JF v - THli LANCASTER DAILY IOTELLTOENCEB, SATUBDAy, MAY 25, 889 r ?S Bl B? ,2i IS F? y- K& " fit ly ftfi OfrHIS BIRTHDAY. CH. MllIL flNOTB mUi Tfl TAKE fCtfE M TCE8I1T AFTERSM. Set-rlec In the Clitirchc en Sunday. i9atJGta of Some'or the Sermon. A "terwit" Gntna of nnll. Columbia. May as. llcv. It. I. AMiten, of Lancaster, will prcneh In the llaptliit charch, comer Sevcntli and "Walnut street1, Sunday morning anil evening. ltcv. F. .T. Hay Mown, of SI. Paul's IM church, will take- for his Sunday evenlng Mtmen "A Special Talk with Hailre.nl Men." Rev. W. 8. Ulnman, of the Second street Lutheran church, will preach en Sunday morning en the subject "The U ninth of CJirlttlanlty." Evening subject, a memo rial wtmim en " Patriotism Hew Prc Mrred and Extended.'' Rer. E. Littlvvlck, of Iho V. II. church, will preach en Sunday inernliig en the subject. "The Christian n Priest." Eveu lng subject, "The Superhuman' In Our Religion." ReV. tJee. (taul, orilie Methodist church, nfll nraach en Sunday inertiliiR en the mihjcfl, "Eternal llcfilge and Everlasting J e Hemes." Hen. vveisii pest, -e. ut, u. a. Rfwlllwttrnd servlcm In the Methodist lliifrcli en Sunday evening. The funerul of the latoX'el. Samuel Shech will be held en Tuesday afternoon at .1 o'clock : wrvlccs at IiIh late residence en Locust street. Tite funeral vv 111 be held en the ninety-second nnnlvcrmiry of hlH birth. Rev. M. 3. Mcllrlde, of llarrlnburg, vvni In town te-day attending te some. Imslnem connected with the otate or the lute ltev. James Igee. II. U. Rhodes manager of llin ItrrnUI, left town yesterday f for n tiip te (lie hc.i shore .Otllecr .Scliill arrestud Steve lliirrclls, colored, last night for drunkenness and disorderly ieniliiit, en complaint of l.inni.i Afyilcy. "lie. vvai taken hcfern .Squire, Hei'jy, who sent him te jail for ten days. A game of hnse ball u an played yesterday afternoon bclvv ecu the Columbia hlgli school and a club Iruiu Wright i Hie, in vv hlch the former club was badly defeated. Thu scorn wns'J) te 2, In favor of the visitors. Pnxteu and I-cv ergoed.llic battery Ter llioWrlglitn llieWrlglitn llioWrlglitn vllleclub, retired clglitern of the ether Hub en strikes. A little child named lllliur was playing at its home last evening when a fall ic KUlted In a dislocation of the arm. The family physician attended te the little child's injury. Twe young men were playing hull last evening en Second street, when the hall struck a lady walking along the pavement, causing a suvere brulse. The water furnished for di inking pur poses is still very bad and the complaint about the dls.igree.ihle taste Is lucieasiug. The valuable Kottcrdeg " Dallas," belong ing te Miss Katie flossier, was badly In Jurod this morning en Ijbeust stiect by being lilttcn en the foreleg by another deg. The Columbia shirt factory his been running tw-e nights this jveek,iv lug te the large number of union te he tilled, and will likely continue te de se for an blip. The Columbia Dramatic association will repent "A Knight of Ijiber" in the opera neiiM) en Thursday evening, May ;se. -The Sulllviin Dramatic Company. Last evening tlicre was auethur small audience, at the opera heusu wliun IX 1. Sullivan's dramatic celnpiny appeared for n second time. The ceiniiany has net ilone the business that Itilescrvcymll isa strong Attraction. The play last evening was "A m Mmi from Texuh," a new drama depicting life In the Seuth before the war. The whole company did well nnd te-night (hey will clese the engagement with ''The Serpent en the Health." Suit for Daiiiiines. 