1 MJNtegggg ' rm uw invoked, i m ; , - . i Vtf JSj WkilS J0apHg CAM. fktuiMMA. MaMk MWhllfleld W. ' swat fcykla IM before Sqnlre Ml tar Mrty of U peace. Ha gave bell M IMitrsi Mart tr 11. . Mar s. Welefe wm wed by Her IT. w. Welefe. before 'Saulre iKMntjret Ik peaee, A bearing ' TMI M MM UM Mwnces. 4MlMaOMiBtM Jeseph Evana before BeuyfetMnmlt end battery, xne maaeauaaad. Haldetnea tree sued by Jehn i XtepaM let aaraty of tbe ptaea. Squire auy Mid kirn ta 1100 bail ter eenrt. rohaLippeldwaaeeatto Jail for winy tfaya by Squire Selly, (or drunkenness and p aHmrdarly cctiduet, and held for a court ami ler tadeeeet exposure. H'CXaWMeClBraaued Strata Gable before Squire Krana for disorderly conduct. Tbe qairadieobaraedUiaaeeuied. Sareh then mallatad by aulng Kate before Squire Mlyeatkeaasaeenarge. A hearing will Irtkeldtbl evening. fJatfh IitayaseB, a well known firemen r'ifaathe Pantavlvenla rallretd. wee eued tt'.LaaantairhfnHi RnnlraKrana fnradnltarv. iU-Taw) aharga waa preferred by Jamie E. i ttayee, 01 snenk'a Ferry, rather or jriera v Mayaa. i Be gin la aneni a.gnieea yean 01 i!''iMuil hukMii llwlnar with her aliter. feMii Mary Beker, at St. Obailee avenue Ijaeyman attempted te elope with the girl ;-" taw riava un. hnl tha atfamnt waa a ifZ.Z Zi .'.... . 7 -Miiare. no waa neia ter m appearance at S"earb y.ir A tneatlnir of Oiten Ledsr. Me. fiTO. of Al.it KPtltumm mm UmtA la. awamImM wtlA. rfeaa fAltnarlt.0 nffliwim vam 1aMju1 fnrtha VekHllHa Mf . TITnkla flni4 .Tma TT we.ub) jv . A.ww.w viauu) . , "---- rth..lA T. Vllhart. ...Iil.rt VmDwijf vu.i- t '. n-iu gtj- wiirj', a. n. aui neauier, uturgn 'J- Ambreee Bruner, a ear dropper In the vraaetyeraaeriuer. it. k., na two uagnra .ffef hie right hind matbed tela morning WDW euuiilinK carv. auv uauu i vauijr ': BBBHica ana me aoeior leua uiti noiiien f the thumb will here te be amputated. Wm. J. Strlckler. dlinetaber In the west jvyarde, ta off duty en account of alckneis. lylfBia plaeele filled by Jehn a Snyder. . meellDs of the noeDie Interetted In the pwama werka will be held In tbe f.Saeauell chamber thUeyenlng. The fate of ?? aKa iaArlra Hananila ntvin tha amnnnft nf i r.1 aaiBBia:iijuuaB rviiuruiu iuu evuuiur. nni "rThlar ! mIIIIiim tn nn In IhA mm. fandetoetarttbe ftotery, and If Oelnmbla PIMM tbe laduitry money must be tub It MM tfrrwea. Airrad ii, Heyera went te l'riucoten ice I Hrday, en a abort Tllt B. 8. Cenklln. A. . Klein end T. K. W. ' . - nmm. B.. J J fit rfarMwsif vi vfjcvue vtiftuuiauuerj'i iiu ei( ;-X,ware Id Yerk liat night, en a vlilt te Yerk LOeaamaaaery. no. 21 Knigbra 'Templar. ;t-TM offieera of tbe Grand Oemmmdery I war at Yerk ea an offlelal Tlatlatlen. S-1-, -I'm Matropeiiun nana wm gire a ean- ht eert ta Marietta In the near future. ). The Wemen'e Foreign. Mieilenery aeclety a tne Layien Din a 01 the ax. iz, ehurcb. ifwlllhelda Thank OITarlne" meetlntt en SSKurday aiternoen. The meeting le te "aaanaiiai.ini ala tha tarAnllfitl. innltBtaira nf $.?. i ," . . Z.-wmm avien ij. au lutvitakiiiK jiivgriiaiiUB rr'mwm uauu (iB)nu(ui in. xh ieyi aeiTicea 01 me uniicu Bratkrea church hare been oleeed. jy TaeM.1. aoelety will mett en Friday rii.evenmg. m XJqaer mim la Battloe. T mi jjaDeaawr vjuuiy xjiquer iieaier a ry auuiaiiuB U.BL uiw aiiotaueu in juainnBx. p;'"aher ball for tha purpeae of erganlcing a . iM.viin tug WU11U5 jjiuuiuiuuu iiiiujiUi ' Hearty all of the liquor men of the city and in avow rew iiuiu iue wuuuij wcie in aiienu. ' aaiaa. XVallar V. fTranklln. (an . Mnm t,V"' " ... -----.... --j , ..,.... 7. aaatatire from tnia cltv in tha atata fC'litgUUture, waa preient by InTlUtlen f-ve addreee the meeting aad explain Vu- te the membera thcutui of the bills bear- lay; en tbe prohibition amendment and the At IliMMaA Kill Wa ajt nH.hlii .m mIaa !..... 1'Mimn vi... .1 ui.u uiwuin tu 'iuuu VD1UID ! ' our readere juft what waa tranocted at the ting, aa their deliberation were con- ii;?: dneted behind oleaed doera. all nnwaimrf.r KnpreaentatlTca having been excluded from r;IM meetleg, tbey being Informed that 1 meeting waa purely for busincfspur- ' aeeee. of whieh the paBllo'were te beve no r-'ikini,Lfla'fti-mn Hener dealer rfimnrkul xjt -:v. . .::..- .. aparrapener maine ineugnt tne meeting itelevy funtle te defray the campaign expenaca. Ifaneh waa te be the caaetbe aeeier aeciarea mat he would notcon netcon notcen i: tribute a eent tewarda aueh a fend, aa he 1 paid mgn eneugn for hie llcnae, and y,'.M ine people waniea procieition he was net & aralnat te ataad in ihelr . na -. .. .. . G Beara of tha Tanula eiai. j The annual meeting of the Laneaatcr tTanala Club waa held laat avenfnir and waa .Ttry largely attended. The following effl- 1 weie eieciea rer me enauine Tear : KPealdenf, O, Bete Eableman ; vles preil- ("I, uenry incuarier: aecreiary and &, traaaurer, J hn Hart man ; executive oem- !'anlttee,WiD. U, Brlnten, J. Hareld Wick- anbtm and Cbarlea Carpenter. The tub fa new In a nourishing een- i wnuui biiu iue uuinutr or membera Pglarapldly lacreaalng. The new gteunda, aiueesrncrriuiayana iiime street, are sMbaaT fitted UD ai ranldlv aa nnnalhla .n.i E'kWIU be oeniileted about the middle of pgAarU. The contraetfor pnttleg ihegreunda ia goea order baa been