j::?& w a "L " "-: - -j . Sfc -. - - ?' ------- - ,& - -I-" " -""-' vv "i' '" T, - 'T,?rtg!7!?f vr &&? ' tfA:? r , --4W-" -l . A . -, "at At t- AS -r & J . 1 - PI? h. .. '" ' y. ,.. ..urxrfaPE '7jf'-sj - - v " . .'.TVMWHIIUtA-y '!'.- VXVvS a i. y ej . ,rt - .; .-' -. Al 7 b '. WlrtlME XXV-NO. ', MADDENED JT THE DIUY. OKt,taonAHirtuHXfeniCoaB&B bob. tarn n 01 Cfnktrri(i WIUBe IkMUIkl .tmW nmwM Be rtmlM M OMrf um im ema la Tfceaa By lk Gevetaansai. Wiebita, Keen, March 21 Tha latent reperte from Oklahoma Cltyatote that tha bmn who have disappeared frost their eleiaMandafataeeaeerl ta the ttedi e kIndlaa rtssrvatlets, have returned with the withdrawal of thaaeldlera, Kaehtreta brlnge hattdrada that have bMn hevartag along tha border. ' The txetteaaeat at Pared! aad ea tha border Is la tenee. Big or ewde await areaad tha telegraph aad newepapsr offleca te hear et President Barrlaen'a taaalag a prootaaaa preotaaaa proetaaaa lion. Tbe number olteomerale augmented by train leeda and wagon leedBOf would-be aattlara aad prcspeotera. Tbey hava been expecting tbe proclamation each day aad whan night comes, mMtertaga et dieep dieep pelattaeat aad denunelatlen are heard ea every hand. GeL Crocker, who baa labored te bold back tba Invealeu, aatd : " Bbenld tba vt-aalflaMtAafaw mnnh InnvAr. hlnrit will ha Lkl Pfa. i U AAA akllB nt-. In Ik MWi into w. ev,vw iruiM f-viv in tuw Obksiaaw nation alone te take op elalBM la tba tarrltety and dtaeppelntment baa fol lowed diaeppoletment until tbay are be eotnleg deaperate, " Vrorpeetote who bare recently arrived ate taking the aamea et tbeae who kave violated the provltlenaot the bill by enter. lag upon land and Intend te appear againet them te defeat their tiling elaima. An old man, who bad watched a piece of land ter alz jearr, yeaterday ata'ed that a band of almost 1,000 old boemera bad been formed aed an effort te dbpeeteea aey one of them wenld be death te the Informant. Tela league, be Bay a, la aeerat and growing Innumbera each day and that whether expelled or net, tbey will bold their elaima by force. The attnatlen la eertalnly or.tleal. TerKKV, Kane, Mareh 23. Kanaa Is about te deTelep a email Oklahoma exet ment all of her own. On the nertheia border of Shawnee county In which Topeka la altuated, He the PotUwatemle and Klok Klek Klok apeo Indian retervatlena, eleven mllea equare, containing 76,000 aorta. Tba laat Leglalature paaaed atreng reao reae reao lutlena urglag Oengreaa te make an appropriation looking te the open ing for hemeeteade of tbla tract Werd baa bean received from Cengreaaman Mor Mer rill aaylng that be haa aeenred the paaaage et a meature whleh appreprlatea 15,000 for the pnrpeae of negotiating with the Indian trlbea Intereated. Tela will eptn foratttle feratttle stent nearly 500 hemeeteade and will be of lee.tlmeble value te the aurreundlng ooun eoun oeun tiea. MABterrA's t. at. e. a. QoT.rner Jamaa A. Btaver u.llrtr tba Anal. veraerr Addrtea. The Marietta branch of tba Yeung Men'e Ohrletlan aaaoelatlon held ita aeoend annl annl vereary en Friday evening, at the Praaby tarlan ohuieb, In that borough. Prier te the anniversary there waa a reception at the room of the aaaoelatlon, at whleh a large number of peieina called and paid, their leepeete te Governer Beaver, who waa ea the pregramme for an addreas. The exeretaee at the char eh brgan at 8 eV ok with an overture by the orebeetre, alter whleh the aaaoclallen aung a aeleotlen and Bev. J. .Duegan offered prayer. A aeleotten et Serlpturta waa read by Rev. A. T. Stewart and alter a aeleotlen by a double male quartette the reperta of the aeeretary and the Lidlee' AuxllUry, ehewlng tba pregreaa made during the year, were read. Next 'en the pregramme waa an addreaa by Preeldent J. J. MoNleboll and bla aubjeet waa "Qecd reaulte of laat yeat'a work." The anniversary addreaa waa delivered by Governer Beaver, who haa been oennected with Yeung Men'e aaoelatlona for many yeara. The folteivlog are the effljere el the aaao aaae aaao olatlon; Preeldent, J. J. BoNleholl; lit viee preeldent, J. U Brandt; 21 vice preeldent, Etta Oreeb; aeeretary. Claude h. Orefl; treaaurer, Albert D Wlkej oarreaeondeat aeereury, Qea 8. EUle; librarian, F. F. yobeBeer. The tfueara el the ladlea-auxlllary are : Preeldent, Mrs, A. N. Ouael ; vlee preel dent, Mta. J. Djngtn ; eeeretary, Mlaa Minnie KrMman; treeiurer, Mite Mary Bewman. . Una of BVaokierd'e frlende. Lewie Kobleaon, et Bcneybroek, who served three yeara in Jail for being Impli cated In eeveral rebbsrles a few ytara age, waa returned te JU In Weat Cheater yesterday morning for aleallng harneee of Thomaa Wlndle, of Ceateevllle. Tha property was all found at the borne of the prlaener. Be waa aenteneed te three yeara' Impris onment en Mareh SO, 18S1 Oa June 18th, 1883, be eeeeped wltb Tehn Frenkferd and several ether prtaenerr. Frenkferd and the ethers were eoen eaugbt by the author Itles, but Roblnaen auecaeded In evading the offleere for eeveral mentba. Be finally returned and gave blmeelf up en October ii, 18S2, and eerved the balanee of his term and waa releaaed en Apt 11 21, 16S8. The Street Oonunleetener'i Hide, Street Uoaamlaalener Bertc takes some eioeptlon te statements made about blm In the lhTBLLiasNOEB artiele en elty eleo elee eleo tlena thla week. Be Bays that a number of people In thle city, and among them polltlelaca, don't like blm and B& against Mm because be won't be beaeed by them, and will net de work juat wbes and where tbey aey. These men are new trying le beat htm. In regard te the complaint that he le aurly he eeya that when people approach biro In a respectable manner he treat them with reepeet, bnt when they try te bultdese him he treat, them aoeordlngly. Be thinks bis record for doing plenty et work during the patt aummer has been very geed. There are many ethers who think the same way. I he una Cleb The LtncMter Qen club faeld a meeting laat evening, at wbleh the following offleeie ter tha j ear were eleetel : Preeldent, W. Parke Cummlngi; aeeretary, Jamea