rT" r 9tUi gntUtjiatc.m t'.r , . , iKWtKWJ.BTKINMAN.t j, , . ' f- ,V CHAKLKSHTEINMAK TOLI,' Editor. -.' A ROBERT CLAtlK, rubll rublWie i.er.'- Ll TttK PAILY INTELUaEKCRK-rublUhtKl ,s ' Ywyin incj-mr.wwraay. Mrrca, J k. juh!.. t i.tm MtJS -.. .....H.,llt.. t jr s " J "nlinn ill nun lj mm numiiHiuiitB ry.T www nv ivu itiiiah wit iij innii mr u- a ran ycnr in ou vnri w j " mom n. i WWBCI.Y.lNTELLIUENCKHHJne dollar and, 5a 2":.:?.:-""" .. ...:... ,tf rs. nyiujti;ii numuuiuiiw-iuimi ey ciicck Of poatemc order, and where neither or th4fMi bet procured fend In, registered IcMWb Is i a Kntered m the INystefllee, a second c1m mull Matter. AtniMSAt TIE tHTttttOBKCKll, ' Lancaster, I. LAX0A1TEK, PA., MAY 17, 1889, r ' Th Trtt YandnK Very great iudlgnalten Is jUBtly nrexiHcil by U action of mcu connected with the t erwtment of the city, who are en tftCctlin hacking the trw ion the ttle walk with the tppeed iHirjxwe or clearing a way for their wires. If this is their object.they show gross ignorance i te the way of securing it with the least damage te the trees. In truth tliry de Met seem te care at all for the trees or far the rights of their owners, being saturated with the Idea that they are officers of the city and can de as they please. Their bearing 1-4 arrogant and their language insolent. They would reeelre nomere than their deserts If they should be soundly thrashed, every hour, during their iiregres- through thestrcets, that they inark with their barbam'ux axes ; and the law will protect auy cltl en who se uwm them while they under take te abuse hit tree., Jivery property owner 1h permitted te protect his properly, and the city efilelal hns no mere right te cut his tree unnecessarily than lie ban te cut his fence or his deer. It may be that the city officer has a light te cut a tree, If Iho cutting is nec essary te secure free passage for a lire alarm wire; though we de uei under stand that even this is settled law. And, If'Uls, the right It based solely upon the .necessity of tlie act. The citizen Is obliged te surrender te the public no much of his private right at Is neces sary for the public welfare ; and if a fire alarm wire Is necessary, as we may concede that it Is ; and If it must go through the tree", which is net se clear ; and cannot be Insulated without cut ting away the branches ; then we under stand that the citizen will have te con sent te this being done. Jlut it must unquestionably Im done in u careful manlier and he its te de as little In jur' as possible te the tree, which It the private property of the citizen ; and In its enjoyment he It as much protected by the law us In (hut & ei any emer ei ins property. ii auy city emcer improperly cuw nut trot-, or propetet te cut It uiiueeesarlly, the owner may resist the act as tin unwar ranted aggression. The act It unlawful ; and the only thing that the owner el the tree needs te sutlnfr himself nlxiut Is that the cutting proposed te be done Is unnecessary for the purjKwe for which the right te de it is claimed. Satisfied of this, he may forbid it and club the rascal who undertakes lb de it. The ignorant fellows who are em ployed te de the work of the city are very apt te think that property holders -.JbnAJft.xjn rlcli'i iinrni tin. .Iilmvulb wIiIkIi M'ftjnre bound te respect. But th.e fact a ftrthat the sidewalk Is as much the nre- fr p?rty of the let ewuer as is the let Itself. He only surrenders the ground In front of his heuse te the city, for such used as It necessarily hat for IU He can tine the ground beneath the sidewalk ; and could use that-ever It, but for the fact that he would thereby Interfere with hid neigh bors enjeymeut of hit property ; ami te secure this tha city hat the right te pre scribe a common limine Hue. And