'Cenrad K. Bergman te-day mitcicd suit In the court of common pleas against I'.ll Houdera for damage', llergman claims that through the negllgenee of Hende lie lestn mare valued at $1.7), and for that sum this suit is brought. Hearing Centliiutul. Friday evening was designated for the hearing of Henry Itelaud, charged vvllh assaulting his wife. The pu tic asked for a continuance until this evening, and by that tim it is prebable the suit will be amicably arranged. ATIi!fel.t'KKiHl lilcken. t William Hern, of Seuth tjiiecu street, has a curiosity in the shape of a three legged chicken. Thufewl is new scvcial 'weeks old, ivcll lualhcied ami very llvcl.v. The three legs are all lit a tow, two being en the right bide. Many people have already seen It. Funeral oil Miturdtiy, The funeral of Jehn W. Amer, brotheref C. II. Amer, of this city, will take place en Saturday in Washington. The burial there In only tcmemry, tlie final liiteriuciit te be made in Philadelphia. Extract! efCciihiiM of IhtXI. Frem the New Yerk Ilrrnld. HviiiiAUi.ieHvMs The hvdniulle rums of Iho United States aie tinning and ic ic preducing their kind in a oace and pro fusion with which the tuiltl en wool lias undoubtedly had iimch te de. Fat Professional KlilU'laus throughout the country show an unparalleled gain in prosperity slnce thn last iciisus. All due, It may rcasenablv be Inferred, te the t.irltl en "fat." .OucKiis: Taihit o.s-The wav In Whiih egg-plant lias tiiiivel this e.u NhoHhew much can boaeceiupllMlKHl bv a ItttTe encouragement te native iudustrv. v It udtnet be deuliteil that much et this vlgor'cemes from the tarlll en ihUkcus- net ler breeding purposes. , rm.iTU'Ai. I'u.viiii:-, Without wishing te claim tee much ter America's gicatest pride (TJie American System) It seems fair te say that the unusual depicssieu in the Kngllsh jKjlltir.il "pcuir1 nep is net shared lyr our pretrs-ttsl Delauarn dealers ""in HiinuScIeus fniit. EnucAiie.vAj.Siin Down i The tHliiai tHliiai tienal iullucnec of recent t.icfeiv "l(K-k outs" and "shutdowns" Issegreat as te descrve citendtsl notice in enrueM census lilllctiu. Owing te the kindness of their philanthropic, employers a considerable proportion or American f.icterv operatives .are able te iloveto fully half their time te Rtudy and self improvement. Freetraders, wiie would like te kecp these lulellli-iu voters In a btate of degnultsl IguuraiKe, will vainly complain of this necessary educational leisure. Takifi, Kni;c.u ienai. Im'i.uknvim or -Without mentioning names it seems only fair te the mptrellcr of the cen sus te commend beveral large em ployers of lalx)r for their etlerts te teach their men foreign languages. In one case one gentleman, at great exiiensc Im twrted 5,0tw Italian!, In order te allow Ills leniiKirarUy Idle empleves te learn Italian by the best method (orally). The whele OKlery village, owned by this gentleman, new itpeaks that language with absolute fluency. ct without the tarlll this vitilige could net exist. Cemment isusuuiieccs naryaslt would be out or place in uov uev mment publication. h Queer Sert eri'lay. Frem Time. Mrs. Kiddlct-Wliy, children what's nil this noise about T Utile Jamie We' ve hail graud'pepaml Uncle Henry lecked in the cletct for an hour, an' u lieu they get n little madder, I'm celng te play 'going into the lien's Hfe." AliWIlt-.MIllded. Frent the Epoch. (The prohibition quertien is being ear iicMly discussed in Fennsvlvaula.) "JL,?.reu nniireve of licenser" abked one 1'hlfadeliihia girl of nuether. "Iudcel,r don't. I think we ought tu : Ut JJuyed te uiarry wjtheut eue." CHICAGO llltESSED BEEF. A Depot Fer tta Sate Sew CitUbtl-thed In This City. The Incnster Reef company, under the management of Mr. Frank It. McClaln ejicnccl its market nt the corner of Mul berry nnd James street several weeks age. A local butcher visited the establishment yesterday and anw sunielcnt te convlnce him that the prejudice eroded against Chicago dressed ccr In the Hast n fevV years age, when It was llrst Introduced, was net borne out by facts. The meats nre kept In a rcfrlgcrnter fttxaS feet in illmenslens. Tlicvnre i-enstantly In an even tempera;, turoefthlrtv-elght degrees. ejuartPM of lieoves tlieiiualltynrwhlch will cetuiKirc Willi the linest found in the bcl eenducteil meat store dealing In home grown steers, were Insiicctcd by the butcher nnd round te be almost frercn. Manager McClaln slated that sonie people were under the Impression that it was bv some chemical method the Western meats were e well preserved. Nothing but cold air Is used. Alter the meats am dressed at Su Hi's abattoir, Union stetk yards, Chi- . .,... ...... ..t.M.1 I. efrtinfitif 1'tlHt ("1JJO, IIH'V Hill Jlli."l HI Mlllui'""! ....,. IMIIII lOr IHO SJS,H'1.II IHIJSl-. 