?9H?3Sj! P" --9i Csii THE LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCE!, TUESDAY, ' JTJNE 18, 1889. v. M w P- Bk ; V ifcfc.- fcF I fc KM PftRT OF A GUN IN HIS HEAD. A YeiR COIMT FARMER VISITS lOLUMMA BOCTORS FOR RELIEF. While He la Slioetlnir Crown tlic Weapon lturst Three Vlcccs Kmticilileil In Ills Vnce Tlie Iren ltomevcil. Cbt.UMMA, June 18. di i.v nV ,,.,.., Dr. F. Hlnkle, assisted by Dr. lIcitMen Mftlln, performed n HflUitH surgical operation nt his efllcc, yesterday, en Vied erlck Teme, n farmer living nt NowliridRn NewliridRn vlllr, Yerk cennty. About four vv ccks nge Tome wns sheeting crews with nn old muzzle leader gun, which exploded. Tlie breech In threo sections, 1J inches each, entered the man's fare. One piece struck him en the brldpoef llie noseand mtiii bedded In the haul, nnethcr plece entered under the risht eye. ledplnn iinder the bruin, m Idle llie llilnl piece leilped In the Toefor the month. Tome c.imote tenn yesterday, and, alter liclnp ctherlrcd, Jiad the breech removed. The man bled pio pie pio fusely, but In itnprev Inp this morning nml will no doubt recev rr. Mnry Ilrnrich, n daughter or t'liarlca Ilenricli, tiled last night, uged 2 veers and 0 days. The death vv as caued by spisins nrtcr n day's sickness. The funeral or Mrs. KlsleSdilecgcr will be held en Wednesday nftrriioen at two o'clock, rrem St. Paul's Lutheran church. A meeting oflhe Kccley (Steve company directors was held last evening, when Arthur Bennett, feiinrtly of Maildln, wns elected secretary. Jehn Huberts, of Wash Wash lugten borough, was elected ordei cleik. Jeseph lllestand, v clerk, handed In his resignation, which was accepted. A geed vote will be pellisl In town to day, and the result v. ill doubtless sttrpiise many. A majority of the velets ceme te the xlls with their tickets alicady pre pared. The iells present nil unusual night te-day, as the familiar ward winkers are in the minority while many prohibition advocates can be seen. At the Second want polls, Hev. lieorge Wells Uly, oflhe, I'resT.yietlnn ditirch, was enpigcd in work for the amendment. Jehn Iteyle, Tcrcnce Mellow 1111 and Kil ward Hamakcr worn before Hipilre Helly last cicnlng for drunkenness and disor derly conduit. They wcre discharge! upuii the payment of $2 tme and custn. A meeting will be held in Orien ledgo room en Tuesday evening, ler 'llie put peso of erganising n ledgo of the Order of Tentl. A game of ball was played ycnteiilay nfternoen between the Ironsides and n tilne efl'. It. It. empleyes. Tlie fei liter club w en the game by a score of 1 1 te . tiii: stht.ut i emmitti:i:. "What "Wns Deue nt "liictp. Meeting -New AVi,rk flcili.ced. The street ceii'iiilttee of councils lield 1 their tegular meeting last evening. It will be n'u'cssiiry te finish up the pikes niade last year by giving them 11 topdrcss tepdrcss Ing, and this weik will Ik: ilone at en e. A butllcieiit iiiantity or Mone ler this pur pose, the lepalrnnd new work, cannot he obtained irem Kngle's ijuarrles at jiresent. The street commissioner wns instructed te purchase the Menen where he sjiw fit. .Michael Heilly, nt Xeith Queen nnd yJamcssticcts, was given permission te mlse his gutter several inches. A tiap was erdcied en the Inlet in Irent or I'r.uik Ktauskep's rcsldeiice 011 Mulberry Mieet. The following work was also erdered: liepnire tejnlet nt I'lne Micct mill, gutter en Murien Micet, near riiarlolte, repairs te l'ine street, below Sjiruce, and Middle M reel, 1'rein Keckl.iud te l.ime, crossings at Wiilnut mid Lime, mid Hazel and Heaver stiects. The contract fin ruriiishlngb.ukingMone was recently nwanlwl te U.inuicl ltesh at I cents per Teet. He neglected te glve the necessary security and last evening the contract was given te William AVestm.in nt fl cents per root ; Mr-WcstinnnV eiiglual bid was 0 cents, but he agreed last night te take ft cents. 'yiie clerk was ordered te udveitlse for "ZiP-Alte"! lnh' "f Neilh ChiiMtaii '"spVvHTeiu Orangote Chestnut vvitli ltd gian blocks, asphalt paving or blocks. I'U 1cns owning piepcily along tills sheet have already Mibu'i Hied SIA'i lewaids the work, nnd that sum is likely te be increased te$M)0. It was tlieretore resolved te juo jue ceisl with the work. Thu wages of II. I'. Trout, engineci et the read roller, was iucie.ised lieni jJte$J.&H per 'day 011 account el long benis. tiii: m'tiii:i:an .Misivrr.ttif.M. SrlFcttmr lielcgntes te llie Neil Oeneral Council lit rittsliiu-K. After the opening seivhoerthe I.utheiau liiiiiistcriuui In Lebanon en Munil.iy morning the icisirt en the eijihans' home and iisyium vvns presented. 