awarded te Jaoeb fJBta, and U'oheltz and Kihmnn have 1 awardnd the contracts ler puttlec up bow club heute. wbleh la ba bunt in Seattace atvle. Bi ' r r nnallnllBw flh.r.i. t 7 Jehn fjlndn. nf tha Pint &i.nttnn titAi K5atla Eighth BMemblydlntriet, Nw Yerk, .aau tucwiuj nuai jenn Dinitn 1 (or IilH at Icetastn-etjldPntlalplinlnn.TiienM,! LaPUy belore Ju-Jga CokIer en Wuni aday Saaw waaacnteacad te the penitentiary for year. Smith la alteadv in tt e cenl'nnticrv fnr krtbery. K?. . Dalle itlaautt&a Water Werk. '"Tkla afternoon the water werka arc bctntr b4dleatad acd itere are in attendance I 800 Invllei gnesU, made up of the fill dale end premlntnt cltlzeDa. A cut la one el tbe featarcs of tbe dedlca- m l Tne Xw Uellmna lUllrd. iJlfUKcgineerH. C. Slaymabir htacem. aaaaieaaurvey et ihe proped rallieid I, Kew Helland, and la new eecaecd in king map of theaame. Tbese will be tetcd lu a few wreka. alter which tha lef way uem a few remaining partita M aecured, and the work rushed te a ly esmpletlen. Ti.a Lletla (.Ifiad. TMatethe laat day for the llltlntr el tawrlleeBMa granted by tbe oecrL Hn MO o'clock tbia afternoon alt had hsen 1 bat two, and thete will te taken Irem I atark'aetBse before the close el beeccta .y' f Md Vlueggu. la of Dauphin e:unty paaaed tale oily tbta morning en the irg Kxpreu. havlnzin hu cuatedv IHlaenera oenalgBed te the Etetern itluy for terwa ringing from i te b r1-. be ABMeat Kcauitd. ataeuat reallard by the eherln'e aale Meek of Jehn 8. Qlvier. dry coeda ae m vjv U All tbe etrck wi ' v l9t' y P ?.!, ) m .v , ,f -rLi i r . a aa aaxeYAc. or rertiuitaM. ta Baaae aha eateera la Cketr eaaania aaiaaHaaa aataetlea. eraatea (Pa.) lUepatektiHaw Yerk Ttmei.S TM pelltleei gutllettae ta working eaaoethly la Peaaayivaala aader the Har riasa regleM. A H w daya age Coegreeeman Seraatea, who repreeaata the Iiacltawanna dtatriet, aeat for Featmaater ccaaelly of thta city, and peltMly deaaauded hla realg realg aatlea. Uoaaelly, wbowaaaeoagreaamaa toferaMbeeamepoatmaater, waa thunder atrnck, beoaaae hie term of effles deea net expire until next January, aad be aald ba would Ilka te have aeme time te oenalder the matter. Mr. Beranten aianred him that It waa hardly worm bla while te de ae, aa tbta adminkuratien wenld ba conducted en atrletly buelntaa principle, and the aakleg el hlaraalgnailoe waabntamere maturet oeurteona formality d na from one atateaman te another, both of whom had been In Den gteae and bad rerved in the capacity of pcetmaater of tbla city, Mr. Connelly took a little time te commit hlerrlende, however, and befere he had fully made up hla mind In regard te tbe matter newe came from Waehlngten en Werincaday afternoon that the Hen. D. M. Jecet, a former member of tbe Pennayl Pennayl vanlalg!alature and a friend of Senater Cameren and Quay, bad been appointed poatmaaurefftaranton. The newe came aa a aurprlae and cauaed a lively flutter among tha numereue candidate who have been buy getting elgnatarca te their peti tion, but who rtaaleetart he Important de tail oeommun'oaUagwUnS nateraUamen a and Quay and ueugreaaiuan Beranten. lu an Interview with a reporter Wednesday afternoon Cengreaaman Hcranten atated that, owing te tbepretaure, be had aaked Mr. Connelly for bia resignation te date the 15th of next May, at wblen time hie four j ear a aa peatmaatar of Hcranten wenld have expired, buttbatMr. Connelly, alter eeme hesitation, reluted, atatlng that bla Deme- craue inenaaauviaed mm te inatoeurae, M r. Hcranten adda the following Intereatlng Information. On Monday afternoon I went te Waah Ington 1 tpant yraterday there and re lumed laat night. While there I preferred ebargea agalnat Mr. Connelly, baaed upen bla general management of the offlee and the dlieatlalaotlen of the btialeeee public It wtaatealOAaa, and waa aubmltted te the president yeaterday at the cabinet meeting, tne point ta ba determined being whether charges of tbla character ever tbe algnalure of tbomembarof Cengreaa were aufllelent te procure remevala. The prealdent took the ground that they were autuelent, and appointed Mr. 1). M. Jenea en my reoem. mendallen. Mr. Wanamaker, before the cabinet me:, did net think that the prealdent would take tbla ground, but the appoint ment eettlea all doubt about the matter." Thle demenatrate tbe Important faet that tbe ceDgrcasmen virtually dictate tha peatmaateieblpa In their reaped! vodlatrlela, USED 1MB msVOLVKB. A I-ancaitrlaa Who ant Lcadan ra.lata Alter 1 Ureal tgre lluiglaia. rretn the Llllti Uecerd. In the Atbland fliy.) JttriulUcan wa oe It autcd that the heuae where Jehn It. Brleker atepa wblle at Nermal, Kr., waa burglarlaad by three negreee. it eaye: Mr. Gabriel, fore man el the mill, Uvea near the mill, and en the nlgbt mentioned heard a nelae abent the heuae and get up te aee what It waij m he went down tbe etalra be looked through the tranaem ever the deer and he oeuld aee three men carrying a box. He took tn the altuallen and called Wm. Uartman, of Iancaetcr, Fa, and the two get ihelr plalela and fired Inte tbe robbera; tbe tiring waa returned and the ehoetlng waa kept up for aeme Utile time, when tbe reguea, coneludlng It waa getting tee warm for them, rctreated and concealed thcuieclvee behind aome