Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, May 25, 1889, Image 2

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    Xi r'
MAY 25, 1889.
iU ntcUttf cuccr.
J.8TF.1NMAN. ,
, tB -t' ROBERT CtiAflK, rnbllshrr.
fnty day In Uie jeer, but Sunday. Hcrvcd
W CMTtm In thin cltr nnd snrretindlntr
' '4 towns t ten cents n week. By mall llv e rtel-
lryrr In advance j SO cents a month.
EKKIA INTEI.UaKNCEH-One dollar nnd
.Wly ccnli n yenr, In advance.
ICE TO HUttjCitlHEIW-Ilcmll by check
i-W postefltoc order, nnd where neither of
lyMrcrcrmii ue procure, snia in n rcgisicrcii
. mier.
ktfcred lit I he rostefnee, ni second class mull
Iniunter, Pa.
VIV ttlilMAK akf Iff AH T1A I am
-f mwk jvfltnnci i iivu e m-j ai 1 1
eTtui T,nnnnttitr Amui'iTH
v, utiMKinivi 4ii'iiir ir i-i !
tfritigthe Intei.mee.scku with error
Muting thnt " Qimy wni for Mnjnr
Ittauil in ISSO whcti lie vint ilcfcnttii
galnct liini in ltW when he wn
sful." Anil new wivm Hint lie vvn
, for him In IS! nnd vns net npnlnst
nltn In 1880, thus exactly reversing Hie
ct a we slate it. Te which n hiive
! te tay thnt the flies of the I.ntki.Miikx-
I.CtR all through the coiitetHfif lietJi W
liand 1889 Matctl Quny'n position levvnrtlK
s Rctnccul ns friendly in lbWl nnd iih
adverse In 18SH. We heR te etiy thnt it
, seems te us te require, an inuuenuu
'capacity in the Inquirer in mis tiling 11s
; tnncn mi tun hce mem, 10 pin iicmtiMii
"en the Quny side in thelnte context;
ml its undertaking te de hi denriTes Ittt
statement of his position In IhSdef any
, value.
It docs net mutter te the Intelueen-
vceh who of the Itepiililleim chiefs or
factions win or Iem;. It N n pnrty of
fslavesnnd Ihmw; and nothing luiiipeim
inlt unve toelevnte heiiiu ulileftnlu nnd
(teMicriflru home ether one. There I n
'constant waving of flilllnlnhs among
'them wlien there ii a lleslnmt In
tight. Quny who It new theeontrell-
itflng Republican spirit in IViiiihv'Ivii.
Rnla is put en 0110 (tide or the ether
'of every brawl from the Delawarete the
vfOhie, nnd peenm te love te Ixi there.
He hns just undertaken te temnlmwk
Macve in Allegheny, nnd lieen tenui-
5 hawked hinifelf, even wer.e tlinii he
was in Lancaster county. In IMilladeN
jphia helms drawn bleed in bin latest
rj.achlcveinent. which nut one of his
niest trusteil lleutennntH in the huddle,
r providing lihu with a United Stntes cel-
lectershlp, It.s emolument nnd depu-
p.tles, with which te Im. the party In
Philadelphia and lay out MuMiiuc
and ether old time leaders, who think
that tlicy can swim even with n ulitiik.
like Quay in the water lctide them.
May 1 they enu : it leeks as II thev
fr were going te try ; and peiuv will net be
likely te come until (lie political wateiV
arc red witli tliCKC jilniUV bleed.
What respectable la'publlcaim think,
'in reading of all thcf-e eentcMHlif their
iparty leaders ever the himiIIk, nnd hew
patiently they regard their amuinptien
thnt the party voter have delegated
; the pnrty te the man who can knock
down any ether man who claims It,
F&wede net knew ; but we Mimiltl like te
knew. It ncems te us that respectalile
iRepubllains must elinfu under the de-
'..minion of such material as IheOuav-
l'"!?1'"""'1" r11fl' ln blch tbeie Is
ilafHing intellect and eultme and nbeimd-
fingl vulgarity and deceit. This mu-
?terial 1b RtrenK In its ability te eontiel
kr'tonimeii men. It is the like genius that
CDableHthc contractor te emit ml lnlxir.
f It is the ability mid the readiness
?te use tlie lowest devkcsteiichieveendn.
The ninuef rcllncmeiit and the man of
4 conscience is hampered with a burthen
fWiitcli rerblds his) aspiration for party
leadership ; and It seems te le necesxarv
rin thlH situation that nulitlcal k-iul-r.lii'i
shnll fall into foul hands. It must go
! te these who make imllths a profession.
fete be rewarded by Its gifts. It
jinusi go 10 tiiose who are willing te ie
jtiie jKitent agency of money, In anyway.
as mi Instrument. I'litrletimu, weiking
for money nnd etllces. is of a klud that
;Will net wash clean ; and that tlnds lis
jaevetees among the unwashed, unre-
fined, graceless, godless and e II. That
"iBthesert the Hcpubllean leader in 1'enit
lvanla is ; nnd Ged save the eommeii-
J wealth while he is.
r ., ... ..,..,,,.
y nis ivriini ins ueing, uisiriumpiisaiiti
jieuures, as we would tnose 01 the Ih-iihIs.
aThere hns lieen no honor in the crowd
iuce the days of Simen Cameren, who
?ct the fashion they have faithfully
.followed and improved upon. They are
i disgusting let, who have nindu' the
.political nrofessleu 11 liv-unnl I
ffcieprench, when it used te be a career of
Mionerj wlie hne kept out of the
V"B "iiiivH 01 uie states Its
ffiS" ' '"""'. " l'aii'iiiiiii ;
rifwhehnve breUKht thoeevcrnorshin Inte
5 contempt and made Peniisvlvania a w enl
efemptliHv In the federal Senate. Where
are the Mates great men, its orators and
? statesmen? Kche answers. Net n.
,aplearh te thw call. The evil ltiiII hnve
' Main them.
The Killing 0r I'nmhi.
The killing of Crenin lias an intenM
abevethnt of ordinary murders, because
J'there M-ems te lie kihmI reason for
cleu that his death s iiitinmtelv cm,.
lyiiected with the great Knglish pidltlcni
jtjueMieii. ur. reuiii gave no teuiiita-
,tieu te anyone te remove him Mivebv
.his menacing attitude towards n faction
!."r an insn orgaulatlen. I In i,mi
any friends and his 4y known
rjinles were the men wlmni b bi..i
threatened with punishment for annre-
gpriatieu of funds Intended for ihc in Ire
f,Mnd. Ill some way he hntl come Inte .
mtsiieu of proofs of villainy ,or at least he
uumeu te liuve done mi, and as he
kwas a mnn Miiuding high in nubile
KtlniBtien there Ls 110 reason te doubt it.
wnie ftterjea thnt were industriously eir-
puiateu 10 me eltect tliat he was net
4ead, but hnd done MimethiiiK wreiiL'
Jnd tied from justice new appear te have
jeen without foundation and mav have
fceen a part of the conspiracy. The case
; ueceme or national nnd even inter-'
.uaiienal Innwrtunee and mnn lm utrtui I
' lO the bettOlIl. If (lift irvit lrl,l t... I
6'Hen In controlled by an en-nulnti,,,.
f ut bt cursed with a faction Bodestmrate
m te atoep teniunlcr we all want te llnd
. ft nunasu net occurred te reileethiK
n...a ui mu- VUUllirV III III. it i.l,iuil.l
Mae te be made the conspicuous theatre
forgaulzatlens fenntsl ngalust the is.-ace
r a incnuiy country? Ireland for the
Ml Iv well: and Hi is Americi t.,r
ericaus. who are se bv natlvliv or
toptien; but America is net Ireland,
auiuu .1111 urgaiuaiieus seem te
A HeeUIea.
lit the cese of Grebs uguhiht the t'eif-
:ea gas com puny of linltlmnn
Justice lijller Una declared the
U of the United fctatea suiin.ine
, in favor of the defeudaut, en tbe
Ml that the iiUdutiirs berviivH b.i
Qvmunwt u
IlliUurf..! .v,... I
uutawful ceiu j
-- jf,
blnntkm of Rnltliuere gas cempaulcs,
and he could net therefore recover.
