W if . 'W4l V i.-V" V (V Vn "vl 1 Vl' 'A II 1 --. . 1 - , jr . vy- . THE LAKOABTER DAILY INTELLIGEXOEK TUESDAY, 'c( V" .-' -rf& ' i' 5" x 14 18B9 u v- - . 'Jw t TV WI,nH i,' ' &J' nmltgtucttv VY .v ; 1STEHVMAN FOLYZ, SdllOTI. CLAKKjrunHlBr. J I MULT IKTWXIGHIWCKR.JKMtalhl nmiH'n wwrMr.tntnnnv. n K. fr whMm In this city and surround) n imiHimmKittNk, ByTnallflvcdol ByTnallflvcdel ? hi lH!e; SOcen'sa month. WTKLLtGKNCER-Onc dollar and Mta ft rear, la Advance. TO BUBBCRIBERS-Rcmll by check we oreer, and where neither of he procured tend In ft registered M Hie Forteffice, ft second clam null .AIMHUM, tn omuuinient, - Lancaster, Fa. LAUDATO, PA., MAT 14, 1889. , ?l. MiM lefera la Sew Terfc. ,wt. xiiu ,nR vcieca xne uiu pnascu Mfiew Yerk Legislature, providing Australian nyMcm of balloting, the WMares or which nrc (he prerls- of the ballet by (he state nnd their itlen by (he vettr while entirely DMened from observation. -..W have net examined the New Yerk Mil. but undentand that It carries out 4te 'prominent features of the system, 'B4 that it is te these that Gov. Hill bjecta. He thinks that they nrc vicious nd Impracticable and afford no pro pre pro ,tectkfl against fraud. Admitting that the system has worked well for many jrcan in Australia, he ascrllws this te .At. A-A A1..A .V .- wre iikv tuni mere are icwcr caiinieaii i' In lisfe vnlmi frir nf nlnMlutia Iti flint ...niti- fj ""- " -.V........C ... ...... .,... '37. vcv. iiui runner eeciarcs tnesya Mi te be undemocratic and iiiiceimlltu- K ftkmal, since it Is the Inltern rlht of ..every voter ie wring nts own ballet te ,vue polls ; and the proposed ballnt, fur- yjuseea ey tne state, with (He names of JfftU the candidates upon it, Is net n ballet ti;wnmn me meaning ei tne went in die . constitution, and cannot be forced upon ; tee voter. F3; All of which constitutional opinion, i which the New Yerk Sun and iwrlinim i' many ether Inlelllretit ikthehh think te i,r" be sound, appears te iim te 1? silly. Tlie fty voter has a constitutional right todccliire raiswuin at uiu pem, uutiue sinie Hiirciy lhas a right te say hew he shnll de it, in jfe pursuit of its duty te secure a fair cx li$ prcasien and record of the popular will. U,, -rneetner objection or Uovcrner Hill fjf te the law, that It will be ineffectual, Win "J "" "v" , "" ,,,u "i ".y i ivsi te trj it. It Is an uudciiivd fact 1$ that elections te-day de net honestly record the popular will ; and Hint the vgreaiesi aimcuity, in securing suli ffeieoerd, Is the fact that the hired IR "Bi of parties surround the voter E.Xi.... !. SUllUb V polls, intimidate or Inivhls "livete, and see te Its delivery according te H engagement. It Is this wrnne which Kg the propeswl system of voting is wrtidnly K ealcidated te remedy, securing as it does fc& or strives te de, (liu secret casting of the ballet. i Since secrecy is new theereticnllv granted te the voter, and this law slmplv (-. proposes te try te give it te him practi ce tally. Gov. Hill should rather complain of the present method of voting, that It li llnAAmitlhlttn.ini I h ..I . -k uawiuuiuuuiiui in iiui nxurmgn secret ballet, than of the proposed method ..2 which aims ut such nrei-iirmiii. ir P'sKbuld see that It Is the duty of the state, vWueu ii provides ter a secret ballet, te itake efficient means tc secure It. It inav $; be, as he says, that the proposed lnw r" Would net de tlie unrlt In V V...-L- fcwhere means would Ikj found te bent &il : but he cannot show that this will ix done until the system is tried. 1 If It falls, it may then lie amended until ejj Be plausible suggestion remains te l ; inert te secure fair elections. Mean while we could hardly lie worse ell'lhnn we are new, when voters stand around the polls auctioning their ballets ; when the ceuutry is districted Inte " blocks of live," and all purchasable nniti.rl.il lu gleaned out for the work of the Wnnn makcr funds ; when the influence and the money of the M)werfitl and wealthy are freely used in bribery, and the honest vote is submerged under an avalanche of wiled ballets. Governer Hill knows hew it was when he was checu, and enu that . was greater than he was left. He Is an expert in