HWilKBKH fii't. -i i - ri. - rrivjiT.Ti' rf. . ,, .w -,v v: -- C,,,z-VTTTT"7" : fS'l .- "jp-ji v j- i, kv,'tr ;F '"i '.,! -i'sr ,x -raegwr." m i' j.Oi..!',,. THEr iAfrOASTEft fcAfliV WTELLIOEKCBR, SkTUBDAY; JUNE 1, 1889. ft JUSE4 f erllght It purer, the h s thadew mere pleat. ant. ITe-fer ItUoe. Made mede-xt by an Inward conscleunes Of beauty that need no eequcttlah way Te charm the heart or win from lip fend pralte, Walking her rote-path, June a wreath doth tress Of blossom, which her own frch brew hall prc. White M her robe, and flne the rene that lay About her walt Its feldi In emerald maie; Beth mien and Rtnnce perlected joulhcenle. She bend te pick the btndilng garden fruit. She rttrelM where heughs their growing treasure hide; She lng, and ntnllea when bird de fellow suit; Then marki the nntramv 'thwart green branches glide Te drink the trar-dmp, beading Rrns and root Where tome raln-sprlte for Leve' wect sake lintli died. .millitm Struthert In June Table Talk. Ne Official Information. Stnte department officials absolutely lo le ellne te diwipw the Satnean conferenee or the Dehring sea tangle. Of the former they admit that matters arc In such Mhupe n te warrant the expec tation of a speedy conclusion of the con cen con fereneo, the comparatively uiilmpertiint details only remaining te be adjusted. Hut upon the previsions of thetrenty, If n treaty has yet been drawn, they rofuae te talk, further than te kv that the miblle must rccelve Its information rcsriectlng treaties in the usual course namely, after action upon them by the t'nlteel States Senate, te which body nlrtreatira must be submitted for approval befere they bex-ome operative. The obvious reason for this eotirse Hen In the fact that important amendments are often nmile by the Senile, alter treaties have been arranged by Iho diploniatie elllcers of the treaty powers. Se radical are thoiee changes. In fact, that they have catucel the l.iiluie of pending treaties, a netable Instanee occurring In the last Cenjtrcss. Se far as can be learned there is no new 'ili.ise In the Retiring sea mattnr. The president's proclamation appears te have closed the hWery of the case, and It iminet be learned that there has been any correspondence between the governments of the United States and Ureal Itritaln en the subject. Acceidlng te the position taken by the United States itoveriimotit by con gressional declaration thojurlsdlctleu ofthe United States eer the untorsen the Alas kan Hide of JlrliritigN nc.i Is net admiUed te be n subject for negotiation. Our p) em inent simply asscits its nhsolute tight and admits the cvlstcnce of no question (or ne gotiation. A lteynl Whim. Prem the June Tnble Talk. At oue time, and net se lung nge, It was tensldnrcd the height of lnclcgince for roflned people te pav se much as a choco late vvnier between their lips befere the rude public fjare. Ne less a ixjrsen.igc than England's unpen has inaugurated the etis etis tem of Ripiiingii cup of tea and eating a wafer, wlille enjev Ing her afternoon dilvc. The tea Is Mccped in some cemv enlent, tiny npp.initiiH 111 it ispirt of the no at carriage furniture, and tlie old lady enjoys the refreshtnenl with roinferUblo disregard of the hundreds of curious ejes bent upon her. ArstlN Ki.int, M. I)., lute profciwer of the principle or practice of incdlilneiiml of clini cal medicine In the Ilellnvue IlecpltiiI Mfttlfn College, haverilrlRlit'ii l)l-.eie : " Pain In the loins Is raiely a prominent Hjmptnm, and Is often uiintiiiK. This statement also applies te tenderness en pressure eirkldnc a." It I net Mifc, then fore, tn argue that ou liae niitkld ncy iliNc.iKe because Jen have no local sj nip loin, of It. Your eulj sure plan l te use Warn er's fcafe Cure as Men at the most remote nyinp nyinp temsapiear. Clear the Way 'Without less of tlme when the Intestinal canal is blocked up by ration of constipation, rluonlcer temporary. It Mietild be lieine In mind that this ailment I? prone te become last ing mid obstinate, and breed ether andvien-c complaints. He-tc Iter's Htemnth Hitters Is the prcclM! it midy te remee the obstruction clltci" uallNSlut without ilicnchlng or wiaKeuliig the blockaded bewils, ii csmscipience nlmivhte ) nppn hcudi d rrem the useer violent laxa tlcs, which are nnieti the mect pcriih leiis of the c heap nostrums km allow eil b v the millions and misinformed. 