Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, March 22, 1889, Image 2

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.T : "
lly (nflllgncT,
fM rmr Mw Ntfr.
kMli Itel rmiii m DilxtU
llir. OfcrtiXtW MaM cannot se
FilMmrg peKOfflse ftnt Mr.
; utttw, there will
im4mM tfctt Qet is part and
M tbk drtiatetnUeri. Current
El tkta hM bcengkt the L-flalatura
ifetlMitadlntaeryMt; bnt there we
Ills tadlmte rebellion In PhiUdel.
ItMNOatrittebart, which are the
W BewileM bulwarks of. the state.
immmIcu party has bees la en-
ItMtaolet FcDnnlraala feraaany
I timagh ttw cohesion of its leaders
MUfeateMtttiel of the spoils of office,
: ahaUeg eff from the national ctib
imn shock te their censtltu.
:,Md their return te the trough
ritaalt la the collapse et their power.
!' eptcineflt et putting one man
like party may net be successful
Its oesiparaMve release from such
daring the four years of
itle grrernment. It is certain
awththat no such dictatorship would
' Weadued by the Democratic party ; but
BepaUlcan machine in this state has
se omnipotent daring many years of
jHte that it Is net safe te predict that it
twin be resisted, new that it is in the
: kinds et the senators holding Uie federal
Harrison's will te
.tU the senators govern the appointments
l office. It is an allegetaer wrenj-fui
i-siwaosiuen de mane or. loom, net it u one
WtJeh has come about naturally through
.silvers influences, one et which is that
iwetklng politicians et late years have
taken possession et the Senate, and
'AOther lies in the power which the Sen-
lata bss te defeat the president's appelnt-
meIb. When President Cleveland went
uaat there were hundreds et appoint
f Meats lylnsr uncenQrmcd by the Senate;
5er course their confirmation bad been re
alised because they were Democrats, arm
'.the uepublican senators had the power
,j P ICSSTUia, mid fiaue ujjvu iui ug 0UIU
meat or lupnencans Dy iue incoming
resident; but the facts shows what they
l;fcave the power and the will te de ; that
Ithabady is thoroughly partisan, and pre
poses te use the offices (or partisan ad
Taatage. It fellows that the senators
jvwm am icmuj wj use men uuuuiuiiug
1l ft M . - UAt. ll-.l...-
, power agaiuss a itepuuncan as weumu
Tlaa-MV-natln nra-ldnnr. if tin oops tint aril
? -...- r-- -- - -- -
te salt them.
v:' Tae power of the government is fast
gathering in the Senate at the expense of
l&e Meuse, ine direct representatives or
. Use people, where proverbially it resides ;
;aad eertamly the representative bes a
aAAntlAti nf til rmmmnnlaMnn in rttnn
'htm htarilatrlnt if Altlinr ha n(.i .Inlm
, The representative should be supposed te
.aire a better acquaintance with the
ahayj.tjii rT thik nnnllnnnt. ivhn la hn
St ".' " -" ..rr..ww , .w .
.Btighber. And the senator, before whom
Kttw nomination comes forcenflrmation,
;aheuld bear an impartial attitude towards
i'.'ll t uIKI.
; au vucie 19 uv kuuu icaauu iui uin&iug
.aitber senator or representative the dls-
t 'JfaaMar of the efilces. There is no reason
tShy the partisans of aDy man or clique
Kla a party should be rewarded with elllce.
-XI generally happens thus, however, and
iwpesMDiy ic is uuaveiaabie. liut with a
iV . 1 B . . . . ...
?'"atrenr and well advised president.
1'aflnUMl Mtltk nUi.. n ltlvn ....III. I.
Huiftu nivu at vauiuen ui iib.e iiuuiuy, lb
iwrisjuia seem te ea possible, as it certainly
lJZ ItwtM.lhlf. fanflnna anil hn.ea Inn
JJ .. ,.-. .w..-w- UUV .,,,... .uu ,-....,
ug- Mould be discountenanced, instead of
iBbslnir encouraged with the control et the
apeils; and that the president himself
WM ahenld be erected into the only boss. Har-
r lie m and his administration clilefd tire
avidently net et this metal.
The Red, Yellow and Alack.
In treatleg the race question, the cel
Ki Mid M-Si-nater llrnnn. bAwallg thn hard
Lff. 4.a4Mnt nf .lin ThiIIkh t.e 1L . ...
xsuatuicuk Ul VUU lUUIUUi WO WUlittUJUU
,anl the negre, at the, hands et the white
".aktl tll.f if ffha fSkjl MnH .nil Mmtt.1 Ia
M-l bw" auuciu uiuw ue
k.aaauntd up just at present. It mlsht be
s 1 rat ttlhtfnl ttrViatrtAt Ihasa MneailAnn .riA
swvhvviui nuvvuu ugeg lavca uu UUM HltCl
f;$'-9l ewe the whit race mere thanks than
S raiame. xne inaian was erizinaliy a
- . .. . . ....
'aWHtai. savage, living in me miasi or great
?BUaral wealth, which he did net knew
Paowteute. He had many gecd quali-
SgiKai, and might In several thousand
: years have achieved civilization; but
i-lttte white man found him he was
r like a deg in amanger or a pig in a parlor
aai an the bounties et nature in his
it&WMiAmrtni nmintrv tp.rfl wn.tajl .m..
tWf " .--" """ - uj-vu
;buh. new nenasueenanven te western
Elands where, ha ntlll
occupies many
frt irinmmA . n...
?sv Hvuauu nvicB uiuie
ittnn ti .
