very deep scar, but the CUTlcuiU IUxKWr.s cured It without any scars. I cannot express with a pen what I suffered before using the Cu ticura Ukmeeies. They saved my life, and I feel It my duty te recommend them. My hair Is restored as geed a ever, and se Is my eye sight. I knew of a number of different persons who have used the Cuticura Hkmkdies, nnd all have received great benefit from their use. MltS.ItOa.V KELLY, Heck well City, Calhoun Ce., Iowa. The Cuticura IIf.mkdiks have permanently cured me of dandruff and facial eruptions when all ether remedies had failed. Fer ulna months my head has been eutlrely free from the slightest signs of dandruff, and my skin Is us clear as when I was a boy. IjOV THOMPSON, New Britain, Ce.nn. Cuticiira Te cleanse theskln,scalp,and bleed of humors, blutches, eruptions, sores, scales and crusts, whether simple, scrofulous, or contagious, no agency In the world of medlclne Is se speedy, sure and nconemlcal as the Cuticuca Heme dies. CUTicuitA.the great ski n cure, Instantly allays the most agonizing Itching and Inflammation, clears the skin and scalp or every trace of dis ease, heals ulcers and sores, removes crusts nnd scales, and restores the hair, Cuticura He AT, the greatest of skin beaulltlcrs, Is Indts Indts pensuble Iu treating skin dlseascs and baby humors. It produces the whitest, clearest skin and softest hand, free from pimple, piyi'l.F.S, black-heads, rcd.reugh, chapped and ' oily skin prevented by Cuticuka 8eai. ru -rARD mceluey. bard & Mcelrey, Nes. 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, Opposite Fountain Inn .- ??y.CI-G?rTh.0i'.,"?nl''..t leunelng In the elly of Lancaster. Flouncing at 25c, 37c, iOc, lic.rsV.ittKr.tfp.SI Umd 1.2 Extra value In Hamburg and Hwiss Embroideries. ,n-IHt.''f3Stil?,6l,'M.s?,JTO,l'KDU NORD-TIm best line of styles In the city at 6K . I0candl2e. Hex of Hurtling containing 12 yurds only 2T.c per box. Ladles' Ulngham Aprons, large site, geed quality, only ic Ijidles' and Children's Ulngham Sun Uemiets, stitched or paste- !it.,i.i,ij n: i'ni in SUMMER UNDERWEAR Tbn crnntnat linrirnhia Avapn(r.,nl 1i T n,llA lln.inl nt. 11,1 mm'- Summer Underwear. STAMPED UOOIsH Extra valua In Stnmivsl per pair. Stamped l.luen Wushslnnd and Sideboard Cevers, wllh laee-drawn borders, nt 2.1c. Sm.'. It Apu Cleth have advanced their prices. We mention the fact at this time, and would say, we have bought our line for the rail Trade before June 1 nt the old prices, and when you are ready te buy your Oil Cleth In the r all conic nnd see us for the best goods for the money In the city. Table, Shelf and stair OH Cleth. FEATHERS We sell the best Feathers at what you iay for the second grade elsewhere. Try us. lilUYCI.ES-i-Agents for the Premier Safely Illes'cles. Highest grade, latest Improved, easiest running wheels en the market. Dropped frame, suitable for either lady or gentlemen, with n diamond frame for gentlemen only, ut J.M ; less than any otherdlamend frame safety. The Courier Safety for men only 875. bard & Mcelrey, AGENTS FOR THIS SECTION, DEALERS IN DRY GOODS NOB. 33 AND 38 SOUTH QUEEN ITREET, Oppeilt Fountain Inn. JUatchce. H. .. RHOADS Sl SON. LOW PRICES. Following will be found a list of goxts-levv prlced-always In our stock; Child's Held Finger Rings, 2&C.J Misses' Held Finger III ng,75c.; Indies' Geld Finger Rings, 11.00 Sleeve Huttons,2eo.,EcV., J1.00; Cellar Huttens, 2.V. le ll.oe'f Diamond Cellar Ilultens, 2.00; I-adles' nnd Missus' Ilreustplns, 2V. te J1.00; Mourning Pins and Earrings, 25c te $500; Urncclets.USc. teJIO; Nickel Clocks, 11.00; 8-Day MnntleClecks,3.75; Ladlok'Ueld Watches, 115.75; Nickel Watches, 11.00; Sliver Watches, $10. 