KTi Vsf tt -v- i 'vi- THJtflNCAOTEB DAILY iKTElAIfiNCEft, AfUKDAYMAY il, f 1880. & - .., i?rir'' ' i? lirW&fFwp . v fwfft: , .w rea- " w tt The IIMt. una fteai parr' KMrtAHTer M Tb drwuBl werM aehaiit4 lies And peace like that of Paradise Steals gently 0TT w- Far out beyond th phantom shore I drift, with neither nail her ear, Te rock abd dip, or fall nnd rise, - With Idle hand and drooping eye, Inhappr reverie. Klttn IT. Butler. A SrniXO KVEXTXO. We leave tUe lamp untlghted yet Fer, peering through the tranche yet ; We nee the strange figure flitting : lw music tlr In bowers a-bloom j There' magic In the empty room Where we two crone are sitting. Light picture paw : a bridal white, Clay morning tryat by hedgerow bright, Bea trelU In moonlight' luster i Fer year of jritu hare met te Utk Wlierejuit eutalde In the green walk Hang one dim lilac cluster. Ansen) Hartley Suttt. .Sheeting Itajtlda In tfae Canyon. O. R. Agnsslz, of Bosten, a nephew of the Inte Professer Agasatr., and C P. Curtla, of Uoaten, have, been nt Olenwoed Springs, Cel., for three weeka. Thuraday they em barked In n fifteen feet bent en trip down the Grand river, through the canyon. All thev took nlteard were gun, a small valine and rubber coats. The current down the canyon la terrific, running thirty te forty miles an hour. Whether the adventurers will go farther than Grand Junction I hard te hay. Hunters nay they will have had enough then, but Ajras-slr. want te go down through the Grand Canyon of the Colerado. If they try it they will take their Uvea in their hanuH. Twe men started en the aame expedition about a year age, but by the tlme they reached the Colerado they had had all thev wanted of descending rapid among the convens. In 1607 a man named White paescd alone through the whole eric of Colerado river canyons, but he WaN nearly dead when he reached smooth water below the cataracts, and twice he was without any feed for four or five day?. The trip that Professer Powell made down the Colerado lnter was ene of the most ex citing episodes in Auierlcnn exploration. ItlfihtH of n Drinking Man. Jehn Geerge Sachs, an old blacksmith of Philadelphia, w as sent te the house of cor rection lnt month for being an habitual drunkard, en ivrluay me court learnett that he m as n mnn of means, that he sup sup sup perted bis family nnd that there' had been a conspiracy te Jet him out of the way. "A place of tlils kind is Intended for a va grant," wild Judge I'inletter. "As long as u man supports his family lie can drink himself te (loath, if he pleases, se long as he docs net disturb the public. The relater is discharged." im n Great .Tey Mnde Her a Mnnlac. tu the great Chlenee tire the futher, mother unci ulster of Mhs Klizabeth Hyde lest their llves. Frem that time until Wednesday, Miss Hyde, who has been a resident of Hloeintnxtoii, Ills., l'ei years, had net neeti her only ll Ing sister. Wed nesnay her sister came te see her, nnd alie was se nlfcctud by the meeting that she lest her mind and became n raving maniac, Hhe was adjudged insane and Is new en her way te an asylum. I)n. W:.t. II. THOMPSON, of the University of the City of New Yerk, sa ; "The symptom of diseased kidneys will first appcur In the ex tremely different porlleiii of the body." Treat the kidneys and net the effect of kidney disease, by ulnc Warner' Safe Cure. Affeuy la Courtetl Dy persons who, attacked by a mild form of rheumatism, neglect te seek prompt relief. Hubsequcnt torture I prevented by an Imme diate retort te IIstcttcr' Stomach Bitter. Slight exposure, an occasional draught, will beget this painful malady, where there l a predisposition te It in the bleed. It I net difficult te arrest the trouble at the outset, but well nigh Impossible te eradlcate It when matured, Fe evidence In relation te this su perb bleed depureut Is mere positive than that which