a':-tSf THE LANOASTEfe 'l)itLY INTELLIGEN'fcfe, SATURDAY,' MAY 25, 1889. K THE MELANCHOLY MUSES. A weary let It his who Ions Fer something brlgh t In rhj me : Men, women, children send me tongs, Sepulchral or sublime, The songs are alt of bale and blight j Alas I I de net need them. Fer almost every one can write. And nobody can read them ! Has mirrlmcnl gene wholly out? Hnv c all the hearts bwn broken ? it list every mortal slni? of doubt, Frent Peebles te Portsekcn T Men rhj me of penalties and ptlin, Forfeit In Jey and wAsitlt! The Muc dwelt with stripes and chains In Diiny.-vn' Doubting Castle. Ah, Ihrre tint c nil the Pleasures lied, The Cupids nil departed, The Muws that te dance we led, Ucht-fnoted and llght-heiirtcd J Will ne'er n Knlulit go blew the horn, And knock that (Hunt ecr. Dispel the dark, let In Urn morn, Ulve-every Musen lever? bad maiden M lives, vowed In pain. Toe Ions, perchance, they've tarried ; There nevcr will lx Jey again Tlltcvcry Muse Is married. J. J. II., In Lenaman't Magatlnr. CUIIA AVILL I'AY Si 00,000,000 irpnlu Will Let Her .let ii the United Stute. A memorial te tlie Congress of the United btntcs relative te the Island of Culm, was presented In the I'lerlilrt Heuse, of Itopre Itepre Itopre sentiitivcHon May 17 liy Mr. Moiene, and vvus rcferred te the judiciary committee. It nserts that thn lilussiiigs vv e enjoy as n imt'.en should stliiutliitn us te stretch fuitli n helping li.mil te ether nud less fnveieil iieenlp, ni-iUtlng thuui In n peaceable nut ellii.tlve mnn nor. The iieenlu of Cuba liav e for tinny years been lteplujr ter freedom, and knew that It can only be brought te thetn from etir sheies, net by wnr Inti by ntnluable arbi tration between the ftev eminent of our country mid that te which they new ewe allegiance. That for the purpese of thus necmlitz thelr liberty tliey again rciiew, through our gcneuit government, theli otlurte Spain as IoIIeuh: "In consideration of the ind)endcnce of the Island of Cub i. the people of Cuba pro pre mt e mid giiurutitee In jiay te the crown of Spain the sum of ene Uuudrcd million dellarH In twenty annual installments of five iiiillien dollars each; or In thn event that the said crown of Spain demands ptymcut in full of the total amount ellered, thou and in that iuse the jieople of Cuba will make ariniiifCiiivnts tend ing towards n speedy compllatiie with iich demand. Tint In token of their Hhiipiity In tlie eiler thus undo and et the fulfilment of the obligations re sulting fiem simcsHliil negotiations, the said pcojile of Cub i ngrce te place them-i-clves under and iliperlullv submit te n protectorate of the I 'nlted States until the entire amount stipulated for in mull ticitv is liquidated by tliein." Therefeie, boil resolved by the Legislature, et Flerida: 'Hint our f.eniters In Congress are hereby most earnestly icitietfil te t ike such steps ns they uny ilci in expedient and te use nil proper cITerts In bringing about the du elled negotiations. A Sand Snlpe CuiirCfit liy n C lam. Harvey Cook is the tiadltienal llsher nnu et Svratega Uikn, X, Y. l'erch, black b isi mid ethor toetluionio denbonsef tbpe vNalcrs, which luinisliHe much matciial ter the dubious second course at the hotel dinners, tint shun every ether book, aie prompt te bite at his bait and urn easily (looked by him. 'I he legular Saratoga kiiiuiiici vlsilorshaveknowii Harvey Cook, or of his u ime mid lame, ter the past half a tcntuiy. He is a plain old-lashieued man, n .shrew it observ it, and in the course of Ills long axiicneiicu as u riHherman has.licconie laimliar with the habits of utmost every living thing that crawN en the berdcrx, or swims In the waters, or lliei ever the sui sui fiue of Saratoga lake. "I have lived en tltuse waters, se te apeak, for filly-tour j wis," said Mr. Cook ten reporter, "but I novel bcleicsaw any thing like what I saw a few days age. I wan moving along the shoie et the lake when 1 S.IW a sind-snipe, or Ml imp,' as the bevscall tliein, tandlns. nt the water's edge, and struggling as ir its feet were in n tnip. Soen the liinl atesn a little wnvln thenir and lluw as lar as the lead, where it fell and Mutleipd as though calling en me, ns en an old fiieiid, for help. When I leached the pet I saw tliatoaeet thcblid's lout was ilaspcd by a Luge freh water clam, but before I could lender aid the bird again with a great rlloitaieso into the ah and made n few wild circles unlertuiutcly ever the like, but the clam held en, and In a niluute mere both weie in the water. After a brief tlutteiiug resistance