3-Hepalrlng In all branches by geed workmen and all work warranted. H. Z. RHOADS & SON, Jewelers, Ne. 4 WEST KING STREET." (Cnrpct JJAlta.U.NS I TJAROAINH 1 00 TO Shirk's Carpet Hall ! - FOR Wilten, Velvet, Bedy Brussels, Tapestry, Ingrain, Damask and Venetian, Rag and Chain Carpets. OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, &e. W'K 1I.VVET1IK I..V1UJMT AMI lltST STOCK INTIUCClTT. H. S. SHIRK St SONS, Cor. West King and Water Sts., Lancaster, Pa. LJTOPI THINK. I t Mt.a u,,likil ttfllllH'lllluU i grwul, tbu customer leeks te see Who 01 vert, Net Premises -HAItOAINS. Customer, Slop I Think! Who pay for ex tensive advertisements T We de net Advertise llargalns.ricarlug Sales, etc., but give yen the beueflt of that which ethers give the printer. Our Counters Contain All that Is New In SUITINGS, TROUSERINGS AND SPRING OVERCOATS. Our Prices are the Lewest Possible te de Jus tice te customer aud ourselves. NOS. 981 AND 8U0 WEST KINO STREET. lllurl3-3mtl s: TK.VM. AVedeilretecall ilhe uttentlen .f eeiisumem of Steam Oik1s and Engineers' .Supplies, te our large and vailvl stock of Plie. Wives, Cocks, .Malleable and Cast Iren Killings, Asbesto-. Vulcabesten and I'sudurlan, Sheet, Piston and Valve Packings; Scotch and Rel Line Ueileet lug (Jauge (J lasses, Steam Radiators and Steam Heating Apjuirutus; Set and Cap Screws, and lu fat I almost everything required by siciuii users, and all of which vie idler at prices uhhh we guarantee te he lower than these of any oilier ueuier in mis viciuuy, We hae positively the largest stock, and be lt; connected with the Teleiihene Exchange. are prepared te rets Ive and llfl ull orders In the shortest :sMlble time. When lu want of any thing In our line, rail ou us for prices aud we will convince yuii of our ability and willing ness te save you Moue, Dt-lu) and VexutJLeu, Our facilities for fiiriiishlng Engines, Hellers, Miaulng, l'ullew, Iliiugers. rs;elul Machiiierj, Plumbers' unu lias 1 liters' Toels, Patterns, Medels, and Iren and Urns Cuttings, and for the prompt ri'iulr of ull kind of machinery are unexcelled in Ijinc&ster, and we nis;tfully solicit a share of our patronage. Central Machine Works, lit Jt 130 NORTH CH RlsTIAN STREET, Lancaster, Pa. Geed Werk, Reasonable Charges, Prompt Btu. TaUpliena oeftneciiorw d3-UdB Terrible llloed Poison Sufltared All a Man Could Huftbr and Uvs Face aad Bedy Covered With AwtUl Seresv Used the Cuticura Homedles Tea Waeka and In Practically Currd-A Remarkable Case. I contracted a terrible bleed poisoning a year age. 1 doctored with two geed physicians, neither of whom did me any geed. 1 suffered all a man can sutler and live. Hearing of your Cuticura Ukmcdie I concluded te try thesn, knowing If they did me no geed they could make me no worse. 