as te treet their pluutlng and growth is always vueeuraged In a cultivated and civilized city. They are held te be ti great civic adornment and benefit. The tree planted city holds its head above Itt neighbors, crowned with a leafy beauty" and comforted with a shade that" lliey have net. That the authorities of Lan caster, which is se Jmtly pmuil of ltt ar ar beral rlchuess, should abuse- Its trees and bring even tears te the eyes of these who have planted them and watched (heir growth with delight, is almost Incredl hie. But it is true; these live cutters are abroad, seemingly delighting in their were, aiming the protesting owners, littering the streets with tree limbs and behaving as beastly vandals. Thev should be scorched en a funeral pvre or their own cuttlngs-they who In this age and state, which has ati arbor day te urge tree cultivation of trees, inselcntlv and unnecessarily destroy the growth of years and cut down that which Is of better value te the tow u In its vegetable growth than they la their higher ani mal state. It may be that the city's cutters ul0 P I, . I i a"usiug we tiees ; ami , "" "-" " nave greater occa sion for cutting Weause of their lighter battery and thin, jKwrly Insulated wires, as we uuderMand they claim. Hut their pparatussheuld be improved that the trees may be wived. We knew that all the cutting it net done by them. The telephone and arc-lights people are ut It and aw very ready te Maine thecltyfer work they de themselves. Hut we ar raign the city officers chlctly tmita the city should held Its hand out te the property holder te helnhii.. i, ... g his trees, and should .eta preja-rVxam. W pie te the private eeinpanlw. In a Mad-lletup. A jviKtrter of the Phitn,i..il.i.in r.. gwi'rerhad hlmsel shut n. ... i. fe Insane of the city, after the old manner. m'" reu "' Mmsauen. itn found noth neth igiug verj bad In the tivatjnent of the Jn VDpi save by the underkcepers, wi Kyrouaeiy eau always be relied en te abuse pthe helplets beings lu their charge when ft! ..?. .luell fiuiierler h oft' them : si r mat is the d Unx-m,,.. ,.r .i SlltumBn lu...... .3. ;"""' ""-"'- f?,r."7T:r'"b'."u lM. w lWOTvr i' huA.ii -'.:. i"'"1 Hm i "'"'"""-'isuet afraid. I'reb- j. for it, unless the patient U is-rmltted te i arm himself with a eh.i. .., i ",. . . .,. fe-tf"J'Ji- ,, u JlluK.r lear such re- ?."U d,,nne Hec'l)ers "n nud lucrcabe Mrmueei their services tee much te s make it kelvthm ).,... -m ... ' ,aubject te such inducement te treat their , i-mnvmn Humanely, r wemeniiutratIen aiibnled hvthlt wperter's enteri)rle was the fm.niK. With which lie eet Inte ami mil rr tL luin, aud hit succ?m In Impressing i"v-' iiH a uener that he was me. He Inll-wl in- .. . " " .-...., .,&v a. viufj' limit en rjwentrefts, and the magistrate and the L"Or passed lllin nt rmr In (l.i. .,.,.. I lihyslclans there pronounced him ne. And in a week im wna ..i.r.i cntUen of the Journal SJSfS M.f THE that employed him of the fact of .th deceptleu. p It need net he vcrvsurnrlslntr nerhana vtha Insabe. experts W1 te tell that ' pn- tientisigningitisalilty.;'ltlsBmctblnft -Hint tli9ittubllebaW Imiip WhsnMted. ' tthere Islard cvefiihurtrer fcwalt' ing execution wnoeBtiot produce a cerjw of doctors en ea'p'li slile of the ques tl6u of his sanity j and It Is quite as often doubtless that they are wrong and who declare hlm.saue.as these .who find him crazy. There It a fair suspicion al ways that a ceiivlct Is Insane, founded upon the well known fact that few men ere blessed wllh entirely sound aud well balanced minds, and the only 'ques tion always is as te the degree of the de ficiency. The Inquirer man probably could have !cen plausibly" held as In fact'Jnsaneif the doctors had been dis posed te Iwugly about It ; but they weie ready enough te get rid of him. m w (JllfltfC. Halut Sauveur Is practically a part of Quebec, and the great fire may make It a mere creditable part, as it is possible that mere substantial and eivlllred lieues tnay take the place of the ancient wooden buildings when the work of re construction begins. A better time for the burning of the place could hardly hae been chosen by a commlttce of safotyer beard of heelth. The weather It mild even in that cold country, mid there Is plcuty of tlme for rebuilding le le le fere the cold again Itccemes sevcie. The French of Quebec, however, arc, net rushing people, and with their slew and quiet eighteenth century ways may fall te Improve the fine epjKirtuuity afforded for modernizing a large part of their quaint and pictur esque but very sleepy old town. There will he a geed deal of sentimental wall. Ing ever the less of tills picturesque fea ture, but modern progress In building has been lu the direction of health and comfort In living aud these considera tions are paramount. It may he heix'd that the rebuilding will be done lu such a way thai the town will gain In real beauty what It has lest In quaint and antique ell'ect, anil as the city stands up ou edge along the hillsides, anil the heavy snowfall demands high IMiiuted roeves, It wnuld'rcqulre a de cided effort te cause It te leso place as the most picturesque city lu America. It has always I teen something of a mystery that Quelle hat net grown te be ene of the greatest ports In the world. The largest ocean steamers can unload there, and lu fuel the Ureal Eusturu has lain at anchor close by the feet of the citadel. Trade gees by te the head of navigation at Montreal, and that city may In time be forced by lier mere active population te a vigorous rivalry with New Yerk. The rjt. Lawrence ports have this one, advantage, that their route te KureiKi is mere safe than the one fol lowed hy the great AtlantlcllncsteXew Yerk. A cianeiTs device for trnusMtrtlng llf.ht pnekiiKCt hss'JtiHt Iwn lentil lu Ilosteu. It consists of a magnetic enr linuglng from u slngle rnll, nleng which 11 is 'drawn by electricity.' "Willi oneliorw power It is clnlmcd tltnl eun ten can he Huts traits jMirtcd a dlstaiice of t, 1 10 miles a day nt a cost of 30 cents. Tlin slnle track In te he carried In tripods seme distance above tlin ground, mid the enr i 111 puss through cells of Insulated wtr'e at lutervals. The scien tific prlilolple Involved Is said te I in Hint whereby a hollow cell of Insulated who will draw a linignct Inte Itself." Jt Is cluhnctl that mail mnlter can he t raiisinltic d in large tackngcs ut the rule of four utiles u inliiute. - ' Tin: exniiilr.ntlim IpnIimuv I hi (he only eun available for guarding the hiariicd professions, hut Is certainly fur from per fect. These who pass It tilt the greatest ease nre net always the brightest mid brainiest men, uml elleu the strain of tlin trial Injures minds thut might he of grout use In Iho world. Here is n ease lu point, A yetlltg niaii of I'lalnfleld, X. .1., passed a creditable, oxnmliintleu en Thursday aud was admitted te practice at (he liar of the state or ew Yerk, lie immediately rushed into the street unci throwing hjs hat In the air, sheuted: "I am tin at torney and counseller nt Inw, Where can 1 get a band file found one of nineteen pieces an 1 hired it mr the rest of the day, and pa raded the streets ut Iho hu I of It," carrying a broom. lie hlied open hareucliimnml offered te taUe the Judges te Ynssai college, and also the graduates of Columbia college of whom he Is one. It is the belief of these Mho knew him that hard study has disor dered his mind uud his micccss In passing and belug admitted, has crazed him ferthe tlme. Ne doubt slight iwentilellles nud defects In iiieit might he traced te the ef fects efciaiiimlug for examination!