"s;- rV" ,-y' i-xr THE LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, SATURDAY 'JUNE 15; 1889; ' r ' "g$VFi?K vx'-y UMi dff SteMf Rriku !"- . . ., . - I AMOKO TtOE FAtKK9 OB TIM LATE DODMCH KKICKERB0CKER.1 " te the besom of ene of thoae spacious rttwiticii indent! he eastern ehoreof HudOB,at that bread cxiiansionef :.. river .denominated by tlie nncicnt Xkrteh Mrrigaters Iho Tnppnan Zee, and ', Whan titer bJwiivii tirudniitl v shortened Mil and implored the protection of Bt. KIcbelaB when thev crossed. Iliere Ilea n EUI market town or rural pert, which one l called Urecnsbunr, but which nera.ffenernJIv nnd nninnrlv ktimrn )Wf the name of tarry Town, this name ;wb Kirea it, we nre tela, In former dan. dt the ceed Itouftewlvea of tin ml. Jaeent country, from the Inveterate pro pre Mnattr of their husbands te linger about Um village tavern ou innrket days. He MMt M it mnv. 1 tin net vouch for llm J', fact, but merely advert te it for the Rake .( embc precise ana nuthcntic, net lur grr aae mta village, iicriinrH nueui uiree UHa. there is n llltle valley, or rather lap Of land, nmenfr high hills, which is mm tee quietest places in inu wnoie World. A fcmall brook glides through it, With just murmur enough te lull one te fcfiem: and tlie occasional whistle of a ..nifl or tapping of a woodpecker s .almost the enlv netmd that ever breaks ' In upon' the uniform tranquillity. C Wf MSTSfttlrw-t flint 'l,ftti n utt-lnlltir tMV ""first exploit in squirrel sheeting was In n f Vhll'lt nf tnll tt-nlmlt trtwd flint ulifiilfMi t, V ene aide of the valley. I had wandered fifi into it nt neon time when all nature Is te: peculiarly quiet, ena was start led i"Hpy the xr f "iv own Run hu it breke the Kaliliath stillness "ji around and was prolonged nnd roverlior reverlior roverlier plated by the angry echoes. If ever I - 4HHWIU wish ier a retreat wiuiiicr i migni wjjttcal from the world and its distractions A and dream titdctly nwny tlie reinnaiit of troubled life, 1 knew of nene mero f fi uremisimr than this little vallev. (fi, Frem the listless repose of the place, si 'i k mmI vIka ar! It a .! ftK am -r Hi, Ibilinliil . W ""J "JU lW-UUllI IUUI.KIVI HI I ill lllll.lllll- p;q wiu. who uru uwuiimun inuu me rig original Dutch bottlers, this be- qucstered glen has long liccn known V ...7 Inn ......m ... ,1. ....... I..I1..... .....I : rj tut; .....uw V, sjicvi'jf miuuiTi null '-Its 'rustic lads tire called the stilfstnv Hellew Ihivh threiichtint nil the fw Hciglilwring country. A drowsy, dreamy fehfc influence seems te ham; ever" tlie land R2's?and te pcrvade the very atmosphere. 'oerao say mat me piace was ncwttcucfl br a hurti Geniimi doctor lui-lnir Iho pearly days of the settlement) ethers, St.; mat an old Jnilinn chief, the prophet or i, wizard nf 111 i trllie. liclil liln iiwuihv RvLl tf. Iwifl. Il. ..rv...,K.. .. i .l!..n...AHA.I WS by Master Hcndrick Hudsen. Certain It - miviu iium iitu lAyiuiti , mia ui.ui:iini '' la that.uie place still continues under the tjtway of some witclilng jwwer that holds Wis A Rnnll nvnr ln, iiitmle r tli. (rr.1 lu.inln Kii causing them te walk in n continual rev- fe,'le. 'ihey are given wall kinds of mar iS vcleus beliefs: nre tuhiect U) tranctts nnd f'XVlslens. and frtMiuentlv hceHtrnnfni kIi-IiIh i Sfflfl llAtll iflflr nnl .-.I..b. fit II... ..f tZ aiii.. ..iliciiw uiim vuivvl ! ,IIU 1,11. iX.TIie whele nclglilmrhoed abounds with -local talcs, haunted sixits mid twillchl pjf:uperbtltiens; btam nhoet nnd metwrs ffi glare eftenerncrfwH tlie valley than In any Jt ether part of tlie country, and the nlghf- camare, wun tier wneiu nine reid, Beenis le ,(. tnake itthofaveritOfHX'iioof licrir.uulKjlK. S ri. .1 i , ...ii " .i . fed iiu uuiuuiuiiv Biurii, innvuuT, ui;u haunts this enchanted region and kviiih i J te tie commnniler.iiililer nf nil llm S&nowcraef tiieuir. I thu iiiiiMtrilinii nf n &Trfflflirf, tn ImiMnlfintr ullluint n l...n.l ,It is wdd by oemo le Ikj the ghit of a blr.f fntwlrin Inmbir ivlinkji lumil liml Itrwui Pv"carriei away by a cannon ball In hoiiie lY Jiamele63 Kittle iliirlnc the revolutionary jXwar, nnd who Is ever mid anon w-cn by KMie ceuniTy ient, mirrying along m tne .'deem of the niidit ns If cm Um wliimi nf BCmIie wind. His haunts nre net lonllnel i te the valley, but extend at times te the adjacent reads, and csncchllv te tlie vi- RSi einlty of a church that U ut no great dla- hliT& 4ll AA lsilru-.l . .! . . f I ...... a .... l-vMMIW. lUUVlt LVIliMIl III IIIU 1 1 It Mil III iT 4tAntrt I. Ic4r. vinttK ..r lit, .....I I... . IMVUttU llftBIUIl.tll Ml ilHJ."MJ J MI Lrt, WIU1 havelxxil careful In collect Iiuf nml cel. plating tlie JlenUti" facia ceticvminir this spectre allege that the Inxly of (he "trooper, Imvitig I ven Imrinl In thuchurch- rara, the Kluwt riUet forth te tlie hviie or .iKitf In In nifTlitli uttct nf ltta I.1....1 ...,! kg.that the rushing biwxil with whlcii he riaomeUmca paases along the hollow, like j-v mmnignt uia&t, is owing te lits iieing SJbclated and Iifli hurrv te cut kick te llm TOichurchvnrd liefore ilavlni-nk. tA Hlich'is the irencrarimriieit nf llils !. .Rendarv bunei-btitieii. which li.-m fur. H?nishcd materials for many n wild hteiy lf In that region of shadews: and thomnTtre is Known in an llie country llreMilei hv tllO liaillO of the lk'ulles. IlnrKi-nimi .if WiS, Sleepy Hellew. k ii is rcniaritaiJie tnat tlie iiienary pre- i tVnfiltv I ll.'lVlt tnetlt !iiihmI 1 i iut fxuifiii.ul te tllO liativu inhaliitautu nf llm vnllnv pj, but h miconscieiihly imbllivd byi'cry (ft: -. ,.,. i.i. ,i... r . ' ii..." li.f vuu i, aulill-n llll'iu mi ll nine. new iS ever wide awake thev muv lmvn Iknmi Iio. y fore they entered that Bleepy n-gien, Ihey arusure in u little lime te iuhnle tlm wltclUng inllucnce of the air and U'giu !j-te grew imaginative te dream ilivuuu M, OI.V Miaiiiivu.. ' I mention this nenreful mxit wlih nil Mpossible laud, for it Is in uucli little re- surcu uurcn rmicre ieuiki nem and thcniJ teaibosemcd ill the erent nlnln nf Nnu- b Yerk that mpulatien, manners and cus- jwms remain uxtxi, while tlie great ter- W rent Of migration mill Inmrnvi. iin.nl Xwhich is making such iiicessntit iliangw v,ineiuer parts el this reatlebS country s neviw uy mem uueuservei i. i ney nre &like theso little noeksof btill water which 'border