i(;V( v.lT' ' r t t . , IHE LANCASTER DAILY INTET.UQENCER, FIUDAW MAKGH 15. 1889. - ::'ys IF? H VivjVil ". fill WORKED 'pWM1 rMtWraiiKtat' - ,v f , Aft AOJAJCir". im$6& ib. iiH htn llelet-saed ..eresjassesTSMSeWeets aaM.en.sJha, iy-Mii .' ' Jkt tM sHpceat ta the Ua'.rtet lniar- jnawapaiT Aiueaee sew ess- mb tatarmallT rteelrt ittettMMSL Peal's Reform a i aa ftieMs or txa retlMs Use. In tha IHAO.. Matter. )r., et Drew r. MatUna. w. J. ana km) et PrlaeeteB, N. J., wen atatlw of Ma ecavSaMea. ,Mbm appetated for tela ptrt ait wast we u lOttMOBBieii. Appropriate eoadeoted by OeWaBtB, of tna theoleglcit Bar. X. V. Qerhsrt extended tome te tha representative in ' tba aeaiiaary and empbatited 01 HWDODia ciun ui jiru- bbC Aid In keeping with r.igt tte gausleairy efforts et the al aesalnary Bad college here, Ber. .Apple, D. D preeldeat of Frank. i Mersball college, alto extended greetteg la the name el tbe college eat form wun mpnuBieiua having tea aim of liberal edu. etfl H M equip young uiua and noblest dlsensrge of fgaUleaa, .Necessary announcements raaae; key. u. u. rrr very rtavltaa te delegates Of the alllanea a aertlea of the evening at mi ;ateny of the delegate were then BS opportunity te Bee me aiuereui I of Interest en oellego fall). L'ewlug aemlnariea are rcpre- i (Prea) N. -Y.-Phlllp Steeps, W. ny, A. N. O'Brien. tmnr rbntberan), Gettysburg. Pa. i. Fisher, W. J. D. Honour, J. u. (Methodist), Madisen, N. J E. I, 0.VK Btekley, Jr, E. R. Pixlcv. at MlMlenary aoneoi, n. r,-w. Hub ibeey (U. Pei) Alleghany, Pa J. jBrnntwlek, (Dateh Reformed) rBnmaelak, N. J. 8. M. Zvemer. i (BplUl) Ubeitcr, r. v. r,. ir. .. tea (Prea.) fxinoeten. n. J vn rap, P. B. Woedrntr, K. McMillan. ietd Bloomfield, N. J. Oeo. u noaee. etadente of the Kefermed eeail thle plaee era delegate 41 In 1 ) H leferotlenalexerctMa of the cvenlng t.beldln the First Kofermod ehurch, iaaadaeted by A. M. O'Brlen.lef Union laamlaary, N. Y. Kev. 0. b. lrared avery ferelble and Intereatleg en the enbjeet "The One Thing el." Following are a few of the ate presented. The power of aelf tfer the eoeompllabment of goad. aaorlBea la Ita trne oharaeter 1 the 'of anlatlena. Every one aheald raxamineeiwhatrpini no i, rer neede nuatullflsd aell SalfisheMf, whlotiever defeate i end, can have no plaea here. The aid be eareluliy oenitdered. Ne liaaefull et life giving aumhlne i reward, for trne CbrUttanlty la an Ipatlea from bondage. Paul waa of the Itatrlt te feater growth and preepsrlty Heme one aya "tne law or au a) Bflf-aaertflae." Truly everything jmkjmrj rcr wnu ua pui au uu , Bet te taertllse, la the ene thing Hence, In the preaent missionary the mtMlenary nsld abnuldnet be M of aa the last reejrt. The fullnen la oDtnleg, yea, la at hand new. A la aemethlng that will net pme. Iratlenallam be allowed te pretend te I the erlala T la the ohnreh aahamed et el T.Thehldden nervoel CbrlitUn f ai aarraBt love te Ged and the deilre te Ify CUrHt. The Une motive I net y plly for the heatbru. The one .needmi then orcaiei te ui with fed fores In the aplrlt of ebielntc rlf- atleq. Ged It love, leve