Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, June 10, 1889, Image 2

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Putin gntcUtflcnccr,
,, ROBEHT CLARK. ruWI'hrr.
Vi ftt TIAtt.V IVTPl.f.lllWrftJ TSihlUhnf
.... .....r..T-... .-v. ..-
a' Teiyayin incjcnr, nuteunany. ncrseu
J bjr carrier In thin clly Hint mrreumllnu
tewninttencentnawrcK. Iiymntinvoaoi Iiymntinveaoi Iiymntinvoaei
tana j-curtn ndvnnpe; flOccntsn mouth.
i . . . i -I.
Kf. WEEKLY JNTELLIGENCF.n-Onctleiuir niia
t nntntnl.n VMir. litntltHtire.
WOTICE TO fcUIUJCIUIIEIlS-llcmlt by tficck
or poslunire order, and where neither of
these ran be procured i-end In a reHUtcreil
Entered nt the rostefflce.nsiscronit class rnnll
Lnncnter, Fit.
LAHGABTER, PA., June 10, 1889.
The Stale In Chnrgr.
We note with witlsfnctlen flint wnse
Mwmn 4a lt iiImliI tl.i. Iinnrld n f TftlltlaV.
Kn town, and tlint the Mate minc te take
L" AliahM nf AI.a n.I ..1 I .. I. t . ...It ntlil fffl lid.
&( UWIgU Ul lilt- (Illlllllll'ililUUU ...... .v. ...
eunietlie cwt of clenring the vnllry of
:'! Its Incuinhritiire. We ile net knew tlinl
truth will permit its te flutter our kv kv
cruer that it wn hli heail that evelvetl
this transformation, hut it certainly ap
pearctl at .TohnMewn with lite head.
It probably camu nbetil from a
realization that matters were net pro pre
pressing Aery rapidly. Vice l'rvsl
dent Frank Thomsen get te the hcciie
with the governor, and he wanted way
for his railroad. It was noted that the
Fittsburg contractor Mho were hauling
away at the debris, Mere net getting
Ahead very well; and that Dictator
JSeett wan net fleeuring wonderful
results from his overflowing jxmer.
Tlicre wcnis te have Wen sonic one te
suggest, just nt thin time, thai it would
bt well te try going ahead in an orderly
way, with some recollection that me
have a government ever up, and wmie
idea that engineering work .should have
engineers directing the contractors. Te
that date (here did net iipirur te
have Jx-cn a ftale ellli-er, hut
tli'c ndjutaut general, en deck ; mid
no engineer had lieen wen iitilil the
United States engineers put down their
pontoon trains. And douhtlet It was
the observation of the dispatch with
which they did their work that wig
gested the propriety of getting homebody,
educated te the buwinmt, te take held of
Its engineering feats. The unliable and
energetic Pittsburg gentleman had lw lw
cenic satisfied that engergy without
knowledge aecempllshetli littlewhcu It
takes n job out of Its line. Captain
Jetic, the world's wonder an a mill
manager, found himself of little account
v j'" irai'iK miuou-iei u tuuey , nun ,ir.
t .. ! If .4J..1 t ..Ma I..1I..BB ..! 4 ff
riynn, great nnti goon as ne is at m.
publican primaries and xtreet grading,
retire! in despair from the .lohnstevvn
debrift; and the great Scott is In a digger
hurry te get oil his fired miindialVi hat
than he wns te put It en.
And the gev orner takes charge,! hreugh
a commission, en which lie will have
the adjutant general, and which will
employ llrnt rateciiglueenj, m"' lt them
go ahead with a free wipply of every
thing they want. The governor's uni uni
cluslen that It Isthoetatu'Hduty te clean
up the Ceneniaugli valley, we venture
te think, is sound. If there w as a high
way through It there would Ik) no
doubt about II ; and there arc highvv ay
en the Johnstown set lien. We de net
place much stress iien the Idea that
there is any pussihle loiilagieu of the
water te Ixj aveidul, it new Mug under
stood that there 1st tee little decaying
matter left in the alley waters te seri
ously trouble them. " Hut the state
should come te the relief of Uh highway h
Its cities, and open and lalse them.
' featuie about this work
eh the state new assumes, is that It
largely for the Miellt of the I'eiumvl-
ania railroad, by whose act this ex
pense te the state is lui'iiricd. It may net
have wrongfully Imilt the stone hiidge,
that has piled up all this great mass of
wreckage behind it which it Is
te cost us se much te reuiove ; hut
it is ijuite piebable that it did.
The bridge replaced, we Mievc,
an Iron.enu that would net have proved
an olwtruclieii in the path of the Heed.
The company exercises the pevv er te ele
vate or depress its lead Ml and its
bridges without asking leave of anjoiie;
as in building its Mone driduti ever the
Efc. Conestoga here, and running its cut oil'
tlience te Dillcrville ever highway and
turnpikes at its own sweet pleasure.
Doubtless it was se done at the Johns
town bridge, and if the matter comes
under legal scrutiny it may npjicar (hat
it is responsible for tliodainagedone, Is1
cause or the nuisance of that bridge.
Hut It is right forlhestaletegoahead,
clean up the valley and lniUiie after
ward whether the dill can lc collected
from anyone else. If the heuth I'eik
charter enables the Kmtli Ferk stock
holders te Ikj reached individually, there
is plenty of money in the party te pay
the whole bill. Certainly there should
1)0 punishment visited somewhere for
the great stupidity, if it was nothing
worse, that stands at the base of this
gigantic calamity. There never was a
greater disaster lrem a smallei cause.
The Structure tr the Ihuii.
