Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, April 20, 1889, Image 1

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1 --
Alt the reran ranmiivt iw. te be
alie Commonwealth Almndenw Cae
" Awulmt Seme of the Hejn Impli
cated In the Dlllcr ItebWry.
Friday Afternoon. The trial of Samuel
Muskctnuss, for larceny and receiving
stolen goods, en complaint of Isaac Dlllcr
.t Huns', was resumed when court le-ussem-bled
at 2:30 o'clock. A immlier of persons
u he Imil knew 11 tills boy for sc oral yours,
testified that his character fur honesty prier
te the bringing of this cherge Mas gtsid.
'I he jury, after a deliberation of several
hours, reached thn conclusion that the de
fendant was net guilty.
A motion was made In arrest of jinlg
meiit mill reasons tlhsl for n new trial In
the eases of commonwealth vh. Charlette
mid Mnggln t'lark, convicted of conspiracy
te conceal the death of Marie's llleglti
in at e eh I 111.
Fdward Klehmaii and Albert Auxer
were tried for being two of the gang who
eeinnilttcd thefts at Isaae Dlllcr A Sens
store. The articles charged In the Indict
ment are revolvers and cartridges. The
testimony was similar le that of the east's
against the ether boys alieady tried.
Nearly all the testimony efferisl by the
commonwealth te connect the accused with
the eli'enses charged, was given by Chand
ler, Hitner, WcUel and Wiley, vv he limn
alieady Imhiii convicted.
The defense was a denial by accused of
any eeinpllclty In the thens charged, or
that any gtxsls were leeelved knowing
them tehnv e lioeii stelen, and in addition
that Wohel, iiMn whose testimony the
commonwealth relled, told the parents of
Kh-hmau and Au.xer that they had nothing
te de with the thefts ut Diller's stoic. Jury
Avcrdliinf net guilty was taken in the
laieeny c.ise against Charles I.echer, one of
the boys Implicated in the thefts at Killer's
store. ' The district attorney stated that the
cases against him could net be made out.
Jeseph 1. Weber was charged vv lth the
paternity el Annie Kllngler's illegitimate,
The defense was that the case was once
settled, and the presecutrix signed a release
for $10 consideration of all claims and do de
mauds against Wclier.
The court mjed that as the presecutrix
was n miner, the release was net a legal
one. The Jury rendered a verdict of guilty
vv itheut lca lug their scats.
Counsel for the prisoner excepted te the
charge eftlie court, madea motion In arrest
of judgment; anil tiled icasens for a new
(IIIAN1) jitkv nCTim.v.
Tntf Hills. Henry W. Itrubaker, selling
liquor without lieensote miners, and keeii
ing u bawdy house ; Harry Musscr, seduc
tion; Mary K reuse, larceny; Marcus Olp
pie, distuiiilnga icligleiis meeting.
Jijiwral Jiill : Cecil C. Stubbs, lulultcry.
r.nwAim r.iciiMAN cexvktf.d.
Albert Auxer Is Aetiiilttetl orthe Ijirceny
Charges Against Illiu.
Kitimliit Morning Cimrl met at 0
o'clock and the jury in the Auxer and
Kichmau cases rendeied a verdict of net
guilty as te Auxer of all the cases against guilty as te Kichmau for larceny,
but guilty as te Klchiuan for icccMng
ytelcn goods.
A verdict of net guilty was enteied In
the ease of oeninioiiwe.illh s. Michael
Heudlcr, felonious enti.v, as tin) case
could net be made out.
A similar disposition was mnde of the
case against Thus. F. Diailenbaiigh, x lolut lelut
ing the phaiiuacy act, because he had been
convicted of involuntary manslaughter, for
which he was sentenced and this elleuse
was mcigcd ill the one en which lie was
The same disposition was made of the
miis.ince ea-st against Leepold Wieken
helser, the dlstiict attorney stating that the
case could net be made out.
Thodistiiet attoinev htatcd te the eeuit
that the cases against Many Stephens,
Cieorge Wlehush and William K. lliiitmaii,
tliree of the Imivs Implicated 111 numerous
thelts at Dlllci's stoic, could net Imi made
out and veulicts of net guilty were taken.
benjamin Kline, another of the boys im
plicated inlhf Diller mbbeiics, was put en
rial en tluce charges. The indictments
hgainst liiiu charged him w ith the theft of
pistols, lev el vers and rules and receiving
levelvers, knowing thorn te have been
stolen. The testimony was mi hstn lit I ally
as in the ether cases, and was furnished
pilnclpally by the boys who pleaded guilty
te the numoieus offenses against them.
The defense w as a denial of the aoeused
that he had e er stelen anything at Diller's
or received any goods knowing them te
Imve been stolen, tioed character was
ulse sllOVV n.
In iliscliarglug the Inquest thn
ceuit loturiied thanks te the members ler
the ehioient manner in which they had
disch.nged their duties mid for the careful
icpert t hey made eftheir visit te the several
'iiiiiitv Institutions.
The Indictments again! Ames Dyer,
Harry Hehinan and 1). I. lasher, lluee
ether boys implicated in the Diller thefts,
weie net dlsMised of. Tliey sklpissl away
fieui town when they heard that suits
would he entered against them.
UllAMUt'llV lll.l'OIIT.
The grand Juiv icturned true liills
against Jacob II. tioed, larceny and foil iblu
Fellow lug is the jepeit of the grand juiy
for the teim;
'tt the Jluniiiiiblr, the Jmtiirt nf the (hint
Qiimlff .Vrnneii of lAinautrr Omul!
'i'he grand ineuest of tlie commonwealth
of l'eiinsylvauta, iiiiaiinehsl te Inquire
into anil for the county of I ainciistcr, at the
API II sessions, Iwtl, licg leave te luake the
following icpert:
The dlstrh t attorney submitted te the
grand lumie-t !M, cases. (f this uuiiiberTO
were icturned as true bills mid "Jl were
A number of these caes were of a
trivalilianutermid hhiaild net have been
rt turned te court.
We vlsltisl the public Institution et tint
eeiinlv, and gave them u careful inspection.
In the iiliiisheilsii we found 41 leiiiales
anil 110 males; -J tciuale tlilldren. Ilithe
lusuttdeiaitmeiit,'.'l It ma esiuul XI males.
Uepital tlepartiuciit, S females and IJ
males; 1 leinale t hild and '1 in.ilecliildien.
toleitsl department, A females and 7 males;
one tern. lie iliild. Tramps, I. Total, ;ta.
flUs'k en haiitl. Horses, -I ; mules, ;
cows, II; steels, V.; I bull ; hogs, T.
The above tleikiHmcuts are under the
carp of the stewititl, tusi. IX Worst. It
gives us pleasure te sa.v that vie leiind
ever ilepaitiiieut in excellent condition.
The "inmate are, beyond ipiestieu, well
cared for in every wn.
In the prison we found I0J inmates, 5 fe
males and IT males, til this number, S
Icinales and fl males are cenv ids itw nit
Ingtilal, 2 and J!i maltn ; tlniiil.
and disorderly conduct, It males.
TliecariH't 'iiianutactuied at tills institu
tion is said te be of an et client quality.
