Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, June 20, 1889, Image 2

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    I . '.Vltt
til) gttteUtflcttccr.
7 ROBEKT CLARK, Tubliehtr. .. .
', .V
j- ' ' T V
rT day In the year, but Sunday. Bcrved
te carrier In IhU city urnl surrounding
ti, tewni nt ten etnta n week. Hy mall five del-
jp iMi a jrrnt In advance I 50 reitUa mouth. k
. mr renin n year, in ml Tuner,
ICE TO 8U8BCIUBEnS-Itfrmll by' check
ft posterrlce order, and where neither of
l : Iheiecnn be procured send In n registered
MCT. '
fcifcin I nt the rostefflcr, ns rccend class mull
?'. f; AeniiEss, THE mTELUOENCER.
ff Lnncnstcr, ra.
XLAHOAiTMl, PA.. June 20, 1889.
w , i , i , , i
;$? The CMrage roller. K
t The conduct of the Chlcace neliec In
f fifce" Creij'ln case la worthy of close ntlcn
' wen. it, would appear tlint ineir utx'ni
,Ubns nrxi illreckxl with ntunMlty, ras
.Reality or iudlflcrciicc. They begnu by n
'$etey but careless wnrch for Crenln'ti
ibedy wlille civiiiK crvat liniiertaiiee te
tbe h'y rumors that he was yet nlive.
V.TbeiLliln body win found by accident in
-fi place' that nny Intelligent searcher
i$euM have examined among the llrct.
l'ThU.ccnied te nretid the jKilki) mid
''iL 4k.t nntrtMnltliul II... ., l.l 1 Ifl I ll l en1ln4l
tftBf mere or lew important develeiiments
.'nd sonic unimportant jirrestx. 'I'licu
f '$? pante Hint Mnnilipv' mill Mi'IVmnhl mii
tiMtlen niid thcnliielulu failure te Itleii-
tify the men, following k strangr eare
fcsRncextn the form of thu lemuud for
fcjSthem. New they have promptly re-
?placcd that n'lisjitien with another from
y jnBUUOua wufruaiiinn linincu imrHt'iuui
'troubled with lliree or four nllnie, linn
a been ludlcteit reluctantly iiy tlie grand
jury hecnuoe he rc-cmbled a man In a
iLsfs. photograph of the ('orison cottage. He
Is said te I disposed te turn statu h cvi-
itl denee and may iwrluip? rival that
ip- voluminous eonfef-ser Woetlruir, who is
another worn out pet wllne of the po
lice. If the police of Chicago were man-
$ aged by, and for the benefit eflhueuler-
?3gr prising papers of that city they could
.v net liave worked better In keep up In
w. tercM, mil trie public is growing Meary.
m;x If Chicago wishes te held a repulntien
ihth as a community where the law Ii rc-
pf. Bpected'and murder discouraged fhc had
SRs belter snake up her jwiice force, it win
V,i noiue ie iruiu wiiu mis i. ruiini iiiaucr.
aV . J J !., ... .11 .- ... - .1 -
p'ine existence ei a iiiuriicreus league
i' can net be telcrided by free institutions,
fi&' for It menaces that iierseiiiil lllicrty
Hi' which is nt (he basis of popular rule.
s -
Whl It Means.
-vrhc 6Ufrrngeuiiuiidiniiit is defeated
III the state Iriiearly as large a majority
.j, as the prohibition amendment, I'liiln-
p- ubiiiiih nun xinunuen Dcinginueniy iwe
? 'jUllltlllali !..,.. I. .. L.ll.. ,. .......
- wuuui-9 iiii n ii Jiiajuru. ll vii.s
jigS. mere widely disapproved ever the tale
'fy than prohibition, and if Philadelphia
rg&, liaduet been swept in its favor by the
tr Arr,,Mlltlt (if llw flnilrmr.ii fifluitli rvm.
-a r. , v" r
ueime ami ltcpiiuiicuu city cuiiiiiiiiu-ch
t,f Kinupjiuriii, me iiittjeniy agaiiifcihui
m f frage without taxation would have, been
'V much greater tliiiu II was ugaiust pro pre
t hibltien. UiKin tbn hitler is-ue u nimi-
if ber of counties recorded themselves for
d the amendment, the northern tier going
s& that way from Knst te Weft as far us
Erie, mid the western mimf left nl-n in'ii.
ilf-ii' ..!.... I ...... .7.
viuiif giving a )roiueuiou niajeniy ;
but there was a sturdy sentiment
against granting the aullragc te men
pl who are net willing te pay asinall tax for
ti,j lae eujeymeui ertneir prlvllegi-s its cill-
asns. it is a very sound Mjiitlmunt, and
wc rejoice at its expression, net the less
that It lmS hurprl"cd us.
. The Legislature wheuld lake note of
this feeling and provide ctllclciit laws
for refusing the biillVage te these who du
net pay their own tax. It may Iks that
then should Imjseuk; Increase in the Mini
of this tax demanded us a prerequisite
for voting, which is new but twenty-live
cents ; but what is ccrtiiiuly demanded
its that the tax Bheuld le securisl from
lthe voter, and that political parlies
ikouldnetbejiciinlttcd tepayit ferhlni.
A jvnalty of imprisonment imposed
upon such payment would step It;
the working politician would net care te
run the risk of a jail. Certainly no one
will say tlmt this tax has Urn retained
by the people with a view te its lteing
paid by political part leu. There is a law
-new requiring the payment te lie iimde
by the voter, and it is this law that the
people have expressed their dcxire te
have sustained. Tliey want every voter
te pay a tax ; and this instruction" of the
vote en the amendment cannot be mis
taken. The Prohibition Shriek.