A Maryland statute forbade the com
panlw from entering into any consolida
tion, combination or contract with any
ether gas com pail y whatever; which
sounds very much like the lVnnsyl
yiniln inw forbidding the combination of
telegraph eempntiles,nnd Attorney (len
crnl Klrkpntriek can go en with his suit
against the Western Union in jierfect
cniifldcncu thnt the United Stntea su
preme court will sustain him. It
seems from the letter of the decision
that even without n Mntiitn it will
le held thatacomblnatleii of companies
doing business of a public character,
which combinations are evidently pre
judicial te the public Interest, are un
lawful. This Is ancient law; but It has
licen uncertain whether modern Influ
ences: would jKTiult it te stand. Ill
practice it lias net Ihtii the
law; but new that It has been
nnneuueed from the highest tribunal,
corporation managers doing business as
public servants will need te quickly
take fresh hen rings lest they run unreund.
Heie is 1111 extract from the opinion :
Innumerable r.tses, however, iiiIkIH be
riteil In snstnlu the proxsUlen that roui reui roui
btnntieiis nmeiig tliehO cnKUKcd in business
iliiirese( with n publle or iiinsl public
elinrneter w lib h nre iiiiinlfestly prejndlcinl
le the nubile interest runeut be upheld.
The l.tu "rnuiiet rcengulftn nswillilnny
imileitakbig tmle what fiiinlniiieiitnl iIih--trliin
01 lejl rule illrertly forbids. Ner
can It give tltwt te any' nKrceiiicnt the
nuking whereof v:mmi mt viel.itlliK 1V.
Se in shiut all stliuliitleiis le overturn
or In evasion or thu law lini estab
lished all prniulseH Interfering with
the workings of the mnililiiery of
thu Keverniiicul In any of lis lep.ut lep.ut
inentser eb.-lnitllnc Its efllccrs In their
elllchil ads or cerrujitlii thrill, nil drill
menial te the public elder mid public geed
In such milliner mill degree .islhe decisions
el the courts Imp del'med, all iiiniln te pro pre
mole whiit a sliitute his declared le be
wrnii(, are void."
It Is also tee well settled le niltillt of
doubt thnt a rorerittlon enniiet i1Ih.iI)1i
Itselfliy contract Irmii perferinlngthe iub
He duties It has uudertiikeii and by
ngrpemeut eeuiN'l llself te in.ike iilbl(i'
lU'coiiiinediilloii or couvcnlciice subservi
ent te Its (irivate Interests.
Vp jMiblUh In our supplement te-day 11
statement of all tint laws ,iscd by the
reirnt I.pgishiluie. They are tlassllleil
midera ilereuhe.ids, and bilelly biitcleaily
descilbed, and this suimnnry will doubt
less prove useful te many.
AVi: have heard enough el the horiei. of
war, but even the chronicles of TaNlall's
regiment could h.udly furiilsli anything
iunnler th.m tlie story et Ilnyti's n.ivy,
brought hutiin by Aiiieilrnn adventurers
and published te-day.
Tin: fjijdlsli ymhl Valkyile is winning
jirle after prie, and when the llrlteus
le.irn thai there Is a strong; pieb.iblllly that
tlie Volunteer will net be coiiiiiiIhsIeihuI
they will l,e ery liepclul of winning the
cup from Americi this summer.
.Ieii.v llniuur believed that charities
should be siiiei(ed by the living, and Ills
will lentiilucd noeliarit.ible beiiicsts. I te
Km 11 whlle iie IItciI ; nnd II would be lai
bitter for nil If hi example should lm gen
erally followed.
I.v the mouth of April rJ,riO' ituuiigrauts
l.mded at mil six pells: It.illiuiere,
llosten, Xew Orleans, Xew Yeik, I'lilla
ilclpliln and H.111 I'niucisce. This is about
'.IS percent, of the Immigration into the en
tlieoeuntry. Kighty-three per cent! of the
immigration landed nt New Yeik. We
letetved in A pi II 1,X0 intivnsel Iielaud,
and 15,1.').') tieriuans. It is an interesting
f.ivt that we let'eived 111010 people from
Denm.iik, Nnivviij and Sweden from
luglimd and Wales, and mere fi 0111 Itussia
than fiem Italy. TukiUK the last leu
mouths, however, the following is ihe
eidci et the Kie.itest iiumigt.itleu : ei
mauy, I'ligland and Wales, N'liudiu.ivi.ui
nations, lielauil, Italy, Austri.i llungaiy.
"Tin: sKluslreiii fecs' sheuhlcix pl-isl
together will" TIiIh Is (lie
literal trauslatieu of a line in the appeal of
tin, Tae-tai of .Shaimhal ter help lei Ills
starv iug people. Me says that the smallest
sums will iiciuiiiulate lea large amount,
which may save the lives el millions. Ah
an Aiueiicaii inissienai.v , .Inlin I.. Nevius,
explains that one 01 two 'Vents a day will
keep people alive In China, U m.iv be hepist
that no lives will be lest ler tlie want el
such uiiMgie ih'irlt.v. The Chinese gev
eminent has turned evei its regular grain
tiibute ler Iho benelit of Iho dls
ticsscd, but human lile s of such
veiy sin ill at count in (hat paitet thoweil'l
that it many me le be saved it must be
elilelly through the pity of the Wesleru
iialleus. The (reuble Is iiiipareutly all due
te nature. The Yellow liver has lieeu haul
at neil; wauileiiiig overtlie leuutry and
teailug things up as it has done many
lime before. In less than two thousand
live hundi oil je.11 sit has chaugeil Use out se
ten limes anil the enoiineus Iehs of life and
piejieity (K'caslnuisl by the buistingef its
lianhs a j ear or mere age his never been
fully icalied by people outside of China.
Alter this calamity ihe raln season was
distinguished by al.uming phenomena. rain loll hi (eircnts within an
aiea where it was net uccdid
tractf-el country were lelt without any.
In tlii'prev luce of Miaulum,' Uie stieams
buisitheii banks, and uniting their wnteis
ilia coniiiien Heed w Inch ieercil the plains
ten depth el rieiii two te ten led, swept as
0110 unbroken liver te the se.i.