a rapid stream, where we ma v we ,-; tlie straw uud bubble riding quietly nt ..aiivnur, or Btuwiy revtuvmg in llielr numie nariier, undisturbed liy the rush of the passing current. Tlieuxli manv iycai lave claiiscd hlnce 1 treil vlm nmurav ..linil.i , ..w ...W1.BT Ill.14fcJ adi-s of Slcenv Hellew. gyet I question whether I Bheuld net teutlllfind Iho hatne trees and the Kime uiuiuas eeutimg in us blicncntl lie- In this bv lilaee of nature there hImmIii gvj In a remote period of American liistery, a, tliat is te say, miuie thirty years rinre, n V '"WOrtllV wlcht of thn iminn nf li'linUul SjCrane, whobejourned, or na he iutpnsiil l&tt, 'tarried" in Kkvpy Hellew, for the x&G l!i!lOBO et instructing tlie children of the 'landi ' Ue W!W n 'ia,ive f Conncctl Cenncctl Conncctl 7.late which buiinlica tlie Union EM? beliiKS incers r t'10 mind as well as for " VTheti. nml sends forth yearly its " w get a side rumier woeumen mm country E en tne siixis. i no cognomen or uniue V' aud tariiauHlcable te Ids pcrwm. Hu p iflve ul' '"'.jcccdmgiy lank, with nar X' ad skates. UIqu arms and leirs. hands SjiTjurreBresB, liiU, out of his blecvcs. if ., """i .- ive KTitu mr shovels, fcH i. UJe ,bf l"i i i'ii"e '"t hiciely htinii tfi newanexte. wai-.u.mll. u,d ilat tt m WBimtert" '"lie Ijrwii, ImVever Hr.''a ,en ""i'0 "0;t tbat ' b PK.0r,iite n wiMllieii-fwI.- iu.r.l.,.1 I FT uernf ,. Ji ....;;: :;.. i- fS aa I ca i'ue necu 10 ion wmcu way tj1- canti"' Wew. Tesco bun stridiiigidena ' V ..'Troflleof a LIU en a windy day, with flus clothes bacclmr and (liitlirim-rUiiit bkim, ene might hate mistaken him for sjiMw'Jiiiu 01 lamine uebccnding uen hhi rami, or borne scarecrow eiejieu from ; 4S V. ICIU. Uij school hoube was a low buildlnc of OUe IllTM room, rmlnlv nnriirtmi.Jl r.t MM"Si Uie windows tartly glazeil and f1 I'aicbcd with leaves of copy books. ,K, wa mett ingcnieubly secured at va infant. hours by u witlie twisted in Iho " -Would lind some emtiarrament in Ktt- rowed by Uienrchitect, Yett Vun lieuten, ryiu uiv Miybierv 01 an eel Jiet. '1 te NlOOl llOUKO hUxxl inn rntln-r leniK- l.nt ajaanant situation, iut.t nt the feet of a -Weedy hill, with a brook running cIemj r, ana a lormiOabie tiirch tn-e growing rene cud of It. Trem Jicnce tlie low Lawniur of Ids pupils' voices, connles their lessens, might be heard of a ry summer's day, like Iho hum of a vj, injerrupuii new mul, then by lUlllOritjltirO Vfllf!A flf llin lii'inr ii Mb tone of menace or command, fir, !er- . UnttliiM l..r ,f... .......II: i .. Tj"""" "l " "i'iaiiiiig beunu or in Nl aa he Uri'nil urmie tnW I ' bJMK the flowery lutii of ,-u FfVtatb tOMty.liewaJUM.ic' iitm.Miuan, ; imTW hew UiSilwl ibjeldiiu uiAxiin. i f,""1"" lne "oer, mid stakes set ugalust A hf window bliutters; ee tliat though a E.'stliief nilcht ett in with ni.rfiv .,.r. i. 'tfr ,- "Bpnre the red nnd spoil the child." lchalieil Crnue'a scholars certainly were net spoiled. I would net have It Imagined, howeTcr, that he was one of these cruel potentates of the (choel, who joy in the amert of their subjects; en the contrary, he ml mlnWcred justice with discrimination rather than severity taking the burthen off the lacks of the weak, and laying It en theso of the strong. Your mere puny Ktrinling that winced nt the least flourish of the red, was passed by with indulgence; but the claims of luetice were satisfied by Inflicting n doulile por tion en some little, tough, wrong headed, breed skirted Dutch urchin, who sulked nnd swelled ami irrcw flogged nnd mllen beneath the birch. All Mils he called "doing his duly by their iarents;" nnd a& 'V Ma r. fK llm tlmmm "iMny if ituiu by Iheir pjivnti." he nuver lullicted a chastisement without following it by the asHurnnce, se oeiibob atery te the smarting urchin that "he would remember It and thank him for it the longest tlay he had te live." When school lieuru were ever he was ccn the companion and playmate of Iho larger boys; mid ou holiday afternoons would com ey some of the manlier ones home, who hniietied te hani pretty win ters or geed heiisewhea for methei-H, ueteil for the comfeit.i of tlie ctipliearil. Inilec', It behooved him te kwp en gKl terms with hli pupiU. The revenue aris ing from liii iiehoel was i.mall, nml would have lieen iireely sullleierit te furnish him with daily bread, for he wna a hugu feeler, mid tlieugh lank, hnd the dilating iewcrs of nn annreinlii; hut te help out his maiutciiaiire, he was, according te country cus tom in (Iiume p.'iitn, hoarded mid ledged nt the houses fif the farmers, whosechililren hulnstructitl. With these he lled successively, n week nt n lime, thus going the touml.'ief the neighbor hood, with nil Ids "in Idly cirects tied t) in n cotton hnndke rrhlcf. That till this might net Ikj tee onerous ou the purees of Ills itistfe patiiiim, who nre ii pt te consider the coats of wheeling a grievous burden, and schoolmasters us mem drones, he had various ways of rendering himself Uitli iiheful uud agree able. He nwisted the farmers ixxuslon ixxuslen ally in the lighter labor.! of their farms, lieliied te make hay, mended thu fenced, took (he hnrhCH te water, dnnii the cows fmiii I'.'iuture nnd cut weed for Iho win ter lire. He laid abide, loe, all (he domi nant dignity mid iiIimiIiiIe sway with which I iu lorded it ill liln little empite, tlie belioel, and Iksmiiie wonderfully gen tle mid ingratiating. Hu found favor 'in the eyes tif tlie luelheiii by petting the children, particiil.uly the yeimgeul; mid like tliu lien Uild, whieh whilem t.e magnanimously the lamb did helil, he would sit Willi u child en ene knee, and lock n cradle with hta feet for whole bourn tegetlier. In addition le his ether Mx-atieiiR, liu was Iheiinging master of the nelghl or or or heed, and picked up many blight Mill lilies by iiibliuctlng the young folks in psalmody. It was u matter of no little vanity te him en .Snnilaui, te take his btatien iu front of (he chuieli gallerv, with u hand of chosen singers, where. In his own mind, he Lemplelely can led away the mini fiem the liaison. Cer tain it is, Ills voiee icHeuudcil far ulievu all the rcU of the cougregalieu, uud there me liecullar iiuavcis Mill te lie heard iu that clmrcli, mid which may oxen hehcnid half a mile elf, quite te the opjieslto blde of the mill Kind. en a Mill Sunday