w1 ',t v- i.1!l ju .- iriW J . h. tfivs TttE LANCASTER BAllY lKfiLli6iiNCJEll WEDNESDAY, MAY 8, 1880. W itlt HtcUl0cuccv. V tH. I "f .VrKiIlMAIS i BTK1NMAN FOLTZ, Brttlerx. ' CtARK,nrtIIliW. , ! Oi ' 'T -(- .. Js 1 ,ULTI,IKTELUOKNCKn.-l,ubllIlrrt ' day In the 3 car, inu Binina-. Hr cit rCftrrien la thirdly and surrounding rMsttettCMtxaTm-k. Br mall live dot det tyerln advance; aUK month, UY INTELMOENCER-Oncrtnllnr and t rents a year, In advance. T00B9CRlHERH-llmllty theck fpmHtitHist order, and where neither of lean M procured send in n reguusrea i at the Iwtefllec, a second cl mall - matter. 1 AbDMns, TBS IKTELUaSKCU. I TO LancaMcr, 1'.1. PA., MAY 8, 1889. ft BUmIuuu fAl tj.lnu i Pennsylvania rnllreml announces of uve per cent, en its rates KfMftht te the consumers nleng it fcntsJtlng Us rate from tnci'ieariieiu ite Philadelphia?:: per gross ion, ;,te Lancaster $1.71. The hnul te elpbla Is two hundred and ilfiy and te tancastcr ene lnmdivu t eighty. The charge, it will lw neon, Itiearlyaccut a ten per mlle te Lan der and eight-tenths or a rent te run- Iphia, which Is mere than the average bb the company reports that It receives It all classes of ItH freight, nHhougheeal 1 raw material which W supposed te carried t the 'very lowest ateef-frcighU l ettglit te be a reveln- a 10 IU06O wiie govern me mnie 111 name of the people, te find that Its eple are charged mere for enrry- ! coal from tue mines in tu stnte te border, than the average rate of fight that the company says It receives ! all the classes of goedn that It trans its. If the governors of renniylvnnla 1 net the creatures of tin corrtern- M HUcn a discovery Mount uring 1110 ilread efllcers te their knees with ex- nnllen and apology and premise of rferm. Hut the people of Pennsylvania rlU get no nsslitance from governor or jslaturein tltelrefrert teteeure freight 1 as low a the people of ether states S;Fer It is clear that the eeple of oilier ates get lower rates than they de. Hew ! can the article that Is carried for the eple of Pennsylvania cheaper than my, ether article, yet cost them mere for rnage man tne average cost or an tue nmedltles carried by the railroad V JThis coal carrying business affords an iplanatlen of the way the rall- M de business and shown hew consumers of the state are The competition between the 1 producing sections compels the llreadi of the stale te carry coal te s water, fershipmenl te places outside ) atate, at prices that they arc tmwlll- te make te Pennsylvania places, rhere the sharp comM)tltien does net (1st or is controlled by agreement ; and Fensequently they ha e Isildly auneuncd rate for carriage te Philadelphia shipment Micro that is 1ms some Irty cents, we believe than the rate the Philadelphia consumer. The elation of soft coal shippers that has evailcd for several years kept this rate rlth some fixedness, but this year scramble for business has broken ;the aasoclatien, and the contracts It have been made for the delivery f coal te New England ports show that carrying rate te Philadelphia has tn below J1.50 per ten, and doubtless price will fall as low as $l.li In the paW 'in'. . .... . Ibit te get tliTjaiititfss. nils leeal is taken pawt tIMsV'""-M Ren the line of the rallreatL ' Ejxew ingianu eusiemcrs, who uu.-j Ktbtw brought as chwe te tlie Pennsyl- nla mines as tlie I'cnim 1 vanla people; bjastaathe prattle farmer is brought as f close te the Pennsylvania soajiert as tlie '.Lancaster county fanner. Competition Ijlecs it. The Pennsylvania coal, close in position te the 1'enusyivatila factory, 1 no closer In truth than outside factor- Elea, because the coal of Mainland and lyirginla is carried down te thesealieaid ite comiwte for New Vcnk and Xcw Qgland trade, and cenns-Is the Penn- rlvauia c.tnler te make his piiccs te lit. sSuchaBtate of things If continued will rifcutup Pennsylvania faeloiies; but It jwmuet ee continued wnen the people of be state nwaku te the wreiur. They ive the remedy lu their hands. They I but tocheose a Lglslatuix' jdeilged lie enact a law that will put cia Jail the railroad eillccrs who large mete for the same amount f service te Peuns) lvnnl pcople than ey cnarge te tne people of ether Pfeglens. The acknowledged late of bituminous i for shipment at Philadelphia, less han the rate te the Philadelphia uer. Phouldef itfcclf put In Jail all the men K who malic It; atidthU no one can doubt. Rfii canuei ue ucienneii ; w a iiare-laced Pct of robbery. l& The Pennsylvania miliead Isuotmetv IDIllHl. Ilinn imi ntlK ii.nl.nl.l.. .... 