C. IietmacJ; treasurer, S.Clay Miller t Jejptalr, Bubert Andersen. a x committee wes appointed te leek after eultable grounds. The next regular sheet will be Leld en next Tbureday, and tbey will be given every two weeks thereafter. BtdueUea la Wecae. The Peen Iren oempany petted a notice in the mill thle morning etatteg that In two week irem dale the price el puddling will l)ereduoedte3.b0per ten, aad all ether will work in the tame proportion. Thla makes about a ten per cent, reduction. Slmllerneticeewere peitedjn the mills ta CelumbliT- OUttlbated Dash frlxes. Tba Metropolitan Insurance oempany offered prizee te their sgente making the beat aaewlng during the laat four mentba. Last evening Aeauiant Superintendent Jenes distributed 1100 In cash aateagA. Mehsffey, W. A. Barle, J, C. Oeeaaaear mJ. W.XagllBh. BU.jMBataaatTittafl 'yfevfeMfMBki 188 -SIX PAGES, v uuun BeMBB. !?2S,?l2fw-w,, "fweBtattvaatiB KBBaae OMr. latea, tsiel Ik taUewaag lataieslaag story et aha Marja,BeweBaE tblaklwaesL K!f US 2SSIHIS!'kVu3 ""j wj mm wauiaa : "Ubeb tha anal aaaeaaeeataat thai tha waa right the whole eaaap would balkrekaaap aad tba tribe would atari la If" .toree npeB tha hut. A few aharp. ekhtedoldaeoutawouldbelaUevaaaMl keep tkatrlba aeaied as te tkw location aad 5!,JLbr0.w llra in ditarsat alasa and potato el toaeraecUea. When a suitable hard waa feuad the warrlera would atop, mount their favorite hunting home and prepare for the ateaghtar. The bow was made et hickory weed, about four feet leag, covered with a te made et the boiled autewaef tha btsea, id Bttffeaeaah te aarra aa a lamnt tvi BetwBhataaiiagthle straagtb, tha Indian would band thalmwalaMM double before aaadlag tha arrow te tha winds. It waa atruBgwIt&theeerdwbVakruaB from the top efa btteB'a hump te hie tall, able cord being first wrapped with small strings of ataewa. The arrow waa from thirty te thirty. Cafe lawhea la leagtfc, eimeflttlseelMaUleed heu, tipped with several feather, and vlng tha familiar flint head tied ea tha front end. Frem the head grooves are out la tha arrow se aa te let tha bleed flew freely. Tha greet warrlera aemetlaea had arrows made of bone, and la later daya tha white men taught the Indiana le use ttael arrow head. "Ab tha Indiana hunted them, tha race et bleen would probably have laatcd forever, but about 1866 the white men tamed their attention te um anaggy raeaatara of tha plalna. Large Eastern firms erganlaed auntlng partlea and paid the eboetera 12 60 for each bleen where lie lay dead en the plains. I then went te Southern Nebraska and became a professional hunter. The Disen oeneietea ei two larea divisions, tim one llvlag'jn the Seeth aau tha ether la tha I North. Their only common feeding ground I was along the Republican river and Ita I hreaehea in Nebraiks. Tba Indians were well ewareet that fact, and heatlla tribes t have had many a fight for that territory. It waa net until 1873 that the government put aa end te thle by sending the Pawnees south aad tha Sioux te their northern rea. arvaUeaa. Prier te that time we bad te de all ei our hunting at the rlak of being aealpedatanytlme. " Oar favorite gun waa an army model of the Springfield rifle, tfeillbar. aad leaded With nla ety grain a of powder. The whites E atterned after tha Indiana and hunted ea orsebaek. Bavlng wagons te haul bur Erne, we did net eare te olrele' tbem.aa the dlane did. When a herd was located we would mount our best heraee,and aa quietly as possible approaeh the herd from the lee ward aide, ab seen aa they eaw ua the fun would begin. Although of a low build, the bison wliTmake a very interesting race with a horse for ten miles. We would preea up en the right flank et the herd and ride be ftloaate the animals that our nut wnniit toueh tha aide when fired. The meat deadly uu. waa te urn quartering tnreugn ine lunge, be that the animal would bleed te death. In tela way we would fellow the herdasloegaaourhoraeaoouldetandlt. On one ettheee rnne 1 killed 113 bison, none of wbleh were mere than 100 yarda apart la riding back an awful atgbt was pieeented te the eye. The trail was marked by dead and dying anlmala, An oeoaaional big bnll would have a broken back, be that he could only get np en bis fore legs, and nothing could leek mere furious than his shaking bead, with coal-black eyes glaring a death atare from 'his shaggy front We received our pay for the anlmala dead en the plains, aad wagons followed ua up, quartered tha anlmala and ahlpped the aaddla and tallow te Eastern markets. "About 1871 tha bide hunting begs?. Prier te tbla time little or no attention waa Eld te the eklne, but when the demand for em created a high prlea tbe meat waa allowed te ret upon tbe plalna, and thla megnlneent raee waa extinguished elm ply that extravagant tastes might be Battened. With the imprevemente In firearms an entirely different mode et hunting was adopted. 'The Springfield army nun waa auperaeded by a repeating rifle of 50 caliber and leaded with 110 gralnB et powder. Tbe hunter need hla nerae only in finding a herd. Tbla done, we would go te tha leeward elde, ee that tbeaeent ofthepewder and report would net reach tbe animals, and find a suitable shelter about 1,000 yarda distant from them. I have killed them at a dlatanee of a mile. Bunting In tbla way we bed te be very particular and watch the beard olesely. Like a herd of cattle, tbe bleen are always en the go, and are ept te walk cut et rifle range In a abort time. In moving, however, tbey always have a leader, and the triek wee te kill any one that atarted te lead the othera off. By tbua killing the leaders wa oeuld often aboetfor an beur from behind oneclnrep of grass. When they bad moved ent of range tbe skinners would come up, out tbe hide In tbe ordinary way for, skinning, tie tbe antmal's head te a atake,hlteh a tatm of heraee te tba hide and Jerk It off Ne one will ever knew what Immense numbare et bison were killed by, these hide buatets, bnt te my certain knewledges. 