-. ?V "& C'i'e THE LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER TUESDAY, JUNE 18, 1889. fe Bt, Si hi .-- i i - im& 14 Ryu m: tK fj ' iH.' tS' Wfyft iK- hr tiB T? :. h 'if St.. m Hi $s Hr K. r.s, ' p 11 Uii tttrlltgenrev. RMUCWJ.STfttNMAlf, J? 1, OBAftLSBBTKINMANFOtTZ, GdHera. ' ( ROBRRT CLARK, PriblUhcr. BAILY INTXU.rTJF.rtCKK.-t'unllsried rA avcry day in the ytnr, but Sunday. BervwJ - fcjr curler in thin cttjr nfl surround I ng ' town at ten cents i week. By mail fire del ' tei year In advance; McenUn, month. - ;' s J,.;,., ,t WBCKLT INTELMOENCKR-One dollar nnd ' Mlr cents it year. In advance. .JTOTKlE TO WJtWCRinratH-Rftnlt by check ?" T powteffleo order, nnd where neither of ', "these can be procured wnd Id a registered 5 v i IVHler Wilwi il fti the rMtofllce, ns second class mull ?. .matter. y AtlbltRWl. Tltl! fWTSt-t.TBfSHCftR. Ijancantcr, Pn. ivF LAK0ABTK1, PA., Jnae 18, 1889. The Amendment. J. ' TlkANI can hardly ic a iieiiui 01 me I viWWltef Uie election te-dny if there Is S ... ... - . . - .. M.. ;Miyttiing HKe n fittr voiepenca. ine y l-frohlbltlen nmciHlfiieiit can only have . cnance inreugn wic ncuviiy m iw -,'lHends and the IruHflerciiw or Ht fees. ,Thc sober wnse of the Mate will ccrlajn ;J ly condemn it by a very large majority, wVt It lacxprcssctl ; ami there is no reaen te believe that it will net be. L. TliA nlttim ntttiitiilniAltl Wttllrwl ttT 1 lift ,i 1UU WIUV1 fllll:UlllVMI VVJIfj i- peH tax asn voting qualification, will i 'doubtless be adopted, alnce It Is in favor 'i witb.tlic political managers of both par f jS tle It la however, we believe, ft ills $ tlect step baekvvnrd in popular inivcrn- A, mcnL The theory upon whleh It Is iS$ baaed is that no cltircn who Is net Willing te pay a tax ought te vote ami it is a geed theory. In practice. It lias net worked tut It was cxpcctctl te de, since, the political parlies paid the small tax of 25 cents te secure the vote. An attempt was made te remedy the vv reng by enacting that tliu tax should Ik paid by the voter only. Tills law has lieen defied openly by the political workers and there wems have been no virility in the machinery of JuMlee te bring them te account for it. As matters stand the IK1I tax Is simply a tax upon the political organizations, and dot's net in any way tend te confine the pilvliege of the ballet te these who value it enough te lie willing te pay twenty-live centa ter It. But It would ! ivtlcr te held en te this constitutional requirement and te seek te perfect the legislation thai would secure its virtue, instead of abandoning the attempt. The great defect of our universal suflragc system is that It ceulldes the privilege of voting te these who de net value it save as It is an article of sale ; and It seems te be a retrograde step In the purification of the ballet te extend It te non-taxpayers, as ia doubtless done te-day. Eclipse of a Here. Captain Murrell, of the Missouri, wlie rcscueil the Damuark jteeplc, continues te receive honors and glory In a meas ure that would turn the head of one Ien a. ii Intril .Iia ttttit On ids return teJSugland, tZi after his triumphs at Philadelphia ami -& itaitiniere, ne w as received wiin ncciii .jkf ' matiens that could hanlly have lieen mere enthusiastic, if lie had Ikvii a sec- elid Nelsen or Wellington. As his ship i sailed up the Thames all the shipping 'was in gala dress of bunting, steam "whistles shrieked and wharves and decks were black with cheering people, while the boysef tliCKchoe ship manned the yardslwlls pealed, bands played and :. cannon thundered. At the deck was a ?5m great crowd ami among them his fattier VJ '... I .llw. I ...1...1. A .11,11.. I i MIIU Illirilivi iiiivt lt-liill.. 4 ili:llll- V. iriifslifl ifiiiiinl(trM I1111I irulluiniil tn !-???, ' receive him at the Mansion Iieiih;. headed iosstTe.,luver ,.f XjoiiiIeii ami thu tthewed tlu. uli i,e wn irtVented glllllreil 111 l1l...riin,l t.JRO,,!,.. l, !fSiIni '-i0 Pn'.ted each prcaclied te a lin, . ', , . , , jAtlheJtnjJ BW wnlcli and a t, j..' Wi U-JJill-fflitlis pay mini the v5 -ft Nviieusc fund, lie was presented ffWli n mmilvcref medals, geld wiiIcIkm and ether tcBtiuieiiltils,incIudliigu letter from Bismarck, and the American consul give him the $2,f)00sulneribtd fur him in Philadelphia. New he comes back te America te re ceive moreagold medals and predtues a strange impression. His name is ass,,. elated with a ready and berole answer te tthe apical of lmK'riled humanity that averted a terrible catastrophe, but slum we lust thought of him the .loluistew 11 jMp, , horror has completely overwhelmed all r& An.A. i..i..kui ..r 11... M1..1 irn... iv... . until iiiiuram ii iiiu iiiiii. ! iii.i i.iii- jnark bad gene down witli all en beard, the Imprcwlon-et- horror w 011UI he been faiut