Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, March 28, 1889, Image 1

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ItNymMM ay Jaete a. wtmr, at
rhHMMvMrM AajewaveeVThe Baya
ghmu nag ae ana nam geae-a
Uaiy- Oiaa steatae Ttai
An edj'rained assta of
eoenmeo oeuboIIo wm UXeWKMiHr
evening, with the prteelpal object of eos ees
a'detlng the new market fcewM project sad
s'se te cIcm op the boslneM at the year.
IB Mlect OOBBOll there WOTO BNMt!
Betger, Haloes, Riddle, Beater, Bessa,
Btorafelts end Kvans, preatdesl.
The peelel eoanlttes ea nwmha
drainage asd bow water works BSbstNtad
taeir report for the paet yaerwhteh waa
tecflved and placed ea 11a. The ivpert
ebewe that the eemsiltteB bed Biased at
tbalr dlapaeal the aaa et 120.014 88 sad'
that tbalr ezpmaea ware 1198.698. 95. lavish
a tMianea en baaa of BaB,4e.
Ur. Middle preeeeted tbe eeatraM .be
tween the aueat eoasiUtee aad Mr. Basle
ter lursUhlng Btens for BaaeadaaitalBA aad
aeked tbat Mte approved.
Messrs, Even a and Balaaa thought that
Mr. Engle waa supplying the eltjr with a
vsry peer quality eX lUaeeteae, aad that a
aueh batter quality oeald be procured aad
supplied from ether qu.rrlM la the lmras
dlate vicinity of the oily.
Mr. Remley thought that there la geed
atone In Mr. Kngla'a qearry, aad that If
the letter of the contract with hla waaea
f erced geed alone would befurnlebcd by sua.
The oeat et plaoleg et the ereaher la Eagle's
quarry had bees considerable, and be did
aet favor going te aa additional expeaae te
remove tne ciuabar ana piaee it at some
ether quarry.
Mr. Kiddie waa oppeaed te having bad
tone faralahed te the elty, and he believed
Mr. Katie con Id furnlth better atone. The
paat winter bad bean aa epes one, and
there had beea much rale, aad alia atraata
bad bean tertlbly out up by aaa. la bla
opinion the beat limestone la a peer
material te uae In the oeaatruotloa of
vote baleg taken retulted la the con
tract being approved. '
Common cannetl reaolutlen autherising
the mayor te draw a warrant upon the
oeatlngent fund te pay the damages ee
eeeted for the tx'ecalea tf the water mala
te the new werka waa non concurred In
aed Mr. Riddle cllerad la Hta thereof a
reariutlen limiting the amount te be draws
from that land at 11,600. Tela rtaolutiea
waa adopted. Common oeunell concurred.
The aieotlen of the propeaad new market
heuie waa next called up aad a rteeea waa
takes for fifteen alnutaa te allow the
membtra an opportunity of Axaminlag the
aeveral plana submitted by the architect
In addition te the plana already notlead,
there were two ether en exhibition. One
by Jamee H. Warner, architect of Philadel
phia, oentemplatea the erection of a two
etery building, the aeoend flxr te have a
eating capacity el 1,000 aad aoaemaodaUos
for alt the elty effleea, oemmlttee rooms,
4e On the lower fleer wilt be the market
stall. The ere', el the building aoeerdlng
te thla plan would be 131,000.
David Evan., arohiteet of Philadelphia,
eabmltted plana for a market heuae one
atery In height
Upen the return of aelcct oeunoll from
the joint oenvenllon, the market heuae
project waa dlseuiaed aeme. The opinion
of aeme of the membera waa that nothing
would be gained by the preaent counell
taking action te night, en the eve et the
expiration of their terma of cfllee.
The action of common oeunoll In adopt adept adopt
leg the Warner plana of a one-atery bnlld
leg waa concurred In by veta 5,te 8. The
diaaentlng vetea were eaat by Meaara. R'd
die, Remley and Btermleltc
In common oeunell the following mem
ber were preaent :
Mca'ra. Auxcr, Hare, Bartholemew,
Biumgardeer, BertcBeld, Bltner, Brinten,
Dlller, Eberman, Evert, Frantc, Freeh,
Krelder, MeLaugbltn, Mlley, Hhertaar,
Sing, Zwk.
Mr. Baumgardner waa called te the chair
In the abaenee of Mr. Beard.
The prealdent atated the object of the
adjmrned meeting, wbieh waa te take
action In regard te the plana of the propeaad
new Central market heuae.
Aa there waa aeme unnalahed bualnaea
ter oeunoll te aet upon Mr. Baumgardner
auggeatad that thla be done, and It waa
agreed upon.
The following reaolutlen waa prawntad
by Mr. Baumgardner:
Be It resolved by the select and oembaon
oeunclla of the elty et Lancaster that !n
aettllOK tbe elalma ter damages In the
Improvement! of the water werka and Clay
atreet sewer, tbe mayor la authorized te
draw the ameuuta rrem me exturgent
The resolution waa adopted unanimously.
Select oeunoll non.-eonou.rrod.
Oa motion of Messrs. Everts aodBrin aedBrin aodBrin
ten It waa agreed te Invite select counell te
disease the market heuae qneatien In Joint
aeaalen, and the above named gentlemen
were appointed a committee te notify ae'eet
oeunoll. Beleet oeunoll did net appoint a
oemmlttee, but took a rceeaa et fifteen
minutes te examine the plana In a body,
and oemmon oeunoll consumed ten
minutes in the examination.
The report of tbe special sewerage,
dxaleage and water werka Improvement
oemmlttee, whleu came ever fromaeleet
oeunCl, waa read. Common counell ac
cepted the report, en motion et Mr. Auxer.
During the reading et the above report,
Mr. Beard arrived and took tbe chair.
Bath branebea went Inte Joint session In
common oeunoll chamber aud en motion
of Mr. Riddle Wee. Beard waa called te tbe
ebalr. A motion waa made by Mr. Riddle
(bat the arohiteet pieaentlng plana be
allowed five or alx mlnutea each te explain
Cliften Evan, of tbe Arm cf Jehn Evana
i Sen, exhibited bla plana flrat, and waa
followed by Mr. Jamea H. Warner and Mr.
David Evanr, el Philadelphia.
Beth branches et oeanclli tben went te
their respective chamber a.
Mr. Auxer new moved the plan of Mr.
Warner for a one atery building be
Mr. Fraels aald at first he waa In favor
cf a aeoend atery te the bulldlDg, but he
sew took the ether potltlen, aa the Phila
delphia arohiteet bad pointed out the sani
tary objeetloua te sueu building.
Mr. Warner again addreaaed the counell
and defended the sanitary oendlilona of a
two-atery lulldlng, but advocated a one ene one
atery bulldleg aa being mere oharaetarlstlo
et a market and Intended for no ether
Mr. Auxar'a motion waa adopted without
a diaaentlng vote. Helco. council een
, A earpast.r ltard,
ErHBATA, Mareb 28 Mr. Peter L.