-. Tub llrltlsh JlVe, of Kingsten, Canada, notes that the Inh:m,iiikn ci:k objects te the selection of nn Anierican wife ferthe seu of the Prince or Wales en the gieiind that Iho wife In such ease would have no royal standing in r.nglnnd. "Ah, but she would be mat il il uienliilly Iho ally of a prince mid con- initially bumping iigiilnst revaltv," ov ev clahns the loyal )l7n';. This paper never made the remetei,! sim- gostieu of any objection that could hy any contortion be uiude te resemble the above. What we did say was this: ".Supposing that the carefully selected Ameilcaii ghl should shock ltritlsh loyally wlihu mitten. In spile or our w ei ship of titles this la net quite Impossible mid the glory lu refus ing might b gitsiter than ' In accept ing. Tills young mini, w itheut anv vMble means of support, has no clalnt te spwial lavorsnveiisthodoscondaiit of disreputable royal ancosteis hi a country where revaltv Is pretty well w or out." The trouble is the Ming of truth In this was tee much rer the ltritlsh Whig, aud trusting te distance ns a shield for its men dacity ll produced that curious Idea about royal .lauding, fiedited ll te the Intiim.i Intiim.i eunckii, und nner an ecstatic comment upon humping up against revaltv plunged Inte n tlerce attack upon theAine'rlcangirl. Fer the latter purpose tlm ny,i, ijueles, or pretends te quote, a writer in the Xerth Atnrrieun, who presents the condition of our young people in a most appalling light and would impress her Ignorant readers with the belief that our girls alwavs niarrv rer money, title aud position. e de net soe that any iniluoiiees here prevail te make our women mere seltlsh and less human than elsew here, and w hlleadniHtlng and deploring the weakness of mUe fair Americans for rank and money it in safe te held that en this point thev me less vulnerable than any ether veitng women under the sun ; und this for the simple reason that they have moie te wy lu ihe choice of hiisluiidt than lime girls of ether nations. I'iik bnttle hhlpTe.its has been damaged by water. At least her plans were Injured during a rain teim by n halmge of the roefoi Die draughting room. I'KINO.VAI.. 'I'll VIU'U fj-cn.... .. . .Mbvi Kc.mirr iiiii":r?. :r;: """ "nee or i i J. " ""'"impiimr or the lute A. It .Sloituhteu, of WuhiliKten. ( "Jml, "JUcuaecielarv Tracv rwenilri.m Monater AUImmi is new In California vlil the Senate eemniltte- en IrX toUe,w with Canada, nud Miss Stouehten 1 with l&SKSS t"e & "i SIS , wi LAKCASTER DAtht Knoriuetia Fertiuie. Ketvrltlittsndlng ths enermbns fortunosc fertunosc fortunesc eamulsUit through the MS ( irrinter Ink, Urge sutna.M meaey MS anacSMr ntel la la Tfual aM iinitmuHtratiT wtertliilng. f Thsmerlls of realty fttlnabl commodity properly pftrtrsyad In the s4uasn of sn laHii tniM nempiipf,'iik4 Uis Iim.u4pcsa,wlH (IWisllly beceiile neutrally known aiid apfre clnted, whlle the returns rpapd,by1h advrr tlxer will be like these of the wise liuubsndmsn who " planted the seed la geed ground, wherela It bore fruit sad brought forth, xenis n hutf drsj fold, some lxt y, selas thirty." ( The wording of an advertisement U an all Important matter. Cleamcas, attractlrenesn, brevity and slheer ly mud charaeterlfe 'nay announcement In tended te ratch the public eye and appeal te public coefldcnco. An ndvertlsemenl Inwrtcd In a Ixuiden Journal it few dny ngrt bretlglil ln slant and multitudinous replies accompanied by an almost unlimited rupply of banknotes, Imply because It touched the chord of nsture Which inaket all mankind akin. Its simple pathos and self-evident truthrulness appealed' te every heart. The advertiser sought for a leU