It seems clear that the r-eulh Cerk
dam gave way Muitse of the lusiiMI
cient outlets jinn ided te keep the water
from going ever the hi cast of th ilam,
thecenticef which was sjicedily loin
out by its overflow. It apjs-nni that It
was an earth ilam, riprapnd w ith stones
uHieeijJshle surlaccs. Kngiucering
opinion sccin8(e dlU'crasle its juejicr
construction ; but tlicre can K- no iptcs iptcs
tien that it was net designed te endure
an overflow, and that fctilllcient outlets
should have been provided In avoid any
such pe&sdbllity.
A cerresiKUident of the Philadelphia
llmta declares that the dam w nb 01 iuiii-
ally built for the stale under the diiet diiet
tlen of nit accomplished engineer named
Merris, and that there vvn a wall cf cut
uteue built along the centre of it. It is
the absence of sueli a wall new that is
denounced by the engineers who have
examined the work. If it was made, it
does net appear ill the break. Mr.
Merris reiierts te the canal department
nhew that It was put there ; and there
1b a suggestion here of rascality in the
buildiug or In the rebuilding of the
dam which calls for eharp Investigation.
The dam, as Merris reierti-d it te have
been made, te theeanuleonimlssienerh,
was abundantly strong and preperly
supplied with emptying outlets both at
lop ami bottom. 'J lie dam as it new ap
pears, was neither preiierly constructed
&? Ber sufficieiilly protected umiiiMt tim
possibility of a freshet causing the top te
jfrrvlw owrflewetl ; which was u emit hi-
JHVvgeucy that was iuteudetl te lie fully pre-
1 , VJHCH HgaillSl.
'i'T The coroner's jury has found, we tuts
,teUl, mat tue executive coinnilttieef the
iclub were in fault: and there seems link.
Hmcam from this conclusion, jnude by
,- aYiiu;iHviiiui lueir wpwweirs were in
V WlfUckut a'd that they were cliiil
B? r'w' cr-ui te retain the lleh. TJie only
Ij .
relief for the club Is In a plea of Ignor
ance and a shifting of blame upon their
enghicewt if they had any. (
And what will tdrlkc everyone w 1th
nmnrcmeut Is the' lamentable exposure
made -'of the engineering skill which
examined this work and pronounced If
wife. With the corps of the Pennsylva
nia railroad mid the Cambria Iren com
pany se greatly interested In securing
the solidity of this mini, II may well seem
hopeless hereafter hi rest easy iiwn the
judgment of men who are branded, pol
ished and certified ns first-class engi
neers. Anil yet they are the only reli
ance in mechanics that we have. IJke
the doctors In physic, they are wefully
apt te fall us,' because the first class
company Is small and theNfend and
third rate brigades are big.
The Italians by advancing from Mas Mas
sewah and seizing Keren hapjutllicd
all the suspicions of the late King Jehn,
of Abyslnla, who could net conceive that
they held Massewah with anyetherend
hi view than the ultimate cempicst of
the fertile plateau. The first step of
Italy seemed entirely without justifica
tion, but having taken it iUeuId hardly
le e.ected that she would retire from
the I tcri ?ca coast without an elhirt te
ridccm her prestige and secure some
extension of power.
One geed result that has lieen greatly
magnified, has Mn Ihc partial blockad
ing of Ihc slave trade by w ay of Arabia,
but Ibis Is mere tluili balanced by the
eieuing of a new Held for the slave-hunters,
thieugh the weakening of Abyssi
nia. The Mahdlsls have turned fertile
and populous western Abyssinia Inton
howling wilderness, and instead of Afri
can savages the survivors of the intelli
gent and brave mountaineers new march
In the slave caravans. The advance of
Italy te the Kerenplateau, saves it from
the.Mahdl, but If Abyssinia had net
leen weakened dy the Italian war
It Is doubtful whether such sal
vation would lie necessary. The
Louden JllmtmUd ffrepliir Is arousing
indignant public sentiment dy publish
ing the story of a slave with graphic II II
lustratiens of Hie barbarity of the trallic
new thriving in Africa, hut If It is iiiade
the pretest for exlciislve Kurepean In
(crfcrenec, we can only hopedeubtfully
that the result w ill be mere satisfactory
than the Kalian meddling with the
Ortlie various arguments new advanced
en the text of the Meed disasters them Is
nene mum bre.idly reasoned mul narrowly
applied than llilsef the liiutney World
"Again men learn, w lial they nre se prone
te forget, hi riijrgsl eoniinenwe.ilths
like Pennsylvania, railways extending
evnrgieat mountain birilersiire something
inme than iii'iiiey-niaklng coiiililuatleos.
They are public mi ussiiies, that can only
beeirntcdby a long seiies of siietessful
struggles with natural nhstiielcs of appal
ling magnitude.
"Much has been said during Inte months
of new nrtilli water channels in the in
terior el I lift slate, and of legislation in
tended te deplete the trcasuilesel the com
p inies whose ieseurces will be heavily
taxed te meet the unec(ted exlgcu
cius aiishig from the iceent Meisls.
Tlie highest eiilei of eiigiueeriiig talent,
vv ith ee(iesHindliig eiillavs, will nenetes te make the lallways of tlie state
w h it they should lie, and must be, te guaid
as hilly as Is desirahlnaud possible, against
lint cIgenclui arising lrem suili an oxtni extni oxtni
erdluary niliitall as that which ciuscd Ibe
riM.uut calaiiiitles, and interriiplcd for mi
iudelliiite peiied illicit tail loimnuuica leimnuuica loimnuuica
tien between tliecastetniind vvestuin boiiu beiiu boiiu
darlcsef Pennsylvania, en her own soil.