'I bere me new sovent'y-iiine orphans in thn hoiile, sl having been mlitiittcsl and six having gene out of it, nml thirty two aged and intlim pisiple, three having been admitted and three having died. The total amount of the endowment liiud is $.V.',7l'l 70, of which gl,:t.K) woie contributed (lining Iho jc.u and ?.5s,KHi en baud belore. I urreut 10 iclpts wcre $lu,7.'7.7l) nnd apciulituies S10.7.VJ.I2. Itcv. I". Wisliau and ltcubcn It. Miller weie re-eleclisl ns hustis's, The rciKjrt orther.inaus eiph.tus' home, nt Middlctewii, shows 11 total iucome el f."),iVI.30, nnd an outlay or S0,HW.:n. The lollewing are the delegates te tlie general council at Pittsbuig in Oiteber: I'lcilcnlllcv. i K Kechel, 1) I), LI. 1, ex ex ex olhele, J. A.Sdss, 1)1). 1,1. I),. I Krev, li I), L IiUxl, 1) I), II i: Jacobs. I) D,L A ltcpass, I) I), 1'J 1' Schaiitr, A Simetli. 1) 1), TLSelp, I) I), li V Spieker, li I), W.I Mann. I) D. LI. 1), r W Micallcr, I) I), LL I), UII Gctsslnger, L .Smith, II lirehus, J M Anstiach, Ml' Heriiic, 1' A Muhlenbeig, I) I), LL I), M II lliihards l l. I' .1 Cooper.' liv W 11 Sta.ikc, C It Umt T II Dichl.Chailes U Noiten, A W l'olielger, M Laiigeiisleiu, 11 Hades, J l'cglev. It A Ilaer, A 11 Saegcr, I'retcsstir Snusllcr, W L Heller, J II Weir, iMvid ln t., .1 .1 Mehr, S II 1jviis, J A lieisscnlicimer, t' 1! iipp, 11 Lehman. Alternates te the gciiei.d council ,ue: Cletieal- ltuvs.1 I' fihl, II W Sihiiiamh, W A Schatller, L A .iegeni'iiti, 1 K Keiiner, P I l'attcii her, L li Libelc, L Lindens truth. L Oreh", W II Shehdaih, T W Wiiskettcii, li 1 llcriihelmer, 1) 1)., ; l'eehle, J J Kiiendig, II Sadtler, I) !., J Kehlcr. jiv A lleiulcl, I' It Hrcmg, M I)., A II Walk. 1. II Heineehl, J N Jmlo Jmle mau, (5 Aug Mlllei, Willuiu S T.ivlnr. J K Mebcr, T II Illig, 1. 11 Menlier. Ilcniv Jehnsen, J ' .Miller, William li Itiimg, A il Caimauy, i: Aitman, II L ('.ism I, M I; Kicger, K C Miller and I' A Ilerlnt. The committee en publication icsut that thu sales or lieiiiiau iiymn lssk nmeiiut tef 1,33.-1S ; Kngllsh church Ixsiks, lii8.-I3; constitution and by-laws, fJ,IW; Itcimcr catechism, ? 1,000 ; balance Irem last year, J13.M8J total, if '021.11. Thu committee te iioiiiiuate an incum bent far tlie.St. Jehn's juorcsserbhlp un animously reported the naiiie or ltev. U. K. Krelil, 1). 1)., Ll I). It w.us uiuul uiuul ineusly resolveil te elect by uis'lainatieii, and Dr. Kretel was thus elected, hr. Kretel gracerully acknowledged the coiii ceiii plimei.t, but lnteriued the syne-1 that he must tHke time te compiler thu matter. Three congregations were reccived, two tranlerrcHl rrem the German conference te the local confureiices, anil une riem the cceiid eonfirenee te the (iermaii cenlei-i-nce. The fellow ingesiiidlilatcti fur oidinatieii were ordained Monday e cuing; f v Jctte'ris, 1 T. KrcUehinnnn and ,. li' Loler.ullef I'hiladclphla. IJ. U Passat nut. J'ltthbvrig; W. 1 Heney. iiiMen; y Schmidt, rrcclandj U. Van Hessc, i;Cr munv: II. A. Weller. Tiexlerteun. .1 i- J'ark, Virginia: W. 1 b'lnith, Hilhlchem; A. (. Dens, licriniuiv; Kd. V. Keevcr Itewling; J. II. Waldlkh, Steiusville; li! W Wumbcbscl, Maxutawuy; ll.Oll'crin.111, (ierinaiiyi C U. Llutweisl, Illinois; (, y, lUt, (jemmiiy, and Kehlmuii, lier 111 my. Most or these young inen have ao ae tcptisl IU rrem various places. A Coustnble AVulkn. Seme tbiie age we had an itenir ucirii tug t)i ability of some or the constable, in M JHiltHrtrlaii Hue, About the Lett of tltcse Is Samuel Sliaitb, of Ijttuaster town ship. Tills ineriiliii; he luul business nt Klrkvvoeil, Colernln levviislilp, ever twenty miles from here. He nrose early nndvinlkcil from that place, returning te Qiurryv 111", where, tic, took Ilia trnlti nml was In Lancaster nt JO o'clock. IX .MKMOHY OK IIKV. A. 1. IHLLLIt. Tun Minute, Adopted lly tlie Kptscepul Convention In HeiuIIiik. At tlie diocesan convention of tlie ille- -pn nf IVntrnl 1'emisv l lllllll 111 Hcil'lIlIK Jc 12'". ie wi of the committee im special memorial en llie ileatli of llie lale Nev. Alenzn Peller Dillcr, mter erfct. Mark's ihlirch, Johnstown, dl(ose or l'lttsbiirg, was prcsenleil nnd adopted by n rising vote. J'ollewing Is llie inliiiile prcjMrel : Innccordancewlth thn touching words or Iho light ret crpnd.lhe bishop oflhedloccsp, In his address tetiie ituiventlen, Ihis con vention desires tc, express Its hrnrtfelt sor row nl the less of AI0117.0 Tetter I)iller,once a priest of this dloccse), In the late terrible HihhI In the valley oflhe Cencmaugh,w hlle expresslng (he warmest syinathy with all the eullercrs nnd the sorely bereaeil. In litis, " the most iihI'iiI oatastiepho that has MPrbcf.illeu the Kngllsh spcsiklng race," tliev reel desirous or placing en record their heartfelt sorrow nt llie less of the biave, Christian wildler who roll nt his pest efdiuv, who, by I1I11 many labors Initie Christian work has left nn enduring record