1.. Ia fnet 4li.il W lj il. 1 11.... ...:... & vv utui it it ihu jciiiiiug l-jinici $m bituminous coal te Phlladel- ahla. There are but two linns mho send coal te Philadelphia fiem Itbe Clearfield region lu uy (man ftlty, for shipment. Tliey are tlie iler- IjWina-Wiiitc company andJehn C Scott rbens. In the delicate business that it nn.ml I.. !, ll.wl m. -., 1 connect with as few people a, ne.tt) -i,b. v .... ....1. I'imiin jyi7; b!eand this may lx? the reason that only Liwe jirmij aie able te make satl- Dry shipping urraugemenU in the ktter of coal. It is net necessary te upese that the officers are lnterv?ud ludixi- IJjr in the operations of these fit ms te tint for the favor they get ; but cer- nly great discretion is confided te as they mem te le able K.fce lute the market ami take contracts for coal for suii- nt at the best price that they can je one has such privilege with the nleng tlie Hue of the railroad : H$lch in expected te alng seuks of inkigivlug everu ten cent slice cut oil' 1 the fat rate. The General and Hie Admiral. General Puller and Admiral Perter i uoueuesH nappy in i?ing uble te cn- i two attention of the nubile, and le ad them that they are still uineinr . Jiutler Is never happy unless he liti the newspaiieiv, where he has been for some time, it is inlher fatuir that he rakes ever new. but (dull time for news and an opner- meitient te get space In the news- er, itis fire en Perter has served MMaitecthe imblln ami te eimine the iral apiiarcntly, though he is prub- f net half AserenH us he pretemls te be. wwitiuegtloiiliuttbatljetuoftlieM) ibtable warriors are fend of iltFlitiiit? i battles ever again and of telling big tomaguifytheirlmnertani. lleth iWallt a goeJ deal ou the turkey cock uu Are inciiiKHt te swell inert and tu jin fly puwanl. It U a iMUt, ThKwvkofperJ -1,.. .,. J te'n-,'n.viTr.'M--i.rj ; of the like build, and generally they have a geed deal less bottom than tlita pWr of ancient higtnrlitat), Wb of whom arc gewl nien In their Srayjlietiiu tUirlcet iwkits'wnV net be' In Mie Mstlttari war. ' ja An l' A Buller'never had ah1 reputation as n soldier te speak of, nor Mijrtvducatlen In the art of war; but Terter has had much of both. The admiral has always liecn a lively fellow and doubtless did run down the river with his ahlps, as Iltttlersayg, but nobody will Buppesc that he ran away. It was probably a masterly retreat In his judgment, te return tengiitntnumr uuj . It Is said nt tlie Brooklyn nsvyynnl that llm rteel cruise, Clileafrn, Bosten, Atlanta and Yqrktewn are te be Mteil out as a flying fcjtimlrenand wntena cruise around the world under renimaiid of Commedore Walker, nl proent rlilcf of tlie hurpati of navigation. The oflleers are very anxious 1,1 oeoiirn American seamen te man the ships, as tlie large proportion of foreignera Were the mast is felt te be a serious evil. Tills ertiiM m 111 giv 0 a splendid opiertnnlty for rontinueus licet drill, and as we liave been repronenlod abroad by anelent oedon ships naval men are pleased with tlie idea et creating a sensation by sailing Inte foreign ports with four line modern ships of w ar under the American ling. Fnrhapa, however, tills expedition will de 111010 geed te our prlile tlmn In any Mlier ay.as tlie alilr may be sadly needed whero they de net lmpien te be, and our dofenseless coasts will contlnue defenseless In their absence, Twe years Istliotime set for tlie cruise and we trust that they will be yens of peace. J. n. Hiika In Seiftiqa gives tlie fellow lug account of the laying of a brick slicctpo slicctpe slicctpo inent which he claims Is much superior and far cheaper tlmn a pat ciupnt of granite blnekM. " Tlie foundation being brought te tho'prepor grado.there Is spread ever it six Inches or gravel or sand, which Is struck ofl'wlthabeard gauge fitted for tlie grade of tlie street. A ceurse or brlrk Is thou laid en tlie fiat surfaces, running length wise tlie street. It Is net necessary tl,nl this course should 1)0 as hard as the upper course, being only a foundation for the brick that w ill receive the near. Over tills an Inch ofseroonod sand Is spread, gauged, and properly smoothed oil". The top ceurse Is laid with the bricks en thelr edges, lengthwise across the street. Care Is taken te break Joints In I with courses. The w hole is covered w Ith an Inch of screened sand, w hlch Is sw opt Inte the ere Icpx. A Iter this Is dene, a roller weighing lite or six tens Is passed e er the pavement se oral times, irthe street Is properly rolled, It will be as smooth as wooden istteuient, and al most as noiseless." As water weakens brick, Mr. Mica says the street should be well drained. "Tlie upper com se should be tery hard. The brick should be vltrjfied. In Decatur, Il linois, are whele Meck a paved with brick as smooth as glass and ns hard as tllut, and no brick of that description shows any sign or wear. The wear comes en the object passing ever the bricks, which are harder than steel, Ter n fila will nut scratch them : lit liict.when lueken open, they resemble Hint. 