In fnorllleo. ttraeilfoefnun Utrne aalf expenditure I Bddreai was llitened te with umll- I letartai and waa well rccelvea h7 I large andltsee present. '.Waller Buimn added treitlv te ran of the oecailon by a nherua B nihiar his eOlelent dlrenllnn. Ihonref pTeaaant eoelil oemmnnton r. Fy'a home, after the evening ineet- I highly enjoyed by delegates te aventleu, a number el tnlnlstera and ere of the elty and several of tbe list ministers in atteadance at the ace In thle plaes. lea tha regnur dtlegstea te the from Other aemlnariea. we have Bv, Rafui W. Miller end wife, of , Mr. h, it. Miner, of Resdluir. Bnieet Wagner, of Allentown, and vsr. aaaexiey, et uaytewn. agtbeatndenta of the lWornied alaemlaary of this plaee there are I larabeut alxty delegates In attendance. eewlen of tta convention ler this was opened with a dovellonal let half an hour, conducted by Mr. . Woelrotl, of Crez'erBemlnarv. Ones. .Fa. T6e convention waa then ready i te the papera appointed te be read I it this morning. I executt veoemralttee propeod te the Mtlen the name of Mr. J. A. Ooaev. ct 7auted Presbyterian eeuilnarv. aiib. Pk, tP take charge et tfcepre- i for the morning restleu. I first paper before the convention wan y,trvGeerge P0ag, otthethrololcal j, uioemneia, JN. j. Tbe autjeet paper waa "Uraxll." Theapcaker i the history, pregresi and present I Ol aniailenery work In that eilrntl ve if, ine paper oenciucoa with an I for workers In Brazil. y mtnutea devoted te illwnualeu el ir. B M. Zwrmer, of Nuw UrucH- . V. J. 1 W. R. Hlearlv. ITnlnn imnl. rati Y W. .Jeanp. Princeton. N. J. : tICnb, Befermed seinlnary, Lines. k,ad A. S. O'Diien, Unleuktmi. It. Y., toel: pari In the dlsetmlen. latM. Zemw, of Naw lirunnvrlclr, M:d 4 paper en the "L.y KUir.e'it lu laitMienr." by and hew should Uyintri biein. aaavangeiuiB. qu .lllliitlonsef tsy tfOTjUUiUn weik, Bt" Bra 'the atUnJaut dllllnn1tl I Wttk Wmj employ e' Ia7 eltmset In ajwerkT - faat etbjir p",erei of mlnslen vrerx pnnn ujmen. i uy euumt sbsil le mate te ipraeailBg ere ihe leiiiug pjlati et rr , ion by W. R. Hwxrly, Urjl e- j, .i. i.i j-amp nioepv, Unleu f," N. Y.; Hi J. KNher. Lu.UiTn Mr, Oattyaeurg, p..5 Rev. a. l. et Japan; M. O. Nell, Rferinel f, Leceiaer, P,; p. 8. Wedrurr, m, N. J, & L. Kreba. Rtifermtd r(lueaite',Pa,; W.J. D.bchurur, K 'NBiaary, Gattyabar. V : a. MN Ketoresed eeminarv. Laneii. H-IJOJ. . Ooblaets, RMerrr.r.l Xjaeiater, Pa.; O. Mum- im seea aary, Lioeiator, l' ; h, BBiwuieu wiuuuary, uaneaa- laeaeUna. Maaara.W. K. steariv. I.W. H'Otards. Lsucaitjr. and I Jaaaup, FlaoateB, ware elected te laUiutlea ler thla dUtrlet con- ayassat it at the next mesttn?. ittue li also te make oempUlu i far Uta aext oeavantton. rwettaf tkaaka was extended te rejr ajriaaaUlaaee for hie highly aryea aaa aa warm recpifu I Ml keM Mr. Welter Bmwbih wm tTMTOMf UHkltM thamtwie lur atsfct4. TM Fltat aad BkPaal'i fUteansl eAarcstes wart extended thanks for their room, SeMtea sojourned for tM ssernlng. At 8 p. m, the arteraeea mmIeb of the Ulenee begin ,IU devotional service la ofcargaet Was. Jeswup, el