H. s THE LANCASTER DAILY IOTELLI&ENCER SATURDAY, MAY 18, 1889. VniUXW J. BTEINMAN, CHARLES HTKIN.M AN FOLTZ, Editors. -, KOBEHT CLARK, Publisher. j fflUC DAILY lNTELLIGENCED.-Published trttt amf m llie yenr, but Sunday. Hen cd Eft lf "7 uvtiivr in inis city una surruiiiiuiiii; j! wvMHiwncmuftimR. uy mniimeiiui j taw tm In Advance 60 cents n month. TVrirl.V IVTl-lttniflrrnnn Hnllnr .ml ty Rjr ent yrar. In advance. KOTICE TO MJBSCIUBEUS-Kcmll by dice 1 '-i e puseeHice eracr, nna wnrre ncuncr en ;jt Mecn be procured cnd in a registered J, Stored nt the roMefBce, as second elms mall -i matter. ATPBESB, THE IHTELIIQENCEB, Lancaster, ln. UC lajteaitxr, pa., mat is, ibte. y ' w i , ': A Mild Sinatliin. rtS A YTAm bKnitv atnnr nbmlt .TntllpM Hflf '0a Bennett, tbe Mnhdl nnd C'lilnr ri ... OUUII.1 r,J..T lllVM ....... 'j Gorden comes forward ni the MMiinimn $Jth tele begins with the receipt by JJen- Y,liettwncn at tlie aicrcten emu, in cnn, era dispatch from a uiiirocerrcs-poiiueni ''Btatlns: that mi envoy of the Mnhtli liml Eh? declared thnt Chinese Gorden vv ns itliv6 itv and mlfrrjl be ransomed ler uniiiiinn . fanes, or twehtiiulred tlieiiMiud dellnre. ?rfS !.. 1 ....,. ...1.....1 ll..t ,.t.l. n.l.l trt Kj,3W SJUITlUll HL UIICV lill-VU HH'COnn rt. bg out Ter Jigypt. in tins lenn tnc story is Rr quite tee wild for c en the compliment IV of nu incredulous mile. Tlie ether M-r- sX, ftien represents the ernnincntul editor of fc the Herald engnged in a ib-cltyi dlsruv rx slen of the safety of nreceediiin te Khitr- r'J-" teum, or ether fanatical and Intelcnitit t .Moslem cities, fccverni nioiiiucrsei me Club maintained with warmth that no European could visit the Mnhdl'H capi tal and return nllve, but Jlcnnett do de dared that nny man with money nud brains cetild de It, and eirerrd a heavy wager thnt he could de it hlinclf. The bet was taken and like a hern of .rules Verne the doughty editor set out at once for Khnrtetim. This Inle hns at least the merit of agreeing wltli (lie genual itttimateef Ilciinett. He is fend of ad venture aiul notoriety, and the fame gained for himself and bin paper by such an expedition might lie a stitllelciit com pensation te him for the risk, Very recently there hue lx-cnslirring accounts published of the adveuturcs of daring men, who, v 1th no ether motive than curiosity and a love of exploration, have pierced in disguise te the very centre of the most dangerous het IhmIs of fanatical Mehammedans. One man, who could net hpeak the language and knew little of the life and customs of the people, assumed the character of a deaf mute, stained his skin te the proper color and managed te accomplish a hazardous and useless Journey te a mountain town of Morocco. He had the pleasure of overhearing a group of men discussing a rumertliatii"Chrihtlan deg" was In the town and would study be caught and killed. If Heunett lias a taste for this sort of thing no one will object strenuously, and lieiertalnly will be mere picturesque and startling as a millionaire explorer than in his custom ary summer Kse as grand Mogu of Nowiert. Jle may perhaps ituiLe the trip with perfect safely by giving as surance te the Mahdl Unit a great pile of money will l paid if lie is allowed te return unharmed. Hut Mohammedan rulers have an unpleasant way of tils- ljvrcgartlhnj? 'premises and valuing recnge uuu Hiuugmcr noevc money. Jehn, Ills Scheme and r.niplejes. Jehu Wnnninuker has made a second annual distribution of a portion of the profits of his big store and in a speech te the empleyes ceufensisl his disappoint ment in the operation of the prelit sharing scheme. He Insisted with great earnestness and no very profound logic that the money was paid out with no ether object than geed will and Intei est in the welfare of the empleyes and that It was entirely out of place for any of them te say that he would rather have his salary increased instead of sharing the preilt ; jet he declined that he expected te gain bcttcrservicc by the outlay. He said a man would lie stupid te stay with him if net fully paid and tried te draw a linn line lietwien his profit slinring anil the lnereac of salary. There Is such a line quite, visible. A steady empleye of seven jeurs standing would net seem very stupid if he re fused a salary slightly larger lieca use it was offset by the rHwjicetnf prelit shai- mg. The scheme is simply a variable and uncertain addition te wages w hich ewes no small part of Its apparent epiiliirity te the fondness that all men have for taking chances and trilling with luck. In the long run the man paid by profit shariug will net tlud himsdf ahead el the mau who is paid strictly by the value of his services, and does his level lcst te make them of value. Wanaiuaker con fesses disappointment in the resulls of his scheme, which he expected te stimu late n closer nud mere c.irnest attention te the interests of the linn. As a conscientious and honest emplove will always de his best, and no oue ean de better than that, It must le assumed that the famous trouser builder and cab inet etlleer has a low opinion of human ity in general and his empleyes in p.ir ticular. Mr. Jeaks' Opinion. Solicitor General Jenks having sue cceded in shakhi!? nff iim nm in,.i I he promptly letigned when Harrison uauium, nas ix-en seized liy a J'ittslairg reporter en lils wuvliemp inn! iM,, ,,,,.,1.. E te deliver his opinion of the admiuis- k lrauen' Jinrrisen lie tliiuks an henist JV man who is troubled with anidcatliat S ne is a greater man than he is and "knows it all"; se that he Is r Informed with dilllcullv i.n.l i,.,i about as handily as a mule. The klwf lfflUlllll..l .....n .. 