Reddtg, a railroad carpenter, aad who la
working for tbe Reading x Columbia
dlvlalen, met with a palatul accident at
Hilt i yesterday by cutting himself la tae
lag with an adz. Dr. Roebuck, of LlUtx,
dressed tbe wound aad lie waa brought te
JEpfarete te hta pereata ca tbe a Celaek
A fjetmUaaMBtetareai Arts Otaaralaeaata
tan ilia leealr,
steer, wae waa eaaklatad freaa tae army
aad afterward reatered te taa rettred last
byaaaetef fteagraaa, eaaayad te pall the
snw uuiasH aiaaiai, or naaemvaaaa,
MthjaRtasjeaeuea lobby, Is WeateaeaT,
as Wadaeaaay aftaraaea-aard waa preaaatly
ejeetad f tea taa heui. Armea waa ordered
eat of the laaagaraUea preeeaaka by Gov.
erser Beaver, baeaaaa he bad taraet kta
Mf aad aiaaacvaat la without warraat aad
waarMlag aleagaMe tbe praatdasf. Qea.
waaaaa aaa uaptaiB aearae. wneware
wKfe Bavat's order, aad a
petieeaaas exeeaw H.' Araaaa
waa very aagry, aad seat day- awere eat
warraataagalaat Beaver aad Bearka, aad
the next week pretarrai ebaga lateraaliy
agalaatoibaea aad Bearke, bat sethlag
see eeae of any at tkeae preesedlaga.
Fadlag that be waa earning nothing la
thla way. AraaM wrote a letter te Beaver
tateaded te draw eat a reply whleh would,
whoa pabttebed la tae Waablagtea aewa
sapera, give Armea a aert of loeal vtndlea vtndlea
ttea. Te tela letter Beaver said Boattesties.
aaeaaaeiu tenaa ware sueiant, Bearng
abet Bave waa at IM Rtgae aaaae, Armea
eeltei aad eant ap fete eaaa aa Baver, who
waaMaleroea. Beava paid M atteatles
ae'iu FJadiag tiai Beater twraead it.
Afterawblie Beaver came dewa aiaira
aad walked along the corridor, leaning ea
bla erateaea. Armea etepped up te kta at
eeeeaadaeid: I aent you a latter aeaae
Uae age j why haven't you replied te It?"
11 1 aa set In the habit et reply lag te each
lcaileat eoamunleatloBB," responded
Beaver, moving en.
Armea than aelasd the seee of the
governor of Paaaaylvanla and gave It a
palL The governor waa set hurt, but be
waa aagry, aad, ataadyug blaaalt agalaat
the hotel counter, be eelaad hie orateb,
which aervea him in place of eae leg he left
behind during the war, and aimed aa ugly
blew at hla enemr. Armia dadarad the
btowandltatruckraeef tbeplllaraef tbe
hotel rotunda. A aeoend blew also missed
lla miu and Csntaln Hewea. the hotel
pellcefflaa, ruahed up, attracted by the
aelae, and placed Armea under arreat
Armea waa released by dlreotlen of the
hotel manager, however, and escorted
outdeora exclaiming: Pulled hla damned
neae, anyway." Hawea aerved under
Governer Beaver during the war, and wbea
he learned en coming baek whom Armea
bad aaaaultcd be waa furious because he
had net licked tbe msjer Inatead el quietly
e cettlag him te tbe street.
Baver retained te Harrlaburg WedBeaday
Arstae la a qqarrn'aime man, who baa
been In frequent dUputea with ouetemera
dealing wlin blm aa a real estate agent
alnee he waa retired from tbe army, lie
aued Benator Cameren aa a result of a
difference ever tbe aula olCameren'a Soett
Circle house, but nothing eame of It He
tried te all aeme real estate te Prealdent
Cleveland onee, but Cleveland without
knowing mueb about him, could net deal
with him. That waa tbe occasion of bla
oft-quoted n imrk: I don't want te have
aaytnlng te oe with an army cfnaw who
dtala la dirt."
Captain Bourke haa preferred ebargts
Kalnat Majer Armea at tbe war depart
ment for oenduct unbecoming an offleerand
a gentleman la threating himself into tbe
Inaugural proeeaaloa and refusing te leave
when ordered te de ae.
a Bia rttejsur en hssd,
Wbu BUiUaae ef Master WIU Da at Wllaasr.
dlag. This sut.
At Wllmerdlng, en the Pennsylvania
railroad near Pittsburg, the WesUngbouae
Air-brake company in creating a town
modeled after Pullman, of Illinois, Toe
air-brake werka In Allegheny have long
been cramped for room, and Ur. Geerge
WMtlngheuae. Jr., determined te extend
them. At Wllmerdlng he bought a traet of
600 acre bounded en three aldea by a
weeded bluff and forming a lovely valley.
A atrip or ground oentalnlng nearly 30 acrea
will be devoted te tbe air-brake manufac
tory. One of tbe largeat establishments in
the world la new rising from the found a.
ttena. Tbe foundry alone will oever tour
aerea of ground.
Werk waa te-day oemmenoed upon the
machine abep, which will be still larger.
A million dollar will be expended by tbe
air-brake oenoern alone. Tne Intention la
te turn out five times aa mueh finished
work aa tbe present eapscltlee admit of.
The entire plant will be nnlahed and taken
possession of by the first or next August.
Five thousand workmen wilt find employ
ment within the air brake lnoleaure.
A map of Wllmerdlng, aa It will be attar
the East Pittsburg Improvement company
get through spending $3,000,000 upon It,
lava the premise of presenting a beautiful
little city te the eye. There are 42 pleta In
tbe town site, eaeh containing a number
of letr. Plot 22 will aoenmmodate a fine
hotel and a handaenie club heuae, te be
built together, and te form the meat
pretentien airueture, architectural ly, In the
new elty. Leu that are net taxen by
employee orethera by a certain date will be
built ea by tbe company. A couple of
hundred heuaea ere new under way.
Tbe Improvement company haa pur pur
ehaaed025 fat et frontage en the Monon Menon Monen
gahela river, near Pert Perry, te establish
water work a capable et supplying 20,000,000
gallenapar diem. Sawera are new being
laid In every atreet, and natural gaa will be
used exclusively ter fuel. Tnere will be
no lllumlnant but tbe Weetlngbeuae Incan
descent. Tbe improvement company haa already
spent 1000,000 ss a atsrter. It la expected
test upward el ft 000,000 will be expended
Within tbe limit of Un- 600 acrea. Generally
speaking there are 42 pleta oentalnlng 740
leta for ae'usl bulldleg purpose. Of the
1,200 men new employed fully one-fourth
have already purchased leta from the Im
provement company.
ravaieiaN, cube tuyseli-."
Anether ''ChrUtlsn Eclaoe." Oeav.rt
Ued.r H.r ravartte "Trt atm.nt."
Mra. David B. Hey t, a mind cure convert,
died In Birmingham, Conn., en Wednesday
morning of a complication of disease,
among which heart failure predominated.