behind him. , Hern in the diocese, educated wllhln Its boundaries, and In tlie general theologi cal seinluarv, a faithful, loving son or thn flimrh, ordained by thn prcsent bishop of llie diocese, laboring rerslx yenrs In the parish 'if SI. Jehn's, Marietta, whnroto whnreto whnrote day (here are numbers that rlse tip nnd call him blessed, in labors abundant In his ministry te tlie souls 01 111s people, wmie ever lender, kind and helpful l their bodi ly ncicssitlcs, Ids memory will always ro re ruain a blessed heritage in that parish nnd In tills dleeesi). It should always be remembered he wns ever present at tlie siht of duly, which is well illustrated when It la icmciubered that he volunteered roradlvescivlce, when llie smallpox epidemic i.iged In Seuth llethlclicm, although his services w 010 net icinflred. And new, carried away by the over whelming Heed, fieni his sisl or duty, loved and honnied by nil that even in that Intciine piessum of duty of dealing away in Johutevvn all Inlsir wised by special cemui.ind, while his body and these of Ida loved (incH werocanied te Ihelrlast resting place te He In that hcautinil cemetery en the hill-nidi) everlimltliig llie scene el the late disaster, the place w here he se lev Ing lv labeicd, and bad 1I0110 se iiiikIi forlhe church's I lie, net only ninengst the mein-liiHoriiisewiiconimunlon,bullndevclop-ing in olio pait of Ids Held "organic" 1 IiiikIi union with the i-hurihcsofsevoi.il deiiomiuiitleiiHlh.it lew of us 1011I1I deem possible. Of Idm we can feet jmre it hau been said, "well done, geed and faithful servant, pnlei Inte the Jey of th v Ixinl." The convention desires te express its Hvmpatliv Willi tlie rlgni leveienu, uie blshep el' I'itlsburg, and that iIIikcse in Iho less nt se Milium a clergyman. The convention deslies te express lis waim and loving svinpilhy te his father, mother and his t'inilly In this time of Iheli sole alllidleu, and would direct the incin beiaiiif tliocemmltteo jsuseuallv te pto pte pto seiitleMr. Inihc Hlller this lestlmenv el thenppiccialloiiet Aleurti l'ettei lllllei's wink, iinii Its syuipatliy wllh their I'amily In this heiii' of tliiiii sorrow. .Signed by order et the convention. Kuamiii Jehn I'i.av Meiivn, II. I)., Ch.iirniiin et eomiiiittee and lector of SI. Paul's, t'nluiiibla, .1. LllWAllll I'ltAIT, Aidide.ieeii el' llai rlsbuig and rcder et ht. .lelm s, uiiicusier. The above was pioented te Mr. Isaac Diller nml family by Aitliileiuen 1'i.itt and llev. I'. J. r. Meriiu, II. I., en Sunday. I'ollce discs. I h.irlca Hiaungaid was heaid bcfoie Aldeimaii I lalb.ich last evening oil 111 hapge id malicious mischief pit lei ml by Jacob HeiniUh. The pioplenri- neighbors, and the piost-culer says that lldntich nailed up thchvdraut se that lliey could gel no water. The case was ictunicd te court, but wns uUciWiiuls settled. riedurlclc Dickel has bnmght suit behne Aldeimaii lleiMiey against tiisirge Mlllei, of the nilh wind. He is chaigcd with assault and batler.v, as Iho prosecutor s.iy.s he slapped his mouth. Hall has been en tered fei 11 healing, William tliess, ler being diiiul; and dis dis enlcily, win held let .1 he.iilug by Ahlui man leeu. KateSliupsuii, an old ellender, vvasveiy ill link en the streets last night inula crowd el' littln boys fellow eil her tlueiigli Iho streets until she was an e. led. 'I he mayor gave her live d.iv h, Viela Lindscy lias been cemiiillUsl 011 a di.irge et nlulteiy with .lelm t'r.iig, I'm a bearing I leleie Alileimau Spui iler. 'ialg gave ball te answer a si111ll.11 chaige. The piiisecutei Isiiiaut Lindscy, IiiikIi, mil el Iho woman, and alliue mimed. Martini Itll was held in bail te answer nl court the diatgeel ass,nill and battciy oil S.uah i:. Ileiirv. Thothaigeot suiety oflhe peace was disiulsseil. -- Oi'scrttsl by Hcc Ituxbaiiil. This nieining 11 lady, with a seventeen-mouths-old child, let the 11.11110 efOslmau, e.illeil at the iiiavoi'sellice. Shestalisl that she feimeily lived in Miucrsv ille. 1'eui weeks age liei busb mil told lii'i le go te Tobias Deulingci's, nl Leamaii I'lacc, wheie he had seemed weik ami he would meet hoi. She went thcie, but learned nothing et her husband. She came te Liueastei te see il'ulie could lind him. The iii.iviir lurmsl her ever te 1'hicf of Police Smelt, who will take cam el her and )u tlie incnulime try l" 'bid her hus baud. SI10 is entirely destitute and she has been pl.ieisl at the S01 rel Heiso leitd and is anxious for weik. Any h'im,u giving hur employment will be doing a d1.111t.1ble act. It is believed that hoi husband has deserted her and leek this centeni'lllilc way n doing it, lli'i uaiiic is 1'iauk 0-.im.1u and lie is between -t mid Jl yeais of age. He is ut'il.uU complexion, with (la I k li.ill