ballets ; and, with a repu tation and record that was net altogether geed, he swung himself or wasMvung by ethers, Inte the governorship of New Yerk, while Cleveland, whose repute was sweet, failed te obtain the electoral vote of the state. Gov. Hill may net knew hew this was done. If he docs net, his opinion as te the inomi-nef..r ' the law he hasltist vetoed will snr..r k i. K J" lPU'ati w an expert. If he does, no eneuia ec ready te otter a substitute. for the bill he has vetoed, which ; will se act in elections that the worse E& ey uei ec tanen and the bctt,.r e feftt when two candidates of tim &, party appeal at the same tlme te the same constituency for their votes. Gov Hill should see (hat, with this result Iw lore them, the people of the count rv ask for no ether evidence that the vote of New Yerk was net honestly cast and counted ; and that there is a crying need for a law reforming in some way the methods by which (he vote of tliu state is taken. "When Gov. Hill vetoes miMi .. Wt measure, the duty clearly lies upon him iu jirupune nneiuer Hint is letter. When he does net de it, the conclusion is that ,he caunet, or docs net want a better. The Arizona liriganiK. The bold and successful attack of a band of Arizona outlaws unen inin.i,. .. mentef United States trrxiiw ,.,,rii. Kj. paymaster, should lie followed by their unrelenting pun,uit regardless 'of ex fcKpenae or trouble. The men . .. dangerous as any Apaches, and fiitnr.. g attacks of the same kind can only lie tsceuraged by irlvlmr them im nt Whatever, and huutlug thein us fiercely gm iuc iHaagv wt-ru limned tiireugh thesesanie mountains. Ne reasonable -precaution could have averted i. , Murderous attack of these Imiuiiiu .... he troops of the Unlteil States, and if ;" t-miuei ec laugnt te let Uncle uwu nonce aienc timm iu .. i:m,. &$ hope that private citizens win . i Igf their rights of life and prejwrty In these IVT "-" j'b me nauuits or Italv ;.uecessruiiy delled the government l- toeops, aud our pars were full of worn ..w government that would allow Itself !. Cwe.etherlegand Italy is doubtless wen- rr" , - - f"3 " UW UlMMil uriiUK wiui H'f Hm im in , .1. .. 1 a It. ,fi ..w. v, r Arizona VBM inniiiie flf m ft I outlaws 'Wesejy resemble theso f the Itallnn ftMdlU. There was an hiiiIiiikIi in n L MWMitalii defile, a dcliU-rate and steady It flf wHb intent te kill, and after vl.d.rv kaety had iNsen iraluul u,-nur,... H Mm band. The lessen hi this case MWA from the Attaches. ir n.ti,.,. tlwir ceuutry, se well adapted te and unless tlieL'ewrn..i..i.i te allow the tstablisbiiH.iit . brUauds this first ,,mv. 1.. dilwejUMi aheuldbe vlgoreuBlv hum. X. ' r. t.r. i-A A HHrk Tariff Lawk Americans may lake a lessen lit high tarlrfcffects from (he peer little republic of Colombia ;; peer In spite of "vast natural wealth, an badustrleus people, as 'tropical industry is rated,' and a flue com mercial position. The sterj- Is told briefly and forcibly In a formal report of a United States consul. Their valleys only need fanners te become the gardens of the world, their mountains are se rich In minerals that the Spanish gov ernors Interested in the Peruvian mines forbade prospecting for the reason that It might ruin Peru, but they neverthe less became famous for geld, silver and emeralds. Petroleum oozes from the ground In several places, and there are great forests of fine cabinet weed. Hut all this wealth llcsundcvcInN?d. The needed farmers are advised te stay away from the fertile valleys, because the high tnrlfT en (he necessaries of life make living (here very expensive. The needed In dustries arc discouraged by the duties en machinery and raw materials. The duties arc se highly protective as te have defeated their object. The duty en 11 ten gallon can of kerosene is M.37, and tin a barrel of tar, $12.W; whiten barrel of flour Is taxed $e.2.". The government has lately yielded se far as te pass 11 law allowing these who first establish an In dustry te Impert the plant free; and also, for a few years, the raw materials. The people in this country who are shouting for the highest Kmslble tartIT nre Invited te contemplate the result of the indefinite extension of the process of making a people rich by high taxes. 