r28,; i n ..-ri 'hi. Mr a ,'" ifi SO lm JfCAOTEK DAILY mTELLIGECER, ttRtffigffi Jiy .nUn!ncr. UMM Int Sbsmten wmt Yrj liter t BmNneU HH IMN nMM MttMtWM rtltared by the rtut- fHMMftttlitt.et BIsOm atd Was r,.Ma pflrtis.pt us most Maruisft f WttkttkUM IM enitcaeet of Ml Tc tttustkw whkh I Jurist Uweampfttgn pnteaded Act Um ecmta nd much te be iNRih.ofHKrke&'ieleetlon. We i tM Utt U Kmet bit gnmdfAther, I wW of Jala own ant would de what las praudeBt and these assut- i alwars advanced te Beet the i that the election of Harrison t,tbe triumph of Blaine with all that use implies. They eten pretended itenbt'that the Maine advocate of I would be Harrtoen'fl secretary el , wow we ana them net at au eur at the aaoeadancyef Blaine and mneh attentahed at the apparent tot Harrieen. jfsew stpptnaimeDt 01 ivuuerb a. jjiuuuiu ft) U English mtssIen.ii the latest In- ;aNeting performance of a brilliant ,and though he was secretary of "MtiwingtheiUnt reign of Blaine as I ateretary of aUte, It U said that that remleer of brilliancy had nothing te de E with the appointment. Mr. Lincoln's . appointment la se much better than what , aught have been expected, that we con la feeling of pleasure and relief. It would have been mortifying if thevrln :'ip)etgaidingthe selection of YVanamaker had been applied te the choice of our fsweaentativeln England. In these dais , C electricity anduteam.the minister te Xagtaad la an article of luxury and or er ament. and as the son of an illustrious I jmatdent. and an ex-member of a cab!- "net. Rebert T. Lincoln appears te (111 the .'JBinUterlal beets with dignity. What- ver may be said of bis latent "ability, it '.taeeet be admitted that ha rained tlila ? 'poslllen as he gained his cabinet cilice, .'kiuib ue was huenea ex .Liincain me Great. There may be no Democracy ia this, but then there is very ; lttte democracy about this admlnlstra- f l. ..J at.. .T-i.i.t- ui.t. . ... iwi we ,xjiiuu uuumiy man de l swing for Jey ever the endorsement of Mm herldltary principle se pointedly Attend by the American republic. The :lxraa who are buying our Western lands May yet have hope of entailed estates and 'titles in this "Greater England." $ The appointment of Murat Ilalstead te Germany is supposed te be particularly "happy because the flery editor is said te P have hob-nabbed with Bismarck and the 'great men of '.he court, but it the recent t ttntatlen about Samoa should be revived Lit stay prove unfortunate that we have a. I jslnltter se het headed and se recklessly fcsniuaat. nrl. Allan Therndjke Kice.the cold-blooded r 5 literary autocrat, will be about as Harm tiless in Russia as be can be anywhere. Ej Patrick Egan, after six jears residence in wis country, is sent te represent America 1 Chill; but the Chilians knew Blaine of , . .. t .1 I... . . . ki vm tu uihj ue pieuseu wuu me acquaint- r smcv -incK. tH Jehn Urls-lit. ii ..... . Wide awake men all ever the world rihave beard of the death of Jehn Tlrteht &ti .. --e - wiui ui ueiiuii comment -aueuier line jmn gene," for however mistaken we I: lay think them men whose firmly lm- 'Press the world with the slncerilv and IsThenesty of their words and deeds will command the respect of all. Jehn Bright &wui tree irauer anu peace advocate, and Ka Dein linei lie ran te the vergoef funat. iSVlclflrn. lift found Ilia rnnnlrv imfT.irliin. 8aXnj an abuse of the protective prln- SHDla and hn I llnfirl 07IH1 IMrlmnl her towards tlin 11CI WWH1U3 HIO rsvwucu ju luiciug HaMa. t ..! SU.1 iV.. .. - m a.... m.i p,vKi7 exireme 01 iree iraae. J. lie p.Sme stubborn and frightened resistance ht has been developed in this country ' te any adequate reform of the.