and inuuslai lie ; helsiathei he.ivy set and iscf medium height. When list 'eu he vveic light stnpisl pant.iliieus, a mixed daik coal ami light felt hat. l,i tlie Itcglxtcr. ihe lollewing Icticis weie granted liv the register id wills lei the week eliding Tuesilay, June Is ; Tr.srMi:M vuv I'.liAilielli itinei, iln Lc.iHed, late nl Ml. Jey Isireugh ; .Samuel Mclaiimi Ml. Je. exis-uler, Haibara Klnev, ibs-eased, latent Haphe township; Isiac'lvlusey, llaphe, oxeculer. Isaac llershe.v, dis'ca"isl, l.ile of Last Denegal township-, I'hrisliau llershey and Jacubl. lleishey, liit Denepd, oxis'it exis'it oxis'it leis AimiMsin viieN Win. I. Simmons. dti cased, late el Sadslmrv tow tisliip; Jehn A. Simmons, Sadsbut v , .idmiuistialer. I'atlierluu Nauiiian, dcK.iscd, latu el Haphe township, A. I'. Nauiu.iuaud David i:. Miller, Haphe, itiluiiulstruters. Jelin Millet, deci'istsl, late el Salisbury township; Dr. A. M Mlllei, Last l.aiuctci, Jonathan Miller, tin.tcr county, and II. Frank Miller, Salisbury, udmluistratuis. Jeremiah Miller, dweased, late of I'o I'e lumbl.i Isireugh; I'litieuce Miller, Colum bia, administratrix. Pur. all klnrt of l'lne l'rlntliii,' i;e te thel.s TLLMDUNi ku in m i. Hvcry Imprevdneul In tyiiit;r.iih add d te our tock us been in. In IriHlmcl. pcnllnv. Cii:. 11. In ihlKcilj.mi the PilliTiist., at lur heiiir. Ne. lit! llli;httrs't, Anna llarharaliesell, widow of I'lirUinphtr tieM-11,111 IhcTMh j carol her ugi . 'I he itliitnes and Iriendsef the family areic klfull Invited In attend Hie rum ml, from ChiUlLiithtr.iuihiirili, en Wcdmtd.i) afnr niKjnnl u'lleUc. liiUnuentat Luiii)tcrccims Uiy. L'hl llAI li.-On the lt,lh liikl., ut New Ye.kcllJ. Jehn A. llucr, formerly of fuieaiiter, Pa. Netice of fmierul licreafler, LANIils.-iIiiiielS,ls'i.liiMlllersvlle,raiuile, daitifhtcr orjiuelj 11. mid Annas. jindl, tit hit i.-ii, jnir. The iclatlvcs and frlendu of Hie rainlly are In rp 10 attend the funeral, en Thursday, June iU'h at 1 e'dixil: nt the liens anil 2 u leci: ai HiiiSU'iiiiuiii Mt-ctlus lleuw, wllliuuiriirthtr netltx-. t'td KuiV,tM Oievlllc, iuieiit,r cvuuty, nn the. Kthlnvt., Prance 0., vdfe of Christian J, Klaus, in the 2itli year of lici sue. 'llicrclatlvcmunl frlcmUef ttiefi'tnll)' arc re tpedfully Invited te attend the rutuml, from lifr liiiOiatirt's residence, near Orcvllle, en Thursday afternoon nt one o'clock nt tliolieiiM1, and ntZleu'ii Lutheran Churrh nl -) o'clock. Interment at Zlen's billlirran icmetcry. Jut HtavJtctr.. "I'lilliiilclpliln I'rtHluci) MnrkeT. riiii.Anr.i.cin.v, Jinm m,-Ninj-Kleiir firm; IVnirn Hilars, 3 252 M : etlrn, 2 ..1.1 Si i fmnllr. K3IS'I rellir, IWlfni patent, "wft'iil ' dull J Ne. 2 Itcd Pi! Ne. I IVllll'rt ll"l Wc. Tern stcaily ; Ne. 2, tl'fti 12c. Oats nnnir; Ne. 2 AVIilte :tlc. ; Ne. 2 mixed SO. iirrtti k,.ijiv. witiirr 11 iivina. Ilalist liny slrrnlv : 12 (0-i.lft ()ns tnnualllr i tlmetliy l2WKtlmn Ter choice; mixed, 11M.II.0; IjiiUhI rje Ktrnw IIS. lliillcr dull: IVnn'a creamery xtr. 17c; I'ciin'n DruUi extra III. Ktcs firm ! I'cnn'n llrntn I'j'.i. Chit-he, Ktcaity i part kltns (V?7; full klm lVirnli'ilinnlciiilysirfltiMl III lilili M. INitnlecs stradlcr, iSe te 51 ffl st tdd for new ci op. Onitii nml I'i'oIs1eiin. riirnUliid l,y H. K. Yiinilt, llreker. t'lili'Aoe, June l, 1:01 o'clock p. in. Wlicnl. Cern. Oats, Perk, l-nnt. June.. July AiiriisI Mritcinlicr... OrletKT I)(ci.niljir.. - HK 8M w. II 70 II 7.i II II. ',7 rtfl ?jiJ (I 7.r . 7b S'rnr.. ........... .1.... . HI rnnselff. ... M -.. Criidcllll Cleilni! I'rlics !M o'clock p. HI Uird m. 'or I;. v nciii, i;ern. imib, June July Aucust Wl'i ai'J 'iii II 10 r. CO 1 1 rrj n :-' 5 W, -it'A II l'2 x "ii 11 ;i mn zvA 11 w Kcplcllltxr . 7,'iJ. MfiniH'r HcciiiiIkt 7ii; Year.... -.. 1. .In unary May CriideOII Coniel.. Winter Whrnl Hprlnn Wheat Celli . ..... ........ ....... I lats ...... .. It.Vf Iliillej llecelpts Unas ,.. Itccclpls Ciilllc . . r. 711 :im sia '('iir leis. 7 .1 r.711 :xii lllictpls. Head. .. i.vw) l.lve stock .MnrkclH. ('Illc.VOO.Jinin 17 Hci-clpts, 10n): slilpmeiits 1,1'H; market slew ; I-cv,h.JI (V,i, 1., ; hterrs, J.I Ml 10; stiK-kers mid fudera, SJVV3:lHl; cows, hull and mixed, 51 HVVJ H) ; Texas citlle, lles Itccclpts, ia.n(l; i.hlpmcnli,.,i,ine, mnr kctnitlVe;mlxisl,tl9Vidl'i; licnvy,fl I.V-tl 15; llt'lit, JiaI'V., kliw, ? J .W., t Hi. Hlncp- lticlil,O.0i). slilpiiicntH. I,7li innr kct Nlcadv ; imlhfK, MOHi.l T.'i ; Wtslfrn Moelcl Mivn .!i)'; khiiiilTexaim, I!(a175; Iiimhi, JJM In SI cVI nr hi ail. llASr l.nii'.iirv.-I'atlln ltrcclpl, l.'.JI: hli iiicnt", 2SU; market netliliii; iIeIiik ; all through iiiiiiJKniniiits. IIiikm Itcccliils, 27Ut- slilpmciils, 1MI0, market slew ; all crudes. 51 I'syl.V); no Iiiirh shipped te New Y01U te-tlay Hlircp- Itrrrlpts, Jiimi: khlpmenlH. 