, "i, -cs; "V 't, .. - -t t -a.. -- " j-j- --- , f I '-,-.- -v --- ,1j fviv C Vk I, . - iljMUt0ftwfte J.5INMAN, UMMTCINMANFOLTZ. SdttOM. -1 IXmiaiT CLARKf Publl.hw. DAILY INTELI.iaENCER.-FubllidtfI tntfhl la UMyau-,tmt Bandar. Ncrwd fcjr eanlcn In UtU city and surrounding MMU Mil teal a wee. By ninii nve aei- yer In advance j 60 cents s month. CLY IKTELLIUKNCER-One dollar and Mtjr cent rear, In advance. TCB TO 8UB8CRIBEn8-Hemlt by chCCK E ar peMefltce order, nnd where neither of ;hu ma de precurcu sciiu in nuiiura at the Poslefflcc, its tccend clitss mall nuUnr. - $ Ainmm, TH nTTKLLIOCTCKR, r i.nncnM.'r, . UUKJAITDt, PA., APBUr 3.5,-lb80. Kara CmfaiMttl Figures. r iWe sec that the anthracite coal ceni- iteehav-e discontinued their long e- 1 habit of informing the public r their monthly business. The Heading rcb MAtcmcut is net produced, out t lie unan.Y rcnertn less business than in l.mc month of last year, when it i particularly peer en account or the 'When business is peer no olio IkfetetcUlt, whether he Iw n big or ttKtlcalcr, n corporation efllecr or an j Individual. The iiiextingiifelialtiu in- ; -vuiimieii ui unmi men in iu isniai. , aim habit la particularly lively iu the -corporation etllccr, who loves te hwcII k nd create the impression that he is a : treat big fellow of inesUniable value te EhU company and earning several Uiiich kver every dollar of his big salary ; wlileli ;ui tnc tune ne is net, doing ;u an. W fl is appointed at stated times te n? w these people te cat lecK; tins is one ei tBe times ; and leek Is just in season. LTherc is net a coal company or a railroad Kempany etllccr tiiat can swell libit In Lthescs days when the vernal leaves are burstliiK from their winter eenllneinent. kThcy arc all as "lilue as blazes"; en one :''kide are tiic stockholders asking for dlvl- ,tk'inl, and en the ether consumers ask- ;ing te iic Kept at worn, it is n prime tnetsl of the seller te keep his consumer Veeing, even if the dividend gees by; and sflt Is net surprising that the Heading &' People have concluded te make the small Is1. abatement of coal prices te furnaces jgwnien we mentioned n nay or two age. feXlt amounts te from twenty-live te thirty- Kllve cents a ten ; net very great iu itself, f'but a conslderatde imrccntage en the rwiee and a very valuable and much J? seeded help te the furnnees that ant suf- S.fcring from an excess of cost produced IJchleuy by excessive freight charges. mm concession 01 iiscu win net sumce ,temeet the situation. The chcacncd tfuel must be folleu'cd liv iIipiiimiiciI ifrcigbta en ere, limestone and product ; there is ample room for reduction and it must be made, The railroad ceiiiimiiics' Interest reulreH it, atul we may there- tferc cxtiecl te see it come se wkiii as the ggrailread efllcers are iiersttadcd of the fact. Ot is true that their mluds stoutly ivsist jgthls persuasion. Owing, as we have PMi'id. te the desire of iiieetinir the nxnrelntlnti nt utiu'lclinlilf.rM tvlilpl. fifZ - ' -" fin llicHO (lavs of bad btisl- Rgncss may net Ijo met by the present CJwelpts, the railroad manager tries hard L'te shut his eyes te the need of lowering ? rates. Hut he will net be able long te nvcrloek the idle mills that his policy is icamsliig ; and the lessened rcceiiitu, from g. large number of local stations, due te closed factories, will serve as a powerful , eye opener te the most stubborn case or 1, railroad blindness. p The closing of the 1"ciiii iron works K'hcre 'means a less of about a thousand aeiiars a ween te me rennsyivania ruii- iiread in freights ; and this Is one of the &!frBmalIcr manufacturlcs along its line. PL When the big and little oncscembliu', SfcS 111 IIl.Ii- (,(..! ..