When winter e.iuie Umn lliem themisei
able (Hsiplu w eie liv iuguimii a lillle shriv -ellcd,
lialfdcel(ied grain, mixed with Iho
le.uesif swett Hit.ile vine. Half el the
inhabitants had lelt tin ii homes in Jiuiii
ar.v tubcgloed. "They le.ivelhcli scanty
supply el previsions vvltli Hum ubcis el
llieir laniilleswlieaie.igeil 01 Inliriu. lio lie
iug themselves te icturii in lime te plant
Iho spiingeieps. Thev usually lake with
Ham the I.11111 w ibirrew," vvlilih is
bulled with bedding and tlelhing, a lew
dishesiiud oeMng utensils mid the little
hildren, the men drawing and balancing
Iho bariews.and the women and larger
ihlldicn fellow high hind. These-fleeing
Ireiu the drought region en the south meet
these liein the lleisbsl legion en the neitli,
e.uli part.v telling tlie ether Ihit ills usiless
te go r.uthci. There me se iiiativ el them
Jiid the supjilv uf reed In the most faveted
settiuns is se MMiily Unit It is dilllcult te
supiwl life by begging, and iiianv icturn
te theii homes, dihliciiteinsl and heicless.
te die." . ' '
Chinamen have a way el massnerelng
our missionaries nnd developing
cusscdnessMillliiciit te nuke their exloi exlei exloi
liillintieu a ile.ising thought j then thev
yet diew ued and st.irv cd by the million a's
though for tliebieei.d purjioseof changing
our anger te pity. In mum er te the appeal
by ealile In rcbruary, great sums were
raised In Louden and New Yerk, and the
next new s fiem China was of liet and at
leinptcsl iii-issjieru el whites. Misgovern Misgevern
inent, ignorance and inist'eUiine are bring,
iug China te desperate straits.
'"" "v 1 oekk. 1110 nulheres. Is
7'") " " 1 Jiisnuiu, .Mass., and her
lliysiii.iuH fear neuralgia el tlie heart.
He.N.UiiiHiinH. Cvi.vimT. ot.eolNew.
pert's most dlstlngnlKhed Mtiens, ,1,1 .,
I ridav. uge.1 K7. He was a lineal les. end
ant of Lord Haltimere, el
Hwi.ui llKiiMlAm.r has a new lad', hhe
the morning, dressing herself us a man ui.a
prowling nbent the remote street ami bv-
ways of Paris until 7 or 8. Then she r'e-
1 !nwtoerliojiii'f undresses mul KIMM te
I bI. 8I10 recently remarked that hu had
t-.Tiglit that the w as tee old le learn uuw
fllllltr llalir nliimt It.. I.. I .... . t.
: 7 ' "WU. UK, Ulll 6110 bCCll
taught u fc-erat many fcet hitherto uu"
known te her by her wander
In u.s.
S.vMur.ti Lnnt, the founder of the dry
goods house of lierd Tayler, "fcvv Yerk,
riled at Ashton-en-Mersey, England, vv here
lie has been living since lils retirement from
buslnessever i" vcaisage. Hectiliie from
i:uglnnd In 181? I, when a!j cars old, with
enlvn lillle meuev In Ids iieckrt nnd no
friends. The latter lie msde llrst, and with
their alii established himself In business
and prtxreded le nmke the inenev. Mr.
I.eril was worth several million dollars.
Kkv. Coen', who has Just
resigned Iho rectory of ( Wltley,
Worcestershire, vvhlili vvas presentfsl te
him bvlha Inte Ijirl of Dudley In 1H57, Is
tlie snbjts-t of a gixsl story. At the time
tlie living boeniue acnnt Mr. .Melville was
nltndicd te the household of the deceased
uebleiiiim In the cnpvitv of ihiplnlu, nnd
having te preach nt VVIIIcy before his
noble patron he Isildly declared Ids desire
le beeoine rector of Iho parish in n senium
founded en the text. " Ierd, renimnber
David." David Is the union's Christian
name, lenl Dudley nt onee gave lilmthe
a iit'iti-iisgt n.vAVV.
I'd I stcnutre 'I'lilngs of the
lln.vllen I lei't.
The Anierlcnns who worn trmptesl te
take service en beard eflltn llaytlen mnn-ef-war
Dessaliucs, hnve returned with mi
nluusing iicisaint of their adventtiies. but
II is net likely that the llaytlen consul will
Mud II easy te engage any morn men for
like serv Ice. They w cre starved and ouiir euiir
tcied among ragged nnd lllthy colored
soldiers, I'-nglneer .lejill .1. (iraliniu was
scut te SI, Marc te take harge of the Toiis Teiis
salnt rOuverture. wlilch lay at anchor oil'
Iho harbor. When he nrrlvisl there he
found the vessel's ninrliluciy bin wreti lied
state and her boiler unlit te carry steam.
Her ram bow had been bent sit feet le one
side by a collision, making It utterly Im
possible te steer a straight line under any
circumstances. When her I udder was set
straight she would travel In a elide. At
her best, hcrconrse was llke the wriggling
of a snake. The crew wcre without few
and almost naked. Mullnv was lite among
the crew, and it wasalltlie elliecis could
de te prevent the nun deserting In a body.
Males llrewn and Cemer w'ere sent nbeaid
an old lug vvhlili had been named thu
Panama. .Sliowentte I'oit-nu-l'rlnce from
New Yerk with a wooden head in her
cylinder. Her ariuimeul, which was te
consist el one Ill-pound rilled Pariet gnu,
wasiiboaidef Ui Defence. When they tried
le nut II aboard Iho Panama the i bain
breke and Iho gun was lest in the harbor.
The men complain el liispient arrests en
trilling (barges te pie cut them Item Im
portuning the. war nlllec for pay. Kngl
hoot Hamilton Is .said te have giinn mad
fiem bad tieatmeiit.
Imgllieerl'luinei says the llnjtlau navy
Is a grand builesipie. 'Iho Dcssillncs is
armed with one ten-Inch smoeth-boro
luii'zln-lnndcr en the feiwanl deck, but
Iho ciew liave no ammunition fei it. She
also lias lour tenty-feui-Kiund I'nnett
tmi77lo-leadilig rilles, and they are sliert
et ammunition ter them", l'lumer says
also that the belleis et the Dessaliucs are
utterly worthless. She is liable te blew up
at any moment and Is tlioieiigbly uiisea
worthy. a llelente is Iho liest armed
vessel in the lied, us she has two tern inch
liieech leading 1 1 ties, mounted fore and
aft, one an Aruistteng and the ether a
Kliipp. Ilesldus thnse she has two tvven
ty-feur pound tilled I'ariells iervvnnl and
several sinoeth-bores of small calllne as
hi eadslde guns, 'I'he llnvlien government
has also enough small anus in Iho shape et
brccch-leadlng Iteiiiingten lilies te nun mi
Immense army. Neirly every llaytUu hi
I'eit-iiu-l'iiiKe carriesa illle, and every
eale nnd saloon has st.n l;s of
puns lelt in plinlge ler debts.
When they went nbeaid l.n Deleucu im
hain seied a mess pet, in whiili wasnbeut
u pen k et knives and leiks, and stuck it
Inte the IUU7I0 of the Id lueligiin, pillting
the tampien in after It. That day the ad
miral came nbeaid, and as Iho" gun was
leaded with blank eartiidge, they used it te
lire 11 salute. It wns pointed directly
tow arils the town midpoint blank at lliw
UiandCafe. There was a rain of knives
and folks against the building, until they
stuck out li 0111 the wall like ijulllH en a
At .St. Marc Iho furies of lllppelytu have
atcn-inili smooth-bore gnu mounted about
J,r,ue feel up the mountain side. Tills
enables them te plant a ball or shell about
lour miles out In the bav. On Mav 1 Ji
Defence, en vvhlili '"hlcf Engineer I'himei
was at that time, was sent le tjt. Mine le
beiubaid the town. On hei appio.nhshe
was saluted bv a shot Iren) the gun, whhh
is lu i harge of an American gunner. 'Iho
ball stiuck her en the larbeani side rail.
