; TiT-'TTT'.'A frT" Pv' "if SEWSjj-' THE LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, 1889. ' -V"- t HASH TAXJtOTPHOMtBlTIOXWTS. . SUaiMer Sara tfc JohnMewa People went te lien in ta rioea. Ill-advlsed utterances of Prohibition en- i and newsnaner ennnt about tbe Jehns- lewn calamity Will serve te affect materially reta en me cermiiuuutiai amendment i Wetrtern Pennsylvania. I-nrt week the v. w. 11. .iarr. or ueavcr ceunlv. mid: 'If tbe Hener truffle were wiped out In h United States we could afford te have a 'ounetewn calamity, with all Ita attendant kwteih. every month In the vent" Thla reated intense tndlsnatinn uneiw all Usees, and the feeling was intensified by n article In The Aetcs, of New Rrighten, us via vviiuimru II1U 111 nun (lift wen- ence: "It Ik a cnrtmis fact that all the lonntles which Buffered by the floods wcre nrnsiinc ninciiainem." rhese nre mild, however, eoinrmred with lie Uttcrniices nf I Im Rev. .tames Madden. f Kansas. Madden Is a ttrohibitien orator nd en Hatunlav made a speech licfore the Vemen's Christian Tciiincrnnoe Union. te said that he was InJolinstewn ntlJie i me 01 me noeti, inn iiinnagmi. uireiigu is own energy nnd perseverance, te escape. 1 These w he lind net dene se let a warnlmr Ix hours old go unheeded, waited, were rewneti una w cm 10 ncii." A inurmnr of indignation a row from the xmie. wiuiam .Meiiaitnuu Daniel Dena- lile at ence denounced the tweaker. Itelfatt Raid that he had seme relatives phe went down with the flood, and they veto a coetl and imre Christians as was lie Itcv. Mr. Madden, and tliey, he felt ure, uia net. go te urn. Most of the oeplo rotired nnd violent eminent et .Miuitieti was siicuesied. Hetter hiiusel prcvnilcd nnd tlie crowd went llllenly a way. lalnndH Full of Vnlunbles. I Colonel AVllllain II. legg has arrived in aiiiuiore irem nil iiome en kcm isinnti. le says the pack of legs nnd lumber diiimi me lsinnu irem me nreKcn isusmie- inna t)oems is reiiiarkuble in extent, nnd mt an estimate of their vnlue nuts tlie gures nt deuble tlie tumesned value of tl e Hand with its property. All sorts of goods e with the legs, Including canned goods, reccrius nnd all sorts of Rtote niercliniiillwi id household utensils. Horses hitched te Ttrrlnces and seme haltered te mangers live ceme nsliere. Quocnstewn creek, he fin. wns packed with vuiu.iiiie legs and limber, and much of the latter is being krricd inland. What (ei-niaii IlnnttstH Must De. On Tuesday tlie great annual meeting of ernjan H.iptiMs in Harrisonburg, Va.,wns rnimiy openeu in 1110 prcsence et ever ,000 poei)!e. Tlie question as te whether ie MHierH Mieuiu wear rhllmr nanus was ken up. and the convention advised that superfluities be worn. The iiuestien of hcthcr geld watches could be worn was se taken up, and it was decided that it as u cause for expulsion from the church, e member who uses toltaececnn be chosen i n delegate. The meeting voted down it .oilen te oiienurage local option, as the (iiesei me i Hi it'll leriilit talcing part in Kciung peiuieai ecniH. Alexnntler Sullivan Arrested. IThe coroner's jury in the Crenln murder lacned a verdict en l ucssinv iiibhi. l uey luiul that Alexander. Sullivan, D.-iti Cough- li, l'. ii. Miuiviiti ana ene woediutl wero Jtlier principals nuucsserles or had guilty lowletlire of tlie nlet te uiurder Dr. enin and conceal his body, and should i held te await tlin action of tlie grand ry. Alter tlie verdict liad been read otlt etlt rs vtore t.cnt out te uriest Alexander illivan. and found liliu at Ids home in d. lie was taken into custody. An Indolent Organ. When tlie liver In indolent, as It mast neccs- Irlly be when It falls te ecrcte the blle lu nun- I'lit liiiiiititles te meet the requirements oral Ulen uud evacuation, It should lie fct nt work til Hosteller's Hteinueli Hitler. The health- I stimulus te activity Imparled by llils In nipurablcnltcrsillvc, spc willy evinces Itself In lepartiireef the uncomfortable. ncntntMiH In e right side; the nausea; fur upon the iieuc: Indigestion ami kick hcntlaclie conse- ent upon Inactivity of the