morning, whieh nieKiid te he legitimately dcbccmhsj fiem llm ini!,e of lchatied t'l-.me. Tliiei, by divers little m.ikcblliflH, In tliat higeuieuH way which is commonly dcnemiualcd "by hook mid by creek," Iho worthy sslagogue get en tolerably enough, mid utrillienglit, hvnll who uudeibtiMxl notliiligef (lie I.iIhiV of head weik, te have a wonderful easy life or it. Tlie rchoelmablcr la gcueinlly a man of miuie imH)ilauee hi Iho female ciicioef n mini iieighUuhiHsl, being censideu-il u kind of iillu gculh'iiiau like jieiheuage, of aMly hUeiier taste and accomplish accemplish meiit.i te the leugh leuulry bvvniim, mid, indeed, lufeiier iu leaiiiing only te the partem. JIU iippearanee, Ihercfore, is apt te occ.u-ieu miuie little Mir nt the lea table of a faun heui-e, and tlie addition of a buiiciuumu.in dull of cakes or Mvoet Mveet ineals, or, iemdventuiv. the parade of a Mirer teapot. Our 111:111 of letters theicfore wns )ceiiliaily happv in thoniiileaef all the count lyJdiiim-cN. Hew he would llgure nn long llicm in the churchyard Ixtwivn bcnlces en tiundavs, gathering gnqies for them from the wild vines lh.it eveiiun the burnAiuiliug ticca; leeillng for their nmusciuciil all the epitaph en tlie tomlmteuea, fir uiuutcriug with a wholelicvy of them along the kinks of the adjacent mill ioed, while llie meie baMituI country buuipkiuu hung bhecp- ialdy kirk, envying his siqicrler elegance uud addlcss. I'refii his half itinerant lire, also, he was a kind of traveling gazelle, earning tlie whole budget of local gisnlp from iiO'.tse te house, hi that his npicnmuce wna alwavsgieetiHl with satisfaction. He was, meus.)er, cblis'iued bv the women 11s 11 man of great erudition, for he had lead Kiveral betiks quite through, and w:wn peifivliiMbtcrtif Cotten flfatlier's "Hibterv of New l.ngland ilchcnifl," In w liich, by the w a . he must hriul uud ieteiily Is'lievisl. lie was, iu fact.au odd mixture of small bhiewdncbs aud tlmple cieilulitv His npiMtitu for tlie inaiveleus and liu kwcih of iligeMing it weie finally e.(nieiilinai y, and lietli had liven incre.isisl by his icbideiice iu tills bpelllieuuil regiuu. Ne u-ile wan loe greta or moiihtieus for Ids c.iuweus swallow. It was often Ida d liglit. afti r his belioel was ilismis.sed in the after noon, te Mretcli himself en the iich Ivd of clever, lwrdcriug the little tiiXH.ik tliat whimjieixd by his hchoel hoube, and thcie con ever old Mather's diieful laics, uull Iho gathering dusk of uvening made the pilnteil iage a incie mist U fore Ids eyes. Tlien, ns he wended his uny, by swamp ami Mie.mi and awful vvfKHll.uul. te the farm huii-.e wheie he hapieuisl te be (luuileiiil. every bound of inituiv, at dial winning hour, Hut tcriM his excited ini.ii.in.iln.ii. llie me.ui of thu whip-peer-will' fiem the hill hide; the boding cry of llie tree lead, that har binger of, Merm; tlie dtenry hooting of the screech owl, or (he r.iulden luMling iu thu thicket of birdj frightened from their roebt. Tiiu llru Hies, tee, which 6iiark!ed tuwt vividly iu tlie darkest places, new mid then startled him, ns ene of uncommon brightness would Mream uciess his path; mid if, by chance, a huge blockhead of a Ixx-tle came winging his blundering flight against him, the peer vurlet was ready tp give up the gliest, with the Idea that he was Mruck with n witch's token. His only nource en bucIi occa sions, cithi-r te drown thought or drive away evil spirits was te sing iimIiii tunes, and thu geed poepltj of bleepy Hellew, as they ut by Iheir doers of un evening, were often illled with awe at hearing his nasal melody, "in linked sweetness long drawn out' floating from the distant hill or along tlie dusty read. Anether of his sources of fearful pleas ure was, te pass long winter evenings with the old Hutch wives, as they cat bpuililng by the lire, with a row of apples roasting aud sputtering along thu hearth, nnd lutcn te Iheir marvelous tales of ghejlT, and goblins, and haunted fields and liau 'M brooks, mid huunted bridges Wid liaunl xtj houses, and particularly et the uwliesa Junkman, or iralitudusr tits- Maner tne Hellew, ns they nbinctlincfl called him. He would delight them equally by his anecdotes of witchcraft, and or the direful omens nnd fiortenteus Mghts nnd sounds In the nir, which pre vailed In thocnillerthnciof Connecticut; and would frighten them wefully with ftiicculntienn tqien comets nnd Mioeling nlar.i.mid with the nlannlug fact that the world did absolutely turn round, nnd that thev were lialf the time lepsy lurry I Hut If tlure was a pleasure in all this, while snugly cuddling In the chimney coiner of n chamber that was nil of n ruddy glow from the crackling weed lire, und where, of course, no specter dared te bIiew its face, it wna dearly purchased by the lerrers of his suliscquciit walk homewards. Wliat fearful shapes and Mindevva licsct his nth, amidst the dim and ghastly glnre of n snowy nlghtl With what wistful leek did he eye every trembling ray of light streaming across thu wuste Acids from some distant win dow! Hew often was he npjialled' by wime shrub covered with miew, which like n sheeted specter lieset his very pnlhl Hew often did he shrink with curdling nwe at the Bound of his own ttciw en the frosty crust beneath his feet, nnd dread te leek ever his' Mieuldcr, lest he should beheld Miine uncouth being tramping clone liehhid hlml And hew often was he thrown Inte complete dismay by.rome rushing blaM, howling nrneiig the "trees, In the idea that it was the galloping lies biau 011 one of Ids nightly nceuringsl All thebe, however, were mere terrors of Iho night, iihantems of the mind, that wall: in darkness; nnd though he had recti many tqiecters In Ids lime, and lx.fii mero than ouce iKwt by Satan In divers Miapcs, in his lonely perambulations, yet daylight put an end te all these evils; nnd lie would have pnriscd a pleas ant llfe of It, in dcepite of the devil nnd all his works, if his path had net been crossed by u lie lug that causcfl moreiH-rploxity te mortal man, than ghosts, goblins nnd llie whole race of witches put together; and that wna n, woman. Among thu mujical dibciplcs who as sembled ene evening In cich week te rn rn celvehlH hintrucliens In iiMihnedy was Katrlna Van Tassel, the ilaughfer nnd only child of a rulMniillnl Dutch farmer. Bhe wan 11 blooming