Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, June 21, 1889, Image 2

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9111 jrnteUt0urevt
v . .
. ROBERT CLARK, FttMlsher. 'V t
J ! ..- ,.
1 J, avtry say in trie year, but Sunday., serv-en
y ..krenrien In thli cltr and turretindlns
j lewni at ten cents ft week. Ily mall five deb
4tarjrerlndnuK; 50cnUtnentli.
CUT IKTELLlOEKCEK-Onc dollar and
fly U R year. In nd vmicc.
.', or poatemt outer, una wncrc ncuncr 01
if totter.
amcrrq hi me losiemcc, in nccenu rinm man
ay Matter.
Ift AIUM, 1U Lnifil.lilUbni.bIV,
l ' Lancaster, IM.
fj LAKOABTER, FA., June 21, 1889.
M Tfce Cemtrr te the City, Grcctliw.
t ft. i tnfernsrlnr. te nlnprvp thei (lifll-
scwtty Which the Philadelphia politician
i 'hM te HTftsp the reason for the nearly
?i unanimous rejection which the country
rftave te the proixwluen tliat I'lilindei-
fL'phl has no unanimously approved, te
fSQ make suftrnpe free or taxation. urieus
rJ? rcaaens come te the city iK)lit lciaif s mind
M ferttalsccccntrielty of the country mind,
but It has net yet come tohimtebuipect
Hint, tlm count rvnieii lwlHr than lie Is.
'A nil that. Im vntisil tncrU'P flip SIlfTVfllf tei
no man who h unwllllnete pay twenty-
foflve cents for the privilege, for the very
k simple and unquestionably sensible reu-
ten that he theucnt the sullrace was
Nrnrth twmtv.livn pent te everv citizen
Elt knit ni-n,. irt(ni ul...iit,1 1.A mniti' ti
37 .K.v. suuiv.v.j 1 ,is.i niiuutu .. llltMJ ...
Jjr pay It when called upon ; Just as the
Treuutry voter new uecd. n may im news
te the city politician, but it is the fact,
$r that the poll tax b paid in tlic country ;
ana that it would ustemiHii me
country Intelllirenee te rvnllre that
II te nnl nfl.i. no III l llin kIIv IiV
the voter hut hy habitually political com
mittees. Such a ntalcment as that which
grj we Hud attributed in the Philadelphia
Tmn te Helier! S. ntttrrpen, 11 Demo Deme
crnt of high character and efllclal prom
inence in I1I.1 party, will apjwar very
Blrnuge indeed te the countrymen who
are went te go te the places when' the
collectors sit te receive their taxes, or te
be waited upon by them individually,
aud who pay their poll tax without
thought of refuMnger of asking anylHdy
te de it for them.
Bays Mr. Piittcrwm : " 1 am very
aerry that the suffrage amendment was
defeated. It has and will cost the Dem
ocratic party a large amount of money.
If the different ward committees had
net furnished money te pay poll taxen
36,000 Democrats would net have had
the right te vote Iast election. The
fault is entirely with committee.
They have educated the people te It.
Large numljeni of eople will net pay
their poll taxes when they find that
there are. committees ready te pay It for
them. The number of ceplu who de
net pay their poll taxen increases every
Of course there will be nothing fiesh
in this statement te the (own iMilltlcitiit
anywhere in the state, but It will lc
"otherwise with the rural vetert wlie'dcei
net understand hew his vote is habitu
ally killed in the cltieH by men who are
deprived by the constitution and the
laws of sullrage, but for whom it is
Mi7ed fraudulently by the political com-
inltt'jcs. IJetli hides de It, and neither
ran call the ether black. !icse('tahle
men like Mr. Patterson de it ; and new
are exposed In the most humiliating
way as deliberate violators of the law,
for no butter reason than that ethers
violated it.
Wg in truth the demoralization timt
creeps in upon the honest man, 1111
wittlngly,when he takes up the weik or
the politician, Is striklngexemplillid In
this (statement from Mr. Patterson. He
was his party's executive and found that
te save his party vote it was necessary
that the tax of r.O.lXHl voters should !h
paid. He knew that the law lemiired
the individual vejer te pay it, and that
It was unlawful te pay it otherwise;
nevertheless the party necchslty seemed
te demand that the party should pay It,
aud he went right along with the swim,
followed the habit of the itelltical chair
man, did what the ward workers
wanted, anil new regrets that the con
stitutional amendment that abolishes
this 'tax, which the voter never paid,
has been defeated, because of the contin
ued cost of the payment te the party
. organization.
-He blames the paity committee for
'V ' . ...! I., 1.,- it ,..., .
nun , nuu uimiwtuiu ine,v Hiu iiiiicvm ;
net only because they have educated tlic
voter net te pay the tax, by paying it
for him, but because they hac violated
the spirit aud the letter of the constitu
tion of their state in be doing. There was
no party necessity upon them te de it ; a
proper application te the court would
have prevented the issue of tax receipts
te all who did net pay for them ; but the
committees found thiH path U'sct with
trouble, and that telat the law it would
simply be necessary te glve each tax
payer the money te get his re-
p'l celpt; and that au anneal te
the courts might pile up trouble with
out profit te all concerned ; and they
took the easiest part, raised the lunds,
pawl the taxes, anil violated deliber
ately what they knew te is; the
law. The chairman whom cxKdIciicy
does net govern, aud who would rather
be right than he president, does net grew
abundantly en the jxilitieiil bush.
It is pleasant new te n'O that they
have been taught a lessen by the rural
folk; which many of them, hmeer,
Kjem tee densely stupid te understand.