State Chairman l'alnier seems te ex
pect the prohibition eau te rise
Phecnix-like from its ashes ; but It is
always thus with the side that gees
down. HepeJs net easily crushed in the
human beMin;but one would think
that se decided a decision as that just
rendered by Pennsylvania should siilllce
te commit the Prohibition party net
only in the stale, but In the country, te
a very long sleep. It is possible "that
another generation may reverse the
verdict ; but if se it will be Ix-causc- the
friends of temperance have net done
their duty. It is they who are en deck
new and te whom is committed the
suppression of the evil of intoxication.
Prohibition as a remedy having lst'ii
rejected, the coast Is clear for the trial of
u strictly controlled license system, of
vwhlch the basis is fairly established by
the present laws. The aim of the law
wlli Ini te protect society against the
abuse of lutexicanth ; aad it will neck te
accomplish it by confiding the sale or it
te these only who show their ubilily mid
disposition te observe the law and pre-
veui nuciiijieraic uruiKlug,
Mr, rainier is very much dissatisfied
with such friends of temierance as
these. He wauts te take llrmer by the
threat and throttle it at once. He would
forbid everyone Its use that some may
EjLr "m BUUMJ auu u nus eecn a rcmark
ftV hle feature of this contest, that vcrv
l. 1 .-.... 1. ..! . . . .
juauy jieepie who ute intoxicants them
elves, were prohibitionists. A great
many were employers or labor who hin e
been put te less by the drunkenness of
their workmen ; uud many werethem
aelvcs werkinenien who iv.,.,,i . ..
p&! kept from temptation. Ecu the vote In
&. Clearficld'ceuntv and the ii.ii..,,,i ,.,i
g-ji' ing country, In favor of prohibition.
pr ciucu rcsuiis nave ni-eit surprising ; their
fcv . Jmtructien is that the prohibition vote
'i was net ine vote ei temperance men
' if-.' nl1." Illsl fla tliu Vltin n.r.iti... ... l.ll.I.t
jT -""rff rf"" "- " (!" 1'IUIilUUlOIl
..wasnet that alone of Iliiuerdriukers.Mr.
! Jaliuer cannot claim te have led solid
jehalanx of tenijieraiiccmcn. Seme of
f kin anny disliked rum as much as he
,-'4ei,but a big number disliked it only
""la lu consumption by ethers, or wanted
,k dp from theinselvM.
There U a big crowd of jeop!e In the
werld who are ready te restrict ethers
Wt uubl or unwilling te restrain
'Uttiuwlvc; thl prohibition amcndnicnl
Have tUema tine opjiertuulty fur purude.
ItptvfOMd te fwbid the mauufavtute
and sale of Intoxicants, but left every,
dnefrw te keen his btfttlc lu kis home.
Itew "chairman JPnlincr cenl ' hjrt-e ex-
pectca te tiiremeiiicunnKani( wiien
siidi reidy pteatWw survival was
precldwl by the nrTienilmenth net easily
seen; but it Is only nnothcr'lemoiistrn nnethcr'lemoiistrn nnothcr'lemeiistrn
tiou that men who go off ennn excur
sion, of knight errantry arc net very
follciteus about the game they may bag.
Tut: St. Ixails tilehfrDtmutml says:
."The fnit that ttlclitiienri, V., is Innklng
the boilers and mnihliipry of one of the
new warhlps, Hint Alnbnnm mid Tonnes Tennes
see iinw taken n place beslde the lending
4roii-prediicliig states of the Cnlen, and
that one or two ether localities only n few
hundred miles this side of the dulf or
Mexico' linve geno extensively Inte the
cotton ninntifucturing litislncss, shows that
lhe Industrial cciitroefgnivltyortholtnlleil
.States Ih net as fnr north of the old linn of
Masen fc Ulxen as It was llfleen or t enly
yc-irs age." And by the development of
t'le great Northwest the ngtiniltuml ccnlrn
may be further neith. We hctiii Ie be
linl.'iucltig slowly.
Tin: United Stales steamer (Julniinbaug
has relumed te New Yerk, nflcr eleten
years of eriee in Kurepcnn waters, and
Mill prelmbly lie sold or used as a coal hulk,
usher beilers ami hull are in bad eeiidi
Hen, and woeilcu ships are hardly worth
rrjialring for the navy. When commis
sioned in IWH, she Mas spoken or as a
yaeht, because or her lirautlful model. The
return ofthefjulnnclmiig leaves the Kuril
jwan station eccupieil by the U-incnslcr,
lliigsblp, and the KnterprNe. The Ijincas
ter Is new en her way home, and the boil
ers of the Kntorprlse arc in such Irnd con
dition that she can carry very little .steam
and must rely almost entirely en lier sails.
It would s'eeiu high Minn that the new
n.ivy was afloat, when our only ship loll
In liureicaii wnlets Is n worn mil sailing
esscl of worst.
