THE LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1889. :i H lntcUt0imccv ' 4 i IKDRKW J. 8TEINM AN. f CHARLES STEINMAN FOI.TZ, F.dlters. RODENT ci-aiik, rueuxiicr. P'kHB DAILY iNTELLIOESCEiL-PubllMied -h every Any In the year, bnt snmlny. Bcrrcd r4; ey carriers in mm cur ana nurreunning tewntat ten cenUn week. Hy mall five nei- lrivcur Hindrance; te Milan month. V IViM't I flWtft?f1 n.ln11rt nhil It .-? AM..... . .... I ..... I Vl- lllky ITIIW tl J V,,l, 111 U, III' . fgNOTICE TO HURSCIUIlEltS Hcinll ny nice or postefnee order, find where neither or these ran he rreenred ecua in a regmcrra ? i.i,.. j ictwr. r.iJKiicrGa nv in rmwmpr, n wrenu qw mnn iC matter. ? ADimtis THE INTELMOEHCER, iii.i:i & LANCASTER, PA., June 6, 1889. The Stene lirliigr. jre The rcimsylvnWu rniinmii retnj:inv fcjTbrldge as Bafcr nml mure ihirnlili thnu re,the Ireu bridRCj nml tliecHrk'iiiii with K e stone uridgc which reriiuixu uir mm Abridge nt .toliniteivii, nmply eeiillniii lr the ludirnictit of the I'cnnsylvniiiii'H ft ragged chief engineer, Mr. I'revvn. Hut Eeneimngheillil tieiiiikc into inn em- s.vrumtten, mid tiiat is tni punni taiei.v. Tills IS II1C iiniliriil uniill in mi" raiuwui engineer. It Is his litislncs te tnke cure of the rnllrend lnterextH ; nml if the public Interest eentllet with them, mi much the worn for the nubile interest). The Fennsylvnulfi rallnmi. euglueeriiiK structures otter nbtiudniit testimony of this disposition te tnkecaru llrst of the rallrenil nml doubt Kr nil et Iter railroad engineering U its sclllMi. Ilendi mid streets, ns well rn struntnv, tue creM'd with little regnrd te ntiy ether but the rallrend Inten-st ; mid It wrw se done nt this .TohnMewn stone bridge, which has steed ngnliiht the Heed ; but -which piled un the waters behind it and &U gathered there the heue, trees, engines and debris of till Muds, Mat mane n elinrnel Iieum' fur thousands of men, -women nni cniiuren, utniiig upon fifteen ucivs of ground, material that contrectorFlyiiii says 1(1,000 men 111 net remove In thirty daytj. It is a fair con clusion flint the- stone bridge is responil respenil blc for much of the lcwi or life, In entii lug the entangling of the victim hi this mass of wreckage and lit bncking the waters upon the town : and that te It ii bIhe due the cost of digging away the debris, that but for it would have pushed out with the current; a cost that may amount te half a million of dollars. Perhaps the Heed consideration did net occur te the engineer In planting this Impregnable stone bridge neres this uarrew valley ; though the bridge , obstruction is said te lie new a main con sideration with the Cambria Iren com pany, In determining the question of re building their works at JoIiiiMeivn. They see Hint, in every lime of Heed here:ifter,thii bridge uill licnpt tueatih the flouting fit nil", and build up a dam that will back the Maters upon the valley above it. The bridge will net give way, and It is tee low net te be an ob struction In Heed time, Jt therefore appears that the question of a stone bridge is a public quo-tlen, In which the people are interested and which the state should take eeuul.ance of. The stone bridge Isutidnubtedly the best bridge for durability nnd safety, as a bridge ; but It seems that It may net be built in narrow valleys where II jrtrtfscTvt tAififiuTimfe luck great iIinhI waters upon' populous settlements. The Johnstown bridge was in this ease u public nuisance and cause of great less life and prejierty , nt the same time tmeiist rated that It was a model a. preier situation. The stone ,the Concstegn Is a stone Inu right place, and is mi high never back the wnteis of the Ite any dumaging extent. A Sensible Motion. lie governor has done a verv s'lisihle lug in calling the Heard of Public Charities together In-day at the capital with Intent that it shall take chanroef the distribution of the contributions of nil kinds made for the relief of the lloed Bittrerers In rennsyhania. Hueh action lias become neecss.'U in view erthe large contributions, the wide spread of the dis asters and the inability of each contribut ing point te determine w beie lis gifts are needed. Be far the tide of nlms lias set into the Ceneinaiigh valley, and It has been supplied with many things for which there. 