box cars. Gabriel and Hartman oentlnuod firing, end the reguea then ran away, leaving tbe box behlud. Alter tbe battle wav eyer it waa found that aevcral thlnga In the way of elctblng, tfca, were mlaalng, and bad been laken away; the box contained tbe aubetanllala In the way of eatablca and waa tee heavy fur them te carry under fire. Capt. Urleker waa up atalra looking out of the window cojejlng the all Mr while It laatcd. The rebbera were captured next day three uuriy nrgroea, m A Cecsrf Mtlesal Meeting. A meeting wa held laat evening by the congregation of the Moravian church ter the purpose el taking action looking toward the Bale of the old graveyard belonging te 130 cnurcu, situated en North Frluce Direct 1.9V. J. Max Hark presided, and It waa agreed that a sale of the graveyard will be made It a aufllelent Bum la ofTerod, Mr. Geergo It Keed showed the Ihtkm. i.TGx.N0Kn reperter the old deed for tbe estnetury which bad been granted by Jamea Hamilton te Marcus Yeung and aome ethera la truat for the congregation and whleh wa exeerucil lu 1703. The deed 1 ou parch, mentandlutlmo-atalned and yoilew,",wltu age. IUldy Heu'a liuprevaa raetllllea. Meer. Ualdy & Hen, te accommodate thelr largely increased bualneas.bave added 84 feet te their yard, being part of the property pureaaaed from tbe Hehman eiute. In thelr yard may new be aeeu the finest otillcetlnn of marble and granlte wcrk f vor exhibited in thla elty. Netwlth. aiaudlng tbe fact that winter laa dull season the Messrs. Haldy kept all their men at work during the pan winter and the result la a large aisertment of monuments aud head atones ready ler Inscriptions. Thla firm has also been kept busy en orderod work whlelt will be placed In the cemeterlea as aoen as tha weather pertntta, Thla yard 1 well worth a vl.lt. Jehu tv. Ueeljr 1'luOe tha Misting (.Ink " Charles 11. Cellier, of Philadelphia, aaya Jehn W. Keely ha new In hla ponrelen the "missing link," which la neoded te inake the vibratory roaenator and tbe Keely meter otberle generative evaporator work with the desired aucceas. The link required, as Mr. Cellier explained It, Is a cylindrical plcen of cepper.bent in the form el a circle or hoop, wan the ecda welded toxether no perfectly that It cannot be ean Where the Joint U made. Thla tubp, which was maJe in I'ievlilenre, It, I., ta three and a half Inchm In diameter, with a ahell thrce and a quarter incbea thick, and oapable of the inch. J, i K ' ,ew peuuus te At Werk lu New Melde. rreru the Mount Jey aur ana hunt. Iter. Smnker, the newly appointed vu. '.or of thtV' " Pbureh, Flerin, moved te town en Tuesday. The revcreud ceutlerxan and family, mn.htlng of a wife and two grown daugbterp, were very heartily wel. corned by the mmibeia and friends of the chnrch. A donation v.a given them, aaaur. lug a warm reception and a happy aoleurn In ecr wlclBt. The Her. H. O Fhllllpa, the newly ap pointed pastoruftheU.il. church, of ML Jey, and his estimable family, vvore ten dered a laige donation parly en Friday evening of last week. Tbe cumber in attendance waa large. Balelile or a l'roaileeot llelelau, AKTWum, March M Ferdinand Van dertnelen, a merchant prince of Antwerp, oemmltted suicide yesterday owing te the failure of several flrma allied te hla bualneae beuse. Society Is greatly ehocked, aa M. Vandertaelen was a very prominent man. He was a leader of liberal thought, and waa often called the "Jehn Bright of Belgium." The liabilities of the firm whleh failed will, It is thought, be coleeaal. Cballeuged neadbaru. MiNKaFOLie, Minn., March 2S-Jlmmy GrllUn, a light weight pugilist of Hnlutb, bas challenged Meedham, the winner of the Needham Gllmore fight, for a llht le nelsh with akin Olevea. Needham will erept, and WU accept any challenge f,cn any light weight pugilist In the world. Gllmoieaaja that Needham'a ruebea are well nlgb Irresistible. He believe Meed. "" '" l"Ju" " any iivmg light weight. Cettly vu at Bcranteu. OJeland.Slmpsen & Tayler great whole whele whole salcaed retail drygoeda establUbmenl w th Ita enormet a s'e -k, valued at abnm vi i was eurned lu Boraetoa ou Mcmday even- TbeuUbllahrreetWMtha largest of its 'no In that part of the atata. Tha bulldlna l d aleck were Insured for f 100 000. k rHE LANCASTER DJXLY IKTELLIGEKCER, THURgDAY; MABCH 8. 1889. TaT- a ornerve Tattt xr 'Xi'iimi t TTtr.vcr rrrrrrTrn we VMM Ike Hatted States Londen, March 28. Mr. J. MaeDeaald Camrroe, Ltbtral member of Parliament for Wick, Scotland, aalled te-day from Southampton for New Yerk ea the atcaeitr Lahn, sating wnh Baeertf. Mr. Gee. B. Merbeek. who represent the Doeraem patent fltth wheel, la meeting with remarkable aucceta. Alter capturing New England and the Middle state, ba atarted ea a tour of tbe West, leaving Lan caster, February 2i'.b. la Weet Virginia, Ohie, Michigan, Indiana everywhere la fact tha Doeraem fifth wheel le'U ea alght. Evan the amalltet manufacturer reeegalae Ita merits and adept It wherever, psaetcna, aurrlea or bualnese wagon a a unlit the Doeraem fifth wheel flnda a ready rnle. Mr. Norbeek I new la Michigan, earing acreaa Lake Michigan toward Wisconsin, whleh atate be will visit next. He will atop at all tha principal Mississippi river town aa far Seuth aa