1VMIIU HI tnmslt liy Tast rrclght te t-mcaster the meats become thoroughly cooled. Wlinn the cars arrive nt the depot, nt Mulberry street, their burden Is ipilckly transrerrcd te the llilrty-fighl degree refrigerator. Scientists ileclnie this beef te be healthiest, becaiise animal heat us well ns germs ir or iinv kind must disappear under the frceIng prm ess. It will be conceded by everyone visiting the Iinenster liecf com pany's plant th.it the meats are In the con dition they should be. Resides beef the company (.ells lamb nnd mutton. iiNe all kinds of cured ineats li mi, shoulder, bacon, liolegua, tongue, dried beer, etc. Many biitihcrsortlie city and county are new supplied with beer bv thoabovoeom theabovoeom thoabevoeom itmv. Their iirelll Ibieiigli buying dressed beef ranges iiem liny cents te one dollar mi each hundred weight, One thing the butchers here can llepeml uku: Ne matter what quantlt v or beef tliev enler they w III lie promptly" supplied. Ilctween liveiind six million K)iiinlsef Chicago dres(sl beet are sold animallv in the Philadelphia and New Yerk markets. Ill fait, It Is popular everywhere In the Hast, and Iho public are beginning te distinguish Ihedilfurencn lc Iween It and lliu meat Irem bruised and r.itlgned cattle bteiiglit from the West In small cars. Manager McClaln Is courteous and oblig ing, alnvs willing te show customers and visitors ii 1 1 that Is te be seen around the establishment. He has competent assist ants, and orders am lllliil at the exact time appointed. Mr. McClaln stated that only a w holesnle business Is being ilone. Net less than a tpiarteref beef is sold, and no transactions am made with consumers. This Industry Is te bn maintained by butchers ami grocers, w he w ill final It prollbible te swum their stocks or Iresh and smoked meats from the Lancaster company. The rates fni the finest fpuillly of lncatsnre very leu leu seuuhlc, and they villi be still further reduced, as the number of letallers patron patren llng the company Is rapidly grew lug. Mr. McClaln says that bcfoie double the ipiau tlty new dandled Is taken by city and county dealers bis pi lees will very nearly approach Iho intes paid here for beef en the hoof The Lancaster Reef company aniieiimes that it lias come te stay. That .statement Is net surprising, font business of that kind' ought te boas successful here as it Is in Philadelphia or New Yerk. On mill after Monday ncAt, the company, vi III recelv n liesh beet tw ice a w eek. Tlienniiiiigerlsa young man well known te the dtlrcns el'ljineaster, nndjas'imse he is untiring in his elleits te please custo mers, he de.sei v cm sun ess. "Ol'UlitO. Al'Vl l(. Dint at .Meiuilvlllc, in '1 Imrsilny, May 21, ill ', i. in., Mnttle. Hlf" of HiitniK'l A uxer, nccil .'it ears, 2 iiiiiiiIIih mid IS days. '1 lie relatives and friends are respectfully In vited in attend the funeral from tlin n'sldeiicu of her Miii-ln-liivv, .Inliii Kcikihoii.eii bnndny ntprnoeii at 2 o'llnek. Hirvlics In the lT, II. clmrrli, Meiuitville. '.'1 Hliecn. May 21, Iss!), at Columbia, Cel. haiiiui I H1ks.Ii, iikciI nliiety-twii cnrs. Tlit' relatives and frlnidmf the family Hiere-spM-lfuM) tin lied tn iittend tliu funerul, from bin late' residence, at t'eliiiiihln, en Tiiiswlay iifleriKKin lit a o'clei k, ill'IW SVinH'VllOCUtCllttt. risni: most iii:riiiniMi nuiNic i.v 1 warm wiathei Is lart vlne. Wn luivc Pure California lied nnd Wlilte Whics ler,UriulK, nirne uuiue, .vm iriiiizi il nnmes. itoiiiii:ii'Hi,i((t'eitHri')iii:. Ne.i!t'eiitruNiuure, LimrnMi r, I'll, lTiOlt AMI'.ltlC.NHIMIiri'Ki:i)CYI,INIli:it l1 laihrliiilui-s, dines (Ml t'up fur lleintiiKH, ;ii eim Kt tin in at JOHN UICTH, .1CI list I'liltiui street. iu2tld H.N(18! HANdS'-TllKI.ATIXrKrVI.K: don't. miuireiln-ssliiK, licaiitiniliiiul IlKtit and r lien e. L'tniie and sir tlit m, al MIIH. I'. MI,l,i:it'H, IHJ2I 2ld Ne. 227 Nerlli Ipieen street. CUaHl(i()l'Tlir. HKA'tINU AMI 1)NC INU nt tlie Mniiiii'ri'lierlliill mi Siiliinlay eiulii:. full Oriliestra ami Urns' Rind. Dane iiiK te eeiiuiK iii-c at 