- i.irlll ..iilnln.l.. II makes u vast dlllcrence In thu wcek ' ly water mark iu the railroad treasury, supplied from its many rills. There can be no general disturbance, of trade conditions which is net iiickly'and ' sensibly felt iu a irreat railroad trcusurv : ?Tfand the alert railroad enlccr should Ihi SAthe quickest te see a falllinr oil' iu j buslnessand prompt te apply the remedy in lower rates te stimulate it. And ti they de it quickly enough when they pare urged by competition; and put down p' rates below the cost price of tlieirseniiv, much te their detriment. Hut iu the ft ; local t radio, which they control, they pare very stew te bee me necu or red un ion. Sp The chairman of the I'cuu Iren coin- S'pany en Tuesday with great dilllculty .secured an interview with the geueral freight agent of the Pennsylvania rail- jilt.read ; and advised him that his mill was .shutdown and awaited a general rtslue- i;tlen of cost charges, or a better market. ; He was adivsed that no freluht redtic- p'tlen wosceutcmplatetlsavein fuel rales ; auni ion. Huggcsiien mat nothing was carried te or from Lancaster at a rale ?,... .. ...ii ii. , it, riKt iuu i:i iiinc-, iiiiviiiiiiK iiiiuas low as P the thnxMpiarters of a writ jht ten jicr faille, reiKirtwl by the railroad as its ig, averge receJiitie was ndvised that the raiiruftii iiguresrcrv tnisumlerstoeil ; aHdthat if he the ugeuU--hiul Ills wav. 'they would net lie published ; that S general administration cost was net -included; and that the long Chicago te New Yerk haul was net te Ihi compared ijJA In cunt te the Lancaster-New' Yerk haul ; r'and all that sort of ancient htalenu'iit. IrtBut the general freight agent thought he jjkucw all about the industrial situation s-.ut weuui give it consiuenttleu. J u due -time we may knew what the elllelal 'batching produces. Iu Uklalieniu. svi tiiuuisiieucsiy ei iniverumeui e l ic mis bla Oklahoma is in strong contract with ktm rigid hem-sty of tlie troops K-nt te reser-e ertler. Military discipline and :, high sense of honor kept the heldiers :;fpem tuklin? lulvimliiii' nf lulr lln.i Ifehauees, but it might have ln-cn gueshcil tp.tfaat the great number of deputies and -tuer enieers who gained cntrauce in advance of the crowd would have a pro pre pro ppertlon of dishonest men among them mho would Iw practically beyond con- hoi, as might albe iiave U-cu ex- Bected a strong force of the boom- Jiuve already pushed into the t.jniau lauu ana- an Indian war threatens. There ate mere Ixxhihtm 'ituin Ohlabema farms ami niun Un. ji'liud the overflow quite naturally rushes' Motue icruie tauu or me liidiuu reser reser .atleu. ':?t!e fartlie history of this movement been very stirring and pleasant l pawing, with plenty of adventure and less violence than hud been ex. but there is plenty of room fur -of bloody times if this rush for I fat permitted te threaten the ncace. Ibduiu of the territory. They have (aught te consider the laud theirs I net te be surrendered without due aud eomiieusatien, aud many of I are quite as civiliu-d as the average wr quite as het tempered aud readv aboet. There la a htreni! mllitarv fnm. I may be able te protect the Indian i, ami avw-t, lighting until tcrint, am laawl ijiUi tiu Olierlr.. r... .i. I wHk U Ctiweluwi for tlirew-1 .. . but tbclr coveted strip eca te tfltte- Kiit, a. no-elng'eutt plcd. Tltn Oklahoma urtilpniluivn disnlavetl cheerfitl.tcmpcr, and a& anxiety te get along with M little violence as os es slblc, but the Action of United States efllclnls, wllj produce feelings of resent meiit which will And explosive expres sion rrem nrmed melis and regulateip, and may demand a declaration of mar tial law. nwr.n te a rii i u Oh. chill April I Kourceer many a bodily III. Incrciwcref my doctor's bill. I'ray qnlcfcty Mill Uint linxnl rill pue te Ifijr coeIiiwk, chill April. f Vem the Atae 1'ert JlcrtiliU renmAtTH of Admiral David D. Perter areapnearlng now,l)ecause that plcttirosiue head or the navy is te ceiinnnmi tne navni dpmoiiHtmtlen nt the New Yerk centennial celebration. The sketch of bisllfe, nts-ein-pnn.vlug the picture, shows an alarming drift of history away from fact. Ker ex ample It is said, "He took New Orleans and served at Pittsburg." New every school Iniy knows that Admiral Farnigut took New Orleans by imsilng the forts, ami Perter took nothing) but tee large a share of the glory. Perter was an excel lent olllcer, nnd served at Vlcksliurg, imt he talks se skilfully that he may persuade the world Ills naine Is Farmgut before he dies. Om: hundred and nlne thousand two hundred and iitncty-nve passengers ar rival In the United States from foreign countries ether than Canada and Mexico during the three months ending 'Member ill, 1KS8. Of these 2!,!KI were nell-ililtiti- grnnls, and oftlie lntter 17,271 wero Ainor Ainer Icans returning from abroad; tl,0l5 of the