I'erttiuatclyit eul.v i.irriisl nwa.v paile! the
rail. As It was, some el thouegie s.iileis
ami soldiers were se frightened that thev
Jumped into the sea.
Accident te Mr. (.biilsleue.
While Mr. (il iilstelie was ciessiug Pic
cadilly, at the junction of llcikelev street,
en TI111rsd.1v evening, he was knocked
down by a cab which was turning into I lie
st 1 eel at the Mine moment. lie was as
sisted te Ids I eel by sev eiat spt tutors, .nut,
finding hiuiselt uiihuit. instanllv inn altei
the uib, which he slopped anil detained
until thediivei had bcculakiu luloeustedv
In the police. lie altenclecl tin- Heuse it
Coiuiiieiisou Pilday night and appiaiid
le be well.
A Itusslan 41I1111I,
The Iniiiltilr titwr states that niiieng
lheieusciiiH drawn in the vear isss (m
sorvhe in the lelclu.iled I'leebnijcnskv
icgiinent was ajiiung soldier w hose height
was seven tect lie was a native of the
nrev hue ol'ltadeui, In Poland. Since the
miuetiN diuni major of Peter the the
l'ltebrajensky regtuieul, although nole
rieiiM fei tall men, has net possessed a sol
dier as lull as this ,v eiiug giant.
1Ti:i.Kiiet's sKitvicix wit.i, 111: 111:1,11
In Hie folleu lie,' 1 Inuc lie s en Henda, In
llic morning at lOTil, In llieeienlliKill T.Ci. Sun
ila mIiimiIiiI I lip. in Win 11 the hour Ixllf
fiiciil It ses'tlallj nelcl :
I'm 111 11 01 (1011 turner of 1'iliue ami Oi
una' I'ravir nn-ctlinjat 11 p. in
Kv vm.i 1.11 VI ( ill urn. Ilev ll.l. AIIuIkIiI,
pai-tet Siuiclav m hiHil n( J p, in,
I'ai.snv 11 111 vs Mimiiiiivi. t'lii'iiiii s,,,,,,),
Qui-eii htreet, 'Iheiiias I hoiiipsen, pastor.
I'M! m Uiii rums is l IIIIISI.CilV is vnt. -Ilev
I'.. Is Hughes, pisier. Praise iia III," al
J 11 111
ItllellMili sr I. no's Marlelta uvciuie,
Ilev. V 111. I" l.lililltcr, pastor. Isiunl iv mIuhiI
lit "p. 111 l-erxlir In tin- (jiriuaii laniuaeat
. in., Prirt It C Sihlntt., ellh latlnn,
eiivn llvi-risi CuiiM 11 -IJisi Vine near
Iliikestus I. In the cvuiIiik UU li niiiilM rsiu v
of tlicMimla mIiisiI.
I' lUerisi. itov.Senrn, ofl'rein Ihci
IekIcuI Minliiae, Clicsli r, I'a. Sumlaj siluml
lit 'i p. 111.
Tutsi III ieumi n.-lh-v. J. M iiiel, l. 11.,
I'lllilsr l.l'TlllRAN. He t:. I.. liicil.pHfler,
St I'vt 1 's 111 luiiMMi llcv.J. W.Mciiitnjicr,
isistur. Hene service at . 111.
Wi-,ri.iis M. li l lll'llt Jl. Ilev. t:. VV llurke,
luslnr. I'rcnclitiii: lij Itcv. 1. J. Iliilillr.
tsi. JeilNH l.l llltiiA.s -Uev. II. P.
D. li , tuMer. Mm. 1. 1 mIiimiI nl tlnlwiilil Jtis
inerlal Mission nt'.',. in. In the (VciilngM r
liuiti te Uncial Ami) , In the court lieusc.
I'lltsr M. li cm 111 11 Ilev. . M. Vernen, li.
I)., sister. I'liisii iiiei-iliits nl 11 a. 111.
bi V.Al t.sM.i; fill lull Ilev. li C Yirkti.,
pii-ter ll u in., class, I'rcaihlnx In the muni
IiiKby Ilev. U lleilillp..
l'nilivrMilA. ,tv. J. V. Mitchell, II I),
pit. ter.
.wun.vv 1 v.s-.-urv, j. .iihx llarK. II. II.. iwistei.
in ni.Mimlnv m'IhsiI.
1 itistrv
I-ITIIIUVS'.- Ilpv. I'. 1.. Vrv. luislnr
1 . .-I v. .v. s .si liiilUK .'It'll s lliccilllg.
Ouvri. 1.U11ILHAX. -Itev. lletipt, piister.
I'usliirs nieriilnx llllila . Iies at 1 8cnul.1v
Mhoelnl .' p. 111. V:(nlnj( senile at ll p. in.
v .1 ,. . . . s . . ..!'
vo.Mi't.i:xie. peviu:ii.
Mtsr fsi;
lirl II III lit tniticii.ll-iii. til llm
Ilemeves all plinnlcN, Iiis-kli-k Hint ill.
.u.uiiim jieiii uiiihisi me kKin 111 urau is ett
niul beuutlfiil. It isiiitaliit no llinc, white liitil
urarksiilr. In thuvkliiislctf, pink or llcsh, white
unci brum He.
All Druggists ami Fancy Ooetls Dealers
it Ht ten much.
1 110 Snl Exporlcnce Which nelbll One
of the Anten.
In the early ilitys of the tllrr ct fen trade with
China, ImjHirtrr were nnxlmin te secure the
erlleitcarno-sefn new crop.
Tlifatcvt tllpiier ulilps ute ent;aP(l In the
I rude, (irrnl huitiiin leadlliK them win follow fellow follew
tnl by a het rare te reach New Yerk llrst.
The llrnt carne Icreuglit the l?st )rli-i aiii
Inrue pn illU. The succcsaMI t'aplaln wait at
wajsrenarileil.sij every kneHiialil leiiavltin.
lien vrnKnileplett
Tbe jeiiiir eaptiihi of one of Mr. Aster'a clip
pers bought, en one of lit trips, n newchro newchre newchro
neinclcr, niul with Itsalilmadciinulrk (lasMigi,
mnt nrrlvisl first. He put the price of It Inte the
exien,) acisnuil of the trip, but Mr. Aliter
threw ll out, Infilling (hut Mich an Item of r.x
puiw! fur new fanglcd notleiiH leulil net b"
a llnweil.
The Captain llir-reupen nlKiiet nnd leek ser
vlre with a rival line.
Thenext ytnrhm eat lied ivirtlena In nil vance
of any coiiielUer, le till Biat ilcllKht anil pro
fit of his rtnplejcru, nnd the ilinurlnef Mr.
Net Ieiik after Ihey thniueil (e inert, mill Mr.
AH or lniiilrrilt
"Itythe way, Captain, hew iniiih illil that
rhroneini terteit jeu?"
"Hlx hmiitrcil tlellnrs," then, ivllh a ruilrilrnl
Klanee, heaskiil:
"Anil liewuiuih Inn II test jeu, Jlr. Aster?"
"Hlxly Iheiisiui't tlellnrs."
Mtnnreeflcn iniferlunnle In (he reject Ien of
what Ihey call new fangled notleni-.
there are lck men who rcfue, even when
llieir pliislcliinn trll thtnii they cannot help
(In 111, le tnke Warner's yafiiCure, liocaucelt Is
II "new faiiBlcil" proprietary medicine. The
n stilt I. they leir -U(. ,eitt hcnllli.