7 : ii'clis'k. Ijullt , 10c , Oeiils, I5 nV.'U'ttl hAMl'UI, IIUWAItl). Maunder. SPHKNer.H's ci:i.i:iiit.vi:ii ni:i:n i tiiiiu the l.liin tin Mer) tliilel. ita Middle iiiidiCTi'lililili slns'ls. Msehut luueli. llti .KilIX KllWIt, Proprietor. CU.AM MllTP I.LM'll Tlllts(SATl'HIAYl i cveiiiim ill the Wall I Ions,-, (ornnrHeiitli Qiiivii.'iud MlddU slit-) Is. ltd JOHN II. IIOIUiKII, I'rep. "IV.M su)ipi,tt.vt-i HUH (SATIIIUIAY) V, llvenlui; at Jtutcl Yrtciim, North Out in. meet. It A.Hirri.KY, Prep. riHANI) M'NCII. CI.AM SODl" KOIt I I M'.NCII lilts i:'i:.IXO at IheNnrth Pele Hetel, North Oueen street, lid A. KCIII.MAN, Proprietor. C itANt") 7,t'Nci7 thih (SA'itniDAVi I I:VI:M.M1 at Ihcremiurnliil Hetel. u no. iiaxeurii i)in;i:.sr, HACKIt KUAt'T I'Olt I.UNCl'l TlflH IIVKN. liiK. Alse Ilelli's, It teller's ami HpiiiiKci's U-r en tup al the hehlller Heuse. WM.M'ANOI.im lt'1 Proprliler, Sci:h KiiAin'i'eit i.t'.Ncn 'mxiiiiiT at the Maner Helel, 217 tout 211) Wel KIiik slntt, episislte the KIiir sirl Tliealre. llifr iliaun trein tlit Kpj;. lOll.N II. IIISHtNi,i:t. ltd Proprietor. iitAMi i.rxni leNintrr. 1 A lint siiimiii rdi Ink- MiiHIi'h India Pale Aloeu ilriiuulit. Alse, Idla Pule Ale, Pass Ale, nle, line llninn isleut liettled. 1-iireimer s, Itelkei's nnd 'nktrs lHSr en tat. Cheltt wines and ttipieisnt I lie Ht. M. UlJItNH, Hit Nntleiml Heuse, ."it North ijueen Mrect. pi:epi.i:H iii'ii.di.ne, ieax axii ni 1 tsisit I emiMiij. Mentld) uieitliik' this (Saliudnvi evt nlni: ill 7 eelisk.at Majer .r Itelnu Id's eillre. Ne. II North puke strci. Mem y te Inui. llorietiers irel lull amount. K'l A. S. Vll,l,i:i; (Mtivtary. rpiii:m:iiPi.A monthly Mi:irnNrep 1 Hie Wesl Knil llulldliiij and lmn Assivla- llen, will be held al I lie Ijtw Oltlec of T. It. lluluhau, i-sij., Hits is..iturdii) cvinliiK, nt7:M eclu.k. , T.C. WHirseN, Hd Secretary. Mi:iMCVX MKCHAXHX ill'lTliINO iV and Iutn AiscK-lallen. Itei-iilar nitnilhlv liiet'tlng next Monday csculnjr. Muy'.7,ut7iJ e i lis k, nt Hie eltliv of Hie Milleiler, H. Itelund, esq., 2Ui, Seuth Duke street. Alse stockholders' kis-elitl incetlng al b e'cltKk le complete charter matters. Hd JOHN I). lti:iIM,Kecrclnry. riOMi: Ill'II.DINO AND U)AN ASSOCIA I 1 ne.V-'l he regular iiieuthly iiieeilnKnr the Heme llutldliiK and I.etiii AmmwIiiIIeii Mill Ihi held in llie weoml-Mery nf Kulteii Oisru IIeukc, en .Meiid.i, May 27, al 7ut) p. m. Meney te lean at U o'lleek. The Isvinl of dliec ters luu opened Iho maeiuI nrle tenlUul)-fccrlls-r. ltd J. C. OAlll.K, Sf relnry. T3 VY YOU OWN 1I0M11 Ili:POItT OF UNION IIUI1.DINU AMOCIA- TION. ASS ITS. fxinn ..11.VX)(B iiiieresiuuti J reinium lu.iay. 1,17121 t Ileal lVlale . J.cij i lieaut In J.l'juliljilleii , ,..,., . . . 1417 irj llalaurci... 701 61 Total LI.UIIl.lTll-S. Teutl Value of all Htiarcs Auvanre l'niiieiitk . ., Oudlvided 1 'roll l Dae Withdrawals .. . DaeTrcuvurer. -. .1117.770 Kl ...!HI,72.2S el hi id N) Mil HI .. 2,11 01 Total ..... 117,770 SI ..w. wtL? al 1'W tucU cal w be taken In the .. A1.'.e.n:iy'ur meiitbly iiK-cllin: of the I'VIe.N IILJUHNO.ANI. IJan Ahs.VlATIOX.uill be held en Monday evviilin: at JisoVleA, tlieotllreof Jeliu 1 biidtr,evi ,Ne. Ill -i Miiilhtrcil. Meney te lean, l.icctleu of e K. at Kan etn- ci , ltd 0, EpW. IltOINEIt.Bccrttury. Jlctu glbucHImcnl. ' N- EXT lKJOHTOTHU COUllT IIOUHE. We Have Jnt 0nct a Ucaiitlful Assortment of Ollbert' In rialn lllnck and lll k with White KlKtirc. Thee ceckU are aWtutcl y Knt Ce or, neither in rsplratlen nor of Ms w III dinner, and they are tlieenly lllaclcs iniiiiiifiictiirerl that will tsHtlrcly net ehiiiKie color. We altu keep ullijcrt'i Fast lllnck Htlciilas, Cambric and U klniisef Fat Celer DreiMlil'ilngs. DRESS GINGHAMS. Wflmvc the most abundant stock of Dress Ulnehnni", Baleen and Chaltls le be found In this market. In nil Iho Newest Hhntle or Pinks, lllucs, Oreys, Orcrn", etc., etc. Alse a rnll linn et Ladles' While IJrtss Otsxls nnd Kmbreldcrlcs. FAHNESTOCK'S, Nes. 35 and 37 East King item 3btct-tlecmcntB. I.