'I tie ltnt of exKri(iiee, and or the mi dleiil fraternity, sanction the claims or this Htandard apt rlent. Net only as a source) or rclkraiKl permanent reKiiHiltj te thcbcmels, ll cr and stemal h, but ns a ini-ans of ic incdj lug and iientlng kidney and bladder troubles, and tevci and ague, 11 Is Itheut a lsr. HU-cial Jteticc. llupepiy. Tills Is whut J cm ought te Imw, III ruet, Jim inusthavnlt, tefulh e-njei lire Thousands 1110 fearcliliK ler It dill, mid uieuriiliig Ikhsiusc they llud It net. 'lheus.inds iixni thousands of etellHrs nre sKnt iimuially by our iieciplii In the be3 that they majjittalii this boeu. And set It may bf had by nil. We guarantee that Klce-trlelllttei-s, ir iikedueeenlliiK te dins liens and the ui e persisted In, will bring jeu tlissl Dlgis. lien and oust the demon Dhi'l'la ami Innall Instead l'.uiiepsj. Wiire'i-eniliirnil Klectrle Itlt ters ter llsicisla, and all illseaes et I.lvcr htiimueli and Kldni'JH. sold at .VV-iiml Jl s'r bottle lis II. II. Oxliran, ilrugclbl, iJTiinillU Jt'ertli tiiicen sticvl, IJim-.islcr, l'a. (I) A Suriipiil' I'lipcu siii lieu l.in. It was Just an erdluar) sirup or wrapping pas r, but It nnid In r life. Mhe was In the last stupes of consumption, told l ph slelans that sbiiwas lmuralil unit could live enl) a short time; she weighed le-ss tliuu sevinlj pnuiids. Oaa jiluc of wrapping panr she-read of Hr. Kliu sNew Disc eer. mid get a sample bettle: 11 In l din r, she bought a large bottle, It 1 1 1 m I lit r mere, bought nnelher and grew better last, continued It iiseaud Is new- strong, lii.iltli), iesv, pji'c, weiglilng 110 iKiunds, ler fuller pice' A send stamp te tV. H.l'ele, Druggist. Jsy .-i .iTIth. 'lrlil bottles or this weiulnfiil IliMVUr. Tree at II. II. Ceibnin's clrugHteie, lT7niTd IJilNurrrrQiiecii strec't. Iiiicaster, Pa. II lliiL'klcu'H Arnica sale. TlIK IlKSTSMAhlntlmwerld rer('uts,I!rulses Seles, fleers, Kilt Itlieum, I'cxer huri's. Tetter, C'liapiied llauits, Chilblains, Cerns, and all HktiiKruptluiis, and positively cures Plies. or no pay reipilred. It Is guaranteed toglveier teglveier feet s.itisf.ii tlen, or money refiiudesl. l'rlce 'St cents per box. Fer Kiln I II. II. Ceehran, Druggist, Nih. 117 and 1W Kerlh Queen strest, Luueabtir, l'a. Juiie.7-Id Metliei-i! .Mntlic'i-H Methio-H ! ! ! Aru J en disturbed at night nnd broken of our rest by aslck child sutlerlng and erjlng with the excruciating pain or cutting teeth? If se, goat oneeauil get a bottle of MRS. WINH LOW'SbOOriUNC. SVKUP. It will relieve the oer little sutlirer Immediately depend upon 11; theie Is no mistake about It. Ihereis until mother en earth who has ever used-It, who will net tell jeu at onee that It will rega in te the bow els, and glv e re st te the mother, and relic! mid health te the child, eperitlngllke miigli'. It Is crfec!ly k.ife te use in till cases and pleasant te the taste, and Is the prescription of one of the eldest and best Icniale plij slelans mid nurses In the t'nlled Mates, held ev erj w here, 15 tents a bottle. inn) IlMjeU w )avlutac. I'l hdwari:i MARSHALL & RENGIER, 9 & II Seuth Queen St., Have Just received a large assortment or ItEADV-MADE Window Screens and Screen Deers Plain and figured Wire Cleth. HAMMOCKH, luKW'S MOWEIW, Hhr'nlOEItArOIlfc, Water Coelers and Ice Cream Freezers Olve them a cult aiid jeu will le convince 1 that It Is the clie.iwsl iiUcu In luueastcrte buy. ALSO, AM. K1NIW OK PAIMTS, OILS. VARNISHES, WHITE LEAD, And a lull line or General Hardware. febS-ljd 1889 HPItINO M)Vr.I.TIK! -AT- 1880 H. GERHARTS. The most complete assortment of Sprint; Ovcrc-eatlng EimlWh Clievlett, lil.itunal and Calmere Hulling nnd Treusering that has ever bevn shown in tills city. Weruinaiulilp the beat and nil goods venrruuted iu re iircsentesl, II, OEItllAUT. Xe. II North lHetn.