the peel sand snipe succumbed te the weight et the clinging clam, and was ignoinluleusly drew nod. I have seen a geed many queer tilings," slid Mi. Cook, "but I never siw anything llke tint bufeie." Object tout olei'Pil Chief. Frem tht Washington Pest. The president last bifnrtl.iy appointed as lrcerdei in the liud olllce tlie liev. James Townsend of Hlchmend, tnd., vvheissild te be an pstliinble gentlem in, is secretin v of a n itieu d mission trv society, has been tw Up a meinhci et l li liuliaua l.igilaturi', ewiisalliiu 1 trm. and came vciy lien helng clcited bishop of his chuuh icccutlv. lint nil thesit things aie forgotten b.v the twenty-live ladles in that division, 'llioenlv thing th.it they think ei care about is th it the Hev. James Townsend is a colored man. Siuce lilsnii Iieiiitiueut was niade neaily hall of the lulics in Ids division liave aplied for n tiansfer te someethei division. Thev alt want leJie kept en the gevciumeut jny loll, iindTur that leasen nre aver-e te talk ing uiucli about the matter, but thnnppli thnnppli tatieus for translcrs sjicak for themselves. "We naturally liave te piy a certain amount of court and dcfeicuie te our thief," said ene et the ladies te a Poil rcimrtci . esterd.iy, under the solemn pioniise tli it her nime should net be divulged, and hei position thereby endan gered, "audit will be very disagreeable fermu te tic-itn negie as iny suiicrier. I shall get into some ethor division it 1 urn; if net, I supjiose I shall have te stand it, as my brcul and buttei depend uikmi It." Anether one, under similar premise, spokeof the necessity for lonsiderable in ter' eure Willi the thief, sluee tliey weie iemiclled te ask his permiasien evcrv time they left the building and te consult witli him about their work. Mie did net knew whit kind of n man Mi. Townsend was, hut thought that didn't make any dif ference, se long ns he was black. IieIiik tint te " ?ee n Mini, " Wnshlngte'i Dispatch te the Detroit Tribune. One night in tlie winter et 1j."i Arlemus Ward lcttured in I.lmelu hall, and when the gie it humorist was about half thieugh his diM-eursp he juralyzed his audiciue with the auuounctmeiit that they would liave te t ike a recess et fifteen minutes se as te inaMe him te go airess the street te " see a man. II. It. Ti.iev, then editor et the Wnrhingten flijiublicitit, was in tl.e audiciii c, and .ciingun oiipeitiluity te im pieve the ieke pumllisl the lollew ing lines nud scut them tu the jilatlerm : "Dear ViteiiliM : It jeu will plate j eui si ir under my guidance I'll take jeu te sce a man v. itlieul crossing the street. " Arteums iiiceiited the invitation, nud while the greit audience Jiupatleiitly but with niutli aiiuiicmenl awaited tlie ip-ap-pcirunee of the humorist, the latter wns laking the acquaintance of Auiaii and Iiimii luting at a well-lndeu rcticshiutnt beird. OI couise evoryliedj " caught en te" the jiluase, and men becanie loud et f-ctting up betvvicn act and "going out le see Am in. " Tne restaurateur s In suiess ltein this time forward tjeninvd. Men who would ordinal 11 v sit quietlv through an eiitcrtalumcut uiul behave themsclvesnl themsclvesnl levved tlieuielves te be iullucmcd by the toutagien. A fernix.'!!. m lloiiKent -arnteKii. barateg-i haK been quite cm ions for some wieks past tenccrning the citstieu et a huge building en the lute site of the ait gallerv adjoining the Windser hotel, te cover IsM'XUcet. Tliesuihltei. lefused te glveanv intoiuiatien, but the .Sttralmjuiu st.itcstli.it h i-.tebc, when completed, the lnrgist and inu.i perfeu l'eiuicliau 1ieum liltlituerlil II ii tin iereiiil venture of rrankliu U 'smith, nuhlfet and anti quarian, et Husten, who built the Cast Muiiiia at St. iigiistiue. 'Ihe I'euipiiian i oust riii t ion w ill be an exiu t rcpredin timi of the houses of I'ausa and A.illust at rnmpcll, and the ebjest is islucntieiul. It Isdisigneil te help the students of Iteuiau sutlqtiitj. Its toiiiplctieu is premised by July 1. ' UmIIihu hilfii bottle of Dr. Hull's ( en jh R rup cunsl me of n u-ien' lire'ulilr.l Mini! m II h. 1IOIW1.N. I'l llntmvirM., lUttliniirc. Mil Dan i If n dealer otltrsjetin bottleefHuiri. tlnnOltv ifli'i'UliL li or virnpi- rs, or Inn mu I In ler I ic l i l.' , ' ll.ifhH -iten t bav ftrt auyprhi', ln'4 t uixin L( tllii'a jwr irl. rfifi- '! Kic.iys. I'm-cjctuUii Is Guy's (Londen) Hwpltal Raperta, rei. I, pags.W, Is found the statement! "81npl hy pertrophy (enlargement) of theheart, especially of thf left ventricle, Is fount without alvlr incempetency. In tht nunwreu elan