V WP5' TV Sr?TSHKsJs.-;Sf- iv-1-5 " v .; W -- j.j .t7-rf-1 ;.-r-:;-r -' ' - i XHE J.AHCASTER DAILY VSCTEXJmWCER; FRIDAY, MARUnfa. U89. STILL AT WORK. tV. f 1 s tt TV SCRX A M7UMKI OH lilf KIMS BTRRS.T. 't ' v iMIlMj MM Bf ntTAM WatehSBaa I'MAMn C. a'trs Stere M m 'Mi Tats Marshal rntNli .... a .. - .... Kwy.. 1 ieteek tela nermnR Private i Cook RetlSed Sergeant Hartley i wm eeeaethini wrong- at ildH fttMt'i Man ea Kset King street Oeek, Sergeant Hartley Mid rCfswaivweat te the store, and upon sleetieaa rear shutter la the baae- twa roved open, and lb km wm brlfhtly In tbat room. The aanta Baeewgete Mr. Herr, bat I lookout that be one could eeeaie i balldteir. I Mr. Han't arrlral a thorough aearch I of tbe building, be t none of tt id te b diatarbed. Robbery aid rtebi the motive et tha villain I watered tha building. It wta te Are wreck It Oae em Jet wm turned alrall lerea and lighted and the fltmea it reached the Jein The tiuitij every et Private Watchman uoek nted a earieui low. Mr. uoek passea lUtheaUleyway edJolhleEMr. Herr'a Ma than ball aa bear before bla dla- fi and from that faet tt li evident tbat t balldlDB wm entered between 12.30 and Lafelcek. Mr. HerrbMne Idea who the ty party could be and If everhedoee eat he will prosecute htm te the mil tot the law. ..A.fe..n.l. I. . .. Al .MMMAMft 111, riUUIUUBH M WM UJBfc lUJiliWOU M. kiea- baa been ateien from me deuchei. I different eUleet aflelrs wm learned about te-day. In the plumber ebep of LWUltam A. KletTer, which la In the build- . wm the tool bes of Mr. Klecer'a eon ry, a plumber. The box waa locked braaa ptdleck wmeb the thievea ka. Frem It they took a revolver and a ketboek containing 3.18 In money. thieves alea broke rpen a nntnber of exee containing braaa work, which wm lu plumber ahep. xaxsoauet, iioaremebi& ,fref Carl Ten Wallar toleslroct thel'epllt Xa Mmle-Rala et Btechi. Columbia. March 22 The regular KfaMBilhly meeting of aoheol beard wm held evening, with all membera present, I finance committee reported m fellows eetptadurlrgths month t.isi.t7 ts uuiing we menva. j.dsi u laaeeinlhe treasury Mist 'WuaBODininesinaiugiana ...i,vj ' TtM text book committee reported having tbe eervicta of l'ref. uarl von feUer te Instruct the pupils in music. The i et Use committee waa approved. Tbe r of nalng tbe blackboard for teaehlng nnuele wm referred te the property Butte wltb power te aet. flperlfitendent BeOman reported aa laws! Whole number in attendance, 1793, females 605; aversge attendance, I CGO, females 724; pet oenUgo of attend daring the month, males 03, females lipanentage te date, malea 91, females W; pile present every session 6U2; visits te 1282. iNerth and Urban were appointed n iBtlttee toeonfer with the public ground cb In reference te furnishing addl- al aoheol room facilities at Locust I building. Tne finance oemmltteo were authetlced (borreir l,000 and call In 11,000, et 6 20 let the lean et April lit, 1831. four and i-balf par cents, Dili s were paid aineuut (te 303 29. jhlne following bank stock of the oitate of auelGrove was aeld at the Franklin ion xeursaay anernoen: e snares or ieaabta National bank te Iiase Ferry, (113975:8 aharee et the asme te Wm. Ilakle, at 139 80; 6 shares of KlistNatlenal k te Fanny Charles, at E15M0; 6 shares 'tbe same te tbe aame. at 116170; lafaareaef the same te C. II, Itehrer, i ; 10 scarea ei the same te W. H. veat16103. p Chae anare of Keeley stove company stock, ranging te aceUicr eslate, wm sold for IB. i Mlea Jennie C'alef presented "An Amerl- an .rrincMk" in tce opera houte last night I B fair alzrd and wnll nlancnl enillnnnn R'Xtlttle Mnffels" will be Riven te-night mad "The Little Doteetlve" at the Hiturdsy PfalUnioen matinee. ,i The Lajtcn band will held an entertain- t in ice cnurcn parlors en Saturday aipg. Tmovlersen, et Dajtcu, Ohie, Is rMis. J. M. Hennett. r petition la beleg circulated and largely m vi uaya ine posiciuee moved te a I central location. Messrs. F. lluphnr t J?. Kfteh srA In phnrcrA nt Ihn ttltinn vAB-lmpertant meeting el tbe-Oelumbla larjun diuu win ea ueia inis nvsninir. KMt. Herace KLehmtn and MlssOortle ,of Wrlcbtsvllle. were married last leg Bt 8 o'elOCk. In tbe l'reabvtnrlan reh Bt this plaee. Tae caromeny wm irmed by Kev. Oeenre Walls El v. nt llaasbla. A laree number of aueata (rnm nBaabls. Yerk. LarcAilar ami nihar i weie preaent Bt Wanta te it Hfviit