St Leuis, returning borne about the laat of April. a. Te-night's Concert. TbnMendnlaaehnctnb have Indication for a Urge andlseea te hear thstreffertiand these oflleatheven String Qnartatte la their per fection el Intonation and harmony. A 'cello sole will be a treat, and Mle Lewell will sing a watt serenade. Tatleful decoration and pregrammes are associated with MenOelsiehn Cub concerts. Ohnrett entertainment. The Ladles Aid society el th rirat llaptlat chnrch will heldabasaar In the roemaover Bt&ekhenae's store, tbta and te-morrow even, leg. Xztenatva arrangements have been made and It will be a pleasant ptace le spend an evening. Kendlg's ercheitra will lutnlah the innate This Evening's Lecter. "Six TTceks In Knrepe " Is tne subject or the lecture te be dellveiel In the court bona tbta eventng by Dr. Themas U. Perter, of Lafayette college, Vmten, ra. rest ie Sits e llececnnt.t) rcamcrta On krlday, March 19, lta, at 1S3 Kaat Qrant atreet, an Elght-dar Orandfatber'a cloak-, la excel' lent condition, an alegant Jtaheany Bldo Blde Bldo betrd. Walnut Wardrobe, tliree Unse of Drawers, two Glaw.toet Wa'nut Tablcr, all ever one hundred years old n Large uak kx kx kx tonalen Table, lleufTet and Hat-lUck, Hese Weed Bcfu, Lounge, llurtnu, Chalrt, Tsbles a'se, Antique China and Cut-Qlas liecantert, Kraia Andlrona.'ehevel and Tongs, llraai can can Olestleks and l'owterUlobcs, aed New walnut De-k I, etc Nate tn comtuence at 2 o'clock. ltd (iXOBttK IIUNTaK, Auollenear. w Wa bavb la stock n nne line of ttehed foldeis and Illuminated eirde, rFpoelally adapted for Opening Cardf, Anneuncementt, BUla el rare, Menus for pitvme dinners, lloek Cevers, Urders el Uancn, rroicramrefls, and tbellke, which will be printed at leitonable rales, as our lacllltles ler lurnlngent line printing at equalled by low heuies. Ulve us a call. OHATIW, IIsaksr Mareh M.U69, Intbls tlly, ChiU' tlan L'einer, in the kutn ytar et his hkb. TheieKUves andfrIend4 of the family are reapeetlully Invlted te attend thn funeral, from hla late residence. Me. 8i3 North Queen street, en ktlday afternoon at 3 o'clock. In terment nt Lancaster ntmotery. . f !c"":T,u?r!:h ,27' m ln ,hl c'ty. Jn. wlfti iui the lata William llubur, In her lxty. tilth year. ahe relatives and friends cf tle fninily aie roipeetfully Invlted te atttna the lunernl, from the resldonce of ber lUnghUir, Ne. til HenthUbrlitUn street, en Saturday nlU moon at 2 3) o'clock. Interment at Bt. Mary's coino ceino coine tery. H.HMKAK -March sj. ft. in this city, Jehn r, ten or Charles and alary Bilnkuian. asea 1 year, months and 84 days. " Ilierelatlvet and friends cf the finry are roapeetlully Invlted tj attend the luneinl, from tbe parents' resldonce, Ne. 533 Weed warn street, en fildiky atternrea nt o'aeik. ln ln teruent atSu Jeicph's cortetery. iVJBP AD VHHTJNKMKNTH. A USOLUTKLY PURE. ROYAL BAKING POWDER. Will 9 powder nevcr vnrlre. A marvel of A putIty,strenEthncdwlielenmmies8. atom oeoiiotuli-M ttinn the ordinary kinds, and can net Imi siildl In competition with the multltudu SnS8tV-i rl ,T'IUt' '"'m or pbofpha'e powder, held enJy in cant. Hetal Uakiku i-ewexa Ce , no Wull strent, New Xerk. martMydaiyw TUMOVKV.S1' VALl"K lrU TUB ."S"' B'ckberry and Klmmel llrau dles, 50s per quart. (Junlliy uneqnaleJ. KOHUHU'H LlytOK h'l'OUK, We. aa Qntra Rqnarw. Lancmtr. 1'a. WANl'KD-TWO G1HLH 'JO DO genrral housework. Annlv at thn l.,!,, noutework. Apply at the noxeiUNK JUOAUUINU JIOOBir. m27 Jld Wateh JTaotery. "nL,KGS! W1TU AND WITH i?vvta "JraM, 'reel' U Utt8 pUBLIO BALK ON FRIDAY, r7iMi?rcb.),ft''.,.'c,eck P.m., will be told at public SHlH.ut lleti-1 Copland, North Queen ll.S5V,!iJr"xtotjre1 uuehem 'aud Kitchen 17' B.MIOIVK, w" a:a AucUeneer. ROOMS FOR RENT, ARK VERY DK slrable, centrally ieratcd. sjtttble for i 5iURk'nB or "ht mauulacturlng buaMtss: lewV.ntVi cjulrief W. V.AltiS. UlUlwd Mewier- uiuery, n w. lilug St. pOR THE REST HOT AIR FDRNAOE Kullen street. tn'J-tld -CtlRK HR1CIC8. KIRK OLAY, AT LOW rnn1ure''' B0 10 Jens ""sr.ssj hVst ruiten street. in! t'd Tffi '" WATER, OILS, AUll), or Una, et any ahnpn ,,r ciiincltv. at fair rrleaf, go te JellN 1ik8t, tii & yulten street. ia-i na pADlATOHH, OK ANY MAKEORDE- sign, .can be lurutthed m ntuenutjin H.ju.ej, t.y JOUN iiiwr, aj WTtSltea fliju SUIUI Hl'itM MK1' ll)O)0 - BCrOWi. Knui.rO unit ll.nnn u...'. g a stA!eU0Ck' M J0UW 1J"T''?. S.'S X" ion Xtlll Ul- in'i tld PROf. J. 1). HOLT WILL GIVE a Urand Children u,nn,i. i,lt. .. Ksbletnn's II. i. Uu.... .. "" ... u amuiuHV altornean. " m ? sld" ' cnelau aua awUleVatetnvlliS: "."" . nuiu aiaieu lil!3J n. in. Diu.n Of Btnnlnla nti.1 r.miil... ' .. !' m e aid a. nttlltnn I'lne Wronehrii, n0 nmi Monkev .rrMMlir8..C0Ulb",e1' l".u K etc?. 25 te JOHN HaBi-.MJaaitrulten'Ht" ' ISitia B'9iiIlOILE,R!i' He"Z0NTA TURD. &J,lTliX?"l-JJ"' UJllcder.' Marine. S,fy Ub ?r Power, or the belt jua'crmT nmt Fulton slrwit. luitfd PDRB RYH "WHI3KY. SOpliHtld NQ. liCKNTltK 8QUAUE. C3KVKRAL (SMALL HOUSES FeR J? rent, el lour and six rooms eich 1 13 tn tWO per month. Apply at ' " t0 """ '""' teaenth tvater Btreet. AHEMENT FOR HKNT-A LARGE llaieinmt. suitable for storage Durnoie.i cement una berd fleer will ltVe1 cheap ii rdnttdsoen. Apply te lwl'H luMS'il 3:c