'Horses de lint slip or full en brick p.n o e nipnts as they de en gninlte Mm'ks, owing te the small surface between the seams. Anether adtantiige Ks-eHsed by drilled brick Is that they w 111 net soak water. If water anil fiest are kept out of brick, they are abneHt liideslructllilu. The best ja e ment In Decatur cost fiem Jil.'ii te f l.H) ier yanl." Mr. Hheaeveiiuigea that country toads may be paved with brick, as, if properly latii, lliey would hiHt for at least fifty years with tery little rcpali, would de away with read tuxes and would alwaya lie passable In the weist weather. " Per a toad aved fifteen fiH't wide, with two courses of In lck, at the pilces of material and labor gUen the cost would be about ten thousand dollars per mile." He Is evidently an ex tremist en brick leads, hut his claims seem worth the attention of builders of city stiWti.., s .- ' ' AuriniiAi.coiii.eU!i."',u,,,,,",'"1""0', and an English liidustilal JU.' 'cWal the beans closely rcMiiiihle m natural ones, but cm he distinguished by the fact that they sink lu ether whlle leal eetfee tleats. The account says nothing of the flat or or sticnglli, but buint meal Is the chief eenstltueut. Heme ywtra age an aitl filial egg factory was grately deserllssl and this may be a hoax of the same kind. 1MCHSONAI.. Cei'.vr Tet.sTOi, Ttussta's mlulNter of Ihe Intei ler, w he has been 111 ler snnie time, Is Uiiucl. Hen. J. h. Srr.iNMiar, or this city, was In tViiNhliiKten en Tiicsi1u , lie had ti bilk w 1th Quay. Pestmasi i:n H. S. Yet'NO, of .Munhitlm. and Jfis. ritiuna HplcKlei, weie uiaiiiisl enHuuday evening. Mr. Voungwasap Veungwasap Voungwasap pelntctl postmaster by Pinsldeut Cletchmd neuily four vear age, mid Is ill years of age. Mikh KAliimiiNt: Diikxi'.i., of Phlladcl Phlladcl plila.daughtcref the late Knuieis A.Drexel, lias enterisl the com out at Pittsburg, and it is net unlikely will decline uer te ictuiii te the social world In which she lias figured. Her wealth is estimated between fcj 1,000,000 and $7,000,1101). Ituv. Ceswav P. Wisn, D. I),, one of the most cinlneut clergymen of the Presby terian chinch, died in ('ill lisle oil Tuesday after a blieit Illness. He was bem ill Ontario county, X. V., I'ebru.irv 12, IN)1!. Hit graduated lu lR'll ut the theological seiuiimry lit Auliuin, umlerthe liistruitlen of Dr. James Hlchaids, and cutcied ihe ministry Seutcinbei 27, 1SXJ. He was an active miulslar until the jear 187.1, when he retlied en a pastenil s.dary. lie itlw aj s took an active part Iiihisehuieh unit was a prnmlueut and iisetul citizen, lie was Ihe uuther of the "Hlsteiy of Ciiiiibeilanil County," compiled in 1870. lie was picsl dent of Dickinsen college lu lb!7. WerJTiir (h I.eu-lHbilm-e. On r.'elay Heiisu bills weie pissed OiiTTTi' I... ..!. a tnv .!.... rt.i.l .....I t.... ' ' ' .."" iH-N .-K an apniopiiaueu ler iiih esianiisiiimiut or 11 QKriculturul college In ceiiuis lien w 1th the Penusylvani.k State is il lege. The 111 lirt en the Oslwmru-Detlln ismtest was made in the night session, the iniijeiitv of the committee declaring Osbeuru eutltlisl te his seat. The judges' s-iliiry bill was received from the Ilnuse w Ith amendments, and pissed by a vote of "7 te It. In the Heiisu the Judges' salnrv bill was passed by a ote of Ufl te 77. The Senate bill Ter the construction of a bridge eer the Delaware ul Trenten was iassed fi nally, The Senate Hiiuiudineuts te the Heuse, bill )inidlng for the lucoinoni luceinoni lucoineni tion and legulatleu of electric light, heat and jxjwer (empjules were ceucuricd In. The aggiegnte of the apiiropriutieus veteed by the governor was fiil.SOe. A compromise has been ellected lu leganl te C. I Mugee's Iricnd, the oil gaugur in Allegheny county. The oil refiners desired Iho pas-sage of the bill te abolish the otllce of gauger, their reason, It Is said, lKlng that, net satisfied with fees en the oil con Mimed lu the county, he brought suits te collect 011 exierted oil and oil passing In bulk through the county. The bill was 10 10 cemmltted by the Senate. That inetiis an agreement all around te kill It, but It is uutherltath ely suid that this w as net done until ,the gauger and his friends gave a w rlttcn premise te w Ithdi-aw is'iidlug suits mill claliiiH. StsMiliiitf the Apurutii. Contracts were sinisl 011 Tuesday by w hieh the state of Xew Yeikjmrcluhed ler the electrleal execution or ceiuIpuiikhI criminals three Westlnghouse alternating current eleeirie light dvnanies. The statu lirisens at hlng Slug, Auburn anil I'liuteii are each te hate euu of these deadly machines, which will bedrhen hv the en gines already in place. The citrreiu will ls applied te the unfortunates ut the same mesHiireUfccd by the system ler electric lighting, and the stutu's experiments hate shown that deuth w ill ciisuu lu less than :l secenda. Has 14.O00 Munibers. Xliiety-twe per cent, or the empleyes of the Heading Railroad veiUativhare Joined the Belief asfcociatien. it new lu ever j,uui men)pm. f& M tt&r TEitniut.Y yysvcvKssrVL test. Eloraier