the ear dUc It secondary ( aymptem) te the renal affection." This eiplalna why Warners 8aJ Cure Is efleclual In ewes of heart disease. It removes from the bleed the kidney acid which causes the heart disease. ' A Senate- taaavnRtr On the ocean, cures little about a storm. He Is peltlvclv Indifferent whether he Is washed ev erbeard or net. But, set right by a wineglass ful or two of Hostetter's Hteniacta Bitters, he feels renewed Interest In his personal safety. This fine corrective neutralizes In brackish water often compnlserlly drank en shipboard, te the grievous detriment of health the perni cious Impurities which glve rise te disorders of the stomach, liver and bowels. Te the mariner, the tourist, the western pioneer and miner, the Hitters Is Invaluable as a mentis of protection agHlnit'malarlA, when Its seeds are latent In air and water. Te the effect of overwork, mental or mauuel, It Is a most reliable antidote, and te the debilitated and nervous, It affords great and speedily felt rcllcfand vigor. maoteOT gtpeclal Itettcce. Let V Tell Yeu. Let us tell ,v en that n person who Is billens or constipated is net n well person, and further, that marly evcrjene Is subject te these Iriegu Uritlcw. Let ns tell jeu that llunteek Weed Jtittm arc one of the finest diuretics and aperients ever jet devised. Fer seleby II. B. CiK-hran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Uucen street, Lancaster. Lupepsy. Tills Is what you ought tehave, In fait, ou must have It, te rally enjoy life. Thousands arn searching for It dally, and mourning ticcausa they Mud It net. Thousands upon thousands of dollars are spent annually by our peepln In the hope that they murtutUln this been. And vet It may te had by nil. We guarantee that ttec trle Hitters, If used according te Biroctlens and the use persisted In, will bring jeu Ooed Diges tion and oust the demon 11 spepsln and Install Instead Kiticpsy. We recommend Electric Bit ters for Dyspepsia, and all diseases et Liver niniiiHcu aim iviiine. eiiiuiunviuiuii ir bottle by II. II. Cochran, druggist, 1J7 isnil I.S 'erth tuecn street, Ijincnstcr, , i-a. isj Tells What lis Known. "Best thing for burns I have ever tried. HiaUgramllv." L. P. Fellctt, Marlen. Ohie, spuiklngef Tfiemat' Bclrttrlc Oil. Fer sale by It. II. cV'lirau, drinrgtst, 1SI and l.W North Queen street, Lancaster. ' A Mura p of J'nper Saves Her Life. It vms Just an ordinary scrnp of vrrajiplng piqicr, tint It saved her life. Hhe was In the last stages or consumption, told bv physicians that shevius liKiimlile and could live only a short time: he weighed less than seventy pounds. Onnpleteef wrapping paper she read of Dr. Kings New Discovery, and get n sainple bettle: It beliKslher. sliebeuchtnlarce bottle. II helped her mere, bought another and grew better fast, rtmtluucu Its use and Is new strong, healthy, rey, plump, weighing 110 pounds. Fer fuller particulars send stamp te W. II. Cele, Druggist. Fert .Smith. Trial bottles of this wonderful DlMiivery Free, at II. 11. Cochran's drugstore, 1J7 and 1)9 North Queen street, Lancaster, l'n. (J) " Over the Hill te the Peer Heuso. A iersen with liii)wlred or Impoverished bleed Is en the read te physical bankruptcy. Murdoch Meed JilUtri strengthen and enrich the circulation, repair the tissues, mid build up ftie entire system. Fer sale by II. B. Cochran, druggist, 1.17 and 130 North Queen street. Lan caster. llucklen'H Arntcn Bntve. fin. IlhsTHALVrlntlicwerld for Cuts, Bruises Herui, Ulcers, Hull Hlictim, Fever Hercs, Tetter, ('hupped Hands, Chilblains, Cerns, and all Hktn Kruptlnns, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed togtve per fect satisfaction, or money refunded, l'rlce 25 cents per box. Fer sale bv 1L II. Cochran, Druggist, Nes. 137 and 139 North Queen street, Ijuicastcr, I'a. Junc27-lyd erMiitulilerts Merit. Fer the nese and threat, externally of Inter n illy used, Twmat' Kclcctrlc Oil Is mntchlcss. Asthma, catarrh, and serious threat altcctlens arc quickly amenablii te this tttlclent remedy. Fer sate by II. II. