Pa ?wr fflMtftt ' , . -i (Yfi Sri MMO MNtMk XMMtTlM IMIWUHMHMI l'ffMOlMV OalBB, BBt iMMnm-iMK m MMMAa alkAM eBeaaBaWtAeamAJfBtat. aawRWBlawa. VI I0B IWfQMIfi 'tmWSe. JhtttV Ml MeBBBl 0! 1 W JTM OMW IV MIM SHM WW IMWWI eOsiefO ttMm.M. v, am. tm tTaoBeetoaBaatfeyi tiV. T. D. MlUeri eaetetaat, MafftT. A. Pttei eeeBrt II IMMHNT. X. F. FmWI kwivOtepffwtUbnriM, LCOBti VF. rater tflreesers, Batty f Jiir, a jl JbM i Xete MaMat aBMetaate, iFBeeaWBteUlafer aa Iiser Ht I IN HIM MMMMt. Ml. K. E M, Mr Jeseph Hlahle Ehiiitelir, et Trinity Re- miMnBiUH uu Wdeeaeef the leehy ones ul MaserltHlOB Bf 11.000 f ram t JFaMaiBlBate. TM front of Uie 1MNNMWIM, leeehersheidadietrlet aaflettuaey, whleh wm will at- verylatereeuag. The following at bM ifaatl nl uiwnrt tenors irmm Waal art the rat Mbm of exaalaaUenet W. L. . F. Zwger, B. H", HeScasa Mnr. WWM Of teaOhineSDlllOK.MlM 'WBMprieeiaieetmdsrlle the art of ;T mum Beaerber aad Mra. tepeetlee aaswera ta a habit aeaairadia teaeblagt why la It waMT waateaa te aald la Ita iMUse Bakar. The taaeaara alae ether qoeeUeaa rolaUeB te school i-j' - it of the ware wetka neeple a Batuday eveetag wkaa all ttia was enhteribed aad geeraa- mu ea aeia en April eta susiee, ueugtusr ei .n J. Koarlssen, esq., will aatl for . wwBenaae, u three waakt, where IfMM a mar la atady. IffaiiaajlTaalacaaal will be opened awn ea 'xaaraaay. Mauamea three darkles te ( for disorderly oesdnet. wae held la 1300 ball for ret the peaee preferred by ChiTlea HoMBtecler. for r af a f MMr. waa dtaaataaeit hvflnniM TZt.'iHi' "' A.vM laUawlat aaaibar of eara ware l ea taa P. R. B. at thia piaee dating efeeeeeeeeeeee , ,,,. fffOO .a 4 MMitMitit eeeeeee eae tO.lM :Ci . -.. -f . , were Tery fcuty tela moraine. aaaay fealties chanted their afNaMaaaa. Jl ?. . BMHWa TBIMIOTION. A?1 n,, - ! . II aa MM Ma aaai Barta Twlat, aaaataaaf awi afciaa. r,ayeaaf asaa whoaahemele ,au., tellable teaatblawalf i ww'a eiaieaea u at eemea law ihu aalaaa he awkee riant eertala laeeeatiHtaa. Teut Bferetme oeaaty two weeka aae with two kjae waa a TaiaaMe one and the .- i . . raTOnretdlaarraaUaaL teaUea ea hla vaele, Jehn L. Bear, wanwwa, ana aeia ine beat bona ea Baterday, without the knewl Faf Mr. Bear, beramered that berae la Ha plaee the ordinary beraa. I about 175. The geed berae the yenng awK rrem ue ataeia ana went with rte.DarldMyera. in Feaaaa There he aeld the berae for C210 ' teeeired the meeay for lb Altar ttaa Meney be aklppad and hla I waereeheate are unknown. r, the firat parehiatr. will make I le-day ea Myara for the borae and iwraaajaw dellrer U te him the luThe tana late the eearia M, ' " BMaara Xaw BeUdin. tWaMhtOfFbtladelphla, whole lateaafefftlie aew belldlna te I by the .Leaeeaier Trnat oempany i Qaeea atreet aaat the beard of I of that laaUtattea .ea Saturday fc,;-wa araaitaM aaDauitad te Ine i a reagh plaa of the aew bnlldlef. lapvTOTeief uieoueetora and la tUaa the werktag plana wUl be alatraahiivili ha im.i. Ifaate laakM rat Wnrth Onie ; taearat fleer te be aaed by tha rosy wm hti a eepw ei ise feet. '- thr 1ml Mill ha ft pawCateDad, third and fourth floera i rer aeeuiy pnrpeaea or for The balldlnv will tun . i ataaa front and will ha an nm. itheatty. iB. s rtm OavrdM. Ivrl fhf ttta salAa R......U,. ttawffl, f aaey AtTertUleg caidt ma aratr at raaienabie raten Ouriiu. H lawuct. BMATMM. aaiaa ma, iw. mthU city. n aaa,wliaef Jaoeb ackmui.intbe nreaaad fxlaadi of tha family ra tarttai te attend ih funeiat, mli1aa at lir iimhun i .fa Mflltif. MftAWnnnn Am..I a . laten-aat at Woedwara Hiu ceme- ltd kVerrk n, 'HJ. attta iwldenna Aauateaa Ja IT n m ia w . as uaaaa'ei.ara. "- iaatwMa. i-at i tiM any. naTiaT..toaetamnei tMTwraal, U tha lfih.eiref Mi ml frlaad. Af fi jMit. te attend tha faaer-t. -".I aw (M-4 south LCttl Vlrtlltv.lwranr.n.tln tntacsa.t at Woodward Mtue-me . -' wu MaV TMawftH Tlla-MI Aflfv 1 .la- Mla-ar.tia- . .! a-. a i m av: j. iT'Sh.r.i-" .r "fc -,. " " - wf aaa iig iua ireeaadfrknea of tha famUyaM r4aTUa4 te attestd ib junetal raftanutaaatUK e'clcck. ttt- --- ' -f..-- 1. - - taaara-Mtat Lo-aBwear-f. -a ?J.-a?J.3. Meae aad fHcada ef the fimlly are rjwj" -w,ium -aa iascri, from w , t-i bi.h iireci, en tlValeek. lnlmientt xy ltd ; i. j. e t-ti cit-. rjaf Marry " ihaJ.ttKJz.