TheilsiiniN of ether men have been restored
le health hy It, ait die teslltneiilHls hirulnlit-tl te
Hie pulilrlieir. These IcMliiicjiiIaU cannot be
ileuliletl. The proprlrters haven Ntmnlluu eiler
of fa,i) In any one w he w III show that nny tes
timonial publ lnhcd bj thctn Is net serarus they
knen, entirely true.
Ur. Ainlrtw Wilsen, Killow of Iho llejnl
Keclely, of lMliiliurKh, the tslllorer "Health,"
l-eudiiu, Kns., wi,v, In Ills nt.iRifliie, In mmwer
leHit liuiiiry, " Wiiriicr'sttnn! Cure Is of a per
f" tly sure t Ininiiler, and i-rrfei tly rt liable."
'Hit; n ri""tl of n manufacturing firm te pay
for the patent of a new Invention t) one of llieir
workmen, rnt them Ihclr entire litnlnesi. A
III w firm took out the patent nnil were seen en
alikil teiiinkn goods tneugh eheapir le tlrlve
thneld llrm out of tiuslhcNs; unit iiiany n phy
Klrlini is dally ilmllns his path uts, lenx-tlme
ehrenle Imalld', iinni-ceuntalily restereil te
health by the iimj of the new kidney spec I Mr.
New faiiKled notions are Miiuet hues very vnlnn
tile, and lltesli loe 111111I1 te fisillshly reject
tin 111.
,ia. ts. .Miirnn. .11.11., t;einiiaiiv h tilieps. If,
Ceinnatn'N (lliens. N
1 . writes ' "i Mil a ureal nun 01 ur.
t eugli Hjrnp, forevery one who tries 11
"I Mil a ureal Mini of Dr. Iliill,
" There 111 e mere things lu heaven and earth,
Horatio, linn are d nil nit of In four phlkwo phlkwe
pli. ur teurse Whv thes old d'alleis mif.
11 led horribly wKliiiclicsanil pains :,aml didn't
and reuldu'l knew that snlvstlen Oil would
cure them.
Yeu Need It New
Te Impart strength niul give a ftsllus; of
lieallh and vluoi-thrmifiheut the system, there
ls nothing espial te Heed's SnrKiipiirllla. It
sue in iwiillurl) 111I11 ited le overcome (hat (Ired
fielliiiainscil li ilniiiKO of season, illiiiatc or
life, and vt bile It tencinml ktistalns the sjntem
It purities unci renovates the bleed. Weearn
itly urge the lame uriny or ilerks, liiH)k-kee-rrf,
tisichers, housewives, t)'rnt Ives niul etheis
whohiivelHenelesdv iiinilned ilnrlnif the w In
tel and who need
tetrj IltMsU.Snrs,iMrltln. IVm't ilela.
"Ilviry spring for imrs 1 hnve iiimleltn
pinctrre le take from three te live bottles of
Heed's HnrHiparllla, because I knew It purines
the Meed mul thoreutfhl tleaiivea the system
of all hnpiiritle. That lansuht feeling, ninie
Ihnes called 'spring rover,' will never visit the
s Klein that hns b(tnjrepirly cared for by this
nevir-falllng reniedy." W. It. I wviii mp, 1M 1M
llerAKiltultiiral Kpllemlst, lndlaiiaell, Ind.
itui: 111.0011
"for fiiis at Inegular Intervals In all sea
sons, I siilliicd the Inleleralile Intrnlni; and
billing or bleed ki. enhig b. Ivy. It would
hrnik oulen m legs, lu toy threat nnd cjrs.
List spring t took Heed's Sarsapnrllla, iih a
bleed piirltlrr, with 110 thought or It at n special
riiiuil furlv poisoning, hut ll has eilecti l n
pcrmaui nl mul thorough 1 lire."
Cvt vin 1". am n, Weutwerth.N. II.
held bv nil ilriiegli-ts. SI; sltfer. I'icpareil
enl b l", I. IIOOIiace., Iiwill, MH-.H,
US) DdsliS ONI'. DOM.AIt. (3)
N im:.pi:nhivi: teii.i.t i.i'.vuhv is
j(V Wild I low el IliMiuet hunii. hills everv-
"1'i:iici;ni'. or ei.yi kiiini: iicphk
t) seiitneiiepait of the Wild I'levver llo lle
lUI t -e.ip.
iiai.m rrut 'i 111: invipi.i'.viiiv it-
J. lid ITinur lleuiiiiel heap. hells ever
w In re.
.cK'vviivii -Tin: 1. .most
1-1 nil tunable hi li h and hade. Hum Iiciiih st
mid best, at KIIIH.MANH Ocuts' I iimlslilng
Kteie. IJ West King strut. ll Till: MI.IUI AI. I'lllU'lls,.
I'J 'Ien for nil tellc I pinpixes Is Wild I lower
HiMpiet Him p.
rplll". Mesp A(llli:i" Mil, 1: Pi:ilKU.MIi
I 'I he most MHithtng 1 Meets upon the skin
me found In Wild I'leuer llecupit I.
f TXIllIllWCAII- l.llilll' AND VllUUlT.M
L 1 wilght linden ear In nil L-rmles 11ml imv
si--, in i,iin,,i,i, e vicuiM
I.' Wist KliMKtnet.
rpe lNHi'itr. a com ion lAiii.i: animus
1 fleshing bath, mul a Iheniiiklil soil skin,
use Wild 1 loner lle-put.
V n Aiittci.i: in t is Maui: or Tin:
iV ptuest malerlal and never falls lekati.r.
Is lid I Inurr lliaisimt.
liVi'l.t'sivi: Hi'Vid:s in aiw.
t la. Pi naiur. VV 1 1st In 1. 1 In rr mul Mnlms.
in, 11 inn 11 n 11 111 mm r 111111 itrenrt.
DI.Ml'lH Ni'IOAHKIOlti:.
aistrdlt in jisl Klngstrect.
A f (OltANN A NOWI.liN,
ni vdii its Neiirii iji'i:i:.v si hkitt.
1 itui viis and inns Tin: i,vn,r,
V tin most desirable, and most louifertable
InilKs and si) lev mi) rite, nt i:iiM.V.N"H
liints I'liinlshlntsKterc, l." Wist King ntitst.
..:. ....:....... .1 "
I am nun liK'aled at Ne. 7Wtst King street,
nhtre I will nt nil limes keep en hand a full
line of elielie cigars, smoking mid (henlng
leluiciCM. Will lie vjeasid te he my friends
and piitiensi:le men will.
nprSstimlriKl ill.O. M. IIOIKIKII.
SrFntFinlfR !
Yeu Think Your Even Arc Geed I
If ou have them examined seu wl 1 1 probably
llnd that there Is something w mug with them,
mul 1 1, al glasses will Pen gicat lulp te you.
We us.- Inimitable ' Dl M V.NT.O" li uses,
which are 11111O1 only I, v us, mul leceiiiineuilcit
bv leading Oculists us Iho best aids le direc
tive Ulell.
Solid tielit 1-iHUacleJ, .'l,Otl i usual price,
httsd Sis?ctaclcs, illlc; usual price, SI. 0(1.
Arllllcial lCjeilnscitut, 5-1 ; usual price, si (.
Id. ZINEHAN & BRO. 130 S. Ninth Street,
ltetwicti Cliistnul nnd Wulnul btreetit.
eidiT te still liirtlierpepularirc thealn.ul)
ver pupitliir
And tnplaisilt wllhlii the riathef ever hotly,
1 hiv;ruselvud le niake
A Sweeping Reduction in Price
Instead of silling nt the old lutes, l'llbbui) s
I list will no hi sold ns folio s, nl rttail .