licside that left by tlie H(h1 that swept away tlieu.sands In a few minutes, leaving lure ami there a soli tary half crazed mourner and a mimic of awfnl desolation. Murrell seemed n flue, here when last Ivfeni us, and he no doubt remains the same, but thu great calamity called attention te greater licrees who will never be honored with medals and geld, or cheering and can non. The two women who stayed in the telegraph tower sending message of warning. The known and unknown en feet and horse, who gave their lives in efforts, often futile, te warn the people. The heroes, swept away without a moment's warning, whose llrst thoughts were of ethers. The great emergency developed great 'qualities in every day men and women ; and though we still agree that Munell is a geed fellow, there are plenty mere 1 like him. AVe honor them all. - A New Heiitc. "Vc print elsewhere the statement of a a new railroad connection of gre.it im- pertauce, which is designed te make a England and Pittsburg by way of the . Peughkecpsle bridge and the railroad line that has bceu built te connect the Peughkecpsle railroads with it. The Beading railroad has a connection at Slatlugteu with the Philadelphia system ; and lately it lias taUeu out a & . charter te build a railroad from Harris- " burg across the Susquehanna teujuiie- &. rilnn with lt Htirrisliitrtr A P.ilmmu. 'J railroad, that extends from SIiIimiciis- v', burg te rt p.iint nine miles from Harris '. berp, where it ends in the air. The read -f fcaa been entirely outside the Heading 'aytcm and there has been no excuse for t. Urn ownership of It. "When the Seuth :. Peen was being built, Mr.Uewen w an'i d ,fl taken Inte the line, but the ether par- tie interested preferred te build their a own read through the Cumberland val- 't ley. which was the easiest coustiuctieu vea the Him), and they declined the pre- "Stieu wilu thanks. " jpjPbe Western Maryland railroad is a : airang and ambitious corporation, in Wfiicli BalUfBere city and 1 iconic are aMafly iateresteil, that of late has len MUlBg the feeble lines that It caniu lama in its progress northward and Waatward. Its latest acquisition lias feaea the Hanover & Gettysburg tettreaU, The Western Maryland . Aa lsw.1ru 4...V. ....... Mini.).... ...1.1. W1 Hne, north te iiauever and with MMtuer nennweetward te l'hamleni MHf . When the Beading and Potemcc MieStee acrusa the river te llnrrH 111 ' it Vttlbave a ckar run te 'uw Luglaud ; and when It builds a seventy mllibreBch wcslwartl, it will connect with the Bal Bal tmieres& Ohie railroad at Hyndman ; akl the new trans-Allegheny route te Baltimore, Philadelphia, New Yerk and Bosten will be nwde. Mr. Pulton's Statement. Mr. Jno. Fulton, general manager of the Cambria Iren company, sends te the Pittsburg DUnilcJi,n letter written by him In 18S0, te D. J. Merrcll, then general manager of the works of which Mr. Fulton was engineer, protesting against the manner In which the Seuth Ferk dam was being repaired. He found that hay and brush and peer earth was liclng used in it, and that no outlet was provided te let oft the water t'e repair the dam when needed. Mr. Fulton also enclees the reply of B. F. Hull", the then president of the Fishing club, who superintended the repairs of the dam, and the letter of 11. .1. Mor Mer rcll te Hull. Frem this corresmndenee it appears that there was no dispute, as te the use of clay, hemlock boughs anil shaley earth In making thedam ; and it also appears that there was but a very feeble effort made by the Cambria company te ne curen belter construction. Mr. Merrcll tells Mr. Bull' that they "dil net wish te put nny obstruction in the way of your accomplishing your object lu the reconstruction of this dam, but that he intut pretest against a structure that will Ixj a ierH'tual menace" te life ami property in the Cencmaugh. He asks that an outlet be provided by which the dam can lie emptied; and says that If "this dam should Ins securely reconstructed with a safe means of drawing oil' the water In case any weakness manifests Itself, kiiii!(I rrfanl lic (icceiiiplMiinml nf (he. work m a uy tlmfnililr. one" : and he eilers te eo-eH!ralc In the work if the store of water could lie utilized In case of drought In the valley. Mr. Fulton says that It was Dually decided that f hey had no legal means of nrrcstlug the repairs te the dam ; and they dlil nothing. Hut it is clear from the tone or Mr. Merrell's letter that they were net at all indisposed te (lie erection tlietlniii If properly done ; and It htiiis a faircouclusieii that their objection was oveiceineiliy their greater ileslre,eltlier te have the dam or te have the geed will of the Important membcra of the club; because no one will for a moment ques tion that they had a t-ulllcicut legal icniedy by