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster. A l'estnl Card. Frem Mrs. Dennis Kinltli, Louisville, Ky., says: "ter Ijlewl lininirltieH JtunlncK lUinxl Jtitlert sci'in jMirttcularlv adapted Never before hsd complexion se clear. Use all the time. Fer sale by H. II. Cochran, druggist, 117 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster. " A Ooed Talker. On the stage or platform. In society or nt home, must net only posses brains but a clear, strong voice. Cat.trrh.eru severe cold, Is almost cer tain te Injure the voice. But these leinplalnts i nit ! completely inidlcatcd Willi n fiWHi fiWHi plicatien nl Or. Therna' JCeleelnr Oil, un rivaled In It siipclnltles. Fer sale by II. II. Cmhraii, druggist, 1)7 and 139 North Queen strci lincastcr. Motlieris! Metliers!! Metliem 1 7! Aru jeu disturbed at night and broken of j our rest by a sick i hlld siUTtrlng and cr.vlng with the excruciating pnln or cutting teeth? If se, goat once mid getubottle of MItM. WINS LOW'S bOOTIIINtl HYllUr. It will relieve the peer little sufferer Immediately depend upon It ; there is no mistake atieut it. There Is nole, mother en tarth vvhe has nvir iimhI It, whowlllnet It'll .vim at once that It villi regu late the bowels, and given st te the mother, mid relief and health te the child, opt rating like nialc. It Is perfectly safe te use In nil cases and pleasant te the tustc, nud Is the prescription of one of the eldest und licit rcmnle plij slclaus mid nursis tu thn United btale. Held evi ry v here, Z't iciits a bottle. ma) 10-l)dA.w (!5veccvi,'0. A T HUBblv'H. Goods Slaughtered ! Many i,oeK sold nt a crent let.s net te us, but te piediiicrsand Jobbers, who are anxious te i hideout htecl.v. 1HINKOF IT! Uoed.hHeit California Hiililn, I ft.s fur 25c. riuuCalireriiln Lvuperated Aprhets, J lbs for 25c. Italian Prunellas, 3 Vi for 25c. California l'lilltl-, Jltii for '25c. F.vapenitcd l'.ned l'e.ichcs, 10c te 15c. Old Kv.iiwrated Prut lies, fie 11B1. Fell's Cern, 5 cans for 25c... Fell's Tomntevs, 4 cans for '2: String Beans .1 cans for 25c Twe tuns Pared Peaches for 35c. luciit) cents for it iiuirt can l-resti Apricots. I'lnct Cedecs for the money In the clt). Al w a) s fresh reisted. Potatoes, 20c, 30c and 10c a bitkhcl. BURSK'S, Ne. 17 East King Street, LANCAH1FB, PA. A T BLIbTM. Big Fruit Sales THE TALK OF THE TOWN, The Bettem Has Surely Dropped Out iiemi: howls the people howl i I1C r THE FUUIT UHOWLS. BECAUSE IT IS SACRIFICED. Be awake te veur own IntvrisU. Wchnve ovtrenetnr-loaU of I'rull ct th.it will besutrl tltiit from new en. Our dally sales lire Im ineiiM'. Think of It. Tlie l'liicst EvuiHiratcd Pa nil Yellow Pentium llted Centre), 11 icnts x.r pound, or In Imix lets or 'i', pounds imcIi, 11 c nts. This Is llin lilt'Kcil burgutn we ever saw snine kind of fruit sold last ) cur at from 35 telOttuts ntr neund. A vtr) Choice Pared EvaiHirattd Peachut 12); tents, Hve imunds of lioed Bright Celer Ilulslus for J5 cent. Three liuuds of Nil e Bunch IlnUIus for S5 nuts. Light isHinds of Geed Turks) Prunes for 15 CtlltK. Three pounds of tlieFlnist Iji)tr Fliis (newi for U cents, hamc goods sold nt the llelldu)s for 11 tent. 1 hire pounds of Ijirse Kkx Plums fer2i cents. But vvc can't ije Inte ditalls space vtlll net allow It. Wel.nve evtr tvtuity flvu illirerinf l:ln I of I en Ian uiul Demestic I rults that arc jure te ti mpl veur pis kttboek. Uried Ilufnt'J ctuts. Dried lit if at 10 cents. Dried Beef at IJ'.tcntf. Kuiii kli 's Drlid lktf nt II tents. Picnic liaius nt luvtnU. J. Frank Reist, WHOLE LE AND KKTAIL GBOCEIt. LN( AhTElt, I'A. tj.M,liMr.N.-VVK WIMII A FEW .MEN IO O st 11 our Kl L'oedo bv s-lllinli' to.llieuhelt'kale and retail trude. Ijineit manufacturers In our line. j.ncieM) s-ti ni stamp, vvutresii isntuv. m li-tint stamp. I'Cfiiiancni iMjAiueu. e iMjltien. Ne iHtetals uuswrrtd. Meney udvunceil for vtitxcn, uilMrllilne, eic. CENTENNIAL MAN 't-G CO. eprlSvvtdtd UudnnHil, Ohlu. NE-S CELERY COMrOUKC. RHEUMATISM ThesAitwIn disease ciUtte untold suffering. Doctors admit that they are difficult le cure cure se de their patients. Palne's Celery Compound has permanently cured the worst cases of rheu matism and neuralgia se say these who have used II. "Having been troubled with rheumatism at the knee and feet fbr five years, I was almost unable te get around, and was very often con fined te my bed for weeks at a time. I used only one boltle of Palne'a Celery Compound, and was perfectly cured. I cart new Jump around, and feel as lively ad a boy." FRAXK CAItOLl, Kureka, Nevada. 11.00. Blx for IS.00. -Druggists. Mammoth testimonial paper free. Wells, lUcllAKmeje A Ce,, Treps,, Burling. ten,Vt. DIAMOND DYES Glv Faster and Brighter Celers than any ettier Dyes. TJAI Svy Wee. B ABDAMcELBOY. bard Sc Mcelrey, Kes. 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, MRGHH GOODH-Snerlal Baraatni In Black Henrietta Cleth at 'JSc. 85c. 40c. Our Me aualllv All Weel, Winches wide, extra valne. Next gradnUt Inches wide, 75e; .worth H!c. Next grade 40 Inches wide, 87'-'c ; bring ) our samples of 11.00 graac te mines wiuc, i.uu ; regular price, ii.ie. ItJirJ grade Is II Inches wide, actual measure, extra quality. Dress Goods from ha up. Bargains at UK, Sn, 2). 