1h urgent need elsewhere. There must besomeiviitraldiieetieu for the flew, sending it in needed quantity te all the places alllkted ; there will lie an abundance of contri butions for every leal need, hut the coiitrihuteis de net want theli donations wasted, nor de the suf fering communities want cither tee great or tee hiimll supply. This movement therefore,inipe"ing thedistilbutien upon the Beard of Charities, comes none tee seen. There ere many tedious wheiu relief is needed that have had noneef it, owing te their huvingbecnsoleiigeut.oll' from communication. The Susquehanna branches fccem te have Urn in many places swept clean of houses and stock, aud their towns put many feet under water. Such a deluge was never lefere known te thein, and it cannot lie but that many hitherto unaided commun ities are in need is se ready te Im rcndeied te the buttering. Our state has never had its sympathies se aroused, nnd its nurses se eiicHcd as , mlt-'f- u relief r excited emotion Pigive te deeply sullering humanity. The Seuth Ferk D.iiu. The Nbw Yerk newspapers, in view of the destruction of the Seuth Ferk dam. are discussing the advisability of build-' ing the dam en the Creten creek, by which it Is proposed te steie up mi im mense body of water for the city's use. It is te be four times ns high as the Seuth Ferk dam, aud the reservoir will held many times as much water. The dill'er dill'er enee in the situation is, that thu dam will stand but twoer three miles from the Hudsen, which will take its overJlew, through an unpopulated vulley, ujien itsutuple besom, uud muy In) expected te be little disturbed by it though the whole body of water should lie emptied upon it ut once. Hesldes, the New Yorkers think that they can build a dura that will stand. Aud be doubtless they can. A Her man engineer was caught by a Pitts burg reporter in that town tin. .,(!. day, and related hew great dums were (t oenstantlv licini' bulb in Europe w 1th- out fear Hint they W'Otlld net de weric; ami no was unable te ..v. $ PWti the breaking of the Seuth jcerx aara uiien any theory of its proper ' . Construction ; nml tlu.r.i ,V ,, ,l , . t. that it wiih net In HIYH...K . .....iki... h: The large Imdy of we.ilthv I'ltlsbiin; f Bruiicmcii who owiieii II ii.nii.ti.. . - -- . u.'..u,.ni tneugl: it it safe, though it is net easy te J that the club's etlleers anil eiigl- lad u llkw conviction. Hut evl- uwieve Bees had riMuuy tuere were ninny fu-sh unit c ,,ei,ni....ii.. 1..... , . ;. ' . "-vMsuiiau 1 iKliUIIllllIUOn llllllAnnrfv ' Mlnr Mnls,s i ,.., . ,--." )0t -McOivjfvr.s e:uuf tlie fre'lut, Judging from these remarks In which I 1. !...?! , ,., i . - ..l.i. !., ac iiiiiuigeii iiMii's.-ii . trj..i.-i .. me iiifnsicr ii.i. irviuii; inu uuiu unu lKn fetihd broken nnd empty. " I am going up there te fish the latter part of till month," queth the major. "1 Isdlcve the dntu is standing there the same as It ever was. AVe have nil licen shaking hands' with ourselves for some years en being pretty clever busi ness men, nnd we would net Iki likely te drop that much money In a place that we though unsafe." Just se; but probably the major does net think himself soelcerer wise ns he once did. Certain It l that he would And It troublesome ami expensive te Hud nnyene te take ills place In the club and ntinie his share of the moral nnd iiecunlnry resqinnslbllity for the damage Its dam has done. It Is well forMvpletnlwelevereneugh te get rich, as these Seuth Ferk club men have done j but It would le liclter If they were clever enough te knew' hew te niiiid the out side businesses they get Inte after they get rich ; or w ise enough te keep out of them and te own no share In a dam unless they knew', or can bile a man who does knew, what n ilnm should lie. The major will agree with us when be reads that : Tliecnuiiipr llled tlm dam te-ilnyniid bns taken full testimony under entb from tliose who knew meM about it. 11 Inysnl tlie threshold of the owners of the dam the resensll)lllty for all this hor ror. Criminal negligence In the coti ceti sti action of the, in its nialiiteiinnce, its inaimgetiient, Us repairs, or lack of rn pslm, the keeping, of Its giites is charged illieetly upon llinin. The witnesses swear that the ilnm was built of clay Instead of stone. It contained a body of water far be yond the Htrcugth of llie nmterlnl. Its leaks were slepssl by shilling them with buy or str.iw. its piles were se clegaed "with stones when It hucaiim evident neil te the dullards who wcre in charge thai the situation was Imminently poiilens, tlm pressiiroel the water could ml be rolieved. Tlie preiiiineiup of the rittsburg iraidenls who rounded the club li; c.inscil a desire te shield t ti fin from lil.une. The