Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, March 16, 1889, Image 1

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rtrwtr -v a-ain.Traic - i
oenkcotioic mra Tata ubobem.
Bishop Merrill rresehss a linn Oa the
Impertaat inHi.saf MMitUraAMMMa.
asata Mad far aetvteee by MaMn
Ul Cilimei la um City Churchse.
Vho fourth day's eesMea cf the Phils
delpbla conference m opeaed at 0 o'cJeok
ilIi merales-, with Rev. Dr. The. a
Murphy conducting lb religious exerciser.
Alter tbe singing of hymn 659 Mm mlaatee
of Wcdneadsy wets rssd and approved.
Tbe following loett preachers war
elected te desoeaft' erdari: Frem St, Peter's
charge, Reading, Adelpb H. Detaorset;
Twelfth street, Philadelphia, Taos. R.
Oroekt; Qutrryville circuit, Jaeeb N.
GrrO; Mr, Nebo circuit, Jobs H.
CbeatcrtewD, Maryland oUeult,
Wllien Tedd t Tannersviile
Jeremiah S. Ouater; Waalay
e torch,
PhlUdelph'a, Wm. MeHQfbaat
Bemmetfield eharga.Vblla-.a pbla,A.brabata
Tbe following' were elai'.ad te eldara'
or Jera : Jehn Flint, Valley Ferge ; Peter
Hunter, Protpret Park.
Alttandrr O. Shield, of Jenklte(
ad Bltrtrd E. Dlxev, of MtllerarUUe,
Who ere en probation for two yeirr, we.
Dselved Inte fall connection. Tbe qnee
ttma preaeilbed in the Metbedlat dlaci
pllee were pat te theae two young ilea by
Blahep Merrill, and were attlafaoterlly an
wared ; after whleu Blihep Merrill de de de
llreredanaddroaate theae young meaea
lb 9 Importance or tbe work entrusted te
tbe care of m In later of tbe gospel in tbe
Mrthedlat Kplrcepil oiureh.
J. H. Maddex, of OtrlUle, bai deeldtd
aet te enter tbe tnlnltiry, and be wm dk dk
esntlnncd at bit own reqaeat "
Kv. Dr. Jehn B.Van Meter, repreaenUng
the Weman'e oellege, of Baltimore, made
an addreaa In behalf of that loatltuUen. It
waa In 1884, and new baa bulldlega
and an endowment of ever f 300,000, end tbe
B.ltlmere conference, Jaat adjourned, baa
pledged Itself te ralae f 40 000 tble year ae aa
ti eecure gift of 185,000, which will be
available It that amount be raited by the
Biltlmere conference.
Key. Dr. J. O. Pick, corresponding aeere
Ury of tbe Mlnlenary aoelety of the
Method let obureh,eddreaed tbe oenferenoe
en tbe neeeaalty of liberal oentrlbutlone te
tblt Important fund.
petition of Rer. Jehn McQaard, of tbe
Kaneta conference, was referred te the
presiding elder.
Tbla evening there will be a mate meeting
In tbe lnterett of the Prohibition amend
ment BUbep Bewman will prealde and
editresses will be delivered by Rev. Dr. A.
J, Kynett and Dr. K. K. Yeung.
Te mono w afternoon tbe deaoena and
elders eloeted by tbla conference will be
ordained at Bt. Paul's M. E. ohureh by
Bishop Merrill.
Te-morrow afternoon tLere will be e mate
melting at tbe court heaae la tbe lntercate
of the observance of tbe Ssbbatb.
Te-morrow evening a meeting with a
similar otjeet will be held In the First
Prctbyterlan cbnrcb.
By special Invitation of Pesla 84 and 406
Q. A. it., Rev. J. W. Ssyrer, depirtment
commander, will preach In tbe court hiuie
te-morrow evening.
The annlveraary of tbe Southern Eluoa Eluea Eluoa
tlen and Fteeman'a Aid society will be beld
te morrow evening at tbe Duke street
HauJay'j Appoletmsuts.
DukeStroet Cbuieh: Morning, B shop 8.
Trinity Lutheran: Morning, E. K. Yeung,
D. D.; evening. A. J. Kyneu.
Bt. Jehn's Iiatherai: Morning, L. B
HefTinan; evening, O W. North.
Grace Lutheran: Evening, Geerge A.
Flrat Refermed: Morning, A. M. Wlj
gtni; evening, B M. Nlll.
8'. Paul's Uofertaad: Morning, J. T.
BatetiM'; evening, T. Suewden Tuemaa.
8'. Paul's M. E : Morning, Thes. Kelly,
D. D ; evening, It B tlugbia
Western M. K : Mernlnir, T. R. Creek.
First Presbyterian: Mernln?, B. T.
Thorns; evening, Bseba'b meeitrg, T. A.
Firnley in charge and addressee Dy Rev.
Dr. Neely, Ju Iga Ashman and ether'.
Presbyterian Memerial : Morning, K E.
Dixen ; evening, Gtierga W, Ad.uif.
Moravian : Eveulng, Theodere Btevjna.
Christ Lutheran : Morning, W. L,
amy, D. D-evenlng, F. G. Ooxsen.
First Baptist: tuenlng, W. B. Llnde
mutb. Olivet Bjpllst : Metulng, F. A. G:cka
Union Bethel : Morning, Wllmer Uetf.
man ; evening, Cornelius Hudsen.
Covenant U. B : Morning, A. D. Gelst;
evening, C. C. Clark.
Water Street Evangelical : Evening,
Frank E. Q rat If.
College Chapel : Morning, T. B. Neely,
0uit heua,9undpy afterncen.3.15 p. m.;
Praatdent, Judge Pattrsnn : addrawi,
Judge W. N. Ashman, Prof. Rlttenheuse,
T. A. Fernley.
Columbia, M. K.: Morning, W.W. Ooek
man ; evening. J. D. Martle.
Bt. Paul's X.utberan, Llillz: Evening,
Alfred Heebner.
Coatesvllle: Morning and evening W.
B. Onalfant.
Bird in. Hard : Morning, B. S. Breai
bent ; evening, W. Bamlerd.
Bendersburg: Morning, W. Bamlerd ;
evening, B. 8. Broadbent.
Sema Mlaiienary SeclHy Anniversary
Dr. Geerge K. Merris presided at tbe
anniversary of tbe Weman's Heme
Missionary society at tbe Dnke street
church en Friday afternoon, Mra. R. W.
P. GclT, president of tbe aoelety, announced
tbe bymn, and after tbe devotional exer
cises that follewod, the report of the
treasurer waa read. 1 1 showed tbe receipts
of the past year te be 13,333 02, and tbe
greater part of wbleh waa expended by tbe
aoelety In advancing tbe work of the
Mrs. C, W. Brlekley read tbe report O'
the corresponding aceretary aud superin
tendent of supplier, alter whleu Kev. Dr.
Illff, of TJtaU and Miss Banoreft, wbe
worked aa a missionary among the Indians,
delivered addreitsa. A collection for tbe
eaute waa taken up and a handsome aum
waa realised.
The Tract Bectaty.