In explaining theceuntry vote they say
that the farmers did net want te release
the poll tax lest their tuxes would
be heavier. It is safe te say that
no such thought occurred te the fai mer ;
who did net fail te comprehend that a
tax of tweuty-llvc cents upon the non
property owner does net icalie an
amount that is sensibly felt in the
stats's revenue. They retained it, net
for the money it raised but for the eleva
tion of the sutrrage aud the self rcsjtcct
of the voter ; and lweause they uuder uuder uuder
toed thut the ballet uud the tax are
Inseparable In our aud every ether Demo
cratic government. It is a lu&sen well
taught; and one which the Philadelphia
politician has geed reason te feel deep
name that he has net learned or has
net practised.
r Their (ioesc.
s The quettiuu is raised hy Uess Mc-
-. Manes agaiiiht Mess Quay ns te whether
the latter has net get the ltcpuhlican
I warty In trouble by fatherlm: en it thin
1 prohibition amendment, which the party
fit Menu te have left out en It deer step.
n Mr. MeMaues seys thut Quay wus net
'jj aiuoere In his advocacy of it und never
-; intended that his party should adept
Vtbe Child when lie told the I'rehlbl-"-
tteUtets that they Mould take it in.
i ' Aad Mr. SlcMauw is uuduubtcdlv
'J Mjk4 In tlila di, lw.ii..l. 1... 1, i-
.Quay'a tee. Leaden in u party, who fall
mt, are well qualified te tell truth i' out
etucr; but this has becu long au
open secret about Quay, whom jnobecly
suspects of any ether aim as a1 party
leader, than successful strategy. He
haV made . a number t of hits,'
in the) promiscuous showing around
which he, has done In tae maudlin con
dition which haa long been his cus
tomary state, and he capped the climax
of his successes by electing Harrison,
after AVanamaker had gathered the
boodle that would have enabled any
man, drunk or sober, te take the trick.
Anil Mr. Quay has had many backsets
te balance his victories, as might le pre
dicted of flip unsteady going efn man of
his constitution. The greatest of these,
In the way of political missteps, has been
the submission of this prohibitory
amendment; which has as surely settled
the Hepubllcan party of Pennsylvania,
as it has the Prohibition question. There
were disrupting conditions of ether
kinds In the situation of the party te
put It in peril, and this one comes upon
the top of the flood with the crushing
force of a Seuth Ferk deluge. A party
with n jealous president personally dis
tributing tlic offices, and with leaders
cutting each ether's threats ever them In
his presence, cannot stund 11 two hun
dred thousand majority against a prom prem
ised ally, aud bear the burthen of treach
ery and defeat that gees with it. Mr.
Quay has cooked the gisse.
Tlic President Knrimrnglng Conspirators,
If we have any ambition te approach
consistency in our dealings with foreign
powers we must take mere pains te
restrain societies disposed te meddle
vigorously in the troubles of ether lands.
We have nursed 11 great deel of Indigna
tion against the liritlsh for permitting
privateers te be titled out against us
during the war, and we cannot allow
thuClau-iia-Oiiel te carry en asinall war
fare with Great Hritaln, as its memlicrs
have admitted theyareiuite ready loile
should occasion arise. O'Donevait
Itessa could be let alone Ik'ciiiisc he only
fought with his mouth, but tills Clan Is
an organization of men living jieacefully
under our laws aud thebcnetitH of our
government, yet confessing their readi
ness te defy our laws and imperil the
lacoef the whole nation startlughestlle
operations at the command of their order.
The nation cannot tolerate any power
within Itself that exists with 11 declared
hostile purpese and the ability topnferce
It. We de net allow the Anarchists te
incite riot and bloodshed, wc take
vigorous measures te suppress White
Caps and regulators who defy the law
and wc should net honor and encourage
men who are leagued with thcdelllicratc
and openly avowed purpose of defying
the neutrality laws whenever it suits
them te de se.
My sending as United Htates
minister te Chill President Harrison has
honored and encouraged this daugcteiis
clan, and It is net surprising that their
growing contempt for our laws should
seem te lx' further evinced by the Crenin
Wii.i.iAMsi'eiir liunbormen are shetvlng
a deal of pluck. Itefornthe great Heed hud
fairly subsided they linil organized a coin cein coin
niltteennd given out contracts for llie re
covery of tlie legs and ki oil lumber, and
one eent rm (or in going at the work uilli
aljetit tin 00 thousand moil and expects te
ioiepr Hoiiie thirty million feet of
sawed lumlier between Willluiiispert
ami liiccn's datii. The legs bxtween
Wllllaiuspeit and llarrUburg are te
Im r.illcjl uud lle.ited te points en
the I'liiliidelplil.i A IC1I0 iiiilnmd and
limited back le Willluiiispert. When this
1 au net be done easily the timber is te be
sold te parties down the rlcr.
Tiik evprsh.iw lug disaster at .lolmstew 11
drew nllcnllen I'retn ninny points that suf
fcicd fc.irlillly by the Meeds, and
come te light about llie country near beck
Haven arc liniiessle. Tlie poejiln lliore
wcie cut oil' I10111 tlie lest of I Im weild
long alter Joliuslewii and Willlniuspeit
hud been leached. Only en MTe was lest
in Iak'I: II men, but In tlie uelglilioiheod
about thirty weiu diew ucd and in seuin
Instances whele faiuilles dis.ipcaiisl mid
wcronet missed by their distrcwed mid
stiug)-ling ueiglibers until the Heed hud
subsided and eiplniing panics leuud
llie lieinu swept away. Due cltlreu of
laetk IIiiipii wntes: "The water In eiii
streets was six (Vet mid upwards and
points considered llie highest and most
favorably located sh.ired the common p
Kiieucu. Saw legs, timber and nilililsh of
all sorts lle.ilcd lliieiigh our stieets, al
most tin) 'winn as In tlie river proper."