-tnt. S-Only Dlns-t luipertlutf Tailor In the City of Lautustcr. OOD'B 8AR8ArABILLA. That Tired F'llng In experienced by utmewt ererjrbedy at thW -en, and many rumple resort te Heed' Karaar rllla te drive away the languor and exhaustion. The bleed, laden with" Impnrltiea whlcti have been a-cumulallng for inentl moves slug llshly threuch the vein, fSe mind Bll te think epilckly and the body Is still slower te respond. Heed's Hnrsnparllln Is Just what Is needed. It purine, vitalize nnd enriches the bleed, make the head clear, create an ppe tlte, overcome that tired feeling, tone the nervous nystem, and Imparts health and vigor tej the whole body. HOOD'S SAR8APARILLA "My appetite) wai peer. I could net deep, had headache a great deal, pain In my bark, my ImwcIi did net move regularly. Heed' fcnriimrllln In a short time did me se much g(xd that I feel like a r.ew man. My pain and aches are relieved, my appetite Improved. I ay te ether who need a geed medicine, try Heed's Hamaparllla and ee." Qeorec . Jackse. Hevbury Station, Conn. MAKIM THE WK.VK 8TRONO Ter yean I was Mck every spring, but but year took Heed's Harsaparllla and have net -en a sick day since." G. W. Hlean, Milten, Mass. " I take Heed' SarsnpnrlllVas a spring tonle nnd 1 recommend It te all who have that mis erable llirel feeling." C. rAltMKLKK, Bridge Htreet, rtroeklj n. N. Y. HOOIVH SARSArARII.l.A Held by all druggists, ft ; six rer .'. Prepared only by (J I. HOOD A CO , ljwell, Mass. 100 DOSES ONE DOM.AU (i) M cUVNES MVEIt 1'ILtS. THE GENUINE DB.C. -CELEnitATED- LIVER PILLS! Intemperance a Disease When the celebrated Dr. Hush declares! that drunkenness was a disease, he enunciated a truth which the experience and observation of medical men Is every day confirming. The ninny apparently insane excesses of these who IndiiUe In t lie use or spirituous lli-ner may thus be arceuntisl for. The true cause of con duct, vv lilt li Is taken for Inratuatlen, Is very frequently a dlsenseel Rtate or the I.lvcr. Ne or gan In the human s stem when deranged, pro duces a mere frightful catalogue of diseases, And ir, Instead or applying remedies te the manifestations or the disease, as Is tee often the case ph)slchius would prescribe with a view te the original cause, frner deaths vceuld result rrem diseases Induced by a deranged sin te of the I.iver. Three-fourths ofthe diseases enumer ated under the head of Consumption hnvetbelr sent In a diseased I.iver. The genuine Dr. C. Msl.ane's I.iver Pills, prepared by Fleming ilre , Pittsburg, Pa., are a sure cure. Mr. Jonathan Houghman, of West Union, Park Ce, Illinois, n rites te the proprietors, riemliigllrothers.errituburg, l'a., that he had Mtflercd rrem a severe and protracted attack of fever and ague, and was completely restored te healthllhy the use or the genunle Dr. C. SIcJ laiiiOH Mvpr Pills alone. These Pills unques tionably possess great properties, nnd can be taken wltliilecldedjiidvantage for many diseases reiinlilng Invigorating remedies, hut the Liver Pills stand pre-eminent ns the means or restor ing a disorganized liver te healthy action; hence the great celebrity they have attained. Insist en hnv Ing the genuine. Dr. ('. Mcljinc's I.lvcr Pills, prepared by Hemlng Urns., Pitts burg, l'a. All druggists keep them. Price S cents a box. (2) s WIIT SPECIFIC CO. O. O. Si Our III tie girl when hut thrce weeks old broke out vellh eizcma. We tried the prescription rrem several gexsl doctors, but without nnv siK-clnl I.cihIH. We tried 8. S. H., mill by the time one bettle was gene, her head began te heal, and by the time she had token six bottles she was completely eurcit. Newshc htisn full nnd heavy head of hair a robust, healthy child. 1 feel It but my dul v te make this statement. II. T. HIIOllE, Itlch Hill, Me. B-tend for Heeks en Hloed nnd Hkln Dlswn-e nnd advice teSutrcrc-s, malleil free. THE MVIFT SPECIFIC CO . (2) Dnicr3, Atlanta, (la. w EAK, UNiinvixepr.D tahts. Of the Human Itndy Enlarged, DcvcIeiskI, Strengthened, etc.. Is an Interesting advertise ment long run In our paper. In rcplj te In Itilrlcs n will snv that there Is unovldenco or humbug about this. On the contrary, thn iidvertlKcrM nre very highly Indorsed. Inter ested is rseiiiv may get seated clre ulars giving all pirtleiiliin., by writing te the EIUKMFJ'I t'AIit0.,fiHvvniiHl.l llullale, N. V. IMIu 7V-fe-efn lire. ril-bilXw. r r-z -B. gev titlr. IUIIMr HAI.K OF THE CESTItAI.MAH l.et Houses, belonging te Ibe eltj, te glve place te the New City Marke t Heuse. Ov Fiiiiiav, Junf. 7, lssti, At'Je'i lock a. in., en the premises. Ne. I, the mate rials of the market building nearest Ilia City Hall, in width Hi reel and length 117 res'l, hav Ing 11 iiinvj eat Iren Imsw, tl fist it inches long; 10 window frames, sash glass iiuil msIi weights; fJ sash mid glass In skvllghls; I'll glass doers, the paving brie k In IIiHir, gas fixtures and pipes nbeve ground, n large iiuiDiint of goeil slnineii risir,anil all ether in ill rials iiIhimi ground. Ne. '', tin matejials or the market building north or Ne. I, Tiled by ll't reel, ceiitalnliig W liiavv last-iron jiests, U feci flinches long; 80 wlniliiw frnnics, s.isli glasK anil misIi weights; .tSxnsli anil glnss In slcvllglil; L0 glass ilisirs, all the gns llMuresiind pIjhs above ground, large amount or geed slate en reef, and the paving brie k In llieer. All stalls, butcher blocks mid granite curb around both luarki t houses arc cxprihsly re serves! te the city and excepted from the) nbeve sale. llierpiirebase rer purchasers must takedown the biilldliigN and lemeve from the premises and the streets all Hie materials within twelve davs from day or sale, vlr., by and en the luth mi or June, ifvsy. jei;i. i. li AINr.s, la or June, IKsa. JOEI. Ia HAINI.s, in SOJl.S.S.isl Clialrmaii Market Committee. 8 sKCUHE A HOME FOIt YOUH FAMILY. Secure a Heme for Your Family. FOR SAI.n ON Till: MOST MIIKRAL TKRMS. Tne,ter brick dwelling houses, lets 120 rietdiep, en Ijinciister avenue, between Wal .nut and Ix'men streets. Twe-story brick dwelling houses with man siiril roer, peirclies In frunl, lets 1 te ret t deep, en North l'ine, between Chestnut and Walnut strec ts. TwiMlery brick dwelling houses with front v arils, Iren rcnees. let. 1V feet deep, en West Walnut, between Mary and Fine Mreets Twe-story brick dwelling houses, lets 111 feet etceii, en W'est I-einen strcet, Ijetween Charlette 111 ,, v.1 i-i ary streets. aiiu ai '1 hrce-sterv brick dw elllng houses, lets 1 W feet diTp, w 1th all tlie modern linprnw-nitnts, front arils, en Wct Chestnut street, between Fine and Ncvlustrttts. Alvi beuses en l!ast Walnut, North Lime. North Mary, bctwi cu Walnut and I.cmnn, nud I iciiieii, between Marj and Flne streets. All the above beuses are In gexxl order, newly iHipertHl, gas tlxtures In all thn rooms, w iter In the kltclienamd the cellars warrantesl te lie dry. Cillaiid stsjfer jeurstir, no trouble te show jeu. JNO. F. fSHIKL.U'ieeHle.r. i tevvii eiitn-i. I r.xecilter. W.kV... ........, , M2 North Mary Street. arrCi5-lel,.M,W,S. Ittneic. A TUSICAL HAHUAINH. Kirk Jehnsen & Ce., Have the largest and Finest block of Pianos and Organs te Iw seen In ljinrastcr. In our Hnuill Ware Department jeu will find llarmeiilcas, Accordeens, Violins, Iliinjes, Gui tars and hmull Musical Instrument of every description. F'lucst Imperlesl Strings. Hcudcunrtcrn for all the iJitestNeveltleslnOurLliie. Prlccsgiiar antessl te be the Iut. Sheet music sold at one-lhlrd less thancaui thancaui legue prleeand mailed te all purls of tliutoun tliuteun tr Tcarlicrs will please write for Hpcclul Price. Secniid-lland Hargiiln Departineiit ; Onei lis ter bepiare Piane, almost new : one Oahle Siiiire, one Darloii,ene Ntw Luglundall In geed order, and Ihei prices will suit en, one. HiMngK.ii.ire Plane-n great bargain. Oeent Secsiud Hand Organs nt prlivs that will surprltu you. KIRK JOHNSON & CO., Ne.II West King Street. i-l' S.- Pianos, Organs mid l'ine Furniture mevisl Call anil uxumine the Hi'W Harris Music Hinders. uj)d.vw A CHOTE, ' UNDERTAKER, .Yep North Queen street. I am new prepared tnat- iviiu ij uii UIMI.