Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, March 30, 1889, Image 1

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Our Annua Ccaapaf r Wish TIM at lnH
Waterloo and Ctrtkarg-4stUsi at
I, msm rara rally Ceatpai sd-kwaag
Fkii ntwi im Bseerwa.
A book entitled "Regimental LeatM
tbe American Civil War" baa Just
published, and the treatment of tba official
reoeid and 6latlllea la aeakllKataad Inter
ailna that tba author, lit. OeL W. F. Fex,
D. 8 V.i bia weu blgti praise for bla labor.
Tba following review is from the Haw
Tmk Tribune;
Seme readers rriSy be aurprlaad at tha
maxima el leia lu tba hardest flgbtlag
regiments as Ktven by Colonel Fex. Tba
highest rate reached litre la 19.7 par cant,
end that wae tba less of tbn at Wlsoenaln,
Wadawertb's Division, 31 Cerp. Tba
lewt psroeutsgerecerdndln this list la IS 0,
the 17tb Maine and tbe lu Mlnnaaeta betb
rwening that proportion, it la, however,
In comparing thee leease with tbaa of
Kuinpt-nii treapi tbat tbe greatest lllnmlna
ilr.n I thrown ou thn obaraetar of tba fight
lu In our war lu proportion te tba
number enneg(H), tba greatest teaa sustained
by any regtmeut during tbe war waa that
et tbe 1st Mloneaeta at Gettysburg. Tba
regiment wa erdered by Hancock te take
the colorant Wllcex'a Oenfadarata brigade,
te gain tliue for re-entoreemeuta te ba
brought tip at a otltleal moment Thn
regiment lest la this tight 202 oflleira end
men. Jia casualties were 229, of whom
seventy Hvh were kllled entrlght, or ever
28 fmr eent of thnse engaged. Tbta enor ener
mrut elaugb'cr wu never again equalled,
bat tbe percentage of killed for many
regiments In many etber battle rcaa aa
high aa 20. In aeme engsgementa tbr
casualties, when reckoned upon wbele
dlvlalens, appear at first larger. Tske, for
example, the losses of Haee;ck's division
afFrerierlrkaburg, lu charging tbe atone
wall at Murye'a Uelsiite. Out of 4,834
engaged, tbeie were 2.029 killed, wounded
arid mbalng, and mom U the luttslnir were
killed or wounded men. Tte maximum
prrcntxen s baaed en tbe total
nt klll"t, wounded aed mlnlcg, lu
alead et en the kllltd and inor iner
tally weutidtd olene, givea flurra
whlcb, though ncaeuarily leaa ex te; and
trattwertby, of ccuriaralKHthe ratio. UeL
Fex gives aneti a II', the highest flgare
In wliieb ar reecl.ed In a pereantage of
62 0, while CO per eflnulstue Joetire
enrded. New, tee beavlrat less In the
German army during the France Pruaflaa
war oceurren In the lO'.b Infantry (Tbltd
Westp'iMUn) at Mara La Tour, tt num
bered S000 innn, and carried 3,000 Inte
action. ' It Ien M9 killed and mortally
Wounded, 019 irennded, and S03 missing ;
total, 1.431, or 49.4 pur cent TheOUrdo TheOUrde
Hcliuiaiti BttUllen, 1,000 atreng, leat at
Met, Aegnit 18. 102 kllled aud mortally
woued'd, 291 wounded, and 6 mUalna ;
total, 401, or 40 1 per cant. At C)l. Fex
ebiervbs : ' A comparison et thtss par.
eentage with these nt the Union reglmvuta
In certain battlea will give some Idea of the
datparate character et the njhllng during
tbe American civil war. "
Kegarded from one point of Tlew tbe one
regiment, in all tbe Union atrult, whleh
anttained tbe greatest leaa In battle during
the American civil war, waa the Fltth New
Hampshire Infantry. It lest 295 men kltlrd
or mortally wounded during lta four ytara
of sbtvice, from 1601 te 1&G5. Heoend en
the Hat comes the KlgMv-thlrd Fennsylva
Die, with a leaa of 282 olUeera and men.
Tbe Heventh Wlaonnaen lalantry folio a-r,
wltb a losaef 231. Forty-rive reglmentseut
nt tbe two thnuasnd onmpealns tbe entire
Union army lert evar 200 effleara and men
eaeh. Cjlonel. Fex points ouseisorepanolM
batween h and the federal ductal flgurea,
and explains tbat they are owing te tbe
care with wbtch many of the Mate govetn
mints followed up the lints of "nilatlng"
n't-r battue, and the froth Information ae
obtained cnucerulLg the fate of many. A
large prrporllen et the men returned as
"mlalug" proved te buve been really
killed, and tbls, of course, created aeme
oentoalon In tbn first reports.
Proceeding further it will appear thai the
heaviest less In battle et any regimental
organization occurred In tba 1st Mlna
Heavy Artillery, of liirney'a Division,
Seoend Cerps. "During lta term of service
it lest twrnty three officers and 4C0 enlisted
men killed or mortally wounded in battle."
But tbe lit Maine Heavy Artillery did net
take tbe field until May, 18S4, and lta
flgtitleg and all Its losses occurred within a
period of ten months. Anether heavy
artillery regiment, tbe 8h Near Yerk, of
aibben'a Division, Second Cerp, austsiecd
the next heaviest louses, nineteen ctHcera
and 312 men having bean killed or dlei of
wounds. Tbls regiment also saw sit Its
aetlve service during tbe lait ten months of
tbe war. It mut be b3rne In i&lud that tbe
Usual alrengthff tba tetyy artillery regi
ments waa 1800 ruec, is against 1,000 ler
tha Infantry, a cavalry regiment numbated
V20O merr with fall ranks, while a battery
of lluht artillery had a maximum alrength
of 150 men and six guu, tnd wbm organ
ized twelve batteries constituted a regiment.
Heavy lesaes were sometimes suatsned ny
the light artillery, as In tbe case of tbe lltn
Onleat Inks, when alxty-nlne men of tbe
battery wero killed in a rebel enarge upon
the guns.
'jneloaslneQlcera exoeoded In preper
(Ien tbat el enlisted men Thu at
Uettysbnrg tbe olUeera lest 17 per cunt. In
Killed and wounded, while thn leai of tbe
tnu was 21 par enL At Hblleb tbe leaa of
efflsers wra 21 per cent, against 17 per eent.
ter tbe men. Greater exposure wa, of
eanrse, the principal eaute of this higher
mortality. Tbe Confederate ebarpaboecera
were always en the loekont for sboulder sbeulder
airapa, and. "even in th cenl u Ien of a het
musketry fire, sny JteICle-, nel matter bow
imnra maraaujaii. wcu.d turn bis line
en any oensptouous msn In tba op ep op
neaiDK ranks wbcae appearance Indicated
that be might beantffleer," while "Ino'.ese
quarters get a-ere no; apt le ba aimed at
privates if a lieutenant was in tight near
y." A compirlaen between tbe mortality
of officers at Gettysburg and the Wilderness
Mttloseofirm tbls. In tbe former battle,
fought matnly In the open, the ofileeis fell
thlrkly. In the Wilderness, where tbe
cfflershad tbe same shelter aa the privates
and werenottebeatngled tu", tbepjroeot tbepjreeot tbepjroeet
ace et leaa ameug them fell te the level of
the troops at Urge.
