Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, June 03, 1889, Image 4

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    Wr-asw'sw rcFT?5Ti:T"rffwr!wwre?wp,iwCT
KTffflfKii rfY . "-," -"JVV-M VEJir1 i , ' ' s. A - ,, k -' -, v-ut &yy re.-, rtd .-- - - ".-J r .. r-,. .--n. if
. - T .
r the mm; swim at
r Teplw Dlscuwl-Thc rre-
Amendment Rccetrri-t Rema
Ideftitten by the Furim-rsi.
kltm May meeting of the City and
f Agricultural society It wns decided
monthly meetings nt vluntrci or
lift In different sections of the county
l view of increasing the membership
Beciciy, una hiuucmr .uincastcr
farmers te take nn nctlve Interest
The first of these meetings was held
uruay ancrnoen at Lit it. The un
ble weather for a number of days
ne and indications of i eontluuance
I kind of weather as Inte as 0 .clock
inlay morning, kept many ntsrtil
irtnen from attending,. Among them
ftfce essayists appointed for the meet-
But with nil the drawbacksthoinret-
Hjnectlng vns advertises! te lx held
Bpring grounds, 1ml en account of
nnness Bonihercer s hall was neeiir-
xvhen l'rcfddent.Lindli callnl the
eg te enter the fellow liig persons
present : J. Ilruckhart, Jehnsen
r, Jacob v. Ixreldcr, Charles Deri, Dr.
Ilrel)t, aslilngten I llerhcv,
i Cellins, Wm. II. llresltis, Daniel 11.
nr, Adam Hiitnliricht, .laeeli (,able,
Ilnbeckcn J. J. lleaniwlcrfer, .lelm
Binan, Aaren va Irc, Peter Volen-ton,
i Hoever. Levi . Heist. 1'cter S. ItciM.
.X-.B. llclst, Mrs. It. IS. Wnllc, Mrs.
Stauflcr. Jehn H. Landls. frank It.
ndcrffcr, Thes. I'. .McKlligetl, (Jeerge
iHepp, HenryS. Miller, Ilirnin 1. Try,
rant velcrtsun, Daniel Heltiheld, Itcn-
In Workman, Harry II. Mourn, Jehn
jMrlcker, Hardan II. Tnlmdy, Dr. J. 1.
nek, Miss A. Hess, Miss Krrlder,
lei H fcrb, Jehn Knhl and Thes. A.
r. Brobst, burgess of I.ltltr, welcomed
I society te Litltz en behalfef Its eltlrcns,
he said felt proud at its presence and
Id show all the hospitality It could.
i was worry that the weather was ngsdiiKt
I meeting, but It was hiicIi weather .is Is
Steel by farmers. LHitz is surrounded
.a "Ni agricultural illsirlct ami is in
apathy with the lanuci.
president Landls, in Ills reply le the ad-
i of welcome, thanked the e Itlens for
l cordial xvMcoine exUudcd. I.ltll. was
:tcd as the plant fur thellrst meeting of
laeclcty bec.mse-it whs the fairest of all
r spots in the garden ietcrt he coiuuieu-
.lth. He regretted that the threatening
licr this morning prevented tinny who
1 at a great distance from attending thn
-n. lU'renT or cnei's.
iHr. Brosius roneiled the crops In n
nderfully ilourishingeeudlllou. Wheit
1 gross leek remarkablu for the time of
'Mr. PeterS. Itclst Mid the grass Holds in
l section nre net he geed, but the wheat
lida leek excellent. Chen ies nre net as
iindant as usual, but apples, pluiuv,
irs and ether trults are preiulsiug.
awberrlesare abiindunt and hell nt n low
.Mr. Cellins s.iid the prespeet In the
rer end of the county was fair. Cern is
ell net In the gieuud and the gniss leeks
Hter than lu the northern srstleu of the
linty. Potatoes did net ceer up well
I there will be an nbundaiice ler all, If
hhalf of the crop planted grows. Con Cen Con
erable tobacco lins been set out and tlie
nts leek remarkably u ell. Small fruits
iBpeclally eherrlesjia) a failure. .''"Uere I
STur tncrxfmeminigli eiTTrTilnVt&l
neon, until the water tevereil Ulack-
scvcrul feet deep, ns It liad
1 before. lint the ix-cmle fe'' am prlncl-
lng the floetl n 1,1- having been
li?llhi'l "arueirs ioek nne
I wnlnr-tavorable season tliere will be
indant crops.
alit. Landls reported the gniss (lilds of
Uier as looking w ell, but tanners In his
ctien were of iltileu that will b
1 rank. Cern fields leek well mid the
lit prospect Is cmeuniglug, except as te
Keherries. Straw berries are plenty. There
; were nei as many potatoes planted as last
'rJJfew ennannera' be.ut be induced te Lc-
i.jjemcjai inert and remain en Ihcfai m t
VThls (juestieu was. rcfened te Henry M.
jie, out lie was absent. The (pieMien
raw answered by Jehnsen Millei. His
Mi te keep be s en the farm was le irl e
aera an interest in part of the crep: sim
ply them with plenty of agricultural read-
: mutter and make home pleasant ler
bem. Many bois leae the faini and no
cities te cugage in ether biiHiuess be
kUHO fanning is net madu attnn ti e.
-Levl llclst thought that boys should l,t
Astrutletl in tun country schoelsin botany
1 studies tliat nre net of bcnelll te the
inner should he excluded. If bevs can
1 Interested in the study of the growth of
regotnbles and plants they beeome Intei-
, si in farm lile ami aie content with it.
.lI'Vl hint musical instiuiueut in
rcry farmer's house and instead of wan-
eriug away from home te seek nloisiire
fcfcrjncrs' boys will slay nt home for pleas.
jure, ji ieij nuiiuei liem uemii WIll'll
;young they are h inl te keep at home w hen
: they bocenio yemiK men.
Mr. Brosius sild e cry fiirnier'a son was
rjet lit te boa farmer. Tanners should as-
Kieertaln the bent of their bevs. These In
1' n r.v...l....u f..H r.... ltf.. t.. .1... - I
r . luiiiiin;-.. ,ii 1.11111 iiiu 11 tiu eiejitl
jus imieiicy 10 koeji en tne larin, Hut these
Sfacttlave amiiiics in ether directions,
llg thJ,col,iln"aM,relMsl,, " r business,
tr nf locnceuragisl te iiiirxuesiuh eca-
ze 1 Je,r ,('-VH "ni i'"K, 'I'ii keep
. i.iJ r'0 farm the lirst object should be
pr, M'" ,Iul "'U'lO' "d attniclh e.
fe?" IV lHnfc s.ild his sous did
tr"ueii le ikj n tiling hut fariuern,
" 'ririnlnir tlie most Iw.illliv
i. -. ..fc. ............l...,
re) clmjH'l 'iepeudent pursuit. The
"Liftlil ."hoel mid the foremost
i-voiuie uaiieii were larmcrs' sous. Jle
. ...i .,
pdIhitsI In rcslucing the work el the Isys
Bd girls of farmers ak n-iicli as ttossible
,jrlth laber-saing machinery and getting
produce le mark"t with a-. Iltlle lalsir as
Allile. lie sells milk from his farm at
per hundred, and bujs the butler
used en the farm at an a emge price of '
cents per ixmnd, and he found it iciid !ct-
Iter than by making butter and sclllui? it.
!' In conclusion he said if larmcrs can get
fOClr daughters trained te stay nt home the
Jwysofthe nefghljorheod will net be fai
tit Jm fruit flMuttlrl innr ttwf.tlnttlt ih,,
fj,Mer vitriiuits in farming, unit hew can it
Wflemaile tef
i Vrfn. U l?.T.f .... 1 .1.- .ft .