pHrtaa tee Ualttiuore Bun, cMr. Frank Mortlmerc.of Illoemtlalil, l'a , unit ui ma nnuuaii uaii.mue Track Agrlcultuml Ftr MsoeUtlou, In a Mjunewi ujueaanoineiaiiibclal of JaflaB Wtlleh haVA hlin mmrtn In amn - -vwmWMW ... WU1U rtlngpapera regsrdicg tue rules and ijn UW tMIOOlftUOD. uiuieuiiy Hppesra te De that the M BOt held Of thA rrtlfln hn.l... mlAi Vrllffth WAM knt.mhiAIl . delegatts te the satoeUtion at Us niiMuiuDiHer, r,, reoreirjr is, a ajawwuei ui wmen was puullsticd I Sun tbe f ollewlug morning. At the IflK In O UOStlen thfjHA mlna ra mn. ted seriatim, ana eieh scatlnn u'.. Sd. mltfiratFfi anil m.nil.H ..... kle It wm adopted. Aa adopted the rules r maiensiiy iretn these originally Bitted. Mr. Mortimer fnntiei- ... - I baa been no meetltK of governors Itbemeetteir at laripaatr. hVh.n... The datn set for the mfnllnr. nt l,a I ofgevercorsUMay II Theclllclsm LTS tO be dlrfifltnd Utfnlnnt f..i ..!.... kaaHted, but net astbey woie adopted. CbAYCfd WUhfiaralv nl ,im ...... fU. Jj KlllUn has brought a suit sg'alcst i rci, ncrere Aiueiinin H.ilii&cb, deg him wltb surety of the x.tea The MBter alleees tbat Fex tl rdatHn, I harm teblmeU and propetty. Tha Watrr Works rtalabed. i "work at the new water weika I BOW about b-n esmn'eted. W CUUIUIUL' r!rrdav Unlahnd tra HsUfi which Is u,tde of walna weed, en uym. V yeabury cntmeattv Cnn't n, "BBvr ,u unra. Cnre tun ceuib at .WkffBetlVHlW with Warn. .... , ?..t. ' !! -.. - ... s ..ujj .auin Bamacenaamntlrin itAmAii.. .. . . r ! ASOf Pltn. It la an nl.1 Nihin. issa.na?"'-,'- rnCMhujt dlttrlbntlair aitnr.ii.. i Bffkleit Uf llctans snbuuuts ter I Bbtua and v" B" anneHaiy II (TMt deal Of VrorihefLUcklngt-.ie j'sWfJBBBUjresui'' e,, ?y KeisrtalnmsDt. , eoplea'BfSociaUonof st faut's aar-Kicu wm sqis iu monthly Mltr jlVeBtiig. BBftallnea. H)tft)rlt. AUoleDkoot ler the box saw te be (trea te all purchasers te I'MQl.AXKa.'d. We defy the world ter . ksalag O.i mm; fcr rasMr. aaranasrsn ci the S aster anthems of Trmllv Miisitfav-.i.nAt .it ... L2Sf "' Jocieor. " ptbsvctie bams HmathAanttini " (ii ;.. rscn, i i?' Soaieoo Bayer's Contract Beeks, saeeipt Beeks, sample Tsgs. AeyprlnUd at the lrraL lrraL iteaseaa Office ai abort notice. Prkei ra ra teuabie. Werk Brst-class. Xeb7-Ud Wb iTB nt stock a ane line of etched folders aad Illuminated tarda, especially adspted for Opening Cards, Announcement. Bills et rare, Meatte for private dinners, Bcek Cevers, Orders of Danes, Pregrammes, and the like, which will be printed at teueaable rates, at enr taetlltlM for turning; out one printing are equalled by few beaati. Hlve us n mil. m UARKMTH. Ckiait stsMswa steraea, Oataiae, March ij, a-ia,m. Markat opened! Wheat March, Wcj May, 09X June, 9IHC! Jnly.WKc oera-aUrcu lXe I aay, XMe (June, aic Jnljr, Us. et March, ttXet May, Xoi June, isjc July. sv. rnrk-Martb, lliCSi May, ilittt June, H2l0i Joiy.liite (Are Mamn, ac0; Way, M I Jane, t7tO; JnlF. 170V. ahertBibs-May, 16 29; June.lC S7Ki July, li se. oteinrs, wneit-March,ini;;i May, 10 Jane, sj;ei cnm-March, M)i0 May, 85:ei Juno,Me. July, acwe. iiati-Mueti, Ke May, 3ct Jane, Xc July, stWc rnrk-Mareb. n Hi May, 111 45; June, t itrd-Mntcti, IB vs j May, 17 02X;June, 707Kt juir.iM". MinrtKlha-Mur, te 23 J May, as J5 June HUfi.Inly. IB 41. DBATHlf. Zechmr-lnOman,N J., en the 21st lnt, Jean b. Zecber, In the 153 year of hi age. The relitlves and (ilends et the family alie lncater Lo3ge, he. 6J.K, of PandMcta. tnera TilUe, Ne. 7, 1, O. U. M are nrpsctfutly Invited te attend the funeral, from the rett. denee of hli father, Ne. 424 North qneen Iteet, en Sunday afternoon atl o'clock. In torment at I ancaiter cemetery. NEW ADVBUTISEMKNTS. BsbLUrEliY rURE. L ROYAL BAKING POWDER. 1MII9 powder nnrer vsrlfs. A marrel of . imtlty,siranRtlinndwlieleannncsf, Hern economical than the erdtnarr kinds, and sin net lm sold In competition with the innli finds of low test, ihnrtwfisht, nluiu or pbetpba'e powrteri. bold only In cant. Kotal Baxire i'oweaa Ce , lie wail trot, New Yerk. martl-lydAlyw DANU1NU AT THE MNNKHOHOH lltllen flntnrday night. Full oretsitra andbana. Admlialem ueuts.lBai I-adles, loe. mrl-2i BAMUKLilluvVAUU, Manager. w ANTKD-A situation te de reneial heumwnrlr. Annlv at IMa ANTED-A WA1TKK OAVAHLE .. .....of o-ekina. AilQreji: STkl'UBNKOM HUUSK, Coatetville, fa. 2t0 AUCTION HALK AT liOSTBTTKll'H, Ift North Qiket strtst, en 8alurdy evanlnir. of betita and seoei, te clme out sleck. BVnl7,0p U. A. IT. iiJIINUJIII., -n AueiKiucer. QKE MY STOCK OFHAFKTY'S, HOYb' - "Sf"?