eorenet says tlmy will bs shielded no longer. Inipiirled Scholars. The Catholic I'lilversity, te be estab lished at Washington, has received warning that it cannot Impert men of learning. In history wetlndthat the wisest rulers of the most progressive lands were famous for their hospitality te ijten of learning of whatever nation, but by the awkward form of our alien centinct Inberlnw, we progressive Auicr Iciih have deliberately refused te receive scholars from abroad. Men whose lives me devoted te study aud n search, me the pioneers in the Intellectual develop ment of the race, and w het her their em inence has Ih-eii earned In profound theology or clear and practical sclentllc research, they me an honor te the na tion whec hospitality they accept, and will act us bridle aiidspiirteits piegicss. It is hue that we hae our own neglected men of learning and rare utili ty, but they will. Is' ls-neiUled lather than harmed by foreign competition. Ah they prme their ability te cope with the epcnse foreign aitlcle, their mvn value in society will lie belter apprecia ted. Whecan ileubt that the Scetclinian McCosh has done vast geed te the cause of learning In his adopted laud, f .end ing in sclf-geveinmciit, we must lead in education and (lie encouragement of nil learning. -- 'Pur councils a geed icHilutleii In dlKH'ttng a commuted te inqulie liitollie adxisibilltyef iitllllitKthe old water w.u Us plant and power te provide electric light let the ell v. i'lli: ciierabli) de I.esiseis bobs up serenely at u meeting of the ceuquiiv and explains thoaliuest forgotten mystery of tlie admission of thn DnglMi te a kIi.iiw In the lu.inagciucut of that great Freiiih cenipiiiiy. lie suhl thai altci six ye.iiM he was able te en plain that thn Lon Len Lon eon agreement was uitulc In elder te save tlie company Irem being mined tlueugh the KIiiiiIImi'h giuiitiiig a concession for a new canal. He a letter ilttcu at the time of the agreement by the French ciu ciu bass.tder at Louden, in whUh the lattei congratulated Count de Lesseps upon his llliuiicsHnnd ability In axerliiiK the danger of an Fngllsh built eunal. The lellei was icceiicd with apphiuse. The Flench are here werbhlpeiK, and them Is enough heieism about this old in.tu te oicib.dauen thu bl.imn that must be gi en him tei pei inittliig thu eiilnu;is)iis lulnin.uiKcuienl et the I'aiuuna enlerpilKe. 'I'lienniglily relialihi ncceiinis el tint waste and lulu of million el dellais ueith of pieH'ity at I'.iu.ima leave no loom te doubt that eoiiiiptien and iccMcsx waste vveic i.uup.i it In thu ceinpany, and it leeks doubtful whether them was any serious cll'erl en the part of the engineers en the ground or the uian.igeisat home te eeinpleie thee.inal. It would appeal that they nulled the gigantic ililllcultics of the task w hen tee late te a eid thein. A getillciuiu writing te tlui I'r.m I'r.m isce Ihttli Itrjunt deel.ues : "I never In all my life," " saw se much machinery-old iron cir lails and wheels as met my eyes piled up en every sidu as I spodevoi the Panama railroad. It Is slid at Panama that in the culler progress el thoweik the dredges vveie allowed one dollar a minute deiuuiiage ter delay, and Itjhus became common pi.utlcete block the buckets Willi a heavy leg as if by acci dent, and leisurely icneive It, eeiintfng the minutes by the . Us'k meantime. Costly loceuioth es weie thiewn ever the moun tain side, ill order that (ouiuuh.sIeiis might be made upon new piiiih.iscH ; enigecs of supplies vvcic cnslite.1 which were never brought te land, and othei cnigei-M wcre brought te the isthmus, taken te se.i again leradiiv ei two, ami upon ictiiunug i.iid tei m li'e ever." Tlie Fietiih iiiiiv believe miiiiu el Hickc stories, bnt they refuse le lieliuie that De Lesseps had any knew ledge el the lascnl ity, aud no doubt thej aie right. chenix's Mfitin:it i am:. Witnesses Testily that tlie lioiMer lVuicil Death 1'i'uiu Alexiinder niiMIviiii. On Tiivsdny afternoon Cnptaiu Siliaack tcstillcd lieleie Ciuencr HnrU ill Ihlciue llut l.isi week, while the grand jurv was in session, Frank Wemlrnll. alias, told him the man who lined him leditve te the Ashland avenue i-eUiil'c and lake away tlie trunk was Dcteitlve Dan CuiikIi hu. At the uiiiiibt en WislueixUv MaiiiUu Morns testillcd that Dr. Cieuin hail e picsscd te him his belief Unit Alexander Milliv.ui would have him put out elihe way, ami witness had he.inl delegates te tlie eeiiveutiiiii of last June sav Dis. Cieuin and McCahey ought te beget rid