1.NK); nnir kctilull; prime, (IfOff lb",; riilrtirc(il,M7." I 15; loiiiiuen. JiOOij.lUO; lamhs, V"11Tj; Jenr UiiKs.JIHliJIiSS. Meck Mni'kctH. (Jiielalliiniby ltecil,.Mi(liiinu .1 Ce., hankers, Ullinisirr, ra, MKff VOIIK i.isr, Cniinila I'arllle C. '.('. A I. . Coteiiido ie.il . .. Central I'm Ille I'liuailii Southern . . . liil. HI. L. .1- PI i( Hen. A Hleli Del. L. A W laic Hrle I111I1 . .. . J. r C K. AT Leu. N I.. Shere Midi. Cm MliMiurl Phi Ille Heck. Valley N. P. N. P. Pii'f N. West N. V.C New Himliilid Iiil i'euiiissi'c. . Omaha ... . Oregon Transcontinental Ontario .V W I'ai'lllc Mall Itlelinieiiil Terminal Hi. Paul Texas 1'iuilte Union Pnellle . ... II V. M. 12 M. III'. M. fill ;i; fit!. IIV IS li'.'i '-7JS : iiitj ii-v; luji TO,'j lmi ii'i'.', ion! ra THIi ti.;. 71' liwli 711 l''- HIMi wM K II", ilV4 iv2 lUI'i Ills', .711 ' :n,'i "0i jiij in m Walue.li Cem. Waliash Pief . . Western l' West Shine Hende. I'll II..X III- i.i-ii i. 1. ISI. U'h. Vel . .. . II. N. V. A liilla Pa. 11. II Hciulhis'. bell. N.iv .. ... . Ileitiinv. Pass P. .1 It N.Cenl Peeples l'as Hilt! Is Oil h7j4' S7!4' r.Ui si'i sij, : is-j 11 '.q 3 P, n sl'; si Lecal Stock nml IIeihIh. Hepeiled hj J. II. I.ein;. I'nr Ijist value, sale. I.aneas'1 1, is-i cent., wm . lul lei.m " li " " ls'i'i lm " I " " Sihn.il lean lH 111) " I " " In I 01 Jl vmiin. In) " I " " In ."1 01 Jlieais. in) " I " " In liinr Jivcam. li" " " " In l.ier.(sus. ll'l Miiuliellii IIoieiikIi Ie.ui ..llll Ms I I.I. VNHU'S sun KS. ll'l llll 111) llll nn'. nn n 1 iliwrry vlll,! it. u . Mlllersv Ille Strict Cur luipilrc I'rliilini; I'miipniiv ilasllKht mid I'm tt'emp.iii) Stevens Heiim' iIIeihIn).. Cnhuuhhi (Iiin ( eniuiii Cehiinlila Wnlcr fuinpaut Miuiiiehiimia Iren I'eiiip.in.v Marlella Hellew. wale Stevens IIiiiim' Mlllersvllle Net mill Scheel Neilhern Market Ijisli rn Maikel Itiisi'emiiiiiiy lleiuls. Culimilila HemiiKh lleuds Oiiari.vvlllii It. It. 7's . Iteailliu.'.l I'eliiinhla It It. .Vs. Ldlsen l.lchl Cempaii.v Westi rn Market (Southern Market. liiine.isli'r City Street lliillMny Ce. I.as CiidHtiecl li.illuax LiiieasterStram Kaillater Ce., Ileliellii LeatlHr l'e., Watch I'aetei v li s Line. Chi 111. l'e . II IIM'IKL suiChS, UlB Ki'iliiK V Heaver Vullev . HiIiIki ihiiI nnd H'Msi'shiH'. 1 eliimlihi ,v Cliesliml Hill. I'lilimihhi A WiiHlilnmeii. . I'eiicrtissa.v IIIk sirhn; Muilell.i A .Mount Je Ijuie. Ml. Jnv A i:ilalu'hlen ."id .Ml ii!i as "s llll in let ni , M . 'jr, .Ml fO hi) . Hi) urn . li) no M .VI .VI .VI .VI urn . 1(X) II 'AiVi'i Jit) 10 i.m IH M..VI llll ll.'fl 111) llll f.7..V) .-l.'JTi HI .V) ut ! V, till Mi 7 SI 11", J7 at j 1 m iiL."i tnjt) 1IVI in :w.tt :ti si) 3'l 11 ji 10 1 1.7e Nl HI 10 VM 111) ,V Ijuiuislei A rriillvllh Uuu.isii'r.l l.llltr Liucaster .V Wllllamstiniii lim aster A Maner Lmeasler A Miinlii'lm . Uunaster V Mmlelta. Iji'ieastcr.l Ncu Helland l.inc.ister A susiiiehaiin.i UineasterA New Hanvlllc reliinihla A Marietta Ma.v low n A Hliraheililnun I jennsler A I'phnila l.uie.isti r A Willow htnsl sii-ashmi; ,v MlllHirt . . M.iiicltn A Mietimu II INK Slut KS. I'list National H.111U rmmers' Nallen.il Hank I'iiIIeii National Hank.. iMiiieasttr t'eiuit National Hank Northern National Itank. .V) , III) .111 III) .VI Kkl .VI an iis.in a us 1JI.KV lit) IL'.'i'i I M.7.'i li"l 111 1S7 IK! Ill LU" I.M IV) ion 111 i:i 117 ll'l llll reeiilei, Natlnual Hank K'evstnne National Hank, Mauhi lm llll I'eliiinhla National Hank tin I hrlsll.iua Nallenal Hank ... lm t'enesliva National Hank llll i.nurata Miiienai iihiik . 1111 1'irsl Niitlenat Hank, Celnmtila.. ill) I'll -t National Hank. Slraslmn;. 101 I'lrst National Hank. Marietta I'D l'lit National llank, Ml. Jej. Id) l.llltz Nallenal llank III) Menntvllle National ll.inli. Ill) Miiuliellii National Ilauk lul I'nleii Nallenal Haul;, Mount Jey Ml New Helland National Haul. llll Hap National Hunk. Ill) Ouarrjv ille National Hank . . 1(1) Ui j.ur.iiH liuiM, 11 .nullum imil .. li" l Central National Hank. Columbia III) HI JU'ju AMH'vliiii'iitcule.. AirHCAKHY TDK L.U(1IT STOCK OK 1 Pls'saud Pine Snieklni: Toljueee In the city. M'iMMU'll Pipes at 6e. and IIV'. cnrli. limn- Inc Miirsilmum I'lis-Niilie inch. DLMl'TII S CIOAH STOHi:, alvtrdlt 111 Kat Klnchtris't. SCHOOL TX, lVsi, Tin: DCPI.K Ti: IS new In the liaudi. et the Tre.uurer Thrie isjr tent, fill II paid Is-fore Anme-ll. OHUxlieiir Irem Ua. m. till I p. in. W. u. MAKSIIALL. Treason r. lii.v!Ssaiillt Ne, ISl'ciitri'SiputU'. rvn wl.ll'rjll K I'll! Plllt'l, Tn I 1 iiiake loonier at hurt mil Ice am kind liirnltiirn ter house or onus', nam wneu mint a speelalt.v. It'silrlni; nt uirnlteri' neatly done. I'rtinUUiliiK iuall Us ili'liarlini nts. IIKNIIY M.Al'OH, uiliMnidTu.lSiH ill l'-ist (irant