which te prevent the con struction of the dam as a public uui siinee, which It clearly would have Ik-cii IT insecurely made, as they declared it was In'itig made. Certainly Mr. Fulton deca net relieve the Cumin in iron com pany efllelals from blame by showing that they knew t lie dam was liclng lui lui precrly repaired and failed te step it. Hut it is Interesting te note that no complaint was made In IfAOby Mr. Ful ton of the Inefllelency of t lie overllew passage provided at the surface, though be new says that it was the "choking by lumber, In usli ami legs of (IiImomt (IiImemt (IiImomt llew which was originally 70 leet wide, that caused the water te Hew ever the central portion of thu dam, that had been repaired, making the bieak that has caused such a terilble disaster te the Cenemaiigh valley." It Is rather surprising te rend Hint a Flench admiral lias lieen cuiiiplniiiiiig te tliu riinuilier of Deputies Unit the men-of-war new possessed by France urn of .itillitiutcd type, and tlie surprise is in creased by the reply el the minister of murine, who tacitly iiiliiilttcil tlie t tit ni tlie statement, mid wants te spend ten million dollars by controlling ultli prhutc. til ins for new ships, although llm gicat government shlpyauls aie being worked te tlielr utmost uip.u Ity lep.iiriug old and building neve, Tim navy of France h.is nveuUy been proiieumcd by high English authority htiDiigcrtlun that of any ether power. A little 111010 than a j ear age the llritlsli Ad mirals Nymnuds Hornby ami Alcester, caused gie.it alaim lu Kiiglaud by pub licly conceding Iho mmil siipeileilty el I '1. nice, ami new I'icikIi admirals uik luitlier Increase, that their Meets may cqu,il tliu united Metis of Italy ami (ici iiiniiy. As the latter lias only recently given nun li attention te her uay and war ships take ears te build, I '1 nine Is looking en the Italian uuderstamllng with iter many as liriuly established. A sue Aiueiic.ms are just beginiug te replace our undent wooden n.iy, It may be interesting te note what kind of ves sels the Ficnch admirals consider anti quated. In ISSfi tlicy had eighteen he.y iieu-elnil luittle ships, eleven of the samu of light draft for coast defense, ten iron clad cruisers, four Iren-clad gnu beats, tlility-nlne protected steel ciuisers, one pietcilcd toijHsle ciulscr, nine sea-going torfHsle beats, clulitcen preteilett gun beats twelve prelectisl steam slcsqis and forty training ships. In addition, seven siwer t til arnuMcd crtiisetswere almost ready for launching. .Ne wonder tint elllcers of a Fremh cniiser which teuclusl at Atlautiu peitsa.vcar age, were dcllglited with tlie rate ami curious cellet tieu of naval an tiques, kueuu.iNtlic American navy. And j el 1'iameeiies for 1110111 ships, licciusc, forsooth, Mivcral ether nations may out eut mimbei her l. combining. Scaiiiiew Jack, the man who llrst brought KiikIIsIi spanouste Philadelphia, has Just (llcl in ticiiiianteu 11. His uanie was Jehn V. Ilanlcley, and he vvnsa natlv e of ; Manchester. England. Iliiriug a visit te his native heme.iii IMKI, lie ris-ellu cable dispatdi fieiucit.v councils te c.iptureaud briiiK with lilm en his leliiiueun llieuviud Huglish fcpairevvs. i'li.-se blnls vveie lllt erattsl iutlieclty Npiaies of Pliiladelphi.i, where II wiisheHslthe; weuldeteitiiiuatii the millions of catcrpill.tis en Hie lices. They did destiny the vveiius, but many giHKUllirens have siiue been longing ler soiue means of destieiui; Iho ssurews whlih seem te liniuuieiisingnt an alarming rate and diiv lug aw ay our 1 .itlve birds. .1011.V (iii.ni:tti- hi'.aii. The Velei'iui Acter 1'im.cs Avva.viit Ills Heme In Ito-len. Jehn (illbert, tlie actor, died at his home in Bosten, 011 Memlay arteiuiMiu. Jehn Oibbs Gilburt was beiu in llosteu, Mass., 1810. Ite was educated lu tlie pub lic schools. After some experience hi pii pii vate tlicatilc lis he appeared in ISiS. at the old Trcment theatre as Jalller, hi " Vculce I'reerMHl." .Mr. Oilbeit wien Ikvjiue a stock atter en the pav of three dollars per week, and diss.itislleil with his condition, bought an engagement with the New Or leans theatre, ami jitayed "genenil util ity." Kubsisiieiitly hencteil for ten vein, in llosteu and New Yerk. In IMtMi. lilllicrt went te Louden and joined thu company of the Primes' theatre, Iiavint; b;eu cnjiigtsl te represent Hip parts of old men in simulant comedies. Ills llrst a p wai jure theie was 11s Mr Hubert llr.imble, m "The Peer lientlciiiau." Alter Iho ilose or the Ioiideii season he visited r.nis ler ihe purpose or study. In 1Mb he returned h, this country. Helal been tw lee married. Awnv from Iho the.it re Ills llfe has been quiet iuul 10. tired. He Is 0110 or the low crferiiiers bsfere the public w hese career ieiiiim-sI mero than two Keneralleiis Ireui the dnvs when he played In counts, tlen with Cisiiier, Junius II. lineth and tlie Kciublcs. 