el. Jeseph U'ityiiie, M'liiei guaidiau of Col umbia Ciiiuii. Clan-n.i-liiiel, said that Dr. Cieuin told hi in two days before his min der that lie was completely discouraged, and believed he would let these r.isc.ds r.isc.ds Alexnudci Shllivan and Michael llelaml. i leoetder ofpellcoat City eeiupletu uiuii iniii.ii'ruusueMgiisunn Kill mill, l'atilek Meiiarry testiliedthut inheptem jKjr, 1Sa, Dr. Cremii s.iid te hlui; "1 be I eve that man Alexander .Sullivan will be the instigator of iuv death. There me Jiaper and alhdavils icl.iting te this busi ness, in whirl, Alexander Milllvan's naine is nieiilleiHsl in Mr. enklin'sKife, and if luiythliig happens te inu I wilt iclv en veil te giv e tliciu te the uiilluiritK'r.." When iikked with what Sullivan Is cliargisl ,y Cieuin witness said: "Steul- ing me money el tlie organization and '""" b '"" '" ,,r"'"h ''rl,,u"b "",l J ilefere the inquest elusd for the dav the defunct Traders' bank books were Intro- 1 iiulcu niui ii was bhewn that Alexaiuler 1 siuii van had ihiHi-iieil jni ii i.r., ,i. I .1 ,. ,... . ": 1 """ " ...ui.-eu wimuiiiie jKistecssieu 01 uui secret j t-'v funds, nuJ later vutrlw mk I thnt he hvl nmdeiliwks for IM.oeiJ st ivtA, ilirrerent linn's parable te Jehn T. Lenter ...v -n,s Is te .-ernilKirsts the Mery Hint Sullivan used the funds te plimge en 'change. Tlie Doctors In sis-den. Tlie.titne meeting of tlie Iaiicaster City and County Medical eelrtywiis held en Wislticsdny attorneon with the following members present! Doctors llernthclrcl, ll.iker, Ileardniau,, Coinpleti, Craig, !oaer, Killer, Franklin, Hurst, llnnce, Kendlg, Knhler, Kniilliiinu, Living ston, I.cainim, J. It., Uiudts, Mussnr, J. II. Miller, Mew cry, .1. I, Iteehiiek, Itehrcr, T llnlaiid, Trnbnrt, Wentr, M. J., Welelmns, Weaver, I). II., Wr-seinim, Wlt mer.Zell, I. M. A nuinljcr of Interesting cases were re ported by Doctors Deaier, Cr.ilg, Miller mid Hcriithclrcl, nnd thorewero exhibited patheoleglcal kpeciliiens, the results of eir rations. The society denatcl $. for llie relief of the Johnslew it MiM'crcrs, Tlie rcpoitsfreui city and county showed the general health te be geed. - . Te t ult I he Cliiirehes. i'lin gennial synod of the Unformed Church In America ejK'iitsl en Wislnesday at Cntsklll, New Yerk. Hev. Dr. Kicrt Vandyke, of that lllage, was elected presi dent. Ilei. Dr. M. II. Mutten, iresldent of the last sviumI, pre.icheil lite syniHllcal seriueii hi the evening, his thenie being " Heroism in the Christian .Ministry." Among thn questions te be considered by UieM nisi Is thai of union with tlietleriuau iteferincd Chinch li thn t'nltisl Slates. I.lst or L'lielnliiiist l.iler. The following Isn list of unclaimed let ters remaining In the iistolllre at lumens- ter, .Iiineli, IM): i.ttnirv I. IM. -.Mrs. iicckie iiewnu, .miss Annie Kelt, Mrs. Itebecci I.indls, Miss lleitlni Mmvrei, .Miss Mnlre Orr, Miss lie becea iteynelds, Mrs, WUincrdlng. (icnt'fi Heerife V, Dage, Samuel lleiiik, II. 1-. Ilustadt, Iteiijauilii Mct7lcr, (irsnt WelHer. .Murderers unit llelibers Klllvtl. Ilurrell, the npctater nt Sliver Cilv, in miles fietu Ifclcna, Menluii.i, was killed, nnd )'. ('. .lebst.the MeiitniiaCrntrnl nircut, iireb.ibly fatally wounded, by robbers en Tuesday nlht. It is thought that the rob bers did net secure oier ?00. A sise of 10 men, arincd with illles, started from llelnna in pursuit, and overlook the rob bers. They refused te surrender and Hied upon the posse, Thn drowns returned and both were killed. Tlmy ere link new u and leek like foreigners, A Mui'iterer Lynched. A. T. Hedgcrs, w he wns shot twice nt Ids home in 'lepekn, Kansas, en Tuesday morning, bv a huiglar, died at iiIkIiI. The recovery of" Mis. Hedgcra Is doubtful. Nat Olj'plnnt, tlie murderer, was captured and lynched. rilvmi n I. In. ).ll!eilce. fleorge llnidlny, of liainillle, Couiks Ceuiks tlPUl, who nmrdered his sweetheart, Lilly Petter, seme months iqte, en Wednesday plcadis) guilty te murder In the sccen'd degree, nud was nelitenc(s te liiquisou liiquiseu ment for life. n OUlt'HHAItHAI'AIIILLA. That Tired Feeling In pxvrleneed lynliii(lpirj lusty n Ihlsucn f en, nml man ejile report le IIeikI sHan-iipa-rllln leilrlveiiuay Ihcl'iiigiieraiut eliaiilleii. The bleed, tnileii v.llh I in ti rl t ten which have In en iiectuuulalhig for months, moves i-ltii;-uIhIiIv tlilellfll the Mini, (lie till , I falls le think iiililb and llie lml- Is Ktill slower te iehHid. IIishI'b Kurnaparllla Is Just v. hilt Ik needed. It nuHlr, Itnllrc and .nrUhcNthe