-' "leycbw. Trlorelos, Vnleclp'MJni and World Tyie Wrlter.. bulore veu ilace jourmcler. JultN ". atUseilk, MI test Chcttaut Btrcet, LmeisUr, l'a. JACOB F. HHKAFFKR'H DOUBLE Copper Distilled PORE RYE WHIBFtY. SeplN-tfd NO.ISCBNTKK BQUABK. OU AMEHIOAN HIQBT FEKI) Cylinder Lubricator-, uiass till Cuin ler ''!"'. T" can tint themfct JOliN IIMIM. BHatastiuliunstrteu mj ua PUMPS, HOIUKKH, MINING, CKN- trllinBl ard atoampunip'.erany canaLltv in.Vw a,Eai""' V it Fulton .trlet.' poll OAS11N08, IRON OH BRASS, TT,i, I??,'. &? Rt ,nert notice, re te JUIlM UXBT.MIKastiruUeu nr,, ' Sit tld U11RE BRIOKH, FIRE CLAY, ATLOVV 5rJ!.tu" se t0 J0UJ BB81', JJJ JCast rnlten Streei, in2tM U71LO FLOWER ROQUET" 18 vV.. ..!!l6 n1"1"0' the Orient TolletEoiii known te 0y. cll every wbmxi nt lu eta. themnll. 1 cenu, wbteb sxca.a QTILL BELLINH OFF AT RKUUCE1) . . lrlCi','j tinn 'nrultnraef all klnHs Is oil I ion& UiSJirW"-10 00ti' e. W KA-Af JLlMi blUKKl'. lu0 2ia IfOR RENtI .7 ,v'OI",hel,t"' April, th Thrwi stories ""' niNQ rji'KKaT, m'ie-iid TpARTIOULAR ATTENTlOrTFAID TO rM.M.?aieI. Ma,'K rianis. urawlngs and u.r,,,,li?iat.'r,?0 rewenable, at JOHN nasi 'a. tin aat rmten sett. matfd A BALM FOR THE COMl'JjKXION, h i.MVJi"0' b,tB! an nexpnlvs i.ocej i.ecej slty Is" WlldHewer UoquvlBeap." ttlNOK A LADY'S FACE 18 HER J fertnna. sbe should be vsry careful of It J.noSuSt8e'M'p?.,Uth""t "" ewr TF IN WANT OF BRA88 OR IRON .;, ml C?CH?' Aebfstes racked Cooks, i-et !? :P? !? L,,Ter ieck'' "wlnir Jelnu, e li ana cut tbHin, et send your order bv mail te JOHN UKsr.fcij Kast rultei-at- JuVtld TUilS,???.U,AR MONTHLY MEET--a. INtlet tbe West rud Bnlldlnaand Lean iI-ii.iSb,1J1, c,.3- this Saturday cvenlni aI0lli:',,ttt 7 Joe.ler nomination of effl Sn;e"' "l'9" and money received Xrem 7iJ0 te B o'clecu. Mouey te lean. """" lta C. WU1TBUN, BocreUry. TJOR OAST IRON PIPE FITTINGS a both plain uud reduclnir, up te C-lnnli dlametur, italleable yittlngj, flaSf i, rianSS Union-, Manl'e'ds. American UtiienV.TnCS Boppeit., HaiiKeis. Fleer and t'tilUnv Plates "mi' tld ""'-' SSJ Mt'uUen Jtreet. ' KEs8n?,N,??rt liUINE38 COLLEGE. me !f,ihr,.1.',?.ye,ur,'B' venlng.eie, KO. a tboreugb oeursn In all Duilnni blanches. 1 no actual business depmie," sitiutlen wilt b lerntea alter April lit. lb rd uoer k-rey Jt ickerfs btoe Bter. itaVt Ktne ,ltMw iF- 'V "'"S" 1-ilnclpaJ. K -...vJ.W. , b DON'P DO IT-DON'T GO AROUND sanerlnic Irem pain in the back Linn, bige, aching jelnu. rheumatic patiis, pimp blelcbes. eruptions. He, wheu VrIilyVt!. P" " t.m,.euna III' cure you. irla,SeJ 'l'"'l out, Preparation ire renttaVtfy loe"nu.lf' l6U en,"werlts."Hce M.W.rftw (Opposite Kaatarn Mark,.? i WOR BALK OR LKA8K.-A. FINK .. .. aim In rrlnceUoeiKocounlr. MO.ten. f'ttn of ever we acres of highly proauctive Jane. 3X milts uctn railrcaa, and i amerlnt ?,!ni' h;'.1,,, Lr8 "oilleg Veuie. or SO roeun 7 tenant houtej.bsrn. coin heuiVa a stable., dairy. Ice non..SafhenferoWuaen beine. ete Will be sela Ibeup ea easy telm? ., u k JnN O. OKOIIGK. lllatSl6tdl4Utw Ct"Ui st" ". T UURHK'8. APPLES! APPLES! WHOLEaALE AND RETAIL. A- CARLOAD OF Yerk State Apples ! Hy the Hand, Hush! end Half ftck, AT BURSK'S! NO. 17 BAST DNO RTRKliT " s I.AJfCASTCKI'A. AKW AUVKRTIBKMBN7B, miiR BE8T VALCK FOR THE JL IfONKV. Wlla Cherry, Bltckberry and Klmmel Knn dles,Wj per quart, (jnallty uncqaaled. Huahia-s iaguuH siekb. We. a Centre square. Lancaster, re. CARRY IN 8TO0K BK8T CHAR. . coil, nammered Bar Iren, Denble Keflne t Iren, llnrdmt's Blvet into, Klrew, Het end fletd Beiler Iren, rtMl.fbtet Iren BIS te Me, 16. Bt JOHN BBST'B, BM Bast FBI ten StTitt. atELL US TDK AMOUNT OF SOAP . -A b nation ues and 1 will tell you tbe lenalhned bieidlhef llieir morality n1 rt rt flneuient." One can't belp bat be rObCdlf they nie ' Wild JTlewer noauet." TJKIR STEAK OAUOES, UlGU Oil J! Lew rr-siure. Water UanaTs, Mange Cocke, Wesd Wheels or Weighted, niasi Tntx-s, Whittle. Bypbens for fiicam Usuaea, Cylinder tillers Plain, WatfrOntign Columns, Cerks for "trim Uanges, call en JOUK IIBT, a Bttt rmten street. m:-tfd WHITE COTTON WASTE, COPPKD bv the pennd. 