1IH rane or iharai-ters waswhle in isiuuslv !"d trapedy. Anions his mit ipula'r iiersoiuMeiiH are Mr Peter Ttuile, Sir An An teony Ab'-ile, lxrd Ogleby, Jeb Theiu-Ix-rry and OIu Der a ten. Teaetiera Klectrsl. F.iitnATA, June 17. The following teachers have been elected te-dy for the publie schools of Hphratn tewnship: Acsd cmy, T. V. Heddlg ; Kphrnta Centre, h. J. Miller, sceendnry, J. Hart Heeher, pri mary 1 Hast I'phratn secondary, J. 1. Dry, primary, Hadie Hew man 1 West Hphrata secondary, A. H. Kline, primary, J. J. Ycagcr; Mohlcr's.Oce. Z. Hunter! Hprlng Hprlng ie, Mary K. Buck waiter ; Lincoln sec ondary, F. 8. Kllngcr, prhnae'i I O. Backer; Mlddle Creek, (lee. H. Kemper ; West Akren secondary, H. O. Zcrfass, pri mary, K. Mae Illckliniii; livst Akren, C. II. .wn'lley; Htniiiinctz'B, Kate Heltiiinn; Ilrtlinny, Milten Clauscrj llahnstevvii, Tliee. Ulnss; Frysvllle, II. H. Jaceby: llcrgstrasse, vacant. Tliore were fourteen applicants In the clas and all rtselvcd icrtlllentcs cxecjit one. Pnif. ltrecht was pleased with the class and remarked Hint it was above the av ernge. Y01111K Turkeys Killed lly llees. Frem tlie Allfiitinvn Iifinecnit. A very queer mid unusual hnp)cniug leek place at the residence of Mr. Joel , Kcs:k, lu western Hnllsbury, en Wednes day last. The family had become jssessnl efa bnxsl ofseven young turknys by the usual hatihitig iiriK'es, and licing very lively and lliiiirlslilug Iho members of the household already pictured te themselves Iho pleasures of turkey dinners during the holiday season of ue.xt winter. Mr. K. also has an apiary constituted of a number of stands of bees, mid iioniehewtliotnrkeys and bees failed te establish a neighborly ami friendly companionship, even though they lived en the same premises. At any rate, en the j einig Kallluaclniis venturing Inte the vicinity of the bee stands 011 Wt Wednesday Iho (MfiipnnlH of the latter rushed out" efthclr hives by tlieusands.imd making an atlnck 011 the 01111g fowls stung them se tcrrllicallv that they died from the ctlts ts lu a very short time. What caused Iho feeling of iiiitiignuisiii te the Innocent lurks can of course net be said, but II was net thai they were intruders, lu thai of the total number net a slngle 0110 had ap proached the hives nearer than several feet. Fer some leaseu, however, the bees be came exasjicralcd. and Mocking out uihiii the visitors te their domains they applied their "business ends" most wiatlifiillv, and with elicits that proved fatal tu the cntlie number. A Typo-WHter Cypher. Adovlce fur secret wrltlnuby means el Iho lypc-wrltei Is inriitleiiiil hi the liiicr he I viie-writei Is nientiniiHl 111 the I'ltiicf H'erW as 11 recent invention. It requires tw e tyne-w riters similarly adjusted. They 1110 se ceustrii'-tiil thni the tycM can be shifted from their normal position ; se that the operator, stilklnn the key in the usual wnv. really writes ether letters than these lu Ids copy, forming a cipher copy. The receiver adjusts his machine lu an opposite direction, and writes from thu cipher copy, and his machine records the letters of the original copy. The prinupln is very sim ple, nays the Mrelittnictil AVic, and it at once suggests ihe possibility of applying tlin principle of Iho combination lock te such a contrivance ler 1111 lype-wrucrs, se that each ew tier of 11 machine can set it te any combination, which only he and his eefresHindeut should knew. senator l.aineren's Meii-lu-laivv Dies. William It. llmiHey, aged ;i."i, seu of Judge Jeseph I. Ilra'dley, of Hie Culled .States supreme court, died at his residence ill Newark, N. .1., 011 Monday. He had been 11 victim of consumption for" years, and had tinvclcd extensively te try and 1 heck the disease. Nine venrs age he mar ried Virginia rameien, eldest (laughter of J. II. I'aiueren, of Pennsylvania. The widow ami two children survive him, Mr. liradtcy graduated at Bulgers college In 1ST I. Heys Jtatcti by Wolves. Twoihtldieiief I'd ward llaehus, a farmer of Hosier, Me., a small village llfly miles south of Kansas City, went teaeieek about a uille from home te llsh. V'pen their rail ing te return at nlht searching parties wcioergniiicd. Their bones weie found near a led go of locks that had long been known us WelPs Den. A band el'tlmlur wolves have inlestisl that sis tlen I'm curs and thu i hlldrcn were killed and eaten by theauiiuals. The boys weie aged It) anil 1- years. lied Locusts In southern Perks, Clouds of ml locusts, se thick that they east a shadow Uhih the eaith, nie terrify, iugthcpceplu in thu vh hilly of Moiga'u Meiga'u Moiga'u lew n, in Iho southern put et llciksceuuty. When thev alight Iho glass and gnilii ciejis