Iy ". m.wiuj'1.11111 lOO IIISCIISHlOIl Ol
KcMie nucstlen. He referred te the limn
fwrterofcentiiryaKe. whfiitbacullUntlnii
Kef straw licrrles und small fruit was net
',meupin or generally among the firmers.
'AThe few- straw berries then raised were
f-emaii ami or ioer quality. New there are
any acre of the berry cultliatnl. ti...
r fruit has creatlv Iumreil In ,ii,.ih.. ,..,.
&'beee who hae made the nilsing e'f this
sjmn specialty uaoinade money. Se It
pmn oeeii wiui me cultivation or peaches and
I 4her fruits. Tliere is alw a j s a market fei
04M milt and line lerrles at fair prices,
i any larmcr w no nas Kepi a record of
Itveints from these resources will tell
row that fruit and lierry growing toys
er than anj' ether product of the fanner.
'Captain Drickcr said the great mlslake
Uylarmers In fruit grew Jul' is that
neglect their fruit trees. Thuv nre
ied nnd left te grew as best they can.
e tnc require the greatest cam and
Iratleu te liear goeil fruit. There are
tow weeds left in Iniranter county,
tusects that were harlwred in ihcln
rund new ick thn only trtssi left, whlcli
t umkihii trves. lie iieiictisi mm i-i
r (Mewled le would ield uillUeut
V""V" "l" v
fntlt te pay the farmer.
What is the rheipe'l plan, nf impteitnn
the tell of our farms t
Mr. Cellins said his experience was that
he could keep up his land cheaper by using
phosphates and selling the hay raised at and (14 per ten. It did net ay te
raise grain, feed il te cattle 'and sell the
cattle at the price new current. He U'ed
as a phosphate Seuth Camltna rock, w hlcli
he bought at fl5..V) per ten. He used 3e0
pounds te the aero for corn and could raise
as geed corn as any farmer w he used barn
yanl manure. The soil cannot le helped
by feeding grnln Inte our cattle. Sheep
will Improce the land and he nrter had
anything en his land tint ald ns well as
sheep. He received ll cents per etind for
lambs, they averaged 82 pounds, and, In
addition he get Scents for the wool and the
Lai ei age was six jteunds. Sheep wJlV fat
after the cattle and eat what no ether ani
mal will. Lime lq his judgment Is net a
rcrtlllrcrvvYitl! 'it comes In contact with
."thiiie egctnble matter.
Mr. Miller believed that cletcr was tlie
cheapest fertlrcr nnd he ljellnscd in plowing
dew it tlie clever fields.
Dr. Keeburk gae his recollections of
scleral sterile llelds in his neighberhissl
which yielded geed crei after the cleier
had been plowed down.
Mr. llreslussald tlie question of raising
liny and selling it Involved another, the
taking of sulistauee from your farm ; cattle
feeding has been one of lincnster's great
Industries and farmers nre lelli te gle it
up, although It did net pay the past ear.
tlnw iiiiiild the prapeneil pioillntien
mncmtmriit ujlccl the egi iruttnrnl intn nt
of the fm inn of J.nncttiter enmity t
Tills question was rcfernsl te Win. 11.
Ilreslus, who has been an earnest ndiocule
en the stump ler the nineudmeiit.
He begun his answer by saying the
question was a novel ene for discussion in n
farmers' society, but it wits an lmMirtaut
one. He nexl quoted from thn circulars
and pesters sent out by the anti-prehlhi.
tlenists and cemmciiled en the statistics
width apparently showed from the liquor
men's standpoint that the firmer would be
Injured by thn adoption of tlieniiiciidineut.
Se far ns his Judgment went the farmer
would be benclltted by Ihoadeptlofi of til
Minciidinent. He took ler tin Illustration
a bushel el loin. This he said would make
four gallons of whisky mid when put en
the market nt retail, would be about 3H)
drinks, whit h ntAcentsper drink would
make Jin. UK)ti the pilmlpln that the
fanner lakes his grain te the host markit
he must rreiu the liiiier men's standpoint
convert it Inte whisky, which yields him
$10 1st gallon.
Tlie average drinker spends 70 per .i ear
for nun, or imisutucs 7 bushels of com.
An erdliiiuy family w ill t mistime 70 worth iniiicar. 'Ilils?70 will represent
at least M bushels of corn, nnd as a mailer
of argument farmers should be ler prohibi
tion, because their giain brings n less price
in w'liNUy than otherwise) ns shown by the
nlieic. In loucliisien he nssurlisl liiat if
half Iho money spent for rum was put Inte
thu couimcne of the ceuuly the farmer
would be greatly hciiclltlcsl.
Hr. Ilrebst aigited that tlie amendment
was agiinst Iho inleiest of the limner.
The taxpayers are the honest , oeniiinry,
net the riiuiuiics, and auv ene w he makes
Ihnasscrtlnnthnt It costs morn for the prose
cution and inalntenauce of criminals, for
ellenses eennnltletl, as tlie icsult of w hlsky
drinking, Hi in is riseiied I'ieiii Iho lliense
fesi by the county, he states w hat he e.innel
prove. In Michigan, Iowa. Mass.ii Inns A,
and ether stales prohibition has been m
fiilure. lie adinitttsl theHsef lutein
pcrante, but was optee 1 te gelling te
teinpenincothreimlrihe proposed amend
ment. JJia.if' i steles In tlie Union
Utt-liain lest in population are se-calhsl
'prehlbUlim states. '
At this stage a motion w as made te step
any lurtlici mgiiiuciit ei tlie question, but
it was defeated.
A motion in. ule bv Mi. Cellins te limit
the speeches le Iho minutes nnd eonline
the argument strictly te tlie question pro
posed was ndepttsl.
dipt, ltricker said he would lole against
the amendment, hut It was the meiest fool
ishness te assert that Iho (aimer would be
injured by thoadei lleu iil'llnuimcndineut.
It would ncltliei hurt ei hetpliini.
Mr. Hi in U 1 1 tit, u former ic-lilent of
ICiuiH.ii, gave hlsexeilenceas an owner el
land in that state. lie ou neil it (pirnlcr sec
tion In thoicutieef the state. I Is assessed
value wasiiin, ami the Inx en il was about
llve cents en tin) dollar. At the aitiial
Milue of the liiuil the t.t rate was nbeut
sei en mills.
Dr. Iteubiirk asked whetlici thn tax tate
hnl been raised or lowered li-the adop
tion of tlie amendment, but this question
Mr. itrmkhail could net answer, he net
owning the 1 mil prier te the adoption of
the prohibition iimendincnt. Ills Impres
sion was th it the tax rate had net changed
fei seieral years.
lhicitlit Ijipliciitinn of IViOnjilmti' .colon
J'rojitfei the Fuimir f '
""This "question Jehnsen Miller nusweied
by s.tvi ng that while phosphate Improved
the land it left no piellt te lite I. timer. Tlie
annual cost of phosphates was nbeut $0 per
acre, and it docs net iuctcase Iho crop ineici
than It costs, ,
leii S. Heist, Washington llershey,
James Cellins, Jehn liressuiiu nndethcis
nre of the same opinion.
nn; i:xiiiiiiis.