FrUoetea, K. J. Tee executive oemtalttea propeMd Uee. B. Welbert, of tba theological, this plsce, ta take charge of the pregramina for tbe altaranna aaaalnn. Mr. Sherer. of the Latham seminary. Gettysburg, read a !Drr en Tee Wor Aateag colleges," Thla paper la bileg dUeuased aa we go te preta. Thaolealng address before the alliance will be delivered la tbe Plrst Reformed ehureh thla evening by Rtr. A. T, Pioraen, D. V., et Philadelphia, immediately afier thla will fellow tha oenasoratton meeting with the close et which the alllance will clcas 11 aesalena for thla year. OBBTIOKJ IN XIIE OOLLEOB OHAVBX. Sicsad OlTlalea el in saulsr Class or r. A M. tMlirar Tbtm, Regular oxeretfoa of tba college were suspended and the atudenta of the college and academy listened te the oration. Rjt. T. O. Apple, D. D , announced the pregramme aa fellows : O. E. UUllard, of Uagaratowe, Md.. "Tha Bible and tba College") J. K. Iilght, Lebanon, Pa., "Natnrat Law"; H. S. May, MarllnMmrg, Pa, "Lord Byren " ; C. E. BchieTer, Fleetwood, Pa , The Power of tha Imagination"; A. I BsbeeSer, Fleetwood, Pa, fjpeeeh and Hllenee " ; 1. M. Bohaeffer, Lyrrn, Pa, "Our K lector 1 Byatem";J It. Schwartz Allentown, Pa., Geerge A. Custer "j U. B Htnltb. Tep ten, Pa.. " The Study of Words ; & TJ. Wau. eaman, Uarrlten Olty, Pa., "The Popular Vete for President "; W. H. Welebana, Iisneater, Pa., " Medern Panatlclam " : D. F. Werner, of Aven, P., " What Mbali It Tie 7" W. B. Werner, Kempten, Pa, "KoewThvaelf. V. W. Welfe, of Martlnabnrg, Fa., waa txoused en account of elcknes. Dr. Aopleeompllmimtod the oratera en their effort t. All did well. A Plaaiant it.ciptlen. The building of the Yeung Men's Chris tian association presented a pleasing eight list night. It waa the occasion of the re ception tendered the ladlea of the auxiliary by tbe young men. The reading room waa converted Inte a banquettlng hall, and waa very tastefully arranged with tables hand aemely decorated. Many of tha ladlea of tbe auxiliary were present and the young men were en hand te reoelve them. After an Informal pregramme tha ladlea were ewerted te the banquet by H. R. Pul ten, the preildent of the ataxittlen, Bem D. W Pattersen, ;Rev. Tbre. Fernly, D.8. Bursk and H. D. Bansxan. Here a committee of young men were waiting te serve them. Many werda of oemmonda. tlen and praise were uttered, and all proneuueed It a very delightful occasion. In the course of the evening, It was announced tbat U. W. Gibsen, who has beonaetlvely engaged In tbe work of the association here, had accepted a call te beceme the association ssetetary el the Harrltburg miolatlen. Mr. Git sin wns called out te make a few parting remsrkB, which he did In hla herpy way, Ulitt Opined. The county coiumlaalenera en Thursday opentfd bids for tbe oelleotlon of state and oeuuty tax In four dlstrlolaef the oeuulj. They were as fellow t West Coealloo, David Grean, fCO; Iasae Wann, 03 ; Solemon Welnheld, 1116 ; Mon Mon Men eoe Uedger, fe8 ; Jehn B. Hewer, f73 2A Paradlie, Knea J, Uerahey, 125 ; B. Waasen, Ilia ; C. B Ayera, tug. Ptquea, Prsnee B. lie, flO ; AtntxUh narnUh, t30 ; J. II. Breeke, 75; Jehn P. Hinlr, tSU&O, Lancaater township, D. B. Kopperllnp, 3X per rout, ; 11, K. Kliher, f3S ; B. P. Murtlti, t30. The contraet was net awarded. Narrow Bieape et Twe Ncn, llils afternoon two oenntrymon uiaJe a nerrew oneaie from being killed at the Penu'VlvanU railroad station. They were standing en the south track, when a freight train was passing west The 12:58 train came In from the west, and the two men were Btnndlng en the same track, unenn. scleiin of Its approaeb, Frank n. Rudy, who wns near, saw their danger, and quickly running tetbem caught eaeh by the cellar, pulling thorn baek and oil the track. The train was then within a short dlatuncoel tbnn, and they would likely have been killed. Ilntttiti of l.ater Danijuat, Hamilton Aaiembly Ne. 0,i34, Knights of Laber, held a banquet In Odd Fellows hall last evening. Be'.ween 300 and tOO mem ber were present and they had a nne Mine. L. P Oast, et Uarrlaburg, inaiter workman, et Dlatrlet 1CS, and J. 11. Butler, of the same plaee, worn present and made speeches. The following of Hamilton Assembly also spoke : T. Parka Guthrie, Jehn P. Little Harry Kill and C. Welbert. ' Drain of a Beldlir. Mtthlen Rlneer, an Inmate of tha oeunly inssne asylum, died en Wednesday night. The deceafted was bslleved te be about 00 years old, ami cane Ireui tbe lower end of tbe county erlKlnally. He served la tbe army In Cernpmy U, Ulit Pennsylvania cavnlry. Tue Uraud Army will tee that he Is burled. The gtrnat Uauiiultl. At the mtetlug el tbe special committee held last ttvenltiK, It waa resolved te make a foil, report et the committee' work te oeunoilsat the special meeting en Marcb 27. Tbe ilutleB or this oemmltteo will tben be nelsned end the new water work will be turned evor te the care of the water com. uilltce. Wic et Iren Wuikars Hednewi. Following In the wake of Iren manufac turers In tbe Schuylkill and Susquehanna valley, and palnte near Philadelphia, nrina tiirongbeut Lebanon valley have reduoed tbelrpuddler25eenta per ten and ether eoeployee lu proportion. At Light's rolling mill, Lebanon, tlm pnddler bave accepted a reduction from 13 75 te 3 CO per ten and empleym nt ether pi set are beldlne the matter under advisement. Aecliltut le a Hlrtet Oar. The big street ear of the Mllleravllle line that leek llke a black Maria, broke ae axle lu aseendlng tbe grade en Weit King etreet last evening. The csr was taken from the lrex and rlaced en tbe belglan block until this mornleg when It wai rent te the shop (or repairs. Lest fart el a riugsr. Henry Lul, a boy who U employed at R-we, Brethers & Hartmau'a umbrella faetcry en Mulberry Mreet, had part of the Index ilpger of bis right hand out r,U by htvlnK it caught In machinery en Wednes. day. ' m Tba Alurgia Heu Beld. Creui the Lltttx Becerd. Toe well-known Sturgls house at this olaee wM sold at pnblle eale en Tuesday te Ijrael G. Erb and Jehn P. Evans for f t.680 Mr. Smrgls wUl vacate the home en the Ural et April, Ootagen Boap saves time and money, iak your grocer fur it. laHlwd 7ns Kayttere