lass of fresh 10; plump turn partridge; ripe und inciting and rosy clu ektsl as one of her father's lieaehiti, -1111(1 unlvcrually famed, net merely for her lienuty, but her vnbt ex ex Hs:tatleiiH. Bhe was withal a little of n coquette, as might be iicrccivud even In her dreas, which was u mixture of nnclent and modern fashions, nn most Milted te U'teff her charms. She woie the einainenla of pure yellow geld, which lier great great grniidmether had brought ever from Hannlnni; the tempt ing htemaclicr if the olden time, and withal a iirovekingly short jietticent, te display the jwettlesi feet und ankle la thu country leund. lchalied Crnnn had n reft and fecliih heart toward the sex; and it id net te he wemleiedat, that be tempting a morsel seen found favor hi hheycu, moioeope meioeope moieeope dally after hu hud visllcd lier Iu her pater nul maiibien. Old H.tltus Van Tassel wnsa peifict iituruef a thriving, con tented, liberal hearted farmer, lie uel uel dem, it l'i tutu, pent either Ids eyes or his thoughts beyond the Ixiundaries of lih own faun; hut within Hicmj, everjthlm; was Ming, happy, and well conditiene(i. Ile was Hiitiblled vvitlt his wealth, but net blend of It; uud piqued hiuibclf iqien (he hearty abundance, rather than IhoMvle in which he lived. IHi Miongheld was bltuated en thu banknef Iho Hudsen, in one of these green, bhcllercd, fottile msjks in which the Hiiteli fat mera ate re fend of ucMllug. A gieatelin t tee spread its bread blanched ever it, nt the feet of which bubbled up a spring of the beftcst and MvccleM water, in u little well, formed of a barrel, and then Mele npaik llnguwiiy Ihieugh (he grans te u neigh billing brook, that kibbled along among aiders and dvvaif willows. Hard by the farmhoiibe win n vitbl bam, that might haveHTved for u clmrcli, uvcry vviniiiivv uud ciuvice of which icemctf hursting forth with tlie treasures of thu farm; tlie Hall was huMly leseunding within it moruingle night; uwallews und Martini likimmed twlUcriug ubetit tlie eaves, and TliO vlitrMoer-Hll! Un Mnl which Ii mily liranl nt hIrIiI. It mtltn Un nninu from IU LuUw, nbicli btbuiight te irbqiiLlu IIjukj nuiila. rows of pigeons, ramie with one eye lilrned lilt an if watching tin- weather, miuie with their heads imdei theii wmgit, or bulled iu their IreMiuis, mid ethcis, swelling, aud cooing and kiwing tlielr tl.imen, were enjoying the rmishiue en thu loef tileck, un wieldy ierkcrs wete giunliug iu the rcH),e and abundance of their IH-ns, from vvhencu Killled forth, new and then, tttnipsef bucking pigs, na if te hiillir the air. A btatelv Mlinilieu of snowy gissie weie lidiug in uu adjoining pond, convoking whole fleets of ducks; legimeiits of turkeys were gobbling tliieugh tlie I'm in vatil mid guinea fowls ficltiiig about it like ill tempeied hiiiibe vvlxes, with their peevish, dU-eutcutcd crv. llt'feie Iho bain deer Mrutlis.1 llie gallant cock, that patten, of a huslund, a wairiertiiid u lltiugeullcmaii, claiipiug his luuui.shctl wingsmul t lowing in the initie and gkiducsa of his heart - t-oiue-liiiieo tearing up tlie earth with ids feet, and then generously calling his ever hungry family of wives and childienle enjoy llie ileh iiieicl which he had dia dia ceveusl. Tliu Nshigeguu'rt mouth wuteieil, ns he looked iiniii tbirt Mimptiieus premise of IiimiiIeiis winter fine. In hisdevuuihig mind's eye he pictured (e himself even lea.stingpig iiiimhig nlxnit, with a pud ding iu its belli mid anupplehi its mouth', tlie pigisius w eie himgl put le lied iu a comfortable ph, aud tucktsl in with a eeveilet of crui.t; the geese were hwiiu ming in Iheir own gravy, mid the ducks pail iugLOhily in dishes, like snug m.ii liisl couplet., willi a iheent ceuiieleney of onion Miuee. In the Wrkers he wiw caivisltiiit Iho future sleek bide of bacon uud juicy leli.sliiug liam; net u luikev, but lie lieheld daintily Inisu-d up, wifli its giriird liniier its wing, uud, perad vcutuie, u necklace of tvivei v luiusiges, mid even In ihl i hantli leer liiniself lay bprawling en Ins buck in a bide iliali, with uplifted claws, as if craving tliat mailer which lili elilvaheiiM bphit dis dained te iihk while living. As llie euniituiisl tcliaixxl fancied all (his, and as he mlhsl his gicat giisju e.veti ever die f.it miiidew lands, the licli lieldHefwlie.il, of rve, of buckwheat and Indian corn, nud'the eicliaids bur thened with iitddy fruit, which Mir Mir leuudcd the win in tenement of Van Tim bel, Ids lieart yearned alter the daiubel who vvas te iitheiit thou domains, and his imagination cp.indcd with the idea, hew they might Ikj icadily turned into cat.li and tlie iiumey invited iu immeiibc (nictsefwild land mid bhingle palaces in tlie wilderness. Nuy, his btwy fancy already realized his heies, audpiebculed te hiui the blooming Kutriua, with n whole family of children, mounted en the ten of a wagon leaded with house hold iiumpcry, .villi jiets and kettles dangling liencath; and hu beheld liiinsi If iK-btriding a pacing mare, with u colt at her heels, belting out for Kentucky, Ten nis or the lord knows wlieief When he entered the house, tliu con quest of his heart vvas complete. It vvas one of thobe spacious farm houses, with high lidged, but lowly blepiug reefs, built in the Btyle handed down from tliu fiiM Hutch settlers. Tliu low projecting eaves forming a piazza along the front, cajiableef being cleccd up iu lud weather. Under this were hung flails, harness, various utensils of husbandry, aud nets for Ashing in the iieighlsiring river. Benched were built along thu sides for bimimer iibej und a great spinning vv lu 1 ut ene cud. and a churn ut tlm nilin- bhevved the various used te which this ! Inqiertant jwich might be devoted, Frem this piazza thu wonderful IchaUxl i entered the hall, vv liich fenned thecentcr I or tlie maiibien, und tliu place of iibual residence. Here rows of resplendent lHJwtcr, ranged enn lengdrcshcr, duzzhsj Ids eyes, in ene corner steed n huge bag of wool, ready te lie sniin: in another, a quantity of linsey welsey, just from thu ' loom; (.ars ei Indian corn, und i.t rings et dried apples mid peaches, hung iu gav fe.loeus along the walls, mingled with thu gaud of red ipicni; uud a dixir leit "jar. kuve him a ik.sji into tlie befit jwr jwr ler, where Iho tLivy fooled cjiaiis find unfit inaliemy