87k, 4i,Mand 75 cents. The best line of Dress Ginghams and Tellc du Nerd at 5K, , 10 and 12HC n the city. COILSETH-Cersets at 25c, 39c, 60c, 75c, 11.00. The II. A P. Dress Ferm Corset at 11.00 Isnrjl equaled at less than tl 2H. HOSIERY The liest value In Hosiery In the city. Ladles' and Men's 2, 3, 4 and & pair ferc. Ladles' and Children absolutely Fust Black Hese, two pulrs fer25e. UNDEUWEAB Ladles', Men's and Children's Medium Weight Underwear, cheap. Indies', Bibbed Vests, 12U, 25, 60, 75 cents. Ijidles' Uaura Vests from 25e np. I ji dies' Summer Minine Vests.eOc. Men's Uauzn Vests from 25c up. One let of Men's Grey Mixed Balbrlggan Irnderwear at 5c ; worth 60c. Sen these Men's Jean Drawers nt25e and 50c. One let of Men's Hllk Handker chief nt 25a: regular price, 75c ; this Is a decided iHirgnln. OILCLOTH We carry a larger stock of Fleer and Table Oil Cleth than any ether retail Dry Goods Heuse In Lancaster. We have concluded Ui meke a Hpcclal Bale of Fleer Oil Chtth. As this Is house cleaning time, and should jeu vvie.t te replenish, come and sce us If you vsatnt bar gains In I- loer OH Cleth. B1CYCLEH Before reu buy a Bicycle or Tricycle call and see us. Agents for Ihe Premier Hatety Bicycles. Alse different makes for be) sand girls. Hafety Ble)cltiind Tricycles. Ulcicln Hose only 50c. Btcycla Hese Hupperters unly 5c each. bard & Mcelrey, AGENTS FOR THIS SEXTHON, DEALERS IN DRY GOODS M08. 33 AMD SB SOUTH QUEEN STREET. Opposite Fountain Inn. Ml . I..- I-. .--- -.III. .,, Mi. im i Xt'ntcltcf.. H 7.. BHOADS A fc.ON. L-OW PRICES. Following will be found a list of goods low priced nlwnjs In our steck: Child s Geld ringer Rings, 23c; Misses' Geld Finger Kings, 75c.; Ladles' Geld Finger Rings, 11.00; Blceve Buttens, 25c, 60c., tl.OO; Cellar Buttens, 23c. te 11.00; Diamond Cellar Buttens, $2.00; Ladles' and Misses' Breastpins, 25c. te 11.00; Mourning Plus and Earrings, 25c. te tf 00 ; Bracelets, 25c. te S10 ; Nickel Clocks, LOO ; 8-Day Manl le Clocks, $3.75 ; Ladles' Geld Watches, J15.75; Nickel Watches, 11.00; Silver Watches, S10. ?-npalrliig In all branches by geed workmen and nil work warranted. H. Z. RHO ADS & SON, Jewelers, Ne. 4 WEST KING STREET. i -' CEttvpct B AKGAINB ! -GO Shirk's Carpet Hall 1 - FOK Wilten, Velvet, Bedy Brussels, Tapestry, Ingrain, Damask and Venetian, Rag and .Chain Carpets. OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, &C. Wk Have tiif. Lakeeut ami Bknt KrecK i Tllf.CliY. H. S. SHIRK & SONS. Cor. West King and Water Sts., Lancaster, Pa. it'atcltce. -yy-ATHhH. HMERICKN Wntihe, Clocks, Jewelrv elrv, Specs, i:)e-Gla"ses, Lbtl'ltlCLH. E.IC, IIUAJIV Optical GimmK TelicrnphTlme Dally, Kv cry Arlttle In this Line III! refully Kepalrcd. Leuis Weber, Ne. lBDV; North Queen St., Hear P. B. R. Station. TEWELEIl AND OITICIAN. Watchmaker & Jeweler ! GRADUATE OPTICIAN. Hieclaltles In American Wultlic Geld, bib veriind Nickel Watt lies. Our steitk larger than evnr. Extni fiiduceiiientseffireil, Hnve taken n regular Celli data Courvi In Optlts. Krniluiitcil und mil full) competent te correct visual defects. EXAMINATION OF EYEh I'BEE. NO DIIOFH UHED. CHARLES S. GILL, 10 West King Street, LANCAHTEB, PENN'A. e UB LABGE AND INCBEABED Watch Sales Is due te the fact Unit vvehavciilHajsalarge Riidcholiesleik te stlcctlrem. THAT WK HELL 'Hit: Best Watch T l OB 1 HE LEAST MONEY. That WK DO NOT hELL WHAT WE CANN.OT OUABANTEE. Diens should apprcclute our ifTerts teelve geed poeds, and can deM ml upon ever) thing vie sell te I as represented. HERR, Jeweler, Ne. 101 N. Queen St., COHNEIlOFOIIANGIl ilhotenvitpho. R OTE. I JUST RECEIVED FBO.M Kcenigsburg, Prussia, Twe B.ickirrnuuds nude especially for Bust and 'Ihris-wjuarttr Ix'iiifth Photeitruphs. i. 6e 1-2 North Queen St., Next pour U rosteltlve, Ja7-0tu4 and NEURALGIA Palne's Celery Compound has becti a, nod send tome, ler the past two year! hntesnf. fercd with neuralgia of Bin hsrt,ile t after doctor railing te cure me. I hnvn taken nearly four bottles of the Compound, und nra free, from the complaint. I feel very grateful te yen." CltAS. II. Lewis, Central Village, Ct. Paine'g Celery Compound "I have been greatly afflicted with acute I could find no relief until 1 rheumatism, and used Fnlnc s Celery Compound After uslnc six bottles of this medicine I am new cured of rneumatie ironeies." Hamuel HfTCTUMO.s', He. Cornish, N. H. Effects Lasting Cures. Palne's Celery Cem pound has performed many etht retires as iiutrv cleus ns these copies of let ters sent te an) address. Pleasant te lake, ders net disturb, but aids digestion, aud enllrelv vegctable: a child ran take It. What's the use of suffering longer wttli rheumatism or neural gia? niRIPC Bv Ing upon Ijictnlcd Feed are Healthy DADIDO Happy, "Hearty. It Is UiiMpialcd. Opposite Fountain Inn Miuniiu sun c-uiiiimni isiiii mis nitmucr. sexi. Bargains In Black Hllk atTec, 11.00. 