tourists being males nnd 7.3.W females. This may cither mean that the AinerlciUi woman docs net go abroad as much as Iho man, or Hint she slays thorn In Inrge immliurs. The report of the treasury stat istician furnishes thnve facts, but only shows the anlvnls. It declares that of ti,(l3 aliens net Intending te remain In the Untied Slates only 1,.'I77 wcre women. Of thotetnl number of anlvnls In the three months net quite ono-feurth wete cnlilu passengers. Oftliiitvi.tr.M imnilgrnnls, 77, WXl were itnihir forty years of age, and nluo nlue teutlis of all the arrivals lauded at New Yeik. Titi;iti:iN)lttl(ife.irfortlie safely of the hailing ship Molieii;;ahela, which left Sun Kranciwe for Samoa lolie used as a store ship by Iho licet. She Is a stanch war ship of Iho old wooden navy, and being well olllcered mm maimed should have been nble te rhle out any storm, unless struck by the Same.m hurricane. H Is tlieuglilttiat she could net have been in Iho track of that storm, as It is a long and wearlsemn voyage by will te Samoa. Tin: owners of the Missouri hae warmly cniiimcmlcd Captain Murrell and assured him that they would cheerfully lay all damages that might 1st claimed for ihucargu he threw oierhoard in retelling the Dauuiaik (Rsqilc. It is net likely that many of the lescis will ask comH)iis.itleii and the Danish company will probably Iu-si-t upon paying iiuy claims ; se that be. twecn all hands Murrell's f.imu will cost nothing. Ariiet'OK of this l'cim fariuiqiproprlalieii was suggested Hint Iho United States should purchnse Pennsylvania at &SM an neie as a memorial of William Penu. Why should this great nation step at small things 7 The slate is William's gieatest memorial. Tin: total number or liiiiiiiKnintH ln nrrlMnl in thu United KtuteH iIiiiIiik March wan ISI.hilTi, npilnst .'Kljltt'J during Mnicli, 1S.HH. 8,:M'iilerihi'm came from the ItritMi IhIem, ami or IliehO ",itMI vtcie Irlslinu'i), 7,811 of thu liuiiilKriintH worn fiem (lor (ler niiiny, ami '.',!fj from AiiHtuvlliingary, 3,531 from Nwitltm, Norway ami lleiimark, whlleimly l,iU) caiiie from Italy anil l!tlT fretii I'elnmt. i.lttle Sultcrliinil unit us 1,11.') of lier ix'ople, mnl tlicat ltiinsl.i J,1(I2. IiiHpllenf tlmceiiMiint lliri'iit of war ami thuileiminiN of inlliliiiy sorvlce only I7H Immigrants camu te us fiein l-'rauce, though jH'iu-uflil liellaml hentM.".'. Viiiieus oilier iiiimtriea Ncnt the lialmu-u of 70. Imt only .'tutor all the liniiiigi-.iiits nrilvlni; in Alnrcli r.ilim liy way of the I'lU-illu riKist. Tim; Scii:i(e of Illinois Ii.ih amemliHl a leltury hill te Incliulu chiiivh lotterlos. The Mil fei liiils the publication in iuiwh iuiwh IKipciaef thu ilium's of lniurMef lettvry prizes mnl will Imve litlloer nei'tficl iikiii chiiivh lottctles, tint iiq classify lug tlicin willi ethtir loltcrli'SHheiilil li very eircctivn in awakening public scntiiiieiil iiguiust tliuiii. If the lottery priuctple is wreii); it Is just as wrong In a geed emise as In a bad one. l'l'.ltsONAL. Oi:.m:iiai. Auimt, tif MicliiKnn, fmnkly Rckiinnlitlurs that he will Imi a candidate for the prosldentlnl nomination in lMi fti.esi:i. Danu-.i. liAMe.NT lias been elected Ns-retary of the New Yerk 1ai.hi and IiiipriiM'iiiciit company In place of William II. Itockwell, resi(;msl. Juiin IIiikuii'h fortune, liiKtead of being ,7MI,(I00 ii but XIWl.lKHl. lie left no pub lie legacies, it being bis ojiinlen that the Mippei t of public, lllbtitlltiullS hllOtllll coine fiem thu living. W. (1. Ven Nkiha, ngixl tVi.a well-known lianhvare merchant and senior member of thu II riu of Ven Neida it l'Vgley, of Itead- ing, unii en txsiue.'iiav, ei ajHipinx v, no was a pieminciit iiiemWr of thu Alasenie fnduriiily. Mil. 2i.Ai)smxi:'KctImntnef D.inte, ox ex ox nresMxI nller a KiHir lend by the llishep of ltiMin nl thu Dukn of Wesliiiiuster'H house, rontaineil tlila : "I wish te bear testimony with the bishop, as funis Inugmige can, In the degice of magnitude and Iho Inipint Inipint aiice of his eiks, which can lianllv be ossibleti OMtggc rutu iinii. Dante has a place aliMilntelvalnue In lliowliiileeoiuiuss of what ik nilltsl lilcratnic, and I de net think there is any riter who can eempctu with D.llile ill Mh.lt 1 call (sluenlisl iwihup in my opinion llie Mudy of Pante Is n verv