lhcriind the tit- rslen of the bile from Its preer chiinnel. Ir- liularlty of thenenelsH ulwnysiitid painlessly lermed by the corrective Indicated, which Is finitely te be preferred, both bceause it Is safe Id mere elllcacleus, te blue pill, calomel and nnchliitf nurtratlvet of cery cIiisk. It cures Id iirevcnUfeNernndazue. and rheumatism. lclO-17 gVcial Jloticce. ItuekleiiN Arnlcn Salve. ,IIE IlKSTHAi.VKlntlic world for Cuts. llrnUes res. Ulcers, ftiltlthcum. Fever Meres. Tetter. apiietl Hands, Chilblains, Cernx, and all InKruptleus, and peslllsely cures I'llea, or pay required. It Is giiamntceil toglcper teglcper t xatlsfactlen, or money refunded. Price 2S its ner liex. Pnr Fain bv II. It. Cochran. iiSKlst.Nes. 177 and lau North Queen street, neabUT, l a. juuc.-iti tk.fi.tiuiiiiiftl..ft In. it i.nttlix Itend the fellow Inn: .Mr. C. II. Merris, Newark, Ik., haj s . " Was down with Abscess of Lungs, Itlrlendsand physicians pronounced me an I'linmit' v.unsieiipue. ih-kiiii uiiihs in. iik'h New Dlscevtry for Consumption, am w mt tn ' tlflli lull lle mill iilile tn 1 1 vn mm 1 1 1 I.lb. . . ... Ii I.. .1... Iliiml .mllyilin a-.n iiij iiiini. II 1 inu iiin.ni iiiiviiviiii' It Inaile.' Motliers! Methui-H!! Motliei's ! ! ! .re you disturbetl at iiIkIiI and broken of ir rest by a sick child bullerlni; and cryliiK h lliuc.icnichmni; pain of cuttlUK teeth? If Kenl onceuiKt Keta bottle of MILS. WINS W.S hOOnilNO HYUUI'. It will relloie ptxir llltln MilsVier Immediately deiwnd l)ii It; there Is nemlslakc about It. There Is La mother en earth who has ecr used It, le will net tell taint once that It will resu- ) the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and lef ami health le the child, operating like IrIc. It Is perfectly wife te use In all cases and l.isant te the taste, and Is the prescription of of thu eldest and Is'st female pli i sielans and I'ses In the United Htates. Held eNerywhere, tents a bottle. uiayllsl) tl.tw riectrle llltteitt. Ills remedy U becoming mi well known and ttiiiutariis te need no special mention. All e base used Klcetrle lllttera slag the same Ktr praise. , purer ineillclne uec notex netex anil II Is KUttrauteeil todenltthatlsclaliiietl. ctric Hitters will cure all tllstases et the iriiml Klduejs, will ieinte l'linples. Polls, I Hheuiii ami ether atlcctiens caused by lin e bleed. Will tlrle .Malaria from the ss i and nrevent sis well nseiire all Malarial crs, Fer euro of Headache, Constipation I IndlKcstleu try Klcetrle littler. Entire Isfattlen Kiiamiitecd or niencv refumleil. ct) Jee ami JHHht bottle nt II. ii. Cochran's is mere, is? ami leii ;s. nuecn ji., i jincasier. t; jTetmmcv IUievU. It. ciiAitLix. III...MK CITV. an and Delaware Ascnue, will open TliUlts- jiav, jim. lain. JONAH WOOTTON, Jn. Iiy:-2iiiil reTni.NOKM niiii:. A'll ANTIC UU'Y. BOW 0Pi;N. fuller New .Manaseineul. Iiiitu of Colenade Hetel. I'liliadelpiiia. 'I' l Ml l-l'l'l Kh.i.. nl... lil.Vilmd roTKijCHimveoiii:. Itt'iuetHleti. itiniruisiieti. vi Meepim; artinents. Appt's first Class. Will open incl-imd MHS. MAY '.Ut KltOItflt. (Hi: KI.0IIIDA, ATLANTIC CITY. helee. central location, l'atiflc Ascnue, le- en N. V. A Teniiessee .wes. i irswiass ise. Ueasenable rales, open an uifl ear. mvisi imewNi;. Iiysi-suiii TOCICTON HOTKU I'A 'K .MAY. N.J. kl'KNB Jl'NU 15. KATIs,M AND tl I'KIl l. npfclnl rates by thewtsk, inenth ersea- Newly itainttd.icmedcletl imtllmnreved: 1,000 expendetl. New Hall ami Amusement Iem, Liuiiiren s New Dining. Hall aim riuy eins. Cuisine and service Hrsl-elitss. i:i, it suites wuu parlor, batli und closet. Or- sir.s et citMrn iiietf. utem plans at iiii. 