lleil, innkea the lirnil clear, (routes an se lite, nverieuies that llnsl ris'llnit, lenes Hie nervine, hj stem, aud Imparts health and vlnur te the w hole IhmIj. HOOD'S SAltSAI'AKILLA "My iiin'tlle wns iHir. I could net kliH'p, had luadai he a rent deal, pains hi ui,v bnik, m huvvils did net move nunliirlv. llnmrB Harsaiinillla In a short tlinn did iiieeiuuih KihhI that I fis-l llinin new tniiii. My palimaud ui In s ,m. nlleved, ni.v npsllln Improved. I saj tontliTe who need a gmsl niedlcliie, li lloed'N SaiMipullhi and mh. ' (jieiIOK I'. .Iaikses, Itoxlnie htiilleu, I'ean. MAKl-Siili: WKAK SiitONtl Ter ears I vvns sleli cvirv Krhi;, hut lin-t car tisl( I1imI SnrMiirllln anil liaveuet seen ii pick dayslnie." (i. U. miei.n, Mllhni, MllK. " 1 taku Ibsnl'i. Iarainitllniin )irliix Ionic and I rei'uiiiiiicinl It le nit hIie have that mis erable iln.l ficlhiK." C I'uiMiui. Ilrlde Hlliel, lllenltl.. II, .V HOOD'S. SAHSAI'AltlLLA Keldhv nllilriiKKl"l. ll,lifm S.'i. I'lipartd iinlytivl' I IKiOll. t I'll , lnittl, Mas-. limi('t: IMII.LAK (t) (rietiitun. v rii.i.iAMMiN .v. i'iisri:it Wonder Ne Lenger At Our Grewing Success! lis the bist itialit 1,1 Kimh at Ihc timet pi lies thai bus made n the POPULAR CLOTHIERS. lilldri'irHjirsev and Slei'Uliiellu Hutu. tl.ui. Sailor Mulls, SI 7.1. Knte Pant suit, .' R in, J.' .ill IIe.n. S.IH k l eat .SullK. 51, JI.MV Vi. Men's Hack Cut Sulls, S'.ts, je. Jli'iisl iiluvvii) Ceal Hulls, glu m SI'l. MiiniiUT 1'antaliHiim, tl, ?iS J. UNDERWEAR DEPARTMENT. r.xlraerdluar.v Values In Hunt's t'lideiweui. (ieiit KlliiiuKMitrtsiit ISc 'J Inr 'iV. . ''.'ill s IlallirlUKini .shirts and Drnweri. at is- -,7V frHitl! (iciits blue and brown Mixed AiikeIu Shirts and liiawiTsai ise 7,s isr Hull. dents i'xtr.i l'lne llallulccau hhlrls aud Diiiueisiit 'i- ht Hull. d.'iuslnm'v siiln.dllalt.rli.THiiLIle lliu-ad lllldNlIk Net k vi ear dent Muslin Hiawers at Is'. (t.iu's.leau lirawers at:M'. dent's IValher W'els'lil nl M: (..lit s .New NiM'kiixai In I'liiiilini I'lid Twlc., s!il: J7l 'Cnn.".''!.'.;,;.''"'''-'''-' ' ' $ 1.20-U mbrellas.-$1.20 Willi a (.old ersllvirl'ati. 'I his I'mhri lla w III siH'rsriilli htaud tin. best of .Niiiiiid waierenuri' le ihe sun ami air snlls of in Id iliat will net di Mrei ths niir(. tills Ii iHidlnil the Is-sl t'lubrtlU fur the money Unit wi haveeier ellired le the nubile, rile color l 1-II li l Kiniriiiitis ,1 furJl.'S, Te the Lady Who Wears Fine Shoes ! Ter si vie, 111 HiHlieinfiirt voui'iittnet find any lielttr value than our ItllKA hlus', made In all nlilllis and sli-s, hand-turned soles. The null' hni .vamp sins, made where the seams de net Mrlke the ball of the TikiI. Call and see Iheni. (lur clerks are all ebhs'lUK and aceemuiiHlat hilt, and 1 ivJe.i show In,; kiskN w hetlu r v ou w hli topuii'haseei net Williamson & Fester, nv-jis kine m. 1. v.wastiui, ia. MI itiHMAitb-ri'HiitKiri'. iiAititisiinui pa U)!tllU'V lU'OOVtw. s r I'll MILLS, VTI VN'I ll'l-ITX' Ocean and IVlawam Xvcuue, villi eihii Tiiluis. n.x, Ji si 1.1th. liit!:iiul JON XII WOOITON, Jic. 1 1 i)ri:i.Miii.M xniiiu " "" II A'tl.AMK C1TV. .NOW lll'UN. I'mlerNew Mauiiiieiiient. t'.i'.dii.i.irrn:, rroprhter, Uiteel Colen.ule Hetel, 1'hll a. Illiquid I lOTLl.CIll.TWOOIUL I 1 ItviiiudUcd. H. hirnlshed. 10 Sl, .i,Im 1, Aiuirtineuts. Ats I'lrttnuss. Will iH'ii .M'XLI. Jimel-'.'iud m us. may w.idiiimitr.i;. T 111: FIiniDA, ATLANTIC IITV. ( lieli-e. n nlral lis'iitlnli. racllle Avenue, Ik--Ineeu N. Y. A TiiiiiesMs Axis. KlrsU'lass house. Heaseuuhle rales. (Is-u all (lie vear. , , HAVIsA IIIIOW.NU luyi-.'iiid L.TOCKTON 1IOTKU . O I'M'i: MAY, N.J. IIIT.N'S Jli.NK 1,1. HATKS.M VN1I SI I'KIt II Vi. hsi'lal ralvt li.v the wk, nieutli or si 11 kun. Neul) v.luti-l,n.mKltletluiidliiiireve.l, il,(JO exiH-ndisl. New Hall and Auileuiuent Children"'. New l'lnliii. I'.lll and I'lav Uih)ui. Clil.lne mid service llrst-elnss. ;,s. tiiut suites with iirler, buih nnd . loot Or Or ehetrn .111 It ,u itf, . .. ltrw... .... ... i,r . b'l,t','"."5t.1.,,""" WareiiKiju, 1 til.sTXt'T mil hi LN LMi MtrrsU, up ieJuikJi. Uesk '. i.x iMi hires U, U0"lU"' K TK() . ALlvVN,Vreprlclr, lUrtttrttttnltcc'e. I'nii.ADKi.riHA. ihertday, June s, 1WB. The "berry ripe" in Black Goods te-day is the All-wool Challis at 25c. Geed value at 37c. Plump 29 inches wide (they say 30), and in two shades, jet and bin 6 black. Veilinirs and Mehairs and Grenadine stuffs in airy heaps. Northwest of centre. $2 White Corded Nainsoek Wrappers at $1.50. 