Tliuiin is need for apillaiices te lender
mere Mfe Iho peeple who venture upon
sea, hike and river. When vessels are
drUen by tempest iinin lclges near the
shore, where a life cannot be used, a
small cannon Is brought Inte service,
threw leg a projwtlle with a line, attached
nut towards Iho wieck. Peeple en the
wreck pull in the line and drag the end or
n heavy rejiu with II, mid en this the
breeches buoy Is rigged. This Is llke a
large julref breeches, In which the people
slland are pulled nshoie by ihe line and a
pulley iiiuuing en the cable. The apparatus
has saved many lives, and Is in uw)
at all the II In saving stations, but the
rangu of the gun Is necessarily short
because It has te be light enough te
be dragged ever the beach easily
and also bocause of llin danger or breaking
thu repe. His'krts Willi rope attached, llred
rreni ii mortar, would probably have been
or great servlce telhe crowsen the inon-ef-warat
Apia during the liurrlcane theie last
February. The vessels wiun in lhe harbor,
close enough, it would seem, te connect
with the laud by rocket, luxenleis are
considering the utility or the linn mid
rocket. One Is te be testnl in Washington
tn-day, and there Is considerable
Interest In Iho result, The device
Is the incnlien or an old whaleman who
Is Iho inventor of Iho oxplesixo harpoon for
c.iptuiliig whales. The merit claimed for
the new rocket Is that it will carry within
iUclf and pay out the life line In thncourse
erits Hlght, while projectiles new llred
fruiingmi havu tetlragthu liiicaller the
shot. It is also claimed that the new rocket
will cairy a line ever 1,000 yaitls, v much
gieater distante than any pinjectile new lu
use. At Iho lust session of Congress a law
was pat sod reipilrlngntl se.i-gtilngandlake
steamers, after March Ih'.nl, te cairyllnc cairyllnc
threwlng pnijectlles, and It ia believed this
nuw del Ice, which may be readily handled
by any lierseu mi a wieek, will fully an
swer Iho lil'e-snving iliost:ser thelaw.
The Dxhlbltleu will lie attended by n large
nuuihei or nival elllctirs and ether persons
intercted In saving UTe from wieeked ves
sels. i'i:itse.vAi,.
I.. I'. Iti:i: us and wile, who liae been
vlsllliig relatives lu this city ler Iho past
iiientli, lell for Iheir heuieat Dayton. Ohie,
last ulglil.
Wh.i.ia.m II vnii Ai'i', proffKser of
flreek ill .Swarlhinerc, has been elcclisl
leiiipiiniiv picsldcnt oi'ihe iitstltiitimi, vice
Ilr. Maglll, leslgnetl.
I.jjsii: I). Shim:, of Columbia, ws
niuiing the graduates el' Kwarthiiiore col cel col
lege en Tuesday, hbe Hveixtsl the tle tle
gieuef batlielei of letlers.
Klisiia Packiui, agetl 70 vears, nepliuw
of the lain Asa PacUer, of Vcnni.vlan!a,
tiled en Wednesday ill a North Ittver pier
In New Ymk, where he was employed us
Hen. M. Minion Itiiesirs ilcliM-red the
auniial million at the I'ciniMylvaula Mili
tary ar.uleniy al Chester en Wcdnesdav
tixenllig. lllssublcct was " Dungnis of the
Pntuu'," the chief el' which he considered
iguonince or Iho inasses, lhe mania Ter
Speculation, the struggle between capital
anil labor, the growing mmibeis el tbe
Anarchist clement, uiiil the low est I mate
placed by the great masses upon Wrlue ami
Tin: max Tiu:r m-imi; or iik.hi.v.
A ltonilntsecnccerilio IJieat I'IiiimI In the
Deliiwiirelii .Iiiiie IHIC'.
Ce in pa red with the Ceiiuuiaugh dls.ister
the teriibln doluge In the Delawaie Millev
ninl Its Irlbiitarv streams In June, lNli,
seems its a trilling catastrophe, although
villages weie swept awav anil ne.ulv -1K
lles lest in the Iildgfi legion alone.
"Theie weie m.uiv flight fill expeilenccs
during that, UeihI,'' an old Wavnti
leunty liimbeiiiian, "and mie esjicciallv Is
still the wonder of Iho valley. A tramp
linker, named .lames Hiley, crawled upon
a haystack that steed en thu iiur Hal at
Ctillicein in the upper Del.iwain valine.
He was intoxicated. He awoke Ireui his
drunken stiiMii- te ilud liiiiisc)t'lle.itlng en
Iho haystack tlew n Iho rler in a
rearing Hewl. This was about Tour
o'clock in Ibe alternoen. Tlmhavstaek was
ktiecktsl te plis-es ag-alust u budge six
miles ilewiithestrc.ini. ltlle wustliiewii
Inte the mass of wreckage w flh which the
rler was llllisl, lie clung te an nuthouse,
which was wrecked in C.wlieiten I'alls, a
mile below the bridge. Itllev was beiue
along the crashing legs and 'piles ir ether
drift for seven miles, and at Xariewnhurg
wascarrletl upagaiiisi one of half a deen
rafts that were mneicd in lllg IMilv at that
place. Itcfere he could leach sfime Iho
rafts were broken fteni their moeriiig bv
the lloetl antl swept en down the river.
They w ere nil wrecked in the narrow Lip
ids two miles below, and Itllev Ien ml blm-
seirattheilieicy or the !loed clinging le
the ragged fragments of the raft he was en.
On this he lode thirty miles, when it was
reduced te two tlmbcis in the wild waters
or Heller's Palls aliivc Pert Jcr.i, N. Y.
It was then dark. Clinging te the lash
ings of ihe twetiiiibeisKilcv entered upon
the wildest nights ildn that anv man
ovcrcnceuiiteied. At tlavlight he p.issisl
through the Delaware gap let) miles from
his staitiug place. The passage of the
most dangerous place in Iho river, Keul
Jtltl, near Ilelvldeie, which enlv the most
expericuccil pileta will atteuipt te run a
raft through, was mntle by lllley's Heat.
The rill Is three miles long, and rails hnve
been known te clear It in right minutes.