's A- MINIS Philadt llililn I'lniwi VTiiri-roems. llSsT.Nt'Tlilltl i:id:VC.NTII hlreet-s. until liu 11. Ilefjs net taken. f.Tin;e. WALTON. Proprietor. gtcurlce. tlCYt'ltt, THlCYL'I.l-si, T.VNUKMS. COLUMBIA cycles, Tricyles, Tandems, DURABLE, SIMPLE. GWAItANTKKI) 1II01UT (iI!AI)K, II.I.l"Tll.TKU CATAI.OOUK KHKE. OPEMFGCO,, 79 FRANKLIN ST.. BOSTON. KANCII IIOI'HISJ- IS Wurreu 8t.. Xvr Yerk -jit vt lieasii.wr., t incai;u. I'er Xile by JOHN H.MUnMi:i(,Xo.S2serth I tet, Columbia. uulvlydtred essti.Mldilleleu, lvcatur, Ohie, s.iys: "Ilntl let been for Hr. K lug's New Iilsctnery for tiMiiiiptleii I would baf tiled or laini: 'iron s. Was kIcii up by ilwters. Am new In t of health." Try II. (sample bottles free at 1). Cochran's IiniK Stere, Nes. 1J7 and 131 N, ceil ht., Iincasler, I'a. (5) ryr ikterest te ladies. Superfluem Hair I -Superfluous Hair I Buperflueui Hair I Superfluous Hair I OF INTERBJsT TO LADIB. AW EsrABt.lSHMKST l!t rMlt.ADKI.rBIA where ladles can haveBafnTflnetis Ilalr perma nently remevctt rrem the ftica by IHcctrelytli (the Electric Needle operation).- Dr. J. Van llrrk, Klectre Surgeon, ) North Eleventh street, ltillsdclphla, permanently de treys Huperfliieus llalr without ln, scar, heck or trace, by the Electric Needle opera tion. In answer te many tetters from fashion and scientific Journals and from ladies from all parts f the country. In reference te tills operation, Dr. Van Hyck respectfully stales thst the Elec tric Needle process Is endorsed by all physicians and artrcens of eminence ns belnir tne only methtst known te science by which superfluous hnlr can be destroyed. H Is almost painless, causing a mere stinging sensation. The needle Is Inscrtrtf painlessly Inte the fol licle alongside of the hair, completely destroy ing the papslla of hair germ, se the hnlr can nescr crew again. Leaves no scar nor trace ; never falls; length of time depends upon the number of hnlrs te be destroyed ; the presence of the patient Is required at the office. Ksery lady with hnlr en her face knows that depilatories, heated wax, pumice stone, the twiercrs, scisers or rarer, only makes these hairs grew harsher, coarser, darker and mere numerous. Itcmctntsr, Indies, this is a delicate surgical t)s'tatlen, and should never be performed ex cept by a phjslclim or surgeon, or under his ctre. Dr. Van Dyck Is n regular graduate of medi cine and surgery ; has practiced in Philadelphia for twenty years, and performed the elec tric needle operation for tlie first time thirteen years age, having the honor of being the second physician In the world te perform this operation and the llrst te use It In Hematological practice. Mince then the demand for Ills services in this specialty has become se great that he has given up all ether practice and makes an exclusive specialty of Elcctre-Murgcry and Dermatology. Ne phsslclan living te-day has written se many articles for fashion, literary or scientific Jniirnsls en the subject as Dr. Van Dyck has. As an Illustration of theniilvcrsal interest taken -In It, the Docter has answered PMO letters In the last ihrec jc.tas rrem ladles from csery rnrt of the civilized world. Every lady troubled with superfluous hair should consult Dr. Van Dyck, nnd should read his book, which Is mailed free te every one writing for It, Huperfliieus hnlr Is surprisingly prcvalent. We sce it In tlie drawing room, theatre, en the street, nnd w hcrever Indies congregate. At least .15 of every 100 ladles have mere or less superflu ous hair nt seme llnie during their lives. Ile memher Ihls, no matter if you arc 15 or 73, whether you base 20,000 or a few straggling hairs en your face, every ene can be destroyed forever. Don't hesitate te consult Dr. Van Dyck freely and with confidence. Itlch or peer young or old, he will examine your case cheerfully. Ne fees unless you are treated. Call nt once. Office and operating rooms, 40 N. Eleventh street, Philadelphia. Hours, 9 te 5- Holiday, 10 te 3. Noser falls. Adslee free. Benk free. Nete Illrth marks, red nose, enlnrged s-elns of the nose, clst, cancers and tumors rcmes-cd by Dr. Van D.ick. Terms te suit rich nnd peer. Hend ferutxik. JuncB-lydWAH 71 OLDEN HfECIKIC. DRUNKENNESS ertii: LIQUOR HA HIT POSITIVELY CURED BY ADMlNISTniMNO Dlt. HAINES' GOLDEN Hl'ECIKIC. It enn lie given In a cup of coffee or tea with out the knowledge of the person taking It; Is absolutely harmless, and will effec a perma nent and speedy cure, whether the patient Is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of