Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, June 10, 1889, Image 1

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s3y a . .lUiiuui.Liinti.
(The Ian eg tcra
J r
' ! l
wiiiies rewEUKD te time lbbr ow ew
isc te the ncivr dewmiiir.
One Doing tit Twe Hours Iho Werk It
Hequlrcs One Hundred Mm te Ac
complish InTvveIlii.vs ' Jlioritts Jlieritts
burn Committed Anxious te Itn
Hellevcd or the Tusk or
Clearing the Vnlley.
Johmkievv;, June 10. Anutlier wet and
elose morning In tlilsv.diey. When the day
liruku tliu sccne wasdisninltea depressing
degree A K'nctriitlngdii77le amis down
nnd made everything wet mid lipiery.
AVlien the vvliNtle of tlie Cambria shops
sounded this morning the w liole ia t u ns
wnke, nnd smoke Irein many eampllrcs
nnd imrnlnf! debris niitde n heavy cloud
lint icsted ever the cntlre valley, almost
hiding It from v lew from the hills. Soen
the vnlley wasnllve with thousands of busy
workmen, and the tenth day of w erk en
thin vast undertaking was begun. There is
Jittle changrtih tlie general situation te-day
nnd nil tlio'vaileiiB,cl"partinoiitsniomovliig
nlqng in n manner blffhty sntlstae.teiy. '1 he
stepping or vv erk by (he Cumbria company
ycstciday gave thcli men a ninth needed
rest. The same large crowds wcie en iiaud
for their daily rations anil the vaiiotiscoiu vaiietiscoiu vaiiotisceiu
wiviry stations were Kcncs el great ac
tivity. tlie.U cpMiitltics of debris which been
3oe-cncd Heni nbove the stone bridge and
flentcd down the stream lme feimed a
gerge opposite Caiiibiin City and a number
id men were sent there te-day te reinove
thists it closed the thatmcl, stepping tlie
flew of water and rendering ery dilllcult
tlie work et reiueing vvietkiige at the
stone bridge.
Anether consignment of station try en
gines m rived te day, making ten In all new
lime, lliey v.eie placed in various set thins
et the tow n, and did most ollettlve is erk.
One was put lit position en the Mone bridge,
and in two hetirH the work nciernpllshcd
hyit was moie clfecllve than tlie weik of
100 men for the last twedav, and n channel
Mas opened for a considerable distance
from Iho biidge.
Tbovisit-el Coventer noaver vcstciday
has given lencwed hopes te the stricken
people and en all .sides the ih tleu taken
yesterday is being faerably toiumented
en. The piempt and elledive attieu by
the governor when he arrived impiesscd
ever.voiie favorably and especially Iho
l'lttsbnig relief eeniinittee, hee rcpio rcpie
scntattves went home well te be
relieved et the weik of renieingtlebrib
and restoring elder, leaving te them the
.'icteniplisliment et the ene great object
tbe idiot of the sullcrers.
About nina o'clock the dew npourbccAine
se tieiivy It seriously interlered itli
vv erk,imd lliemcu vv cre called fiem weik te
nome plica of sholtei, but as seen as tlie
nilu became less heavy, all went te work
again. Arrangements hae been made by
v hlch a mm h needed supply of tied! meat
will be liirnishcd. Kvcrjone is actually
suffeiing for tills necessity. Te-day lour
iittle will be slaughtered heie ter the use
of lloetli'Aniuu'H men, ami hcicafter six
Much discussion has been had here as te
the personnel of tlie lommisslen te be
(pointed by tlie governor te take charge
)l tlie fund te be used fei relief here. It is
cencially admitted It would be eminent!)
propel tlinJpthe commission should lie
largely coutpesed et Pittsburgcrs, as that
illy is se near nnd ban already se satislac satislac
teillj managed the entire allaiis et this
I A Her Wednesday Adjutant tieneral Has
tings will have entire eh.iige mid this sec
tion will be strictly under military disci
pline. In speaking el the general cimdi
tlen of this place as te order, tlie assistant
t bief of police said te-dii) : "I w Mi te say
that the people of this section am well
pleased with the order that lias ptcvnilcil
sIikoIIie Heed. Theio hive bteu luwei
.iriestHiuul less disorder and iliiiiikcuuess
Ihan ever beletc. It is most surprising theie has net been moie distuder, iiutl
overyeme is most gratclul te tlie people in
iliaige ler their ctlottlve work in tlili dl dl
iecien." The l'irst National bank h is opened up
for business, and the I ict is appreciated b)
all lieie. Muili tiouble h is been occasioned
by the intbility te get money here, all hav
ing te bring it here in packages.
Much sullcriug has been occasioned b)
the wearing of gum beets by the men.
Over MMy moil of Heeth V i'liiin liave
been obliged te cpiit work te day ew lug te
their feet being terribly blistentl and many
te-day are weiklugln tluii bare leet.
din. I Listings said te-day that en
"Wednesday theie would be Iittle change, hew ill. issiiuie control of alliou allieu
tnuts. Thewagcs will be$l..V) ler laberin.
IIe s.iid there would be no additional
militia brought In. 'Iho I'eurteciilli regi
ment w ill lie continued en duty as long as
thevc.ui stand it, and the.v .no net worked
haul, 'liie regiment is likely te be lieie
fei twoei tliice weeks jet.
.Men w ere put te vv eik this morning in
drawing the tank el Hie gas weiks, en
which theie are at least i tnt et water.
It is believed thoieaie.i number of hedus
in tlie tauk.w lilt h w ill lie rc.u lies! te night
Tlie (. ambria iron t empaii v w ill be read v
te stmt up In all dcpaitttuiits in about two
wctks, but these who ought te knew say it
will take at least until October belorethe
d.iuticr mill will be read) te run.
Sixteen binliet Kceveied this nimniug,
but (ive identflUsl. Thuy weie llioseuof
(.'. Kkcsun, undertaker, wbet-e I.iiull) vns
lest, and this Is the llrst ImmIj found , Mis.
Kntu Nceiv and Maty .iane Nugent, lieth
videwH and seamstresses, in tlie linger
hletk; Itavid Creed, greverj iilanihe
nhli. The iinidentilietl vteie seven lemalesand
tour male. The bodies are very much de de de
roiupescd Here will net be any furtlier
vteik fei ti undertakers allei tins even
ing. Itev. Katlier Tr.iilinen, pastor et tlie
Chun li et Iiiiiniiculale t'oiueptien, ro re ro
pertstlnit out of a lengitgatltui of '..! he
basU)tlK! ami thinks the drowned will
reach 150.
Dr. Gladden, of Homestead, who is
director in Miuersville, rejKiils tills
morning tlie prevalent c et mca-lcn is be
coining mild and there Is no appircut im
mediate tlanger fiem malaria and Hi it there
it. only i single ease el tv plienl pueuiueiila.
Tlie tiain Irem l'ittsbuig thix morning
brought up a large crew, among which
were -W ae uitii Irem Miihigan, vvlie
who jmt at out etu work en tluilntiv v lim
bers above the Iniilge. People in thevi
linlty of tin1 Assetjatetl I'rcss heatlipiar
ti'isarc liav iiiggreat troulile tnliud enough Ills t.ild all the geed prevision-,
are nt Morrellville, two miles from iiea 1
quarters. All eoriespendeuts join in tlie
rv : "(iive tii something wholesemoto
eat vvllheut isiiupelling ustti walk miles te
get it
A!I 1 HUM Till: -TVTK,
'Iho 11'cl.v.le Itetliiii-c.l nt l'ulille V..
pense siiiidn.v In JeIuibKiwii.
Johnstown, June 9. A cenleieine vus
heltl in Johnstown this afternoon, utwhi h
w ere present Coventer IJeaver, Adjutant
tieneral Hasting, Chairman Scott, Con
tractor l'linii, some luctiiLera of the 1'itts
burg relief committee, nnd leading men
connected with the emergency gev em
inent of the Cencinatigh Valley, nt vv Itlch
iuiMirtnnt nelleu was taken. It was de
cided that the state authorities should as
sumo all liabilities for Iho removal of the
debris from tlie tow n sites and the drift at
the stone bridge, and tlie work necessary
for nutting tlie vnlley in geed sanitary
condition and preventing the pollution of
tlie water supply or distant cities nnd
towns. It was agreed that the governor
fJieuld appoint n commission te take gen
eral elnrge of the valler, and that en
Wednesday next General Hastings shall
assume general dins, tlen, net only of the
military and police, but also of the clear
ing away of the debris nnd nutting the
tow ii sites in preinT condition for rebuild
ing, it was also agreed that noneof tlie
money sent for the relief of the sufferers
should lie ucd In clearing tlie tow lis; that
1 1 s work should be done by the state, and
tl n the contributions of money, ioed,
ilttlitng, etc, which the public nre cx
pei te 1 te continue shall be used te supply
the necessities of flic surv Ivers,
f Ixekliig this warm Sunday morning
from the summit of one of tlie hills dew u
upon the dev nstated alley, a spectater sees
the saine operatlous that hnve been going
en ev eiy day for a vv eek. Thirty or inore
large heaps or burning lumber in Johns Jehns
tow ii iitKl Kcruvitle, the hundreds of
workmen's tents, thousands of men with
donkey engines horses, and carts, leirlng
down ruins, breaking up hills of lumber
auu ruijiiisu, throwing me oe.irtis en tee
flics, scraping up the diit from the bottoms
of the beans and rlearlnir nwav the Mind
and elhei accumulations that hurled the
Hcicand theie tlie bodies of horses, cows
and etiiei anlmnls.diigeut slnce last night,
are being cremated in weed piles. Crashes
of falling walls, the thud of picks, scraping
of shovels, rattling of calls and shouts of
dilv ers te their horses are heanl.