1 have been using them about ten weeks, and am most happy te say, that I am almost rid of the awful sores that cov ered my (are and body. My tece was as bad, If net worse, than that of Miss Boynton, spoken of In your book, and I would say te any one In the same condition, te use CUTICURA, and they will surely be cured. Yeu may use this letter In the Interests of suffering humanity. E. W. IIRYXOLDR, Ashland, Ohie. I have been troubled wllh scrofula seven years, which first started en the top of my head, gtvlngme Infinite trouble, with constant itch ing, casting off dry scales, and a watery liquid exuded from the scale. 1 treated It fur seven years unsuccessfully, and was unable te check It until I found your cuticura Rembuiks. One box Cuticura, en1 cake Cuticura BeAF.and' ene bottle Cuticha Reseuvekt completely cured me, my skin becoming perfectly clear aad smooth. . B.J.DAVIB, Artesla, Le Angeles Ce., Cal. I go Sir. Dennis Downing ten years belter. 1 have dug and scratched for thirty-eight years. I had what Is termed prurltls, and have suf fered everything, and tried a number of doctors but get no relief. Anybody could have get KOO had they cured me. The Cuticura Remedies cured me. Qed bless the man who Invented CUTICUHA. CHENEY C1KEEN, 51 Trowbridge Street, Cambridge, Musa. Remedies spot or blemish, cuticura Reselvent, the new bleed purifier, cleanses the bleed of all Im purities and poisonous elements, and thus re moves the Cause. Hence the Cuticura Rem edies cure every species of ageultlug, humilia ting, Itching, burning, scaly, and pimply dis eases of the skin, scalp, and bleed, with lets of hair, from pimples te scrofula. Sold everywhere. Price : Cuticuka, 80c ; SeAi',2ic; Reselvent, $1.00. I'reparvd by the l'OTTKK Dni'O ANU CHEMICAL CORPORATION, Bosten. MW Send for " Hew a Cure Skin Dlseares," Bl pnges, 60 Illustrations, and 100 testimonials. UIHnQ Hett,' white, and free from chaps and annue redness, by using cuticura Seap. OS00b0. ' Unrvlu Hinmiuvl I'lllne Nimim r.i "O.. en,i7V Ull n.lmra hnm lfVl,.. Tl.lla. f.m.t T n and nil Dull. - B 1T FITTING CORSET. C.B. C.B.alaSpirite C. B. TlIK HlJlT FlTTI.NO CulLskT IS TIIK Weitl.U. Fer Sale by leading Merchnuts. Mayer, Strouse &. Ce., Manufacturers, tli IIIIOADWAV, N. V. oW-&.IMlh,Seew T EVAN A SON'S. These Are Trying Times. iv, they are trying times In mere senses than one; und every giMxl housewife knows thudttll cull) or having geed, swis.1 briud hi very het weather. Hut this task may be rendered com cem istnitlvely easy by having the right kind nt Heur, uud every one who bus used It admits LEVAN'S FLOUR Is (he Right Kind. Try II, and You'll lluy It- Levari & Sens, MERCHANT MILLERS. ds-lyl ttrertric yi AHOAIN8 I BARUAINSl Yeu Need It New! BROOKE'S CRYSTAL SOAP ! Iu Order le Make Roem Ter II, We Hac De cided te Kill Wrigley's Mineral Scouring Seap AT Twe Bars for 6c. NOTE A FEW OF OUR UAHQAINM THIS WEEK : Fourths Mild Cheese .'iVl Full Cream Cheese.... .....10c V lb Nice New Hams , ;..IOe V ft Extra Dried lleef. ,...100 aud UKe V 1 "runes, 2, .'1, 4, 5 and H Tbs for B5e Crackers, 3 and 4 fcs for..... , ,'JHe Rhs?, 3, 4 and 5 lbs . SSe JUST RECEIVE. ANEW INVOICE OF CURRY A CO.'S (11KI. FASTJOINOERALE. HEAIK)UARTERH FOR Picnic Groecis AT Samuel Clarke's WHOLESALE AXI) KETAIL TEA AND COFFEE 8TOHE, 18 AND 14 SOUTH QUEEN ST. ' -Telephone. Free Dellvery.