The peeple aie yet stiiiggliug with the
liltli deNisltrtl hy thn liver, employing all
the men they can get and forcing tramps
Inte set vice. They 010 also distributing
piovisieusand tellef lothe whole county.
Tliustiaiige insect timt li.isaltacUisI the
wheat in Indiana Is known us the gieeu
nildgeand has net been he.iid ofslnce tsil,,,
when it almost dcstieycd the wheat crops
of ludiiiu.i mid neighboring states. .Mil
lions of them appear in a livid, set tlinn upon
the stalk, from which they draw the sap,
causing tlie grain te shmcl beioie il is
lu.ituicd. l'eihnps this will be another calamity of this cala 111 a tens
Tin: Xeitli Ainmaui Jliview Is new
under llie management of I.eyd S. llryee,
lint thoie Is a great dillereiue in llrices,'iind
.uiyone can see why. Cilvln 8. llriee is a
political le.uler;;, lliycemay wrlte
political le.ideis.,
I.ieiiiniui IIi:mh:usen, of
I l.ip, ciad-
iintctl fiem I.eIiIl'Ii I'iiIvciniIv en
1 iimrs-
day. lie iccened thedeieu (.'. I'..
(Ji:n. Jeu.v (.'. Hi.ti'K, e-eomiiiissieuer
el jiensieiiK, has ic.iiine.1 the piaclice of
law at Chicago,
Tin: KiMi or IIei.i.ami, who rcceveicd
sulUeienlly fiem his lecent Illness te io ie io
sume the reins of government, had a
serious relapse.
Willliam C. Wklls, a fei mer resident
of Flerin, this county, w lie new icsidus at
Iliint.sllle, Ala., has been appeinlisl
register et the I'nited btates land mllce at
that place.
PlioriAseu I. lli..NJAMiv, of
Coinelluniicislti, leiluerly el llieun.and
a liiewn iiUiiiinus, was imauimeiislv clcc
list president el" Urewn iintveisUv en
Thursday, k-u Hi. It. li. Kobiusen, re
signed. Ux-tieVlUt.NOIt JlAlrillAMI, efPciUlhVl-
vunla, ha been apeiutuil a inoiiibeiol't'lie
Chciokce eomiuissieii, and has Dignified
ills intention te the sis retary ofthe interior
ofaeccptingtheolllie. .This lilts the com
mission. Hkvateii Kieit nils, s-iysthe New Voik
.S'nii, is In danger of losing his plaie in Con
gress. Secj clary Procter Is making quiet withliim. Kdmiinils
had belter net simhI se much tlme angling
for St. Ijwiciiie Kilmeii.
lle.v. Wii.i.mji .M. Pit Mi dlcsl at his
home in Tunkhaunuck en Wednesday,
ngeil 75 years. Mr. Pratt was in feinier
years one of the most prominent l.iwycis
m that section of the Unto and always au
active leader in the Democratic ranks. He
was speaker ofthe slate Scnate in 1S.VS, uud
lias occupied inaiiy lionerablo Ksitieus.
11'erk or tin, r. S. CuiuiuInsIuii.
'1 lie t . S. OhIi C'OllltnissInil ktiMlimr irikli
liuwk iiriivcd at Washington en Thursduv
from the Dt-Uw are rlwr aller a season (if
Miccesulul work In thn probation erhad.
tdplalu Itebcrt Piatt, who Is in eeiuinand
ui uiurimi iniuK, rciKirtii ihat from Muv
in vr. J,l li,1"), uud .Masisichuwlts ilvwi,
inn lojune litti lucre were transferred and .,.,. i"""'u",',"s ""-s""' iriuir, uiruw iiie or
deiKJsile(12i15UWIfclriil fiA? ii...ilr. A rwiull.. rocket or oilier lire works be
iV,7m ,1,3 l',lu, i. : 1,u,rlK Ibe fore tin, it. 4th and 5th iluy of Jiily. will b
jwiiud uaiucd there were transfBrrisl te strictly enforced. The said ordinance entirely
rivers in Pejtnsylvanla, n.oey.Onosliad fry: l'blblu the ilrlus of euim or ether ilreanns.
Ni i Wk ricrs. 1.213.0U): New Jeck..vJ I orlbckellliiK.easiliiLMhrewliiKorllrliiircliiiserM
Official Returns nrtawKleetionen Tu
?, Jan 18-Tha Majority
Asstaat Prohibition 10,081.
rollewlng Is the enTclM vete of Mncstr
ceunty: j
;: "Mi Vel TulfveS
rruhllilfn.i HurrrHKC.
'3 ' 3 I
DtCTRICTH. ? 5 S j
I sis
I r ' i r
1 1
l.twnrd - 71 .1171 27, 2
2iwnrd na nni am' w
MWnttl , W7! M
4lliwnrd .-. ..- Ill H 3i
BlhTrnril 170 WM am' SI
nth ward . . 137' w.V M) Wt
7tli ward -... (II, W12 Y1 2S
Mhwnrtl - - 7l 7fiS Ml OT
lli ward .... TO' 623, Mfl 21
Telnli ftVi; Vm WJ72 KM
Artulinleu n, Ti, 70, IS H
llnrl -... 1W M, 10 i:u
llreckne'k..J 27 ani 4 2!r7
Omar en 7S1 1M SI fi
liny 33 2V 12 I'-'l
I'ovullce fMl . SI 411! aw
Cocnflre Wrl... .- . 4 4TO. KA
felrrnln M Wi. 10 2fl
t'elniiililn, I !