000,000 bldee were shipped from the banseef ua French man rivsr In one winter. Tba hide hunters by a ayatem et flree kept tha bleen from the suesma until many of them perlabedand theueanda et etbera were easily killed. At tha close et that winter a man oeuld go along the banka of tbe Frenchman for fifty miles by aim ply Jamplng from tbe careaas et one bleen te that et another. Conalder Cenalder Ing facta et tbla kind, It la net Burprlalng tbataamall tame herd and a few old clreua anlmala represent tbe greet berda whlcb, lees than a quarter of a century ego, black ened miles of prairie aa a thunder olead darkena the aky." m , Liberated ever Blztr Trainpe. Over 60 trampe were let loete lu Btadlng Friday afternoon. During tbe past week tbe time of the criminal oeuit waa mostly taken up In tbe disposal of vagrant eases. Of these about 20 wereaenteneed te various tsrms le jail, from eeven mentba te a yesr. The oeurt tben, getting tired et lumbering up tbe cells with tbe remainder, ordered tbe dliebarge of thereat upon the prom lee that tbey leave the county. The grand J ary earns Inte oeurt during tbe afternoon and in a lengthy report suggested that all tramps who make application and receive aeoemmodatlone at the almshouse aheuld be erx pleyed en the gravel bill en tba premises, and aa te tbe tramps wbe are sent 10 tbe oeunty prison, the officials aheuld compel them te break atone Inte apalla, te be eitber minted en tbe premises or die posed of, from wbleh antfielent oeuld be readied te defray the expenses et keeplcg tbe vagrants. A Marrow Ksespe. As Bsrrlsburg Express was pulling out of tba Pennsylvania railroad elation laat evening, two brothers by the name of Weltberal, who live somewhere near Lan dlavllle, ran up North Queen street te beard ua train. When they reached tbe cretalng tbe train had almeat paaaed and waa run ning rapidly. One ei tbe men eaught held of the Iren el the ear and was dragged en the platform some dlatanee weat of the elation. Beheld fast,however,and managed te get en beard. Bla brother would net run the risk and was left i A large crowd wltneaaed the action et the men and tbey were sure tbey would be killed. It aeemc that tbe one that bearded tbe train did net knew what became el bla brother as ha oamebaek toLaneaster at 9.35 and feuad blm well. Illgta Unhw, There la cecaiderable of a cbange in tbe amount of money pall for licensee new and what it was two years age. Te-day Jacob F. Sbeafler, wholesale liquor dealer, took ent the licenses for bis store in Centre Square, and bis distillery en East King street Tbe earn paid by him la tl.OOO, which is larger tben that of any ether wholesale dealer In tbe city. Twe years an these aame lleeaeee would have coat 125 each. Held fur Coef, O. Weldmaa had a hairing this morning before Alderman Beiahey ea tha charge of jaaUeieae a teak let. 8a waa held la bail MMMMtl KkMWtt asBve IMMdll Beet TBB UQUOB BBAU mtejr Take aeeae fawarae aa OesaaitaMea ta . Of its aba asBiBBBBeas. , Thera waaa'Btaattagef hotel aad aaloea bmb aa FrMey ansrnoea at Maaaareker hotel eaNetthPrlaee street Itwaaaalled fee tba paraesa of making arraagaaaaata te take eeme aetlea la regard te eppaslat prohibitory amend meat, te dteaaaa Mgh lleenee, ate. About thirty faneu war preaaat, and a temporary orgaalattlea waa formed by tba election of Bdward O. Kail preaMaat, Freak TeaM. aeeratery, aad Jehn A. Snyder treasurer, fipeaeawa war made, by Pntllp Blenfage aail Jeha Barbay, of (Reading, rf preeeaaMlvea of tha Wa a Liquor Lague,aad U waa resolved te all tha omaiatUea "The Licensed Liquor Dealeta et Laaeaatar Odaaty," A. exaaimittoeea resolutions waasppeUled eoaeiatlagef Jehn fJebeam, Freak Tenia, Jeha A. Sayder", Jeseph HaiffaerWllltam Bale. A committee waa also appointed ta aaa Lancaster county's lepreeeatetlvea la taa tegteiaiura aad eeeertala whether liquor dealers In Laaoaater oeunty are te pay 300 or 1500, Tha next meeting will be held en aext Tbureday, whea arrangaaaeate will be made for holding' a eaanty convention te which all liquor dealers,, bcewera add ether persona Intereated In tha aale or Btaaafao Btaaafae ture et liquor In the oeunty wlU be Invited. . , LAB O AITBB LODQ B 0 GOOD TBB FX ABB, The Btcead Auatvenary Celebrated Oa frldey Bvealeg,. The eeeoed anniversary of Laaeaatar Ledge Ne. 01; Independent Order of Qetd Templars, waa celebrated In their hall, In tha Kepler building, en Friday evealeg, wun a urge atteaoanee. 'The following was the pregramme of exercises : Singing, by tha ledge ; prayer, Kev, E.W. Bucket singing, choir s addreaa teburfrteude, L. B. Kauflmans repenae, Sev. E. W. Barke singing, Jennie Bkeee; reclteUen, B. Mungall; reading, Marys. Gardner i alnging, Mlaa Skeen ; recitation, 8. Mungall; recitation, May Ksattmaat alnging, quartette ; hletery of the ledge, F. O. Mnaaart addresaea by Wm. Baaa and Bev. E. W. Burkt. The antertalament waa under tha direc tion et the following oeatmltlee : . Geerge B. Wiener, 8. E. steal F. O. Muaatr, Mlas Leu Myers, Mlaa O. Vlnle HeneeL Tha ledge ta in a prosperous oendltlor, the, membership having largely Inereesid during the patt year. m MBVBB BAWKBlUtOSD OABS. ', A Teuag Man IB Testa Out Wanders Away. Hie Falee Loekleg Ter Blan. , A. M. Zimmerman called at the station home laat night and reported that hla bob waaleat Bis son Is 10 yeare old, aad came te this city irem near Blue Ball with hla lather, with a lead of tobaeeo, whleh waa delivered at tone et tha Charlette street warehouses. It waa his first visit te the city, end he had never Been a railroad train. Tha paaaage of trains en tha Beading rail road attracted his attention and about S o'clock in the afternoon ha eMataed par. mtaalen of hla father te walk ever te the railroad te leek at the ears. That la tha last aeen of him. Mr. Ztmmermea aseared that part of the city In seareh et bla bob aad falling te find him be reported the aatler at tha atatlen "beuae. Tna offleere were Inatrueted te be en tba lookout for the young man, but np te neon te day they had beard nothing of him. 0500,000 1MOBBBBB PBB OAT. TbeTreastir7larplDS Oeatleaes te Swell