drunkards have been made tem perate men who hnxc taken Gelden Specific In their celTec without their knowledge, and to day bellese they milt drinking of their own free will. IT NEVER KAILS. The system once Impregnated with the Specific, 11 becomes an litter Impossibility for the liquor appetite te exist, Korsnleby CHAH. A. LOCHER, Druggist, Ne. tl East King Street, Lancaster, I'a. augS-IydM.W. K AV EAK, UNDEVELOPED PARTS. Of the Human Hotly Enlarged, Developed, Strengthened, etc.. Is nil Interesting adserllso adserllse ment long run In our paper, In reply te in quiries we will sav that there Is no evidence of humbug about this. On the contrary, the advertisers are sery highly Indorsed. Inter estea jicrsens may get sealed circulars giving nil particulars, by writing te the ERIE MEDI CAL CO., 5 Swan Ht., llullaki, N. Y.PilliTb- Utte Jiff. flMydAw. (j5voccvice. T HURHK'H. REDUCTIONS IN CANNED GOODS, Klve cents for fell's Cern Is cheap. Mrtinw'i Cern, Re. llakcr'sCern, 10c. Paris Cem, tine. 2 cans for 2Se. California reaches, qt. cans, 'k California Cherries, qt. tans, i'le, California Ilartlett Vtars, HV. Fine Whole Tomatoes, 10c nt, can. Tomatoes In tit. glass Jars. 15c. French feus, St. Nit helas brand, ISc. Three cans Htrlns Iteans for 25e. Fresh Lebsterand Salmen. Oil and Mustard Sardines. IliirkeeHalad Dressing, FinuOUseOlU, Ac, Ac. BURSK'S, Ne. 17 East King Street, LANCASTER, l'A. run: glorious fourth -AT- REISTS WHOLESALE AND ItETAIL GKOCKU. NOTE WHAT WE SAY I First. We liase the Ijirgest Stock of Fire works In the city. w Second. Our Fireworks are all Colored and best quality.. Third We employ no Traveling Salesmen, and eaiiMseyeu from 13 le 'JO per cent. 011 jour purchases. Fourth. Our I'rlie List will be mailed upon application te any l'ostelllcu address In the Slate. Fifth. If j ou have net yet plated your or der, we knew It will pay jeu te get our prices first. sixth. -We Iiiimi no old sleck te work off, and can gle yen all new works. ScMiilh. Jspecl.il attention given te assort ments from $10 up te Jl.UO for Prlwita or Tub lie Dlsiilats. tDONT 1'1'ItCIIASE uiitll jeu see our Im mense stock ami get our Bettem Prices. Large Invoice of Smoked Meats Picnic Hums, 10c; Extra Dried Itetf, 10c; Ex. tra Ilrltd llccf, l'.';,;e; Dried lit t f Knuckles, lie; Finest HrtaUfast Hacen, le; Slimmer llo lle llo legna, 0c. a-Our 111k Fruit bale still cots en. J. Frank Reist, WH0LI-4ALE AND RETAIL GROCER, iiB LANCASTER. l'A. Ucmoffttvulehino oebo-. G ,LLANDSEE -THE ROCHESTER LAMP! hlxt) Candle-Unlit; Beats them all. Anether Let of Cheap (Slebcs for Gas and Oil btee. THE "PERFECTION" METAL MOULDING and Itl'IIBKIt CUSHION Weather Strip. Beats them'all. ThlsstrliioutncarsBllethcri. Keeps out the cold. Steps rattling of windows. Excludes the dust. Keeps out snow and ruin. Anyone can apply It no waste or dirt made in nptilylng it. Can be fitted anywhere no holes te bore, ready for use. I will net split, warp or shrink a cushion strip Is the most nerfect.tlAt the.Slevc, Heater arid ltange Stere of Jehn P. Schaum & Sens, 34 SOUTH QUEEN ST., I, VJJCAHTEH PA. Fireworks ! Fireworks J. HARRY 8TAMM-8 CHEAP STORE. lABOUT WASHABLE DRESS GOODSt XYe. 5,000 Yardi BKT1STE, "Yard Wide, te. One Case Organdie Lawns, . UK Cents. Orazy Cleths, Always Popular, 12Kc a Yard. Fancy and Plain Cream. NEW 7. Haxry Stamm $oet tnb $hoc. B OOTS AND SHOES. BARGAINS IN SHOES. Just received, direct from Uie factory, ever one thousand pairs nf I-adlcs' Shoes that were made and stamped te be sold for 12.60 a pair, but the party failed before the goods were fin ished ; se I made them an offer at the factory for the goods and had them finished In splendid style, and I am offering you these shoes for tl JO and 12.00 per pair and every pair guaranteed. Be this Is n rare chance te get a KM shoe for J1.50 and 12.00. Alse a let of Men's and Bey's (shoes we are closing out cheap. A full line of Black and Tan Oxford Ties for Indies, Misses nnd Children at the lowest prices In the city. D. P. Stackhouse, 28 and 30 EAST KINO STREET, LANCASTER, I'A. n20-lyd&w B OOTH