-I ill my iiur, lllltl W III mil five veiny isrsun.il inn iitlun te the Im.iness ut all tlims. I uiu preisired te pre serve bodies b) tuibaluilug them or with cold air, as in J) m ill sired. A. I . HOTK, iu7lmd Ne. an North Uuttu btreU H TAI inra celery compecnd. It Makes Yeu Hungry "I havausedFnlne' Celery Compound nnd It has had n salutary effect. It Invigorated the system and I feel like a new man. It Improves the appetite and facilitate digestion." J. T. CerKLAsn, Primus, 8. c Paine't Celery Compound l a unique tonic and appetizer, rieasanl te the taste, quick In It action, and without any Injurious effect, It give that rugged health which make everything teate geed. It cure dyspepsia and kindred disorder. Physician prescribe IU 11.00., Six for $MO. Druggist. WitUJi, RtcitARmeit A Ce., Durllngten, Vt. DIAMOKD DYES triU7?T- S-vu II ACER A BROTHER. HAGER & DleE SPECIALTIES FOnTlIE SEASON EMBRUItlEIIED IIEMSTICHED FLOUNCINOS. auti'UiiE rt,eujfciKOB. 44-INCH 1ILACK LACE FLOUNCINOS. FISH XKTS, TOSCAltBTS. WHITE AND CREAM JACK Fl-OL'NC- 1NOS. WOTTED SWISS, COItDEH I1(UE T,he Neveltle of the Rwisen, 1IOLT1NO CLOTH, Hand Tainted. WHITE SATIN, Feather Edged, JAI-AKB4E, minted. HHCeRacBROTHSR, Nes. 25-31 West King Street, BL ACK HII.KH. Metzgrer & Haughman CALL ATTENTION TO LOTS OF SPECIALLY CHEAP BLACK SILKS! At $1.00aLXici $1.25 Per Yard. Without Doubt the Beit for the Meney Ever Offered. METZGER& HAUGHMAN, i Nes. 38 and 40 West King Street, Lancaster, Pa. - j- (opresmjTiiu cooper neusfe) -T ARU Jt McELHOV. BiLRD 3c Mcelrey, Nes. 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, Opposite Fountain Inn IinKKS flOOD-Hpeclnl Bargains In lll'uek Henrietta Cleth at av, av, 40e. Our ftae eiunlllv All Weel, 40 Inches wide, extni value. Next grade 40 Inches wiile. Tftc : worth HTie.vv grade 4fl Inches wide. H71v:c! Iirlnu v our anienics oisi.eiiiiualltv and eemnare villh tins '. gnine m inciics uic, ji.esi ; regular price, 51 81.50 grade Is 2 Inches wide, actual inensiiri' r.;4. v, -j.i, .i, ; j, i, im nun 7a cems. i ne nnd myelin the city COIlHETH-CorselsatS5c,il9c,tt',75e, 11.00. The II. H. Dress Ferm Corset nt 11.00 is net equaled at les than SI.25. HOSIERY The best value In Hosiery In the city. Ijiilles' nnil Men's 1,3, t unit 4 mlr fur'AV. IjulleVnnrt Clillelren absolutely Fast Black Hese, tvv e pairs fur sSic. UNDi;ilVi:AIt iJidles. Mull's mid Children's Meilluni Weight Undcrvi ear. cheap. Ijidles', Blblieel Vests, 1JU, S5,cV0,7Secnt. Ijnlles' (inure Vests from !Bci up. Indies' Hummer Mi rlnn Vests,50e. Jle ns (liiuin Vests from Zee: up. One lotet Men's firey Mixed llalbrlggan iJnderwear ati'K'; worth We. See these Men's Jean liniwersiita'H)iindfOc. One let of Men's Hllk Hiindker clilefsataTKi! regular pries1, 75c j this Undecided bargain. OlljfJIjOri!- We carry a largersteck of HiMir and Table Oil Cleth than line oilier retail Dry CIixhIs IIoiike In Lnnewstcr. Wei luive cenrliidcd te make a Hpcelal Hnln of llesir Oil Cleth. As this Is house eli lining lime, and she'ild ) oil waul te replenish, eome and see us IT oil want bar gains In Fleer Oil Cleth. BICVCI.K.S lleforejeu buy a IllejeloerTrlejcln call and sew uh. Agents for Ilia Primler Hafely Blcjcles. Alse different makes for liny and girls. Hulcty IMcclesnud Trlejeles. Bicycle Hese only Wc. lllejele IIoscHupperters enlj 'i'Kiiiieli. AGENTS FOR THIS SECTION, DEA LERS IN DRY GOODS H0S. 33 AND 35 SOUTH QUEEN BTKEET, Opposite Fountain Inn. TLTJTlMXIll'lOTIIUCOUlil'lIOUHri " FHHNESTOCK'S. We have opened (luring the past week u full line of Hummer Wash Fabrics and l.lghl Weight Weel Dress floods, consist Ing of White, Black and Creaai India I.lneiis, Black hreneh mufjjmncv tic Ijivii at 1JJJ and 25 cents. The best assortment of Zcphjr Ginghams shown hi this city at H, 10, l.1;; and IS cents. fO) Yards Plain Cream Cruiy Cleth nt Yl4 cents. Siet cli Ginghams and Zephyrs at 20, '21 and 23 cent. A full slexk of French and Demestlu Knteens at l'-'K. 10 and 83 cents. Batiste In Plain Cream and Figured nt 10 mid 12) J cents. Challlcs In both Cotten and Weel. Fluid and Cheek Nainsoek In While nnd Black, Fancy Open Werk White Dress Htufls. A great variety of Embroidered Fleuurlngs. All-Weel Creiim Tenuis Flannel, IJ nrds wide, nt 75 cents; sold everj where at 11.