-tariff nre- pJ2fbj.yy Jer the overwhelming buc- or inese extremists, ana Jirlght's al and well trained newemnf nmtnrv k' found easy and effective play In battering ijwwaaerenses, the wens points 01 which opponents hud net the courage or ' awwa tn ihtnilnn I5TT.. r-rr -x11.' Htmnflp attfl alklA m.n ova ti.tt.llM .... " .wm rm. rnvtv uicii nte ueuaii kiveu Cte running te extremes, but Jehn Bright ,in many ewes showed a singular freedom ;tx Judgment, and tbroutrheut his life led in impreselng his fellow men gvwitb. W" earnest desire for Justice and net mrmtj m iwiciiuiunuuu vu upuuiU lue IJgUL SMne saw it but great anxiety te cee it i sriaarly. In spite of the fact that his 0 vn liJaterests as a cotton manufacturer drew lm towards the Seuth at the outbreak of r civil war. his convictions stifled all f-asUUb considerations, and while his tfaptadles steed idle and his fortune was Hmperilledby the tariffs levied by America, m was ieuna rai.iDg and wrltlnir with i fearless elcqience In the cause of the fXJolen. We Dever had a mere valuable r trusted friend In our hour of need than :Jebn Bright, and if he had notmse Rigorously opposed the recognition of -.the Confederate states by his country auierent ending of the war could hJmrdly have been averted.' Though liberal in all his sentiments and a warm Hivoeato of justice te Ireland lis was loend opposing the Ileme llule move- it under GLuIsteue because he honest- Jy.bslleved that it was se planned as te Inreaten the dismemberment of the em- t, and se perfect was the centldence he ed that tie leaders of the Liberal remained among his warmest friends and admirers, even after hU de- 1 of them. !It would behaid te Had in history a Jiei el Ibis wonderful political life. .scathingly rebuked the nobility a? 1 arrogant and unpatriotic eliirarcbv ' '. was highly resDecttd bv thpm. in n rlmg life devoted te fierce controversy Le kw uiupariDg ana tireless In his denun- or or pelltlsal opponents whete Iship be nevertheless retained with- apparent effort, anJas long ashla im remeoceerea bv man it win im tlve of a rare union ff nmfutt lnsity, ability and courage. tv''-' ' Tba KlPfrll of Ian.tt ; f'swwite have deliberately resolved te He use of .stone from the earn tbat supplied the wert Wei s m:i Whtshlai been expensively placed wr stree-s in the past vaar. Mna'dly removed by the wind and' It was maintained that there was itane in the quarry which would be K the letter of the city's con- enierwd.but why It has net tfened.and why tba city should JSJV-t- ?9nirsctcr wle ' has faralshei had steae is. one af the profound mysteries of our muntetpal Aairs. Aaether reaies gravely urged for Urn eeaUnnance of the use of this steM was the expeese of the removal of the stone crasher. This is the familiar reasoning of the book agent and peddler that people should take what they don't want because it is cheap. The criticism of the stone by Messrs. Evans and liaises only served te bring out in a mere glaring light the peculiar policy en which the business of the city is conducted. Perhaps the quality of the stone furnished In the f atnre will be bet ter, but there seems te be Uttle ground for much hope en that score, as there seems te have been little regret in councils for the thousands squandered en dust and mud, furnished by this same quarry under the eyes of similar guardians of the public welfare. Perhaps all this costly experience may end in giving us, in the f ullness of time, streets that are suited te our large vol vel ume of wheeled travel. Lancaster is