serious matter, entailing a seiieus rusiMin slbilily. i:orythlnkiiigperseii Mheghes hiinseir te that study cannot, dining Iho study, but fti'l profeundlv Its cllivls, for many are Iho lessiins which the isioiuser ll.iute convey teliiiiu.uiity." AnherMiiindcnltlt lotion HnhHtleii Oil hiih OrOWIl llM'lf 1111 tlir.lllll.1n r.... i..!.. I, !..... cclvcil the he.uty liulerMMiicnU of iiiiiuy old imd wcll-knimn lierwiiien. Price Si cciiU a betllc. .Motliern.ile nut let iiiir dnrllniis suircr Tilth llirliiHiiiii; ..iii'jli whlle ou hnven li'lncilv MtiH-.tr at IliihL Us. Ilr. llull'N CeuuhHjrup mill thu llttle kiillcrcr will hoen ilnd rillct I'rl(vlS5H-iitK Carpcte. "lAUPLTH. Rugs Oil Cleths Linoleum Art Squares McCallum & Slean 1012 and 1014 Chestnut St. Philadelphia Axminster Wilten Mequette Brussels Tapestry Ingrain Carpets. .tmm(lted43mw THE 1AXCASTEB DAILY v& ptmnantmktv'm. Piiti.AiiRL.riiiAjThitrlay, April 25, is. Black Silk. Quality and price justly balanced. There isn't a weak spot in the line. Wc held up a few of the kinds and say what they're going at. You'll sec the same figures in ether stores perhaps, bnt net tacked en te inlks of the same grade. There's the test com pare. fltitck Kftlllc Krnncalxe, 30U In., It te H Illnrk Pcau dc Mele, 7.V te f 1 JO HlackMelrc.tl tutUO lilnck KlKiircit Indlnx, II lllnck Mcnclllcux,7.V te 11.21 lilnck AriiilirrR.il In 12 lllnck Oreft-Ki-iiln, 73c In 8 lllnck HnrnliK, ten te SH lllnck Knlln Itlindniniie, 75c te 11.60 lllnck Hall ll Iluclicwt, 11.2) leH l'lnln lllnck Hntlnn, 75c te MM Went trnnnept. What we did in February with Combination Robes (plush novelty with plain te match) is outdone te-day in every way but one the quantity ts small, se small that a week or two is pretty sure te wipe the whole let out. The February Robes went for less than prices of the plain material. Yeu shall have these slpvu iKOees in many cases for no mere than half the cost of the plain material. Light colors, medium and light weights Hengalinc. Weel Batiste, Cassimir, Melange, Armures, Serges. With plushes that have sold from $2.50 te Robes for $5 Robes for $6 Robes for $S Robes for $10 Robes for f, 1 2 Hniithurnlftf centre. The ten - cent - Melly - Tree Cambric news of yesterday fell en tlie cambric trade like a thunder clap. True, three or four or five cents' from a yard of Cambric doesn't seem te be much, but you hardly ever see even a half-cent cut en such goods. There's no better brand than these Melfy Tree Cambrics. We have them all. Northcahtef ccnlic. There's a growing call for standard books put up in neat, compact form. Of course we have them all : Merlcy's tlnUerNil l.llirnry. A clicapiind IiiiiiiImiiiii rclHHtiu of the Muslcrplciis of tli World's l.ltcrnturc. Ill vel., IS me. 'I he ('linuiles L'lui-klr. A collection or iilu- iililnHtaiiilnrd lliHik. I'B vels., 12 me. Wc each. lteiitlci1i;e'N PtK'kct I.llirary. A scries of little IhmiIin tnnlcfully lieiinil. Ill ihiiiiImih, IC me. !We cuch. Camclet t'lniwlc. ItninlMiincly piloted bisiliK. About itOveW. av cncli. Oient Writer. A scrlc or lives or Miioeof thugrcntcHlivrltcrK. 'JO vels. :Wceach. Lists of any of these sets will be furnished en application. Thirteenth ulrcct, south of ccutru entrance. Yeu want a cold, dry, odor less place in which te keep per ishable things in het weather. The Refrigerator that supplies that want is the Puritan. Ne saw-dust - packed or dead-air spaces te held foul smehs. The space between the zinc lining and inner frame of poplar is filled with charcoal the deod orizer, the absorbent. We put the Puritan at the top as best. Sideboard Refrigerators, $12 te $.10 ; Upright, $8.50 te $60. Ice Chests, $4.50 te $14.50. liuscnicut, nerthucKt of ccntic. Jehn Wanamaker. $vy (tfoelio. w att&hiianii. EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS. Watt & Shand Open tiKl.ty iiiittnr Iho Krcalcet bmvntiih cur eircatl In (1UOS tllt.MN MllXS KU.KK.'J) inches Mlilc, eMvllciitijiinllty, luGelK-lIn l.lcht liny, I, I rant (IrKii, I.IkIiI nnd Dark ltienn, I.llit innl linrk Navy, Ac, only tCJJc. ajaul, rcgulnr prlce (1 tXV Abef.MH'lnl ImrKiilUH In KOUI.AItl) CHINA MtUSS rtII.KS,2.'lii(-heslilc, 10 new (liadtii, We. niitl C.V., iiMinl prlce 7'. nnd $1 W. Alft hiktI.iI barKiitu In AblrKII.K K.VT1N HHADAMAH, -J) lnchc m tdc, Mc. a ynnU AlMif-isriul bargain tu Al.lrWOOl, PIIC.NCH PKINTCl) CIIAI.I.IIX.SO Inches Hide, cream Kreumb, SW, u yard, regular price tcwlny av. AlsehHHlnl birpiliiln rai'.Nl'll I'UINTlUt KATCCNS, (llievt are Kcmiluc, no Imitation,) full H Idlh, lilnck and rulerctl giiHiml.