The thirty sixth anniversary of tbe Phil
adelphia Conference Tract aoelety was beld
at the court beuse en Friday evening. CjI CjI
een HiUktll, etq., president of tbe aoelety,
presided. Bt. Paul's M. E. ohureb choir
opened tbe exerolaea by singing tbe anthem
"The Sure Be ward of Oar Ltber," after
wbleb Rev. Dr. Carrow ettered praser.
The report et the beard of managers, show
ing tbe work ttoeotnplUhed during the jeir,
was read by Dr. A. M. Wlgglna. Tbe
speakers of tbe evening were Dr. T. B.
Meely and Rer. O. M. Bes well. J. Leng, P.
W. MeOlellan. Geerge Illman,PnlllpHertc,
T. L. Dsbew, and Wesley Btreteh were
Oleeted lay managers for tbe ensuing year,
Tn Tampsranca Bectsly.
Tbe anniversary el tbe Conference
Temperane) society waa beld In Bt. Paul's
Metbedlat Episcopal cbnrcb. Rev. Usury
Wvbeeler presided.. Kev. T. P. Newberry,
tbeBTst speaker, dwelt en tbe Importance
of arousing tbe people te tbe gravity of tbe
leene presented te tbem for decision la
tine, and urged ibe women te take aa
aatlre part In tbe contest. Tbe liquor men
can net aland ibe women. Tbe only danger
fit defeat Uy in tbe Indifference of tbe
FfOBlbltieniets, Rer. Geerge K. Merris,
D D., wke followed, said It was aet
jaieaesis hm an wy ww v. mm
tlMeawaattkevnaeteaterslrlak. it
etasfiy a easaaatga agataet a dcatraeilve
baataeas, wblek taaat tee wiped eat, Tke
fsakeg advised aeeae te warry about tbe
law aetbelBg earrledeal; eaaetttaad It
wm aa vat law effect.
ejmsa'er mm aluaweK.
Ki. Artha T. rtatsea, ei ratMetatuf; AS.
arassas the Osiveaiia ea Vitaey sealag.
Wkea tka Ihtklmosneib waat te prase
aa Friday tbe custriet eoarecUea of tke
later Beaatsary Mlaaleaery Alltaaea waa
dteeaeslng tka piper ea "Tka Werk AaaeBg
The follewleg took part la tbe dlMuselea:
K. MeMlllan, Prlnoeten; B. M. .aemsr,
New Brunswick; G. H. Blckley, jr., Drew;
M. O. Nell, Lancaster j Rev. The. G. Apple,
D. D., president of Fraaklla and Marshall
laasaaueh as W. W. Smith, t Prlaeatem
eellege, was aet prseeat tks coaveatlea
devoted tke time for bit paper te a dlecna dlecna
atea of 'Tbe Werk Asaeag Colleges end
Seenlaarlec" Tbe dlaoaaalea was oea
ttaned by B. L. Kreba, Laneaater; PhUlp
toeps, Union) A. N. O'Brien, Ualea, aad
J. A. Cosby, AUagbeay. Tbe entkneteetle
dlseasslea bad te be clceed because tbe time
waa at band ler lbs next paper.
W. J. Wandlaas, of tka International
Medical Missionary society, read the next
paper ea "Missionary Werk Among
Churehee." The writer set forth especially
tbe object of tble work.
Tbe next and laat paper was read by Mr.
W. R. Btearly, of Ualea seminary, N. Y
ea "Tbe Call iu Deetuea."
The minutes of ths altlanea were read,
oerreoted aad sp proved.
Mrp. Arthnr T. Plsrsoe, of Philadelphia,
addressed the oenveatloa last evening In
tbe Flrat Reformed chnreh. Dr. Plersea
spoke with mneb fores end Interest for
almost one hour and a half. His remarks
were beted en tbe apostolic commission,
showleg hew It oentelns the Idess of omni
presence and omnipotence. He ad vised tbe
young men te be willing te go and work
where ae one elsj would go and work
aad be especially oencerned bow you go.
Tke sessions of the alllsaes were brought
te a close by a ebert consecration meeting.
Oi labiates its Twentieth Aaaivanar at Hetel
lauicastsr, WiUr Kranlsg.
The Tucquan Is by far tbe eldeet fishing
aad camjleg elub In this elty, having been
erganised In 1809. Tbe elub baa always
been composed of tbe beet known gentle,
men In Laneaater and thsy always have
a geed time. Laat evening they celebrated
their twentieth anniversary at Hetel Lan Lan
oaater, where they beld a banquet. Tne
members present were ae fellows :
J. a Reth, A. V. Rein coal, G. M. Zthm,
H. C. Detnutb, Hiram Btamm, J. B. Ke
vlnskl, Jehn L. Martin, Isiae Leldlgb, H.
Ii. Raub, Jamee Wiley, O. F. Rengler,
Jere Rohrer, J. B Warfel, X G. Warfel,
Albert Rangier, T. B. Cochran, J. C. Carter,
A. K. Bpurrler, J. 1. Hartman, Dr. O.
Reland, 'Abram Bblrk, Geerge Katbven,
J. H. Banmgardner, H. R Breneman, J.
P. Wlekerabam, W. D. Blaefler, A. H.
Frltebey, M. L Herr, Jae. A. MeDJVItt
Mr. Bnyder bad prepared an excellent
sapper and the bungrv fishermen did
ample luttlea te It The menu was as
fellows :
yiternn Half Bbell.
luikay With Celery Baute
Chicken ana Lebster.
rrlea Uysters.
Celd aietts.
Ham, Tongue
Orange, Apples, urtpea.
Bie, Java.
Clgirg, Uier, LhiuipsgnA,
Several beura were epent in a very
pleasant manner by the members, wbe
sang songs, made speeches, told stories of
tbe big fish tbey have caugbt, and in
ether waya enjoyed thetnielves until mid
night Colored eaa Fallows Oaltbrats.
Yesterday waa tbe fenrth anniversary of
Eato Parpetna Ledge Ne. 2,624, G. V. O. et
O, F. Iu tbe evening the ledge made a
abort street parade and then proceeded te
Fulton opera beuse, In tbe second story
or which the oelebratlen et the anniversary
took place. Among the atrangera preient
waa Jeseph BtaHerd, district secretary, et
Marietta, Edward Clark made the open
ing address, and etbera who apeke were
Edward Mellen, William Prestor, Albert
Wilsen and Oaerge li. Lloyd.
After tbe meeting a ball waa beld. The
fleer was cleared and tbe ball seen began
le All with taabienably dressed colored
neenle. wbe were aoeompanled by swell
looking men. Tbe promenade leek place
at 10:30 and waa led by El ward Clark,
who bad for bla partner, Mra AnnaO.
Green. Tbe danelng was kept up until
early thle morning and everything paated
off very pleasantly. Tbe attalr waa quite
creditable te tbe management.
uee. U. Tbeujai Pest Cainp-rira.