Te secure sueli a vital neiessity nillvvays
iiiust lie pretisted in their rights, and tlieie
should be a contemptuous abandonment et
the sthenic ieI these who seek te engulf
the public ticusiiie In new interior water
It is icttainly ciiiieus thai the weild is
se iiene te feiget the notorious l.u t that
but for the open and successful ilcliiuire of
law by the Pennsylvania railroad Ilieru
would new beuSeiilh Peen i.iilread. The
railroad is Itself icspuiisilile lei the lait
tint ler. t ceiisideiable time the pcoi!e at
vllher cud et this ceiiiiiniiiwealth have
been unable te leimiliiliii. ile by tail within
the beiiudries of the state. Again men
Umiii what the gicat liiilieid would have
them leigel that In a tugged common
wealth I iketllis the building el'p.uallel ami
competing lines ovei Hut ineiiiitains should
net be interleied VMlli li any Jealous
Si.ciiimaiiv Mi.aim. is In iir.iirwayte
luaKumoietieulilewith Chill, tot thoCieiiiu
imse has tlniggeil his niiulster Kgau into
tioilble along with Alevanilei' Nullivau,
and even II the boasted pitiietism of mil
semet.iry el stale e.ui stand the emerald
light new tliiewu upon our niiuistei te
Chill, it is net piobablethat mi aitive iiiein iiiein
bei oftlie Claii-ua-iuicl, it follower et Mil
livau and tugitive from HiilMi justii.e,w ill
be calmly received by Chili. ( liiliau iieiids
aie lield in Knglaud, and tlie ceuntiy is
lurgelj iindei the wing of iltlllhh Mn.ui
cleis. Tin. new lust auditor of the tie.isiiry.
tn-.ludg t.eeige P. I'lsher, v .is last pioun pieun
nrntly beteie the public in etletts te shield
Hid authors of Hie I'aimuiH sale IiuikI.ii.v
coespii.iev. 'i'he New Yolk 7'mir.v lec.ills
Hid lu.iltei. Cehiinbiis AleMimlei was
ill lit niiiii nl .icitucns' ceiiiuilttee Investl
g.itiiiK Hie exi.itiims et Hie hi sod of public
werksnr Wasluiitnii, nud he deiietiuied
as spiiiieiiH icitiini books which weie
ellciitl in evlileme. I isluu was fluted
states distnct attorney and Kiili.utl Ilar Ilar
riiigten was Ins assistant. Tlie uug leinitsl
a plot te use Mex.iudei'H aniitv te
git the ic.d hooks te disgrace him.
The books were pl.ued in the sale 111
liugtoirselllce, .Hid t uehii 1 glars employed
le blevt open the h.ic, leineve the IhmiUs,
11ml 1 (iiiM'.v theiute.Mi. Alexandcr'shimse.
Here Ihe.v werete call that gcutlemaii fieui
his betl, and eiler te sell him the luniks,
during width operation the police weie te
descend Usjii Hicui and uirest Hie entile
putv. Then the hurglais werete lay the
blame et tlie lnirj;l.ii.v upon Mi. Ale.inilcr.
ine pint misi.uricil HiieiikIi the slowness
! of
Iho blirtdais, and the isillie 1 .11110
along tee seen mid .11 rested bui-glai
llcnten befeie be had galiusl iiilniU
taniu te Alexander's house.
"Mr risliei'seviilciit svuipithy with the
conspiraleis was m.uln apparent tluring
their trial, and by hisiissisumtein the ef
forts le get llcnten, the arrested burglar,
out of prison en ball. At the trail tlie evi
dence of Michael Hayes, who had lieen
engaged in the arragcuieuts ter the sate
burglary plot, gave testimony against the
conspiracy, and immediately thercatlcr
was arrested 011 a tharge of iKMjiirj. Tlie
indictment against him was dmwii'hy Mr.
CiBher, the distiict attorney, but this held
attempt te disuedit Ids Miluable
testimony mid send him te jail failed.
Haves was discharged, and the court de
nounced his arrest as uiijustillable inula
dishoiiiiiable attempt te
then in progress. Hewuver, by erjurv
and a tucked jury, H10 conspirators ei ei ei
c.iK,tltonvlttieii, llieugli Hie ling's Miwer
was broken nud itt members driven from
Washington in disgrace."
'Iho slietKiiii Kftenl llreKen.
An liiterestliig sheeting maul, took
place at Grand Cressing, neur Ciilnige, u
Saturday, Istvveen Klein, of PhilaJulnhi.i
biiJC. Iludd, or lies Moines, the latter
breaking the record or IJ guige lnms bv
killing W out or 100 selected tame llve
pigeons, from ground trajw ut 20 yauls
riee. The sheet w us for the American fltdd
cnpatidf'.'50aslde. One hundred sports
men were prcseiit nt Uie inateh. Iludd
nilssetl flrt en the seventh hlrd. a strong
me which (ret Up and out of the way an
rapldlvaslhe shot itself. The champion
then made the remarkable straight score or
71 bird. TJieTWh wns Ihn only ether bird
inlsv-d. The wre stissl tH ng.ilnst 01 out
or 100 birds. Klcinr. mlsstxl only six birds
out or 100.
The ftepresentallvn Atnerlcnn felit II3
ecretri" lllnlne.
WaOilnatnn t)lpalch te New Yerk World.
There Is no doubt thai the president and
Kecretnrv lllnlne nrn ery much dlsturlied
by Ihelfght cnstnsn .Minister Kitnn'sns Kitnn'sns
seclnt Ions hv the revelations made In the
case erthn murder or llr. Cretilu In Chi
cago. Mr. Walker Illalne, speaking Ter the
stntn deptrtment, denies emphatically Hint
Minister has been rc illeil. His best
friends among ihe Irishmen or this clly,
however, lielleve that he will be retailed nt
Iho earliest missIIi1e moment, and that, in
ract, lie will be allowed te present his cre
dentials te the gev eminent of Chill.