111. I.t... 1... f li "v"v M....v.fc,ll. .lit,!, jl, JI1I11 JU (0 rclaroste le Attorney (IcmithI Miiu.r P followed closely by Quay, with Allisen p' a bad third, and the big Held away E back behind the diatamc staiul. M Mr. Jenka gives us quite new ideas fa about Quay's and Miller's position. He tv wiium Him, vuay is playing 'iKXhum ill t letting the Imprewdeu le created that ?.- he has little iutlucmv. tn. n.. ..?..... Kt He thinks that with his big let of tml UvU.u.u iiiBiuibe en nana, It is verv convenient fur Oimv i... .i r didalcs think that h u ! ,. m, .i. ft president. Mr. Jenks sjiys that the situ tti atien is nuite etbrru-iw t... i... Rr that Quay is often and confidently ion- Vl WAkfi 111' ITiiri-iueti ...I ii!i ... . . AL , T 7 """" """ "unimies IDs H Uxt-en te Quay's guile plus hU ew n gSi high consideration with the people. -t Tlrst came the greatness of Harrison as the prime element hi hldsiacess : shoved ki alenir hv tbft nliln iiiiiiili.nli.il.... ,.r .i.i.. v fclef marshal. In the battle. I About Miller, Mr, Jenks makes the Hicnviiug revelation mat lie lias always , ncn uw ik-41 man or me linn of Harrken & Miller, ami that the prel- nvii ui'i'iuieiiicti in Iimiii iiiun. 1,1... A - --- .... Mp, .III,,, 7 Mr. Jeuks thinks him a man of great , WlUy, with a talent for executive ad- -wmwwniueujana he ought te Knew something about him, after his Intimate association with hliu for a couple of months. The public Idea has been dif ferent; regarding the attorney general as a simple lawyer, of no great acquire ment even in the Hue of his profession. The fact thnt Harrison took Miller Inte his cabinet affords geed' evidence that Mr. Jenks1 view-may be right, for it Is net sprobable thnt he would hnve taken his law pnrtner with him If he had net wanted him very much. Ills, we be lieve, n unique thing In presidential nraetlce. It Is quite a common ob-ervatleii, In this llfeefshams and deceptions, te find thnt the pulling her In a team Is net the showy one. It often happens thnt glory gees te one for lalier done by another. The wife mny be the husband's creator nud the world net knew it ; and silent partners may yield te the gaudy pluninge of one fanie that his feathers alone could net have wen. All is net geld thnt glitters, nor nil dress that does net shine. m m 1 lie I'nimnin ('mini. Thnt liest advertised of newspncr men, .Inline. Klein, of Saniean fame, Alls some fourteen columns of the Is'ew Yerk HerW with an account or the Panama canal failure. After all that him hern said and written of the hercu lean character of this enterprise It is a shameful thing that the American government should have given the death blew ten movement for its revi val by absurd senatorial gymnastleaover the Menree doctrine. The thrifty far mers of l'rancc, w he se readily should ered and bravely lore this gigantic bur den when they had net recovered from the immense cost of (he German war, must new have a very peer opinion of t lie nation that their fathers heled te found in America. The history of the enterprise untler the nominal leadershipef IV I,cs seps Is a disheartening record of bad management, outrageous wasteruliiess and deieptlen. The prldoef l-'ranee was In the work, and If tin government had given it practical support, the money of these ieople would have again leii found pushing through a ditch that w ill be of lasting nml Incalculable value net te France alone, but tot hew hole world. We may sneer at it as a crazy enter prise becaiise it may net yield even fut lite investors a fair preilt, and has heH!lcssly burled all of three hundred and fifty millions of dollars. Hut they are net our dollars and If any govern ment or Heplo wish te send mere in that way we have no rigid or excuse for objection. The matter of control in time of war would have le Ik- settled at any into by feice of aims or diplomacy no mailer who built the ditch. The histeiy of Hue, shows this. Til r. lite iiieen ilewngei of ll.ivnriii lins been will i-.illml tlm ". Mether ofSenows," Her diililicii were King I.uilwlg, tlieinul ruler, who iliewmd lilmsell in l,nku .Miirmlicrg, nud the present iiiiuil inking. AlieUT this t line of ,v e.ir leek out ler tie ((mills of lie-cre.iui Mleniii lit diiinh festivals, anil oilier large assemblies whom vast quantities are (.etisuuieil. Coloring natter, copper uum mid ether eailsns usually fiiiulsh snvcrul Ileum el the kind In the Hist weeks el hut weather, but Seuth (il.istenhiliy, CeiiiHstii ut, has Just furnKliiil suveinl handled eases of upp.vr ent poisoning by vnulllii eti.ict, uhkh is te te analyzed, A ilezeu or mete nre se ill th.it it IhUjiccI they will die. W'Mtlss.ild toliebeouiiiigon theTurkish frontier. Tint Is very bail, fei this Is net the (iisteuiiiry time fei var te boom. It usually docs Ihiit.lu the uevvs lepeilN.w In n snow mid he and ethui tilings uiiike it qiiite iuqiossihle for war te de nn.stlilii inore Ihiiu boom. 'Dm immediate hoiihe of the jirescnt nlaim Is a riimei el the m iSN.ic.rn of Christians hy 'I'uiKn en llie fienticr el .Moulenegie. Tin: iKX'ennt of the I'-iles luiuien is a little tee astonishing ler belief. II air inn be liurned see.isil.v we should b.ive found It out before, mid the thought that simple lonilillens might set the whele iitniesiheiu nblaze liem n inatili ll.ime Is unite start ling. Till, stied suriukler eputates ler llie purposeot wiiteriiiu Hie dust, hut te the citizen who wadeiillueiidh the pieduit el the opeintion, il leeks mere like dusting tlie wiitei. Tin. Kile llcititil deneiiiKes the appro appre appro luiiitien el $lU,oelfoi .KuiimiiMHieu totnke Inte eoiiHid(riitieu the pmulr.iliilit.v el n shlpe.iuil te.cinuii t ,ake Klin and the Ohie livei Is an imwaiiaut.ililu otiava etiava gaiit e. " Tim wuik thai the e.imil (.ouuiiis (.euuiiis (.ouuiiis sleu is epeelisl te mveinplish ought net te cost the nt.ito&vie. All the lut'eini itien at