-C THfe "'LANCASTER DAOA fah?ELilGECEn, TUESDAY1, APBIi; &) 1889! j i j- s-v, .v; rfe K. tf i-v . i I ft & M v vflR OFFICIAL VOTE. -. IMMOT ITEI 1EX5EBT TW0 1nS?- mruxi mi sh. ft Mm Twelve Succrsatui Candidate six "-- .An Omv Mm and Ms Mnimn Man. 't ' Owv'ri Vntlnwnra Wll.lt. It traa aearly 7 o'clock en Menilny eritng when the lieanl of return Judge of pi . fce RppnWlcan primary completed their bM There it as but llttle interest taken In the proceeding until late tn the nflcmoen whmi Berne one's count elected HlltlehMnit L' w delegate In the Northern district, defitit r,X" tag-Landl. Thin rumor aprnad rapidly, 'eanea qulte Herniatien and in n short M Hbm the bomen of both faction!) w ere auui- "'OMA. There wan great rejoicing in the Quay ramp for a time, for the defeat of I.iiuIIb wenM give the Quay forces a majority of the delegalea te the Mate convention, and Jwnctlcally a victor-. A recount allowed the election or Landls by oer a hundred majority. Of the twelve iiuocemful candidate six re Quay men and six (counting Zlglcr re anti-Quay. Beth factions clnlni a victory and lieth appear te be eatlsncd -with the result. Following is the official vote a declared by the president of the beard of return judges : DIHTRtCT ATTORN nr. H. R. Fulton.. .... JWU O. C. Kennedy 41OT A.C. Koineohl VM BV niiiKcreiiH ok thk renin. Jamen Colling bee William Geed.. Mi70 David U. Kready , MI7 tmac IVeanmn H'fl A. C Leenard 101 Michael K. Htelgerwalt... llftl rillHON LNNrECTIIRH. Imaea Bear HI" llcnry Dener b-fl Sniuuel H. lless. :i7:t0 Milten Wlke M7D Jehn N. Vhm1s. 4 f5tM Satnuel Worst B17 COUKTY SURVEYOR. F. O. Ilarnle r.lll) Frank M. Trout . KisS Bl'MWATIMTOHTATKtXlNVKNTION NOItTII XltN I.KdlMI.ATIVl: DIHTniLT. II. W. llcirhelrelh Mill ItwaeII. Hlldcbruml U5IU Henry Hlpjey ZVU Jacob W. Landl !MM Ames Zlglcr , H7&0 KOUTIIKMUf LKdISLATlVE DISIIHCI. AiiiesOllt)ert ....1011 Themas McOeu an IMS David K. Mayer ...1 .! Dr. I. M.WItuier 170.") CITT Ll:illHI.ATlVK DINTllIIT. Jehn Mi-TAiighlln 1219 A.P.Shlrk 10W Numtnatcd. Tlie County Conitnltteoiuou. Tite mi'iiibuiH of the county ceiumlltrn chosen In thl city en Katurilay irore: First ward, A. C. Wt'lcluiiuij Kceend ward, A. F. Hhenekj Tliinl ward, Jehn W. Mcntzer; Fourth Maul, Samuel Dillcr; Fifth ward, C. A. Cant; Sixth ward, Uoerto A. Ijiiie; Suventli mini, Jacob l'rh'ej Eighth ard, Ciisr Klrchneri Ninth ward, Geerge W. riukorten. lrotilbltien Amendment Coiiventlou. A county convention in the interests of the projiesisl prohibition amendment will bfl held ut the court heiiwi te-morrow morning, ljcgliining at 10 e'clmk, The will for the eam whs Issued by Jehn 11. IjiiuIIh, mcmlier of the ntiite prohibition eeinmtttec for Lancaster county. The morning mishIeii Mill be dn etwl In organization and iippeiiitmcnt of commit tees. Indications point te a large conven tion, as evcry church, Sunday aclioel, tem perance or ether organization has been in vited te send II ve dulegntcH. Iu the nfternoen thure 111 bu an amond amend tnent miiHM meetlng whleli -will be ml dreased by Honater Cebpiltt, ex-Attorney General l'almer, the chulriuuii of theataln eommlttee, and Jehn V. NlchelN, of Illi nois. Concert and Hoclatile. Ijast evening the Iinc.iNter Mn'iinrrcher gave a concert uud soclable in their hall and the attendance n as very large. The crew d was ene of the largest that has been In at tendance at it similar atftiir for aome time, but the Heplo were well repi'ld ler going, s everybody enjoyed themselves. AhuhuuI the concert tixik place first, and it was highly enjoyable, livery number was. well given, and the porferincrM received great applause. The progniiiime was as fellow h: OrchMtm " Hy tlm MlHxUnlpiil," iC, Ah ,.) IIYestTliniiArtMlne,"(l,.AIit,) II. K tmiltt. "HlorneHluJ SlIiucIkpihIe HIikiI, IUI.IvIh.i J. Hfflbert, II. Ottlinfcr, V. Kclbe rt, V. VnttT. " OchelinnlKi' (C. lietiinniin.) Orchwtm " Muln Hchimpln,'' (Ilesctmiltl.) "I)er Atiemthlinmel," ((Inulir.i H. Hcliiultt, H. Ollhefrr, W. Wehlkcn, f. Vuttcr. " OoeiMlyc.Hnecllmirt.." (llntten.) J. Hclucrt. " 11 Llcbe Wacht," (C. VIUt.) Orchestra. After the concert the floors ere cleared, and dancing was kept up until early this morning. It Mas a grout night for the Meenuercher uud their friends. Herbre Aldurmaii Spurrier. Reuben llntten, -who van nriestisl while very drunk and begging last w eek, was sent te Jail for 80 days yesterday artor arter artor tieon. Kate and llenry Ttlnuly have been held te answer nt h hearing the charge of drunken and disorderly conduct and as sault and battery en Mary Tshudy. Geerge Schatim went Inte the saloon of J. A. Kprenger, en l'rince stroet, last even ing. He called for a drink but the bar tender did net think he as