In passing through this rill llllcy was sub
merged uearlv the cntlre distance. An
hour antl a hall later bis timbers were
thrown iisui a pile of drift against the
Kasteu bridge, and he was leseued. He
was nearly nude slid was terrible loin and
lacerated. The distance between C'ullicem
and K.isttm u j:ui miles anil Hllev's wild
nde (K-cuplcil but fourteen hours.'1
He Oeth ti'flaee ler thu Husband .r JMs
rathur-lu-Ijnv'M XIn-.
Russell Ii. Harrison's relations and
family connections are still iiitchlng en te
geed government places. It has Just been
discovered that P. A. llaynes, the recentlv
appointed law clerk or the iKi-mllke ilo ile
partuient, U the husband of the niece of
the Cither-ln-law of the son of the presi presi
deat. Tlie relationship ajijiears te be some
what remote, but during the uxlucnce of
the pi adiuiuislratleii Mr. Uaynes
will iv ei, i 2,UM per uuiium ler having
been letuuati sueugli te marry the cousin
of ltusll U. UairJen' wife.
i '
.Tub Oral Deqn, by Blanche WUHs
RewaH, author ef'v,,One Hummer,"
"(feenn," Olie Year Abtnarl," etc, pub
lished by Houghten, Mlllllu A- Ce., Ilo-ten
mid New Yerk. .
Fiction has atTerdett no mere charming
glimpses of tlernmu lire than are found In
"The 0ieu Pt0r,,, by Miss Heward. It Is
a bright story, notwithstanding that the
eien deer is the deer of suicide. Count.
Huge Ven Krenfels, the heir le all old
name and large estate, lu the mtdst of his
gay lift) in the court city of Wynburgi is
rcntlered a helpless cripple by a fall from
his horse. One could almost under
stand that a man who had led the
life he had, suddenly losing all
that In his eyes innde Ufa worth living,
would find a certain rclleflu the thought
that tbere was oue escape le his misery,
until the Influence) or a gixxt man anil
neble woman, hail brought him te see that
the deer though always open must here
after he a deuhlc-l.itchcd one le him. Ills
mother, Iho Countess von Krenfcls, is a
thoroughly selfish woman of the world,
who apparently has mom sympathy with
her deg "Meusey" than with her seu.
(iabrlelle, lhe young Iliiieuess ou Melina,
v he had been brought up by her father
lu miner lhe rural districts, hecmncs com
panion te the countess. It 1m with greal
skill that Miss Heward shows the gradual
lullueiite iJra'.inllleand Henhanl Dlety, a
stone carver, obtain exer thu Count en
Krontels. Perhaps (Imbnllle'schaiaeter Is
a Illlle overdrawn, for It seems baldly pos
sible Hint n girl with the simple and direct
nature she had, could be able te impe w lib
success against Iho schemes of Ihn countess.
Seme persons might object te the pimnl
nent place "Mousey'' plays In the story,
but a tleg who eau show with such
success the shallowness of the countess ile ile
ser.ns special notice. Miss Heward's
stjle Is bright antl fresh, her characters me
instinct with life and vigor, and the story
Is admirably written. Your Interest Is
sustained thtoiigheut the hook.
The author or "Oue Summer" would
havn used her talents well II she hail gene
en turning out mere witty trllles or the
same kind, for In spltn or the undoubted
strength ami beauty or her ether literary
work it may be hcltl that wit and humor
are better reading than trngedy, anil Miss
Heward lias net hcitiot'ero shown the
MmkcHpe.uail faculty of lellevlng the one
w.h Iho oilier, liueuuisa mnsterplete,
buttpiite loe soinbre te tempi one te read
irioreortho same lemerseless, weu meas
uring kind ; and lu taking up "The Open
l)oer" the reader wants te knew wimther
the same unhappy key geicrns the last
pages. AsKiiiaucecaii be given that 11 does
The I'miri' rbirt'i((iin)i has the follow
ing stery: Wlille Antheny i'rollepo wns
w riling " The Last Chronicle or Ilarsel,"
he surprised a Irleinl oue day by saying le
him, " There's the end of Mrs. Proudle 1"
" Why? "nskisl the friend.
Mr. i'rollepo rejilltsl that he was writing
oue day In the - club, wlille a group of
young clergymen gathered mound the II re
place, were talking about Iho novel, which
was appearing as a serial, lie could net
help eveiliearlng them, us they praised thu
wtuk, but ngiGed that Mrs. Preudlc was
becoming an Intolerable nuisance
"What did you de?" asked the lilend.
" Well," replied Trollepe, " I hcMtntcd
a goetl deal what le de j but I finally niade
up my mind, and went up te them ami ex
plained that I couldn't help hearing what
they were saying, and I lidded, ' I am very
much obliged te you. I him Antheny Tiel Tiel Tiol
lepo and I'll go home and kill Mrs.
Preudle.'" And he did se.
llii:ili:.Nsn:iN,by I'. Marlen Ciawl'eril,
Maciiilllau ,V Ce., New Yerk. Willi all
hi i faults, mid they are neither small nor
ftiw, this iiutlierhns the gill era geed story
teller, and It hardly lessens the inleiest of
his tales le knew that he sometimes de.
scribes things in minute ami accurate de
tail as hu llnils them lu his own Imagina
tion. Ily this piectiss lie iii.ule "Mr.
Isaacs" iiiteicstliig, II' net instinctive, and
when in ".oieaslci " he chesn u tlcld se
little known that he had mi fear of critics,
the result "as quite Impressive. Craw Turd
has been steadily gelling better control til'
his genius, mid in (lieifensteln Is far less
iccMehs in describing things he knows
nothing about. Culess we am sorely ile
celNed he lenlly does knew the lift) he here
describes with siuh giaphic mid wviiipa
lliellc skill.