-, l: a jaiil, resularajc. iinullty. Alse icclal luirKiilu hiCOI.OUKI KATKKN COIlHiriX, nil shmlcs and black, flue ijuallly, av.n wilr, rcKiilar price 75c. Till ceict bin, ninny Imlliilers. The gcnulne can only be round nl the New Yerk Stere, 6, 8 AUD 10 EAST KING STREET. irCAK, I'NDHV r.LOll-:i) PAIITH. llisly EulurKist, DoM-leid. at the lllllllUII Mlr...L..ll ...... ;-"'J ......linn,, iMj.fliril-u, mint" bi S.'m "I- U "" 'n'llng udwrilw: meat long run hi our imis-r. Iu rt-nlv te Iu. lulries te Mill say that lliVl, iie'eJldei Of llUlllbus UOOUt III U. On !! n.,.tn. !.: adcrtl .w vwy hihlr Inderhn" cusl s.rb.iim may uet 5-al1 . In-ubiVs elVlSE ituer flHyddw. INTELLIGENCER, THUKSDAY, APRIL 25, AINE8 CELERY COMPOUND. & , Spring Hhnttcred ncrvrR, tlnsl lirain, Impure bleed, debilitated nyntcni, nil arc the natural outcome in tlm "prlnfc. A medicine muni oe lined, and nothing equal Palnc'a Celery Compound. We let ethers prnlm u-yeu cannot help beheving acllnlntcrchU'd party. llrlRiullcr-Oenernl W. L. Orccnlcaf, llurlliiR llurlliiR Ien, VI., write: "I have uwd Palne's Celery Compound en Kcvcral iKcanleim, nnd always with twiicflt. l-anl spring, being very much run down and dchllllated, I commenced taking It, Twe leltlcn made me feci like n new man. An a Kencrnl tonic nnd Kprlug medicine I de net knew of IU equal." aieX'criri-ica.. it is easy te M Cl.ANK'8 L1VKK PII.IA THUaCNUINKUIUC. McLANE'S -CKLEIIRATr.il- LIVER PILLS! Fleming Ilrei, l DkaiiHiiim. Kornlenit tlmn I MinYrrd from tlieeinrt of Indlc'Mlen nnd kick liiiidaclic, nnd en trying your llr. C. Mcljiiie'atVlcbrntcd I.lcr I'lllg I rmiiid iiulck and MillfncUiry re lief. A very fmtr dose doc the work ami I would net bu without them. (lift). II. HAItlllH. yieux Kail, Dakota. NKVi:il KNOWN TO KAIL, rum Kick hcndnclip, blllniiunc, liver com cem iiliilnl, ItnllscKllim, d)-pepKla, hciirtliurn, mi Inrln. pimple en tlm liicv nnd Ixxly. Impiirn IiIihmI, etc.. by iiIiik refill. irly Hr. I!. AIcIjiimi" Clclirutint Ller I'llle, pirparcd only by Klein Itiir Ilretheri, I'lllMiuri;, l'n., the mnrliet Iwinir full of ImllalloiKef llin iinmn Miljmc, sH'lleil llireiviitly but of Iho wiinii rniiimcl.illeii. AIiviivh IihiIi rer tlinxlKimtiiruef riciiilm; Jlre. nuil C. McIjuip, I'lllhlmri;, l'n., en thu wrnpfxT. Allotlicimire erlliUhti when cempariil with thpia'iiulue.MrlrfiiuV. iieJ-1i-i1Th,T1iAw II UM PI I UEYH HI'IX'I PICH. HUiMIWltKYK' Im. llii.MiiiUKis'HiKcii'ies urnsclcntltlcnlly nnd inrt-rully prcparisl prcscrlpllens; uwil fur ninny yi'iir In private imicllce llli nc vM, mid ter ever thirty jenr umsI by llie is-enln. Kicry sImhIp Hls-illlc Isasinslnl ture fur (IkmIImiis)' iininisl. TIicmiHims-IIIcs euro wllheut druseluit, pure pure hiKer iiiHii'Iiik Hie HjRlciii, nnd nre In luclnnd llissl Iho HOVKIIRIUN Itl'.MKDItJI or TIIK Wnin.it. 1,IH of Principal Nih. Purcs. Price. 1. Kkvkhs, CeimcKtldii, Inll.iniiiinlietis 2' 2. Weutis. Werm I 'ever. Werm folic... AT ,1. t'llYlMI l.'el.lC, iirTcclhlliKer lnfniil....'jr) 4. IiiaiiiiiiiKA, or Children or Ailull 'lr fi. IIVHRNTKItr, ClrlplllK, llllleilM Celic ili l). t'llei.KitA .Meuniis, Vemlllni' .., 'J.r 7. Celtniis, Colds, lliemhltls "i", K. NKl'K.M.illA. TiKillinclie, l-'mcnclie. .'i'i v. IlKAiiAi'iiK.HIck llcmtaclie, Vertigo .JSi 111. IMsi'hl-SIA.IIIIInusKlemni-l :r II. Hiii-i-iiKsstaier I'Al.stlH, l'taiiiiiis ir, li. Wiiithm, Phi Priihise PcrliNK. Si l.l. Citeui', t'euah, Dllllcull llretithlni; Xi II. Halt Itliri-.M. Krvslnclns. Kriiul Iiiiik .'JTi 15. ItiiKUMATlHM, llhcmii.itlc I'nhis 'i, HI. Kkvku ani Aiiiik, Chills, Malaria m 17. Pii.w, lllliiil or lllccdlni: m IU. Cataiihii, Inlliienn, Celd In the llca(l.... 31. Wlioet'lNO Ciniuil, violent I.'iiiikIis M 21. Uk.nkuai. Delilllly, Physical Wcakiicss-'iO '.7. KlIINKV l)ISK.SK . JO X. Nritvet'a liKiui.iTv fi.oe :i. tllilNAUV Wkaksusm, Wrtlliic licit. TiO :, DisKAsiMet-Tiu: IlKiir, l'.ilpllallon.l.de Held by IniKBlsts, or will pesltuM en ri-- i-clpt or price. Hit, IIOMriiiiKts' Maneai. (til