Aboet three weeka age she was taken
seriously 111, but believing that by tbe
exertion of tbe wlllabe could banish her
troubles she refused the ssrvlee et a phy
alclan. Her family let the stck woman
have ber way, but aa aha did net Improve
pleaded with ber te bave a pbyalelan. Thla
aha positively refused te de, saying that
abe would be all rlgbt within a abort time.
Mra. Htuart, or new uaven, a unriauaa.
aelmca advocate, ha been In town de
livering lecture. 8 tie visited Mr. Heyt
and between them they aettled the matter.
Mra. Heyt allll declaring that abe would
get up within a day or two. But aa abe
did net Improve the family oetainod a
pbyslean, who upon examination pre.
nounead her dlaeaee Incurable. He eaya
that had he been called aoener In tbe case
he oeald have prolonged her lite and
perbapa cured her.
Mra. Heyt beesma a mind cure disciple
about two yeara age, and baa practiced the
Bind cure en a numeer el patient, among
team ner aauguter,Hia uertea ueyr, wne,
It la aald, waa cured of a tumor ey that
means. Bhe belonged te a easa which
waa instructed by Mr. Htuart, and
which la oempoaadol aeme of the shrewd
est and beat educated, aa wall aa
tbe meat prominent people In Birmingham.
Her death la a atunulng blew te tbe eause
el the Christian acienoe there, particularly
aa thla la the third death in their ranka
within a abort time, aud aa in eaeh eaa a
prominent pbyalelan hat aald tbe victim
oeald bave beau aved bad the dlaeaa bean
treated la time.
Bra Met drawing Under Tbalr Test,
ttva. the atanbelut Ban.
G, O. Kennedy, aq , candidate ferdiairlct
attorney, eame out from Lancaster en
Tburaday aad did a big half day 'a work at
electioneering. He wm asalated by the
laughing Sheriff Burkbelder. Mr. Kennedy
made a geed impression and aome votes.
Before Uae BUjer.
Jimmy MeTague, who elalma te be 99
yeaia old, wm the flrat customer disposed
of thla aeralag. Hie weakaea la rap.
The sayer aest hla te jell for tea deya,
oeraBuruB bba
LAViea sisrcATer wsaxrai aws bx-
Ntnltag Citanii-WP by Mr. A sat,
aedsaestaaattleaat rahtes sear by
aria f-eaery aad BatreTagaae the
aHiaege rtawate a eeatary.
The tows wera by Mia. Aaaer at a rawest
Neeatlea la New Yerk waa, aya the Jtte
titer' Wuk'y, aeepy of the drea wera
byMatledeMedit,batwaa wreaght eat
aiaa expeaae that would have etagaered
the royal geatleaaw who paid cMartCa
iiag Miia. xse praeipat eoape
sesta were parpte velvet, paarl-wreaaht
laea and a dtaaoad-weves dteaa. Tae
velvet waa all etik aad aearaly thtofcer thaa
broedeleth. All about the resed eeart
train, dewa the aide gerea aad ea the right
Bowl of the bodice were aatera, the setaral
Mae, worked is aelM geld balUea, with a
eoavMUeaallitd viae of the leava
aad bade, Tbe bouquet of geld ea the
bodice wm a naarvelesa piece of eabreldery,
every eater la tbe trala the very eerteettea
of deoerattve nadlawerk. The Mag eeart
trala waa Battered ever with baaesaa of
floweraeabretdered la geld by head, aad
a bread border et geld edging. Tne entire
train waa aa gorgaeua i a a peaceek'a apread
uuu -jisw epawva ever a wniw aaua patu.
oeat that wm veiled with white aUk net,
covered with drepplaga of geld aad pearl,
and geld apangiaa, producing at onee a
dlapbaaeua ana brilliant effect.
But tbe frost et the bodlea, from the
aquarecnt neck te the point or the baaqee,
waa or white atla, ever whleh waa worn a
etoaaaeber that covered It entirely, aad wm
a aaa, of geaalae dlemeada. Ofeenrae It
wm dlffleult te atlraate their saaber or
value, bat tbelr worth wm Mid te be 226,
000. Hue wm carefully guarded agalaat
robber, net only while going and oemlog,
bat a's j at the ball Itaelf by oeatnmad
dateetlvea. She WMllterall cammed from
head te feet. Her etecklnga were white
etik, with aa lneerted madalllea of point
laee, and the while aatla eUppere were
oepioualy embroidered with pearla aad
diamond. Ne gloves were, were, m they
had aet come into leehles at the Uae of
Marie de Med let' reign, which gave as
opportunity for the display of averal dia
mond rlaga,
Her hair waa elaaeet eaaeealed by a
epeer -ahaped oeronat of dlaaaeada, and In
tbe diadem ware pearla aad diameada,
with aplendld white atena la aplral
mounting. Belew thla crews were three
diamond atara pinned In tbe hair about the
Mr. Tbe de Medlcle glrgle wm etudded
wim ramiiy atone, priaeipeuy rneiea,
appblrea aud turquoise, with cluateraef
email old mlne-atenea, and five atrlnga of
rea cut diamonds were celled about ber
threat. Fer e cellarette ehe were a wide
band of black velvet fattened with a
eelltalre button. The atandlng Medlela
cellar wm of white net, embroidered with
geld and pearla, and a large aun of
dlamenda wm en the left aide et the aquare
neck. On her head, Mra. Aeter were ber
fameua tiara of dlamenda aad pearla; Inside
of thla tbe lorenet of diameada, made
especially for thla occasion and already
deearibed, and en one aide of ber head
weretbree diamond atara, and behind a
diamond comb.
Bullions In a BUnslen.
A gnat deal hM been written of tbe
aplendld manaten being built at Great
Harrington, Mm, by Mra, Edward F.
Bearlea, better known m the widow of
Mark Hepklne. At preaent a high beard
fenM anrreunda the greunda and a mase of
poplar treea are fMt reaehlng a height te
abut out tbe view from tbe atreet.
TbehouMlaet blue dolomite. The reef
la crowned with Impcalng tewera at eaeh
corner and numereua massive eblmney.
A wide flight et atepa, upon either aide of
wblab mta a white marble apblnx, laada
te a vestibule wbleh In turn opens into the
main ball, tunning aoreM the entire front.
Tbe halt U wainscoted in Italian and Freneh
marbles te a height et 12 feet, the walla
being continued te tbe eelllng In heavy
English oak. The fleer la alto of mottled
Italian marble. Btx Imposing archee are
aprung aorea the halL The eelllng u
paneled, tbe moldings being of both carved
and atratght design. On either end el tbe
hall marble atatreasM lead te tbe floera
above. Four black marble columns, with
carved basts and eapi, extend te the eelllng
of the ball.
Opposite tbe main entrance and aercai
tbe hall la the atrium, one et tbe meat
elegant rooms in the heuae. It hM three
wlndewa 8x14 feet, opening upon a terrace
wbleh leek out upon a lawn of 100 aerea,
In the centre el whleh atanda a large
fountain. A a In tbe hall, tbe finlah la oak
and marble, the latter predominating. The
celling la finished In atuoeo et ivory finish,
projecting downward about 20 Inehea. The
Ida wall are oempooed of CO onyx panela,
Meb 2x2 feet In alza. Baek of the panela
are eieoirle lights, giving tbeaeftened effect
of aunligbt, At tbe aldea are light, round
marble column, highly polished.