Peter Yelertsuu of Kissel Hill, who has
initie the cultivation of the silk weiuiii
specialty, exhibited a large number el
I.uvi S. Heist exhibitiKl (he follewing:
Tulip poplar from Ninth Cirelin i, six va
rieties el loses, peiidmiunii twig Ireni Mis Mis
seuri, iiw piw bushes, twigel oak, varie
gated grasses and ev crgrccn In igs. (jri
On account Jef Ihenevl meuting coming
in the height of h.n vest. It was decided le
held it at I. incastcr cil.v.iii the society
rooms, IMileniati's building, en tlie tlrst
Mend ly of July.
srniji:.M. t.m:.n eit.
l'l'llilk 7(i-eliir Dies orCeiiKotlon of tlie
llriiln en siuKiny Mernlni;.
1'rauk Zeuhei, a well-known young
man el this eit v . died v erv suddiuilv at Ids
home, at Ne. 1(15 llast Straw beny stieet,
en Sunday morning, lie was employed
at Oscar fiietCs Swan hotel, en Seuth
ijiiecu sticet. Ile was in his usual
gissl health en Saturday nnd was
at his work up until almost mid
night when he went te Knpplcr's b.uber
shop, in (Vntre Square, and was shaved.
He then went home and ret I ml. Alsmt t
e'chs'k In tlie morning his wite arese ami
cirrlisl upthebaliv, which was in;. mother
bed near by. in a little while she noticed
that her husband sccjucd nstless. she
thought that he was siilleriugriemcrauis,
te whlihhe vvnssubjis.'t,itiid began rubbing
him. She called in a neighbor, but they
did net think tliere was anything serious.
Mrs. Zercher prepped him up with n pillow
but after giving a few groans he expired
without speaking a word. The loiener
was netllied and he Impnuuellcd a jury
and held an inquest, Thcliudy viasexnni
lued by Dr. Itelenius, the coroner's phvsi-
Ian, anil Dis. M. I,, and s. T, D.nis. Tlie
enlli t was death from congestion of the
Tl.e deceased was 'M jiars of age and
was a son of Iho Inte Mu liael .en hoi, w he
kept a held at New Danville, ami his
metliei Juliana .either, resides at Ne. fM
Seuth Queen street. Prank wns u miller
by trade and had been living in lun-aster
ten or a dozen ears. He was formerly u
baitcndcrnt the old Cress Kc.vs hotel, en
West King street, and for about a j ear was
at .ertmau's lestjunint, at the l'ciiiuvlva
nlu railroad station. 1'er the at tw e v eais
he hud been at thu Swan hotel. He leaves
a wife nod two children. He has four
brothers and four sisters, nearly all of
w hoie reside iu Lautaster,
Lancaster l'enple llmt Visited the Town
te Sce the ltl-th rtlver.
Columbia was a very Interesting pine
yesterday nnd eieclally te Ijincasle.'
people who liave no river of Ihelrciwn thn.
gees en the rnnipige during the
winter lie gorges and the stiiiimtv
storms. The rush of the peeple e."
this city le Columbia vestenlay was
almost unprecedented. On Salimlay
afternoon and evening all kinds of rcpeils
concerning the state efalfnlrs nt Celumbl.i
wo.e sailing around en our stteets. Itwcs
Mid Hint llm water was w Ithlu n few feet of
the bridge, nnd, as II wns still rising, thn
bridge would have loge bofeio long. Other
re'ierts said that the houses along front
street were tilling with water. Thcte
were ninny ether wild rumors Unit
were proven te he untrue In a
xry short time, but it was known
from the state of s Hairs up the river, that
the water would Ikj very high by Sunday
morning nt Columbia. AH theso who weie
able te get away from Lancaster innde
up their miudttte gote Columbia. As there
wns nothing cettnlii nlsuitthe rn II read the
majority or the -ssiple concluded U drive
up, anil ns early en Saturday night nearly
every team In the livery stables oflhe
city had lietm engaged. Bright and early
yesterday morning the rush hegnn nnd by
half-past thren o'clock In the morning
eight tennis hail passed through the first
tell gate en their way te Colombia from
this ilty. Prem that until later In thu
afternoon the travel continued as the
weather was beautiful and Iho reid vvasns
geisl as turnpikes nre generally kept.
People visited the river towns In almost
every (enceiv able kind or eonveynneo. All
kinds of teams were tlggsd up nuil
while many folks did net seem te tarn hew
they get there, Iheie were many very
pretty turnouts. Everybody wns en thn
h nne errand, mid all weie iitixieus le satis
fy their curiosities by seeing for them
selves If the rejsirts concerning the river
weie true. Among lliose who enjeved
themselves en the trip were blew le riders
and almost onehundred el them, mounted
en wheels of nil kinds m.idn the trip.
Many nf these starteil earlv and were en
thn grounds before eight o'cleik.
Ilctivccn three nnd four hundred -xsiple
went fietu Luucastei te Columbia en Iho
regular trains nt ii:nn ami i'.Ili in tlie morn
tug. In the alletiioeulhero were liuiidreds
at thoslatlen, many of whom had been un
able le piecine learns, in iking inquiries in
regaid te Indus. Nene were run after
dinner, hewevei, but if Ihey had Ihcv
would have been ( mvvdisl.
poitieu el Nun aster's popnlntlen vlsllul
Columbia, and thoyiempletely overran the
town which they almost took possession of.
The holds were crowded, and eYer. thing
in the shape of edibles was in demand dur
ing the day. Many persons who left liu
easler by vehicle drove en le Marietta and
Chlques Hei k, where they weie able te si e Uincastei was net Iho only
town that poured its contents into Celnm
bla. Mn ni came li mil eveiv tow it and
village In Ihouppei part of Hid t emit ,nnd
the Columbia turnpike Ixtwrcu that town
u'td Metiutvllle, lesembtisl a busy sticet In
n city most oflhe time.
AII.IOIItMUl (lAltl SI'.sslONs.
Twe Mmi, luirKeil Willi theJhfieeker
Ittii'Klni'.v, en Xrhfl.
The June iidjeiiriiyjvripuirlei sessions
leurl as opt nod at Id e'i lock thlsineiii-
I ifir'u lilt .luilge Livingston pieslding.
Iheie aie en the list fei tiial lortv-llve
The llrnt dcfcuilaiils called ftir trial were
Washiuglen Cele, anil Isaau Craig, eoleied.
These men nre charged wllli burglary.
Tlie otlense was (emmllted e.nly en the
morning of Pehruary '-.', at the house of
Jacob Habccker ami his sisleis, in the In In
tllantew ii dtslriit, Maner township, Tlie
testimony showed that two men weie in
the house and two steed outside te watih.
The men in the house had lovelieisiuid
when disceveieil shot nt the llalxs keis.
It was shown that the defendants and .
W, Watsen and Herace ( the last two
pleaded guilty te Ihoellense chargisli him!
n team al Columbia and weie seen le drive
in the diiiHtieu el the llabiskeis. The
rebbeis hail put lump-black en their laces
ami in the wagon. When Ihev returned te
the III erv stable lamp-black was leund. On
I I'lllll.M llt',
'I he fellow lug guaitliaiis weionppelnle I ;
M. 1.. Urelilet, el miner seu et I,iie
llievvn, late el ltaphe; Jeseph I les, of
miiiei cliilduti el Siiuucl dariicr, lain el
Warwick; T. It. Achese fginndihlld of
Celli iighain Aihcsen, late of I.UR.Htci
The lulleii lug lict itsus vvoie Ininsferiisl :
Wlle.v Ities, dlslilleis, te llciu.v II. Wllev ,
.lelm II. Shcllv, Ml. .lev, te Dnid Mingle;
M. M. I'lltkiuger, C.ail, te .lateh It.
Kesslet ; Isaac llein, l.iucasterlew uslilp,
te A. Pell.
sqicclnl liureli Serv Icen.