1 mm Wat out In Minnesota, wliore tliey al ways de things en a big Western scale, there Is at present a glganlle Jnin. It Is limde of large cedar legs, piled ten lilgli, from b;ilik te bank eftlin Mississippi, mid extending for several utiles. It Is rumored (lint n.-ivlgnlien is impeded. " PnorKssen" Kr. Claim, who mmle a buslucssef wnlklngdewu fiomalmlleon in fair weather, uith an umbrella raised, pro ceeded In this manner at the Housten ,Texas) f.dr en Monday. He lest his grip en the parachute, when sotue three hun dred feet from tlm ground, nnd was killed In tlm prcsotice of a great crowd. Kx-Ce.NstTt. Smith, for eight years the representative of thlsceunty at Carthagena, in the republic or Colombia, tells wonder ful stories of the eagerness of the govern ment of that land te attract American capita and encourage immigration. He says: Concessions will be jjlvcn te bona flde capitalists for twenty-llvn yenis, and the government will guaratilen7 iereent. en tlm capital Invested for tweuty-llve years. Immigration Is particularly desired, nnd (he government will pay the .issnge or an immigrant, glve him $)n. mouth, 'A acres of land, a cow, two pigs, a plough, and help him build his house mid trans Krt III tn free fieiu the seaport te the point where he desires te settle. He declares that Colombians totally nils, understood the Menree doctrine. They thought that "America for Americans'' really meant A met lea for the Wnlbsl .Stales, and that susplelen and Jealousy were In dustriously raiiucd by tlm Knulfxh, Herman and French merchants, te whose Interest It was te control their tinde. Tlie foreign trade of Colembliv auiniiuts te &.W,i)00,enn annually, and the United .States gels very llttloefit. Thy havn nn idea new that the United fjtates puKluccs nothing but dings, ll rearms, tohicce and Heur. Tliey send te llelgliim for tlieir potatoes and onions, and nearly eeiythlng elee that is used is purchased fiem I'lance or Kuglaud. This sounds as though tlie ex-consul was an agent of a trnnsortatieu eeuiKiny seeking hiislnessand u subsidy. The etllcliil reHrt of Censul W. II. Mn.Masler tills a slightly different story. He says that the president favors Immigrants of tliu.Spanlsh race, aud that although the soil and clluinte are such that crops flourish and grass grows all tlmyear round the country is net at pieseut the plnce for American runners. "Theoretically, Colombia gives a home stead te settlers, but net oimncie eflnud has ns yet been survey tsl or set np.irt for this purHjse, and tlm exorbitant duties en what tlm Aiueiicau een-iileis the neces saries of life make living very expensive." He says there am line opp'ei (unities for American manufacturers and contractors. "Duties are se highly piotevtlve as te liave defeated lliclr object. All attempts te es tablish inamifactuies Imiu have failed, ev ev cepttheMi ravered by sjieclal laws exempt ing liiiui ordinary duties (he raw innterlals umh! therein." KxroiiTherbreadstulfslu April reached a value ef(!t,.VI7,h7il, about a million mid 11 hairmore than in April IN8. The great gain Is in coin, which was oerted te tlm value er$.1,7M.yJ!il, or nearly tlinsi millions mere than a year age. Theio Is a laige ilo ile ilo erense lit flour exKrls. Tlm experts or mineral oils show an increase of nearly ten million gallons ever the experts of April ISSS.but (he Increase in value is only about half a million dollars. Cotten exerts ler tlie month were valued at ?le,hMV.UO,whkh isn-gaiii of about two and a half millions ever April lSbS. 1'KltsO.VAI,. CiiAitux ICttii.Ns.ii Uhlk-h (S)imtv fiirmer. who dltsl recently, has hm about (tpuieil (,, . . ""'"emu ineoiegioii seminary e delphla. J :if I'hlla- H. Wilms IIland, or Keadiug, an flounces that heis a candidate before the neinecratlc eeiinlv convention for Judge. Judge lliigeuiuan's term oxpiicsiiet year. (5i:n. K. M. Huuim: ,u,Ht ,m Mendiiv In Carlisle, I'a. He was adutaiit geiiend under doverner Curtin, nnd at tlm time of his death was secretary and Iroiisurerortho tuiubeiland Valley railroad. D11. William W. Kki:s has been electsl by tlie trustees of tlie .IcIIcim.u .Mislic.d cellege Ie the chair of the principles uf sur gery and clinical snrgerv. made vacant by the dialh el Professer S. V. (irons. ,,'S,,U. Pi'A-M'ls IK Wime.v, piPsldeut or the Kinlu Hey relierisunnutlee, in shaking befere the lteyal a(sgrahhal society, .if Umileii. iirtHllctcsl Hm carlv leturii or Henry M. Stanley. He described sevcial routes lliat v ere new ejien te tlie coast. lal et bill, which prevhbsl for tecret voting. TlmpovernersiiyslhoSaxou bill gras.s beyond the constitution alter tlie uiMllaliiahli, and returns empty handed, ir I should apprev e(hn bill, se many or Its previsions would be null nnd Void """' '""cuiisuiuiien. se manv oilier pro pre visions would be enllietlng, i,d se nianv ethers absolutely unworkable, (hat the conrusien, cxieiise and litigation which would result would se disgust the ieonle with the nnnicel ballet rererm as te set back real progress for vcars alterward. " KATIIint Ol' riiirrv-exi: iHii.iiitnx. Mr. Heltliei-, 11 Jelly llvrnil', Who Tlicee Wives mid Was Klllt-il. Had rhe recent death near Allcntewn of a man named lleilner, dovelejied the fact that he was one or a famllv or fortv-eno chlldreii. His rather was Jehn HeJIiier wlie In 18.S.S was uecidciitallv killisl liy the cars in Heading, vvhere h'e resided. lie was tin years ornge, nnd besides being the rather offerty-ono children had ene step child, who also ealied him father. llrllner was ene or Hcjiding'seharaclers. I Ym ''.' "".' ;1?'", (-'"rer health w hen lm v as killed ltlsdeubtml ir Ids merd in tlie JKireiilal line has ever licen eiiu.-illed h'm.'i f "r,;M""!'"dm. He vvasa dlvarr.sl ininclibaek, and net by any means or pre- I,, rw- Unl "",V ",'",,'r! this country III 1W.1, settled in Iteading, I'ntil Ids death he made lis living bv collecting a, I hil h g rags and paier. HIh renmi liable t .1 it history In iMrt or the rei-enis or the "erks county eeurts it having bee,, ellclte.1 u ilorttlme U-fere his death while he was a wltni-Hs in a law suit. He Was first mnrriivt In r:r i.. ,.... I JKhi yvfX hIT wIf0 lM)re Jll" "evemecn" j children. The lln,t and second years or their msrrisge she gave birth te twins. Fer four successive years afterward she gave birth Ie triplets, lathe seventh year she had a stngle son sM died seen afterward. Of the seventeen children ahe left the eldest was only 7 years of aMt'IIcrTner engsged a veuntr Weman Ie leek after his larse breed of . . . i '. .. . . '."-. pniiiea,nnu also seen negan te lay siege te the weeinn's heart. nne (niitiiaicu ann he death of the first Ihree Hlenths after t Mrs. Uethicr she becauie Jlrs. HctTncr Ne. am Nhe presented hnr husbstid with two children In the first two years. In the next ft ve years she added ten te the family, giving birth te twins every year. Then fur three years she added only one a year. She died licfore another year catne round. Of the thirty-two children Jehn Heflner had Isjcn presented with twrlve had died. Tlie twenty that were left did net appear te 1st auvobstacle te a young widow with ene child consenting te become the third wlfe of the jelly hunchback, for he was known as ene ofthe happiest and most genial or mm In Heading, although It kept him telling like a slave te keep his score or mouth in bread. The third MrsJIefTher became the mother of nine children te her husband in ten years, and the contentment and happiness of the ceuple were proverbial. One day the father or the Torty-eno children whs crossing the tracks or the Heading railroad and was run down bv a locetnotivo ami In stantly killed. Hut for Hint sad ending of his life it is impossible te estimate what the slze or the litils peddler's family would havu been. His widow and most ofthe twenty-eight survivors or the forty-eno children reslde in Heading. They hte thrifty nnd rc)ectable people. i .... "TlU'r sn elil mnnef Toljiige, llvoden rlre, unifl nnrt snge," he hnil lifiidnrlie no lnt. After lm iimsI n liollluef Halvstlen Oil, he could ml remt Ixs.f nnd plum emtillnit alt right. They sny the wliilariulvr-rllM'int'ntKortietiMv will run somewhat In this style, A Inunnml rleuanlly rnrutklinl hetinn for renl. In easyills easyills easyills tnnroef HilruKitlut who