It is understood that the Chilian minister
In Washington has fully advised his gov
ernment or the pi eminence given te Mr.
Kgnii'a tiMtiie In Iho Creiiln Investigation
and his connection with the Clan-iin-OacI,
ns(s.Ttt society width wields the iiewer of
I lie and dentil ever American timensen
American soil in iolntlen of the coiistllu ceiistllu coiistllu
lien and the laws or the land. II Is
expetted that the Chilian government,
w hen full Information comes te hand, w ill
make a representation te the government
or the Tutted Htatcs Hint It Is hardly pollte
or proper te send as minister te Chill a
mnii who, beluga fiigilUe ft-eni Hritlsh
Justice, hisbeen living since he tame te
America hi nlleglani 0 te sis'ret law s, w hit h
aie altogether repugnant te the laws or the
United States. The state department Is
certainly In 11 eek or Iren bin about Its
An Indolent Organ.
When lliellvtr In linlelf nt.ns It 11111M nfrts
Mirlly Im when It fallHtercrrtrtlielille hiKiiin.
clout quantities te meet the n-iiln'iiieiils of ll ll
Kmlleii iiihI fniiciint Ien, It nliiiuld bnsctnt work
Willi lleslt Iter's Hlmnnrli Hitters. The health'
fill Kttiiiiilus te netlvil.v Itnimrtisl liytlilsin
(niiipnrnlilcnllerntlvt', it edit r evinces lt-lf In
n departure of tlie iinetiiiiforliililfS.Miitllens In
I he rlcht side; the naiisra , fur iimu (lie
tensnu; IihIIrpsIIeii and l k liendarlioronsr liendarlieronsr liendarliorensr
iii(iit iisin Innellvlty of the liver unit the ill
vrrnlun of Iho lilln from its prep) r channel. lr lr
rrRiilnrltyef lhfliimeliilsiiln5anil isiliilrwly
reformed by the coirecllvo Inilicalitl, whltli It
infinitely te be prelerred, both beeniiM It It nf
slid inoieulllcncleuK, te btun pill, enleiucl and
drenching purgatives of wvcry tln. It curet
anil pmventsfuvi'r and fiKiie, nud rhciiinntltui.
mil pmv
inn' letlccn.
ITIHTATi: 1)1 bl.VI'.N It. IIOTK, l.ATK OP
i ljniicHlcr cltv, ilectaned. I'ltprt of ml
iiimlttratlen en s.ilil cslati' havliic lieen eriinted
te the unilcridKned.nll isrtent Inililited thirnte
nre ruin' ntcd te make iiuiiiitllafe pa iiient,imd
these linvlnu claims or ileinandt iikmIiihI til"
snine, will prestnt Ihetii vvlllieul del.ij for m t
tlciiinit In the unilerKlKiied,nt 111 Houth (Jiiicn
Irci't, Uincattir, I'ii.
VV. C. SAIT, Adinlnllrali)r.
Jehn 1 Hsviu it. Attorney. iiCMittlM
VKsiuNr.i) r-sTATi: ok m. m. iir.itNAitti,
of Idincnttcrclly, ljinriiHttr count. M
M. llirnunl, of Ijhiciisht, l'n., havlni; bv deed
of viiliinlaryattljjnini nt, dated May 7, (svi, nt.
slKticil and Iriintferntl nil lilt iMutu unit 1 MitIh
liillie Miidtrkltfiiiil. fur Ilin linirllt of Hie cre.ll cre.ll
ters of the snld Vf .VI. Iliruald, lie llierffere
Ulves uetlte te nil criiiut liiilctile.1 tu said iiM iiM
slk'ner, te iniike eminent te the iiiiilerklniicd
wltlieut delii,nud these havlni; claims te pre,
scut them te Jl''H l.()i:il, AstlKiue,
ItchtdliiK In Ijinciiktcr.
.biliv I!, MAI.OM'. Atleriiev mPMitilVI
4?m rtU.
ti:ct'Hi; a iiemi: reit vepii i'a.miia'.
Secure a Heme for Your Family,
reu sai.i:
luivKtery I'llck dm lllm; house t, lets VM
fit t deep, en 1,11111 nstcr iiviuue, Ixtutru Will
nut mul hcimiu tlrictx,
Tue-sUiry lirli k it nil 1 1 111; linusis wltli iiian
sard reef, peiihcH In front, lets I le li t dci p, 011
Neitli l'luc, Istwiiu Chcstmit mid Walnut
trtt Id.
IvusMery hrlek duellhiK heusrs viltli Xiniit
jiirdt, Iren fi ntcs, lult Irtl fit t 1I1 ep, en 'i l
Waliiiit, Is t his n Murj unit I'lnentrulN
THistteivlirlck ilivelllni! linusct, lets 111 fut
lit 11,1111 est In moll st 1 iff, bet net 11 ihiirlotle
11111I Mar.v stnclH.
Tliriishlerv lirltk iImcIIIiii; lieutis, Icils I'ril fer t
tht p, lth nil the modern Impieveiiii ills, front
jiirdt, en Wetl Clieslnut htnt t, lit lutcn Pine
mid Jeiln klrit'lH.
Alse heusetun liist Walnut, N'erth I. line,
Neitli Mart, bttuit n VV'nlmil anil l-einen, anil
l.i loon, In' Umiii .Marv mid Pine stilt U.
Am llimilHivn hmiMK nm III kihkI order, nevtly
lulls rid. kiis It xtunt In all the iiinnit, vt liter III
Ihc kitcln n, unit tlie 1 (Iho k iiiiirantid le lie dry.
fall mid Moter euisi If, no trouble te ulimv
.ine r i.uir.i,. 1 ,.