'Iho Mcth'xllst colored congie-g-itiou,
wlie worship at .Simpsen chapel,
P.icghiv v ille, hail services nt the oil 1 1
lioiiseou Suutlnv morning, allernoen mid
evening, te laise funds te puiihasu the
building in which they worship On .10
c mint el the high watei nnd inability te
leuh I.TitutsIm seveial of the sMMkeis
leuld net get here. Itei. P. M. Harris
pleat lusl nt the meriiiug mm v ice, Itev. (iisi.
Smith In the alteinoen and Itev, Hauls
ngaiti hi the ei cuing. 'I he 1 ollectien taken
wns net up te ex pis tnl ion.
At Iho Washington cenlcicuce, held at
Parkesburg, a , en Maicn ii, Itev. P.
M. Harris was ippeluted le take ihaigeet
Iho llishep Simpsen tougicgatieu. 'I lie
11111100I tint congit-itleii is net el the A.
M. i:. 1 lunch as hen lofeie statctl.
Henry IhisI'h I'
The Inneral of llciiiv inisttoek (date en
Sunday afternoon at J o'clei k, liem Ids
late icsldeiue 011 Maner sticet. 'Iho at
tendant e was 1 1 1 go, and ninnug the societies
that weie icpitscutcd weie; l.anc.isti 1
Ledge of Odd PelleWH, laslge Ne. hs t)f
Knights of 1'vthlas anil l's-shali-ko-nce
Iribe of Itisl Men. '1 he selvit cs w cm licltl
in the 1'irst ltc'fnrincd church bv Dr.
Titell, anil the iiiteimciit was made at
l.tutastei temetcrv.
A Wntcii 'llilt'l lltld for (eint.
William Plexter, the colored hey w h 1 was
arrested for stealing the vvotei of Heiibcn
Diicher, which healtcrwaitl ttsik te Leuis
Weber's store, was he ml by Aldcimaii
Halbath, en Saturday evening. He was
committed hi default of bail, for tiial at
court. PiimIei admits tint he stelo the
wntch mill I'mil Dester, who was accused
as his accoiuplite, was dismissed ler want
of ev lileuee against him. I'rocter is a Kul
lsv anil has fuspiently bien anesttnl.
All Allll-l'l-olllliltleu Meellim.
Theio wns a vei v large iitlentlam nt nn
antl Pioliibltien meeting In the public hall
at Denver en Saturday evening. Very able
add resses were made In, Dr. .1. C. Ilrelist,
of Lititi, and Itev. l'ugle. A torrespon terrespon torrespen
dent w riling from tha' town sijh the vole
against the amendment will be very huge.
"a He.v'i P.tll.
Harrv Metrgur, a twelve-v ear-old seu of
Jacob Mel7gar, of Mulberry street, was
plavingeu a jille of beaitlv, where tlie new
schiMil iiuildiug is being erected en West
Chestnut street, last evening. Ile wasnlsnit
crawling from the top when he tell back
wards, striking his head, lie was pit ke I
up unconscious unci carried home. He has
tw e tornble cuts en his head, ami his Issly
was badly limited, but hU injuries nre net
IteuMryer Vetis.
Tlie reglstrv boeksof the several election
districts of the con ntvvverobent out today.
It will new lK'thetlutj of the leglstiy ii(t
seser te lltmuss llirir illulfli'lM nnd nliui
the name of every voter en h.t registry
list. ""
ItrtdRes, Legs, Savved Lnmtier find Other
I'repcrty Carried Away Canal at Cd
lunililii HrenkH ocenrH, Ineltlents,
Cei.i'MlitA, June. The high w 'iters of
the Siisqueliiiiitia river reached Columbia
en Saturday afternoon nnd the rlvei nt this
place commenced rising very rapidly.
Within a few minutes all the whnrves were
.submerged and the wnlci covered the river
tracks oflhe Pennsylvania mllrentl. The
water was about twenty feet alsive low
water mark, nnd was nt least one feet
higher than the he ivy fleshct of 1605.
P here Is 1 onslilcrable dllferenc 0 ofepinlon
In regard te this and many crsnus, nnd
very reliable, 11111,1 tee, stnle th it Iho wider
wis net ns high .vestenlay atlu 1W.
Iiome of the old Inhabitants of Columbia
de net think that Iho water was as high
vestenlay by fifteen Inches as it wns In
IWJ). aMr. North marked Iho height of the
llecsl by a line of stones still remain
ing where they were Ihcii, as the ciiib of
pivcment of n building nt the feet erlxstlst
s'.ioet ; and yesterday the water loll alsitit
llfteen inches short el reaching theso
stones. I Jus. I.ntci.i.icikncmi.
At nn eirly hour 011 Sunday morning
the peeple commenced llm king te tin
ilvci shore, anil Iho banks weie crowded
until a Inte hour nlt-hl. 'Iho regular
and special trains liem Lancaster
brought hundreds or peeple fiem that
city nnd oilier (owns te Colum
bia le see Iho sights. 'Iho town
wns full of velilelcsel all descriptions, ami
people catne from thu country in dieves.
They continued le arrive all day long and
the town wns livelier than It lias been since
(he centennial. Hotels and ether public
places were crowded nnd 11 thriving busi
ness was deun w ith the many hungry poe
The people who owned property along
the shoie hail been netllied 011 Satttrchiv
nlghl of the coining danger fiem high
water, mid thev at once began making
'Iho lumber piles weie inade secure with
ieh's and net a stick el timber was lest.
All the boils went removed In safe places
11111I verv llltln damage was done te the
cialls, although some Individual beat
houses weiedamageil lei seme extent. The
ice house of Pilbcrt AJPerrv, at the feet of
Walnut street, had the corner tow aids the
river tern away and about MKI Ions of ice
has illicitly been cut away by the mtidilv
watei. Tlieir less will reai h about 8J,(iec).
Their h'O houses nre .vet all surrounded by
watei and no he can be taken out.
'I lie liimbeiiboem at Willi iiusHrt broke
about 1". o'clock en Saturday, and Celumbli
people were 011 the lookout for the lumber,
Iho flist et xv lilt li icachcil Columbia be
tween 2. antl 'I o'clock Sundiy morning.
The river nl that time was very high and
was still rising. The water wns running
veiy lapldly. The distance from Williams
peit te Columbia is about 110 miles,
ami Ireni the time Hint the boent bioke un
til Iho Umber began te arrive al Columbia,
It ivtV lictweeu 11 and 15 hours, se (hut ie
watei waviiimiiiig at the rate ei nbeut ten
miles an hour. ganlleili m who walked
with n miming leg sins that it went nbeut
tw Ice ns fist as he iv as able te w alk ami he
wasteitalu that It wnsilewingnt n ten mile
It was but a short liine after tlie limber
put In 1111 npiicaiaiice tint the liver was
lull et legs. Owing te the sudden bentl in
the river near I hiikics. 'I he great p.ut el
the Umber pissed down en the side el the
river next te the Voile ceuuly shore, al
though it was lei 11 lime in all pails el
Ihestieam. Millions of reel el the llnest
kiutl et timbei was swept by antl evei
Iho tliuu. Ileleu llie tl.ini them
seemed te he one mass et limber and the
liver looked vei.v much as it tleun dining
thelieavv iiegeige. It vvnsiilmest impos impes
Ible te (ell whole (he dun uns ami the
small huts el thetlshciiucn which steed em
thetlitlcicnt Islautls hail been swept awav.