relative, and, glvlug hi name unldi "lam III and friend, lew. My lout half crown Is expended In paying for this advertisement. Write ma at" (giving the addresa.) As already stated, nearly every one who read lbs announcement hastened 1e relieve the oeeeanlttes of the auirerer a real sufferer In thli case, though many swindles nre perpetrated In Uie divine name of charity, Thut ll Is, with a really meritorious com. tnedlty or preparation ; If Its virtue be properly and truthfully set forth In the public presn, Its success Is prompt and certain. On the ether hand, the public Is quick and unerring te dclrct deception and charlatanry; and, accordingly, no amount of " puffery " will force a vile nostrum Inte public esteem and patronage. Untold aunts have been sunk In vain efforts te ndvcrtlna Inte popularity so se called medical preparations which did net possess the virtues or properties claimed for them. Valuable medicines, however, like Warner's I.eg Cabin Harsnpurllla, carry their own brat Commendation In their power te cur the par ticular diseases for which they are a specific. They require no labored panegyric te con vince the people of theli peuer suit efficacy, for they have been Irleil and found jwrfect. Nature's remedies, by their own Intrinsic merits have conferred alnstlngboen upon man kind, and they have secured an enxluhte rcpte rcpte tatleu and unlimited talc throughout tbe civil U)d world. What a llaltlmere confectioner ny! "I'Vn lnul rheuinatlsm In mv arm for nix nieiilln. and Hnlvatlen (.Ml made e an entire euro of It, Hfler tiling ies llinn one bottle. eltle. W.M HCIIi:i.I.IIAlIH. .In. llnltn.. Mil. Dr. Hull's Ceilllll Hvrun In a klMnlenrtlelii In lbs market. The demand ferlt wa never greater tluiii new. and will nn Tha peenle find It lndlsnensnlile. and will net ba without it nt uny price. Only crwlsUJ cents, nrrr ItUoccUnnceuo. "iomi'lexien rewnr.it. WHO VAM'R A llEKINKIJ COMl'I.KXION MUHT UHi: POZZONI'S MKDICATKIl COMPLEXION POWDER. It Imparls a brilliant transparency te the kin. Ileiuevcs all pimples, freckles and lils lils lils roleralloiii.niid makes the slcln dcllciitely sort and Iwuutlful. It contains no lime, while lend ernriieuln. In three sliudcK, pink or rtinh, white and brunette. rem ham: iiv All Druggist and Fancy Goods Dealers Everywhere -lir.WAIir. OF IMITATlONK-tfs upr20-lyd F U.NN A 1IUKNK.MAN. -Tlll ALASKA REFRIGERATORS -a hi:- THE BEST IN THE MARKET, BTfie AluVHICA icsese4 .the only rnvNlea chamber free horn odor. The A1.AHKA produce, h iliv.cMui,, which no ether lUrrlgerutnr can de. The AI.AHKA lmi preserved ,,, virult per rectly for JirfrtuUi Inbettctt weiither. The ALASKA preducei belter rcult with itii Iff tliun any ether Hvfrlceruter. Flinn & Breneman. 152 NORTH QUEEN STREET, I'ANOthTKK, I'A. J. It .MAIU'I.V ,V i). SUAhMliR WINDOW IDRAI'KkY. Madras Lace Curtains. Swiss Lace Curtains. Nottingham Lace Curtains. Chenille Portieres. Bamboo Curtains. Silk Curtains. Bulgarian Stripe Curtains. French Linen Curtains. Applique llace Curtains. Vestibule Curtains. CURTAIN POLES Brass, 1 Lbeny, Cherry, and Ash. Walnut Take a leek at our 21c Cur tain Pele, with brass ends. Nothing te equal it. CARPET SWEEPERS. Lancaster Carpet Sweeper, the best made. Bissel Carpet Sweeper. Grand Rapids Carpet Sweeper. Garland Carpet Sweeper. All at Lewest Prices. Special reduction en Jute and Raw Silk Table Cevers for this week enlv. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. West King & Prince Sts Lancaster, Pa. T?f?!wsr INTELLIGENCER FRIDAY, MAY 17, 1889. mkf'. PKIUUikxrHiA, rndsy.May 17, UN. t "Have you seen' the Beauti ful Reems?" 