Mwi-hl 2tt W 12S Irtl
2d wurrl ;.... 211 2.11 atl .11
M wnrd 74 41H1 .w 21
CoiiMtepH. . -.. Ill 221 21
roney M i17 in IZI
DllllfCMl IJINt ' I
HprliiKillle H T2 31 . 4H
.llnytewn PO1 IM 2!i M
Lincoln . . tt 111 r7 M
llunrKHl WprI. Ill KM. II IIS
Drmiiurp lit ... I il H "i -nn
Driiinem Wml ... . ' 1(12! IH' 172
ijiri I no, :m, ti 2tu
Jiirllinl, ..
Terre IIIU ... J I4 17I1 13 S2
llhle Hull 72' 200 10 211
F.irlWei.1. . . . 101 2.V., 2" 1
Edrn. J 4H IK) III! 110
r.llrttli .... 2 I7K 2 Kl
Kllrnliplhlewn ller. 71 ll'.l 10 112
Kplirntii .. M 110 7S I7 210
Fallen 1S2, IS" 10, 210
ltc-iiiineld I'Jist, i
IjiwIMvIIIp 72 113 R 132
IVtprsliurir 4.1 l.v H II
HelilPrsliinrii (12, in, W 20
IlPinptlclil West, !
.Mniialvllln 31 I NT, HI' 4
WHrrHprlnR ss 101 ", r
Nnruixxl.. SI. rtl 122' .',
Nerlliwcutcrn s Ills, II 3
I.nniH'tri K.n.l .. . . IWl 27(ll l' 174
lilii-lT Went R7 211 21 57
liiiiirnntrr Twe 21 131 Hi' 17
lwwk ll IS'i 33 231
l'iiciwk UniHT lm' 217 '" 27
I.IIIIk ller 7H HO 22 177
l.lltle llrltnln vne in) !, its
MnnlipliiiTwp f.l 1171 "i 177
.Mnnlirlm ller, i I
lt wnrd . 3.1 III 70
2,lnid 4S Ml 70 ii
3d wnrd j 1,1 72 27 12
Maner, I I !
IndliinteiTii mi isp 27 j.T0
Miinnr(Nc) .V li, 17 ai
MlllrrsvlIlP I 137 210 1 IM
Mnrllr 2ir2 ITi 103 171
.llnrletln ller IIM SSI 7S 2HI
.Ml. Jet ller I 101' 22rt HI .17
.MI.JnyTup, ! I I
Iiwcr . 1.1 D2, 2.1 .13
llpinr ) 107 f llll
.Hilten Urove I ' 1311 22 40
Pnrnillfti) I 174 , 232, 70 M
IVnn 22 2117, 10 IM
l'itipn .. .; 7H 112 H 31
l'revlilencc 101 2.13 100 2W
Itnphn, , I I
Newtewn ., ' 37 41 72 I
HpertlUB Mill J II llll 3 2
KtrlcklcrViH. II 21 te 12 73
Union KIIH- 5 211, KS 1
B.idO.nry ... 310 7.11 101 132
KiilWnirv , I
CinnbrlitKC 77 H7 22 115
HprliiKllnrdi'i tvs HI71 ' 2
llnp Ill Kit1 X (HI
Wlilte Hersi' S3, S7 17, 4.1
HtnuliiirK-lter I
lt wnrd. . . .. 2.1 37 HI 42
2d wnrd :H, 41' 2 nil
.Id wnrd 41 .il, in M
Hlrmliiiru Twe. I 111 IS7I 111 VI7
Wnrwlck Sil 2iH H ill
Warwick limt ..I 27l 211 1 201
Vulilm;ltii Dm I 1
Lewer Wnrd .' I III 4.1 I
Upixr Wnrd . . . ' IB 111 18 M
Telnl ... ' 7,210 11.27I1 7.3SI 1113
-MiO'Tlly for I.Iccmm- 10,(S 12,1211
I'oet" I'pepln'H C'linnecs.
Heme jesrs ni!e n city mlM-lenury wiih rro'n rre'n rro'n
luennof llii purlin lit New Yerk en tlieSnli.
bntli tiny mid i.nld le bid, " Wlmt urn ou
lining here, bmilibii; tlm Iierd'sdnyT Vim
imikIiI In be tit bu 1 cb nod wernlilppliiK OihI In
stpnd of IncakliiR tint Sabbnth In llilnwiiy."
Tlic Mir Inil In Ills rues looked npiit, tlic city
nilslennr) mill snld : "On, sir. II s cryeiiiy
for. Mill te talk Unit uny, but (toil knows Hint
we MMir cliiips nln'l net no dinner."
Tim Kcntlinrnt kiviiii le be creulnt; Unit III
the United Ntnles tlie limn bus nrrlird wlieu
" the poerelinpii dnn't luen neclinmv."
There In Miinn 1 1 tit It In II Thn poernrenot
kliul mil from uiiikliiKii tliellliiHsl, lint Ilic culr
bMwrcn rlclirsniid Kivcrty eentlmiiilly creus
iiieredllllciill In cress. As the. country becomes
densely pepnbiled keen ImisIiichs ioiiii'IIIeii
ileerciise IIkicIiiiiiccs for iiceiiiiinlnllni; wcnltli
by erdlunry business methods.
Hut tlic Kiinc conditions vastl) Impriwe Hie
rlinncTK rernrent sun ess te ttiose w be can strike
out In new pntlis, enu furnlsli Minietlilii le tint
world Hint ethers cannot.