disanpear befoie their vor.uieus attacli. Meck must all be kept illidei cover, and l.iimeisde nut risk driving heises upon hlghwavs. Net since 1ST-liave the locusts been se mnneieiis nnil destiuithe. T OODHbAIIHAPAKH.I.A. That Tired Feeling lse rlcixcil liynliuit cMDlieilj at tills se.i. en, iuul mail xeplc ir-mt In lle.xrNUM'a rllla ledrlviMinnj tlii'laiiauei ami exhaustion, llm IiIirhI, IiuIcii Willi Impurities wliUli lunc ls"i lui'UinulaltiiK ter limellis, mmn slni; lilslily HireiiKli tlie vclii", Hi,, lulu. I mils In think iiill(l and tin liei u sllllsliiuir te iishiiiiI. HimmI'm Sarmiparllla N Jut nhall neisliil. It purlltcM, i.illes mnl curh lies the IiIimhI, iimkis the hi'.ul ilcar, cnales an Mic lite, oMTi-einos Dial tlml IitIIih;, tunes tlie iicneiiss sit in, ninl Impiitti licaltli ami vlpir te tlie whole Ii.hI)-. HOOD'S SAItSAl'AItll.l.A ".My apiH'tllu whs sHir. liuulit net stis?p, hail lieailiiihea Ktcat ileal, (Vitus lu my lnuk, lillieils tt lit nut tame riKiitiirl.v. Hmsl's NirMiparllla tu 11 .hint time dlil 1110 su linn li KimmI tlml I fid like a new man. My uilnnuil allies arc relieved, my iipMtlte ItnpreviHl. 1 say In ntln rs who need a neml uiedliine, try HiHHl'k Kirsaisirllla and w" (iieitin. I', Jai kshs, Itexlmry htatlun, roan, .MAKF.STIII: WHAK SiitONi! Ker jcurs 1 vtns slrk evtry sprlui;, lint lust jc.ir liKik IIk Nirsaisnllla and jiavenet seruiiklikda) sluiv. ' 11. V. HI' N, -Mllleu, Miik. " I take IIimkPn -Nirsaparllta'asa sprlui; tonic and I iii'iiinniiiid II te nil who have Hint mis- ruble tiled In llm;. ' f I'ncMI.IVI., lliide Htnvl,lliiniklii, N Y. HOOD'S SAKSAPAKI1XA Sold hj nit ilriniiilstK II ; slxfer fi, PreMitsl mil) l')'l' I. II1111I1.V 111.. Levvt II. .Man.. lUllHisi'.si)M. lull, I. AH (I) iirKKXAMi.'i:i:u:snii:i:7 Spectacles ! WE EXAMINE EYES FREE! Yeu Think Your Eyes Are Geed 1 ir jeii havcttif in examined) 011 will probably Mud Dial llicie iHseuu'thluK wmiu: with thuu, 11 ml tlml kIiism h w III lie 11 treat lielii le v nil. Wu u liiliiiltable "Ht. MaSTA lenses w till li are luaile mil) b un.huiI nceniiininlif by IuuIIiik Oculists us the lcst aids te direc tive vision. Hetltl (leld KiH'Ctai-li s, s.'!.lMl; usual lirle-, hlis I KiHH'lacles Alie.: usual prlis', s..(Ki. Artllliiallcsliinrted, si ; usual nrlce, Mil. M. ZINEMAN Si BRO. 130 S. Ninth Street, OPl'ICIANS, PHIiaiiKU'HIA. Ileluct n Chetnut mid Walnut htrn In. ui)-l)d I KVAN .V hONrt. These Are Trying Times. i, Ihcy arc Ir) lug times lu inure senses lhau eiu-; and every itixsl house wile knows the dllll i'lill) el IiiivIhi;khn1,wvI bread In vir) het w miller. Hut this task inn) bcituiUrcd eein-isimtlvi-l) i-usy by liavlnu the rlKlit kind e I lour, Mint I'ur; enu who bus unsl ll.idiuit that LEVAN'S FLOUR Ik Ihe KlKlil Klait. Try It, and You'll Iluy It. Levari & Sens, MERCHANT MILLERS. ds-)il kl,I!r,i'J:JV, Luiueu uteiik, is t'i:.vrni: tj r)t(lJAltu PURE RYE WHISKY. My own dUtilUulen. MplVlfd Uitnamaltctr'. riiHJvDKLrniA, Tuesday, June IS, 189. What de you think a dress Rattcrn of Gloriosa weighs ? Text te nothing. 48 inches, $1.50. Crazy Crepe would almost llent in air. I2c. t Plenty of ether stuffs that suggest woven wind. Let the mercury simmer. Scotch Zephyr Ginghams that have a market right te be 40 and 50c arc 25 and 37c. Sateens go the same way. Yeu may get a 25c grade for i2jc. Seme geed, desirable, sea sonable Jerseys are half price ; ethers are two-thirds. Half a dozen tables full have been specially interesting te you. Of course the biggest bar gains are net last te go. Second fleer, ClirsdmitMrrcl side. Five olovn elovn olevn tors. Hew cool and inviting the well-kept, velvety lawn leeks with the mercury in the nineties and pavements broiling het. Clip it " early and often." The Themas Lawn Mower does the work perfectly. $5.75 for 10 inch, J6.50 for 1 2-inch. $7.25 for 14-inch, $8 for 1 6-inch. Haw-incut, nerlliuist of (cntrr. If you'd rather hand-hack the grass, here's a geed sickle for 25c. llasement, net tlic.ist of ti litre. Garden Hese of course. Three-quarter inch, 3-pIy : III uk, III and IV u feet White, IS unit ",1k: a feet l'lMt-i hiss Cotten Ilisc,IJcn feet. Streng Reels te held 100 feet of hose, $1.25 ; te held 200 feet, $2.50. Reel that self winds the Hese, $5.25. IIiimmiiciiI, near ci ntrc stairs. Muggy weather means mos quitoes. Never mind ! Only 35c for an adjustable Window Screen. Screen Deers, $1.50, with two spring hinges and a knob. Ilaseiurnt, north efcenlrc. The $6 Carriage for Baby has a strong, neat rattan body, serviceable running gears, jute cushion, and S springs. We have hardly a carriage that will take mere of the jolt and jar out of traveling. What you pay beyond mostly gees for gew gaws and luxury. Any price you say. Maybe fifty Carriages, each different, where you can see them at a glance. Or you may pick the parts and we will get up a carriage te your mind. The 13.25 Carriage of ten days age is 12 new. Ilascmnit, northeast of irntii1. Jehn Wanamaker. Itlinrcllam'euQ. CIOI.I.AKH AMI CL'ITM Till'. I.ATIXT, the most ileeirable, and most loinrerlable hilar s ami alvles mi) size, nt IMIIHMAN'S (Ji ills' rurnlshlliK Stere. -I- vcM KliiKstriet. Uxi!i:iivi:aii i.niiir .i ii:ihi.m vmlKlit muii rwear 111 all Kradisund any "l':'.'