After tbe regular order et business at tbe
meeting of Geerge H. Themas Peet Ne, 81,
G. A. R, en Friday evening, a camp tire
was opened with Dr. J. A. E. Reed, medi
cal Inspector of tbe depsrtreent of Pennsyl
vania, presiding. He welcomed tbe visitors
te tbe eamp-nre, after wbleb addreaaea were
delivered by Department Chaplain J. W.
Bayers, Rev. Lewis M. Hebbe, Rev. Thee.
W. MeCleary, Rev. Hartman, Charlea
Denues, A. C. Leenard and Dr. J. S.
Iltrjie Alderman Heriher.
Edward Donahue, the man wbe stele
Dr. McCormlek'a overeoaton laat Saturday,
bad a bearing this morning and was beld
for trial at court.
Luclan Smith waa running around yea.
terdey yelling fcr President Harrlten.
Berne one told him Harrison was no geed
He at once beesme wild and get se drunk
that Constable Yelsley took blm In. Ue
get 5 days for bla eilense.
. m
aecraiTtsii up
General Nathan Geft arrival In Wash
ington en Friday, from West Virginia, and
allied en the president and told blm of tbe
pelksa eltuatlen In West Virginia ae far aa
it relatee te the governorship. General
Getl aald that there waa virtually no hope
et bis securing tbe efflee In view of the
eupreme cenn's decisions against both Get!
andCarr. Tbe frlende or the former are
urging blm for the position of aolleltor
general. Tbe appointment will net be
made before J one, however.
Anotber Large Audl.nce.
Tbe Australian Novelty company bad a
very heavy gallery and clrele at tbe opera
boese laat evening and their performance
waa excellent. The celling walking of
M'lle Almee la the big feature et the abew,
and It creates great tnthusletin. Tbla after
neon tbey gave a matinee.
Cats et.mlaasd.
Geerge W. Tsbudy, tbe Junk dealer, wbe
waa arrested several daya age for sulking
Elizabeth MeCutcben, baa arranged bis
difficulties and baa paid tbe coals before
Alderman Deen, wbe dismissed tbe case.
i m
Kerr acquitted.
Tbt trial et Kerr, tbe ex alderman In
New Yerlr, result! d en Frtdsy afternoon
In a verdict of net guilty. Tee Jury were
out three hours.
Mary E. Butaer, Denver, waadlvorecd en
Wedaeeday from bar husband Jehn JS.
Beer, aatkagreBad efdetextk.
uuasra rtm rcaua
Tbe interest el 4.000 te Bay Oeat for tbe
Peer srHeaae re Blegle White Weaaaa.
The Aat lam lauude le BeasHt tVMIsa
la Beth the City aad the Oeaaty,
Tbe will of the lata Jndge Heary G. Leng
wet admitted te probate lete ea Friday
aftnnoen. He bequealba ti.&00 te his
housekeeper, 14,000 te each et four grand
nephewe or nieces and ths balance of bis
estate te bis daughter Catherine, with tbe
exception of the following charitable be
quests: Tbe Interest of 11,000 te St.
Paui'a Reformed church, tbe Interest te be
applied te tbe payment of the salary of the
pastor j the interest of 14,000 te the e'ty of
Laneaater, tbe Interest te be applied te the
purchase of fnel fox tbe pxr women of thle
a ty ; tbe Interest of 3,000, le be applied te
tie expenses incident te tbe keeping In
repelr and geed order ble cemetery let and
tombstones therein.
The name of hie benaskeeper la Mary
Broke and tbe grandnephewa and nleeee
benefitted are Jehn Cameren, Hlmen J,
Cameren, Mrs. M. O. Melseu and Mra
Alice F. Stener.
After tbe death of bla daughter be makes
tble bequest: Hie two farina In Mauhelm
and Penn townships are te be converted
into cash and with tbe preeeede an asylum
for single wblte women above the age of 45
years of tbe elty and county et Laneaater la
te be established. The court Is given en.
tberlly te eppetut ttusteee le govern tbe
Institution under saohrulesand regnlatlena
aa be prescribes In bis will. Should the
trustees fsll te perform their duty and the
asylnm net bs established, then the money
realized from tbe sale of tbe farme la divided
between bis collateral belrs and tbe city of
LanciH'r, the Interest of the letter's share
te be used in the parehaie of fnel for tbe
peer of the city.
The Judge named hi daughter as his
executrix, but -in a oedloll te tbe will he
names Jehn F. Bener,for many years clerk
In the Farmers' bank,as one of his executers.
The will Is In the badwrltlng of Judge
Leng and was made In July 30, 1833. The
oedlol's were made laat year.
He directs that no Inventory of ble eatate
shall be filed and the exact value of bla
estate will never be determined. Tbe gen
eral Impression Is that the eatate la worth at
least I5C0.0C0.
Following is tbe fnll text of Judge Leng's
will In rsferenee te tbe asylum:
I give and devise te my, dsugbter
Catherine In truet and for her use tbe two
farms owned by me, one located In Penn
township, pnrebated by me from the eatate
et Anna Maria Grese and Magdalena Gress,
and te whiehl have added about 25 acres;
the ether farm referred te oentelns about
03 sores, purchased by me from Jacob
Bhlssler, attuate in Manbelm township, tbe
aald two farms te be bold by my ssld daugh
ter ter end during her life, she te pessets
the same or te rent tbe esme aud te receive
tbe rente aed inoemo thereof for her uee
and te be under ber control and manage
ment, and after tbe death of my dsugbter
the title, Interest and estate wbleh 1 have
In ssld two farms te veet In fee simple in
eny ebtldren or doseendantaho may leave
at tbe time of ber death, they te takejxr
ttirpea, but It at the time el her death ahe
should leave no ebtld or descendants surviv
ing ber, then I direct tbe said two
farms, or the Inoeme et tbe net pro pre pro
eeeda tboreef, should It be considered
advisable, as mentioned hereafter, te
make aaiethereer, eball be appropriated
and need as a means of eatabllthment of a
single women's asylum In tbe city of Lan
caster, In wbleh respectable wblte women
from tbe city and county of Lincts'er and
In Indigent circumstances, above the age of
45 years, being widows aud single women,
shall be admitted and maintained ; and for
that purpose 1 give tbe aald farms in tiust
te such tour men as the orphans' court of
Lsnosater county shell arpelnt te take
charge et tbe same; and should said trustees
deem It advisable, with the oenssnt of said
court, te make public sale et the
said two farms, or either of tbem, at
auohtlmeandcondlt'onas the oe t shall
deem proper, and may be sold In w-.ole or
parte, aa will be most conduelvo te tbe best
lntereta or the charity hereby Intended te
be established. But should a majority of
tbe trustees deem it advisable in order te
preserve tbe funds, that tbe t irms or either
et thorn should net be sold, then they are te
be kept In proper repair, and Insured and
rented eutuid In cue of tbe appointment of
eatd trustees as aforeaald, I give end devlse
tbe eald farms, te tbe said trustees te
bold tbe same for the use aforesaid, and te
make oenveance, upon a sale, te tbe
purobaser or purchasers of all my rlgbtand
true 10 me preparty pureuasea ana oeiu.