True merit. In commodity or ability, will win
easily mid with Krnud resullH In lids ceuntiy, If
thn musses call Iw Induced In ns'eijnlin It, This
nsoKiiltleii cnu mil) be iicceinpllsbed by what
nres HiietliiicKsiiis-rliiBly nlluilcd te nsiidicr.
Ilslin; iiictliixls.
Wlmt 11 uiiirvelnus suciess luiNnllended lliu
IbermiKli Inlrisliictten te Hie world of llie
merits of that weniU'ifnl reined) for kidney
dlsenne- Wnrner'sHnfe Cine. lien. II. II. War
ier tlrst inuie te knew of Hn curiithe pewi rb
beliiB reslniisl te health from wluil the iIih ters
pioneiiiutd 11 fatal kidney trouble. He con
cluded llie world eiikIiI le knew of It mid In the
ten jrars since lie Iickuii Its iiiuiiiifiiiturelielins
s.X'iil millions of dollars In mhmlMiiK theHiire
Ills luelliixls hale Ix-en IiikciiIeiis -seine-tlincs,
veihaps, esmi teirlllclsiu, but they had
a purH,se, wlilcli bus been iiecempllsliisl.
Hut murk 1 be neiei would hnve secured 11
four told 1 it ill 11 of the Mist sums l)iiispH'iidcd
If tlm it-ill merit of tlm leiucdy bail net In 111
fully preM'ii le Ilic millions of people iciulicd
b) his nihil tli-eincnts.
Ten )iiim of Incrcn-InK suciess of Wurncr
Sale Cure Is due, (llsl, te lulrlllk-elil und pleas,
lug adiertUliiK, by which tlicpciiploucietuiiilc
iiiiliiuililisl iillh tlie leiuisl), Hirenil, te the
linn worth of the leiucdy, proud by iictunl e..
lsrlciiie, MinwIiiK II le be thr euly tpeeijlc ler
kidney disease, mid nil discuses Kieulni; out of
kldiic) ilirmiKciiieiits.
Mr. Warner has seinetiilnir the is'eple wiiul,
tells thcniMi, then pious It tethelr sntlsfaclieii
- success fellnus 11s 11 matter of com se.
On tlieiiiestloner real economy loed-.rjnr-sjip.irllln
Is se far nhend or ether prrpaiatlens
as te place I liem entirely out of I he nice us com
petitors, llerenre l.icts In reunid te till popu pepu
nr medicine, easily siisicptlble of ienelusc
1. Heed's Karsapnrllli! Costs the Manufacturer
Mere than any oilier ceiiintliit; prcMnitlen,
berniiMi It Is mere highly concentrated and con
talus mere real lucdlcitl Mtliu.
2. Il costs I he Jobber Meic.iis a lonseiiuenee
3. It lests tliu Hclall DrilKulsl Mere, for the
same lensen as can easily be learned hy In
ipilr). llcnce the desire of hoiiie 11 Inllers lesell
their en n preparations, wbUh cost thtuili-ss,
and for which they Ret the smun price, thus
making ineie ineney. Hut
I. It CeKtMliuCntmiiiifrlilMHlliiiunii) ethir
iiiisllclue, liecause of Its printer ceucentriited
striiiKtli and the quniitlly 111 inch bottle, and
becmiMi It Is the only propitiation of u hlch can
truly bei-ahl, ' 100 lssm One Dellar."
That the jieeplu apprtilutu this U she 11 by
the fact Hull Heed's .Sarsnparllln has the Ijiru
estsalenfimy s.irs.isirlllnerblis)d purlrler. 11
l)s.scssc.s jKH-ulIar uicrlt uud illscu wonderful
When ) en buy )our sprint: inedlilne you
want the besL Ak for IIikkI'h buisapurlUa, mid
Insist upon liiiNlm; It. IM110I lit any mKumeiit
or jHTsunsleii Intliicnci you te bu) what ) en de
net waul. lie sure te eel Hie ideal tprhiK niistl
.Seldb) nil driiKKlnts. U, six for M. Prepaid!
enl) by C. I. I10O11 .1: CO., Uwell, Mas.
110 IK).-.i;h ONi: UOLUIH. (.1)
tUJ;A,,,'T.;!SHUl1 0U i-OUK,15cK.NTUK
.My e n distillation. scplS-lfd
fOlt ItKNT
l1 ItlltldlllL-,
.Ne. :IM Casl Klnir street. Annlv ut ItlM'lii-'V
lib. ...ill iiiu.ieiii 1111, ,rii, lilt mi.
hlllltlC'h Orecery Hteie, cermr of l-ii-t Kliiir
and Plum streets, Hcnlleu. Jcl'J-aid
Otilluancc fur i,icienllnaeelJi.ut 0) rlre,
and Hie Im tter pivsoratlen of order In the clt) ,
" "ii"f iiriwomsepenuiinr 111 a similar man.
.1.. .,. T. - -...-b, .-.-- .. ...a -. ....... ..
i"i "iwiin iiiu lining 01 liiccnv.
Jv20-lld KUW. l.DOKltl.Ky, JIajer.
PniLAetLrntA, Friday, June 21
, 1W9.
r2ic Batiste at 8c.
Sc Ctallis at 6c.
Fast color Lawn at $c.
Three of the timclieut stuffs at
tihy prices we ever told veu of.
The Batiste was iac yes
terday. Ne reason why it
shouldn't be te-day. Geed
cloth, pretty patterns white
and ecru grounds, with black
and blue figures.