There Is mi old Herman nobleman lHlug
in ictlieiiieiit, with lilsspliii loeken b, thu
ilKle.Milly et'a step-bietlier in the stormy
ilaNHePIS. He had been unhappily mar
ried te a young widow but his whole life
waswrnpiied up ill his seu Uriel", a manly
young fellow who pimulses le icdrcm the
fame of the ancient house, ami Is bctietlietl
le putty Hilda Vim Slgimindskieu,
daughter of a jitKir and distant iclatlve.
Tieuble collies timibllngall eer this pleas
ant plespcct by the sudden leluin or the
exiltsl step-in ether and we leave Iho reader
te Ilud hew (irier mid the ethers me tiled.
There is a clituilrlc old-time spirit lu Ibis
picture el (leruiiiu lift) that would be quite
out or place In n novel efauy ether civilled
land in our own times, The tiulw'rsily
lift), the dueling scenes mid the elisei va' va' va'
tionsen beer and skebhesef charaetcr aie
all excellent. Thcia is one fearfully dmk
seenn in lhe Imek whein two elil men
strangle a woman, but a tmgtsly of the
must leirlble kind seems necessary te the
scheme of the book, and when Ciawl'eril
has te ile w It Ii murder he usually manages
le be quite diabolical.
llebeit Leuis Stevenson Is u riling a story
te be called "The Wrong Mux," mid In
tinier te secuie the copyright he has
engaged his American stcpsmi, I.leyd
Osberne, te write a low ehapteis. Tlie
arrangement N a Hue ndvcitiscnictit for
OsIkiiiiii. A loutilie life Iiisuianee policy
is at (he bottom of lhe plot.
The I.lleand Letters of Itnscoe Cenkllng,
isliled by bis nephew and Mis. Conkling,
ill be published lu the fall.
Ill iii:.vrru.i'r ; or, A Civil Service llo lle llo
feriner, by Itilac, Iranslalcd by Kalher Kalher
ine Piescelt Weiuiley, Husten ; Itebcrts
Hrethers. Iteadeisel' M.ilzae aie constant censtant
ly Iinpiestsl with the whin range or his
knew bilge, antl this book will again ex
cite their wonder by Itsattemien te minute
details that prtne a careful study of the
Prench ei II service of lhes days. Theio
are many ikiIiiIs of interest te'Auiericau
civil Mrice icfoiniers lu spile of the wide
differences of circumstance mid time. The
army of otltcehelders are there and se are
the many weaknesses or human natuie
that trouble and defeat the reformer.
Meanwhile the iuteiests of the story Is
maintained, mid though net milking with
sonie etjier books or llalrne it is geed
Until Injuring Creps.
It has rained at Ulnomhiglen, Illinois,
every day ler two weeks, and much or the
county Is under vvalei. The gieund has
been cold and wel se long that in Iho low
(ildies the corn has become yellow. Should
the rain ee.isu the corn ma,v be saved, but
should it continue a few days longer the
less will be heavy.
A dispatch lien i Lebanon, Indiana, sas
the prospect Ter crops in that section 'is
very discouraging, owing te the long con
tinued rains. A great ileal of the corn Is
under water and the wheat will net vleld
iiioie thiiu halra crop.
r.xtciislvc 1'isijnet t,r j:ug)lsliinen.
A lepiesentnllvoeran Kuullsh syndicate,
has se cited a site at Vallnyje, oiiiWlte the
Mare island uavy yaul, L'allferiii.i, for ex ex
liiiibive lien and slicl winks. It Is htutcsl
that ll),0ou,tiea J,;,!, )W) Huijsdihua fr the
nurpem by UusUh capltallktv.
&LinttamaHtt'. (
l'nlLAr)Ki.rMiA,Tlinrt1sy, June30,'lfflB.
Linen for the Summer Cot
tage. .
You'll marvel, that a little
money will bring se much Linen
lightness and brightness and
coolness into the warm-weather
home. Come along. These
Table-cloths are of geed Ger
man Damask ; honest all the
way through. See, colored bor
ders and fringed. Frem
for 2 yards lengths te $1.75 for
3 yards.
Mere of them ; better. This
time blue grounds with old-geld-and
- white borders, and
ecru grounds with blue-and-white
borders ; 2, 2li, and 3
yards, $1.35. $1.85, and 52.50.
As cheerful and home-like a
cloth as you'll care te see en a
German Bleached Damasks
al "less than you could import
them for by the case. 62-inch
50c, G.j-inch 70c, 72-inch 80c.
Napkins te match 51.50 te 52.
German Cardinal Cleths run
from $'-25 for 8-, te $1.90 for
8x12. Matching Doilies 75c
and 51.
I luck Towels 10 te 25c an
extra heavy, large size, knotted
fringe Tewel for 25c.
A very geed Damask Tewel
for i2c; then up by easy
steps te 50c, or five times 50 if
you say se.
Crushes of all sorts.
But if you want the last de
gree of Summertime luxury
that Linen can give, sleep with
Hard, round thread, 2-yard-wide
French Linen Sheet
ing, 65 and 75c.
2 J4 -yard-square French Lin
en Sheets, icmsilctcd, $4.70 a
pair. All we'll have this sea
son are en the counter.
And se the Linen sterv tree's.
Cottage or mansion, all's one
te us. The Linens are here,
and there are no middleman's
charges te swell prices.
Southwest of centre.
Fine quality, dainty printing,
low prices three of the Linen
Lawn virtues. Met weather
stuffs that won't wash mean or
fuzzy. 22 and 30c.