-ft liiyA-F.S.M.Aw lethhtn. XoeO NOVELTIESl leOt.) -AT- H. GERHART S. The most complete assortment of Spring Overceating English Cheviots, Diagonal and Casslmore suiting aud Treusering that has ever been shown In tills city. Workmanship the best and all goods warrauted as represented. It. UEIIHART, Ne. 41 North Queen Street. -Only Direct Importing Tailor iu thu City of Lancaster. T O CLOTH1NQ UU YERS. LGansman&Bre. Best Goods -FOR THE Least Meney T Durable Pauls at (IV, Tm H.k II.IM. Dress Pants nt tl.S0, fi.00, J2.W, U.0O, 1I.U0. Scotch Cheviot Suits at M, 18, 110. Fine English Worsted Coats and Vests at UM, pi, 110, 112. A Fine Line ofl'rlnce Albert Hulls al 110, 112, 114,110,118. Serge Coats and Vests at T2M, 1:1.00, ft 00. Heersuekcr Coats and Vests at UOc and 11.00. l!eysat75c. Ulack Alpacca CeaU at 11.00, H.a5,ll.W, 11.75, 12.00, KM. Five Hundred Children's Pants at W, " and SO cents. A Large Assortment of Children's Suits, 11.00, ll.a-1, ll.Sn. 11.75, fi. Uetter Suits ut t-'.W, $.1, t-'lJO, II, SEE OUR English Serge Suitings te Order, In niackand lllue, at 112. They are Ooed Value fur the Meney. t'jr All goods sold from new en at almost One-Hulf Original Price. L. Gansman & Bre., 66 and 68 NORTH QUEEN BT., 8. W. C0ENER OF ORAHOB. aANOABTER, PA - Net connected with any ether Clothing Heuse in the city. H1 Itdlf A HROTHEIl. YOU SHOULD SEE IT ! ! Our North Queen St. Window ! ! Summer Weight Clothing. Flannel and Seersucker Couts aud Vest, II. MX Mohair, Pongee, Alpaca Ciwts aud Vusl.fiV.', and upwards. Yeu can see plenty of them lu the above win dow. White and Fancy Vents, Linen Pauts und Vests; lu fact everything In Men's Suits. Our line err-ack aud Cutaway Suits ruuge from 1I.5U te 1J0. Special valius ut t-'i. ts, ilO, 912, 1 Hi. A perfect tit uud our own make. Beys' and Children's Suits. Children's Suits commence ut II and Kit te it JO each. Special Valuus at 11 .50. fiW. t-UVI and W. Many hav c large palchvs wllh thehulU. Waists 2'ie te 11.25. Merchant Tailoring Depart ment. We have taken alieut 20 isitterus of HI and 17 Pantaloons wlikli we will muku te order at ' lr pair, uneitraerilliiury viilwc. Suits ut 115 und iipwurds. for wliich we received a third mere lu seuseu. Furnishings for Men. Shirts In riaiilii 1. 50V te it ; Shirts, While, 50e te 11.25: hhirls, 1'ercule, Uk- te tl.25; lsmiet Shirts, :tV te V. Light W light Luderweur, 17c te UM. hiush fwm ONIM'UK'i: CLOTH IEH.S AND FCUtNISHEHS, North Queen Street and Centre Square, LAN'CASTEH. A. 90verceat and Ceat Maker Wanted. goeto nub kher. B OOT8 AND SHOES. BARGAINS IN SHOES. Just received, direct from the factory, ever one thousand pairs of ladles' Shoes Hint were made and stamped te be sold for 12.50 a pair, hut the parly fulled before Ihe goods were fin lhed ; se I made them an offer at the factory for the goods And had them finished In splendid st le, and I am offering you these shoes for 11.50 and 12.00 per pair nnd every pair guaranteed. Se this Is a rare rhanee te get a 12.50 shoe for 11.50 aud 12.00. Alse a let of Men's and Hey's Shoes we are closing out cheap. A full line of ItlackandTnu Oxford Ties for Indies, Misses and Children nt Ihe lowest prices In the city. D. P. Stackhouse, s 28 and 30 EAST KINO STREET, LANCASTER, PA. a30-lydAw LADIES" HOME COMFORT SLIP PERS, Made, from fine, bright goat skin, neatly bound, hand sewed, and thoroughly well made. This plain high class Slipper, at a moderate price, is light and easy en the