widely noted for the great number and high standard of its horses, and as the centre of a thickly settled and wealthy farming country, its streets are probably mere travelled by light vehicles than these of any ether city of the size. Fer this reason they oheuld be the best but everyone will admit that they are very far from it, and we must bridal our pride en this and several ether matters man aged by the city fathers. ltr.v. Cvnus UenT, et Qreecctitle, bss been maintaining the oppealtlon el l're hibltien te scrlptursl totehlng with the tame vigor dlaplayed by a correspondent et lUla pip)r. At It haa elten bssn shown that the Bible can ba twlated and tnrned te all aorta of meinlnga, this argument wenld nave no valne It It were net simply advanced te meet the assertions of ths clergymen wne are se emnuaiaue for pro pre pro hlblilen. Ksv. Cert doelarea there In nothing In the word of Ged whleh shows thnt the mannfaetarp, or Ibe moder meder moder ate nie et wine waa ever forbidden, and a reward of two bundred barrels of rienr bas been offered b a gentleman of Baltimore toanyeno who will peTO the contrary from the Bible. Thh funeral et Kaar Admiral UhandKr at Heng Keng waa made the oeosalon of a very frlendly demonstration by the Brltlah oemmandera thore. More than 700 High, landera marched In the procesalen and they were followed by 1,000 sailors attached te KerUiIi men et war, eaea bavlng a orape band en hla aloeve. A oempany et the Northamptenihtro regiment, marines, ar tillery and matlnn artillery proeodod the Rovernor and ataO, beida of government department, the oensula and a number of rctidcnlB, who brought up the rear. The aerrlce ut the grave were very Improaalve and were conducted amid the booming of mlnnte guns from the ablpa in the harbor. Toe esptatna of the British ablpa served with the pall-bearera. The American ollleera called upon the govorner and the commanding cflleera and thanked tbem ter this marked aud spontaneous tribute of leaped. -- . , In tedsj'aUjdladtlpbla 2met tberela a weed out wlthTtie name Kebert T. Llnoeln printed beneath It and in the Philadelphia 2'imes or last Hunday thera is a picture cxistly the aame in every detail but bavlng nnder It the name of Captain Lewis K. Walter, the man who wanta te ba naval cliloer of l'lilladelphla. The marvelous reaemblance et tbctu Kontlemen appeara te eiieaa even te me aneding of the necktie and the alope of the oellar, and we new bave the authority of the ever reliable Times for atauming that If Lincoln ever wanta a furlough he can get Waltfira te take bin place without the least fear that the change will ever be noticed. m m 1 1 PEUBONAL. llKV. J. O, Zl.MMKHMA.V, aged JO, Of Yerk, died at WMblngtenvlllts O., en Tuenlay iiIrUU lie was a mornberef the Lutheran Ctiurch Extension toeinly and editor of the Lutheran Miaiienury JeumnU KX-UOVKIINOK WATTS, of Alabama, an oldillne Whlir. reirarda tbe rrnneipil Kha cnfefeP00 el Birmingham aa an awkward Ufnnlllnn tlamnltn nlll Ilia ll....,.n. Kepubtlesn attempt tuapltt the Deinoeratta iuriy in iiiu oeuiu,wniou will eertatnly fall. Cor.. Wm, B. Wilsen, superintendent el the rentiHjIvanla itnlght departmental KenaleKtnn, lnllkdelphla, will celebrate riie tlftleth anntveiairy et hi birth en Friday, April 6th, at Mehome In ilolmia ilelmia burg. Ven Mei.tkk, en the day ha oempletod aoreerotvo years or military aervlee, re ceived from Kuipoter William a baat et hlmaeir, with a letler in whleh William Bubtcrlbed htmaelf: "your heartily de voted, icratetitl king." Mihs Uklicstk HTAurrGR, the yenng New OrleauH btauty te whom Hamuel J. Tilden