HuiitliMcst of centre.
All the Summer bed things.
Blankets as light as flannel, but
wooly. Cheesecloth Comfort Cemfort Comfert
ables. Dimity and Marseilles
And stacks of Camping
Blankets' thick enough and soft
enough te be house and bed
if you're very tired. 7.IXS4
inches, $3 each.
Xtiir Women s Waiting lioein.
De you keep track of what
we're doing in Jewelry?
Ne fuss and hurrah, but just
a steady bettering and better
ing of stock and getting a closer
grip en the business.
Solid goods and plated goods,
and net a thing te hide about
either. Think of a place where
it would be safe te buy Jcwclrv
blindfold !
Geltl Jewelry by the leading
makers. Newest notions.
1. 1 karat Bead Necks, ielit by
are, 55.50 te $25. About
50.50 for the most popular size.
Same in sterling silver and
best rolled plate ('4 geld),
52.25 te 57.50.
New and stylish Bennet and
Scarf Bins, and all the ether
rich memento and prettying
bits, many of them especially
made for us.
Cable, Chain, Link, or Band
Bracelets, with or without pad
lock. As much of a wonder in
Watches as anything. livery
grade of American Watches",
and neat timers for ladies or
A brilliant showing of cheap
French Jewelry just outside the
roomful of richer goods.
JimipcrMrtct Mile.
Ribbons again.
This time we make ribbons
of the prices. Seme of the
richest goods we have seen this
season. We told you of them
when they first came three
weeks age. Silk and tinsel
Brocade ; some exquisitely
printed. Bern of the Directeire
craze. Made this season by
overconfident manufacturers te
sell at from 51.25 te 53 a yard.
We began by putting the prices
it 45. 55. 65. and 75c.
You've had the choice. We
want te brush the balance out.
What were 75, 65, and 55c go
te straight 50c.
The 45c ones at 35c.
KtMit of Main Aisle tn'r, (iicMiuil street side.
Jehn Wanamaker.
"lOI.LAltS AM) ClKl-S-Tlin I.ATI-MT,
V the must tttalreblc, anil mect 1s11nrer1.1L.In
sliuvr mul tyles tiny sin. t I'UIsMAVm
(lentV ruuiUliiiiKKtere, l.'Went KlnjstrcH.
1 wrlslit iiiittrrncurlii ull I'liuteisiiiitlitity
"i,'..u, LltWMAN'a Oeut' Furul.UliigfJters,
42 Wctl ttlutf iticvt. '
, r."'
Cut Price Sale I - Cut
I'rlris whlrh were 33,33 and 37!ct..
Hedticcil te 12J$c. n ynril
Satfeens and Ginghams
J. Harry Stamm,
Yeu Need It New
Te linpnrt strniKth and kIp h feeling of
henllh and vigor tlironelieiit the system, there
It nothing eiitinl le Iloeil'n Hnrsimrllln. It
mxiiis iieenllarly adapted toeMrcomc that tlred
fiTllnceiuiMsl hy clinngu of season, climate or
life, mul uiille It tunii iind sustnlns the sj stem
Itpurltlen and rriieinlcK the IiIcmxI, Wccorn Wccern
iMlyurgn the Inrsu army of rlerhs, hook-keepers,
tenelicrs, housewives, eivrallvcs nntt ethers
he hiivc liecn elesily eeiitlnetl during the win
tern ml wliuuceil
te try Heed's Hninpnrllla. IVm'l delay.
"Kvry spring for yeais 1 linve made It n
practkc te Uke from thrm le live liettles of
Heed's Kiirsaparlllit, because. J knew II purines
the bleed and tlieitiughly clenuseK the system
of all Impurities. That languid feeling, some
times railed spring fevrr,' rlll never visit the
system tluil lias hefii properly eared for by this
never-r.itllng ri'inetty." W. II. Lavviiknc:, Ed
itor Agrli'iillunil i:plteinlt, Imllannpells, Inil.
"Fer jears at Irregular Intervals Innllsen
hiiiis, I nirrerid the Intolerable burning and
Itching or bleisl iHilneulng by Ivy. It would
lirenk out en my legs, lu my Ihieal and eyes,
liist spring I took Heed's Hiirsnparlllii, nsn
bhxsl purifier, with no thought of It as a special
remedy Ter Ivy pelvmlns, but It hat effected n
permanent and thorough enre."
Cai.vim t. Hiivti;, Wentwerlh, N. H.
Held hy all druggists. Jl; six for te. I'rcnrcd
only by e. I. HOOD A CO., Lewell, .Mass.
J SUl'Kltli.t'()t;s HAlIt
en the upper lip. chin, threat mid checks tie tie
strejisl forever without pain, seiir nr tince bv
the Kleetrle Needle operation by Dr. .1. Van
Dyck. KliY-lrti Hurgeen, 10 North Llcventli
street, liiiliiileltilibi. Tills Is the only metheil
In the vviirlil thul destroys the roots tn Dm hHlr
eau never grew again. Hi'iiiembcr this (lhe
use of dcpiliiturles, the tweezers, hclwirs mid
razor only niiike Uicm" hairs grew co irscr, si llti r,
darker anil'merc iiiimereus), If you Iiiim- hulls
en vim will curry thi'in tu the grave
with vtiti mile jeu have Mum ilestrejed by
the Dleelile Needle. Dr. Van Djclc liasailvan
lages ever nil ethers In clretrle eprrnlliig. He
was thcscttniil plijslelaii In the wnrld tu per
form this epcrniluii. lleluiHOierattsl for thir
teen jears, mul tliiiili'iiiaiKl for his sirviceshas
Increased si that lie lias given Ui all ether prac
tice, mul makes tin. lemeval or Superfluous
Hair, lllrth mid Wine .Murks, Dltcelntctl Hears,
Meles, Wens. Small Tumors, Kxcresivueeieii
the eyivllds, f.ien anil limly. KuhirKCil Veins of
thn nese and fue, by the Kleetrle Needle, an
escliislve si'isrlaltv, mierlliieii hair isiiseu isiiseu
sltlve subject Mllli every retlned lad v, and the
doctor observes the strictest privacy lu every
c.ise, n ud never piitillsbes eertllle.iles or cities.