CV mw v.Cf. Uil.V IUIIU liD UftU U3C
i some cases he has been forced te
wonderfully rapid clvlliiatlen, in
It is a question et the cur-
et the Attest; and the survivors
w1U have te thanlc the cemintr et the
wfclta roan for their elevation manyde-
v mmmm KTinvn inA mimrnlHA ininteKi nn.1
, Ittermen who formed the basis et
Cooper masterly romances. The
;t Uftinaman comes ever and is given
feamythiug but the right et citizenship
.V5tWhUh hn ilneinnttt-nnt 1T retnr.,.ti(a
iaatlve land wealthy and hapjty, and
wsi oeme wuu nim some trace at least
HOnrmeie vlcoreus and MillctitaneH
.lJi!ti irA i.An Min .. i.
muiuuuui iie utu K''Cii ui neining
nac laoer, or which we already have
VBjza, una insw-nu or grautudu for
cftia benefits received he dlspUys ea'srac
lever his "spoiling of the Philistines."
:-; Bft occasionally gets himself killed nt
.gnu expense te our government and
Uls a let of our benevolent missionaries
aft equal expense te his own. The
K AfrUan has te thank Providence that he
.linotamiieralle savage in the wilJsef
as tana or ins tamers, hunted and
hanued by the Arab slave traders for
'.,va4M suppression the great European
are new operating en the east
i et the dark continent. Altogether
vaeannet sea that in the long run the
HMr races have a very crushing indict-
& faaaaKt ruralnafc iha whfta tuAnla !,.
i i i -...-. . . ..-- fv"i'iB, iwi nun
JMMk abus9 and wrong they have mingled
gnat deal et unrecorded geed and the
f jPMnlesults are happy.
5ft ,. ' " ' .. .
-sf sae Biuaiag ruua,
Mr. wherry's movement te examine
M eenduct of the linking fund ija
reue. While the state officers are
telncreasjthe taxation, he gives
which show that the state has
'large sums by the sale of United
bends, belonging te in a
Ium, tu which the money
IW wltheuHrawIng Interest;
ia purrlpy state bends at u
comparatively higher premium than
United States bends. The state is
embarrassed with the amount of
aseaey KOlag te the slaking fund,
where it Ilea Hnprefitably, unless
It Is invested la the purchase et United
States or state bends, which are at se
high a premium, that but smalt saving
can be made la the purchase. Tbelte
publlcan administration some years age
in refunding the 'stale debt wss
silly or corrupt enough te make a
long lean, without reserving the
power te redeem It. The presumption is
that the efnsials profited by se foolish a
performance, for which the state new
Os Irea Maanractere.
The creditors of the Reading Iren
works de net seem te be very eager te
accept the payment offered them loathe
postponed bends of the concern, and they
seem te have geed ground for their re.
luctance. This Is the second time that
the company has made such a preposition
te llta creditors in the course et a few
years. The last extension granted It has
served but te put it in deeper debt; and
anl certainly It seems te be a remarkable
demand by managers who have se signally
failed te make the property profitable,
that they should be given another chance,
and parllcularly.wfcen it manifestly has
been bad management that has caused
the collapse.
Seme people say that the Heading iron
works failure is a proof that .Iren manu.
facture in Eastern Pennsylvania Is at
such dlsadrantage that it can no longer
be made profitable. They say It Is gelDg
West te the natural gas and Seuth te
contiguous coal and ere. Maybe it Is;
but there is no present sign of
it, and the Reading works failure cer
tainly Is net one. It the money
needlessly expended by that concern
In salaries had gune te pay its debts there
would have been no collapse. These are
net times when extravagance In Iren
manufacture can be indulged In; and
neither the West nor the Seuth can stand
it any belter thin the East. Pittsburg
with all Its natural advantage Is com
plaining mere loudly of unremuneratlve
business than nny place In the country;
and the great Illinois mills find profits se
small that they are forced te combine.
Every section et the country has its
advantages and disadvantages for the
Iren manufacturer, and at present the
indications are quite as favorable in
Eastern Pennsylvania as In nny ether
section. It has lower wages and prexim
ity te the seaboard and the market In its
favor. It needs lower freight rates en its
materials, which will ceme when the rail
reads' manngers knew that it is vital.
Whatever the future may bring forth, it
is certain that for the present Eastern
Pennsylvania Issecure In Its Iren manu
facture. Tim "reanjlvnla Hoeloty te Protect
Onlldren Frem Cruelty" annoucces tbt It
IssU Mint ilia ttmff 1im atrlved when a
strong (HoitNheutd be made te extend Its
protecting Inlluence by eitsbllshlng agen,
elea threugbnut the entire llmlU of the
atate. It tippears te be lodueed te feel thii
way by the addition et aeme $12,000 In leg
acies te Its pormtnent fund, and by the
great Rueaesi of Us work In Philadelphia,
wbere It haa undeubtedly done a great
deal of geed. The annual report atys : " In
the twelve year tbe aoeloty has been In
operation It baa roeelvcd and lnveittlgated
0,054 cemptalnta, Involving the ouatedy et
'J0.810oblldren, obtained 2,011 convletlona
In CiseH proaecuted, and reteued C,7W5 ohll ehll
tlrea Ireui dena el vloe and from neglect
find cruelty, who were plaeed by the
Roelely la comfortable homes where they
wcre under a oed moral Inlluoneo. Ithaii
abeltcred, olnthed and fed V,TM children,
and furnlalied 33.UM meala. Daring the
year we notlcei a falling oil In tbe number
of complaint", principally of neglect. This
ein be altrlbuted In part te the geed effoeta
of tbe onferootnonta of the high llcente
law, which greatly reduced the unmber
et liquor Kolcens, particularly thene whero
Whltky was eeld for Uve eenta." This li
valuable tostlueny m te tbe ctlcct of high
A censulak report en the eblna trade
at Llmegea, Prance, ahewa that the tilcet
of the roeent Inereaaa of Amerlean and
English manuraetura baa been In the
main bonenclal te that famous French fac
tory, as It baa compelled the Introduction
of machinery and the careful attention te
all detatla, a la always the oase with sharp
oempetltloa. A few yeara age the culpa
from the potters and molders, with the
debris from the broken ware before it bad
been baked, was thrown away ; te-day, It
Is all re;round and werked ever by machin
ery. The breken eblna la new used aa an
lngredteut intheenamel. Tbecblnamade
at Limoges last year waa valued at 3 G00,
000. Americans bought the finest of tbe
prod us?.