'Iho llsheimtn also lest inau.v el the
seines, nets, Ac. IScsnlcs '(he line
timber that passed down Iheiivertlie
gieater put el the tl.iv, there ucieni.tiiv
ellur epicer things iu the sti earns which
passttl 011 lewaitls the Ches.1pcakel1.1v iu
tiie swill imidilv vv.itei. 'I hoiewciospaus
of bridges, tool houses, paits el liarns,
chicken coops antl ethci outbuildings,
household luriiitiiienutl niticlcsnl almost
evm (lisciii)tien. A rocking diaii en
vvhiili was a titlv ledges I lei a lime at n
piei el the bridge and 11 was seen lolletvetl
liv 11 t radio. 'Iheie lit 10 bundles el
laths, palings, At'., ".by (he hiintliisls
and 11 w hcclbaireu,.c imp stt)1i and .1 coal
oil can passed b the 1 anal tliule within 11
lew It et et each ether. On one small tall,
whkhloel.ul liken put efa bam, was a
liimsl el lull glow 11 chickens, ami thev
sceintsl te boas iinceiitcrntsl as though
thev weie sale in 11 baiuvaid.
The dead hotly of a man was seen Hunt
ing past Wilghtsvillu in tint alleitioen nuil
although clients were made te catch it thev
w cm iiiiMictesslul, Several rails whiili
pass,.,' ilewu the nvci are Kiid te have had
liuuiau btiugsiiKiu them, but they weie
se far out that nothing could be done.
On ene el lliose weie two objects which
weie Kiid le be uicii. A geutlemiu
who watched them with a glass liem the
coal chutes ties Lues 111 it llie.v weie men.
It was icpeilcil cm Siluidav night (hats
all with peope ami houses liisin it
hail passed Mitlilh tow n. A waleli was
kept ler It but It was net seen. Disbe
lieved that ll it icalli 1II1I pass Midtllclewu
it was wiciktsl at ihcCoiiewage tails. Dur
inglhetlav several tlcail horses and cows
weie seen in the rive r.
'Ihegteat rush el lleatlug linnbcr was
evcrbv alteinoen, Iml it ceutiimttl te 11111
in considerable qu unities ail da long. A
lingo lorce of Columbia, men who had
beats, winked haul all claj nitthing tliift tliift
beaiels nuil legH I -n go nuantlties of (he
lincst kiutl et timbei was securtsl and tied
up along the banks. 'I his vv oil. was iei,v
exciting, as at times the logswciesohcav 1
thu thev weie haul te contiel, ami the
boatmen weie obliged te give them up. At
ether times boatmen, w he had legs in tow ,
iToiec.irriesl down the stream ter a long
distance bctore thev could get the in
ashore. The men, who vv cre engaged 111
Ibis work were verv well paid for Uicii
tumbles as thev will icccive M cents oath
let the leirs caught bv them when Ihcv .110
r -claimed h- tlie owner, whose private
uiaiks aie upon lliein. Tlie be.nds anil
ether tiiick cannot be ideutititsl, and Ihey
w ill be able le keep them.
During thetla.v 11 petular place for people
who ilcsiictl te take
the eisni space in the iiildtlle of the biitlge.
Ovei ene thousand orseiis went out them
dining the dav tlieugliui.ini were afraid
the britlge might le swept away. Tlie
coal ihute.s were full all clay and c rowels
of sjiactnteis lined the shore along the
whele length of the town, ciewtls
g.ttheicd en the cinder banks and many
folks went up te ( hiikics, where they hail
.1 1 e.xt client xlew
llietaual Deai, Pauline U. Hoke, Liver
hi1, Captain Meigau Itakei, leatlisl with
c, consigned te 11. P. ltrunei, was se
badly ilamagisl vvilh lloatiugles that the
beitrsiuk oil .Sunday morning. Twe of
t'ie Hits e ihe Pciuisilvaiila Canal oom eom oem
laiii's tlrtslgging mathlne weie washtsl
Irem their nienrlugi til Wrightsville en
S1.tunl.1v night 'i'lie 1 in d h is a very ser
ious break it hl kits, but hew grexit the
damage cannot be iiscerluinetl until the
water recedes. The watei rushed down
thec.iiil and made a break a short dUtauce
abev e tlie locks, but this Is net x cry great.
some feus were entertained fm Iho safttj
J oflhe large stubleseri. C. (lilt, at Iholecks
I nmUUVllhtl '-- teams were, takv'ii out
Tin wharves of II. F. Druiur
are still covcred and the dam dam
age done cannot yet be lftainel
At Henry Clay furnace the water readied
the Iren notch, b(it the damage is net yet
known. The pipes nl St. Charles furnace
became cleggtsl with water, and the Co
lumbia steamer wns employed In pumping
water forth engine and furnace Uses. All
trains are annulled en llm P. Il, It. nest
of Columbia and the Columbia A Pert I)e I)e
pevlt south of Cressw ell. There are se v
enl washouts between Washington bor
ough and Peit Dc'iesit.
The river was probably nt its highest
point about neon yesterday. Towards
evening It began te fall. At neon te-day It
had gene down for mere than ten feet, but
thoameunt of damage cannot be ascertained
until it fulls much mere.
Thirty dollars weie raised at SI. Paul's
I'. 1J. t hurcli yesterday for the Johnstown
A public meeting will be held In the
council chamber tills ev cuing te devise
ways nuil means te ralse money for the
Wrecked Jertuncs
lrowneel Men.
A dlsiintch from Sunbiirv savs Unit
thrce men In 11 beat canie down
from WllliamsHirt en Sunday and
rcsirtetl that thirty men and boys who
were watching Iho llecsl fiem the bridge,
were drowned. Tlie Heaver mill came
lleatlug dew 11 rapidly and carried the
brldge along with It bolero nny could es
cape. The water nt Williamsport reached
the second-story of the Hepburn house and
the buildings en Pine street. An Immense
quantity of lumber Sins carried aw ny and
all along the West llranch the daniage is
very great. Miners from Shamokin wero
011 Sunday blowing up wooden bridges
ledges I against the Heading iron brlelge
with dynamite. Uvery store in Leck
Haven is Heeded and nil the bridges from
Itenove dew n aie gene.
At Harrisbiirg from 0.:i0 te 10 a. m. ,011
Sunday, thn Silsiptchnuna reninlncsl at 27
fort 1 Inch abeve low-water, oral
Inches above the high mark of 1MJ5. At 7
p. in., the water had fallen two feet. The
entire eastern anil Southern sections of the
e ly am submerged, the water touching
(Seneial Cameren's pavement en 1'ietit
at 1 cot.
At a point below Steelton the Pennsvlvn
ul.itiniks nre under water nuil saw legs
from thelieck Hnvenboeiu aie piled en llie
The bridges en the Stisqiiehaiin wire piled
high w ith legs and debris, forming a coir
p it t mass fi 0111 the shore te Hnigest's Island
half a mile distant. The Island is entirely
miller water, and (he barn was swept away.
William Strange, at Paxton 1'itrnace,
vienl out Inte his vai d and was swept away
by the ten IR turiciit and iliewneel before
his wife antl (limUy, At Sleelleu en containing William
llelsleln, wife anil two children was cap
sized by a lleiillng leg, nnd the mother and
ene child were el row ned.
At Wilkesbaire the low lands am flooded.
nuil Iho wnter wns still rising en Suntlny
evening nt thu into of slv in,. nn hour.