He numbers aiiieni; hlx patrons many or our
leading usiety ladles from even part of the
ceiintr. Yeu cm consult lilm with every eon een
ilenee. If you have Dili obtieilous greiith of
hair, be It ever se slight or the levers.., ileu't
neglect It another thi.v, but consult Dr. Van
Dyck ut eiii-i. II.Hik rne. Atlvltehee. Terms
within tlie menu of every tine ; don't neglect
jour iiisonuetlurdiiy. Consult Dr. auDck
iitence. Oineenml eiHTHtlng riMiniK, 10 Ninth
Kleventh strict. te5; Muid.ivs, lOtiill.
Nete-Dr. Van D.vik. DlcetrolSurgteii of liill
ailflhln, has been eiilkd te Lanciistei te Heat
eviriil seelelv liidlis.aud lau be tnnsiilted at
IhnHlevens Iieiim. frarlniHC and In, Lancas
tcr, I'a., fiein .Monday, June il, te Saturday,
June '.".. llimrs V te ft, nnd ilurlng this visit
can treat u number of new patients, fall
promptly. JelMwd
FenDersmith's Bookstore,
(OpMsltc Court Heuse),!
Is the I'LACi: te HUY all the
Most Tiilkul About, at 1'rlcrs
IILLOW llii-rubllslier'N
"MAIKIAIlh," liy K.birs.
" IIHEIKKNftTr.IN," by Crawford.
" Till: ALliNK FA Y,i b WlHer.
" l'AHSi: IIOSi:," by Hardy.
"JOHN IIintlllNO," (Jeuld.
mill's uoeios'ioitii
"Joyful Sound."
Till', LAT!r
Sunday Scheel
Music Boek.
It Will He I'sed nt lhe Cuming Camp.
tjIgiiamaiitin. " """
Are you looking for Toilet
Sets, either painted neatly or
with elaborate decorations, or
en which the artist's skill is dis
played? Yeu can have no better
opportunity te supply your
wants than te call and see our
assortment. About the price and
quality there can be no question.
The privilege of exchanging if
net satisfactory, together with
the large variety te select from,
are advantages te be had at
1 5 East King St.
iniTYHALl." ' "
I am new located nt Xa J Wm Kme 'tni-t,
where 1 will ut nil iui L y .... bund u full
line of choice 'lj.:in, .i.i'ih lie, uud chewing
tubucre. Will U' plrssrd te lime in frleiid
ud ruiren lnei " i- M
nrr--3imUd ur.O. M.1I1KLB,
gru Goelff; ft y
40 Pieces Chnmhrajr Drew GliiKlinmn were Mld
nt 12,Sc, reduced te fie a yard.
All our Q'i rent Fine Challies reduced te S ecnU
a ynrd.
All our 10 cent Fine chnllle. reduced ted cent
n ynr4.
All our 2)i and 15 cent nent Chnltles reduced te
fc JL ": ... T 1 B I '
Following iTlll be found list of goods low s In our steck: Child's
Geld linger Illiifix, !!5e.; Mlsw' Geld Finger rtlngs.Tee.; Ijulles' Geld linger King", S1.00
Hlcevellutteiu,2rc.,fi0e., 81.01; Cellar notions, 2.". te Jl.OOj Dlnineud Cellar Buttens,
12.00; ladles' and Misses' Breastpins, I5c. te J1.00; Mourning Iinsund Earrings, 23c. te
J5.00; Bracelets, 25c. te 10; Nickel Clocks, 91.00; 8-Day MantloClecks,$3.T5; Ladlcs'Ueld
AVnlches,J15.75; Nickel Watches, ftM; Hllver Watches, 110.
AQrllepttlrlng lu nil blanche by geed workmen and nil work warranted,
Shirk's Carpet Hall I
Wilten, Velvet, Bedy Brussels, Tapestry, Ingrain, Damask
and Venetian, Rag and Chain Carpets.
Wk Have tub Lahulst and Best Krene in theCitt.
Cor. West King and Water Sts., Lancaster, Pa.
-"T i vi: I'm Afttix" '
Baby Carriages,
3i E. King St., Lancaster, Pa.
Household Refrigerators.
With or Without reicclain-Llucd Water
Made from IhtiiutiKhly KII.N-DniLI) LUJl.
Huft Wuuil Ueisls Are Finished In Imitation
of .Millii)i;nny.
llnril WimmI fliKslsaie FluUhed Antique.
They Aru ltlchly Carvcsl.
OvcrlapphiK Dtsirs,
.MalUalile Iren CiisIIiiks,
flenuliie llrenze lllnyi,
I'uteiit Waste Water Trap,
KICKaut NIekel-l'liiUd Ciiphlanils.
Manufacturers and Healers In lleusc-Fuinlsh-Inu
152 N. QUEEN ST.,
LANC.vS'l Kit, I'A.
louecfuvitiltiuu C"joeto.
Sixty Cnndle-Llulit; Ileuts them all.
Anether I-nt of Cheap Glebes for Gas and Oil
Weather Strip.