Seuth Water Bt., Lancaauir, l'a. PUHLIO HALE-IO.MOHHOW (FK1 1 tl morning at 10 o'clock, at 2!e West James street, of household aad kitchen fuYut. turn, stoves, carpels, chilis and many inner arilli. jr.u. wilmkLm. ltd uuiiODttur, PUHI.IU BALE -OP A GENERAL llnfeel homeheldand kitchen furniture, en tomorrow (rrldayi. March , tj jTLt' Jsm.s street, at one e clock:, including elegant bed-rcmsulu,deublehtterandrra-VthtnS net named. uwax UurfLk? Jeat l. HAiaaa, AngUeatt", " U0 ita? KW A DVRTt'kMaaT SOMRMANOPAOrDRKRIf MARK MO vatletfes. We make but a few, Ona Hands secendtn none, that le " wild riewir Bcqeet Boap." Made by ue Miller leip Ce. GOLD DKONZIC, L1QU1DM AND Blalng tersteatn work, at JUUK BkBT'e, Ml Kut ruiten strest, aus-tfd SO fiflfi FEBT OP PIPF, FROM QJiJJJ Inch tee Inch dlimeter, for nleaCalewegate.andihennly Acuta In the city wllhaplnuruitlna machtna. enttlna' an te e inch diameter, at J OHM JiaaT'B. Ml Kaat knlten atrcct. mitt AQRNUY FOR UALLAHAN & OO'H Cement te Uke the place of Bad Lead. In bulk It make nve times the quantity of red lead and I far superior In making steam Jein let picking man and hand bole plains en bnlieiii, Ac, Aa. frtca SO cants per pound at JOUN jsasi'd, im steal ruiten street. in Hid PUMPti. BOItiRRM, MINING, trltne ai and steam pump, nt any ci OEN- in. nf ati v ranlnllv. at JOHN Bkare, SMfcaitVulteuttreei. mt-tld XNJKOTOHS, RUB LITTLE GIANT, Hancock Innplratera and Klecter. Kber. man Heller treder. l'mberthy Jnlncter, Amerlcan tnjeelnrn. all In itcck '. JOHN u.oi'e,jB,st. ruiten etroet inx-ua THE FKBNOH MILLING l'i 00 K8H, Invented some years age, net only makea 1h nat much nner, but ItuprOTO. the qnaltty and healing efTeet upon thntkln." Wild rlvwnt Iieqnev la made by this prcetse entirely. Made by the Miller Boap co. A f YKARH CONHTAN P 8TDDY AND rxJ axpetlmenttng resulted in the dis covery nf "Wliariower nognettrxip" Alter one trial yen will ue no ether. Made by tbe MllloreeapCo. SAW MILLS, HARK M1LLM, COB Milts, LeatLnr Itellcrs, Tan l'aekcrs.Trlpla ITer.n rowers, Milling and Mining MaeMnery. at JillN litsi'e, 333 aatt l ulien i atreet. tnl tld XflOR HTEAM QAUGEB. HIGH OR X! Lew Pmsinrn. Water ninv.. dtn.a cocks, We -Ml Wheels or WelKted, Qlasi XflUH AMERICAN MIGHT FEED X! Cyllnder Lubrlcitnr, disss till Cnps ler Tintirinss, you can Ket them at JOUN Uaat'd, luraatrtiltenatnet. mtUd FOIt RKNT A FIRST OLA.8S BLACK HMlTH Hliep. with dwelling heuae, at bxaaaavaa inui TT St. UWVIIIUK UUUBVf Hk Greenland UllUtn Kut Lampetcr township. of iiuumuuKiici iua iti ui April nexu Jtnquira . atna jj Airs'), 413 North Dnke Htrcet. UieuHr. rnartdJtwtf TUK FINEST EHSENOE8 OP WILD riewers ucd te produce the deltca'a, de- Ilcl3usand)iiluirneifuma of tvnn Kinr IlequctHnip." Bells every whero at 10e. Made oil. by thiiMlllurScapce. IF IN WANT OP BRA88 OR IRON BtiHt Ceckf, Aabeates l'acked cocks, 1-et and Mb Cocks, Lever Cook, uwlna- Joint. ? ,,,?.n.l,Jfr.t-,J!Sm'-0,"I,d''enr erar by mall, te JOHN UKbT.BJJEfuHrulten-St. Iii2-tfa FOR HORIZONTAL HTATIONARY Knslnes. lrem 2 te 10 home-power, and Vertical Knglncs rrem 2 le 40 horte-newer, you will find tham at JOUN ilaBX'0, B3 at Knl Knl ten street. m2tld EVKRY LADY THINKS IT 18 neeeasuy te weir a veil topreteother akin lrem ths sharp wind or Mtrcli. We sue. gesta tilal el "Wim Slower L'eauet Heep" Ireely belore renting. Made by the Miller WHITE COTTON WA8TE, COPPKD bv the pound, 10s t In low rt le pounds orevcr.on. All goods dnMvered te auv part et the city free Call en JOHN llASl'. Ne. 833 Kan rulten street. ml tfd IF YOU WANT A FIRSl'-OLA88 reiUbln Knatne and Hetter, en wheels, chsap. as thn following priens shewt 0 borse berse borse pemir, f 173; 8 hotte rer. U 10 hersc-pnwnr H 15 hor.e.pewcr, 1873: 2) horse-power, I1.U3, calt at JOUN llltSl-a, 8:8 Kut ruiten atreit! Ui2 tld CARRY IN HTOOK BE8T CHAR coil, Ilammnrrd Bar Iren, Ilnnble Ueflnea Iren, Uiirilen's ltlvet iron, Ulvets, Het and i:nld Beiler Iren, Mcel.xhcet Iren 3 la te Ne. 18 nt JOHN BtcaT'8. 833 ast rntten str.et. U H L I O 8 A L K OF HOUSEHOLD , end Kitchen rnrntture tomorrow (rrlday) nf orneon at ene o'clock, at Ne. 113 Mlddla slrent, consisting el bedsteads, sela, Imreaut, sideboard, tables, chairs, lounce, a geed cook steve, aud ether nttlele-. T . , A. U.110DOFN. Jae Gcrdakih, Auctioneer ltd DAIRY FARM FOR RENT TUK MA. . - '"I" renn containing 10J acres tlllable land, adjoining thnrlty el Laneaatcr. Water and shaun In every flehl. Apply tn MuimuKK slaLONK, J'arlc Heu'a. MOUTlMElt M ALONK. Illetter Heuse. JlhT!fl.nz' A'er'u OnkeBt. Iuart-B.WAThtld F.Y8TONE BUSINESS COLLRGE. FULL COUKMK 5 Toner-ei young men and ladles belter methods tn book.ktop beok.ktop boek.ktop log and the training tcr linslncai. Is fur superior in a 1 buslni-Hii branches with belter advantHges than cliowteru Leralttd alter April 1st ubeie rrey A icliert'j shoestorj. tuitkleg sttutt .,.. . ,.' "'.MOSSKK, Principal, tfJAw 63 West King BL, Lancaster. Pa. rpUOUSANDS KNOW CAB. WK1T.KL. A. Hnt low knew that he has bad ruch n bad eenRh for tliroe mentk that he could acureely tlt'ep for coughing. He tried ever a aezen Kiiui'dlu., bat net wone tnateid of batter. On Mareh lltth hi et a bolUnef COCHttAN'a c.euull cuiiB, end after taking one dote, he Oil net enngh iir nmre than 21 hours, aid cot hli first nil nlght.B sleep In thrce months. 