tainable en (lie subject Is new In possession of the st.ite authorities at Il.uiisliiiig. Of the nmeiint appropriated iti.MHi w ill, thero there thero feie, he wasted janil, as tlm goveinoi'sae geveinoi'sae goveinei'sae Hon en the appropii.itieu bills shows, t lie amount wasted will be Just se much of whUhseniu weilhy i hiiltahle institution will be deprived. " The ycHifditititiiites that the apjitepiin (ion h.ut imothei object than the humbug. giUKoftlie poepleof that scstien. It pio pie teststliat it faveis thee.inal and also that Mr. W, I a. Soot t Ins iilu.us taveied sueli auiinpievcineut, nud II tlm stale does net undertake it he will, Tin: oie Meet at Kue is saul te he the lnrgest tint has Ihiui assembled Iheie for iiinuy.ve.irH, having a total (oiiumke of 10, 0OJ tens. Vet Iren i (intitules dull. ri:itM.ii. i:-Suiinvuv II vv Aim, It is again an an an iiotmced.will many Miss Tviuer,dauKlitei of Dr. Civ mer, I'. M. A., el vVushlugien. Cu iu i Sw isi, feriuerlv el I'hil ull Itlila. hits lieeu iippeiulisl ludge of the Neriheriiilislrkt of I'leridiihv 1'iesident Harrison. I)is. II. ('. W. Miew alter mid Mms Annie Smoker, el New Helland, Ume uianied en VNcdnesday at the home el the luldu's father, Mr. A. (i, SineKer, liev. J. W. llassler perferimsl Iho tcicnieuy. r.-Oevi iimiii Ci'iniN diel.i'ies that in eonseipienreerilie veloertho Mil r Iho erci Hen oftheineinoilalliall.it CliUvshuii CliUvshuii the eeiniutltisi will make an addiess te the seldleis, Miggi'sthig a inieting te deeide whether the enterprise will be nhtuiletied or an attempt will be made leertxt n hall. Ji'iwii. Wiiuk. of liieiisveeiui ranie, has decided te take the stuuii ill the interest of Iho jirojiesed prohibition amendment. 'Iho anneimieuieut e.uisisl enuHidomhle eeminent in I'itlMimg, esMs-iallv mueiii: tlie liquor men. 'Iho JiiiIke is verv bitter since the projiesitiou was inade te hiiis-ntli lilm. W'asiii.noten Iuvi.vi Hisiiee In net te be buried until .Meudav, the viglith dav alter his death. This Iste ks.iiiu.iu ellkiiil exnnilnalien of tlie autopsy ordered bv Dr. Irwin. .Mrs. llishen lus written te Dr. A. Spilzka and Dr. 1). M. Hamilton, asking them te eendui I an ex.unliiatien, and has also deiuaiuUsl it el Iho loreuer. numei, ItvMittii-r, Iho vrnerable bis bis bis oiian.Isaverilable pilsniierin hishouse in Washington, and Is net miiik)m(1 te he longer abln te take i-are el himself, e en in convfirisitien, and his household members i 'i"10!1 ,'1"1 U"1 nil callers. Ne ene but Ids pl0sleian and a few Intlinate frien.U ar is-riu tied apj.re.icl. 1,1, ,. Mr. Ilaiicrefl is in his SOU, j eai. OOVI.USOII IIKAV1.U h.,j; .. T ,1U0 never had uuy iiuestlen as te iiivilutv in .ikiiiu hi iiiuanieiiuiiiciit and will wrte fr I i'."f,VV"rw'"s' IhaeulnH liitendiNi te l"-JlUe lV'lui-,tleu In i.iy mind has """ ""V. V " s u rcprecenutlVH of the ......... imii iiri'iviniiiiK ie retiresent the Jtepubl can isirly, I fXimi te take ground publlclj in favor of tlieaiiipndnieiil 'hnin.. . i""1 !!rj?.w""X . .Present WAXAMAKKIt'H PnOITTWIIAIMyO. A nig Sum Fer the Kmplejcs DUtrlbutcsl en Friday. Mr. Jehn Waiuiitinkcr en Friday evening dlstributrsl te 378 ersens who iiiul been cmpleved M Ids large store snrenyenrsand upwards part of the profits of the last year. What had already been irnld out monthly te salespeople ever and abeve regular salaries, vvflh the sum given en Friday night, nggregnteti for the enr J10f,315.tis. The nmeiitit dibtrlbiited te empleyes In this way In Iho pi ovleusycar wasting, IW. (!8. In the course of a speech of considerable length Mr. Wnmunaker said t "We have paid the ustinl salaries, ami exactly fJJin,iS."i.:ifl mere by this free will distribution. Net oue person, te the best of my knowledge and belief would have had any larger salaries had this plan of distribution net been in Tene, Hetliat It Is out of our pocket i Inte yours, and without nny obligation en our part extcptgiKsl will and Interest In the welfare of our gmsl eepln. Vmler a system of monthly ex aminations of Inillvidunl records all our clerks liavn had proper consideration nc nc cerding te merit, and perhnps a few salaries nave nern rciiuccu as aisive vhiiie e, ser vices, wlilln many liave been advances:! without solieiUtlen. We allow double interest en the prlndl of tliese dlstrihil dlstrihil liens. "The checks given out te-night might all Ime been larger, and It Is a disappoint ment te me that they arc net. Yeu bnv e it in your ixiwer, by your etilhiislastlcnnd earnest ellerts le Irirreasoer diminish w hat Hie firm has set aside for this distribution. "It Is entirely out ofiihue for any of jeii te say, I would rather have my salary In creased instead of this cheik. I am sure your salary Is all thai your record shows you te be entitled te, and j our check Is all clear gain te yen. When ou aie entitled te inore salary jeu wlllgitll, whether we miike a distribution or net. Noun isnsked or expectcsl testay who Is net fully paid. It is stupid for mi v oue te de that, and we In net want stupid people. " I regret tenilinit that 1 de net sen much that has been gained by Ihn cxrcrimenl ve Iihv e m.ide, excent the sntlsfactlen of m ik ing the cllert nud the plcnsuin there Is in giving te veu a share in our returns. " "Tliorelsa great ileal of foolish tnlk nbeut relations of capital and labor. Yeu keep J out s.iv lugs and Ihey br cemeeanltal. Yeu urn entitled le all Ihalsucli (iipltal pro pre dines se long as you pay nirreut and proper wages le lliose who "work for you. When en li.iv e ilenn that no man has any right In ask or oxpect jnu te Id him have n part of.veur prellts any moie Ihmi he liasle Ile for nothing in a part of your house. "If an epwirtunlty eilers tojeu te he taken Inte isinsiileratleu by your employ ci ether than ou