- . w aas jis y ar. -haw' awHa-awJ4 1MAMXBT. -U-Mtyta. laoej reNatati au.-rV 3 1 aawa, balla aad aalxad. JS le.ate Bwlr-e. Mw-iMuef II lejM. aMaMiauaa. aTtwat'i hiaajeau, ' pmiiiiiiwiiii f w . Ijt LLRbwBsT?b WiRaawaBwef ,," jf l"Mi HHBHHQr MMNv In .X4pMA SllhatM , MMMM ftlMNHNrillhlMpt- WWwWwWw v awt-aOT--la-aaaaa, awi eata. apaiaa utawfaaaa HIVh keakladay. IIP baaai aaaaiaiaia -aia-aa----- ---- ---. gaa tatW PWNIMItNMltNttll aaiia.iai..i.i.a M ffi......i...i..i wfffwt T tw-K-aaaaeeeee aaea 7 oae . iilH eeea llfli tee '.MtMilli i'm eee ,eaa eee eaeeeadaae SfjJ eaee aiLi Uttee e aa a a eoeeo t ae vb1 l9eaaaeeeaaaeeaeaaeeeeetafeeieteee Oaa-aw-amaT lT-a-a-a-a-ar?la. aaa-la-aK a. A pi Ua at t a ad e a lf W --aeeeaeeaeaaaalW flJSwlSaeaaeeeeeee jC eletllfaaaaeaaaeaeeea V9 -afBBfwaeeoaaaeae eaaae .mtee?eeee eeee S-aaMafaaaaeae NM fa... . NU Vl' UILaaeaeaaaeeaaaeeeeaaeaaaeeaaaaeefv UM-'teeoeeeeaeeeeeeeee . eaee at aeteee JaVwUm - wXWV wwWwWgVWV WHVVW WVW W WW -- w w iMW-ellltiMtlitlUt-itMllflHMMIl CMaTHeeteaeeeeeaeeeeeaeaeeeaeaoeeadOddaeeaa .K-l-iA-tAAAA k...ll...AllwllAl 99 tAAaA&KaaA.aAmaA..aAA.a.a..att..... V aye ................... ....l..t.M.MMaM. ajMattiwiwKafa...t.. .... lit psp ............. MVV fawtai iraw Teac. April l.-nnar aaarkat wa Clty Miiiax-taa, N Mtnaaieta. xtTaa,tieeaiMiaapera-M,eill daa,He Wheat qalMt Ke. 1 Bad. atata, n M We. de, eawt Ma i na. winter, apm, l-Ke i May. Met Jaaa, Ijji July, MKa i ra caiiita, I K0 1 i-tpmania, M.4II nam qnust ie. I Mtxad, OMh. MWe t prll, 4ittai tlttBa. 4e raaaipta. ,tt aalpaaanti, "bate etetOy He 1 white atata, lea t We I de. IlkeiKO. Ml-ea, April, Hei kay, vKe Jum, tca.0 1 raeUpta.M.K0 ihiprntnu, none. Hyedall. Bariay anmlnal t Ke. 1 Canada, 71a. Ferkdnili Man, HI 7-011 oe for nw5ai. I.atdqeUii Aprli.7i May, W If J una, 7 tl J uly, If 41 fA-t 1 17 L " Meia-at. firm i Mew Uriaams, fedjlta. Terpanitna dell at UH. Keala Itaady at fl 1 . -mreiram quiet i aataed In bbla. 17 00. rretihU arini gt-ln te Urerpoel, Kl Batter quiet i iVaetara Oraaaaty, M0M).e. Chceta dell t Ohie flit, IMwlle. am ateady atata. Mm weeu-rn, HKe. Barnvrflrini Maaaary Uatleaf, tXat Ur-aaU- Jiica nominal i prima city, 1 1-113. Tallew dull 1 prime city, 41.0, Cmeenrmiyaacawea.terEIO.)-t PMaaaa rraaaaa atata at. Onoiae, April 1, l:iea.tBr--Markat epanadi , wheat-April, - May, 101 1 Juna,BJ40( July, I7S- Oern-April. Me May, MMe t June, I3K I July, tent. ,rttt MT "I Jn MX July, 1.0. . rsrT,.t,r,-V.r-1 ' " "' ,e,, 111 70 1 July, tit 75. 17 1B( July. 1710. aneniUba-juy,e B; Jun 80 July, IBM, Waw tera eaeaaa, Haw Ten-, April 1,11 p. aw-Meney eieaea at laW pareant. t Ixa-aaga ataady t pertea ratee, N l74rM WXl aetnal rater, at MK4 1 for M dan and MtlXdHfl for demand i Oer (1-bbubU teedyi aareaey nn bldil'i eonpen. m tix i Ui'ade. net bid. Tha ateek markat thla morning opened fararlihanden another drive balnf made at AUhliea prices daellnad H te IK pereenu The liit hat since been quiet and flraa with the exception of Atohlaen aad Hew angland, whleh were weak en salet by Bosten heniet. QBoutlena by aeed, Mesraan era. l-mnsstar. Pa. Ce, bank- aw te-b - a. s. Aa Paeiae.... It w. Ip.w. C Oi m I. ..,. .,, U lorade Geal.. ... .... 7U aeee eeee Te X eeee inti 1 ridBn.......u...F .i.. (MllaV4USOllUl0rn o.Ue.-feurLK ,. llll .... WK liit IMM i!7H ."H ri-i f b7 aeeeteeeeoe Uwllt. Weeeeaaeeeeeee atflo)eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee BCWjIaBAaleeoeoeeeteooeeooooo (-? Oadoeeeeooeeedeeedoe i IMK 17H MX IDS hy eeeeeee4eeeaeeeeeeed eaea IdOJ fcWeeeeaeeei eaeeeeeea 8-JaJ wBaOraeeeeeeeeeeeeaeeeedOd 101 MWAa UOStaeaaaeeeeeaeeaeee fS5?w-ii?,B0 M HOUTeyUwytaieiiMlllMH eaee Mf !?- We Pe aFTawtaeeeeeaeeeeeaeeafte K MeWtteeteeeaeeaeeeeeeaeee lOtyf C TeOeeeeeaaeeeieeeeeeeee P-gggMv H BMt XeM-aw-MMeeeeeeeedd ease Onia--Ma.i eaee eaee a.eeeeaeeet s 8(rV Oretfen Ti-QperUlkra.. 2 UaataaaXO Oat H -a 101 1K irajj iij. eeee if tj eeee 101 114 eaee ee 1H a it l-H raelfleMaU Klobmend Termliuu..,.,. at. Pani..,,,..,,,,,.,,,,.,, Texas racine...,,,,...,,,, Union raeifle..,.,...,..,,, Wabash Coin. Wabash Pref Westerii u.........,..... WestBoete JJends.... a eii iili rajum-m tier, Mh. Val............. ,,,,, ,,,, fcwil '" TO. Mm tt.,t.,.,..,,..., .... aaaaaaaaaaAAa&BAAAiA . VIM K eee eaee eeee aiw ii "Taaaeeeeoeeteeeoeie gWtCmT. FeVM.eed a 'eeaeeaaaeeeieee aJ?e' a reOplMrOM eeeeeeee JJtfa seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee V4-Uaaeetaaeaeeaeeaeaaaee IlK-t MM eeee eeee aeie eaee eeee asia Sift n Lecal neea aad aMede. Baperted by J. B. Leng. Par Last ral-xaala. lAaeu-r b tw ecntH law loe loixe ,. " ' 1W I Behoelioan-Mioo l - inlerByaara. tee - I - In ler rear.: 100 4 " InlOerJOyaars. 