si a Bapld Bate. The treasury aurplua haa been steadily Inereaalng for eeveral davs pest, and new amounts te 850.200,000, or 16,000,000 mere than It wte ten daya age. Tbis taereaae la due te tbe greet exeera of receipts ever disbursements since tbe first of the tnentb. The receipts te date aggregate 128,200.000, While the expenditures during tbe same period amount te a little ever 112,000,000, lneludlng about $2,000,000 paid out en account et pensions. Until recently tbe receipts and expenditures have been pretty well balanced by tbe purebaae of bends, but thla method of applying tbe aurplua haa been cenelderably hampered of late by the light offerings. The purchases have been confined te 4f peroent bends, but tbla la partly dna te the blgh prleee aaked for the 4 per cents. Secretary Wisdom bee announced hJa pur pose of continuing, for tha preaent at leaet, tha eetem of purchases adopted by bis predeoMeer, and that hs would willingly Increase the purcbatee if the offers permit ted it Be has been urged te reaume tha purchase of 4 per eenta. aa a mera profitable nee of the aurplua tban the parehase of 4Jf per cents. Be decUuw, however, te make known htavlewe en tbla aubjeet beyond tba statement that hla policy aa te taa i rauat be determined by the treatment et the eflera. " Olerteal Untrermf. from tbe Mew Yerk Tribune. , r( A prominent Episcopal clergyman et thla city aay a that tbe bishops of the Epleoepal church are rapidly coming te believe that a dlHtlcetlve Episcopal drtas is vsry desirable. ".Before long," be eaya, ' the ebevel hat, knee breeches, blsck silk stockings and silver shoe buekles of the Anglican prelate will be tbe prevailing dreaa et our bMbeps. Tha movement In thla direction reoelvee a great lmpetua laat aummer, when the American bishops attended tbe great Anglican ayned in Londen. Obe or two of our blehepe have already ventured te appear In the English dress; but tbey have been aemewbat discouraged by tbe Irreverent American amell boy, who shouted "Sheet der bet' and -Git en te der soaks' when they appeared In tbe streets. Heme of enr right reverend fathers are also aald te be anxious te wear a mitre when officiating, and te have an Eplaceptl pas toral atait carried before them en all cere monial oceaatona. Amerleana need te beast that tbey were above aueb things aa uni forms, but tbe day when such a beaat wte pcaslbia la long slnee gene." Tbey Were Itet atr. Blcbellt'e rt.TeU.ra, Chief Hmeltr received a telegram last night from Marshall Frey, of Baltimore, giving a description of tbe articles In tbe possession e! Tbes. W. Lawrence, whose Brreet en suspicion waa noted yeaterday, Tbe oeet marks en the revolvers snd ether geede were net these of Mr. Elobbellz, end a message te that eflect baa been Bent te tbe Baltimore officials, Beraro tba Mayer. The major dlipeaed of five caaea this morning. Four were ledgera snd were discharged. Tbe filth men claimed that be bad never been en Inmate of tbe Lin caster atatlen house. The reoerda ahewed tbsthe bad. Be waaaent te JaU. Tba Ban -at a Buceeta. The apron bactar of tbe Lutberana In Mettfeti'a building, en North Queen street, waa well attended laat night. It baa been auch a great eucjees that it will be kept eptn te-night yet. Death et alia. Mama tVblteea, Meme WbUsen, daughter of Geerge Wblteen, a prominent citizen of Gbrtatiaua, died at bar home en Friday. She had been au Invalid for about two years. She was 30 years of age and a popular lady. Bar funeral takes place Monday morning at 10 o'clock. , A Blight Wreck. Laat evening some box eare were being ebtfted en tbe aiding of Beumgerdner Ebermae, which runa across Prince etreet, from the Pennsylvania railroad, at the ewltch one car Jumped tha track aad was run en tbe ground aoaee distant. Finally lta'jruckegalnBtalumber pile, breaking a number of Urge sticks and bearda, Tha aarkadtkatraek ten freem It aad wag LtfaUT LANCASTER, PA., SATURDAY. DOWN COME. THE WAGES- LBUaariBBaueiiOB biadbbv COLVBB1A IBOB OOarAMI They Will ray as se Per Tea Tar reeding Irea AKer April tt-sakj tete Ol Beveral ftarraeaa te Be rraaeaed la tba Beveaga Charebea Oa Busday. Cemjbcia, March 23 Tba Columbia rolling mill company, Butqeehanna Irea company and Columbia iron company pieced notions In their mil la at 11 a. am. to day te tha effect that after April 8 tba price of puddling Irea would be 3 50 per tea aad ail tea prices In proportion. The reduction waaaotexpteted by tha Irea workers, bat tkey wilt aeeept tha rata bow aanouaeed. The following ertler of eervleee will be etaxved en Sunday la St Paul's P. B. ehareh : Bely communion, at 8 a. aa. I morning aervtce at 10.-20 o'clock, earaaea by Rev. Franela J. Ciay Meran, reoter,'on tha anbjeel "GheeUy Buength"; evanlag aarvlce at 7UJ0 o'clock, aubjeet for.' tha aarmen "Qantleneea and Goodness." Mon day will be ebeetved as tha Annaolsilen of the Bleaeed Virgin Mary aad holy oeav munlen will be edmlntatered at 100 a. av Kev. O. B. Betts, pastor et tbe Chareh of Ged, will preach en Sunday morning ea the aubjeet Tne Bellever'e Art of Content ment" Bubjeet la the avenlng Family Distinction." At the Second etreet Lutheran ohureh tha pastor, Key. Willie Ulnman, will preach en Sanday morning en tbe aubjeet, 'Belt cr GbrkU-WblchT" Subject for the evening aarmen, "True Bumlllty. " Yeung paepla'e prayer meeting of the society of Christian endeavor, aubject, " Doing Ued'a W11L Rev. E. Lndwlek, pastor et Bilema United Brethren cbureb, will preach ea Sunday morning en the aubjeet, The Be Be eredntaa of Vewa Made te Ged. " Subject for the evenlng eervlee, TheBaaal Bopa et aGlorleua Immortality. Tha new plpe organ et Bt. Jehn'a Luth eran ohureh haa been placed in posltlea aad wilt be ua:d for tbe first time en Sunday. . Kev. G. Gaul, tbe new ptater of the M. E. ohureh, will net preach ea Sanday ea aoeount et Blekness. Tbe pulpit will be filled by a minister sent by the presiding alder. Daniel Crowley, an employee et the Kaeley ateve oempany, waa carrying a ladle et molten Iren from tha cupola te tha meulder'a