(0. Alse a geed selection of Hunshiides nnd Fans, FAHNESTOCK'S, Nes. 35 and 37 East King Street, - Lancaster, Pa. JUntcltce. H. Z. ItHOADS & bON. LOW PRICES. Following will be found a llt of goesls-lew prleed-nlwavs In our steck: Child's Geld Finger BliiRs.srs., Misses' Geld Finger Kings, 73c.; Ladles' Geld Finger Kings, l 00; bleeve Buttens, 23c., Me., 11.00; Cellar Buttens, 2.V. te J1.00; Diamond Cellar Butten., S2.00; Ijidlee,' and Misses' Brcietplmi.ZV. te 11.00; Mourning Finland Ijirrlngc, 23e. te 15 00; llnicelets, 2.V. teJIO; Nickel disks, fl.a), K.jhl4 Manlle('leck,f3.75; Ijielle' bold Watches, fn.73; Nickel Watches, 51.00; Hllver Watches, 110. -Kepnlrliig In all brandies by gexxl workmen and all work iriirrnuted. H. Z. RHO ADS & SON, .Jewelers, Ne. 4 WEST KING STREET. arwrt B AHGAINH I (JO Shirk's Carpet Hall ! - FOK Wilten, Velvet, Bedy Brussels, Tapestry, Ingrain, Damask and Venetian, Rag and Chain Carpets. OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, ice. "Vt. IlAvr.Tur I.-viuiifiT ami Ukxt Stock intiii.Citv. H. S. SHIRK St SONS. Cor. West K'1 and Water Sts., Lancaster, Fa. Spring medicine mean mere new-a-dy than It did tin year agtv The winter of IMi-tO ha left the nerv e all lagged out. The nerve must Ie strengthened, the bleed purified, liver and tiewel regulated. Paine' Celery Compound the Spring medicine of today does all this, a nothing else can. lrecrtbed by Physicians, Ilccemmcndcd hy Druggist, Endorsed by Min ister, Guaranteed by the Manufacturer tube The Best Spring Medicine " In the spring of 1887 1 w all run down. I would gel up In lha morning with e tired a feeling, and was se weak that Iconic! hardly get around. I bought a bettle of Falne's Celery Compound, and berore I had taken It a week I felt very much better. I can rheernilly recom mend ft te all who nerd a building up nnd strengthening medicine." Mrs. II. A. Dew, nurllngteu, Vt. IACTATED FOOD ?h0e"F'AMnLCfaVerrr.e:'J- Hioeb: BROTHER. HANDKERCHIEFS, Embroidered, 12e, lie, 38c. te W; Hemstitched from KM te GOe ; Fancy Bordered , e te 2.se Mourning Handkcrehlels. DRESS TRIMMRsGS. Fine CutJct FnssainentJrles, Bend and 911k Fnssamentcrle, Black Bilk Crochet Trimming, Persian Band Trimming, Cut Bleet and Brente Trimming, 811k Jet and Isteel Ornament, Silk nnd Weratexl Braid (all color), Fringes and MnrobeutTrlmmlng. HUTTONS. Crochet Plain and Fancy, Jetj Brenz nnd Steel, rearl and Ivery, In great variety, Dress Shield. MERINO AND BILK UNDERWEAR. Bpeelnl Bargains In laulle' IllbbedSllk Vests, Indies' Illbbcd Lisle Vesta, Ladle' nibbcsl Cotten .Vests, Ladle' Onnie Merine Vesta, Misses' and Children' Ribbed Vests, 13t, lee, 10c. ics ui 9i.eKiiiiaiiiy iiuu ruiiiiiurn eeiiu linn lyi'jf Nnkf ee, Jl.a'i. llargiilns In Black Hllk at 7.V, Jl.tn). t(7KfS J "I isiire. extra iiuallty. Dress (lexds from Thi up.JVTalnsat ) be-it Hue of Drenn (Jlnghams nnd Tolle du Nurd at V,i, 8, 10 Sc Mcelrey; et'-U J wi'r flail. BA HO AINU I TO- - ?alace of jstvltlett. ' A 8TRICH BROB. ASTR1CH BROS. PALACE OF FASHION, 115 & 117 NORTH QUEEN STREET. Arfbther let of Sateen Cor sets which will be sold at 29c, every afternoon between 2 and 4 o'clock. Friday is Plush Day. 1 6-inch Silk Plushes for 29c ; 19-inch for 49c; $1,25 Mole skin Plushes at 98c ; only 3 yards te each customer. Seme big Bargains in Hosiery. Ladies' fine quality Fancy Striped Hese, at 25c ; worth 40c Ladies' Fancy and Black Brilliant Lisle Hese, dropped stitch, at 37c ; worth 75c. Ladies' Colored and Black Cotten Hese, 4 pairs for 25c Special job, former price 10c a pair. Opened te-day 50 dez. Ladies' Black Silk Jersey Mitts, at 20c a pair ; worth fully 25c. 25 dez. 15-inch long Lace Mitts, at 25c a pair ; worth 50c Upened te-day the grandest line of New Flowers ever seen here. Wc are making a dis play of them. One show case, 44 feet long, stocked with new and elegant flowers. Come and leek at them. We call your special atten tion te our larjre stock of La dies', Misses and Children's Jerseys and Blouses, which wc arc selling at way down prices. Second fleer, take the elevator. 