100 M M In lerWyaars. loe Manhnlm Borough lean ue Hi lea IS3 1. as is 100 s 111 KB H0.10 i 71 HI ue let 17.60 1.18 1,00 10 a9STsrJ,r,ji- MlUttrsTmeBueatOar le ayaaaHousaiHeada) loe uel-mbla ttaa Company M Columbia water Company w t"SSSn.lr0B Oeapany loe MartetU'lloUew-wara loe ggteeaaSi-;::::.r.::: ertaarnwaraat,.,,,,,, .,...,, se Bastern Markat.... se ttMOeapauy bend. leg Qaarryrtua M. K. rs. in KtSJ-l f W?-mbu - K'llJJ-?miBjr M !rVST?LmS:tkSxi i" Southern Market oe lneaaiercttyatrt Hallway Oe.. at Raat Bnd Street Bllav....7f.?" 01 ri 47 SO 101 I . 17 i.ancater steam Btdlater Oe WatchttcteryBi Tvunii eroeaa. KtelpTlnjr Beaver VaUey. Bridgeport Uoneehee , Columbia Chestnut HU1...". ..... OelumbU WaahlnjrteB.....V.V.V.. OonestenAiBlcBpiTnc ; 10 10 100 -0 IS 90 K 11 ta ft&TS 7IU0 103 US 40 li 8- a u m 40 . 40M n se -J6 118 163 HUM 1SUU 119 111 las I lis 117 14! 148 Bl 1M 154 100 1U W.J1 11. 117 las w-mwaatuua, .or m Lent-, Mt. Jey M BUtabethtewn... loe f5aiJ 4Utat.... ?laeSKSsn?:::::::::: s lAllaasJMluMm:..:::::..::::., s IaaastKMarietu... a -taa-1rln UeUand loe Laa-utera BnBqnahanna,!!'"!"!. Ke Laneaater New DanvlUe........... Maytown BtUabethtewn as LaaeaeterABpbraU H Kl!lSl.JiHl2?ih " atanaataa Kartevn..... k BanaToeaa. nrrtKatleBalB-nk. ioe raraen'MatlenUliank se fultonBaUenalBank loe Lancaster County Matlenal Bank... se aerU-m National Bank loe Peeples' Watlenal Bank..."." . '"." ioe Bevsteaa Matle&al auk.Mn-n fen Columbia National Bank loe CkrUUana National Brnk. I ', in Leneeuaa NaUea Bank....."::;:::: 1M Bparal Naaesal Bank ue VfiM-iaaeaai Bank. Ceiumbu. iw rrrst Mastenal Bank.Btnubur...... 1 rst BaUmal Baa Martetta....:: w flrstBaUoaalBaat.Mt.Jey loe Uttta Kaueaaiiaak ......" ioe MonntvWaJKa-leaal Bank . ::.' ioe Mai-bam Baaeaal Bank ioe UnloaNaMeaal Hank, Mount Jey.. 10 New Helland Ma-teSl Bank...!Z:: lS (iap NaUpaal Bank......... joe uuarTTTl.Ua Nataeaal Baak ion KlUabathtownMaUeaalBan-iL::: 1 trmw AD V HRTlB-mUUtt TH. TMIU Plll.l.vvu uu a u.-.,. ,..'" .,;.." II I - u 4BI B-MIIPU .UU ' Ian, Banger, clamp Hozea. CeuDlInx fJPiMaM MM pne- aeee V.VV SB BtS net T.V7 JJ eeee atae eeei M ee eaee aiaa .in a-aa Aaa aaai DOB .KENT-THR- THBBB BTOBIB9 i!vrt0LPitiSTJ'.,l,"nt.,ac" buslnese Hand Np. -Mtast juim atraat. aprl-MA VBry GOOD LOANB YBT DM. a OLD. Tlwae leans are iacui-4 by lm" prevtdClty Bau jratatTaaa bm abauutaTy I-.000; Apply te Ji-BMi4.ti-iirV apilltaa we. tm sooth Dkf -trait. OOKAMM etMUWLKN, mUtm,VHl lAIL-llta, NO. IM MOBXH (1UBBN BTBUT. Waharej-et saad wttha vnw atsiatallaaet awing BSSs UBait!- tatce-etagaajtreeeiflag aWye-t i UkHC ASTER DAII.T .. jtrnn i. :awBTi A BOLULT rUAaV J- rtOMDW i BAKING POWDER. t fc A TBI! powder aerer retire. A1 -Barrel of purity, .trenftB and wae.eaeaaaaf. Mara aeaneatlaal than tha ordinary klnda, aad eia net ba aeld la eeapetiuea with the wmli Itade erlewtaat,artwaiaht, ataai or waetpaa'a Kwaera. Botdentiin ram. ler at. Baie waaa Ce.. M Wad ettaat, jraw Tork. t-an-Myadiyw TBM BK8T-VALUB FOR THJB Meway. who caarry, -nMKMrry ana KiatBiai araa- ! We per aaart. goalliynaaaaalee ae-Utaa'n bmues m arrOBB k-ftar.Fa. Te. fd Oaatra 8q -an, taaeutar, F R TUB BBST HOT AIB FOKN AOB t-itatr-at.v iaJAbii a(B.BMa--t yalteaatMat. an-ttd B", mat eaiuaD, nnn uuan ai-un a auras, go te JOHN best, hi Bast r niten etreai LOST A FIMB PAIK OF GOLD i Mlatsaalaaeasa.batarranBaat King St. and Pann'a Depot, i ha fl ndsr will de a favor by returning it te this vanes. ai-ltd TtBXft.FOK STATER, OlUt, or ass, of any shapa'er cap i city, prteas, go te JOHN -tBIT, lai east ACID, at fair rultnn street. -t9-tld RADIATORH, OF ANT MAKE OR OE eign. can be Inrntihed at reasonable flgnres, by JOBM BBST, Ml Beat Fulton street. antra F)R BOLTS,' X.1G 8DREWS, "8KT eerewa, f quant and Hezaven Nuts, tbeia 6 Mis In stock, at JOHN Bkers, 13 Bast rul lasussu ml-ua F3R BOILER IUBK BRTJ8BE8, Bullion