10.1 1 in leta rf 10 pounds oreTer.eo. an geed de'lvered te any parr, nt thnctiyrtea Call en JuUK BBSr. Ne. S3) Bast rultun street. mltfd an nnn feet op ph,k prom ZJfJJJ lneh tee Inch flltmeter, for sate at a low figure, and tbe rmiy aente In tbe tii 4 Inch diameter, at J01IN BEAT'S, MlKi up ast m UIKIU iuri, mJttd fF YOU WANT GOOD BRU3UE3QO L te KILBURN, NO. .11 WKST KINO BTUKRT, tnOlmdAw Lancaster, l'a. jTIRAND OPENING. TO.MORHOW, SATURDAY, Of the finest linn of Keotnreir, rellsrs. Cuffs and ehlru, of our own make, lu tbe cliy, at 1ROUTABHANE73 Shirt Houfe and Gent's OalfilUrs. NO. 110 KOIITU (JUKKN BTHSET. Takna leek at our pstnntrnvelvlu window! the only one et the kind In lnnatlvanla. It shows the goods in the store and te the pasior pasier by ut tbe same time. asvCall early and ten our flne display. All our goods are the very late it st) les. in.2-2td e OZE CALF AND FANCY GOAT BRIN. for the Spring and Hummer rt Iffc'J many Qallera and alioen wilt be made In tnncy oef. ered leather, t have Inst rccnltel nllnnet the Celebrated Oess calf nnd Ueai eklns In a variety of faahlonable lmds and colors, which I shall make up te tbe order of my cus tomer.. We shall endeavor te knp up te ihe prevail ing styles at all times, and wiuld be pUased te hiv our work luspetUU by tbe most criti cal. , We will oentlcuo te krepn full linn efHeady. Mude uoeils, and will sell them at the luwest possible prices, Olve us a call. ltcspoctfullyyenrs, WM. H. OAST, MO. 11 NOUT1I QUKKN Bf l.ANOAHrKU. InnMvdWAr Q.REAT SHOE SALE HIEMENZ'S. Shoes at Half Price. We lutve icdueed our 3 and U te Shoes te a 'let of nhent ofe prs of l.afllm' Shoes. Bid. I'ebblnnndUlovaKldTenatSluO Ufuscs' Febble Kid nnd eelar nip Butten Bheer, flzei 11 te 2, 7Sc. Heme of thoje goods are werths. Chlldinn's I ncsTIp Rprlns: necl fchecs.23). Infant's Shet s lAandVSents. I Jirne asserum let or l.ce and Butten het , ii cents. He) s' Pelsr Tip Bhes, r-lr is 8 te It 18c Mlurs' Uubbtiis, IS Ciints. lleyV Heets, te centi. Orrnt reduction In entire sleck. Come at ence It you want llargjles. JOHN lilEMENZ, Me. 67 North Quoert Strpet. fiiiiie-tfdr Q11EAP SHOES, GelBgat $1, $1.25, $1 50. CHEAP SHOES! ter evcryilay wflrtr nnd for dress, Ludlcs' prul Misses Shoes, Men's nnd 1'eutlis Shoes, Chll dreu'a Shoes, marvels of chtap ness, full of ntjle, lit nicely, tx. cellcntly llnlshed and give stir prlslugly j?oed wear fei se little money, The call for them Is RrowieR each dny. The times ure pro pitious for Us Increase. The lines were considerably broken last Saturday; te-day they're Bgaln lull and complete, with new ones added. If It's cheap shoes veu want, you should see these. Yeu can go further and fare much worse. They're the cheapest ltegular Made Shoes sold in Lancaster. CuBiemers remark It, we knew it, and care te have you knew it. Remember It's 1100 shoes. tl.iU shoes, 11.00 shoes. Chil dren's shoes, half prlee. Shaub & Burns, 14 NORTH QUEEN ST. miWM OAw T REIST'8. JUST IN. A let of rieshTca lllieullj four peuuJ for Ajet ex rreih (Reger Bnaps, three pounds rilty bexei I'rnnntlas, three pounds for 2tc. rinrstblueluic rigs, ibrtepjuud for Jie An Klexant cbetse, four pounds rer SV. Pounds "?!30VaP0rttVea VtUa Uer','UI8l" Alotei ruth Wheat Oerm.slr pounds ter poiuniiiiera4oRUfJrnU strilaca Beety, three A let of ttelled Oat,, Hi pounds ler 25u. for-te lmeiU Urauulaud, six pennds . '".. . t ul" B.lu. ' Pr Pe ;. T "i . uiBre salt, bjj per bait, lluabel Kast lln.t ain., h.i, .n- ' VD?:?" bu,,,1Bl l,8K "it riuu Salt, S33 lniacLwohaveatbouvaua etbjr earuslns buceuvlucua .. .-.l - :"" j uurtiinHli Tury precious t In rV:.M S."..'"' l"".w.". "' it "most lm ,.-...., n..,ua vtvuiiBuiuuaciiUutuent FOR RENT! llahted ana plessanti two lreufng en Klug 7ina?J?e..' 1,r"ce street suitab'e ter caicoertuto;tattoniojms. J. FRANK REIST, A let of Dried Ee f Be per pound. !.teJ !.xtIH "r,c3 lteet.aiieriiinnd. "I !. n Drlea lie.f. 111 pef p" uu-t. une. WUOLKSALK AND KKTAIL UUOCBU, Northeast Carrier West Klag aa4 Prlact Street, LANCA8TXU f A. srTUcphoBaaaerrS(fDeiiTwy - PMW ADVIRT1SRMBKT8. J. H MARTIN CO. 'jajaSkrfSfcjiafcj QUEENSWARL DEPAIITMEKT. (IN BASEMKNT.) DECORATEDDINNER 8ET8. A larn stock te select from In English Porcelain, French China and Uermiri China. Geld Band Dinner Seta, Deco rated Porcelain Dinner Seta, Decerattd French China Sets, Decorated Ironstone Dinner Sets. , , ,. 