54 Linen d'Inde Tea Gowns at $3. Your dollars will de just as much accordingly in a dozen ether things. Hcnniil flntr, Chestnut strict side. Five eleva tor. A variety of triple plate Ferks, and Tea, Dessert, and Tablespoons are exactly half price. Fancy patterns. Hriiml lloer, nmr centre. Finirdevaterp. Fleer and Stair Linens as they should be. Near Women's Walling Itoem. Camping Blankets thick enough te be mattress, pillow and wrap in one if you're tired out ; 5 pounds, 74x84 inches, $3 each. Near Women's Walt Ing Itoem. Gem Ice Cream Freezer show-hew keeps up. Te-day strawberry anil vanilla creams, Irezen cu sherbet. Hard, and pineapple 2illalt Oflil, SI..V) a quart Cem,l.t0 I (iniirt (leni, JiS. iliiiiirtdeiu,J.I.(iO Kqunrl Ocm, 5l.ei Uiiiinrt (lein. M.OH II iiinrt 0em,a.'i1 Ilinsmrnt, near centra stairs. Ail insignificant thing may take part of the price out of merchandise. Here are 275 pairs Misses' Canvas Shoes, goat trimmed. Neat, strong, well made, just out of the bezes. Sizes 11 te 3. We meant te sell them at $1.50 and 1.75. The price te-day is $. Why? They're all black, when only third or half ought te be. We won't need te tell of them twice." On a table by themselves Mnrkit street fHiit, west of .Main Aisle. kilters that make the mud diest water clear as dewdrops. Ilasenu nt, northwest of centre. Of all the Summer lloer cov erings, Mattings first. Coelest, cleanest, fittest. We have as welcome a word as you ever heard of them. jViiic hundred rolls, fresh from the importer, go en sale te-day. In two choice grades. If you knew Matting worth, you'll marvel at these prices : 1 Heavy China Matting, this season's importation, hand some patterns, jjS the roll of 40 yards ; cut, 23c a yard. Give it any test ; it comes up right every time. 2 A desirable China Mat ting, geed weight, geed designs. s,e tlie roll ; 17c a yard it cut. Ne foolishness about either. Solid, well put together. This is the last special offer ing in Mattings we shall have this season. Samples te any address for tlie asking. Seienil lloer, .Market sins I side, l'eur elr elr vatei. Fer a small charge we store and insure Seal, Plush, and Fur things generally. We can de the re-dyeing, re-cutting, and re-lining better new than when the Fall rush is en. Charge less for the work and keep the things till you need thein. Desk en sereiiit Ibsir, ever middle ( lirstuut street entrance. Jehn Wanamaker. -Onte. t nniMi iiATii.its. STAUFFER & CO., 31 and 33 North Queen Street. Largest Straw Hat Emporium IN Till; CITY. 1 M.L ANH SF.i: 0111 45c. Japan Mackinaw, Werth 7.V. hev eud n deuld. Ml iitlnr peikU ceuiiuratlvrly low. II and I'OWLKT HATS, All Hluide. al A'u .1.1.. .....I r?;.. ' Trunks and Traveling Bags AI'-l'lXIAL ll.MKiALNN STAUFFER & CO., 31 and 33 North Queen Street, LANCAHTKK. l'A. Vlioteuviiv'io. irm I JUST RECEIVED FHOM Ka3iiigsbiirg, Prussia, The llackitreuuds made i-siieclnlly for llust and 'IhrreHiuarttr Untjlh l'liuteniidis. rROTE,r 50 1-2 North Queen St., Sex ( Jau7-iiuid lsir ! lli r.hteitlce. VFLW LV AND TAlKIL HOOKS IX leuvement pocket form at mi-eu.ilil, IlKum Alse, n varlet or trelliiu; .iieoiisfer luivi mid S.U1UO11, and a brh;ht LukIisii Ike h(si!s, net altogether iuw- this sen se, ,but unrlli calling ui the attention of theaucKr Fers.i)s at ULIH.I.l s HllLll blUlli:, fflWfutKlrtJjMFfrt, f?ru tfoebs. S l'ECIAL BARGAINS. Special Bargain Hat FOR THIS WEEK. ATTHK New Yerk Stere. ACLOiiNoeurruncHAynorm piecbi LIOUT-WKIOHT ALL-WOOL FLANNEL SUITINGS, Thlrtj'-Klnht Inrhen Wide, All Colen anil lllnek. detailed this sprlnic by the 1nrnet stores n I. Vic n jnnl. W eiler them tiwJuy n the Krentest ImrKnlii or the fenKiti, nt 2Dc n yard. ritlNTiai CHINA URHWHII.KM,2:aiclie Wide, OK' a sard, hams quality Is being sTild nt 7SCttjnrd. One ineie rase Crsnm nnd XVhll dreunrt fOINTiai HATIsil I-m, yard wide, 8c n yard ; werfli lljje. NKW 1'IUNTF.IJ CIIALLIKS nl Sc nnd Be 11 yard, .adhV Meusquelnlre Kid Gloves, SOe npleen; reisulnr prhe, 7jc. Lnd lex' Colored CHslimern PhnwN In Crrnm lllue, I'lnk, Cardinal, ran, Ar.,attUe.,tl.r,IIJiO nml S2.m Midi. Three mor..csefourJutly famous l)amsk Crochet Quilts ut it (H ech; het value In the country (or out of III for the money. Finest Unmask Crochet Quilt, extrn li Sl.37;jcadi. Fills Iarellls QnlltP. "pedal value, M.