-SAMH.Y f.VT,NiNO iSflilFrATN.MBNT"' OKTIli: M.KNNintCIIOlt ON MONDAY liVH, MAY 27, WITH HOP. -"""I ,....... ...... IS, lllllll UNO IM IIILIIlll'll. ..j lliyKl(l- .JWr.li I. IIAItl-', 1IIV l. nirANTKIANllHNAJHiNTATjPAINTEIl V te work en raised eriiniueiitiitliiu. Mul be able te lay cold hnf. An exierlmilv, tccki:ii.v.iiati:man, ltd inVjKimt KIiik street, T0NT KenflKTTIIKNtJ.MlH'.l'. .Inst reerlvftl aiiasserliiirnl nf new st.vles or I'liniltiire.whkli. with sleck en liaml. will Ikj sold nt rry low flumes. niSVatd 1TsItIlI PI(7lCKI) MAItYLAND HTIIAW ' ts'rrles Hits evrnlin;. Alse, nil kinds or firsh vegetable, rrulls, train, evslcrs, elnm, dr., itl CHAS. W. Kt'lv'i:ilrn. ltd llisl KIllKMI. 1?i()l7 HAM; Olt'ltHNT, A I'lltHM'liAHS 1 bakery lts'iittsl In Clap. Address or rail en nt ii. " i"ri (lap, I jincniter County. Pa. Ttrins moderate. iiiy-i-iMii r.M. N. AM Kit, DHNT Ty from southeast rerm and Oiiniae te Ne. 2.1 liat Ora AMKIt, DHNTIHT, JtKMOVKO irnirtii orie iueeii Orange street. filKlintlHIl Irmtt iti:NT-M)Wi:i.t.'Hcet.i,Aii pacteiiy , lliilltlluir; riiKliieand holler; steam hc.vt t siiltublu ler llchl iiiaiiufaeliirtnKt eentnilly Ineiilnl. Aliplv le JOHN W. LOWIIM., in2ls1tilTu,T t,M IS Ji Oraime street. HKNHY HhAUOH IH Pltl'.PAKi:!) -IO iiinke te erdt rat short net It cany kind of furniture, for house or ellltr. Hard viimnI work a speelnlly. ItepalrliiK of furniture neatly done. UphelsterliiK In all Its departments. ' llr.NltY SLAUOH, inliKlnidTintHH 111 1-iM (Irani. Slit el. "ttrATiiu "hiInt an ahati;mi:nt or n V is'rcriit. will bciillewttl en watir lents paid en or IsTere .hum I, IhbO. Olllce heurs: f. (ii. in. le 1201) in.. iiihI l.unteilOOit. in. thill v. On Monday and Saturday thn oilier will be. open In the cvuiliii; from 7:00leM)p. m. J. II. HATIfVeN, inyl-27ldll Clly TivasiiuT. VITKNTION, O. A. It. Till: Ol'l'ICnit.S mid Comrades orOee. II, 1 heiiias Pest, sl,nru requratfil leiiiis t at Pest Heatlininrters to-inerrowr (Sunday) evenlnc, te attend dlvlnti sen lee at the Celli t Heuse. Dr. II. I'. Alleman, or HI. Jehn's Lutheran church, te deliver the memorial nddrew. J. D. I.ANDIH, Commander. A. V. Hl'HST, Atljiitant. It A f UMOIIIAl, DAY. iI Ceiiinidcs of Pest Iffi. (I. A. It., will us. stiulde In full iiiilferin at heiiil(iinrti rs at 7 e'eltsk, Holiday Uvenlui;, .May 31, fer'llie tnir tnir tnir poseef nttentlliiu divine worship, at the Court Heuse, wlicic the nmiiial .Memerial Day Her men will h delivered by Her. 11. !". Alkmaii, of St, Jehn's laithetan churrh. Ilyenlcr or pest. ' .1 H.HMlTH.CeininaiHler. Jehn lli.Aiic, Atljiitant. It IANCAHTi:il CITY Kl'ltKITr ItAlI.WAY J Ceiutmuv. A intetlUKef tliestts'khelders m III be held Monday, Mnv 27, lsx;i, In the Heard e('l rnile Itoeni, nl 7i e't Its'k, le consider the ipiistlouef acts plln the previsions of an net eutltlttl. " All At t te provide for Hit) huorpora huerpora huorpera tlon mid KevermiK nl of strcil railway coiiiih ceiiiih coiiiih nltsef tliccoiumeiiwejillli," npiueveil .May II, is.'1!, ny enier t'l uie no.ire in tnreeiers. I n2 1 21 U.K. HIOH.Mcretar. CI OI1I.IN HATLN DAMASK AND I.I.VBN J lltdtlm;, Tabic Cevers, Stnrfs, Splashers nnd Tidies In le-ilay. 'lhls Isalntesinsoe. We put el) puieliiisliu; until the InM iiiluule, se as te have the latest Importation nod at reason able prltts, OtirsltKk of lliieus ami art Reeds isfempU'tc. Sriilliem hefeie pun basing )iur htimmci iiiidlewerk. Jilts P M WtMtllWARH. Ji's list Khitf lrrl. PIIOPO.SAI-SKell STi:M Ili:.1IN(i N aled ireHisalM for henlliiK tlie biilttlluits of the Heme for rrlcndlissChlldri n will be ie it lved at the Srcj elan's finite, ll'iNerlhtjU'-n stiii I, up te June -lili net, nl 12 eiltsk m Plans mid speeincatleu new rcnilv ftir rxaiiiline lien. The leminltlie n-serve Ihr rluhl Ion Ien Jtvt iinv ernll bills. (HAS. M. HOWCI.I., Iiijli'i.'lld t-rrrrtnrj. R STAIP. OP ,IO.si:i'H ROTH, 1.ATB OP ijtiieits'ei env. nis'Cilsetl. leiiers 01 ail lilllil.lr.il l..,i ,... ...1.1 ...... In 1.... I.... l..u... ...,. I. ., te Hie undersigned, nil ihtseiis liiiirbted thereto me rtipiestetl e innke Immedliilc lii.vluenl, null tbe-e luivhn; elnlms or ileiiiiiuds m;ntnst the same, will piesenl tin m Mltbeut delay fet w tilt mriit te tut inidrrslenril, restdliu: In Ijiii raster tlty. IIBMIV. RANSIM1, Adiiilnlstraler, Jmi. A. Cov i r, Atterne) . iu.V2.ri.iits riMSsTIMONLVL 1 J.vt'hse.svil.i.1., Pin., April 10, ss(i. H.c, wi:ii)t.i:it. Dkaii sin; I hike Iplnn-uir In kIvIiik tuy lesllmnny lojeiir well-ltiinnn Celli kc, luivhn: Ihh'ii a student there fort IkIiI iimuthsaiiil found It all that could be deslieil. Wishing you still Ricatcr sueeess, I icmaln, joins Hilly, J..M. MiCORMICIC. " A Uce Is known by Its fruits, n ml a school hj Its results." Till: I.ANOASTCIt 1IUSINCSS COI.LBC.i:, Ne. W,i IJist Klu strict. 