tlm basis of coimnen wages you ew e something for that extia consider ation. "Yeu nre net called leadd money capital te Iho lit in j en work for, but you may add enthusiasm, conscience, improved method ami leadersliip, and thnse things count as beM kind of capital and bis emn dellais In .jour pocket and mine." - . Much lluinnit llloeit SI, oil. In Chicago, en Thuisda.v night, 1'imik Jasitiski, aged 111 ears, stepped out In fient of Ids lather's saloon with niilleiu his hands, Olaiuliig down tlin street he siw Crank Kiewki, a lad of his age, and an acquaititaiKO, standing in tun front doei of his house, Jasiuski raised Iho lille, leek deliheriite aim, and Hied. Kienski fell, the ball having passed through his liedv, two iuilies Minn the heart. Jasiuslit then coolly took aim ami II red at another iiciiinliitnnrr, Mike Mcka, wlie steed at Hie fieut (loot el Ills home, loe fi rt awav , ami Mcka fill te the gieuiid, Iho ball having ruined six Inches below the left shoulder, .lasitiskl I'scMpcsl, K low ski's wound Is I ilal, but Meka's in liny is net cnusiilcicd serious, .lasinski it appeals, belongs te the siiiue gang with nuug ICubeiewskl, who, ullliiiiii provocation, shot a lid n iinisl Tiiuer last .Sunday night. .lasln ki hail gathend In Ills loom a "Wild West" eutlit, Itu hiding knives and revolvers, as well as a let el Hash literature. .Mrs. Sand, I'. Aliiii, teadiei in a public sihoel In Washington, was latall.v shel cm rrlila.v,iu pieseiue el" her littleg'irl pupils, by her weithless Imsbmid, whom she had supported b.v hei labors as a teachei. Alter he had ilenn the iked Allen etumided siildde bv sheeting himself in the head. The wile died shortly atlerwiiids. .lauius Dm. in, a well-to-de eitleu of Maltby, near Wllkeilurie, en 'I hnrwlav night, "(.hopped his w ife's held te pieces' and attempted te kill his daughter. He thou committed suicide b cutting Ids Hiieat. Demestic tieuble was the (au-e. Jlnry WiMMllienv, a himdav school tend, ei, called Ileniy Menke te thndoer el his boaidliig-lieiihoal Louisville, Ky.,en TIiiiisiIiv e euiiig and shot hiiu. Ilehad broken his premise te many her. 'Iho wound In net Intnl. It is stated at Ccttlnje, the capital eT Mou Meu Mou lenegeo, that Christians are being m issii. end by Tuiksen HtcMoutcingiiiilientici. A lluiele Act. Tlie lieieie ad or It. M. Hull, an engross engress iiucleik el the Ohie Ilouseot Itepusenta Itepusenta tives, is new the talk el the people et Columbus, due morning last week, Mr. Hull, acveinp tnied by Mis. Willi mi Salt, and he, little, dauglitur, aged the viars, as iciuled te the domeel the canilel te gi t a vieu or the clt.v. 'Iho dome is lulh ntt feet above tlie loer or the building, and has two tieis el windows niiig around it. A luge piiioel glass had been biekeu in ene el these window h, and Ihieugh this eeiiing the little gtd loll, head lust, alighting en a projecting stone or sill eighteen loci below . This ledge w as but Ihiee leet wide, and below it lulh twenty -Iho leet was the loot, while n liuu died feel belew wasthe (eiut. Asipilik as thought Hull jumped tliieiiglitlinlirekeii vdndew, hung moment b.v his hands and (hepjxsl te tlie ledge, where lav thoappii theappii entl.v lifeless term m the lillle girl. Hew lie steidicd hluisclf te kccpfieiii ialllngevei the uiriciw plaeu Is miraculous. (In net only steadied lihuself, but Inking the blecsl ing rerm or the child In his aims, climbed a lightning red until he was able tndclhci Ids precious btudeii le lliose w he had been attracted te the dome bv seeing his pei ileus situation en Iho ledge. -'Iho melliei was lillle beside heiseir with giiel dining Iho Piegiess or his hemic achievement and her Jni knew no bound when her little diughfei, though bleeding and tern, was lesteicsl te her. 'I be l.lmlt ol'l'ielltiilile IVrtlllly. I'feni the l'erlliinil UliKOnluii. A iaisnip six lectin length was left at Hie Oifiuitinu olllee vesteiiliv. It was raised by Mi. It. dlasspoel, or Cl,u kiiiuas county, In a soil of light s.uid inivcsl w llh leiiu. 'llieiurstiiinsn verv nutiitieusaiid wholesemo vegetable, but if Ihey all grew down into theginund six feet il would cost mere te dig them than they would be worth. "Wlie iljil jeii sa. Is le be the next rcM (Inn? oil' 1 (Inn I knew unit den luue. I'm net l.K.ldnn fur vrcaMcnts-I , ln.,klns Ter n IxillleeriMlialiniiUll. It kills nalneirr I line ' ..0"V.c,t,mir.,".1 esllunliln cttlrrns mm Is' tliankliiirortlictiitriHlin'tlen eflir Hull kCdiikIi Si.irnn, rerll itinrl) usidiansaveil Ills lire. Icir lii(lirut ronsiiinptleu II inn ccrlntii rcninli. l'rke- rruti. lU'iiniettu. e i:rujui', s,Kit k i, wn.i. in: ifi;i,it IV III llie fellow in .linulu'i mi Suniliii. In llie tmirnliienl I0..JI, In ilienvriiliieui 7.r. f?!in iliiv t-ihoelat 1 Bii in When tlm hour Is cllf rercnl It U citxs iiillv notes! CJii'iuu et iion-iernir of Prime im.t Or iinirc l'rHM'r nurlliirat b . in ll!ik"hlnvU,'n',T l,u,tl "-'"" Vine near i.l'MJ," ''jnimns iv I'liiimr, Cel i ir. "ii i "iiglKe, iso,ler. I'ralscuicciliisat l' i ltirniiiii.il Hr i l . m sr I.iM.H-Miuldt imniie, I.lih Iter, imMer Similuj , he.,! Vice hi ItlH rii.rtiiiii I,,.,..., lii'i. it in , ul 2 p. in. Sen ci I. Ill , 1'ier. II. I. Hdieldi., mnelulliiB. i. AMauui I'm mil - ci.ll I). A brtLlit IMHer. bimitii ki lioel at .' p. in. -""Vi. I'lllJtBVTtllllV MEHOUIll, CIII'IKII-Seiltll Qiiccn ttrc t, I lieinai 1 li..mp,eii, luelnr Sr. Jeilnh LiMiiiiiAN Itci. II ! Vllriiiiiii- D. 11. iwi-ler. hllllltll) Mll.Wl at (l(UH,t i mortal Mission nt:p. in .ii. ciuiisv l.crmnvN. -Itci r , it,i Mki0r sr I'ai i.hltrnniMni-iin i u'i '.'... '.".C- Pe-m's-'ttue b Kci. K. ucrliarl. I) 1). at I'ln'sr IInei.MMi.-llei. J M. 