Citt Ixmm tuiAlts Occttpaata VBrtiarst rabtllyllttrt. " tanrn pfiiwd assembled In the new Schwartz building In Prerklence, It. I., en Tueaday lowliness the lest of the passenger clotater built by I B. Oravt-sAHen, of Hechestcr. Tliesuiierlnlendpnlofriftnstnic Tliesuiierlnlendpnlefriftnstnic Tliesuiierlnlendpnlofriftnstnic llen, A. C. Cernell, was te cut the elevator loose and let It full the whele flve stories, a distance of sixty-five feet, te the alr-tlcht tirlck vault at the bottom toshewthoenllro sarety or such a full. A basket of eggs and a glass of water w erq te go down, tee, M r. Cernell, with Mr. Jenes, the manager, and the eggs and wntcr were accompanied by Jacob ltnseureld, a reporter ler tlie jeit (mm. The elevator went down with awful velocity. When the elevator deer was opened the three men were found lying en tlie lmtteni of the car Insensible, w Ith their heads tuilpy cut. M. C. Jenes, the Xew Knglaud agent for the elevator of T. H. (Inives k Ce., of Hechestcr, iKilengisl In Bosten, where he had a wife. He died et the Ithode Island heHiiltnl nt 4 o'clock or a broken buck. 1'vervthlng ossible was dene for him by Dr. Swnrt7, the ew nor of the building, and bv the liesnltnl staff, but there was no wav efavcrtiugafatal result, for Jenes was a verv large man and the shock of the recall told homily upon him. A. C. Cernell, superintendent of con struction, was also from Bosten. Helies at the Ithode Island hospital In a comforta ble condition, and will probably survive. II. llesenfcld, the reporter, who fell with the car, was the lightest or tlie three 111011, and was net Injured internally. He has pains In his ba k and hemorrhages about the head. Beth his eves are blneked and bis head was badly cut up. He Is able te use nil his limbs, however, and there Is no fear that paralysis will Intervene. James Jteaten, a hclMr, also from Bos Bes Bos eon, was the man who sawed apart the hemp cable. He wanted te make the descent lu the car, but was ordered te descend mi the cable after the car and fasten It te the car ngaln. This he did in ceiiiany with a pluinber, and it was net until he could restore the heisting line that the suf ferers could be reached. (inilMAST'l CLAIMS IX SAMOA. What I'rlnce lllsinarek ts Haiti te ! miiml of the Ceiirerence. A special cable dlsiintch from Berlin te llm Xew "Yerk Jlcritlil says : I'Vein a source which, though excellent, I urn net at liberty te ouete, I am enabled te present te you an approximate estimate or tlie terms that would satUry Germany lu a solution or tho.Saiiiean dilllculty. 11 cannot be denied nor Is It denied by Americans who hate been In the Islands that the Germans have invested In .Samoa mere money (three times as much they claim) than both Imgland and the United States taken together. What theUeiniau government, therefore, claims Is, In the first place, satisfaction for the killing of the German eillccrs mid sailors In the action with Mutaafa's men 011 December 17 last, and secondly, comciisallen for the losses sustained by German Investors and owners of plantations, If. therefore. Iho United States will enr- chase the plantation owned by the German company, or If the Namnans themselves win purchase tnese plantations, parmeut being guaranteed by the United States, Germany will net make the slightest np np KisUlen te the Installation of Mallotea or some 0110 or the miner chiefs net hitherto named Tumasesn having no fellow Ingand Mataafa being utterly out of the question from the German standpoint, the state of wor.teo, still nominally existing. They also probably nrge the punishment of Mntitafa, say, by Imprisonment for a time 011 beard a German inan-of-wiu-er en an Island under the German Hag. They may wahe this condition lu consideration of n round sum paid te the widows and nrphuns or the ncaiest relations of the Germans stain en tlie Island. The third condition, equally acceptable te each of the three peweis. Is that the three celliK'thely guarantee the neutrality of Samoa. In ether words, Germany w lshes te save her stake lu the islands, and it would por per hups be the w isest policy en the iiart et the Coiled Slates te act opt this after all, simplest solution of Iho dilllculty, mid by well timed concession te Germany's tcudei sense of honor and solicitude for the wet Turu or hoi colonists make a fileud of her foie or. I'l'iiuxyUnnhi ltilucliii CdiiI. Thn I'piuiNjhnuIn liiillie.nl I'niiip.iiiy en Tui'mlny iptlui'iu) thn intPH en hitinulWenH' re.il fiem the t'loiiillt'liljloii.lvMViliiilo' t'leiiillt'liljloii.lvMViliiilo' t'loiiillt'liljleii.lvMViliiilo' lihlii Uu intfj,,' ten "una te I.-iii-nister jmi Cnhuiilitn iilue i-eiiti, bclnjj ".