1800 ABET. Special bar?ftln in Fitly Dinner SeU. Decorated English Ware, containing 2 dez Tea Cups and Saucers, 1 dez. Soup With every Decerattd Dinner sold the customer Is banded a printed slip which reads as fellows : We guarantee this Dinner Set for fi years, net te craze or surface crack. HlRncd, J. B. MARTIN & CO." WHITE DINNER SETS of the best English Ironstone, guaranteed net te craze or crock, at (3.60, II A0, (0.60 and f S.uO, Whit Porcelain Dinner Sets, Urldc; Urldc; Urldc; woed'i i & Ce. 'a liest English Porcelain, at 18.00, (10 00, ei2.00 and 16.00. . llRhtly damaged Dinner Ware that will be se d at ene-half regular price. Dinner Sets, slightly damaged, at (3.00, (100, (5.00 and 10.00. , , CHAMBER SETS. Chomber Sets, Decorated English Ware, 10 pieces te a set, at (1.00 a set. Geld Band, Garnet Blue, Red and Pick btilpe Chamber Sets, at (2.39 a set, sold every at (3 CO. ,w,t8 . Chamber Sets, wllh large Pitcher, large Basin, Seap Dish, small Pitcher and Mug. (1 CO a set. lllbben Geld Band Chamber Set, en tirely new, at (4 90 a Bet. "We liave the largest assortment of Decorated Chamber Seta in the city, from (2.00 te (20.00 a set. J. B. MARTIN & CO. FOR HORIZONTAL STATIONARY undines, fiem 3 te te horsepower, and Vertical anglnrs from 2 te 40 borse-newer, you will find thimutJOHN lls-Sl'd, S33 JCat rul ten ttrcct. ml tfd KADIATORH, Of ANY MAKE OR DE Stflrn. ran lm ftirnt.hnA t tw-nniiiA ngures, by JOHN lixsr, K3 kast Tultea "' mtra OR HOLTS, LAO SCREWS, 8KT eerews. -quareand Hoxanen Nuts, there goefls In stock, at JOUN lHSST'S, J1S JCest Vul Vul tenstieet. ms-ttd THE TRUK ECONOMY IN USING soap Is te buy ft ahead of time and let It tceime hard; try Wild Flower Hennet;" It Is Old and wears te the thinness el a wafer. FOR BOILER TUBE BRUSHES, 8UilBOnI'lrflVrerclie, Mpe nnd Menkey Wrenches combined, KU, OU Cans, etc., ire teJOUw llaar,333aastrulten.st. uil-tld OTEAM. Ve desire te cill th i aticutlen of eontnmers of HleaiQ uoeda una Xnglneers' Supolles, te ourlarge andvultd stoeaof Pipes. Vat vts. reeks. Mallr-oble and Cist Iren jritllnirs Asbestei, Vnlcsbcstnn and UsndurUn, Bbeet, 1 liten ana VMve racklnasi Scotch and ued Line KUectl!u Ouatce ulaMes, Htcam Badu nteri and eteam Healing apparatus! Set and ( nnaciuws, and In faet almost nvery thing re quited bj 'steam users, and all or which we otfe r at prlefs wbleh we stuarautee te be lower tban theso et any ether dealer lu this vleinlty. Webtve pokltlvely tbe largest stock, and belna oanneotor with the Telephose Kx. cbatiKP.nrn prepared toiejilvo and nil nil ordeis lu tbe i-hertcet prislhle time. When In want or tinylliltu n our line, call ones ler prlccR nnn w wlii cenvlncn you of our ability and willingness te save you Heney. Delay nnu Vexation. ' iu.r,!.RC,T!'1" 'or farnteblnn Knglnes.TViiers, BriaitlnB.rullojii.IlaiiKers.MpeclalatachlnerT, i.luin.ber -.ua 0m !"ers' Toels, l'attern. Medel, nndlrnu andllrasi Castings. and for tbe prompt repair et all kind of machinery ure uDeicrllea lu Lancaster, and we respect fully solicit a thare or your patronage. Central Machine Works IS! A ISO NORTH CHRISTIAN Hi'., Iwiimi. I. Geed Werk. Iteaienabln Charges, I'rompt I'rempt I'rompt neds. Tulepbone connection. imvt.uu M AR1IN URO'8. We'voglven up a g portion of our first fleer te helptng the mothers This Is for Yeu, Mothere and Beys. and dressing the boys. All Men's Clothing en the second fleer. Wheth er veu act th linra cljttioinuay.iiiuie ormade te meaturjthu depar inent It for yen. When we said help ing the moth ri we meant we've taken off of thctr hands the big worry of making chil dren's things. Kilts, waists,, blejies. suits, etc. All that Is necessary new Is te leek among the henpad ublts nnd see tha comfort able, natty ittlts tte )eungsters will seen be wealing, Kills begtnat si 03 and go te as te a u0 joers Aerfdkand Jlf a' ea tunic suits tcglnat 1193 and go te10 0J-tte It years Ihe bUger boys ceme In strong In our thnugbti. Come Inbeyjancl sen thestylts, you'll find us oenvealal. Yeu can get your ldets nnd liking llxtd Tell ihe folks at home what you saw, yen liked und wbore you saw It llnys sack and cutaway suits. 14 teiHrnn. -IsOUtOltSU). MARTIN BRO'S Clothing and Furnishing Oee-Js, Nes. 26 and 23 Nehtu Quekn Street, 1.ANCAB1 KU. I'A. TANKS FOR WATER, OILS, ACID. orUas.etany ihape or caine ty. at fair prlces, RO te JOUX 1jkT, rw xait Jul ten an out. m2-tld Q.U AND ANNIVERSARY. 