'A lady visitor taked!?. Irdycd they are beautiful and' hiniful. And the Adirondack camp is restful te leek at. ( 'Take centre elevator. Lay a piece of the sensa tienal I2c Sateen beside the the Frercs Kecchlins best. There's a difference, if you leek close. A suggestion mere of sheen in the French, a little finer. But unless you are very wise in such things you must haye the two kinds together te see it. . "" As Sateens go, these 125 centers arc worth double. We never heard of their like under 20c. Ninety styles ; among them as neat and cheery pat terns as ever get into Sateens. Northwest of centre. Women's White Suits. Let two stand for twenty: (1) Plain Linen d'lnde. Skirt plait ed all ever j waist plated back and front. The price $2. (2) Linen d'lnde. Frent of all-ever embroidery ; waist of solid em broidery. The price $3.50. The general price range is from $1.50 te $10. These Dresses are worth double as the market gees. Se are these : Kateen Hulls nt S3 Zephyr mid Ultigham Hulls nt 41 j.iuiireiiierrii uiiiKiiam Hultn ut V Kmtireldcrcii law n and Zephyr nt M Hecend fleer, Chestnut Hired Hlile, FeiirvlnvH- iers, The " six hundred and Children's Suits than three hundred they don't wind up " Misses' are less new. If with the wecic, tney u come very near it. Why shouldn't they ? Half price, and 3 te 16 year sizes : frt.OO Dresses for 11.75 tUiO Drews for Jii', T7.(in Dresxcn for H.75 JIC'iO DrCKWS for H.2i Hecend fleer, Chestnut Mreet side. Keur de de laeor. We at $i.: never expected te give 5 se geed an imported Corset as the Telia Couldn't were anv de it new if there ...I.I 11 - i '11 T"l iiiiiiuie costs, i ne fans man ufacturer makes them te our order exclusively. Frem the factory te our counter, te you. That's every step. And we take them in Such big lets that every possible cent is saved in the making. We shall have the Tellas in ten styles. Twe of the styles are here new : Telia .Vn. I, Krenrh Ceulll. Jl.il. 'leltnNe. 8, Hummer, tl.OO. Beth these numbers are in every size, and come in drab or white, as you cheese. Hecend fleer, first nailery, Juniper Mreet tide. Seme of the Jap things are as marvelous for cheapness as for the wit of their makers. Take Felding Fans. Fer 5 cents one of decorated parch ment. Others up te $2.25. Northwest or centre. A hundred sorts of Fans pat for Commencement time. Satin, Silk, Gauze, Feather. Almest as light as the air they stir. Graceful and pretty. And the beginning prices arc surpris ingly near te nothing. Northwest of centre. A little world of that the sweet girl presents graduate will delight in. Let one stand ler all : Elegantly fitted Dress ing Cases, of alligator, seal, or grained leather, brightened with metal and prettied in many ways. Northwest of centre. They say Oil Cleth prices will be advanced June 1. All right. We'll cress the bridge when we reach it. Meantime we knock the corners off the ruling rates for some of the most desirable widths and qual ities. e want te clear the stock of broken pieces and odds and ends. Best quality 4.1, 6-4, and 8-4 reduced te 25, 30, and 35c. All the part sheets tickets get a clip from the same cut ter: IS feel khcctaiit tide, 15 11111I IS feet MhvIn Hi 75c, VI feet Mlieeis ut j. Usual prices new are about a quarter mere. Hceruerfl0r' '"'lr,wml' ,uul Market Mm Is Deuble-deck round Bouquet tables, oak or cher i'y $1.50 each. A welcome word at llewer tune. U.iM.ment, northwest of cenlre. Cellar and Cuff Bexes that leek like weed and wear like leather, 7 and ec. Cuff Be.vps only, heavier and mere fanciful, 12c. Near centre of the Mere. Jehn Wanamaker. c IIV HALL flCAUSTIIllK, I urn new lecatiHl t,t Nn.7Vet K'lnir .tn-ei vrhe.e 1 will at all ttm.-s keep en I nild "1 fSl He of chelM ilgan, Miiekliiic and eliewlne tobacco. Will Ih- pu-jw.1 tehiiM.my Irieiid? uudiKitreiuglxtimcuiMll. ' nprJJmdeed (jre. m. IIOUOEII. CALEHMEN.