feet, perfect fitting, ancl will give excellent service. Price, 1.50. Ladies' Web Meuse Slippers, 12c -and 25c Seft Leather Heuse Slippers, 50c, 75c, $1. SHAUIi & BURNS, Ne. 14 North Quekn StrkktJ Lancaster, Pa. B OOTS AND 8IIOUS. -euu- Meu's Mght Checkered and Plain High Hoek-Lnco Canvas Shoes, with rubber soles, for Tennis, Gymnasiums, Uase Hall, etc., sizes & te 11,11.2."). The regular price of these shoes Is 11,50, but we bought a " Jeb Let." When these are all we don't think we cuu get any mere te sell at this price. Men's Wigwams, II; Uidles, 7Se; Heys, (Be, and Children's &.'. These, tee, area" Jeb" Next let v 111 have le be sold al regular prices. Men's, llejs' and Youth's Tan Tlpltcgulur Cut, Heek-Lace Shoes, tl.M er pair; better grade or Men's nt 12, TZM and 1. Men's Tip Tun Lew l-aee Shoes at 1I.M and 12. Heys' Veal Calf Ijicc, llutten and Congress Shoes, sires II te t)i, 11.23. We have one or Ihe largest lines uud assort ments of Men's, Ileyg' uud Youth's Calf Don Den Don gela and Kangaroo Shins lu the city. Ladle),' Plain Tee Tun Oxfords, 75e. aud up wards. ladies' Tip Tan Oxford, 7.1e. and upwards. Indies' Patent l.euther Tip Oxfords, '&. and upwards. Indies' Plain Trie Dongola Oxfords, 7Sc. anil upwards. The two Inst mentioned shoes heat an) thing we ever saw for the money. Ladles' Kid 0iera SllperH, C0c. and upwards. The One-Price Cash tee. mr & muT, Tee Leaders of Lew Prices IN Beets and Shoes. 3 & 5 East King St., i.ANCASTKll, Pa. SStere closed every evening ntO o'clock, ex cept Memlay und Saturday. jttUoccllunceuo. VThCKWKAU-TlIi: LATIT AND MOST L fashionable stU-H and shades, the chcuiu'st and best, at i:itISMAN'S Uents' r'urulshliig Stere, 12 West King stns. t. risiTrl iuvai. keuntainTmlv-tiihIiest X and elieaKs,t lu the market II karat geld jien. Hard rubU-r holder, never gets out of order, easily tilled. Cull uud examine before purchasing ebeMluTc. At IIItlHMAN'SUents' riirnlkhlng Stere, 42 Vct King .lreet. LAIIIKS' SCPKHKUfOI'S HAIH SUI'KltKl.t'Ol'S HAIH SI'PKHKI.nei'S HAIH SUPKUKI-UOUS HAIH ou the upisT lip. chin, threat and cheeks de de stresl forever vtltheut imhi, scar or Irate by the Klectrlc N(s-dle 0erulieii by Dr. J. Vun l))ck, Klectre Surgtsm, w North Kluveiitli street, Philadelphia. This Is thu enl method III Ihe vterld that destroys Die roots se the hair cuu never grew again, llemeiuber this (the use of dcplluteries, the tweeem, scissors anil ra zer only make thei hairs glow courser, stlffir, darker uiidneru numerous), If you have hairs en your faiejeu will carry Ihem te the grave wltli you unless you have them deatre)isl by thu ueclrlf .S'tsslle. Dr. Van Hyck has advan tages ever all ethers lu electric eH.rutiug, He vvus thesecenil iihvslciau In the world te ir. .form this eieriiilnn. Hehuseeruled for llilr- leen jeurs, mm ineiieiuaiui ler Ills Kervieis. lias lnrreaed se that h has given uji all ether prac tice, aud mskes the removal of Suertlueus Hair, lllrth and Wine Marks, Discolored Heur, .Meles, Wens, Small Tumors. Kxcrvwenres en thu eje-llds, face und bsly. l.ularged Veins of the nose uud fuc, by thu Kleeirle Needle, an exclusive seclalty. Sus-rllueus hair Isuseu sltlve subject vilih every rellued ludy, and the doctor observes thu strictest privacy hi every case, and never iuiillshv is.rtfrlites of cures. He nuiubers among