Tlie (Irand Army of the Hepublle men
arc staking out the ground for tents te in
lleve the overcrew tied district. In n day
or two they will accommodations for
about 1!,.'(H) jkuseIis.
'I he relief delegations from distant cities
and towns, and also the local committees,
are moving quickly from point te point te
see ifimy people have net geno te tlie sup
ply stations te get vv hat tliey wanted. The
superintendent and ev erseers of w erkmen,
General Hastings and some of Ids assist
ants and numerous representatives of Iho
cenimls-uy depaitment are coming and
going en herselmck. Telegraph boys aie
running in all directions from the general
headquarters, where a let of elerks are
sorting out the heaps of telegrams and
milking alphabetical lists of them te be
isisted outside. Lines of peeple are aw lilt
ing tlieii turn at the headipiaitcrs of In fei -matlen
and transportation. Physicians
huiry liein the hospitals and the crowded
houses te the dcimrtmcut of health.
The tarrying te tlie morgiiesef the bodies
just feiimlls still going en. Some are en
sofas or settees, etheis en beards witli
cress-v. ise pities el w oed for handles. In
short, there Is little in u walk through the
town sites or a survey fiem thelillltt te dls
tlmrulsli tlie general appearance te-day
fi eiu that of any ether da V, except that Micro
aiogatheiiugs'el peeple "here and there at
tending religious sei vices, seme at private
houses mid hoiiie listening te preachers In
the stiects. Hut the men generally are
working, while etheis, with tlie vveimn and
chllilicn, are crew ding te the supply sta
tions with biskets, puns nnd bags, and
leimlng in line te wait, their turn te get
feed nnd clothing. The soldiers nnd ether
elllcers near tlicse stations nnd thecommis thecemmis
s.1 1 y departments' nqiresentatlves arc treat
ing the needy people as t ensidcrately ns
possible, taking cue net te keep them wait
ing any longer than necessary. Neverthe
less the crew home of the stations are
se large that many people have te wait a
tllsigreeably long lline before tliny ci n get
bread, silt incuts, canned goods aiitl ether
feed. Doubtless in seme ciscs stlcli aiticles
aie needed by Ihese peeple at onto, while
oilier famine's h iv ing enough ter te-day are
pieviding ler te-morrow.
There is abundance of the prime nocessa necessa
lies in the stations, except for infants. The
lied Ciess agents say Hint In their district,
Kcrnvillc, mid the southern end of Johns
town, theie is a laige number of babies
whose diet has been suddenly t hanged te
cow's milk, and who, instead et tliat.sheuld
be fed with seme of the brands of Infants'
feed. The Itetl Cress autheiities urge the
rellcftonimittccstesnid Immediately large
(pimtlties of infants' Ioed, and toutliiiie
sending It until lurtlici net lie, theie being
no probability that inore will het unsigned
than will be needed. II is imtheiitiitively
Muted that in the I Ceil Cress district nearly
eveiv mother with small t hlldi en is apply
ing tot kinds el lets! net new obtainable,
and, lenseipieutl), II relief should net tome
seen, m my el the babies may hecome Ick
and weak at a season of the year when,
above all ether times, spot lid attention
should be given te their diet.
As te the net essity of less urgency than
int. nits" foetl, the distributors sa.v that tlie
supply of shoes, underclothing ler t htltlren
mid women, kitchen utensils et all kinds,
and inpheaid and table artitles of every
ilesciiptieu is tar front being what is
t'l.nviUNfi Awvv riti: iiiiiit.
Heeth A rilnn have se far had charge
of the lciuevtil of the gleat "drift" above
the Mone bndge. Their superintendent,
'1 bonus MeNally, estimates that there are
about thirty acres in tlie drift. Hetween
the continence of tlie creeks mid the bridge
he thinks there are about Ul ncresauil tlicie
arent least six above. The vastness of the
accumulation, he says grows up ti the
weikinen daily. 1'reui the budge,
the hillsides, ei any ethei jieints, It does
net seem te be anv thing like what
it ically Is Te get a lair Idea of It
a person must net only walk ever it, but
wait te see hew t Ivcly little ene
dvnamite blast will de and what small
headvv ay the SMI men new cniple) ed there
can niuke in a day. Uclew tlie lonlluciHe
tlie legs, w recketl houses, beards, stones,
dirt, etc., form ncempatl mass, upon which
foetw ays hav e been w ern. There are only
three heistini; engines theie new, but Mr.
MeNally sajs 3) moie w ill be working en
the drill in a day or two, with 'JQJVO ad
ditional led et itipe tetlrag out the material,
horn the liver anil creel;.
With the pieseut nppli.mce and forteof
men Mr. NliN.illy sas it would take
months te eleir away the drill, but with
the means te be adopted, and with about
1,000 additional men, there ought te be
nothing letl of the dull two weeks hence.
Net mere than 1..VKI men, lie mi h, timid be
used with udvautage in the weik. Twe
clearings linvn hem made in the drill,
line is at tlie bridge where Hied) n.imlte
blasting lus been done ami the weed lb
sent down the liver.
'Iho watci area denied here Iriuii Wed
nesday morning until I e'cIik.); this after
noon "is estimated at only about thrtc
iu. titers of mi acre. 'J he ether clearing
near the toullticuceat the Johnstown side
of the drill is about half an acre. There it
lias Ih en ne'essary te drag all the material
out oft lie water, te be burned mar the bank.
Dr. Hamilton, who had been heie since
rriday in an advisory e.i.ieltv, returned te
Washington ) eslcnlay. lit lore departing
he said he thought there vv as no danger that
sickness would be caused bj the debris in
the tow ii. The authorities, he said, w cre
doing the light thing with that.
The dot ter thought that the sanitary
corps was doing its work well. The danger
iieini was wie uriii ai me nritige. Annue
larger number of men ought te hav e
been there b) this time. Three thousand
t eultl be utll'Z si. K en w ith yesterdav's
ten e the drill could be remev ed in 10 d i'ys,
but witli tlie engineer and about J.emi men
working the drill ought te disap'ar belore
the end et tins week.
The work of registering tlie sur Ivers in
Iho Ceuciiidugh vnlle) is complete!, and
the total ranges between III, lOOaud 'JO.deO.
It is est in I ittsl that about I,1""! persons w he
escaped tire net included in the list, as they
have It II this iart of the country since tlie
Heed. The dorks in tlie registration bureau
-ay that a partial examination of ihe lists
rev (Mils alxmt l,nm duplications of mimes,
se that these w he failed te rt gWtcr vv ill Ikj
umntcrlcilauietl by the number of dupli
cations having the total number of survi
vors at less than 2n,(me. A teusus inadu
two wes-ks lx'fore the lloediu the iuteiest
of the publishers til ndirei'tnry gave tlie
total population of the valley at :so,eoo, or a
few hundred less than that figure, 'llitne
facts hear put the lirst estimatoef a total
less of life close te ln.oeo.
HOW Till: M.VV llli.Vl, tAJIK AllOI'T.
'Iho Pittsburg itperk tell in. that. the
.Johnstevv n s.mfercnuc v Ith tlie gev erner,
which predmssd thomlreiucnteftlio Pltts
burjr connnlttce from command, vivas
caused bv the iiniiounceniciittethcm made
bv Wlliram Flynn, thelr contwcler, en
1 ritUr last, that It would take 10,000 men n
month te dour up the town. " It was this
no l that canie like thunder clp te the
committee nnd can soil them te fully realize
vv hut they had undertaken. Nearly f ,WW
Is llng paid out in wages previsions etc.,
each day. Fer what? Te clear up the town.
This is what lireught things te climax.