bequeathed 100,000, and whete fatber, laata HtmiTsr, was a Lancaster bny, who began aellre life In Htelnman'a hardware store, la Boen te marry Ueerge Ayar, a dark-eyed aud bandaome seu of tha Crescent Oily. llerrltila Hcana ou a Uallewi. Jim Turney and Mack Franela were haned In Iiuannn, Tenn., en Wednesday ter the murder of i,en Martin laat Hp. tember. The murder was one et the rrest atrocious ever committed in the stele. The vletlua was literally abet te pleeia. Toe condemned men were taken te theplsoeet elocution at the edge et the city ten tn Inn tea bafera neon. Oa the ecatleld lliey arknewlcdged their guilt, Bliifj that their aplrltual adviser wenld luake a atntemcut te whleh they would agree. Itoennlsted of a oenfosalon of the entire allalr. Frauela maintained his oeuipoauro tlirnugh the proceedings and metblsdoem without fllncnlnc, but Turnev v.wnu uunu huu unu tu ue HllllSOU 10 BtaUd while en the fcslleld. The drop fell at twenty nine uiluufja past twelve. The fait was about thrce feet, and Turney'sneek waa broken, but Kranela remalued for some minutes BtrugKlleg In midair, the netas whleh be emitted In strangling te deatu balng horrible. " " OK te Iltieriued uburehaa and College. The will of Bsmuel U. Blblgbaua, pro pre bsttd In I'hllaitelphla en Wednraday. Lequer.lhed J15.000 in trust, te pay Ibe In. cduje and lntereat te the treaaurer of Usrlnus college, Montgomery county, for tbe maln maln maln tenanceandsupportefltaprealdent,provlded that in the event et the college beleg- dis solved or ceasing te exist as a corporation, or In the event et the failure of the cBlccrs and faculty te truly and faithfully teach, maintain and carry out Evangelleal le formed principles, the trnatahaliBbse!utt.y end. Tne will also evm 15,000 te Heidel berg college, at Tlitle, Ohie, and te Trinity. Heidelberg and Uraoe Uefermed ohureheH. l'nlladelphla, a mortgage for S15.000, te be equally ulvided. Thereatdueer the estate net etherwise provided for waa bequeathed te Uralnus oellefjo and the beard oteomiuU. Henera for.ferolgu missions of the Kefermed VUUikUt Uma au Efii HI e lea la Utadlps, rrem the Heading Kagle. A case containing IS dozen ecss wis stelen from Haeks:er Ell Kasnacht, of La. caster, In ths .Farmers' market. Mr. Fas. uwjbt ships bis goods te Keadleg by rail road, and they arr delivered at the market house befere he arrives. When be set there the egg were gene. Tela Is the II Inl tlineegge were atelen from Mr. Fssntcnt k ithtn the last few months. - SttS Mentr te til BlBTtl. Jttines Kenan, a bachelor who died at SSlld,n,A.ir'l "! . se, Iclt hi. ........ ,Wvm m, luineun negrees who bal teen btsaiaves before the war. Tbts BL-t presents tbe greatest been. Hatvu for. oil t It cures be seen. WunCbr!tuus tame with lu Koedclieflr 1U tun. sua lis merry making-, we u.ei tS da. preeve tu colds, but that waJionaBe7berJre the diyser lir.JJull'a Cough eyrup. ielrlt Js very d iriarent. a. rwm ,.. -T.V'1 wiV - 5Ww. l,1,,Ue,l,iaia,''B'"Jl - . -r vb mmm wtawuru nn a WAltAUAKUKB raiLAawLrau, laaraaaf, ktaraa as, it. The daffodil, the crocus and the Spring Bennet arc among the natural (artificial) products of March. Fer proei see our Exhibition of Spring Millinery, continued te-day. Carpets. Every Market street window Is filled with new sorts. Four teen great windows. Seme double, some triple, and never two patterns el one kind ! Just a hint of what you may sec in the Carpet section, Te set you thinking. It's New Carpet time. All Winter and months be fore brains have been a-rack ever patterns and designs and color capers. It is just a year since we first told you of Wanamaker Brussels. The name is woven en the back. A guarantee. If this Brussels fell short in one thing from what we believed of it, oil would come the name and out would go the goods te stay out. But trying has proved the Wanamaker Brussels. Thor ough in every thread. Yeu find it se. Best worsted, ex clusive styles and quality. Nete the loops close, firm, hard twisted. There's where the wear comes from. In the very irent rank with Lewell, Bige low, Hartferd. 