I'l'.lt IIAltHKI.. vM'.N.
im:u tic Km-
As te lis uu i tN tin i r- liitil lent). under under
steed. It has sum I 1 , i le attc r of price :
nnd, In te pla-s- it u.llclu Hie riuellef
ecrbisl, (he prhe villi be the same as oilier
firsts lass grades of Heur, although 11 Is a
knew leilgud's.s nil v he Inlve ustsl It te be siiH
rler te nil ether brands, no eilds vihut ictuni
tluy iK-ur.
efitral Mlllns Airnts aaluugu, Pu,
w T Icphgnv Oivlet, I'ruuiPll nilnl.
' I'ltlLAMtLnUA?
CftWtta !!., I'M
Cettape Beautiful j
Adirondack Carhpl
Third fleer, centre eUevater.
Summer Fleadwear for Wo
men and Girls. The Millinery
acre is gay with Flowers and
Ribbons and pert shapes. The
things were ncVer mere or
The graceful, saucy, season
able Mull Hats are well te the
irent. uiack, wnite, cream,
and colors.
The shady, shapely Fayals,
like cloud wreaths for weight,
come in Breadbrims and Pokes.
Black, white, navy, brown, 50c.
Rough-and-ready Hats are a
little mountain already. New
shapes every day. If you want
a low crown, narrow brim
Sailor, ask for " Murray Hill"
or " Dunlap."
Leghorns and Children's
Trimmed Sailors brighten a big
Outing Hats for all the wo
men folks, big and little. We
don't knew that a single nov
elty hat; been skipped. Knock
abouts in new shapes and
Breadbrim Fur Felts and a
dozen styles of soft headgear
for tumbling about in.
North from Thirteenth nd i.hfMiml treet
Koechlin Sateens 18c.
25c Sateens for I2c.
All-wool Challis 25c.
40c Ginghams at 30c.
50c Ginghams at 372 c,
A volume of Dress Goods sen
sation in each line.
All around the tenlre.
Queen Mary! The name
wouldn't fit a common" perfume.
Yeu leek for something deli
cate under such a label. We
knew of nothing mere exquis
ite. A perfect odor. One of
the very few. Ai.kkke Wright
has some, se has Lubin. They
are household words. Queen
Mary is getting te be. We
have it in Extract, Toilet Water,
Powder, Almend Meal. Ne one
else has it at all.
Yeu can find Toilet Waters
that are better than some folks'
extracts. Try Bradley's.
Phytalia, the best hair wash,
45 and 85c bottles.
Odentinc, the purest and
most perfect teeth powder we
knew of. 25 and 45c.
Centre of the Mere.
A 3-piece Celluloid Set
brush, comb, and hand glass
white, antique, or mottled,
'35 tc S4-50- Made as sam
ples sample prices.
Katof tenlre.
Old Iver' Ornaments go te
quarter price ; 200 pieces.
Bisque Figures go te quarter
or third ; 100 pieces.
Saxen Vases, beautiful dec
orations, go te half; 50 pieces.
Perfect goods, but we want
their room. You'll find, them
grouped in the China Stere.
Second Heur, secentl gnlliry.
A geed, neat, metal-bound,
leather-covered Inkstand for
Travelers, 10c. Right side up
or wrong, all's one se far as
spilling ink gees. It cant spill.
The price has been double.
Toe many of them.
.lunlH-rmid Market t ret ts corner,
Tlie entire breed of Alligator
Grips 10 te 18 inches. Alliga
tor Cabin Bags begin at 12
inches. All the Traveling Bags
are where you see them in half
a minute. Picking out is noth
ing. Think of the use, then a
glance for size and material.
That's all.
If the prices
wrong we'd be
were a bit
quick te hear
it. Net a
whisper. It's the
Loek at this : One
ether way
piece grainvd
like the best
leather, made
alligator, and
for 10 te $17
Sele Leather
$2.25 te
inches !
Full line el
and Sheep Dress Suit Cases.
Telescopes, plain and leather
bound, 50c te $3.
Shawl Straps, and every parcel-pack
that is worth owning.
Norllnrest of tenlie, n"i.t Main A Hie.
Trunks for any use. Sele
Leather down.
flsi-f incut, Market utret-t Udc.
Jehn Wanamaker.
T r.V.N.vrHlNh.
Suggested By the Het Wave!
Would ou the svrtt like te burn T
Iarn hui leKiep right 100IT
I,, am hew te 'sen pi; the healed It nil.
Without a term In school?
'J he lessen easy . huv e n irr
Alxuit your drink and feed,
Avoid bad bread, avoid thiilkimiv,
See that our Ibmr'k geed I
And till can l- accomplished by using that
I'tivurlte uf the Household
Levari & Sens,
Jlttmutrr ftcert. ,
St; ciiaiileS,
... .. - .atm stic city,
Ocein and Delaware Avenue, will open TtrCM
. . DAr.Jr.vr. Mih.
my22-2inil JONAH WOOTTON, Jit.
OW OfEN. Under New Manure int-tit.
T. C. UIM.ITiTK, lYoprleter,
Lnte of Colennclc Hetel, Philadelphia.
ftlMI.' t,l mitrn
Jr. l-a Avesfuii
A Tennen-wss Aviss. f-'IrstlnKS
.In no 1st.
Terms reaFennhle. Will open
All Traveling Expense Included.
In the mouth of July, of from nine le twenty twenty
nneday, with visits te nil the ItndlnK Moun
tain. Lake, Illver.Hprlnir nnd Senslde llcMrU
In New England, the Middle Btntc nnd Can
111I11, Including the White Mountains, Montreal,
llucbec, thcHaguenny River, Ijike HI. Jehn mid
IhlR Great Canadian Wilderness. Uilte Mem--pliremaKrw,
Inles or Hheals, Mount Desert,
MoeKChcatl Ijike, Old Orchard Ileai h, the Marl,
tlme Province. Hudsen Illver, Hnrntnn, Ijke
(leerfic, IjikeClcninplnln, AusnUle rhiisin, the
Adirondack Mountains, Matich Chunk, the
Wjembns Valley, Wntkln Glen, Nia(,-nr.i Calls,
the Thousand Inlnnds. the Ht. Lawrence Illver
nnd Ha plds, Trenten Kails, etc.
In addition te the above, parties will leave
Philadelphia July ! and H, nlcmlwrO, for Twe
Grand Tries le the VEf.bOWHTONK NA
r-Hcnd for descriptive clreularii designating
whether book of " rirtecn Hummer Trips "or
the Yellowstone National Park Tour Is desired.
111 Seuth Ninth Hlrctt (under Continental
Hetel). Philadelphia, Pa. In'.' I, It
Xcv iJulc.
CEcuni: a iiemi: kek yeuii kamily.
Secure a Heme for Your Family.
l'OR hai,i:
Two-tery brick ilmlllng henstv. let 120
feet deep en ljtninst,.r nscnue, hetvieen Wal
nut ana Lemen street.
Twe-story brick dwelling houses vllh man-t-nrtl
reef, perches In front, lets 113 feet tleep, en
North Pine, between Chestnut nnd Walnut
Twe-story brick dwellltiK houses with front
sards, Iren fences, lets Ifli) fiet deep, en West
walnut, betts;n Mary and Pine streets
Tivo-sterv brbk duellliu; houses, let H" feet WiM Ijeineu utreel, lietvveen Charltille
nnd Mary slreuts.