11. fl.M; our quality and . I l- HI l-L-LUUgn flrtll. -TJAliaAINS! - Ciethiitri' QlOI'l THINK 1 At this day, whin omptltleii IsKtenl.the cnstenier IikiIis tu see Who Gives, Net Premises BABGAINh. Customer. Hlen! Think 1 Whenav for ex. tensive advertisements? We de net Aitw rti.i Unreal us, Clearing Bales, etc., but Kve )ou the benefit of Unit vthlih ethirs clvuthe printer. Our Counters Contain All thill Is New In SUITINGS, TR0U8ERINQS AND SPRING OVERCOATS. Our Prices are the lowest Iessllile te de Jus. lice te customer and iiurMlvct. NO. V.1J4 AND tan WrXT KING 8TBEKT. mnrll-Siiid 10 CLOTHING BUYEBH. L.Gansman&Bre. Superior (Mi AT- POPULAR PRICES. Clethlni; that 1- made for Wear, for Leeks aud for Fit. At the same, t line for Aifuracy. OurtAiilid 111) suits urn net nrdlmirv fiiand rjlOsnlts, liutKrcnt vnlnis for the money. !12 and !16 suits are ciiunl In make and fit te ftue custom vierk. Kte our Iiiiinciise line, of tine puatnloem. Alt-wool isints at 51.75, f'J.W, S2.&0,f 1.0), ! 100, Chruper pants ul 70e, Mc, 51(0, Slj0. Our order department Is u,s busy as ever and the le est prltcs still prevail, S 12. 811, SIO nil wool Cheviot suits, snik or cut aw ay. IIS, 118. fJO fine Worsted suits mad and trim, med In thslitxtef t)lc, J2aii(l Kleitra flnu suits (Prince Albert.) Our tli flnu English fcerue suits te order, In black and lndlf;ebluc,are urcat v alius. THIN SUMMER COATS AND VESTS IN LABWE qi'ANTITlhH. Children's Suits irem $1 Upwards. L. Gansman & Bre., and 68 NORTH QUEEN ST., S. W. CORNER OF 0RAN0E, LANCASTER, PA. 2Utevnctje. Tf UTIIEBH. KAUKFMAN, J ATTOBNEY-AT-LAW. Keceuil Doer I JililciiKtii Ijivt Bulldlnt;, Ne. II North DukHtrit. uprt-l)iUw JATENTH. During AI'BIL AND. MAY my no. duv enlv en nlleKuuce If disliKU Write WM. 1LBAB (Ol'K, 5H Seventh strttt, VVashlntiteii D. es. P.O.Bex 'Zil lenutrly Exuiulutr lu Patent I Oaicc, 1 hlrttu ) tars jiiv t. aHwilMM C'lothlue Xe89 NOVELTIESI 1889 H. GERHXrT S. ' The most complete aasertment of RpHnt Ovarreatlni-F.iKllsh Cheviots, Dlacenat and I'asslinrrc HulUns and Treuserlnir that has ever been shown In this city. .Workmanship the best and all (meds warranted its represented. II. GKIUIABT, Ne. 4S North (ueen Htreet. "Only Direct Importing Tailor In the City of Ijincnstcr. M AUTIN BBOS. That's the length and breadth nfthlsltendy.MadcClethlnK, Enrytedy's Taste PnptRdl,, Custom Tailoring and Fur. Ishlnx Goods 8 tore. Feri Here's the place te And fashion's latest wrinkles. Here's the store te liud the stand-by stftfls, and neres where prices are kept trimmed and whittled. Stand-by Yeu All-Weel Men's Suits, nud 110. Men's Fine Imported Worsted Butts, blue and black corkscrews and wide-wale,!. These are such ns )eu'd think te find only made le measure. Bl Beys' Bulls, all-wool, W; better and best at t te 111. Among the biggest values In the store ere the outfits for little be)s, suit and kilts, wnlstsand hose. Natty, Dressy AllAVoel Hults, (JAM; better, tS; lie!, H, and very fine. Bee the Little Lord Fnnntlerey 8ult and Basil and our Bailer Blouses with breeches or kilt. Men's and Beys' Flannel Bhlrts, Belts and Bliurr. All the adopted club and college cellars fur nished. You'll wonder boa such quality and worth can be made for the little the price-tickets ask. MARTIN BROS, Clothing, Tailoring and Furnishing Goods, NOW. 28 AND 28 NOBTH QUEEN KTBKET, w ILLIAMBON A t'OHTKB. Observe the Range of Patterns, THE HUPEItlOB MAKE, THE 1'EBFECT FIT, AND LOW I'BICEH OK OUR Gent's and Beys' Cutaway Ceat Dress Suits. - Gent's Cutaway Ceat Hults, Bread Wole or Whipcord, til te 121. Beys' Cutaway Ceat Hulls, Cheviots, Casul meres and Worsteds, t!0 te tilt Children's Knee Pant Hults, J1.S0 te JD.00. Light Colored BttfT HnU, tl.TO. Iidles' HaUer llat, Mr.; complvle Willi white band, 7.V. huminrr lip Hpreads,riOC. Hummer llorseHhei ts, 7.V. Be)s' White or Mixed Htraw Huts, V'Ae. Children's Haller Hats, ZV-. RUSSET OXFORDS! rienty of the Ladles' Hnsset Oxfords fur 11.00 lu stock. A better grade for tl.M. Clilldren's Hprlntr lleel Tan Oxfords for 7Sc. Men's "Vn Oxfords for 11.76. English, French. Impertrd Kani v Flannel Hhlrts In geisl wash able patterns, with the ilengntablc sleeve, fur SJ.OOiiiiiI KM. A better Hhlrl lu French Crepe at fj.2.'i, mid mi rliicnnt Hllk Shirt for H.7.'