AND HH0E8. Nl CM BEIT OUR- PRICES ? Men's Light Checkered and Plain High Heek-Lace Canvas Shoes, with rubber soles, for Tennis, Gymnasiums, Base Ball, etc., sizes 6 te 0,11.25. The regular price of these shoes is tl ,S0, hut we bought a " Jeb Let." When these are all we don't think we can get any mers te sell at this price. .Men's Wigwams, tl; Ladles, 75c; Beys, 65c, nnd Children's 65c. These, tee, are a " Jeb Let." Next let will have te be sold at regular prices. Men's, Beys' nnd Youth's Tan Tip Regular Cut, Heek-Lace Shoes, fl-V) per pair; better grade or Men's at t2, 12.60 and 1. Men's Tip Tan Lew Lara Shoes at S1..V) and K. Beys' Veal Calf Ijicc, Butten and Congress Shoes, sties 3 te 6 J. 11.25. We have one of the largest lines nnd assort ments of Men's, Beys' and Youth's Calf Don Den Don gela and Kangaroo Shoes In the city. Ladles' Dalu Tee Tan Oxfords, 75c. and up wards. ljulles' Tip Tan Oxfords, 75c. and upwards. Ladles' I'atcut Leather Tip Oxfords, 75c. and upwards. Ladles' Plain Tee Dongeln Oxfords, 75c. Mid upwards. The two last mentioned shoes beat anything we ever saw for the money. Ladles' Kid Opera Slippers, SOc. nnd upwards. Tbe One-Price Cash Heuse. Tbe Leaders of Lew Prices IN Beets and Shoes, 3 & 5 East King St., LANCASTER, l'A. Htere closed eeryes'eiiliigatfl o'clock, ex ex ccpt'Memlay and Saturday. DOh0. A1 FenDersmith's Bookstore, (Opposite Court Heiise),i Is the I'LACE te BUY all the Most Talked About, at Prices BELOW the Publisher's Price. "MAltGAItS," by Ebcrs. " flUF.IFENSTEIN," by Crawford. "THEALPINE FAY,'! by Wlsler. " PASSE HOSE," by Hardy. "JOHN IIEItltINU," Oenld. mSO-tfd TTEllK'B BOOKSTORE. BLANKBOOKS. Geed quality of Paper and Durable Binding- con stitute a geed Hlank Boek. These two qualities and many ethers you will find through our whole line. We can furnish you with Beeks for every use and every Department of Busi ness at Bettem Prices. Come and take a glance through 'our stock and see what a Line we cany, at L. B. HERK'S BOOKSTORE, 53 & 55 N. Queen St. uugls-lyd JA.ttcruci.t0. T UTHEKH. KAUFFHAN, J ATTOIINEY-AT-LAW. Second Fleer Eahlemau Lew Building, Ne. I) North Duke Strwu uurit-iydaw D. P. STMHOM iut & wax, Pru s90b.. -AT- 24 Centre Squart. 8,000 Yards FINE LAWNS, cents a Yard; Fully worth 7 cents. One Case CADIRS'CenDEDMU8LINS,strlpcs nd Plaids, only He. a yard. Beautiful Challies, Se. a Yard. BUTTON MOLDS ! All RIim, at Lew Prices. BOSTON STORE, Ne. 24: B LACK SILKS. SSetzer & Haughman CALL ATTENTION TO LOTS OF SPECIALLY CHEAP BLACK SILKS! At $LOOand$1.25 2er Yard. Without Doubt the Best for the Heney Ever Offered, METZGER& HAUGHMAN, Nes. 38 and 40 West King Street, Lancaster, Pa. (OPI'OBITK TllK COOPKIl I10U8K.) T AIIU A McELHOY. BARD St Nes. 33 nd 35 Seuth Queen Street, FLOUNCINOS The cheapest Flouncing In the city of Ijincsntrr. Flouncing ntlV, Xl'ic, 40c, tic, fiOcJQUe, T,V, II and $I.A. Extra vnlnn In llnmhtirK nnd Hwlss Embrtilderles. DURWdlNOlIAMM AND TOII.EDU NOHD-The 1k1 line of styles In the city nl64c,8e, I0eandl2c Bex of IliichinircentnlnlnK 12 )nnls only 2IV per box. Indies' (lliiKliiini Aprons, large size, Beed quality, only 2X-. Indies' nnd Children's QIURhnmHim lleuncts, stltclictl or pnste. beard, only 25c eneh. HUMMER UNDEItWEAIl-Tlte gren test bnrKiilns ever tirTered In Ididles', Mrn'snnd Children's Rummer Underwear. HTAMPEDtiOODH-ExtrnvulueliiHInnipettUtssls. Htiimpcd Pillow Hhanis at 30u nndS. 1er pair, niampea i.iucn wnsnsinna ami Mioenettrti t tver, wiin lace-timwn nerners, in sic, .tflc, .'w nnd tin. Hplashers le match l SOc; cheap nl 'iVi. Hplnshers frein 10.) it p. Tidies from An up. MEN S WEAH Extrnerdlnnrv vnlues In Colteuntle for Hummer Wenr nt I2!ic, 15c, Ific.lVenntl 2fte. In Linen PnntltientlSc and -Jh-. In Weel MIximI nt SV. H7Ue uutl 111). FLOOR OIL CIAJTHH Frem June 1, nnd Cleth have advanced their prices. We mention the fact nl this time, nnd would sny, we have bought our line for the Full Trade before .lime 1 nt the old prices, itml when you nre ready te huy your Oil Cleth In the Fall coaie unit sce us for IhelicHt goods