as cprlnj approaches, people begin te
think of their lawns and gardens, and any
novel suggestion In that line la of Interest.
Lancaster lias always been neted ter the
general loe of tlowera displayed by her
people, and travelleis often remark that
even In tha poorest quarters tbere are
Usweilug plants In the windows In winter
and well kept gardens In summer. Water
plants were the subject et a very Interesting
essay read before the Philadelphia Acad
emy of hetnrat Sctancsa recently by the
naturalist, Jesse Y. Burk. lle urged
the construction of water gardens of planta
that could be left out In winter, as well as of
the curious exetlss requiring house protec
tion. As Instances of plants belonging te tbe
water's margin he mentioned IhO'ciMall,
the reed, the arrow bead, the forget mt-net,
the (pitcher plant and the dreseraav l'ro l're l'ro
eeedlng te the minuter forms, he exhibited
and described lbs oeufervai, the duckweed
(lemna), the esrtla, the rloela and the sal
vlnla, plants se minute that they can be
beautifully grown In mere saucers en tbe
window sill el the Invalid. Apart from tbelr
beauty and scientific curiosity, such Utile
gardens turnlihed eahaustleas Helds for the
mloreaooplo study et the minuter forma of
animal life. Pausing te the deeper water,
Mr. Bark described the utricular!, with Its
curious llttle bladders, adapted as traps for
animals ( ler this U new classed as one of the
carnivorous plants) ; tbe delicate nttells, In
which the circulation of the vegetable tl uids
may be aeen through tranepsicnt walls.
One of the most lntereatlng plauta exhib
ited ana detcrlbed was the pentederla
craailpes, relative of our common plckerel
weed, having Inflated petiole, wbleh
enables It te float upon the surface nf the
water, and sending out runners te produce
ether plants, forming a complete raff. This
plant produces clusters or large azitiu like
Uowera. The vallHnerla was deterlbed,
with ita carious habit of producing lbs
female flowers en a long spiral stem aud the
wale llowera en a ahert stem at the bottom
of the rlver. At the proper time these
male flewera become loose and float en the
surface of tha water, fertilising the ethers,
which are then drawn beneath the surface
te ripen tbe seed. Ha aald that even the
magnificent Vioterla Regla oeuld be culti
vated In epsn ponds If started In the green.
j-li tSTS' flew'S
buiere frost.
uuute in wsrua ana transplanted about
Tha rrMSBt Tana But Tlmt areata (baa
tha Sunt Latlsd.
Frem tbe rhUidtlphta Recerd.
Among the carieaa propsattleris for
spending money before the state Legislators
Is a bill te appropriate f 1,500 "for tbe
celebration of tin signing of tbe first sarin
law by Qoerge Washington, te be held at
I.anra.ter en July 4 next." Jf IbOPeoPle
et tbe United Btalea should revive the tariff
act of 1789, Imposing a duty averaging 8 psr
eent. upon a few hundred artlclee, and get
rid et tbe act of 1883, levying an average
duty of 47 per cant, en 4,000 articles, tbey
would, Indeed, have reason for celebrating
at Lancaster, and everywhere else, en the
4 tli of July and every otner day lu the year,
We have no Idea that our patrlotle and
tariff loving representative at Harrlaburg
or examined the tariff act algned by
Waablngten, and whleh the patrleta of that
day and generation considered sufficient for
the support of tbOROvernmentand for tbe
encouragement and protection of manufac
turer. Inordertbatthoymay veto Intel
lUently we publish it. Tbe Mllla tariff
referm bill proposed an average of duties
alxtlmrs blRber tbau the tariff aet of 1769,
which fellows :
An aet for laying a duly en goods, wares
and morchsndlte Imported into the
Unlted Stales
Hbotiek 1. Where, It la necerssry for
the support of tbe United Htatta and tbe
encouragement and protection of manufac
turers that duties be laid en goods, wares
and merchandise imported, tie It enacted
by the Henateand Honseot Representatives
of tbe United Htatca or America in Cengreaa
aeaembled, that, en and afler the first day
of August next ensuing, tbe eeveral duties
hereinafter mentioned shall be laid en the
following goods, wares and merchandise
Imported into the United Htstes from any
fnreUn pert or piano, that Is te say : On all
distilled spirits el Jamaica proof, pergillen,
10 eenta J en all ether dlstllled spirit, per
gallon, 8 eenta; en molaases, per gallop, 2
cents; en Medelrn wine, psr gallon 18 eants;
en all ether wine, per gallon, 10 cents; en
beer, ale or porter, ter gallon, 6 cinta; en
otder, beer, ale or porter In bottle, per
dozen, SO eenta; en matt, per bushel, 10
csntt; en brown sugars, per pound, 1 cant;