wits Dr. bull's Cough Hjrup. H OOttHSAIlHArAllH.iiA. That Tired Feeling Is experienced by nlmiwt eierjhedy at thin sen win, nnd many people rexert te Heed's Hnrsnn rlll Ie drive nny thclanetioriindcxIiniiKllen. TImi bleed, Inden with Impurities which have been nrciintulnlliiR for meiilhs, moves slim uMily IhreiiKh Iho veins, the mind rails Ie think quickly and the body l kIIII sinner Ie respond. IIoeiIh Knrsnpnrilln Is Junt whntls nrfslisl. It purines, vitalizes and enriches the IiIihmI, makes (he bend clear, creates nn sppn tlte, overcomes that tired feeling, tones the nervous system, and Imparts health and vltfer te thou hole body. IIOOH'H HAIUJAPAItlMiA " My npietlle was peer. 1 could net sleep, had hendnrhea great denl.pnlns In myKtek, my bowels did net move rcg-iilnMy. HikmI's Hnrsnparlllii. In a short tlme did me se much Keed Hint t feel like n new num. My pains and aches are relieved, my appcllte Improved. I say toethers who need u nes medicine, try Heed's SnrMiparltln and see." Okeikik F. Jacksom, Itexlmry Htnllen, Conn. MAKKSTHK WKAK HTiteNtl Fer years J wns sick every spring, lull Inst year took Heed's Knrsnpnrllln nnd have net seen n sick dny since." O. V. Hleam, Mlllen, Muss. " I take Heed's NnrMiparllla'ns a spring lenle, nnd I recommend II Ie nil nhelinvethnl mis ernlile tired feeling." c. I'aiimkikk, llrldge Mtrret, llrimklyn.N. Y. HOOI'N.SAIiHAPAItllXA Held by nllilrugglsls. II ; six for f'i. Prepared only by (J. t. HOOD A CO., Lewell, Mn. IdODOHIWONf.DOI.I.AIl (I) c OMI'I.KXIONreWDKH. WHO VAI.UK A ItKFINIID COMI'LKXION MUHT UHK POZZONI'S mi:dicatkd COMPLEXION POWDER, It liuenrlH n tirllllnnt trniiBpnreucy te the skin. Itcmnvcs nil pimple, freckles mid ills, colorations, and makes Mm skin ilellealely sort mid beautiful. Iteentnliis no lime, while lead erniscnlc. In Ihreeshmles, pinker flesh, vrlille mid briinelte. FOUHAI.i: II Y All Dmggists and Fancy Goods Dealers Everywhere. Oil-llKWAIlK OF IMITAT10NH.-M npraj-lyd 5ru COoelio. -lir-ArrAKHAND. Fast Black Safes. WATT & SHAND, 6, 8 AUD 10 EAST KING STREET, Ilnv e le ( el led Iho sole ncelicy In this county for Iho sale of the New Maneis Satines! lllack Ground wild White Flgun. The color Is gunnuiKsMl nhviliilcly fust black, ami III m-llher fade. Hash out. nor rub oil. and him; iixsiKiis are new , unique mid slmplv elegant. We eiler ii sxtl.i Iim gHn In the iiiiu'liuseef mi Importer's s.h.-UeI line nil-wool BLACK CASHMERE HENRIETTAS rilnchesHldn nlfA-.1IH)jc.,Wc, 7.Vb7iinil ll.nl n yard. Tlie Inst te uiimlH-rs nru33c. a j mil under v nine. hl'KCIAI. IIAIKJAINKIN Black Cashmere Shawls At 1 1. .Vt 12.(0 J2..-0, $.1.00, UM tn M.0J. Thn IXW quality Is ipiltu in, gee,! ns Is usually sold at 5. Illnck aud Colored Kinbrelderisl Cashmere Scarfs & Shawls AT i:XTItraiKI.Y LOW PltlCIX New Yerk Stere. itloiucve. UrilKCIIKItiHON i el7 We Sell the Rreulet Number of Refrigerators LAWN MOWERS, BABY CARRIAGES, -AND- Ice Cream Freezers. WHY? lIKCAtThK WK AUK TIIK CH KA nT. W. D. SPREClil, SON 4 CO, .,..J.IJ;P'.tej'.fa. Wanmmmhtv'. rHltADBLrtilA( TnwwUy, May II, IM. The Cottage Beautiful, Did you visit the Heuse Mere Beautiful, which found il lustratien in the furnished roenis in the third gallery, third fleer? If se, you will be tempted there again. The sumptuous elegance has melted away, and instead you will find " The Cottage Beautiful," an original attempt te show what may be done te beautify a seaside or mountain cottage a temporary Summer home. The result is an agreeable surprise. We did net compre hend (nor will you unless you see it) what and hew much can be done with the simple things adapted merely te Summer house furnishings. Mattings, Reed and Rattan Furniture, Cottage Bedroom Suites, Sporting Things, are brought together in a realistic fashion that will please and per haps teach you. Ne hint of selling in this pretty show. The Adirondack Camp, At the west end of The Cot tage Beautiful is a very real camp. A touch of the Adiron Adiren dacks dropped down into the store for your amusement. A prophetic bit of scenery telling of sylvan joys te come in the Summer clays. Why arc above being out here? notions like the like constantly worked The answers are