Tne heaviest regimental leta of effleara
killed In anyone battle waa tbat of tbe7.b
New Hampshire at tba assault en Fert
Wayne, when eleven effleeta were killed,
or mortally wounded. At Manaasaa tbe
221 New Yerk lefantry lostnineteentffleeri
killed ana weuuura uut ui insutjr luur
present in action, nine being killed en tbe
iroued. It 1' a s'gnlfletnt fast tbat tbe
uerosntageef tbecfflwM dying by dlseaae
Is leas tbsn tbat of tee men. Tne explana
lien of tbla curious fact la difficult, for,
though the effleera msy have bad Detter
faeilttlas for purebaalng and better quarters
while in camp. " it la iquelly true tuat in
an active campaign, in blvouae or en the
mareh, they encountered aubatanllally tbe
Hue exposure aud privation, they ware
expuel 10 tbe aame aterms, and their feed
waa equally acaity. " In battle, one offieer
wta killed ferevt-ry sixteen enlisted men ;
bnt among tbe ueittjs irem eiseaae oue
efflcr foil 10 every aeventytwe men, and
In tbe oelored regiments one tffiser te
every 216 men.
The cteaeat parallel between F.urepean
and American tmiles occurs intboia'.iatlea
of Waterloo and Gettysburg. Of tbeae
Colonel Fex says: "At Waterloo tbe
French numeered 80.000 men and 252 guns;
tbe Allies nnmberei 72,000 snd 160 guns.
At Gettysburg, tbeUoleu army numbered
2 0C0 men and 300 guns) tbe UenfeJeratea,
70000 snd 250 guns. At Waterloo, Wei Wei Wei
lloKten'a army leat 23 135; st Gettysburg,
Maade'a amy leat 23.003 Tteleaa of the
French at Wa'orleo baa never beenofflelaliy
annonneed.out has been estimated at 20,300 ;
tba Oenfedertte less at Gettyaberg, as
cfflelally reperud by tbe Cenlederata sur
geon generi, was 20,413, te wbteb mutt bs
added 7,077 wounded and uuwoended
grlaenata wbeee names were emitted from
Is llau, but apihr un the records t
WatblDgtoe. In abort, the battles of
Waterloo and Gsitvsbuig were fought with
from 70 000 te 82.000 man en eaeh side, ar.d
tbe combatants leat about 23.000 each." In
the battle of Gravelelle ( Franco-PreScan
W ar) tbe Germana leat a total el 20,677 oet el
144,000 troops gagad
IwalTiMI MM IMOWaataM tUMttf U s7
battia. At GaUjabarsj Msade lest mere
maa with half tbe aember angsged. The
afgregata pareentagee of leaa eeaipere as
felNtwa t la the FranoeProsalaa war tbat
of tMGaraaaaawaa S.1 per eaatt la tbe
Crlaaea war tba Alllaa lest 3.2 par esnt. ;
la the war of 1800 the Austrian leaa was 2.6
rwreeat Iathn Anarleaai elvil war the
Ualea leaa waa 4.7 par earn., and that et the
Cenfaderatea 9 par eent
Tba total leaa of tba Unlea amies was
110,070 killed or BBertaUy wounded and
270,176 westadtd t total, 385,21s, exelBslve of
tba BBlasiag la aotleo, wbesa rtaaaber baa
net yet been offleislly atated. Of tba nea
killed, 67,008 died ea tba Bald aad 43,012 of
their weainda, Bat, after alt, tba karoe
eaaaad by dteeaaa waa much grea'er tbaa
that of Ceafederata bnl lata. Tne deaths by
dlsaaae numbered 199,710, and tbaaa de net
leelnda tha dettba in Ceaiederate prisons,
whlett reached 24,800. There are many
curlens an4 puxilleg facta about theae
atatletlcfl. Fer inalanee. Colonel Fex ob
aarraa that "the meatetriklng laatnraef tba
mortuary slattttlea la that the reglmeata
which Incurred thagreateatletaln battia ara
ina enaa wntei auuered lean iretn aiaeaaa.
While throughout tba wbele army tba
deatba from dlaaas were double thees from
ballets, tbe bard fighting regtmenta seldom
leet even a Ilka number. One-filth of tba
death from dlsaaae occurred In regiments
that never were la battle." Evidently
comfortable quarters, geed feed, and Im
munity from exposure did net Innnre
health. Again "certain regiments tuflerad
from tbe d suae, nnaoeountably, mere
than ethers. The Vermont brigade, while
encamped In Vlrglule, In 1801, lest aoeren
of men by dlaeaac, while tba regiments in
adjoining eampa were entirely exempt;
and yet teeae Vennontera excelled In
physique, ctraallness and Intelligence.!
Berne restricted local cause, one wcull
tblnk, most have operated In thla eaas; bat
there are msny mytterles In theae records.
During the war no leaa than 4,838 deaths by
drowning occurred. Tbla seniS an un
accountable number, but Colonel Fex
point out tbat, alter all, tbeaveiaje Is three
men te a regiment Tbe leaa waa largely
oeaasloned by bathing and beating, bnt
considerable inacea wero Incurred In ford
ing rlvera and lending through aurf from
beats. Then the 75 'h Pennsylvania leat
twecfficeiaand fifty one men while cross
ing tbe Sbenandrah In April, 1802, by tbe
awamplngefa aaew.
Tbe losses In tbe Confederate and Uolen
Briscoe offer some atrange perplexities,
ere geed and bait treatment appear tebave
produeedebiut tbesamn rnaulta. In the
Confederate pr.'a ins 24 603 Union prisoners
died of disease. ' In the Northern prisons,
where tbe Inmates were Inrnla'ied with
geed feed and quarters, the death rata waa
nearly the aame ; 30.152 Confederates died
In Northern prisons." Colonel Fex's sev
enth ehspter, which tresis of tbe mutter mutter
ent rolls, Is pirtlcuurly rich In auggestlve
facta; aueb, for Insiauce, at tbe fae. that It
was by no means uncommon fcr women net
only te enlist but te serve In eampalgns.
Four ones are cited, and In eaeh one tbe
fair oetnbatant waa dlaobarged from tbe
army en account of aex.
Wabhimqten, Marei 30. The following
cable dlapateb, esnflrmlng tbe reported leat
of United States and German war vessels In
Ha mean watera, was reoelved at tbe navy
department this morning :
Auckland, Mareh 30, 1839.
le l tcrttiry 0 tht A'avv, Waihingten, D . C:
Hurrloat.eatApiaen March 15. Every
vessel In the barber en abera except tbe
English mau of-war Calliope, which get te
sea. Tbe Trenteu and Vandalla are total
leaaes; tbe Mlpsle la beaehed, rudder gene
and may be saved, but tne chance la
agalnat it Will send ber te Anckland
If pesslb'e. The Vandalla leat four
rffleers and thlitynlna men, namely:
Captain Sabnenmekrr, Peymeater Armes,
lieutenant Msrlnet Hutien, Pay Clerk J.
Roebe, Henry Hiker, Warren Brisbane,
Wm. Brewi e, Quartermaater M. Csalne,
M. Cralgen, BenJ F. Davis, Thes. O. Din
ney, Msguea Ericssen, B C. Cringe, Gee.
German. Adelpb Gidner,Natban It Green,
Jes. Grlfiln, E M. Hammir, JnaHaoehett,
C. II. Hawkins, W. Hewa', Frank Jenes,
Geerge Jerden, N. 11. Jeseph, Jehn Kelly,
Themas Kelly, N. Klntrlls, O. P. Krateer,
entries Kraua, Frauk Lessman, Geerge
Merrage, Avlmer Montsemery, Themas
Riley, H, P. Htalman, C. K. Stanford, Jehn
81ms, G. H. Wells, Jehn Mlllterd, Henry
Wixted, Ah Kew, Ah Peek, Teoher.