I'lincs) ilrlilv ImhiihI In eliilli mid geld, luniksi m-c, iiii.MPiiitin'H' Jii:niciNi:ce Pulton Htrcct.N, Y, Hl'KCU'MCH. Tu.Tli,HAw(2) TJAItKI'.UH 1IAIU IIAI-HA.M. Parker's Hair Balsam Cleanses and bciiutllles thehnlr. Promotes a l.UMirlnul llnnvlh. Xeter Falls te itcstere ttrny llnlrte Us Vniillifiil Celer, Cures Hcultl, DIseascH unit llnlr PiiMIuk. file, nl Hrui$i;iKts. PU1IIP.NTINK COI.OONR TlmMe.it l-'niKrnulttud Ijislliier IVrfiunes. SJc llriiRxIM. iH'Ltl-lniiil.MATIi.Viv' SH.H. HWIITH HPECIPIC cured moor mnllim.mt Ilhsst Poison nfterl hint 1m-ii irenleil in lain with old ses-nlksl reiutsllc of .Mercury mnl Pot ash. H. H. H. net only curett the HIimkI Poison, bill relieved tlie ltluiiiiiallhiii uhleh lias caused by Iho okeiioii nilnernlK, OKU. lUVi:i,l,, 21 !! ANeiiue, N. Y. Hcrefuln iliiM'leiHil en my diiiiKhtcr hhcIIIiii; nnd luinjis en her link, Weenie her HWII-TH HPECIPIC. nml thu esull nils iveiiilcrruliiud thecuiu prompt. H.A. liEAHMDN I), Clevelnuil, 'I'eiin. HWII-TH HPECIKIC Is entirely u vcKelnlle jeincily, nuil is (lie only renuslv uhleh is-rmn-niMitly cuies Hcrefiiln, lllisst Humors, Ciincer imd t iintiiKleiiH Ilhsst Poison. Heiiil for books en HliMHlnndHklu UIm'.im's, innlleil fri-e. Tin: HWipr hpccipic co. Ja il0-Tu,Tli,H Drawers, Atlanta, On. Ijimt ilull. II IOH A MAUT1N. China Hall. If jeu unlit te replace uiiy in tlclii or Cns'kcry or (llassn nre Hint mny be broken hi uievIiik, or irjeu wish loiepliiceeldor fuuiMi new China Hall Is the place te get rcllnhte ware at the lamest Prices. WAUIW OUAUANTKCll. Exchanged If Net Salisfuctery. High & Martin, NO. 15 EAST KING STREET. erj-trd jlHotuei-e. WMS.NA llltENEMAN Lawn Mowers. BUY THE I) j U MOWER T It U decidedly the best. It wl'l wear longer, de the work better tilth less Inber, and cut higher truss than any ether Mower, THE "PENNSYLVANIA" Te-day Mniulrint tlinhr.11! of all liwu Mowers Usn the market, which position It Iuu ac quired solely en Its mcrlls. Flinn&Breneman PENNSYLVANIA 152 NORTH QUEEN STREET, JLANCABTKIt, I'A. v., K 1 . t . ''t have umm two Imttlm of your Paine' Celery Comeiind, and It linn given entire Mtlt Mtlt tactien n an nppctlcer nnd bleed pnrincr." T. H. lncRNKii, Watcrbjwn, iMkeU. Pal no's Celery Compound 1 prescribed by pli lclnim, recommended by ilrugglnU, cndnnctl by mlnlnlern, pralKCd by own,, nnd giiiiranlecil by the mnimriu-lurrr, n n Npring miillclnc whlrli wilt de nil that I claimed for It Vm It thin uprlne, nnd me hew cmlckly It lone you up. Purines the Bleed Full account of wonderful cures made by 1'nlne" Celery Compound after ether medicine nnd the beat pliynlclnus hud railed, Mill free. There' netliliik' like It. 11.09. Mix Ter 13.00. ImigKlfttK. Wn,w, ItieiiAnme & Co.,llurllngten, VL dye with diamehd dyes .16 Celer. 10 cent each. $oet aib hecB. B 00TSAND8H01CS. 28-30 East King St. I TAKE I'LKABUnK IN CALLING YOUH AT TENTION TO MY LINE Of That I nnrrccelvInK dully for the HprlnRTrndc, anil all nfe mnde rer thoie who rcqulra great diinibllily and for clcganra or style, lit and werkiuaiiklilp cannot tHtcxccllisl. PRICES LOWER THAN THE L0WEBT.'Jj3 Call and examine my InrRe stock and me will be pleased te try and Milt oil. D. P. Stackhouse, 28 and 30 EAST KING STREET, IiANCAKTKIt, PA. naMyiUVw piiiNe ANuVi;MMi:iiNt)Vi-:i.Tir;s. S RUSSET SHOES ! Lnk'st novelty, ilenintieil te nieet a tMiiiilar(leiiiiiinl for oleivil rilrtft, lawn, camp anil lietisc fisitwcar, fur ljiullea, CSeiitlciiicn ami Cliililien, are iiuil-Ii worn In raslilenalilu t-cn-tteH, ami a.s tlie warm hesimiii atl vaiieet will meet Willi intieli grenler favor. Various kinds are new here anil mere are in transit. At $2 we liave Ui'iit'H Iiitreil Ox Ox ferils, at ?fi( I, need Hals, liantlseinc HlyleH, elei;aiit lUtin ; (.'inline (Jnat Ix.'atlier Upiiers, Jtnsset. or Cetn-c Colored, with falrstltelu-il eilges and tips; solid oak, tanned itiiiur and outer miU-h and wninterM. Finer irrailcH iuu lierc, tee, ifj'EU ilchitt) thein W.50, $Jt.50 and tip wanis net a cheap sheepskin inii inii tatlen in tlie store. Ladles' and Clilldicii's Jlusset Sliees, elegant HtyleH and in iMtpular shaden ; eolei-s that dust dit'H net tarnish nor mar their kikiiI IimiUh. Lawn Tennis Shew, rillils-r Heles, in liKiit and tlnrk cheek, from Teu tip; all sien, for voting and old. Wigwam