1'rlce 15 and M cnutu. or stle at COCHUAM'a DUUltSTOKK, ' m A ISO Nerta y ueen BU, lnoaster. Pa. Tu.lh.x.lt FOR RENT NOS. 235 AND 237 WEST Lemen strett. 1 hese are very destrable rotldnnce., two nnd n-hilf story, containing nlnn rooms, het and cold water. $13 per month from April jHt. una no. SJt North rharletta street. Ttl Includes a full Iet,6iz2l3 loot, with fmlt tree una email stable en tue premUes 17 39 par month. Apply te , BAU8M.NAUUKN. min 2w3,Tu,Thcl 10 West Ornnge ht. NOTICE 18 UERK11Y OIVKN THAT au app'IcaMen will hn undo at Harris bnrg, befern thn Beard of Pardons el the Btute of rimnsylvaula. for the pniden of Jamea II. Jrt-eba, who was convicted In the Court of Uuarter h stlens, el Lancaster county, of murder In the first degree (and newuader sriitoncetobohiniod),ou Tuesday, the six tcinth euy of April, ls;l) .1. HAT ItltO WN, II K1UK KSIILEM'N, miiS2tdlh AUt"nus'er the Appiicati.n. J Hl'ARK, AGENT CO , MiacraeTcniEB or NEATSFOOT OIL, Alie dealer In Hides Tallew, Vones nnd Urease. 1 lie hliihu.t cash prlce paid ter HMus. Alse nianufurttirerHet Pure Bone Meal ler chleken ftcdnndfertl'ltnrs 'tsllinnnlals lifnlsbed If necessary. Tele- iuiuuui;uiiiiect,iuu. J.UUU I10Z77. maia lu,d Lnncaster, Pa. PUH MO HvLK LKALEbTATK. OF DKSIIUBLK On SATDRDtr. March 81. isvj. Will bbpeld, by order of the erpbtna' Court Of l.ancitrtorerunty, atthn Leepard Hetel, the following dfuicrlbea real f statu i a let of u reu nit en the north stde of Fait Orange ktiei t. buiwcen Plum and Ann streets, containing lu irent S) leet. and In depth of that width northward, te station utreAt, 243 ftct t en which Is iirecteda to.ery nndatile urlek Dwelling Heuse, Ne. 131, with frame sumtner kitchen. . hale te be held at T o'clock p.m., whan terms will bu made known by ,. ,,. . JOHN W HKNBLKU, Administrator n:KIIH)uthUenlHr.dec'a'ed. Joia L. Uajmss, AUOU n.9,l.21,t8 M.8Cd QARP1CT CLEANING. New location, New Macliluery, New Precess. Geld Dr; Air Carpet Gleanieg. bTSAM CARPET CLHANINO. PERFECT WOBK QDAnANTfiBD. Kelnjnry te the rtnett Carpet. rretnpt ruturn w Hheut regard tethe weather. WK CAN CLEAN 10,000 TARD3 PER DAY. lland.teatln jr li a Ihlng of tbe rat. ayery en who has trlnl our pnveeseiu't help but boCeuvlnofUttutolratungitcarret by nand ana drawing it umund ever a line and open LOW PUICK3. LKAVK OllUKltS AT R K. FAHXESTOCIC'S, J. B. MART1.V ii CO.'S, II. B.SHIItKASO.V'y, Or send by Mail orTelepene, .1 WOUK'-WOODWAUB A CHRISTIAN STS meKS-tid iwuwi miisiiu., nypaiina xer nietm uuiiml Cyllnder Oilers Plate, Water Oaugn Columns, Cerks ler Mr am Qauges, call en JOUN BBT. 8'8 Kut ruiten atictt. ml.lM ji,w r ' i. ir. ".? .ryf?iF NIW ASTCKtttsmVBM. B-'JDORBltD BT TUB MEDICAL PRO. RfisHarsgns it la faata. aa M "" 1P Mate by the for dwelllBg. ekarahea, ackeei keaeea. ate., though sercs.ialiy aseaT ee kaiiaeSl ilii iT7.',t m "TJ JCm rm'XW91 , factory Jeb, at a lair pnea. "rn-i VOR CAST IRON PIP ITlTTTlinaL AJ betk plain ana redndBa, em te Ma5 dUwstar.fcaliaablsriltln.s. Aaaiea,rteM Union.. Manlteics, atnerleaa UaseauiVKK a sppei it. Hangers. Fleer and cetitafPkuee, go m Jehn una, j-a (. rium "usiv ' HI 2-1 la E OR KKNT. I A LAKQB TiirM-Stery Brick Dwelllig, Wltk bawment atUckaC sltaaUd eaa tka corner of a a te rant and rherry streets, wlU a 10-horse power boiler and an elevator. '" wisnisg teviewinaaama wiiipn aiwdB He. 1 U laat King atreet. JfOH SALK OR T.ERa-l VINsI Mf raimin rrmceaeorgaceua alstlns of ever eoe acres of higBl 1 ai m m rnaee ueerg county, ha, eon irvrea active land, aw mile Hern railroad, canning heuies. Lunnm and 4 dlaTeraat trga D wailing Bena, ever 10 rooms I 7 tenant henias, ban J stable, dairy, tee Beuse, meatheiue, ehlcaen Hnnm. n..a. .w,. nr.mmm benis, ate Win be sold cheap ea easy teraaa, slble party. Addreja ,.. J JOH" O. OIOKQK. BtMU.,Afl.ls7'Ctarte,8-raUlB,rMd- lOO 7 Bt'BIKU MOTILT1B?. 188c7 H. GERHART'S. Tha most mptet atsertaant of Iprfng OreroeaUng - KnglUh Cheviot, lilaao lilaae nal and ('ssslmerw Belting and Treusering th.t bss ever been shown in this elty. Work Werk ship the best and au geed warranted aa rep resented. wH.BBBART. r , .. We. Werth Una a Street. afrenly Direct Hnpertlcg Tailor la the City 01 Lancaster. PUBLIC MALE or . VALUABLE HOUSEHOLD GOODS, At Ke. M Neam Qrna Ciaaar, ex FatDAT, MAaca2ra, Censtating cf a handiome Mantle Mirror, a fine Walnut sideboard, large Heatir. two Mar ble Tep iledroem Suite, Marble Tep Parler Table, Ued and Bedding, Hair Mattresses, Feather Pillows, Cornice, Window Shade. Sawing Machine, Bath Tub, Glassware, se large Kxtcnilen Tabic, Library Table, ChUd'a Carriage, rine Awning In front or store nearly new, and a general let, including aeme very flne and rate picture, tale te commence at one o'clock p. in. PflTR WaiKaUi. Ace. F. UatwatuL, Auctioneer, DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. The partnership heretofore existing be tween Burger A Brlnkman, muste dealers, ba this day bren dlisolved bymatnal consent. All persons having claims, or knowing them, atlvea te be indebted te the same wfllmtka settlement with Jehn A. Burger, who will continue the business at the tama plaoe. JOHN A. BUKOBK. O80AU r. BU1NKMAN. 