establishes Its eftlcacp as a pre ventive and remedy for thcumntlsm. Nel only Is It thorough, but safe, which the vege table and mineral poisons, often tuken as curatives of the disease, are net. lleslde ex pelling the rheumatic virus from the system. It overcomes fecr and eguc, billeuvncs, consti pation and dyspepsla. What's belter fern wound than filiatien oil? Eche answers : " What." We answer : " Noth ing." "be say we all of us, ke say we nil!" Only25cenU, A peer unfortunate In Milwaukee Is said te hac sneezed hlmseir te death. Alas I peer creature, living In the light of the nineteenth century and never heard of I)r. Unit's Cough Hyrup. Well, this is mere than Uy pttun dark ness 1 Siuccirtl itotlcce, " "Grnnt It Out." The above Is nn old saw as savage as It Is fcnsck'M. Yeu can't "grunt out" uyjipcpln, nor liver complaint, nor nervousness If they once get a geed held. They don't remove them selves In that wny. The tnktnea few doses of JJurileck Bleed Utttert Is better than "grunting It out." What we can euro let's net endure. Fer sale by II. 11. Cochran, druggist, i:i und 1W North Queen street, Lancaster. Yeu Can Depend On It. "Ter severe toetlincho and neuralgia of the head I used Thomei' Eclectrta Oil. "Mils Is cer tainly the best thing I ever knew for relief of IMtlnef any knld. 'the house Is never without It." Mr. A. M. Frank, 177 W. Tunper street, Uuftale, ". Y. Fer sale by 11. 11. Cochran, drug gist, 1.17 and lt9 North Queen street, Lancaster. tThe Ilosui'i'ectlou of lJiznrus Was a miraculous operation. Ne one thinks of raising the dead tli(se times, though some des nariiiniv close te ileutli's deer hn e bisn com pletely restored by JlnrOeck lilewl lUlttr te gcnulne and lasting heulth. Fer sale by H. II. ('echmu, druggist, 137 and 1J9 North Queen street, Lancaster. A Wenmn'rt IllHcevery. " Anether wenderfid dlscev ery has been made and that tee by n lady In this eeunly. IIIm-jvi fastened lis clutches upon her und for seven years she withstood Its severest tets, but her vital organs were undermlnd and death seemed tminlueut. Fer three month she coughed In cessantly nnd could net sleep. She bought of us a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption nnd was se much relieved en taking first dnse that she slept nil night and with one bottle has beeu miraculously cured. Her name Is Mrs. Luther Lull." Thus wrlte W. C. llain rlck Ce., of Mielby,'. C-Oet u free trial bet. tie nt H. 11. Cochran' Drug Stere, 1J7 d. lr N. Queen HI., Lancaster, l'a. " A YellliiK Huby Is something te be avoided. liable w It It cold, babies with croup, babies with scalds, burns, come noisy teuanU of the household. Dr. Thomm' 1'rlntrlc Oil will cure nil these com plaints. Forsale by II. li. Cochran, druggist, 137 und 13fl North Queen street, l-annuter, A l'lerisant AcknevvUslineiit. Had sour stomach and ndserablc annetlte for months, and grew thin every day. fused linr linr tleek Jlluerf Jic;j with the most marvelous re sults: foci splendid." Mrs. Jeseph Jehnsen, t'ittsburg. Pa. Fer sale by II. 11. Cochran, drug gist, 1.17 nnd IS) North Queen street, Lancaster. TflitlllllllfU t ItlllUMtllw t TIllilVAU I The nbevc are terms applied te the unreliable and dishonest. lr, Uhumm' Eelectric Oil for diphtheria, catnrrii, asiuma. riieuinntlMii, and Hit aches, spralns.nud pains Is net a thlnu efde- (rpiieu uiii ,i pirn.,,i uuii iiuiivn, iruiruy, ti Is nenestly put up, honestly sold, and docs whut is claimed for It. Fer sale by If. H. Cochran, aruggisi, u mm iw .sviiii iuin-u eirevi, j.uu caster. The Verdict Uiiuuliiinus. W D. Bull, Druirglst, Hlppus, Ind., testifies : " I can recommend Kit ttrie Hitters us the ery best remedy. Kvery bettle sold has given relief In every case. One mun took sl bettlwsaud cured of IttiCiliiuitlsm of 10 vt-iirs standing." Abraham Hare, druggitt, Hells llle, Ulile, yf Arms: "The