Pipe Wrenehrs, tpa and Menkay Wranehaa combined. Fll'i, Oil Cans, etc., go te Johm Baar, sat Bast uiz-ud TPOR BOILERS, BOR1ZONTA L. TUB U JD lar, Vertleal, Portable, Cylinder, Marine. of any alas or power, of the belt material and workmanship, go te JOHN JJB4T. MS Bast Pulton street. mn fa CANARY, HEMP, RAPE, MILLET and Maw lead. Bird urarel, Bird Maaae aad Bird Bitters, at UUNLBT'S DHUOBTOKE. m West Bins; atms. AN ARTICLE THAT 18 MADE AND se'd en a small profit, aipetlng te be re warded by the amountseld ! VTUd flower BoqustBeap." Made by tee Miller Seap Ce. STILL BELLINQ OFF AT REDUCED Prices. Pine fornltureof all kinds Is all 1 iielng aeld t-r below oeit,at Me. bant ClNUBTBBKr. mXXtd WORK WANTED XY A LADY BY theday. Waiblngoranyhlndelwork. ApplyatMBuUrilAUOUALLkT. luSO-tld WANrBD-AQOOD JOURNEYMAN Barber. Addresi, II. J. 11., 1W Columbia. Pa. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO Medel Making. Patterns, Drawing! and Blue Prints, at prices reasonable, at Jehn BAST'S, 113 Bast JTulten street. ruUfd NO LADY OK GENTLEMAN, BOY OR girl can afford te be without a etke of a girl can afford te be without a etke of niarieirar Bequet Seap' upon their toilet ale. Made by tbeMuler.BoapCe. CITY TREAHURER'B REPORT OF Balsnea In Treasury and where depeal. ted at the close el business eaturday, March OO.lbWl waama rarosrrae. Pulton Watlenal Bank........t icon Peenla'a Nullnnal liantr. in in 42103 rirst National Bank I W71 I. J. U. Bathreu. Treasurer of tha city of iA-easter. Pa,, de solemnly swear that the above report li correct. J. M. BATHrev, Treasurer. Bnbierlbad and sworn before tse this 1st day el apru, IBM. ' ltd BDWABDEDQEBLBY,Mftyerv M ARTIN BRO'8. That's what a .am en Saturday upon Olothea Bylhe snterlng the Clothing Department. That was Cord, his flrit Improislen of the quantity te plek from there. Tha Bnrlna sea son epeasd actively en Saturday. Tha early comer new gets rewarded. " Choicest morsels go flrit Yea no there's no April feel " In that. Many new things In the children's de partment, 1900 te 110 03 a suit. Bee the M 60 and as te all-wool suits, an! tha new w.lits andblou-es. Spring days and Spring nndsr wear are aeceptable te each ether. Comfert for yen, better for yen than we ever knew ; soe a pries for qualities that most stores sell at 760, and Ne a prlea for qualltlei that most stores sell at II 00. Bight from the wr avers te ns and quick turn te yen Is the reason for such low prices. Bew Tha Merchant TaUer Bpeaki.Tbls department la ready and full tf novelties. Thirty-two hands are ready at a moment's notles te your btedin and get your Bpitng Bait, overcoat or Breaches In time for yen. laave your order and gate handsome flt, perfect work, at popular pilots. MARTIN BRO'S ClaUUg aad FaralihlBf Qeedi, NOI. 20 AND 23 NOBTH QOBKN SlltBET, . LANOAB1KB.PA. i TTT1LLIAM80N dt FOSTEB. Tha Secret of Oar S-ceess Is fennd In the fact tnst wa are careful te secure every new attr-ctieu of merit that pre.enti luelf lu BOYB AND OHlLDREN'a SUITS. And a further evidence you wl'l find la the thBmmlly l0W nure we nave placed upon WE PBKSBKT An Elegant Souvenir WITH SVEUr Bej'aKne. Pint Suit Parchued, wefgheSu,buu.uec;t?Tg," ,n nevy TRUNK8 AND VAU8E8. A New Hat. THE LATEST. THE LATEST. The ComBlBa'ienHat. A Toys' Cleth Rat with plaid brim and crutrn et a solid color te uatcti, THBBRHEZa. A Cleth Pocket Hat ter young men. light Welgnt and flrw.y, AH the new sludei of BUH and oelt Mats. BABKOOK, UABDWICK, ELBE HON HBOAWEAU. Among our large simrtmsnt of new style In Tacks. Pour-l i iw ruute armeauers. ends and Puffi ptUes ranse from 60a te 7Se ew Bptlna rhadei In Gent's Eld fllevr. Alse a line line ei dent's Driving (lleves la KM, Bg Bkla, Maps, Back and Calfskins SPRING FOOT WEAR. We carry a fall line of Ladles' Light Weight Bhcai in Bound and rquare itie. ana at all Pflea. Aiwa luU Una of Mtases' fprlng andttcel Ehses. f ilUawuA Fester's, It. M. M k 18 1. MHQ ST.. .AMUABVBlt,PA. ABD 111 MABEKT It, sUBBJIBUCw f A. . KtpAW t Jt't f FMD iist7a"aiHV laaat'a. Itewsereat. arltet FeT MOMlPMfAL stTaTIehaAV la aVrJTCttSSLVS! leBB aaef'a, ia. awiVr g w BITE COTTON WASTE, OOFFBD K, I aM 1 bv taa aeaad. taa I fes Mea as la aaanaaa of erer, ee. All goods delivered te asTy aart u? laeeiiy