1.25 a yard. A very geed Brussels for $1. Other extreme gi.6e put-en price airs because they've been abroad. All the latest patterns in Tapestries. Smyrna Carpets. ' Art Squares " Ispahan, " "Caire," "Conge," "Damas cus," " Kenilworth," and do mestic makes. Oriental in color, pattern, and effect. All the Carpet family. Including China Mittings. One kind for a pointer this season's importation in eight choice patterns, the regular $14 quality, but our price $10 for a roll of 40 yards. Maybe a dozen ether grades of Matting. Samples te any address for the asking. Ssoend fleer, Market attest aid, four ele vator. Fleer Linens come in the same thought. New patterns, gray and white, 54 te 180 inches, 40c te $1.75. Red cress-bar, 86 te 176 inches, $1 te $2.25. Turkey-red and brown is the novelty of the season. Neat figures, absolutely fast colors, 86 and 176 inches, $t.ie and $2.50. Reems measured, estimates made free in town, car fares out. Kent Women's Waiting lloem. 75c Camel-hair Debeige at 50c. Very fine and soft. Light, but net tee light. 40 inches wide. A choice stuft for outing or street wear. In 9 shades of gray and brown. A yard of it is as big a half dollar's worth as we knew of in Plain Dress Goods tedayr Maybe a hundred mere plain 50 cent stuffs at the same coun ter. Beat beast of centre. Easter Cards and Novelties are in the first blush of bright ness. Episcopal Prayer Beeks and Hymnals, combination sets, 65c te $1 1. Great variety of bind ings. Catholic Prayer Beeks, with outsides of many styles, 25c te $4.80. Eaater Booklets, never be fore se many or se pretty. 10c 10 75c. Near Thirteenth strcet ontrance. JOHN WANAMAKER. COXl'LISXWN I'OWDKK. rOMfL.EJClONhOWDKK. LADIES! VfUO VALUK AjRjS'INKW COMPJ.KXIOH POZZONTS MKlMUi.TKU COMPLEXION POWDER. .iM.ln,.rart a brilliant traoaparency te th coleratlima. Mid. tu-ikea tne akin delicately ft?iiiiJ!?an.u'i,U ."contains no llm whfuv reU BALK UT All Druggtsta and Faney Dealsra flvorywbero. OoeJs w&ivii" or """s.- NE!.CJ?...TO T11K8PAB8KK8 AND fr "JJNNKas-Jl persona aiehereby ler-J1-!!1.-6- W tr,PMs " eny of tbe lands of the Cornwall and Hpdwell esutes In Lebanon or 1 ancaster couuUed. whethar laclusna or nnln. closed, either Jcr the purpose el sboetloKor n.blnsr. aa the law will be rigidly enlerceS BkalnBtall trmiUju ninn .1,1 i?.i;..v. ..tr derstgned ait-r this netlca. WU.u01.1r.siAN ri;i.-iru.tr It fHunv .i.nifL' .., .. KI)W.C.rKKU.k. AtUirneys for K. w. Celeuia Celeman's llelra. TTIOK 1'Ul.LKYH. HHAFTJNO, COt, . llanvvra. damn KnTea rin..nii-. JT lars. .? U J OsTsl 1JKST, Jfl Kst ruwYtieet: wMfa pAUti r CHLaUtY OOMTOUHOl RHEUMATISM AND NEURALGIA, These tialssas eawse smteSe sffdfsris. Veetess admit that tay ant emeait secure secure se a tkstr pauants. ralne'a eatery Ceaa. peana ha paresaaaaUy eur tfc went esses el uasaatatfls ana Aenrlkk-seay these wkefeaveascait. Having btea troubled with BheureaUsm attkakBM an fort tec tve years, t we al most nnsbte te get arenna. and was vary often cenBaed t my ted for week at a tine. I nel only one bettla of ralne'a Celt r Com Cem Com peond and was perfectly cored. 