The less In the ncigllboiheoel nfCnrlisle
will be ever fJW,0fM. At William's Oiove
eight buildings have liecn swept nvvni mid
thn gieiu Is under watei. Along the line
of tlie Hiirrisuuig nnd Potomac Hailreid
hirudins the raid-bed nnd tratks have
been washed away. Seme llfteen bridges
have lleatvd awa.v. 1 he large dun at
Lam el gai ew ay. tarr.v ing small bullilliigs,
bridges, fences, decs, etc., with it ilewn
through the Ilellv (lap.
'llm Nei'iuitl's Ceminene eittent.
Mli.i.hiisvn.i.i., June 3. At a reeiut
meeting of the faculty It was decided te
held the ceiuiiiieuceu.cut exen iseseu July
.til, instead nt July Ith, us Is stated in tlie
catalogue. Tlie following senieis have
been seIicteel by the faculty te repicscnt
their class en e emmeiicemeut day; Valo Vale Valo
illcleriau, Charles Yartlley, el Xe'w Yerk ;
siliilaterlail, Allen llneker, et Lltit, Pa ;
neiiiial tuatiuii, Milten C, Coepei, of lllnl-in-llauil,
Pa. 'I he etltt r leprescnlallvcs
am: Mlss.leiinle Harllii, of Philadelphia;
Misses Myra llavei,titk and Lillian
lvrcidy, efLiucastei ; Miss Sira Waples,
eMiOivcs, Del, Miss Campbell, ei Milleis
ville, Pa; C. II. ltucher, el Cornwall, P.v
1J. K. Lcfever, Lampctet, Pa, M. T. ICcn
tlig, Couestega, Pa; and W. II. Melr, of
Centre, Pa.
siivm lie Was Kebliecl.
'I Ids morning a peddler w he came from
Alexandria, Ugypt, and is named Naimiau
Kllintt, came te the station house nuil told
Ciller of Pollce Smelt; that he had been
lobbed off J5 In money and 11 let ofjeuelrv
v aluisl at the same amount, while sle eping
ill a bam nt Mill Creek water station by
three men who were sleeping vv ith him.
Tills happened last night. 'Hie jewelry
was iu a basket nnd boxes. Ulliett wns oil
his way le Harrisbiirg nnd (Jettysburg.
The chief instructed the elliccrs te be en
the lookout ler the thieves. One was .1
lirge man with two or thice leclh out 111
Irent. The ether two were smaller ami
one had n light iiieustne he. They likely
went tewnids Philadelphia, as tliey snitl
Ihey said they were going te Oeiiuautewn
te get weik.
Releii'ii Alderman sjiuccl,.,.,
.Some tlme age Jehn P. Abelu wusIicmuI
with another young man en t lunges of
ilisenleily conduct nnd malicious mischief.
The latter case iv .is dismissed and sentence
was suspended en the forinei in order that
Aliele might have tinie te i.dse his costs.
Instead el Irving te pay the costs Aliede
kept out of the way of the elllcei. On Sat
iinlav nii;ht Constable Kit holt, leuiiil liiiu
and arrested him. When taken befere Al
ileriniu Spuinei he letiised le pay the
costs and vi as sent te Jail ler ten dav s".
Iteiibeu Carnev was held ler a hearing
ler being ill imk and eliseuleily nnd lei as
sault and battery en Sirah Yeung, el
Heaver stieet. The 'woman alleges that
Carney choked her anil the accused ad
mitted it al the aldei man's einie. Thore
were similar t barges against Michael Kla
nella, an Italian, also prelerretl by Mrs.
Yeung, but these) were withdrawn en
pav incut ofcestb.
I:iiuer Melt was helel for being drunk
and iliseulerlv en complaint el Bridget
TrnliiH I'nnbli. li.CioVe,t el'XIIddlc leivv n
sol urdit.v antl suiuln.v .
All was excitement about the Pcniisyl
vanii nillreail station iu this city Satuufay
night nnd iluring Mindav. Un Saturday
iiftciiitsut Mi. Itcjird hail a large force el
caiH'iilers at weik at Dillerville,
weie they liiiule a let of trestles
te be used iu the constitution
et bridges en llie Western division of the
railroad. In the evening lliese men, as
well as in in ethers, were iustriii test le re
port lei duty nt the railroad station iu this
eit.v. Thov united until a late hour, when
they weie told that thev could go te bed,
but must be cm hand early iu the morning.
Tlie.v weie placed in eiintl at the dillercut
hotels, where thej could easily be called
in a few moments. The,) were all en hand
bright and esirly Suudav morning. Din
ing tlie meiuiiig Itess Carpenter Heard
tcsik niitelj carpenters te Harrisbiirg via
Cemewage ami labauen, and tlience up
the l'hll.idclphla A Erie niilruid te work
nl constructing bridges. Supervisor lamg
tesikoue Imiidicsl laborers te Middle town
te be i itady In 'dear the tracks as seen as
the walei subsides.
Mipci intend. tnt CucUer, of thu Philadel
phia tiiv isien, dime te l.nnciistcr en a spe
cial train Satiirilav evening, iu order Hint
hu might be near the trouble. His train
was i un en the sldim-near Hetel l-uncns-ter,
where il remained until carlv biiiidav
morning, when thcsiipcrjiitenihuit lell for
Highsplre, vv here he remained during (he
day, lut evening tlie tnlu xv as Ireught
t M
te this city for prm Islens, but seen return
ed. On Saturday afternoon fast Line left
Lancaster at .its usual tlme and went far
asConewage. It was nin from there te
Lebanon and theneoever the Heading com
pany's line te Harrisbiirg, Harrlsbtirg
Accomedation left here at 5:10 in the evci -Ing
and w cnt fts far as Hlghspirr, w here it
was held.' Western Uxpress, Pacific Kx
prcss, and all trains east ami west during
tlie night, were annulled and the nillrcmel
men were unable te tell passengers when
Ihey could get through. Hundny morning
News Uxprets arrived en time, and It ami
PastLlnowere nln tellarrisburg by way of
conew age anil Lebanon. The Pennsylva
nia railroad agents this morning refused te
sell tickets west of Mlddlclewn, but It was
believed that the track would be denied te
Itarrishurg by neon.
This morning the tracks were cleared be
tween MItldlctew n nnd navrlsburg and tl
Hist train between thorn was Mall, which
left here at D.V this foicneon. It was fol
lowed by Niagara CJxprcssnnd Johnstown
In Town.
.fudge Alftl need, of Iho supreme court
of New Jersey, wnsln Ijine-aster yesterday
visiting the family of J. II. Swarta-vv elder,
en West Walnut street.
Teiii-h TlireitRh the 1 etle wstene Net leual
Messrs. llnjinencl A Will tcemli vrlll have only
two rxcurlein te the Yrllovrstena National
Park lhl kcinen. The tlrslp-irty will leave Plill
n'lflphla Monday. Julys!. The tour occnjiles
tiTciity-dve elajs from tlie depart nre until
Hie return, nntt the lllnrniry has hest-n arratiKed
te the Is-sl )ssllile nilvnnta)-e. The time id
lowest for the tour tlinnii;h the park Is uitirli
longer than Is imually allotted by Individual
lDiirtsts, nntl the result Is n far inen-Mil If fac
tory round of stKht-scrlni;, together Willi rest
ful halts ey the way. While the ordinary tour
ist If rushing nbeut with only a few hours In
which te cc nny of I Ile points of Interest, the
Ilanieiiil pari Ics nre foil nil Inking thrlrrasent
the upper Clcjscr llnsln or thcOrnnil Canen. In
addition te the Yellowstone Park tours, the
enterprising linn announce nitieu July trips
te lending eastern nnd northern resorts. Send
te Ita.vioeiid .1 Whltcetnl), 111 Houth Ninth
ulres't, under Continental Hetel, 1'hllndelphla,
f r descriptive circular.
nivriiiicii. In lhl city, en thilnt Inst., Jonas
II. fllii-rlch, in llie,Hi J(r r his nee.
The relatives and friends of the family are re
fissrirtilly Invited te ntlend the funeral, from
his father's resilience, Jehn Gingrich, (county
coininlssleiirr), near l-nndlsi IIIp, Titcfetsy niter
iitxin nl two e'cItKk. Hervlccsnt three o'clock
at thoOlilM'nnetiltr church, l.-imllsvlllc. 2td
7.f.n ill n.-In this city, en the 2d tnt., Frank
ZcrchT, Iu his aeth yenr.