area van ea wm bbbt, be. eel raiuunrm, aaitsa fF YOU WANT A FIKBT-ULABM a aersa- aitid "DUMPS, neit.KRM. BiiNinn. den. M. -trllaaal Mid ataaa minni Ltriinaai and steam pump", of any eepeetty, at ihn BESi's, t fast Pulton ttreat, at-Ud WANTED A GOOD HONBBT BOY about lenrteaa years of sge, whoeaa raid and write, te aet aa aa attendant te a a blind parson, who Is traveling with goods. suitelhe bny will be well paid. Ksreteaces required, address OBOBwB W. IBWlJt, epri ltd Attw Bart, Laneastsr Ce., Pa. Ft R 'BTEAat OAUOES, H1QB OB Lew PreasBia, Water uaages, eange Cocks, Weed wheals or Wetgl Tabes, Whistlei. sypbens for Bieam aaugea. aw aaajaau as mm veaiiBiBaBani. - - igataa, uiasi s TOT I ater fls uyimeer eilers Plata, water flange Oelaaaaa, mil iet nmm uau isva. eallenJUUBBBaT, 171 But rniiea street. ati-tia STEAM HEAT 18 TBBCOMINQ HEAT for dwellings, aherchea,, ethoel hensea. ate, though eutestlnlly nseaoee kaadrcd yis age. When yen eealamatala a change catien J Oft Batr, who will give yen a eetU eetU eetU lactoryje'j.atafalrpnca. aal-Ud an Paett. lag, Asbestos Milt Heard. Aabaatna tbauuat. aaneaiei ehesthtng, Unm Pacilng, Sum rater Oaua-ea. Plnmbaan Paektrv. Blngi ler Water aau Beed ma Patant Aabraliaa. Lined RaSttnaat PliS Cever, at JUUBBBSaM, 111 Bast f nttent, tnatfd ' tBHTATEOFMICilAELBMITa. LATE All oruelnmbtaboroagl,deceasea. Letters of edmlntatratlonen satdeatata having been graatd it tan nndsrslgned, all persons la eebted thereto are requested temaaelmme Olate payment, and thete bavtng claims or da manfls airatnst the lame, will present them without delay for settlement te the unOer signed, reiiaiegln Lancaster city. yJUllWI T. LfUYTB.l.11, Administrator. marll-etdM Jeaa A.reTLi, Attorney. DON'T DO IT DON'T GO ABOUND uflerln lrem pain In tha back. Lam b tge, aching Joints, rhenmatle pains, pimples, bletebes, ereptlens. ete, when Prailey's Bar tapartlla Compound will cure you. The sales ei th's excellent preparation are eanttavtly increasing, it sells en ita own merits. Price te cents. .JrJii.,J,'''fl BAST BND PBABMACT, M.W.rAw , (Opposite Eastern Market,) TjpSTATEOF JOHN a SHELLY, LATE deceasfd. Letters et administration en said estate bavlng been gtnnted te tee under. signra, an persons indented tnerete are re quested te make Immediate payment, and the as bavleg claims or demands against tha una will present teem without deluy for set tlement te the underalaned, residing In Mount uy, jra. ub.ii., Aomiiiisiraier, Mount Jey P. e Lancaster Cennty, Pa. V BW mM WT jiJBWBIBaa AW tVbVI IIUTf mrl8:dM 47 Bait Oram St , LtnessUr, Pa ESTATE OF EDWARD LEEDS, LATE Of the city or Lancaster, deceased. Let ters et administration en saldeatate having been granted te the undersigned, ail persons Indebted thereto are requested te make Imme diate payinent, and tbeee having claims or demands against the lame, wilt present them wltbeut delay ler settlement te the under signed, residing In Lancaster city. USUaUUOUKIN, Administrator. IIswkt CAKrsiTsa, Attorney. mUO.dM J3EM0VAL. CrlAS. M, HOWELL hisremoTedhisemoeioKo.1V North Queen atteet, two floera south ethls former tifflce, where he will be pleated te receive all in want of Marbl6 aad Granite Werk. A large and varied steek of finished Matble and tjranlle Monuments, Utave Stones, ete, ea hand, wnica ate offered at low pr!cee Designs for monumental memortale rnrrully given. aisia e.iMUBiu qumbm st. QABPETS. McCallum & Slean 1012 and 10U Cbestnnt Ht. PHILADELPHIA Axmlnster Wilten Mequette Brussela Tapestry Ingrain CARPETS Iegrala Art ?quare3 Oil Oleths and Lineleums APOLLLlNBOP Fine Oriental and Demestic Rugs tabS-SmdeedAJmw AS TBE SPRING WEATHER IS AP. preaeblng everybody mutt leek te the condition of mi Peot wear, it will be well te attend te this matter early, ler ear prospects ler a geed cprlng trade are certainly or the best Wh wuuld lest ay beta that If you want anything znaae In the Saoe line It would be well te place your order at enre, and thus avoid tha hurry Uiat always comes with the warm Spring Oays. We wre never se well equipped ler turning out fine worn as new, audwithourreputttlenatatake, will be eer tala te pirase, by giving our customers style. Aland value. ' our stock of ready-made goods we will en. fleam r te keep lull, and