.1 Lim tiitn.i.. f,.
aUNnrlh Mary Slicet.
Siiuutiu'f Icoevto.
SI'. fllAltl.lst,
AII,.Mlr( II V.
litem nud liclauiirt Avtimi , will iihmi Tlll'lis
IIAV, Ji si llth.
m)'J'.'2uid JONAH WOO n ON, In,
A I 1. At. 1 II 'l I V
OW OPI.'N. I'udirNeii Mieiaci nil nt.
I r.llll.I.iriTi:. I'niprleler,
Ijitoef I'oleliiule Hetel, I'lilludi Iplilii.
I llciuedilitt. Itrlurnltlietl. 10 Hh-eplns
Aji.iilnii nl. Appl's l'lrt 1'lnss. Wltleisii
Jiintl-'iiiiil .Mil's. MAY W.(!i.ritOlti:it;
rpm: ruutinx, aii.antii' ciiv.
1 Imlic 11 nt nil locution. I'm I tie Am nep. lic
litn V X. A Ti imcssce Avet. I'liht-las.
heusi. Ilcnsetialjle rates IIjhii hII the uir.
Sun kien innri.
f vn: max. n 1
til'i:SS J I'M. 1. IIAIO, (! AMI tl I'
lV s t rut s l the Mitk, luiiiitli orMti erMti orMti
seu Niul) palulid.n UKnli ltd 11ml liiiirevid;
HO.IXI 1 li leleil. Ncu Hall 101. 1 Anion 101 lit
ItiHiui ChildrviiN New IHuIiik, Hall mid Plnv
KiNMiis, t'lilslnc mid MTtlie tlrtt-clitss. ;tc
pint sillies with pallor, hath midtlexl. Oi-
hi'slr.i efi li'vcii piitct. ltiieni plant nt III.A
vilfst.l SONS Piilliiililnhla PlauoWmtreoiiis.
I'IIIIM'I mid i:i. i:KM II Stucts, up te
.lime If, I tens net taken.
I'. 'I lli:t WAl.lON, Prtiprlcler
J lull Vt I iiMliHIKSiANIK'-iHIX VVT.SI.
I. UN II Mtl) WIMH13 VV hiilr-Nil,. slid lletull,
li) II II .MAIlllN.V ft),
nHjil l.'l Wilier Strut, Ijinciistcr, l'a.
1 t M(. MtHM IfstOMPANX. "
On-11 i.s Nt. lJiNoillilJiiitiibtritt.aiulNe.
r-M North Prliitt-siiut
YAiuit-Nerlli I'llnte Street, near lUiutlnc
iiukI sIM I.A.Nf.sri:it. PA.
1 IC'Vl l.l,1 ltll'YCM
Bicycles, Tricyles, Tandems,
(It'AltANTKKl) 1 1 Hi 1 1 INT (illAlli:,
II.I.l'STHATi:il CATVUKiU: lltKt
IIIIANIH HersKS-12 Wsrrtsi St., New Yerk
JH Waliash Ave , f hli iu;ti
Ter Sale li JOHN H. Ml', Ne 2 North
Strut, Columbia. mis-ljilced
The (jrcat I'lclilet Tj lellau Wnrblirs, at
Maennercher Garden I
New 1't.rferiiiaiiCH llverj Kvcnlni;.
Ijidles tiltheut escort nud miners net admit
ted te tlie (.Minlui.
111 i-u.!' in in. u nu nt m-uthcrituiivru villlbc
lield In Ma mien leir Hall 1 hen fore none need ,
hfkltulv le vltlt Ihewiivltbriilitl lrelcaini.
Ji-Miiid 1 PI'AKVl.K, Prep.
ITIOIt HOI.Tis, I.VOHClir.WrJ. bl.T PfllKWH, '
X1 tfciuurcuuil llcxuzuu NuU. tlicMi koeiIv III I
kttKk,ntJ0HNHi,Trn,5ai.t lulteiislntt.
riill.ADrl.riiM, Mendny, June 10, 1W.
Have you noticed the won
derfully handsome lines at 8,
10, and I2c? One of the
most surprising things in the
whole swing and sweep of the
Ginghams (about 1,100 styles)
is the beauty of these at least
prices. Celers such as you'd
expect only in the very best
grades, weaving like the Scotch.
Don't make up your mind by
the price-tags. It's your geed
fortune that there arc such 8,
10, and 1 2c Ginghams.
A new coming of 25c Ging
hams. Assortment complete.
We haven't a new word for
the 30 and $ZJic kinds. Think
of Gingham perfection and
then leek beauties you never
Nerlheant of centre.;
Silk Plush Shoulder Scarfs
made te sell at $14 are marked
4.50. And their season just
here ! Mere of the French
Chudda Shawls, cream, black,
red, at $1.25.
sweend fleer, ncsr Juniper rind Chestnut Mrtst
corner. 1 nkn i levater.
$1.75 Fleuncings at $i.
Si. 45 Fleuncings at 90c.
The richest, rarest Hambnrgs
we have. Forty-five inches
Fine Swiss Hemstitched and
Embroidered Fleuncings that
by geed rights should be $1.50
are 1.
Haifa dozen designs of 22
inch Fleuncings are cut just as
Se are a variety of 4 te 8
inch Embroidered Nainsoeks.
Mind you. These are net
remnants or samples or off-
color stock of any sort ; the very
best of very best.
Seul henst of cenlie.
The few left of these 3 and 4
blade Pocket Knives go te 25c
just half price. White, black,
and buckhcrrn handles. Every
knife warranted.
Juniper and Mnrk.t streets corner.
40c Fountain Pens plenty
again. ruler, Hard rubber
holder and all complete. Twe
extra pens.
J unlpir and Market streets.
