' 1 THE JANCASTER DAILY INTEIJJGEyQER, WEDNESDAY, APRIX 10. 1880. " - Dally Intelligencer. . hAMtUMM. AM lb 10, W, i Tie Great line. tip Iwelklrda tote in the Heuse which flTM en Holiday night te Mr. WmUfttwBwcWfxmldcrft- .fllNM,Btl-dieorlmlMteB bill, rea TatBflaY morning te less kaafsftjertty. Th Pretext taken for leff ff foeeMer the biU mi the urgent mr that the Heuse should attend a ; alibtatten at Milten et the anniversary utn'mmnaa. The Heuse had . ainUr refused te attend the celebratien: Swat tbe motion was renewed, at tbe in- xM et the Republican leaden of the "aVwhe had ensured te deteatthe :;U-dtrIralnatien bill, acd who were .fritting te show their hands by causing Jne adjournment et the Ilense for te ttuMag an occasion. I?: vm efiiy wenaer in una matter is mat the members were allowed te vote the 'tpMlal'erder en Monday night, and thus .New, what the body would de it freed f Crwf Um control in which it is held. The Deoeoratlc members generally supported Mr.-vVnerry In resisting an adjournment , afcat was obviously prompted by an inten . HAN f A ITr ( rt IhA DnAjiliil Arilin f tikf I n 1 m eawfwivM we ecvuu uiua iua unu 9M&9eearedfer tbe anti-discriminaUen T!,lMvre The Republican members bave ttaawrAll hatsaVn fmnVea Aiaarlw iifiew IIia iaIpa1 afr JkP OlJefe TAartarel ItifiM af ttila mIam ,.! viz rui'-iiTr- it,::.'! " uu ."uu f.,teBumr ia wuicn mey were an Ten Hfcack en Tuesday morning from their ;nU "discrimination demonstration et -Monday night, la a perfect revelation of I their subserviency. Ji It IS net BurnrUtncr. link ahnnlrl hn rerv tfdtegnsting te the respectable Republican yaenUmtnt of the state. This measure r,5;heald net bs a party measure and would , '-ftet"be if the Republican leaders could afford" te stand with the people and r mmmai, vue corporation interests a&lbatj hare hired them. The fact s-;.ut. uie icinocraiie legislators nre r !. 4L .. ... . upuu ue nDii-uiBcrimiDaiien i aide: is used te show that the Democrats J.? a seeking tomato a party lsaue el the 1 nnuriAH Tin l . T Lit t f iahlp would net let them take it. Thn -,5Dttoeratle party may be very clad nSft h AffAriAfl tliA nnnn.l..liM ...... lr tkta" lMlie UDOn thnlr Trt hinnun ; Mnce they could present no stroeger claim ISA . ae . a at - Kew u rotes ei inese wne suiier irem dla- a,;wHiuiDinDg rutireaa cnargts ; ana mere OWfewInthiaiitatewhedonet. Every letUM e: industry Is affected; and the eeapIaint is se general and tbe cry Eg.e loud, that we were even deceived l-clate.-inspecting that there mlcht be Eepnblican purpoee te vleld te It. ?.iWhen" m aaw llfnvnr Intrrwlunlnr f'nr- M'Mgia te the Heuse and two-thirds of It f" . .voting te give the people's cause a fcfcearlng. The deception hes net been for Jeng ; and there is every probability that M-thj. TlstlSn.r!lf In tiartt, rt.111 k. 1l (n .! w: i r ' al' """' w MMue or uie next campaign upon tbe S! right aide of this engrossing iisue. TM The verdict there ia net uncertain. It 5WI lanntrMll tjl thnTtnnnKllnin mnnnnnrn Ia .permit be great an advantage te their ppebents. They have but one way te take it from them: and if thlsLlsl&ture v' Billnlirna vlt.hnnh e lnfe,ti...l,.l.i,.n gf'rf nifMvut irr hucijuiiwii yiv , aiDiiing stale trame being put upon the tatnte book, there is no possibility of ita escaping defeat in the coming election. P, Saltpetre will net save it. It will Btiuk pwlth decay before election day. xne iiepuDiican leaders will de well te remember that their nartv has been ae- VAVikltr TvIajI BrAHtA11.. IH Tl.u.....l 1- - mu; uicu, tiJlctiailjr ill XCUIlBjrtVilUlil by the utter failure of Harrison's elec tion te stimulate the industries which were declared te be threatened with de. itructlen by Cleveland's success. To day these industries nre in