. Don't fall te see these different grades, as It will be te) our ad vantage In de se. Blt-UH KABT KINO hT LANCAHTEB, PA., AND aiRMABKETHTBEET, ilABBIHBUBG PA. H IltJlt & BBOTHEB. A 10 PER CENT. REDUCTION -ON ALL Children's Suits ! UNTIL JUNE 1 We will given redui Hen of ten per cent, en all Children's Hulls, size t te II. We have them In man) dltftreul sl)les. -IN- Pleated, Belted, Plain Goats 1 KNEE I'AN'IS TO M A'l Cll, Made of Plain and Fancy Cnssliiierf , Worsteds and Cheviots. Extra Pants and Hhlrt Waists. CHMIHEN'S SUMS At tl.0", !.'-. f'-M, 11.75, .00. CIlILIIHEN'HHUriH, Less 10 Per Cent., ultS.SS.V.SO, !&,, flOO.fL'a, IJ.75, 8100. MAGNIFICENT DESIGNS IN CIIIL llHEN'HhUI'IN, Less 10 Per Cent., at l.50, , W, SflLflO, f 7, J70. KNEK I'ATs At20c.,'rc.,3ec., 10r'.,60c., 6V 75c. E.XTHA FINE KNEE I'ANTS At h6c., 11.00, tl.2ft, 11.10, VM nud 81.75. HI HUT vYAISTis Al 20c., 25c., 10c., tK, te L-55. MEN'S AND BOYS' SUITS Ready-Made, At the Very Ixiwcst Prices, Quality Ceusldewd. Our Made-te-Order Department Is full tonurflewliiB with eidtrs. Call und see our stiKk. IrJIIWUllVlllim rJ Williamson & Fester, HIRSH BROTHERS ONIM'KICi: CLOTim:it.S AI) KUHNISHIMtH, Kertti Queen Street and (fhtre Square, JjANCArjTlilt, I'A, goets ittttt gltece. JlOOTB AND BHOErt. BARGAINS' IN SHOES, Just received, direct from Ihe factory, ever one thousand pairs of Ladles' Bhecs that were made and stamped te be sold fur !?i0n pair, but the party failed before the goods wrrp mi. hhiil; sol made them an etTer al the factory fur the Reeds and had them finished In splendid st) le, nud I nm offering ) ou thrsn shoes for (1.60 and 2.00 per pair and every pair RUamntccd. He this Is a rare chance t keI n t50 shoe for tl JO and tZOO. Alse a let of Men's and Bey's Hhees we arc closing out cheap. A full line of Black and Tan Oxford Ties for Ladles, Mlsees and Children at the lowest prices In the city. D. P. Stackhouse, 28 and 30 EABT KINO STREET, LANCA8TEB, I'A. aM-lydAw S IIOEtf l'OIl BDMMEH TIMEI Ladies' Opera Slippers. The elienncat Oimm 8Hpicr vc havtt scllt nl o0e. It In iiimle en thn Xatlennl 'Aim Shoe Mnchlne, the ntniiiirHi'ttircr vvnrrnntlii); It net te rip. Hundreds of pnlra were sold here Inst niitl during this roiuieii, mid vve've tlm llrwt pair te Und itoweKS. Inir the hIkivu fniilt. KxperliuentH hnve Ixxiti niiiilu with tliein, tint, as te vvtnr,nmltho,v'veiiotUi!n "fetinil WHiitliiK." They liud iilnce nud mm ply a ikci1 for which, roriuerly, tfO te 160 grades were net tiw geed. They nre uk, clenit, new (reeds, and aty Hull. Wo've mi clcKiiut Ojiera Slln pcr at 7.'k', tlint yoiinheuld try. It's white kid lined, linn leather conn cenn tern, narrow tneH and hlirhlu'clH. It's mat pretty nnd will inove a favorlte. Iiere'M another te tell of Ui centa liiore In prlce -ene of tlie liewt Relllii"; Opera rjllppcrs we have. It's at tractive looking, and rarely ever proved faulty in wear we heII hun dreds of pnlrs, and are in n lxjaltlen te knew its worth. In $l.ii grades we have all widths, 1) te K. The iippcm are niade of carefully selectcil materlal, and havoiteod, Hiilistautlal leather uettutera. Kvery pair In-are evldoiiee that skilled workmen only make them. Jinr.dnoine and dura hie. AVo've ltetter grades If you enre te have them fine, finer, finest. There's nothing In Oncra rjlippcra, high or very low priced, you may net liud here. Tr' uh; we'll net dlAapKiiiit you. SHAUB & BURNS, II Noimi Queen St., Lancasieb, Ta, marZMydAw B OOTB AND S1IOEH. WHO CAM BUT euu PRICES ? Men's Unlit Checkered nnd I'lnln lllnh lloek-ljiro Canvas Hhees, with riibberselrs, for Tennis, (lymnashinis, Huse Ball, etc., slesfitn D.f 1.2.5. The riKiilnr prim of the-e slustt Is tl.fiO.lnit webeiiKhtii " Jeb Let." When these nre nil wn don't think neinii get nny morn te sill at this prlie. , Mill's WlKvrnms, tl) Iridic, TV J Be)s, 0.V', and ChlldrursMe. These, tisi, area" Jeb lil." Next let will have le be sold nt regular prices. Men's, Be)s' and Youth's Tan Tip Itemilnr Cut, Iloek-Lnrv Htns's, 1I.W pir pair; better grade of Men's at , WJ10 nud tl. Men's Tip Tan Lew I jicc Hhees lit !LV) and V. Be)s' Veal C'nlf ljue, Butten mid CeiiKress Hhees, slus 3 te hi, Jl.'ij. We hnve one of Ihe largest lines and assert, mints or Men's, Beys' and Youth's Calf Don Den Don Kela and Kunsuroe Hhees In the illy. Ladles' Plain Toe Tan