Tbe Nlpale leat seven men : Gsa Callan,
Jehn GUI, JealiUi Heap, Tbes. Jehnscn,
David Keileber, Henry Penlzsll, Wm.
All were saved from tbe Trentea. Tbe
Trenten'sand Vandalla' crewa are en short)
tbeMlptlu'acn beard. All stores possible
Tbe German ships Adier and Eber are
total losses ; 1 he O.'ga Is beaehtd and msy
be taved. German losses are ninety-six.
Important lesend three hundred men bema
at once. Sbsll I ebarter steamer T Can
charter In Auekland. Lieut Wilten will
remain In Auckland te obey your orders.
Further account by mall.
Boere'.ary Traey, In anawer te Admiral
K'mherley'a question as te whether a
kwauier should be etarlered te tend the
three hundred men of tbe wrecked veasels
home, sent the following dispatch :
"Lieut Wilsen, for Ktmberlty, eara
American oenaul, Auekland ! Take soeh
steps wltb regard te Nlpile and wreeta
and Bending men home aa jeu may
deem proper. Full power given you.
Monengabela sailed for Apia, February 21
Tba Obalrtnan ct the Street Committee
Taias ADeut If.
Meeting Mr. Rlddle, chairman of tLe
street 00m in It tee, we Inquired of him why
he recommended tbe renewal of the con
tract with Eagle for stone for tbe streets,
when tbe stone furnished last year by blm
were ae peer. He admitted tbat they had
been ae ; bat said tbat he bad been Informed
that Engle had geed atone, and tbat tbey
propeaed te get such In future. He said
tbat he thought tbe bad condition of tbe
streets was largely due te the fine stutl
from tbe breaker, wblcb was uted aa a
topdresaleg, and tetbe hatte with wbleb
tbe atreeta bad been prepared and rolled by
tbe street oemmlaaloner, of whom be said
that as be had been last year appointed by
tbe mayor, be held him te be bts boss,"
and refuted te obey tbe street committee.
Mr, Riddle said tbat be bad bean told tbat
Mr. B. 8. Spiccer used atone from Begie's
quarry for aeme part of tbe work be d!d en
tba cotton mill square of Prlnee street ;
and tbat be bad alto been told tbat Ibe
squsre of North Queen atreet above the
depot, hsd been made with Eagle atone and
tbla was one et tbe beat iquares In tbe city.
Uponenr persisting tbat tbe stone In Ea-
gle'a prtsant quarry was mtnlfettly unfit
for use, be premlaei te examine tbe qaatry
and te take tbe opinion of atone xpsrts at
te Its quality for attest work before com
pleting tbe oentrac', as be prefeattd a great
dealre te secure tbe beat stone possible for
the purpeae.
W'e understand that he yester
day cxsmlced the quarry in company
with the mayor, city oemmlaaloner and
reamed was tbat tbe atones were net bard
enough for tbe bsal service in tbe repalra et
tbe attests.
Twe Old Oflrndtrs.
Mary Wite, who baa net been in Jail for
a fw months, went en a drank en Fridsy
andrslsedadUturLanoeen Middle street
Hhe waa arrested by Cenatable Sbaub and
committed for a bearing by Alderman A.
F. Dennelly.
Samuel Craig was arretted for a almllar
nflenae en East King atreet Alderman
Halbaeh sent blm te Jail until Tuesday,
when he will be heard.
BbrrltTs kales.
Sheriff Bnrkbelder posted bills for tba
eele et seven properties ea aUtardey, ApiU
an TsrsSKU aiMK at asjiea.
arrteaaa Urlvsa Tkeea Dpea mm Keeka.
aay Uvae Uat Atfsalial Ktaaksrtey
Mauaaafteerstary Tracy aa Itaaass
Ttesa Who Wsra Drewacd.
Advices have bean reeelved tn Londen
.front Baroea te the effect that la a terrlfle
"hBTTleaae;theta threa American and tour
German men-of-war ware wrecked, and
that many persons were drowned.
Dltpttchea reeelved In Aueklaad from
Ramea atate that the American meaef-war
Trenten, Vandalla and Nlptlc, and tba
German men-of-war Adler, Olga and Eber
were driven en a rear daring a violent
aterm and totally wrecked.
Of tba American ere we four ofneers and
forty-six men wera drewaad and et tba
German crewa nine offleera and elgbty
aevea men lest their Uvea.
Tne hurricane waa of a meat violent
character. The aky baeama black with
leaden hne and the wavaa aoea ran mona mena
talna hlgb. Tne American men et war. tha
wooden anlp Trenten, tba Nlpale and tba
Vandalla, arid the German vessels, tbe Olga,
Adler and Kder, were lying a' snchr.r.
All bands were piped en deek and efforts
made te get tbe vessels ent of tba bat ber,
se tbat at room might be obtained, but the
hurricane burled the vetsela with aueb lury
towards the reef tbst lies at the entrsces te
the harbor a te drag tbelr anohera and
weep them upon the sunken rocks.
Oae by one tbe steamers were pounded
upon abarp-petn ted prcjsotiena beneath tha
water. Eren tffurta te laaneb the beat!
were In meat eases fruitless. With aueb
terrlne poundings upon tbe reeks, soma of
tbe vessels keeled ever before tbe furleua
blast llke chips en tba waves. Tbe gnus
aided In tbe work of dealt uet Ien.
Tene e! water poured Inte tha pert holes
and In ai Incredibly abort time tha sailors
were strnglleg for their lives lntbaaeeth
leg waters and the Teasels begsn te go te
pit ess aa everything went by tbe beard.
Tbe cries ler relief wera drowned In the
rear of tbe raging wind and tbe tumaltueua
sea. A terrible struggle for lite ensued.
Relief from tbe shore waa almost Impossi
ble. Men elung in tbe agonies et despslr
te floating spare, portions of beats and tha
wreckage tbat floated upin tba waves.
Many 01 them wereoempeiled te relinquish
their grasp, and sank te watery grave.
A number, however, succeeded In reach
ing shore in safety, and some were reseutd
almost mirtoulensiy.
When tbe storm bad subsided and tbe
mustsr et tbe officers and crews had been
looked ever It was found tbat of tbe Ameri
can crewa four cllleera and terty-alx men
bad been engulfed by the wavea or were
dashed te pieces by tbe wreeksge, while of
the German crews nine officers and eighty,
seven men met tbelr deatha by tbe aterm.
The grestest cxeltement prevailed
en tbe Islands alter the catastrophe.
Tbe Germsn aud American een.
sulatea presented a most dismal
acene. A pall fell ever all, and tbe Intereat
In tbe a Hairs el tbe Island waa eclipsed In
tbe terrible calamity which bad In ae abort
a time wiped out tbe flaotaet tbe two great
nations tbat were represented tbete.
TneAmerlean and German governments
were te be netllld at ouee et tba evil tbat
baa befallen tbe A set and tbe commanders
await with anxluiy liiatrnollena aa te what
tbey shall de next.