1 hanking my Irlendt and tha publle for their alnd patiunsgetotheeldOrm, 1 solicit a contlnuacceet the same rer my lata partner. Jehn A. Burger. OHO A It r. BJUNAMAN. LAveAtTar, Pa., Mi rch SO, nm. mI7-2td AT A MEETING HRLD BY THE IOK Men of Lancaster City, March 20, 1KB, the failure et the Ice Crep was thorenshly dls dls cusied, as also thn ihlpplng prices, which will be high, and the following retail price were adopted : alght pounds dally, st cent 1 per week. 1 en ' e " ' Twelve " " 4t Fifteen ' ' 65 Twenty ' 70 ' -Frem ene hundred te U ve hundred pennd. cents nor hundred, at one dellvety. rrem nve hunarea pounds toene Iheueand pennds. lOeeats per hundred, at enedeUvety. hlgnedbythelulIowlnglceMen: Finluy Kliiett, J. M.Kekman, Henry Ulster, Bamuel lllett, r, a Ilnncn. 1. u.elmmen Famuel c Frlta, B. F. Simmons, It. r. Martin, Bstnnei Oruel, laaac Utlney, Jehn Hartman, W m. U. Derwart. mU-3tl 1110 STOCK FOR SELECTION. L. PtALDY cSc SON, KONOMENT BUILDERS, Ne. 1E4 North Queen Street. Having kept all our men employed during theentlre Wlntur.we have new en hand an lmmocaea'.eok of Q rani te and Marble Monu ments and Tombs, lust ready for tbe Insert?, liens 1 and new is the belt time ter these ln need of this kind of work te leave their orders. Tbe advantage In selecting from manufac tured work ever that el selecting from photo graph U se obvious that all must tee It. Call and examine the stock. Vartety, Quality of Werk and Beosenable Prier unexcelled anywhere. 9Fer Sale Cheap; a Let of Sandstones lilt. marrt tld J.B MARTIN A CO. A carload of Carpets direct from the mills at prices that will be a surprise te purchasers. Pretty patterns in Tapestry Carpets, and a special let of 60 pieces and 20 different patterns at 75c a yard, is the same grade we have been selling at 85 and 90c a yard, and we will put them aside of any carpet pur chased in Philadelphia or else where, at iec a yard mere. it was a large purchase, per haps mere than we can handle. but wide-awake buyers we hope will come te the rescue. Net an old pattern in the let, all new, bright and desirable. Anether big quantity pur chase we had te make te offer you at the price, is an Opaque Shade, 2 yards long, 1 yard wide, with best Spring Fixtures, ready te hang, at 33c each. Our force of Paper Hangers and Carpet Upholsterers are thoroughly drilled te make away with the rush there will be shortly, and when our work men tackle a job you have the assurance of its being done correctly. J. B. MARTIN & CO. Cor. West King & Prince Sts., Lancaster, Pa. nUEAl' INSTKUOrlON. almost tempted te say cbsat InatrucUen. nhespluitrue ion implies cheap teachers an 1 cheap leicber will naturally cultivate cheap K mluds. which will nt thepupU lerilvluara00 cb4apllle.and net uttitnina' le any occupa tion above the ui'dlecre. The term of the hW! HU81NK8S UOLLBUB, ke! l'-X Kast King street, are liberal, we ckal. lengecompaiiiiealn ihoreagha of oeurs. of instruction. Address """" " "" . K. C WI1DLU, rrbMlpal, . - . statF ADVIsmiBMHTB. Jiiyaeaaa Tfen PMsVTT OADT ABBCTOS AMD Ifi!!!5Je , 'row ftedy tHet talvea, Lavav.BAiMy Valve. Pe BaJMs- YaiTCB. Air Yafvaa. CsA!aTarif.lVaa. fralrt veivea, sua cbek Talvja. ! Valfia Saul lenm aH avsna. aaltM ttnLBLLIttS OFF AX RBDDOED S.lSi JT,,f,r"HwefeJlirlBaiill KUBMMitar. BlMttA mBOUT MHANK, SHIRT MASU- X VAOirOMBBgBadOaitaDBtaiaara. S2JytJM5r, ,hi ktaaaiaetar of aairta. a leek as ear aiianw tnr mm nan te5?WL!!ft2l 1ela U. ear te gg-t,ff aaMtfcrtety aatsaay reiai araatM MIDKIaMOHK CLUetl OBAMD OONOMT MiCNNERCHOR HALL! TacaaeAV Kvawnta, MlnemHrm, Urn. traiTM BACiMAar DitacTOB. (PeslUvely ae free Hat ) JES5?l!..rrJj,--am,w eea'ai Be. fJa , eaau at Mr. Feb Uarsmlth'a JMekBtera. mani.twci rnHK PROTECTIVE POLICY ! Mew that General Harrison 1 President, naekalnpby the Pretecuve Policy of thest- r.. "?"' w" "mm "una 01 de eat eoUem than that of pretaetiaa the pabllean wa eaa think et no batter pre- at or emtaAtiiia tlia ih.iia a-t-iM ti - .t1aau ?!:.:? "" w-iw w BBHaaic UTspapsui DT using peer Flear i and iBBsareitway te I sureit way te avoid aek a dire calamity is by cslng Levan 8c Sens' Best! k2?J HX h7a ""T. dysnepeavbreedlnf breadtr yen use Levanl Uoed. " Aad thesa balstTlag In Free Trade are free tetradinthUarUel5au,hyaVAmuVta it U -thb PkePLB's" FLOUBTregaei of race, oelor, politic or religion. """ LEVAN SONS, tUcSlyd MBBCHANT MILLBBS. s TRAM. Wa deslra ta OUl tha attanttim nf antiinmaM of Bleata uoed and Engineers' Supplies, te SSEiarL ,? I."1 atoeaof Pipes, Valves, coca Malleable aad Oast iron Fitting Aabastei, Vnleabeeten and Usudurlaa, aheSt, VHten and Valve, Packings r Scotch and Bed Line Befleetlng Qaage Ulaues, Steam Badi. aters and Btearn Heating apparatus! Sat and cap Serawa, and in fact almost everything re quired bystaam nssrt.and all of which we offer at price which we guarantee te ba lower than these of any ether dealer ln this vleinlty. We Bare positively tha largest stock, and being oenneetel with the Telephone Kx change, ara prepared tereselva and All all orders fa the aerteat possible time. W ken In want of anything in enr Una, call ones for prlpee and we wlil convince yen et enr ability aav'xaUe?,, "Te you W. our racl'IMes for furnlihtng Engines. Bel'erj, ShafUng.rulIevs.Uangers.BpeclalalaehluerT Plumbers' andUaa alttera' Toels. Patterns! Medels, and Iren andilraai Castings, and for the prompt rroalret all kind of machinery are unexcelled tn lAnessur, and we respect fully solicit a i hare el year patronage, Central Machine Works 1M et 1M NORTH OHRI8TIAM ST., . tawnasvaa. Pa. Uoed work, Beasenabia Charges, Prompt ness. Telephone connection. daes-udlt DKOPLK'H CAHH BIORK. Tbe People's Gash Stere. SPRING OPENING OF Wraps and Jackets ! New Style Beaded Wraps at $7.00. 