-WE WIHIHAEEWMEN TO O hell our ifoed. bynumple tettiu wholesale uud ret.tll trade. Largest iiiunufacturer. lu our line. Enclose s-crut stainii. Wugr-. M per day. JVrmaueiit luwllleii. Ne petul answered; Jleney aduuccl for uiues, einerilsln?. etc j CENTENNIAL JLVN'EO W, nprlt.TOtdeed ancleuatl, Ohie. A WHITE -. :-i Ne. Seme Gbeice and Royal Bargains I'Olt TI1K KCONOMICAU A morn the remnant of .Drew Goods, we have, hunted nut nil thr remnnnU mid et them nMde where you'll hve soed picking. They are nil marked at one uniform price or 9 CENTS A VAItl). Many nmeng them were aeld ni high atTS cent. There's Music for Yeu. THE NEiA J cfttvntturc. e CIIH .V (11I11W Ochs&Gibbs, 2d, 3d&4thnoer, . 31 SOUTH QUEEN ST. HELPS rOIlNIMIIINO Yeu can Meet from en enormous mock of Deuuilful, Well Made, New Htyle Heine nt Hmnll expense we gunrantee Iho Iiwest I'rlceH. Coinfert and durability com bined lu our stock i)fHprln Ueils and Mat trewes. Uest Hnlr Muttrcsseii umde te order. OCHS&GIBBS, Second, Third and Fourth Floers, Ne. 31 S. Queen Street, LANCASTEIt, I'A. all-lyd H KINITHII'M. -NOW IM THE- TI7VSE TO BUY FURNITURE. Don't wult until It Ket m HHrm but cnll new. Tlie price we have ure net exactly CH1LLINU, but ou will net get excited ei (hem; they are tee low for that. When you aee thoserhenpehnlrsfer the percli and lawn, Heme already lu und mheis toenme yen will be pleased, we knew, 4a-0('HAIM-"T!IE!IEHT(!00Dsri)llT!IK LEAST MONr.Y." HEINITSH'S Furniture Depot. 27 & 29 Seuth Queen St. W1 DMYEItHCOltNEIl. . FURNITURE V-TicLmyer'ss. AKIM.I, 1 INI'. Or' Parler, Chamber, Dining-Roem, ANDOTHElt KUUNni'IlE. TlIK HTYLK) AltE Se ATTIIACTIVF. Our telectleiH from the rnuut!c itterns ettered w ere never e varied nor no hcuutirul.uer of better Merknuiii'.hlp. UNRIVALLED PRICES REE OUn DISPLAY. 3W'glve the best value mid thereby .ue you money. v-' WIDMYER'S FURNITURE STORE, COHNEK or E. King & Duke Sts. CJovpete. H TTAOEIl .t UUOrilElt. CARPETS ! Mequette, Bedy Brussels, Tapestry Brussels, Ingrains. China Mattings, Certicene, Linoleum, Oil Cleths. LAKUE AND COiU'LETE LINUS IN 'I'llE VAItlOl'HQfALniEx. ALL Upholstery. t'AUI'ETHEWlNtl AND UVYINO ANDUEEITTINa UY CO.Ml'irrENT WOltlC JIEN. 25, 27,29, 31 W. KING ST., Hm 4 Brether, LANCASTER, PA. Sr 3fr. 1 Fj X JEL $k B in a a. l m m New Bestd "S V COUNTERPANE. PALE "A,!"-" -j- 24 Centre Square. f 1 " " i"" " White Counterpanes AT HIU 'IlEDrCTlOXR. i'lneRprend...,.,... WAIHprcnds... ' riWHpreeda. ,r.r. 11.75 Hpreade....!.,.. -Fer lifle -Fer 12.00 -Korfl.ne ..Kerll.TO TUEfin AIlE Great Bargains I Come See Them. They'll Oe Et8t. - Harry Stamm. Cm ,UtLKH MTAMM. -IS TTIRrLACK I'Olt- BIG REDUCTIONS! $1.25 Black Henrietta reduced te 75c. a yard. Zephyr Ginghams reduced te i2c. a yard. Black Thibet Shawls reduced te $1.00 each. $2.00 Lace Curtains reduced te $1.25 each. 24-Inch Black Silk reduced te 75c. a yard. 37c. Gauze Underwear reduced te 25c. each. Swiss Fleuncings reduced te 25c. a yard. 50c. Corsets reduced te 27XAC- each. $1.50 White Quilts reduced te $1.00 each. 44-Inch Dress Cleths reduced te I2jc, a yard. 25c. Bustles reduced te 17c. each. The Cheapest Bosten Stere, Nes. 35-37 North Queen St. CHARLES M,:N" H AND 130VH ITItNIHUINGH. HAGER & Men's and Beys' Furnishings! OUTING SHIRTS. bllUPEundmUhlVniTs!1 N0Tlt,OT lu "COT" ELANNEI, OXFOllDNEOLia&S.HlLll Mix-clul Vuluei In u Hootch Klaimcl Hhlrt ut 1.25. All Q,unllllcs of Demot aiilrU,3Ss. up. ISTECI'WrEiLR. Excellent Liueril Hummer bilk., Leading NliaieH, Choice Hljles.nt 2j cents. I.liiht Welsh! WYmIs, Merine, Ualbrlesan and Oiiuze Underwear, nil QiuiIHIk aud-sirct. lldlbrlKan, Fancy Hitlfllese, and Tast turns. ANC1I0U llKAND COLLAES nnd ft rr, Ijihwl niylc. 