The U. 8. vessels belong te tbe Peolfle
qusdren, wblcb la commanded by Rear
Admiral Klmberly. 'the Trenten la tha
tlagiblp and Is commanded by Csptaln
Nermau H. Farquhar, who la also eblef of
atafl te Admiral Klmberly. The etber
offleera of tbe Trenteu are :
Lieutenant oenitnsnder, Henry W. Lyen;
lleateuantx, Kebert N. G. Brown, Samuel
L. Graham, Ltzaius L. Kearney, Ber
nard O. Beelt; Junier grade, William
H, Allen ; enMgn, Jehn P. Bltnden ;
naval cade r, lloeort Bteeker, Frank W.
Hibbs, Benten C. Decker, Benjamin W.
Welle, William Clcke, Geerge W. Legan
aad RIebard U Jacksen; medical Inspecmr,
Cbarlea II White; aealattnt aurgein,
BUpben B. White; pay Inspector, AmbreH
J. Clark; chief engineer, Andrew J.
Klersted; atslttatt euglneerr, Uersebel
Main, Kebort W. Gait and Clarence H.
Mattbeaa; chaplain, Adam A. MeAlliater;
captain et marine, Kebert W. Huntington;
boatswain, Jehn McLiugbllc; gunner,Jebn
Weatfall; carpenter. Benjamin K. Fernold;
ealtmakar, Samuel U. Beutwelt
The Vandalla Is a vessel nt tbe seoend
grsde and Is oemmaaded by Captain Cor
nelius M. Bcboenmaker, who took charge
of the vtsiel en April 6, 1888 The etber
offleers are: Lieutenants, J. W. Carlle,
Jehn O. Wilten, Cbarlea E. Fex; lieu
tenants, Junier grade, Herace M. Wltztl,
Tbemaa M. Brumby ; naval cadets, Edward
Meale, Cbarlea E. Johnsten, Samuel P.
Edmunds ; surgeon, Hosea O. Babln ;
paymaster, F. U. Armea; oblef engineer,
Geerge J. Burnsp ; assistant engineer,
Alex. B. Bates; first lleutensutef marines),
Geerge F. Elliett; carpenter, Jeseph B.
The Nlrs'e Is a third rate vessel tn charge
et Commander Dennis W. Mnllsne, who
assumed ebarge of bar In October, 1887.
Her ether c Ulcers are: Lieutenants, Jehn
M. Hawley, R. C. Davenport; lieutenant
Junier giade, Jehn A. Snerman; ensigns,
Wllllsm P. White, Jehn L. Pureell, Harry
A. Field, Hillary P. Jenei; past ataiatant
surgeon, EzraZ Derr; past e a ilstant pay
master, Jehn Cerwlnej eblef engineer,
Geerge W. Hall; aattatant engineer, ueraas
F. Frlck; Aral lieutenant et marines, T. G.
Tbe Trenten Is a wooden screw cruUer,
sblp rigged, armed with ten guns and wltb
a displacement of 3.900 tens.
Tbe Vandalla la a wooden screw cruiser,
bark rigged, carrlna twelve guns snd with
a displacement of 2.100 tens.
The Nlpale Is a third rate wooden vessel
carrying alx guna and wltb a displacement
et 1,270 tens, Bbe Is a rcboener tigged aed
her propalilen Is by a screw.
Dedication" expenses.
Lancaster, Mareb 29.
cobimlltee of council" ogureasbew:
Fund sod enrlated.
. ss.trm.fe
Drawn nom oenil' guu.
rremiumea le n
1,815 UJ
liefllh a tAM kt.iall lillla VAt tn tut natri "
There net being enough "small bills" te
use up the balance, a "feed," te "oeat net
ever 1850," muat le gotten up by thesd thesd
inlnlstratlen et etrencb and reform,"
and tben It muat be met by drawing en
"esntlngenl" te pay expeu sss. Who tee a
the bill T
Bixtii Wabd, (batnobeodlet)
flirt te an Overteil Cbuicb.
An Overton corre-p-udent tetbe Dnahnre
Qaittte saya: Tae bnl! for tbe Catholle
cbureb baa arrived snd wl'l be pat in place in
a few dais by the Lawrence Kro. It was
eaat at tbe McStwue bill foundry, Balti
more, weilgbi without tbe hangings 1,821
pounds, and bea'a tbe following Inscriptien:
'I bit Deil was prereeieu ey aid iia iia
Gevern, en the ftaitef purlfieatlnn, te Bt,
Franclaeburch et Oerten, Pa. It ia ded
icated te Bt Ann, tbe mother of the bleed
virgin. Rev. James A. Mirtle, poater."
Bradford Argut.
MUs Ann McGevarn Is a stater of tbe
Right Kev. Themas, bishop of
Harrlsbarg, and Jehn McGovern, of
Overton, father of Mrs. Peter McOonemy,
Jr, eftbUclly.
Charged With 8tcallas a Deg.
A lad named William Melleu bas been
held for a bearing before Alderman A. F.
Dennelly, en a charge of larceny el a deg,
d"g-cellar and atrap Irem au etber boy
named Adam Warfel.
A Werinj trautt.
Tbe Ladles' Mite aeslety ct Bt Paul's M.
E. church, who have been working ae
energetically for several months te furnish
tbe new parsonage, will glva a sapper In
tha lecture room of tba efantch tbla evening
The Dhatches aad 1'aepl aad the Jearaey
Weal-What Ha Obsnvtd at Blakep
Knlght'a Hew Hema.
Kx Mayer Wm. A. Morten, who returned
from Milwaukee wltb tbe family et Bishop
Knight, glvea glowing and enlhualaatle
aoeonnt et the reception and ordination of
tha btohep, and et the church and people
of tha oeunlry, " Oe Sanday morning, "
aald Mr. Morten, "we atteutled 8t Jamea
ehnrch In Cnloage, a fine atena ehareb,
tmektd badly by thi great lira et eight
yeara age. In tbe evctlsg wa went te St
Clement's. Tne congregation et H.
Clement's are new nalcg a chapel while a
magnificent church Is under construction
ferlbem at tbe exrme cf Aruneur, the
beef packer. Tha next afterncen wa
slatted ter Milwaukee occapyleg a parlor
car attr.ot.ed te tbe train for the especial
use of our small party.
" We were aoen Joined by a flee looking
achelsrly divine who proved te ba tha
eminent Aeyrlen and Simkrtt scholar,
Cbarlea Hale, who ta new canon of Fert-dulse
He proved a very entertaining oom eom oem
panlon and when bait way te Milwaukee a
Urge delegation from that elty entered enr
car and greeted tbe bishop elect, se that
our spare ear spaeii proved very uaelul.
A bandaema box el flower waa pre pre
aentedteMia. Knight by tha delegation.
At the station in Mllwaukee we ware
enthntlastleally trctived by a very large
delegation wltb severelledles among them,
and when we had been drlvsn te tba hotel
tha bishop fennd there a ailll larger throng
of cordial cbutrh people, men and women.
"Bishop elect Knight waa well received bv
all factions. It bad been runoerd tbat the
congregation of HL Paul', a ai.-ongheld cf
tba low obuteh party, had declared that
II Dr, Kelgbt became bishop tbey wenld
withdraw, but with an evident determina
tion te alleuca the rumor, tbey hastened
teextnnd te blm a pressing and very
oenllal Invitation le a reception and Innch Innch
een. Thetr church la a splendid building,
and Ifyeu dldnotknewltyoa would never
guces that the poeplo worshiping In It wera
vigorous opponents of extieme rllualtstr,
Tbey hava a marble altar and elaborate fit
tings, ar.d thelltaey t!ek Is away down tba
Isle. There are two uugolOeent stained glau
windows en either aide et tbe altar. Alto
gether tbe Impreulen given la mneh mera
rltualiatle tban tbat of our own Bt Jamea.