Just se with the Challis 8c
en Thursday. A remarkable
stufl at 6c. Twe steps away it
leeks like French at half a
dozen times the price.
The Lawn is of geed, ser
viceable quality, in a pleasing
variety of fast-color designs.
Coel, neat. As big a 5 cents
worth as you're ever likely te
get in such cotton.
Northwest of tentrp.
Light-weight things have
crowded te the front all ever
the Clothing Stere.
Whatever you wish.
Ceat and Vest from Seer
sucker at $1 te neat effects in
wool and silk stripes at $7.50.
Black Alpaca Coats by the
thousand, $i-50 "P- Clergy
men's lengths tee, of course.
Fancy Wash Vests, 1 te
$3.50. . t
A nebby suit te lounge about
in skeleton build, light, easily
cleaned fabric, $8.50. Ceat
and vest alone, $6.
But don't skip the Serge.
Blue, 10 and $12 ; black at
$10 the suit. Positively fast
colors. Better serge than we
ever had before at anything
like the price. The $12 suits
are worth $15 if they're worth a
penny. You'll say se if you're
a judge.
White and Fancy Flannels
for the boys. Sailor or blouse.
A few, finger marked, half
Nenr Thirteenth and Market streets corner.
If you are after Linen for the
Summer Cottage (or any ether
use) as extravagant a thing as
you can de is te skip our Linen
Keiithwest of ecntre.
Choice Mequettes, $1.20.
$1.50 and $1.35 Brussels, $1.
85c Tapestries, 70c.
75c Ingrains, 60c.
That's the lop-sided sort of
prices you'll find en many tie
sirable lets in the Carpet store
if you're quick.
Art Squares, Smyrna, Oil
Cleths and Straw Mattings arc
going out with the same rush
ing tide.
Hecentl tloer, Market stiiel side. Pour ele ele
Miters. 2,000 pieces Bohemian Glass
ware go te half and third te-day.
Satin, Cameo, Ball Optic,
Gilt Decorated, Iced Crystal,
and ether favorite styles :
berry bowls
UKiir bowls
en 11111 Jiirs
oil cruets
biscuit Juts
cases, etc.
Frem c te $2 each.
hecend Meer, second (jnllcry.
Take a Kodak with
you en
the trip ; it will
memory for you
be eyes and
Leaded for
100 shots, $25.
Optical Counter, Juniper streit entrance.
Ne one knows better, than
the Japanese hew te put a
pleasant chill en het weather.
Bamboo and paper and Jap wit
they de the business here as
well as in Yokohama.
Fans first.
Flat Japs gay with impossi
ble men and beasts and water
things for as little as 3 cents.
Common palm for 2c.
A very geed Felding Fan of
tlecerated parchment paper at
5c. Yankee craftsmen wouldn't
want te put the sticks together
for that.
The 10c folder is an excel
lent Fan that began the season
at 20c.
Flat Palm Fans with bamboo
handles and silk corded edges,
15 and 20c. They'll stand as
much grief and raise as much
wind as any Fan you'll find.
Ning Be Fans (woven straw)
30c ; colors.
Decoration Fans big enough
te hide the fireplace and bright
enough te cheerify the gloomi
est room, 75c te gi.25.
Japanese Lawn Umbrellas
from 5-feet at $1.50 te S feet
at S3.
Japanese Parasols, 20 te 75c.
Perch Screens of split bam
bee that let in the air and bar
the sunshine, come in various
sizes: 8xS feet, $.1.25; Sxte
feet, $5 ; 10x12 feet, $6.50, and
se en.
Big counters besides for the
myriad decoration bits that
give picturesqueness te houses
in Mikade land.
Juniper and Market sirectsci'-iier.
Jehn Wanamaker.
sell our goods by saninle teithe wholesale
and retail trade. Ktructt manufacturers In our
line. Knclese 2-ivnt stamp. Wage fj relay.
Permanent Hisllleii. Ne iHMtals auiueicil,
Meney uduiucisl fur waxifc, ads crtlslni.', etc-.
MprlS-Wtduxl Clucliituttl.OliIe.
vriecuT rmek tuax.
a' at m 5; -a
Cut Price Sale I
I'rlces which were 3.1,:an37;ct
Itcductd te 12Je. r yard
Sateens and Ginghams
J. ULsLrry Stamm, ' 24 Centre Square.
the most desirable, and mint comfortable
si in pes ami styles any (.Ire. nt KItlHMAN'H
Units' Furnishing 8 tore, 42 West King street.
fl-1K JONKH A CO.,
fj Mmiiiiarlnrerfi reNFKCTIONKKH' KINK
PAPLIt JMJXKS. The most beautiful line In
the United mates. 61.1 Commerce Ht., Philadel
phia, 1'a. Wrlte ferdcserlptlM! price list.
IX fashionable styles and sbadee. the cheapest
and best, at KIUHMANH Ucnls' Furnishing
Hterc, il West KIiik street.
At this day, when competition Ucrent, the
customer leeks le see. Who WIves.Net Premises
Customer, Htep! Think t Who pay for ex
tenslM'Bilcertlsenients? We de net Advertise llari;alns,Clearlni; Bales,
etc., but itlce you the benefit of Hint which
ethers i;le the printer.
Our Counters Contain All Hint Is New In
Our Prices are the Lewest Possible te de Jus
tice te customer and etirselws.
These Aig Trying Times.