A wide opening en the wtst aide of tbe
atrium leada Inte the muale room. This
apartment la CO feet deep. Three large
oelu mna are here placed In the arch opposite
three in tbe atrium. Tee muale room la
furnished In carved English oak. Tbe
eelllng la paneled In stucco, and eaeh panel
la te contain a oeatly painting. The organ,
the finest beuae organ In America, atanda
la tbe Mtnlclraular end et tbe room, ex
tending one third of tbe length of the room
Ita beigbt ia 40 feet, and the cam la of
Kngllah oak with pure geld meldlnaa.
On thla fiser are also the breakfast room,
the dining room and a butler's pantry,
oentalnlng a two-atery aafe for tbe keeping
el plate and oeatly china. A gallery anr anr
eounda this apartment, midway between
fleer and celling, and by thla access te tbe
upper safe la obtained. Hear by la a
hydraulic elevator, reaching: from the flrat
te the upper fleer. Tbe Windser room,
with doers from Windser castle, tbe recep
tion room and many ether roerra are
finished en a scale of regal magnlficenee,
All of the bathrooms, even thoee In the
aervanla' quarter, are floored and waln waln waln
oeted In marble The kitchen la also
wainscoted In Nashville marble te within
two feet of tbe celling.
A alight Idea of tbe coat et tbe work may
be entertalneJ from tbe knowledge that
that portion el tbe front above tbe entranee,
a portion of wbtcb la an open gallery tha
atone work Is all richly carved oeat 160,000
alone. The oeat et the largest chimney 1
alae said te have been 110,000 ter the
portion above tbe root alone ; while
the entlre building, with stable,
office, Aa, la estimated at 12.600.000.
Picturea bave already been received oeat.
ing irem fiu.uuu te aiz.uuu, wniie two
banglnga for tbemusle room. 0 by 10 feet
each lu alze, oeat f 15,000, and are reported
te be hundrede of yeara old.
Mr. and Mra. Searlee returned Irem
Paris a abort time age, and ahlpment of
tbe goeda they pureueeed while abroad are
aoen te arrive. The work la te be com
pleted Ibis year.
B.nater suner aad the Bull.
An Kiatern politician who recently visited
SonaterThomM W. Palmer at bla fameua
farm out en Woodward avenue, Detroit, la
tilling a geed atery en tbe new minister
which aeeina te be apropos censidering: that
be la going te Spain. After ebewlng hla
friend tbe slgbta of tbe farm Senater Palmer
Mid, according te tbia chronicler :
" Let'a go and aee tbe bull. He'a royally
brad and don't kick either."
"We went into the barnyard," the atery
oentlnuea, "There wm tbe curly headed
old patriarch looking like a wartier out el
employment. 'Well, old fellow,' play
fully remarked tha aenater, and then,
without notles or warning, began one of
the liveliest atern chaaea I ever aw. I
thought for a moment there would be a
vacancy in tbe United StatM Senate, but
the aenater ran like a whitehead, mak
ing allying leap saslawd by tbe bull bull
ever a drygoeda box. that Providence or
tbe hired man had piaeed In the corner et
tha barnyard te eerve m a braatwerk In
thla critically emergency.
"The bull charged tbe fort time and again,
while the aenater yelled ter reloferoemenle
or a Springfield rtfie. Ha wm fieslly fiafaed
ever the fence, and announeed that we bad
bmb ail that wm te be aeen
"Oa ear way labaautlenaly dropped the
reamfc that H would aet be seeaaaary te
roaaUtheoPleoecoa ear retsrs te Week.
Attain S.STCTBP MeaensT.
ke prapHsterat aha varmw' Betel Saahe
Biaaa Ward aHa Tata.
The eeart eaWedaeaday aftaraoea ees ees ees
o'aeedthe baring of tbe appllaUesa rcr
HeasM agalaat whleh reaoeatreaea bad
bees Bled, epplktetleae aet ready wbea It e
regular UetWM called, saw Btasdaaad a
few eaaM fa which rekeariaga were
granted. The fallowing wart taw deeWena
of the eeart ea the Mveral appltaaUoea :
CharlM Greve, Faraera' bete), Blxth
ward, elty, set granted.
Rueea Frecelscuc, Seventh ward, and
Jobs Ritchie, Blghth ward, re heart age
granted aad appt'catlena refused.
J. K. Decker and F. B. Hwelgut were
kpptleaataforlleenaM for hotel is KUaa
baahtewa borough, Tbe a) legation wm that
ealy eae hotel wm nteeeeery Is thla
boreogb, but the oeurt thought etberwlM
esd granted both rppHastteaa.
Jea, Beamier, Masheia borough, wm
refaaed a lloaeae.
Horage O. Myera, Btraabarg borough,
agalaat wbea a restosetrasee wm file J,wm
grested a Heeaae,
H. & Luts waa granted a Hcrma for a
setetat Red Run, Breokaeck tewaahlp,
Geerge K. Kraeae, Bate Harber, wm
reaeaatrated against, but tbaremenatraaM
wm withdrawn. He wm ailed before the
oeurt and Mveral queatleaa were pat te
him m te hla alleged vlolatleae et the liquor
law the pert year, but be dealed under
oath having violated any liquor law. He
wm granted a lleeaae,
Gee. W. Kemper wm granted a lleerwe
te kap a hotel at Rnmatewn.
Ellabeth Btener, Hlghvllle, Maner towa tewa
ahlp, wm refused a lleaaar.
David K. lilnee, who wm aa applicant
for the hotel kept for many yeara by Jobs
Smith at Safe Harber, waa refaaed e
Oeurt adjourned te meet en Thursday of
next week for the tranaeotles of current
AraB te Allew Ditrrat le
Be Kepn ssetsd.
The Heum anant almeat tbe entire after-
neon of Wedneedey In the dlamalen of
the medical HeanaM and exaaalnera' Mil ea
aeoend reading. The dliouaalea wm lie
toned te by a large number of prominent
medloalmenfremallpartaoftbeeute. The
bill wm amended In many partleulare.
On motion of Mr. Jenea the prevision wm
lneerted tbat the nine medieal examlnera
may be gtaduatM of oellega in outer atatw.
Mr. Hall moved te Insert e prevision tbat
at no time aheuld there be e majority la the
beard representing any one school of prac
tice, which ha aald overcame tbe whole
matter of tbedlflarenee ever the bill
Colonel Bean aid tbla wm a atep Is the
dlreotlen tit Increasing tbe dltlereneea, but
thought tbat there aheuld be aeme prevision
for tbe female doctor, et which there were
hundreda sealtered ever tbe world.
Mr. Walk Mked: "la there anything In
thla bill te prevent woman from getting en
the beard.'r
Colonel Bean "Ne, but there la a de de
elded IndlspoaUlen te de Juatlee te tbe
motherhood of the oemmonwalth unlea
the lawa oetnpel It," Applause.