everything Will be sold at tha lowest peatlble prices WM.H.QA8T, MO. 10S MOUTH QUBBM ST., LANUABTBK. junl-lydWAP TT IS ADMITTED WE HAVE THE iSST ABY CARRIAGES IN THE CITY! ANDTHK Lewest Prices ! Latest Hi ylei I largest Stock I W. D. Sprecher, Sen & Ce., KO. 31 HAOT KINO STRHBT, LANCA8TEU PA. mara Tu.Tb.Bim rjtEETUlNO BYRUF. TO MOTHERS. Every tnhe eheuld have a bottle et OB. PAIlUNKY'iiTaaTUINOaTttUr. PerfeeUy sate. Ne upturn or Merphia mixtures- Will lelldte till t, Uttnlns In tee Ueaels said Pro mote nimeuk -itHithtng. Pre rand by UBS. U.rAIlitNav AtON,uagerstewn,Md. Drug. gtsts tall It t cents. Trial bottle sent by mall 10 cents . lans-ljideedAw ,.. .AW ?m sfaaeaaaaT swa eaeaa cneasv hum HNiewiBg pnesa BBOW t pewer. evrw ne'te peaer. sea; ie Boraa-pewwr Ti II horaa.pewer.fs7J; f korse-pewer, ll,17, eauat JeMB EMI, Xsst PaUen strait. ESTATE OFBBKNHARD HAMMKL, lata of Lancaster city, deceased. Let Let ters testamentary uu into (.stale bavlng been S ranted te Iho uudtrslgned, all persons In. ebted thereto are rrquested te make lm msdlate ptyment, and these bavlng claims or demand! against tbe same, will present them wltbeut delay for settlement te tha under. at Bed, residing In Lare isier city. JOUM A, BA08MAW, B, rataa Ksblbiiab-, Bsecuter. Atteraay. mMwf APBtL a-kta--ewi i. f -let.. .3aWwU!UkUA WBIOABT, IOs ZJMLBM fftssrJ itfVIR'JSlSl BaJ-ttd ODBLIO MALI OF ueMALB of a nwnnei TIvTil. BIMBBObBAfrfSM. atattaafL Abb OCiMk.lltil tAaiaaBaiaaVBai aaVaafUX9MW GV Z2Zn' UQU1DB AND Wslag ferstaaaa warkTat Jna w aaaw4T BMBsatPaltea street. BSMfa JACOB r. BBBAFFEB'B Copper UhtUlad " DOUBLB FDRIBTB WaOiKT. aepM-tn u ke.ttCBBxBBtKitfAam, -DOB OABUNag, IRON OR MRAfM, " -e i aw m bbIIOB ByBBjajawi,, 8RI BJatALt, BODBBB FxyR M.,reat, el fear and six repass eeekifs te auepjrtnenth.Appit aassiea se Btrf-iwee U .0., Wttmt Him A BBWEET AHTBM FLO WRR8 THAT MlUer lesp Ce, TJ? IM WANT OF BRABB OR IBOM M. Btee OOtks. -Bah ataa iuss - -- - - S.M2'Vt.."JftOr. n sua. iiMh. li-TwLirT-iTJfTr-?-'" te-JOHyBBBatfiwra'iseVu" WST OUaVnAFiaeh tee tach eTsassearrfer sasmJsBaaf atlfwav alswaawaa a.. ,- T.TTv ? clt tythapitVnlun. saaahtaV fiutH wS te Pulton street. amt-tM A GBNOY FOB OALLAHAN tfc OO'S 0??"e take the Maeaef BeeLeaA SZa !? "T'T M5 assasssi ids ie uuia ii maaes ava times the aaaatttr or stesan jelntai paekiaa matt and temaSS plates ea boiler, Ae, Ac Prlea fsTnataaasr peBBd at jehm aiax, m B&tpuiK .ta Baaiaag etreat. mvtM fTIROOT & HUANK, SHIRT MANU JL yACtDBBMandQenrtOutflttaraTwa SSerld beaters la tha Maaaaaetara of Bhtrts. a leek at ear window rarTtSeaen 0VTiw,i1. oeavlnee yen of the fast vm s52!i5TiL,wU" I60' nanet auSTOur Pride," open baek aad front OLnf, ataAa te order tLte.-BLM, alie, epeesal gnaraiitee " 'bsVi'i "b auwlw' Bwaey MKiaeia. TBOR PRATT et OAD Y ABBSTOS D1BO FJ Valves. Jenkins Vslvrs. Brass Niohe Vslves. Brass Gate Valye iron Bedy Glebe awlnglegCbeckValvsa.Brasa Chaak'TiOyaa! BF8rBMast"uTtenauS!t BiltM lOeBsPBUO BOVBLT1BJ. 1880 H. OERHARTS. creca'UPh'ictVrt !Ce! pal and fssstmere aulUng and irttjeiarfig $? H' 5" been shown in thu elty. Work Werk ship the bast and all goods warranted ee rep resented. n. mbbhabt! .. "e. IS North Quern street. etLu ter lmperUna" Tailor UUa Wtf KEYSTONE BUSINESS OOLLEQE. POLL COUKSB tin. Teaches young men and ladles better methods te book-keeping and the training for business. Is tar superior in a 1 business branehra with better advantages tean aisawtere. Located after ffiatag BwaeV."' MOkKt't rt0 . jr.D.MOS8B,PrlBClpa4. tfdAw 65WtstKlngat,.Lancasurri,a. ATTENTION I -rf-lI,B,I)eo"nU'cute Br Furchaaee for spring. Tha Latest KevclMeela SPRING OVERCOATINGS. TheiAtestStylssla EnitiBgi anl Treuerlacs, KOoXwerhf' aM th8 lewt,t eeaeleteat with MY BKPUTATlOlf BSrABLlsHID. MY AIM 18, HOLD IX. ASKEWI BOS. tU AXD U) WB8T BIRO BTBBBT. msni-ime Q&8H PRICES ALWAYS LEAD ! GRABILL'S OBI0INAL -ABD- Only Cash dioeeiy, DDKE&TLVBBT8., Is the only Grocery la the City where all goods are pnrehassd and sold for Cash Only. De you pay Caah,nemalterahere jeu deslt Then buy your Groceries at Cash Prteas and Save Meney. mayli-M.W.P CTEAM. - - w w wm maw sam vaaSfSJSVaA -hA B3BUWMISaDaVB of steam uoeda and Bngiueers Supplies, te r.iV,M..r.A.".,iJ,vV?.0,.5'i..KJ?. Asbestos. Vo.altten