--we jier et-iit. rciluctieu te liike nll'ivl Mny nth. The new nite for i-lty ilclivriy N f A iiml for Hhipmciit $1.7.'). The ether rnllreiul i'oiiip.iiilisuein net iiwaiu of the irdiictlen until iillur it uui iiinile, hut limy Mill preliahly fellow suit te-iluy. A llke It'lllH'tlelMVIISIllRO unilti te nil I'mllllH en tlie 1'i'niiMjUanl.i systein uhcie thnre uiu iuIIIh iiuir niinuceH. It lanssoileil um n ui.itter of fact that eiv lltlln I'eal xhinped te llilliiilelihiii IhiH.viMi him iiid the V-.10 rule, mid that tlie ho'-c.illed ii'diirtleu liy the lViuiHjlMiniii Is uieinly an iimmuiici inciit that tlie Mi'ii't inti'N shall he i)t'n OIlfH. The hltilinliiiiiih ti.ideh.iH l.ceii ilcineial- l70il bliice tlie iiuitract lern Xew Kni;liind rnllre.nl w um tnkeu a fi-iv m oeWm iie ut eiy low nrlivs. Tlie contract I fur IlixuHXl loin., and thflcoiiiuien icimrt Is that the julce mid M ill lint the shipper (2.'J."i n ten at rhllndulphiu. Thli Ih III cciiIh In-low the OHtubRhhcil peel piii'e, mid when the iiMiird ns iniiile llioie follewisl n Konerul Hcnuulile fur hiiHineHH in which piice vim the last thing cousideieit. Koine of the shlppiiiH iire Kild te hiue iniide had har pilus iiml te ha e appealed te the roiliendH tin lolief, which wax united in the shape of low vi nitcH. "rnreOrpliiin "school TiimliU'. Theie Is trouMe in the soldier' eijihaus school el'CheHterSpiings. The Institution has been under new management nIiice ChrlNtuiis, hut It Is chained tiiut luirsh corpenil puuisliiiipnt Is loseitod te, that lu oneenso a pmtj of tonty-ne lads mug ging In ae lrem si te fouileeu weie kept standing until early morning for the pin pin pin )Hihoef umkliii; hoiue of them confess it tlltliut; etlense. Celd water was thinwii iihmi tliein te keep them auake, mid oue little fellow Mho loll inseiiHitiln had le be rubbed w ith snow by his eommnleiiH bo be bo fnre he could be meused. Three w he con cen lesseil worn imbllclr tlegncd nud othoi ethoi othei wisu seerel piiuish(Hl. It in ehai(,'(sl that nil liiMilid girl was neglected and ultnckeil by rats. The autlieiitles of the school adiiilt Iho cm pond punishment, but deny that it was se sexeie or that theic liu'e bciii any abuses or ueglin-t. The feiuier superiii tendent luis geno te Euroe and it Is said that thochiiruder of the chaiges am such that he will most 111. ely be scut for te answer tin m boteiou statu tribunal. OiiriHule te r.iiiullze AVurcm. It is said th.it Aiuireu' Carnegie bus a surprise In stme ter the Iren and steel workers, and that before he le.ues en his Euroienn tour he will order that several ery liiis)tlant ch.iuges be made in the sjstein of eik uuil the waees p.ild at a iiiiuiberef his large plants, lie will make mi etlert te eiiiuilie mattei-s, In view of benetlttlng bntfi the firm mid that class of euipleyps who de net rtvehe enough money in propeition te what otlieru ie ie eeIe and ihe work thev Un. " Iho Ciiruegies hae been niaulng big linprev einents during the past tw e years," rciuarueii n genueiuuii neiiiing eiy oleso lelatlens with the linn, "and as a lesultef all these iiii)reeiueiits and labor siivlinr inuchiueiy, the iiipu who work by the ten In many dep-irtmeiits hae been foeoi ing oiieriuoiiK wages. Seme earn as high ns from I0 te $.Vi Kr day. Theso big fellow s Ml. Carnegie ptejmses te cut dew u. It w ill I dene dlieetly and lndlnMlv." H'huII iry well In talk nlsait liull.tlng iun rallreuitx unit new strimihlilpK, but hew ceulil iiii-ii, women mul ihlUllen Ir.uel dm them without Dr. llullV C'eukIi Mlup. 'lhlukef It. I'uiHler il. "Neither u Uirriwur nor u h inter be j" hilt take jour e u tveiit)-lle ceiitmul Konreuuil tojeiiroui) ilriii;i;l.t uml uj ynurscll a bellle of.Siihntleii oil fur our kpnilni, ailies and pallia. A pm:-- PARKEH'S GINGEIt TONIO Wlilumt ileln). A rnie liiHllcal nunposltleu that cure wli.-u ull ilse full.. Uu tiiml tlie wert iwssi of IVuiL'h, Wmk I.uncs, Akthuu, ludi.'estlen, lnwarif l'uln., KaIiuuoIIeu, UK: ut Driit'l.t HINDFltCOItNij. J he safest, unit mnl bekt me ter Cerni, Ilunleus, Ac. htniwallpiiluH, F.iiun eoinleri te the feet, npr ralu te lure. 15 cenu at DrerelMi. ' HISCOCK 4 CO., N, V. reiusMraUTctewflajrtMar.T, MM. Maybe threetinM-s ever the variety of Side Band Bordered Dress Stuffs that '.yeu'lf. find anywhere else fn town, Every style that's worth looking at . You'll hear that Side Bands are scarce. They arc, but you'd never suspect it from the way our shelving overflows with the loveliest. A geed variety at 75c. Bulging lets at $1, fi.25, and $1.50, mostly with silk bor ders. Of the finest stuffs, an ele gant line in Dress Patterns, $20 te $40. Here s one te give you the pitch of the price note : An All-wool Side Band, 40 inches, in gray, brown, blue, and green mixtures, and ihe price 50c from te-day. We've been getting 65c for it right along. Side Band patterns in a va riety of ether stuffs Ginghams te Cashmeres and Nun's Veil ings. MeMlj Miulhtmt ami etithrat of centre. It's a Gingham year. They arc the most asked for of all the Wash Dress Goods. We have