tttc ebone Uliiunir. lone, nnmreiis, with iheir nccenlnying bhevcl nnd tongs, glistened from their covert of asparagus teiw; mock oranges and conch shells dc'cemtcd Uie mantel pke; btrings of various colored birds' eggs were bupcndcd abeve it; a great ostrich egg was huug f retu the center of the room, mid a corner cupboard, know ingly left often, displayed immense treasures et old bilvcruiid well mended china. Frem the moment Ichabod laid Ids eyes upon Ihesu regions of delight the peace of his mind was at un cud, nnd ids only btudy w-as he, w te gain the affec tions of the iecrlcss daughter of Van Ttisscll. In I hla enterprise, however, he had mero real dlilicultics than generally fell te the let of n knight errant of yore, wlioucldem had anything but giants, en chanters, fiery dragons nnd such like easily conquered adversaries, te contend with; and had te make his way merely through gates of Iren nnd brans, and walls of adamant te the castle keep, where the lady of his heart wan confined; till of which he achieved as easily ns a man would can-e his way te the center of a Christmas pie, nnd then the lady gnve him her hand no n matter of ceurse. lchalied, en the contrary, had (e win his way te the heart of u ceuntiy cfiquctte IsTict with n labyrinth of whims mid ca prices, which were forever tiicscnt ing new dilllctilties and luqicuimcnta, mid he had te encounter a hefet of fearful adversaries of real flesh and bleed, the immcruils rustje admirers, who lit every fiertnl te her heart; l.eeiilng n vvntcluul nnd angry eye upon (.rich ether, but icadrte fly out in Iho common cause iigalnst any new comfx.ti cemfx.ti comfx.ti ter. Among thfbe the most formidable was a burly, I oaring, leystcrJng hlade of the nnine of Abraham, or, according le tlie Hutch abbreviation, llrem Van Ilruut, the hcte of thu country leund, which rung with his feats of Mlrnglh nnd har dihood, lie was bread bheuldcicd nnd double jointed, with cliert curly black hair, and u bluff but net uniilcawmt countenance, having a mingled air of fun and ariegnnce. Frem Ids Hciciilenn frame aud great txiwersef limb, be bad received tlie iilcl.nnum of llrem 1 tones, by which he v.-iw universally known. He vvaii fumed for great knewledge uud skill in lierceinanrhlp, iM'ing us dexter ous en herbckick as a Tartar. He vvas foiemebt nt all races and cock lights, and with the ascendancy which Ixxlily rtiength nlvvavs acquires iniustiu life, was tlie mnpfre in nil disputes, setting his hat en ene blde und giving liisiKci i ions with mi nir and loue that admitted of no gainsay or appeal. He vvas nlways teady for either a light or a fi olio; had moie mischief than III will iu his com position; mid with all lib overbearing reuglincba there wna a Mreng dash of wnggUi geld humor at bottom. He had thifsj or four been companions of his evii clump, who legaidcd him as their meld, and at thu head et whom he scoured the country, attending every k'ciie of feud or merriment fet miles leund. In cold weather he wsui dis tinguished by a fur cap. surmounted with u Haunting fox's tail; nnd when the folks nt a country gathering debciied thin vell known ciett at u distance, whisk ing ulieut mueng a squad of hard tideis, Ihey always Meed by for a squall. Some times hit cicw would be heard dashing along par.t the mini houses at midnight, with wluKip nnd hallefk like n tioep of Den Cossacks, and tlie old dames, start hsl out of their sleep, would libtcii for n moment till the hut ry scurry had clal clal leied by, nnd then exclaim: "Ay, there gees Ilium Henes and his gangt" The ncighlienf looked upon him willi a inix inix tuie of nwe, admiration uud geed will; and when any madcap piauk or rustic htiivvl occulted iu tlie vicinity, ulwuys rhoek'thcir lieadi. nnd wninintcd llrem lienes vvas at the bottom of it. Thin iiiutlpele here bad for sumo thnu tingled out the iiloeming Katiina for the object of hid uncouth gallant ilea, mid tlieii;h Ids atuoieua toy tey ings were something like tlie getitlu e.il esses and endearments of a bear, vet it was whistled tliat shu did net alto gether dl.scournge his lieiies. Certain It is. Ids advances were signals for rival candidate:! te i el Ire, who felt no inclina tion le eiesi a lien in his umeiirs; inso much, that when his home was seen tied In Van Tassel's paling, en u Sunday night, a sine sign tliat hii muster vvas courting, or, us il is tcimcd, "bpaiking," within, all ether suitors pai-sed by iu dcHpnir, and carried llie war into ether quarters. Knelt vvas thu foimidahle rival with whom lchalied Crane had le contend, and ceiifcidetlng all things a stouter man than he would have shrunk fiem the couifH'titieu, aud n wiser man would Imvu ilespahed. He had, however, a happy uilxtuie of pliability und h-io-vi'inuee iu his iiatuie; he wiisiufeim and tpirit like a supple jack yielding, but leugh; though no bent, lie never broke; mid tlipugh hu kiwcd k'neath the slightest pressuie, yet the moment it vv.u uwuj jerk! he vvas ensjt. aud car i ied his head ns high as ever. Te have taken tlie lleld epculv iigaiuM liiaiival would have lieen uiaifness; J or he was net a man te k thwarted in Ills amours any mere than that sti y lever Achilles, lchalied, therefeie, made hid advances in a unlet and geiitlv insinuat ing manner. Under cover of Ids diame ter of singing maiitcr lie made fnspicnt visits nt the fat m house, net that he had nm thing te apprehend from tlie meddle meddle Nime Intel feienci of patents, which is wi often a stumbling block in the path of levetrt. Hilt Van Tassel nan an easy, in ilnlgi nt soul; he lev isl his daughter better even than Ida pipe, and, HI. en leasennble man aud un excellent father, let lier have her way in even thing. Ills notable little wile, loe, had enough Nede le attend te Inr housekeeping and manage thopeul liy; for, ns she uigelv ebsci led, ducks aud gec.s' me fisilish tilings and must he looked after, but ghlu can take cue of themselves. Thun, while the busy d.ime hiiillcd ulsiut tbobeiiKe ei ilied lierupiu ning vvlied at one end of the piaz.a lion lien et t Halt would sit smoking hU ev filing pquiat tlieethet, watching lite achieve nients el n little woeilen wan ler, who, mintsl with uswerd iu incli hand, un) valiantly tightlug tlie wind ou the pinna cle of tliu bain. In the mean time leba Isxl would cairy en his suit with the daughter bv Iho side of the rprlng under the gteat elm or samitcting along in the twilight, that hour co favorable te thu levei'ii eloquence. 