far werse k case than they were when Cleveland was '.;v defeated. ThetriumnU of thn hicb iarifr party has failed te brine tbe premised h. boom te iron manufacture ; and all ether p, tedestry seems te be greatly prostrated. All JC nUIIU ucl,UUkUCiClUUU3iry inuwuiu- w wxi.,uttuuiuj (inusi. xne xiarnseu ftMl rang ft prosperity te Earepe, but has j-wnauugv.u. UJ.iiuuiue JTOJIU Ul LUI9 i,ue,BepublIcans though they be.are In no fckumer te stand any trlfliug by their party cuwiia meir material interests. -Thprn Wa no national Issues new before ui; and ;jw overpowering state issue will surely r-tee tbe subjugation of the railroads te tbe pr, demand that they shall char?e the people Bax Jrennsyivanla no mere for tbe same E'UMnnt. nf aerti.tt Minn ll.n !......... .... .!, -w w. . iiv.e uwu imi v-utiiKu me people et ether states. ti'1 The party that sets Its face against be Mair a preposition for the benefit of Tenn. flvanifl Indtiatrv lunnmli-lerl hv lilrtir,c Padldlets; and the Eepubllcan parly se j'gaanavea wnen it went te Milten, te cele fixate Lee's surrender, distinctly te avoid fewpperting an antl-discrlminatlen bill prwhese consideration was fixed for tbe time in tbelr own chamber. A Trely (jrtat Kan. H$ The brief announcement of Lhn rith r Of the CrPAt Prpnnh phemlaf rhn,..i ISikU attra.Rll van lim nni. ...' .wily papers, hla fame as n, phpm!t ia iwerld-wlde, and the Trench ncademy 'maw years age lead a great national B4montratIen in honor of his hundredth L1 birthday. Atthattlmnthn mnni .ru,. E,XiuIofallueIt)nste the great age and in- fcltutctual vI,jer of this truly wendtiful A number of Seicncs was devoted review or his Ufa work, which thtu lew Blgns of flagging, and it was wn that Chevreul had been a very in chemistry, though jjainlnir bis I distinction by his discoveries of cel- I matters that have proved useful in i arts as dyes. fTfae Paris Fujare remlndfd ita nalers years age that Cbevrpnl im.i three klnzset PraneB. nti kinr. c rikrrench,twe emperors, three republic?. i long lira was an Illustration nf in iiayingthatltijnotweTktbat kills men k'wo7ter tnrougheut the wii.i r. Uement of the French revolution n,i i li the atlrrlng chaugesthat have followed mcaimiy pursued the work of hi. i professien: temperate, lndustrin... tat, but zealous. He was one of that m variety of scientific men w'iei I are often made light of bv tbfir becauss they are chleflr deveu ii I application of eclence te practical Ills researches were dean atd ifbut did net end in lefty abstrac. , or tbe anneuncement,ln some dusty i w learning, or a new chemical e was net content until he had I te uake that effe:t et uje te man : I the stimulus of his discoveries Fftfieb. Industries ewe their pros. if b'giut te devote hlm.i elf te organic chemistry In ISIS tie science was almost unknown and the world has te tbaak hla net only for his discoveries but for the ttltauUtlen et this useful branch by hla writings and lectures. .Jfcat rark. We note that tbe Beard or Trade has appointed a very geed commlttee te secure ft public park. It the Beard of Trade could de thlngsfey appointing committees te de them, we would long before new have been abundantly blessed with all the geed things that can befall ft town. We knew by sad experience that committee making is net the same thing as railroad, park and manu facturing getting ; but if tbe Beard et Trade's excellent committee en parks accept the appointment and buckle down te tbe work, the patks may come ; and we shall be glad te eee them; or rather we will be glad If the dust et the town then enables us te seeany thing; and we suggest that, as a preliminary matter, the Beard of Trade selects a committee en dust, whose business it will be te per suade the committee en streets te let up