97 60 te $16.00. Jersey Jaekete at $2.60, $3.60, $5, $6, $7, $8, $0 and $10. Bread Oletb Blouses in all tbe Latest Shedee. Aw-krery Garment In enr Eteck. from the LoKeitPilce up, U well made In every par ti cnlar. Gee. F. Eathven, 25 EAST KING STREET, LAM0ABTBB, PA. marte-lydB CLUTIUNU. aPAlNQ GOODS. Important Announcement I Oar Immense stock nf Kew Spring Goods Is new ready, and yen will And It leplule wlih everything ter MHN'S WHAR, Frem the medium grades te the very finest Bnaitsh, ecetck and French keveltls. Our faellltlas for serving you have been greatly increased since last season, and we can guar antee yen even greater lailafacMentban be- .uid. rrive aiways me leweit. call and ex amine. MeQBANN fc NOWLHN, Mbbebaht Taileis, Ke. 130 Kebtm quaes It. P. S. Suits te your order as low as 120. Trousers te your order as low as f S. ml-tld M ARTIN BKOU Anything that be'eng te a big gathering cf Spring Outfitting things ler Children, Hey and Men it here. Spring New And Perfect Overcoat have leading attention from Mea Cus temers, The most careful uttorwerk ln our showing of thorn, l'erleet rutin-. 5 00 te U) 00 ready te put en. Anything you want te tne nurd in the best Merchant Tailoring way 113 0) te MO 00. New Spring Butts have leading Interest Or the mother and boys. Considerable change tn style cf coat and tunica for tbe children this eeatea. . . HIRSH & BROTHER ONE-PRIOH Olethlen and FuraUher?, OORrllB OF m, Jejuasassv cb ayasnaaass muan, LAN0AT-B,rA. :V ttmr uoebm. a ATcaapitiNa cersrt. OT TKB FAMOUS WATCHSPRING CORSET. WILL MAVBB BBBAB. cABAnjrr.Jllr CUi. Mayer, Streute Ce., MABUFACTDBIB", illBBOADWAT, B.T. oeti4atM.Tk.Seew w ATT A BHAND. NEW SPRING WRAPS. Fill Qutlitit. Uw FritN. WATT & SHAN D Are showing nice stleitten cf th latest IffiHV?' WBAaam, as 10, 00 and W00 each. LADIBS' BMBBOIDBBIBD OkSBMIBB w. r B w 7S-w W W eaek. BLACK BTOCKIMBTTB J aCKBtt, Spring Wt Ight, fine QeaUUes, at $) 00, t kl ft oe (g co and IS 00 rack. LADISS BLACK JACKETS ta Striped, Diagonal and Corkscrew Cleths. cuL'jBbd cloth jackets inMeCe, Tan. Qrey, Plaids and stripes. KEW SPBIU& SHAWIS In cew Colen, Stripe end Plaids.. Onr Celebrated single and Denble BLACK 0A8UMBBK SHAWLS are the beit value ob tainable. ffew Dress Trimmings. FANOV PBUSIAN BANDS, Back and Colored. GIMPS, GALLOONS, BltK C0BD TKU. MINGS, OKNAMBMTd, BBAtD., COKD3, at very low prices. OHAMTItiLT LACE TKlMMtNGS, SPAN ISH GD1POUK FLOUNOINUd, all Silk, at II IP, II H. 1 K. II 50 te W M. New Yerk Stere, 6. B and TO B at King Street. CA.KRIJ.BMa. gTANDAKD CARRIAQK WOKK. Standard Carriage Werk, EDV7. KDQKRLEr, Ne, te, IS, 43, is Market Street, Bear of Pest- eOce, Lancaster, Pa, De net fall te call and sce my splendid stock of latest style nucgles, pajtens, Family Carrlagm, Au , which 1 new have ready for the spilng Trade. AH the latest design te se lect lrem. There are no finer vehicles ln the atate. A line line of Second-Hand Werk en band . My pneea are the lowest In the state for nrsCclats work. All work guaranteed. atepainnganarepalntlngpremptiratunded te. One aet et workmen especially employed ler that purpose. ' TT IB ADMITTED WE HAVE TUK B! ST 'ABY CARRIAGES IJl THE CITY I AND TUB lowest Prices ! latest Styles ! largest Stock! . D. Spreclier, Sen & Ce., NO. 31 BAST KING STRHET, LANOABTKB PA. mar?S Tn,Tb,8tfd UAh.lt WAJtJC, a. M AKBHALL it KENQIER. Hardware! Hardware! TUK LAltQKST ASSOUTUK.NT. KSTPUICE3. 1 UK LOW- MARSHALL & RENGIER'S, 9& 11 Seuth Queen St. BUILDING MATERIAL, ' CARPENTER'S TOOLS, CABINET HARDWARE, QLABS PAINTSAOIL3. Heuse-FurnisMiig Goods, PRIMQ NEW OLOVait 8BBD. JsTA Large Asierlmeut of Stetcj, etc, etc. lets-lyd UATB, SO. LANOAHIER'H BlOltK. LEADING UAT STAUPFER & 00,, Lading Fashionable Hatters. Our stock comprise every desirable shape, color ana pritiu uju uinrBiri. our II J.', ILce and liiO Hats are aoknewl. edged by everybody te bd tbe butt beyond a doubt. A very deilrabin line also of High Grade Uat always en hand, Bele Agents for DUN LAP A CO.'S Feit Btlff Hat, IS 00. Best Silk Hat, 19 CO. Fer a ISM Hat there li nothing thit sur passes the Light Weight "WILCOX HUSTON UKaUUKS." only place in Lancaster where they are sold. TUUNKS and TllATKLtNO lUQSinhlgh and low grade. Prices from II 00 Xi 115 00. Trunks and Agent's outfits made te order at short notice. W.D.Stauffer&Ce, Nea. 81 As 83 North Queen Btreet LANOA8TKB.PA. PACKINGS, A8 FOLLOWS: DIRIGO, . rorbteatn and Hydraulic Packing, Aabeat -Woven a"d Wlea; Packing. Heujp Pca. . I 'ilWiatrM lllll Ji-m A.hulni ln.nt leiieithlng, uum Pecking, Sum nor water uugei( rinmDage racang, s Patent Asbestos, Lined Sectional Pine '. at J OMM UFA VA. all kaat Fnltaa.at. m 'w t, -