11" 'an ubiUhlrlM VM.I.i II..K. . tl'i.li. 1i.. . iTi. . v ' in.iul.i.iin),,i(ui nuiifi, )i nilf iJumnilltlH, HHG6R St BROTH6R, Nes. 25-31 West King Street. TJAINE'M C'ELEKY CUMIOUNI. IT MADE MOTHER STRONG ".My mother has been using I'aink'j celeiiy Compei'xu for nervous irostrntleii, accem liauUd by inclanchella, etc., and It has done her a world of geed. It 1 the only medlrlne that strengthens the nerves." (. II. llnrici, Oibl.euli, l. l'ul lie's Celery Compound Is of uneqiiiilcd alue te women. It strengthem the nerves, legitimes the kidney., nnd lifts (uuU rful power lu cm Ing the painful disease wllh which women se often ullently miler. 1 per bottle. HUf,ir!5. At DruggMs. Wki.ij, KtcilAKiwey A. Co.,llurllngten, VI. DIAMOND nYFs Tniettr NiiineiuurnrierT 1minunU UIt,a Nothing enn Eiiuul Tliem. ilavnaole. OWEsr I'HICEH. PARASOLS -AND- Sun Umbrellas! THE LA11QEHT AHsOUT.MI.'NT AND I.OVK.r l'lUCESAT ROSE BROS, & HARTMAN'S, llEAHTICINOHTUEirr. ill&lnidHAK (Clethiitn. S' s'Kll'l THINK I At this day, whin comxtltleu Isertat.the customer lnekn te ua Who tile,Net I'reuiUe. -IIAHUAINK CiiKtemer, Htep ! Thluk I Who pay fur ex tensive uilvertUenieiiU? We de net AdwrlLe Hftrgulii,CIeiirlngHalea, etc., but Klse ou the buncnt of that which ether. gUettie printer. Our Counter Contain All that Is New In SUITINQS, TROUSERINGS AND SPRING OVERCOATS. Ourl'rlcenure the Ixiwest I'elble liidojus liidejus lice 10 customer uud eurMe. ASKEW, NOS. VJ31AND Sae WEST KINO STltEEr. inarrt-aind sOMEVLUY IIA.NUiO.ME hW.IT IlASIUOO 1 uiui .u uiiicewe-xi riy nua Uull iteds, itb the usual eenerul Hue of unlerk' .vmi, 1 inenls In full stock aud urlcty, at the old headquarters, JICBLEY'8 DHUO 8TOEE, S6 Wen Klug btrctt. , & kiistblu I V Nwilte DRESS GINGHAMS! AltE LIVELY AH EVEK. Trcsh nrrlrnls almost dally. Celere mera beautiful. If pesMblu. PrlccV getting "lower. Baturday we'll elidw em eholce tj les at 1 4.X CENTS A YAIt. Our Line at I, te, 12 cnt art "A I." soma RargaUi here In nemnantalf you coma seen. . STAHH'S. BROTHER. lllqek llose In all desirable trclcliti, qualities ind cent.. "IamlnmytHth year. Ifave been anilcted In scerul wuys vnuld net sleep, had no niiixs 1'te. no cenrace, low .plrlu. I commenced using ralne'sCelery t'omiieund, and fell relief from the third day alter using It. I new have a geed appetite mid enn sleep well. .My spirit, und ceurage ure almost like thoseof a eung man. ,s. C. ICinkaid, I). V., Qoiuales" La. Paine's Celery Cemppund Htrcngthem nnd builds up tha old, aud cures thelr Infirmities. ltlicumatUm, Indigestion nnd nervousness yield quickly tci thecurutlve power of 1'alne'a LVlery Conipeuml. A l'crfectTenlc uud Invlgor.iler, ll!aiVEti NEW urn " I nui new (!i yi am old and hnve tried K-veral remedies, but none had uny ellect until I used 1'ulnu'a Celery C'omeuiid. I feel entirely dif ferent for the short time I lute iirihI It. 1 can walk nearly straight, sleep hound and well, uud feel a. cheugh there was new life and energy coming Inte my w linle system." II. MYML'i, flevctand.Tcnu, VflllM RARY Hl'xJ rosy, plumn and merry I IUU11 DflDI given LAC'l'ATEUKOOl). CI)imt ilrtU. H IOH J.MA11TIN. China Hall. If yen want te replace any artlcle of Crockery or 01Kware thut may Iki brelwn lu moving, or If you wlh te replace old or furnish new China Hall Is the ptace te get rdtabln ware at the Lewest 1'rlces. WAHE4 (JL'AItANrr.LD. Exchanged If Net Satisfactory. High & Martin, NO. 15 EAST KING STREET. elSMfd (Coel. J CMIIEU VMlrOAL. V.UN HAIID WOODS. Wholcs.ile and Itetall, b' , . 11. II. M AltriN i 111 , nl-lyil III Water Mreet. I-ineaster, l'a T AUJIUAUDNEIW COJII'AN Y COAL DEALERS. Offices-Ne. 13 North QutenStrect, nnd Ne. CHINerllil'rtnce.trcet. Y.IRD5 North Irlnc Ktrwt tr-ar Heading DMt. augLi-tfd L.VNCA8TER, I'A, d&i JSW2aLB&ij3lSftsl iiMi' 'waawJ&afatuShiaJi-'s g'A-Aajijfegg i.-c ?mm'si&gmtms?& &&&