Butlnraa College, en account of tbe Increasing demand or atnOenu fcr ad inlMlen, will romeTe about April lit tea mere commodious room, ever tity A Kckert'a Bhes Btera, tbtrd Uoer, Xa,tKlng itrwt. which li new banmemtiy fitted up ler thu ere.tn 3iltuUen. marUltaAw A Lactwa. Kev I.. B. Itughea. M.U.et the PuUaae' rh'a Conlerence, will deliver a lecture to te jiiKht In lh) b: Btxent of lb United Brtlbrcu chuich, Wct Orange stieet. fiuhjeet Jehn nunTan." Muilc, vocal and Instrumental Lecture te commence quarter te eight o'clock' avctybedy invited. AdmUMea frt. Law and ether efllee ter rant. Centrally located. Bead irrey Beksrt'a advenlsf meal' tnarlt-Sta ritpB4. , 81( of tatate of l'aiet Dlffeabaaih, advar t lied te take place last evening,, was pett pened until Tneaday. Mat ok it, vBea al( tie property will be sold. law and etbtr omees far rant. Centrally lecauii), Itead rrey A Eokerl'a advertlie advertlie menu marH-Std Colgate A Ce. are tha Kanufaeturars Of Oe tagoueeap. Ask your grocer fsr it. mli-lwu Toaaeco Bayer's Contract Beeks, Beeetpt Beeks, (sample fsga, Ac, printed at the tarsL tarsL uesmiB Office at short notlea. meet ra ra ra onable. Werk flrit-claaa. Ieb7Ud LaW and otter cfflcei torrent. Centrally iecatid. Ual grey A Bcaerl's advertise menu snatW-3t4 l)ti UotAKen Seap and get Hiiy bnek you want Jree of cost. rull-lwa W nir nr stock a nne line et etched folders end lllumtnalaa cards, eepeelally aflapted for Opening Oatdi, Announcement, Bill et fare, Usnus for pilvate dlnaers. Boek Cevers, urdsrs et Uanee, Pregrammea, and lb like, which will be printed at lenoeablo ratea, as our laclllllse for turning ent nne printing are canalled by few houses. Give us a rail. DM ATM). fmiT-In Mennt Jey, en the 13th Inst, Jehn B. Shelly, la th ( !d year of his age The relatives ana trtanOs of tbe family are reipsetlvely Invited te attend the faneia', from his late reildonce, Mennt Jey, l'a.en Batnrday morning at 10 o'clock. 2ld lessss.-MaTch It, 1890. tntlljtlty.Hman. wite of Jehn Liorens, la tee clgbty-ilrst year of her age. . Funeral strictly prlvate, en Ratnrday after after after roenatlo'oiook, from hr lata rtilfleuee, e. 571 Merth Qncen street, luu.rir.cnt at Wood ward Hill cemetery. fTsicaas.-kfarch l.Vh, 15-', In tlU clly, Mrs. Hannah A. Mraehan. UiiHhtr et th late Benjamin and Kllrihith aiiahler, In the Mlb year or ber age. Tberelatlvea and friends or the fa-nllyate respectfully Invlled te attend the funeral, Irein btr la te resldance, Ne. W Kaitfaerman street, en Saturday morning, at 10.80 o'cleok. Interment nt .Woodward UtU cemetery. l'leaae emit dowers. tfd HUD -March ISth, IFfV. tn this elty, florenon, daeRbUir of Jeremiah and KaUt Bccd, In the second yeiret hirKO. The relatives and irlenfln of the family are rcipsctlully Invited te attend the funviut, atberlate reildencc, 373 Katt Cboitntitttreot, en Saturday afternoon, a'. SiSO. Interment at Lancaster csmetcry. Bern -March 13th, ISsU, In l'hll&aelphta, A I tea li, wlfa of James 1'. Hejd. nivate funeral and Interment tn Wood ward I 111 cemetery, from 13 Menth (Jueen atrcot,eu Bater Jay, ItHh lnat.,Lt 1 o'clock p m. St AOSR.