'nti-l I) l, iMiter. .Monilnskcruieiil. Itui. J ll.'imtb,', hr P.Ai'isSI K.t'iii'iu u-ltei 1LC Vcrke. niuler On. in.. . Insi. rn.ik.. v. r. .... ....... ... .,- .................. ' i.iiriu vim 1, rilKSllVrH(IA.-ltCl, J. V. .MIUIH..II, l. tuiKier, ' Mekav lAit.-Itev, J. .Mm IIrk, I). 1., luster. 2 p. m .Siiuda) M.I100I. " Uiiai ; Kl.iruiLitt.v-ltev c.li llenpt, isister. iljstnra morning iltble dis i, VundaV k hoot m 2 j,. ,, Ktiiilngsertlcentup. in , ' ".i1- 1 i;iisi.ltev J. M. Iiiumwut.ofCro Iiiumwut.efCro Iiiumwut.ofCre icn lliisiln.-lnilM'mluur. Hund.i m lie.il at'.' i-..,L i, T-P' eime VlenV iiif-rtliix.' I Hist M, li Clliue 11 Itev, . . Vernen 1) 1 ti'MV.!;- v " ''"uiis, at u ,u ;;,. ""' " VV KsrUtN M. K. lULUClI.-ltni-. IV u pastor, --...... ... , Honesty and Intelllsancc Ti pay te be hone t, 3 ou Miy. Orantcd. j Yft hew many ere dlnhencst threiiKli Ignor Igner nnr, rxp,sllncy, or Intentionally. One can be (I IshcmcH and yet Miy nethlnc. Aclrrkwlie lctun cuitemcr buya ilimyse(l piece of nmd, n wltncsn who lieW back the Iriilh which would clear 11 prlenrr,n tncdlcnl prnctlflencr who lake hU vitlcul' money when lie ktieiwhe l doing him no geed, nil sre c nlpably dlliuucst. Hf(ikliiK et the rtlolienctty or medical men remind us that only Iho pant week there ha rorne under our pcrnonnlelitrtntlonn form of' dllietnly which I almoitteo mean for nar ration. It In pcncrnlly Itnewn Hint doctor bind llicm kelve by cede, resolution nnd oath net te tucniiyndwrtlM.d medicine. New, there I n mcdlrlne en the market which, for the pni ten car. Ims nccempllhcd a marvcleii nmeiint of grjed In the cure of Kidney nnd I.lver disease, and dlvanc arising from the deraiiBcmcnt nf thwecrcnt erean. we refer te Warner's Hnfe Cure. Be wldeapnnd are the merit of llils medicine llml the majority of the d'lrtore of ltd country knew from actual 1 il dcncellint II will euro Adtanccd Kidney Uls- (iisc, which libul nnethcr uininci for llrlRlit DKnisc. The incdlral prorleii haie pill themsdve en record a admitting Hist there I no cure for Ihl tcrrlbln maludy, cttlicre urn pt,Klclans base ( uetieti and dlvhenent ciieiirIi te precure VVarncr' HafeCure In nsurrcptltleu iiiniiuer, pntllic same Inte plain ronr-eiuiro vials, nnd diart;ntli'lrnllcnt 1100 r l il, wlnnalx U n-etmce bottle of therennsl, In II original packinje, can hn bought nl any drugstore In the w orldlfertl.sk l'c rhais the doctor nrgltc that the euro of Ihn pntl'-nl JihIIiIch his dishonesty, et he will boldly stand up at tlm next county medical meeting mid denounce Warner' Hafe Citrons a pitenl medicine, and eneiililch heiHiinetiuid it III net use. Ibeficll Hint (lie cepln are waking up le Iho truth Hint tlm mistical profession I far from henist, and that It clcn-n net isissc it monopoly of wisdom In tlie curing of dlM.ise, dx terlng the 111111 iiiitoinsef kidney dis ease. Instead of striking nl thusealef (Hmiuc tlie klilni' lliemscliis-nllnwlng patient le die rather thin, uvin remedy lenenu te lien sh clllc, simply liccnii'.elt lials'ii advertised, and whin pallent are dutd from Adtanccd lildii' lltstase, still pradlclng deception by Riling the cause of death It, their rertlllcnten pneumonia, drops, heart dlvsise, or some nth(raeesliipaii)lliBCl!cctnf bright lllsensc. All this I prime! iirretldcncc of Incompe Incempe t'tte, lilgetr aiidilislienebty. Wc ak but the truth when we sa that Messrs. II. II. Warm r A Ce., liave done a most hllanthrnpln work rer tin; past tea carln (dlicatlliK the seple up te the knett ludge Ihey nowenje, css-lall of maladies glowing out efdlrensps of tbe Kldtie and Idler, andnrii deporting of all pralse for tlnlr heni'sty and stratghtfemardnes In e.ilng sham and illsliemst of nil kind. jllciu bucftkvciitcnttt. 1 ATHNTH. Outing Al'Itlli AMI; MAV myfi due only 011 aneiTuiKC 11 eesirisi, tt rile VV .M, II. IIAII ( OI'K, BIS Seventh stres't, VVnslilngtiiu I), ti 1', (J. Ilex il. rerincrly Kxiiinlmr In Paten Ottlce. 'Jhlrteen (nr practice. " iti 3 fill I M. II. IIAIU ;( itMnd.VUt TOTHli-Tlli: WATi:if DUl'LICATi: IH i new In tlie hand or the City Irensiirerf ler (ollectlen nfttitlcr rents. An abatement e, ft rient. will be made for prompt patmint, Olllee hour Xa in, te 12 in., and I te .1 p. le. dull. On .vienday and Saturday the olllee will boepi u In IIieck nlng from 7 left p m J. il. nA'iiireN. IIJ 1 ,lMlk I'll 'In usurer. 1 uhi.vi:s4a bcn:Nci:i And nt tbe Pepiilsr IiANC'AHT:u !U!ft. NI.SS COIiblKSi: Hit seleiKO Is Imparled In I Mictien te Veung Ijidli ami Noting Men ulsliliig te prepare tern Iluslness l.lfe, '1 , nis enslsti nt llli Hie lass of liistrm Hen Imp il ted. Call and exam inn testimonials from reriiu r pupils. Our patrons are our leading bu-lness men throughout city and count. Ail dress, r III. C wi:ini,i:it, Ijiticustir Ilusl in ss College, Ijuic aster, I'a. N jeiit'i:. Wall .Vhhniul.1 Williamson A I'e"l( r, J. II MiutliiACe., Astrlch lliec, J. Harry Htnmin, I'. C. Haider A Urn, Martin llrec, Gee. 1'. Itathten, Adtlsethe Cm' Of nnd Sell Wild Flower Betjuet Toilet Seap. A c. lien:, UNDERTAKER, .W) North (iue-n street. I am nevprcsircd teat lend tonllerdi rs In nit Hue, and will uliemy personal attention In the business ul all times. 1 urn pre pared" lepn serve lindlcshv embalming them or with cold ulr. us ma be di shed. . . a. c. neri:, a-T-llild Ne ;al North (inn n Htree L. N OUCIi (!co W. Hull, Cli is. A. I.eclii r, .1. It Kaulliuiiu, II. N. Snider, Chun. I.Sliulmer. II. II, Cochran, A. A. Ilublet, I K. I-nng'sMens, li It Ilerr, I,. II. Iteltsliu, S. II. MiClier, Charles Staniiu, Are Iteceminendlng nnd Selling Wild Flower Coquet Toilet Soup. Airill-XAMINKl.YIMKItin:. Spectacles ! WE EXAMINE EYES FREE I Yeu Think Your Eyes Are Geed. ! If .ten baiitbcmcamlnsleu will probably Mud Hint He re I something Mieng it III, Uiiin, and Unit gllss( will be a Kicat In Ip te toil. V'e use liilmltiilile "1)1 A MVNI'V'' lenses, which nre made-mil lij us.uiiil iccemmcnilesl bt leading Oculists as the best nlils te ddec tlte tlsliiii. Solid Held Hpediuhs, ?:.Ull ; usual price, ISi.lHI. sits lSiKdaeles, fine.; usual price, sl.t,(. Art Ilk lull )(slusi tied, s ; usual price, MO. M. ZIKEMAN it BRO. 130 S. Ninth Street, OI'IICIVNH. I'lIIUVDIIbPIIIA. lietwien Chestnut and Walnut Strcs N uirt-lil riMiin'Kopi.irfiCAbiihieitii -I Olt- The Present Season. iu.uk sn.i; i)hapi:hv Nirr-in riain, Htrlpcitiiuit riKiircsl.at $1 f, 11.75 tej.'