fleer yeaterday afternoon. Ilia feet slipped, causing the Irea te fall en hla Isft feet, aad reau ltlng n a severe burn. The Columbia Oatea club held a meeting last evening, when tba members decided te Changs the name te the Colombia Beat alnb. Tha beat house will be fitted np and a dressing room added. Sema of tha old beala will be Beld and new and mera com cem com medloua ones purchased. Aa effort will be made te have tha eharter ehanged te allow the club te bite beats for pleasure partlea, Mrs. Levi Crowley left yesterday for Koyeraferd, called thera by tha Illness et her alater. A short time after Mrs. Crowley left town a telegram waa rteslrcd an nouncing the sltter'e death. Jehn F.MUler, clerk at tbe First National bank, baa been appointed te tha position of Individual bookkeeper. Mlaa Alice Fenea entertained a number of her frlenda laat evanlag at her home 1b honor of hex 17th bltUiday. A party waa held at tha house of Barry Ulbba laat nlgbt whea about 20 oeuplee were preeent Musle for danelng waa furnished by Ulmer and Greve.- Twenty-five membere et Ghtqueealunga Tribe, Ne. 30, of Bed Men, went te Mount Jey last evening te vlalt Otacge Tribe, Ne. 60. Tbe visitors well er jeyed their visit. Mlaa Jennie 'Calef presented "Little Muffeta" In tbe opera house laat nlgbt te a fair audience. "An American Prlnecaa" will be given te-night Landle Wanbaugb la confined tebla home from the effeeta of a cold received at Wash ington. The mite acclety of tbe Second etreet Lutheran ohureh will bold a green tea this evening. . . , Tha Lay ten band of tbe M. E. ohureh will give ea entertainment thle evening. The Ladles' Working eoelaty of St Jehn'a Lutheran church will held a aoelable this avenlng In tbe vaeant stcteroem en Locust etreet Lest In Londen" will be presented la the opera house en Monday evening. Offleer Wlttlck arrested a tramp laat night while acting ouapteleuely en Maner street Squire Evans seat him te Jail for ten days, Tem Oelwell's S.ntenee, Tem Colwell, colored, was sentenced te undergo an Imprisonment of 18 menlte for attempted ataen In tbe early part et 188?. The caurl'e attention wis tben directed te tbefaettbatbe had been in prison Beveral mentba before eenteneeecd tbe punlabment waa tben fixed at 10 months imprisonment The clerk of tbe court wes net Informed of tbe cbange and the commitment at tba prison la for 18 mentba. Te-day Oelwell's oeunstl bad tbe error reeUQed. Bis term It about t xplrlng, wltb tlie commutation allowed for geed ;bebavlflr, and he will ta releeaed In a few daya. The Beep Ueuee Closes. Tbe city soup beuse oleaed te-day alter It bad been open for three months snd tbrce days. The bill of fare thle morning In In In oluded bean aeup, potaleea and bread. Billy Sbay cleaner! the heuse out te-diy and oleaed It up for a year. Ones Prominent Before tbe fubllc William Smttb, who figured laat aummer aa tbe defendant In tbe celebrated Bertha Beck abduction ewe, was In the elty te-dey. Bla business was at tbe register's office te make affidavit te tbe death of hla a lie which event occurred laat Saturday, i m ii Market Stalls Beld. Tbe dlreotera of the Farmera' Weatern market dlt p teed of the italle by anotlen to day. Tbe minimum price bid was f 15 and a number brought 30 caeb. Mere atslls were sold tban a year age. Bored Ifev Water aed found !.. Clinten, III,, March 23 Benjamin till), residing aeulh of Clinten, while boring for water, atruck a powerful vein of natural gas yeaterday. Stones were thrown out and tbe wheels of an engine were turned by tie eteaplng gas. Whulmip rielut; le Colombia, About twenty-five rcembeia of tbe Laa outer Ulcjole club will enjoy themeelvee te morrow, b taking a apln en their wbeela te Columbia. m A Small audience. The oempany of Battle Bernard Cbaae bad a miserably peer audience at Fulton opera hecae laat evening. The show Is deserving of much mere liberal treatment IJitoicel, Ellitbetb Lawrtnej, East liempneld, waa divorced from her hutbaed. Jtesb Law rence, en tbe groend of dcaertlen. m WsaTUBK IHDIUATIOWB. P Washington, D. C., Mareh 23. Fer Eastern Pennsylvania : Fair, station. ary 'emperaturej winds becoming MARCH 23, 1889. TBB aUttU or LBBCABTBB. Tha feUewtag beautiful original poem, was aaal te ua by a traveller who datea hie ewaamaaleaUea "Ba peasant" treaa Wayne Nebraska! V We reaataed ever Ike sabbath Bad t think I aevsr heard, even in dear old Kaalend, any tktac Beers tweet, mera atrcar. er mereatead fan of ten, than tha Bella of l.iaeaater."-. xaraet from letter. Blag ea let, Bella of Lancaster! Blag aaaauy forth I rlag fall ltlng free I renakea hopes, teag barfed jeye Cene trooping town the peat te eae i In taag'eA wastes of mire aad mate Deserted yeara wttb a rrewe sewn, loose taader telega with dewy eye, Like vletati la a Held new mown. Ok I willows, willows beading law I Okl wniews, willewa I btlfhtand green, Beneath thy shads ws heard the eatetes, U aad my willow erewaed Ctreaae We heard tha ebtmae. Ua Baataier a fade All gently cUrred the rlpsnleg com. The eeaileg lark aaag blithely forth Hie aaaaUeae levs aeaga te tha mera t flraad were the e utlea that 1 baUt And Btreeg the love, end leal the trust, Beheld t these cattice akauered lie t Aahea te aehea-deet te dstt It aha waa falee I Waat reeka tt new Onea mere the old love tnadly aa oils Aa front afar o'er pralrlee wide Faintly, 1 bear thy aoega eh I kells out tuneful Bella, Chi happy Belle, Oh I ehuaiBg Belli et Lancaate:) Blag en, eh I Belle of Lancaster I I catch the wild, tha thrilling atra'n, gata we mareh-wlth gilturinc ateel Off thre' tte eaorelag'a aalat sad rata Wa marched away-some eame net baekt Leng kave tbey alept In field or flood i Answering their eeantry'e call they gave 1 hair youth, their strength, their llTes, their bleed. Proudly thy noble banners waved In troubled llmet-new htply gene, W hen eaa sen drooped, another gratped A nd bore thy starry emblem en. When aealns hearts shall ceats te throb. When rest eea feat shall eaaae te ream, The atraagera coldly tarn aitde, Tell then