were- than a thousand styles of them. At 8 cents a yard, cfoed, handsome dress styles. Choice stripes at 10 cents. A great variety of stripes and plaids in various colorings at zxt cents. We've had a word or two te say of the 25 cent Ginghams at 1 8c. Brand new; in twenty pretty stripes, mostly clusters, rhey were excellent value at 25 cents. ihe regular 20 and 25 cent Ginghams are in the best of colorings equal te Scotch, and very likely as geed te wear. Yeu knew the rest ; any Gingham loveliness or excel lence that anybody has ?i have. And lets besides that you'll find nowhere else. l'laitled, striped, and plain Seersuckers (net crinkles) are in high favor. Of course we have them, isjc. The crinkly Crazies are tee cool and comfortable te be skipped. Nobody is skipping them. i2j cents. Many pretty patterns. r nb' lwer nTlbr Sateens. "irtcasure them by the I2X cent kind. Te-morrow we'll have something te say of ether sorts that you won't care te miss. Northwest nud ueitlidint of centre. Linen Lawns. New patterns in sprigs and sprays and me chanical figures. 24 inches, 22 and 30c. Dark blue grounds with white figures, 25c. Plain white, 24 inches, 20 te 40c. Wider up te 75c. That's the pith of the story. All the grades and net a beauty missing. Heulliwfal of centre. The breath of Summer has been en Millinery, trimmed and untrimmed. Ne busier places in the store. And every stock leeks almost as fresh and full as if Haster were but a day ahead. Neitli from thirteenth uiul Che-Unit ttnvls turner. Such days as we've been having are right royal for the baby out of doers. Whatever sort of Carnage you care for. Maybe fifty kinds that you can see in a minute, or we'll make one up te your mind, l!.iciiifiit, northeast of centre. There's no trick in getting a geed cup of tea if you go about it right. With the Self Pouring Teapot you can't well go wrong. We had a show of these Self-Petirers last Fall. Set half the town talking. An An other show of them new. Ab surdly simple, and does the work better than is possible in the old way. The het weather is forced through the bed of leaves at the bottom ej the pet. The first cup is as strong as any. Ne mere need of drip or finger-burning or common tea time worry, and they say you save a quarter of the tea by using the Self-Pouring Pet. Convenient sizes are $2.60 and 2.90. H.iM'iiit'nt, we of criitre. Jehn Wananiaker. V'MOK.SI MUtr,,! If Yeu Are In Need of SHOES, llcreUfcoiuelhlng te lutercM you. Our line of .Mur, Veinm's nmt I'IiIMivu'm Sheea U ceiupifw. We hate Ihe bcM ileira Shee for SUM 1h.1l ,ou can llml anj where. Unriddle' SUSS Shee ha plent) of Mile an J can't I bout for the money. We ha v klimft ut all price, hh low us thelnwctt. Hating M )eurc3ipcrlucu luthekiiw bw-liien, we think ue nru able te tt It u geed h(Kand knew w!mt iiln It. f Custom Werk a Specialty, Wm. H. Gast, NO. 1M NORTH Ql'KlS? KT.. UXCAHTF.Il. JuuMydWdi' w- ', pAWED CELERT COMTOUKD. . APrfct Rheutd bsmlldV prompt, and Hwmt, with no griping or purgative effect, tt bnnlct also In cite tb liver te action, and relieve the kidneys. Like nothing elue, Palne'a Celery Compound it perfect laxative, and curcsronMinutienirher all ether remedies fall. "As a gentle laxatHe, Palne'a Celery Com pound Is aurely without a peer. I think t ought te knew, ulncc I have tried remedy ntxet remedy for about Arc or six j ram and have found nothing thntequnli II In my caw ofw efw tlvene.. J, II. JKNK1NH, Teacher, Cteyd's Creek, Tcnn. nllHflWii TWPt Arelhealmpleiit Dj en made. DlDipcMvlnguponlJicttitetlFeodarnHealthy, VlnUVRU Ul&a a child can ue lliem. PftDlda Happy and Mearly. ItU uncqualad! ltntcltCB. H. Z. KIIOAIH A HON. New Styles CO STYLES imACELKTS AND 11AX01.US, THICK, HEAVY, 1'I.AIX 001.1) WEDDING KINGS ; SIGNET niNGS. IHlinON PINS IN GOLD, ENAMEL, DIAMOND AND PEAIIL, HAIlt PINS, SILVEH, SHELL AND GOLD, ALL SIZES, HEAD NECK CHAINS IN GOLD, SILVER AND CORAL, LADIES' FOB AND VICTORIA CHAINS. REPAIRING or l'INE WATCHES, FRENCH CLOCKS, MUSICAL HPXKS AND JEWELRY. H. Z. RHOADS & SON, Je'virelers, Ne. 4 WEST KING STREET. Carpet B MtdAINH! -UO Shirk's Carpet - - Kort - Kert - Wilten, Velvet, Bedy Brussels, Tapestry, Ingrain, Damask and Venetian, Rag and Chain Carpets. OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, &c. VK llAtFTIIK l.lllllt.sr AN11 IJKHr .STOCK IN TllKClTV. H. S; SHIRK St SONS, Cor. West King and Water Sts., Lancaster, Pa. DUeccUaucmts. c OMn.KXlON I'OWDKIl. WHO VAl.l'i: A KKKINEI) COMI'I.IIXION MUHT UHK POZZONl'S " , . MTTnicATKn Ct)MPLEXION POWDER. II Imparls a tnllllant trrui'lireney In the skin. lleiiiiiMis all pimples, fictkles uml Ul colorations, mul lnnkes the skin dillratilyseft unit Uniitunl. It contain no lime, white lead ernrsanlc. lu three hacle, pink in- llesh, white mid brunette. reu ha 1.1: m All Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers Everywhere. J3-lin AHKOI' IMITA I IONs.