I hn re I idles and friends of the family; also,
Meniere) Ledge, Ne. 211, are lcserlfiilly In
vlfcel let attend the funeral, from tils late resi
lience. Ne. Ml liist Straw berry street, en Wed
nesday nrtirnoen at 2 e'cles-k. Interment nl
Woodward 1 1 111 cemetery. 2td
-m is-
Jlctti vbucvtiecmt'itte.
rnitE most itr.ritKHiiiNei hhink in
1 warm wc-tthcr Is tart wine. We have Pure
CnllfeniH Itctl and White Wlncf fer.cOecnts,
large bottles, 1() isrile:ru lietllis.
Ne. "J Ct nlre fviuiiie, Ijtncnstcr, Pa.
" ns geed ns lie vv.
Jiuiel-tM INQClUEATTillSOrFlejl"..
J WATCH wltliChnlu, wllh Chiirmcentiiln
I112 three small is arls nttai heel thereto. A lib-
ernlrcwnrdwlll bcpaltl for the return of same
1 ate Is new In the hands of Ihc I'llv '1 rt-as.
un r for collect Ien. An abatement of 3 s?r cent
will lie-allowed for prompt luwm nl.
.1. II. ItAllll UN.
JftU.-Kllt City 'I rrasiircr.
iyf seals one part of the Wild 1 lower Ilo Ile
ipict Hemp.
lid Hevttr lleuiliet Hestp. Sells evcry-
w hrrc.
i rath ieua bin stv lis nnd shinies, thee Iipiiik?s(
aiiil let. at EUISMW'H Gents' burnishing
Hlere, 4J West King street.
I'j slen for all toilet purposes Is Wild Menti
Its-uel Hesip.
U ritiirs,.V cigars, nieliniitl innde with lung
Clear 1 lav una I'lllirs. nusiiml 100 s boxes..
lllH-tfdlt 111 liist King btrceU
weight underwear in nil gradesand anj
sliMtt KRISMAN'H Gents' 1 iirnlslilngHtere-,
ii West King street.
X nnirlhcaHit In the market 11 karat geld
s-n Hard rubber holder, never sets out of
outer, ensile tilled. Call and examine hefcuv
purchasing 1 New here. Al ERISMAN HGe ills'
I'tirli Islilnjf Hlere, 12 We st King street.
tlif tltj, nl
llll. 1.1 VIA IT. M,
Nes nnnit 1K1 North Qiitcn 8t.
NlJriilNll HIT 1I1E lil(lllEHT(RADi:
of Deuble Re lined Oils uwsl In Iho formula
of Wllel Mower Ilexiuel.
U Iho Kcjstune lluslness College, whose at
teiidiimsi was the laigest knew 11 for the 1st ti rm
In thu hlsturj of lluslness Colleges, Is preparesl
te give 11 nierv thorough nnd pnec tlenl course
limn ever for SA'i, Duy Course ; Wl, Evening
Course. We- stand em merit and thoroughness.
W. D. MOS.SER, Prln.,
IfdAw 1(1 N. Qiiis-ii St., latnensttr. Pa.
Maennercher Garden I
.MONDAY, JUNE3, lss'.i.
Will eipen with Iho e (limited Flthtel TYO
Ll VN V.ltllI.i:ilM. I.idles,wllheiiitgeiillemiii
tseert and lullies's positive Iv net tnlmltlesl.
tn-JI-ltel I.OUI- l-FAFFFLE, Prt.p.
A liui'llng of Hit sIik'I. holders or the
West Kiel Passenger Ititllvvitv euipaii), will
be In Id nl their etitis em Tuesilaj, June 4, ill 8
e'elislt a. in., te eeiislder the itiestlen of ne
ttptlug the piovisleiiM of ' All at t entitled nil
net le provide for the incorporation ami gov gev
eriuiieitt of street rallvvnv ceniluiules or the
eomnienvvealtli. ' Approved .Ma) 11, Il
order eirthe Issirel el ellres ters.
Al Tin.
Maennercher Garden !
I Jidies without escort and iniiien. net admit
ted te the garden
JeWmd I,. PFAEFl.E.Prep.
AI1I1.N llllus,.
A Inni-tf mil of Hnlug
Clothing; a complete stcszk te
select from. Net n thing In
Mrns or Ilejs' Outlltlliig
Things you tun call for net
rcprfM nte el. Even llm big
We Held
A Few.
moil (net pre parcel ferbj most stores) and the
be.vs In kills have Iks ii re iiie nils reel, nuil all
that's between. We held up a few kinds a reji reji
rcsenlntivts of Iho wiieli'steK'k. These Kline
llgurif can Ik' ms n lu ether stores, but lesik at
eiialll,sl)le nnd make Hit) it en, then see
ours; that leeesitiiits for our ntpletl) bumisleg
tnulc. Mens Suits, read) te put en, iHTfeet
lltllng, fcilefi'i. AII-WtMilsiit, $7,?s,jle, 1J.
If ) en liken dlcs.HV, Mull I) Rig Re.vs'bnl there
ll Is, SI In 15. We npnaciit thei $7, Ss audit)
Suit ns example of geesl vnlup. See our sleck
Underwear, Hese, Neckwear, Die Hhlrts, of
H.nmel shirts una Re)k' Shirt Wuists. All the
new und desirable thlags.
lesik Ibreivb our I'listmn Clothing
iiitnt, the tievrltlch feir suits slid trousers tei
un iu lire niul samples or our work, wilt win
iturapprcvnl. Visit the ele partment, gtt the Willi it templetn unnid of all the points of In
j,ic, s, leav e ) our ..ret, r, and w e guaruntts, ) our j ..'"i ZX!eti!Wi
Dini UllU 'iii-- 1111 laaiiin-n.
Tailoring and Furnishing
Item 3,btcrtiBcm
- tLnrtATt
The rcsnlar mertllilr irtfrtlntr OT x.
mm? Mpn'fl TltnermfliKnr1rlv. tif IjincAtrk
will Im held In the setltt rooms, en TaeUV
F.venlii,.Innc4. !, nt Rn'clerk. ThannuM
flerllen will Is held mine errnin, nnd a full
nttenelsness of mpeih-rslilp Is deslird.
It OEO. N. REVNOliIW, rrcsltlcnt.
I Miiniimrturcrs cxJNFtxmONEIth' FINE
l-AriJK IIOXFA The most Issiutimi line In
llielnllctlntes. 615 Ceinmen-e HI.. Phlladel
phla, l'n. Write ferdc-scrl tlve price Hat.
Jiinfl-TStced .
1 HACCO, KO te
New. 5 nuel IOS North Qnccn street.
thntllllly Waltz s Cigar It thf liest In the
state. KorMlest
mrlMmM.W.l H.H.. w
Apply te JOHN 1". HELD & CO.,
mafKIt Ne. 2.7 North Prince Strtst.