iu its evident purpese te smother every mother's eon and daughter in this town. Tab New Yerk Terald publishes selco selce selco tleni from tbe dvance sheets of a new volnme et peems by Algernon Ohnrlmi Swinburne, and it Is evident tbtt Alger non's alllleratlTO insanity ! progressing finely. There are many very geed Ideis qulte spoiled by the horrible oxeosh of Bllltorstlen. "A Werd With tbe Wind" Is a fine poem In spite of this fault Hore are some lines from It : Sharp and strange (rea Inland sounds thy bltlernotnef battle, mown betwean grlin sslcj an a waters sullen J seniea, Till the bafllea ia bsar back, reeks rear and shlngltsrattla, Veiei and angcrsd and anhnngetsdand BOeld. Furiher en the gontlebreozo at sea la thus Introduced. All te day theilew sleek ripples fearaly bear upehoreward, CliargeS with ilgtis mero light than laughter fitutana fitr, Llka a wcmdland lake's weak wavelets lightly lingering lerwatd, Eeft and llitlaii as the sinister stricken air. OOMUnNTiNe en the death of thoebomtit Ctovreul, in his 103J year, tbe New Yerk Times remarks that It Is net every day that ene seen a centenarian capable of pursuing scientific studies up te the very day or hla death, and answering a lady's compliments by saying, "Ah, tnadame, 1 am growing old; what would 1 net glve te feel once mero the elasticity of 80 1" The final test et the gunief the Vesuvius will probably be made this woek, and tbe much talked et destroyer will be Bailing the oeean blue, the wonder and pride or tbe navy. Boe must net, hewever, be expsetcd te de the work et a heavy batlle ship, or of a ernlser, for, llke a torpedo beat, alie Is butlt with a view te giving heavy blows, but net taking them. Htie la te run out awlltly towards an enemy, deliver her attack, and make geed her retreat, taking nil the tluie luarlul ehancea of destruction. Jf she can lilt e great war ship, or even drop a shell near eua before she Is heraelt disabled, ahe will be all right, but her icotbed et lighting Is net te be et tbe old atand-up hnminer and tongs . varlety. Briefly, eha Is a large torpode beat, using rerlnl In piece et aubmarlne torpodees, aud though ehe might underdlre necessity be eent te ces alone, her proper nse would be within the support of a stronger vessel or n fort Olherwlie ehe would be In grave danger e! destruction at long range., or belore Bhn could horself destroy an cnemy nrmed with modern heavy guns, Fakmeu Hr.iiT, et Montgomery county, has Just had the pWasuroer buying back for f l,C0O the f 10,000 In benda stolen Irem him luAt July by bunce shArpern, A man calling hlrnselt a dotectlvo vlslted Mr.ll9lU, and expialned that a New Yerk broker had the benda, KellT sent an attern ey with the man te New Yerk, Bnd the stolen property was bought bank ler the prlce natned. Thlevc s appaar te have very perfect facil ities lu New Yerk, and thelr business risks are net se great. Perhaps they wilt Boen apply te the Legislature te Inceriwrate a olearing houBe ler the info and oichange et ntelen preperty. j-kiwenai,. Mimsteii Adams will net etart for Brazil until ihoyullew fever dies out lie observea thnt "It Is a very glorious ttilni; te dl for your country, but te live, tiuder tbe present elrcumitanees, Is much mero attracllve se far as X am concerned. " Tun Kiiv. l)n. CJeouee k Peed, who wlllHoen be prbsldentel Dloklnaen celleue. aay a : A young una who pays bae ball or pulls a Mroke ear can preach as efrcut iveiyastnemsn lowborn long hair and a graveyard face gives a sacred leek. ' Keueiit Oakhett, slnce his return te Upland, his country residence near Haiti rnere, ha steadily Improved In health and spirit. Dr. Jacotii.wLe has been oeosiantlv at hla Blile Hlnce last fall, will leave Ma paiient en Monday and return te hla home In