bcststllini; medicine! have ever handled lnjny 'JO jcars expirlcnce, Is Llectrlc Ultters." Thousands of ethers huwudded their testimony, se that the verdict Is unanimous that F.lectrle Hitters de cure all disease of the Liver, Kldness or lllixsl. unly it half dollar a battle nt II. II. Cochran's Drug Stere, IT? ATM , AIM s, vuevu nt,, itiicistl'r, t a. JtiiL'klen'4 Arnica iile. TllBllESTal.VElntheerld for Cuts, Ilrulws Korc, I leers, Salt ltheuni, Feer Hercs, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Clillblulus, Cerns, mid nil Skin Eruptions, and Hltiely cures l'lles.er no pay reriulred. It 1 guaniuteed toglveiicr teglveiicr fect sutlttuctien, or money refunded. l'rlf 23 i-ents per be. I or s.ile by H. ij. Cochran. Drug.'Ist, Nes. 117 nnd 133 North Queen street! Lancaster, l'a. Junt'j,-l)d Mothers.! Mether!! .Mothens ! M Arc ou dlitmbed at nlshi nnd broken of your rest by a sick child suturing and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth? if e,goat once and gctubellld of Mils. WINS LOW'S BOOTHINU SVUL'l'. Il will rclle the peer little sufferer liiunedlately depend upon it ; there t no mistake about It. There I net aonether iin earth wlie lias ever used It, who will net tell you at once thnt It will regu late the bowels, and gl e rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic. It is perfectly safe te use In all cases and pleasant te the taste, and Is the prescription of one of the eldest and best female physicians and nurses In the United States. Beld everywhere, J5 cents a bottle, mylMydw l!tK CCLRY cbMrOUVO. A Perfect Shettldl wild, prompt, and pleasant, with no griping or pwritlveHRsriju It should also In rtlethe liter te action, and relieve tb kidneys. Like nothing else, Falne's Celery Compound U a perftsct laxative, and curesconsllpatleu where all ether remedies Ml. "A a gentle, laxative, Palnc'a Celery Com pound Is snrely without a peer. I think I ought te knew, alnce I hare tried remedy alter remedy for about five or six years and have found nothing that equal It In my case of cos ces tlveness, J. B.JENKINH, Teacher, Cloyd' Creek, Tenn. NlatMli AYEll Arethelmplet byes made. I lHaTVBW VlbB A child can use them, 9tu B ANKHUPf I'HICRH. NEW AND pL, CHOICE IS We ate offering a large variety of the Onelcest ai Xiekeet DeelgM la the Latest Novelties and SUplea of the BEST MAKES FRENCH BATDfiai at the unprecedented prices of 19 CENTS PEE YARD. In lllark Tires flood we have some of the best and cheapest goods In the clly. Alse some choice NOVELTY HIDK HANDS and latest colorings In Hl'ItlNG FAUIIICM. Carpets at Bankrupt Prices. .ri 'ISSiT'JjlfJ8 r.A.n,!ET?.Wnr"l2! nl1 'Mi and there Is a large asserlment te select from. The FHICUHare HKLUW MANUFAirTllUKltS' ClfcsT. if you Intend te get any CAHI'KIXIn the near ruture, buy new and save money. Remember, All Goods Are Sold at Bankrupt Prices. 6 AO 8 NORTH marSMjdAvr N,:J XT DOOIITOTHF. COUltT IIOUSi:. FilHNESTOCK'S s OI'HNS TO-DAY A COMPLETE NEW LINE OF LUPIN'S BUCK ALL-WOOL HENRIETTAS AND CASHMERES, - AND Singleand Deuble Black Thibet Shawls. n,!'",,!.ni. BI,s,ok 7'hltiet Hhawls, In Reuarc, nt 11.75, 2.00, 2.50, J3.f1, 1 1JV), tl.00, tl.Vl. K.KI, IWO and K.00. nnd Deuble aes at f U0, R.00, K.00, 0.(, H00, $7.ne, VM, .00, t.tti, tu M). 10, ill, $12. a. ."i'm001 ,M'"ck. ,,.l?!lr,0.tl.Ss Brid Cashmeres at :fiy V, W, J. fUK.C.TS cents, 11.01), HAi. A .Special Uargalu In All-Weel Henrietta, Winches wide, at 74c.) ertliH.OO.' FAHHESTOCK'S, Nes. 35 and 37 East King Street, - Lancaster, Pa. ..ii,Jc-CeniJne,.u'i,n 0,J ,,'3tl7-v ". tl etli Inst., and continuing- during the week, we will sell 100 Dezen Men's Henmless Hesunl pairs fen 2Tx; worth 12e. a pair. UCTION HALE CAItPETH. -AT- METZGER & HAUGHMAN'S Brussels -FItOM Great Auction Sale in New Yerk! -AT- Metzger & Haughman's CHEAP STORE, Nes. 38 and 40 West King Street, Lancaster, Pa. (OPPOSITE-TIin COOPKIl IIOUBn. e-CAKPRT KAOS TAKEN IN EXCIIANOE. T AIID 4- McELItOY. bard Sc Mcelrey, Nes. 