1 can new jump areand, ana feel as lively as a boy." rstAMK OABOLL, Xnreka, Nevada, 1103. Ms ferlll co, DnifgUli. Mammoth TeatlmontUFperSree. WXLU1, HlCIIsROBON CO, PropiUtera, Burllef ten, VU nitmivni ThrM 'Te 'aier and Brighter mmwm Vjm colors than any ether Cyas. iMWMLMT. H."- RUOAD8 dt BOH. BARGAINS. We offer UAHGAIN3, purchased from Bankrupt Stock, in nil the Staple Goods In our line. Alse 1,000 Bangle Bracelet, Ribbon Pins, Sleeve Buttens, Victeria Chains and Vest Chains. Repairing of FIne Watches, Musical Bexes and Jewelry by Geed Workmen. H. Z. RHOADS & SON, JEWELERS, Ne. 4 West King Street. rUKNlTUMH. w 1 DM Y KK'S COltNKK. Fer Furniture! WIDMYER'S FUEHIHJRE STORE. YOU CANT 1)0 I1KTTEK I OOOU WOliK I LewrnicKs; Cor. East King and Deke Sts. F OR A HOOD, HOME MADE Parler Suite -ATA- REASONABLE PRICE, GO IO HEINITSH'S fuxsiture vnre r, TIIK VAUIKTV IS TUB t, AUGUST RVKJt SHOWN IS TIII9 CITY. 25 & 27 S. Queen St, LANCARTICIt. l'A. T SMOVAL I Removal I On acseunt et Bomeval about April lit, and In oreer te Ktdnce Mteck ana save t-zpenae of A Great Reduction In the prices el all kinds or FURNITURE, At uu Stere, He. 88 East King Street, Ol'l'OSlTJCTHK COUKT IIOUSK, Lancaster, l'a. 1'arlles ilaatilns te purchue rumltura et any description will nna telaan uleiranteD. perlnulty te obtain soeOa at JSxtraeminarliy We have In atec every Ocaerlptlnn of Fer. nlture. rrem tba ritluest te the finest, ana everything will be ieia inueb below regular . JXVX "."J.1 we WU "e leestea at Nea. 1 Rne isa Kut Klnc mreut, wberu wa will have In tee .a lnr variety et all kinds el Furnl Furnl ture, whleb we will sell at lb very lowe.t prices. HENRY WOLF, Ne. 38 East King Street. . testra lUHNlTURE OUTFITS. OCHS & GIBBS, FDRNI1URB, Eoeond, Jhlrd and Fourth Floers, 81 SOUTH QUEEN ST. W'e can til ent your Heuse from Cellar te Unrrut wlta Weil-Made New Style Furniture furniture u all we kinw ; but we knew It taoieugbiy i knew It te well tn&t we can give you meru ter your money ihan anyone else. Stlect goods no n 1 we store Uwin until wanted. OCHS a GIBBS. Manufacturers and Dealers, 2J,saand4'.b floors, Ji Fouth Queen street. urlMya COAU LUMHEK AND COAU TOIIA.CCO HUDlIKH AND OA8K8 WMTjtitjt HAUI weeds. wneiesSe and ",. . u.&DTinstv. lit Wttersuwit. Utncaster, Fa. n-lvA OAUMUAiiUNBK'rj VOiWXHY, COAL DEALERS. ?W3ft!&iZ,J5 Quten8tt' -"wth "nnea street, stasur sUaAlsa; taruiia LAMOAaxjtn, rx PstM's Celery mum ism keasiesiesV sand SB, tat ika fiist two vaanihtrSi sarer-4 wllk naaralaiTS iSs ktMsr atsar setr fai.t-c fit siisaMTsmssv aae rree rrenaUs aetarOalas. lass vSrnaS faltoyen." 0WS!!lXKmm' esatrai vsuaskct. PAIHK'S CEL1BT OOHPODIT. "1 have been srtMtiy ssiieta wthAestta Mia,aBSfccmlf gB MUaraaiSll sS Fataa'a Oalety nesaasNiaC ArtMaetM Hi bottles of uta sB'dtetaat sas aeVmrSSif (btuiiaUetnrablea" - SaMOKL OTOBIMOW. IM). OOfSlsAa if M EFFECTS LASTING CUBES. ''"i.Caiery Coapeaat as fttcrmf saany ether enrra aa narvaleaa as thrae coplasetiettaraaeattoanyaeersaa. Plaaaaet iSiu.,?e " tt'tb.batBtSalessien, and entirely vrgsUbet a emit eaaUkan. What's Uks 1 asac? aasrartaus tetiMwUfeJUkash tBaUasBananearalnat waww BbislMTlDnPS"I,ult 'cod are Heal thy, "I"" Uappy, Hearty. It Is Uaaqaalasl. ' MOOTS AND HHOMO. E XPANDINQ BHOKB. FerSensitiveFeet; The old Ladlea' Heme Comfert ; for sere and tender feet ; pliant and elastic ; comfortable te every part of the fe et without pressure. The soles are se constructed that they easily adjust themselves te the bottom of the feet, and the seams de net bind the joints. The upper leather is Don Den Don gela Geat, specially tanned for this purpose, and Is of