."1 'UNMANN (Jems' ruinWilnjcHteic, IJ West KIukMiccI. G 111'Yll.Vl.lj CKIAHSTOIti: I inn new is-aled at Ne.7Vuit Klni; streil, wheie I will nt all times keep en lunula mil line or iIieIih elK.irs, Kinnklns' and iliewlnir lobacies. Will . ,,.,im,I tehnvnni) nlciiils nnd luitrensKlvu men call. aprlmileiMl ji.i. j, HeluiKlt. Nil TIIIMlSAIinNlir WHAT T1IKY IV sismii ' I'ominen sense and thlrt)-tlve dellaisMi'iiiiill rlKlil.iiuil irveu leek Inlii this lib c little nrrangcmi nt, Its like the Krwjev Inis ler, It wen 1 work. A mem smntnrliiKlr Iiim.u Iiim.u KeeiiliiK nnd Iho mereeH'nliin' nnd ehislnc iiru set or Nsiks din's net isiiistilute tliui mire course of ih. i.am;as.ti:u iifsims cei.i,i:.ii:, :".'.' V '-'"', Mi'uslns't. ThoreuKli lnsiiuetleii III all blanches ei.senl lul ten business, ducal Ien consulate tliu. eure. 'terms consistent with thu Instriulleii. Vitiliesn, 11. t wi:ini,i:ii. l'riiiciisii. (lOAXUHKi: Jt 'Iheilrrat I'd hi. tT)rellen Warblirs, at Maennercher Garden I Xew- I'lrreruiaiice liver) i:eulni;. IjiiII.x withetitesiurl mid miners net admit. ted te tllCKIIIltCII, Inc.iseel Imlemenl weather ion. cits vvIIIIm In Id lu .Vlii'imirihur Hull. I'lurifeie noun need heslliitete visit Uie.e u lelirali d Tv rellens. I'mf. Tilt's Woud. rful Marionettes .Mieu- and Jesi'iih lt.)ereus.i,iuriiiv uIl-IU. Jc.Wm.1 ( ITAKI'ld:, Piep. "vxnurTiii: LARGEST CONCERTS i:ir h.ld In this (.'it) will bent the MENNERCHORHALL, -ON TUESDAY, JUNE 18, 1889, C'einsed or the (Ireat Tyrellin Slnccrs, I'nif. rill's Wonderful Marienette HIiew, mid our well-known JOSEPH ROYER. I'.m.erl Hiatus, it sOVleek. A.lmlssl.m Tit kru iiiii be had at the entnuue .IiiIIh,2V., nilldren, IIV. Jell-Ud CTKAM. " v'e desire te call Itlin atlrullun of eensunicis of riteaiu (iiMidsuuit Kui:liux'rs' Mipplies, te our li.rReaud vnri.slst.s-k or I'lis's, Valves, reeks, Mulle.ible mid I'ust Iren rutins-, Asbestos, ViilcnlHseiiuiid t'Midurlan, hlieel. I'istenainl Valvel'afktiiK; .ssceit'h nnd Ittsl Line Itelleft liiKlaui;e (llasseN, Menu ltadl.iters mid hteam llentlm; Ai'iMimtus; rvt and Cap Screws, and In fact almost ecr llilni; muilrctl liy kteiuu umt, iuul all of width vtu eiler at prlcis which we Kiuin.iiU.i te bu lower thnn Iikimi of mi) ether dtnler lu Hits v I. lulty. Wehuvu isisltlvely thu farucst slot k, and le Iiik centiceted with the Ttli phone i:ehuuse, nreprcistnd tuittslveaud till nil erilers In llie sliertist peiulu time. Wluntn wnut of nil). thiiiKlu ear line, tall en us for prlcesuudwe will convince jeii of our ability unit willing lies ioutve)eu .Ment'), lk'lay nnd Vexation. Our f.u Utiles for luriiUldiii; Kui:lnes, lleliers, Miu'tliiK, l'lillMk, llaimers, SHH-iul Jlachlner), riuiulH'rs' and liak KltliiV lisils, rutierns, MisleU.nnd Iren and llmss Cnktluiss, nnd for the prompt icpnlref all kind of mu.'hliierv are unex.vlltst in l.iue.tsler, nnd we rcspectlully hulitlt u khnrc uf )imr isitiimaiic Central Machine Works, 131 A 1JU NOHTlU'IIKs.l'IAN hTltllhT, I.vcvsirn, I'a. OimkI Werk, lteusouatiie L'lmrges, I'reinpt liekk, Tcleplieau i-nniicctinii tli-tfdU vtih'K'i: te Tintissi:ii.s ami eu.v. L Jvllll". All ISTMUiHiire lienb) forbidden lotrckaseiimi) efthul indi. of the I'erniiall ,jidHfdel tsstaltin Ixbaiinn or Ijiueater mimics wu. iner nit instsi or uuuujecu,clllitr forlhe iairjs.. of kluaiiln;; or tlslilnir, nsibe law win Istksluiri be rls'idl) enfnrtxsl lU'allisl ull tres- isiksinsniiMiltiluiuU of the unilirklenetl after tills uuUiv, VOL fOI.KMAN FUKIIMAN, It. I'llHCY Al MIN, i.uw. l'. Kitn;vi .v, AtU)nie)sferl!. W. Culeuiuu'k UUrk. ttalrtv;? of 4faMan, ' & $ r 1? iMChi A BTIUCH Bn08. ASTRICH BROS. PALACE OF FASHION, 115 & 117 NORTH QUEEN STREET. Closing out a let of White Pearl But But temi, In 18, IX), 1.