numerous : First, they serve te show the great resources of our stock. Second, they give practical hints of the uses of things. Third, they are in harmony with the unique relations of the store te the people. This is a museum and public thorough fare te you, free as the air ; you .come, you go, as it may please you. We want you te be interested in the place. Fourth, wc want you always te be asking " What's new at Wanamaker's ?" Points, The six hundred Costumes for Girls and Children at half prices second fleer, Chestnut street), the superb Brocaded Ribbons at one-third prices Bast Transept), the Weel Challis at 25 cents southeast centre), and the Keechlins' Sat eens at 18 cents northeast cen tre) are the points of great and continued interest. The stocks won't last forever. Camel Hair Grenadine. Fer the sixth time this sea son an arrival of Black Camel Hair Grenadine with Blocked Ribbon-band Berder. It has been touch and go with them. Maybe enough new te last a week. $1.50 and $2. Northwest of centre. Jerseys for half and less. Choice qualities, and this year's .urics. we never nau mere welcome news te tell you of these favorite garments. A great purchase puts it in our way te give you this surprise. It wouldn't have come in the beaten way of trade. The hap pening is exceptional all around. Qualities that almost never get pushed te hurrying prices. Styles and stuffs that are in the full flush of popular favor. And the Jerseys are here precisely in the nick of time for you. All-wool Jersejs, In tduck, Kiirnel, nnd navy, vest rrent- ItiKiilnr price, II A); our prUii te-il.iy SI. I-P-ecc-llncd .lersevs and iilnusrs. nil-wool. cheeks mid strlH-, In all colors ui-Kiunr prices i.:iu mid 52: Our prlce te-d.iy m cents. llKlit-lltlhiK Cnshtm're-lluMied smocked joke HeKUl.tr price S3,7!i; Our price tivtlnv S2.2."i. Jersejs, I-iill tlnrllmldl Wnlsls Willi dell or lucked joke, or braided vest or down irem, nut-si mnirrini, in thick, camel, n.tvj-.iiud lirevvn lleeular prlcvsJI-Onnd Jit; our prices ttMlny $i.V) umt $.1. Uitoffliie hunili WiiIsIk, latest slvlesnnd colors, smocked or tucked, with IkII ItcKtilnr prli-effeA); Our price Itntny J.'i.:W, Maybe fifty new styles of Jerseys just here from the ether side. Latest creation of Paris fashion leaders. Yeu will find the like nowhere else in Amer ica. Second Meer, Chestnut street side. Kourelevn Keurelevn Kourelevn ters. Corsets. We never heard of an Im ported Summer Corset for less than $1.25. Loek at this for $1. Of course it's a "Telia." 1 ne sensational corsets just new are "Tellas." rkwml fleer, Juniper street klde, Jehn Wanamaker. "llTATUIIBHUNa COK8KT. IHJVTHB FAMOUS Watchspring Corset WH.l, Nr.VKIt IIRUAK. Quarantecd te Oaitwe.tr Auy Custom Made Corset. Mayer, Strouse Ce., MAMTACTUmniS, 112 HUOAUWAV, N. V, oct.'tM,Tliteiy pAlNES CELERY COMPOUND, IT MADE T ' 'My mother hm. bwa ustai PrWg CKlkst J) COHreuwr. for nervous proslmllen, accetn. panlcd by melanchelm, etc, and It ha done her a wetld of Reed. II Is the (knly medldne that strengthens the nerve," ft. II. ilEKM, Orolaenla, Pa. Palne' Celery Compound Is of tmcqualcd value te women. It strengthens the nerves, regulates the kidneys, and has wonderful power In curing the painful disease with which women no often silently suffer. tl per bottle. Hlx for IS. At Druggist. WM.M, llfciiAinsww a Ce., nurllngten, vu D AIORD DYES if"?..A" .""K" ""I color. Ve'A-1 (CleihlttQ. M AIlTIN BROS. TiiAT'awhat n gentleman said efn suit he was trying en In our Clothing Depart ment nnd bought. That nii- ( Bight at all PeilltS.'l "" ' 'be quality, mnke nnd fit of our Men's and Hey's Clothing, aud the reasonable prices ena ble nil te tie suited In this tievl stock and cholce selection. A wide choice for economical, fine nnd fancy Men's All-Weel Hulls, kg Bey's, 16 Thcre"s it brand of excellence te our f 10 nnd 112 Bulla thnt Is eye catching. Ict us show you In stead or describing them here. Finest Suits, $H, $11, 118, 120 of the new Ovcr-Plald Cnsslmcre nnd Wlde-Wnle Worsted Cleths. Thclllurcr. The sound of this name, suits the breath of Hummer. These Tennis Cents nnd Uniforms nre rendy nnd galng. Flnnnel nnd KnncyHhlrlwthntge with