-In tht nltr, en finU'.hlnat , Otorse wnilaui, annet UrtsandMailaEauer, In the 20th year of btsae. The re attves and trlends cr thu family are rrspeeMully Invited te attend the funeral, from bit parenta' lostdence, Ne. 110 lcnst atreei, en Sunday attorneon at t)i o'clock, in. terment at Laneastsr cemetery. ' Std MARKHTH. Few Verc Btuaat. w Yeaa, March 13 rinnr marknt wnak: Ctty Mill nzira, t WOflMV Htnnn-eia. P-"ing, ISlOOIUj superdne, fllstflne, II 130 2BV Wheat qnlet) Ne. 1 Hed, SIaIm, 04-; Ne. a de. SIX I Ne 2 Itru, wtnter. April, D.'Viei May,lUJ;e June, OlVicj rucelit, l,3j hlpments, l.u.0 Uernitm.ayi Ne. 3 Hlxed.canh, ll'fe; Mar., 3eiprll,3H0May, 3e; licelpK, 7J.tOJ; shipmeiu,lu7i. Oats ateady f3 1 white State, ti" j Ne 2 de, JlXet t-e. 9 Mltnd, unr, S"j;e;Uuy, EV5ie t reetlpU, B,0W shlpinent?, neiiu. i.ye dull. lkiriev qnlst ; Ne. 1 ranafla. socsea retkdnil) kteia, 113 te H3 Ml ler nun-nun, .laid quiet; April, 7 3 : way, 17 as; Jui.c, Melaisra duilt New Orieanr, 2IQI20. Tnrpenttne Arm at S!i. Itotle nrm at 11 13Q1 17X. rrtrntmim qnieti iltunned In btila, 19 10. JfrctsbUduit; grain te Liverpool, Sy.a Hntterdnllt Wwtern Oinamnry. 17O27X0. Checie steady ; Ohl hit, SXOHVic Bgg null ; bttte. liSir; m.uiii,,, 15J;0110. Bnmratreug ttnntry 0nUet,8ji uiuueu' led. 70 ; alealu A., TVi i Ira nominal ; prime city, stuiec 3 allow nrm t prime city, 4 9-16 J. tledee arm i sair uamiM. ter we. laa. . , . . aw nr ateeas. Maw Toaa,Mareh 13.11 p. m.-Menny cleiel at a ter cenUi Kxctuinga qnlet, pesUsd ratnj, HfflMOU 89X: attnal rats M f!i lur 60 days ana s iv ( for demand ; Oov Oev Oov ernmurAts ateafly ; curency C's II 'JO bid j t's coupon, 11 sv ; ' de, si ta td. The n'.eck market tbli mernlug rpnred fnvrrlili at deeMnes of HQ)i per cent from last utght's flKurc, eud utitqncnUj' a sharp dl dl Ingef thelltt was Kir ted by ilia announce ment that tl.230,000 geld hed been engaged ter HhlpmontteKnrnpoby te-morrow's steitner. U nil or this aelllug priens went gradually down, and at neon had tnrther deMlnsl Jte IMPvr cent. At this writing the market Is dnll Ohlnace rriMiew aiarKM. OHitiAae, M irch 13, 3ia.m.-MarirotepenW: 9o'nuTi:be'. w;e! May-wxi june' i e,rr,-M,U0"J!0 Uay.jJJie; June. S3ic , juiy, 3! we. t"t-Bareh. Sie; May.sre; June, Xe. "'.I.' irk-Mare h. Ill 03; Uiv. ii?i:ii June, June, I1S1J; Juiy.i6 '' hurt U1DS sluy, Ifl tujjnns, U S3 : le SJ. July, tirain ana riovuiena. irtirnUhed by 8. K. Yundt, Krekor. OHioaee, Mar. 13, l.ue o'clock p. lu. . Wheat Cern. Oat, fork. Lara. March sivi Ai,,........ ,. .... a,. May., uiH 33' July MX it AURUII,,,., September crude oil ve Consels Clealng I'rtoea S:lSoelou p. in. Mnrrh prU stay... ... June July nnniv.vnrn.utu, t'erir, i.ara. St (1.67 u. a j e vt 1J.2S 7 CO 12.32 7.13 2H AUgUtl Cupiembur Year CrudniiU Consult winuir wiumi Spring Wliettl Cem., ;1U..-. live lit ley .90 iKK-eiptu. JC Leis, ......a....,..,,. ................ 