Yes, they me Irylnu times In mole senses than
one; and every gund housewife knows the dlfll
eulty eifliiirliiK keihI, sweet bread In scry het
w enilier lint this tusk may lieiendered com cem
piiratlvcly easy by liuMiig the rlcht kind of
Fleur, and eeiy one who lias used Itadmlts
IstheltlKhtKlud. Try It, mid You'll Iluy It-
Levan & Sens,
HlTI'llllPl.retlS 1IA1II
ou the iipicr Up, chin, tlueut and cheeks de
stroyed forever Mlthnut pain, scar or truce by
the Kleetrle Needle eih ration by Dr. .1. Van
Dyck, Klectre (surgeon, ID North Klecentli
street, Philadelphia. Tills Is tlm only method
In the world that ilestreyx the roots se the hair
can iiccer Krew ui;alii. Ileuieniber this (Hie
use of depilatories, the tiiccers, sclssurs and
riirernnly niiike these luilrs crew eisirser, stiller,
darker aniljmere numerous. If you huse hairs
en ; our face) en will curry tbeiii le the Krai"
with you unless seu luiM' them ilcstre)cd By
the Iaectrlc Needle. Dr. Van l))ck has ndvnii
tiigcs ecr all ethers In electric es'riitlin;. He
whs the second physician in the world te is'r is'r
ferm this oienilleii. He has operated for tlilr
lien ) cars, aud theilemand for his services bus
Increased se that he bus kI cii up all oilier prac
tice, and makes the remecal of Superlliieiis
Hair, lllrlh and Wine Marks, Discolored hears.
Meles, Wens, Hiiiall Tumors. Excrescences en
thcc)e-ll(l, faceaud bisly. l.nllirneil Veins of
Hie nose, and rue, by the Kleetrle Needle, an
exclusive special!). Huix'rlliieiis hair tsasen
hIHmi subject ullli every relliusl lady, and the
doctor eliserccN Hie strictest privacy lu every
cave, and never punlMies eerllllcates of cures.
He numbers anion;; his patrons many of our
lead I ni; society ladles from every part of the
country. Yeu can consult him with cveiy con cen
ih nee. If. veu have this obnoxious tcrewth of
hair, he It ever mi slight or Hie reveise, don't
liiKb'Ct It another day, but consult Dr. Van
Dvckaleiux- Heek free. Advlctfree. Terms
wllliln the means of every one; don't neglect
) our case aunt her day. Consult Dr. Van Dyck
at once. Olllcn mid operating rooms, 40 North
Eleventh stieet. Hours, II In 5 ; Humlii) h, 10 tell.
Nete Dr. Van D)ck, Klectre Hurgeeii of Plill
aiblpblii, has been called te liiicnster te treat
several society Indies, am! can be consulted at
the Stevens Heuse, (Parlors C and II), Ijineas
ter. Pa., Irciiu Meiiibiy, .lune -I, teSatillilav,
Jiiue 1"J. Hours ti te 5, and during this visit
call treat a number of new patients. Call
promptly. JelMwd
vVedeslrotecall Ithe attention .if censimiers
efiStcam (jiKidsand Kuglneers'Hiippllcs, toetir
btrce mid vailed stock of lilies. Valves, Ces'ks,
Malleable and fast Iren Fittings, AsIm-kUw.
ViilcnlH-stmi and I'siulurliin, .sheet. Piston mid
Valve Packings; Scotch and Hed Line Itetlect
Ing (lauge Classes, Mteaiu lladlnters and Steam
Heating Apparatus; Set and Cap Screws, and
In fuel alinikst ever) thing required hy steam
users, uud all of which vie eiler at prices which
we guarantee te lie lower than these of any
iiinei ueiiifi ui nils Mciiuir.
We have positively
the Im
urgcst stei'k, and be
ing ceimecitMl with the Telenheim Kxeliiim-p.
are prcimred In receive and till llll orders 111 tliu
shortest possible lime. When In want of any.
thing lu our line, call en us for prices anil we
will convince jeu of our ability and willing,
less te save) oil Meney, IVIay mid Vexation.
Our facilities for furnishing Knglnes, Hellers,
Shafting, ViilIeiH, Hungers, sjms'IuI Machlner),
1'liimhcnt' and lias I-liters' Toels, Patterns,
Mislels, and Iren mid llrass Castings and ler
the prompt rep ilr of all kind of machinery are
uncMelleil lu Ijincaster, and we res ikvi fully
solicit a share of )our patronage.
Central Machine Works,
LANCAStr.u, Pa.
Weed Werk, Keasoiiaule Charges, Prompt
lies. Telephone connection il3-tfdll
Standard Carriage Werk.
i:dw. FDUiaU.KY,
Ne. W, il. a, 45 Market Street, ltiar of Piwt
ciftlce, Uiucaster, Pa.
Buggies, Phietens, Family Carriagies.
'I he llnest stock In thecenutrv te select from.
We can suit ever) body. Pi Ices ie suit the times
tine line el secend-lliuid Werk.
New Is Ilic time te get your Carriages He
painted and Repaired Our repairing cannot
be excelled. One si t of workmen csivclally em em
ple)Cd ler that purpose.
Cull uud examine whether you wish le buy or
JJ1CYCL1X, l'HICCl.hs. I AND! .MS.
Tricyles, Tandems,
ii.i.isritATia) cataloeci; fi:i:.
lilt VNCII HOl'SKj-V 18 W aire ii HI., New Yerk
ai WabaliAe., Cblcnge.
Fer Sale, by JOHNH. MLbKIt, Ne. I North
btreet, Columbia. auj-lydced
fPrg p0f
Cut Price Sale I
40PlNClnmhrny IltesOlnuhnms were sold
. nt UXc reduced te le. a yard.