Stiicit Deccinlier 1, IscS, ,W janls liavu
bts?n manufactured anil 'i'i,7it, 1,
leaving but .J.OTti vaids en hand.
'Hi ii present keesr, Jaish S. Smith, is le
be commended for the luanuer In w hich lie
lias inuiiagisl ths institution.
It ii Imtjusttothuetlicials who liave lids
institution in their tharfc' te i.tku special
mention of the geed condition in which
we found, net only the building, but also
its surroundings.
At thoUemeforFricndlewtliildrcn there
' i Itj -
- V
are (11 children, 27 females) mid (VI males.
Of these Ii am colored, ." females and 7
Tills home 1m well managed. Miss
Mar.haN. Kleft'er is well titled ler the re
sponsible Ksit!eu of matron. The children
nppenre I te le (sntenttsl and hapiiy. Xe
deaths during the past year; and out one
cane of nerleus illness.
The grand Inquest would recommend
that the celling ever the play room, w hich
In used in bat! w eathcr enlv, la) repaired.
The plastering in several places has fallen
off, caused by the reef leaking badly.
We would also recommend that steam Iki
used In heating the building.
The grand Inquest icturn their thanks te
the honorable court, thfrslistilet attorney'
tdierltr, tipstaves and oflleersof the Institu
tions for the attention show u it.
Itesixs-t fully submitted,
Tas. It. Marshall, foreman; Walter .1.
Arneld, clerk; W. II. Ureneinan, Krodeilck
II. Krcy, Jeseph II. lllack, Martin X.
('reeulcaf, .1. It. Chamberlain. V'retlerlek
tterftn, H. Curtis Fry, Kiintiel W. hiitr, A.
II. Kraiikhnusar, Tlies. Metlewan, Charles
Peters, II. S. Hetter, Mathlas Heaer,
Charles Si'hwelsl, Ilenl.inilu Workman, I
M. Wiest, A. V. Wltmer.
sunirrv anp. PKsF.nneN casks.
William Wiley, who has flgurtsl many,
times in local jwillce courts, was heard en a
eharge of surety of peats', preferred by
Charles tlracu. The prosecutor testltled
that Wiley had threatened te kill him, In
consequence of jv hich he w as afraid of him.
The defendant denied having made any
tlueats, birt the court thought he had and
dilcctcd him te give ball te keep the peace
for six months mid pay the costs of prose
cution. Wiley was unable te comply w lth
the order and was sent lejall.
Mary I'atteisen was charged by Malis
slnia ltobliiseu with having threatened te
knock her head off. Deth patties are col
ored and live In the eastern end of the
county. The cress-examination tlev eloped
that Mar.v's husband was In the habit of
culling en Malissiiua and acceidlug te the
defendant's story all that slie said te her
was Hint she wanted her te keep aw iiy fiein
her husband. The court dismissed thn
complaint and divided the costs, equally
between the parlies.
Jacob Slielf was chargisl by Annie
WesthaelTer w ith liav ing tlncatentsl te kill
her. The facts proved by the presecutrix
w ere that her chickens get ever into his yai tl
and Nvheii she went there te drive them
away he said he would kill her.
The accused denied having made any
threats. His statement was that she was a
reiH'ated trespasser en his premises and he
ordered her oil-, telling her that 'if alie did
net stay off he might stilke her. The case
was dismissed ami the defendant directed
te pay the costs.
Hester Kafreth, of Salisbury township,
charged her husband William with deser
tion, but her testimony showed that lie
supposed Iter. The court wild that the
desertion case would have te lie dismissed
vvitli the defendant for costs.
The desertion c.ise against James C.
Wilsen was dismissed with county for
costs. The winles settled their dillerences
and me new living together.
The property of Ksias Ilillingfclt, as
slgncd for the bencllt of creditors in 1677,
was re-cenveyetl te him, by decree of
court made te-day. After thn viyincnt of
all debts there was a surplusage of $13,
l'lO.SOIn real and iiersenal pieperty, which
amount was le-transfcircd te-day by the
deed of the assignee te .Mr. Ilillingfclt in
open court.
I. I'. Seutui'in was appointed collector of
the school tax for Salisbury tow ushlp.
Jehn A. Weiiuer was awarded iheceiinty
revjlitl of fill for the aires! of Jehn Dell a
horse thief, who was convicted this week.
A Hotelier's Merse That Kiillvcucd u
Whole Town by Ills Capers.
Friday forenoon Mr. Dallhser, of thn llrm
efl.ut.A: Dallhser, butchers, waswateilng
his heise in front of Millet's hotel, in Kph
nit n, when the animal became fiigiitcuetl
tit some that weie in the heugh wlicie
he was thinking. He tail against a kM
near by, tearing himself loose fieiu the
wagon te which he was hitched. He
then bocaiiiegieatly excited anil crossed tlie
sheet, he tail thieiigh six jiuils en West
Main st ieet. In making Ids way tliieugli
these lie was ceiiipdhsl te Jump ever two
roil and tw e paling fern es. These ebsti no
tions only seemed tefiighteuhiui tlie mere,
and after leaving the hist jard he ciesstsl
le tlie epuisitn side eftlie sheet and imi en
tlie pavement for about two squat es. He
stiuck hitching jmisIs en thn wav,
but they did net clits'k him.
People who weie standing en their lave
ments were glad te get In and out of the
animal's way, and it was a great wonder,
that none of them weie hurt, as the majority
of the people In tlie v lllage w ere out.
The heise dually lss'.ime tired and ran
into a Held, w heie he was caught. He was
hurt somewhat.
One Indicted.
The Voik county grand iiu v has Igneicd
the clmigcs agnin-'t Ceia Itelbeld, Amelia
Miller mid Hew mil and .lames .Stump en
the c hinges el counseling and ami assisting
at barn limning, who were ancstcd en
oath of Jehn K. Went, president of the
CimIeiiis itutl .Maulicini Insurant!! compa
nies. The giand jurv returned a true bill
against lteie Wcavei, who confessed te
II link' a barn. The Indictments against her
am at miii, bain binning, and counseling
and piiH'iiiiug thn tiling of a hint. In thn
case of JauTcs Hauls, ch.ugcd witli setting
rim te bain el Albeit Khcit, in Spring Har
den township, last .vein, the giand Juiy
Igneied the Indictment.
Ulserdcrl.v Heys Arrested.
Twe gangs efUivs, who hall from dif
ferent sections of the town, and seem te
lie bitter enemies, met in I'cntie Square
last evening ami weie seen engaged inn
light. Missiles of dlll'ereutJkinds went
thrown mid bad language imlirlged in. Of
ficer SIcgler iii.itle a ndtl en the gang ami
captured two veung fellm., who gave
their names as Kliuer Mehafley and Wil
liam Staiiuu. They afterwards furnished
ball and as they weik in one of the cotton
mills their hearing was (iestined until
tliis evening.
The Constables Us Pedestrians.
Amettir llie ltinatfilr eislestl tans of tills
..111- ll,nr ,.r,. ..,.. .,n. I ...... .t,.l ,l,w t. I,,. .,.,.,1,1
,.a. ...,..'....'r. ,.... ,,, .-,, ',' .
lu.tkea gtssl showing. These men fin
quentlv make long trips In the reiiut , mi
business, going eutlicl.v en tool. Among
the best walkers are s.uu Slmuhmid Henry
Itiilh. This morning Al Pv le, of the First
ward, show tsl Unit he can rank witli tlie
best of them. He hail business at Martie-
I v ille mul he started oft en feet I'm
i plat eat mi early hour, Dy .'i e'chsk lie
was at Heed's old distillery, and he was ill town helme S e'clts'k.