Jtoaten. Danikl lUcan, el Seettsburir, Ind., Is a hundred ywars old aud a very remarkable man. This last winter he chopped all the flroweod for hla son, who la feeble with old aie. Ills eyealght Is as geed as ever, and lr quently sneuiders a nun aud gees hunt Ing. On his hundreth birthday last week he danced a Jig. Doctors en Prohibition. The Philadelphia Jiecerit aaya : Of n larce nuuiber of well known pbyslclans et this city who yesterday nude but one spoke in favor of the propeied constitutional B-nendment. All the ethers expressed tuniusulvea emphatically asainst sueh a uieaura " Provest Pepper, of the university, said : "I am delighted with the geed results obtained lhieuKn the high license law, 2!&m '"K"" ' highly educational In addition te Us reitrlctlva value. I earnestly deslrp te see the pej)Ular use of alcohol greatly decreawd, nut I leek for mere a able and far.reachlcg reautta from lawa similar te the preseul one than from anv inejsure of a psnal ebaracter attemptlue te enferci nbnelu'.e Prehlblti6n." iJ'rP' "fy? Agnew was net prepared te fcUte whether he would veti for or aeainst the amendment, lie aummarlzed hN posltleu at lollews: iI ,m BKalnst in. temperunce, and want the prohlbttleu that will meat prohibit, Aa medlelne and only as a medlolne Is liquor ever noces. ary, and then It dheulu only he takm upjn a -prescription of a geed phjelclan. It Is new often ead when unnteebsarv." Mi?iS??Hr. J' ? Get"en, dean of the Medloe-Ohlrurglcal college, said : I thiuk tha education ! the only true correction of -"?? have very little faith In Krewine Virtue through denial of opportunities ler aMiilag the noed thlnir of life." Dt. A. It T eua,u e pre nleent horecee. p uule jibyslclan, Btatce. iui he was a streusr wmteranee man, but Intended ie veiu BKBinct the prohibitory amendment for the .r...-,u.uunj,Ku.iioeijse uau accomplished euchg ed results. ' Vi' W'.f-' lltd' BDether leading homce--K.,,M,d: ." aeu,rerance reeple have no right te nsa Intemperate means te further the cause. I de net believe that a ceed md JuslifltsureDg means." B n Vi. ""1n't Prohibition baa nevrr 11.1 le the rTiiimy e. en eVcc 1 ! d OwrK0 HtrawbrldKe waa atreniMy in Uvt el the amendment. "vb,y lu Jim r. Uvur wri!e.ieha?.0rur,,uedV,!1V,iacel,Bm0r'' cengb. cold, eta tttents rtsietay jer 1 tot la the back are ncqnenUy canmed i. a sudden ranching or thesplne.7! flw.J 5?irBtw 8i,Tuea W WU" ,Te S& . ? . Vt -.c-t- s-" t..Z WAlfAMAKMR'a raitADSLraUt WeSaetSay, arll 10, 1. Bordered stuffs. Brilliant, beautiful. Art in the designs, art in the weaving. Richest all wool grounds. The counters where they are bright with the silk and gay with the colors that lend their loveliness te the designs. The most graceful Directeircs blossom from such buds; Southwest et ccntte. Wc didn't tell half the Mus lin Underwear-story yesterday. A whole newspaper broadside el items would still leave lets unsaid. Ne need te held each sort up for you. One in a hun dred will de just as well. Every year we've lifted the business en te a higher plane. Heme work at away below home cost If time counts. That's the aim. That's what we've been giving you. Gowns, Chemises, Drawers, Sets; no matter what you pick, the cost is shaded beyond what you expect. Wash repiln Skirls, I raws box platted, rufllea.atGSe. COe Lawn Aprons, Hamburg trimmed, at linuerted Caps for Nurses and Maids, IS te Almest like finding money. Second fleer, Juniper street side Best quality grained leather (brown) Valises at 15 per cent lees than regular. Best styles. The maker went out of busi ness. We pass his stock en te yeu: lt-lneh Vallie, SKO 10-tnuh Vtll.u, tstu 18-Inch Valiae, t4 J 20-lnib Vllin, M W 21-lnrn Vitllie, IS 0.1 Zl-lnch Vallie, s(0 All the Grip and Traveling Bag iamily are where you can see them at a glance. Northwest of centre. The latest hatching of Easter fancies and favors. Cute and curious conceits almost beyond counting. Easter art was never mere eye-catching. Easter Booklets are legion. These have beautiful colored illustrations : JJatter BrtiBs and flower, 19 pises i um sx7w.... .....:..v....