It Is a tpiestlen with the tsmunlttee vv hether
they hnve the power te use money given te
aUoviate the siiflerlngs nrthoiurvlversiind
burv the dead, te clear upthe tow n nnd ex
pend it en latsir Hint will allovlste snller
iiig. Ileubcn Miller was sent te Philadelphia
Kridav night te represent Iho committee in
n eoniereiice of the dlirercnt leminittces of
the severnl cities in the stnte.Haturdny Clev.
Heaver went te Philadelphia nnd was in
conference nil day vv ith the Philadelphia
eltlrens' committee, representative of tbe
New Yerk ritirens' committee, Heubcn
Miller, of the Pittsburg ee inmlttee.nndscv -ernL
ethor ceinmltteciiien from dlirercnt
In Pittsburg a telegraph oftlce vv as rigged
up in the basement of tlie chninber of com
merce, n through wire put in nnd commit-
mention nnti vvnn in oho ei rnnniicipnin.
The question of calling a special session
t the XiTirislature te annronrlate Ainds for
the work was discussed nt length, but net
decided en, ns it would take ten dnya nnd
the expense te tbe state would be enormous
unlesn tire legislators would give their tinie
and mileage froe, nnd even then it would
lie hard te get thetu together. Heslde the
presence of dead lwdles in the vv reek ami
gcmrnl pollution makes it imperative that
tlie work be I'one at ence It the public
health is te be protected.
It was then proposed that the stnte treas
urer be drawn en for $1,000,000, pieviding
2K responsible men would glve bends for
fie amount in (5,000 each, they te trust te
the Legislature when it should convene te
appropriate the umeunt. This found some
favor, but the tpiestlen was, could 3)0 men
be found who would be willing te trust te
the caprices and red tnpoef a Legislature
te nppropriate money vv hlcli w ill hav e been
already expended 1
On this the committee at each cud of tlie
wire lingered. There seomed te be no
doubt en the art of these In the confer
ence but that the legislature would appro
priate the amount, but f 1.000,000 Is a large
sum te be given out with no posltive as
surance. Something must be done, hew -ever.
" The governor should come here at
once, get from $1, 000,000 te 1,000,000 and
orgaille the work en a permanent basis, "
tilegmphed William Flynn, ki charge of
tlie work nt Johnstown. Tlie lommlttce
could cenn te no conclusion by wire, nnd
se the gev erner started te Johnstown en
Satuidny evening te meet there the Pitts
burg people, who went down In William
Thaw's private car.
Jaick Haven Calling ler Aid.
Leck H.vvk.v, June 10. -At n meeting of
citizens te-day a resolution was adopted
requesting the following he given te the
Asseclntcd Press:
"Te the peeple or the United Stntcs This
city has been devastated by the recent
great lit eJ,"iind immediate assistance I
needed. Our streets, alleys and homes are
In frightful condition. Meney is needed
at once te save us from epidemic.
We have received a generous sup
ply of previsions, but Leck Haven
alone Is net Iho only place te be supplied
from these. Miinv jwxjple in near-by
small tow ns have fest nearly ev erythlng
they had nnd are dependent iiik)u uh
for nioney and previsions. We noed dis
infectants badly, and nioney w itli which te
hire teams and men from a distame, te
help clean our streets anil cellars. There
wsih net a square Inch of laud within
th corporate limits of tlie city prejier
that was net submerged, and w hen tlie
water subsided It left a layer of mud and
tilth, which under the strong sun of te-day
creates a stench that is almost utibearable.
The contents of vaults ami cesspools aiein
our cellars and en main thoroughfares,
and nothing will save us from a trightful
epidemic, unless help conies piemptly mid
Twe Itatl Gills.
Annle Spcuce and Iallth Wlker are the
names of two very bad girls of this city.
The former Is 10 years old and tlie latter
18. On Saturday evening both get very
drunk mitt were stiiggcriug around the
streets nt u late hour, attracting the atten
tion of the stay-up-late veuiigincn. As
they passed tlie barber shopef llenry Wolf
ene et thorn deliberately smashed ene of
the windows. By this Hint) Olllrcr SherU
had heard of the behaMer of the girls. He
took both te the station house and the
ma)orgave each ten days In Jail tills morn
ing. 1. 1st of Unclaimed Leiters.
The following is a list et unclaimed let
teis remaining in the ostellico at Kincas
ter, P.i., June 10, 18!l:
.fi(ifV I.iit- Mrs. Annle Cassell, Maiiiin
1". Hcrsliey, Miss Jenny Lindrey, Miss
Aiinin Mewercr, Mary A. hlmdcl.
Uiiit'ti ,iAf W. H. Carsakatldliifl it. Kens,
i:. J. Dietrich, J. II. lltslge, Prank Mom Mem
ma, D.ivltl P. Sliimp, S. M. Shirk. Geergo
Steele (2), Jehn Twells, Aareu Weaver,
Willie White, (J. 11. Yengcr.
IIe Wiisn rircmnn.
The late Cel. Samuel Shechwasa mem
bei of the lleM I'lpi company, el Harris
burg. He joined the ceinjsiuy in lhlTi.
Heseliititms tlepleiing his death have Iksmi
adopted by tlie lemjtaiiy, and the engiue
house mid apparatus are draped in meurn-iiK-
An IiicorrlKtble Hey.
I'liznbeth Huhl, living en Woodward
street, apicnrcd bclore Alderman ilalbach
te-day and made teiuplaint against her
son Jehn, aged 1.1 ) ears, as being incorri
gible and be) end hci lentrnl. He will be
given a hearing to-ineriow morning at !)
e'cltsk and befoie 11 o'clock
with a view of HCiidingliiiii totlie Heuse of
Will seml ssmp lo.fehiislonu.
On .Nitunlay a dispatch was suit, te
Johnstown by thq malinger el Millei simji
w nrks, tiskimr. tliem vv hither soap w euld be
act cjitableHt this time. A reply was ro re
eeived this morning stating that it Mould.
To-ineriMW se.ip te tlie valiin el about $110
will be shipped.
The Marietta Y. M. C. A. hase hall dub
has reerg:mi7(d with the fellow lug nieni
licrs: J. Shit Ids, pitcher; W. Mcl'iulden,
uitilierj h. Seifretl, llrst Iwse; I'. Kelhl,
sccenil Imse; J. Cully, shortstop; I(, Cor Cer
ner, third Imsn; W. Light, loll Held ; W.
Roberts, tontre Held; A. Clinten, right
Held. Hurry ICuhiis mid Jcr. i'hler are the
Taken te the Hospital,
Prof. Carl Ven Weller, who tiled te com
mitt suicide In Columbia soiiiedtjs age,
vus brought te I-mcaster te-ilay liy l)r.
Miniiu. He was taken te St. Jeseph's
hospital, where he will be kept until he
fully recovers.
A ( ticking Main.
A cocking main is Inking pl.tte up tlie
river te-day ami quite a number of sjoit sjeit
Ing men of this city went up en the morn
ing trains. Tvv e sets of Marietta liiids w ill
de the work.
Went te Iho Minro.
Geerge Bnibdker, of this city, It ft te-day
for Ocean Bciidi, whom hp lias securisln
isisitlen as bathing m ister.
lit in lied Kuroiie '-iiIhI .
'Iliestiamsliip Aiiniula, eiiwhldi Jehn
A, Co)leaud t.uiilly wcie Jsisscugeu, ar
rived ut Queenstown en buiulay.
NEARLiT $10,000.
. ii m
Tit luntl Fer the Floed SuflVrern hi
crcasluK Names of the Men, Women
nnd Chtldren Who Contributed,
Tlie fellow ing contributions hnve Ih?cii ro re
ceivetl bv the mayor sinoe Katurttnv mxui !
II. W. Hnrbergcr, K; Martin .Shenk,A:
Mlclinel Ii. HtKiver, fA ; F. J. Kroltler, jl j
Marlen Pyott, 25 cents j Hareld P.vett 10
cents: Jnmcs MeAleer. 91 1 empleves of
Banner cigar factory, S10 ; 1). F, Hanilsh,
Ncllsvllle, $i"; Kxcelsier Sign Mauurae
luring company, through HewmiiiiiV' Mils,
ser, Je.ti'J ; cltlrens of New Helland, add! add!
tieunl, $100 1 school beard of Warwick
tow uship, collections, $7iOT.
Tlie subscription of fl heretofore eretl
Ited te James Kelly, Second ward, should
hnve read $..
hi publishing tlie contributions from
Lcainan l'lace, Thursday evening, an error
eccurretl, whereby N. M. Weeds vvhe
contributed $75, w ns credited vv Ith Ml cents,
nnd Dr. B. Lenninny vvhe gave $10, was
credited witli ene dollar.
Cellcctetl bv the Ephratn National bank,
$10 subscriptions : A. Knnlginacher, Jehn
Y, Weltlmau, F. W. Hull, Sheatler A
Belnheld, II. L. Hartmiu A Ce., M. S.
$0 contributions : Mrs. Susanna Winger,
Mrs. Mary llahn, David Burkhelder, L.