-4 iiprju-ijit QtTIi.V.M. Vedcslr rulncull the ultentinii of consumers of Hteam Goods und KiiKlncers' Mippliei, te our larKeand varhsl Meck of I'Iivh, hH ck, CecUn, Mulhuible and t'at Iren KltilnjjK, Asheten. VuleiilK'klen and Uxudurlan, Hheet, l'lsteiiuud Vnlr.ickliiKH; Scotch iiml lied Line Hrllect lni;(lniige(la!MieH, Htenin lladluter and Steam Heating A)mratiin; Set and Cap Screira, and in MCI aiinexi eteriuuni; reiiiurcii uy hieiiiu users, und all of which we otter at price wlilch we Kuarnte te be loner than these of any ether dialer In this Utility iirriitaier in iuih miuiiiv. Wehute ixwIttMly the larucM atnek, niut be ing connected ttiin lue leienueue i.xciiaime, are jiretred te receive unit till ullerdcin In the I'hnrleKt msKtbl time. Whin III tnut or any thing In our line, cull ou lift for juices ami we will convince you of our ability und wllllne lie te tune uu Meney, IVluy mid Vexation. Our fiuMlltleH for furnlstilnii KnciniH, llellcru, Hhunliif;, rullejHjlluiiKcrK, Special Machinery, I'lumbcra' and (Ju Kitten' Teel, 1'atlems Meilelx, and Iren unit ltnis Cu.tlnc. and for the prompt repair of ull kind of iiiiubhurv are iinexeelleit III Lancaster, and we reeuniUy solicit a hhure of our imlrenage. Central Machine Works, 111 a 1 w NeitTii cHiusri an si uniri , LVNl'ASTFll, l'A. (ioed Werk, Iteakenable t'liarce, Prompt- nehs. Telephone connection. it m rail 4" or $alr. CECUltn A IIOMH KOIl OCIt KAM1IA. Secure a Heme for Your Family. reu ham: ex thi: most unr.HAi. tt.h.ms. luo-hiery brlik lUU'lllm; lien-c, let 1J0 leet deeii. en Uincaxtcr utciiue, between Wat mil uml lA'iueu Irii't, Twotery brick dwelling heinn tilth mun wird reef, iMirclie In front, lets 145 fiet deep, en North l'lne, between Chestnut uml Walnut Mreetn. Ttrn-hterj brick dwelling lieiitc Willi from anlK, Iren fi nee. loin IV! riet div, en West Walnut, betwwn Mary unit l'lne street Two-Mery brick dwelling house, lets HI reel deep, en et U'lnen stnit, between rtiarlelle and Mary streets, 'I tirce-fttnry hrlek dwelling house, lets 1M feel ilrep, w itli nil the modern tiiiirecnient5, front yards, en West Chestnut strict, brti?n l'lne and Netln street. Alse house en l'jist Walnut, Nnith Lime. North Mnry, between Walnut and l.eiueii,Hiid liueii, between Mury und l'lne I nils. All the ubnte house ure In geed order, m trly iuired. ku tlxtere lu all the rooms, water in ihe kllchrn.aiut the cellar wnrmnted te be dry. Cult and see for J ours If, no trouble te show you. j no. k. mii:i.,u .,... JACOII (lltlKU I '-"utnr.. ;r.' .North Mart Himi. uprtHjd.M.W. yiiotenvoplio. R OTK. I JUST RECEIVED KHOM Koenigsburg, Prussia, Twe background mide esieelally for bust and 'IhretMiuurter length I'hotegruphs. 50 i-2 North Queen St., Nest Doer te the 1'ottettlce. Jan7-6nul . - " i a-',. &i .--4.? .v-' it?'' Laxative r "I'alne'iCelery Compound l prompt and pleasant. As a laxative It leaves little te be de sired, I have great eenfldencelii Its merits." ALBERT LROXARD, Associate Editor, Journal 0 IVttagegt, Athens, Ohie. "Fer two or three years I have suffered la tensely ctery night wllh severe pain lumy beweln, which were hsbltnally cenitlpated. My bowel are newVegnlar, and 1 have had no re turn of these pnlrm rince uilng one bottle of Paine't Celery Compound V. a. HTICKNEV, Druggist, Havana, Ala. St oral i Vi falne's Celery Compound and atop ruining the lntellnal tract with lianh purga tive pill. 11.00. Hlxferl$.0O. DraggMt. WrLM, Hit liARnsejr A ce.,IInrllngtnn, Vt, in Jewelry. dall. IAKUAINH I Hall ! TO- (Citvrinnce. S' TANDAltnOAKHIAOEAVOIlK. Standard Carriage Werk. r.nw. I'DUUltLr.Y, Nes. 40, 1.', 41, 47i Market Street, Hear of Tost Test Tost elllre, LijUL5fl.ster,.ra. Buggie3, Phxtens, Family Carrlagies. The (Inest stock In the country te select from. We can suit every body, l'rlcc te ult the times. A tine linn or heeeiut-Ilniid Werk, New la tlie tlmu te git jour Cnrrlnges Ile iialnted nnd Itepalred. Our lepnlrtuit eiinuet lieexcelled. Oneset of iiorkineupspoclallycm iierkineupspoclallycm iiorkineupspeclallycm plojed for tliat purpose. . Cull uml examine whether you wish te buy or net. -TjlI.INNA HUlKMAN Baby Carriages ! BABY CARRIA&ES, BABY OAEBIAGES. The Largest Stock and Lewest Prices in the City, - a r- 152 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCAHTHlt, l'A. y.'rttciu0. "ly ATI IKS. 'atchc. Clocks Jewelry, Slices, Eye-Olasses, L'lft, nt LUWIMT l'llICES. Optlc.iUle.ids. Telegraph Tlme Dally. Etery Arllilc lu this Lfuc Carefully lleiuilnd. Leuis Weber, Ne. lB9i; North Queen St., Near P. R. R. Station. "it'll lVHOK AND INCHEAHKD Watch Sales Id due te the fact Hint e hneuhiuyt u lurje and elielre mock te kelect Ireni. THAT WH.SHI.I. thi: Best 'WTatcliT FOK Til I'. l.HAST JIONKV. 