(W eaeh. Watt & Shand, HOS. 6, 8 AUD 10 EAST KIHG STREET. tlTATCilHI'ltlNd C0IWI7T." Ill'Y Tilt; FAMOUS Watchspring Corset. WILL HIILAK. Guaranteed te Outwear Any Custom Custom Marie CorRet. Mayer, Strouse Ce., MANi'r.M-ri'itr.itP, 112 IinOADWAY, N. Y. oct!M2tM,TliJicevT )rtvbtutivc. rrAHiiWAliKi HARDWARE MARSHALL & RENGIER, 9 & II Seuth Queen St., Have Jiit reeelved 11 lnrne nvsertliient of HKAIIY-MAHK Window Screens and Screen Deers l'lHlnand Ileurrd Wtre Cleth. HAMMOCKS, LAWN MOWLltH, JtLl'HIUEItATOIlS, Water Coelers and Ice Cream Freezers (live tliiini a call and you will teeeu lined that It Is the chcapcit hue hi Lancaster te liuy. Al0, ALL K1NIW 01' PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, WHITE LEAD, And u full line of General Hardware. fihs-ld Ittuele. "V I FHHALII.MtU.VLSs. Kirk Jehnsen & Ce., Ilavsthe l,ari;et mid lTiirit bteck of l'hiuua and Orcnus te lu seen hi Luneastei. In iiiirNiiuill Ware Iiepiirtiiient you villi find llarmeulciii, Xeeonleeii'., Violin, Ilanjes, Un. tins and smull .Musical Iiistruinruts or evi ry ileicrlptleii. Finest liiiM,rteit Slrlntjs. lUudiiuarteTH for all the UiteslNevellleiluOurLlue. J'rlvrirgttuT iinteed le be the lajviest. Hheet inuileseld at one-third less tluinentn tluinentn lesiie price aud mulled teull parts of thecouu theceuu ir.v. Teiieliirn villi pleave nrlte for Hiclnl I'rlees. Second-Hand llarKiiin llepartment ; One Ixi ler Hiiuire 1', Hlinext new : one liiehle Siiinre,eue liearhen, euu New 1 n limit all In L'fKst order, and Hie prices villi mil you; one ItlMlti: Snllare l'lalie a i5r,.at Itiin-iilit lliuul i Second Hand Oikiiiix t priew that villi mirprlse KIRK JOHNSON & CO., Ne. 21 West Kim; .Street. Htf-P. S. I'lnnet, Ureanii and Finn Furniture moved. Call and examine the New Harris Music HlndeiH nV'Mv.Ultw J-ei Qac. rr it.n mam: of thi: cknthalmah- II Kct Houses, lieleimlnu le the eltv, te ulve plnie lethe NevvCHj .XlaiUil Heuse. en Fiiiuxr, li k 7, ihsu, Allie'chK'k a. in., en the piunlscs. Ne. 1, the materials of the miirkit huildiUK nnirest the nt Hall, in iildlh s'.' het and lenittli 117 fiet, havlm; It heav lavl-lren pests, ti fvet 0 Ini'liik leiu-.W iilndew frmiies, sash Klass and sash mights., 5.' sash and kIuss In skv IlKlitH, .'0 Klass doers, thu ivivIiir hrlck In lloer, Ktis tl Mures and plcs above treimd.a larKeaineunl of cesl slam en reef, uud all oilier inntrrlalsaheve Kieund. Ne. , the matcjl.ils of the inaik.t IuiIIiIIiik north et Ne. 1,71 ictt by lid feet, centalnhiK.3 heavy tnstdien pests, v feet tf Inches Ieiik I M window rraines, sash ulass and sash ivelKhu, S.S sash and glass In sk lllit ; 1W pln- doers, all the Kim fixtures and pipe uheva ground, Inrue amount of ceed stale en reef, mid the run Ins brick In Meer. All stalls, butcher blocks and Kninlte curb around both market houses are c.xprcs"!v re served te Ihe city and excepted from the abuve sale. Thu purchaser or purchasers must take down IhebulMiiiKs and remove from the prunUcs and Iho streets nil the material iilthln tiielve ...... -..-. .. .,n, , ,, ,., i,,i duyef June, Us.i. JOia. L I iiilOJl.V'.Bil I halrman Market l .j,m,mikih, ui muv.ii ey ami en ine linn JliL'l. I. IIAIXKft. emmltlie. V'ivnoelo. )AltAS0I.i! Don't SkipThis Whlleearly June rinds ihe retail kteresatlhe lielKlit et lhclrsrlii trade. It is te Ihe inanii r.i.'lurer about the hivl or Ihehuut. ' llelhcn cl.ans up his .stds and tnd or hpring (iixkla and pn-eari-!) rer Fall Thin time is nevi en us, and Instead s.f allow ing our Mlesniiiu le close out lojebla'rx m hat are left of the siiueu s Parasols We eiler thein m our retail store at u hi sacrl tlii. Yeu nlll Dud some rew In the window and man mere In the store ut ritU'I-S iWriU'CEHLNlKIILY LOW. Conic Me our k'oeds and cemisire our prievs n llh etheis. and viv kneii ou villi then appre ciate bargains we lire nrti rln.-. ROSE BROS.-& HARTMAN, . ii i:ast kine sTHEtri'. ep2stinilAK Al 1ML.N - K W 1MH A 1 h MIIn TO . j ",-.1 ki.iu. iij iiiiiic lu.iee wueiesuic and ix'luil trade Ijir.'esl iiuiiiiifiui,iici In our line Lnrlee S-cent siaim, XVnr. t 1 rir il.iv . . ........v.. ,--.,,,,,., ,.w innit misui'll' .Meney udvuniiil fiir.iiuges, ndven' in.', etc. ,,..,, CLNlEe",VJAL MAN ! i3 CO., Hr)'i-0Ws.d Wii.i5jtt, Ohie, reriiuincni position, Ne pe testa nnsvrerid. JI rB Goet: 0SIT1VE CLOSING OUT BALE. MUST BE CLOSED O THE PHILADELPHIA STORE, Positive Closing Out Sale. -Tim ENTIRE Dry Goods, Ladies' Goats, Carpets, Fioer Oil Gletbs, Etc., Mat and nlll be told out In short n time nt penlble. Goods Are New Marked At Prices That Will Sell Them. Kvery penen Inrlled te ell nnd neenra Unrgnln while they InsL rtemmber tliln new mid clean. Jlany fine goedn her yet. 6 AlfD 8 NORTH marSVIydAn cciethiitn. M AIITIN MHOS. Mant Nevr Thing