Four quick elevators and
nine easy stairways take you te
tlie Muslin Underwear en the
second lloer.
A quiet, roomy, convenient
spot, and retired enough. Your
picking and cheesing isn't in
the eye of the public. Just the
sort of place for quiet comfort
in buying.
It's only new and then that
we tell you of what's going en
there. Ne need te. Yeu knew
that there's always a generous,
well asserted, price-wonderful
stock en these many shelves,
with bargain windfalls all the
time turning up among them.
Here are a few scattering
twigs from the latest :
An entire uiiiKIiir of ljulles' Ijnrn Hacks.
ienics in iih mi no cm make the prlies20t
Ijhui llleuscs Mlth iilnlled mul einlireld-
cred veket, tiui k mul front, JI, I,(w, !.' iij-
Chemises :
fauibrli, Val. lace joke, and en neck and
.lo'le, 2a 1 1 lltK.
linnlirlc, tilth Torchon Insertion, Ince
liaudliiK, lie.idlm; mid rllitieii en joke, 75
-Muslin, tilth Kiirplnt front iindsiiiarnli.iek
handsenielj (rimmed nlth llniiihuri; In
crlleit,cttc mul li.iiiillui;. 1.
fiimtiric, tilth tine llamiiiirK joke mid
tdsc oil neck mid shews, s, i cuu,
I'muli Hand Kmlirelilired f In nil.r., one
st J le at i cents, urn. nt Ten ills.
Cambric, tilth blind nitireldirttl edf, li
Miulln, with Me nml fine HmnbiirK rullle,
tmuhrlc, tilth hem mid 10 plaits, .'Oct nl.
Night Gowns :
Cambric, sll-evcr platted veke, with inttt
edi-ceii luck, jel.ii mid sl't'U-, (1 llie
I iiiulirlc, tilth embroidered and plnltrd
joke, mat ciIkceii joke, joke elid slievcs,
51 2a.
t miilirlc, Val. lace and plaltr d joke, Inie en
nu. k, joke and slit.i, sizes 1 1 nud III, 7ft
I auibiic, plallid and Iwidetl Mike, itletin
ntck mid sltevm; ikr. I.') te 111, ji.
Skirts :
Min.Mii, null mid linn blind (iiilireldrred
rultlc, 51.2."..
Mulln, tilde blind imbreldcrid rultlc, 5I..VI.
Minillu, neat Hauibuis rutlli', tilth HI plait.
ittmvc, $1.2.1
M nsl tu. tambrlc rullle, ititli I plait nud
verj line cmbietdi rut iiIku, and 5 plait
iibetc rullle, 1.
Sueiid Heur. Ilrtt Kalltry. Juulpir lrc t side.
That show of "Gem" Freez
ers keeps up. Vanilla and
pineapple cream, frozen straw
berries and lemon water ice to
day. 2 te 1. 1 quart Gem, $1.50
te S6.J5.
Hum niciil, nuir icntre Miilr".
Jehn Wanamaker.
t,")otuH'tiu'itieltiiiu lOoebo.
t ... ANiisi.12
Mxtj fundle-l.l);hti BatU them nil.
Anullitr Un or Chi up (flebcs for (la mid Oil
'IllK'M'l ItrKCTION'
Ml'TAI, MOUI.niNU and Ht'llllKlt Cl'SHION
Weather Strip.
llruU Ihcni nil ThlHstrlpouttiearsiilletliers.
Keeps out tin cold Mops rntlllUK of windows,
i:thides lliedust Kit pseul kimw mid mill.
Aii.teiiec.iiinpplj ll-iiu lisle or dirt made In
upiiljliiKlt. (.'hii Iw lltlwl iiiij ti heriv-ue holes
te bore, J ler use. 1 trill net Mitlt. tiaroer
hrlnU n ctulilen Mrlp It llie most perfect At
thchteve, I tenter mid llani;ti Htoruef
Jelm P. Schaum & Sens,
i.vNiAsrr.ii i'a.
l .f imT:n i: wp-iu a fkw iknI6
i) sil. our cixHlt bj Miiiiplti teiht tihelesale
mid retail trade. Ijirnest iiiuiiuf.ictiircrs In our
Hue. Kuclese - ut .tainii. VVncen H x. r itav
l'criii.ineiit iltleu, Nu ptninW aiisinicil.
Meurj ndviiiiced for miem, udv rtUliii;, etc.
Hprl'J-jUtdtMl C'lucliuiutl, Ohie.
Stricken Oemmunitiei
Organization Only Can Make Charity
Effective Let Every Scheel Direc
tor Be Heard Frem Ne Les
son Can Be Taught Like
That of Charity.
Lancaster County Can and Will Give
35,000 If Every Scheel Director
Will Constitute Himself a
Committeeman te Gather
in the Funds.
Xe calamity of modern llnicit in the
clvlIIL'tl world hns exceeded tlitit which
has hefiillen th peupleuf I'cniiiylvaniii.
Th ri'siiItH of the ditaifreiiH Heeds
tlint hiive Hvtcjit fhe vnlleys of tlie Cohc Cehc
iiiiiukIi ud the 8usiiicliniiiin hivmi
Hpi'iilllug that the Iiuniiiii niiiitl cannot
take in the full fceiie of the terrlhle
The corpses of our citieiis form one
long trail efdcttth from the hIecs of the
Allcglieiiie.s te the valley of the Ohie.
Cltiex, towns mul villagesthat were lllletl
with many happy Iieiiich and teeinliiK
with I mny iutltistrlcH have hecn swept
from the face of our commonwealth, and
these of their occupiers who have
pucaped, only with life, aie dehelate and
alllictttl lieyend tlie most compassionate
imvver of tongue or pen te ik"crihc.