en leaf sugars, per pound, 3 rnntr; en all
otber augarr, per pennd, 1 csnls; en
copper, per pound, 2; com! en cocoa, per
pound, 1 eenl; en all Landlra ei tallow, per
pound 2 cents; en all candles of wax or
spormseetll, per pound, 0 eente; en cheese,
per pound, 4 cent ; en soap, per pound,
2 eenta; en boeui, per pilr, CO esnta;
en all "hop, slippers or gelcshei mide of
leathor, per pair, 7 nonte; en all Rhene nr
slippers made of silk or Htull, per pslr, 10
eenta) en cabin, for overy 112 pounds 75
esnta ; en tarred oerdDge, for uvery 112
pounds, 75 centa ; en untsrred cordBge and
yarn, for overy 112 pounds, 00 enuts ; ou
twlne or nick thread. for every 112 pounds,
200 centa; en all steel, unwrought, for overy
112 pounds, CO coots; en nails andeplke,
per pound, 1 oent ; en salt, psr bushel, 0
cents; en snuff, par pound, 0 eeuls ; en
Indigo, per pound, 10 eents ; en wool and
oetton eardr, per dezen, 00 ents ; en oeal,
Srr bUKhel, 2 centa ou plnkled flab, per
arrel, 75 ceuts ; en dried 11th, psr quintal,
CO eenta; en teaa imperted from Unlna or
India, Bebea, per pound, 0 rents ;
Fuoheng or ether black teas, rer
pennd, 10 oeDta ; all Hysen teaa
per pound, 20 eents ; all ether green
teas, per pennd, 12 eents J en all teaa Im
ported rrem iturepe, iiennn, per piunu, a
cents ; Fuoheng and ntber black teas, per
pound, 13 oenta ; all Hysen teas, per pennd
20 centa ; all ethor green tees, per pound,
10 centa ; en all looking ulm-e, window
and ethor glais, except black quart battles,
china, atone end CHrtbenware, gunpowder,
paint ground In oil, shoe and knoe bnoklea,
geld and silver leaf, blank books, 10 per
centum ad valerem.; en all writing, print
ing or wrapping paper, paper hangings and
pastobesrd. cabinet ware, buttons, Daddies,
Klnves of leathor, "y, per eentum ad va va
eorem ; hats of beivcr, fur, wool or mix
turoef ollber; millinery ready made, cast
lugs of iron, silt and tolled iron, leathor
tanned or tawed, manufaelurea of leathor,
eanes, walking sticks aud whip), clothing
ready made, brtishr, geld, allver and
plated ware, Jowelry and pastu work,
anchors, wrought, tlu and pewter
ware, 7U per cuntum ad valerem ;
en playing cards, per pack, 10 cents. On
every coach, chariot or ether lour wheoled
oarrlsge, and en overy obalae or ether two
Wheeler or part thereof, 15 psr eentum ad
valorent. On all ether gnede, wares and
morebandtsp, C per centum en the valua
tboreof at tbe tltne and place et Importation
except aa follews: Haltpetre, tin In pigs, tin
In plate, lead, old powter, bras, Iren,
brass wire, copper In plntes, wool, cotton,
dyelng weeds and dyetng drugs, raw bides,
beaver and all ether furs and uecr skin p.
Hoetlon 2. And be It further onBeted by
the authority aforeiell that from and after
tbe lstdsv nf December, whleh shall be In
the year 1703, thoieelinll bepild ;i duty en
every 112 peuuils welshtef hemp Imported
as nterPMlil of GO oenu, and en oettuu per
pound 3 cente.
Heotlen 8. And be it ensated by the
authority nforesnld thnl all the dutlei paid
or secured te be paid upon anyef thognedH,
wares and inercbarullHii at nferesiild, exoept
en distilled spirit, ether than brandy or
geneva wares or morchandlae, aa shall
within twolve months ofter payment made
or accnrlty glveti be exported te any
country within the limits et tbe United
btates, aa nettled I y the late treaty of peace,
shall be refunded cxeept 1 per centum en
the amount of the snlil dntles, In consliler censliler consliler
atten of the expmse which H'lall have
occurred by the entry and safekeeping
thereef. ' B
Hoetlon 4, And boltenaoted by tbe au
thority aforesaid that thure ehall be allowed
and paid en every quintal et dried and en
every barrel of plckled ll'h of tbe fisheries
of the United States, ntid en evety barrel of
salted previsions et tbe United H tales,
oxpertou te any oeuntry without tbe limits
thereof, In lieu of a drawback et tbe duties
Imposed en tbe importation of the suit
employed and oxpendod therein, viz : Oa
every quintal et dried flab, S cents; en
every barrel et pickled Mbd, C eentf ; en
overy barrel et salted provlsleu,6 cents.
fieotlen 5, And be It furtber enneted by
the authority aforesald that a discount of 10
per cent en nil the duties Imposed by this
aet shall be allowed en sueh goods, wares
and merchandise aa ahall be Imported in
vessels bnllt In the United tdtates, and
which shall be wholly the property of a
cltlzsn or citizens tberoef, or In vessels built
In foreign countries and en the lO.h day of
May last wholly the property of a cltlrsn or
cltlzsna et tbe Unlted btates, and be con
tinuing until the tlme of Importation.