each war aearrea veteran home Blng ler the llvlng-fer the dead- realnebleatanthtmt-ead farewells: In nigh karele meaaBre t leg The at' ry et our pstt-c h, tells I- Oh I atardy Bella Oh tateadrast Bella Oh I loyal Bella of Lent utter I lag en I eh, Bella of Lancaster, Above tha hemee that grace thy town Te these that circling gleam alar Bright Jawele tn a leafy erewn. There atlil the Itlas hloema In fprl eg There ettil tbe leeuat flewera tn May. The blended parfame fleata about She traveller en the dusty way t In alrnple faith their pathways trod When evening eaaae went heate at last , Thre' ntaaasnt paature unto aed, Blag ler thy hemee, eh I mother eyes - Beneatn lay care new many raat The' atoms are wild the' winda are cold, Bate are taa airaiiBas la each nrat I've battled down thte' aunlest ianda I've wandered oft' In ettlee lair I never heard a aabbai h Bell That did net ring a mether'a prayer A mether'e prayar-a mother's love, rrlenda, hope, aad youth alike depart But whilst shs lives one refuge stays -The prayerful taethae'e loyal heart." Btng fee thy mother, noblest songs Of petteuthepe, el tender pralae Of Faltk wall kept of quiet hours. Of dreams fulfilled la coming daya t Blag for thy ebtldrea gladly ring Ter reay llpa for nimble feel, la merry tones ring premised joys, With faaetee, rich end quaint, and aweat I Blag for thy hemee t and all therein There clear-eyed virtue ever dwells Ring far thy hemee ah I one le net. Why de ye sob ae wtd, eh Ballet Okl kindly Bella OhlirleadtyBella Oht homelike Bella of JLaneatterl Kyi -.UA Rlagea 1 ok. Bella of Lancaster. Oe'r orewded matte thre sheltered nooks Blng forth the dawning truths aubltme. The songs that are net writ In books, legheaeatwealth ter hoeeatteli. Blag of the daya when etrlfe snail cease And Oed'a own love shall bind ua all In one eternal bend of rea:e. Te all thy aeaa-Blag length or davs, The trn.Ung faith the loving heart, The ganereue hand-the watchful eye, Tne atrahiht aura path-tha better patt. Blng ant fergt vanees for our wrong, Tha future shall atone tha past Blng I every erring spirit back 'jouedtotome-to Heaven it last. Oht loving Bells Oh I trusty Belle Oh I blessed Belle of Lanetater I C. rutaa bob thb schools Watetferd CeaaeU of Aaasvtsaa ataehaales, elBIartaua, Daaate Taeat. Watarferd CeaaeU Ne. 72, Order' of United Amerleaa Mechaales, preaeated te each aoheol la Marietta ea Thursday! evening a handseme UnlUd States flag. Tha exercises took place at Central hall and were opened by tbe atnglag of "Amer. lea" iiy tbe glea elub et the high eobeot Dr. Oeerga W. Keleh in a brief eketch aanouneed tba object of tba meeting aad latrodueed Mejer A. C. Keltwal, and ha In behalf of the Mechanics presented tha flag' te tha aoheol beard. Theflaga ware received by Dr. 1L A. Mowery, presldeat of tha beard, and tba tbanka et tba beard and puplla for tha flags were cordially ex tended. AllertbeGteeelubaang 'Tramp, Tramp," M!st Klala Peet gave a history of tba American flag. Tbe balance of tbe pregramme consisted of tbe alnging of "Oelumblt, the (Jam of the Ocean" by tbe East Prospect primary aoheol, a enactien by MUa ReaaFreed, a reoltstlen by Muter Baldeman Figelmeey, a aeleotlen by Maggie Eyde. eeleotlenaon tha harmonica by Mr. Jere Elder, recita tion, "The American Flag," by Mlaa Bessie Spencer and tbe alngleg of "The Star Spangled Banner" by tbe Qlee club. m Met Compelled te Biga aa Ordinance. Chief Burgess Charles B. Butcblnsen, of Mlddletewn, haa wen bla case In wbleh the town oeuneil desired te oempel him te sign the ordlnenee granting tba right of way te tha Mlddletewn fc Bummeletewa railroad company te enter the borough limits. When tbe ordtnanee paaaed Bur gees Hutohlneen rafused te algn It Tha council then applied te tbe court for a writ of mandamue, te whleh ha replied. The oeurt en Friday handed down an opinion, In which Judge Slmontenaaya that nothing can be found which either makes it a duty or confers authority ea tbe burgtaa te sign ordinaneea adopted by the town council. All the legislative authority la vested In the town oeuncl), and the burgeaa baa nellber the right te algn or te veto any ordtnanee whleh they may adept It therefore folio we that tba peremptory mandamue must be refused, and tbe proceedings muat ba dlamlaaea at the coat of the relater. All Ul.cbarged. United States Commlatlener Kennedy this morning heard flva young men rea Id leg near Balunga en a charge et Interfering with the United Stales malls. These men engaged in a row at J. Bleaiand Stauflet'a atere aome weeke age. Several aulta were entered egalaat them at Alderman Ban's, and thay are nnder bail te answer tbeae oneness. During tbe row the window of tbe etera waa broken, and tbe allegation waa that Mr. Stauffer'a efflea aa pestauatar waa Interfered with. The testimony offered thle morning fsiled te make out a eaae of sufficient atrengtb, and tba oemmUatooer discharged the eeiueed. rarcbaee el Land. W. E. Lent, of this oily, haa purobaaed at private terms ten acres of land In Man. helm township, en tbe Barrlaburg pike, about a ailla wast of thla city, from the Walley estate, SIX PAGES. - CORPORA!, TANNER'S PLUM. ArrOlNTBD TO BOOOBBD THK BATTLS BCABBBD VBTBBAB, UBN.