sufficient protec tion te wear out of doers. A been of comfort for Old Ladies or these troubled with rheumatism or the swelling et feet and ankles, Just the Shee that every Lady needs when she Is tired and wants something te rest her feet. Shaub & Burns, 14 NORTH QUEIN ST., LA.SCABriB, l'A. Te Let-21 and 3d Floers Ne. 14 North Queen street ; 2d Fleer Ne. 21 North Queen street. AU conveni ences. Fine light rooms. marK-lrOAw TJOOl'a AND 8HOK. I). P. Stackhouse, 28 and 30 East King Bt. I Use piasiure In calling yenr attention te toy line or SHOES That I am receiving flaUy for the Bprinf Trade, ana all aromsdeter these who require great durability ana ler eleganee of ety le, at aatt workmanship cannot be ezeelled. Prleca Lewer Than tbe Lewest. Ca'l and examlne my large stock and we will be plenea te try and suit you. D. P. STACKHOUSE, BB ft 80 BAST KINO, ST fcAMOAHTBR. PA. aSD-lye BOOKS, C. TOOOK DEPARTMENT, " Life of E. Greenvald." footprint, of Ills tile, tonrether with Ills KarllEst Kitant ana l.aust Ulseeuissi, BY Rev.O.ElvlnHaupt. for Sale by the I'ublUher, G, I. FOJJ DERSIITE, 46 BAST KINO STREET. LAMOiSTSR, Vk. M-ruius:. ei.oe. m!-tfa yygRR'a llOOKSTOKE. BLANK BOOKS. BLANK BOOKS. Here you find the largest and best stock of Blank Beeks in the city. Fer prices you will be surprised and wonder hew they are made for the money. The quality is the best. Some thing te be relied en. Call, please. iTb. HERR, w5i & 53 N. Queen St. augbMra XF YOU WANT GOOD BKUSBE9GO X te KILBURN, NO. 311 WEST KINS BTKKKT. Eb9-1bKw iMeuter, ' BerjMjr,sa ATTXKTHHn ffhswswsliiiy it asy farakaMs Ssr TketaMet aTevait'etia SPRING OYBRCeITINGS. tlMiAtstvs)tylessji tfaltlMt M1 TTMsHtlHi. aealwa!' tevwt eesMtetaat with atr aipoTATiear sWyablisbuie. MT Ami8,HUI.Pr. ASKEWI Kea. tat A tsi waat nae araaar. nanseaaa KRCHAKT TAILOHINU. Eager ft Brether. MERCHANT TAILORING SPAIHG SEASON OF '89. New open the Largest anfi llaudsnmesttlne 3?5,M'Tretw ettt astAsefl's ev- KLT1K8 In VOBliaM AMD DOM 167 10 Suiting?, Treuserings, Overceatings, Our prless by c-mparlien will te feuna ibe iiOvKT.ulw". gnrniee I.ATK8T "u, riMBST rmlfiiiana araarsieT Wa INVITE AN aXAUlNATlON. SPRING SUITIN6S Treuserings. BanOseme English Worsteds ana Card. PS1? 'i1. Hia OTrplaiae ana stripes are theLeaaingHrilngBtylei. SPBINQ OVERCOATINGS. HOTiltles In Tresd ana Narrow Wale Dlago Dlage nala, Impertea Kersers, lnAew Spring Celer LEADING SUIT YALUES .Excellent Chsvleu ana casslrneres. All Weel, Uoea Styles, Well Halle auaxrlmmed, IB and no te Order. - ne JSllkMlxBa CaiBlinore Bultings, Plaid ana stripe effect, stylish Cheviots, l'laid ana Stripe effects. At I1Q and 920 te Order. Engliih Wide Wale Diagonal Coats and Vests Strictly AU Worsted, NeDby bijles. At 916 te Order. Our Matchleei Treueer Value, '5.00 te Order. All. Weel Casslrneres, Styllrh Effecu, Large election, best we erer sela at price. 25,27, 29, 31 West King 8 LANCASTER, PA. riRHU & BROTHER. Your Attention ! 13PZOJALLY D1REOTED TO OClt Hertb Queen Street Windows, Although but a small parlor thewhele.lt contains a representative fllsplay OF OUB Herchant Tailoring DEPARTMENT Thtt may gtreynu some Idea et ths large as as aerlmenc. varied iinalltles and low prlees frr which we are notea. Step lnstdeaaa examine farther. Ib Window Ne 4-Ceitn fqaue Sid, Yen will nnd a few of our many beauttlnl styles In Children's Clothing! A thorough Inspection will please the moth ers ana delight the boys. We have many ether Beveiuee te show you. We atk you te call and Inspect enr stock whether you wish te bay or net, HIRSH 4 BROTHER, ONE-PBIOH Olethieri and