$ tS llfuven our Heme, lu pages i slxe tx BX 20 I.tflter lowers. lOpiget . eli xrX.. ut 'ItireuKh I he cress te the crown, s pagum eictXm 20 ly .from tbe Cress. 4 pngej; slse 0MX7W. M Kiuter Iiawn. se paxes j bizh 8Kx7 t K8lnrlay 12pa(.i slan rH7 te . futinnuu ulttUUYIg, Bxtf lipases lelxe Diyhreak. SO BS r. ISrairnit t alvi. p.ur.u wawn ei nope. It panne : 1eu CUitU Kiwterlinlls. lpKs'aux7.?...: m ltftit)rllde. zipBKtSj eUeesiBX.... e i his Same Jfsus li paKei j sIzb4ii.s. lu llcaven and jcarth. uv naith si. 'ihemas. lllutrtea "byBt. Jehn H.rper. Blxellx7 T..T. 7J Easter Booklets, ornamented designs en covers, no illus trations : aix,tKh,B for Eft'ter- " B I ' llilut. HpanoaViiliBMeii!!".'""!! 10 R!H!;f"hri,l''"ter;, 14 pb1izxj.. je asturlhlls H pekihi Izb4x ie Spiiiiirrjowers ler nmter. i rams: D1Q4X0... " .q Timely Beeks : Hely l.lvlnif. liv Jeremy Tayler. 451 n1?"??'. l6ule;trf.icalr.... ............ te Hely DylnB. ny Jer..tny Tayler. S73 Jiugu.i IHinOitmicaU..... ...... ....... M Llvt-aef :ha Kaihera. liy cunen rr- rur. 3 vel Wi. llinn cots...."... "7 ,u""un- ln cluib. stiff eav.ir '' .i ew Tcatainsnt, 13 lluvlsea Vorslen. .ySuVJ".In?roeeP' KlHedVes.'."."".'.".'." su Iho ChrlitUn Ver. buetUvs liiid ljelyaaie. lly Jehn Kebli 3iSaJe?: I.UiU., .uiuui iiujcuiuoruceu.,., .....,, 65 ieu can write for want and be served if you came. what you as well as Thirteenth street, south of eontre cntrance. The "One Minute Coffee Pet" show and the crowd of wondering women keep up in the Basement. Absurdly sim ple, yet the pet saves money, time, coffee, and fret. liesenient, near centre. JOHN WANAMAKBR. CUMl'LKXJON re WVJIH. QOJU'LEXION POWDKK. LADIES! ue VALUK ABHIMU COMl'LIXIOH POZZONI'S SIEUIOATKU. COMPLEXION POWDER. IOU BALK III All Iru3giHta and Fancy Goods oenloro Ivorywhero. VLUTttlHU. 1889 1889 BPUINQ NOVF.LT1E3. AT H. OERIIART'S. rThe most uTeroeati nat una th.thai sbl p tie best aud tui goods i warranted as icp. H JiKHIlAltr. ' wsvu.m. Onlr Dirrrt ii.mnrn.,,, Y no. 13 north Uini hhiai K i. erintuucity v, MtuuHirt, , i aK.r.. ,-.ft am., A TTENTIONI ' ' tog.rc'1't,t'UllyC'llUe " 1,u"ha,M rer TheLatest Nerulttesln SPRING OYERC01TINGS. The Latest StyUi la fc'nitiiiEa nud Trenscrlnt-a, 6(515"' aM th0 ,ewc,t' cenltnt with UY DEPUTATION KSrjBLiaUKU. Mr aim is, helu ir. ASKEWI 0. Mi AVD Hi WKST KING BTUEET. marinma -t aew i.iid ei Christ Kr Old and Veuuk lly UnnntiiKKuin o.lkle . . l in ThieuKh JJm lit aim. liy K u. jj U. leuipklna. SOJI'liihtmilen 1 : 51 7 CSinnll-te anortinent nf ii.. Dg KliKll.h l.'liBflnt. .A."'." eVaV.'Sir.'!?.'? .K ?: ? .ui. tiiy. wetk. vr- Vi3 pAXKK'B OKLBHT OOMPOUHn THE 8PRINQ MEDICINE YOU WANT. Paine's Celery Compound PUR1F1R? THB BtiOOn, - 8TRKNQTHENS TAB WKRVE8, BTlUTJLa.TES TUB LIVKR, REQUI.ATRSTUBKIDNBTBANDBOWKLS, I Q1VKS JjIJTB AND VIGOR TO EVJCRY ORQAN. xut.u.m.0 UTU1HU I.1KKIT. J"V ,'Pr,B belna; very mueh run flown ana dtbliilatee, t pincured setcenr ratne'e elery (.ompennd. The u.e of two betilrs made rne reel Use a new man. As a aeneral tontaandsfringmeeielnn. lde net knew Its 'I'.1.!" .. - W.l.BBsl!al,4r, Brigadier G;ntral v. N. u.. llaillngten, Vt. IL00. BlxferUOO. AtllrnggltU. UIAUONU UTEj Celer rcathrs and klb klb bena I Easy I Jtlegantl economical I our mHE PHILADELPHIA STORE. "''''' STILL CONTINUES ITS GREAT SALE BANKRUPT STOCK DRY GOODS, CLOAKS IND CARPETS ! -AT- 6 and 8 North Queen Street. Bargains, Bargains, Bargains, IN ALL KINDS OF