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, Oppoaite Fountain inn .11 iL5. ODW-Wpeclal Ilargalnsln lilnek Hemlelta Cleth at S'jc, 3Jc, Wc. Our fiOc nuutlty fl Inches wide, 8,''c; brliiBourwuiiplesef ll.ttiquallty and compare with tills number. Next sw!j!!J"ch$T f ' . "'f?.5 rK"lur nr'ce '-'' Harsalus In Illack Hlllc at Tie, 11.00, Jl.ai, I1J0 ; our iil? 5r".iei?i "'kh.w w.'ie' Ht'!"al J,,n,!,rei V?1 nuallt y. Dress Heeds from 6c up. linriraliis at ii,tSls,aiitJf0auA 'OccntB. 'Ihe best line of Dress Qlughaius nnd Telledu Nerd utl,8, 10 and lutein the city, '' ' enuaUefaTH.5iSV,ni0,5'V,7:;O',,ft1, eis ai ; regular price, ,sc: this is n decided i ,rti!Sf! JhJ 'ArrSSf U?t nl.ut; "V"'?'!' ,ln,," C,J'- t-aJI"-' and Men's 2, 3, 4 and 5 pair for S&c. no ilh &".. lft.,fc',A1ifs' i!cn''' ""J.Chlldreir Medium Weight Uudercar, cheap. Ijntle, vli!?nv.,VJl..?'r'0,;?t.,,I', ,'ed"', 9al",e Vest from ffic mi. Ladles' Hummer Merine JiK'.m ?"'111'01 Vests from 2 up. One let of Men's Urey Mixed llnlbrlggnn Underwear at 2T ; worth Me. (see these Men Jean Drawers nt iBe nnd 00c, One let of Men's Silk llundker chlefs at 2 regular price, 75c: this Is n decided bargiilu. nJZ iti1' V 7cm -nlargerMeck of Fleer und Table Oil Heth than any ether retail Dry uoed Heuse In Lancaster. We liae concluded te make n Special Snle of Fleer Oil Cleth. As lllM Floe Olic'l!! "e,Un ou want te replenish, ciiinc and see us If )ou Hunt bar- nr1iSMIAfora.Y,rU,llV'HI!pvile?Tr'cI"nml,l 'ecus. Agents for the Premier Hafety llle.cles. Al d lerent mnkcH for hey and girls. Surety lllcjcles und Trleicles. Hleycle Hee only 00i lllc)rle Hese Supporters only 25c vaih, bard Sc Mcelrey, AGENTS FOR THIS SECTION, DEALERS IN DRY GOODS NOB. 33 AND 35 SOUTH QUEEN BTREET, Opposite Fountain Ian. Cartct IAltQAINSI 10 Shirk's Carpet Hall ! -FOU- Wilten, Velvet, Bedy Brussels, Tapestry, Ingrain, Damask and Venetian, Rag and Chain Carpets. OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, Sec. Wk Have the L.iKOKsr avu Hemt .Stock in TnLCirv. H. S. SHIRK & SONS, Cor. West King and Water Sts., Lancaster, Pa. Itlewcra. m'ltECIIEH,hONA CO. We Sell ihe Uicatf-.i Number (4 Refrigerators LAWN MOWERS, BABY CARRIAGES, AND Ice Cream Freezers. WHY? IIECAUPE WB AUK THE CHL'Al'KST, W, D, SPRECHER, SON & CO,, 31 L KIM St., Lancaster, Pi. raar23.Tu,Tb,8tfd Xascative "Paine' Celery Compentid U prompt and pleasant. Ala laxative It leave 11 1 tie te be de sired. I have great renftdeare In It merit." ALBERT LKOJJARD, Aaaertate Rdlter, Journal i Magegy, Athens, Ohie. 'Ter two or three years I have (offered In tensely every night with severe pain In my bowels, which were habllhally constipated. My bowel are new regular, and I have had no re turn of these pain since twins one bottle of Paine's ' Celery Compound F. O. BTICKNF.Y, Druggist, Havana, Ala. ' Meral: useraina'aceleryvonpeunaanaitop ruining the Intestinal tract with harsh purga tive pills. HUM. Slxfert&W. Druggists. Wbxm, Kirn ARtMew Ce., Burlington, VL lllIMLlvlngnponljicUtedFeodareHenlthy, MUlO Happy and Hearty. It U uneqnaled. tBectb. DESIGNS QUEEH STREET, LANCA8TE1I, I'KNN'A. - Carpets THE- '""' "' 8' nr" Ken" Ce', at M' Unet bargiilu. i.U. B AHOAINrtl TO - "1.1TV IIALL CIGAHSTOIli:. I am new located at Ne. 7 West King street, nhere 1 Mill ut nil times keep en luiidufull line of choice cigars, smoking nnd he!ng toljncte. will If pleal te hae my friends unit isitrens gle me u c-i.1l. upraiiudced Ol.O. M. HOItUF.ll. Vi' rATCHSl'llINO COIWI.T. lll'VTIli: FAilOl'H Watchspring Corset WILL NnVKIl IlItHAK. Guaranteed te Outwear Any Custom Made Corset. Mayer, Strouse Ce., MAXUKACTimnns, 412 0 ROADWAY, N. Y. oct.vatM,Theew ttuevlf. A TBVRSKtt. Durkcc's Salad DrcMlngl Fine Ollre Table Oils. Cms