Thrce-Rtery brick tlelllug houses, Jets 150 hel
deep, with nil tlie modern bnprevt incut, front
yards, en West Chestnut Htrcet, bctvnenPInn
nnd Nevln street.
Alse house-ten East Wnlnut, North Mine,
North Mtirj", lietweeu Wnlnut unit l-cuieii.iiud
. J-emen, lictvvtcn Marv and Pine streets.
All the nbeve houses are In geed order, ncwlv
papered. ii!) fixtures I nail the rooms, water I u
the kltchcn,anil the cellar warranted te be iiry.
Call nnd no for yeuiself, no treutile le show
.INO. P. OIHKI., ),., ,
JACOli OIUi:i ' f 1-tf euters,
. ,....-., Mi Ner"1 -Mnr" Street.
31 and 33 North Queen Street.
Largest Straw Hat Emporium
in Tin: city.
CALL and hi:i; OUIt
45c. Japan Mackinaw,
Werlh 70c. Icjend it doubt.
All othtrijeod eeuiparatlvely low.
CRUSH and POCK ITT HATS, All bhaile-, at
Trunks and Traveling Bags
31 nnd 33 North Queen Sheet,
Buggy or Wagen
Nole Our Big Cut in Prices.
.Our pihc,S10.(W
Our prlii-, 51i.u0
Our prhe, Sll.ei
Our pilce, SIT.ei)
Our prhe, SJ2.W
Give Us a CaM.
31 E. King St., Lancaster, Pa.
Standard Carriage Werk.
Nes. 40, li, , l", Markrt htre-et. Hear of Pol Pel Pol
ellhe, Iiiicastcr, Pn.
Buggies, Phastens, Family Oarriagies.
The fliiCKt stock In tlie country te select from.
Wecan suit everybody. Price te suit tbetimes.
A fine line of Seceiul-IIand Werk.
New Is the time te (jet jour Carriages He-
mi luted and Ilepalred. Our repaliiiin cannot
icejtcilled. One Ml of verkiucncicclidly em
ployed for that purpose.
I "nil nnd examine v htthcr jeu iilli te buy or
Bicycles, Tricyles, Tandems,
HltANCll HOI H:s -I.'Warreii St.. New erk
Ud Wiilwsh Ave., t'hlitiKe. I
Fer Sale by JOHN B. Ml'KElt, Ne. 2 North j
btict't, Columbia. miS-ljdced I
i'.'lMil llotirce,
"VTOTICE Ih IlEltEllV ll KN Til T UN
.Meudii, Jliliu 17, InMi, ni lue'cliKk.iuthi I
Court of Common Pints of Uiuenstir count. I
mi application lll Ik- made te the Judges -if
nld Court ler the charter of n coriierntlou te '
!e culled "The Heard of Education of the I
s nod of the Itefbrmed Church In the I'niu-d
mates," the (hnnictrr and object of uhlchls
In oil fi I n funds l Klfl, Is'ne-ts, lollcctleus
and otherwise, for the isliicatii-ief nle-i, t n
Inill-inl euii(r ineii for the co t.l niliiHr" in
the ItrferiuetlChurih In tlir I ullcilMiiits.
niU-sl'ia tfcillcller fur the AppllcnnK
nndehenpe5tlnthe mnrket-H karat cold
pen. Hard rubber heuier, n-vcr eel out of
Slte 7r, niletl. Cull ind examine Mete
I urnlshlnjfMtere.ti West King street.
"X0TJU??i,l;,T "TetiBsfntunn
II;rc1'r,u,w,,,, ,h- r"ula
lOIt lleillZONTAI, HTATIONAnY" lis
.E FbuM, from 2 te no here-pewer, nu,,
tluil EiiKlne from 2 le JO horse-power, you wit
nnd them nt JOHN HP-STfl, a't.1 Caii 'pnllen
reb inS-tfd
or lienvy, nt short notice, go leJOHN
HEST.SiHiietKullenHreet. nS-iM
J llnimncrtsl liar Iren, Deuble Hell tied Iren.
Il,-,tn,.s 1,1. a. ( m... . ,.!.. tf.i .... r....., n ...,.-. .1VM, J-P, imi 1IIIU S.U1U
Heller IrentHleeUHhect Iren !)-10 te Ne,
JIHIN HESTH, m VMM Pulton street. iu2-trd
Cocks, Asbestos Packed Cocks, Pet and 111b
Ceck, Iver Cocks, Hwlint Joints, call and cot
UK,njr ,01"1 !our ""I" by mall, te JOHN
HlJlT,333rjist Pulton street. inMfd
fw me iKjuuu.iuc; in low or ie jwiimcn or
PT. In. All I'fMila ilnlli nmil t n nn isn. .r tt.
---!-- -- s,s,. ... . . ,, , . , v ., Ill Mill JIllll L lilO
city ret-. Call en JOHN HEST, Ne. iratest
iiiinii riitTLi
JL cevk Insplrntera and Electer, lOiernian
Heller Icctlcr, Pcnberthy Inspector, Ainerlrnn
Jnjtr ors, till In stock, at JOHN BKHTH, 311
wist Pulton streei. in2-tfd
.1-.A..'sn;.?Ji"J,e"r.ral,',clJ'nt fn'r prices, se
In JOHN BEr.,'lEust Pulton street! initfil
the market, co te JOHN n!.
t niten Bluet.
:en Bluet. .".ira
. -,r..,;J."?,,;r?li-In,llJ?1"'t"- COIlpllllCS,CtC.,KO
te JOHN MKfeT, 3.0 East Pi.lten street.
m:-trd '
- ''""rH"."') He in iron Xiits, these icoeils In
eck, at JOHN HlJsf U,X3 Dim Pulton street.
! .'P0 renchcs.Pliicnnd Menkey Wrenchr
"'tulilntsl, I lie, oil Cans, etc., ire te JOHN
etmihlntsl, Piles, oil Cans, etc.,
1ll's:e -rrt ,-.. ,.'..,. . .
a....... ,.sj itisi r iitiuii Mri-Cl.
VT for steam JcHIN HlisTH, Sit Ent
hutteii strict. in2-tfd
i V.rVli'X.L'K. birnbhtd nt reasoivihle nmireN.
by JOHN HiaT, Kjtst Pulton st-rret. ins-lfj
X inent Je take Iho place or Ited Head. In
hulk It makes live times the quantity or red
lead and la fai kuptrler In milking steam Jeints:
packing man nnd hand heln plate en boilers,
e.V.'. !.rir .'J?. "bi ix.r pound at JOHN
MAI 8,SW Last Pulton Ktiix-t. nCMftl
JD nitiirt, go te john riE.yr, :ai fiist Fuiten
J .uid.nndhteniu Pumps, of nny capacity, at
JenNI)I,T'8.:i.a IliMVulleii str.s t. niitfd
L Medel Jlukbis, Patterns, Drawlucs n
,.,.,.?.,J".Y,l.," A1llcf rensonnble, nl JOHN
111-ST'S, 33.1 EaM Fulton sheet. inL'-tfd
I7l(in HOILEltS, H0IlI7.0NTAI..TmilTIiAK.