them, tee, and belt nnd the Gorden Hash nnd proper Neckwear nt popular prices. The new thing In Underwear this sensen Is KlnsticHeam Underwear. Wcnr about double ns long ns nny ether. All size here. Hulls nnd Trousers tn Mensure. Heeds, mnke nnd prlce te suit your bnck, lden nnd purse. MARTIN BROS, Clothing, Tailoring and Furnishing Goods, NOH. 28 AND 28 NORTH QUEEN HTIIEKT. -yyiI.LIA.MHON A KOHTEK. Our Objective Point Is te furiilsh sncli grxsls only ns will prevewills. fnctery te nil bujers for the lowest possible prlee. eJ?i'k,r. rtTwoPlece Kilt Hull for children, 2J4 te 5 yeers old, R..VI te KlO. ' Men's HuslnesH Hults. ;il (n f 10. te"'" C,,SR,lncre "'"' Worsted Bnck Hulls, M Chlidreii'sLiiwn Tennis Wnlsts, Toe., II, J 1. 23, Trunks, Yalises and Satchels. Ktrnvv lints , Hlrnvv llitlH HtruwlInlH Hlrnvv Huts ... Stmw lints Htrnw Hnts Tennis CHw, nil colors.. 5 cents, 10 cents. .IS icnlK. 'JNcnt. -2S eenUi. ...50 eenes, ..2," and M cents. l'lnt vrnrm wenlher or the mst few dnys lips glv en us nn opportunity te tpcnk of Light-Weight Underwear, Of which vtehnven flne Hue this senseu. Men's Oniuennd llulbrlggnn Hhlrts, long nnd Miurt sleercNiit STie. Men's Fancy IlnlkrlKKHii Drnvtersnt 2V. One ense Nnturnl nnd Angela Colored llnl brlgKiin Hhlrls nnd Drawer, nil blr.es, catra vnlne, nt .Wc. ench, 7,V. a suit. Men' Onure nnd Unlbrlggnu Hhlrts nnd Drawers ut ."Oe. ench, t n suit. , -Men's Huix'rnnii Iliilbrlcgiiu nnd MslcTlircnd Ilndervvcnr; Alse full line of Men's Muslin. Jean nnd Feather Weight Drawers from Sic. te The Madame "Rhea," The mil v short rump shoe vvhere tlm senilis de net strlke the bull of the feel. Thev are mndn of Iho finest Dongeln Iatlicr, Hand Turned Heles nnd lire glove fitting. De net leek eNe where, ns vte bold the sole ngenry for these shiK-n In Uiacnstcrnud HnrrMiurg. Jil t .TJ-.1H EAHT KINO BT., LANCABTER, PA., AND 1118 MARKETHTREKT, HARRIHItURa. PA. MVE IlHAItATHFON. Mciwy High Up ! We Hnve Evi rv (hlng You'll Loek for In Het Weather CLOTHING! Just what will give you comfort Ihe-e scorch ing ilnys ; nnd If you go nbeut sweltering with Heavy Clothing, It's btmiw you've net uvtilli-il yourself of the opportunity etteted here. If you lire looking for a NICE BUSINESS SUIT, Of very pleasing color nnd tl"slrnble weight, Hkeleten Kick Ceat, see ours for SI O.OO. They're the popular thing te-day. All our mnke. They're geed thIiie or they wouldn't Ihi here. I Reliable Clothiers, Ne. 12 East King Street, LANCABTF.lt, TF.NN'A. iiciiclie. 15 10 YCLEH, TltlC YCLKH.TANDEMB. COLUMBIA Bicycles, Tricyles, Tandems, DURABLE, SIMPLE. OUAUANTEED JIKiHKST GKADK, II.l.UHTit.VTEI) CATAIX)aUE FREE. POPE7VvFCCO., 79 FRANKLIN ST., BOSTON. IIRANCH HOt'.SEH-12 Wnrren St.. New Yerk 2U1 WnblishAvc.L'lili'ugii. Fer Kale by JOHNb. M UtNsEIt, Ne. 2 North Btrctt, Columbia, uuWj'deeil Will Fester MYERS ft RiTHFON S STRONG ! 'h f ateilnwivAtJii year. Have been affllctM in 1 several ways etmld net sleep, hed no arsje- ,,,v, ii., .-vuritar, low spinu, 1 commences using Falne's Celery Compound, and fell relief from the third day after using l(. I new have a geed appetite and ran steep well. Mr spirits and courage are almmt llke'thoseof ayoeng man. 6. C Kikkaid, D. D., Uenzatea, La. ,' Paiiw'i Otlery Compound ?r?"ft!!"..BI bnllJ p the old. and cures !?JLl?Brra,t,.eMhum'"ni. Indigestion and nrrvetisnesa yield quickly teUieeuratlve power of I'alnes celery Compound. A IVrfectrrenle and Invlgorater, ItJelVKH WtWI,IrK. .'llJlnLn2wB raV eW n& hTB tried several remedies, bat none had nny effect until 1 used ?JlL!?iic.,27y.FemJ?M,n!?v. R1 entirely air. rcrentrertheahnTttlmelhave used It. I can walk nearly straight, aleep sound and well, nnd reel ns enough there was new life and energy coming Inte my whole sratcm." " II. Mrui'K, Cleveland, Tenn. YODR BABY K,TZXtt&SS!,? ,f jftmtituvrr- e CH8 A UinilH Ochs&Gibbs, 2d.3d4Utnoeri, 31 SOOTH QUEER ST. HELPH -l rURNlHIIINO Yeu can select from an enormous stock of Rcnutlful, Well Made, New Btyle Being at small expense we miarantee the ixiwesv i-nces. Comfert and durability com- blned In our stock of Hprlng Heds and Mat tresses, ut-si iiair iatiresses maite 10 eracr, OCHS&GIBBS, Second, Third and Fourth Floers, Ne. 31 S. Queen Street, LANCAHTER, PA. all-lyd H EINITSH'H. -NOW 18 THE- TIMETOBUY FURNITURE. Don't wait until It gets se warm but call new. The prices we have nre uetexactly CHILLING, but you will net get excited ever them ; they are tee levr for that. When you see tliosechenpchiilrsrer the perch nnd lawn, some already In and ethers te come you will be pleased, we knew. -OUR AIM-"THE HH8T GOODS FOR TIIK LEAST MONEY." HEINITSH'S Furniture Depot. 