The Moravian licuv c.mic.I.
'I lie trustees eftlie Merav bin chun h tills
morning received a letter litun the trustees
of St. Jehn's Lutheran church iernmlly
act cptiug their tiller te 'ill the Moravian
gravevaiil fori:i,neO en condition that all
nts'ess,ir.v ih tails l s,ilisiiicterily or er
r.iugeil mid asking for a meeting el the two
boa ids of trusttvs for the piirpe-e of ar
ranging such details.
V scissors (.'rliulec Vrcc-.lcd,
William Itehin. an old m-Is.ts giluder
who gets verj ilnilik, was leaded te the
nis.ktle yesterday. He almost nut evers
number of people with Ills grinding ma ma
Oilne mi the streets. Crmsuhle I',vle trsil;
him In and he was dlsilurgttl en payment
of cefcts thU meniing.
TriMttwn Oiijniile by the Selection
Hen. Wllllniu A. Morten as I'rcsl
leut Uy-Ijxv te lie Adept tsl.
A meeting of the porseni lnterestetl In
the establishment of the Ann C. Witmer
Heme for Aged WldevvHiiud Maiden Ladies
was held en (teod l'ritlay afterntHiit at the
residence of Mrs. K A. Dreneniati, t.t
Orange and l.lme stieels.
The tiustees of thn fund were ireMiil,
and Hen. Win. A. Morten was elected
president ; with J. II. Daiimgardner, sec
retary; Chas. A. l'tiu Dersintth, treasurer,
ami William A. Leamaii, attorney.
The following ladies were elected the
beutl of managers: Mrs. h. A. llreneinan,
Mrs. C. A. llclnllsh, Mrs. C. A. 1'en Der
smlth, Mrs. S. K. ltcngler, Mrs. K. K. Mar
tin, Mrs. M. llobtnseu, Mrs. 11. K. Dautn
gartluer, Mrs. (Icorge M. Kline, Mrs. (lee.
IC. Heed, Mrs. V. M. Xevln, Mis. J. II.
D.unngardner, Misses Annie Slaymaker,
S.J. Myer,.Sue l'rarer and Harriet Holt Helt
sliue. A glance at the nbuve will convince any
ene of tlie w ise selection In electing the
beaitl, which Is composed of ladles who
have always been foiemest in thai liable
A meeting vv ill 1m held en Thursday af
ternoon, April 'S, for the adoption of tlie
by-laws. A committee will then be ap
pointed for the purpose of securing conlil cenlil
hiitnry and life membeis.
The Witt ci Committee.
The water committee of council held a
meeting last evening, when considerable
business was tiansactctl. Clement Ki Is
mail was apsiluted te leek after the build
ing of tlie wall at the pumping station
from the small stream which empties into
the Cnnestegn te the conduit. Tlie grading
of the grounds en the railroad side of the
station was also spoken of, but no arrange
ments vv Cre made for II.
A l.lttle Heace.
Something became wrong with the car
bon In thn large electric light hi ahlii's
Jewelry store last evening. A large llaine
leaped far above the top of the glebe. The
stere was locked at the time and passers-by
became e.xeited. A crowd seen gathered,
mill a man, who was sent from the cltvtile
light olllce in Centre Square, cut thn w lie,
when there was no further trouble.
Pel I Inte the Creek.
Jehn (let, mid Jacob llruhaker, of this
city, met with mi accident at Winner's
bridge en Friday afternoon. They were
engaged in fishing, and when llruhaker
made a sudden move in the water (letz
went tumbling head foiemest Inte thn
stream. Fortunately the water was net
deep, and lie seen managed te get ashore,
although lie was saturated vvitli water.
HAsr. itAi.r. ititn:rs.
Peak slgneil l'ec laiucnster'H second
Ilnsi--rercinan'K (ii-eat AVerk.
Manager Counell, of the Uiucaster club,
yestertlay signed l'cak, a hcciiiiiI liaseuian
who has few equals. He played en thn
Teledo c hift last season ami is pronounced
a line one by every laxly. He will llUely
be captain eftlie club here.
SliclIine Is playing second for Masen's
The best Idea of the held that base ball
has taken en the citiens of Ijiucastcr can
be had iua walk around the city in tlie
evenings. In eveiy sheet boys can be
scen phi v Ing the game with elder people
watihlng tlicin. The high school nine de
feated that of the Lemen stieet m html by
il te II, vestertlay.
Daltiuiein get even with Columbus ves
tcitlay by defeating them two games. Tlie
scores wme IS te I Ti ami 11 tell, hi the last
game but one hit was made by the Ohie
team oil' Kei em.m, who pitched for the
Ironsides in 18SI. The etliei Association
games were: At Philadelphia: llinel.lyu'.l,
Athletics; at Leuisville: Kansas ( it v 7,
l,eiiis llle T. ; at t'iiu innatl : St. Leuis -i,
Cincinnati 'I.
It is "aid Unit Down and While, of the
old Dctieits, me ready te play with Pitts
Jang, and llosleu is willing te traile Kcll.v
fei Weed and give money besides.
Xorrlstew n kiiiM'ktsI out Chai lie Masen's
giants by il te I ,v ester.l.iy.
Harrlsbiirg almost whipped Altoen.i oft'
tlie e.irth li.v il tei.
Tim Cuban (hunts defeated 1 listen by 7
te .1 yestertlay.
Tim Chicago and All Auieilcn clubs ar
ilvetl in Chicago last night. Ha lug com
pleted llieii tour around tint weihl they
weie given a banquet.
The I'euiis.vlviiiihi'M J'liiil roc Seeming
VVcll-Cqulpi.e.l Olllclnln.
The Pennsylvania uilhead has at its Al
tiMina sheps'u unique sclie'd ler training
candidates for nisitleiis in the transport!! transpert!!
tiiin ileiiaitment. linnluiitcs of university
sciciitillc coil I sesare eligible for lush net loll
in the school, such as these who have
studied in the Tew lie seienlille department
of tliu t'nlvei-sitv of Pciiiin.vlvaui.i, in the
Trev Pehti clinic sthoel, the Iteussnlaer
Institute mid ether selioels of that
Tlieie are no classes, no set lumist, no
icgular Instrui ters at Altneiia. As many
students as can he aivtiiiiiiuMlatcd, ieihaps
adeen or se, arc taken Inte the tiiiiiiiug tiiiiiiiug tiiiiiiiug
schoel. Seme are put te work tiling Incn Incn
inetlv cs, some In the machine or t-u shojis,
some in the draughting-ioeiii, and ethers,
again, at m.iiiltciiaueeef wav work. These
college-hred leiirueis aie expected te weik
in anv department te which thev ma us
siguisl, side bv side with the icgular
empleves, and are salaried like the icgu
lais. There Is a system of gi.ided iy by
whiili these vvhti show npiilieatien mid
ability can steadilv iuciease their Intsiuie.