In condition for ene. He refused te sell te him und lie raised a big row. As Mr. Sprenger Keeps a quiet place that kind or conduct did net suit him. He had Kcliuuiu arretted and held for a hearing. Cupltl In it lM'lutlliK Olllce. Mr. Ivd. F, Hulluagle, i-omjiehitur en the iNTKLUaKM'UH, lulS SUCClllllbed til Ilia darts of Cupid, and taken unto himself u v ife. Tlie happy young l.uly he w ill abate his fortunes wan Miss Clam Is. Hcrzeg, daughter of Mr. Jacob Hcrzeg, or iiist Frederick street The knot was tied en Sunday, by Itev. i:iin Houpt, mid yes terday " Hutlle" and his bride took u abort weddlug trip. The beat lalma of a host of friends w HI fellow the young couple en their voyage through llfe te tce " whether " marriage is a failure. " llie htone Crukher'h Iti'tueval. A meeting of tlie atreet committee uas held laet evening te open the proKsalste utove the stene crusher from Its present i place of location farther up the hill. The ujuaers nere Jehn Heat and Charles iff Bcuwebel, but tlie committee was net a.itia- fled with either. They tlilnk they catt de the work cheaper themselves and they Pixfnted a eommlttee lu hiiierlntend the removal. Helicon UKita, lst tight the drama " iteaeeu Ughta " ls pirented In Fulton opera house. Tim udlence as Hinall, but the pw)ple who were net preaent missed a treat. Tim uv i which has made a hit m heret cr preseutdd' jj ta very geed, and last night'ii uinieuy nwiniuugiiiiuiijjuuui, .llllOllgllld llCOple -ar J. Hay Ceas.ir us Ghurlt Jfutllru. n.i,.ii b. WUIiams as Oel. tVey Oilliemi, Miss Jes0 WtUlums as Ciarley Unynat, Anna Uel Uel went as Oniric Qulheun Ac. ) The Rata Made tlie Nolae. At ntUlulght en Monday Olllwr Heas Mard'a ueise in Gempf 'a grocery Mere WteireT Walnut streat and Arch allev.unil k awmnioued Olllcer Heiaa te avdUt hi in ! wakUur a vearch. Mr. Gemnf wn iikeud, the building thoroughly but no intruders were found. i ewioJttjkSeo reached was that the n is i by rata. V . TnADB IX TOtlACCO. t,UUe Mustnes" In Either the Jxcal or Distant Markets. The local tobacco market has liccn very didl,the jast week About 100 rases it ere sold In smalUets by city dealers. Tetwccb Is still being received at a Tew or the ware houses. Nearly ull orthe buyers have withdrawn from the Held for the present. They may return vhen the tobacco iu fanners' hands Is efferetl at lower prices than new held. As an illustration of the dlflcrcnce In the prlce of tolsicre when the season oiencd SkllesiVI'rey light tlie wst week two crops of tobacco at 1- and 15 cents tr pound. Fer these same crops ffii cenla jcr pound were ollercd liofero tlie Christmas holidays. Tlie Sew Yerk Mnrket. Kretn the Tolwcce IjvixT. There Is little lobe said of the market this week, only that there is a llttle mere demntid for tobacco than Iu the previous week. Several out-of-town buyers ere here selecting from the small stock left In our market. 1SS7 Onondaga and 1M7 Pennsylvania seed leaf vere sold In small lets, nfse ether kinds, but business ran be reisirtcd dull. While the trade In general Is quiet 111 Havana several of otirliniairlershavedono a -s-ery MtlMiictery business during the past week. AbetittKX) bales worn scild at prices ranging rrum fl.iJS te $1.10. Prices remain linn. Only a retail business Iu .Sumatra has been dene hlncoeur last rctmrt. Huyeis say they will continue te puirliaae In small quantities until inn new crop arrives, jim tlie chances ure that, no matter hew geed tlie new tobacco may lie, inaiiufniturers will prefer te work old goods for sonie tinie te ceme, as was the rnse last jcar. 11 Is certain that all iroed tobacco of the old crop will be wanted befere the new Is lit te 1m iiuinlpulatisl. The sales fei the past week were 'Jxi bales at J1.U0 te fl.76. .1. S. tliiiiM' Seu's Repert. Sales of accil leaf tobacco rew)tt(l by J. S. Hans' Sen, tnbietsi broker, Ne. 131 Water at reel, New York.tbrlhe weekending April 29, 1889: W cases 1W)7 I'euusyU aula iliiMinn p. t. ; ISO inses ias(l-7 I'ciinsylva nla aeeil leaf nt Aft! Mr.; 100 cases 1887 atate HiiMiiia, nt 1.1iinr ISO cases. IM7 Wisconsin Havana a) 10f!l'( fiO cases IW7 New Knglaud Havana at HQSOej 100 cases Ih-sfi Dutch, p. t.; 150 cases ainiclrlcn 5(:iOc. Total, 1,150 cases. I he Philadelphia Market. l'rein tliuTotincce Ir. 