1 profess net te knew hew wemtn's hearts are wooed nnd wen. Te me they have always been matters of liddleun'd admiration. Kome bi em te have but one viiluerahle Kiint, or fleer of uccebs; while ethers have a thousand nvemu-s, uud may Iu eapturnl iu a thousand dif fei cut ways. It Is a great tihimph of skill te gain the former, but Mill n greater proof of generalship te maintain jtosscNbieu of the latter, for n man must kittle for his fortress at every deer and vv inflow. Ile that w ins u thousand com mon hearts is Ihercfore entitled te feiuc lenewii; but he who keeps undisputed bvv a y ever tlie heart of u coquette is in deed a here. Certain it is, this was net the castv with the redoubtable llrem Henes; nnd from llie moment Iclialuil Cratie made his advances, the inteiesls of the former evidently declined; his l nerse was no longer been tied at tlie pal ings en Sunday nights, and n deadly feud gradually nrose between him anil the piecepter of bhepy Hellew. Hreni, who had u degree of rough chivalry in his nature, would fain have carried mutters te eeii warfure, and settled their pretentiens te the ladv according te tl.sj mode of these most concise und simple icaseuers, tlie knights errant of yeie by tingle com bat; hut Ichahed was tee conscious of tlie riqieridr might of hU adversary te inter thu luts aiiinst him; he had everheaid tlie UuMef Henestliat be would "doulile the sclioelmaMer up and put him en u bhclf ;" mid he was loe wary te give him an opjiettunlty. There was something extremely provoking iu this nltetiuntcly pacific system, it I ft 1'rei i uealteruutivu hutteilraw ttiien lh fund of iiimIe wag gery in ins ilisfiobilien, mid te jilay elf IxxirUh practical jokes tifwii his nval. Ichaliefl liecaine the object of whimsical iK-rscciitlnii te Ilenea and Ids gung of leugh riders. They harried his hitherto lK-ar ful flemains; smekeil out his sing ing u'hoel by bhipping up tliu chininevj irgke inly Uz wyPJ.'U.I&U9 Or IJIfillt, Iq t-,iif tn m lUiunaaUM lusteninu . witlie and window rtakes, and turned everything tepsy turvy; te that the pour sclioelmaMer began te think all the witches iu the country held their meet ings Ihcrn. Hut what was atill Baore an noying, Hrom took all oppertualtiea of turning 1dm into ridicule in presence of hU mistress, and had a eceundrel deg whom he (aught te whlne in the raeirf liiflicreus manner and introduced as a rival of Iclmbed's, te Instruct her in psulutedy. Omtlnuml next SiitiiMsy, A TWO STORY BRICK. Han and View of a Handuwae Hoeaa Ksllmslrfl la Cat 4,000. Tlil It from Iho Nntlennl DulMIng ITsn asHeclntlen'n "Artistic Hemes. " brick two story aiitl allle liuum, with ttone feuadnUua rKitsPzcrrvK view. ,Btul cut Mone triintiihigs. BIstoreof. Height of Merira In tlie elenr Hret, 10 feet 0 Inches; second, 10 feet. Attle ununified. Cellar, 0 feet 0 inches, rrlnclfial rooms finished In KinsT FUxin. linnl woeil with oil llnlf.li, insiile blituls, etc. First Mery centalim linll, TxITi, pallor (with fireplace), IMiliiidlning loom iwilli lliepl.icc), lUxH; kitchen, llxl.'l, (mntry nml rlilun rles- hEceNn vijoen. et, enrh 0x0. Bitend Mmy contains three IkiI rooms, dresiiiig room, closets nml balk room. Intimated cost of Iniililing, $1,000. AN $8,000 DWCLLING. Tne Stmy llrlih, ivllli Attic A liKtrful StriM'lur-. KiTnii"AitKtle Hemes," iiirtl by Nntienal building I'lnn asscclatien, Detieiti vncvv llrlckTwoSlery und Attle Heuh Stoue foiiiiflatleii, cut stene ttrliiiinings, slate reef (nltle uiitlnUhcil). Height nf stories in tlie clcnr Filst, II feet, hecenil, 10 feet. Cellar, 0 fis-t I) Inches. First story cent aiiis linll, 10 KinsT KI.OOU. fivt it Inrlies x 17 feet li inches; pniler (with fliepkice), l.'ul.'i, Mtting room (witli fir plncel, l.lj'.ll, lilunry, leftct e luetics x 1H, 1I1111113 room, III fcvl 0 Inches x VO, l.ltclicn, :l feet (i inclira x II; pantry, US, china net, l.f.'i, front nml tuii'l; ftidit Second -tin y contains four large chatnU-rs, drem- BKCOVD KlXXla. lug room, Kith loom nnd closets. IMnel ml roeiiis. Iianl uued, lluUhtsl in oil; Insula blind!), etc ludiiiiatid cost of buikUng, tS.OOO. Tit'iitiUFiit of IJiiiib. bprmule a little salt ou the l.imb sethe mother will be induced te lick it. Te make a ewe take another lamb tifter she has lest her own, tie tlie skin of tlie lat ter en the "adopted" youngster. If nt any time the lamb is weak nnd fcickly give it half a spoonful of hog's lard. He leat the dose in half an hour if no 1 let ter, ns' this cuts all phlegm, inakcf breathing moie easy and gives Ft length nml tone te thu system. Hut of all things there is nothing like sunshine for young Iambs, as this gives them mere strength and grew th than any thing el-e. Should they get chilled at any time give ' them sotiie rum with a little asafetida dissolved in it. Manure should net lie ' allowed te accumulate in the ham, ns the 1 gases nrising fiem it are very unhoalth unhealth fill. It Is 0110 of the most proIi(le causes of bad outcome with pregnant ewes, ' failme of milk, disowning of lambs,. Mu.-uu.uig 01 wool ami periiaps Ueatji. e would say, in conclusion, that there are but three short periods each year tliat Bhcepiequirenny extra attention that is, breeding sca&eu, lambing tiiae uud Venuing time. I PimiMq 1 JI BjAprT Cl C I I JJfPrvOO I J jp'n I K PiiiiJr,T?oely rKHerJ fl LlfaJ VMiStt SiTriNq f) DECREES OF FASHION. 