W. Mentrer, J. W. Uindis. Andrew Hakei,
A. K. lieani, C Konigmiu'lier, C. ti. YeapT,
Abraham Hew man, S. L. Weaver, A. W.
Mcntrer, W. K. Seltzer, It. It. Bltrer, V,
M. Ctsiver. I.G. Sprecher V Sen, Geerge
H. ltoyer, W, II. Spiecher, Jehn Seldom
ridge. Win. Carter, Jacob Kenlgmnchcr.
$i50 Contributiens: Jehn It. Messner,
iicrr A Bewman, S. S. Iaudls, Maitin
KiniHirt, JeioMeliler, II. W. Herchclrelh,
H. it. Heycr.
$2 contributiens: Jehn G. Hewmiiu, Gee.
Ii. Bewman, Samuel It. Hess, Daniel
Kslileinan, Levi Keller.
$1 contributiens: J. M. Sliciilc, C. G.
Amnion, Israel Kurlr, Walter S. Mentrcr,
Jehn Ii. Mulder, F. J. Kckert, J. 11. Ksiilo Ksiile
inau, Sauiuel Hernlcke, Jehn V. Sunder,
Jehn i: . Brugger, Jehn II. Bruggcr, L. H.
ICfevsr, Isaac Strohl, Martin llr)sen, M.
G. Greir A Sen, M. D. lloevor, Francis
lNhleinun, ltelietva Cetiuell, P. Vantler
lintleu, C. H. King, Levi Sanders, Mrs.
Fifty cent leutiibutiniis : C. M. Ham Ham
eond, cash, a total of $.'10.50. The special
contribution of $.'() fiem Iho bank, wjilch
donalleu was mknewkslged e.irl) In the
w eek.
The bank lias teased collections en
iieis)unt of the school beard taking held of
the mill ter.
Fiiesi Tin: ciAf hank.
The following nddltlenal eoiitrlbutlens
wcrocell(s;totl by the Gap National bank:
(.'has. C. Hriuten,$a; Mrs. Llira A. Beene,
K! Marv J. Triel, $"; Win. D.igne, $.1;
Henry High, $5: J. II. Geed, si., jta; Win.
Hamilton, $-!; Daniel Kiirlr, t-i; W. G.
Llv iugsteu, $.50 ; Jat ob I'nibie. J J ; Gideon
Steltzfus,$J ; Scott Nedio, 1 ; H. M. Knox,
$2; Jehn M. i;by, $1 ; W. J. Aiken, $1 ;
total. $17.50, and a grand total collected by
thin bank ef$207.AO.
MtOM HVtlrltVIl.LK.
M. II. Miller, of Smith vlllc.t sent the
following subscriptions cellet toil bv him:
M. II. Miller, $5 j IS. Miller Mvlin, $1 j
Win. B. Lyens !'. Mrs. Llzie M. Mylln,
$5: Gee.II. Miller, $3 ; Warren Driinim, $l
Abrani Lecke, $1; A brain Iluber, $1, tetul,
I ollew Ing is acomplcte list of tlie t ontri entri ontri
bulleus from New Helland and vicinity te
tint Johnstown fund up te Saturday eve
ning: $10 subscriptiens: llenrv A. l!o l!e
lautl, T. M. Sterb, Ames ltuller, I. M.
Giell, C. P. Helautl, WW. Klnrer, Misses
Cantl H. Kiii7er, II. F. Klner.
$.) subscriptiens: Jehn It. Hrubaker,
Geerge Meutzcr, sr., Paul McnUcr, Jt nU'.
Slimier, Ames Dlller. K. C. Dlller, Philip
Hrubaker, Isaac Mm tin.
$1 subscriptiens: Mis. Maria Mussei,
Mjers A- Hrubaker.
f-1 subscriptiens: Jiueb L. Heller, D. 11.
(.irulie, Thompson Hrubaker.
$2..'i0 subscriptiens: Geoigell. ICalitk,
Geerge O. Itelmid, Samuel Dillman, LI7I11
Iteland, Hec. J, S. Hiirlnnm.
eJ subscriptiens: (' W. Heuilei, Benja
mill P. Weaver, Adam Helgiut.Miss Cassle
Bender, Mrs. Samuel GrahlM, 11. B. Uiudls,
Jehn Iteland, Adam Gcist, David Nell,
Mrs. Maria Yeuilt.
$I.Ml lontilhutleus: Adiim Dlller, Win.
II. Wilsen, Ian I Bard.
$1 suhstriptinns: Mis.Ames Hultei.Bev.
J. W. Hessler, Mrs. Jehn Slyer, Miss An
neo ('. Hrubaker August Haage, Di. J. H.
Kehler, A. G. Miller, Llius Dlller, A. G.
Sutten, Mrs. Adnm Diller. Mhis llaihael
Sprtshcr, Dr. I. Busheug, Pelei liniiiei
1111111, James L. S. Paxson, It, 1 Tew usley,
Jehn D. Bewers. Henl. Mew rv, II. J. Bo Be Bo
eon), B. K. Wright, tillnund Vlora Butter.
Mrs. i:i?Jilxth (J run, (Jen. S. Keiser, W.S.
iteland, Milten Wcngcr, Jesephine Stauller,
r.lhtsGrell, James Dlller, SusleS. Mcnter,
Win. Dellav en, Geerge Gelglev, I.G. Davis,
Henry Musselmmi, Henj, Bnnck, Imiiic
Spiedier, Samuel Hrubaker, M.J. Wcideii-
inner, .101111 11. ."scnseing, .ia oil's, uecxi, ..
G. Wanner, Simeon Sleitrfys, Jehn Stnltr
fus, Charles M. Diller, Susie Dettcrliue, D.
P. ilesere, J. II. Danow, ls.1.10 GeimI, M.
It. Griibe, Chester Frit, Kra It uii-lc, Israel
Hair, lt.K. Wright, Jehn W.Le.iuum, D. W.
Marslinll, W. Nick Kleiumer, L. It. Ileseie.
B. F.Alderfer,D.i:.Senseuig, V. D. Hell.A.
G. Bemberger, M. H.Grnbe, Win. H. Lied,
S. i:. .Statlenl. i'M Weaver, .Solemon High,
Dr. D. W. llniiier, Petei .imiuermau,
Mrs. Peter .imiucrmaii, tteorge 1 idler,
Win. (ietsl.M. M. Weaver, U.S. Hall, . I.
F. Seldemridge, Henry Be.ier, Lev!
Grablll. S. F.ltettew, Dr. B. J. He.misny
tler, Jehn S. Shirk, Gee. Ileal (supervisor),
David ltutt, C. It. Bldimeiid, Jeseph
Lelugmig, Atloe Ney, Jacob .Mcnter. Mar
tin Hoever, G. K. Keener, Miss clirlstle
Niimmi, David Sclilaudi, A. B. Kshlt man,
II. M. Weller, Jonathan It. Weaver, Win.
Stansbury, Jehn Gleuncr, A. N, Dlllei,
Bev. J. B. Merulith, Gee. II. Wcrnt, H.
II. Kljx', Daniel Ochiuc, Binjauiiii Hru
baker, Christ Hoever, Annie I.'. Hoever,
D. H I.Myers, Jcrrv (ioel, Ames beldein
ritlgc, Jitceb H.Musser, Jehn I'llckinger,
Jehn I.niip, Jehn Hoebir, A. II Ham k,
Grublll Diller, Jehn W. Heller, Jehn S.
Pitcrshelin, Henry Musscliiian, Jiueb II.
Iloebcr, Daniel Stelt7fiiHS, Saiuuul II.
Slnalfcr, Isute Htxjver, Win. Aiker, James
II. Moere, N. W. Nelt, Is.ine Haldeiiian, L.
M. Martin, PeUir Iteidenhath, Jehn
Spiedier, Jehn HcllI, David HtKivir.Dauiel
Nelt, Jehn Sprtilier, Jr., Henry Nelt, Jehn
Fnsnntlit, Aaren Hoever, Jelin Tayler, sr.,
Jeseph OhcrlioIUertfariner), Blclianl Win
ters, Geerge Hani, Jehn K. Snyder, ls.uc
11. .vinriiu, .vi. vv. y.iiniiiermau, l nrlsllaii
Cariientcr, l liristi.m .Ininierinan, Mrs. J,
Fitly tent subst rijitiens: O. II. Pntsen,
Hidiard Wwiver, Win, Issl, i It. Pleam,
i:il.ilMtli Hrubaker, I!. U Sutten, (jlrs.