Tbeeathedral, where tbe oenteoratlon took
place, Is a tlue building holding about a
tbeuaatid, but constructed wltb a view te
enlargcnteu. A for thn oeietnony et tba
consecration et Bishop Kulght It was tba
most Impressive and beautllul apeo apee apeo
taelo that I ever saw or expeet te aee.
Tbere ware nlxty e'mrlatcra, a large
body of prltats and the alx blahepa
ank blshop-eltct la the proeeatlon,
and you cannot Imagine aeytblng mere
Inspiring than tbe etloet et tba rausle
and tba aeeue In that crowded and deoerated
building. The floral decorations furnished
by Mrs. Fair bank wero beautiful In tbe
extreme. Tbe bishop all were tbelr cel lege
heeds of various colors and when they
placed the vratments npentbe new bishop
and led him te the bishop's lb rene the
effect was grand. Bishop Boymear,
who preached the sermon,e'.osely reaemblet
H, M. Nertb, or q., of the Lancaster bar,
bat is net ae tall by about two inetee. Ha
delivered an elcqnentand powerful sermen,
and," said tbe ex mayor, wltb a twinkle In
hit eye, "1 waa particularly pleated wltb
one llluatratlcn uad by blm In speaking of
tba strength of tbe church. He aald that a
blattep might make mlstakrr, bat It
was only eue thread wrenrf In a
great fabrle cur rictlennt govern
ment It strong, ml J be, wby It la se
strong that It haa even steed the oenntlng
In of a president without a tremor ; and our
obnreb Is even stronger. " Mr. Morten aaya
tbat a large number of tbe KpUcepal elergy
eat there are Doiuectata. At Ibe luneh at
Bt Paul's Bltbep Knight very bspplly
broke the iee by n neat speech In which he
said tbat lu tbe middle ages a banquet la
Lonteould net beglven wltbeut the sanction
et tbe bishop aud he new gave them all bla
permission te fall te. This wat greeted
with hearty applauae and laughter, "
" Mr. Gnsrge Reynolds had given me an
Introduction for Dr. Kelgbt and myself
te tbe president of tbe Nortbwestern in.
auranee company and we were cordially
received by blm and from tbe top of the
great building of the company bad aa im
pretalve view of the city. Bishop Knight
and family will have a very delightful and
oemfortablo hema Our return trip te
Lancaster waa pleasant though tba steady
traveling waa a little tee mueh for the
comfort et aeme of tbeladlea, "
While tba Inmatea Slept tha klaruss Started
Frem Detective Fibs,
About Ibree o'clock en Fridsy morning
tbehoumef Edward Gllsghtr, at Peters'
Creek, Fulton township, became Ignited
from a defective flue, and waa entirely
destroyed. Tbe family were asleep wbtla
tbe A imea were devouring tbelr home, snd
bad net neighbors dltoevoed tbelr perilous
altuatlen In time te rescue tbtm tbe
reuialnsnf nvoer&'x persona would new
be la tbe ruins.
Tne alarm wat qelckly sounded among
tbe villager?, and ler a limn tntenae excite
ment pte vailed, Tbe work of rescuing tba
sleepers was attended with dlffieulty, Mr.
Gallagher wa first awakened and, while
almost frsntle, s slated in tbe removal of
his family. Through tbe dense smoke tbe
heroic rescuers found their way te tba
different 100ms and removed tbe occu
pants, who bad scarcely time lu wblcb
tn secure sufficient clothing te oevsr
tuem. Tbe jeuugeat child a babe waa
almeat aullocated wbeu fennd ; and Mtr,
Lydla Ann Prize, wbe Ia CO yeara of age,
was tbe last te be taken from tbe rapidly
dissolving building. Bbe was can ltd from
her room by several uitn wbe ssiured her
before tbey begin tbelr task tbat tbe ethera
were In tafety. The venerable Mrs, Prise
waa aeverely shocked by the dlaatler, but
tbe f ilfccU are gradually disappearing.
The oanteutaef tbe house were deatreyed ;
net even a single piece of turclture escaped
Tueburced building wm a large frame,
and yeara age abeltered many beardera
wbe were employed at tbe Peach Bettem
Adjacent dwellings were saved by tbe
villagers, and te keep tbn destroyer from
them rtqnlrel no iureaalderable amount cf
It was net learned today whether Mr.
Gallsgher bolds Insurance upon bis prop prep
city. Tueught lie Wat lu Lauetaler,
from tbe Mew Helland CI. Hen.
Ou Saturday atternoen ayeung man from
Wayback, sniewbere In Chester county,
took a notion be would Ilka te sea the
world, snd In tbe evening bn arrived in
New Helland. Alter walking tbreugb
town aereral times, snd admiring tbe
beautiful location of tbe place, tbe fertility
et tbe land hereabout, and ae rerlb, and ae
tertb, be atepped Inte enn of our drygoeds
aterea and satd that he didn't get te Lin
caster very often and tbcugbt he would
like te buy something, wbleb be did, like
a sensible msn, and waa happy becaute he
thought be was In Laneuter.
A Very Large Egg.
Michael Behaller, et Ne. Ui9 Maner atreef,
bat left at tbe Ixtblliuescmi office au
egg, laid by a Leghorn chicken, wblcb la
et extraordinary a'c and weight It la
rally double a larga aa tha erdlaary agf .
ruatLian ANueajttataM havr fKBrtv
sriRtTRU tjeNtieara.
BssteaaDa(rr DefaaiaMsadewe, et Aaalraila
Tbsf right fetty-Vlve Reaaas aakten
Haaeks Oat laaBQSkmsabrMgi'e
Cra w Oatrews Ike Oxford 6 lasts.
Ban Franiii'ce, Cat, Mareb 3d. The
glove oenteai between Tem Meadows, et
Australia, and Palsy Dufly, of Bosten, ler a
parse el ll.OJO, and tba waller weight
championship et the Paul 0 a coast, took
plaeaat the California Athletle club last
night Meedewa waa tba taverile, with
edda of 1100 tn 70. Hiram Cook was
obesen referee. Paddy German and Bam
Fllxpatrlek Brooded Meadow, while
Billy Shannen aad young Mliebell looked
after Detty. Moadewa weighed 142 and
Defly 140 pound.
Ia the first five rounds Daffy did all Ibe
fighting without gaining any decided ad
vantage. He at cured fit at bleed tn tbe
second tennd, and worried Meadows In tbe
third, but lu tba filth round Meadewa
began te enew bla superior freshntaa and
had tba advantage. Slogging continued
for a number of rounds, Dully getting In
some geed ones, bnt tailing In force en
eoeoum of Meadows' cleverness. Tbe
seventeenth was uneventful, but la the
next Dufiy did ell tha fighting, and te
every body 'a surprise waa tba fresher. In
tha nineteenth round Meadows rushed and
rained blew a en DetTy'a seek and head,
whleh did amall execution. Duffy secured
one en tbe atomaeb, bat Meadewa dodged
two right hand awlnsa and get In two
nppetcut en tbe neck. In tha twentieth
round, In fierce rallies, Meadow eecured
tbe advantage with savage blew ever the
left eye, whleh made tba bleed spurt
Daffy began te abew weakness. Ia the
twenty-fit st round, Dufly cam up groggy
bnt fought well, and In the next round
Meadewa again rushed the fighting and re re
pattedlyget lu oiDeRVj wind, nose and
face, tba Beaten man being badly bruised.