'TIS THE THING NOW TO LOOK LIKE A GYPSY. Wbe Dec Het RcncmtMr Mm Oti Faattl Ur SpaaMt Jacket? CbaraUa Cfcete ia Black lacs trnM-All Styles f BB Mta Ara rMkhmMi Kew. Sfwclsl OirespeadMice. New Yeax, June 13. Just at the irescnt moment there la nothing Urt ingly new in fashions, the only noTel neTel tlca being such aa ladles adept or inTent for themselves, and one of the prettiest of such inventions is the revival of the old style Spanish Jacket, or, aa it Is new called, gypsy waist. The revival of this has instantly "caught en," as they say here, and ercry fifth girl you see in afternoon dress has one en. But they differ somewhat from these of old times, In that these have sleeves, while the ethers did net, and these are worn ever loeso blouse waists, while 'the old ones were only w6rn ever smugly drawn white nainsoek French waists, or, as they were called, Garibaldis. "YOU I'AYS YOtm MONEY," ETC. The material can be velvet or cloth or even cashmere, nnd they are bordered with passcmentcrie or geld or silver braid or embroidery In colors. The bleuse waist is of China crepe, India silk in cream, pink or blue, nun's veiling or pongee A ribbon with loeso ends fast ens the waist, nnd loeso puffed bishop's sleeves reach te Iho forearm. The bleuse waist can be smocked or plaited or sim ply shirred, and the cellar is mnde of several bias folds of the material of which the bleuse is made, with a little bow. TI1I3 can be worn with any kind of n skirt, but is mero popular with the accordion plaiting new se often seen. The Spanish jacket 13 very easy te make and can be cut after the diagram by any deft lady, nnd it takes but a triflu of material. Thu jacket can be fdipped 011 ever almost any costume, and Is n dressy addition when of velvet, or when colors hat menizc. Cut after this diagram, it requites 110 bust scam and is bound te fit. I knew a young lady who lnade ene in navy blue velvet, braided with silver, In two afternoons. A wide sash can be worn if preferred te the ribbon. The combinations used in the making up of dresses for this present season, nnd in seme new under way for early fall, would have been considered pre posterous u fevv seasons nge, but new are nil right. Fer instance, 0110 gown is of bef t India silk, with dark blue broad cloth, the skirt of tlie cloth and the drapery of thfi silk. A jacket of the cloth opens ever n full shirt and sleeves of the bilk. The cloth is richly braided with geld cord. India silk is also combined with ging ham mid ether flne cotton goods, satine being among them, and llgured patterns of Pongee und India silk are also been, with heavy-Bilks in colors and iu black, ami these dainty silks nre nlse made up with lace. A black Iaco dress, 11 transparent black lace parasol, a hat which is made ever a bkclcteu frame of black tulle nnd trimmed with n few trailing flowers, with green gati7.e leaves, ami rt Iaco fan, make n killing outfit, and a lady cannot help looking attractive in biichu costume, and you think nothing could 1m prettier until you meet nnelhcr lady dressed in white Iaco made iu I hu same way. Then bef 010 you can decide which of the two is tlie prettier along will coiue seme creatine iu a demure gray tailor gown, and you are iu a worse plight than wus Paris of old. SPANISH JACKET, Willi OlAUKAM. lien nets aud hats mid caps are worn, jiiet us thu wcaier's taste dictates. I am willing te asbcrt that any headgear that has been iu fashion during tiiu last hun dred ycaisis in style new, if becoming te tlie wearer. I give three of tlie btyles. Ladies, study your own pietty faces, and cheese the ene that Is most becoming. Yeu will bee them cv cry where, and many mero beside. Ouve HahTCK. Uterliruri! ut n I'imic. Tlie following was overheard by & small lwy at u icccnt picnic iu Miltcdge viile, Ga.: "Darling, I'm going te let go your hand for a minute, but you won't lw mad, w ill you, darling? I wouldn't let go till you did only bome tei t of a bug is crawling down my back, and I can't keep my mind en you and bugs nt llie same time." llciiirily Cur Cut Weliiit. Some farmers pietcct cabbage plants from the ravages of cut worms by wind ing n piece of pnierer hark or a bit of burdock leaf mound the plants when set. Tlie cut worms work en the btirf.ice of the soil or directly liencath it, and when they ceinu te the article which en velops the plant, will go in seal eh of something mero palatable. We have al wnys succeeded iu keeping them away by using 11 small quantity of saltpeter water around cncli plant. An ounce of saltpeter dissolved in a teacupful of het water is sufliciciit te iuipicgnate two gal lons of water. A gill of this bolutien poured mound each hill an inch or se from Iho plant is sufliciciit, or lias nl ways proved se with us. It is an iuex iuex lcnsive icincdy and easily applied. American Cultivator. Ilullitlns ItiKl.crlcs. One of the greatest errors made In building rockeries consists in making a etiff and formal pile of stones. The principal beauty of a rockery comes from the rough nnd rugged apiiearance, yet it is possible te overdo it even In this respect, and it should be Iho aim te imi imi tate the very best specimens of wild nat ural scenery. I think It is belter te make up a, mound of rich earth with seme cearse material te prevent it from being tee compact, and piace the stones afterwards, filling eaith among them. This allows mero root room than begin ning nt the bottom with stones, "Will- Jam Fi fla&fY-lt. New JcjWi rr tUmrrtMitrttt JinFZF.? Vlti CONSTITUTION . wSeffi fiJJTfi i? ' .':'"' of Uil Common- v mm" rafti .rfi'"'""'.1 -AVCUII.I.V f the ttm ttm er TeTeeuen klnJr"!?"1' ,m tMr approval he cimJ m!,'i1i!,y. nrdrr el ",p Kecrclnry of k j 1 .?nr "KSTRV.liu1!, rw ! of A"W8 IVnn.Sr.il! ",0." "f "1 -"""nwllth or ,'tnvklo,!"r?.T.,",anre W,M" U,e K,h' AMK.NDMKNT. i.Jt'iT..f!ml1. 'T "!' n'1'IIII.Mial srllrle te mid ElTfivv" ! " ''csltjimttsl us Article XIX as . . AUTICI.KXIX. Tlie nianuriK Hire, mle or kn-plng Tut rale of nlexlcntliiir llniKtr, te l Uwst us 11 beverage, l luiTliy iimliiliflisl, nml nuy violation or tli! limhltiltinii nlm ln mLdemciiiier, nunlahable n sluill U i.iivliksl bv ln-. Tlieiimnuractiiie. mlr. or ket'plnit for Ml of inuixteiitliijt liquor rer etlirr purpesm tlmn u a fvcriiKoiiinylienllon'rsl In surh manner only ns may be presrrllMsl by law. The (K-iierat AMf-muly thnll.nl tlu nret WMlen tueillng the niloptleii eniiu nrllclc or the Ctmntltutlun, fiirwtii 1" ' ,,,e,'lmU! pennttles for iten- A true clipy tif Hip .Velttt Itc.lullen. t'llAltliKH W.HTONK. mllM in Hlvrc'oryer",t1"",,uomvcfllth. AMI..VDMENT TO TIIK tXINKTITUTION irfiNisp(iiotlierlilr.cnKor this Cimnnoii Cimnneii wrsiltli hr thn Mfnernl Asvetnlily of IlieCom IlieCem IlieCom iiieiiMeiilthfiflVnnaylvntilfi rer ihflriipprevnl or rejectliin nl .a . R)pclnl i-levllen le be held Juiicl,liW9. I'nl,iiiii,v errtcr f thcHcere- li,r.;,.,rill.,!.,m,1,lm,,r"h- In purtiuimce of Article XVIII ortlielVunhtltutlon. Joint re.oliitIeiii)roKsliiK nn utnrndincut te lheriiiiilltutkiii ofllieceniiiiiiiiiveallh : KH.TIO.V I. lie it melvnl by