Weller, Jehn Slough, Mrs. Maggie Hear,
J. II. Tew usle)', J. F. Hrubaker, Gisi.
Kprtslier, Kinerseu Stelfy, (its). Alderfer,
Adam Hdih. ('. L. Dellitveu, David Hurk
bait, II. II. White,. I. TV. Shew alter, Jehn
MliNHelmau, G. C. Menter, Atlee Diller,
1:111111.1 Diller, Jehn J. SeiiMiiig,
Jehn Kurt, Miss Maggie Butler,
Jehn Yest, Israel Jehns, Jehn
J. High, Henry Brimmer, Siniiiel
Hiendi), Jehn Mnter, 11. !'. Hutkwalter,
Henry .Martin, Harry Dlller, Weaver Mus, Geerge W. Hear, D. S. Sensenig,
lloi-.ue G. Sn)der, S. Sylvester Sn)tler,
Samuel K. Sii.viler, Moses W.Tn.vler, Jehn
Fair, J. W, Nelt Isaae Tut ler, Isaac
Sprwher. D. W. Wilmer, 1). 's. Witmer,
Smuud Weber, l'miiklin Kemper, Samuel
Sii)d( r, Jehn Fex, Aaren Iloebcr, M.S.
Ziniincriuan, David Immerman, Miss
Miuiiie t'. He)er, Jenatliau Diller.
Twintv Iivo tent subscriptiens: Plank
Irwin, II. P. INhUmau, Win. Suadir,
Miller M. Kvan. ('. 11 Zcrn, Margarit
Hrubaker, A, G. Butter, Ia-inen It, Beyer,
Is.iiic Geed, Barten Geed, Mrs. Martha
Mvers, I). S. New sw anger, Martin Nelt,
AI. Kline, Gee. vVernt, Kues Stailtlt r.
levi Ames, is'i leutH, Win. Snvtlt r, l."
cuts, cash, ifi.lj, making n total of (&n.
1 neil A Mi VICIMIV.
The following are contributors Irem
LiliUahd viiiuitv:
A. It. Hcs.k, 8J0; Frank MtUkey, 'ii
touts; Benjamin Hadarf, $1 ; W. K. Heiuier,
$1; Daniel Kreiner, $1 ; Aniand Graziiu,
'Ja is?nls; Win Nles sr., M cents; Jehn
Knhl, $1 ; Jehn Glngrlih, '25 cents; Mary
Be)er, Mtcenls; A.M. Gnntz,.1.' cents; A.
Pfuutr,tlt LU7.loGibbel,$ii Mrs.Speraw,
JS cents; Mrs. C. Beiker, 5 rents: Aaren
Nles 1 1 . Tsliudy, 10 cents ; J. Keener,
$1; I.lzzle Dntt, $.t C. Dutt, $5; G.
Shrlner, i cents; W., 'JO cents; Peter
Yelcr, '25 cents; Mr. I,ctb, CO cents;
Herace Beth, ii cents; Miss Urace Keller,
$1 ; William Itcgnnnns, $1 ; Miss Uiuisn
Amer, 15 cents; IKsB.Steriiifeltr,r)Ocents;
Miss Scheenleln, $1 ; Daniel Cehlek, 2
cents; Dr. J. . Wclttner, $1 1 II B. Beck Beck
ler, $a; N.S. Wellc, $10; cash, 75 cents: cash
$lt rash, 50 cents; cash HI rents ; inii, $1 ;
J. BUrb, $10; W, C. Kvuns $1: H. W.
Stark, i'isnts; Mrs Dlchm, '25 cents: cash,
$5t cash, $l.2..i cash, $1; Miss P. F..
'IVliuily, $1 1 Mis. Kslibaeli $1 1 Mrs. J,
Haines, $;t ; Mrs. Samuel Feil, $1 1 Hess tt
Bear, $.: F- B. Brown, $10; Miles Hnl
lather, $5; Fred. I'rv, $5 ; II, II. Snnvelv,
$.'; Mrs. Daniel Gresh,$5; A. I Lnne, $a;
T. Frbl;TliemnsMnttlievvs,$l;cnsli,5ccnts;
Mrs, Ijiiic, $1 ; Mrs.Susle Keller, $1 ; Lewis
Murr, $1; Jacob Bemberger, $1; Geerge
Cnrjienler. $-1); cash. $10; Samuel Snavel)-,
$.Vi; Flam Boll'mil,$l:Menivlaudmn'li, $.1(1
St. Paul's Lutheran church, $1111 ; Martin,
Miller, $.1; 1cv IN. Hrubaker, $J Jacob Bui
baker, $.'1; Solemon Kutp,$l ; Jehn F.vans,
$10: Jehn II. Hess, $10 ; X. F. F.vans, $3;
A. W. Sheber, $J0 1 Mrs W. II. Lewnrs,
$1 Samuel Crush, fitk' ; Jacob (jressman,
J5c ; Mrs. William Amer, a5e ; Geerge
Amer, ix;: l'.inuia Sterml'elt, "J5e ; Frances
Kllllati, 'J5e icash, ins;. Kale Amer, S5e ;
Menreo U Baker, 500 ; I. M. J'fuuU, 5e 1
Joliiiseu Miller, $5; Alien Hambrlght, V.Ki ;
Michael Bear, "c ; James B. Hese, ftec ; J.
B. Bew man, 12.V; Mr.i. Matgmct Salun,
-hj; wish, 10e; II. B. llucli, fiOiw Jacob
Gressman, isi; Mis. Jesepli Brub iker, $5 ;
Mrs. Livlula Ume, $5; Jneeb Wisslcr, $10;
Mis. Fin mud Kaullinau, $.'; lloraee Stnr
gis .'sin; Jelin Iluber, (aildltlennl), $1,50 ;
Abraham Melskey.
M vitnm A (llVl'.s $1.50,
At 11 meeting in the council chamber In
Marietta en Satunlay evening $l.'8.50 was
siibserlbeil and paid by the cltlxcus I 'ol 'el 'ol
eow Ing Is tlie list of contributers:
First National bank of Marietta, Pa.,
$100; Sangler A Kith, $50; A. N. Cassel
A Sen, $i": Samuel Patterson, $20; G. H.
Ltllii, $'1 ; Mrs. Ann Slahl, $5; B. U Belli Belli
held, $10; 1:. D. h, ij Master LMgar
Vlllee, $1; Cel. Figvelincsy, $10 ; Jehn
Blither, $5; Samuel F. Fre.V, $10;
Mrs. Marv M. Moere, $1 ) Gee. F.
Sllligeii. $1; Jehn SniyBer, $J ; W.
II. Deiker, $1: Gee. Wall, $5; Snniuel
Bnum, $1; Christian Stlbgen, $1; Samuel
II. Turner, $.'; Waller Fryiierger, $5; Jes.
McFiirlaiid, $J; Dr. J. P. Llbhart, $5; Prer.
1. S. Gelst, $"; Henry S.BI1I1, $5: Clirisllnn
Musselmaii, $5; A. II. Sultrbacli. $1;
Michael Gallic, $1; Alex. MeAf
fee, $1 ; Stephen Mnlnuey, $1 ;
Dr. Gee. W. Ileleh, $.": Master Gee. Beltli,
$J; Adam llahn, $5; Samuel Slineller, $1 ;
F. F. Schallner, $1 ; James Nagle, $1 ;
Samuel Stence, t-i J- Brandt, $10: Mis.
Slo.iey, : Ames Hew man, $10; T. M.
Grady, $10; S. Lee Finswllcr, $1 ; cash (G.
S. II.), $.1; M. F. Peet, $1 ; Bev. J. Dungim,
$J; D. L. Cehe, $2; Thee. HUistand, $5;
Henice Fugle, $.1; Cel. D. B.Case, $10; Mrs.
Anna Dcuulsnii, $1; Mrs. Bebcrts, $1;
Dairy WIsiimii, $1: Win, Slair, $1; Boliert
Lltla, 50 cents; S. F. Wlsiier,$J; Henjamlu
Bentls, 75 cents; Peter Venhauseii. 60
tents; CvrimN. Herr, $'J; Clem II. Miller.
50 cents; Geerge .clgler, $1; Jelin Stet kler,
$1; Henry Welt, Bi cents: Jelin Sinyser, Jr.,
ii cents; A. I). Wike. $5; Win. Scb.iMlnn,
$1; Wnller A. Light, M cents; O. A, Hippie,
isi; Mary Moero Stlbgen, 50 cents: TIieiiihs
O'Bourke, $; Isaac Bertle, $1; Dr. II. M.
Alevander, $25; Adam WIsiimii, $5; Will
Sult7bat)i, intents.
New' lllltevvn ludeciulent school dls
tiltt, $.15.10, ns lollevvs; Jernmliih Sol Sel Sol
demiidge, $2; J. SildomrlilgetV. Sen, Abiu-
11.1111 .vietzier, sr., .Miriuiain .numirr, jr..