DRE9S OOOIJS, PRINTS, TABLK LINENS. BKD TICKING TOWPI.TNO vr.lV NKLS, WHITK GOODS. GLOVK9, HOSIER V, UNDKRkXKeRSKM. IMMENSE DRIVES IN BED QOILTS. OREATESI KIND30P BARQAIN8 IN Ladies' and Misses' Coats and Wraps. meb?"COm0 nd C0 tb th,nE" yen"8lt Th0 8C0!,, sndprlecs our best drartlst- THE PHILADELPHIA STORE If OS. 6 AND 3 2TORTH QVEEN STREET. VAMJ-MT JtiitjrtUAlNS I SHIRK'S CARPET HALL -TO WILTON, VELVET, BODY BRUS8RLS. Tapestry, Ingrain, Damask and Venetian, Rag and CMd Carpets, OIL OLOTHS, WINDOW B1IADMS, . We hava tha LnrBcet nnd Beat Stock In the OJty, & Cerner Wast Kmjr and Wit OAKPKT3. e IARPKTS. McCallum & Slean ' 1012 nd 10U Chestnnt Ht. PHILADELPHIA Axminater V7ilten Moquette Brussels Tapsstry Ingrain CARPETS! Ingrala Art Square3 Oil Cleths and Lineleums A FULL LINE OF Fine Oriental and Demestic Rugs lebS-3maeeajkJiuw Ult UALNUK KtCNT. FOR HALE OR RENT ON EASY .. Tenus, a desirable rpsUlcire with all ttiomeaern renvdiilunciia, tee. mj KaatKluu Btretl. Apply te O. L rOK llKKSMl'l II, P" 4 Kast hlng strust. FOR RENT FROM APRIL 1. 18S9. the laiije UilrdHtery room uUoye Ne. 2d Cuutru squure. luquliuet ,,,.. AI.li4SA.UWm, IcbH tra Ke 1C8 Kest King Street. ROOMS FOR RENT-VERY DE3IR AU1.K, centrally lecattd, saltiblH rer Lew or ether etnem, droiciaaklDKer Ilht munufacturlDg bunlnpts, en sefena fleer above trey jickrrl's ilioaateru. 3 l-aittllnK sirt-ttu le wlniHinurtU fleer rer rent. In" quire of KttKY & KOKe.Ui;a ast King street, upit'ima PIIOTOURAPUH. QUR ?1 00 A .DOZEN Cabinet Photographs Are Mountea en rine Oela Snrratea Amcrt Si!li,n,?,",,-?:w2 "'"OB Allewtd en Al ibroe Dellar Werk, AT ROTE'S, NO. OO 1-a NORTH QDHBN BT. i. ,, NertWoertot'uorostomco mercLna. JJlOYOUK.S.TttlOVCLES, TANDKMf. COLUMBIA Bicycles, Tricycles, Tandems. DUKABLK, BIMPLK, aUAUANTKKOmOHESTGBAUE, ILLUBTKATJCOCATALOUOJt 1I1KI, POPE MPG. CO., W rU ANKLIN ST., I103TOW. URAVCH I10U8K3-12 Warren St.. New c,?er,,'!'.l0,DyJ',"N8.MU83KUi Ne. 2 North btrett,Celuiiibla. , tnthipaoea AXXUHMMXa. Lu rUKR H. KAUWMAN, ATIOUNEV-AT-LAW. 8ccondrleor Kbleinan Inir Eulldln NoitbiiuKefettt'it, IJC. 0 43 ujitJ-lydAw N,JiTO 'TRKSl'ASSKHS AND rr7."J "!K"". All persens aiebrreby lor ler lor bldOeutetnsrassrn eny of the lands of tbe I ernwnll and jwdw.ll , tlnltu In Lebanon or Lancaster cnunil. whether ludesd ei nnln. clrutKj. elthnr Jcr the nuipoitnet shoetlDgor fltblug. as the law will be rigidly n(erced uliui all trwpasUng 011 aula lauds or the un Condoned ait-r ihl. nollce. . JL I'KHUY ALUMJ, ' A KUW.C.rUKKMAk, Attorney! for K. W. Caieatan' Bein. USE IT HOW I Davlng used your ratna's Cslary Oess. pound thla spring-, I can safely reeemaieaA It as the nmet pewerfnt ana at the satnatlme motfntlereulter. it Is a splenSia ueive toele, and slnie taking It have telt llkeaaw man.'' k. . KOHB, . . Watartewa. Dakota. WZLLS. BtCUAunreiC ;e, jrropitaters, Burlington, VI. nights. Wake Langblcg. oeony. marts iydw HALL. BAKUAINH I SHIRK & SONS. StrMla, Unctster, PI 21 ATS. C. 31 Staeffer & Ce., IATS, TRUNKS, -AND Traveling Bags. 31 AND 33 N. QUEEN ST., LANCASTER, PA. 33 PAHAHOLS. AD1E3 ! LADIES ! ODB LINK OF PARASOLS AND SUN UMBRELLAS la new open let Your Inspection. Leng handles are all the go, and we haveaflnaastortment. Yen can select any stick, cap and material, and have nrndn any combination you desire. If you tee nothing mada up te suit your taste. Rese Bres. & Haitnan. 