(Section 0. And ba it fuitber euaoted by
the authority aforesaid, that this aet shall
oentlunoaud be In foreo until the 1st day
of June, which ahall be In tbe year of enr
I.etd, I'M, mid from thonce until the eud
of theuext succoedlng eeaelonef Onimress
which shall bi heldthereatter and no longer.
Speaker or the Heuse of Kepreseutattvea,
Jehn Adams,
Vies l'rotldent et the Unlted and
President of the Knnate.
Approved June 1, 17b9.
1'iCstdeut of the Uiiluu Muitis.
Bit (; p. Kkun, a widely known
and succeastul physlelan in aotlve practice
for fifty years, and until lately trn.'ee of the
Nnrrfstewn Insane asylum, died en Wed
ntaday night, at Batb, Pa., aged 72.
Puksiiiknt Hakhisen ami Unverrer
Ilfaver acknowledge rtteelpt of eniniill.
mentary tleketa for adtnlsaieu te the Ain Ain
lutle bate ball grounds for the seaen.
Ooverner Beaver saja he nover saw tbe
national game played.
Bosten, lu a lecture en the Delaarta phllos phlles phllos
ephy, a night or two age In that city, eatd :
'Though 1 donetouloglzs Francis Delsarte,
1 place In his crown of earthly clery a
brighter gem than any of his dlsclplta have
yet placed tbera when I Bay that iie was
toemsuly, tee honest, tee intelligent and
far-seelnir, te publish what Is new known
aathe 'Delsarta Philosophy."'
David Ohewkll, of Han Diege, CM., a
mining expert well known In thu West, is
In Kesdlni-. lle rays that he bus beru la
the recently dlscovered geld region In
Mexico, snu dnta net speak favorably of
the prospects, lie advises all perseua who
contemplate keIur te tbe new Kt Derade te
atay awsy. He says that he has seen lets of
Pennsyivaelana in tbat region who would
be glad te sell the clothes off their backs te
get home.
James U. WixnniM, et Philadelphia,
who has beeneflered the poMtlen or super
vising arehlUct or the treasury, la a urad uate
or Ulrard college, whose most Important
work as an architect la the great Masonic
Temple el Philadelphia. Wlndrlm's plans
werecheien from a Isrge number of ethers,
and it caused great dissatisfaction am en J
the elder arcbltecta, Mr. Wlmirlm was
only twenty.alx yeara old at tbat lime.
Among tha ether works which he had
cbargeef were JajCoekosbonae,"0onlr,"
BtUneltea HUls, (be Academy of Natural
8e!sses, the Bsak of Nertasra Llbsrthw,
the Tradwasen'a bank-, the Glrart eetete
leres ess Atarast street, lest flntsh4, the
HeUl Lafayette, the College of PfcyMclaaw,
and the Western MavlagFuad bolldieg.
Tfca Lst AtlaatM.
Fer many ccntai'lai there hia besa a trail
tlsn of a lam leat-.h,i eallas Atlantis.
The Graekieezrapbera located It lath At
lantloecstn, west or tha nerthwrSt partct
Atrlcaandtha I'lllais of Il-rcnles. Tta sea
kings Of ailnntla are sMfl te bars Invad-a
Knrepe and Afrlej, and ts lave been df ata
by tha Athenians.
All tbe If eenfla a-re tbat It waa a vast is
land, of Inexhaustible rescmrees, and In
habited by a raca of anpeiler peerla. te
aijea Ibis Island bu exlsled only in legsndary
lore, Knt new, when tha ll-tatef modern re
asarchlatnrnid fall upon tbe Investigation,
beheld the lest Atlantis at ear Tery doers.
Be the blffcted medical fraternity gees grop
ing abcut In lb-dark, seeking ter an Atlantis
or Jisculaplus whsnif tbey would iaveall
Kattb07 would bshrld tha lest Atlantlaat
th-lr rry deer, with their anctent wxt
book, a case of physie, a ptper in their wataf
ceatglvl-g tbem llcenie te pncllce, experi
ment and floie With thetr lii)tirleua drugs,
cantcrfza nnd perform unnecesiary acts, with
no poison or lam te held them a-ceuntnble,
tbey contlnne their bigoted, hi 'mtlfled prac
tice, ataiing Inte vaeiucy, and Imagining that
theyieetn thomselvoiau KicnUplua.
Wrapped In ancient blgeUy, tbey are crying
out against all tmprovemenls tbat have been
made in mcdltal aclcnce. They denounce
any new Idea advanced by a lay man or an op
position school as a fraud
Uecacsl humanity will net ba bent fitted t
Net at all, but beetnae their spsilal liindld
net tenia the dlacovery.
Yetlhsy coneedo tbat there la no remedy
known te their materia medics tnat will cars
an advanced kidney malady and the dlaeases
arising tbnrefrjm although many of them
knew from crowning proof that Warner'a
Safe Cara wilt bat unaorupulenaly treat
aymptetna and tall tbem a disease, wbea in
reality tbey knew they are bnt symptoms.
A few of the mcre honest phyalctans admit
thu Warner'a Sate C'uie la a valuable remedy,
and a great blrtatna; te mankind, bat say. In
semnny words, hn asked why thtydonet
pioscrtbe It, that they cinnet, ajcordlngte
Mesrtbelfl3a, the world li fiat boeemleg
sal'afled that the cure for kidney and liver
dlsee-ca, In wbnlcvorfenn or ocnaitlen, has
been dlseovcred, and tbets Is nodenbtbut
whit Warner's Bafo Cnte and Its fame will live
long atter such bigotry aa sce havolnstaneed
Is duad andbnrd.