Mackwell' llcklrs. And Hancix, Olives, Bardlnes Ac. A Big Btrgtii in Galifenia PIibs pounds ren at crntb. DRIED APPLES AND PEACHES AT REDUCED PRICES. Canned Goods Held Cheap te Reduce Stock. The finest COFFEES In the city for the meney: alwajra Fresh Roosted. ' BURSK'S, tye. 17 East King Street, LANCARTEK, FA. A TREIBrH. Precrtstiutiti Is the Thtef of Tim I Strike While tkelrei Is He. ! " GREAT FRUIT SALE AT REISTS. NEVER TO I1R OUTDONE IN ANVTHINO WE UNDERTAKH, ThU week we will efTer the Largest and Most J.".rlS,l..A"erln,'l,t of.Kereljrn and Doutestle Dried Fruit nt prices thnt will astonish every body. We have sold ten of It. and find we luxe tee much left yet consequently minis Induce, ment must be offered te mete them. ..w."".BVf ' them down nit around, and It will be te yeHT Interest te buy new. ANOTHER LOT OF PICNIC HAMS ATI-. A POUND. Rummer Itolejna at 9c a peiuiil. Dried Ueefat Ve a pound. Dried Ueefat 10c a pound. Dried lleerat l2Ke a pound. I ' Jnest Knuckle l)rlet lieerat He a iteund. We have mny geed bargains, ANOTHER CARLOAD OF HALT. Mrge Jumbo Hag (white n snow). Me. a bar. Ilushel ling Finest Dairy Hull, Wc a bag. IlalMlushel Hag Finest D.ilry Halt,K-a bng, J. FRANK REIST, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL OilOCKlt, LANCA8TEH, I'A. Carrirtncs. QTANDARD CARRIAOE WORK. Standard Carriage Werk. EDW.EDOEHLEY, Nes. 40, i2, 4.1, 43 Market Hlrcet. Rear of Post Pest office, UinraiUr, Pn. Buggies, Phaetons, family Oarrlagles. The finest stock In the country te select from. We can ult everybody. Price te suit the times. A flue Hue of Hecend-Hnnd Werk. New I the tlme te get your Carriage He painted and Repaired. Our repairing ennnet be excelled. One set of workmen especially em ployed for that purpose. Call and ezamlue whether yen wish te buy or net. F LINN 4 HRKNEMAN Fer the Finest and Cheapest Baby Carriages In the City, gote Flinn & Breneman's. , Fer the Best RKFHIQKRAIORS In the Mar ket, "The Alaska1 (10 TO Flinn & Breneman's. Fer the l-argcst Hleck of WATER COOLERS OOTO Flinn & Breneman's. Fer Fishing Tackle, Lawn Tennis and Base Ball Goods, oe te Flinn & Breneman's 152 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LAN(!AHIKIt, PA. goalie. TJOOK DEPARTMENT, "LIFE OP E, GREENWALD," Footprints of Ills Lire, together with hli Earliest Extant and I-atc.t Discourses, HV- REV. C. ELVIN HAUPT. Fer Hale by the I'ehllihcr, G. L. F0N DERSMITH, 40 EAST KIN'O ST11EET, I.ANCAK1EK, PA. 44-l'RIC'K, Vl.OO. m'JMfJ H' HUH HOOK hlOHF. PAPER NAPKINS. 50 THOUSAND 50 Jai'anisp. Papkr Napkins. Picnics and parties will be supplied ar Lewest Wholesale Prices. The styles and designs arc new, fantastic and novel. They arc se cheap new you can't de without them. HERR'S BOOKSTORE, 53 North Queen Street. auglK-lyd TJATKNTH. During Al'ltIL AND MA V myrees due only en allowance If desired. Write WM. II. UA1V COCK, Hi beventh street, Washington D. C, 9 . v. MVA u. . wu.l ..tUUKI tU SM.VUi Office. Thirteen yean practice. a04wdMa aktfttcitc. "W-ATHES. Wntches, Cleck, Jewelry, Knee, F.yr-Olaiwe, KI&, at M)WEHT rtlltEH. Optical (lisvt. Telegraph Time Dally. Every Article la this Line Carefully Hcpulrcd. Leuis Weber, e. 15lHsrthQaU.. Km P. Vt.E. BUilM. rEWKLEB AND OITICIAN, Watchmaker & Jeweler ! QKADUATE OPTICIAN. Bpeclallle In American Watchc-(lnld, HII ver and N ickel Watches. Our stock larger than ever. Extra Inducement offered, r!!K Jlik."."rc"',r tvllslait tVntrwi In 25!iT"j 7",,.M1 "n1 " wily competent te correct Ususl defects EXAMINATION OF F.YK8 FREE. NO DROPH USED. CHARLES S. GILL, 10 West King Street, LANCASTER, PENN'A. rUH LARGE AND INCREASED ' Watch Sales I due te tb fncl that vtehnvr ntnaysa larae mid choice- stock te select from. THAT WKHKI.I. THE Best 'yiTatclxT FOR THE LEAST MONEY. rimt WF. DO NOT HELL WHAT WE CANNOT (IUARANTKK. Iluyer should appreciate, our eirerls le give ge.i.1 simmIs, mid can demnd lixm etervthlng we sell te lie as represented. HERR, Jeweler, Ne. 101 N. Queen St., CORNER OF OUANOK. Ctatltttttf. 