Tbe authority te make aale of tbe farm as
before provided Is net oennned te any
particular period, but may be reeelved at
any time by tne trustees sttew tbelr
snnelntment with the oensent of tbe
orphans' cenrt And I hereby dlreet
that all the moneys wbleh aueh
trustees may from time te time re
ceive, belonging te such trust, whether
arising from rents, or salea of real estate, or
from ether sources, after deduotlngneeer
aary expenser, shall be leaned out upon
Interest and upon first mertgage security
upon property In tbe city or oeunty of
Lancaster and shall form a basis for a fund
for tbe support of eald trait and kept at
Interest en first mortgage security, end the
Inoeme arising from aald farms, or If told
tbe net lnoeuies or interest et tbe proceeds,
aballbe used for tbe support and main talc -encs
of sueb asylum and no mere Inma'ea
are te be admitted thereln tbtn aueh net
Income will comfortably support. Hereby
giving authority te tbe truatees or a
majority et them It tbey shall deem It
best te de se, te purebase ground and errct
a plain, substantial and comfortable build
ing without Indulging in any unnecessary
extravagance, aa the funds will net admit
et it, for the accommodation of the Inmates
or te purchase a building, or rent one f
teey ueetn 11 neat te ae. ine women bio
te be admltted by acta et a majority el tbe
beard of trustees and may be removed In
tbe aame way, but are te be admitted with
out any regard te tbelr religious or politic 1
If any member et tbe beard shall for
three consecutive Btated meetings volun
tarily absent himself from aueh meeting,
wltbent sufficient cause shown te Ibe
beard, or shall remove from tbe county,
tbe surviving trnttees may vaeau,
tbelr plaeea and cenalder tbeplaee of aueh
one vacant aa well as In eaie of voluntary
resignation or death, and all vacancies ahsil
be tilled by the surviving members, but
In case of tnelr neglect te de ae, for meia
than three months af rer sueb vacarcy abalt
occur, tbe orphan' court of Linceat r
county te have power te till such vaoaney.
Tbe aald besrd of trustees wltbln every
five years and cfieuer II required, te file In
tbe orphans' court of Lancaster county an
account et tbe amount of their receipts end
dlsbunements end f arntsh a general report
with regard te tbe Inatl'utlen and wblth
may be of Interest te be anownjalse if a
treasurer is sppetnted be Is te give security
ler faithful performance of bis duties In s
snulcltnt amount te be approved by tbe
After tbe death et my daughter, should
there be d v uelav in aipeiutlng truatees,
or any ether conttrgeney arlalng before
appointing trueteee, tbe orphans court of
Lancaster county is bcreey autte-zed te
appoint a suitable trustee te take peasesaK n
01 aald farm, and te rent the same for a
penea net leegbr man eneyesr at one muf,
sad te de all ether necessary aet j such
trust te oent nue until proper trustee are
appointed te establish the charity Intended
te be created by tbts will, and te de all
necessary ae'suntil thetrutt Is superceded.
Should no trustee beeppelnted who will
assume the trust and eirry It Inte (fleet, tbe
charity eipxsUd te be esiabllatel for indi
gent whlte femaler, within three years
after my daugbtei'j deatb, men I hereby
revoke and annul the devise or bequest In
tela will, snd In place of sueh devise
or bequest 1 give and devise tbe
said two farms latsadsd for the utt of said
ekarity, te aa administrator with the will
aaaexed, or te any surviving executer, te
sell tbe eald farms at public sale, te reeelve
tbe preeeede et ench sale, as well aa Ike
moneys la tbe hsnds of tbe trustees thst
snay be appointed In tbe contingency men
turned heretofore te tske cbsrge of tbe farms
aad te distribute the net preeeede of
sack salee aad moneys received as follews:
One-keif te my next of kin te be distributed
according te the intestate laws of tbe com.
Becawealtb, and the net proceeds of tke
otbereae-haltlgtveto the mayor, Alder
area and eltlsene et Lancister, It the
oeoBcll will accept the same with.
la six months aftsr the expiration
et the said three years, in trust
sad tiat they will Intereit for ths same,
cr piece tbe same at 1 0 tares', te purchase
fuel for the earns and distribute tbe seme
annually among Indigent widows and sin
gla women et geed character of the said
elty, sad If lbs said oeunoll neglect
or refuse le accept the trust, the said money
also te go te my next of k In. Ssld w Idews
and single women te be above the age of
Thereby dlreet thst the buildings en these
two farms be keptlntnred by my daughter,
and also direct her te pay the taxes assessed
tbereea whllit In her possession. But It by
any unforeseen eaaualty there aheuld be a
destruction et tbe buildings, as In tbe
opinion et my daughter, aa would make It
advisable that the farm upon which snob
estusllty haa bappened,thst thessme should
ba se'd, 1 hereby authorize ber te make
publie aale and te plsce tbe proceeds arising
from such aale at Interest en geed flrat
mortgage, ehetoenjey tbe Interest dnrtng
life, and after her ucath tbe net amount of
tbe preeeede of aale be paid ever te tbe
trustees appointed for the uie of sueh white
stogie women and white widows ai shall
be admitted te said charity,
Andriw Stiller Knocked Down On tbe nigb
way anil R.lltvad or Ul. Mensy.
Andrew Miller, a yeang man wbe la
employed by Edward H. KauiTman, re
elding en tbe Hanlsbnrg turnpike, near
Dlllervllle, bsd an adventure last ove eve
nlag wbleh be will net seen forget. He
eame te town In tbe evening and went te tbe
Pennsylvania railroad elation te meet
Jacob a sber, who wes coming from Colum
bia en the 0:45 trstn. Upen his arrival
Ather paid Miller the aum et (34 33, wbleh
ha owed him for a let et muikrtt and ether
hides that he had purchased Irem him.
While be waa receiving tbe money Miller
noticed two men, wbe were looking at blm
very suspiciously, and when Aaher left
tbey walked up te him. One et them asked
him whether he would play a game of
cards, and when be refused tbey wanted
him te take a drink. He would have
nothing te de with them, and walked away
from them. After purchasing psek of
tobacco and tbe evening papers be started
home shortly after 7 o'clock. He walked up
tbe Pennsylvania railroad te tbe Harrlsbnrg
turnpike, out which be passed towards
Dlllervllle. He had scarcely geno mere
than 200 yatds when he was confronted by
two men who eame out of a field by the
roadside. Ue Immediately recegnised
tbem as tbe fellows with whom he bed
talked at the station. Oen of the men,
who waa larger hli companion,
aeked Miller for a eiew et totaceo.
The latter did net auspect anytblng
wrong, bnt as he reaeaed te bis hip pejket
ter tbe tobacco the man struek him with h's
fiat, knocking him down. The two then
held him and went through bis pockets,
stealing tbe money, tobacco, a knife and
the newspapers. They tben let him go and
started towards town. Miller went te
Bobreyer'a greenhouse, from wbleb he tele,
phoned te tbe police elstten that be bad
been robbed and that the thieves had come
Intq town. Offieers Weaver and Flennard
were sent out te the neighborhood of the
robbery snd etbercfllcere went in search of
tbe thieves wltli'eut Biiccces. Later Miller
eame te town and went le the atatlen beuie
where he told hlsstoiyef tbeatlatr. The
thieves bave net yet been arrested,
cits winiK KKsuir.i).