Meadewa begu tbe twenty-third with
left-baideis en Duffy's wind and net a,
every blew telling, te which Duffy oeutd
make no respense. Dnffy fell In ollneb,
but recovered'. In tbe twenty - fourth
reuud, Meadow began left-band punish
ment, getting lu reteru aaveral body
blewa which bad, however, small
foree. Meadows up his vicious
slugging lu tbe cut, but Dully showed
unexpected vigor and bit Ids man hard
twlee, ae tbat In tbe twenty sixth Meadow
resorted te aptrrlng for wind. Dully hit
Meadewa' right eye lu tbe twenty-aeventh,
and did sll tbe fighting in tbe next. In tbe
twenty-ntntb, Meadewa ojintnenead alug
glngand flarce In fighting resulted, The
thirtieth closed In favor el Dufly, who get
in a smashing blew en Meadewa' mouth.
Tbe battia was terrlfle In the next
two rounds, Meadow going down and
oemlngup In nlna aeoendajatt saving a
knock out Duffy forced the battle In tbe
thirty thlrd,and although hitting bard.cauld
net knock out hi mas. Tha next two
round were consumed In sparring for wind.
Meadewa appeared fresh la tha thirty wltlb,
tbls and the next two rounds being marked
by sparring. Meadows foreed m altera
la the thirty - ninth, and Defly
responded with Urrlble body blewa
Fighting was nneventlul te tha forty-third
when Duffy knocked Meadow down four
times, but call of lime saved Ibe latter. In
tbe forty-fourth round, amid Intense excite
ment, Delly began slugging ibe Australian.
Dufly knocked him down three times, yet,
eaeh time Meadewa recovered. Tba fight
was given te Daffy en a foul In tbe forty
fifth round,
aahtea ata Ltoneo te Sleep.
Proviebnok, R. I., Mareh 30 Jack
Athlen and Jee Ltnnen fought at Burrl
vllle, about 25 milt s from here, at an early
beer Ibis morning. Fer IS round tha
fighting waa very light, and honors wera
even. The artlelea celled ter but 18 rounds,
bat through a m'sanderstandlng, another
was called by tbe referee, la the opening
et tbe 19. h round, Ashton foreed the fight
ing and catching Lannen under tbe
ear with bla left, tumbled blm
t) tbe fleer, the first knock-down 0
the battle. Jee name te bla feet
Instantly and bad barely squared away be
fore Aabten ewung bla right, almeat flnlal
Ing Ltni.ei, tbla ttmt en tbe Jaw, sending
blm down. He get up In a die id oecdltlon
and Ashton went for blm, pushing him by
a sucoaaslen of blows te tbe rope a, where be
pinioned blm and peppered at bis wind
and bead for aaveral seoends, Lannen col
lapsing where ba steed and falling fall
length en tbe 11 xr. Athlen retired te bht
eerner. Tbe ten aeoende allowed by the
rules for Ltnnen te return elapsed, but ba
continued ou the tler senseless, and tbe
referee gave Aabteu tbe fight,
Tbe tight waa with two ouqeo gloves for a
puree off 1.000, alt et wbleb, by agreement,
went te tbe winner,
Tba Cambridge Cr.w DWeata Oxford
Loxbeje, Mareb 30. Crowds began at an
early hour te weed the Ir way te Putney te
witness tbe annual uelverally beat raer,
Tbe air was light and tbe water amoetb,but
tbera waa a lendoney toward foggy
Tbe weather, wbleb bad premised favor
ably early, settled Inte a heavy rain before
tbe race eama off, and (treated great dlsoom dlseom dlsoem
fort among tbe crowds whleh Heed tha
river bank, and tbeae who were afloat In
every coneelvable kind of craft
Trie crews mide a flae start at 1:13 p. m.
Tbe Cambridge crew took the lead and
passed under Ua-nuiersuilth bitdg a beat
length abeaa el the Oxford ere, whleh was
working bard. Bitb crewa were rowing
well as tbey passed tbe bridge, but tbe Ox
ford shortly afterwards became muddled
and were put out el trim by bed sleet tug
The men spbsied aeme, and almeat cap
alztd at Barnes' bridge. Near tha end of
the oeurse they made a final apart and did
aeme gied work, but It waa tee lata, and
failed te win the race. Tba Cambridge craw
rowed amoetbly aud well throughout the
race aed eame In at tba finish (ear lengths
at end.
tenterey Ixlg Oraeers.
Tbe following were elected officers by
Monterey Ledge Ne. 242, I. O. O. F at
tbelr meeting en Fildsy evening : Neble
grand, L G, Menizti: vlea grand, Jehn P.
Beyder ; secretary, L. Ratbfen ; assisted
secretary, F. J. Erlaman ; trustee, James
RlAck. Ti'tea cffleeis will be Installed next
Friday eveuleg.
Bern le the Hospital.
William Spoiling, tbe old man found
wandering en tbe atreeta en Friday shoeless
and bstleat, was given a hearing before tbe
mayor tbls morning. It was decided te
send btm te Ibe cauuly hospital. Spelling
leat bla property aeme time age, since
whleh lime bla mind bas been affected.
Bpellleg became very violent In bis cell
tbls morning, and broke all tbe fixture In
It Ha waa bandenfled and placed In
another cell, and be tbere succeeded la
breaking tbe ptpe oenneotlog wllh tie
water closet
Tax Uses.
City Solicitor Brown today Usued scire
facia 13 revive twenty-six lien entered
agalnat properties, wb( ewneta failed te
The lead Regiment Mil Celtbrata Tht r
tOih Anniversary et their Rtlarn
Frem the War.
Oa May 17, 1333, tha 1221 ltpglmint,
Pennsylvania Volunteer, returned hem
tram tba army, Htne that time b it one
regimental reunion wat held and It wat
decided by the executive committee cf the
regimental esaoelatlnn en Friday even leg,
te bold a seeend rotinlen. Tbe data ia
looted for tha tame la May 17 h, the 20lh
anniversary of tbelr rettttu Irem tbe war.
Several meetings bave been bald te make
tha preliminary arrangements for there-
union. At tbe ltt of theae held last eve
nlng tbe treasurer reported that there waa
a baltnee en hand from the 1 at reunion
nearly enough te meet the txjense of tbe
oerulng reunion.
Following were selected as tbe efflcer of
the association for the coming year 1
President, Cel. Eitlrn Franklin ; vice
president, Lieut, Cel. Edward McGovern ;
secretary, Lieut. Jehn C. Leng ; tieaaurer,
Capt Geerge M. Franklin.
Toe following ejutmltteea wero appeinted:
Bpeetal Executive: Krgtan, D. C.
Haver stick ; adjutant, D. H. Hcltahu;
aergesnt, Metrlt Z ekt private, Jaoeb
tislbie, W. A. Hellshu, Clark Wbltsan;
cerpjral, J, L. Kllllnger.
Finanect Captain, Geerge M. Franklin;
lieutenant, Goe. K. Killers; privates, Geei go
W. Oermeny, Calvin Carter and Ojerte
W. Eaby.
On notification et mcmbeis 1 Lieut Cel.
Edward MeGevern, Lieut. 8. O. Bsbmer;
aergeant, B O. Conn, Jehu B. Bmllh.Oherle
R. Christ, Jobu Tiltaler; corpeisl, Ueury
Banquet and ceremoalea : Lttuts, Jehn
O, Leng, Hlrsm Btttnm, Capt Geerge M.