Isiuie Weaver, David II. Wcavei, Diivlu
II. Martin, M. S. Hurst, Khun II. Brack
bill, T. H. Seigle, IMward Gra
Iiiiiii, llcniv Wcinlietd, Jehn tlm
ble, la'opeld Wlrich, Ames Hess,
Stephen Stelt7fuss, 11 friend, Frederick
Fenniiigei, !'. M. Feiinlnger, Jacob F.
Hershey.'Clirlstlan Herslicy, taish, each $1.
lsnielilershev, JoMiphsHcisliey, IjuhIIs
lleisliev, Frank Knit, Christian II. Bnuk
blll, I.vlle Dimlan, Henry Diiulap, J, B.
Kreamer, W. S. itiiiusey, W. G. Kulii, A.
It. Krddur, Allietl Giecg, Jacob I'elsler,
I'ttei Metler, Hemy Pell, tliree cash
items, M cents eat li.
Casli, .10 tents; Ames I'ulei, Ileiberl
Hershev, Clavleu Heishey, Mlllen llor ller
shev, I'IvveimI Ilershey. Isaae P, Weavei,
cacfi'25 tents; Jacob Sensenig, luVmts,
luiiklng a telal of $.15, 10.
Frederick Burr, ' tents; Gtsiige Pent,
$5 ; cash $'2 ; Burns Andersen. $5 ; cash $5 ;
Aug. Hheiuls, $5; Bird A MeP.lrey, $5 ;
Kev. D. W. Gerhard, $2; Dniilel M. Herr,
Greenland, $2; l.lliir, Warvvltk mid vi
cinity, iidtlitleual, $15 : lsa 10 Weaver, Fer
tility $5; Jehn Wunders, $1 ; two ladles,
Seventh wind, ii; s lioel heard. Warvvltk
township 11ddill011.1l, $10.51 ; W. F. Wil Wil
eon, $2; A. J. Hnrbergcr, $5;t.isli, $1 ;
tobacte stripping girls at Mdger A Ce.,
1 Igar fat lery, $H.) ; cash, $1 ; Harry I lar
ils, '25e; Benjamin Iluber, $1 ; Jehn Per
ilngei, Wlients; P. W. Gerreclit, $1.
liem tlie empleves of D. II. Kulp's ven
tilating works mm Juntos C. laMiian's brass
feiiuiliv, $25.50, as follews: James C.
Leiniiii", $5; P ter Ceble, I; James Brln
ser, D. II. Kulp, J.imiIi Melnlvre, each $2;
Mails Harr.llarry Haughey v 111. allaliau,
llnrrv Hubert, Frank I'rrsnrung, Carn
I'sner, W. . I. Mingle and Fd. ltellly, eat h
si: Lester I'riiellth. 75 cents ; Jehn Mus-
ketnuss, (ieorge Mnsdi, 0.11I1 W tents;
Gtsirge lUuislld, Win. Harry, Ambiose
P.irvlu, e.uli li'i 1 cuts.
SI. Stephen's German I'vnugeliialiliiirih,
$V); empleves IMwartl lilgorley'scnirlage
latterv, $i); F.vangellcal ilmiili, North
Water stiett, 8I5.'25; Pnradlse Prf sb)terlan
Sunday stlusil, fi.O'i; Wllllainstewu Sab
bath school, 92S.70; Wllllniustewii
mid vltinitv, ill; M. W. W.
A Ce., 1 ; Willow Street Holeriued c huiili
ill addition te individual subscription,
$2l.:i5; Jeseph Arneld, $); Jehn Hvaus,
?2; F. M. Hadiman's Sabbath school class,
Befeiiiusl iliurch, West Willow, $2, ns
lollews: Alite Gecsl. 5l cents; L. A.
Hit, i:. D. Bit, II. Helllnger, M.
Hariington, eath '25 cents; cish, 50tcnts;
New ten Worst, I'.imaii l'lace, $2; U. W.
Brut kharl's cigar lut lery, Sliver Killings,
$20 ;. Mrs. J. M Tayler, Aspen. Colerado,
$10; cash, Iiist l-impeter, H; ion's Luth
enm tliuieh,, $10.
'I be relief fund new mueiiiits te about
$ 1 11,000.
aid leiiiiiriit jutf- riini-v.
At a meeting of the congregation of
Shairry-Shemaliii, oil suudiiy, U150 was
niised. This is In addition tothe umeunt
already suliscrlbed te tlie general fund.
The Yeung I .idles' Hibrew Aid society
also makea loutribiitien of 62.').
'lhc lollewing is the appeal scut from
Johnstown te the ellltcrs of the Hebrew
congregation In this cit) ;
" We appeal te you te solicit immediate
contributions from our oe-rdlglonlsts of
) our cii) mm vit limy 10 niti us iiiiiiiseur
greatest" alllic tlen. We Imve lest ev cry
thing. Our business ami houses have been
swept aw.i) in less time than it takes te
relate It, leaving us in destitute driiim
staiicc. Net 0110 of us escaped. Deutli
visltcsl our Iittle band mid rcmevcsl net less
than twenty-four souls. Misery mid horror
Is en every side. Fer Gtsl's sake liilp us,
mid de net delay. These w liose names are
rfttacliisl te this, a lew das age could de
mand and count their thousands. Te-tla)
the) are 'imiless. We appeal te you, licit
only in out own behalf, but in aid el nil the
Israelites of Johnstown. Makn )our le le
mlttauie te M. L. WihiH nnd J. 1 Celien
Jointly, Call a meeting at ence et all tlie
Israelites of veur eitv and vidult) but
move skhs1II). Ifc M. Wesilf, president,
Jateli L. Cehen secnlary, I- Cehen, A.
Cehen, ceiiiuilllie."
In addition te the very handsome amount
contributed by the Hebrews eflhisiity for
tlie leliefe.f the Jolmstew nsul!creib,$'2l5..Vl
was ndstsl e,i, Sunday and ft.rwiirtlisl t.i
L. M. Wolf fortheiellofiif thelr brethren
w he lest all their possessions by the Heed.
Of that amount $l." was raises) by the Voting
I .ad lit' Aid sesli-t); $, by the ladles' Ile-Inew- seclctv, mid $W.M bv
Islge Ne. '22.S, I. O. Blnal Brltli.
I'p te.1 e'c lock thisaUcrnoeii tlie rece!ts
Shcrill Buiklieldei tediy icieivts! u tel
cgiuiu Hum Dr. Lec, of the State Bturd ef
Health, te usslbt Dr. llurtiuan, assistant
medical Inspexter,'' In scan-hlug fr deed
betllen nnd burying crcassos.The telegram
is supH)sed te refer te bodies Hint niay
reach Ijincaster county from the flood at
Wllllainspert and vicinity. Dr. Hnrtmnn
has net yet called Uen Iho sheriff, but
when he does the shcrirfvvlll glve all the
aid In his ikiw er.
Paul Koentr, of Lebanon, former resi
dent of this city, Iwked 500 lenv es of bread
en Saturday nnd shlpwd them te Johns Jehns
tow n.
rtrxKitAii or kloeu a'ictims.
Itnv. Dlller nnd Family llnrlcst nt Jolim Jelim Jolim
tewn 011 Mnturdny.
Mr. Simuct Dlller returned home from
Jolmstew 11 en Sunday. He reports the sit
nation there as ev en w urse than described
In the new spapers
He was in company with the four Fpis Fpis
cepal clergymen sent by Bishop Whitehead
te leek for the body of his brother nnd
family when the remains were found 011
Friday nllorneon. The bodles were found
nlsiul tliree squares from Kev. Dlllcr's
home. In one arm rested his w Ife, en the
ethor was his baby mid clese te hi in was
his adopted daughter. They were found
behind a leg, which was covered with
brush, while ever them was sand. When
found their faces were, en the ground, and
the position JtLWhlih tbey lay and the
protection tu UielfiHHllcs by tlie bruMiniid
sHiiclprcventetl their faces from being dis
figured. Mr. Dlller mid Ills wife had en their
siHstacles when found. Thelr bodles were
at ence taken totlie morgue and prctHtied
for burial.
Tliey wcie buried in Prospect Hill ceme
tery cm .Saturday morning, nnd the full
Fpisceiial sen Ice vv us rend liy (lie clergy
men who teitud the remains.
As the funeral precession moved from
the niorgue te the cemetery labor was
suspended en the streets llueugh which It
passed as n murk of rospeet te the deceased
Tlie remains were Interred in one large
Lancaster Club Could Net
Mclklejehn's line l'ltililng.