61YEH AWAY feiYEM AWAY! 6100, $100, $100, 8100. Onu Htiilrcd Uellnrg Werth of Utiliy's A Jjniuet A te.'s tllrtcatrg AT CLARKE'S. Te-morrow. Falurdiy. March 23J. Tat, beiug tte anniversary of our timnd upiLiugun Seuib eueen sttoet oue )tr age. One Itex el Hits World Kamel blackleg will UigtTru toincaandevory purcbaicr et uny tbtux tuearllLU, &i,giis nxceptud. NKWCUJl'lKlS AND PURE SKLKUTKD cenrisaa Juit recetvrd We batten te Inform our numerous cuelomers nnd IileuUi that we hae lust jec.lved tiimn of tbe erv flneit ew crop T t as aud l'ure Bolecled Collet ihathsve tiver bexn oiiered ter ta'e lu this country, belug rlteled with Ihe greate.t onto, ami weniannprctlttily rtqiitet ALL, l.OVKuS of 1'UliK Ueuus te glvu us at least atrial elder. HYOIK.MU COrTKK Is something entirely new In this part of the country It n-gulatei th boweis tlioreuBhly, leuea up thu eys'cm, und hi tuany ether geel (jualttles. It s net a medlcttia In iba i ausl msHeC tte word, but is scleullflcaliy coiupemuiuit from Ceiesls, Gire It a trta. only SJe a pound. WAUKBUKLANDBslOKEU K1SII. 3 Nlce rat New Mackerel for c, i Large Bugsr cared Herring for loe. lu Muaium bize ecoteh Herring for lOe. t:ice Uerrteg. vtnnau liaOdles, Ir e.t llmtid of ucdah lu ths werlP, Jiig iiargales in urlcd liver, mcakfaitiiaceu aud Jiolegua Sausige. Samuel "Clarke's WUOI.K3A1.K AND UKTAIL TEA AND 00FFEE STORE, IS and 14 Seuth 0,uefu Street, P. 8 Bear In mind we are almost Cftnnid boeds away. giving n-j.Tu,r,"Aw x-iaum, i uez. liicner nates, i aez. lea Plates, 1 dez. De8trt. 1 dez. Ilulters, 2 Covered Dishes, 1 Covered liattnr, 1 Suear, 2 Steaks, 1 Pickle, 1 Gravy Deat, 1 Cream, 2 Makers, 1 dez. Breakfast Plates, Ulewl. WKW irVKTIsf ItTw B8 1 BKST HOC AIM FUKHAOs. as4M FOK PULLKVH. HHAmMU, OOL lars, llaner4. i.-iaasp iteaaa. SnaBllafs. t?aw' Je,m" '. aaTsiKsttSK SAW UlLVH, BARK M1LIA rjOl Mllla.LeaerRlra.TMFsekaTr1S at J iijii Bis t v, kast f uiiea sveu mltld XNJKUTORH, RUK LITTLE OLA NT, ?wSer.lt Iwpirateia and I actors. Kbar man .Beiler order. Ptnbertay lajaater. naai's, ill Beat rmteaatraat mstM 8APK7PKROKNr. 1NVK8TMB1TT.-. -fc,.1??-e,2,?n"J,0,,'a Ue of FWIadal. RSl.Vii .na Aberdeen, Oakeuu (eaattat, ttaa. iui', etrvrs ler tain 1st nertcaats at 7 rar esat. !!rVK3.r,lS ynvtSfi3iw iiii , liVea aJlSiS i Ske!-wl P'lne'Pal and laUrest ?W2H? lbythoempaBV. liesa mertitagva are In various ameanu and arajnstaasafaas, anl fir mero oventaBtUanleaalaonirans. i!l?,lSf Wf1"8 eml atlr. or full par par par tlcularscallonnraietnss ... ae. es8 8Hl.stir, , A.lVVI-,lt, a,ir u crUl unha Btreit, initl8lwd Laaeaster, Pa. EORBOILBR8, HORIZONTAL, TTJBU. lar, Verucal, Portable, CslindMr, Marlae, of any size or power, of tha bast material and aT.?mK?i P" te JOU KUXi ast Pulton street. mltfl THE UHEA1KST ALL AT KKDUOTION OP H. GERHART'S. PiaK.TAlLOXliTS. In order te reduce a heavy ateek and give employment te my hands, f will makauote order ter thn remainder of the winter season. all Ueavy.weigbt Belting, ovensen aae! TronserltiB at cost price, tiara fa aeaaneatti pet a nrst-clsn article for a asaaUamaaatet money, epcclil attenUoe paid taPuit Draaa kUlta. JB-MBEHAIIT, n.n !., wo.awerUiQua-nBtreat. O-Only Dlrtct Importing Taber lathe City of Lancaster. PACKINGS, AS FOLLOWS! DIKIQO, A. terateam and llydranlle Packing, Asbest Kepe, Woven and Wlek Packing, Bnmp Pack ing. Asbostea Mill Beard, Asbestos Cement, Asbestos Bheithtng. unm Pscslng, Sum Kings ler Water Ganges, Plumbago jPaektva. Keea'a Patent Asbestos, l.lnodeeetloBat Pipe Cever, at JOHN BKSlvf, US Xatt uitea-at.P ms-tld , , JK1EA8ANT AND PROFITABLE Weatmata'l times te make students' stay with ns pleaiant and profitable, wa knew it has been profitable te a gnat many holdleB go id positions who write us from all sections I ecemmendlng the school teannl tcanta. Piaas. ant must have beenlhelr stay with us, as we always havs a kindly greeting from ear former pupils. Yeung men and ladles desir ing te takeup the conrseefstuay are cordially lnvltodte call at College Beems, spend a day With us. and Investigate fnr ihnnuln. i - venw. SU.IUCII lyCUiej s ceiiegi U.O.W e, Me. li lOKastKlng street. auii.a , a-nnsipai. "I3TOR l'RATT A OADY ABEST03 DISC JB Valves, Jenkins Vslvrs, Braaa dleba Valves, Eriss Gate Valves, iron Bedy Glebe Valves, Lever safety Valves, Pep Safety yalvta. Air Valves. fiadlaterVatvaS, Prattf Bwlnglna Check Valves, Braaa Chfck: Valves. HS0.tTiJ.A.I,B,e. .. eaii at JOHK BKBT'S 338 Kast s ulten street. ml tfd s UMMER SESSION. MILLERSVILLE, The Summer