Slippera ; some folks will want them liy anil liy. We think well enough of them te have them in alt lengths, for liahy feet as well as these for adults. Itase Hall 81ns-, kinds in which te wield tlie willow nnd chase the plf; plf; rtkinenthehalllield. White and I (as set, witli various leather trimmings, tioed makes anil cheap. When yen eateh the fever yen want tuyivensa chance, tu shoe yen. SHAUB & BURNS, 14 North Queen St., mnrM)iUw l.ANCAHTCH, PA. OOOTS AM) H1IOCS. Just Received. We have lust rccclicd the fullewlng Ijitest HprlnKnnISimimcrSlles: I ilium's ltussct erTnii ltillten SIhh'S, bl.cs2 le (1, Ml,.. s-r uilr. Child's Itussct erTnu iliitten Bhis's, sizes I te 7, T.V. iM-rimlr. Chilli's ltii'M-t or Tun Sprlnc llit-1 ONfbulx, slcs n te 7'i, T0e. js-r pair. Chilli's Uiissel or Tan Hprlng Heel Oxfords, sires s In 10't, 7.V. s-r luilr. Child's Pl.iln Kid KprhiK Hci-1 Oxrerds, i.lze.4 8lelO'7.V. -i-i,tlr. i jiilliM iiiut .Misses Itussct or Tun Tilt Oxfenls, SI ill and il 'iivr stlr. Kidles Deiipiln and IVhble Kprllie Heel Iliit Iliit eon Mines nn dllleivul till In., $Jtl sr pair, .Men's Itussct or T.111 Imve Wits-s, tint and Ji.VIH-r pair. lKinul thiel; any one In the st.ite can sell you better ones for the money. .Men's Piincy IliKik-I jii'C, Slieit Viiiuiis, h Insiks from vamp te top of shoe, nuil Pancv Trlmiiicil, $J It) ix-r uilr. Kiiuushisi Mild nl JJ ,7) lnsi M-aseii, Imt iieluiMi llicm che.icr and will Kle.eii tin-iidiaiiliik-i'iif tlie piirchnse. AIef tlienlHiie uiiiilltMieil sliis'N can Isi seen iu the slum casein front of eiir store. liilh-s KM ill in rllis'rsftt els -r pnlrund upwiirtlx. Our nv. Slipper last j our Kill e iXTfi-cl witl-fniv tlen for the price, but 11111 Kltceua tlll ls-tlcr one Ihlsjeiir. IjullesiiiiiI.MItsesPnleiit U-alliciTipUxlenls, 75 cents s-r iKilrauil upwards REMEMBER We linie ivmeMsl our entire stis-lt of ciskIs te lliel.iri;i! nxiiii in renr of ourstere, wliire im h.iieileulile the loom uiiduceommiMlalleiisiie had hcn-lofero In the small steiv. While our new Iren! it liehn; put iu ueiloiiet h.ite the blieit-iilndims teillsplay KiMnls lull e are re ccltlui; Spring anil samimir liisslsi,ill.v,iiiid hiiM) the most complete lines we ccr curled. The One-Price Cash Heuse. The Leaders of Lew Prices IN BOOTS AND SHOES, Ne. 3 East King St., LANCAHTEIt, PA. JrMore closed ctery evening at flo'cleck, ex cept Monday nnd Saturtlny, OTIOI-MltS. IXllllSA KCllWENIli;, l'rnetleal Mldnlfe. hn. rcmeVLtl from Xn. :I10 West KIiib stn-ct In Ne.5Yihl. Jescpli street. below PIIIm'M, wherohhe will be plensix! tent-U-iid te nil w he may need her is-rt teus. n'J-liiul XTIH'ICEIH HKItCltV (IIVKN THATTIIi: i l.lis-iis Tn for hlris-t Purisw-s, fur thu .jir lssu. 1111 tstre.-! itallutiv lirs. 'reusrnnih. Tclcphenn mid Electric Unlit Poles, nndiiu Hacks CiiIm, Conches, IIiiiiiIIiiim s, Kour-llerso Wiikeu, Tue-lIniMi Wacem, Irfs-ul Ivlltery, Hr.ijs, Carl.i and ether Vehicles, usisl In Iho city rer Hire or Pay, la new-due und pnjtihleat the elIH-u of tlie CI ty Trvnsurer. Any lH-rsen fulling te take eutti I.liviise,er rifinlni; te nay thu Ureiiae Tax required by thoerdlnuucc, or who nhitll violate imy or the nret Ulens or any section thereof, will subject 1111 eeiteiulrr. In uildlilen te the Immediate for feit of his llivnsc. te a penalty el tit c dellam for i-iM-h and erry ollcM-e. . J. II. UATIIPON. iCU-'.'wd CityTrciuurcr. v3s. D. P. STMHiSE, m 1 m HIT l HUH, 1889. fi.Y r--& 4$, iitchf . tfK & Wntclic, Cleck. Jewelry, ftpec, KyMJla, Ktc, at IXiWEhT l'JUCKK. Optical flood. Telegraph Time Imlly. Every Artlcle in tliU Line (."nrefully Ilcpnlred. Leuis Weber, Be. IS Hi Kertfc Qbm M.; Rear P. R. . HlUei. TEWEI.EH AJD OPTICIAN. Jeweler and Optician! If your eye trouble yen attend te them Im in! lately. The iise of PROPKHOI,A8SEHrcterc(ilRhU, give comfort and plenmire. Ijinciutcr hn Ieuk fclttlie need ern BPfX7IAIi OITICIAN. We are new prcpnrtsl te mramre yeurcjr, ntglaKM-swIUi the PIIKCIHION OP AN OUUI.IMT, having n full and complete out lit of test leiiac required In iwrfcct mriuure- I1ICIII. Hntisfiictleu Kuanintccd In every Intlance. CHARLES S. GILL, 10 West King Street, LANCASTER, PENN'A. "VUH LAHOB ANU INCKEAHED Watch Sales I due te the fact Hint ive lmvc nhvay u large and choice stock te