1 hut Wi: DO NOT f.Kf.1. WHAT WK CANNOT UITAUANIKK. Ilujers hhenht uppreeinte imr elt'erti te che go nt m.xl, unit euu depend ukiii eierythlug Me hen te he us u prewnleil. HERR, Jeweler, Ne. 101 N. Queen St., COltNEH OK OUANOF- vtennsm HLumv givf-n thatthi: i I.luiiKe 'luxrer Htreet JMrpewj. rorlhe le.ir issit.iiu Street HallHiiy Cam, Teleeraph, lelephene and F.leetrle Licht l'elek, und en lliiel.ii Culi, Ciiuehe-, Omulhues tour-HerM) WaKeu. Two-Herso WaceiiH. ljwal IV-llxery, l)ra, Carle and ether Vt hleleH, used In the elly ler Hire or l'uy, U new due and pa) able at ttie eilbw or the City T nanirer. Auypiren fulling te take out a Licence, or refusing te puy the I.ieenvf Tax required by Ihoerilliifiiite, or who shall lelute uuy of the preiltiniiH of anyn-ctlen thereof, will kuhject iheetlender, lu addition te the Immediate for felt of bit lleen&c, te a penalty of Ue dollar for euih nnd every eflense. . . M , J. H. RATHFON, aae-2wd CltyTraurr, ."ft (fan & faemaii i- f 0nf"tt ftitec. srTM. Lt V DF. 28-30 East King 8t. I TAKE TLEABURE IN CALUKO YOUR AT TENTION TO MY LINE OK That I amtrccelrlng dally for the Spring Trade, and all are made for thaw who require great durability and for elegance, of ityle, nt and werkmanihln cannot be excelled. PBICE8 LOWIR THA) TO LOWEITAa Call and examine my large ateck and we Will tw plcaaed te try and ault you. D. P. Stackheusc, 28 and 30 EAST KINO STREET, LANCASTER, I'A. a20-lyiUw s HAUlt A uunxs. SMALL IN SIZE. SMALL IN PIIICE. SHOES FOR THE BABES. A great variety of shnees and In all liimglnnble klmlH of leathers : Common, medium nnd very flue grade. Te leek ever the nMse'rtntent thnt In here makc it a plenanre te make shoe purchases for tlie little one ; you're sure te find the exact kind wauled, nud nt prices) te match. Like quail ties are never sold at lent cost than you ilud them quoted here. jiuuniH- iiuueti attien-uewiw," m black India Kid ; well ninile and mere durable than the ordinary neft sole shoes ; nice looking, tee, 25c. Infants' Seft Seles Shew lu kid leathers various colors te suit a mother's whims black, wine, bronze or old-geld, 30c. " I'uioeso " Shoes, chamois skin, fancy trimmed, 30e: none better. An excellent make ana shape lu Pebble Leather Shoes, ,10c. Anether still belter grade. 1ml 1ml tatleu Mat Kid Tep, with patent leather llxliiff, at 45c. Here's a beauty soft Dougelu Kid Leather, with leather ceunteis, genuine hand sewed turns. Think of the price, 50c. Same make, sumo leather, in extra ankle widths. We've the first bal te meet whose auklewe wcre unable te fit perfectly. A very fine Dongola Infants' Shoes. B, C, and D widths. Handsome looking, 75c. Our finest grade, Grissen's celebrated French Kid in B, C, 1) and 12 widths, Is the finest Infants' Shoe made. In no first-class shoe store in the larger cities will cost less than $1.25. It's $1 here. Infants Ankle Tics, in Patent Leather and French Kid, nt 00c Ne. 1 grades net itsheddy kind. SHATJB & BURNS, 14 North Qekhn St., LANCASTnit, Pa. inarMyd&tr B 00T3 AND S1I0E8. . y Having Jim eemplcted the liupieeuieiit of our New 1-root ueiire new jiupnied te nceeii). modnlceurlnrientlnijTrnile, haliijf tlie stere uu med ami nued up nun tueuniiiil lieiuirt- ineuis one lur ijiuira i ether for .Men and Ile n. U'n .Hill ..n. !.... ments one fur Ijiillrn and Chlldien und the We will net lime n Formal Oeeiilnir enne- count of iieeulhiriiy of our (,'eaN, hut ulllbt glad te lime you call nnd eanilne them, whether jeu Mlsli le purchnse or net, before purehuhlnif elseulieie, r ue will eonslderltne trouble te show thcin, knew ing thut The Prices Are All Right. Have received and aie i eeehlntr ilallv onaef the IJiiije'-t Ai.xirtment'jef M.irii'g and Muunner Geed in the City. The One-Price Cash Heuse. m & vm The Lealcrs of L'wTrTcJs -IN- Beets and Shoes, 3 & 5 East King St., LANCASTER, PA. On acemint of our tnidebtlng ereatlyretarded by the linpreiemenU tie liaie iiiiule, Mill keep our .Stoieopeu every excnlng until further no tice. ilnraenln. TT HASIOMi:, The Warm Weather ! And ax you will new be wanting 1'nra-iels, Unties, e take pleasure in culling jour atten tion te our line. It embrace a large variety. Kindly call und examine It. OUR LOSS WILL BE YOUR GAIN. We have laid ou our counters n large let of eddi. ami eud,M hkli Me etltr at rIil!culeuly low prices They are nice, clean goedn, north double what we ut-U for them, but must be ilesed out. The w Ise will come eaily for flrt cheU-e, 1 lis lmrgnrd ulii! inlt.e Ihb ; mi lit a word te tin wise be sutllclent. Rese Bres, & Hartnian, 1-1 EAST KING feTREET. apMmdHAF tCnal. T UMHHUANHCO.VU 1 J TOiUllONlIOOKrtANDCASE-t. WEST ITItNHAltl) WOOD. Wholes ile and Retail, by U. 11. MARTIN A CO , nWy 1 4HI Water Mreet, Iaineat,ter, lu, TJAUMGARDNEaS COMl'ANY. " COAL DEALERS. OFrirES Se, 13) North QueenStrect, and Ne. Xt North I'rlnee kireet. YAKD6 North Frlnce Btrect, near Readiliic Depot. bimw i4AcAiTa;i(,rA. ..J ,V Ui, 'V I 1 - KH0M i k raw l-KL"