-J mnl 1!4 line, at 10c a card ; the former price of tlivw 15 te iWe a ilezen. A full line of Canvas anil Leather Helta, with adjustable hucklea and straps, 10, 15, 115 te 60c apiece. All the best makes of Dress Hhlclds, In rtibher, cloth, ateckluctte and silk. Rubber Lined Klilclds, 5c. Hi'aniletw Btoeklnctte, 10c. Bilk Shields, '2Z mnl 'Sk. Ojieiied 100 deciia new 1'niifv Bor dered, Fancy Centre, 'and Plain White Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, ler in', apiece, wild liefere at 10c. Jlibbenf, New Fancy Klbbens, lu Nih. 12, 1(1 and t-1, at 113c a yard, liuperfeil te sell at 50 mid oec. Surah SVM and Sulim, A full line of all the latest colors In Surah Kilk, an excellent quality, at 75c a yard. Illnck Silk Draiiery ret, at 11, $1,115, J1.50nUi:.e0ii yard. Wack Flali Net for Draiiery, 18-lnch wide, nt $1 a yard. JakIIlh', Otitl'n and Children' Game and fibbed Litfc Underwear. Ladles', nt lL'J. 17, It), Si, 37 and 50c. Sieclal bargain in Kcntilnu French Dark BalhrigKau Vests, silk stitched, silk hound and carl buttons, short sleeves, at lUki ; regular price 75c. Ladies' low-neck, gauze IkmIIcs, tight lifting, silk hound, at lilje a jilece; regu lar prlee IHc. Our line of While Hats, the largest ever seen here. White Leghorn and Fancy Straws, at Isitteni prices. Whlte Sailor Hats, in great variety. White and Black Lace Hats. White ami Fancy Satin and Feather Fans. White and Cream Silk Mitts. Whlte Sash lllhlmns. Fine White Laces. New Itiichiugs. Cream Jerseys mid Blouses. Our prices en these lower than ever. Conic mid price them. Cream, Black mid iilue Canvas Belts. Leather Belts, Ac. On presentation of bills of goods te the amount of J.j.00 or ever, bought at our stoic, we will give you ".Sunshine for Little Children," IS pages, mid two lieautlful water color engravings by Ida Waugh, one of America's greatest artists. ASTRICH BROS., 1 15 & 1 17 North Queen St. (L-I)iita )nll. TTIOII AMAllTIN. 'l'OlLET WARE AT CHINA 1 1 ALL. Are you looking for Toilet Sets, either painted neatly or with elaborate decorations, or en which the artist's skill is dis played ? Yeu can have no better opportunity te supply your wants than te call and see our assortment. About the price and quality there can be no question. The privilege of exchanging if net satisfactory, together with the large variety te select from, are advantages te be had at HIGH & MARTIN'S, 1 5 East King St. ellMfd J. II. JIAItl'IN J: L'O. SOUVENIRS ART CHINA AND BRIC-A-BRAC ! While our stock must of ne cessity anticipate the needs of coining seasons, it is, as all stocks should be, most prolific in its offering of present neces sities. It's an index, se te speak, te the season's needs, and from its full pages . , shelves we select a few items of special in terest. In this collection will be found choice pieces of Bric-a-Brac and Art China, suitable for Souvenirs en COMMENCEMENT DAY. ART CHINA! Cream and Sugar Sets, Berry Sets, Berry Bowls, Ice Cream Sets, Ice Bowls, Salad Bowls, Salad Casters, Rese Bowls, Olive Trays, Bread Trays, Soiree Sets, Bulb Vases, Carafes, Jap anese Fruit Bowls. BRIC-A-BRAC, In Royal Worcester, Belgium Ware, Japanese Ware, Doulton Vases, Belleek Vases, Cameo Ware. J. Ii. MARTIN & CO., Cor. West King & Prince Sts., Lancaster, Pa, Vvjg mebbi. pOITIV CtOHISO OUT 8AI.K. w t s, 'Positive Closing Out Sale. Tilt: ENT1IIE HIOCK OK THE PHILADELPHIA STOBE. MTJSX BE CLOSED OUTT In Ladies', Gentlemen's and Children's Balbriggan and Gauze Underwear, Men's and Beys' Laundried and Unlaundried Shirts, Hosiery, Gloves, Neckwear, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs and Flannel Shirts. B-Eer thins l Bargain I'rlccs te Clese Out tlio8leck.-sm 6 MD 8 NORTH mar29-lj(lAw toot anti giltece. B oeraANiisnoia. BARGAINS IN SHOES. Just received, rtlrcct from the factory, ever 0110 thousand pairs of I-nitlns' Hheca ttmtwcre made anil Mnmpctt te Im xeld for Si.SOii putr, but the party failed Isifore the goods werefln lihcd; sol made, them 1111 offer nt Iho factory for the Roeds-nnd hud them MnUhed liiKplcndld M) le, nnd I mil effi rim; ) oil thev shorn fur H.M nntl&OOpcr pair nnd every pnlr Riianiutecd. He this Is a rare ehnnee te get 11 S2.50 khoe for (1.50 and (2.01). Alse a let of .Mcn nnd Hey's HIichk we arc desha; out rhcap. A full line of Illnck and Tan Oxford TIcm rer Ijtle, Misses and Children at Iho tewcit prices In the city. D. P. Stackhouse, 28 and 30 EABT KINO STREET, LANOASTKIt, I'A. nIO-lyiUw IOOTH AND bl!Oh. ffiO CM BUT OUK- Mcu's I.lRht Checkered and I'lnln Illith Hoek-LnioCanvns Shoes, with ruliberseles, for Tcnnl, C)iiinnsuins, Huse Hull, etc., sires 5 te 0,(1.23. The regular prim of llicsu shoes Ih (1.50, but e lieiiKht a " Jeb Let." When these are all no don't think ue can get nuy muru te sell at (Ills price. Men's WlKHiinit, flj Ijulles, Tee; llejs, (Be, nnd CM I lil roll's . 