Reslen et tbe Mliiaravllle Slate Nermal school will begin en Monday. April 1, 16S, and continue fourteen weeks! Persons who deslru te engige rooms should apply earlv. ,?boreuh work In all departments j methods adapted te alt grades of schools; manual train ing, kindergarten, etc. bpcclal ra e i en street railroad for day dudIIs from Lancaater city. " Pupils admitted at anytime. Fer terms, etc., address the Principal. w"a, ,non.e K' OUAM L A. M , Ph. D . m-2wd MliierBviiie, Pa. JENDELSSOHN CLUB. GRAND OONOBRT MiNJERCHOR HALL ! TRuasnar Xvaiae, MAcH2r, With Beethoven String Quart ett, or Me w Yerk: M;Uu,.!ttv.,Pli.nr,ulnBr' vinflai sir. arnst Jhtele.M Vle In Mr. Ottoi-ehlll, Viela: Mr. Adeiph ilaitdegen, cello ; AUsa Anna iSwell. eoprane. Mb. WtLTBn TUuiUAW Draac-rea. (Positively no free list ) Pepnlar Priers Admission, CO cents t He He servtd seats, 75 cents : at Mr. J"en Uersmlth's Itoeketcrj. martl-twtt TF IPi YOU WANT A VIRHT.flT.AHn Portable Knirlnn anrl nnttA,- aw whAAia cheap, ns thn following prices sbewi 0 horse! Av tR?Kl' J,,5; 8 hoise peer. S3JS; 10 horse-power 575i 15 horje-pewer, as75: 21 horse.pewer,l,l7S, call at JOHN ilasi'3, 333 EaBt Pulton stroll call ma tld T HK PROTECTIVE POLICY ! . Ief that Unne-nl Harrison Is President, backed np by the Protective Policy of the He publican Parly, wncan think et no better pro tection than tbat of prmectlnc the publle against the danger of wetting Dyspepsia by using peer rieurt and Ibestueit way toaveld such u dlre calamity Is by using Levan 8c Sens' Best! b.eSd,;vroreiZevdooaSfpu-breea'n And these believing in rree Trade are free te trade In this article all thAv are a mind ta It Is "riist PKPi,it's" i'LOUK, regardless ef face, color, politics or religion. LEVAN a SONS, dCC8-lyd UBBCHANT M1LLIUS. 8TKAMHKATI3THKCOM1NQHBAT for dwellings, chnrebes, school house, etc, though surcsituliy used one hundred years ajre , When you oentemplale a change SS 1J., " ".?': SS?. "ul ' yeua satbj. factory Jeb, at a fair price. uu-ua TgTlHSH A BROTHER. Merdiarjt Tailoring DEVAUTMENT, We show this week f pHng Novelties lu Oassl Oassl meres and Worsteds ler Soils, Trousers & Overcoats. Our msKe'tlte'it ssiertment Is bound te rilraic and suit uvoryene. We can see It by homanyeidors we tuve taken thu month, .That Wonderful 111 00 Wia-Wle Ceat and Vist, ;n your trder, is attrkCUngevtrjeua'a attention. Tall en us and we will be pleated te show you through our stjek. l.N OUU Ready-Hade Department Yeu w 11 rind Men's, ltev'a anfl rtil'Arnn'a suns aiiu TiiuUakua te suit yeurusta andpocketbeok. HIRSH & BROTHER, ONE-PRI01 Glethiers and Furnisher?, CORNER OF N. QUBBN Ss OBNTRB BQUARP, LANCASTKB.PA. "1UAW .DK lniCK8-rirst Clsss Uidea Muik Kats, !l!c undue each. Bkunk, Llu. AQENOY FOR CALLAHAN Jt CO'8 Cement te take the place of Ilea Lead. In bulk it makes nve times tha quantity of red lead and Is far superior In makin steam lelntai Daektns man us plates ea boilers, Ae, A a. PrtealOaeatepar pound at JOHN suUx'i, t Beat riiS KIW ADVKRrUBtirRTa. tT.Yr PA t BKWOS POR1H WkW SSuVfXL'f' The lata. taad saesttaee. fifJJL"? MM tfc 'kMevsry et "aiWrisfir Bcqsateaap" teaauat lete. ,' -4 JPHOL8TRYl4a 25,27, 29,31 Wert King St., LANCASTER, PA. UPHOLSTERY ! CAItPBTSCWlNSAKD OAltPBr LAVJ.KU. OASPKT BirXTTIMQ, OUBTAIH AND BBADB HAMQIKQ. Wa have eiwanlcaA an itnimiaun nn... pent for carpet bearing, carpet Laying and S.ffiPJ!" Weiki.aveSm. '.. .. MV apetent peepl alll nsealve p rwmiHuuBiBua vemi Alt Hun anuiistiea te US n a careful atunUen. prompt CARPETS. . Our Bteck of eaipets la Kesr Complete In UeaUndsrJ Makes and various e nalitlaanr BKUaaatLS and lMaBAIriaTirera Lewest Prtoee te tbe ttneit Qualities ; also? ,'eww BUGS. COKTIOINB, LAlBif LIROLBUIT, OIL CLOTHS ARD MATT1RQS. The Styles and Co'erlrg are Jew and Beautltnl, and the Prints are Mew Very Les. Will Paper and Decorations. BJfl?J-SWel:!,, ' pPr. Haugtns; rer tha ,?FnlE0.,..1.?,?"0"'.50,,l,M antftncludea Ail QuallUas, from tbe Lewest-priced Wall Papers te the finest Haad-rrtnt Decorations. A?,-pr5,?.t tt f verabla opportunity for R5!0S,.2rt.,l?ln5.t. beautify 'tteir homes' owing te tha braakUg of tee Peel or the Manufacturers rtleea are Rew Vary tow. I lttl CB1MHG DBCORATIOX9, MOVRLTUt IN DKCOBATIVR PAPRBS. BARD FSINTS AND BOSTON PRLTS, RKQL1SB WASHADLR FAPXH. CHOICR BLANKS AMD BUONZIB, PICTUBR BODS AND MOULDINGS. Curtains and Window Shades, li 1st i Point Laea Curtains, Swiss Iaea Cur tains, Turkeman and Chenille Curtains, Flor entine and Uhlna S.1R Curtains and imperial. SHADRHOLLANDS, All Celers. OAUBBIOSQADINa, All Celers. 