-J. O. BLACB, Bdwta Winter, el aUektgsa, Named ler AssMt- .aataeeretary at Agriealtare-A Beaeler te Adattateur Xawt rev the Bed Man. Btarthaia aaa ether etBeere leieetea. Wabbimotek, D. d March 23. The preeldent sent te tha Senate te-day the following aouiaallent: Jaraea T nner, et Brooklyn, N. Y,, te be oemmlaatoner of pcnalena. Jamea M. Sbackelterd, of Indiana, te ba United Slataa judge for Indian Territory. R. T. Walread, of Kaaaaa, te United Btatea attorney for Indian Territory, Themas B. Needles, et Illinois, te ba Ualtad States marahal for Indian Terrl. tery. W. P. Cerbetl, of Georgia, te be United States marshal for the Southern d 1st riot et Georgia. Edwta Wlllltta, et Michigan, assistant eeeretary of agriculture. Commedore David B. Barmeny, te be a rear admiral. Capt Francis M. Katnaay te be aoommo aeommo aoemmo dore. Commander William T. Simpsen te be a eaptatn. Lleat Ccrumander R. B. Bradford te be a commander, and a let of miner navy pro motions. Te be collectors of onttema : Albert A. Bnrlelgb, of Maine, ter tbe dlelrlet of ArcoateoK, ataina. Jamaa W. Wakefield, of Maine, for tha district of Batb, Maine. Charles a. Edwards, of Minnesota, for tba dtatrlet et Mlnneaet a. Oeerga W. MeBrlde. of MIchlsan. for tha diatrlotefMlohlgaa. Cherlee M. Bradahaw, nf Waahlagtea territory, for tha district of Paget Beund.la tha etata et Oregon, and territory of Wash ington, Peatataetera : Pennsylvania W. D. Wal. ten.S&eadsdurg. Mary B. Hlgbley, Mlneravllle. Mary V. Shay, Walaoetown. la tha Seaata te-day, Mr. Mltebell offered araeolatlea, whleh weat ever, autherlalng tba oemmtttee en mlnea and mining, te continue the Inquiry Inte the cauae et delay la oenalderiag oenteated easea la tha min eral division et the general land office. Tha Senate then waat Inte secret eeselen. A constantly Inereaalng crowd olaenatera, repreeeatattvee end ether cetlera beeleial UeprtBldenl'a deer te day during tee two hours before neon reserved for tba recap tlea of vlelterr. While delegations, aa ca previous aayBinie week, were net many, tberewaaaBuffloleney of single eallera te wall tha crowd te large proportions. person who attracted the meat atten tion at (ha Whlta Bouta te-day was ex Marahal Nortea, of Texas, who aaa gained ataeh aotertoty aa tba maa who adhered te hla raeelve never te out hie hair until Benry Clay waa eleeted preeldent The heavy, aakept leaks that fall en the old genua atan'a aheuldara are net becoming, how hew aver, TBB rXOOXABATlON iaaOBD WAaatBOTON, Mareh 23. The president aaa alf aad the Oklahoma proclamation. It la aaderaioed that It opens tha territory te aettleaaeat thirty daya hanea. Slate department offielala aay that tba proelamatloB wUl net ba made publte te-day, m i The Oladltenlan Bleeted. Londen, March 23. The parliamentary eleotleu la tha Gorten dlatrlel division of Ltneaablra yeaterday te flU tha vacaney eenaed by tha death of Mr. Richard Peacock resulted la the election of Mr. Mather, Gladatenlen candidate. Mr. Mather received 6,155 votes and Mr. Baten (Cen. eervatlve) 4,300. At the laat eleotlen the Liberal eandidate received 4,002 and tha Conservative 4,135 votes. Beatteen Yeare Ber a Ktvt.her, OASsoreLiB.Mich,, March 23. Tee first eaea under the recent act of the Legislature of Michigan, raising tha age of oon eon oen aeat te 14 years, waa concluded to day. Charles Eller, of Marlellua, waa charged with criminal aaaanlt upon Mlnnle Bleed last June, aha being under 14. Laat evening tba jury returned a verdlet of guUty, and Judga O'flara Immediately aantencad him te 14 yeara; In atate prison at Jaokaen. Tha ease eauted unueual exolla exella ment t LeBTlng the Hungarian Cabinet. Pkbtu, Mareh 23, Berr Fablnyi, Bno garlan minister of Justice, baareeigncd ca account of ill health. Baren Ven Orcay, mlnlater of tbe Interior, wlllabertly reUie. Bare Blees, minuter of .poblte works, will aueeeedhlm. The Bald Kaebb.r Appeals In Vala, St. Lecib, Me., Mareh 23 a Jefleraen City, Me, apedal says; The auprewe court today affirmed tbe death aentenee of the oeurt in tbe caae of Dare Walker en appeal from Cbrletlen oeunty. Thla la tbe laat et tha Bald Kuebbere appeal eaaee and tha date of execution Is set for May 10. m Killed While AtumpUaa te J te h. Leuievn.LB, Ky,, Mareh 23. Ed Rigge, colored, was shot and killed last nlgbt ty M. B. Rogers, operator and agent of tba Louisville Jc Nashville railroad, at Old Deposit, nine miles south of hare. Rogers caught Rlgga in tbe set of robbing the money drawer of tbe ticket effiee, A Ulamend Mine la Wltcensln. Pi.ATTKVif.LB, Wis., March 23. W. B. Raanleen, of Argyle, tble atate, wblle proa prea pact leg near there recently found a atone that experts pronounce te be a diamond. The atone, though sxall, Is Bald te be of tbe first water and worth 25. Tbe discoverer aaya he can get a peck et them where tba sample eama from. A "emu "Trust. Recukitkr, N. Y., March 23. Rochester capltallata have formed a truat In dried apples. It Is stated that 150 cars of lbs trnit have been puicbtted at a coat of 1250,000, Three leurthe of tbe dried spples of tbe country are made in thle atate, and tha Rochester eyndleate hat teugbt op tha greater part of tba product. lUluraieg te Knglend, New Yerk, March 23. Mrs, Nellie Grant Sarterls, tha favorite daughter of tbe late Gen. Grant, and her twollttle children, sailed in the Cunard ateamer Strvia for her hutband'a home In England te day. Troubled WlUt aBarples. St. PxTBRgnune, Matoh 23. Kevlalcn of the out te n? a tariff baa been pcatpened, aa tbe budget for 1838 ahewa a aurplua of alxly million reubles. i m A Distinguished foreigner. Nkw Yebk, Mareh 23. Dr. Van Bulow, the eminent cempceer, waa among tte paaaengere en tbe ateamer Baale, which ar rived from Bremen thla morning. fate or a tsaloea-Ke.p.r. Chicaqe, March 23 Jee Lavl, a aaloec keeper, felt down stalls at hla place laat nlgbt and broke hla-naek. i A CIem Oama. LivxBFOer., March 23. The American, baaa ball eluta played a game here te dey, recalling la tha following score ; All Aaaerlea,2; Chlaagee,!. PRICE TWO CEOT& t vieitatTaaiaaasaaMmasMaasaaaasssssMasaaaaa , committee neaatatlaa. aJ J. BL WaBBata. .,?S Mllleravllla I. ft. aiaaai. aaAl .. .-;' -".'