55c. These, tee, are a "Jeb Ixt." Next let tt til have te be sold at regular prices. Men's, Hejs' and Youth's Tnn Tlpltcgular Cut, Iloek-Ijtco Hliees, (1.00 per pair; better grade of Men's at (2, f-.50 ill id i-i. Men's Tip Tun I.etv Uice Shoes at JI.50 and S- Hejs' Veal Calf Ijtce, lliitteu and t'engrtss Shoes, sires 3 te 5J, S1.2"). We liave ene of the largest lines nnd assort ments of Men's, lle.ts nnd Youth's Calf Don Den Don gela and Kangaroo Shoes In thut Ity, Ijidles' riain Tiki Tan Ovfurds, T.ic. and up wards. Ijidles' Tip Tan Oxfeids, 75c. nnd upwards. Uulles' l'uliiit LeathtrTIp Oxfords, 75c. .mil upwards. LiiiIIch' I'lnln Ten Dongola Orerds,75c.nnd upwiirds. The two last mentioned shoes bent anj thing weuttrsatv for the money, Ijidles' Kltt OiH-rn bllppen., 50c. and upwards. The One-Price Cash Heuse. The Leaders of Lew Prices -IN- Beets and Shoes, 3 & 5 East King St., I.ANCAHTi:it, 1. ej-Siere rinsed ev cry et enlng at 0 n't lock, ex cept Mendio and Saturday, CUitliiiiit. lOOtV NOVlXTUiSI XH80 H. GERHART S. Iho most ceniphlii iikwirlnient of Siirlng Ottri'isitlug Cngllsh f'livv lets, Iiiugi.iial nnd Cusshnere.'sultlug nnd Tieiiscrlng Hint li.is evt r been shown lu this ctl.v. WerUm.iushlp thu bestuud ull goods trurnuittsl us ii-pn-stnlisl. It. (IKItllAKT, Ne. n North queen Strict. 3-Onty Direct lniperllng Tailor In the City of Iiucustt r. s 'TOP! THINK I At this dat.whiu teinis-litiuu tsgnul.the eiiKteini'rlisiks teseu Who Ulvts.Net l'l utilises -I1AIHIAINS. Cusleiner, Slop I Think ! Who pay for ex tensive ad vertisemtutH? We de net Ail vrMlse llurgalns, dealing Sales, etc., but give ou Hie benefit of that whith ethers glve the printer. Our Counters Contain All that Is Ntw lu SUITINGS. TROUSERINGS AND SPRING OVERCOATS. Ourl'rlivnumtlii Iewcst l'ullile le de Jus tice te customer und eurselv e. ASKEW, NO'S. vjj I AND J.'lll YVtr KINO HIIIKKI'. iniirlJ-liiud illfuclce. --ICYCI.V, TIUCVCI,1, TANDKMS. COLUMBIA Bicycles, Tricyles, Tandems, DURABLE, CIMrLE. f.CAUANTKi:!) Hlllllfer OIlADi:, 1I.I.USTKATKU CATAI.OtiL'i: FHEI1 POPE TVP'G CO., 79 FRANKLIN ST., BOSTON. IlltANCIl IIOHsKS UWnrivii St., New Yerk ."t V'abi.hAve.1l'lll(iigii. Ker s.ile hv JOHN'S. MlIisfeKIt, Ne. 2 North Street, Celuinbln. nus.l iteiMl rilllK UIVAI. l'OI'NTAIN I'KN-THiniKST 1 ituiltheaisit lutlie market II Uunit geld is ii. Ilniil rubber heliltr, uevir g U out of order, i-nstl lillfsl. Call uml t vanillic, lufere purelinlngilsewhtie. At I ItlS.MAN hUcnU' r'urulshliib' hteiv, 12 Vit King Uaet. D. P. STACKHOESE. IHI t Mffif, QUEEU STREET, tiANCABTEK. 1'ENN'A. f-nvuUuvc. w 'IDMYEK'B COKNKIl. AN ADVANTAGE YOU S1IOUM) NOT MISS. The advnntjigc of selecting from the Inmost ni.d most complcte stock of FURNITURE we ever offered, nnd ene which must satisfy most nnj one. It Is well selected, the newest In design, geed and Lew Priced, The advantage of selecting from siUrin sleck Is mi Important censlilrraltun, and assures the purchaser turfed sutlsrnctleu. We vicre never lu better shupc tescrve jeti. Is tlii'ie anything jeii wnnt In Furniture? IP SO, CALL AT WIDMYER'S FURNITURE STORE, COItXKR OF E. King & Duke Sts. e (JUS A UIIlll'3. IT STANDS TO UHASON THAT WE HAVK Tin; NEWEST STYLES In Handsome, Well-Miide FURNITURE Fer tlie Kntlre Heuse, at SMALL I'llOFlT Otherwise vte could net makn shipments thinugli tlic STATU and even Inte rilladel plilii. Display of New Ideas In T.irler Suites llils week. Call nnd sen tlieiu. OCHv& GIBBS, Muuufactuiers nnd Dialers, ill, .Td nnd 4th Floers, NO. 31 SOUTH QOP.CN ST. nll-lyd H KINITSH'W. WKDONOrWAnUN'lII.THKKNDOrTHr. SUAbON.IlUTOKl'int VOW out Summer Goods AS FOLLOWS: Ferth ('hah, folding, ull both c.iriet nnd bent weed, Sl.'is Kuekcr, slrein; und diunbli', Sl.iU. Our litmler, the largest and best ellertsl lu Ihe illy nt Jelibus' price. 'I vrLiity-tlvuethr r I tuckers nt u eutefuUveiuli. Ilenthes that fulil and will slnnd tlie ntln, t.'i."). All Iren and weed. stock Is large and vte want te inmult. Fill up veur penhes new und you will be suited. Walt and the best will be selciteil. ?'AI.L ON FI IIST FIjOOK.- HEINITSH'S Furniture Depot, Nes. 27 & 29 SOUTH QUEEN STREET, Whi. AT FenDersmith's Bookstore, lOppesllc Court Heuse),i Is the I'LACi: te llUVallthe .Most Titlkitl About, nt Frlies 11LLOW the l'libllshci's Frite. ".MA ltd AI1S," by Fliers. " OllKIFIINSTKIN," b Crawford. "TIIHALI'INKFAV.'tby WMer. "FAS-F. itesi:, by Hardy. "JOHN HFItltlNU," (Itnilit. maMM ilouecfiivitioltiuH (Gein. "v.vLLANDSLi: ROCHESTER LAMP! Slxlj Cuudle-Llght; Heats them all. Anether Ixit of Cheap Olebts fur CasandOll bleves. THK"l'KFi:iT10N" Miri'AL MOULDING and IirillllZU CUSHION Weather Strip. Heats them nil. ThlsHtrloutweiirsnllethris. Kiviisnut the cold. Slops rattling of whitlow. Hxtludrs Die dust. Keei out snow mid rain. Aiivenecannpply It novtnsleer dirt made lu appljlnglt. Cnuberltlctl iinywluro-iie holes telMire, nndy fertise. 1 will net split, wnrper shrink it cushion strip is the most is rfru..iAt the Steve, Heater nnd llunge Stere of Jehn P. Schaum & Sens, 34 SOUTH QUEEN ST., i.ncasii:u 1A. IMioteHvaplto. iri- I JUST RECEIVED FUOM Kcenigsburg, Prussia, Twe ll.tekgreu nils madu isHt hilly ferllu.tnii.t IhretMiuarlirlx-ngtb l'holejjmplu. 60 1-2 North Queen St., Next Doer te the lWetlke. Jau7-tiind - jKZgjSl "p. ,