They literally sit among their ruin, and
lieslde their tlcml, luekeii heartetl and
Shall Lancaster county, whom Ged
has hlcssed nt few Hjmt.s en the earth arc
hlesHCtl, stopnheit of ii mighty efl'ert te
assuage the bltterneM of tills calamity ?
Te leek upon your homes desolate, the
sacred associations of altar nud fireside
blotted out in an instant of time, the
liaid-earuings of a life-time swept away
in the twinkliugefaii eye, would beud,
indeed. Hut add le it the horrible
thought that the lives of these who
iiiadccxlstciicf endurable who awaitetl
the lcturn of weary steps from weaiying
tell with the smile of welcome, the piat piat
tle of the dear child, the kind and sooth seeth
ing voice of the Hue and loving vvife.the
manly lerm of the strong aimed liiti
Imntl, father and brother, Hint the fear
ful rcnjier of death should havu taken
these, tee, in the aw fill cataclysm of na
ture. The heart almost steps its lieating in
the presence of the dreadful import of
these facts.
We can only de a little te assuage the
burdens of this hour, that tire resting mi
heavily en our commonwealth. The
law has put it out of tlie power of the
state tegraut the aid she would willingly
W'stevv. lt-t us then de our part like
men ami women te whom (ietl has given
pitying hearts and noble impulses).
The ten thousand eurjiH-s in the valley
of the I'encimiiigli are tell thousand mute
appeals td you autl us. They have
pasM-tl beyond our helping hands te the
tender cure of Him "whose mercy en
diiteth forever." Hut there are little
children crying for bread ; there are
weak women scantily clml, exposed fu
tile pitiless elements ; there are strong
men litekeu hem ted and in despair despair despair
Loek into the faces of your families.
Loek out iiK)ii yeui smiling acres, te
whom the saiue rain bietight plentiful
liuivcsls that te these unfortunate dealt
death and destruction, and say if it is in
eiti heal Is lei efiise te shale our abund
ance with tbcii lerrible and piteous
Lancaster county ought te give twenty
live thousand dollars te these iclief
funds. And we feel that nnlj lack of the
jirejier ellert will picvcut the increasing
of the $1(),ihki sent by lis aheady te that
sum. The mayor of the city of Lancas
ter and the various National banks of
the city and county will gladly become
dtioslteilcs for all conliibtiHeus, but
that is net enough. In this great crisis
earnest uieu must rise up in every com
munity who will set en feet organized
methods for tliesectiriug and collecting
of this money, and we recommend and
uigc that the school directors of every
school district tliioiighetit the county of
Lancaster ferthvv ith organize and solicit
subscriptions for this object. Te lie ef
fective, this work should lie completed,
and ivimrt made te the mayor of Lan
caster net later than Haturday, June 17.
Organization, antl organization alone,
can sound promptly the depths uf
the charity which Lancaster county can
threw into the laps of these suHering
OJinmuulties. Therefore, let all be up
ami tleing, for tlie mementa are precious,
and the necessities lieyend computation.
All contributions icceived from every
source will Ikj acknowledged through
the public press.
lly order of the Lancaster City Hellef
Kiiw ahi I'm ri'i rv( Mayer.
ffru Geeh.
Bet Ammenhi.Se. a Dettle.
73c. Cornet nt 00c. Kacli.
Knitting Coltennt3c n Ball.
73c. Whit 8hlrt at tc Each.
fiOO Black Lnce nt IIJ a Yard.
McHllkOreicuntZic a l'alr.
73c Larc dipt nl 60c. Knch.
23c. Hustle nl 17c. Knth.
X. Hllk rtlbben nt 17c a Vard.
12J-JC Iiiein at 8c. a Tnril.
Kan at 1, 2,11, S Cent nnd Upward.
Wc Ilrr Ittittens at W!. a DetAi.
Umbrrlln at 25, 60, 75 Cent and Upward.
lire Oinghnms nt 4, 8, 10 Cent n Ynrd.
0 Inch Wlilte l.ntrii at 12Jc a Yord.
Colored Cluse Cleth nt fie a Yard.
20c. Tnble Line n nt 12c a Ynrd.
17c Lnce .Mill nt 12c. a 1'ntr.
Nes. 35-37 North Queen St.
FollewlnB will be found a list of keikI low priced nlwnjs 111 our uteck: Child
Geld Finger Illng. 25c; Misses' Geld Klnmr UIek, 75c.; IjkIIcs' Geld finger Illns, $1.00;
bIecrellutten,25c.,50c.,S1.0D; Cellar niitteni, 25c. te SI.O); Diamond Cellar Butten,
1200; Ijidlen' nnd MImis' Breaitplns, 25c. te 1.00; MeurnlUK Fin and Karrlng, 25c te
S.O0; Bracelet, 25c le J10; Nickel Cleck, 11.00; S-DnyMniitleCleck,M.T5; LndleVUeld
AVntchcii, I15.7S; Nickel Wntche, Jl.00; Kllver Wntehcs, J10.
49-IlepalrhiR In nil branches by i;oed workmen nnd nil vierkvrnrranteil.
Shirk's Carpet Hall I
Wilten, Velvet, Bedy Brussels, Tapestry, Ingrain, Damask
and Venetian, Rag and Chain Carpets.
Cor. West King and Water Sts., Lancaster, Pa.
Kirk Jehnsen & Ce.,
Have the Lnrijest nnd Finest Stixk of Pianos
and Organs te lie si en tu Inmiistcr.
In our Hnuill Ware Deparlmtut ten Mill find
Iliiriiieiilcus, Ait ordeens, Violins, llanjes, Oul
tars anil Small .Musical Inntrumiiits or ivirj
(test rlpt loll.