Of lbs Biz Aiineis Hatted la the Black
Diamond, lint One Was Leir,
Bupreme Jey reigned In tbe homes of
Jehn Hall, MlcunlasRavnl,MIebRel Buggy,
Patriate Leonard and Vincent Iteckun, in
ML Carmel, en Friday night en account of
tbelr almost miraculous deliverance from
what seemed certain iteith. Hundred of
eltlzsns escorted thorn from the Black
Diamond colliery, the soeneof thnaecldent,
In tbe afternoon te Mount Carmel, and a
constant stream of callers bave been en
band ever alnee. Hall and Ravels, tbengb
suMerleg extreulely from nervous exhaus
tion, gave tbe first soceunt of tbelr ex ex
JierleneK. These two men were engsged
n driving sbutes In breast Ne. 8, in tbe
south slope of tbe mine, about neon en
Thursday, when they heard a torrlfie rear,
and the next minute tby experienced a
shook which caused Hall te exclaim te bla
"butty," "My Ged, Nick, tne slope baa
caved in."
Revels desoended te the gangway, and
twelve feet from Men found thelr egress
te tbe elope cut oft by huge rock. He
called te the miners wne were workleg in
Ne. 7, and toen saw Rekua crawling from
Ibe debris. Tbey both Joined In tbosheutr,
and tlien beard Nearshataky calling from
rJe, 7 chamber for help. He was pinioned
by a large reck, and urged his oemrades te
ojuie te bis rescue. They climbed up a
distance, bnt tbe dsnger grew se great that
they had Just time te run back, when a
eeoer.d fall oceurned, and no mere sound
was beard. Tne peer fellow was In all
probability killed, ir.eukh a frroe et men are
still working for ids deliverance. The five
miners wbe were sated secured them
selves by setting prepi In the gang
way, and tbey tten awaited tt e
result. They beard their reaouers step
work euttlde about all o'clock Friday night,
and, growing desperate,tbey endeavored te
climb up an abandoned chamber and gain
an exit, but mountain-llke boulders steed
lrfthelr way. Tbey returned te tbe gang
way and endeavored loeoneoloono another.
La er tbey beard sounds et entalde work
again, and tbelr hope grew. They betook
tbemielvea le prayer, and the seunda grew
nearer. Tbey then slgnatltd live times
en tbe solid pillar, tbe rescuers returned
tbe signal, and tbe wives, children and
hundreds of friends at the mouth et tbe
colliery knew that five were safe. At neon
en Friday thev beard a voleo shouting
'Are all aafe? Tne Imprisoned miner
answered back " Five are here ; one Is cev
ered," Toe next moment tbey bad bten
set free.
Their deliverance bad been effected by
driving a tunnel tweniy-nlne yards. Hun Hun
dredsef tens of debrls must be removed
bBfere tbe mlue can be put In workleg
ITeagbt MTIIb Unit . Ov.r Kits UacK
Near Industry, Jetferaen oeunty, O.,
Bamuel Gorden aud Geerge Kelly, wbe
have been paying attention te Miss Ella
Dnek, happened te meet at ber bouee en
Tuesday nlgbt The two young men seen
engsged in a quarrel ever the girl, and
Gorden pmpeeeu te Bettle the matter with
knives. Kelly absented, and the two re
paired te the birk yard et tbe Duck, real real
denee te sse which was the butter mn, the
one coming out of tbe enoeunter duccesalul
te take tbe girl. Etch provided hlmnell
with a knlfe, and tbey niade a rush at etch
ether without less of tlme. After a few
passes Kelly stabbed Gorden In the side,
making a very dangerous wound. Kelly
lain jail, while Gorden Isljlngattbe Duck
residence under the care of pby tlelsns.
Hughes ea Jehn uudjd.
Kev. L. B. Hughes, of the Philadelphia
conference, leetured en Frldsy eveulng In
tbe Covenant U. B. church, en Jehn
Banyan. Though short notice et the lec
ture bal been given a large audlenee was
present Tbe leeturer treated with elo ele elo
quenee and thoroughness tbe llle of the
lemons Banyan ; and bit blrtkpUea, his
rollieklng boyhood, the mysterious begin.
Dlngt of bis werkssd tbe patbelle mm:iIB
of hU Ufa were Vividly portrayed,
THK COUNTS uesptrau
Hs flaees a Tewsl Or a Uoer aad Around
His Meck-Th Valerianate Brought
Best t-raaa at Heats la Arkaasss
A Native et LaaeaatorOeaaly.
Samuel Charles, an Inmate of the county
hospital, committed suicide this morning
t aa early hour, by hanging blaaself la
room 23, which he bas occupied for soma
time past, ea the first fleer. Ha took his
Ufa la a rather peculiar manner.
In his room was a long double towel. Ha
threw oea and ever a owner of the room
deer, wbleb wsepen, and placed his neck
In a sort of loop en tba ethsr end. He
then get dewa npea his knees and la that
posltlea strangled. Tbe man was found
shortly before fi o'elook by Frank K
Mills, a ward attendant lie qnlekly re
moved the towel from the msn's nsek sad
called Dr. Land Is, but It waa tee late. Tba
body was yet warm. Whaa found Charlea
had nothing en but a pair of stockings and
a suit of red tltnnel underclothing. Ha
mutt have taken his life sometime between
three and five o'clock. At the former hour
Milter passed his room and found tbe deer
closed and averytblng apparently all right.
Corener Hensmsn waa notified and ha
empaaaelled a Jury consisting of H. W.
Bard, James Kennedy, Frank E. Mills,
Charles Btrlsnts, Geerge Klttsrs and
Harry H. Hansel. Tbey rendered a ver ver ver
dlotef suicide by hanging.
Charlae waa a man between sixty and
sixty five yesrs of sge. He was born and
raised In tbla oeaaty, where he has several
brothers snd numsreus ether relatives. Hs
waa living la Arkansas for a time, and
becoming Ineane waa placed In an asylum.
In September laet be was brought Eist,snd
placed in the 0 mnty Institution here.
He was a man or means and pstd his own
beard. Hta mind did net seem te be
affected lately, although he beeame
melancholy at times. Hs had a wife la the
West wbe separated from htm. Several
daya age he received a telegram netllylng
him et ber deatb. Thla seemed te mske
him semswbat mere despondent, but tbe
hospital folks had no Idss tbst he would
make any attempt te take hie Ufa.
Tbe body waa tutned ever te tbe relatives
of tbe deceased.
An Old Seldi tr reaadin Bis HetsI offerlog
avow Dlssase-fblilp Hansaa and His
Wile te aa te tke Alaaskease.
Seme daya age the attention of Chaplain
Leenard, of Peet 40.1, Grand Army of the Kc-
publie, was called te the condition of Philip
liarman.wbe was a soldier In the late war.
lie la a man about alxty-flve years of age,
and Is known te almost everv man. woman
and child In the upper part of the town aa
"Dutch Philip." Fer years he has been
living In and around Faegleyavllle. He
haa been a dealer In Junk, and did odd
jobs, frequently figuring In court; about
the last work that lie did was te split up
kindling weed aud soil It About four
months age his health, whleu waa ahattered
In the army, began te fall, and he haa been
suffering from hernia, heart disease and a
cateraet In one eye. Ills condition during
that time has been almost helpless.