'llie past week, with lis holiday, has added coiiHlilerabio toward Hid aggregate amount el dull business. Cigar nianiilae nianiilae turersnre very dull, bunce their wants nrn limited, li.xcuaiiges aiming dealers have ceasisl, from the want of desirable stock. The bulk of the niiroscti(atleser tlie leaf inteiest me Idle, ae fat as sales nroron nreron nroren cernod, and their iillunlleii is turned te the selecting of erens or 1S8S Air fulure use idler tlie natural sweating process. The leaf meii'hants generally centemplate a bright future, us (hey nay that the stock new In sleie, or te be received, rails short of Ihu iiHuul supply by soventl thousand cases, l'rkus ure lirm, with u strong ten dency te gradually advance the grade of It's. Sumatra It sells, but it is new expected te be faultless something exceedingly rare In cigar leaf. UrlKliliuws In business would co or iv multltmle of funky lcucs. HiiMiiia Net qlille se icady u aale. Net ortlielcss it 1i;ih (he first call. ItrnTlpts for the week 107 cases Cenner, tlcul, 'its cases l'eiinsvlvaiiia, K) discs Ohie, OOcases l.lltle Uulcli'i l!H) cases Wisconsin, lOiascs Yerk stale, Ki bales Sumatra, 1S!H bales HaMiiiu, and 132 hhds Virginia and Wcstei n leaf tobacco. Siles allow the fellow lug: SO cases Cen neeth ut. 4 19 raises I'nuiiavivanla, 'J c.iscs Ohie. .'I! ruses Mltle IMllih, li51 cases Wis cousin, 7- cases Yuk slate, 8- b.iles Su liiatia, 1H1 liali'H Havana, mid 15 hlidsnf Western leaf tobacco Iu transit direct te uiiiiiiifacturcrs. 4 ili'iintcil liy the ItcirlMcf. The following letters wem giauted by theieglster of wills ler the weekending Tuesday, April ISO : Tksiamkxtahy tlcorge Klehl, nr.,dn ckimsI, late el I'cnn tnwinlilji ; .laiie Kichl, l'eiin, and Henry ICiclil, Manheliu tow nshlp, executers. David llurly, deceased. Inte of ltaphe township; Mm tin U (Jrcliler, lliqilie, exoeiiter. Kllas M. Htmiller, deccascsl, late or IMen township; bjdia Ann Stauirnr, Kdcn, executrix. AiiMiMHTiiATieN. - Martin A. Kendlg, deceased, Inte el f'oiicstegu low nslilp ; D.tvld tl. Kendlg and David (ieml, Couos Ceuos Coues tugit, and Datlil Kendlg, West Uiuipeter, iiduilulhtiaters. Margiuet Iterder, deceasisl, late of Ijiii caNlurcIti ; Charles (1. It.iteH, city, adiiiln adiiiln Istrater. Anna M. Hartmull, deieasiHl, Inte of Warwlik low nshlp j T. Jell" llartianll, Waiw IcU, iidmluiNtrater. Dinhl i;. llehrer, diveascsl, late of Mau hcilii township; 1,11jiln'tli Heliicr and A. lamdls lteluer, .Mauheini township, ad uilulatratiirs. Mary Ilyus, dtss;.iscd, lute of West HemiitUild; A. C. Ilyus, .Mnnlielni town ship, adiuinistratei. Jacob Mjerw, deceasinl, late of West lleuipllcild township; Jamb 11. Mteia, .Muner, administrator. Itlue Crotts Couiiiiniiilery 1'nlr. On Saturday evening the following articles were eled for; the successful can didates were: Jus. Setls, bicycle; David Smeltz, breach leading shotgun ; Isaac Asten, bed room suit ; Win. Heading, geld headed umbrella ; Miss Kmiiia Kcperliug, ladies geld watch; Thea. l.utz, taigct rille; Mis. Urspiung, wicker ns-kiug chair; 1'hillp (lln, hanging lamp; Miss Annie Geed, chamber set; J. A. Helllngcr.Iishliig tackle. The billowing articles wete ihauced oil lust evening: Fancy clock, Miss Annie Andersen Ne. 29 ; fancy cake, Samuel Geed Ne. 103; ladles tollet casn, W. A. Seiber Ne. 21 ; handseme plush cushion, Mis Kutie Hunter Ne. 1 ; smokers' outfit, Miss Ida lleng Ne. t!3. The fair will be contlnued during the cntlte week. Unites! Mates .Iiiceih. The following fieni lmiaistcr county have been chosen juiuis for the United Stales dlstilct court beginning en May 20th In Philadelphia ; tiiaud, bindley it. Swill ; H'llt, KihraimS. Heet erand Wm. O.Miu sliall. T'liu Cur's llniiKer. It is rrKiitisl fieni St. Petersburg that iu addition te ictoliitienai v jmuiphleta, ineu-a-ing biters h.ive been found en the ear's table. In consequence of compromising dlseet cries allcctlng the chlels el the aecict police, M. Poiitlline, the head of that de jiattmeut, and aeveral high etllccis hate been dismissed. Prompt Payment. Uight days age Jehn I. llartiniui flled a claim far 81,000, the iiiueunt of Ufa insur insur ance en the Inte Charles 1 Klieriuaii, In thu Coune. Mciil Mutual cenquiiy. 1'ildayhe ret eit edit check far the amount, with ,2 additional as an advauce prniiiium. A ltolle of the War. Jcsae Nye hasaiclle in the ah.qe or a lillnle ball with whlclihettas wetuubdat Getijaburg. It passed through his right leg, and coining out et the Inside, fell into his beet. Drunk uud HckkIiik. William McCauley, arrested en Monday for drunkenness and begging, has been committed by Alderman llulbadi te prison for a hearing. DiiuiiiKeil llyillgh 'Wiiter. The heavy rains of last wick laised the t'ouchteit cick aevcr.il feet, and the dam at Ucnjjiniii Welter's mill, near Church tow u, w as w ashed aw ay. Died at IteniliuB. Mrs. Kate A. Ilrcncniaii. adopted dauRh tcr or Jehn M, Wanu, of Ittadlng, died en Monday, aged 21 years. Tw brothers n" aiding in l-mcastcr county, aurt it e. The remains will be burled lu I.anci..ter county. ' A Dozeii Outlnith Capturvd, Twelve of the gang tt he hate