Mr. Hall'a amendment wm adopted, m
well m ethera requiring that tbe praeldent
and eeeretary of the beard aheuld net be of
theaame aobeol et preotlea and that la
tbe examlnatlena held by tbe beard the
aaawera aa far m pealble aheuld be given
In Engllsb, and the Latin terme aheuld be
Mr. Walk made aavaral attempta te bave
the bill postponed, but the Heuse reluwd
te postpone and went through all the aeo aee aeo
tleua et the bill and passed it te third read
ing, Aa amended It la dlttaetaful te Dr.
Walk and the allopathic aoheol generally,
The bill Imposing a tax en tbe employ empley
ment et all foreign-born unnaturalized
citizens wm paaed en aeoend reading, with
a few unimportant amendment.
In the Heum en Wednesday night tbe
Senate bill te Inereaee tbe aslarlea et tbe
Judgea wm reported favorably from tha
committee en J udlctary general.
' The Heuse then took up the border raid
claim bill, wbieh provide that the olalm elalm
anta for tbe border raid may bring suits
agalnat tbe atate. The Heum devoted tbe
entire seaaloe te tbe oenalderatlon of the
bill, and tbe dlaouMlen of tbe lines ae often
Scne ever wm at times very warm. The
louse than virtually killed the bill by
refusing te pas tbe flrat section by a vote of
06 yeM te 0 nay.
Mr. Skinner, who Introduced tbe bill and
made tbe fight for r,altr It bad been voted
down, presented e serlea of concurrent
reaolutleoa pledging tbe atate te make
every pnaalbie effort te oelleot tbe elatma
from tbe national government. These were
laid ever under the rules.
11 I Bengbt by Xbemas B,
aid Barry B.
Late en Wednesday afternoon negotia
tion, which bave been pending for aeme
day, ended In the ale et tbe Examiner te
Thea. B. Cochran aud hla brother, Harry
B. Cochran, and the new firm at onee took
poaealen of the plank The price paid
wm net made publie. The aiielneludM
the transfer of tbe Examiner building.
Thenewpubllaberaef Hie Examiner are
well known In this community. The Mnler
member et tbe firm wm for many yeara
clerk of tbe atate Senate, la a lawyer by
profession and a practical newapaper man.
He will direct the editorial eelumna, Mr.
Harry B. Cochran will take charge et the
bualneaa department.
Mr. Hlestaud hM been connected with
the Examiner for twenty years.
Nothing definite hu been determined m
te change In tbe Mveral departments of
the paper, b it rumor hM It that tbore will
be a few changes made.
Psl.r Itulil lluttl.d Ilaler an Ald.rmau en
Gbarga Tbat Geald Met tf frevad.
Peter Uuhl wm given a bearing at 10
s'cleck thla morning before Alderman
Hershey r.n a eharge el malicious mischief,
preferred against blm by Jehn H. Clapp, of
near Ltndlsvllle, and en chargea et asault
and battery upon and reaiatlng Ofileer
Der wart Tbe ovldenee lnvthe cam for
mallcleca mleenlef wm very meagre, tbe
allegation belng tbat tbe defendant bad out
down a grape arbor and vine en the premises
rented by blm from Clspp. Ne en testified
m te having seen tbe ctlanae oemmlttad
aed tbe defendant lu hla own baball
aald that aeme time In February, during a
heavy wind, the arbor and part of the fence
had been blown down and be bad piled
them up near the wall. The alderman
dlsinlased thia case ter want el evldcnee.
OUlcer Jehn F. Dera-art testified tblt
when he weut te arreat defendant the latter,
who la a man of 71 yeara of age and ap.
parently very feeble, raluaad te come along
with him and had at mere at him with a flat
Iren and ktikedblmlntheatemacb. The
alderman aent tbe old man baek te Jail and
held the usea for a further bearieg.
Ules el An Katsrtaliintsut,
The entertainment which ha beea in
pregreaa for several evenings pMt lathe
Suckbeuae building, for the benefit et tbe
Western M. E. cbureb, cleaed last evening.
The choir of tbe Duke Htrat M. E. eburch
wm In attendance, and rendered a number
of Mlectlena, Several aolea were given by
Rav. E. W. Burke, Mlas Jennie McCemeey
and Mr. D. Scherler. There were alae
recitation by Mr. C. J. Sbulmycr and
MIm Carrie Bayler. All el tbe edibles aad
fancy articles were disposed of. The enter
talnment wav a financial suoeeaa,
att. Mcba'a rastaaastar.
The peatauatar geaerel bm eppeUled J,
m Bhaak aeafaler at Mt, ITebe,
The Bead Of aa tMtlaeetMeeeMHopMrer
reae aaa tMebwa Be WHt Bave It-Bta
Adaaatswaatea atapaatad by Baay ta
Be airs aad Ooeeatvatlva,
The MllwaakM .Vm(mI ha the follow fellow
lag latarvlew wlU Dr. U. F. Kalght ea the
eveatag of hta arrival la that etty. Dr,
Kaiaht wm dreaeed la the eeeteaarv btsek
eeU of the EpBeepal elergy aad were a
bus sat, he ia a trine betew the
aedlaa Is height, of oeapaat build, aad
loekaeveayoueger thaa hla photographs
sake hla eat te be. The dMp IIbm that
appear la hta pretane de aa aaea te be
preast, aad while hta eeaateseace akewa
great flraaea of oharaetar the Mvare leek
m also hbsesh la aaaaar Dr. Kalght ta
aaa eawaaneg aaa aaaea a mere
avoreete laupiaeaiue la
. If hta eereeealrty la
that he will, m hM bees predicted, be a
btabep for the whole dioeaeet Milwaukee,
aad aet the exelaaive property of eae
feettes or asether. Dr. Xalgsrs few is
eteeely ahavea aad a pelret very heavy
eyebrows above rather aalllBg grayayia
give hta fesatesaaee great expreaates.
Hie hair la black, silghtly tleged with gray.
The blahopeleet wm aees at the Plankln
ten by a Sentinel reporter leat eventag,
and con versed quite fraely os the aurjeet
of hta eoaeeeratroa te-day aad aatlera re
lative tell.
"1 expect te be buty at onee," be aid,
'and will probably be vtaltieg throughout
the dteeea for aeme weeka te eeae, m I
uaderetead there ta oeaalderabla Kplaeepal
work te be done Blahep Welia' hMlth
wm ae peer that there were aeme labera he
oeuM aet attead te aad I learn that there
are maay elaaae awaiting confirmation,
balda ether deaaada"
"Had von aav nartlaular reason for ae-
leeueg MllwaakM aa the place ler the
oeneeorattonT'' wm naked,
it Only tbat It ta la aoeordsaee with an
Meteat rale et the chareh that oeaaeoratlone
aball take piaee In the blabep-alect'a own
oethadrat Blahep Walla wm oesaecratad
la New Yerk, It la tree, bnt there ta a rale
alae that It the eleetlea oeoura wnhls alx
aeatha et ths reaeral ayaed or eosvestlea
the oecatoretlos shall tabs plea at the
" Yei I bave a very favorable Imprealea
of Mllwaakce. 1 wm bare some years ego,
en It is set atrange te ae. There wm b
fanny occurrence at tbat time. We were
anting at dinner when we looked eat et tbe
window aad aw but 1 guesa I had belter
set tall that 1 1 forget 1 wm talking te a
newspaper man aad yet aUbt print It.