7ST TIVICWBAR I .N BAICWBAR t JlJsl'AIIItlVi:!)! Take n Itsik nt our viluilewr. before biivlns tlseMhire. Sldrls ninliiuntlrlcd), 37',e iiudi'V. shirts tlamiitrltsli, aae ami 7.V'. Our emii nuike, iinlniuidrled, TV, Inumlilid, fl.U). M.ule te Onler, Irem !l.(llel2.iX'. Plnniiel Wilrls,,'ii)c te I2.nl. ihrts' hiiiidieil sanipUs of limine h le pltk fiem, made le order. tlioreiiKlib Hirunk, J2 2Ti te j.I.Aii.1 TROUT & SHANK, Milrl Manur.e'tiiHis anil Men's Outlltters, 110 Ninth (JurenSIm t. uuiPJtl-lyilll 11 BltlPS HOOK SI OKU POM-ROY'S Medem Bine Mack Writ ing Fluid. Try It. Docs net thicken in Ink stand or gum en Pen. Writes a bright Blue and turns a Jet Black. The Cheapest and Best. Fuk Sali: at II FRITS BOOKSTORE, 53 & 35 N. Queen St. aut.lvl)d nAllAbOlJi! PARASOLS! Till: LAIttlKST VAIUiri'V AND LOW lisT PHICIS. We os n Te-Day a Sish lal Line of jue Trim met! and laieCevurd PARASOI, at $1.75. Nelhiui: like them nnyvi here for Ihr money, lilt; llargalus, vie assure you, Sl'N U.MI1RRLI.VR In All (irades, at Hie M:iuufjclurcr, ROSE BROS, & HARTMAN, 11 E.VfjT KINO bTHKCT, apSsiuubJip 1JUIIMC HAliF, 01' IIOUHKIIOI.D AND kill lieu fur.iKnre en Tuesday, Mayas, at le'rlrs'k.nl Ne. an North Mnie strict. Will mil bookcase, renin' tiiblr. tece, carpels, j.Ii.,1..,. ci.kf.i .uiiitwwirtlM n(1 titiim ail In r iirtletr Street, Lancaster, Pa. tcu SxbucvHBcmcittB. SiiKAi'Fi:n'a Miiueit hteki:, is centhb HttUAHK PURE RYE WHIBKY. My own distillation. seplMM T OflKOUT I'Olt MOTH.- PREHEUVK I J veurHral Skill Cunts, Woeltn Otssls and Purs by piiltlni; them In Anti-Meth Uk". A certain mid sure protection. Fer sale only at COCHRANE IIHUa HTORE, Nes. 137 tfc 1.10 North IJueen Ht., Lancaster, Pa. Alse In larKCSteek,Mrblrh I will sell nt betUnn prices, Canudier, Cimiphertiie and Tar Paper inet the sticky kind) te preserve clothing from Moths. Tii.Tli.HK IRW'AUK YOCItHKLK FOR TUB OPKN Ing or Ilia bass season. A large, stock of reds ranithiK from 1(V. le W.UO. All grades nnd nrlecs of rceiii. Hnei.rtKl nienntliiiis mid ether Finall snyj'llcK. litidln nets, balUeau anU J ( rceis bi wip pin rnminpinrire". J' I p, il Working Htrect. T.l KNItY WOI.K, FURNITURE STORE, has removed te 130 Bast Kluir stleet, haVInK a full line of Furniture efeviry dcserlptlen at the lowest prliX'S. Alse Undertaking promptly at tended te. Call and examine our uikhIs. aS-tfdll II. WOLF, 1.10 Bast KliiB Htrect. e CIIH Sl U1I111M OCHS & GIBBS, FUKXITl'HE, d, 3d & .jth Floers, .1 S. Qulln St. A Luckv Chanci;. A reliable manufacturer made a let of special new designs in Oak and Ash Bed Roem Suites and Sideboards for a New Yerk dealer, who fails, and cannot take them. We made a hard rash offer for them, and they are here, at prices near cost of making. A chance for you if you're furnishing. New style, well-made Furniture for any room in the house at very small prices. Ochs & Gibbs, Manu facturers and Dealers. 2d, 3d and 4th Floers, 31 S. Queen st. all-lyd rpHK pr.0PLL"H CASH BTORB. -reR- The Present Season. IIUXCK SILK DRAPIIIIY NBT-In Plain, ' Striped and I'luurisl. at SLeO. $1.75 te ilXti. IVCK SILK SPANISH and Cliimtllly face neuncliiKs, at H.lX), 51.50 te 5J.W. CmnlirlraiidSivlsr. embroidered KIeuiicIiiks In Kvctllrnt Sljles and (pialllles, atIH)c,73e, II.IM le riSi, vvllh CditliiKsaud InsertliiKs te ) nialrh. One of the Most Complete AsKeitim utsef Wliltn DipssOoeilsKCiunill, It the city, rri'iuli, Mohair mid Weel Challlrs at ItV and .VK'. Phlhidelidila iirlrc, roc and (A lllnck Silk .Milts nt l.V-,25c tt)7.'ic. lllnck Sltk (llevrs, 2.V te y. Kltt (lleves In