aea Usaaurtsjj,Blejt! . ...Uu ...u . ura hiuii I Douiea ana stea Line K'flectlng Guage Ulatsea. Steam Bads Bads ateri and steam Healing a pparatns t Bet and Cap Seiews, and In faet almestaverythlng re aulredbv sUiatn naara. tns ttinr bMaK. erxsr at priers which we guarantee te be lower than these of any ether dealer In thla vicinity. We have positively the largest stock, and being conneetei with the Telephone Bx cbange.are preptred terenflve and III all orders In the .herteet possible time. When In want of anyihlrg in our Hue. call onus ler prlees and we wia oenvloea you et enr ability and willingness te save you Meney, Delay and Vexation. JUn.r.,c,i',,'5,'or.,!ani,h,,,Bnglnes,Betlsrs, ShaWug.PeJlejs. Mangers. Bpecul Machinery Plumbera" and Gas llttars' Toels. Paturna. Medels, and Iren andllrsss CasUngs, and for the prompt repair et all kind of machinery are unexcelled in Lancaster, and we rnsnact fully solicit a than ei year patronage. Central Machine Works 1MA1M NORTH CHRISTIAN ST.. LaaeaeTaa. Pa. Geed Werk. Heatenable Charges. Prompt ness. Telephone connection. --sturB PROTECTIVE POLICY ! New that General Uarfleen la Prsstflsnt. back el up by the Protective Policy of the Be publtean Party, we can tblnk et no better pro pre tec lien tbaa that el prelactin the publle against the danger of ttettlng Dyspepsia by using peer rieur i and the surest way te avoid such a dire calamity li by using Levan & Sens' Best ! Teu'll nevrr have heavy, dysnepste-breedtna! bleadll jeu u te Levan's Geuds. And these believing In Prre Trade are free te trade luthlsartlcle all tbev are a mind te. It is "i H PBuPLk's" fLOUB, regardless of race, color, peliuca or religion. LBVAN a SONS. TJOWTJBAT AOllpri f1' fniwree&mSnC&sajA'eM atawir anavawsTBaBBlSSl aereaa. aaM byUsMUMrlWpCiL T ---i. n stiAklk rciaaaiaeaB. aaftjiBWal flVawBve srtsYOERlMaVJB, TJBBD, IM MARY rpHMLATBBRPKODUOBD BY TUB X - wild Piewar Beaaet aeap" la " greater thin that of aayet ha Beaaea aaribt raa ba ased as a abavlaV aaaaT vmh szeaUaaU r -salts, MadeaytBaMBiwrTioee. testy MBSCBABT aULLBBB. rvt&&'4.;. . ' K alfTffB -T-V' -. 1 IIROMART TAILORUta y;jprjiaMm I .. -ft t -f'' H m"m T1 I fll-l II I I B I I ,11 B i W 'Til1 STB BW TiB mtWt ll'l cll llll B"Bnl I I . I Ik I I XI lrKIll Bli aiB II' IB jBbmBbI Il,c ' aa 'I B I B'BBiB' BnB'l I III rnhn Ail I I, HI I llnl Nh ITILjLUJL riJl 1 1 AlLUJIlJlu u 1J, 1 . .. -a Wa WBARBFRBFARIBTODbASWELL for TOU INWMDBrABTBtaUrTO'TJB ROMRawsaAB AMY RXOLTJBIYRTAILORXRa RssTARUSHMRRTlRTMBl ,WTY, ARB A OQ BIT BETTER TR AR BOMR.' OI? R t A TRIAL ARD WR ,W1LL FROMIBR TO BC1T IOC IR RTBRY FARTICULAR. GEORGE P." ; RATHYON, HO. SM RBBBl Kawff rATTABHARa Attractive . Bargains ! DES1RABLEG00DS. WATT &SH AND MahaBepeolalegerlagefiOBtseesM lash alL wool PLABflBL aDtTiaae at tea a par which eaaaet Be Bf4leatet ear the aaettey. one aaere ease, Ki oelors. WVI8IBLB FLAID 8TJIT1BQ8 irH-Jebbsrs' price by case, OAMBL'8 BA1B BBBwM. ta Mm., light fray, taa hrewn, 41 laehae wMe, all-wool, Baa quaUtysasaaaaeairablaBMtarUlieeayart aase goods eeM Met week at lae. ALL-WOOL OOLOBBD BBBBIBTTAB, 45 laches wide, spisnela valaa, He a yard. 4J-INCH PIBB COLOBBD HBBBIBTTAB la all the latest shades, inch ae pearl, light, medium and dark grey, old rose, Aa, exeallea value, at 7te and d se a yard. Aa anoretoas stock of new BPfUBO DSUt 81NQBAM8 at X. X, t, 10. Xe a yard. BeanUful deslgas In PBIMTED DBI91 OBALLtBA at S, f, 7 te B) ceatt a yard. ALL-WOOL 0MALLIB8, cholee styles, 7Ke a yard. no pieeee PIBB pbibtbd batbbbb in latest Praaeh dsatgar, aad all the new oelors at HKe a yard. New Yerk Stere, 9. 8 aad 10 BMt atta Jttiwet. CAMFMT8. J. B. MARTIN A OO. CARPETS. In carpets we can show all the best patterns in Mequetts, Hartferd and Smith makes. Wiltens, Hartferd and Bige Bige Iew makes. Brussels, Hartferd, Bigelow, Parler, Lewell, Glen Eche, Special, Palmer, Wachusets, Homers, Umbria, &c Tapestry, Smith's Extra, Best B:C. & F. Palisade Roxbury, Stintsen, Herner, Higgens, Medford, Special, &c. All with Stairs and Borders te match. Ingrains, 3-ply, extra super, Weel and Cotten Chain, Vene tian, etc., in best makes. Lew priced carpets in large assort ment Mattings, China, Napier and Cocea. All widths, plain and fancy. Heme-made Carpets. Rag and