hlris't. lrisTATK OP AMOS l'l'NL. IITL OK I'j I.'imaster towns ill amaster tewnshlii, iIwciimhI, Ia'Hci or 11111111 msiruiien ensani isiiiii iihmiii; ihs'i, lu-iuitcd letln-uuii-n.lk'iH'iI,iill'rviii Indeliliit thereteurei(siutis 10 iniiku Immedlale jsii. liieut, anil Hiem.' lniviui; clnlms or ilem nuts airalnst the same, will present them without ih lay for scitltmciit le ihe underblKHCd, reld lUii fu aud near Lint-utter, SI hAN A. PUNK. SAMl'LI. UHOU", Adiillnltnile;. IIKOIVN A' JIl..sst.t, AltlTllf,v, p(II-titilTult r ... .. it' .. . .... tcu 2lbucHecmcuta. r ii.sbi.tjf i:T7v ruiiK. ,' ) " : ., ROYAL. BAKING POWDER. rrmtH powder nevtrviirlc. A marvel of pu X rltv, strength and vvlmlceniPiic. Mers fconeiiilcnl than the ordinary klndu, and tan. ...., t.k..tii in mini, itiimi ultli iIig multitude nf low let, linrt Kclithl, ilium or pliejphiile- I'nwdirs. H1I1I imly In rttnt., llev.vi. dakijse rewnr.11 Ce., IW Wnll sin ft, New wk. inar2.l) ilAlyvv mm: most lti:ntilllNU UHINK. IN. 1 war nn wi-nthcr l Inrt wine. We have rare Ciilirnrula Itul and White Wlnra ruraeccntft, Inrcchettles; f.t.(iis rihiren IhiIIIce. K ' IIOIl'linifHl.tlitJOHHTOHK. Ne. 2M Centre Kiiarc, I jinciiMcr, Pn. WOHIC WANTl'l) IIV AJIII)7)I.l-A(li:il woman, veiy nrrd.v, Inr wicdilns In prlvnle IniiP'es, hclile some clt-nnliiK and srrub IjIiii; Inwvrpr or dm-ter elltic. Inipilre nt tills OIIKf. Jdd I.-IHTA'inOKHAMt'HI.rllAltUXlTATHOK Ili the illy or UuicaMcr, dcieiisctl. I-t- ler of mlmlnliilratleii en wild nitalehavlin; li'-eii uriiuled te the uuderKliiliisI, nil ihtmiiis In- ilihtisl thereto air inincslcd U iiinke linniedl. nte inirini nt. and tluiitf liuvliic claims or de- manill niiiililM the Mime, villi present tliem nllliiait ilelny ler seMli'ineiit te th" under sliiiietl.rcsldliiK In I'diuni teuiishlii. Ijincantrr .Dimly. I.LI L.M.M.IN, iViliniiiisininn. P. li. N011111, Attorney, r 1 lVLfHA I ALL in.vT-illdTii -KDIl- BabyCarria.ges, LAWN MOWERS, Refrigerators IOE CRUAM FREEZERS, CROQUET, LAWN TENNIS, BASE BALL GOODS. W. D. SPREGHER, SON & CO,, 31 E. King St., Lancaster, Pa. iimrZI-'I u.Tlifltril s 'THAT TM-S AND OXTOHIW. MEN'S LOW SHOES! We' vi net forKetti'ii tlie men In pio pie vldliiej flmpcs in footwear essential te situiiiier cninfeit, vvhetlier for evcry-dny meilii or for tine ilicss. These we adver tise te-ilny ntc liii'dltint unuli's, nnd 1111 llsltnlly Keed xnlues ut their lcsivctiie prill's; tlie 111010 tliey'ie examined the Hetter llii'v'ie liked. Men'rt leal Oilf- Fl nip Ties; Louden tee, with pretty tips, solid leathiT outer soles, stiindiird screw fiistened, psiil Milwtiinlial ceiliilers nnd slieejiskln tilinniliiKs; 11 pivltyslmc Hint Ills nentlv nml pievcs it wcuicr every tlini'. The pi in1 is M.tH: Hint hardly pavrt for tlie miiterial in tlieni. Anether of 'tlic same style, n liKliler nnd Unci etude tliiill the iilieve; French tee, liulit, lii'iiml llexilile soles, sewed, eiisiirine; positive ease ulid comfort te Hie liener: solid lent her Imttuin.s :iml heels, geHl ceiiiitct's, sheepskin tiiinmliijrs. I'retty ler ilress unit Hives hiitprisingiy penu wear for a hIioe of its vveinlil; Sl.ed that's clie.ip, isn't It .' Tin- llilnl te It'll et --it Seaiules-ii Ileal Cull' Oxfenl Tie, neat I.0111I1111 tee anil pietly tips, shiep skin trimiiiiiiHs, feiinleis that will out worn' the sltiH-, siilid lent her soles, in ami out, sewed, nml 11 linisli 1 1ml p,ivcs it a handsome iippearaiice. Kits well, ami ligllt fei service ; $l.fiil. Aimthern Hull' Lcatlier Oxfoiil'l'le, elrciilnrscimi, liiiiul Minii'tip, elid soles and lics'ls, sewed, ami oMellcnily linislied; iidniii aide for iIicsmiiiuI inure poed wear in tlieni tliaii you'll expect, $l."0. We've a pretty i-lnip Tie III ver.v lie,lit iiilfskin, loe. ill 51. "id; l'rencli tis-, liieuil, llcxible sules; as HkIiI upon tlie feet us 11 slipper; ease, comfort ami ilurnliility iiiiiihiiieil. l-'liim grades I'runi s2 te S-i) SHAUB & BURNS, II Xeitin (Jui:i:n St., Laniamt-.k, 1'a. mar'JI-bilAir c; iAiti:rt'i. nui'sr.wtvr". LOOK AT THIS ! Fancy Grrades 01 Old Country Teas .it's'i itrci.ivi 1 1. if jeu want a drink of Ileal Old Ceuntiy lea dlvi I .11 Call. Londen and Glasgow Blended Teas A HPLCIALTY. ii-Weale 1 Inilli'iiKc the iveilit le pitslme l ltd rOI'l'Ki: limn Is sold hy u. Ginger Ale & Raspberry Vinegar. WeareaKcnls rei the Win. Cerrj A Ce.'s ill, 1 fast, I11I.1111I1, llliiiicr Ale and Hiuphenj lins PAnd LI'HHKA MIN1.11AL SPHINOS i.sais tirrtevwi. P11A, ter llielr is lehratiit lllnner Ale ami Chid hciite Water tciibeimtnl.) A'S A trial oriheahevc i,ejils It sollclte!. Samuel Clarke, WllULIiSALL AND KlrTAILTKA AM) till FDi: STlllIK, i-i and ri seirii Qfi:r.N ml fTeleplieiie. 1'ris' Dellverj.