It Is from thn ranks of these who liave
gene Ihieugh this stlioeltliat the nil I read
cfliiiiumy ns'iiiil the upiH'r gratlcs of its
etliclalH." Whenever iHisilieiis are vacant
tlin ilepaitiiieut heads have thcsi) tried
students te sclet t Ireni.and thecoiihetpicnce
is that an elliciciit service is maintained.
Se successful has the working of tills
mIiciiie been that in a number of cases
pinuilncul Kitstein nil I reads in neisl of
siio-euici.iis nave studio xit'i iieiiiiu nifii
Iflltlllllltlsl frtUII t III! 1 1 Itilllllg'Sf )(0. I'rf
, -, , ,, , , i , , , , , ,,
lUCIIl JMHNTIS II. l lllf Ills, llll'lv HI III
students, but after ether railroads am
suppliisl wherever essbli'.
"MM." MM'lll'.ltMIV.
eled an Island and lliiii;.d Three
eftlie Natives.
A story has reailusl Wiisliiiigten fieiu
Alaska t'e tlie fibs t about thice vcars
agt) a man ii.uiusl Mi'Pheiseii Ktllisl from
San l'r.iiiclsee mid cvcntuillv landed en Islands, elf the coast of
Alaska. Mr. Mel'ht rseii's tutire eiitlit
tsiiislsttsl efa suit of clothes, an American
Itag mid ihcik enough ler a regiment, to
gether with a pqs'i iiuiirtlng te have
bis'ii slgiiisl bv Atternev Hcneral tiailand,
iiiMiiutiug him I'iiiIikI ht.ttes tuiu tuiu
luissieiier. As stsiu as lie l.indtsl en the bland he
raised the A inciinm ibig w lib a great thai
of lereiuenv, tisil. ceiiiiiiaiitl of thn ul !
natives and ceiupelhsl them te add less lilnl j
as "King" Mcliieisen. laich season in'
cxacttsl a hi-ayy hihiilc liein tlie natives.
Tilings went lilting very siiioeihl.v ter linn j
until a few months age, vviieu, the ieniit
in. Iio had some dillli ultv w lth three et his t
biilij'sts, mul, fearing that theie mlhl lsi a
mutiny, lie ui rest tsl the three, hlul tliein
bv couit-martlal-he liini-clf comiesngtho
i-eurt and seutfiic(sl them te )e hanged.
He carried out the sentence.
Thorepert of Mel'herBOu'ii nilu reachetl
the treasury department, and a upecial
.-..J ,A-
agent vv as sent te his islands te inv estigate
the matter. This agent recently report it 1
the facts te Kecnlnry Windein, and it Is
said that a levcnue culler will he sent te
the Island for the purpose of arresting Me Me
Pherseu. It Is the Intention eftlie authori
ties te bring him te San Francisce and te
try him for murder.
Wlint Esteemed .leurunls sny of the
" InUllljeueer. "
Fiein the Lniictntcr Kxainliier.
Our local ejntemieniry and an esteemeil
ene, tee, the Kincaster iNTKi.t.liiKNt'Kit,
came out in new type last night and leeks
as bright as a maiden's face after it marriage
preisisal. Falr as tlie acr liHikctl last
night, it will Increase in geed leek astime
gieteu. It rtsulies a tew tlajs for new
tvi3 te show Just exactly what' It can de.
Aside from this note of the mechanical
work of our Democratic paer, wi consider
In the fairest mul keenest critic we have te
contend vv ith, and what Is even better, the
must Independent. The senior editor, Mr.
Andrew .1. Steiliinati, will always have his
sav w hether people like his lew s or net.
hi plain terms, tlie 1niki.i.iiknci:ii has
always kept Journalism up ten high water
mark. Though we de net accept its polities
or agree with all its silltleal criticisms, vv e
knew 11 Is run with'' a high aim anil con
ducted by gentlemen. Such being the case
we knew- that the friendly feelings existing
between the stalwart reprosentatlvosof two
great ivarties the Ktaminrr anil I.vtm.m
iiiiNt'im will continue through the future.
nitiiiiirim new than i:vi:it.
Frem the Philadelphia Press.
The Ijtncastcr Inti:i. I. l(ii:ci:it appealed
en Wislnesday with an entiiely new tysi
giatihical eu'tllt. The Lsi'.Nct:!!,
which Is always ably edited and one
of the newsiest dallies in the Interior of the
slate, Is brighter new than ever.
i:ntiii.i:d ie iii:sii:ii.
Frem Iho Ijincaslcr Inquirer.
The INTKI.I.IOK.MT.U 4111110 Ollt ill It 1I0VV
tlri'ss en Wednesday evening, greatly tin tin
iireved in apuran'fc. It Is new one of the
liaiiilseuiest uiH'is en our exchange list.
Thn Inti:i.i.iiikm'i:ii Is a live newspaper,
anil while we fieipieutly dlllcr from ft, and
often radically, 11 Is always entitled te re
spect ftir having the courage of its convic
tions. This is u virtue se uncommon Hint
it ought te rank very high.
Frem the MnirlslmrgCall.
The Ijineaster 1nti:i.i.iiii:nii:ii has Just
denned an entiiely new diess xv hich much
improves Its appearance. This Democratic
standby of old bannister Is one of thn best
edited newspapers In the stateaud deserves
the success vv hich it has attained.
IIItlllT I'l-teiivii:.
I'rein the New Iliillaiut Clarien.
On Wislnestlay evening the laiucaster
Inti:i.i.kii'.mhii' came out In a complete
new fieck from head le feet. Although
the 1nii:i.i.1(ii:nci:ii get left last fall in the
big light, she is right up te the time in
matter pertaining te journalism, ami keeps
no rusty nails or loeso screws around Inn
union r, r.viu, inii:ci:niii:m'.
Frem the ItcadliiK Times.
The new ami beautiful dress in vv hich the
laincaster Ki.i.iiiKNtKH has arrayed
itself, glv es te its etherw Ne brilliant quali
ties mi iidihsl grace anil attractiveness,
Tlie iNim.i.liir.Ncnu Is one of thebiightest.
fairest anil most independent Inland
journals in the country, ami is a positive
credit te the newsiaper business.
niiiiiirr AHA III. ANMl HOI, I. VII.
Frem the HarrUtairi; Patriot.
Tlie Lancaster 1nti.i,i.(ii:ni'i:ii has put
en a new dress and leeks as Iniglit asa
new' Island dollar.
Alll.i: AH IIAMlstlMP.
Fieiu the Columbia Neus.
The lMi:i.i.leKM'i.llsas handsome as It
is able, new' that it has a new suit of types.
Deaths of Women.
Susan Wcitr, of Wriglitsv ille, who was
se liatlly liuined lecently, tiled el her ill
Juries en Tuesday evening, and was bulled
en Fiiday.
On Wednesday evening Saudi, wife of
liishnp Jonas Martin, of Kail township
died of bleed poisoning, Jigcd 41 years. She
was a daughter of thn into lieujamlti
Witmer, bf 1'aist I'arl, mid a vtuy estlmablu
ladv. she leaves nine t hlldicn.
MIs-cil (be Cats anil Klllett lllsslslec.