14KASTEINQ8T. I.epk hsnaiei put In last ywr's Para, sels, lr vruntid. apr2-3inaS4F l'MU'OSAL!. PROPOSALS WlLli RE RECEIVED (eras much geed Ameilcin Lead aa tha city may require te April 1. low. rropeitla will b received ler two rest of bran tmee-qaarterliich ferrules j well ground In and ie ee tuadiorgeod bra, auerths model te be wiu hi the kiayer's offleft. t-reprsais will be recclvea rer auchspeelal CatUngsusiuiiybareiulred In the aerUe- paruouuiennecity up te April 1.1890. Cast Cast Cast ioste be bid ler per roandjte conslttef (our, tlr, cluht. ten, twelve and twenty inch four y branches, and lima slse or T branches, leeva, nep covets, and bids for cuttings inusclnelade patterns. Proposals will te received for a many street n,i ..nn iuui, six, mum, uia ana twelve. Inch valve. asthH rltymav require te aprll 1, 'wn. le be rurnlahed as the cliy may order. Prepcaila will be received ler at many step brxcsasniay be required te April 1, 13e. -ina boxes te be made et thi s'ae ordered by tbe KuprrlnUtndcni el Water Works or one and eun-tilt inch geed white pine Kids muit ttdtuhew uiuch per loot, beard measures com. plete, and te boluruUhedaathabupeilateu. dent may direct 1'ropeoal. will bn received ter the hanliDg et pllifn, etc, ler the Water Department until April I, lew, lilas must slate hew mnchptr grnvaten. 1'ropesils will be received at the same time and plate ler digging cut and filling In all trenvtci ler water pipes In the city Irem April 1, US9, ie Apill 1, 1k)j. liids muit state hew tnueb per cuble yard for rock and hew much terearih. Werk must be done under thedl. icuuuii ana iuuimi u) ine measurement and In the order of time, a directed by tha super. lnteadvutet the Water -erks. 'Jhe trsechts te be tilled eareinlly back and where piking U removed te be rrplaceu smoothly. lropeas will be rucelved ler ai many water pipes as tbe city may require te a pi 11 1,189a Pipes t bs cant forenH hundred feet head et wutr lllasmuft specify hew much per gross ten delivered in Lanc&ater for rear, tix.stebt, ten, twelve, twenty and twenty-lear Inch pipes; et the bx.t quality, and fumlahedlm Uirdlauly upon I he order of lha city. Piopesa'a 1 1 be rectved ter as many lira hvdraulaas tLe city may require le April 1, 'J he Water Committee reserve the rizhtte reject any or all bids 'iueieiezning piopesaia win be received at Ma)er'a omce o'clock p ie. unit i Al'UlL XI, 1W9, at i EDW. r. PBAILET. ... ..SnRrtn,528 Water Werk. j..-. . tALA CM or 9AIB161T. JmiOK BKOB, ASTRICH'S PALACE OF FASHION, 13 East King Strut. Lancaster, Pa. The recent fire at Burger's Planing Mill ai well as the breaking ei one of the large plate Glasses at our New Stere will delay our removal for about 8 te 10 days. Our new lines of Spring Goods are new all in: As our Great Opening which will take place about the 15th of this month, we will make an elaborate exhibit in every de partment In the meanwhile we are ready te show them te anybody who does net care te wait for our opening. We expect te offer te the public the greatest attractions in our new store ever offered in this city. l,Our prices will be lower than ever. Our motto will always be, as it has been heretofore, " Quick Sales." With the increased faciilities in space and light, and with the immense display at our com mand, we mean te out de all our previous efforts. Our system for selling, buy ing, and handling our immense trade in general will be se much improved upon that net only will we be able te sell cheaper, but it will be cpnsidered a pleasure te shop at our store. One great advantage will be that all our Millinery and Mil linery Goods, Ribbons, Velvets, Plushes, etc, will be sold en the ground fleer. Our second fleer, the dimen sions of which are 150 feet in length by 32 feet in width, will be devoted entirely te the dis play of Ladies' and Children's Coats and Ladies' Wraps, La dies' and Children's Jerseys and Blouses; also a full stock of Beys' Clothing. We will sell you these goods cheaper than you ever bought them before, and it will just be the kind of a store in which you like te buy these goods. Our opening will be an nounced as seen as