1889 . HPRINO NOVELTIES I -AT- 1889 H. GERHART'S. best and all goods Mnrrunted ns represented. II. U1.H1IAHI', Ne. 41 North Queen Street. W)nly Direct Importing Tnller In the city of Ijincastcr. s TOPI THINK 1 At this day, hen conipclltlen Is great, the customer hxik te see Who UIcs,Net Premise -HAROAINH. Customer, Stepl Think I Who pay for ex tensive advertisements T We de net Advertise Unrgnln, Clearing Sales, etc., but glve you the benefit of that which ether glve the printer. Our Counters Contain All that Is New In SUITINGS, TROUSERINGS AND SPRING OVERCOATS. Onr Price are the Leirpst Possible te de Jus tice te customer and eurselv c. NOS. 2111 AND 830 WEST KINO STREET. innrl)Kliiid T lOCLOTllINQ UUYEHS. LGansman&Bre. Our Prices Meed Ne Explanation, THEV SHOW l'On THEMSELVES. Instead of uniting words In bragging what we will de we put the pries before 011. What ever eipliiuallen Is needed )ou will Hi id In the vtludims, u here) oil III see MEN'S, BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S Represciillng n large stock, nil mnrkrd In plain figures. Men's Hnslness Suits, suck mid freik sljles, 14 w, to.eo. 10.n1, .en, no. Men' Dress Suits, sucks, fiecks and Prlure Alberts, til, 112. til, I5. IK. Heys' Ixnig Punt Suits, sires 12 te 111, WO, tt-OU, 5.), KHW, 7.a), M.U0, tW. Heys' Short Punt Hulls, sizes 4 te II, ll.fil.f l.l',. (1.2",, f 1.00, 11.7.1, K.en, f I.UI, 11.00, !',.llfl und SII.U0. Children's Knee Punts ut lsc. OL'H Merchant Tailoring Department Is kept very busy and new goods ilud their way almost dully lit this department. It will be In your Interest te examine our qualities and prices. A smull Investment will bring ou large dividends. Thnt menus Vita worth forll.ne. Se our fine KnjIMi Wldc-Wiilcti coat and vest te order nt fl'.', Ill und Sill. 'Ihayuieblg vulues for the money, L Gansman & Bre. 66 and 68 NORTH QUEEN ST., B. W. CORNER OF 0KANQE, LANCASTER, PA. nrHil connected wllh any ether Clothing Heuse In the City. flttlB. riMIF. YOl'.NO MENS LATEST The Newest niul Mel Fiuhlenalila llilng In n Yeung Man's Straw Hat, m Tii n- ti 99 Entirely New I Peleuled January 29, MS and exceedingly preity. We will netexpluln Just what It Is, but Invite en te call at our store and examine II. We have them In vari ous styles and prices. Straw Hats and Light Stiff and Seft Hats In the Newest Designs and l.ljlilc.l Weights. Trunks, Traveling Bags and Summer Robes. STAUFFER & CO., 31 and 33 North Queen Street. " LANCASTER, PA. jeiict Watt A-Sliand." J. Harry Stamm, Wllllnmuin d Frrttcr, P. C. Suyder d. Hie , J. II. Murtlu J. Ce , MnrtlD llres , Astrlch llres., 'Oca F. llathven, Advise the I'M Ofeud fell Wild Flower Beqaet Toilet Seap, The most cnmplcte assortment of Spring OTcrceutliig-Kngllsh Cheviots, Dlngnnnl and Casstmere Suiting and Treusering thnt has e er been shown In this rile. WnrkmnnuMn ilm 9m de0td. W TTA8UAND. WATT & SHAND, UAKD 10 EAST KIK STREET, Have recelvwl the sole ngency In this county for the sale of the New Melaneis Satines! Illack Qmund with White Figures. The color Is guaranteed atwehttcly fnsl black, and will neither fade, wash nut. nor rub off, and tin; design are new. unique and lmply elegant. We offer a special bargain In the purrhnsoef an Importer' tKk or fine all-wool BLACK CASHMERE HENRIETTAS Clinches wide at S0c., ey.'c, 7c, 73c.,R7Jeand 11.00 a j-arvl, The last two numbers nreiV. n yaM under value. SPECIAL HAHOA1NH IN Black Cashmere Shawls At IiO, K.00. rifsl, tAOfl, fUlfl Id MOrt. The txra quality Is quite nsgoedns Is usually sold at li. lllark nnd Colored Embroidered Cashmere Scarfs A Shawls AT EXTHE.MEI.Y LOW PIUCES. New Yerk Stere. eJUVMitttrf. AITIDMYEH'S COUNEH. furnTture -AT- iVicirxiyer'a- AI'CI.L LIN EOF Parler, Chamber, Dining-Roem, AND OTHEIl KUItNlTirilK. Titr. Srri.ts Aiik Se ATrnACTivr. Our selections rrem the counties tmttcrna offered were nev er se varied nor snbruutirul, nor or lietter workmanship, UNRIVALLED PRICES BEE OIIK DISPLAY. 