his patron many of our leading se'lely ladies from every (uiri of the country. Yiai can consult him with every con deuce. If you have Ihls obnoxious growth of hulr, lie It ever s'j slight or the reverse, don't neglect It another da), but consult Dr. Van Dvckateni'e- lluek Iree. Advice free. Terms within the menus of every ene, don't neglect your mse another day. Consult Dr. Van Dyck atone. Ollhvuud ejerntiug rooms, 40 North Kiev en tlf street. Hours, VI te. 0 ; Sunda), 10 te3. Nete Dr. Vuu IJyck, Klectre Surgeon of Phil adelphla, lias Uvn culled la Ijincnsler le trout several society lailles. and can be consulted ut the Stevens Heuse, (Parlors (J and D), Uiuras ler. Pa., from Monday, June ill, te Saturday, June 'in. Hours V te 3, and during this visit can treat a number or new patients. Cull promptly, t JelMwd D. P. STACKHOUSE. Wl CAS BEAT 'ivcute?h. T UURSK'B. I776--JULY FOURTH--I889. Katleial Jubilee Headquarters FOR THE 11 EST FIREWORKS! WHOt.IiSAI.EAND HKTA1I.. Public and private displays furnished at lowest prices. Our works are all colored Are, aud no belter In the market. Parties can select displays new nnd have them laid aside until the Fourth, lllve ut a call. BUR"SK'S, Ne. 17 East King Street, UANCASTKN, PA. 1789.1889. evr.hyenk wants te cki.uiihatk thi: GLORIOUS FOURTH ! Especially In This Centcmital Year. N e are Hcndi)iartcrs. Take a leek al our live lllg Windows nnd then walk Inside and see our Immense Stock. All dealers should see our Prlce List before purchasing elsewhere. We have no agents en Ihe read nnd ran save you the money expended lu Ihls direction, In I he purchase of your works, besldci, many buyers want te see the stock and exumlne the geed. This you can de with us. Special attention given le Asseitcd Exhibi tion Cases for Public or Private l)lphi)s. Our Works Are All Heavy Colored, All Sites Ilemati Caudles, Alt Sires Skv Hook Heok Hoek els aud Parachute lleckcls, Vertical Wheels. Triangles, Deuble Triangles, Hiwettes, Tourbll Teurbll Tourbll liens, llengela Lights, Flower Pets, batteries, Flera I Bombshells, Mines, Meteer Candles, Sil ver Showers, Electric Spreaders, Hembshell Heckels, Pin Wheels, Sesjill Wheels, Serpents, lllue Llghls, Colored lire, nil sites Cnniien Crackers, Plre Crackers, Pistols, (,'nw, Toriio Teriio Toriie dnes. Flags, ljinterns, Pamde Lights, Halloeus, Vertical wheels, Dlnnk Cartridges, .Krelltes aud many ether New flood. Alse, the Finest Line of Large Kxhlbltlen Phves. J. Frank Reist, WHOLESALE AND HirTAIL (HlOCEIl, OOHNEIt WP-ST KINO ANll l'lUNCESTS., (One SUiire Down fiem ('enlmSipuire(, LANCASTEH. PA. lUrttcltce. VyATHIW. Walches, Clocks, Jewelry, Simcs, Hi EU? at IXIWKST PIllCIX. lye-Olasses, Optical Qoeds. Telegraph Time Dally. Every Article lu this Line Carefully Repaired. Leuis Weber, Ne. IttMerth Queen St., Near P. R. R. BUtlnn. e Ull LAHOE AND INCHEAHKD Watch Sales Is due le Ihe fact Hint wehiivealwajsa Inigo and choice stink te select from. THAT WE SELL THE Best TATastcliT FOH Tl I E LEAST .MON EY. I'hul WE DO NOT SELL WHAT WE CANNOT 1IIJAHA.NTKE. fluyvrs should uppreclate our efforts te give giKul gisids, and cuu dels' nil upon everything we sell te be as represe '111VU, HERR, Jeweler, Ne. 101 N. Queen St., eeiiNKit or ohanei:. TEWEI.EIl AND OPIICIAN. Jeweler and Graduate Optician. GRADUATING