- I "".""J-TT i."M m, a, aviaraar. Daiaeaa. aa aaaaaa aaaa aata . -v i range maale for tha aext eeaaty alae, a eeaaatttaa ta reniwt aai AagaetorBepteaaawr throegtl IM paaara wa una aaa pteeaa af tlta next aarlsa el IamU laaaaumaaa m Of Jeba Wan. nAvAMtltA. Berlaler, KlIaabethteBa; Mrs.' Uttf siaesDBrn, ratrmeaat! n, u. Beertewnt Mlaa Ida K. atartg, Sate A. N. Lekaaaa, MeaatvHte .. M. ABaB, " auri sj. UWWt e. - . LZ , n Nauman, Manhalm t Merria Lltlii j R. R. piaam, Masiawa. """i Waas aa mt Dr. O. 9. Kntaht. kaa wlla Mlsiee Mary aad aTllBabesh, lata tate oea ter sauwaajrea. taew raeara They bearded taa New Tart an ( liuaitea Kxpreea whteh waa i them at the MaaaeuB taraataa the Peaaevlvaata railroad. A I ber of neeBla treaa tha est dnva aad la aaa tha party off. The ealy aaatoBte al tha committee laat aoeempaaled taa bbbII la Milwaukee waa exMayer WtUteat a. Morten, a B. ReyaeMa aad wlla waat along aa far aa Itoeaa. Dr. Lewie HerUAgae gfeata. Dr. Lewie Herttag haa baaa raatOTtd from tha county keeeHal te Bla faahWa home la MaakaiBi towaahte. Ha wlllka carefnlly watchad.i Hla telMr kwaaBtawt hewlllaeweaaad from tMtorrihte aaer aaer pblnehsbltte which he has; for ansa Ma been addicted. , Wilt tane ejasa af Tretaeev. Michael Fllipetrtek Uavea tealgU ter Patteraea, Pfc, te Jala T. J. Mlddegk, ska well-knewa heraemea, wtak ,wheai ha haaeeenred aa eegeaeiaeBt te toakafter and travel with trotting hereea. rteeaaatlan Wtehdiawa. M. L. Kllllaa aaa wtthdrawa tha aaraty et paaaa eaaa ha pnratrad aa rrMay al Aiaermea aaiaaaa'a eraea. Taa waa adjoated fcy Feb aaytag Mat i aBaaaaaaaaaaBBaaaaMaaaaaaat Aaetae ateavy Tekasse Bay, Thla waaeaethar heavy day ter Use te jf bacoe maa aad thereeeiate will aa rally aav largaaslaatBatarday wheB aBtUUaa aad a half pounds were received. i a, f Tba body of Jeha H. Zaeher, tha totegrada w jMiiiinr iviy mhmb aa skv aeaaas- of hta father, Ne. taa Narth qmaBattiit, t miwum wiutAe pases spea)SBiuaj atwr X aoen at 2 o'clock. , Kt ut ..n .... - j Vk nil. IIUAS 9B.A ITM.uk ! - '.-' 1 tiea rimadasaal nd naathM.i i - - - 7,. "".T-T.- "T"- " " d usr eapvaw bjmi It IH aiaw WW J in alaMaaatAJ jf, ' ' a j - - in i.' awjawwaa axai eg awg a J r , J Ottawa. III., Marek t -FellBOralaiir, VI nlirit attk a.rf-.l - - aa 7T.T"r --- "" waa-aar!.-,'; at lb Belie, mm Jane, waa aeqnlited Bswaay. ki it. Taa mUbu. mmtmA ea i 1 i 7ii -n-z-.T-r:5-i-" -T.jrTV l - w .pur-v "saaeaa mj a-Ayar.wr j avnllamaat. ' r-tt ',. a - Vfuaaw- Urn. ATI. S -. :"' -.....- "r. mrr. s n !., awna a -aaai aavis , rt , last algkt Leei tkeW laearaaaa Trvmfl aniinaarv sum baa Aamiiiaw aaa kaiaaA J,m xna rsmuy aaa a aarraw aaaaaa. aaMaat aa f jump from tha wladewa te aava bbBbt IryaaV p Xzctutva aistraat UuharUalHtowasteg ..-hw....ub m iip.i.uMi a. aiaa. a m Leg cabin Bopa and Backs Beatady wH m cure drspepiia by rasterlaa tha steaaaak ta 1 Ita normal, haallhtr aetlea. Uaa tt sue aaA -.MM ... II J.t-.mmmm. akka.. 5: iw" - uiiuh, wj wna u 4 y jyi ab Oialaa aaaaaa. A aiiiitd et air Kaighte from Bad Baaa Osav . M maneery, Be. as. A. O. K. M. a, wttl glrs aa 'v4 exhibition sword drill aa.Taseday evtaiag-t Wi next at the eateruinayaat aad anppar awaa 4 t---' uj ib. i uunj raepia-a bebkiw w aa WBBtsia 'AS n, ceurai u.HW.Hn.1 sw, aaa,neaBBi'Vs :; --. tA -!. ... laawnrias-utsy aaaaaa j twu conven'eaeeof theea who will go aaaaa at Mr 0-o.ecKB.m.aaaiater. k :.-. T" ' Foblie Bit of lAaeaate aad Oalaatata bends) taraaera', county, Berthera, reeaefe. rultoetOanaatoga, Btratburg, aUBhatUa,I4aMs ' and Union of Mt Jey Batteaal BaaOtaeeeket' liBneaatar sad aajqueanaaa, MaTtetieaad lag Bprinc aad Bearer VaueytsraBtbeaiBsrtbera and aeathera Market, taneasier City aad . Waat Bad aBateataUa.yeadtaaaaawB aaaaaa Badlater atceka. by J. B. Leng, at tha Ceeaar uwu-v, a. ..j ateAuay, aatA. J. t i Besat afadew X Trout A thank te-lay tee, poaaeeatea at tbe atere room Bp. let Berth Qeesa etreet where they will earty a fall ItaaafgeaVa ear. ' nisbieg geede and alie BDaUaueths aaaaa-f faetureefflnethlita. They have ageedeteek and no denbt will de welt There wiadew at. ' traete a great deal et attaatle-taa ttteqaite' novel. The goods are dteplayad ea a raek , wnicn autnua ea a revolving piatibraa. arrangement u very eeaaaiete aad arueie it te de taken rreea tha raek la turned Inte the atere reem. no ether wtadjw of tha hind tn this state. KITQHBB BOOKOMT. keme OBlelal Tasis et Baklag .readers, Bhewiaf Their Oempa-attre Barsaaah aaa wateh' U Mean Baaaaaanaaaj. The belew tabulated ttittmaata ere artraats from public tests of biking powders, nude te t. certain their relative value ta practical ute . In baking. Tbe powder centalatag the laxaeat ' amount of available laavealag gas (excluding , ; tha el am and phcaphata powders) act ealy products te flneat, most delleteua aad waato waate waato seme feed, bat Is the meat eoeaosUeal ta aaa. t United autea Government CkeaalstPreiaa- " nr Ke-r.rA ft. ImiL fmnid tli. -..--. Vr strength of thepjwdera named MJotlewe i '?j . cable la Use Name. perca.reaaer. 1'atap.ee (aiumreirdwl ....last llor.(etd'. (rrr.bl ... 1SIB 11 or. ford'. (Vetgresb) MM Cbtrm (eluea f ewdei) ..............IMS l Ittveland's ........tiee fea loam .....HTB l)r. l'rlce'e MM atassachusetu state Analiate te and tha '''-. atrenalh of eeveral baklnc powders aa fellows. Name. Ce. te. gas per r a ' Berei... ......... .....ai ........ ....latu cieveiaud'a Wt.1 coegrtH , , , at a Bersferd's....M. tot Prof O. w. I'araens, B. Y. CeUegs of raar macr. In teats made for the Urecrs Been eat ttouef New Yerk, feaud the strength et til brande aa fdllewa : Xame. On. la. gee pares. Bey al... .....f......iatia Ueveland'e ,.uai Sea Feam...., ....IU.IS lr frlca s...............-...........asTI llonferO's weei Ceugress ..,............. ...... ekss TeeUbr frotasser MeMnrtrte. late ntaaatet ' In thief. U. B. Agrtenlturel Ueeartaasat, Wathlogteu. U.O.t Meme. Cn. la. aaa aar ea. ' Het al.... -..,-.. -.......,... -IB) B i levelana' Dr. rnce's id'., ...........,... .ire te t e ....... .... ........,... jesa ch ..-............... Tf Be I'e (1'be.pbate) turn Nena bueh it alii be noticed tkat the Bera) redeem .,. from if ie te esr cant mere leeveatea aaa W. than any ether cream of tartar powdar.aadte V conieqeent'y that aaaeh mere senaaetlaa). ; ine uevernment uaaauei. x-. awa s w. v-. - Leve, who made tne analysis er caking peer- j ders for the Bew Yerk atate Beard of aVseteb i-" MwellaatortheU.a.aeveraaeateayai I, flndthaRejat Baklag rewser eeeaaaeedaf. pure aad wkolaaeaie lagreaieate It i aeatUa either aiam or paaeyhatMOf l jBtieasaaaeuwee.' - Vi. t i -.W1 wi "sfti'!! u ?t i ' & I V rt '1 . Yfi Aj ,J.i j"3; il A.. "N' V ? - ' IV V I M - g.wsVM r 4v vs. - Vi jrf; '' M fcLi"lltPa