44TWe give Ihe best vnluu and thereby sitve you money, WIDMYER'S FURNITURE STORE, COKNEK OF E. King & Duke Sts. fflarbiurtr VrAHSlI ALL A IlENCUEH. " De you wnnt te buy A Lawn Mower, A Refrigerator, A Water Coeler, OB AN I0E CREAM FREEZER? IF HO OOTO MARSHALL & RENGIER, 9 & II Seuth Queen St.. LANCASTEK, PA. -AI.SO- WIRE KE'PTIKG AMD BARB FENCE WIRE. PalnU, OUi, White Lad, VarnUhM, And a full line of (Jencral Hardvrnrc. SOLE AGENTS FOH THE BiOyal Beady Mixed Paint. fehA-tyd ev elc. s jECUHE A HOME FOH YOIIH FAMILY, Secure a Heme for Your Family. ren nalk ON THU MOST MhT.IIAIj TKItM.S. Two-slerr brick dwalllne heuves. lets 131 feelderii, en l-incnster uvenuc, betHrcu Wul- nut and a ia'i einnii streets. Twe-story brick dwelling houses vrlth man sard reef, perches In front, lets Hi feel deep, en North Pine, between Chestnut and Walnut strevts, TwcMitary brick dwelling house with front viirds, Iren fences, lets I'M fret deep, en West Walnut, between Mary and Pine streets Twe-story brick dwelling houses, lets 111 feet deep, en West Ixinen street, l'twcen Clmrlettu and Mary streets. Three-story brick dwelling houses, lets 1.7) feet deep, with all the modern Improvements, front junta. en West Chestnut street, hclnrcii Pine und Nev In streets. Alse houses en Enst Wulnut, North I. line, North Mury, between Wulnut nnd U'liieu, unit l.emen, between Alary nnd Pine streets. All the above houses arc In geed order, newly Fiuis'red.gu fixture In nil the rooms, witter In he kltclii'ii.unil the cellars warranted te be dry. Cull and sec for yourself, no trouble te show you. JNO. F. OHIF.L, I ,... jAi'iin rntii.:i.. t i-xeculer. aft! North Mtirv Street. aprXld,M,Wl. CCIjitm flail. H 1UII 4 MAHTI.V. China Hall. If jeu wnnt te replace eny urllcle of Crockery or Glassware thnt may U broken In mev lug, or If jeu w Ish te replace old or furnish new China Hall Is the place te gtl reliable ware at the lowest Prices. WAlUM QIJAHANTKED. Exchanged If Net Satisfactory. High 8c Martin, NO. 15 EAST KING STREET. OlO-tfd Fast Black Sales. goet Attb jrtte. TJO0THAND81I0E n von V. r, 28-30 East King 8t. - .iti 1 TAK E PLEAHURE IK CALLINO YOUR A.1S) TENTION'TOWYMNEOF ft r T V s a, mm. u' OttUtrb, 3 That I amjrecelvlng dally for the flprln8Trsv41 and nil are made for thesa who renin mat . i -fllMlt1t ,. l . . . ..,...w WfK virtcnnce or !, fit RB4 twiMiiiiiiiii vuimiul iu ?xrcii?a. PMCS9 LOWER TttaH THE tOWKIT. rfl1l fllirl Tmll1Attlr Inasmti aieMte mmI sI. WSBM if, I H W T V B" XTI T J' I l"if III II ikllil ?'; iJiAuivneij . - , -" v -v !". ntiu w Will J! Im liliMiMwl n vt n4 siil .s 2 -. ....H ,., ..j hum nil, j u fi D. P. Stackhouse, 28 and 30 EA8T KINO STREtT LANCASTER, PA. n3Mydw V S HAUU A I1UHNS. C f Nerc ynu ns familiar rw rtre we Mitli lent horn, mid the variety of trim pen nml KrndcHef feet-wear made of them, you'd wonder whether there was net neon attend te Improvement In style and In cheapening cost of iimduutlen. Every day brings some thing new ; If Its net handHenier than yeu've Heeii, It's a nrnke of show combining elegance of style with durability, less in price than usually prevail!). Here's one of the bright new things that will mnku n breeze tit the bttdlncM te-dav, atitt for a time te conic "The ilea" Bhoe, a genulne Geat Dongeln Iviil, posHOss pesHOss ItiR the style of f 2, $'-.e) and (3 8hee, with n llnlsli and lilting qualltim that nhees of JIh price de net ixnwetw. The truth ; net a Mretcti of Imagina tion. The maker of "The Ilea," one of the largest mauufncturcrH of Ladles' Sheea In America, tip te present sea son has never mtide them te retail below tZOO. Grading his shoes from