Miss Xalinin Tetnm, of Seuth Pittsburg,
Kv, was nci-ideutally shot and Instantly
hrtltsl en i Inusday by her bietlier, Jese)li
Tutiini. Mi. Tutiim vviisavvukeiiisl by cats
lighting In thn loom eeeiipiisl by Ids sister.
Sts'iirlng Ids icvelver he enterisl the
apartment ami tired at the cats. The
build missed its mail; and picictsl tlie
hiaili of tlie girl.
Flghly Miissiieliusetts Clergymen I'liice
Tbcniselvi's en lteeefd AkiiIiisI II,
Over eight v prominent clergymen of
llosten and Its vlcinlt.v, and of oilier cities
in Massachusetts, liuve jilacisl themselves
en iiveul as lollevvs:
"The undersigned clergymen of Massa
chusetts, white strongly advocating tem
perance among our peeple unl all appro appre
jii iate and elh'ctlve means te piouifite It.
believe that the adoption of the iriiiescd
amendment te the isiiistitutlen jiiehibiting
the s lie of Intoxicating lltpieis would net
accemplisli lis inteudisl puipose. i'he
adoption of the mufiidiueilt icjumIs nil
high Hit use and local option legislation,
and takes the legiilatleu of thn sain or
liiauiit.i. tilie of liquor wholly from tlie
I.ogl-l.uuie and the ssiple in lis-al com cem
iiuinities, mid makes such regulation
wholly ileiK'iiilent iiihiii tlie iHiwertoeu iHiwerteeu
Ibrce absolute gelieial prohibition thiough thieugh thiough
eut tlie couiiueuw ealtli.
" Pioliililtleu Isetlcttlve only vvheru thn
local sentimeiit will enforced; and vvliere
tlie local sentiment eufeices it; it exists
iinilei our present law. Te uxi liangn thn
piesent right of eacli citv and town te vete
"no license' aim wiinre uie void is i.u
license te icgiilat.) the ll.eiise under the re
stil.tlve acts of tlie la-glsl.itiiin ler thn
. bance of enforcing absolute prohibition
everv wlicie in thn eouliiienw ealtli lrresoc lrresec
tlve eftlie IimmI sentiiiient is ill oiirepinion
mom likely le icsiilt in greater frtsslein
than in gii'ater restrlitlnn in the sale and
use nf intoxicating liquors."
Thn sigiieis include Hev. Andrew P.
PciiImmIv, itabhi Milnnieii S.lirudlcr, Itev.
Miiiet J. Saviignaud A. (iorden.
In addition, Hie Kplscepal bishops of
Maine, KIksIe island and Iowa, In which ptohihitleu Is te-day
in fene, have written triing letters declar
ing the lalhire and evil results of prohibi
tion ill their respective states.
All Iho Pretty Fancies or Peets l'i-ct Ily
Hal-it Facts.
Fnml ii.khI Wen!".
It is new held by the best plivsiclausthat
Instead of falling irnnnibove Ihodevv mlses
freintlieeaitli.i'hegenerallv received opin
ion that the tlew is lorintslef vasirnxisting
at the time in theatniesiiliem must beglv eu
up ler the established fart that the vapor ilscs from thn lic.ittsl e.utli is
trapMsl bv the cold surlaie earth. Do De
sides, when we luiagliie that, en a cool
evening after a siiltiv tlay in suiinner, our
let t are Is-ing w 1 1 bv tlie tlew , en the grass,
we make a grave mistake. Fer that moist
me en the gmss is net dew at all, It is l.ilstt
deu in ri. dit! tlie trauspiicd humor of
tlie plants, Tlin ilreps ut tlin tips, which
glisten tli.iiiiend-like, are net dew ; clese
examination shows thai these crv stiilliue
siilieiim tee all ultuutful tit the jieluts whnie
the v fins of the le.iv es cut tin' oilier edges.
'I hise drops enlv give evidciife of thev 1
talitv of the plant.
ihe dllleience between the line dew en
the glass and the exuded .hops through
tlie veins fieiu within the grass can be
easily distinguished, t.u tlie former Is tils
tilbuted all evei the blade in a moist lllm ;
uhcicns the latter are of somesho, and are
itiialttl uisii the tips et the blade.
Washington, D. C, April 20.
Talr, slightly warmer, southerly
A 4.1 5.-
Many blocks of lluslncss lliitldhiux lie-
Teurcsl Ily naiiies-A Man Ktllisl
nml Several Injurxsl.
The biggest and HercesttlroXew-Yeikcis
liave witnessed in this generation jivvept
tlin east bank of the Xerth river clear en
Friday from Flnv-nlnth te what would lai
Slxty-llnh street ir the stieet ran te the
river there. It dotievod morn than tl,.VH).
tiOO of pieveity Islenglng te (he Xew Voik
Central railre.ul, ami at least $Mio,O0e worth
ofsteiO'tof lard, lleiirand the like Is'long Is'leng
Ing te ether K'i sons, notably X. K. Fali
baukn, tlie Chicago' laid merchant. It
swept away the two big elevators A ami li
of the Vitiitlcrbilt svstem, a big brick
building stretching fieiu ITrty-uliilh stitsjt
clear te Sixtieth street ami iHs'iipitslJelntly
bv thn I'alibanks laitl rellnery and the
Itosslter stores, ami w IiksI out the drs'k
preiertv eftlie Xew Yeik Central system
Iriiiu Fifty-ulnlli shis'l te past Sixtv-lirth
At least ene man was killed In his head
long (light from the tlie at the first out
break. A number wei-c. Inluicd In lumping
Irein windows of the burning building, but
in the wlhl terroreftho tiouiftidnusconlla tieuiftidnusconlla tiouiftidnuscenlla
gratlon no aixniunt was kept eflhem. The
pollen liave a iccnnl of the following
casualties: Henry lleiuilng, u weikman In
I'alibanks' rellneiy, killtsl by lumping
Ii eui a third story w liuhivv ; Jehn Jehnsen,
a weik man in Fairbanks', severely Injured
en the back by Jumping from the w ludnvv;
Charles Drewn, sev ere Injuries alsiiit the
heatl from the sumo souice; William J.
Xelile, II reman of engine Xe. '', piestratisl
by heat vv Idle at w erk at the ftstt of Fifty
lillitli stits't; IMward II. i'tiblu, llreiuii'n,
llkewise pmstratisl liy the heal.
Ituuiers were Itylng around all I'rlday
livening that a number of vverkuieii hail
been caught anil burned in the I'alibanks
lutluety, hut It was impossible te asceitalu
(he truth of them,
At least a quarter of a million people
tuimsl out te watch the brilliant sight fieiu
be.vend the police lines en Twelfth avenue.
All the West Side sheets weie hliH'kcd,miil
the elevated trains carried swarms nit ami
down town te swell the eievvtls. The mi
lice lcseivcs wein called out te preserve
tinier. Kvery (lie engine almve Feuiteentli
stits't was calleil out in tlie weik of extinc
tion, but thn tlicnieii I'euglil against tre-
meminiiH etitis, partly owing te the nature
of the
greuini, mul tneir etteits were
They tiiatle aliselutely nelnipies-
Xnvv Veitis, Apill 2u. Knur lire engliies
ami two lire Isials wein busy this morning
thtewlug wali'i en thn iiilns of the ware
houses mid eleviitnis destteyed in last
night's great llieat.'itHh strict and Xerth
river. Twe thousand Imrrels of oil am still
burning at the Wilcox iclliiery. It would
be useless le attempt te extinguish this (he
until it exhausted Itself, but a cordon of
llremeii has been formed te keep It from
spreading. Thn Union stock j mil abbatelr,
which was ablaze caily this morning, has
been saved, only the exterior wait being
damaged. The peupln Injured are all
lining as well as could be cxMS'ted, and no
further deaths inemilhipatcd, Athenian
fell ovcrbead at .Villi street pier this morn
ing, but was rescued.