been de. predating near McClcllandlew n, In Favette county, Pa., have been raptured, thev t ere surrounded and captured by a aheriifi 7-x.se of forty men, and were taken te Semeieet vn Monday and letljjed iu jail. ARRESTS RY THE VOLKK. Twe Men Sent te .Tall Twe Couple Joined In Wedlock. Cei.umma, April 30. James Masen, charged by Uriah Milllmrn with the lar ceny of f5."ft, uni discharged bjv Justice. F,vans. Tlie prosecutor failed te tnake out his ease, but did stlbstantinte a charge of drunkenness and disorderly retiditdt Masen' n sontence Mas ten days In Jail, Win. Turner, arrested by Constalde tVlt tlck, assaulted that elllcer, and Injured his wrist by biting It. He get ,20 days In Jail, and will In addition I hi required te answer charges of mat hem and resisting an effl 'or. Jehn Feehllnger and Miss Annie Shaller were married this morning at Trinity Catholic, church, and Samuel McDonald and Miss Mary Itclnhart this artcrnoeii by Itev. J. 11. Diirmstetter, bishop McGetern, of Harrisburg, and Jacob Teme, the Pert Deposit millionaire, visited Columbia te-day. The loeal dairymen have reduced the prlce of new milk te 0 cents, skim milk te t cents and cream te 10 cents per quart. . . THK SEAStIN OPJUNH. Ijtneoster's First Giime Te-dnj- Cubiui Giant te Come To-iner row. Te-morrow aflomeou at 4 e'rliK;k the championship ueaaen of the Middle Stales Kcagna of ball clubs will ewulu Uuteastcr when the home club and the Cuban Giants will engage lu a battle. The visiting club Is the strongest colored organization In the United Stales. It Includes Grant, who haa few if any superiors lit lug itsast n md Imkc maii; Stovey, tlie loll linnd pitcher : the Williams brothers and ninny ethors. They am a wonderful let of players and hat e been at work en the diamond nearly all winter. ' Te-day the Ijiucaster club is playing Its llrsl game as we go te press. As it is a holiday the crowd Is tcry large. At Ilroeklyn this morning the home club defeated the llaltlmercs by 5 te J. A Man's Narrow Jcnpe. This morning a man w he w as a stranger lu the city, made a narrow escape from bJlng killed by the cars of llie Pennsylva nia rnlliead at the Market street crossing, Just west or the station. He was stalling it rldu en u western lien nil height and jiuujicd oil at this ciessiiig, He stumbled en te the south track mid fell a sheit distanceln front of u eiigluelhat was going east. J. A. Hellingor and another man who saw him ran te his rosnie mid pulled him fiem thu (nick iu limn In save his life. Chariretl Vftli rerjreryf I'iclliiiid Dcnliiiger, u jeung man who keeps a Heur and (cod stoie en Vine street, was arrested last evening en u charge of fergery, and wasieuiiulttcd far a hearing befere Alderman Iken. It is alleged that he obtained 500 from C. 11. Kline, esq., by forging the naine of his brother, Jacob M. Deiilluger, te ujudgmeiitbend. I.niieiiHti-liiiis III tNeW Yerk. Theio Is n gieal tush le New Yolk te attend the centennial. At tlie tick) t olllce of llie Pennsylvania lull read one hundred and Iwenty-lltn thlccts woie sold slnee Saturday and that number of ljaucastrlun are yet ever seeing the sights, Hedden Dentil. A Icleplione message ti us nceited this nfleinoen by Alderman Hailuich that n Irainp fell dead near Witmer Station. The coroner went out te lnnwllgate the mattei. PremlscMl Te De llelter. The suits for surety of llie petit e brought against Geerge Hcisler,ef Heaver street, by his wife, and aister-ln-law at Alderman Hallmch's tteie withdrawn tills ahorneoii and tlm costs paid. He premised te de better In the future. round a 1'ull I'oclutlmelt. Yesterday Itobeit Hair, et Yeik I'limace, found en thu liiiin between Yetk .md Columbia it pockethook eent lining (112. Hogave It le Juki Kepner, condiiilerof Ihutriiin, whoiiiieiwaids found the owner en the train between Columbia and Lai.. caster. The owner was lieni Yeik. Twe I'isitl v Owls, Twe tery beaiitllill owls, which were com eyed te the Zoelogital garden, In Philadelphia, ami came Irem Hiidgoteii, Pa., iiltraeted a great deal or attention at theP.lt. H. station this foieneoii. They airitnlat ene o'clock and Iclloulhetuo e'clH.'k train fai Plilladclphla. A lau-Kii Kirtr. Chatles Merz, who hoi at lilt West Oiaiige street, brought an eg te the Inti.i,- lauf.M'i.uollUe, last miming, that miikeI great size. It measured H liicben at its greatest clreuintereucc, mid tl) at Its least. Its weight was IJ ounces and it tins laid byacoiunien-sized whlte Hraliuia lieu. Visiting; Olllelnls. Ilecerdci Geerge O. Pleiie, el Phlhidel phla, and his cjiicr deputy, Jeseph IC. riatcher, me in the oily te-day us the guests of Hecoidei H. I.. Iteinheld. They were rnteitaincd by hiiii nt dinner and returned