Tbe la'e eminent physician and writer, Dn
J U. Helland, published In "Bcrlbner'a
Monthly," nnd showed hU opinion of such
bigotry, and no doubt waa lattsflsi that At
lantis might possibly be discovered Inapio Inapie
prlnury medicine, whoa hs wrote edlterlaUy,
ai lotiens:
" Nevertheless, Itlaa fact that many of the
beit proprletary tnedlclnca of ths day were
mete suceeasfal than many of tbe physicians,
and most et them, It ahenld be remembered,
were llrst discovered or used In actual meat
enl practice. Wheu, hewever, any shrewd
person, knowing their virtue, and foreieelng
thelr pepulat Ity, seeursi and ndTertlsea them,
then. In the opinion of the bigoted, all virtus
went out et theui."
aa a.
" t wenffer hew It is tbat I nwrence Barrett
always keeps his voice anolairandresenantt"
"Why I suppe'c, lle overy ethor senslDle
man, he keeps a supply et Dr. null's Cough
ithiiumatlimhnd had held of me for two or
thn a years t tllid Hulvatlen Oil i It quickly
gave u.u rellif, aud 1 have net bad it slnce.
Cliften, naltlmore Ccuaty, Md.
Thn Sseret Cans el Most Ladles' TrenbUs
ICiplaliied ana Herns Stnslbts Advlc atvsa
It Is si'e te say that net one women In ten
thousand lives a alnnln week In which abe
does net either cry or feel like nrylng. the
oirei et lite, disappointments, and, mare than
a'l nlse, nnd pitni masd all
women mero or less mlsorable. This la all
xrenu Wemtn worn made for htpplnnis, net
for misery. vben a women Itwn-kahnre-qutres
strength. Her body, her mind, and all
her faonltleaand lunotlens must be put In a
liealtliy condition, or a he cannot scenre
strength, Nature li alwayij ready te de Wis,
but iiaiurn almost always requires nsjtstanee,
and thofiuedtlon therefote Is, "Uewcjin we
best nlit nuture T"
1 he flneat phyatelan- In the medical pro'os pre'os pro'es
slon have agreed tbat nothing an aurely and
vastly does this as pu in wulsaey taken In mod
el ntten, either before mails or ontwecn inesJs.
llienreclli legnntly nnd healthily stimulate
a I Ilmliveultli's te vigorous action, and thus
nature is assisted andstisngth is given There
me hundreds uud theusann or ladles in
Atno' le v today, wbe ure growing stronger,
haallhte rand mere attractive In appearance
by the tudirleus use or Unity's pure Malt
teblsscy. Many or thejla1t-n are the wives
et inlnlntsra ana protessorn, and hundreds el
them nm lemperanee weniin. They retJUe
Ilia Duffy's l'ure Walt WMskey Is a medi,
etne, net 11 drink, nnd thit it lurnsbes the
best and only pnstllve help te waxkennd
b jdles that bin ever baenetsenverud, wrest
ctre, eheutil ba pzoielseo, however, te secure
only thii genulnu, which li uboelntely purn,
Drthireurn ninny Bncilled whlikl-s In the
lnmket, that nran neslilvn Injury te anyone
who uses thorn. We ventur.i te assart, how
ever, that noteno woman In Uve hnedred who
will carefully u-e this gifiat aid tnbeatihln
metleratlru will continue te suur from
wnskntusns, hut en thn contrary, will find a
lentwal nut only of youthful vwer, hut of
color, lirUbtness, and all tbesa quUltla which
tndlcute the presuuee of perlect health. ()
It Imparts a brilliant transparency te the
sain, llemevua nil pimples, 1 rucklea and OU
colorations, and mku- tne skin dellcataly
soft and beautiful. It contains no lime, white,
lead or ar-enla In three ghadss, pink or nosh!
white ana brunette.
reu sale ur
All Dnigglata and Faney QeaJa
Djnlers flvorywliero.
-iiKivAi:s or IMITATIONS,
U Utu of Lancaster city, deceased. Let
ters rf administration en aatd oatate hav
Inn tioeu k ran ted te ue underslgned. all
persona liidnbtrd tboreto are requustd te
uiake liniiKHllnte payment, and theas having
claims or dniuand Hgatnst thu same, will pre
sent th-m without Onlay for settlement te the
ndenlgncd, reaming in Lanra-ier, !.
l 1.1.1 M 1IIKS1KNZ,
. ,. . Aduiluistrnieis.
A. It KniTcnir, Attorney. H5Ctr
lattiet StrusbiirgbnreuBb.deceased. Let
ters Ustauienury e- -tld eitute having heen
Kriinta te thn miderjlKnc. a'l panens In-eliu-a
thurute nre n quisled te make linuo linue linuo
d'ate pm lnmtt, and t hi se having els ltus or de
iu.u3n sgilnsl thu same, Mill present tbem
without dlay for astuement te the under under
llgecd, lesldliiK m biratburg bernuuh.
.. .. WILLIAM ULACli Hxcuter.
Gie M KLIKS, Attorney. mlS Oiar
-tli late of Wi at Heuipd-it. deceased. Let
ters of ttlii.lnlnrileii, with will annexeil, en
aula esUtiihuMngheunurantcd tetha under
signed all persnus luduhud thereto are re
quested te iiiuWii tmuipllte paymunt, and
these having tlutma or demands against the
sai;e. will pretenl thnre without dftay ler
settlemeiit te the inideralgnt.d, residing In
bller Opting
miisan liOl'ION. Administratrix. c.t. a.