Chain Carpets a specialty, largest line shown, all carefully woven Dy tne eest weavers, regular and even from end te end, wool and Cotten Stripes. Any width. Carpets Woven te order promptly. Highest prices paid for Car pet Rags. J. B. MARTIN & CO. ' Cor. West King & Prince Sts., Lancaster, Pa. TOM HALM OH MMNT. TBOR RRBT-FKOat APRIL 1, 1889, JD the large third story room above Me. ii Centre Square, inquire of fsblltM Me1Bem.B&t. FOK RKNTTWO STORK ROOMS AND Baasmant la southern Market. Alse one Btere Beem ea Vina street, suitable for any baslnass. inquire at Kara A MeBlreVs Dry Uoeda Stere, south Queen street. imw -DOR RBNT OR BALE-ONE OF THK A? Bnast bntlnsss properties In the elty t elegantly suited te the butchering business I!K!K0ab, AU0 OwelUig of II '""S one square of Ui monument, ceald be used te advantage for offleee. Call ea T.CWBlTauNOKB. KligBt, , AS-lmd steal Bstate aad Insurance. DAIRY FA KM FOB RKNT THK MA. lese Pann containing 10S aorta tillable land, adjoining Use city of Lancaster. Water and shaue In every fleld. apply te MUKT1MBB M ALOHB. Park Heu-a. MOBT1MBB MBLONB. Htnfr Uonse. J. L.BTBIMMTZ.tS MerthDakeBt, nurl-a,MAThud TF YOU WART QOOD BRUSH K9 GO KILBURN, MO. ill WBBT KIBB BTBBBT, B.-lmdAw Laaeasur, Pa. fMJROTORS, ROK LITTLE OlANT. X HBBeaitsT Inspiraters and Bleoters. Bbar' SaellAV ,MiM - -- - .,A wm an nenaa-uas w ws isassai si ? au ta steek e. Jumtl BBTefOOBB, I - -rAJUmOMO fA-MlO. Ul tZr'' ' f.4,.e." ,'CrUL v.Si- '. v- fp,?lC ti- . -f. J- . . X ', 75'-'" ' 1 J, J, - ,r.i.'?A. fal, a--j---- elVU tfitffi)faty 11& v WMf, LaUIO., Pa. ABTRICHBROB. ASTRICk'S PALACE OF FASHION, t 13 East Kine Strbrt. Lancastbr, Pa. WILL REMOVE In about one week from new te their NEW BUILDING, t NOS, 115 AND 117 NORTH QUEEN STREET. A few mere Great Bargains we offer before we move. One let of fancy colored and Iridescent Bead Orna ments; 5 inches long, at 10c apiece; former price 40c One let of Bead Ornaments, at 25c; regular price 50c One let of fancy striped Swisses for short curtains, at iac; regular price 25c. One let of heavy knotted Fringe Towels, at 25c ; regular price 37c. One let of Lawn Aprons at IOC Special bargains in Tapestry Berder, 5 inches wide, at I2c a yard ; regular price iS te 20c. We furthermore call your at tention te our large and varied stock of Dress Trimming, Per sian Bands, Silk Cord Passa menteries, Bead Ornaments, narrow and wide Bead Gimps, ie, 12, 15, 25 te 75c a yard. Bead Galoens at 50, 75c, $1 and $1.50 a yard. Alse, all the .latest styles of Wrap Trimmings, sleeve pieces of Epaulettes, etc. Selling out our let of Bead Sets, 5 pieces, at 50c; regular prices $1.25 and $1.50. One piece of black Chenille Fringe at 50c; regular price $1. Great reduction in black Dress Buttens. One let at 10 a card of 2 dozen; regular price 10c a dozen. One let of black Engraved Buttens at 5c a dozen; formerly 10 and 15c. ' ASTRICH BROS. HASH WAMM. -Af ARSHALL A RRNQIEB, Hardware! Hardware! TBBLABaXBTASSOBTMKDT. TUB LOW. EST PBICBS. MARSHALL ft REKGIBR'S, 9 & 1 1 Seuth Queen St. BUILDING MATERIAL, CARPENTER'S TOOLS, CABINET HARDWARE, OLABSFAINTSAOILS. Heuse-Furnishing Goods, PRIalB N1W OLOVMR8RRD. aw A Large Assortment of Stores, ete., ete. leU-fyd MVBIOAL. Q.REAT REDD0T1ON IB AUTOHARPS. Three wsr...... ........... ..................... M 00 Pour Bsr ssse Siva Hs r. ............. . ................ ....... .at 00 Anyladyean learn te play a tunalnflfteen minutea. Brep In tee store and take a lejk at them. IO AMATBUIIS and PKOPBBBIORAL: We have at present tne finest stock of tl AB MONIUAs ever seen in Lancaster and at sur prisingly low prices. Bave several second-Hand Hanei and Ornna In Perlect Condition, whlek wa Will sslTatBancsin Prices. Pianos, ersans, sheet Muite and Mnalcal Mdae. In aeneral-ln luct everything pertain-in- toanjit-cUusmusiehooii, Kirk Jolinsen & Ce., 34 WI3T KINO STRRaTT, LABOASTKB.PA P. 8. Pianos and Furniture MeTed. Qnu eepy or Pred. . Baker's New Walts, - The Deves Beturn." nas-iyOAw OABRY IN STOCK-BEST CHAR. coal. Hammered Bar iron. Deable Balnea Iren, Berden's Blvat iron, klvets. Het ane Held anSlar Irn Hiiilii a.ia .r i. V . .,i-V : y&i - J" f. Jr BHrlMI M,at 40MJI BBfssBsMetraltWetaret. 1 v ,. 1 vr?-- w: r.'.v s 'Hi,-i , ,.-. .- n- V v-- rf