home en this afternoon's train. Alley Run Oier. A little son el August Peters was playing iu the stieet nt lai-.t King and Mlddle ht reels yesterday afternoon when he was run eter by the horaeand buggy el u coun ceun tiyinan. He was net seriously 'hint and is about us usual te-day. A t olei-tsl Tight, Tire little darkeys engaged iu a prizo prize llghl just iu the rcarel Miller A Harlinan's giwery Ibis alleiuoeu. They dreit it l.uge creud and the jieeplem uletiieiuu splendid ring. Thtiy fought aeveral jeundsii itlieut iulerfetcnce, and ene lnd un ugly lump under his e.t e. .Ne Limit! lu the local about the Witmer heiue in last etching's jupei it was ainUiltii.it the contribution feu was one dollar. It should hate statist that it was the lowest lontribu lentribu lontribu tleu lee, us there is no limit le It. A Ite.i 1'nnil.wed. AValter Shcrtz, u liule aen of Jacob Slnirtz, was stricken with paialtsis last et cuing ami one entire aide of his bed v w i-s alb-cted. About a ycir age the boy met w lth an accident and never fully iccbt ereil from it. lMgoen ri.llOK. II. HreucMiian, station agent at Quarry ville, left 2." carrier iiigeens faose this nioin niein lug te ily te lainreister far ptuctice. A Might Accident. 'Ibis morning the burr camu eir the j.0 ojeno or miner's large li eight wagons en Nerlh Queen stieet lusu Onuign. Tlie axle loll down but theie was no daiuuge. Muite an Assignment. Abraham M. tilbble, of Ml. Jey town, ship, assigned his preiH-rty for the hnneilt ofcreditersto Jehn I'leutz, eriVnn lewn- anip. - A New Superintendent, llemy Cain, the new siipeiiiilcndenl of Ihu Iiucaster watch factory, who is te hike the place of A. Hitner, will go en duly ,H morrow. The fuiteryis closed down till., afternoon. Curl Itesii Dies, Ix)Mie.v, April 3t. Carl Ilevt, the well known liliihii-al dins ter, is ilead. Ha died Iu Pari", whither he had gene te attend the Ilalluu opera. iiuIjIIc for ears, ana U proneuncea hy tlnu. auiUuiperler te nil ether articles ter tlic" uS ?erl,Xim'f0l,U',nm,trra' nm,u11 PehnSwry rJ.u'! abetlen Oil for rhnunatl.in In the U-c .niKl attr etrl oppllrutleS trasemlrllv rillcica of jjjihi nn.l .-eul'd Malk a. wJli a" itVr AhWJI. W.YlKUMi, llaltluwK, MdT tMctnrtrtrtc. HcrrwAOLK- -Iltnzoe.-Atrll Mth, lf. or i. it .. .,.... .... . , sir. riiw. k. nnrr- nngle and Mli Clara Ullerzeg, both of thlt .city. . , ltd i iT I H.a-! qwsr: pcrtlltB. IttTTlt April a, MO, Francis ItuUi, In tlie 72(1 jcurefliln asc The rtlatltciiaiKl rrfHidx are resrclfully In vited te al tenet tlicfunrrnl, nt his late mlilcne, rorneref Mullictry imj Jninm stritonWcd stritenWcd nstdny nfternueti nil o'clock. Interment at Iincaktrr ermctrry. lid tcn .buctritBCiucute. IWcjLUTELY rUHK. ROYAL BAKING POWDER. rplllHpeivdcr ni-ver varlfi. A tnartel of pu JL rlty, atrriiKth ami wIioIcaeiih iics.. Mem" eroneiiilc.nl than Ihn enllnnry Jtliul, and (sin (sin (sin iiotheseld In rouqirtltleti Willi tlie multitude of low lest, atmrt weight, alum or ih.hiitft powders, fmlil only In com. HeVAI. IlAKl.NU rewiiEii Ce., 100 Wall Mrcet, New Yerk. niar21-ll&lyw 7rX"ci:NTHWH.I. IIUY A QUAItTlK S-jiar-eM ItVK WHISKY, tlie qunllty eMvhlch cannot ImmvimmIiiI for llie iiieikm, ItOIIUKHHLltitTOllHTOlli:, Je. V2 Centre b"re, lmcaster, I'a. WOIIK WANTIII) HY A .MlI)l)l.1AGi:i) Inilv. Heuse cleaning or wiikIiIiik. A ply at OjJ Poplar HtrccU lid OTICB-MltH. fWIHA SCIIWIDK, . 1 . hvih -..u .. I..-, ,,,in II IllUt I.I ITUUI ..If. 10 West KlnaslreettiiN'e. M.1HI. Jnwnli nirmt. below Kllhvrt, wlicrcslie will be phased tout, lend te all who inuy mill her acrvh es. iilMnid TfT;NTtYm,AKriis;iti:PAiti:l) te 1 1 make le outer at abort notice any kind of turnltiiiit for hou.eoroltlic Hard weed work a specialty, lepainni; or nirnitiire ncstly done. tJll Mill luMciinu lu all Its itennrtiiiniils JIKNUY HLAUOII. lilin-nindTinVHIt lil lJlKtdriintHtrect. iin: CAititY Tin: laikji-ht mtdi-i. n Y I'lis-s and Kine HmektiiK Tubiu coin the clly. w ikhIvii l'liTiatficnnd lUr. each. (Icnu- llie .Mi-ernciiaiini riiies in -ie. earn. lesiitav. nirli. DK.MUTIIH CIIIAll Hrelti:, nl9 tfdlt 111 liist KlugHtrec't. A I COIIANN A NOWLKN, MERCHANT TAILORS, abyiltl ISO NOllTIl QUKIIN BTItLlTT. iruii0Lm:sri.ieN and mia7Ui:ni)a V Cluiirs, De eltars, nru hand ninde w It li Ieiik Clear lint una I llirs,M'siiui KMsIhixps. IJLMUlH'H ClOAlt HTOlti:, als-tfdlt IU liiit King Htreel. QIIHAKKKIIH LIciUOU STOHL', 15 CLNTRli PURE RYE WHISKY. My owiiUUtlllatleii. scpl5-tfd B OAItDINl? IKMWkTeH HLNTr INUHN INUHN INUHN troefclty. All reiivpnlenrca. Apply te HAUa.MAN A HUHSh. . Inmniiiee ABciitu, n27-2tdlt 10 West Oiiuire HI root. 17IOH PtJM.r.YH, HH.MTINO, COU.AHH, I1 Illlllgels, Clllllljl Hexch, Coupliims.ctc.iie te jeii.v