Tlie Xevv Yerk Central'sless by the great
tire is footed up by lis nllleers as $1,100,000,
hut mere than half of thn burned property
was useless In the company uiid need net
he replaced. Anether half million ami
ever Is cevensl by Insurance, se that the
actual net less of the company, chlelly en
freight, for whit Ii It la icsponslhle, Is about
The total less of property consumed by
the lire villi net be I'ai'l'ieui thiee millions
of dollars.
Itev. Wlllhun 11. II. su.vtler Hies
ileuly ill AlliiiilleClly.
A dispatch iceelved In this city ti tun
Atlantic Clly tills afternoon, slates that
Itev. W. 11. ILSuvilcr, a piemlueut min
ister of the Kefornied ehuieli, tlietl this
morning, rather suddenly, at thai place.
The deceased vv us M .ears of age. Hu
was a gi adnata of Franklin and Maishall
college. Fer twenty yc.ils lie was pastor
of Salem chinch in Hairlshuig, About
tluen years age he xx lit le Hellefente,
vvlicm lie was statlennl up te the time of
Ids dentil. He rei'ently went In Atlantic
City for the benefit of his health, which
hid net Im'cii geOtl. Mr. Snyder was sec
retary of the he.iiil el home missions el
tlie liefeinied i lunch.
He was an a.tlve vvoiker In eveiythlng with tlie chinch. He leaves a
wife and two tlilldren. His wile is a
daughtei tifthn late Daniel l.'risinau and
a sister of Mrs. ('hallos Kheiiii.iu, Min.
Harry lllekscfkcr and Miss Mai gin Ihis
Ulan, el'lliiscllv.
'll'eng I'neugli Fer the Mall tecvlee.
Xe pipei In the county has found morn
fault with the management of the (Histal
kciv l.e, thn lug tlin Clevtlauil administra
tion, than the 1-uieiisler eni''cc, and it
is continually thing het shot at the (.mi
nister Mistelllce. As Iho editor of Unit
paper cVKs ts te Imi llie next sistluaster
hern people aie anxious le knew lien hit
will manage the all'.tlis Ifiippeliiled.
i'he hi'inlir, Is gi oath tickled ever the
!tpMtirhnciit nf several islal agents in Iho
county and says of nun :
A. Lincoln Mever, of West Lauilielcr.
lias been apHiinteil I'm the postal loute liem
l.aueaslei te llarrisbuig. Hu Isaveiltlg
mini of uiiilsiial intelligence ami getsl
ch uiicter.
Mr. Mever may Isimi intelligent young
man, but he does net si cm le have much
of an Idea of his duties ill llui fntiiie. He
lis k is! a gentleman at the Pennsylvania
station vcslerdav whether them were
many ti links le handle, in the xistal ser
vice between Unit-aster and Hal risbiirg.
He said hu was used te haul work mul
could lift heavy trunks.
An Dist Klnn Mr,.,-! Mjslery.
At mi emly hour tills morning jHsiple
living en ltst King sheet alsive I. line
wein awakened by hearing three pistol
shots which worn llnsllii rapid siiis-essien.
Sevenil gi'iitli'inen inade a search but isiuld
net llnil w Iio tlnil the shots.
Absent Wilheiil l.ciivc.
Sixty nieiiilicrsnf llm Heuse of Itcpro Itcpre
seubttives left their yestenhiy and
Spiiker Deyer lias Issiitsl wiiriiiuls for
their ariest. Among llm
Fraukliti, limn h and .Smith,
tleiellit am
of laiucastei
Death of Mcs. Itaelmel lailig.
Mrs. It.uhael laing, out of liutiistei's
eldest icsidents, at St. Jeseph's liospl liespl
tal, aged Sil yeai. llei death resulted freiu
injuries icceIksI en Miiuh II, en which
day she fill and fnictuied her hip Isuie.
Her lun.'i.d w ill take place en Tiulay uf
t .n neon at 2tMl.,
Will Ll'.'Ct II New llillbllngr
.liillll F. Ilelllitsh hiistlcci.ltsl teiebllild
Ids whole stnre, en Xeith (Jiieeu street,
which wits mi badly w risked mi Wednes
day nlht. The w hole building, Including
that part occupied Iiy Ii. A. Schrejer, will
1 tern down, mid cellars ninth deeper
than the present ones w 111 la niade under
neath. a31,'JOOTIel:eta.
Ijiiltvister county will rcrolve 211,203
ticket for usiuiLlliQ election en June IS,
u . &!& giggt ,, . zfM ." fr,.X m. "'!;ap; ,
Ctililll'llliitleii services.
Theie was continuation services hi Sev
ern! churches of the city last evening and
In consequence thev weie largely attended.
At St. Paul's Deformed ehunh Hev. J. W.
Mcmlugcr continued twenty-two, six; of
vv hich immlier W ere by Imptlsm. Seven
were taken in by cert llleate. Since Hev.
Memlngcr has been pastor of this congre
gation, eighteen months, he has continued
ene hundred and eighteen persons.
At St. Jehn's Lutheran church last eve
ning Hev. D. F. Allcman couth med four
teen persons, six of whom were by baptism.
Six were also taken in by letter.
At St. .Stephen's I.utheran rliuich s.oelnl
continuation sei vices weie held by Hev.
Melsler mul two poisons weie continued.
At the First itcfiitmnd chuivh three
versenw were ris-elved by eertlllcale and
tw e by renew tsl cmifc sslnn of faith. Sev en
were continued and four of that iiuinbir
were baptised.
The Pciinsjlvanla lteHives Will 'tiike
I 'till In the Kxecclses.
D. F. W. Filian, (s)rresHiiitllug stsTelai-j
or the rcnusvlvaula ltestrvcs itssociatieu,
has iistived a circular announcing that the
monuments eicclcd en tlie bitlle-llehl of
Uettysburg will be tlcdlenttsl en Mavilst
and 22.1.
The Hist ihty will be tloetedh sudi
exercises at the monuments as the
iosieetlo Mini vels' oiganl.atlen may
ileshe, hut te consist of nil uihhvs.s iclatlng
totlieseivhsweflhoieglmeiitorbnttery In
the battle. UN Intended te colic, t these
addtesseN and iiulilish them In one volume.
se as te given complete hlsteiy of Pennsyl
vania in Iho battle el licit vsbnig.
On the stsMiid day thn gelieial exeiclses
will taWn place, consisting of a paiaile,
oration and addresses.
Arrangements have been made for in
dueed lallreiid rates, anil it Isexpeetnl that
there will be a iiu go atieiiilauce al Heliys.
lung en these two ila.vs. The Peuiisvlvaida
Deserves w ill take part' In the
mi.i iiy tiii: sinntipp.