1 00 Beys' Suits at $2.75 a Suit. Goods which have been $4 and 4.50. We have closed out a large let at a great sacrifice. The patterns all are new and beautiful. Twe new numbers at $5 a Suit. Come and sec them in our Shew Window. J Great reduction in the price of Kilt Suits from $4 te $3.25 ; $5 ta 4 ; $5.75 te 55 ; $6 te 5525 ; $675 te $6 ; $7.50 te $6.50. They are small lels, but they must go. Your attention is again called te our Ladies' Waiting Roem, with Ventilating Fans ; it is the most beautiful and coetest place La the city. It is entirety at ''u'h:.. disposal. An elegant J was ia 4 place1' " ps&tveur incnds. All bundled 'wnK" r.Hecke c . ativeral IiIkIi eru- at our store free el Lwte.ance I niatter where tney were bought, ASTRICH BROS., 1 1 5 & 117 North Queen St. Crijlim fiall. II I Kill A MARTIN. China Hall. If ) en want te irplare any article of Crockery or (iliiMrare that may be broken III mevlliK, or If en wlh te replace! old or farnluli new China Hall I tha place te set rcllaltle vrnre at the Leu ml Price.. WAIUM OUAIIANTKHD. Exchanged If Net Satlsfacterj. High & Martin, NO. 15 EAST KINO STREET. elU-lfd tfavnter.. 11 AltNKSH. HARNESS. HABERBUSH'S 30 Centre Square, LANCASTER, TA. Saddles. Harness. LAP BLANKETS, Trunks, Bags, Harness Oil, -ANIJ- General Stable Supplies, -AT- (HCCCCMOKTOM. IIAUKKIIL'ICH AHeX.) SIGH OF THE GOLDEN HORSE HEADS. (L'ei.l. r UMIIKIt ANIICOAU I J TflllAI CCIHIKHIKHANUCAHIW. WJMr. KUNIIAIII) WOODS. Wlielc-Milei and Itclall, uy II. ILMAltriNAtn, iiS-lyil 12 WutvrHlrcct. Luiica.tcr,"Va. IV AUMUAHUNKItSCOMi'ANY. COAL DEALERS. 0 wt m-Ne, la; North yuce-iiHIrc-tt, and Ne. 681 North I'd me trctt. YAUUrt-Nurtli I'rluoe Hlrtcl. near lU-udluc Vt it. auglft-Uil LAMCArU'EKA. Chas. E. Ilakkli's, efutrelturfJ Ty IDM YER'S CORKER. AN ADVANTAGE YOU SHOULD NOT MISS. Th advantage of aalnrtlni from the Urge-it and mewt complete) tec-k Of FURNITURE wj cvrr orftred, and ena which rniint aatUfy mmt anyone. It li well clectd, the newest In dcilgn, gexxl and Lew Priced Tli advantage iif rrlrc'tlni from an., ri a itnrk la an Important ronnldrratlen, and aaaurra tlie liirrliar pcrfecl atlnfactlen. vv e rre nevrr In better thapci teirrr jren. Ii there anything you want In Furniture T IF SO, CALL AT WIDMYER'S FURNITURE STORE, CORNER OF E. King & Duke Sts. HK INITSICB. Yeu Must Buy FURNITURE. Your heiiwe will net he eximfertaltln without einetlitiig te makn it attractive, te jeunlf, j our iieUliber and y our frlrndn. Oiiralm Is te aid In making It attractive and comfertalile for you at thn Irani pnnalble coat with furniture) reliable and widl made. Our live Beene are parked te ttielr utmost, from vrhle It tocheohc. Nice Torch Clialra,llmichcandIteckcr,Camp Ohatraand Cela. HEINITSH'S Furniture Depot, THK PEOPIX'U SHOPPING PI-AOE, 27 A 29 Seuth Queen St e CMS A UlltlW OCHS & GIBBS, Furniture, A Lucky 'Chance. 2d, 3d & 4th Floers, 31 S. Queen St. A reliable manufacturer made a let of special new designs in Oak and Ash Bed Roem Suites and Sideboards for a New Yerk dealer, who fails, and cannot take them. We made a hard cash offer for them, and they arc here, at prices near cost el making. A chance for you if you're furnishing. New style. ,Avcll-made Furniture for any "M ,", . , f, ;vcr,ieionettiuuj house at very small wj.it k? upt 't.f,.. muu., in(.ua. wens tt.v.(V4uua, manu facturers and De.iTWSvad, 3d and 4th FIoerj, 31 S. QueeiiSt.- alllyd tlittcltc. . -yyATiim. Walrln-K, cleickH, Jcaeilry, Hiiccii, Kyc.Jlaiic, Kit, at IA3WLHT I'llICM. Optleitl (lixxln. TclcKraiili'Ilmn Dally. Every Article In 111 In Linn Carefully Jtepalred. Leuis Weber, Me. mXNertUQueenSt., near P. K.R.BUtlen. e UH LA ltd U AND INCItKAHKI) Watch Sales In due te the fact Unit no liavealwaya a large and choice Meck te kelict from. THAT WKHL'LL TUB Best Watch T KOH THK LEAHT MONEY. riiat WK DO NOT HELL WHAT WE CANNOT UUAHANTKE. Ilujfra ulietild apprcclala our rITerU te elve Kernel Keala, and nin ileivnil 111011 every llTlug we 111 te te a re precntcd, HERR. Jeweler, Ne. 101 N. Queen St., COHNEK OK OHANOB. TKWELEIl AND OITICIAN. Jeweler and Graduate Optician. GRADUATING PRESENTS. Latent and Clielcrat Nevcltle. for (Jmiliiatlng rrcfccntn. Watilieu, Clialim, rcim, IVnrlU, Kant, linn kIc, Jewelry, etc., etc. EXAMINATION OK EYIM KItEE. NO 1)11018 UHED. CHARLES S. GILL, 10 West King Street, LANCA.HTi:il, l'ENN'A. Jjttntutcv Uoevto. ST. CJIAIILI-34, .VI LA NT! G CITY. Ocean and Delaware Avenue, will ejien TjlLMiv hav, Ji-NKHth. inj-J2 2md JONAH WOOTTON, J11. I lOIELNOUMANDlE. II AIIMIOCITY. NOWOriv'. Under New .MaiiiiEemeut. T. f. (HLLKITK, Proprietor, Ijiteef Colenade Hetel, l'hlladclphla. liilSuid rniiEPiiOiiiDA. 