A. O. hxwruxa, Atterniy. lubjjetdr
AU lata of Lancaster city, deceased, let let
ters ttviamenlary en said estate having been
printed te the undersigned, all persons In.
oeutea thereto are requested te make tm
iuauu p ij ment, and these having claims or
Ueujandi again.t the tauie, win present them
without einy for geiileiumit le the under
signed, residing luLane ister cltv.
II. Flu s K, Kxucuter.
Attorney. mS-etdt'
Inte of l hi city nf Laneaslur, de-eased.
Lttterief ad Llni.tratten en eatd etlat-having
been ulnnu a in ihe undersigned, all per
aeusludebud tatute aru requrst-d te make
Imuiediavu pay uieai. a d ihe.0 haying clulma
or demaniu aitalaat thj ssme, will present
them altheutiiHiRy or setti-ment tothoun tethoun totheun
Ceralgntd, rusldlng In fbl adelpbla.
. Jett w. tiENSLKa.
wSltir0lrL" " AOn-la'straur.
" --i-ni-i -li-i -i.-ii lira isi -n njua.ii.iaui
tmHAtmtnk, rtmr, Maraa ss, rata.
On account of the three peat
days' aterm the Dratsee aad
Wraps will continue en public
view one day mere.
Tuesday, 26th, first view of
Spring Millinery.
As pigments ere te pictorial
art, se are silk and wool, or
worsted, te textile art With
them the fancy of the designer
works at the best when diagonal
or grenadine weaves are the
groundwork for plush decera
tien. It is this chance for effect,
this inherent possibility of
beauty, that keeps cloth and
plush, in some form, constantly
Is this true? Then many
women will be interested in
certain counters in the centre
aisle today. There is a new
combination. The styles, qual
ities, colors, are all right, the
combination is with cheapness
a sort ei half pricehalf value
and very real cheapness, that
te women with limited purses
or prudent minds, will give the
added charm of possession.
As they were it was distance,
net the distance of enchant
ment ; as they are it is famil
iarity, net of contempt, but
Half prices! Why? Just
this -the Dress Patterns. Robes.
are net just in, they are just
out. Out of darkness and Inte
light. Yeu knew we have new
and have hadthe Dress Goods
stock of the world.
Paris laughs, Berlin sneers,
Vienna ogles, New Yerk snubs
all right, Philadelphia can
aMcMiiancs a is iicic.
The concentration of the
world of anything makes a
crowd which forces something
or somebody te the rear. And
se these wool and plush dress
patterns were crowded out.
That's why they are here. To
day they come te the front.
Glonesa, Challis, Roubaix
Robes, the whole sweet troupe
stand aside while these 500
Rebe Patterns take precedence.
Whatever may be said of all
the rest of the Grand Army of
uress stuns, these at least are
cheapest, $5, $6, $8, $10, $12.
Loek ever the colors, examine
the qualities, study the decora
tion. If you have the money
and want a dress, ten te one
you'll buy.
Near by are the Remnants.
Centra alsls.
Stationery is just as we
would cheese te have it. Kinds
and amounts as well as place
and light are as near perfect as
we knew hew te make them.
With all the rest, we are in
better shape te take Engraving
orders. A quiet cubby-hole of
a room right in the department
where you can say your say
and cheese your styles without
a thought of obtrusive eyes or
As fine Engraving as can be
done. And prompt.
Northwest or centre.
Hardware! Hardware!
9& 1 1 Seuth Queen St.,
Sold at the Lewest Market Price-;
Alse, large aasortment of
E0U8E-STIRE &00D3 !
Butcher Heuse Bene.
QUK f 1 00 A DOZEN
Cabinet Photographs
A rn Mounted en rina Geld Serrated Amert
can Mpuius. Twe bluings Allowed en Al
'1 breu Hellar TVerk,
Kext Doer te the Fostemce.
WEftTKlt UABU IW0008. WneleaaJuand
UtaU,al II It. MAttTIN AGO,
4"t Water atrtwt, Lancaster, Fa.
tiafim NfL ll aTnr4li flnaamStraat amai -.
sst north lrtn-str-U
lfaaaai-wenii ra-ksa swat, mmtrntrnttma
paixra OaTAKavr oempovk .
It Made Mether Stene
r taetksr lata Mas astag Paraa'a Csxvav
ar Be-vows preatmt-a, aoeesa-
ata by taalaithella, ete., a k baa Ism
karawerUaf gee it talk only taedlciBe
tasU straagtkaaHi tha sm-vm "
. V. BBaUUs. Oiblseala. fa.
Pa'aa's Ctlsry Ceaapeaed is of smtesat'd
vtewe--t--u it at-MgUvns tka Yetves,
nfvdMM feMaayt, aa kas -rwedertnl
tern la earlag tha -sataral dlswa-M wltk
wUek vesuM se often stlsatly seflsr.
WparbeVUe. Six for 16. AtOragtUti.
Watia.BioatiaDae -, re . trarilagten. Tt
J la ifqm and Celer.
KttMng ran Aqual lA-m.
Opsn Te-day
AT -
50c., 76c. and
Nea. 35 and S7 BaatSlng Street, Latieaater, Pa.
13 East Kine Street.
Lancaster, Pa.
About April ist te their
NOS, 115 AND 117
Lancaster, Pa.
And are offering tbe Greatest .Bargains
ever teen in thli city.
Special prices en LINEN TOWELS.
One let of heavy Linen Towels, bor
dered and (ringed, at 10c ; regular price
One let of fine Damask Towels, knot
ted fringe; also some heavy Towels, extra
larte, at 12tc ; regular price 18c.