tillable makes. Mi", (Se, 75c te J1.2i l'ult Lines of NetlliiKliam Lief Curtains and Cm lulu MaHrlnN by Ihej'urd. Gee. F. Rathven, NO. 25 EAST KING STREET. The People's Cash Stere. uuir2U-l)dR s DM M Kit GOODS. -AT THE- New Yerk Stere. WHITE EMBROIDERED Swiss, Nainsoek & Cambric 45-Inch Fleuncings. Pour and a-hiilf ard makes n full dress. An indless nrlel of pattcrnsnt Sic, .)7Jc, IV, !fic, W'vC.Tic, teSl-lMn yard. t'hlldreu's White Kltamclngs, 22 and 27 inches vv Idc, ut Sic, Mt, 37S1'. Wc te 11.75 a yard. Special Bargains. S..V0 Ynnts .latvenct and Ciunbrlc Ilaiuluiri; Kmbreldtrlcs, tuall uidthk.23 per rent, under v utile. 22-lnch Printed China hllk, choice colorings, .Wuvnrd j tlieulit cheap nt 73c. Undressed MuMiuctaini (Hove, K)c a (stilr j never sold ler lej Ihau 75c. Clfty I'lcces Yard Wide, Cream (.round, Printed llatuies, ben )ard ; made this miiseii te n tall at 12V. All-Wtsd l'rlnl.d riiallits. Cream U round-, X. Inches u Ide, 2Tn', 3.k' and :i7',cu ynrd ; rulalllni; t Im'h here .It from .Ik' le .Jtle u ill d. New l.mUrnlilciud Caslmirre Klehus, In Illaik mid Celers, at Sl.ni, ji.s, ?l.7T, te $7.10 itu-li. Pine lidtsl V raps, tiiimnett vilth Lira and and l'israiiHuiir. algm,!! ristuceil prlets. Desirable Fare SUMMER GOODS Watt & Shand, NOS. 6, 8 AMD 10 EAST KING STREET. J. HARRY bTAMM. IC0ME SEE OUR BIG Ne. BIG BARGAINS. White Dress Goods ! In these goods we show the mesllieiutlful and also the cheapen line ever shown anywhere. Jmt think or IU White Dress Goods, AtCcayard te50c.ard. Best assortment of Kmbreldsry for Dree ever shown. Cream Goods In abundance. NEW J. Harry Stamm, jtctv gvbtcvttcmctttt A tiTlOTJEi JLI UNDERTAKER, SODNerth Queen Htrect. I am new prepared toat teat toat tendle all orders In my line, and will plvemy r'rseiml attenlleu te the business at all limes, am prc)nred te nrewrv e bodies by embalming them er.vt Itb cold air, an may be tlmlred. i " t ' . AilCJ HOTE, K27-lmd Ne. !M) North Uueen 8trcet. H , iHT-i H KINITHHS. Yeu Must Buy FURNITURE. Your heuse will net he comfortable without remi'thlne te make It attractive te yourself, i our neighbor and your friends. Oiirnlm Is te aid In making It attractive and cornfertablo for jeu nt the least possible cost with Furniture, rcllableand well made. Our flvn Meers are packed te tliclr utmost, from which lech(xsr. Nice Perch Clialrs.Ilcuchesantinecker.Camp Chairs and Cots. HEINITSH'S Furniture Depot, THE PEOPLE'S SHOPPING PLACE, 27 & 29 Seuth Queen St. jir YKIIH A HAT1IFON. There's Enough HereYct TO Pl.KAHE YOU IN HHNDSOME YOUR CHOICE Fit,Style&Werkmansliip MODEST PRICES. There Is no doubt about the Quality, our name Kiiaiautcc. that. Karlv Spring buyers haven't htrlppeil our tables of their Dest.Slvlcs; ehavelecn tilling up, and you'll nml the as as sertinent most us geed as it a month or mere age. I'aver us with a call and w e'll entertain j en te v our tatlsfni'tlen. Reliable Clothiers, Ne. 12 East King Street, I.ANCAKTKIt, l'KNN'A. SUNG CLOTHING. MYERS dMlll, Dl'MMKH MIXPIIIKS. MATTINGS. Large line new choice pat terns, 4-4 and . inch. AWNINGS. Largest line of patterns in Lancaster, put up promptly with our patent fixture, or the ordinary fixtures, with or with out ventilated top. FLOOR LINENS. ' Barnsley's best, all widths, Yi yard te 5 yards. Drab, Grey, Reel Check and Turkey Red. FURNITURE LINENS. Choice line of patterns. Ex pert workmen 011 slip covers for furniture. A perfect fit guaran teed. WINDOW AND DOOR SCREENS. Patent frames, with land scape, green, black, drab or fig ured wire, put up promptly. Additional force of workmen put en te accommodate the rush of orders. DRAPERIES. Draperies for chandeliers, mirrors, sash curtains, &c. . WINDOW SHADES. . With our patent drop fix tures, admitting light and air at top, while completely shading bottom of window ; put up promptly. Expert mechanics in all de partments. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. West King & Prince Sts., Lancaster, Pa. Hem aktettrrtivrmenta. -AT- BIG BARGAINS. It'ftbeeu alnnff llmntiinrf thn neentr of Oils vicinity have btcn effltred such Big Rargalns In all kinds of ST7 Dry Goods ! A we are new offering. NO EFFORT l!ft hecii been epared te give you th very mMt for j our money. Come nee us. BOSTON STORE, E VEItVBODY VISITS CHARLES Nes. 35-37 North Queen St. THEY MUST GO 23c DKESS GOODS... nKSTWASlI POPLIN.... 