Satunlay afternoon the Hnrrlsburg club
made Its llrst appearance In Lancaster and
there was 11 geed-sired audlonue present te
see them. Tlie game vv as 11 gecsl ene except
In the sen end Inning, vvhen the visitors lilt
hard, 'lliey received valuable aid from
MtCettlgan In their run getting, ns he had
two very ugly errors. After that Inning
llie fun stepped and the visitors could de
but Iittle with Hllsey's pllchlng, The
Uincaster'H csniltl net hit Melklejelm's
euives. lliukle, a new niiiii en tlie home
dub, played well In right Held, The full
score :
I JIAlllllsllUIIII
11. 11. r. a. r,
a. 11
A. I.
Hlirtrlllie,3 0
.Neurll, l, 0
lllllMMI, C. 0
lliukle, r , I
llllxcy, p.. 1
McOtl'ii.K. 0
IVitk.V ... e
Cellins 111. 0
1 Kiifrtit.2 . i) t
i 1
I Kennn.c. .. I 2
0 Pollard, n... 0 0
0 llnvrrtrr, r II '2
1 CiHik, til..... I 1
2 Valhc, , 0
Oltlim, .1.. . I
0 Murphy, 1- 1
0 M'kit J'li.p. I
1 0
Total 2 I 21 10 5' Total.. . . 7 H 27 2:1 a
l-aiirnMrr. 0 0 0000 10 12
llnrrlstnin; 0 0 0 0 0 0 I x-
Huriit'tl runs HarrlKlniric, I. Twe-lmse hit
Dikiiii. Ilirtssfoimehlt Knens. KnerHltsi lilt
Mi'lklt'Julili. HUilcil bases Mi HflelHrtlli.Viillts?.
buses oil liallH I jtiirinter. 4 ; HarrMitirc.B.
Htnick out UuicaltT, 1: Harrlsliuru. 4. Lett
en Inihxs-latin tiKlrr, 7; llarrlsburK.7. iHailiU)
play Piillnnt, Ionian nml Miiriihy. Vaswst tmlK
Kikiiu, I. 'l'liiieerniiiim -'.'-Oi. umpire Slur Slur
Kt'en. Tlie Stars of the Third vvanldenncsl thelr
new uniforms en Kit Urdu)' mitl defeated
tlie Spring Flowers by n scere of '27 tl) HI.
Tlie umpiring of Hubert Sturgeon, of
Hairlsburg, was very bail cm Hntiinlay.
He was away off en balls and strikes. The
home club get the worst of it. The crowd
were very angry at Ids ilcclsleus and did
net fall te loll him of It. He at ence went
home mid wrote for n town tmper Hint
".inn nster Is the roughest town for mi
umpire in Iho slate." 'llie Ijincaster pes pes
pleluwe In en robbed all season anil they
won't stand It any mete. Stuigceii can
le.nn a great ileal morn about the gauie bo
lero he las nines it geed umpire.
The gmnes of ball en Satunlay were;
Cleveland, 10, Pittsburg, 5; soceml ganie,
Cleveland H, Pittsburg '2; Washington 7,
Philadelphia 5 ; Athlclle II, Kansas City 2;
Brooklyn II, laililsvllle5; St. lajiils.ri, Hal Hal Hal
tinioie I.
The Sunday games were: Athletic Vi,
Kansas City 1; Brooklyn 12, Leuisville 'i;
Columbus 10, Cluiliitiatl 7.
Phlladelpliia lias lelcased Irvlu te Wash
.Vxle Breaks nml Purl of ii
'I'm In
Tumbles Over n llauk.
Wit.Ki.siiviiiiK, June 10. A westlsmnil
train en the 1Chlgh Valley railroad, due
liern at 0c)'ihs.k this morning, met withn
serious act lilcut a short dlstauce this side of
Sugar Notch, through tlie breaking of an
ado en one el the rerwnrd passenger
c eat lies. 'Iho disabled car dropped llK)li
the trade, and several cars following
eraslusl against It, all being precipitated
dew it mi embankment. The cars were all
badly w ret ketl, and sixteen passengers
seriously Injured, though none fatally.
The Kisseiignrs were principally resi
dents of small tow ns below this c Ity. Twe
of llie most severely Injured are Jehn Me Me
Gremty, deputy county treasurer, of tills
city, w he was badly cut upon tlie head mid
face, mid Attorney Gcerg'j II. Troutliian,ef
Hiidteu, vvhe was threw it through ene of
the csir windows, and when found it was
discovered tliat Ids shoulder was broken.
Veur Miners Killed.
WlI.Kl.sliviuil', Pu.j June 10. Patrick
Curley, Hecse Lloyd and Hlihnrd Williams,
miners in employ of the Lehigh A- Wllkcs Wllkcs
birre coal company, were instantly killed
at neon te-day In tlie Nottingham ml no at
Plymouth by the fall or top coal nnd
lock. The men were engaged In hiking
their dinner id tlie time tlie accident took
plate. Matthew Davis, another miner who
went te their assistance, was also fatally
injured. 'I he victims w cre nil married.
A Putal cjiiiirrcl.
Ai.hXAMUiiv, V.u,Jiinel0. DuringSuu
day ev cuing an altercation near Plains,
F.iiiiiilrr tenuity, between Bebert mid C.
F. Turner, Jr., ami their brotliei-in-law, F.
P. Turner. Bebert was shot nml killed by
F. P. Turner, who In turn was shot In tlie
brenst mid hand. 1 P. Turner was
A Hey Commits Minder.
Ci.r.vii.vM, 0 June 10. -Otte Lentli,
lU)o.irseltl, lias confessed te iniirtlering
the nine-) ear-old MaggloTIieiupson, w hose
mutilated remains were found under
lentil's home yesterday. Hoglvcsiie rea
son. Doctei-H Iiiilli'ttsl.
Ni.vv Yeiik, June 10.'l lie grand Jury
has found indictments against Drs. Irwin,
,vrguMn nnd llance, tlie plivslclans vvhe
M.rn,rlM(Hl ,10 HUepNy em' the Issly of
vushlngteii Irving Bishop, the mind
reader, for violation of the sanitary law.
They vv ill be called en te plead te-morrow
in general sessions 1-01111.
AcnisH tbe Continent.
W. F. Hmubrlght, superintendent of the
l'lnusylvanla railroad station, and his
biother(JeeigoM stalled last night en a
trip te Ciiliternla, Thuy will lirst step at
Chicago, goinglhcuietiiSt. L011U, Kansas
City, Omaha and Sun Franclsce.
Man's Personal Acoenntablllty te G4J
Fer the Use of nis Talents th $
Theine Fer the Dlsoenrae.
t, '
At the usual hour for morning aervlceij
en aunany or, Appie cnicrea me ueiMR i
fluinnl followed bv the senior t'lxss nf th
....'. ...- ..,. i, -.' "rjl
cuiiege. iiie Class occupied ireni pewi ;j
alnmr thn rentra aisle. (Ixferd rntwiinff . -$
gowns worn by the seniors gave them ntti
nppearnuce fltly distinguishing them tetVH
tlie nrvAslmi. nnshlev llin rtfni1ap mnummK
gallon of the eollege church thore er'4 '
v Isiters present from the city, making thr
audlcnce n gecsl slre. t,"
Tlie regular morning scrvlce wscen-;i
aurtea by itev. Tiies. C. Apple, D. D., iiUA'a
D., presiilcnt of the college. Kollewlngtlila .
l)r. Apple preached quite nn able and"
scholarly baccalaurente serrren te theJj
graduating class. Ills theme was man'nAj
personal accountability te Ced for the use? J
nis intents. It was based en the text re- -
cenled In Matt. xir.. 14-10. "Feritlsaa'j
whrm n trutn. eelns Inte another eenntrr.'i
called his own servants and delivered unto-i
thorn his iroeds. And unto una hn cravat-
IH n talents. In nnnttinr tu n. tu nnnthnr (ltiA
te eneh according te ills several ability; autlM,!
be w cut en his Journey, Ac" &;
Jt Ih said that en a certain occasion, when
seme or ins intimate centnicntini rnenciS;;
were gathered nreutul him, a celebrated .1
.Miiencnii swicsninn ei me last generaiien j
wannsked bv ene of these frlends'ln state V
what he considered thn greatest thought,
Allnrn tmiibn nulf I.. imllm.liii lilullinflflOI' i
he replied, "Man's Individual account-; -
ability te Oed," nml he then followed up-
this statement witli such earnest and I
numrciit remarks en llie sublet t. that wheii:
he ceased speaking nil for a'tiine rcmalncclt ;
silent, nnd then retired te their liemes.'JS
miHlltatlug uKiu llie words they had heard;;
The truth here stated, nitin's Individuals
resisinslbllltv te Oed, has been revealerl'jJI
wllli authority by kme grenter than DanleVji
Webster. In this mrable of the talents eurU
Saviour teaches us that te every man ia
Riven a certain endowment, repreented byiv
in word "talents." nsnnnef the ninrkaef ".
ins intiivmiiniity, ana tnat rer tne uae ti9,-4
makes of these talents he must render anSi
;...... ..: ' . .. r - .. . 4
account te Oed. There are tvv e tretlia cenv
tnlnetl In this teiichlnit of Christ te which V,
shall direct attention en the present oe-f
CHNItlll .