Chaplain Leenard reported the case te
his pest, and, although PhlUp does net be
long te tbe Grand Army, the members
knew that he was a soldier, and they con
cluded te de something for his relief by
inducing him te go the oeunty hospital, of
which he seems te have had a dread. Ou
Thursday evening a oemmUtee from tbe
pest, consisting, besides Mr. Leonard, of
Adam Dellet, Dr. J. 8. Smith, Jehn Selium
and W. II. Gumpf. visited the miserable
home of the junk dealer. They found the
man living en a ptcce of land known as
"Glttlich'aaand bole," Just west of Prince
street, near the extreme end. His house,
which Is ten feet In length and eight In
width, It made of old barrel staves
and beards that Philip had gathered
together from time te tlme about
the town. Tbe cracks between the
beards were filled with mud. Tbe
only furniture In the house was a slat bed,
table and a chair. The house was In a
filthy condition, and Philip waa in bed.
Ills wife, who has been his attendant alnee
his slckness set In, and who has been com
pelled te go out begging te prevent them
from starving, was at his bedside. Frem
tbe reef, esteudlng ever the bed, waa a
blanket, te lep the rain, whleh found the
way through the cracks, from the bed,
Belore the blanket was put up at times
Philip's wife was compelled te sit by the
bedslde and held an umbrella ever him. Iu
a bole In the Iloer was a small bit of coal
supplied by tbe Buehanan relief fund,but
there waa net a mouthful of feed In the
house. Twe hungry-looking dogs and a
pair of ducks were In the yard. Hew the
old couple existed In the miserable place
tills winter, without feed at times or a
physleian for the weak man, la a mystery.
They are likely te be better provided for
In tbe future, however. The Grand
Army men, after much persuasion, In
duced PhUlp te go te the almshouse, te
which Institution he and his wife will at
once be taken, and where they will likely
live the remainder of thelr days.
PhUlp waa a member of Company E, 79th
regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, He
drew a pension about eleven yearn age,
when it was taken from blm.
Three of a Kind,
Pnllip Benoe waa lucky In keeping out of
Jail last Monday, but he couldjnet remain
out He get very drunk, and Aldermau
Barr bsa sent him le Jail for 10 dsys.
Reuben Hutten bss been out of Jail
longer then usual tbli time, snd bis friends
thought be bed given up ibe bewt He
wet tempted and fell, however, snd Alder
msn Barr gsve blm ten days also.
Jimmy Qulnn was se drunk that be
was trying te stsnd en his head en tbe
etreet Cenatabte Derwart arrested blm
and Alderman MoCenomy gave him ten
Anether Big Tobacco Day.
Tuts wat one of the heaviest tobacco re
ceiving day a of lha season, snd lbs quantity
of lest tbst was brought te Laneaater te-day
was tremendous. All forenoon leads of
tobacco oeuld be seen en nesrly every
street, snd sometimes whole rows of
wagoes were seen oemlng In by tbe same
street Ths bsnkswsre filled with country
folks, wbe were receiving tbelr money this
A uey Btvsis'y lejarsd.
Ma vi own, March 18. The little son of
Mr. Frsnk Jehnsen te-day hsd his hand
very tuueb lacerated aed bruised In a oeru
shelter. Dr. Kline rendered tbe ueeee sry
surgteil attention, and the boy la doing
General Cameren has again returned te
the qulet retreat of hla Kaat Denegal farm.
foefctt-aeok stolen.
Miss Minnie Brack bill stepped at Ibe Leop Leep
ard hotel te day. Bba wss sltUng In tbe side
room and laid down her muff In whleh
was bsr pocket-book containing ever 2
While ste had ber back turned the pojket pejket pojket
bcek was stolen snd It was net teoeyered.
Barncd HU Sepper.
A young protester in Lafeyette college,
Eaaten, scrubbed tbe steps et a clttzrn
few dsys age, and waa treated te a square
meal at a Pratby tetlsa ohureh supper by
way of reward.
He Thinks Thst Lancaster People Wbe lltd
Net Appreciate HI Actors Wero -Mais.'1
F. W. Fester, a yeang Philadelphia msn
who breaght a very burn variety company
te Lancaster sbeut two weeks age snd was
refused ths use et the opera house after one
miserable exhibition, writes a letter te the
New Yerk Dramatis Mirror thle week.
He takes efienee at the notice the cones
deal et the Mirror la this elty gsva him
aad blames tka manager et the;opera house
for condemning his show. He thinks that
hla'eempsny was net entirely bad and says
"I will ssk the Mirror te say that the com cem
psny was only sent up le fill ths date, as
my regular company was net In shspe st
the time, and the truth Is 1 wss Imposed
upenby scertaln gentleman who recom
mended these people vary highly, and there
was ae time for rehearsals or they would
never have traveled en my money. Your
paper also says we opened te geed hualness,
Tkls Is act true. We opened te a vile
business, mostly Ma. admissions. Meat et
them were regular 'Jays.' "
There Is no doubt thst Mr. Fester had
one or two geed people and tbe IsTKt.t.t IsTKt.t.t
aBNCKRBesaldBt the tlme, but the ether
were frightfully bad, as he sckiowledged
while here. The people thst Mr. Fester
called "Jays" are probably tbe one that
occupied tbe gsllery en the night that hla
Galaxy of Btsra" appeared. Tbey may
have been Jays, bnt tbey knew a bad show
from a geed one and took geed eare te roast
Fester's "hem." There are many dlfUrent
Kind or jays juat new, bat there ere many
people who think that a man wbe takea out
a big oempany et alleged variety people
without knowing who tbey are and then
fires them, after paying sll their bill, Is
trotting In somethlng llke tbe J ty class.
A Whuls Lead et Tebaccn Mlailng
A farmer "named Mclntyre, wbe Uvea
near New Helland, told a rather queer story
this morning. He aald tbat he came te
Laneaater last evening with none borse
lesd of lest tobacco. Hs d tove te Charlette
street, nesr tbe warehouse at which he
wlebed te unload, and unhitched his hcrte,
which he took te a hotel, leaving tbe wsgea
and tobacco behind. A polleeman caw
him and told him tbat be had better
net leave the tobacco there, as It
wss net sire. Melntyre said he
would take that rlak himself. The
polleeman had no mere te aay until tble
morning when he took a laugh. When
Melntyre went te the plies where he had
left the wagon standing, he found thst It
waa gene. He thinks thst some one hitched
te it and drove off with thetobteoa Mo Me
lntyre did net make his misfortune known
te tbe police In sny way, snd many jerens
think bis story Imprebable, .
Anelhsr Bank Osabter With bong ringcra.