.50. III.Al'K SII.1J SPANISH and Chaiillll Uue 1 leuuclugs, m 51 tM, JI.W te 50.00. IVml rlcniidHttls Embroidered I'laiiiicliigs lit Kxielldit ht.tl.s and Qualities, at 75c, St netitF.'.Sa, Willi Kdgtngsuud lus(rllugs te iiiatdi. One or the MoitCumplcleAbsortmcntsiir White l)rcs (icxhIs gentrall , 1 1 the clt , liriiih, Mohair mil Weel Challies ut liViuid .V riilladelphta prlee, fidciindlOi'. Illark Silk Mitts at IV, Sx te 73c. lllackHllk Oletes. av In .' Kid Gloves Inidtable maUes, SeV, We, 75e te Sl.'i. Cull Lines eif Nottingham latce Curtuhis unit Curtain Mute rlaUb the) aril. Gee. F. Rathven, NO. 25 FJST KING STREET. The People's Cash Stere. mai'vidll XXttei'iu'HO. T UT1IKU H. KALTFMAN, ATTOIINKV.AT-I.AW. bes-end I'loer lhlemuu Lull- Uullding. Ne. U North Duke btrcd, piJ-ljt!iv Dcsirale Fa 90ttmlttr'. rjlILACRt-nitA, Ratsriter, May J8, im. It's like the start of a vaca tion te see the Adirondack Camp. It's half of an education in home beautifying te see the Cottage Beautiful. Take centre elevator. There's a new hand at the Clothing. Yeu needn't leek sharp te see it. The new hand always leaves a plain mark, you knew first of all en the price-tags. nere s a line 01 oeys 5 Suits $5 yesterday ; they're $3.50 te-day. That's the way things are being done. Loek at this! Scotch Home spun, silk lined, exactly such a suit as a dressy man would feel extra well dressed in, and the price $18 ! Just se all through Men's Clothing. Then there's the Custom De partment for people hard te suit. The new hand has been there. Did you ever see neater, fitter stuffs te put into clothes for particular men. Thirteenth and Market streets. What a multitude of things go as Men's Furnishings! Half a dozen of our longest counters are almost tee little for what wc must show of them. Prices and styles are always right, but of course there are extra inter esting spots at all times. Half a dozen as tney come : 25c Neckwear. l'er Hummer, White Pique, White Ijiw-11 nnd Dotted IMmie Keiir-ln-hnnds; Silk 'leeks and Pour-In hands. I21 lAc Suspenders. WhltejiudstrlH?d. Abe nut 2,1(1) pairs regit- i.ir .ijc kueus ,or il'.f. 2V1c Hese. Men's Knncy Striped Cotten Hese In urn rletv of stle nt nytfi. Market price double. Hint. Men's Shirts. Hnnncl Shirts In plaids and stripes, fl, U. M ! WMic.R.UM.M.mV Silk Shirts, plaids nnd stripes, H. Cheviot Hlifrts, plaids nnd stripes, Mc, tl, Deme stlc Flannel Shirts, tW. 'lrlinined N'lglit Shirts, 10.,-hy odd llie. best rer the meiie tte etcr sold. Balbriggan Underwear. .Men's llnlhrlggnu Underwear, brim 11 nnd colored, Sic. Unusual value. Enough te give you the price step among these things. Market strict entrance, Main Alula. There's hardly been a day since it's season opened that wc hadn't a fine showing of Gloriosa en the counters. The stock was never fuller than new. Grays, navies, and reds in solid colors, and half a dozen choice shades in stripes. 4S inches, $1.50. hoiitlntet of centre. Over ,,oeo yards of the 25c All-Weel Challis sold en Thurs day ; about as many mere yes terday. In the week we've had them mere than half the origi nal big let has gene. Doubtful if a yard of them will see an other Saturday in the store. A hundred styles in sixteen choice colorings. 25c seems absurdly little for such goods. Southeast of centre. A rarely geed 50c Mohair ; plain colors and glace. 3S inches. Finer, 75c and gi. Southwest of centre. Imported Checks, Stripes and Small Plaids. Every thread wool, and in particularly pretty styles for whole suits. A little time back they were $1.25 ; you shall have them at 75c. 50 inches wide. Southeast of centre. Te-day ought te end the 90c te $3 Jerseys. They'll be told of for years. Second fleer, Chestnut street side. Tutors. I'eiir -le- A new let of imported Ruch ings is just in place. We've seen nothing se pretty in many a day. Braided, tinseled, and beaded ; geld, silver, and cash mere colorings. 2 sides nt lse '2 st les nt SOe "stjlesnt JTh !lstlcsjll dOe '.'slj Usui 150 Chestnut street side, east or Main Aisle. Here are .(50 dozen Wo We man's Ribbed Underwear that you shall have at half the ruling prices : 250 dozen cotton at i2c 200 dozen lisle at 25c Celers alike in both pink, blue, white, ecru. Chestnut street side, west of Main Alilr. All the little and big what nots that help te put a chill en het weather arc in shape. There isn't a proved thing of the kind from Fans te 1 lammecks that we are short of unless a bet ter is here. 1 lammecks $1 te $15. rtasemeut, northeast of centre. We sell acres and acres of Fleer Linens ever)' year. The selling heaps are new at their biggest. Gay-and-white Damask, our patterns, 66, 86, 104, 120, 140, 1 58, and 1 Se inches. Gray drill, with red cross bar, 86, 10., 140, and 176 ihches. The Turkey-red-and - brown damask is a this-season novelty, 86 and 1 76 inches. Stair and I In.ll Linens, all widths, te match. Near Women s Wultlng lloeiii. Don't feel disappointed if AINKS CELEUY COMPOUND. IT MADE MOTHER STRONG "My mother ha been using Paikl's Crumr CoxretjKD for nervous prostration, nccom nccem panled by melancholia, etc., and It has dens her a world of geed. It It the only medicine that strengthens the nerves." O. n. Jlr.cRg, Orblsenln, l'a. Palne Celery Compound Is of unequsled value te women. It strengthens ihe nerves, regulates tlc kid,, s, and haawendcrful power In curing the painful diseases vein, which women se often silently sutler. II per belli. Six for 15. At Druggists. Wbllk, nidlAmwe.v A Ce., Burlington, VI, DIAMOND DYES I"'?..!" Neme. nmll-olerT turning can ixpiai Them. ittatmmahctr'a. you fail te get Helly Tree Cam bric at iec a yard after next week. We've almost get te the last cases. Northeast el centre. Jehn Wanamaker. (Qveccvita. t nimsK'H. Goods Slaughtered ! Mnnv goods sold at n great lens net te ut, but te producers nnd Jobbers, who nre anxious tn close out stocks. THINK OK IT! flood, Bwcet California Hnlstns, 4 Km for 25c. 1 lne California Evaporated Apricots, 2 Pis for Italian Prunella. 