All our 8J rent Flee ChRllIn reduced te 5 cent
All our 10 cent Fine Clinlllcn reduced te 8 cents
All our 12)i and 15 cent Best Challle reduef d te
lOcenlsa ynrd.
Following will Im found a list of goods low priced ulwnjs In our steck: Child's
Oeld Finger Kings, 23e.; Misses' Oeld Finger Mugs, 75c.; Ijidlcs' Oeld Finger Kings, tl.OO
Hkcve lluttens, 25c, M)e,, J1.00; Cellar llutteiis, 25c te t.V0; Diamond Cellar Uuttens,
f.'.OO; Iidlcs' and Misses' llnastplns, SJc. te f 1.00; Mourning Tins and Karrlngs, 25e. le
5.00; Hraeclels, 25c. teJIO; Nickel Clocks, Jl.00; 8-Dny Mantle Clocks, S3.75; Ladles'Oeld
Watchen, SI5.76; Nickel Watches, $1.00; Bllver Watches, 810.
VKepalrlng In nil branches by geenl workmen and all work warranted.
Wilten, Velvet, Bedy Brussels, Tapestry, Ingrain, Damask
and Venetian, Rag and Chain Carpets.
We Have the Largest and best Stock in TiiECirv.
Cor. West King and Water Sts., Lancaster, Fa.
At . price during this month.
50 dez. All-Linen Towels,
size, 20 inches wide, 42 inches
long, at 9c each.
25 dez. Knotted Fringe
Bleached All-Linen Towels, at
22c ; regular price 35c.
100 dez. Towels, geed size,
reduced te 2c each.
Every Napkin in stock,
bleached and unbleached, re
duced, and about 25 dez. slight
ly soiled at l2 price.
Bleached Table Linens, 52
inches wide, reduced te 35c a
56 inches wide, reduced te
42c a yard.
25 pieces Turkey Red Table
Linen, guaranteed te be fast
colors, reduced from 25c te 17c
a yard.
Unbleached Table Linen, all
Bargains in very depart
ment. J. B. MARTIN & CO.,
Cor. West King & Prince Sts.,
Lancaster, Pa.
Kirk Jehnsen & Ce.,
Hare the I-irgest and Finest Stock of 1'laues
and Orttnus te In seen lu Ijincaster.
In eurKuiull Ware Department )ou will rind
Harnienlcas, Accordceus, Violins, llanjes, (Jul.
tarsand (Small Musical Instruments of tviry
Finest Imported .Strlnts. Headquarters for
nil the ljitct. Novelties In Our Line. Trices guar
anteed te be the Leu est.
hlu et music sold at one-third less than cata
logue price and mailed te all parts et the coun
try. Ti-achcrs will please write for Special
hci-iiiid-IIiind Karguln Department j One Is.
ter 8e,uare Tlane, almost new ; one Oa'ble
Njuare, one Dearbeu, one New Lnglaud all In
iMsxt order, and the jirlies will suit you; oue
(hiking Square flune a incut bargain, flood
Second Hand Organs ut prices, that will surprise)
Ne. II West Klnghlre-et.
3-T. S. Tlanes, Organs and Fine Furniture
moved. Cull and examine tin) Svw Harris
Music Hinders n.'llviUw
r l'thkus."kaufVm"an,
Second Fleer Kshlcman Law llulldlug. Ne. (1
North Puke Sticct, npr3-l)dtvr
A Nil MUnil'M
li ufizlit tindi rvi ear lu all crudes
and iinv KKISMANH Uentr 1-uriilshlin; btert,
(J West Klu street.
AU our I2Jcent 44 Inch Wide India d'Llnen re
duced te 10 cents a yurd.
Din Bargain In Crazy nr Crepellue Cleth, 1J,S
cents a yard.
10 Cent BatUte reduced te R cent a yard.
This sale is the most Important erer made by
Our litylea and QualttlM are rlcht and thn
I I'rlce the Lewest.
Hall. I
t ,
-AT Till
New Yerk Stere.
III every variety of deslKii at low prices.
At 'S, 11, 37X. ", &iyt cents a yard.
At SI, .17',, 15, m, 62, 75 cents a yard.
At 7.ic, Me, Si. 51.25, 1.50 te M n yard.
III widths suitable for every purpose nt low
At Very Lew I'rlces.
In Swiss, Cumbria Nainsoek.
G, 8 and 10 East King Street
rriaii amaktin.
Are yeii' looking for Toilet
Sets, either painted neatly or
with elaborate decorations, or
n which the artist's skill is dis
played? Yeu can have no better
opportunity te supply your
wants than te call and see our
assortment. About the price and
quality there can be no question.
The privilege of exchanging if
net satisfactory, together with
the large variety te select from,
are advantages "te be had at
15 East King St.
Jcflttt itoticce.
.111 Lancaster clt), T.i.,dcei'ase-d, letters trs
laiiieutary 011 S.1I1I c-stute havlni; Ih-cu e
10 me uninr.uncii, an istseiis mnt-nici
till lis.
( ' 1 'j HV - S- H ttlll (V" JII11S S41M tJ ISIlllllll.
and these linvlin; elaluis or demands against
the same, will liresent tlieiu wltbeut delay for
cttli'incnt te the underslened.
Ijincaster, l"a.,
LF.OTOLD lllltnll,
1'hlladelphla, l'a..
CHAh. I. La Mi is. Attorney, iny2f-t)tdF
1 f nra nuiiiiul,..! te. iii ll-n lii.aiirull ilA tint tix.i.i
lite Dress Goods
-ri.. gLf &Jv . S - f -.
.' s. . r .' ",.
:-? ,