Only ii Few 1'isipei-ileN llUxiissl el'Tbls
SherllV llurkhehler sold the following
pmpeitles at the court lioiisethisiiiternoon:
Light acres of land In Fpper l.oaceck
township, en which aie eus'ttsl a two-story
frame heiisti, liiuui' stable mul oilier build
ings, in, (be property of A. W.
Mmllii Wcltller, fer870a.
A tract of Ul-2 ni-resef land In Maner
township, en which am erected a fiainn
dwelling, fraiue barn and tobacco shed, as
the iniierty of Lenhail Xlchelas, te, Susan
Wert, furfcia.
The prnHrty of CasMr Kehler, conslst censlst conslst
lugef brew cry.hetnl and seveiat ihvelllugs,
was sold te Jehn .Maiming for CO, 'IIO, sub
ject le Hens of $!l,Wl w ith Interest.
The fellow Ing properties el'.l. W. John John Jehn
eon i
A let of ground In the borough of Shits
burg, containing tme-lcilf ucie, en which
are a double two story fraiue house, stable,
wagon maker's shop mul ether linpiovo linpievo linpiove
meulHtn P. I). Daker for?din.
A farm of IMI acres In Dmiuore mul
Marlle townships, vv lth Improvements i-
slstlng of two-story lieiise, bank barn mul
tobacco shed, te Michael Macllonlgle and
Alice Macdenlglc, exis-uters of Jehn T,
Macllonlgle, ileccastsl, mul Ibirriet Uall
bach, for $1,000, subject te a mortgage of
' ' ii
College llevs Pedestrians.
PlelO Hut 11,11111)11 Tillies.
Messrs, Charles Well leh, of Myeislewn
and Will Hall, of bun-aster, students at
Franklin and Marshall college, of Umcas Umcas
ter, en Wednesday morning stinted en feel
en a v isll le tlin parents of the former at
M version ii. They rem lied ililckervllle
thn siiiiin day, whom (hey leinaliiisl ever
night and the next day at utsui uriivisl at
Death eI'.Mi-m. N. I.. Wiiltllt-y.
Mrs. Xeimaii L. Waiilley, vvil'u ofthe
veteian stagu proprietor anil mail carrier
between Strasbiirg and Lancaster, tiled yes
thiy afternoon after a short Illness. Ilcshlcs
a husband slie leaves several chlldicn.
Miiriiett In Canten.
Miss Ida Phillips, daughter of Haivey
Phillips, of Seuth I'llliee sheet, tills city,
was married in Canten, Ohie, te Victer
Paw low sky. The couple me hew en it Ini
tial hip le Iiucaster. Miss Phillips was
feimeily in the Keystone watch factory of
this city, hut for seiun timu p.e.t has been
lit llie Canten factory.
ihe I'oei llhvelncs.
At thn meeting of the poer.lltcctora thin
iiieinlug the feasibility of eieetlug a plant
for tlie liiinlslilugef the county buildings
was discussed. It Is thought that tlie
county can furnish their water al much
less cost than Is paid the city. It was
divided te uiiike Inquliies cenecinlng the
cost, i hey also dlseusstsl thn piepricty of
pulling steam heal In all of Iho buildings.
Twe Itiimivviiy IIe.vm.
I 'ted llartsteiu, agiil II .lews, and a boy
nauie.1 Saliuski, who wein empleyisl In
ene of tlin cotton mill en Pilneu street, ran
away te-.l.iy, after drawing their my.
They lulkist of leaving tow u and the be
lief Is that they walked le some ether sta
tion and took thn cats, ihe thief of po
lice Is scan hlug for them.
Their Annual Walk.
The lleriiiauia Turner Vcrelu will held
tlielraumial "May" walk te-morrow morn
ing. They will leave Kxcolsler hull, their
headquarters, at It e'clis-k, headed by the
Iroquois band, fur What (lien.
9 '
Will llaptle Thern In it Spelnu,
Itev. Ing, of the llethel church at Heh-
rcr-lewn, will baptlea nuue.ei- of )ceph)
in thn Dig Spliug, near Itohrerslevvu, te-
uioriew aftenioeii Itetwecn 2 and .i e'ehs'k.
Pn.hlbtlteii Will lie Dcfeateil.
Des i e.v, April 20. The Hientng Ite.eiml
te tlay says that estimates rtH'tlvisl from' n
IiiiiiiIksI cities and towns silnt te thn tie
foal onlieconstitiitlonal prohibition amend
ment next Monday, by from l.'JVi) totlO.One.
A NeImi Wiih Heard.
List night it noise was heanl Ily the
fauiilv of S. J. Owens, of .Veith Duke
street', which like someone was
trying te get into thn house. An alarm
wiis given, mid a scarih of thn premises
was made by Special Olllcer Shubrncks
and ethers, who went unable te tlnd illiy-
th'ng wrong.
Tuti.i le Louden.
Ihii'ssi.i.s, April J Hen. Deulaugerhas
decided tele.iv n It. lgluiu. he will start for
Uiiideu en Wislnestlay nn.xt. His decision
is thin te vvariiliigglvcnhlinby the govern
ment that If h did net leave tlie country
he would bn expelled. .
F.leete I Dhvolec,,
Xvsii villi:, i'cnii., April 20,
I. Daiii
Uiiiient anil Kx-SeiiatorThes, C, Piatt, of
Xevv Yeik, have been Heeled dlretten of
theTeiiuessee Ceal A Itaihead cemiuiij.
- ...
.liicebs Again Itcsplusl,
Haiiiiisiu-ue, Apiil 20. Hoverner
lloaverlwsiespited Mrs. June Whitelliig,
Philadelphia, James II. Jacobs, Lancaster,
and Ititer Darouev.i-l.i, .Sthuvlklll, until
June 23.
St .uy of the American Henmcli Sarad I
the Natives hui-lng tlie lturrltane
nl Aplre In Felirunry.
W.vsuiNfiTON, April 20. The meriilng'i
man tieiivereti al the iinvy departme
brought two lctlers from Aduilr
Klmberly, dated Apia, March 19 and St!
iesHH'tlvely, anil addressed te thesecreUr
oiinenavy. 7
The adiulral commends trl the socreuuyiS
viatiteea, who without request sent
huiiilrisls of his men te aid In snvln
stores mul materials frein the wreck
naval vessels. These natives, the admlr
says, snvisl many of our men wheti tlrtl
Xlpsle and Yamlallii went ashore, ami twej
el llieni lest Ibclr lives In endeavoring t
save ine men who were trying teswIMI
ashen. The adiulral sav's anv reenanltletfi
of tlitse services would i highly npprM-
attsi ny the Sa means. The admiral nlsffS
speaks of the klutl acts of Captain Heiirr?
C. Kane, in iHiuilnaiid of the British nhhftMi
Callleisi, mid cxpiesses the hope that UWj
ilepartmeut will net forget him.
The admiral says the Trenten and Vmi-
dalla will he a total less, but believes the!
Xlpsle can lsi saved and reivaiitsl.