a higher te a lower price given him an ndvantage net heretofore pos-' sessed. Te-day hit liest grades a?e even better than before, and this "Ilea" line for fl.00 Just "beats 'em nil." Hhecfl commonly sold at 11,60 are India Kid (really sheepskin), split kid, or an imitation net better, "The Ilea" Is warranted te be made nfaRcmilnu Geat Kid, and te out wear any two pairs of shoes niitde of leathers, imitations of it. D nnd K widths nre here; the narrower ones are en the way. Ladies' desiring a medium priced, comfortable, soft, finished shoe, should try "The Jtea." Ilemember it's cost $1.60. ShauhA. Burnft.J U Viitt rttttrx- tit, t.ivlQWn Si r. A..,.... (r,r.. MS,, J4nVA9.bHf A " yt manu-iyuisw .- rr. IOOTH AND HUOEH. -' j m & warn m GRAHD ; I ePEisriwaT ! llnvliiK lust completed Ilia Improvements of our New front nre new prepared te accom accem accom meilatnourliicrcasluirTmde, bavins the tore divided nnd lilted lip Inte two Hrsnd Depart ments one for lidles and Children and the ether for Men und Heys, We will net hum n Formal Opening en ac count or peculiarity of our goods, but will be Iliad te hnve you call and examine them, whether you wish tu purchasn or net, before riurrhaslmc elsewhere, as we will consider It no reuble te show them, knowing thut Tbe Prices Are All Right. Have rccel veil and am receiving dally one of , f. the iJirs-CBt AssertiiientsnfHnrlug and Hummer Y uoedslullieuity. Tbe One-Price Cash Heuse. N. The Leaders of Lew Prices -IN- Beets and Shoes. 3 & 5 East King St., l,ANfVBTi'.lt, 1A. rjrHterc closet! ngntn every evenlnirnt 0 p.m. exrept Monday nnd Hiluiduy,, ceinmeuclnx Tuesday, Muylith. ittiflccUattceua. TF YOU WANT A Fl ILST-CIAR8 TOIlTABhE JL KiiKluoandUeller, en wheels, cheap, a tue follewliiK prices shew: fl horso-e or. W7J8 horse-power, US; 10hersc-iKiwer,07i 15 horse herse isiwer, CS: 'J) horse-iKiuer, 41,175, call ut JOHX lltXT'H.SSl East Kullen street. ui3-tfd CAW MHIH IWIllC MII.LH, COB MILLS. O Leather Hellers, 'fan lackcrs. Triple Herso I'iiwers, llilllns and -Mining Machinery, at JOHN IH-H"H,333 Kust Fulton street. m2-Ud m & mm, EOlt CAHT IKON I'll'B FITTINOH. BOTH plain and reduclnir, up te 6-Inch diameter, ileabte rltllUKS, Flanges, Mange. Union, Manifolds. American l mens, iuoe rmpoenj, Hnuuers, Fleer nnd Celling Hates, go te JOtlNSS U11"H, iCU Iist Fulton strctt. "HHil ' 9" the TKAM 1IKAT Irt THKCOMINO HHAX FOH J autlllUK", i-liuitiit-'ii, .uw, iiuuK.1 vm... tough succrsnfully used ene hundred years and. Wlien toil contemplate n change call en JOHN MOT, who will glve you a salU ,.,. m. n f..l..vljw. V lsfuctery Jeb, at a fair price. nu-ini iirBflAItUY THK IA1K5IST STOCK OP V lUiw and Kine Smeklujr Tobacco In Uie clly. WiHlcnl'liHut&cnud lOceach. Ucnu- Ine MeiTM'huum f'lis-sntaie.cach. DBMUTil'M CIUAlt BTORE. al8-tfd!l HI East King Htreet, E" OK AMEIUOANHlUHTrEEDOYIjISpEH Lubricators, Uluss lilt Cup for Dearlngs. oil can BCt them nt JOHN itim't), SO East KiiIteiiMieet. UiMM OT1CEI.S IIKHKHY tilVEN THAT THK N i.iivnu 'iiix iir nirtei iui''i " , 'li x for .Street IMtimmm. ietwi l:is.smi n. cinu.t ifniitiHv (Mr. TtilintUW. 1 - ". nT i ! u f,I. T.sli Telephone and Electric. Ushl Fele. nlM Ai JA Hacks Cubs, Coaches, pmnlbuseeuiti. Wagons, Two-Iierso Waeii Lal jrtellvwry. Drays, Carts and ether illicit, used ! city for Hire or 1-uy, Is new due und payabte at the office or the City Treasurer. , Ativuersen falling te take enta License, or retuiuite Jy the LIceuse.Tux H red by tlieerd utace. or wne man iut.e "-,, . l,rSsWei of'aiiyMs-tleii thereof, will uWjcl sj. Iiii. nireiuler. lit addltloute mgiinawiiswss- ; lilt eftaUIIS ta riialty efft-e.acauter 4 each and every edense. ATHFv. ? ' "7" iT" " aaMtrt f W : A m m m ifA H w i" - ' m 4 :$ 35; m ?! H .m r& 'ii 'iJ M va "52 . KA '11 a L,i m 1 1 fr. ; t C: x-ji A.s ftd y v . . v - If4-' i' :, ,-jli ta&S liUiM. mmm&mm