27 & 29 Seuth Queen St. "lyiDM YER'H COHNKIt. furnTture AT Widmyer's. A FULL LINE OF Parler, Chamber, Dining-Roem, AND OTHER FURNITURE. The Httlih Aiik He Attmactivk. Our selections from Iho countless pntterus efreretl weroncversevnrlednorsobeuutirul.nor of heller workmanship. UNRIVALLED PRICES HEE OUR DIHPLAY. B-We give the best vnlue nnd thereby save yen money. WIDMYER'S FURNITURE STORE, CORNER OF E. King & Duke Sts. avHttflce. STANDARD CARRIAGE WORK. Standard Carriage Werk. EDW. EDGERLEY, Ne.. 40, , , Mnrkct H(ree(. Renr of 1'cwt 1'cwt efllce, Lnncnster, Pa. Buggies, Phsetens, Family Oarriagies. The finest stock In Hie country te select from. e can suit everybody. Prices te suit the times. A fine line of Heceml-IInnd Werk. New Is Iho tlme te get your Cnrrlngcs Ro Re iiuluted and Kepnlred. Our repnlilng eitunnt le excelled. One set of w erkuieu especlnlly ein ein plej ed for thnt purpose. Call and cxumlne whether you wish te buy or net. ELI NNA HRENEMAN Fer the Finest and Clieaest Baby Carriages In the City, gote Flinn & Breneman's. Fer the Rest REFHIGERATOUHInthoMar REFHIGERATOUHIntheMar kel, "The Alaska' GOTO Flinn & Breneman's. Fer the largest Httx k of WATER COOLERS GO TO Flinn & Breneman's. Fer Fishing Tackle, Lawn Tennis and Base Ball Goods, GO te Flinn & Breneman's 152 NORTH QUEEN STREET, luVNCAhTKR, PA. X880 NOVELTIES! X880 H. GERHART S. The most complete assortment of fturlns: Ovcsoentlntf EiikIUIi Cheviots, DIukhuuI and Cawlinere Sulllnj; and Trmiwrlnsr that has ever been shown In this city. Verkmnnlilp the best uml till geed vrnrntuted as represented. II. GERHART, Ne. Ii North Queen htreet. rOnty Direct Importing Tailor In the City of LaucaMcr. 9et. H BROTHER. ft 1 t4 fe CARPETS I Mequette, Bedy Brussels, Tapestry Brussels, Ingrains. China Mattings, Certicene, Linoleum, Oil Cleths. LARGE AND COMPLETE LINES IN ALL THE VARIOUS QUALITIES. Upholstery. CARPET HEWING AND LAYING AND REFITTING RY COMPETENT WORK- MEN. ff a mn 25,27; 29, 31 W. KING ST., LANCA8TEK, PA. 'i 1 goeta awfrghecg. B OOTB AND SHOES. D.P. 28-30 East King St. 1 TAK-E PLEASURE IN CALLING YOUR AT TENTION TO MY LINE OK Thnt I ninrecelvlne dally for the Hprlng Trade, and all are made for these who require (treat durability and for elegance of style, tit and workmanship cannot be excelled. PRICES LOWER THAN TBS LOWEST. Cull and examine my Inrue sleck mid we will be pleased te try aud suit you. D. P. Stackhouse, 28 and 30 EAST KINO STREET, LANCASTER, I'A. aae-lyd&w B OOTH AND BII0K8. IIiivIiik Just completed (he Improvements of our New I-rout we lire new- prcpnred Ie nccom nccem nccom medule our Increasing Trade, lmvlin; Die stera divided nnd fitted up Inte two Grand Depart ments enn for' IjkIIck nnd Children nnd the ether for Men nnd Hey a. We will net have a Fermnl 0ienliis en ac count of peculiarity of our Keed, but will be Kind te bave you call and examine Iheni. whetlier yen wish te purchase or net, before purchnsluK elsewhere, nsvre will consider It no trouble te show them, knowing Hint The Prices Are All Right. Hnve received nnd nre lecclvlng dnlly one of the Largest Assortments of Sprint; and Hummer Goods In the City. The One-Price Cash Heuse. The Leaders of Lew Prices -IN- Beets and Shoes. 3 & 5 East- King St., LANCASTER, PA. VKtr.rc closed attain every evening at Op. m . except Monday and Saturday,, commencing Tuesday, Slay I lib. Javoeolo. OWEST PRICES. PARASOLS -AND- Sun Umbrellas ! THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT AND I.OWF.NT PRICES AT ROSE BROS, & HARTMAN'S, 14 EAST KING STREET. ap2-3mdSAF f mi 1 STAGKHODSB by & nirs RUT k HIT, .31 ift i tMP '..MmiM ;iaat'ei.i wvtrfiusr. il -.& rf- S.v -iSii-. i'S'.X'.Vji t. t-i. txKiOi&ff. '-ipi'1