Aecempanvlng the letters Is a lengthy;
iieiaiieti rejMiu ei inn tiiHastnius storm or a
March lillh, thn less of life and thn ex tout i
el thn ilamagn siistalmsl by the vesseln
under Lieutenant Klmlierlv's cemmaiiti;
The reisiri tlees net innlerlally tlllTcr frnm
thai furiiishiHl Iiy telegraph from San FrnH
cisee ey ino.vsseeiansi I'lessaiiti pumiHiieii
en suu.iay morning last.
llealh of Postmaster tVat-seu.
Xhvv Yeiur, April 20.- Pest muster HenryvJ
O. Pearson died at 4:20 this morning, ftj
Die residence of Ids tatlier-lu-law, ox-Peat-j
master (leneral James, al Highlands, X. 3t
Lx-Pestmastnr tlcu. .lailiCH bmilght ta
lievvs of Mr. Peaisen's death te tlie ix
oftlce early this morning and thou enter
upon the duties of his son-in-law, pnrnu
te action recently taken by Mr, Pearson'!
bondsmen, delegating the lsiwer of et)
te lilm, Hisllrstiict waslosentlateleBr
le Postmaster Hen. Waumuaker apprlatii
nun in inn (icatii. tia
air. i-earsetrs iieiuii was irein nciiM
i huge caustsl by cancer of the stoma
He had been In a comatose stie from,
o'clock xcstcrday morning until he die
llewas l.i vcars el age. Illsilcatlietvurr
en thn l.'Uli anniversary of his w (Mlding.
Hu leaves a widow, but no children.
High l.lceiiKt" Fer Mlelilgan.
Lvn.imi, Mich., April 20. The lfeui
alter two days of consideration, lias in
the liquor tax: bill which requires retaile
ti) pay tJiKHl. a year; distillers- 91,000)
nrewcrs ?aie; wiiQieaaie liquor
$S00; wlielesaln beer and wiue deh
tsVuliind prevents druggists selling IhpH
except iiH)ii written application, wnk
must be recorded lu it publl.i
Hiider no clrciimstancea can they
by the drink or mixed litiuers wl
stsla water or any ether beverage le
drunk en Iho premises. The bill pM
by (hu nanew margin of six voted. J-ft:
could net be given iinmeillate elfectUcki
lug the necessary tw e-tlilrds vote, anil con
sequently the liquor selling business willl
bogevermsl this year by the existing law,'!
w hich tint es Iho tax from May 1. 'd
Foiimlalleii Fer u Heller.
Xnvv Yeiik, ApiU2H.-C. Hegemann, aj
lepieseutatlvoef lun.ii, litlye tS Ce., aak
te-day that the fact Unit the Minnesota hadg
picked up one of the DanmarU's beats beni
nut the surmise that the lisscngers whaj
were en the ill lated steamer have VeeNM
"Olhervvlse," hesaf.l, "why would t
beat lsi In Us natural position. If they hi
iierishcd their dead bodies -would have r
mainetl In the beat antl It la net at all lir
able Hint they would Jump overboard
long as tlie lsad continued te float, ilrekl
cigar IsiXen Welti found ill the 1m
mul this would Indicate that the occur
of the beat had placed their valuab
in them when theyweie leaving the)
and when thev wem Ising rescued tin
liiekn the lsixes mi In their hurry. U
passengers have been lescueil ami Imv
Ik-eii brought le the Azores isianti, i
ought te hear frein them by
end of next xveek. if 1 can m
iiiember aright, vessels leave the Azore
for Lisben about the 5th and 20th of l
month. The icscued passengers could
I each the Islands in tliue te
sent te Lisben by the vessel whj
sails about the .'ith, but they would pr
bably be taken llieiehy thoxessel wiilfl
en the 20ih. It takes four or live day!
for a vessel te reach Llslsm se we weu
net hear any thing of thuiu until the end
that lime."
Want Divorces.
Subpcnas In divorce were issued te-daj
in (he fellow lug suits; Albert A. Anne ye
Abbe Anne, eniel treatiiUnX: Sue Uraca
bill vs. Jehn Diackbill. iidulteiy. ?'"
Tint Third H.m.
Slet u'iieiai. Aprll20.- Princess Victer!
Iho crown prluiesS of Sw edcu, has glv't
liiiili te another seu. This makes thread
chllthcn, all sons, bem te the Crown I'rlneeJ
Tin: Kevslene lliisiii.t.s Celltnfe titnvctl Int.
iHTiiiaiiiut uuiiitcM thin vus'k, Xe. hi Ne
Hu. sn htusa. ever Sliiuili A lluriit' shoe te
(1.1 II.Hir), Inte one of Die 11 no I room hi til
III), llie pulillc Is cerillall) liiviiffi iu m
our lah.sil and examine iiiecnursoei Miuiy.
Tunninnialtliarlty ctun'crl forlhelienefltl
linmisHerli-ty will U held at llie n-iaence
lrs.S. F- Itenelrr. Ne. 11 Seulli Prllice hu
en Meiitluv evtnl'iir. Aurll Ticket caul
hint ut II. U Feil IKTiiillh'.
Pisicler's I'lilleu OlK-ril Hoiihe.
Thn .'iiL-nL-eiueiit en Tuesday nlglit nex
Anrli M. of lltilik.-y Klnili' "The Wa
iiiKs.n'Ms .11.111,11111 el vrllli iilntsun and
Ik-hailed by levers of Hie sjMsiucular wltlH
ni.i. ii Is well kiinvni thai llieKtrultyiuw
U a Biiiiniults of KerKtsHis mviiIiv una ims?haa
cat clliet-, nqsTl" unlit lag una inugimiu i he Water iJitfeti has Just cendu
alvieuts-ksrtiu al the Walnut Mnt Theatres
I'hlt.uli'liililii. te t'liniuieim hlisliirss antl lis" I
ctlvcd thuiiuleMiiienl of thefiillre pros of that
cliv. ll will ln-iiriHliusslut Proelor's with ttS
irlifliiuli-ast.Mviit'r.v.ilK'itN anil costumes niuhi miiv. AtliuUsleii i l"iiriuet und fret
r,.-In .lii-le 41 tU: clriif Tict-iils; tallcry SiJ
an, I X, h lite- ,,d, ,
lllue Cre Ceiiiiuiiiulery, Ne- 5, IC. O. K., at L
nm tlutf held en 1 liurwlaj cvtutUK icr in i
poseur eh?iiIiik JUH for '-'7 cues uifiw
..,.. ie.,K iti.ii.rnn. mil nf nlxbldilen.
fiilrorihiiCeiiuiiaiitliryoiKMi. this ivenlujj
711 o'lieel;,
William T. J. thible Will Alattane
ii... l...i,.LIi,.' lUkllli-s Of Hid UU ts
Hele will ! citrrltil mi I" lh future, al
imH, te WW-T. J- ''' I'V'"8 " 8 'i'
'..:...... ,ri.i..i. ...i. n.lrtlut Interval ler
J,r'" . '.' ., rii.i iniiuniied hUblMl
..Lif ii!. u a lKinulnr jeuu man
lit cure and he will KUethebu.hiehU
i. " .nil i,t ..! bv an advertl
".".l ' L'i ha tarried en at llie old
mul all uxUr will he promptly altf tided Ift
B.vnFrcrA Eekeil's Mchil TmUt
In another eeiumu. r
asal.tiJa, ju& isst-j