fu'r, jut Sum miten hi cot. Iii3-tfd N once (le. V. Hull, i'hns A. Lec'lur, .1. II. ICatiltiiiiiu, II. .V. Hii) ill r, CIiiik. J. Hliulmjpr. It. II. Cixlmui, A. A. Hull nv. . Hllhlej J. P. Leiiu'uh. en, H. It. Herr, 11.11. H0II1I111. H. II. .McClcery, Are Itecemmcndlng and Belling Wild Flower Bequot Toilet Seap. rpO PAIILNTS. Mtfera full eoiiiie In llie Kejstone riu.liie-. CoIIeko. Te lest the merit and inothisler liu pi'ithiK 11 prarlhal lliislnci. r.diiratlen, ilslt this hiHllluttiiu uud Jiuli;e for yourself. The only Uiialucas Cellose that ihs'i tench Hook Heok Hoek KeopliiK priictlciillr. W. I). M()Wi:it, ITlncipiil, 10 herth tiiuen ijtnel, LnnuMci, Vn. tfdA.iv N,u,:- Wiilt A Miami,! Willlamxeii Pester, .1. II M10 tin i Ce., Attrlch llre'., J. Hairy Siniiuij, P.C. Slivdei A- llre, ..Marllii llre... AiIiImi the UaeOrauilawii Wild Flower Repd Toilet Seap. wimirMANUP.cTUiii:iis TROUT & SHANK, Bhlrt Maiiiir.ii'turcrsaiid Ocnfs OullHtci, W North IJ own Mrcet. Hest iiulaiuuirled shlit In tlie city fi prlre, X74 and ft) cents, laiiudi led at) and T3rciit. Our ou 11 make, btiiulueilied luiltonliele., iinlmui iinlmui drled 7.r) cuuta, lauuihhil SI.ne. Made toentor til) In f.'.(ii). rinuiiel Slid IN) ruits te WOO. Mnite te order from fJ.'JS te fl ft), 'lliernughly ahnmlc. J niarS4-I)ilR T'oeicopt ren moth. - piidsi:iivi: J teurSr.il Hkln Cisils, mill n (!hh1n and lursbj pultlnu tliini In Antl-.Meth IliiKi. A certain ami sum protection. I'er sule only nt COt'HItAN'h UltlHl HTOIti:, Ne. 117 A I.W North Queen 8t., Ijincastrr, Pa. Alse In larKO stia-lc, u I1UI1 1 will soil at bottom prices. Campher, Caiiiphoriue and Tar li'r iiiihiiiiiiiu-ii; mini; 10 'ieseriocieinin4 irem .1101111. 'iu,ih,sn F AID I FAIR! FAIR! or- Blue Cress Oemniandcry, Ne. 5, K. G. E. A larire let of Kniiey Articles for sole cheap and te be rhiiiinil oil. .Ne aolicltliigef eies nlleuisl. All holders of tickets will hate a chance te draw the ahliheurd ut do-eeffalr Hatiirdat.May I. Adiiibslen, 10 cents. .Music eteryeieuliiff. iiCW-lt(t V" c.en:7" UNDERTAKER, nNeilh Qui en strn-l I nuinuwprepiiiiHlient. tend te all orders In mi line, ,eid will i;lem personal ntlimtluii te die husliuus at all tiuii. I am pn-imnil tniirescrie bslleib embiiluiluK llieni or Willi cold sir, as mui Isi desliml. , , . A. c. lteri:. a.T-lnul Ne. M) North Qiuen htnvl. r 1 ivn y wei.p, FURNITURE STORE, lm. n moved te 13(1 Ijiit King ktrrct.hiriliieu lull line or rurulturc of et eiy dccrlptlen at tlie lowest prlu. Alse I'ndertakliiK promptly at teinteit te. foil mill exninlne our eiKxt.. as-lfdll II. WOI.P, 1J VmiI KIiik Hlieit. Air"0 KNOWS? Wl 111) klll,Uri rlllll 11 rlt. ' til ,i V lirltiir f.irt l Men, we don't, and ae weinuvns well be pre pared Ter It, It may he 11 geed .Uimtlen te the lOUUL:ludv or L-l tltfi.lii.iii finmprli- .itiuUO.Hl t.. tut it. .11 This or course Impllei n ThoreiiKh Course of Iustriiellen at sonie liistltittlen tluil has mil mil leriiil.i Blicn Millsfiictlun rer tlie iut light J ear.. IhoI,ANiKTi;iUH'BINFSCOL!,i:ai:dera net held out rluuii'r rules n ludiircmeiil tti cuter, tint u course of tridului: net cACvllisI hi mi). Term, llbrrul. II. C. WKIDI.PJt, Principal. S" siLAM. Ve desln te call the iitti'iitlen of continue efMitmii (iiNsUiiitd iaiKiueers' huppllts, te our larireaud tnrledsUs'k of I'lis-'k, VaUes, Cooks, Midlejitile iiikI Cut Iren t'iltliiKs, A)cstes, Vnlnilx'ilen nod 1'hililiirlml, tiluvl, PUteu and Vulie Puekhii;i; Sisileh und lti-d I.llle Hi lloct llect liiB iiaiiKelllasseii, Meum ItiulliiterK mill htuen Hiatlns; Apimrnttis; het uud Cap Sereitk.aud lu f.nt ulinesl eier.ithlut; retiulred by aieum iiH'rs, and all of which we elhr tit prices whlih we Kimnintee te bu loiter than tliu.e of any ether dealer In this lelull y. ttuliiite lHltlely tlm largest ktisk, and lie- Ills" 1 01111C1 ml with tlie lileplieu ure iri mud lorccelicuud llfl all icleplione l.xellunge. lerdira In the nherlcst lsjsslbletliiu'. When In want of uny. Hung ill our line, chii 011 us ler prices ami we will ioiinIihe you of our utilltly uud Milling liesi lo.Hicyeu Meney, Delay and VcxhIIeh, Our taUltllcsfer furiilnlilng KiikIhes, Hellers, Hl.attlii),'. 