the day is fixed. Lookout for the opening of ASTRICH'S P. O. F., 1 1 5 & 1 1 7 North Queen St. The finest store building in the State, outside of Philadel phia. JtAHTKU HOVK1.T1K. J. B. MARTIN A CO. EASTER NOVELTIES. All opened and ready for in spection. The largest line we have ever snewn, occupying almost as much space as our Holiday Display. Rabbits by the all sizes. thousand, in Hens and Roosters. Ducks and Goslings. Bisque Easter Novelties, of all descriptions. Eggs in China, Glass, Bisque and Silk. Pepper and Salt Eggs, a novelty el tne season. Egg Sugar Sifters. Egg Dishes and Cups, decor ated in French China and Eng lish Porcelain. Pottery Egg Sets, in all the new shapes. J. B. MARTIN & CO. Cor. West King & Prince Sts., Lancaster, Pa. HOUKU, .St. TOOOK DEPARTMENT, " life of E. Greenwald." roetprlnn cf Ills Life, together with His Earliest Kitani uud Laust Ulsceuisei, BV Rev. O. ElvlnHaupr. rer Sale by the TublUher, &. I. FOI DERSMITff, 46 BAST KINQ STREET, LAneisTaa, Fa. UWtM tJ - - . , l$ .-jZr -itl-rWV lj f -.jfr CLOTBlttU. ft OIOTHINO BU ITERS. L. Gansman & Bie. NEW SPRING SUITS ! We have tie cbeleMt, neatest pUUrna Hew spring tmte jea have ever aeea Our at) lea this ssasen are remarkably kaae oree. The Inlts at ts, eg, no. lu are much better than any we have ever ihewn at the prieea Three Butten Cutaways and Sacks. Will aayene te examine these ge:fls. We have the largest and most releet a-sort-mentor Beys' and Children's Bclutn be feuca anywhere, ths ptlcee the Terr lowest. Beys' Eults at rlte, as, ft, h, te 7. fJ,claJren' "' t I1.IS, fl.2S,fi.Ee,SL7S,fl, Merchant Tailoring Department We desire te say te ear customers ana the pnbllethit we are better prepared thin erer te serve them with satis tactien. WJEMaKKTOOBDKH. Gcea Business Suits at V.Z. Ill, lis. Worsted cutaway Stills at I.e. 111. 170. lnelin ported CuUway or lack Butts at IM, f, f.7. Trensera te erler at 13 80. 14, t H, no. See our great line of them. Over V0 pat terns te stlect Irem. L. GANSMAN & BR0 te and C3 MOUTH QUEI.N 8TBEKT, B. W. COB. OF OBAKQE, L&KOABTKB.PA. -et connected with any ether Clothing Heuse In the City. JlTTKHS HATHJTOH. Spring Overcoats. The Nicest Assortment Hen. BETTER MOST THAN YOU'D EX PECT TO FIND. Every lew Material, EVERY NEW SHAPE ADS Every New Design Right Here, TO BU1T THE MOSTrASTIDIOUB TASTE. Id Price You'll Be Satisfied. WR HAVE THE raidE AT ITS LOWJiST LEVJ L, AMD THE QUALITY AT THE niQUKST POINT Ot EXCELLENCE. Myers & Rathfon, KRLIABLE CLOXHIEUS, NO. 12 EAST KLNQ ST., I.ANIUCTKK , H 1KSU UKOTUKK. We Illustrate euu ADVERTISEMENTS BY 8UOWINS YOU THOUOU OUU Itf. UEMSS LIME Or Glotbieg & Furnishings. Mone are mero plowed te de se it Is the best Illustration and Advertisement we have ever found. Come and Bee for Yourself. euu Merchant Tailoring DEPARTMENT Meedcd only such line weatbar as this ta mi it with orders, 'ibe publlexaveus a big there et their patronage ye9terday. We are suielt will stick te it. We will mera than fulnll ear share. MEN'S EUITS, made te your order, lie, Hi, IK, 115, 18, 12), up te 133. MEN'S PANIS, te your crder, l, U, 10, 17, IS, I), 110. Our SpcclU U WIDE-WALE COAT and VEST, nuda te yenr erJer, Ii des' rvedly pop ular. MEM'S UEADY-MADESUirS, II 10 te 133. BOYS' SUIT?, lleidy.Maile, USO te 111 j lira 10 te IS. CtllLDUE.N'S 8UIT3, sizes 4 te 11,11 (0 te 17 CO. HIRSH & BROTHER, OXIE-PEIOn Clothiers and Furnisherfl CORNER OP W. Q0BHH & OENTRI3 BQUARB, LANCASTKH.i'A. HTAKK, AOKST CO., MiKcrACTcnsrs or NEATSFOOT OIL, Alsedeale r In Hides, Tallew, Benes and Oteaie. The bljjhBit cash price paid ler llUea. Alse manuuetureraet l'ure iieaa ileal ler chicken &I.BHU ID1UIUV11, TesUneulaia furnished If necessarv. Tele- yteaee jeeMesi. LOCK BOX 77, UUA SUA II, Lajeuter,ya. ,-t - Al