nrn hreuqht out every dny, nnd weareceutlnuRlly adding te oumteekthe bet niBiiufne turer can rrednee. Men's June Surprises! Hummer Underwear, Hosiery nnd Neckwear In everything ttint'n new and limited fill our Furiiliblng Counters. There nre inaiiy novelties In Flannel .Shirts, O Ien and Welsh Flannels and Milk, $1.00 te ll.fK). These outline prices hem In much variety between all the new notions In Tennis M:irer, Hell nnd Sashes. Men' Elastic Beam Drawers, n. cembh nnlloneriinlbrlggiiii nndJenn, give the tretch liu n nnd comfort of Ilnlbrlggnn nndthedurn hlllty of Jean, wilt conform well te the flgurs without tlghtwss, glvei ens nnd comfort In walking or steeping, nnd nre well ndnptcd te nil athletic position. Ne mero cost tlinn the ordi nary. Try the l)nytn Dress Phlrt nnd you'll wear no ether ; anybody' size nnd length of ulcevejust right, 11.00. Kce the choice In' our rtendy-Mnde Clothing Department In Suits for Men, $5 te !20; Hey's, SI te 115; nnd for Children, J2 te !10; you may henr such prices every dey, hut eu'll net tee such Clothing. MARTIN BROS, Clothing, Tailoring and Furnishing Goods, NOS. 2fi AND 28 NOHTII QUEICN HTHKET r rUIlS A HATH FON. It's Your Chance It's Your Chnuce New te Muy -IN- Groeds TTariety AND DOWN IN PRICE. If en miss It new jeu'll tegrrt It, for Itiests you nothing le take n leek at the Hnrgnlus. Let n remind ou that vie are giving FULL VALUK KOH KVKHV IIOLLAH Yen leave with u, and we'll net send out one dsalltled puichaser If vv e knew It. Ask te see our JIIIOAI) WALF. CIH'VIOTU, In Hkileteu f-ack, for Kiiniinrr Wenr, At $15. They Are Acknowledged Hargwln. MYERS (fclUTHFl, Reliable Clothiers, Ne. 12 East King Street, I.ANCA8TEH, PKNN'A. rriO CLOTHINfl 1IUYKK1. LGansman&Bre. HEADQUARTERS G. A. R. Indigo Blue Suits at $ 6.00. Indigo Blue Suits at $ 8.00. Indigo Blue Suits at $10.00. They nre all our own make and guaranteed te give ptrfecl aatlsrnctlen. TWO SETS OF BUTTONS Te Each Suit. Yeu villi save at least 2.1 r cent, ti.i buying your U. A. It. bulls dlrict from the makers'. L. Gansman & Bre., 66 and 68 NORTH QUEEN ST.. 8. W. CORNER OF ORANOE. LANCASTER, FA. (Ceal. ANHCOAI.. J TOUACllisIlOOKhANHCAb. WUST I.RN II MIH WOODS. Wholesale and Itelall, by It. 11. MAKTINA-CO.. isl-l d lit Water btreet, I Jincasler. Fa. IB Vl'JtH.MtDNEHS COMPANY. COAL DEALERS. SPRING CLOTHING 111 ru ES- Na 129 North QurenHtrecl, and Na Crtl North Prince strict. Yaiiim Nertil iTlmv Street, near Hiudlug 'mtilWfd liANCAfeTEn.PA. KTOCK OF- QUEEN STREET, LANCABTEK. PENN'A. JJnvitcoe. 1880 NOVKLT1ESI X889 -AT- H. GERHARTS. The most complete ntsertmsnt of Hnr'ng Overcoming Cngllili Chevlote, Dlngenal nna Cnssimere Suiting nnd Treusering that has ever been shown In thl city. Workmanship the best nnd nil geed wnrmntrd ns represent. It. OKltHAltT, Ne. 4.1 North Queen Htreet. srj-Only Direct Importing Tailor In the City et Lancaster. s TOI I THINK! At this day, when competition la great, th customer leeks te e Who Olvos,Net rremlc HAHOAINH. Customer, btepl Think 1 Who pay for ex tensive ndvcrtlsenients ? We de net Advertise Ilfirgnlni, Clearing Bales, etc., but glve you the bauctlt of Hint which ether give the printer. Our Counter Contain All Hint la New In . SUITINGS, TROUSERINGS AND SPRING OVERCOATS. Our Prices are the Lewest Possible te de Jus tice te customer nnd ourselves. sei. uaiAND aae whst kine htkkft. marlMmd -TTAHNF-SS. HARNESS. HABERBUSH'S 30 Centre Square, LANCASTER, PA. Saddles, Harness, LAP BLANKETS, Trunks, Bags, Harness Oil, -AND- General Stable Supplies, ij AT- HO . A1 sn s, de. vj, ii( (SPLCKW.0R TO M. llAni ROI'KK & SON.) SIGN OF THE GOLDEN HORSE HEADS. B Iitell .v liueniLit. -TO Till"- FARMERS AND- W0RKINGMEN! HIR5H It BRO. OFFER 1,010 Pairs or MEN" H WOUKINO PASTS, nt TO.', Tee, fc.i -, POc and si 10 a Pair. noteien JIHS'S WOUIvING PHinTS,at2H', 30c, :ie:, 19c and fiCV. 25D.en HOY'n WOltKINO nIIIRTS at2"c, av, S5cand lc. ONE HFNHllF-D dezln Farmers' Unlaundried Shirts, AT FIFTY CLNTB EACH. M Dezen HUHT'S L'lilniinrtrleil Hhlrt-Sen-Ilreakable and Non-Teareble Tei- .'ODen UUHT'ri IMPUOVI.DSHIFI.Dl'n luundried blllrts, nt Sl.iU Each tHer Ki.l'J. 3TIik lest ilitrt ev.r inanuractured. We lire the sole agentk In Ijinc.iMer fur them and guaraut.e the tit and make el them, or money r. funded. CALLJ IMMEDIATELY H1RSH k MOTHER, ONE-.l'HH'E CI.OTIHi:n AND Kl'ItXlbHUIlS, North Queen Street and Centre Square, Finn llll I I II ' I III 1 SPECAL m l..NPASTi:if. PA, feWvjsfefcaW . j i 'nl j - ii i'ln mtKjsCtfn&ix tt . 4-,