Khr Well, 1 guaM 1 won't tell it i yea'd
want te print ir."
'BavayeuaaythlsgtOMy of the rela rela
teone tbat exist among Bplaoepal oongrega eongrega oengrega
tloaa la the dloeeae, doctor 7"
" Nut a word, etr, aet a word te any one.
Save that I hope for peae and aaea te
bave It ; and letters I bave received aeeeur.
age me la rteltng that I aball have no
"MayZaak If yen will allow the ooa eoa oea
fealoaal te be continued at All Batata T"
"Yeu may sak tbe qaeatles, but I aball
set anawer yea 1 1 aappeee It la your bust,
nea te oak qaeatleaa. That ta aemathlng
I will set talk about, I sever have bad a
oenieaioaal la my ohureh."
Vr. Kalght will tamals at :the PlMhln PlMhln
tea boom aatll aumater, when he will go
with hta family te ths saeatde where be
owns a cottage. Mrs, Kalght aad ths
Mlaaa Mary and Beaeta are ealy here te
attend the eoeaecrailon and will return te
LanaMterls a fawdaya. They will net
tealde at the elergy heuM ea their removal
hare next fall, but the blahep will aeeure a
hoeMMaewnere aear the MthedraL Mrs.
Kalght Is a vary pleaant woman, of
medium height, and a blonde, a third
daughter remained at Lancaster.
At 8 o'clock Monday evening Dr. Knight,
aoeompanted by Dr. Wright, Dr. Ashley,
Dr. Httey. Mr. Morehouse and the Revs
Little and Smythe, visited the elergy bona
and viewed tbe arransemenu at the cathe
dral for the oenaeoratlon- en Tueeday. A
large number of ohurebmen met tbe parly
at tha cathedral and all ware very favorably
impreaaea witn tne Dienop-eieei.
Tee cosMeraUea.
The MllwaukM Journal of ths 20th ays:
A mere perfect day for the eonaaeratlos of
the new blahep of MllwaakM could net
pealbly bave ban daired. Tbe tapering
eplre of All Balnta' eathedral pointed te a
vault el m dap azure m that wbleh bends
ever eunny Italy, Bad tbe air, while soae
tee warm, had a aprlng freshnas about It
Indicating the nearaeM of "the glad time et
the year."
Dr. Knlgbt la thua described : "Hels
aoareely et medium height, well propor
tioned, bla face and figure being auggeatlve
of reaeluteneia and determination. 'He
loeka like a fighter,' aald aa latarMtsd
layman ramlnatTvaly, 'and I guaa he will
DMd te be In tbla dloeeae, ' he added. Hia
dark hair ehewa a growing tendency te
become Iren gray, hia aemewbat dap at
eye overhang by well defined set te ay
bavy eyebrow, have a thoughtful leek,
and tha whole expression of hla faee ta tbat
of a atedenf, who, en oeomIob, eaa become
a positive man of affaire, He wm of oearae
attired after tbe eeual meaner of gentlemen
of tbe cloth, and la affable and dignified la
his bearing. 'Mark my word for It,' Mid
tbe lay mas before quoted, 'be,' (with a
marked ampbaalaen tbe pronoun) 'ia going
te be blabep of thla dloeeae aud no one
The Journal hu a three-oeluma ecoeunt
of the ordination oaremenlea In the oathe eathe
dral where the floral deoeratlona were
magnificent, and tee entranee of tbe procea precea procea
alenmade an Impresetve epeouele. All
the clergy were tbelr festival vestment.,
but one black atele being aees In all the
number. Conspleuoua In tba line were tne
black heed a of the baobalera, masters and
doctera of aacrad theology with tbelr bright
linings of blue, white, scarlet or maroon,
while tbe cblmerea and roebata of tbe
biabepa and tbe violet oeltMot theoruelfer,
made a ill another centrMk
Bl.bep Seymour In bla armen addressed
Dr. Knight m a college friend and elaa
mate, and exhorted blm te fellow tbe foot
step of the trio of biabepa, Kemper,
Armltage and Wellar, te wbeM chair be
aucjeeded. At the oenoluslon of tbe "Vent
Creater" a dMp bush fell upon tbe great
congregation ana reverently ana eeiemniy
the biabepa present laid tbalr banda upeu
the bead or tbe kneeling postulant, tbe
residing blahep My ing, "Reeelve the
lolyUbeat for tbe tttlee and work of
a blabep of tbe church et Ged
by the linpoaiuen of ear hand, In the
name of tbe Fattier aad et tbe Sen and of
tbe Hely Gbeat Amen. Aed remember
that thou atlr up the gra-ie of Ged, whleh ta
given thee by tbe Ira position of ear need;
ler Ged hath net given ua tbe apirlt el fear ;
but et power and love end aebarneaa," and
Oyrua Fredetlek Knlgbt In direct euocee.
alen from tbe deye when Christ aent forth
tbe twelve opeatlee, became tbe fourth
blabep et the dloeeae of Milwaukee, Then
the pretldlng blabep predated him, Blahep
Knlgbt, allll kneeling, with a copy et tbe
Scriptures, after wbieh he wm alae pre
atnted with bia pMteral staff, with the In
Junction that ba prove a faithful abenberd.
'men, aiianaea ey tne presenting Disnepa
with Rev. Dr. Ashley preeealng him m
tun-bearer, Blahep Knight wm een due tail
te the Kplaeepal throne ei biaeer-, tha elergy
and audience rising te their feet and alng
Ing "Ta Deum Ludamns."
Tee Evening Wieceniin hM a longartlele
en tbe oenaeoratlon of Blabep Knight, and
an excellent portrait of htm.
WlU raeM Be BalaaslnsOT
Milwauxbx, Wta., March 28. New that
Rlgbt Rev, Blahep Knlgbt hM formally
entered upon bla dullee m the bead of tbe
Eplaoepal eburch la the dleecM et Mil waa.
kee, there ta no little epecnlaUen regordleg
the policy whleh he la likely te pursue
toward the antagonistic high chureh aad
low oherch element In the bailiwick. It
ta pretty well recognized that thla la one of
the meat difficult dloeaea la the United
StntM te govern, and that the Christian
aeul aad paUanee el the late Bishop WellM
wm often Mverely tried and taxed by the
MH-eatbedral party, the earna element, by
the way, that broegkt dlaatar te ths hepa
of thefrtSBdeet tM UaeUtewl JeeMS D
Moves, Thea who are laths eoefldtsoe
ef the bsw btabee ay, however, that be ta
eta Baas lei awed aay BoaaeaMi that hla
leederahlp will be flra aad eeaaervaUve,
bat that, while be will befraad tobeaa
Btresg a eburehBMS upea bread Cathelle
greaadaM the acet devoted Epreeepaliea
oeald wleb, yet he eaa ba depended epos
te give abort ehrtftte the "anil" eleaeat
aheald It attempt te oeaae into colltales
with him. , Toe things are eertaia i either
paaoe will reign at laat la the dloeeee,whch
hM se long beea tern by laterael dtaaea.