60c DEESS OOODS S1.25SIL1C PLUSHES EEST CHALLIES llESTOUOANDIETiAWNK UESTCHAMUHAYdlNOHAMS SHOULDEH WRAPS. 50c SILK GLOVES 75c cousin's .M.iiO UMBRELLAS 75c WHITE SHIRTS BEST COLORED CURTAIN MADRAS 0-4 RAW SILK TABLE COVERS 75c WHITE NAPKINS $5.00 WHITE QUILTS KNITTING COTTON DOUBLE-FACED CANTON FLANNEL Cheapest Bosten Stere Nes. 35-37 North Queen St. H AGEIl A nnUTIIER. HHG6R St Nes. 25-31 West King Street. Cotten. IDress Goods T We Iiiivejust received n InrKO line of SCOTCH GINGHAMS, FRENCH ZEPHYR GINGHAMS, DOMESTIC GINGHA1 CemprUInt; all the Newest Colorings of the Season. IMPORTED SATINES, Our line of Trench Katlnci s especially complete, theatjlcs and Colerlnssof this ca goods heliiK vtry dcslmhlc. DOMESTIC SATINES, In oil the Colerlncs of this swisen, with entirely Neaiul Nevel i:tr'ts. WHITE COTTON India Dimity, French Nainzoek, India Lineu, English Nainzoek, Mull Cord Checks, Nainzoek Chcckn, Striped Lawns, Striped Nainsoek, Plain Lawns, Embroidered Mulls, Silk Mulls. HAGEH & BROTHER (1 HEAT DAItOAINS. Extraordinary Bargain KSRPETS AT TO (H.OSK Ol'T Bedy Bnnsels, TnpeBtry BniBBels, Thrce-Ply, Extra Buper lnsr.M11, Bac and Chain, and mask Hall and Stair. I,et eni-lnch, IS-lnch nnd iTnpcatry and llndy IlrusuU. Any of tlit'sf Odd Kerdcrs vvll sold chain le close out Iho ends, lteiniiiiiits of fiiriict at half coat. VMYItXA AND TAP Itl'tiS much less tliiin ct. All Widths of Fleer OH I'leths. Ceeu, Nnplcr nnd Cnnten Mattlni;. rarjict Swpcrs,C JlMttK at linrKiiln 1'rlccs U's-s than Manur.tetiircia' Cost. Metal Oil I'lelh IIIihIIiik. WINDOW SHADES, SHADING AND FIXTURES. A few IllanUclH, Comforts and Quilts nuil bti'.uiied Kentln-r cheap. Great Bargains in Every Departmen irjK'emu and Kt'Lllarcnliii vv hlle en have the dinner.. -Ca I. S. Slnn 111 his ilustsl Tuesday and Wednesday, ftth and Kith, forHteckTakliiR and fur1 Kfilticllen of Goods. Tlie Fliiladelplaias Stere 6 AM 8 tfORTH uiai'C'J-ldw -13I.ACK bll.KS. CALL ATTENTION TO LOTS Or SPECIALLY CHEAP BLACK SILKS! ' At$1.00and$1.25PerYarc Without Douht the Beit for the Meney Ever Offered METZGER& Nes. 38 and 40 West King Street, Lancaster, p (OPPOSITE THE Sun OOl. c'luars, ir Ilavau lUIl GOLDEN MON AND MIA Ql I'.NDA rs.uv'i'isiiis, 111 naiiii iiiuiiK nun lenf una l'llli rs, SO s and in) Ihii. DKMlhH'h CIOAH slOUE. nlS-tfdll 111 l'JM King blrwt. T VO PAHENTS. .'.'i fiirn full murse in the KevMnne llnsliu College. Te test the merit ami method of lm parting n practical llusliu-s Kducatiim, vUlt lhls Institution nnd Judge fur juurwir. The only Iludlness Celhite tliat docs u-.u-h ltcsik keeping practically. W. 1). .MOshKlt, Prluciisil, 16 North uuecu blicct, Ijincusttr, l'u. IfllAvv BARGAIN8N BIG BARGAINS. Hand-Leem Table Linen 86 Inches wide, never Held ferlesUianS7Hq uur prirc, m n j nru, DAMASK TABLE LINENS, Ijeentvn jrtrd. LOOM TABLE LINENS, 12(cnU a yard. Then are a few of our many bargain! (.incus, eungr eninnreey mrsty. 24: Centre Sqviare. STAMM'S At 121c a YJ '.: VtScaYi! i....'...' ' AtiiScaYil At 75c n Yi' AfJOcn Yd -. -. AtlliicaYi , At 10c a Y At38eEi .-. s ." At 25c a P ..... AtoOeEi At .1.00 E AtSOcEi AllOeaYi At $1.00 Ei At 50c n De? At j).).50 Et , At3caB At lbe a Yi BROTH6R DRESS MATERIALS' THE Ol'lt CAHPET STOCK. QTJEEU STREET ) LANCASTKR. 1'UNN' HAUGHMAN, COOPEU HOL'.-sE.) A re cAimv tih; i.Aitr.r,sT stock I I'ittss. nitil Plun liii,ilrlnit Tf.l.nfl.n I.. nt. Woe'luiI'lwsHtSc. and 10c. each. Cc Ine .Mcerscli.tiim I'lu.- nl ""w . i li .. ! '-" Wlttlli. lUUIHlUI 1 I)K.ML'rHH CIOAH STOnE.S tllK-tflllF III I... 11 . . 'fl ...si.t ,4, uai ivtiij rMFl'tgH II NDKHTAKINU. W. T. S. GABLE, successor 10 u . Itete.) llvliiBl'urrlia.xItlie lii'slnc.-s of the .Mif ... ............. ,..vk.h. 1 KiEivu sirici aiicuif VV, V, . i i. 1 ' " . ', veire, i nuinai pruwrcd tOKuantnteesatUriiriidii ' luyltl-lnidlt W.T.ti.OAl t , && aaffevifeu. I , 1 ,?A vM &&i3&&?Qkj&!- a. Mi -j"fe, fc-T V