-fi.l mjs-r.s.Sl.Aiv AV ATlUSPHINU (Olthirr. Ill Y nn: PA.M0PH of ' Watchspring Corset. ILL Nl. I It IIHLAi;. Guaranteed te Outwear Any Custom Custom Made Corset. Mayer, Strouse Ce., .MAM KAITI' mats, IK IlllOAliW.U.N . ucuwiMnijWiiHv tcn SVbtYcvttectucttte. 1irAKTE!-TWO VOtJNfJ IjAHIUS AS TV operators at Apply between 7nnd 8 p. n. ltd -wTuuANJf" newi.kn; "t J iMERGIANT TATLCrRa, , nl-yflll 130 NOltTII QUKEN HTIIEET. T HjllKUt: IH NO MKNHK IN HUtTEIMNn VTlth Cerns nml iiunlens, vrncn COC'HIIAN'M COHN CUlti: Will sbcays cure. A well known lady In Iwtn Custer, 1'u., suircred ie Hindi front n llunlen Hint iihe could scarcely walk. One application entirely removed tlie pain. It Is Kunrnntecd te corn or tlic money vllt Im refunded. Price, 25 ctnl. Kornlnenly at COCIIIIAN'H HHUO KTOUK, Ne. 1.17 & ISi Nerlli (iurcu lit., I-uncnster, l'e. .Tn.Tlin -ILINNA HltENKMAN. Hoaseheld Refrigerators. THE KLKSKA. l'HA!lCOAL-ITLLi:i DRY AIR 'REFRIGERATORS. Willi or Without rercilaln-I.lned Wnter Cisl re. Mndcftnin thoroughly DLIt. KILN-DIUK1) I.U.M- Seft Weed tioed Arc l'lnli-hed In Imltatlnn or Mahogany. Hard Wisjd GissUiirn lililflud Antl'iur. Thry Are Illchly Curved. Overlapping Deers, MallPHhle Iren Cnstins, (leuulne Itrenze lllnge, Solid Metal Shelve-, Patent WuMe Water Tnip, Klcgmit Mckd-1'l.iteil CupHlnndt. FLINN & BRENEMAN, MMiiufiictiiicrs nml Dealtis In IIoiise-Kurnlli-liiKlSeoil., 152 N. QUEEN ST., LAXC'iHIUtt, l'A. T UK li'.OPLL'H CASH HTOlli:. EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS ! NOW 111:1x0 erKLitr.D AT The People's Cash Stere. A Lure,e Let of Fine (Jtutlity Kinbielderiei in White, Cream nnd eoleis, at, exiii-tly half of what they are iiuukeil. Tliis is is 11 Lip cut in price, but we want In reduce stock. Genuine French Hatlnes at U'e and '2")V, ledlti'eil fium 3,!c anil :t7je. lieiiieiuljer wu have a iep iep iitatien mi French Salines. When we nay French vie de net sell you Aiiieiicau pneiN. Zephyr OliiK'liimi.'i in c-cel-lent assortment of styles) at -Me, 'S)i; .'lie, .'17Je. One let Fine Parasols, bought tit 11 pleat sacilllce, will Is- sold at Jl.V.s, W.eO and M.eO. Hepu lar prices of these pisids, ,'1.50 teflll.lli). Gee. F. Rathven, NO. 25 EAST KINO STREET. marJM)dH II htall A IIHOl'HLIl. COOL! COMFORTABLE! CHEAP! THIis IH'IHKSTOHYOK Ol'lt SUMMER LIGHT-WEIGHT CLOTHING, Thin Coats and Vests. In Seersmker, Mohair, Pounce, Silk Milpr, Flannel, Alpaca, lie. I'ents and Vests l.ee te Ij.eO. I eats is- tidVOI Linen Pants 1 and iipimuK lle.i , Men's and i:tni sle. Men's Summer-Weight Suits, Cnmrerlahle Hlislnt . SulU at I.V, 45.U', ll.t and l...''0. i:eellent Sails nt 57.W, 57.W, js.n), ji...V) mid f'UO. l'lne liiesststiltsiil SPl.ls), 51J.IM. 5n.W, 511.(0 le lls.iv). Suck 01 Cnlavaj lisils te all milts. Kvlra sins In ltngtli and vitdlh. FURNISHINGS -IN- Seasenable Qualities. rhiuuelShlrUIn all iii.illtlrsii .IV, i(V', hV, 7.V (l.Wiiinl upwards te H0. White Shirts-JSiV'. 7 H.W. t'ndei uiir 17c, 'is', 5.V, M.s etc Ni-ckviisir-An liiuiiensi' I in If t nt 1'eptiliu Pihss. C Wemn suit iiIjk1)'. If von ate hard te pleas,', THY I'm. ON1MMU0K CLeTiiir.its and rritNisiir.ns, 1 North Queen Street and Centre Square, liANlASTUI, VA, H1RSH & BROTHER, Jtrtu a.btctitciicttl!. HsLger A Ne?. 25, 27, 29, 31 Special Sale Summer Fabrics ! i:ll ALMS, lie He, 20c. r.Oe. (lINliHAMs.. lc, fc. lOc.HMe.. Sllc. lilNlillAMM (scotch), vtRe., .1Cc. SATINKS, lime, 4.1a. HA'tlslK. He., 10c. 'i'sv. ritlSPi: CLOTHS, He., 10e., 180 White Cotten Materials 1 INDIA MNO.V, He, 10c, ViHc. I8c SOe 23c. VHTOltlA LAWNS, iecs, I WSu., Ific. Oc. IIAItltKU LAWNS, He., lOe., iiii.:, lfie., ?Oe. I'HJUK. 18e., iic, ar.e., Je. 1NIMA MltLL. Uf., line., r.lJc. FIIK.NCII VAIVZIM1K. .lOf.. Il2:f.. 7A'. KMII.ISII N'AIN.OOK, r.MHiteuiKni: :u KLOUNC1NCJ, Hager & N- EXT DOOHTOTHi: COUUT HOUHC Among the W'hite Goods WE AHU SHOWING: Keautirul India I. limns In White, Cream and Lent, at UJc. Ilartialii In White India Lawns at t)ic, kc, 10c. and 2l,. liatd and Stripe Nainsoeks. Lxliii Values In Cord Wdt Pique. lirautlftil Persliiii Mulls, with Colored lignren, 12c. Cieain Oaiiey, Crary CrcH', 12Je. Knitireldcicd rieiindiiKi, II Inch, nt 50e., Ci'Jr., 7Je., 51.00, SLVi and HM n yanl. A beautiful Linn of HamhurgnndHwlsi Kinhrelilerlesnnd Kdulnii. Children's I'leiintiug at 2.V., Me., .!7I',cJ, 1 jc. and 'lOi-. FAHNESTOCK'S, 35 and 37 East King St., Lancaster, Pa. llciu 2vbucvtincmi.Mtie. SUHOOLDi: Clijiirn.Be ir Havana I UH GOLDEN LION AND MIA IJCKNHA clears, are hand made vilth long 'ill.., ri'. ...... IIKI'a l..... I lll'li-, ."infill.. l. f.in.vi.n. DLMUTH's uiuAii sreiti:. nlMfdH 111 Uisl Klnt,' Hired. ITIOHItKNT-KOUIt.SIX AND NINI IIDOM .l1 Unices. Api'lynt jei.