1'ullets. llaiiccra, hpeelul Machinery, Pliuubtn.' mid tiu 1 ItlciV Toels, l'jiltiriu, MisliU.uml Iren and llraiss CusIIuki, and for Ibe prompt repair of ull kind of iiiaudiii r. ure unexcelled lu Ijmcuncr. uud tm ruiectfully solicit a share of j ear putreuasr. Central Machine Works, 131 4 IiaNOIlTIICHIUnTIANBTltKET, Ivncastkh, Pa. Gissl Werk, IteaKin.ible ClllirBCs, Prompt Prempt iwtt. Ttlrpheue couucctlen, dS-tfdll -ILOTHINO. HHGER St BROTHER. - 1 CLOTHING! CLOTHING! A LAltOL INCHEAUK OK BUBIN1WH H MEETING OUH EFFOIITH TO FURNISH Perfect Fittixifir, 1RTell-M:ad.e Cletliiziff , IN STYLIHH ANDHEKVICEAHI.K MATEHIAtiH, AT Lewest Possible Prices for Reliable Clothing, Men's Spring Suits! EtcrlltntAllAVtwlClictlotHuIt'.aeodHtylca, t (A und tjt a-tyllsh ChiTletn and All-Weel Canlmere f-.ultintlie. Finn All-Weel Bilk-Mixed Casslmrre 8ultnt 12. Fine Hatr-Certt Casslmore Hulls, Gray Ht) leu, a1artt for HiiIiiem Wear, at 112. Hlyllnh l'lald Casslmere Hulls at 111. Finest Cnsslmerc Hult, Htyll.h KfTecU, at f IS. Hulidseinn niack Wale Dlnirenul Coats and Veil, Htyllnh Trousers le match, at 118. I lnallluckCerkicrsir Hulls at III and 117. Fine lilnck Uouble-Brcnstcd Frcck Hulls at IIS. HAGER & Nes. 25, 27, ClethtitQ. M AIlTlNUnOS. Fer Ijirce IJejs erHmall, for Old Men or Yeunir. We liican there shall be nethlni; between llil store and head head qUHrter for chelcn te filcasc, and nrlce te chiirni, and nualtly that trill rnr In Choice te Please Price Te Charm ! Men s, neys' and chllilreirs llutllts. A hotter Hutt rer J.I.JW for Htmill Heys than TT lyeiric irebably been sccIiir, uet ier ine it am runs nil tnreiiQ riots of Heis' Hulls tee J 100. !3 UO.Sd OH. J7.0U and u am runs :;.v) 10 iiu iu aru tee ririce neunuarics tlml utbe tirlru hein Ui this liljr display of llttle Hei s' Stilts, Hoe tlie liciv thlnus In ClillJrenVlvItU umin tiUO. Heys' fast IUuckHinu2 nalri Sc, and geed ho-e3vilr,2.)C, We Hroselllnp: agents for the "Star" Waist. The "Star" occupies the top place aiueni;Mnlsts for lit and tlnlxli.imd costs no mere limit tlie ordinary. It Is only that jioeplo iiiuke them iihn liest iiiiilerstand ivalst-mnklnc. Ourivalst prices rantxcSTic., Sic., 00., and up, iJlncu, percale and ll.iunel. Ill tr llejs' Hulls In all the popular st lei H.OO te f 15 00. Men's Mutts, fur jeiuni? men oreld, ai neat or as fiiueyus the taloef men deinund, SS.lX) in JAI.UU Ter ptire ull wool. Custom department complete. A big wither Imt or styles for jour chelcn, and iterkuutiibhlp, Aland price that mImiijh limit favor. MARTIN BROS, Clothing, Tailoring and Furnishing Goods, NOJ. 2(1 AND 28 NORTH QULLN STHKET. -lyiLLIAJlhON & 1 ObTL'K. Pass the Werd ALONG THE LINE. Tholiilliiiahleirortli el u MitMlul patron Is or mere value tens than ull the Nteudt, shout 1 1 IK In the iieiispupers. eni hi;liahlk READY-MADE CLOTHING! Has s cured a lasthiK reputation for Superior Quality, Perfect Fit and Lew Trice. flout' Uread Wale Werst.sl Ceals and Vests. Heis' lJrissCiituua.i Ce.it Hulls, J10 lejlfi. Chlldn-u'N Knce l'liutHultsIn rancyCholet, rii te i).(ii). Children's Tlie l'lece Kilt Skirts Sl.W, fS.(X), Klrlrt Waists, 20c., 2ec., 500. n 3 Special Hats 1st. A lilnck Weel HUM Hat for 7.V.; north 1 1. 2.1 A lilnck I'ur bllirilal, lieht ttilRlit, for .l A Lliiht Colored Weel Htm Hal for Jl.Olflfc same stj le us J2.W and $3.l Hats. T tiiitn Mkitinc our stere don't full te i si tour Underwear Department, Wlicru iioareshonliiKall the lateitnei cities In Undirtiiiiral prices that can't he beat. Min's rmicr Htrlca IIiilbrlBBiin Hhlrtsund Drawtrsntfl.OOeaih. Men's Ficneli l)alhrl:g.iu hhlrtfc uud l)ra vn is at .5e and Jl.cM laeli. ilen's riiiu While Ltslc Thread Hhlrls uud Dr.iMersnt l..rueh. Men's l'lne UiiltirlKKaii hhlrtsund Uruiiersat i each; ury ijoed iiuallty Men'sOnuzeiinil UalbrlSKan BlilrtfiSiul Druw ers ut 2.V., "iSc. und feo. , specialty inuile of extra ultra, Inducements in Shoes. One of the L-ii iiIekI liiilm eni, iii in lu. i,,wiin riHittirar nlll be found In ourbheoDopartnuut leuths' kliecsin llntten and I.iicent only Wlc. AKea nlce Ladles' Shee at the sumo prhe. Wc also carry a Man's llutr Ijhe Mioe stiltable for dress at only 81.10. llarKHlns! Kslraerdluary bargain.. lt-.18 KAbT KINO BT., LANCASTLlt, TA., AM) iiiHMAiiuin'Hntr.UT. iiAHKimitjne. ia. TJOOK I)i:rAIlTMR,T. "LIFE OF E, GREENWALD,' I'oetprlnts or HU I.16, tosether with hU Earliest Lfiteut and Latest Discourses. BY REV. C. ELVIN HAUPT. Fer Bale by the Tubltsher, G. L. F0N DERSMITH, 1 L'AKT ICIXtl faTlUJCT, LANCASTER. PA. 9-l'HICi:. H.Oll. niJJ-tfd t rEimh uoeic hteiii "SOWING AND REAPING. Tin: Ni:v Sun'dav Scheel Music Heek. (Hy J. 1 1. KuiYtinknabu.) It is decidedly the Neatest Boek with the Best Selection of Music ever published. Sample copy, by mail, 35c. Price per dozen, $3.60. L. B. HHRR'S BOOK STORE, iamsen & Fester, 53 North Queen Street. ujls-l) d Stew eerticment ALL OUR OWN MAKE.) Attract Cfi dren's filethintl Urey Plaids and Blrlpe Hlyles, I2J0 and W.50. Rellnbla Cnstlmrre and Chovlet Butts, Nobby Styles, l, II.V), J3, J3.S0 and la. Beys' Steckinette Suits ! rialu and Fancy Uralded Styles at j 00 and W.00. BROTHER, 29, 31 lSTest T HE PEOPLES CASH STORE. -OUH EKTIlti: STOCK 01'- Reduced te RE7VV:E7rTBER, Our French Satlnes