the Senate and 7tiMif nf JtrpmrntnthtM Ot the Oimmimurulth of jynnfiilntiidi til Uenernl Auembtil nut, Thnt tlHirnlleMliiK Is ireKi a, nn snieinliiient te JIlP IflllKtlllltlell lir 11)0 CellltllOIIVTfllllll of renusvlvntilit In lu'reribuice with the pmvlx pmvlx lens of the clulileenlli nrllcle thereef: AJIKNDMKNT. Hlrlkenut from ncctlen fine, efnrtlcle eight, the roiiriiullllcstleiiK for voters which rends tw folliecK: "If twpiily-tvvii jeiim of nge or upward?, he hnll luiMi (uild, vrllhln two jenrs, u stnleer tiiiiiily tnx, vvhlrh f):i hnvn lieen uteseil nt leii.ltM-iiiiieiilhi, nml paid ut lentt one ineuth licrtimlltpplcelleii'Mi that the section which rciiilsnx relhiwHi "Kvpry innle elllrcii, twenty-one jeurs or ncv, IMbsi-xti lite Iho fellow lux ntiHllllrHtlenx, fIiiiII be vntltleil In Mile ill nil I'lertieut: I'lrst. lln shnll have been 11 citizen of Hie United Htnli" ill least one month. Second, lln shall huvn resided In the ntnte 0110. v ear (or If, IiuvIiir prevlmiHly trvn u iiunll lledrlct'lnriir iiutlve Imrii t-lllren of the stale, henhall huv e removed Ihrnfrem nml rptiirned, then six inentliN) linmpdlntcly prcecdlliL' Uie plei-tlen. Third, llpshnllhnva rpnlilfd In thnelretlen dixtrli't whetp he shnll Direr te vetnnl kimt tvru nieiithx limnedliitply preceitlnK lite rlcctlun. l'eiirlh. lr turiilj-ltre )enr of nennr uis Mnnt, hfslinll hnve pnld, vrllhln two veitrx, n sliileiir futility lax, which sluill hnvr been 11 MfsMll lit ll'UHt IweimiiilliK mid luild nt Iciistone itieutli lieffire the flectien," shull be amended, sons 10 rend 111 folletrs: Kvery ninle rillen twenty-one yenrs of ncc, IHisM'ssIni; the ftilltiw Iiik ipiiiliilcutteiiH, slmll lie entitled te veleul thn pellliiir tilnie of the eleo elee eleo tieu dUtrlctef which lie shall ut the time be a resident und net plscn here: Klrst. He sluill hnve been u citizen of the Unltiit Ktati-i nt least thirty days. Second. Ile cli;ill have resided In thcKtuliteiin ear (or If, Imvlm; previously Ixcn u iiiiilttpil eleelfir or nittlvp Iwirn clllren of the state, he hull huvu ifinevcd therrlruiii und nlnnuil then t iiientli") liiiiuedliitely pietcdliinr the election. Tlilril. lln slmll linvti resided In the election district wlicmlK) shall tiller tovtile ut leant thirty dnjh IiiiiikiIIiiIi ly prcccdlm; the elec tion. The lA'Khl.iture, nl thn session then'ef tiexluller llm ndoptleu of IhN section, shall, uud fiem Hum le I line lliercanr may, enact lawn te pieiH-rty enforce this pruv lilen, 1'eurlli. livery unto clllen or the hrp in twciily-tiiiejeiiiK, mIiekIihII htivebecn n citizen ler thirty days nnd 1111 Inhtihltmiter thl stale onejenr ne.t prcfedlnenn election, PAcepI ut municipal elections, nml for Die last thirty days a resident of tlm i lecllen illstrlcl In vrlilth he niiiyeller hU vote, shull lie cnlltletl te vetuut such cleolleii In the election district of which he shall nt Iho time lieu 11 sldcnt and nut clsp vi here Inr nil elllcrrs that new are ur hereafter maybe elected by tlie iieeple: J'ierllal. That In tllnoef war no elector In llm actual military service tr thcKlute or of the United Htalfs, Iu tlienrniy or navy thereof, shall ba deprived of hlf vole by reason or hit absence from tuch flectien district, unit Iho tt'iilslnluic; shall have power toprevldu the tnaiiuer In which mid the itiiiemul place ut which ruch iibsent rlcclerx may veto, and Inr llm rclnni und rnnviiMef llulr elcilu t lie election illslriel In which they rcfiMcttvcly reside. Mllh. I "or Hip piirKiM)ef vetliiK, no ln'rsfin sh.dl be deemed liihave Kiilned or lest n rest rest ileme by reason el bin pii-scnce. or ubsi nce w I il le einpleed ill Iho servlcoef Iho Unlteit Mbilefer llm silale, nor while cnmiiil In Hie ti.iv imitltm tf the wuti rs of the Htuloerof llie hiuh spiik, nor while a sludcnl or any college or w-iulnnrj of lenrnliiK, nor while kept at nuy nlnisheu.-e or publle insllliillnii, exivpl llm In In niiiletef niivlioiiie ler disabled unit Inillucnl seldlciH nmi sailors, who, for the purposcef voting, sluill bedccined te reside In the election ilMrlct wherv said home U liH'uteil. Ijiws shall boinade fernscerlalnliitt, by pioH'rpreols, Iho cltlciis who sliall Im- fill Itli-.f ti, the rlghtef niiIIiiike hcicby est.ilillshiil. A true copy of Hie Joint resolution. CIIAItl.rM W. HTONi:. Kccretnry of the Commonwealth, nun IT-.tindS lUim'e. riiii-Anni.i'iii.v, Febiuaiy il, IS9. lUt.sfllAUIAN- 1 si:ai 1 IMl'KltlAL AM) ItUVAIi AUSTRO HUXOAHIAN CONSUhATK. According te the liistrtii'tlens tif the Royal Hungarian Ministry for Agrieul tuie, Industry 11ml Coiiituerce in lludit I'est In this linpcrialaitd Royal eoiistilate it hi licieby attested te that the Royal Hungarian fieveriiiuciit wine eellarsi at Ihlda-IVsl weieeritnhliflied by the II1111 gaiiau fteveriinieiit, Feliruury 1, 1SS1', ami that lliccsluhlMiiiicnt isisinceiiiuier eoiitiel of said ministry. The iihn of these wine cellars is te sup lily the weild'H ntaiUcts with tin best wines produced in Hungary, fret front any adulteration. Mr. II. U. Hlayinaker, agent of l.an easter, 1 'it., Im by Hie (ieveiiiiueiitV general ngciils of North America Ihiii uppelnletl itgent for l.niieifler for the sale of these wines, which 11 it liettlcd ill lliitlu-resit.iiiidertliehiijiervi-jiuiiertli Hungarian Ceveriiiiiciil, and bear the eiigiual pltilectivt laliel of the Royal Hungarian Ministry for AgriciilUire'eii the Imttles. LOITIS Wi:.STKRGAARn, linpeiiiil iiiui;Rey:il Censul of AiMrin Hiingiiry. m:vi T. A 11. lll'.MI. if iNslll-VTi:, vr.i'iiib'.v., pa. 5?C 1 , V ' i'lintoctuvnieliiui'i Ojecinv. c Al.I.ANIJHUK -TIII ROCHESTER LAMP! Mxty Cundle-Uglit; Ik-.its, them nil. Anether Let of Cheap OleUs for UaiitiutOtl SilOVtk. ,rm:"ii:itKi:i7ne.v" Miri'AI. MOUI.MNO and Itl'ltlimt CUSHION Weather Strip. HeaU Ihcin nil. Thlsslrlpoulvunrsallethcis. Kffivtuitliot-eld. Mopxrultlliixef wludewj. l.cludi- Hie dim. Kiv.oiitsiieu- uml ruin. Anyone can apply II nu waste or dirt uiadelii apiiljinalt. Oiu im rllt.-d nnyuhcrtwiin ,ile In Ijerp, reudj for um I will net tpllt. wuri.er shrink -.icuslilen strln Islhe mwt vrfct.-uAt iiv.'iuiV,jiMu iiu iwtuu siury ui J0I111 P. Schaum & Sens 34 SOUTH QUEEN ST., t Kl , , ty "&Sj, l- :-U-PV T&J- asfe-ss -'V. 5Vt- V : 2&&L-. s-? , -"ry-i 3; jsaas.-i. ?-??.:. x- -. - jTT&2r. mmmBummmtjamiaMmMZamml