Franklin ; private, Geerge M.Berger, Jsoeb
A meeting of thnabovenarrrdcornrr.lttoe
will b held at the clllue et Cel. Franklin,
Ne. 22 Seuth Duke atreet, en Friday even
ing next, at 7:30 o'clock,
H Will Reside III the rmura In Heading -A
tepular UflJelal.
Jsite B. Ltvan, who bat beeu a deputy
for Sheriff Bark holder atnra that Uncial
eaaumed tbe dalles of his 0IU39 In January
1888, retires te-day, Mr.Levan will remove
te Reading, his former hem.
Thi eppslntment of Mr. Ltivan caused a
great allr In the local politic of Lancaster
oeunty, for never before bad a Republican
oennty efflear e.tllcd upon a Democrat te
perform tbe dutlea of ehlef deputy.
Sheriff Burkbolder bad no alternative at
the time Ltvan was appoluted. He could
net consistently retalu the deputy tben In
office and there wat no ether' Itepubllaiu In
tbe oeunty faiullUrwlib the duties el tbe
Mr. Levau oame bere a perfect atra'gar,
but aoen made Irleuda. as an ulll-lal he
wa well liked by attorney aud ethers who
had buslnee te trauaaet at that clllea. He
thoroughly undaratoed all the dutlea of
that Important tfiles aed discharged tbem
te tbe entire aatlafaotlen et bla employer.
He carries with him te bts Beik oennty
home tbe well wishes et bit many friends
la this oeunty. itsteala.
In the Federal court at Iudteuapelle
thirteen Indletmenls for political offenses
ware quashed en Friday, making thirty
tbrea In all. The form of the Indletmttit
returnel se: forth tbat tbe defendant, at
aueleotleu for a representative lu the Cen.
gresaef the United State, did unlawfully
vete at aald election, " Judge Weeds rules
tbat thla Is net eutlinleni, aud tbat It aheuid
be stated In tbe Indictment that" driteud.
ant voted unlawfully for congressman, "
ite , befete a Federal etfetiae la constituted,
Ne question of guilt or Innocence enler
Inte uonslderatleu. tbe court sustaining tbe
motion te quash purely en teebulcal
ground. Indictments In form similar te
tho'e utcd lu theaa electbm cases have
been used beretoferr, and tbey held geed
and In one case tbere was a oeuvlollon,
A froblblilen Wild 0t.
A dispatch from Bosten asys : A wild eat
bss msde a veritable wreck et a Seuth End
saloon, known a ' Buckley's Lookout
Kxebsnge." Constable appeared at
tbe saloon yesterday le take charge of the
premises en account et an attachment
Proprietor Buckley keeps a mensgerle In
tbe back room, and, by way of defending
bis saloon, left a full-bleed oil wildcat out
of Itsotge. Vest lit out, snd tben pinde.
menlum reigned. Tbe est overturned
bottles, decaliters and Jugs, bowling In a
bleed cnrdllng laehlen. Buckley Joined In
tbe tumult, rivalling the cat In bis shouts
and jails, and firing bla pistol in all
directions. There was a great lime, and
tbe eat and Buekley monepolised It The
cat waa finally killed. Constable Vets
dropped around somewhat later, but bad te
break In with an sxe.
Horrible Ciaiiuwetu we.
Jed Prltcbctt who outraged a small
white ulrl near Itsnvlllr. V., in Jane Ijb',
was banged at Cnatham en Friday. He waa
a stout, strong negre, atmut 30 year old,
and when tbe rttleers attempted 10 aprlng
ibe trap en him he fought like a tiger.
Four deputies wera celled en te aatlst In
the awlul deed. The prisoner fell down
aed ley prostrateon the acalfeld, clinging
le tbe frame work. The trap waa flnelly
sprung, and by main force tbe deputlea
pushed him oft ibe aeitTild, eltxr the rope
bad beau tied about bis neck. Thn struggle
of tbe condemned msn lasted fully eleven
minutes. Under a new statute the body
waaablpp'd tolhe Unlveralty of Virginia
for dlaatcllen.
A Railroad Up Governer Dlca Mean tain,
Retert Celeman bas given orders for tbe
Immediate building of a narrow gusge rail
way from Mt Greina park te tbe top et the
Governer Dick mountain, Tbe mountain
overleoke thn park en tbe eaat, and lowers
left about 000 feet above It, giving a meat
extended view. The read will be built en
terraced grsndlents, sud will be a diflhalt
piece el engineering work.
Contracts wilt be given out ter the work
Immedlatelv, and the work la te be com
pleted by June 15. Tbe undertaking of
ib la project la la cjosequenoe el tbe recent
arrangement by wbleb tbe Evading railroad
consented le tan passengers direct te Mt
Cllotepblo uupa.
Last evening, at the residence of Mr.
Franels Heb red er, tbere waa a well
attended meeting of the Cllosephlo society
and an easay, remarkable In thought, style
and soepe, wa read with (fleet by Mr.
Geerge Keenan, tbe novelist. At tba
conclusion of the reading tbere waa clapping
prcloeged and enthusiastic, and the chair
man, Dr. Apple, announced tha', dltcuaslea
would be emitted. Tbe next meeting will
be at tbe realdenee of Wm. L. At lee, eeq,
where an essay en FreoeU society, wltb
special referenee te the aalen, will be read
by Rev. Charles L. Fry.
Tba Oovsreoaenl Appieprlatluua
Tha total anorenrlatlona made at tbe last
aeaalnn el Cekgreh-a ler tbn fiscal jetar end
ing J one 30, U99, ara 48S. 282,331 Tba
total appropriation made by eaeh of tba
(UinsreMe nlnrn 187 1 are aa fellow. : Forty.
third, IC19.791 031; Kertv fnurlb,6,4.013,272;
Pnrlv-fiiiii, t70J,U05,953; Fertv-alxih, T27,
C90 003, Forty eeveuth, 777,633.913: Furiy.
eiabin, 1015,209 4(-2: Ferty-nlnlb, t7 10,213,
614; Fltltetb, (317,878 073.
Tas Heading lreu Oempanf Atetgne.
The Readlna Iren werka bat tuade aa
alignment Tne Readlug Trust company,
tbe Bialtiiiee, la one of tbe largest financial
lnatltutiena in tbe elty, aud ita being made
tbe assignee, instead et an eutalder, relieves
tbe fearet tbe appointment or a receiver
and tbe winding up el tbe affair of tbe
company regaraltaa of the Interest et
a .-,
f v
HI01 lata senators Orswoe aa Tstawtg-trta I
MiApetl the Hoaataatiea-Twa attt easts,
Vive reaattlvaat featasaatsva aaw
Delegates te a Oecfersaee Ata Ms
WABUiKOTOie, D. O , March 30 la tM
aesret aewden et the Saeata te-day tha
nomination nt Murat Hal stead te ha
mlnlatar te Grmey waa eeasMenel at
Mr. Sbermsn took the fljortedafaad Mr.
Halttead's nemlna1 Ien wsa neatly re-J -014,
by a vote of 19 te 23.
Senater Qiay Is aald tn hava velad agatMl
the nomination ;' Plumb, Irgaila aa4 ,
lbs Retnlnat teas.
Tbe preside it aent te tha Heaale te-4ay
the following nominations! JenaB Ha
djtaen, of Mttaeiuii Oernalla Blkst, Maw
Yerk ; W'ai, Pltckney Wbyle, MaryiaMIt
Clement Btuilicbflkcr, Indiana tT. Jelarsea
Cmlldge, MaseaebusettB t Willlaaa Haatvi-i
Ttatoett, Beeth Carolina; Andrew Car.i
negie, Pennsylvania ; Jehn R. e. Pitkira,
Louisiana t Merris M. Eitee, CalHerala; ii
U. Hansen, Georgia, te be delegates te tba
conference between tbe Uulted State nt
Amerlea mA tbe republlea et Mexlee.