fef the money In the city. Tnble. Bhelf and Htalr Oil Cleth. FEATIIEItH We sell the liest Fenthers nt ivhul you puy for tlie second grnde cltewhrrc. Try us. niCYCLEH Agenla ftr the I'rcmler Hnfetv IIIcjcIch. Hlgliest crude, latest Imprevetl, eastpsl running wheels en tha markel. Drepis'tl irnuie, suitnble for cllherlndy or gentlemen, with n diamond frame for gentlemen only, nl iltl ; less tlinu tiny ether illitmeud frame snfrty. The Courier Safely for men only 175. BARD St McELROY, AGENTS FOR THE SECTION, DEALERS IN DRY Q00DS KOI. II AND 3B SOUTH QUEEN STREET, Opposite fountain Inn. N: EXT DOOR TO THE COURT HOUHE. FA HNE STOC K'S. We bave opened during the pnst week a full line or Hummer Wash Fabrics and' Light Weight Weel Dress Ooeds, consisting of White, Illuck and Cream India LIiieuh, lllack French and Domes Demes tic Lawns at !2(and 25 cents. The best assortment or Zephyr Uliighnms shown In this clly nt ft, 10, I2J( and 15 cents. W0 Ynrds Plnln Crrnm Crmy Cleth nt I2J cenls. Hcetch Olngliams nnd Zephyrs st 20, 22 nnd 2.") cents. A full stock or French and Demestic Hnleens nt 12, 10 nnd 33 cent. Ilntlstcs In Plnln Cream nnd Figured nt 10 nnd 12 rents. ClinllU In both Cotten nnd Weel. Plaid nnd Check Nainsoek In White nnd lllnck. Fnncy Open Werk White Dress Htulls. A great variety et Embroidered Flouncing". All-Weel Cream Tennis Flannel, 1 ynrtlK wide, nt 75 cents; sold e cry where nt tl.OO. Alse n geed selection of Hunshndcs and Fnus. FAHNESTOCK'S, Nes. 35 and 37 East King JOSITIVE CLOHINO OUT HALE Positive Closing Out Sale. TTIE ENTIRE UTOCK OF THE PHILADELPHIA STORE. MUST BE CLOSED OU BHRGHIMS In Ladies', Gentlemen's and Children's Ualbrian and Gauze Underwear, Men's and Beys' Laundried and Unlaundried Shirts, Hosiery, Gloves, Neckwear, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs and Flannel Shirts. -E cry thing ut Iliirgnln Prices te ClosnOuttheHtock.tr Tlie Philadelphia Stere, 6 AOT 8 NORTH QUEEN STREET, ninr2SMdtw iLlrttchce. H Z. IUIOADH tl HON. LOW PRICES. Following will he found h list of goods-low prltetl-alwn In our steck: Child's Geld FInijerllliiKS.S-'.j.Mlv-s'UoIdFlnijrrninKsTSf.jlJidles'tlelilFliiKerllliiK., 11.00 j Hkee lhil(en.,2-,rjiV.,l.(l; Cellar Iliilteni, 2Sc, te JI.U); iJlnuieiid Cellar llulteiirf, 12.00; Ijidlcn' and -MIm' Ilrt:e.tplnt, '. tell.UO; .MenrniiiK I'lns neil lirrlnj;", 25c. te 15.09; llmcileU.SKc. tullO) Nickel Clocks, 11.00; 8-I)y .MantleClecks.H.Tj; Ijutles'tleM Watches, 115.75; Nickel Wutehtw, tl.OO; Hlher Watches, 110. rllcjmlrlng In all brsnclies by kikx! werknicn nnd nil work warranted. H. Z. RHO ADS & SON, Jewelers, Ne. 4 WEST KING STREET. (Ceal. SUMIIEHANDCOAU J TOIIACIOHIIDOKKANDCAKES. WIXT tMIAltU WOODS. Wholesale ami Itetnll, by II. II. MAKTIN A CO , nJ-ld 2i Water Htr el, Iiucustcr, I'm. 15 A UMOAItDNEItH COMPANY. COAL DEALERS. Of ricri-Ne. 120 North Queen Hlwl, and Ne. ltt Ner lb Prince street. Yabm North Prince Hlreel, mar Iteadliie Devet. auxli-tM LANCAHTEIt, PA. White Dress Goods. Special Bargains In Corded Piques, Tlald Nainsoek, India D' Llnens, Victeria Lawns, Cambrics, etc., etc. SPECIAL REDUCTION. 25 Pieces Plaid Cambrics formerly sold at 18c; reduced te 10c a yard. New Line of Hmall Figured BLACK SATEENS ! Centre Square. Opposite Fountain Inn eentlnuliiK six mouths, the mnnufneturerstir Oil Street, Lancaster, Pa. I.ANCAHTEII, PENN'A. TESSEJONIMA-CO., ef .Munutu'ctiirf rs CllNFIXmeNEItS' FINK 1'AI'l.ll IH)XI. TbH lilOkt ljcunllrnl line in tlinUnlletlHtalrs. M', Commerce Kt.. Phlliuk'l pliiii. Pit. Wrlleferdckcriplltu prlcclUt. Juucl-Tstied "VTOTICE TO TltENPAhHKIM AND OUN l. NKltH. All (HTwinsure hereby forbidden te trcituiKaeii any of Hie lamU of thu Cornwall ,Jid Hftttll flatcH In Ibnnen or Ijuiiimter .iunllt's, nlietlierliiclosMier uulncleHed, either for the tiureM3 of shetitlnt; or lUhlnir, lis the law will be rlcldly enforced uenlnst vll tres. iikliin mi tuiltl lands of the undertltned lifter this uutlcc. W.M. COI.EMAN FllEEMAN, It. Pl'.UL'Y AI.DEN. EDW.C. FltKEMAN, Attorneys for It. W. Colvtean't IUlr. Kurttltuvr. WriDMYER-a CORNER. AN