Bosten, Mas?,, March 10 Edgar Swan,
of Lynn, pay leg teller of the National City
banket Lynn, waa belere UjtntnUaiener
Uallslten the complaint of Bank Examiner
Gatehell, charged with being a defaulter te
a very large amount. The total amount Is
reported te be f09,C95, Mr. Swan has re
stored te the bank stocks vslued te f33,450.
Swsa Is 35 yeara old, and baa hitherto
borne a geed ohsrsetor. Ha bss a wife and
twoehlldreo, snd has lived bsyend hls'ln
asms In order te support them In siy
He Is ssld te hsve speculated heavily and
te hsve lest 126,000 In Atoblsen stcek. Latt
Thursdsy he made aelean breast te the
cashier, wbe sent for Bank Extmlner
Gatehell, wbe arrested Hwan at ths bank
laat nlgbt and brought blm te Bettcn
te-day, where he was required te give a
bend of 1-10,000. This he could net de and
therefore remslns under srrest
Bstween Februsry 23 snd the time of
bis oenfetelon, Siren took about f0,000.
Hla method of operation wat te carry the
amount taken by altering the Items of easb
en his books. Tbe bank Is lluanclally
sound snd will net be a Hooted,
A 'Tsmptrancs Isctarst's' role.
Junction City, Ky., Msreh 16. J, E.
Pewell, a temperance lecturer from Mis
souri, died here yesierdsy et delirium
tremens, lib esme here about two weeke
age te lecture, but get drunk and bas cot
been sober since. lVipaia en bis person
show tbat he waa onee editor of tbe
Philadelphia -Star, and that be lealgcel Ibe
asslstsnt eaablersbtp et the Ksess City
Bsvlngs bank-te go en tbe read an a temper temper
anee leeturer,
Inapcrtleg lbs Ironclads,
Washington, Msreh 10, Tne naval In
spection besrd, of which Rear Admiral
Jenett Is president, bss been ordered te
exsmlne tbe tronelsds In tbe James rlvsr
nesr Rlobmend snd these st New Yerk.
This la In pursusnee of steps tsken by Sec
retary Tracy te acquaint himself with the
exact locstlen of all tbe vessels In tbe navy
and te ascertain what I necessary and what
time It would leqattu te bave thorn ready
for setlve service.
OhJ.ctle lu We uy.
Washington, March 10. A dispatch
from Pnenlx, A. T says tbe appointment
of General Lewis Wellliy, of Tucson, aa
governor et tbe territory, was clllelally an
nounced In the Leglslsture yesterday. The
leading Republicans of the territory are
Indignant ever the appetntmeut and claim
tbat be Is wholly unlit te serve the peeple
lu tbst ospselty. Every Republican in tbe
council Is strongly opposed le hi appoint
ment Will Net K.ilga.
Washington, Match 10. Justice Mat
thaws waa well enough yeaterday te deny
tbe report tbat be proposes te resign before
May. He la hopeful of taking his seatcn
tbe beneh at tbe Ooteber term.
Carriage Uakeia A.aigu,
Cincinnati, O. March 10 B. Botepp Betepp
nau A Company, carriage and wagon-
makers, at 8th snd Byoamere stiee'r,
ssslgned thla morning. Liabilities 10,1X0 ;
ssteta lt,000.
Ministers te llMlge,
BeitMN, Msreb 10 The National Ztil
ring saya tbat Dr. Ven Gessler, minister
of instruction, snd Herr Ven Bchull7,
minuter et finance, intend te resign,
Te frsvantHlotleg.
Dun UN, Match 10 A detail of 40 police
haa been sent by tbe government te
Lurgsn, County Armagh, In order te pre
vent rioting In tbst district en Bt. Patrick's
fulled Frem tbe Bsllread Track..
While drunk yesterdsy Pat Jene ley
down with bis besd en tbe teutb rail
road track at Cellins Btatleu, engineer
Tayler Welsh, of this elty, who wis bring
In a train east wss signalled te etep,
Welsh tried te de se, but feuud It Impos
sible te bring Ibe train te s standstill before
reaching the man. He slackened tip con
siderably, and getting down Ircrn tbe
engine ran ahead and .dragged the man
from tbe track.
Veurteen Wads Tbtrtteu.
The vouegest oeuplo ever married in
West Virginia wern made msn snd Wile
Thursday nlgbt at KeysorrMlnerar-eeUBty.
Tislr names are Chloe Poland, aged
tnlrteen, aud Jee Snow, aged fourteen.
Tbey bad been levera for four yeaia, and
aftsr frequent entreaties reeelved parental
oeaseat te asarry. Tne bride was sttlred la
a short dress,
a '
The emclai le Be IbmbMea te
LiHtea Wslih. eraSaat ef a
Medical OeHsf, Take a
ha rjJt
Vbemlatry la HeMelberg,
Columbia, Pa, March 16 A
el Oyrena Ceramsndery. Ne, 34. 1
Templar, was held lest nlgbt whaa tM fsa-
vnn MiWin VfViSB vibbeibjhb, jajsT aBj JB1' ,
utng year ! Eminent eemma4r, Dr. ?1
M. r.lwlnMtMi e ssahahahssakllMsalssa.h A s VaUsaah l.
inaina llllaeiea ssiaea alalaa Baeb Ihtek ss.l'.
-. .rialewu 1 4vuvsBawtaBw wm, mm, n.wmwm fi
eaptaln general, Rebert M. Osaka 1 t.
Dr. W. G. Tayler ; trustees, a H. rssaJer,!
uua fieming, xraa. tt. xterwe. jutsnv
ins tenga edjearaeci tka sasathera WSMM'
w siren's restaaraat, where a kaaqaet war war
ptrtsksnef. TheofBeere will ha ksasMlaa-:
In April.
. ni ui. nuirei yeoiesBBjj ssssnv
neon at a frame hones ea Perry street eaa
the Pennsylvania railroad. The reef aw'
setea fire by a spark front a loeuaaotlssjv
but wss put out by a Isw buckets of wasaaV
Her. L. J. Coffin, editor of thai Castre .
Plnl.ia sill ......I. . U--J.
-v...v ... ptMJU v. eumiMUJ WPMOJIVBt; -
ana evening at ml Zlen A. M. K. eaatssV
The Presbyterians will occupy their aew:
nhanal Inr lh. A mi lln. na Bnail - '-"
rxsrelsss will be held by taeMaa6yjt
In tbe afternoea, oeaalstlag of stsgtefV.
oernst soles, addresses, ate. Rev. KljftV
pwier, is unseis 10 prases ea aeoeaaiai;
sickness, snd the pulpit wUI be tilled wrQm
ministers from the Methodist oeafereaea. If
uoeamsn ensnsi naaaav seaoei WBi.
I rTt
celebrate their thirteenth saalvsrsary aa'C
Sunday. The sxsrelsss will coasts af ilasvi
lng, reoltatleas. rsadlaa of roaerta. ass. -s r a
He. W. W. rVwikmen. aI NIm. 3
will preach la tba Methodist ehureaea!