PRESENTS. I-atestniid Choicest Novelties for (Jraduutlug Prcsi'iita. Watches, Chains, Pens, Pencils, Fans, Hull gles, Jewelry, etc., etc, EXAMINATION OF EYES FHEE. NO DHOI-S USED. CHARLES S. GILL, 10 West King Street, LANCASTEH, PENN'A. fiavbnnu'c. T lAltDWAUE! MARSHALL & RENGIER, 9 & II Seuth Queen St., Ilavejiist received n large assortment of ' HEADY-MADE Window Screens and Screen Deers Plain and l'lgurtd Wire Cleth. HAMMOCKS, LAWN MOW Pits. HKFUIOEIIATOHS, Water Coelera ami Ice Cream Freezers (live Ihem a call und you will be convinced that 11 Is thu chciils'st place In ljilausUr te buy. A IX), A LI. KINDS OF PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, WHITE LEAD, Audit full Hue of General Hardware. f, bS-lyd Scowl ilotlcce. JTthl'ATE OF JOSEPH HOTII, UTE OF U l-anaislcr city, deeeustsl. fitters of ad ministration en said estate hav lug been granted te the uuderslgiusl, ull srem indebted Uieretu uie rtspiestwl te make liuinisllute isiymeut, uud these having claims or demands against the same, will prexent them without delay for settlement te the undersigned, residing in Ijin casterclty. HEMtY HANSINO, Administrator. JS0, A. Covle, Attorney. ni)1iMtdS RK,ST. Fireworks ! Fireworks! JtcfvlncvaturB. J0.tVE"fSACALL " "" -FOH Baby Carriages, LAWN MOWERS. Refrigerators ICE CREAM FREEZERS, CROQUET, LAWN TENNIS, BABE BALL OOODB. W. D. SPRECHER, SON & CO., 31 E. KIM St., Lancaster, Pa. mnr21-Tu.Tli,Stfd TLINN DHENEMAN. 1IUY THE II Alaska" Dry-Air REFRIGERATOR! It net only saves Ice, but saves provUlent. Water Coelers. A large sleck of the best make, and price luw. BabyCarriages We nre Headrinnrters for llaby Carriages. THE twVIUJEST STOCK: AND LOWEST l'lllCUSINTHE CITY. FLINN & B RE NEMAN, Manufacturers nnd Dealers In Heuse-Furnishing Qoeds, Ne. 152 N. QUEEN ST. LANCaBTEH, l'A. jflrtVUCBg. TTAHNESH. HARNESS. " HABERBUSH'S 30 Centre S quare, LANCASTEH, PA. Saddles, Harness, LAP BLANKETS, Trunks, Bags, Harness Oil, -AND- General Stable Supplies, -.AT- tSUCi'KHHOU TO M. II Aiiuitnusn A HON.) SIGN OP THE GOLDEN HORSE HEADS. Quia. X EADEIIS. " 26c. for a Dress Straw Hat. 45c. for Fine Mackinaw. $1.00 for a Light Stiff Hat. ALSO "lHEHINESTSELECriON IN THE CITY OP KINEUOOHS. DUNLAP & CO.'S SPECIALTIES. WILCOX & CO.'S "Bosten Beauties." FINKOASSIMEHE Stiff and Seft Hats. Trunks arid Traveling Bags AT Sl'ECIAL INDUCEMENTS. STAUFFER & CO., 31 and 33 North Queen Street, LANCABTEK. PA. Suvnitiwe. H TTEINITSll'S. WE DO NOT WAIT UNTILTII E END OFTUK SEASON, HL'TOITEll NOWOUH Summer Goods AS rOLLOWS: I'ercli Chair, felUlug, all betli carpet and bent'.S. Hix'ker, streni; and durable, SI. 00. Our Leader, tlie largest and best offered lu tb city ut Jebliers' urlce. THenly-IUe oilier Itnckcrsut a cutefSOcearti. llenchcs that fuld and Hill stand the rain, f.'.u'i. All Iren and wimhI. stuck Is larifeaud uuunnt te move It. Kill up your lurches new and )ou will be tutted. Wall aud the best will be seleeted. a-ALt.ON l'lHST P1jOOR.'T HEINITSH'S Furniture Depot, Nes. 27 & 29 SOUTH QUEEN STREET SALESMEN.-WE WISHl A PEWMEN TO sell our goods hy tamiile tethe wheletal and retail trade. Uirmcst nuinuliicturers lu our line. Enclose a-cent slamp. Wages ft per day. l'erinaueiit iwaltluu. se nc-lals ankwered. aprUOHdeed Cincinnati, ,Otata. Ghas. E. HaberU's, -ta sS f- X m va m X T ." ' -U '