ADVANTAGE YOU SHOULD NOT MISS. The ndvanlncc of selecting from Ihe largest ar.d most eemplete stock of FURNITURE we ever eflered, and ene which mint satisfy moslanyene. Ills well selected, the newest In design, geed and , Lev Priced, The advantage of selecting from sum stock lsaiilmortnnieenslderallou, and assures the purchaser perfect satisfaction. e were never In better shape te serve yen. Is there anything you want In Furniture IP SO, CALL AT WIDMYER'S FURNITURE STORE, CORNER OK E. King & Duke Sts. H EIN1TSIISI. Yeu Must Buy FURNITURE. Your house will net be comfortable without something, tti make It nttrnctlve te yourself, your neighbor and your friends. Our nlm Is te aid In making It attractive, nnd comfortable rer you nt the least posslble cost Willi Furniture reliable and well made. Our five floeis nre packed. te their utmost, from which le cheese. Nice Perch CIinlis,lleiirhcsaiidReckcr,Camp Chairs and Cuts. HEINITSH'S Furniture Depot, THK 1'KOriiK'S NIIOITINO l'LAOE, 27 20 Seuth Queen St VCI1H A OIUIIH OCHS & GIBBS, FURNITUKK, 2d, 3d & 4th Floers, 3 1 S. OUKKN St. A . Lucky Chanck. A reliable manufacturer made a let of special new designs in Oak and Ash Bed Roem Suites and Sideboards for a New Yerk dealer, who fails, and cannot take them. We made a hard cash offer for them, and they are here, at prices near cost el making. A chance for you if you're furnishing. New style, well-made Furniture for any room in the house at very small f rices. Ochs & Gibbs, Manu acturcrs and Dealers. 2d, 3d and 4th Floers, 31 S. Queen st. nlllyd UUrttcltce. -ty-ATHEH. 77VfTERIC7SN Wntchcs, Clocks, Jewelry, Hpees, Eyeglasses, Etc., nl IXJWE8T PJMtlM. Optical floods. Telearnnh Tlme Dnlly. Every Article lu this Line Cure rully Repaired. Leuis Weber, Ne. lBNertb Queen St., Near P. R. R. Butten. e UK LARUE AND INCREAHED Watch Sales Is due te tlie fart that we Imve always nlsige nnd choice stock te select from. THAT WE HELL THE Best WLtchT FOR THE LEANT MONEY. That WE DO NOT HKLL WHAT WE CANNOT GUARANTEE. Buyers should uppreclnte our elferls le give gtssl (reed, and can depend utsui everything we sell te be us represented. HERR, Jeweler, Ne. 101 N. Queen St., CORNER OF ORANOE. fEWELKIt AND OITICIAN. Jeweler and Graduate Optician, GRADUATING PRESENTS. latest and Choicest Novelties for Graduating Prt hcnls. Wntchcs, Clinliis, Pcn, Pencils, Fans, Iluii gles, Jewelry, etc., ttc. EXAMINATION OF EYIH FREE. NO IlROI'H OHED. CHARLES S. GILL, 10 West King Street, LANCAHTEIt, PENN'A. l)imi 1ll. I.Iiail A MARTIN. China Hall. If you want te replace uny urtlclu of Crockery or Olai.kWiiru Unit may lie broken in linn lug, or If jeu wUh te replace old or furnish new China Hall Is the place te gctrillable ware ut the Lewest Prlnw. WARES GUARANTEED. Exchanged If Net Satisfactory. High& Martin, NO. IB EAST KING STREET. elfr-Ud ftteftvcUrft' Vtttfe. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROADSCHEDULK JL, In efrret from May IS, in. - Trains tr. a vk Lakcastkk and leT and ar rlveatnniadclphlaas fellows I ...-...... L Leave 1 Leave fhllndelphla. Lancaster. lsJBa. m. in, m. ., m. MI a. m. n!SA m. fM. News Expresst...J urjn p. m. :On. m. fcn. m. ?4V1 m .. MalltralnvlaMUeyt Via Columbia R'Vl tt m Nlagnra Express...... llO-M a. ta. iinnoerAceom . Fast Mnef Frederick Aecem... nnenster Aecem via Columbia 1 1 ..VI a M. nma. m 2-Oep. m. 2:10 p. m. 2-Vjfci. m. SM p. m. 7:W p, m. trln t ltimhlM via.iiujey, nrrineurg ACCem. Columbia Aeceni..... llnrr Uburr Express.. Western Expresst....? lliCHater Acce.L,. EAHTAVARD. Phlla. Expres.it...-. Fast Mnef ...."..; Lancaster Acce...,... Ilarrlsbnrg Express. tf.i 1 p. m. 4:M . m. 5:11 p. m. : p. m. Iave lumens ter. Ml, in. M a. m. :1ft n. m :in a. m. frRSa, m. D.-OO a. m. U:5 a. m. I.' p. in. .1:.V p. m. $Ml p. m. 4:irp. m. B:l3p. m. R:33 p. m. 11:10 p. nt. ttw p. m. Ar.CnlJi.:n lArrlve rhiia. 4ia. m. HM a. m. VI m n. 103) a. m. fVklllTtKla A awua viaMUIey. 11:4.1 a. m. Atlantic Express?."!!.'! Henshere Express...... KJa p. in. 3:15 p. m. 8:43 p. m. 5: IS p. m. xn p. m. Hunrfntf SImII it f Pressr ............ Mall Trnlnf , w p. m. I0:S5 p. m. IThe only trains which run dnlly. fill Hlllirta II. n Iff. II ...I .....,... -,": '..j hiu mnii irmii mil niuaui wjr Columbia. .... .i' ' :ti Oenernl Pnsscnger Agent CHAH. K. I'UOII, Ocncrnl Mnnnger. "pilIIADEI.l'IIIA A RE.VDING RAILROAD itKADINOACOLUMHIA DIVISION. On nnd after Sunday, Mny 12, IfflO, train leave Lnnrnster (King street), as fellows! ter llnadlng and Intermediate points, week 2y.,.?OT m- 12:35, Ml p. m.; Hmtday,.-05a. m.. s &i p. m. 4W&Sif Piisr"-7:M "-m-,M5 7:.5r.Cr.:akfem'.,,,n,,,;,,h,B' WCk "" ,?r Ncvr erk l14 Allentown, weekdays, 12.-TO p. m. ForAllenlewn, week days, 7i0 a. m., 3:Mp, m.j Sunday, 8:,V, p. m. ' h or Petlsyllle, week days, 7:00a. in., 8.S5 p. m.t Hundav.sp.m. ' Fer Lebanon, week days. 7K)0 a. m., I2d5, 5:43 p. m. ; Hnndnv, 86 a. m, 8:M p. m. Fer lUrrlsbiint, week days, 7.00 a. m., 1235, 5:42p.m.i8unday,8.'OSa. m. ,iCriilmlTyv"lei wr,f dl'. "S3. "! 3.W, 8.-00 p. m. J Buntlny, 5:10 p. m. TRAINS FOR LANCASTER. 6.IWp. m.l Buntlny, 7:20 n.m.1 8:10 p. pi. Iavn Phllndelpiiln, week days, 1:1.1, KkOOa, 111.,4-CUp. m. lave New Yerk via Philadelphia, weekdays, 7:a.m., iai.l2Alp.in. ijeave new Yerk via Allentown, week days 4Uiu in.. l.-OUp. in. Iienve Allentown, week days, 6:52 a.m.!4:M p. m. ' Lenve Pettsvllle, week days, 6.50 a. m., 4:85 p. m. ' ' lllVO Iiintien. wiwilr flitra. 7.12 fl. ,11 . 14 SO 7:15 p. m. : Huntlay, 7:55 a. m., :U1 p-m. lA'niniiiirrismirg, weekdays, n:Sin. m.: Bun day, 6:50 a. in. liCnveOuarrvvlllp. week ilnva M.Atl B9li tn . 2.15, 4;5 p. m, ! Hunday, 7:10 a. m. ATIiANTIO CJTY DIVISION. Lenve Plilladclplila, Chestnut street wharf, and Hen th street wharf. Fer Atlantic CI I V. week dnva. hmmm. 0.-00 a. in. and V-OOamts.OO p. m.: Accommodation, 7UW. a. m. and 430 p. in. ; Heminy, Ex press, 8:00 ni. v.uvn. ill., 4H.VIIIIIIUU4IIIUII, KW H. 111., SJO P. HI. Returning leave Atlantic city, depot corner, Atlantic and Arkansas Avenues. Weekdays. Express 7:00 and 10il2n.m. nnd 4 p.m. Accom modation, 8:05 a. m. and 4:30 p. in. Holidays Express, 4 and 8.30 p. tu. Acciimmodntlen, 7-M a. in. nnd 4.-05 p. m. Detailed time tables can be obtained at ticket efllccs, A. A. MrLEOD. C. O. HANCOCK, Vice Pres. (len'l M'gr. Oen'l Pass'r Agt. LEIIANOM A LANCASTER JOINT LINK RAILROAD. Arrangements of Passenger Trains en and after Uiiiiiiiv . In neus NORTHWARD. I Hundny. Leave a. m. r. nr. r. m.'a. m. r. , King Htrcet, Lane.. 7.-00 12.55 6:12:8.-05 H-55 Ijincnuter 7.-07 12:4.1 fi:Ae' 8:1.1 t-Ot Manhclm -7:X1 1,-a) H.-20'8:45 4:38 Cornwall 70 1:48 8:18,0:17 6.-01 Arnveai Lebanon .8:11 1:M 7:00 0:32 6:15 V. V. A. M. r. M. 7il6i 7:M 8:45 7:.I0 8:10 4:03 7:.'7 8:40 4J0 8:23 :12 5.-0I HOUTltWAJID. Iienve A. a. p. M. Iieliantm - 7:12 12:30 Cornwall 727 12:45 Manhclm'. 7:58 1:1(1 Iiancaster 8.-27 1:5J Arrive at King Htrcet, Imm. 8J5 2.00 8:30 J0 &I0 A. M. W1IXON, Hunt. It. A C Railroad. H.H.NEFF,Hupt,dr.. R. f)ittrrtc. H ARNEHS. HARNESS. I I A - r- r- i-ti 1 4 iinienir wen pnawa MtiHhKK r"w of life will b7 ,waa Kenerally:' e . n lioreuglw' 30 Centre S cm a re. am iroed ;l "'. nnd & LANCAATER, PA. S2 Saddles, Harness, LAP BLANKETS, Trunks, Bags, Harness Oil, AND General Stable Supplies, -AT- (Htrccr.iHeit te 51. lUutnncin A Ben.) SIGN OF THE GOLDEN HORSE BEADS. $)avttuuvc. II ARDWARE I MARSHALL & RENGIER, 9 & II Seuth Queen St., Ilnve J ust received a large assortment of RE.DV-MADE Window Screens and Screen Deers Plain nnd Figured Wlre Cleth. HAMMOCKS vj:i REPRKIERATORM, Water Coelers and Ice Cream Freezers (ile them "ill nnd you will lie convinced that It Is the cheaet place tu Luncunlerte buy, ALSO, ALL KINDS OF PAINTS, OILS, YARN1SHES, WHITE LEAD, And n full line of General Hardware. teb8-lyd lltettuwrtplte. -rOTE. I JUST RECEIVED FROM KcBnigsburg, Prussia, Twe Backgrounds made eiccUlly for Bu.t and Three-ipiurter length Pholegraplui. i'ROTE, 60 1-2 NORTH QUEEN ST., Next Doer te the Pustefflc. ju7-6wd Chas. E. Hakkl i n i lu ! "id ff u) "- ,.-V -1 -"-. C '-w.ii.-'".'.. . -s. A. (? t ? -. . M--". t J-fe-i . v Atirr-.' .tti-Rt tot&rte?&SSttflib&.