Oiferds, 75c. nnd up wards. I .allies' Tip Tail Oxfords, 75c, und upwards. Ladles' Patent leather Tip Oxfords, 7fe. nnd iipnnrds. IjiiIIcs' I'luln Toe DeiiKOla Oxfords, 75c. and upwards. The two lust mentioned shoes licnt mi) thing vie ever suw for the money, Ladlts' Kid Opera Hllppers, SOc. nnd upwards. Tbe One-Price Cash Heuse. & nrr iltl Tee Leaders of Lew Prices -IN- Beets and Shoes, 3 & 6 East King St., LANCAbTLB, I'A. "Mtere closed every evening iitf) o'ileck,ex cept Jlendny and Hnturday. (i:i)ltt.t lall. II IGIIAMAltriN. China Hall. If j en want te replace any article of Creeksry or (Jlussmire that may be brekiti In moving, or If veu witli le repluce old or furnish nnv China Hall Is tbe place le (jelrtllnble vuirent llieLeivekt Prlics. WAHKS clUAIt.VNTLKU. Exchanged If Net Satisfactory. D. P. STACKHOM HI ELM High & Martin, NO. 15 EAST KING STREET. elll-lfj -VTOTICK TO TUEhVAbSEIlH ANI OUN l NK1W. All perwmsnre liereby fnrbldden te tniiKHim any of tlie lands of tlie Cornwall ml MH-fdMcll estate In UIkiiieii or Ijiniiistir .enntli s, n lietlier Im IemhI or nnnicleel, 1 1 tin r for the purKu of t.hoetlny: or llstitnir, ns Hie. law will be rigidly enfurcctl nBnlnat ull trc trc aMliij(eiikull liuul of the muUn-lgned nlU'r lh"",0,J"'- WM-COLBMANrBEEMAN. It. PKIICYAL11UN. KUW. C. KltKEMAN, , , Atwrn) ('. Ki W, C9ienii U, Velacc of getmMHt A BTKICH BBOS. AblKlLH BKUb. $i PALACE OF FASHION, tl 115 & 117 NORTH QUEEI STREET. PANC 4 fc . ,w. nn Five hundred Japanese Fans large size, highly colored anc wide sticks, at 5c apiece ; wertkl luiiy tee. ,; Larire Japanese Fans, witli laced cords, black, at 10 ; Fancy oierea at 12c ; worm fully 20 r,n:n Sf.l iu jv- "1'iviv.t;. a a Elegant large Chrome Fans,y at iec ; regular price 18c. Linen Chrome and Paintedli Fans, at 15c; regular price 25c. kj reather rans in red and wlnte. at ten : rnmilar nnrp see J Fine Chrome Fans, withal openwerked bone sticks, at 25CI rincunrome rans, 50, 75C41 una 5,1. .jvj White Satin Fans. ;e. ik:M 90c, $1 te 3 apiece. ffl ij:ij c.,:.. r . .. al 1 .uiiii-ueanii i-aiis, 2,1, ai.se,a S2, S2.50 te $3.50 apiece. Gauze Fans, cream, white, and black, up te $10 apiece. Ostrich Feather Fans, white, J black and natural. Gauze and Lace Fans. 1 Crgnm Qefin Pine rif-Isa.i W.V.I.... ......, .X.S..V-S j,J ends, in fact the largest assert ment of Fine Fans ever shown in this citv. Black Linen and Satin Fans,f a specialty. Parasols and Sunshades, m black and fancy. J me best bargains we ever had. Fancy Colored Parasols, from $ 87c up te $5. gg nt' s !-. si. f . m - -5 riaia aatin raraseis at .i.ffi which cannot be sold anywhere f at less than $5 apiece. Nevetfics in Jexvclry. New Bracelets at 2 ;c, in trilt silver, exydize. A few mere Children's Solid M Geld Rings, small sizes, at i6cJ IJJIUI-l.. ., Ladies' Plated Geld Rings atj 25c " i Ladies' Solid Geld Rings at stl Ci.-jc. tl en trv A nniera ? Novelties in Lace Goods. ' Fauntleroy Pleated Cellars and Cutis, from 25c a yard,up."j bleated Cellars and s-Uns the yard. . Directeire Cellars, for ladies, 1 yec, pi ituu n.50. M ASTRICH BROS., fi 1 1 5 & 1 1 7 North Queen St.. goeha. BTI ARTT SI'IX'I.VL DlSl'LAY OK ETCHINGS AND PHOTOGRAPH AT FenDersmith's Art Gallery, SATUIU1AY .V. MONHAY IJVKNINUS, J2 MAY 18,t'J0. " Blircp In a Dnvty Ited," by Lithrep. " Mending the Tears," by Wlnsletr Hern r. ,?a " linn in 1110 .vietintiiins." nv uenraanen. i Fuitli." tir Iledenliiuisen. f'! 46 East King Street. mau-tfd furniture. w IDMYKIl'BCORNKIv. AN ADVANTAGE YOU SHOULD NOT MIfcH. The ndvnntnue of selecting from the largest ijj ana most cempiiic sieck ei FURNITURE is as bs iffiirail ii tul nnn rlilsls mil (it lilkAr most anyone, ills well selected, the newest lu i nisiKii, goon aim Lew Priced Tlie advantage or sclectliw from vt.a a itrkJi Is 1111 Important conildcrnileu, nnd assure tuaif 111 J I i. Itt-K t MIV.VS Plllinuiviii'llt We m re iwxcr in better k tosertcreu. Jb there any thlnic ou -vnuit lu KurntturcT IF SO, CALL AT WIDMYER'S FURNITURE STORE, COItNEIt OK- E. King & Duke Sts. garbtufirc. M VIWIIALLAHENOIEIt. De you vvunt te buy A Lawn Mower, u-i ..: A Water Coeler, OR AN 10E CREAM FREEZE T & Ir'bO OO TO MARSHALL & RENGIER, 9& II Seuth Queen St., L.VNCAbTEIl, I'A. -AUaO- WIRE EniKG AND BARB FEME Will" PalaU,OUa,WhlULaiJ.VrBUi, Aud a mil line of General Hardware. , j bOLE AOENTfci FPU TUB P Reyftl Ready lixadP X. m u4v- '-iis-?. "r' n..' A - s.tViVaafeaBa4a1)fafe!yrfe.v' frv- asit vatfcA'.j8A'i.i 3 jrl &. y-.' ..T. i.-.. ij-tu .! Urti-ju',- i J i . '-IL 4riU, , au. i-iSf. irajfef. 5c