select rrem. TIIAT WE HELL TIIC Best WatcKT KOR THE LEAST MONET. That WE DO NOT HKM. WHAT WE CANNOT OCAKANTKE. rtnycrs should npprcclaln our efforts te k'lve kimhIuhs1s, and can lUis-nil upon everything we sell te be as represented. HERR, Jeweler, Ne. 101 N. Queen St., COItNEK OP OrtANOK. jhtvuituvi. VylDM y Ell'B COrtNEIl. FURNIJURE RTicimyer's- A KULIi LINE OP Parler, Chamber, Dining-Roem, ANOOTIIEIl PUUNITUIin. Tiik 8tvlu Auk Ke attuaitivk. Our selections from the countless patterns efti-ml wcrii nc er i lailcil nor mi licautlfiil, nor of better Merkmniihhlp. UNRIVALLED PRICES BEE OUIl U1KPI.AV. a-WcRlve the best vnlue and thereby save you money. WIDMYER'S FURNITURE STORE, COHNCIl OP E. King & Duke Sts. H CINITHIPK. LOW PRICED Chamber Suits. WE HAVE A l.AHdi: VAItlFrrV.OP VEUY OOOD CIIAM1IEK SUITES FltOM $25 te $35, Which wc Invite Yeu te Bee. HEINITSH'S FURNITURE DEPOT, 25 & 27 S. Queen St., LA.NCASTEIt, PA. fCHS A.T1IJIRS. A YEAR'S SUCCESS ! Just one year nKenc opened our Ijircn I'urnl-till-e WuicriHiins 11 ilh. 'iu Eiillre New NIs-k,eu IM, M mnl till l-'lisirs, .e. IU Seuth i (uccn slns-t. Ilaxliu; M j cars' cxmiIciiie In the buslm-ss, ultliiit II our is-rseu.il alii ntliMi.niul tH-liignl tery llttle e.s'iise, we hate built up 11 trnilii r.ir Is-teinl om-es-cl.-itleiii. We hate Increased our stis'k with the Newest Ht.tles iu I'liriiltnn-. und cuu'iirieril luwllat the lenest priix-a. We'll be glad toprevu It te j mi. OCHS&GIBBS, Muuur.icturers nnd Dealers, Second, Third and Fourth Floers, Ne. 81 S. Queen Street, LANCAhTKIl, PA. ill 11yd )rtte. Stauffer & Ce. STAUl'KEUACO.,31 and SI North Queen HI,, sell thu iK-bt UM Pur Ktlll Hat cicrselil. Heft lints from 25e. tet-.C0. Hpcclnl hhndes nnd Nolt Nelt by bhnpes at all prices. Trunks. Bis-clnltlcs fr the Chlldrtn. Just take a leek at our Heulh Win dow te-day. Endless mi riety and faultless stj K-n In all thcbcaulirulcum thcbcaulirulcum blimtleiia, Lancastek's Leadinq IIatHtehk, SI and 33 N, Queen HU Traveling Bags. 31-33-N. Queen St. -aSe. 'V t , , glrthtwg. 1880 f NOVELTimt 1889 CH -a AT- H.GERHARTS. The mnl uvrrceatlni CaMlmeref been ftbewn brat and nil feed warranted m ftngUJARTf- Ne. North Queen HtreeL K)nly Mrrci Importing TWkir tit Um City of jjftnCiWttf M YERBARATIIFON. A Pretty Lively Place. Our (tore I a pretty lively place then Spring Day. Everybody aeem te think It HEADQUARTERS -pert Geed and Reliable CLOTHING -AT- LOW-DOWN PRICES Plenty of Handsome Goods, PLENTY OP OOOD STYLES AND BIHQHT COLOItS IIEIIE FOR YOU TO PICK FROM. We're netlts-Knlnir you te buy vhen yea only ceme ler nn.ldcn or prices. If you ceme te leek you'll come nicnln nnd buy; -we're sura of that. Pnn'ttbetlniid ubeul nuking Ter Hamplcs nnd Prices ; wo're here for your ncoeiiimodnllo ? Reliable Clothiers, Ne. 12 East King Street, LANCAHTEIt, PENN'A. H IRHII & llltOTHKIt. MORE THAN -ARE OUR BEST ADVERTISEMENTS ! We find It out every day. Net only In en city, but our county and surrounding counties One cuitemcr sends another. Count our numer ous customers and you will surely see where our bit; Increase. In Hprlne Trade comes from. Men's Ready - Made Suits I -AT- (-RncfMl 1 Chevletn, l)Htnrnnd in 7ku .a. aastrrissi-.'e. tKimmmip ute MYERS&RATHFON Pleased Wrs ! $17.00, ls.Oll, 20.00. Prince Albert Goats and Vests -AT- S10.00, S13.00 and 813.00. Reys' Ready - Made Suits I 8iS0, J.1,00. SXTjO, H.Ol), f.-).00, J7.00, S.S.00 te UZW. W.00, Children's Knee Pant Suits ! 1,00, flii, S1..W, SI.7J, J2.00, J2i0, t-l.W, $1,00, Jj.00 te J7.50. OUR MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT Is fairly teeming with Novelties, and Is filling fanltvlth orders for SUITS AND TROUSERS TO ORDER AT LOW PRICES. A Perfect Pit, Fine Workmanship. 4- ONE-PIUCE CLOTHIERS AND MERCHANT TAILORS, North Queen Street and Centra Square, IiANCASTEII, PA. iUtolte. -OOOK l)EPART.Mi:NT, "LIFE OF E. GREENWALD." Pit.itprlnt.s of His Lire, teKelher with lil Earliest Exluntund Uitesl lll-s.-eurM.-s. BY REV. C. ELVIN HAUPT. Fer Snip by the Publisher, G. L. F0N DERSMITH, 10 EAST KINO STREET, LANCASTER, l'A. 43-PHICK, (11.00, UiaMfd L. B. HERR'S BOOK STORE, 53 North Queen Street. li.re. $7.00, lu.oe, tii.oe, 5.00, 7M, 10.00, 15.0(1, 0.00, 8.O0, 12.CJ, 16.00, USB BROTHER nuglS-lyd ',.- ' rr .--iiatrtlfes,-ati' - iizi