I. That overy linen Is accountable to'Oea,1
fur Ills llfn iiiufnf.lM "
It. Thntllils nm-eiintabllltv Is modified?
ttml ilnlfirinlmrl bv 1 tin riiitrsl'ter of tbaiVS
talents with which he is iersennIly en-ij
tievveci. j j
AOfir llilti Inlrisliif llttn llin nrwiftiAr llA-fl
vele)l, iii the body of his sermon, the
idea that man's moral iiHturelms thlasenseri
of responsibility written iiikiii It. Tliat no j
has intuitively the conception of right and1, -
wieng, anil a eonscinnee lejustiiy me env
antl eentlemu thn ether. -1
Tills Intuition Is rendered full mid com- i
plcteby the rovelnllen through Christ. II:
I'unie in revcai mero ruiiy iiie ceeti ei iviiew
e-eiist loneo speaks. "Whom ve lguerantly )
worship, Him declare I unto you," aatil
St. Paul te the Athenians. .-,'
' l.,.lll... Ill f.ltli.l.n.lA.1 telllt mifMI M
linn iihuiiiuii ,n uiii, niiuini mil ai.v.w j , i
llin Ailvntil nfllln flnlv Mlllrlt. which A."
vent the cliurch celebrates te-day. Th,
speaker dwelt uixm the jwweref tills aens4
or Hcceumniiiiity te cnisitimge men in, .
doing gtKsl ami te rest nt In them from evil.1
i no stssiuu stri ni me discourse ciwv
utsiii the rcsM)iiHlbll!ty resulting from
c hoesliiiriiiid tmrsulinr a nrofesslen et call- ,
ing In life. Thore should be a preparation hvj
the txsMillar talents nf thn Inillv Itliinl. Tb
, religious nnd moral sides nf his life sheula ;
no given preinincnce, nuequaie ceiiie inuj
liar natures of eneh. If In hb-ij-J'T'
unci in ms llie worn ueiins lunueniut.'
ence 10 ms uuiy ie cehj, ii no nas setiijfl
a general nml ruling principle toceKi.l
himself and his work te the annroMutie.'
Ged above nil ether cousideratleiis. till
the lutlument dav has alreiul v. te some ex
tent, performed Its functions in his earthlyil
career, and he has nothing te fear from dl-'J
vine mercy nnd love, (At this jieliit tbe (
i-nisri tiiusi, uiiti lueiuvisi iiiwij viire.;
And new, young gentlemen of the grd--.3
lulling t'lliss, a CUIIIU IO SS'-tlH H IU) l'niii.K-'
u'finlu If. rit, 111 llin MulnnnriilvretlnilcrilPM W.
Ill thn facility. It hns been my aim, In thlag :
discourse, te show you the connection heM
in ...iii ,.il,lt.u nml rAllulmi. mernlltv aiiet sl
ChriNtlauity, and through this llie relation
ei llie w iieiu cuiiure you navu rcc-un ;
veur celliHrn iiiurse. nnd a niaillv. Ul)rlahU.Vj;
' Clirlhtlnn life. Te consecrate your talentaf
tothescrvlioof Christ nsyeur master, in
whatever lulling you limy pursue, la ei
u III, thn f.liilmii nf rnllbill. full! the hinheBCr
and liest test nnd proof of this consist IbJj
tlie motive unit snail govern yeiiiiunj,?
vir., te rcuderii worthy account te Oed.U
If your end nnd aim is te pleasn Oed ln,j
your w hole life you will properly fulfill U'
...I.-- .1.1I....II...... 1I...1 ...... 2Ab n...i vnli;l
utliui liuiiniiuiin iiiui. utmj ,vn i.. j v"!fj
'I'lwi iufiill:ir rplntleiis wn hnve sustained ii
te cadi ether for years us tcachera antlyi
niinlls Is new eeiiilnc te a close. This re-i!
tleu has been verv lntimate. lnvelvinK net,".
....!.. .. ............ .!.... r...lH.I ...III. ...1,1.1 lull P,
tilllj nuiiiiiumeii ui iiiiii.i w (in ...... , .. ,j.
of spirit with nplrlt, life with life, and Miei
i..ii! .. i.t . ......... i-.l.. HI . siwttlm
I.. ..11 .. ..u .... t.. ...... .. Hi1., A u faiinll.
you iii an yuur miiiSHMiuriu inc. -.n -.- -
urn w e iiirl u ith'eu reluctuntly, for you
i -. ..;.. ti.. i"..- ..i,lhI tii.iipli (Iia rn
Itirnln sc.ihuiih of milium., win ter aiu2
Uitrltnf ffni Initnlwimi ulllt nu 111 nlnflfUint -wC
dally Intercourse, and vv e have fult an hen-ftj
est pride in your intelleitual growth andjf
lii.iniy cioveiepmciii. jss
Vnu a m nmv ntintit In leave this literary j
home antl turn your faces towards tbelS
.. ...i.i ..ri.vli .....1 .t.ti. ...1,. il.i.t llnM lini-nnft.iCnl
ii in in , i iwii umi n,iii(,(,iu ,.,.. .. - -,7 ' :yim
Our iilfectlonate Interest vv ill follevy you iaM
your llfn vv erk, mitt w e vv III rejeice in everj-
siiticssiuai may iiuenii you. Igl
I'hiuisn venr calllllL' ill life with IllOUgbU"
fill wire mid from honest and pure motive, ra
praying for light from above te guide yeit
in cheesing it aright, l'ursue tl iwm,
stcidlUst dillgelice and jiersev erance, ro re ro
cegnUlug constantly your accountability te:
licsl anil) our ticcsi ei iiisncip iu umiuiv
vein. When veur work oil earth is deilO. A
und the Journey of life is ended, nwyjeiMRS
...! n ... ,1... .....1 II..ipnli.,iiiiA 73
cacii iniu in iiiu H"1 . i.".v....t
plaudit, " Well clone, gecsl nnti laiinnu i
vant : thou liast Ihjcii talthfnl ever a I
lliincs. I will make thee ruler ever Ilia
tilings; enter thou into the Jeys of the
Tn.ibiv II, n 1.1.11 Inr class of Knillkllu aud'S
Mifcrsliafl academy is undergoing ita final ,yj
examinations for ailmUsleii into celIege.rtg
rim ii.iss numbers nine. They ure aaiCtf l' i I'elin. (). V. Lverctt. J. M. . K
Creve, W. 1 Hedhelns, W. L Hollevv-S
htlSlI, VV. J. JIOIHK, .1. II. .1H.4IUUI, tV4
K. Wca v cr ami T. C. Iiiimer. i
'I'liiumeiilii-r the lunler oratorical contest? I
"will lie held In the college. viini. ud
public. 'Iho prlne tsa gout ineuai. istv
(..inr u k eVliM-k. The tsintcstants are
William C.Sykcs,e. D.Neir, II. U Green-
i.i r i 1 l...l,nr .wl f fit hrtrtil'-
1 Um inu U ihe in-OK'nuiuue of exercise fj
.1 .I...1 ....l.tBlll waaIt , ?l
ler iiicrciiiuiiiucrui iiiiiiiiiuiiiviittii. .. i-vw -
Tnestl.iv. June 11. at '2 n. in., meeting rfiU
tl,.. luvinl orirtistreH. in the First Heleiniesl fs
ihurch. At H p. in., aildrcss licfore th y
literary scxicties. In the court neusc, iy,j
tieu. JOlIll L.. lieuer, in iiarnsuiuuiK, "?,
Vlslnlhdav. June 12, at 8:J0 a. m., scxietyl
reunions. At 10 a. in., alumni mectiiiK.J
At 12:10 i. ni alumni iiinner. a hi. '
class d.ivexcrcisi. At 8 p. m., eiuiuw '
nriiiloe 1,v Waller M. Franklin, !., A.
M.. in Iho Collcce chail. ftj
Thursclay, J une la, ui u a. ui., i-tmiiiieii
Lniicubtrlau'n Werk.
Trains en tlie Feiiiisylvania mllrea raij
ever the Montgomery temporary ,r,
near WilllamsiKirt at fiv 0 o'clock, en battu
dav attorneou. mis w u ..,
r...,i..i.ui nml was erected uinler t
perliitendeney of tliat skilled mediauiOjJ
'. K. Beard, of this city. Jj J
I. 1 VVmlllMlTUN. D. C
Julie lO.s
Ught rains, followed Tuesday, trf
' fair, coeler,.ouiliwetrJy wuwfc
. A
, -TV"- t
i iiv; v
1--1 V
t- ijja
4tj.ecf'.JJijg ,
gfsfes-s.-i,. ,.tf;v H'