Bieaa, or there will be acme lateratlng
aaale la the sir.
same Maws via tha 'Jearaai" ef Btleaa, Bas
alt Herttaea's Saarmepar,
HBLBrtA, Meat, Mareb 98 The Daily
Journal laat eight received the following
apedal dlaptleh from Washington t " Pral Pral
deatHarrlaea deM net dMlra It te be
saderatoed that any general rule or general
prteetple will operate te hap all Deme,
crate te. offlee till the expiration el their prae
est eoamteeteaa. Each esee will be tahea
ap Mparstaly and upon Kb distinctive
malts. Olrcumataneaa wbleh will operate
te held la poaltlen one offleer, will aet
saeaailly have say loflaeaeaapos another
esse, The lmpreailen haa gene abroad that
It will be ths policy et the administration te
permit all Democrats who are efn efn
eteat In their pottilena te Mrve til1
the end of the time spaelfled ta
their oematlatona, and that tfHeers
wlU set be removed ea the ground of
efleaalve parttaanahlp. Tbla nay held
geed la apeolfie etais, but It oannet be
applied m a general rule. There are be
otOetal or technleal terma In this sd mints mints
trallea m there wm la the last, knows m
"effeaalrs parti a taablp" that la te lay,
efllwrs ebargtd with being cflenalvaly
partisan and removed ter that mess,
There are ether aud better ways of
making vacancler. There are a aulficiant
somber of cfllears who are Inefflelent te
make aa almeat eamplete ehange In tbe
control of the federal asryles throughout
the country, Thepoalalaervleela laterrl
bly demerallajd oendltloa and II all the
taernaleat Damoerata were removed tktre
weald be few Damoerata left. Tbe easts
may truthfully be said el a majority of
federal officers who bold otutnlaalens
iaued by Prealdent Cleveland. "
Tha rail BlvsrBUIiAgata la Oparatlett With
Meetly full rercse.
Fall Rivbb, Maaa., March 28.-AU the
milia were running this morning, except
the Amarlean linen mill, narly ell with
their fall oemplement of weavers. The
llaea tnille were net ready te etart np os
aoeouut et the Inoemptetanaa of aeme
repairs te maehlnery. It la expected that
they will be ready te atari te-morrow.
At narly all tbe nilUa the weaverawera
gladly wsloeaed tbla morning.
At tbe Poeaaatt mljiabeut 60 waavara
who bad bees wetklaf os feney goods
before the atrlke were told thta morn
lag that tbelr pistes bad bees filled eed
that If they wanted work os print
eleth loeaat, they could have It. They
tef eeed aad all staid out. They ay that ea
the loesw which were offered they would
ears a dollar aad a halt par wak Iih thaa
ea the fsaey goods, aad they did net care
te go In under a out down, They will held
b meeting thta afternoon.
At the Oabetn mill Ne. 2, about forty old
WMvers were refaaed work.
At soma ether mllla Individual eaaM are
reported. All tbeM eaaea will be oeaaidared
by the WMvera' oemalttM at a meeting te
be held te nlgbt.
There t a growing far that aeme of these
who bave been meat active In oenduotlng
the atrlke may be blackllated.
A Member of sssaler and Uihsrs uau at the
White Hess.
WAaaiNUTON, D. C, Mareh 28 A cold
and rainy forenoon did net afford soy
raplls te Pratdent Harrison, from the
army of callers-offlea Sahara and ethera
that oengregata at tbe exaeutlve mansion
almost every day, In faet tha orewd to
day wm m large m It hM ban aay day
alnee General Harrlaen'a inauguration. The
lobbies sBd waiting roemaol ths tnsnaiea
were crowded duileg tbe entire morn
ing sad long after neon, whan the
hours Mt apart for vlaltera ahoeld
end, tbey were allll comfortably
filled. ThrM memtxrs of tbe cabinet,
BeeretariM Procter and Neble, aad
Peatmaatar General Wanamaker had later
views with ths president, Tbs latter
remained for a long while and Incurred the
dlsplMture of aeme of tbe watting appli
cant for cfllee. Juttlee Grey, of the
supreme oeurt, wm an arly caller. Seaatera
and repreaentatlvM ware net numerous;
but Mveral of them broegbt delegatlena
ranging from thrM te hall a dcun. Benaters
Manderecn, Stanford, Farwell, Cullera,
Sherman, Blair, Voerheee, Uawley,Oerman,
ex-Senater Lewis, Repreasntstlve Perklna
and Andersen, of liana, were among
tbeM who aaw the praldenk Kf preaenta
tlve Celeman, et Leulelana, presented
Her. S. T, Olauten, of New Orlana, and a
delegation of oelored baptlat mlnlateia.
General Harrison Allen, and ex-Governer
Tcxm, the man who kept bla vow net te
ahave or out bla balr until Henry Clay wm
elected prealdenLtwere alae among the
fortunate euea who aaw tha prealdent.
Representative MoUemaa beaded a Mary
land delegation that wanted te make aeme
arrangements for tbe distribution el tbe
federal cttleera In Maryland, and General
Felix Angur, of the Baltimore American,
and Adam King, of Baltimore, called la
tbe Internet of appllcan'a for positions In
HatsWad stay Met u Oemirruid.
Wahuisute.v, D. C, March 2A fhe
oppeaitlon le the nomination of Murat
Halateed te be minister te Germany hM
developed meat strangely te-day. There
ware Mven Republican eonaters who felt
hurt at the erlUclsnie paaaed upon them
for eupperting Senater Payne duilng
the een test ever hla election te the Senate,
Seme of these anatera .till held a grievance
agalnat Mr. Ualstead, and frlenda of the
administration My te-day that If Mr. Ual
stead la confirmed, It will be by
Democratic vole. Senater Cullem,
who waa aald te have gene
te the president with a pretest against
Mr. Halatead, aald te a repraentatlve et the
United Prees this afternoon I "1 have
net spoken te aneter or te membera
of the cabinet or te the president
about Mr. Halatead. Of ceuree, 1 have my
vlewe and my opinion, but these I de ret
care te expreat. Hew any olaerlaenatera
reel about Mr. Halatead, I de net knew for
I bave net talked with them."
Bisen la tha Lead.
Phevidkncb, R. L, March 23 The Joist
aaambly took a ballet for United StatM
Muater at neon te-day whleh resulted M
fellows, 62 being necaasry te a cheice:
Dixen, 41 Wettmere, 31; Arneld (dem.).
10; Celt, S; Goddard, 4; Dnrfee, 6; Tatt, 1,
Tbe ass in bly adjeurued until te morrow.
A tlet.l Uerii.d.