Furnbherf, OOBN1B OF M. QTJUN & OaWTRH 8QUARB, X,ABQASTBE,rA. HAGER ci BROTHER rAXAvM er rAaaie. atmuai buek ASTRICH'S PALACE OF FASHION, WILL REMOVE WJ TO THEIR NEW BUILDING, NOS. 115 AND II7 NORTH QUEEN STREET Before we move we efler the following special bargains for this week. One piece of black Span ish Guipure Lace for dresses, 45 inches wide, elegant leaf pattern, at 87c a yard ; reg ular price $1.50. One piece of " Black Silk Chantilly Lace for dresses, ele gant, fine pattern, pearl edge, warranted pure silk, price $1.25; regular price $1.75. One piece at $1.69 a yard ; regular price $2.50. One let of about 100 yards of fine Cream Oriental Lace, 3 inches wide, at 9c a yard ; regu lar price 15c. One let of extra fine, 5 inches wide, at 25c a yard; regular price 50c. One let of dotted Swiss at 15c a yard; regular price 25c, One let ei 36-inch wide Cream Scrim for Tidies, at 10c a yard ; regular price 15c. Special let of Victeria Lawn, at 7c a yard; worth i2c. Special let ei India Linen, at 10c; regular price 15c. Special let of Nainsoek Checks, at iec a yard; regular price iSc MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. Special price en Chemise, 3 rows of needlework inserting and torchen lace, 3 for $1 ; reg ular price 50c apiece. Twe lets at 50c apiece; regu lar price 75c. One let of Nightgowns at 75c; regular price $1 te $1.25. One let of Drawers, wide Hamburg edge, at 50c ; regular price 75c. A few mere of Stamped Linen Stand Cevers, open worked, at 25c. Sideboard Cevers, 72 inches, 35C ASTRICH BROS. uKuvnKiK8. , T BURSK'S. APPLES! APPLES! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ' A CARLOAD OP Yerk State Apples ! By the Uarrel, lluthel ana llall reck. -AT- BURSK'S! NO. 17 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTKU. PA. , T REIHT'H. JUST IN. A let or Fresh Tea UliculU lour pounds for "'otef Fresh Ginger Snaps, three pounds Firty boxes Prunellas, three pounds tir 21c. Vlnest stewing Figs, tbreepuunds ler Sle An Kleatant Cheese, four pounds rer 85c. 3en barrels Kvaperatea Dried Cern, eight pounds ler 25c " A let et yrw-U Wheat Germ, ell pounds ler sec. A let el California Strained Bener, three peunda ter 25a wjr, im. A let of Untied Oat,, six poundafer 25s A let el Oatmeal, Uranuluttd, six pounds Alotel UrledEwf. 8c per pound. Alotet Kxtra nrled lleef ueperpinnO. A let el lne Dried Beat, UHe per pound. Alotel Picnic llams,llcper pound. A carload Coarse Salt. Mi per hair. One-hall-bushel Hags nest rine 8alt, Uj In tact, we have a ineuiand ethr Bargains. Ten must aee ourlmtnense stock In order te pe convinced, our time li very prectcua : In laer, se mueb se, that we nnd It almost tin possible te wrllea creditable adverttsernent FOR RENT! Three Large ltoems ever Eecend Floerolonr store Huildmsr. Locitlen geed, rooms well lighted and pleasant i two frent'ng en King alrvetandoneen Prince street i suitable ler enice or association rejins. J. FRANK REIST, WHOLESALE AND KITAIL QKOOKIt, Nerthrtst Caratr Weit Klf art Friar Street!, LAMOABTKU PA. eWTelephoue ana Free Delivery. s UMMER SESSION, HILLERSVIIIE. The Summer Sfslen el the Millersvllle Biata Nermal rchoel will brgln en alonear. April l.liSi. and continue leurteen weeks. Persons who desire te engige roc ms should apply eirlv. Tboreush work In all departments methods adapted te all grades et schools ; manual train, leg, kindergarten, etc bpeclalraiet en strret railroad ler day pupils from Lancaster city, PuplU admitted at anytime. Fer terms, etc., addrets the Prlncl pal, MLJ,-. OKAM UilM, A. M , Ph. D-. mlMirt MlUersTWe, Ps - A v.. t-.. r-. ., HiAt -.. y-v