Bundsy morning, aad Rev. Jeaa mW)
Martin, of Medls, la the evening. v -
' Bjnuiu uunoeTi ei iaa aaetreBwaeai
esna win no given ia me epm msme tata
evening, Tha pregramme eeaslsta etax..
etilsnt musical ssleotleBs, aad tha eeasart
win be aa er jeysme one, Tha Mates
oher, Miss LUllsa Pfahlar aa4 Ja
Beeth will is list at this oeaoert Tat Btw,
instruments were received this Baatasasv
snd will bs used tbla evealsg. -
olese In the armory this sveatag. M M
i uuiieu TTeien jrauoaMeia mm.
Weman's Medical college at PkUtrtelaksh,
en Thursday, and has decided te taha m
uiu .mi.- av,w -.. . i ,1
year's oeui mi la ehsmtstrr- at HeMelkarat.
oellega, Germany. Miss Wslsk will saH,
for German about Jnna 1st. . "' r-
, - , - ",".. JiiitT
i tt. ut ui ranKuai mews vasas -te
friends la town. - $i
Mr. and Mra W. B. Glvea gava
reception isst evening at weir hesae,
Fourth and Chestnut streets, ta a tafsja
number of tbelr friends, AmeagthegaABjB
presents were uea. J. B. Livufstea sska?
wife, Lancaster; Mra A. H. Coekssaa, B,
H. W, Humphries, Philadelphia; Masf'
Martin, Leavenworth, Kea. TM iietfHOsl
wss enjoyed by all prseeat. aj
A Maraeret's Lsek. - '
i.u.i jtnuKi., vaii) aiMeu rsweajsw i$
ters are sun leaving la urge aaataara Mjt
the geld fields. Twe peek trains frees IM .
Arisina mining districts ion
yesterdsy for ths kIbss. Thsmsaatwark
at tba plseers are mskleg big wages, aat M
extraordinary strikes or ftade ara riperssai'
Gasklll, the man who flrat dlseeveted tM
Santa Clara fluid, taraa eat te basaeasMkhin
murderer Jrem the United Blataa, Ha fcsa'i J
killed three msn la his time, aad te wtsnaa1;!
both In this stela sad Ail tens. Be Mhftll
been engeged la mining la Lewer Cellkwala V
fnr Mvaral we,a mnn Iibe mm. e oe
sidorable fortune. Ha kss already praJ
emntnd soma of tha hast nutria alalasalsti
, - - - - w .
me btnta ultra vauey. st. .3
. .. . . '&
Aoemsr urpary asatsaai Msraetta. wr ft
j-unr nuu, &i emoseu e ei'ewj;
mstlen wss received bera last alghtaftM'
murder of Deputy United States Mststal
W, A. Meedy, a brave and valued. Cfss..
wuufu iu m. uuiicni Dippwnn ISI .WOO-;
elty, Tbe deed wss committed Uladlaa
lorriiery yesterasy uy twemsa nssiaai
Benner and Hill, whom ha waa sitae at saw v
te srrest Meedy telhe s'xteeatk eTapatjvJ '
killed in Indian Territory la the last .
A nnabsad'a Tertlbl Plmtaty. ft
Ui m T...hH m.- ....t. tMm
riiu nivi.! nMnii . mmmwrnw-f g
Mall ihnn. nn relurnlnv In his tuaaaa et ISA ':ei
Cennty strset, st 5 p. m. yeeterdey, atearl
two neura aosenee, louea uta ptaee rau sjg, ,
amok. Ha threw nn tha lorteao ae '
when tbe emeka had eleerad away te ti
nfArait hie aaTlfe.afeHe. ateaul naiAe tkai taeal
aallK hat nlnHiaM HnrmMA auunaalaAlaa - - -
.... ..w w.w.... v-.a wwaafavm .)-
uv wvj a . uw KHWR. aavOT aw. eeveaiaeaK .
Danehtflra. 1 ha daeaaned waa CB au .'. '
sge, jgj
a.rtoaej'a Navel Apyelalaasats.
8Knr.iN, Msreh 10. The rollewtaa atv.;
pelntmsnts hsve been mads: Hssr AmAii
mlrsl Hnllmsn ea nhlef nl thai IrelelM ,fJi
MfL-.l-AM . rtmm AAwmtlmi V am V-ll -----
uau,wH aavaM auwu t uw amvaa. eamvee ,
V. tu ntaavuru 9W , Vltakw -iea.aej
ei oiecktenuurg-BenweriB, aeasaaaaar aiv.'
the man-of-war Dautsehlaad t Prtaa
tf envtr AAmtManHaa sf lliam ! mk lsseaasam Ar.t
Auuijf wuuiuiauuvs wi away ajwawwrttay V'A
Barandon, chief of tb torpedo ttetUlt. M
ruberm.a Urewa.d.
Les Anebcbs, CsL, Msreh 18
a'taaaaam 'it
ItiA mavalannt nr auvir. etArni In
Mitnlne hav vfteterdev ertemnnai. m eeeell --1
fisblng sleep wss ssen te espslss by a auss.
ber of speotsters, and two men
drowned. Tbe beat waa later oempletalyj
wreckeit en tne oeaen, out nemiag ra-jv;;
rHalntirl tav li-l Anl I few kae "i -"
luitucu hJ luyuinj Ul St'
.... -. 'S3
Ktrtv Vnuir. Uin 1(1 flhannnaia. SraeeL1
Hugh J. Coenell and Lawrence QnlaBe'yJ
A.. W..M. V-VW -V. WWVWMVV Ve.,
wbe were arrested lsst Bight for sppltaBtag a j
lu court when the Kerr verdlrtef acqalMs
waa rendered, were fined 25 each UB
morning, by Judge Danltlt,
- 3
A. riabluet Veeaaes rilled.
Pa ui4. March Id Vies Admiral KlSSkht Si
haa been annelnted mlnleter el BtsHaa laUl
fill tbe vaoaney In tba cabinet esaaaa k(r';ii
tbe death el Admiral J auras. aMIM
Krati waa minuter ei nuna la !M
Flcqaet mlnlatry. A
Foaad Seltty el Merdsr.
iriivviFVTnwv. Vila. UfAMh 1A TAkla j&M
uu...--.v-n.., ... , -- - aaa.-
Prlce, who killed Clinten Gtrrett wHk a
e'nh laat fall, wss found tullty by a Jery
ye.tetdy aud was sentenced te b) bsaged "cd
enMsyst. 'ibe aerenee win earryiaai
tn tha anureme court
, '
Kesn:, MarehlO. The party of AmMleaa-Hg
pligTlmn new heie are all well wKk IM tj
exception of lllabep Wlgger, WM BBIB:
severe cold and Is troubled wlik ibeaasa-.;
Kuatlaetr Boek Acquitted.
Maupu Chunk. Pa., Marak M TM"
turv-trrthe case of Eeglaaer Cook, la IM
Mud Run trial, after being eat all Bigat.i'.
this morning returned a verdlet af aat"
guilty snd tbe county te pey thseests. .
Wasuinqten.P. C, Marsh vkrm
.Eaatera Peansylvaats: Rale,. M
""decided ebaage la lestparatarf i
Z. ie'rf
-s. U S !-
-t..t -tiii
.c& MihJaat 'i v
jXir sii