Efjual Ullly Waltr'a Hnvniui Killed Cigar,
. srw. 6 a im ;rmTii queen ht.
My own distillation. seplS-tfd
X The most seething rtlct'ls upon tlie skin
are fetuieJ In Wild Hevrrr lietuinet.
r con ann & newlenI
pure si inaterltl nnd never Tails tesntlsry,
l Wild Clene rlleiiiiuet.
y Jlc neil .V Cigars in tlici llv.nt
cla, Penane, VVpImIicI. Cherry unci Malac
ca, iiietinieei in nuvernini llreure.
HI lJtst KliUktrivt.
the slate, at
r .. .,A?'-f,nt"llI North Queen 8t.
for Hale. Itlcphonper semi postal card
HOWXKV ititriu
Ne 210 Ilarrlshurg Avenue.
RRASt FniT.N'mix vi.i.
J kinds
of llrnss fiiNlliii. linti. iini.i n...t
ir:. .i ... : .. . ."-.. . v," !'" "
lie" """""' se"" nonce anil 111 inchest s-
..... ..,......( iiuuvriiiiii in iiium'ni 1HJS-
ncr. Dreme, German Silver, Helder,
ictnl, etc. Patterns, Medels niul V.
nl Werk. 238 210 N. ARCH ALLEY,
r-iii.T- .11.111111. 1
Until)! t met
JMttl Lunenstcr. I'a.
'I Ihel'illsliury I lour ninniig the Rakers
il-'l . 'J ,.T..'.'.,.'.Kr "Tnul-. Address or call em A.
M.GARRI.R.H diinga. Ijinraster county, Ta.
l.urv I lour? It Is guaranteed te be the
Cheneest 1 lour miiele In Iho Uiill, d Slntcs, tak
ing all Itsiiiialltles I mom count. Je.Mwel
from forty te f-l-cly peiuiiIk mere bread te
the barrel than Heur nutde freni Winter wheat.
Glvu Un trial and be convinced. JeO-lwd
,4i .y'. '"."' Lightest Leaf or Rrciirt In lh
World, being at eirue the best, healthest ami
cheapest Heur that enn be used. Jct-lvvcl
rpHirpRICEOPpTl.I-Sm'RY FLeitm HAS
J been retliieeel, anil Is new w llhln the re-nt h
nrevcrvbedy. AsK jour Grocer for Itandtalve
iiiiuiivr. jc-lwtl
all rlsUsiirctiKled.lilid Light limed, RIs
ttilt or ccilee Imjcoihe a eertalntv. Ask v our
elCHlerfer Plllshurj'sXXXX. ' Je-lwel
The school 1 car lust nbeut rliislntr linn iiruin
the most siiccesNinl lu the history or the Um
nistcr ltiislntss College, Ne. 0' litst King
street, since Its or-anlatleii, In lse. Hiusrier
Instriicllenas Impartcslnt thlssihejel will ion!
should ceniuiantl lll.iiil eoinis'iisatleit. Senit
for part Iciilars. AeldresK
. HC. VV-EIDI.ER, Principal.
Netice Is hereby given that the partner
slilp heretofore' existing hetween the under-
lined, ns the" Enterprise Rcntllng nuil llesly
Cenipiinv, Is this elnj dissolved bv mutual con
sent. Win. C. Rncht villi continue the business
nl the old staiitl, ami all debts due the. Inte firm
must be paid te him.
Jl'NK.1, ISM. ((-,
P1m s and Fine Smoking Tobacco Iu the
t It eesle n Plis's llt.M. nnd liv. each. Genu
ine Mecrsehnuiii I'linsnt 2."h iwh
nlS-tfillt ill Dtst King Htrtsit.
Scheel 'pax,, im: duplicate Ts
new In Iho bands of the Treasurer. Three
orient. elTlr paid bt fore Jiilj 1. tllltce hours
from Ha. in. tilt t p. in.
W. O. MARsillALL.Tlensurer.
m,2x-5wdR Ne. 12 Centre Sipinre.
1 lures, GtHHl Will nnd Complete Oiillll of
one or Iho eldest nnd most nourishing hotel
sinuds lu Ijineasltr cltv enn be bough! nln.
great bargain, ir negotiations are closed out
within the next tcnebivs. Address ere all upon
Ne .12 North Duke St., Ijineaster, Pa.
Price-list eif ,-t-Jelnt WckmI RrsU, 10c., I Se.,
JV.. S's'., .IV., 4iV 75c., 51.(10, J1.V1, tl..71, JI.75,
JJ (), fi'), S-'.7., etc., up le Jij.(rt each. Ihlntc of
It Ssleliil Resls Ireni 10c. up te H'.W. Reels,
Lines, Poles, Rnlt Pails, etc., nil eqnallv low In
prlees. Wenii heiieliuiarte rs ferrishhigTat klc.
(Opposite! ljislini -Market,)
Frnllcv'sHirsniiarllliilH the best for I he bleed.
Ever bed) Is taking It. SOe.
"A Vagabond's Hener"
Is the complete novel in
Ask vetirelealer rern cop). Price 2a cciits a
luiuihi r; f-Vn jear.
! East 1"tu sun i i, Nivt Your, ltd
(Successor le L. II. Rele.)
Having pure based lhe htudms of the Inte L.
It. Rote, lam prepare el te give strict attention
le nil orders intrusted te inv care. I miiiiagest
Mr. Rele hIiusIihss during his Illness, and nm
I re pared te guiimntccisatlsfartlen.
Hi) 10-lmtlR W. T. H. OAIILE.
has removed te 1 lei liist King street, hav lug a
lull line of Fiirnll tire er ever) deserlplluu al the
lowest price". Alse Uiidcrlskiug prompt!) at
tciideel te. Cull nnd exnmlne our uimhIs.
ns-HilE II. WOI.K, lie! l-istlCingHtrct.
it in e in Ireasiiiv and win redepedliil at
the t lese of business Saturtla), June I, IS-ri. ,
w unit misisiTin.
Pulton National Rank W.KO .11
Peeples National Hank l.,se.s HI
1 Irsi NnlieiiHl Rank K.vr. id
I, J. II. Rathfon,'l leisure i oflhe Cll) of Ijiii
easier, I'a,, ele seleuiulv swear that the alsive
rctert Weenies:!. .1. II. It VI III ON, Tieasurtr.
Subsrrilifd and sworn toibefeioliuo thi 3l
dit) of June, Isss.
ltd EDWARD EDOER1.EY, Majer.
AinniviPng i:xhum Incliieltsl.
A purt) will I. .iv
Phil eilelliliiii. MllN'DAX.
j (i.v
I.fer A Git VMt'l RIP te the
Yellowstone National Park,
vils liiehli-iiliil visits ti, M Calls, Mil
vnutkis' liiiiiieiiiiiVviM the
kin. Hi. l'tiiil, .Vllniiiiipelis, Hie Falls of M hints.
It ilia, Like Vtluiieleiika, the falnetis ' Had
Ijei.Is eil Dakeit.i ,tc
Inadilltlonteaboie, PUTPKN TRlI- IN
JULY tei leading eastern li sorts,
hKPTEM HER 0, SsHsaul und Uel Tem te Yel
lowstone National Park, and Tvvu Excursions
te California.
Km Send Ter descriptive circulars, deli;iia
ting wlivllur Yvllevrktunc Nntleual Park Tour
or" it.-cii Jul) 1risi ' nrcdi'slrcd,
HI Seuth Ninth Slreet (under Continental
lleull, Phlladilphia,
, . iT ii -rf t.