0 il 311 lid lleaa. uoeeipts-uos M.tM Uoeutpu ;atuc. ,tn,u NEW AOVKUTIeBMGMTa. Tuk m:sr SK1NKV. VALVR FOR TUB Wtla cherry. HUckberry and Klmmel bran. dUs, 33 1 pjr quart. Quality uneu ualeJ. KOUl.BH'R LIQLUU Bi'OBK, Ne. gj (Vintra Square. Lancaiter. Pa. TOR HOLTH, LAG HORBWH, HKT - eorewa, quar and Ilexairm Nnts, theia koe3 lu .lock, at JOUN llkbT'e, IIS Kan 1 ul. tonsUeeU mi.tm VuiL "W'W TUUE "KUHQES, wr.ii en "'."J w re'ehu1. IpeBiid Menkoy .Xrwn.c.H5"..COIUl',m,J' .Oilcau, etc.. ve te JOHN liaar.isu aat rulten-st LiMld KKYA,.N,lf- "WSXN1MH UOULKGK. T" aufpr full day oeurse. Kvonlngjeaalen. imm.h,tt.OUll.c"l",M.ln B nuslntss qvPi.'.. l" ae'nal bmlDoiSdepaitinent. lypewiliiug aud ihertbtnd taught! vnialii ailiutleu will ba lecatea after" April lit. th Vd fleer srey A kckerfs Hen otero, Kat King fr? 1 ?' .70B, PrlnclpaK B tlJkt M West King bt . Lancuiur. P. fJOR a1 boil CAST IKON IMl'tf KlTTrifiQ bein plain ana reducing, up 10 6-Inch dlaur. Mai eabla flitlnsj. SiaT-gci. riaSSS RnDJfS , 'n,l.nrleau Union's. Tube Boppeiti, llangais. Fleer aud t tilling i'latit mV-ttd" J"L81'-'' M) Km ru,tea iyeit ' CEVBRALFJNK Stew Cases Fer Sale. 5 and 6 Feet Leng. Alteu Vine J'iuih Parler Sunt, WEIKEL'S, mantfd''0,MNOBgDI,?sr' W"ANTKD-A FBWHMALL hQUAHK r, TepTablrs with ene Ireu leg, for bar room un. Apply at the marlt-Jld KICHANQi: HOTKI.. WEW ADVKRTI8KMBKTa. WILD UBRBRY, BliACKBKKHY, Ulager. Klmmel and Orange BraaAy. at. jaoeb r. EaiArm, , sbtvua ne.itcBBTKKaavABB. ' IPO VUlAMtH. BUAFTlHO,lCOlJ X lars, llanam. clamp t'exna, Oeupllni(. t.,fite JOHM ilBSr,UBMtf Blteaatreat. PUULIO WALK AT NO. 2d KAT King atrert, en Sitnrday, llarnh IB at 9 a.m., nit Kant nw furnttn.e bt all kln'a re aUe seu at private aate at all Umn below cost. mil ltd FIRE BR1CKH, F1HK CLAY, AT LOW flgUlDf , KO te JOHN BBHr,3l Beat rmteu street. rnl-ttd PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO Medel ataklrff. Pntiernn. Drawlnss and Bine Prints, at prices leiaenable, Bkai's. J aaat ralten strett. at Jehn mx-tra aTOR AMRRIOAN HIOHT PBMD ja.' uviinaer i.ut)noater. Ulaaa oil Cnm Uyllnder Lulirloateri, Olsss Oil Cnpi ler rnannss, you cihiin them tt JOlta Kl'fl, t3J Bast riilten strceU tn'i ttd $22500 TO LOAN ON FIRST Mortnane en Cltv Real . la l. in Biunnnta as Ioiiewk t II ree ROO.ll Sde. roraMeu iiwt, i,ew, iu'e, $3,010 noe.roi, BI.0VMI,ei. -B JOBL L. HAlMaB. inirl3lwdii AORNCY FOR OALLAHAN 4 C0'8 Cement te take the plaee of Boe Lead, tn balk It makes Ave times lb quantity or red lead and Is far superior in making1 steam Jelntut packing man and hand hole pla'eaen bnlier, Ac, Ac Price te cents per pennd at JOUii ai'd, SJ3 Xsst rulten street, ra Uta TF YOU WANT GOOD BR'JSHF.9 GO X te KILBURN, NO.Jtl W8T KINO BTUKKT, u.91milAir .Lancaster, l'a. Y70R HORIZONTAL STATIONARY nes. from 2 tn fO hnra.tviwf .. B Inalaes, Teriletil rnglnn from 2 te 0 borte-newer. you win nnd thsm et jeum uaur'e, us jcat rut rut ten atrtet. mJ-tld e DD FKLLOWS BAZAAR. Onan everv evsnlnv and nn TtmM.D.nA Batuiday atteruoens of this week, at m:nneroher iiall. Nownttrnetloni and lets of muile each even. Ing. Me beilag " fcr veUs. Admltslen 10 cents. marlS-UdB CARRY IN BTO0K-BK8T CHAR, coil Ilammerrd liar Iren, Dnnble Keflnei