3 lbs fur 2V. Ciillfernlii Plums H fts fr?.v I.vniMirutrd I'nrcd Peaches, Its- te ISc. Old Ktaperntcd Peaches, 8c 11 It). Fell's Cern, 6 cans for "iV. Kc ll's Teiiih lee-s, 4 cans for STk-. KtrlnK Deans, 3 enns for 2"ic, Twe cans Pared Peaches for 2.V Tticntyccnuireriieiuiirt enn Kresl, Apricots. 1 Inrit Cedifs for the money lit tlie city. Al tt at r fresh rousted. Potatoes, 20c, 30c nnd 10c n bushel. BURSK'S, Ne. 17 East King Street, I.ANCAS1 Eli, PA. T KElbT H. REIST'S Big Fruit Sale Still Continues! HAl.KCAItI.OA I) HECEIVEI) YhhTEItDAY. VVe nre called fK)llsh for inirrlinOne' sh.t. tcnsltelyul this season or the ear; but when vouencoseeour prices, nnd the quality of the 1 irult. ou will say tilth us, this Is Mitel the. lime tn purchase. LOOK I LOOK! LOOK! I Among this last let or I'rult no have HI boxes ! iiC tlin lli,r,ut I.-, .m, ip,, iml Vnll.,,, !., . 11.....1.... which tte ttill eiler te the trade at He. a ft, or He. In het lets or 23 It.s meh. This Krull last j car sold at from .IV. te 40c. u lb. At this price It villi pay ou tull te get n box mm-. Heme one Is losing mnne, nnd that lisss itlll be tour gain. 1,000 LBS. OF CHEAP, 000D PRUHE3. In this consignment tie have l.ueafts of Cloed Prunes itlileh tie will sell ul s IV. ror2ec. Never suit the IlUc ler tbainene. Yeu must see) our lllg Display efKrult In order te hilly comprehend its tnslncss and the ver low figures no inarlc eicr thcin. SJWIOKED MEATS ! Dried Ilcef, tic, 10c. and 2'c. n p. Dried iicer, Kiiucklis, ter llnest, Hc.a It.. Picnic Hams at 10c. a .. MACKEREL. Ne. 2 Mae kerel reduced fiein IV. te 12'c. n ft. J. FRANK REIST, WHOLESALE AND ltETAIL OltOCER, I.ANCASTEII, PA. jUtiivci'Uitiu'iuuv. c OMPLEXION POVVDEIl, WHO VALUE A ItEKINEI) COMPLEXION MU8r USE POZZONI'S MEDICATED COMPLEXION POWDER. It Imparts n brllllanl tiuuspari ncy te tbu skin. Demotes nil pimples, Trinities and ills coloration, and makes tlie skin delhately soft nnd beautiful. It contains no lime, white lead or arsenic. In threx- shades, pink or rlt'li, wlilte and linniitte. inn HA LP. II Y All Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers Everywhere. WHEWAHK OK 1MI r.VTI0N8.-tf npr20-ld "A reOIIANN A NOWLEN, MERCHANT TAILORS, nldll lPJiNOUTH QUEIN' S1REITT. lTArCHHPHlNO COUSKT. 1IUY THE PAM0U8 Watchspring Corset. WILL NEVEIt IIUEAK Guaranteed te Outwear Any Cttoin Cttein Made Conet. Mayer, Strouse Ce., MAMTAlTritllltS, II." IIIIOADWAI, N. Y. CMtVi2tM,Th,Sew OTE.VSI.-" AVc desire te call the attention .if censuuu rs of Steam (UkhIs and Knliusrs bunplles, te our Inrgenud varlesl stock of IIihsi, Valves, Ccs. Us, Malleable nnd Cist Iren Hltlngs, Asbestos, Yiili-ats-sleu and t'sndurlan. Sheet, Plsienund Valve P.u kings j sceti.li and ltel Line Iterlccl-liignaiigeliliiss-s, Sieniii Had tutors nnd stenm Heating Apparatus, Si t and C.i Serctis, unit in fact aliniit etcrt tiling required lij sham u-ers,nnd nlleftthlih ttit ellir ul prices tt tilth e guaraulie te lie lower than tnis-e of an ether dealer In this vleiultt Webnte misltlvily the larfst stock, and hew ing ceuucctisl ttllli the Tib phone Kiiliniiirc, nrepnisind lorecclieninl Mil nil orders In the shortest sissllile time. VV'btiilu tiaut of ins tiling In our line, call en us for prices nnd tie villi com luce ou of our nbllll and vtllliiig ness te sate ten Mone, Ikiay and Vexation. Our facilities for fiiruislilng Engines, Hellers, Shnllng, Pullets, llancers, Sncehil ilaehlner), PluiulH.ni' and uas Pittirs Toels, Palterns, Mislels, nnd Iren and Urns Cnstlngs. and for the prompt repair of ul! kind of machluer are uncjccillcd lu Uuicaster, unit tte rispes'tfully solicit n share of our )kitrnuage. Central Machine Works, 131 A l.NOItni CHMKlIANsTltEET, l4.V0A!Tt, Pa. (leext Werk, Kcasennnie Charges, Priunpt nebn. Tclejiiienc connection d3-lfdll C.r.U'&ffilW' 'ny PIHI.. I commenced using Valne a Celery Compound, elid felt relief r,?."! .I?.!.'; f ,ta;of"'' "g if. I new ,Jv" geed appetite nnd can sleep well. MymlrlU nnd courage, are nlmest Ilk thrsi of n J'emng man. A. c, Kt.-ciCAiti, D. D., Uenialcs, La. Paine's Oelery Compound ?i!Ki?f"i!niMn'1 tVl,ll,u "P "le old, and cures their Inflnnltles. Hlieumntlsm. ludlgestlen nnd nervousness yield uulekl- te the ctimtlve potter of Talne a Celery Compound. A l'crfcctirenlciind Intleorater, IKOIVEH NUWUrK. " I am new Rl yenrs old nnd have tried several reinediej, lint none had any eirccl until I used I nine a Celery Compound. I feel entirely dtr rerent rer the short tlmel hnve used It. I can walk nearly stmlcht, sleep sound nnd viell, nud leei as (IieukIi there was new llfu and energy coming Inte my mle st stem." II.Mvi.il"), Cleveland, Tenn. I YOUR BABY vvUllw rosy, plump nnd meTry I I IVUn PHD I gcntAl.TArEUFOOI. IttieccUattcoue. ITIOIt 1IOIIIZONTAI. hT.VriONAIiY P.N ... , filues, from 'J te 60 horse-pett er. nnd Ver Ileal l.nclncs from 2 te 40 bore-pe er, you will fliidlhcm nt JOHN UUil'H, 513Jiist Kulton trtC'- mS-tfd "nieu cAHTiNes, nteN en Crass, meht TifT0r.41,?v?'Ju. 6bert notice, go te JOHN UCBT, Stl East Pulton street. m2trd SITILKCIANT HOOMS KOlt KENT AT NO. 42 ii .Hif ! atret. Suited for llrcsa-Mak-n, Dentist or etllcea. Apply te s- ,,,.. .. T.O. WIIITeON, Ne. 10JJ Last KlngWU, ltcnl Estnte Agt. m!