1 PACIKIU AVENUE, Iletwec-n N. Y. Temirmcc Ave. Hrktliuii management. Term re-awjiuible. Will eixjn June Nt. DAVIS IIHOWNE. Ill) -l-.'ilid SUtcvm'ue. T UTHhlt H. KAUI'KMAN, AITOUNEY.AT-IVW. loce-eud Kleair Ekhle uirtll h&Yt Uulldtng. Ne. U Werth Duktbtrl. jnyd4w i"iej" . pnsAmSSeAV FASHION, ii B BARGAINS IN SHOES, i ea Junt received, direct from the nictecy, err ,M one tlifitiknnJ rl r r.ii... . . - . - ,' s --...n ,..,n ... iMtiirn eutx. inn wvww a made and Hamped te be Held for KMtt,yA but the party failed Were the geed were .! i iihcd 5 no I made them an WTe-r at the factor ty le, and lam offering yen tlieae aheea for tl J 3, j nrtKiHtnur hair ir1 ..i. -- m Kr 1 p. stackhedseI; Be thin u a rre chance te tret ft ftUO the for 1 $1.50 nnd $2.00. AUe a let of Mcn'i and Bejr Vl iiwi nvMu vimiii( vuivtKlll, mil linC Ol Blnck nd Tan Oxford Ttci for Ladlec, MImet nnd ChlMrr n ui the tewwt ptlctn tn the rtty. D. P. Stackheusc, 28 aad 30 EAST KOTO VXtXEt, LANCASTER, PA. a-lyd4ir rpllE REFORM. Ladies' Spring-Heel Shee! Tlme l the test which Iim proved Hint this aclnt shoe, lnttttrnlly plinpccl, completcly fills a lenr-fclt vvntit. Spriug licels nre of great importnuce te Lndlca, who want a ahoe that will relieve the atrnln 011 uiiisuks of the Imck. Every physi cian will recemnicml them. Tuclr practical uacfuliicics becenica appar ent as their merits beceme butter known by trial. These who suffer from nllinentu of the feet, and es peclally weak attklcH. will find sjicetly relief, as they allow the feet torwlse)iiarclyen thefireunel. Itla net iieccaaary, as many suppose, lu order te pain the advantage of thte shoe, that tmtwartl appearance! ahetild 10 sacrificed, for this Is a fetO covering of Reed deslcrn. of intrinsic worth te growing girls who wear Ladles' sl7.es, and te Ladles who are en their feet a great deal. We hear words of praise from many custom ers lining them. Can be furnished lu two kinds of material efe-such weight as is always needed: the Bright Dongola, with flexible soles, se constructed as te glve elasticity te the step, and a geed Pebble Geat, where alittle heavier shoe Is wanted Wldtlis, D aud . Prices, (2.00 and 13.60. SHAUB & BURNS, tl Vniivtt riiu'ru Klrr t.itfitlBrvii Df. 1 mar2S-lydw B OOTH AND 8H0EH. OUH- ... ..' v Maui'.. l.lulif 1'l.iu.knrn.l .n4 IIOCJII, Hoek-ljieoC'niiv an Hliw, with rubtxity Trunin, Oymuanliimi), Uane Itall, etc, Sr 9,(1.21. The regular prlc of llieae e tl.W, hut we heilttlit a Jeb Let." Wli' are all vre don't think wc can get any m acll at thin price'. Men' WIkwiiiiik, fl: Ijullen. 75c: Ileya. &(. and Clilldren'alVk. TIicm, tee, urn a "Jeb Let." Next let wilt have te Imi neld ut regular price. Mru'a, llejs' and Youth' Tan Tip Ilegular Cut, Heek-Lace Hlieen, lje per mlr; hotter grade) of Men' at 12, IJJiO and IX Mcn'a Tip Tan Lew Luce Hhee at tl JO and K. Ileya' Vitil Calf iJicc, Ilutten and Cengrc Hliecn, klzca 3 te li,;, 11.25. Wu Iivn one of the largest line and auerU menta of Mm', Ileyt' and Youth' Calf Den gnlit. and Kangaroo Hlierit lu thee Ity. IjiiIIci' I'lal ii Tem Tan Oxford, 7S.andttp wiirdn. Ijullm' Tin Tan Oxford, lie and unward. IM ffl BMTI b "Si .Heer'" PRICES Idlcri' 1'uteMit Leather Tip Oxford, 75c and WJS iipwaril. v-t lAdlen' I'laln Tee. Dongola Oxford, 73e, and upward. Tlie two lat mcntlennl uliecn beat auythlnc "i we flveraaw for the money, .- i&aie jvm ui.r nnpivr, uvc. anei upwarea. M The One-Price Gash Heist. Tbe leaders of Lew Prices -IN- Beets and Shoes. 3 & 5 East King St., LANCAbTEIt, PA. fit k mm, rs-Mlere closed e cry livening nt 0 0Jee.., V 9 pi Monday nnd baturdajv - ' --' -2 rep &COB. FenDersmith's Bookstore, Opposite Court Heuhi) I the I'LACE te IIUY all tha Jlimt Talked About, at Price UELOW theJ'ublUUcr' Price. ' MAIUIAItS." hy Ebcr. " (IllEIKENbTEIN," by Crawford. " THE ALPINE KAY,'! by WUtcr. " PAHSE n08E." by Hardy. 'JOHNHEimiNCI," Gould. m30trd yitotearapha. R OTE. I JUST RECEIVE0 FIIOU J KeBnigsburg, Prussia, we Hackgroend made eupeclally fjr llutar TlintMiuartcr length PhetewraplHk ROTE x J? 60 1-2 North Queen 8t.,v Next Doer te Ute Pejtejej, ilT-uld v , 3! it m iW L-r. L. si'& g.K'ei ,&, C- cf i 1 . lH-f'Vi, -fi-JWX-. . L .