: ertlcal, Perfnble, Cyllndrr.Mnrlne, of any
size or power, or ihe best material and vvork vverk
ninnvhlp, (je te JOHN HEM', .111 East Pulton
6t'tst. mi-trd
f .l 1T,s.,.,,rt "ter UatiRU. Gauge Cocks,
..V,,(.Kl, Wlieeh or Welshted, tiliss Tube
VV hlstlesbyp lieim for (steam Gauge, Cylinder
Ollirs Plain, Water llanite Celnnin, Ceck for
Sti-iin Oaunes, tall en JOHN HEM', :sn East
1 ulten street. mS-lfd
jp yen; avanta"ci.AS8 peiirTviiTE
l.iiKlnt! and Heller, en wheels, cheap, n the
lolleHhiK prices show- b horse-power, $175:8
hoi M.-pe er, S511; 10 horrepovt er, W : 15 hore here
YH'irX.'JSi 3 borsc-pewer, 1,1,3, call ut JOHN
Hi M 8.a-".llist I-iilteli stuet. m2-trd
i3 Lcnlhtr Hellers, Tan Paekers, TriploIIerso
,.i!V.'s!r,v..,,i!ll, n,ul MIiiIiir -Machinery, at
JOHN HI.'sT'S.a.n East Pulton sheet, tni-trd
k (lwcllliiKs, churches, school houses, etc.,
though succcvfull.v used one hundred x ears
',!.'.".s. 1.cly,u centtmphile n chaiiite e.tll en
JOHN HI-SI, who Mill Blve jetiti sallM.ictery
lob, at u fair price. m'J-tftl
Ainile Vnlve, ctill at JOHN HEVT8, Stl Eist
lultenslnsit. nil'-tfd
if fClf ,1'Irr 0F t'H'E, I'HOM
0 V)UUU Imli te hiehdlaiiunr.lfer
salcnla low fliiiire. mid the only house lu the
city with a pipe tuttliiirin-ichlne, cullliu up te
Inch diameter, at JOHN HEsr H, ,. East Kill Kill
ten street. mj-trd
I1 pain and reducing, up le fi-lneh diann.ter.
Malleable pitting. 1 1 mSi, PtaiiKC Ciilen,
Manifolds. Vnitrleun Piilen. rube Support.
Hanger. ITtinrmul CcIIIuk Plait", ke te JOHN
IIIiirH, J.M IJistI ulieii mrec t, m'J-tfd
1 J County Hospital mul Insane Asvlum with
riteam lleutliis; Apn-tratus, villi be u el vest and
opined enbatunlay.Jiiiii13,ls!i. PerMins wish.
IniC te make bills will mil en Hlewnnl Ueerire E.
Worst, at the Almshouse, and obtain the In
formation luedtil en whhh te li ise their bliL.
Hid must be made i-ipnnitcl. ler ciieh build-
.. i-n.n ii-- vii-n iiiiii nitaui inters
itslillln: 111 Iiuuisti riiiniil,
. " . v. .. .. .;."" ..
in DI.HEIt Ol' THE 110 Mil)
1 hleninnntl ilvdr.iulle Pncklnc, Ashest Hepe,
VV even and M IcU Piiekinir, Hemp PieMns, As As
IilsIes Mill llcsird, Asbestos Cvment. Asbisie,
Hhcathliii.'. (iiiinPiiel.liiir.Guin Hlngs ler Wutcr
llnttKe. Pliunb-iKO Pucklm;, Itcul a Patent As As
bestes. Lined Sicllennl I'll. Cever, nt JOHN
11IXT 8, .Ull'jut Pulton street. uij-tfd
l EDnt Iho Mayer sOlllce until 5 p. m. Wed
nesday , May IV. 1n:i, ler the best ilcan Hard
Pea Ceal, i,'Usk ten of .',110 pounds, le tin cither
delivered into iti'il bin, loin ted ill P. It.
It. bridge, Mnnhclm teuushlp, or the teal
house nt the Water Works. Said contrirlte
take clliit June 1, IKs'), and expire Oct -ml-er
I, I'll'. Any coil Inferior In itiallty at
any time, the Water Committee icieive the
rlitht te reject, 'Ihey also rcsirve the
rlrht teicject imv and all bids if the toil Is net
MitlMiifter.i. '1 lie n.uiie or must be inen
tlnned in blil ami uainu et sciurity i;iven Hy
order of Watt r Committee.
Attest: ,x,0 11 JIai UAi 11, l lerlTT
iiicerdlni; te the plans mul i-iH.-cc.-itIuiis ,r J
II. Warner, architect, will 11 rrtelvnl lj Iho
i, al Ids eillt'e, up le Monday, June I,
Iks.i, at 7 e Ueek p. in.
Plans mid spiclllrutiens tan be seen nt the
architect's otllie. Ne 45 North Duke street, en
and utter Wtdiiesdav, V.M tnst.
All bids must Ik nccempaiiUd with the n.iihi
of toer mere responsible p.rtii s te hi-"mm
security, nnd abnuiceiiipmihd with a c- rlillecl
theck for SW, which wlliu fern lli-d tetlu-cltv-In
case 01 inllure te incept the tentrait if
Theisniiinlttee rt serves the rlsht terelert any
or all bids.
Hy order of l its Mnrkei oiniiilte
JOEL I. IIVINI .. Cliiiirnnn,
Ottlce. Cerner Dukem-d Grain ,lrc, Is.
3UST PirriNG COltbLT
TllF. 1U.ST PlTTIMI COllsn IN Till. WOI'.LP.
Per.Sale bj I-adln; Jlerthauts.
Mayer, Strouse &. Ce.,
Miuinrnctarcrs, IVi HHO DV AY, X
Ye desire te call ithe nttentleii ,f eensuuiis
ofhteaiiiGeislsniid Einrlneers' huppllc. te our
lurep and v aricd stock of Pit.-, VnH es, Ci"ks,
Malleable and Cast Iren Pitting, Ubc.-ui
iilcals-steiiaiul Usiiduriaii, Slui. PUtenmul
iileP.uklii-s; Sielch mid Hid Line Kcllcct
iiiKGiiUKe Glasses, s-teani Hadlalers andtslt-im
lleiitbn; Appuraius, Sci and ( .ip Si-rtw. und
In fnct nine en uvirjthtiij rts,ulreit by si.
users.auu mi 01 vinn 11 nt uiri r at nruex whi it
we eiiirant te be loner Hum tliesi of any
oilier dealer in lln lc mil v.
WehiiveiliiMly n,u hiiKf.t stock and lie
Iiir teiiliecfetl with the T.lcphene Esthainie.
me pri'ismd le rctt Ivn and llfl all enl. rs 111 ihe
shiirlcstpti.ssibletiiiie. When in want of .my.
lliln.' lu our line, call en lis for prtnsand we
III tsaiv luce you or our ablhtv and wllliiuj.
nis-s lesave j.mi Meney Dsl.iv mid exatieii.
Oiirrac,htti-f,,r furnbhltic 1 nciu,,. Hellers.
Hmllng, Pulleys llanetrs, Si I..I M11- h.n. rv
PluinU-n. and Gas Pltttrs Toels, Palerin,
.wiiivciiicc jruu nun iir.iss l asuiixs nml f,,r
thcpreinpt repair of nil kind of iimJhimry tire
unexcelled in I-muusler, and we respt-tfully
solicit n thart of j our patrenaje
Central Machine Works,
131 i. lMNOltTHCHl.1 vn Wr N'.KIT.
Lac iwrj), P.v.
Geed Werk, Htaienawe Chaiei, Prcnuiit
nts. TltUeue counectlea OWfait
V vulvc,.IeuUlns Vnlvt. UrnsMilnbaValvis,
Hniss Gate Valves, Iren Het! Glebe Vntvc,
lever KiM.v Valves. Pep Hafcty Vnlvis, A'r
Valves, Huillaler Valve, Pratt' Huliiisinir
diet k valves. Hnissrheck Vnln- iw,t VnKn
" -'