nre FHENCII. Many or the se-called French Hatinesarc Ameri can und Neter sold ter mom than 25 cents lu any market. This mlc ofOenuluo Treiich Satlnes may lust but a few days and may continue longer, but te be ou the snre side, we ndvlte customers te buy new. Don't ivult j thli opportunity muy net long be offered. We. B ANicnurr I'hiclh. NEiAZ: RND CHOICE DESIGNS We nre offering a large variety of the Choicest and Richest Designs in the Latest Novelties and Staples of the BEST MAKES FRENCH SAT1NES at the unprecedented prices of 19 CENTS PER YARD. FINe DRBSS GOODS. . !" I!U!r?5. JJEV.J'J?? . V.t hat n some orthe best and cheapest geed In the city. A :helcc .NO VKLT V H1DK HANDS and latest colerlnss In Hl'HINll l'ATlKIlVi. ' Carpets at Bankrupt Prices. our siex'k ercAiirnTS iem The l'HICE-S .no BLLUW MAN nenr future, buy new und sue money, Rememlier, All Goods Are Xlie FliiladLelpliiaL Stere, 6 AM 8 NORTH QUEEN STREET, mnrJU.ijd.Vw -j-EXT IOOH TO Till: COL'HT IIOCHi:. -AS.SC)ltT.Mi:NTOF Ladies' Spring US Till: .MUST COMl'LCTi: IX THK CITY, Comprised of C)uclcs,btilcsandI'hiliUorcterydo-l;ii. lllack Hteeklnetln Jackets a fnucliilt- Wc hate Ju-t opened a Hpeclally IIIr llargaln lu Jacki ts ut S2.U0; north rally (1.00 mere. Jerejs In tlreut Variety at V"ry Lew Trices. Alse, a Geed Assortment of Ladles' Wraps. FAHNESTOCK'S, Nes. 35 and 37 East King Street, - Lancaster, Pa. UCTIOJf SALECAHI'CTH. HETZGEH & Brussels Carpets fkem Tin: Great Auction Sale in New Yerk! Metzger & Haughman's CHEAP STORE, 38 and 40 West King Street, Lancaster, Pa. NOS. (oi'i'esrn: thi: coeiu:u heuslvj xra-CAHPET HAl.S TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. T "IlllS l'ltLMAHILS AKE OVER t THE HEPL'ULICAN UATTLE HAb BEEN recaiin And new let all nun "lie noun in pouccle- j KCther," for there In iiethliic in the world te pru- ! vent ine ueieuieti us wen as me Meiorieus tieui catlm; the sweet, delicious bread that Upio Upie ducedby uslne LEVANT FLOUR! MV de net say thl flour Is u cure for I)j spt i slu. but 110 ile is lleve feuer ssploweulu be Hmicted iilth that diead dlxiise ir tliej umhI Hit. article. TRY IT. Levari 8c Sens, MERCHANT MILLERS. IS-1 nl A TTENTION I respictfullrcall teniv Piirchaies for lliw Latet Net cities In Spring. SPRING OVERCOATINGS 1 TheIJilesthlyleslii Suitings and Treuserings. JIv price ure the lenvt, cemlstcutivlth jjetsl iTerk. MY RFFUTATION E4TABI.H1IEO. MYAIMIil.HOLUIT. ASKEW, iOS. ,iH ','3tt WEr KINO 6TKEET uiuiM ma MEN'S SUITS! (M te 35-Inch Breast.) Berilceable Ciuuhnere Suits, EfTects, at W, M.S0 and 17. Stylish Strip Stylish Cheviot and Casalmern Hull at 17.50, 18 and . Flne Hllk-Mlxed Casslmere Hulls at 110, III and 112. 7 SPRING OYERCOATS ! Perfect In Stjle, Fit and Finish, at 110, IU and 111. JSLirig Street. 19c. Per Yard. I toune F. RHTHyON, 25 East Kincr Street. mar20-lydlt Alse soma mr.r.1?S5."."..'!ril.',p,t ""a ,here u " hirpe ahsortnieiit te select from. IJrACTUHKltB'COST If Km lntoiieTteirot anv CAni'P.Tshi n.e Sold at Bankrupt Prices. LANCA8Tr.il, I'KXN'A. 'S Jackets -AT- HAUGHMAN'S -AT- -fl CU( WW OK PIPE. FItOM 'J UVjUUU Inch te 0 Inch diameter, for sulcata Ien JlKUre, and the only houselu the city with n plpeciiitlmr iiiHohlne, cultliiK up le 0 inch diameter, at JOHN HKsir, SB i:al Fill ten street. ni.'-lM 8 TEAM HEAT IH THECOMINO II EAT POP. diieltlUKs, cliurclicb, uehoel bouses, etc., though sun esrully usi-d ene htindr.il years kjici. When you coiitemplato a chuuecull en JOHN IlliT, who will k'lie )euu mlUfaotery Jeb, at u fair price. ni.'-tld 1-JCKING'. AS FOLLOWS. lUItlOO. FOH . hU'iiiuaiiilll'idniulle Pael.iug, AU t Itoiie, Weienand Wlek Pac'Utiii;, Hemp Packing, n. Is-itiw Mill lleunl, Asbestos Ccnient, Al)-,lin Sheiitblne, liuni P.ieklnj.Ouiii Utiles for Water (luugci. PliiiulmKii PacUlni;, lloeil a Patent A beslm, Lluid bectlenal Pits- lour, at JOHN I!lrs,;vt;i liist Fulton street. nrj-tfd C..VW MILIA, 11A1IK MILLS. COH MILIji. i) lCiither Hellers, I'uu Packers. Triple Hersti ,.,Vr.'"JkV..5.,II.lll,B."1.1? Jl'ulni: Muchluery. at Jiill.N HEirn.SSI I jiit Fulton street niiifd TTlOll CAST IltOX ril'K PITllNOS. KOTII V plain and re.lucin?, up te li-lin h diameter, Malleiible Mttliies. Hanircs, Plingu I'uleiu, Munirelds American t'nleiif, Tube hiipieru. .,.,,"iii'..'n,'JL,0'.,ri"ul Cellini; Phitev. be te JOHN IIESjI h, .Kl 1 jitl Fulton lieel. uiJ-tl t Ceal, XCMIIEIt ANIU-OAL J TP.,V.ClShI,00KSA:fnCA8CS- WDT. r.ltN HAIU) WOOI1S. Wlielrailn and Itetatl. by ri. 11. MAUTIN.VCO, ' n'Ms d 131 Walcrhtus't, Lancaster, Pu, 1 ALMaAHUNEItS COMPANY. COAL DEALERS. Ojtices Na 119 North Queen btrrn, and Na tw Nertu Prliu-e iln-cu Yaiiiw North Pilnce blreel, near nnnlliiK PciKjt. auglS-Ud LANCUTEIt, JA. S U 5&