-un JttiHOl'TH WATLHST. CstANIX.r.XCLH.SIVK BTVLl'.S IN ACA ) 1 la. reinim:. Welseliel.Cherrvand Malac ca, mounted In Silver and llrnnre. DKMiirit's ciriAit sTem:. als-lfdll 111 Ktist ICtliK street. LAIHli:' VAHIKTV OP JOIN"?!?!) HODS. Heels, Lines, Hint Meinitlnj;-, and jieiieial fiiuiII mire at special llRiires, at the old head iituirters. IIU1ILKVS mtuu stehi:, ,18 Wen Kins .Street. Citv tan, issd.an ahatk.mi:nt ok a per cent, will he allowed en all City Tax paid en or txrern July 1, lsst). Olllee heurs: mi. m. te 12 111., and 1 te.l p. in. ilnlly. On Memtaj nml Saturday Hie etllee villi lie open In the rrrnliu; from 7 tode'ilork. J. II. KATHKON, Jc'HXkllt City Treasurer. A Ill'HINlisH KDt'CATION CAN III: HAD J at Hie Ki:V810Ni: lll'StNI-Sh COL LKOK rer l-Vi. lull course ; J'.MevcnlnK H'slen. Why pay IiIkIi tuition ler peer Initruetleii, vilien veucan net thenie-t tlioreinrh and nrar- -tlcnl course for half tlie nieiic) 7 We ctinrantee j 011 the course. W. 1). M0.Vi:H, l'rln., tfilAvr 10 N. (Jmen St., I jeieaster, I'a. lilENHY WOI.K, FURNITURE STORE, has removed te 1.M liitt Klmj sticrt. Iiavlnea rail lliioefKiiriilttiieoreviryui script Ien at tlie lowest pilccs. Alse UnilertakliiK iremptly at tended te. Call and examine our LMHsls. as-tfdlt II. WOLF. 1 Jl Last Kliic Sin el. H1 MllllTH! SIIIIITSI TIIUHK HCNDHLD samtaes nt Klaundste nlel: from niaile te enler rrem .'.'i"i te M..VI. Tlioieuslily shrunk. While Shirts, unlatunlrli'd.tlseiiiiiiriOc: mir own make, hand vierked luittonlieles and lltKU.ir anlis'd, iiiilaumlried,7.s';iiiirth( ehl elstnlnre rerSI.HO. Your mi iiMire taken and lit Kiiarau teed rrem 51 le J. silk Shirts, SHI: Hosiery, 1'iideriviiir, and a templete line or Men's Out- llttlllgs. TROUT & SHANK, Shirt Manufacturers and Men's Outfitters 110 North QiuenStieet. imirJMyilH ITKItlt'H HOOKM'OHK. "Joyful Sound." THK LATUsl' Sunday Scheel Music Boek. It Will He Hcd nt the Coming Canip inectlllRS. ALLNLW ANDSPAHKLINC. .MCSIC. I'OIl SALL AT HERR'8 BOOKSTORE, M.l.V.N. (Jl'LLNSl'. "N .TKW YOHKSIOHH. w ATTHL New Yerk Stere. INDIA LlNKNH, VICTOHIA LAWNS, NAINSOOKS AND CAMHHHVi. STHIPKD PLAID AND CIILCKHD LA WNS, KIOl'HKH ANDDOft'LD SWISS .MChl.INS, INDIA Ml'I.LS, INDIA DIMITV, HL'-MSIITCHLD V1CIOHIA LAWNS, KMIIItOU)i:ili:i) l'LOUNCINOS, Inevet varlit.v et deslt'iiat low-prices. CIIILDHKN'SHMIIHOlDKItKHl'LOPNCINliS AI 'i", ill, 37'i, , (.'J', i cats a j aril. I-VINCH KMimOIDHltHD KIll'NClNOS At ."si, Sli, II, .'in, tai,, -S cents h ) aril. LI. 1.(1 ANT KMIIIlOU):iti:i I'LOl'NClNHS At 7.'-,sV, SI, J1.2J. SI.'O te Ha junl. CA.MHHIC, NAINSOOK VN'D SWISS KDO- INUS AND INSI.HT10NS 111 widths Mittablc for every piirpo.e at low prlii s, ll'HKK HHHANDNAVY lll.L'i: PI.OUNC INC.SANDLDUINliS At Very Lew Prices. AI.LOVHH t:.MIIHOI)LlllbS lnst, Camlirle .N'ulniek. WATT & SHAND, C, 8 ami 10 East Kiug Street, lite Dress Geflils! Brether, WEST KINO ST. no.,37Je., (SOe.. 73e. ilTJie fi()e., 'iJe., Tfle., 01 .00. Brether. HUoccllaiteeuix. "vtlckwi:ah-thk LATUST and MOST jL lashlenalile styles and fhade, Iheeheapcst nun imst, ni i.inn.n.. n uents- Mirnistiini; Stoic, 12 West Kim; street. "IOH SALi: C1IK.M'. ONE SIH" Of TIN. I" smith's TisjI", one set et Has and I'lumli- ImcfToels, 11111I one i-et of Coppersmith T00N. Alse IlendiesKiid Palterns. A uoed Iimillly for I business If desired, In Laneastir, Pa. Inqulie ai mis emee mi once. jciy-iwuiuvw M lLl.r.Il'8 neitAX SOAP. 7VYIL-LER'S Borax Seap WILL- WASH CLOTHES, -AND- EVBRY ARTICLE UNDER THE SUN. IST jeTicn. NOTICE -10 TDK- of tlic Peer -ANDUIK- Citizens of Lancaster County. Wiihipas, 'lhe aheve Director AilvirtUert and neelvisl Hid. this IStli DAY Ol Jl NK ferii the riirnishlm; of HentluK ApsiniH for the Ins.me Asjiimi and Hospital Holdings, lid luisid 011 Sisilileallens rnrnlshed hy theinJ selves, and NO MONL'YH te lieimlden theweiki until Iiin Jeb prei 11I siiilkfiirtutj ut 70 iltmeu' tcinreratiitelnall rooms In lieth hulldliiBs ill zero weather, with the undcr-tiunUm; that lhe work vim te be given le the Lewest lllddir.j DM') oil act Iloner.ihly and Ik'iil Palrly with me, my Hid ticing '.',lfl() and award II tea lomis'tlter for v.', Ml I ; (ienlli ini'li, I de expect and Insist In this mat-j tei en ImJiiit liiatcdasii ltyl t limt I r hiddir, anil will held ) oil for the iiiuemit of nij hid. Aa! Heard lepii.sintliiK the Intciestsef theTuxpay"! ers of this lemily, you havi no authority te recklessly sp nil the eon nil mom y I was treated In the mine manner when lildn.' i Direcks w ere asked fur heiitluy the cuurt house. Only j the commissioners were mere imitiens, I was! lhe lowest hldder, hut they did net award the centraci. 'IIib Cil) el Liucaster done dirty work tn awatdliiK lentiait fei Hellers ; 10-tliig them ovir'A'l'linere than m hid. New lit usinvis-tlale. Jehn Best. J II &&feifc&U.. -. ". t'j&t&tmi M(Vi,'i