Finest Imported ntrliiK. Ilendipinrtcrs for
all t lie I tfi Nev dl lei In Our Line. Prltcsijunr
unteetl te be llie Ixmest.
bhcet music sold nt one-third lr thauintu thauintu
leKiie price nnd nuillid teall parts of llie coun
try. Teacher will phase wrlte for Hpeclal
Secend-llnnd llarualn Department ; One Lev
Icr hiinare Piane, almost new: one (itehlu
SMlunre, one Dcnrheii, one New l.imland-all In
cikkI order, and llie prices will suit seu; one
llilsliiy Siiuirc I'lane n Knat haii;iiln. i.ikhI
Second Hand Orpins ut prices that will surprise.
Nu. 21 West KliiKHtrtet.
a'g-V. H. I'lnne, Orpins and Finn Furnltuin
mevetl. Call mid examlnti the New Ilarrl
.Music Hinder u2l Ivdilvr
Gas Fitting.
Tin Roeiiing and Spouting.
Heating By Het Air
152 N. QUEEN ST.,
I.ANt'Ab1EIt. PA.
Standard Carriage Werk.
Nes. 10. U, , U .Market Hint I. Kear of Fost Fest Fost
eltlce, UtiutiMtT, l'u.
Buggies, Phsetens, Family Carriagies.
The fluent stock In the country te selwt from.
Wceiiii.ulteverjb.Mv. Frl.tjte.utttlictliiu
A nnelliuief SH-tSinil-IIalid Werk.
New U the Unit' te tet jour Curruiiiirt llo lle
ixilnted nnd Iteiwlretl. Our reilrlnc tuiiiiet
( escilled. One set of vterkineiii's.ilnllj cni for Hint puriMfre.
Ca.ll uud exumliif vv liether oil wlU te biij-er
21-Inch ninck Hllk at TV. a Yard.
Black Merlc nt TSc. n Yard.
tl.2") niack Henrietta nt 75c a Yard.
hllk Velvet nt 37fc a Yard.
lUlKh Dies Cleth nt 12!CeYard.
11.2.) Hllk riiuli nt 75c a Yard.
Rl-Inch Illnck yergent 11.00 a Yard.
Zephyr (llnKhniii at 12c a Yard.
tUfS White Unlit nt 11.00 .Knch.
TSc. Vv'hltc h'npklnt at C0c a Dezen.
All-Linen CruinbCletli, 2) nrdsvrldc,25ca Yard.
17c Ticking nt 12Jc. n Yard.
Btnck Henrietta nt 37Vc a Ynrd.
11.00 Dress Geed nt.'iOc n Ynrd.
SOe. Drrs Geed nt 25c. a Yurd.
25c Drew OtMKlx nt 12c a Yard.
12Jc Pre Geed nt 5c n Ynrd.
ft it 1 1.
A TIlbltaiv'H. I
Five cents for Fell'H Cern Is cheap,
McOntv'sCern, M1.
llakir'Cern, 10c.
1'arls Cern, line. 2 cans for 2ec.
Callternla reaches, qt. cans, 2."c.
('allfernlii Cherries, ijt. cans, 25c.
t aiiieruia iiarueii i-uir,e.
Finn Whole ToiualecB, Kic et. cnn.
TomatecK In tit. class Jars. I c.
I'rriidi l'cas, Ht. NIchehiH hraild, IV.
'I hrce iwis btrlnn HOans for 25c.
I n ii l.eii'.ierauii .iimeu.
Oil and .Mustard Sardines,
DurkeeKilad Dressing.
I'inuOllvuOlls, Ac, Ac.
Ne. 17 East King Street,
rpilI'.OLOIIlOL'H FOl'ltni
Fireworks ! Fireworks!
REIST'S and nrrAiii onerr.H.
First. We Iiiimi the Ijiuct Htck of Flre Flre
tterUs In the city
Siend. Our 1 IrcvriitkK arc all Colored nnd
Ix'St IpllllltV.
Third-We cinple)- no Travdlui; Halesinen,
and '-tin save jeu from l.'i te 20 jht ivut. en j'eur
Feurth.-Oiir l'rhe List villi he innllel ujxili
applhatleu te any l'ostettltt' nddrevs In the
Fllth.-ir tm have net Jtt placed your or.
dcr, viekneivlt villi paj jeu le get our prht
Slth. We hnve no old Meck te trerUUl, und
chii ulvcyeii nil ncir trurUi1. ,
Seventh. .Sflal iillintlen given te nssrt nssrt nssrt
lncntsfromSlOuptejl.ttillor Prlvntc or litb.
lie Illsplajs.
DON'T I'l'HCHASK until jeu see our Im Im
niriike block and gel our lloltem Prices.
Large Invoice of Smoked Meats,
Picnic Hams, 10c; i:tin Ilrltd Itecf, 10c; K
tm Dried llrcr, 12!(c , Ilrltd llccf Knutklcs, lie;
Flutsl llrcakfiifct llacen, l."je; Miimnier lltv
hvua, t'c.
S-Our HlB Fruit hale Mill gees en.
J. Frank Reist,
LANCAhlKlt. I'A.
XCltS. All ncrselis are hcreliv ferhidden
te trt9.iune..iiiniiv efthcUiudrt of the CerutiHll
aiils.itHlitiil estates In IxUineu or Uiuciuter
.'.miitlcs, vi hither Inclesed or uulnclesed,ilthcr
for the piirioe of hlioetlm; or llshlni;, u the
hivr vi 111 Im rigidly rnferrnl ngaltikt nil lre
paKslui: en wild lands of the undersigned after
this notice.
It. l'EltCVALIlEN.
Atteruej fur It. W. Celcuuui'i Iltln.
" t -
i5e .
..vtatri;jafcn&. y -Hgjyiejtytt