Central and Seuth Amerlea, Haytl, Baa
I'jmingnanaina Ntnpira at jfrsau, t-i aa m
umu iu tt neuiuajKiu lu adev J 4
ni-uiuDiuiiuniip yvmttmwmimim luc flrenill-
ylvanla : O. H. Gould, Betpnrlaaa ; Jaaase
Ogden, Latrobe. ; W. H. Zafall, Meyera
dale; 11. A, Leve, Warren; R.S. Barker)
Link Haven.
Edwin H. Tensil, olTixa,te be BBlelatir
te lielginm.
Jehn T Abbett, el Naw Ilemthlre, te ba .
tnlulatcr te the republic et Colombia.
ata or Msjav Raae.
Wasuikoten, Mareh 3J. kltjer M
A. Rei.e, late U. 8. army, and who sarva4 V
with Osneral Custe-r In tha Yellewata
Sioux inawaere.d led laai night at Prevlaeaea 2
hospital, Majer Rene, abedi three aaeatka
age be oame tainted wltb a eaaear aa tba' ;;
tongue. The oaneeron perttna waa fa :
moved laat week by D. Jehn B. Haaalltna.
A few days age erysipelas set In lu Ibe light (
hand, and yesterday there wa pntursenla
of both lung which brought about -.hla
death lua lew bear.
TkLitaftaruie Tta.
TheOitend iaseiger tteamer Cemtaata
Fiaedera wat run Inte at 2 o'clock yeetar
nay aiernenn, nu I'unsira, ey mm BMegsati 'i
steamer Piloeoss llenttatta. Tae eap'Bta. -i
first lieutenant of the craw, and tfaiaa M$
petaenger of the Cemtesse Flanders war, "-
.(.laentkil fP.aa. V I a aa f al bsb atBaal Jttaft lak skiavl skaaala &K "
IIUfWIIDU) eVt'TeT a- UUVI wsaa-s VMS HBRVsaws -j
and ibe (e:tipr( ak ln,mdU(wity. y--i
ai "joining, n. x t di hiutbivs wiiffi'
AlMAtlAaM lSnla.1 . ILSB tTnlalaaiiaalBtl altlsallsaaal '''
--..-. '.. n.aa. stlaA lil iHiHaai lU.U
VVVlw uuiltraji .uus-k faVVVvv tasajwa TX 3
Mrs. Tillle llerf, wte waa ae hnmysg? -:
nackea stun au axsie nonateyawasroair -,
hu l.i,- Kn.h.nrf riltut ! itm Strufinlftel SSJai . i
n atatament of Ilia erluia or lva fcla'-.l
reason ter It. U aloeply saysj -J
wanted te kill her. aud I am ready le kasg: VM
e,.. 11 K - t.l
m- ... sS,' t"
The funeral of the la' J en a Bilftl!
took plaue In-dsy, Hu wa bulled la &i
me eiu ituaaer uurjiug gn-uuej at -
ltechdaie, urowe or pnept iiuaa ,ma -;1
rnute et tbe luneral preevaka Ifeaa)
OueAab, the Bright tealdonee, te tbaa mt-
tery, and all tbe morning great aurabM (it . i
of atrangeia were tlieklng te Roebdala tn cj1
ret laatallmnaes et the nrecnialeu that bera 'fe;
tbn great man te bis grave.
ZiCharlah Cbeffce, el Fiovldenee, R. I j
wbeae name baa teem widely kaewa M
trustee of tbe Hprague ettate, died thkj
merulng, aged 74.
An excursion train Irem Bouihaert,
Eng, filled wltb paassngera bound for tha
ini raej st Pntney, wa derailed tots
morning at Pontateco. Tba Irala waa badly
wrecked, and one person waa kills. Foar Fear Foar
leeu were sarleualy Injur i. nJ""
Twe Hlie:s Ver Assists Vadatkssyar, aa.
Me Obetas Tea,
Monday would be tna data for tha AarU
meeting el tba prison Inspector, bat la
glve tbe Inspector time 10 arraagetaetr
private Dullness ru tbat day tbaaatatlag,
waa held tbls morning, aad tbere
present Meaua Carter, Bear, tbleaua,
Kby, Nb B:y aad Carter, oemprlB'.ag a fall ,
Tbe bill for supplies for tha pest mata
were read and approved.
A uiotleu was made by Mr. Carter,
weeded by Mr. Nlsiley and adopted, Ikat
alt parties who bereatier make pnraaeaea
at tbe prison will be required teaattla tbelr
accounts every four mentn Instead et
yearly, aa hereto'ero.
Tbe balloting for assistant undsrkaepa,
begsn in January, wa resumed wltb Um
same result, no chelc-. Gee. Geyar, of
Ftorle, reeelved three vetta and Audraar
Caldwell, present Incumbent of the aaat
cilice, tha aame number. A aeeeaa ballat
leseltad tha same way and tha elsettea waa
postponed until May. lntbaaaaatlaaMr.
Caldwell will petierm the dutia el tha
vrKMrTiiiteuatt a hecsh.
Tne O ir lliake railed 10 ft erk aad ta
Could Het lie Slopped.
An accident happened at Wasblng'ea
borough en Fridsy afternoon wbleb eaaasd
seileusdsmage tnthe properly of Freak
Berg, and In wbleh Mrs. Dr. Beck el aaada
a narrow eaeapa from a terrible death. Tba
aoeldent wa caused by a leaded ear1
erusblng tbreugb tba beuaa of Mr. Barf,
who la tbe atatlea agent of tba ueiaaaea
k Pert Deposit railroad, at that
oelnt Tbe train te which
ear waa attached left Columbia yesterday
mnrntna? at 11:20 and when the ear WM
tbllted at Washington borough 4ae braka.'
t-iiaui m hnirt tha tiAt and before iteeald ha
.. .. . k. kMn.ii aa-.-'MJ
...:'.. kr... ur. n RAekal waataeka -'":?)!
in. nut nf window In another part of taw) '?'
room and sbe managed le gientaraaat
of tbe ear, net ab dldncteseapaaaUrv4y.
Her injur lea oenslst el slight brul. TM
one side of tbe bcuvi atd tbe car ara h4Uy
A Teaag LAd Uuit
Oa Fk'ay afiernoen Miat Mary Luarfy,
daughter el TbumasLuady, spelal offlee r
at tbe depot, fell Inte an excavatiea nrar
her fathar'a home and Injured bar aakia.
Bbe waareedered utoascleiwby the ll.
Tbe excavation bad been aatd tot the par
pie of laying aeme wa'ar pipe 'roan tha
street main. Dr. A, J. Uerr attended las)
yeueg lady.
A Burp, las tarty. , fl'tf
Las', evenlng about thirty lady aa4 M
geuUeman friends of Mns Nera Faalear 'M
teudercd hit a aurprls paiiy at aka-.i
residence or aar. itiani r, ;, (-
N;tth Queen atresu u'eejswesisawwsBi
in attendanee and a very plseaataveasaef.
- Wasuixciten, D. iX, Mareb M r
L...,.m p,.nti.ktfllm Ifalii allakllw;
-Jn.vtir. felluad nu Hiaadaur 'haT
warmer, varlaUa aUaa
.-., ---" -- 7,, W
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