Olbam, N. Y., Mareh 28 The Cerry
hoeM la this plMS wm burnsd thta mera.
leg. But little et the oeatssts wm Mved.
riHKHfiN r.r.iRr v-
VHHV., v.u.. -
" a '
The waaaMy Taka paaee At Me
Be ia BamsMrg aaa Oct the I
ttva Wltasw It-Bay
sivM TMBrieat eMBiasa:'
. -fel
xt ARRfSBORO, PA , MBTOb 21. ThO I
luge of MlaMargatttaCaaMies,the I
daughter of UaHed fJHstet BeBeear J.
sidcaasree, sad Mr. J. WUllsa
sea ei the atiiieaalre thread aaeaa
of Newark. N. J., took bIsm at i
day at Beaater Camares's teeHaae, i
Frest asd State atreeta. Bar, Creerga I
vuauiuae, or tae arse boom .
Ohanh. thai ettv-.'aaM Ba. Tte.
theDBteb Referraed ehsreh, ef
ouietaiea mms Kaehei CasaSfes
Clark, of Newark, were the btl
and Mr. Geerge BaUeaUee. of Newetk. '
the groea'a beat swa. ;u
ealy the laaaedtate reUUvM of tba
statUtae were prasat, ,$ -
AnertheoereBAeay ereeeptiea toil
rriesaawM held aalll ado e'ateefc.
Mr. sad Mis. Clark took a PeaseyU
railroad trala for the Bast They
apead their honsymeoa la Ksreas,
The preeeata te the brlee were a
aa acet oeatly eoueetiea of aeaas, I
geM aad aUver plate, daeaatad ehtae,'!
The mssiles wm baattfaliy
with flowers sud bUbm frea "I
Ue aeaatet'a eeuaUy realdasee. -
AtTLUra BBaoLemiat AtMsrrsAV ?
The lent Agvaa a levaaatejaa the Ctaees
afaaaMlaainaisBa xJ
Harrisbdre, March 28 la the I
te-day tbe aeua Mil aatberlatag I
MMepttaaMwage ays
The bill te raqsire a tut of
coal te weigh 2.W0 Besade wad
with BBwodaaeBt, fixtag tbe wetsMati
Deaada. -"-
The bill wm faveraely raparted 1
lag a eorperetles frea wgagsag si
ether baeaaaa thaa that hreaertaed by I
ayua enerea a reaiauea. wbms
adopted, provtdlagfer tbe i
a Jetat Maatlttes te Inquire late the) (
ueaa of taetitaueas aappertad at
a inwi nj tarn aaaea.
Aiargeportiesofthe uateeiihe
wm taken ap Is amending thigessiM I
Ia the Houa abest a doses i
bills ware pared finally, i
hill appreprletlag te'
eaeh atreet aBrreaadiag the
A reeotuUes wm adopted
out trea governor gtvlag
estPleyaeat te eeldlers.ksasM ef at
tatlenal defect. '' ""&
Oaa. litan Ptaeed a aa i
WAaaiitaTOM, Mareb td, Oi seats J
u. urait, as lssaae aray esusr, i
Pa, aad wm plaeed ka
hnaBllal far tha taaaae
weighs ever Urse husdrsa I
aeoeoat et nis laereiatBg seasea' i
reeeaUy feaad taaptaatetad ter date sf 1
retinsg beard, he arrived la
ea Monday eveawg frea tbe Weli
setad Is a straage aaaser. He was
la oenlaeeMat aatll Uest
the ThUd artillery, took bla is
brought hla te Waahlsgtea, A
from Harrlaburg ays that tbe Bellas af
ouyeaiiavea that captata craft '
begged, robbed aad thaa plaeed ea the I
si aeme pout west, probably at
A. aTlfaal rata "- '
bPHineKiBtD, Mms, March 88. Tl-
heua of EideV-B. a dreeae wee
last sight aad Ids Grease, aged la, a
daughter ei B.B. eraasa, wag
data, Tba fire taaappeead te have aBMet
ILAerroea, m she wm la the lawasi
kapiH;af.M burnlagauRtghV.,
was foal
l. .k.-L. .W. 1
uuuuii) iuuua uwj wnvri
anything. A few eharredr ft
waaaaiisw .
all that wMteuad of the girl.
V S-.k ,
Nbw Yerk. Mareh St-aMlT
mernlag Ventes O. Blapses, M yeen-
si Masea street, Norfolk. V.
IhssffMtacifgMMphxystfea. Xfeegstt
leasa israeaeB is bm roea is the
westers hotel, 208 Okaakasstisel,
try sMtaeBt or aeBgw, te seti
deetar wm called Is bstSlaaesa. wss i
aitva waes oieeeversa, susai i
wards, Hta body wm takes ihaigi ef
Qetd BUaar a 1
Lea Ameblxs, OaL, Mareb Ml A
Mge received here last sight
serious riot Is pregraM at Nsw seats (
geld Bines, Lewer OaUferala.
bagaa la a new plaeer said,
quarts iMgM aieeever
both MexieBB end Aste
Amerteea aad two Mexicans save
hilled. Governer Toms hi harrytae:
i tbsaeeae whs aexieas avairv.
1 fighting Is expected.
I staay Tigsr-Baekara Take Tkaar Uiwi$;
Farm, March 28. Tweaty-eae
occurred at Mente Carle dertag Jess
and February, aad Mveral ere reported.
nave taken place daring the pretest i
TblaeeaaeB ta oeaaidared te have
thua far tha meat prospereos la the :
et ths cmibe, the winnings of the
February alone having bees f7fi0,008
Dediaye OBIef Baalaed.
Washikotek, Mareh 88. Pi
mlsslener Tanner aaa appelated Mr. A.'
jriaber, of North oareiiaa, te be MMf
el the pension cffle, vleeW. l
ralgned. Mr. F.aiMtaaewaialahat
elerk, ta a HepubUeaa aad wi
under Comm:aileaer Dudley.
Bauad fs Bsw Iwki
Dublin, March 28 The Ass
baU teama ailed frea QtimsBswb 1st 1
Yerk te-day, osthei
Americana received
at their departure. They me greatly i
ever their visit te Greet Brttals, and
preea themaeiVM m eertaia bum
sport levere will adept the gasw of I
. a .
Losidem, Mareh 88 Lord IIb1itbs
wm te-day proaeoBoed a haahawat'
by ths bankruptcy oeoit, Tbe eeart .esaa:
dcelded te begin a erlaUasl
agalaat Lord MaadavUle bteasM at
felM affldavlta made by hla.
A PreanUaMt Scatah Jaraat 1
Edimbubqu. Mareh 84 The Hen,
rich Prazsr. Judge et the ester hesessf I
huh court of Jaattee of SiMttasd, It I
" Tic
. - r
Alsamt-, N. Y., Mareh K9e,
B wineDurne, ex-aDayes m am sijj i
x-ceagremM, died at ah) reaafesei
thia city at 6:10 thte aetaiag, aged M.
W Asatinwrva, an i
law evetaa
. ?
V4. '"-'.y .
MrsHvi- --v
-v .
'.V-,i! J,
-. L-V
'1'.; A-f-v
?4, -