One let of very large heavy Damask
Towels, at 15c ; regular price 20c.
One let of very large Linen Towels, at
lOe ; regular price 2oe.
One Tet of Fancy Bordered Towels;
also extra large, all white, Barnaley
Towels, at 25c ; regular price 37c.
Anether let of these heavy red bor
dered Napkins, at 6c.
One let of Plaid Muslins and Lace
Checks, at 12ic; regular price IS.
One let of colored Check Lawns, at
10c; regular price 12e.
Anether large let of 3 te 4lncb wide
teal Torchon Laces, at 10c a yard ; regu
lar price 15e.
The balance of these beautiful Ham
burg Edges at 5 and 10a a yard; regular
price 10 te 18e.
One let of one-string embieidered Kid
Gloves, 4 buttoned, tan color, scalloped
top, at 60c; regular price 76c.
One let of dropped stitched Lisle Hese
In fancy slates and modes, at 48c ; regu
lar price 76c.
One let of 40 Gauze fine Cotten Hese,
foil regular made, black and colored, at
21c; regular price 35s.
One let of dropped stitch fine Cotten
Hese, In black and slate color and fancy,
at 12ic ; regular price 20c.
One let et large wide Lawn Aprons,
wide tucks, at 10c ; regular-price 26c
One let of large Turkish Towels, at 83;
regular price 12tc.
One let at 12ie ; regular price 18c.
One tot at 10e ; regular price 26c.
D. P. Stacuheuse,
28 and 30 East King St
I take pleuure in calling your attention te
my Una of
That I am recelrlng' dally for tha Spring Trade,
and all are made for these who requite great
durability and for eleganea of style, nt aad
workmanship cannot ba excelled.
Prleea Lewer "Cbaa tbe Leweat.
Call and examine my large stoek and wa
will be pleased te try aad salt yen .
fng la a aafa and efficient remsdv ter
worms la children. Hubley's Santenins Werm
Tablets ax agreeable m n-, taate ana easy te
admlaiste-. .. .
sa u SU.SI s umu m arxi'iut.
'llailtBiallu.- aa. vSaaw ....a
t&PVPiSSt-iSlblia mhS
MSf, no e-an
ee-irs-Mt. mar ... t ,
anna rasaja
1ST 1-asaril'a l-JaMtr--.. -.- -L.rl
--. ,n-.i-.wna.arHii
tavw a aiesl asiMUta sdiA (ma staSa wail Mi
sptrluS-Br7-itVatertisJ4i eT
jeaegsaan" " m.0. KiMmStKuTilT
TIOlHs!. 1-sV
FtltMji Oelery OomDetmd
ftmgu-MuabDU'spUia ,-! earsa
sjbahrlagrsattMa. KtMmsaatlsna, TaamSeS
"M-9ytrielda-. kava trts mT.
a-a-jraaMlet, bat Bena kad any caTMs aatll I
!?? HlMT Ces-ptranl. I fral -.
Urt4diistntfotBa-kerttla Ikava a
Ik I sua walk aearly straa-ht, alcepse-iBa
wa well, and reel aa'tke-igk tserT wmmw
Ufa asd.sBergy eetDlng into my whels ata
Mm." - KMVMuWlevTlVBa.'TTaB:
mi iABr vwwibflmF&w
3,000 Yards
$LOO a Yard.
the large third story room above He.
Centra flqeaxe. lnnutieet
febU tfd He 1C8 Bsst a lng Street.
A? Baaemen tin eeu thorn Market. Alie en
Stera Keem en Vtne atr'et, antiab'e for any
business, inquire at 1 ard A MoKlrev's Dry
Uoeds atere, aeath Queen street. fis-ifd
from and after tha l.t of Anrli nut ttinnm
or MBS. MAT1S,
M 413 North Duke Btreet, Lancuter.
flneat bnatnesa properties In tha ctty t
ele-a'itly suited te tha butchering business i
rent reasonable. Alse a line dwelling of is
rooms within one squsra of ttermnument
could be used te advantage for efflees. Call
en T. C, wniT'UN. 10K K. Kina- et.
rae-lmd ileal Satate and Insurance.
Shew Cases Fer Sale.
5 and 6 Feet Leng.
Alse a Fine l'lush ran or Suite.
2d and 1th Floers Over
Shee Stere,
Nea. 8 and 6 East King; Btroet.
Whele floors or Parts of floors will ba
rented, and partitioned te eutt geed tenants,
if applied for seen i with easy acccsr, having
entrance en last King street,
second fleer sultbble for Law and ether
OfU cas.
Posaesslen will be given about April 1st.
Twe Shew Cases and WlnCew fixtures for
Will trade a Small Safe ea a Large One.
The One-Price Cash IIeukb,
Thi Leaders of Lew Price
Ne. S East King Mrwt,
The Largest Assortment et
Daoerated White Granlte Seml-
Pcrcfclaln and Froneb Ofclna.
Elaner, Tae, and Toilet Bets,
And at prices equil te any.
aiassware In Abundance
Olve na a call before purchasing.
High & Martin,
Ne. 15 East King St.
Alaedealer In Hides Tallew, Conss and Grease.
The blMha.t cast prlce paid ter Uldes. Alse
manufacturers et Pure iiene Meal ler chicken
feed and Jsrtllliera
lestlsaeBlais famished If necessary. Tele-aaoase-sas-Vea.
iisbssmhj, -,
L'L&api2i L .3Ltf -?t f'saasiWfe-tsaastjrSttg--