1MPRUVBOBRADR VIXTUBXS. CDUTAINPOLRBAND VRSTIBOLRBODB lager & Brether. w 1LLI AMBON A FOSTER. Subjects fjr Present Thought CHILDBIK'S KILT JOIHT SUin AND Gent's Mediem Weight Ortrceit. KILTS. We have new. and will have mere, later, a stoekor KllteulU In New epilog Celrrs thu are hard te beat, rarenta will rind tha time spent In looking them ever will net te wssted. and polite attention will be given whether wmuui iu purceass new or later. Medium Weight OreroeatB Oneertte most natural thlnys In ths world Is whan wa have anything handsome we want te stew tt. Wa havs the handsemtst assort ment of dent's Medium Weight Overcoats sSKSkthVuVevw: uem te yoa-urep ,n TBUNKS. TRUNKS. TRUNKS rOU TBAVKLXK?. HATS! .Jr2,JLU,t lf hna und with all silk trimmings and seat sweat lastber. Kvtry IlatauarantMdtnuivaajitufietin... -" ,-.i'al.,',,neK,aLice Shee, with patent ,e.V1bai.xeaSie5:",,69-U Opened Te-day Prem a Leafileg Suspender Manufacturer S5 Doxen 811k Weiked and tllk Knd Suspenders. Kztraerdtnary geed value at 31c a pair ; same as we formally aeld at ace. ' Loek at tha dlsnlay la our Kast Window. A lull stock of Demet Shirts from tec te 7Je. WWiiniseu A Fester's, st, at, ss a ss a, Kiiia ht. t,AlfASIRR,PA. HAGER & BROTHER i OLOTKttrm. PMMOaOODS. m iiaaiSa wajisBMiM! " ImpetUnt AniwuDOEreeni 1 . Oar Isasseaaa ateear ne Maw aasiaj saards rrsas the taedlam graRa te tha very laeet T.eiib,ecetck and Preneh kevattks. Oar auiui mr acrviasr yaw SMTS) wssai rsBMlw Inereaied since laatssaaea, aad wafaAgaa. mw yen vvbw giuiTrr fa uiaviieai tore, pncea always the lowest. Call avlaev BfaaHAWM k aaaaeauar Tarxesa, He. 44 WRBT RIRSBf. T. B.-Balls te year order a low ae Its. Tremsera te yenr order aa low aa W. mlattd TTENTION I . aepetlallyeallte my rnreaaaee lee spnag. . The Latest NevelUasla SPRING OYERCQlTIJaGS. Ike Latest Styles la iitlflgs RHtl TrefuerlvcB. I pneei are the lewtst, consistent with geed work. MY REFUTATION RSriBLlSBID. MT AIM If. HOLD ir. ASKEWI ROB. UI AID H) WSST KIHQ BTBRBT. martMma rnO OLOTH1NQ BU YERB. Merchant Tailoring DEPARTMENT. Interesting te Gentlemen aJlS.'!,1 en.r 8l"lr Buslaesa with Unear arrpird llirgatns. We have displayed In enr Btore about M0 Styles of rcreUn and DemrsttaBnlMngsana Treuserings which we make te order at i he lowest ease prices. 4H S00! u,, t0 eraer at stice. All Weel suiu te order at sis.oe. Ali ISl.B1Uta !? order M 8 w n r. ea rCoandiafe16 lmDenet Worsted suits at Trousers te Order. 4H Weel Casslrcorea at tABO, 4 re. 14 80, IS 00. KnLlUlO? WOWUl8 " '8W' ".7-i1FJ00 ahese goods are worth fully double the money. Their value his never been equaled at the pnoe Loek at our windows te-day. L. GANSMAN & BfiO., Tailors and Manufacturer of Pine Clothing, ft) and te NOUTB QURIN STBEKT, 8. W. COE.OP OBAKQR, LANOABTEU.PA. M TKRB KATHKON It's Mere Than Likely That yeu've been thinking of SPRING CLOTHING I TAKE A LOOK AT OUU HANDSOME STOCK and you'll feel sura thit we have been giving some thought te that same subject. Rvery d slrable puiern and every conceivable figure here for your Inspection. Medtnger of your turning away dlsappctnted, or that you'll ba frightened by high prices, 'i here's one thing sure-eerythlngherels thoroughly ff RELIABLE." and we'll net ask yen mere for anything than It's worth. C all en ua anC see the finest Line eX SPRING OYERGOATS IN THE CITY. Myers & Eathfen, fiXLIAULR CLOIH1KK3, NO. 12 BAST KINO bT.. -AHUABiau r BOOKS, itc. ff EBK'fl BOOKSTORE. Americus File -FOR- Filikg Bills and Letters. This is a new, convenient and economic method for filing all manner of busi ness papers, &c. Yeu will save time by carefully filing your bills. Come and see the Americus File. lTb. HERR, Si & 53 N. Queen St. angu-lyd SOOK DEPARTMENT, l. life of E. Greenwald." Footprints of Ills Life, together with Uls Rarllcat Kztant ana Litest Uliaeuise, Rev. O. IlvInHaupt. Fer Sale by the Publisher, G, L FOI DERSMITE, 46 EAST KINO STREET, lAncibTKR, Pa. PitI0K.Rl.OO. m3)-trd GOLD BRONZE, L1QU1DN AND Ualaa serateam work, at Jeunbut'i. SIM WhltAa ' " --- i ai.manm M -STISB JL-ki. j , i.Se'Jir.-S.-s-. s-S ,A! ,j5Jii' ''-.t'.t.M - iCt tv-'a ;t- . j". 'h3&' tfVia ,r aaa-iN AJIB W sUAUI ?, saAaUUAMOSai A .m