-2ivd CAItHY IN STOCK-BI-ST CHAHCOAL, Hammerist liar Iren, Deuble Hetlmsl Iren, llurdens Itlvct Iren, Illtete, Het mid Celd l.Viil.r,r.I.K"VJt5,ct,jshc"1 Ire" !-' " N". Wjnt' JOHN llhSTb,aKasl Pulton street, mg-tf'd IP IN WANT 01' lllt.VKS OU IIION STOP Cex:lc, Asbestos Packed Cocks, Pet nnd Dili Cocks, Deter Cocks, Hiving Joints, call nnd gel Jhein,er send tour order by mall, te JOHN P.L.VT, at! East Pulton street. in2-tfd riiiTE con en WABin, cepFed y it theieuiid,10c; In letjc of 10 pounds or 0.iri?c- A" Reeds d( llieresl tn nnv part or the city rrec. Call en JOHN HliST, Ne. 3S.1 East Milten street. m2-tfd TnjecteiTs, nui: iJrTidll)7AN-r7iiAN'. .. iCO'.k Inspiraters and Electors, Elierman Heller 1 cedtr, Pcnberthy lusiieeter, Amerleiui Injeeters, nil In stock, nt JOHN IlEttrH, X.H ljisthiillen street. ni2tfd rpANKH Vim WATEIt, OII., ACID Oil OAH, .J- of mil sbai or capacity, at fair prices, go te JOHN Dial', KH East Pulton street, inllfd -ITlOli THE HIST HOT Allt II'IINACe"Tn IJ the market, go lei JOHN IlrT,XJ East ulten street. lnS-tfd -7IOIt PUM.KYH, .SHAI-IINO, COLLAILS ..?Jinr.crs'clAmJ? 1'eies, Ceui.llngs, etc., go te JOHN Illr,S.n East Pulton street, lu2-tlil -ITtOR 110DTS, LAO 8CIIP.WH, SET SCItEWH. V Hipiareiuid Ilesapen Nuts, these gexids In sleck, at JOHN Illisi'ri,aIKist Pulton street. i u2-l fd T7IOHneiLEItTUIlEIlHUMIK.S bTILION '''I! Wrenches, Plieniil Menkey Wrem lies eoiiieiiieii, i ues. un cans, etc. 11EHT, -JXi liist Pulton sticct. go IU.ICHII4 m2-tld fit' OLD I1UONZE, LIOUIDH AND SIZING f,,. Cl, ..,.... ,,). ... inilV'lllL.TLI K ..... liuteii street. .... ii..iiii , i,a n, v juu.1 ni.i e, ivvi ijuae. m2-tld A OENCY POIl CA1.UMIAN A COS CE J.X. ment te take the place or lied IajuI. In bulk It makes live times the uitantlty of rid lend and Is Tar superior In making steam Joints; packing innit and hand hole plates en boilers, iS0'!'J,''' 1,rlce '" ,'""1 ler pound nl JOHN HLSr y, 5U lisl Kulton stres t. m2-tfd T7IIHE IlItlCES, Pini: CLAY, AT 7.0W ? Hgurcsge le JOHN lliwr, J.3 East Pulton trcc'l. m'J-tfd -IUMPS. ItOILElta, MINING? CENrRlFu Jl gal and htcum Pumps, et any capacity, nl JOHN lllJjrs.y,!:! liist Pulton strict. uij-tfd 1DAItTICUI.AU ATTENTION PAID TO Medil Making, Pattern", Draitlngs nnd Itlnc Prints, nt prices l e nseuable, nt JOHN llliyrH.J.OJiist Kulton street mJ-tfel 17Un HOILERS HOItI70NTAL,TUirui7AIt. : Vetlcnl, PortabIc,Cllndcr,Marlnc,erniiy size) or potter, or tlie best material and work manship, go te JOHN Ilhhl', ail liisl Pulton stiect. m2-tfd FOIt STEAM OAUOliS, JIIHH OU LOW I'ressure, Water tiiinges, u.inge Cocks, JJ.e(l Whcsls or Weighted, Glass Tubes, ., iinuii, r) miiiiie nir nie'uiii Hinges, c nnuer Oilers Plain, il ntcr cjaitn Columns, Cocks rer Stenm (iniigcs, call en JOHN liEsl', All nisi Pulton stns'U ma-lfd IP YOU WANT A KIUST-CLASH POUTAI1LE Englncaiid Iloller.eii tvluels, cheap, as tlie following prices sliett 0 herse-putier, 5175; 8 horse-ietnr, SJ3; lUhor-e-peHii.SoT'i, Pi horse power, M75; 20 liorse-eiier, Sl,17e, call at JOHN HLBf S, 3,S( Uu,i Pulton stn ct. m J-tfd SAW MILLS, 11AHK Mil LS, COI1 MILLS. Leather Hellers, 'Ian Puckers-. Triple Ilorse Potiers, Milling nud Mining Mnchlntry, a JOHN HI-SI'S, Ji! Iisi Pulton street mi-lfe FOH CAST IIION PIPE PITTINOl, IIOTH plain and reducing, up te IhIiicIi diameter, Malleable I Ittlngs, I lunges, Flange I ulens, Manifolds, American futons, Tulw Hupixirts, Hiincers, I loer and Celling Plates, go le.lOHN 11I1 8, sa L.ist Pui ten street. ui'J-tld OTIUM HEAT ISTIIECOJIINO HEAT POIl 0 duellings, ehurelies, sclioel houses, etc., though successfully used one hundred tears age. When ten contemplate it cliane call en JOHN ULMu he villi glve jeun, Mtisruiciry Jeb, nl a fair price. nu' tfd rTtOirAMETtlCANSiaHl'I'EEDCYLINDEIl ' Lubricators, Ulns Oil Cups for ItHurlngs, von cm get tliem at JOHN HliSl S, ill 1-jist 1 ulten street. lu.'-tld 70ll PltAlT A. CADY ASIH-STOS DISC V ValteSflcnklns Vali esllrussdlebe Valt es, llrass dale Valves, Iren lledv Olelii Valves, hiiltunslreet m'.'-lfd r rur kkt op pipe, meji '. OvjUUvJ iiieh te b inch dliinic ter, fei snleiitn low figure, nud theeul heusi In the city iiitha pi ie cutting mat hi no, cutting up te (illicit tllamiler.atJOHN UEl s, Mi rit Inl Inl ten street. m'.'-tld TUKINGS. AS FOLLOWS- DIHIGO, I-OIl Stinmaiid llvdrnulic I'm king, Asbest Hepe, Woven and Wick Packing, Hi mp Packing, As bestos Mltl Heard, Asbestos Ci ment. Asbestos Sheathing, (iiinPacklng.Ouin Dings fei Water Oinuges , Pluiulmgn I'ac king, lieed s Patent Vs Vs licstes, I.lnesl sectinuul Iie Cever, nt JOHN lllrs,,l liist I ulten stres't. iii'J-tfd t imps a'iiai ui e.. " We Have Etcr thing Yeu il L k fir In Het TjWe-itlier CLOTHING! Just tihnl will git e en comfort these score h liigd(s, and if ou gonlieut stielterlng iiHli Heavy Clothing, It s because ou te net atnlled ourclfef the oppertuult etlcred here. If ou nrc looking for a NICE BUSINESS SUIT, Of ver pleasing color and il strable weight, Skeleton Sack Ceat, sec ours for $10.00. The re the popular thing leslay Ml our make. The regoeil value or the weuldii t lie here. MYERS RATIIF0N, Reliable Clothiers, Ne. 12 East King Street, I.ANCASTEH. PENS" V. SALhsVIEN R V Islll A Ph W MI N TO sell our goods b sniuplv le.tlu n hele-nle and retail trade. Ijirgcstmnnufitturir-tlii e ir line. l.nclikHi s-cent stamp, WagiifJ isrdat, Pirmuueut sltleu. ,Nu istiul-t i lowered. Menty uiltaiu'f.l fur wiigi-s, ailiirlt in -, i'c, CtNTENNIAL M Jt c fflt., liprl-'-COtdced Clncliuuitl, Ohie. Irciiiy High h ! H&i, -fJsei,