Heals them all. Thlsslrlpoiitvvearsiillelliers.
Kci lis out the cold. Steps laltllnu' of wlinleu.
KmIiuIis the dust. Ktvp out snow and ruin.
Aiiyoiierjin npplj It- no vi.istnur dirt mii'lcln
applyhijlt. C.iu be Illicit aiiywliero-ne hole
te bore, read) ferme. 1 will net split, warp or
shrink it cushion strip is the mntt perfrct.'j At
the Steve, Heater and Itaiige Stere of
Jehn P. Schaum & Sens,
l NKIIS. Allperseiwnre hereby ferbldileu
te lresiss mi any of lha lands of the Cern wall
jutSiKHslivell c.tules lu Ix'baueu or Iincustcr
Anilities, whether Inclesed or iihliiclecdt either
for tlie piirisise of khnetliu; or tlshliit;. as the
law will be. rUldly njralnst ull trei trei
jsissliiceu said lands of the undersigned uller
It. I'laiUV ALDLN,
Atteru! for Ii, W. Celiixuin'i Htlri,
Price Sale I
All our 12Jteenl 40 Inch Wide Indlit d' Llnen re
filled te 19 cents a yard.
HI? Bargain In Cnuy er'Crepellnc OleUl", UH
cents a yard.
10 Cent Bntltte reduced te 8 ccnti a yard.
This m!c Is the most Important ever made by
Our Ktjies and Qualities are rliilil and the
Trice the Lewttt.
Centre Square.
4") nil.
AI10AIN8 !
ATAIITIN llllea". "
Clothing & Furnishing Goods.
Wi: are continually watch
ing our stock and the mar-
Ifnl ... .l...rM.. 1.1.... ...... L-...
- nuu inncviiMiiiiiKniinriii-
I ..I. !.!.. tl.rt .1.... ..........
the must comfort fei the het
vvtalher for vacatlniicra and
heniestajers. l'lisliltin's latest wrinkles will he
found here and prices am kept well tiliiuued
and vililttletl. Htaiulliy von All-Weel Belts, f-s
and !I0. Men's Fine Imported Herdes and
Wiiisled Suits, lllue uud lllnek Oirkscriiwa and
Wide Wale. Hit; Iluy's Suits, nil-wool, fil ; bet
ter unit hest, SS le ill. Among Ihn lilfsest
values are the outfits fur Little Iluy's Stilts,
Kills, Waists and Hese. Dressy All-Weel Suits,
J3..7); better at V. Sailor IUeuhs with Kilts
or llieeches. Men's and Hey's Flannel Slilrls
and l)riivver&,&0eaul 31.(0 n Snll.
air-Many Choice Things lu Neckwear. Hllk
Grenadine and I'l'iuu Washable Feur-ln-Itsiid
WlntKeis, Ac.
Tailoring and Furnishing
The centre orattractlen te nil Imjernef Cloth Cleth
Ins. IsenrSujierb Display of
Elegant Ganuents for Summer Wear.
Gent's Tan Celer fonts and Vcst, $,1.10.
l'rineh I'lanucl Coati. and Vc-ts, Jd mid S7.
Fnucy btrlpu Flannel Couts mid Vests, S3. Mo
hair Ciuits and Vests, SiW tu SI. Gent's Sum
incrSults, In Cheviots and Ciuslmeres, s, j,i
lOnntl 512. Hey's Siiinmt rSults. I,K), ... i0, 57.
Children's Suits, JJ tots. Gem's Summer l'ants,
J. J, SI. 5e.
Worked button hole, Itcxlble sole and nisde
of til" seltest DeiiKtila Ltathcr, Is tlielatt.t
slioe for ladles that uc arc selllni; lu our $1.00
Of JIUed Straw for Heys and Children, with
breadsewiil band.
Of White or lllaek mid While Mixed Slravr,
reduced Irem 'Juc.
Men's White Sliaw .Medium mul Full nrlm
Iteuiul Clown, rtiliKiil from i Wc and 75e.
Men's, Hey's and Children's White or Colored
or All St)li.t.
YeuiiK Mill's Fine Hlack Seft Fur Jlat, mnll
brims, thelrnctuul value !!..
YetuiK Men's Light Coleied Fur 1'iK'kct Hats
reduced from 75c.
Light Colored SUIT Hats, medium and full
shaie, reduced from 11.00.
Sume of our Special Lew lricc In Summer
Underwear that we are selling this we);.
Men's Llslit India Gaure Slum, very nice
quality, at 15c.
Gents n.ilbrlfgin Shlits and Drawers "'ill
sUi extra geed quality,, it i'wa suit.
Gent -s Angera and nrewn Colored lUilhrlgirnn
Shirts and Drawers, all sls, a I 75.- a suit:
wiiiild bcrhcapat
Mens Ii.ilbriirg.iii Shirts and Drawers, nil
si7es, nt 5iV uu Ii.
Mill's French nalbrlggan and I.KlflTluwid
Slilrisaud Drawers, at 7."k and Jl.e).
Children s Game Shirts, In long and shot t
slcSies, at 25c.
Williamson & Fester,
1IIH .MAKKin'STUKKT. MAItltlSlttllG 1.
n sell our giKsl by sample le,tlie wheUsale
and retail trailc I.ugest manufacturer.. In our
lint Fiii'le;e 3-ccnt tainn, Wages t. ivrd.iv
lVruiaiit'Ut iKJMtlen. Ne netiuls cnswiriil.
Meney udvanced ler wuces, lulvcrtHInk-. ttc.
Frt2s39ldced Clnclnaatl, Ohie.
H r . L?
'., .