Iren, IJuniun'a ltlvut Iren, ItlveU, Het and celdBnlinr Iren, Mfel, i-heet Iren 810 te Ne. 10 at JOHN littsT'a. ass aast rulten str.et. TIIORTUB BliSTUOr AIR FORNAOK 7 In th mnrket, go te JOUN BE8r, St S Ksst Knllonstret, ms-ua trOR RKNT-A FIRST OLA88 BLAOK V BStlTH shop, with dwelling beuse, at Groeuland Mills In Eut Lampeter tewnsbln. from and after lha l.i nf anrii mtl t.nmn Of MK8. JJATBS. marl dwtf lh Duk b,reet' ancater. FOR lUHLKRH, HORIZONTAL, TUBU. Ur, Vcrtleal, PerublK, UIIndr. Marine, nf any alzn or power, of thn beit material and wnrkiiniah'p, no te JOUN JJKUT, BM Xast rulten street. juitM VAMJABLKFROPKRTY FOR BALE. Five hundred aetei la Adams county, Pa. quarter rutin from Virginia Mills Station. 11 A II.xtntlen of W. M.K.11. ive bun bun lrdttere In cherry, oak, chestnut and wal nut. Mone dwellinir, atone mill, mill neue. Inrikbnin.ets. Jhtt plaet U tn (Atmlnsrei ' .. 8AlltKT TINOaH, .. .sYyl l-exlngten Btieet, JJaltlmore. mir)3lidAttr flOLD RRONZR. LlOUinH ANn .V?i,8U.1El,r.,.er,Rm work, at JOUN IlKST'a, UlKaat rulten slriet. lua-tfd fTIANKH FOR WATER, OILS, ACID, ....ore",?,B7'r.?hP0 or capiety, at fatr prlciia, ke 10 JOUN iiET, Wl jiait rulten atioet. ma.tfd WKHKB YOU HKMITA.rEYOU ARK vorneut; want something and don't knenrwfcnt. llrsltataue lnngnrl aake rral ly's Ulitir wine et Iren. The wile of a prn-rlnent down town merchant aaya : "1 uevertoek nny rmdtclne that Imprevnd my trnrfral health nnrt Incrnarcdmy weight like rialluy's lllltxr Wluoel Iren." ltlncrvatea thu weliint. Klvna a lone tocueitlen, putaa hue et color In the akin and strengthens the nuneus systcim. rrtce 6J ccnU. ..P.Sl.V',('1('0 "ABTKNJi fltARHAOr. M.W.rAw (Opposlte Eastern Market,) IF YOU WANT A FIRST-CLASS Portable Engine and netlr, en wheels, chiup. aathnfnllewlKKprlciii shewi 6 borie berie borie rer, si,S;8hoite pe-tr SMS; 10 horse-power I17S; 13 hor.f.pewi r, S-sTS: 'i 1 hoi vpnwer, S1.173. oallatJeUN ll&ai'a, 3J8K.stEnltensueu. ui2tld FOUR MONl'US TIOV. VKP UN11LVAOA. Imprtive We eppnrtuutty t3 completetho CoaiDent trnlnluuutihn LANOiirKlllIUSlNER OOLi.SOK. M Kest Ktnx SireHt. Our theory Is suporler, and the Juuterund fenlnrliHpnrtmentin Ituslnen l'niciice fnr nlnhrsnbunaant opportunity te put the theory aequlnia lu piaotlce. Terms euy. Call en orudlreja. lt.e. WKlliLBU, l-rlnetjitl, 3.REAT8U0E SALE AT HIEMENZ'S. Shoes at Half Price. Wu have ruJuced our is ard Utu Shoes te Alet of about 3Mi pairs of Ladle' Shee. Kid, rebbtn ana Olevo u id Toe at il ta Mlttca' I'otib'e Kid and belar Tip Butten fltuM, aUei 11 te 8, 73e. Heme of these goods are worms. children's laea Tip Spring Jleel Ghees S3 3. lnlant'sbhOfs 16n3!3etnts. Larue asiortea let of Luce and Butten Shoes. i3cfnti. liej i' (ielsr Tip Bhe's. sixes 9 te 13. 68c. Mlssra' Uubbeis. li aunts. lleyt' Beets, 10 co its. annt reduction tn entire stock. Come at once it you want Burgales. JOHN hJeMENZ, Ne. 67 North Queen Srcet. febicudr FOR PRATT A OADY ABKBTOS DIHO Valvpg, Jimkln Vslv s, tlraaa lobe valve, lirAsa Oate Valve., Iren Bedy Glebe Valves, l.over Safety Valves. Pep Ratety Jalviii, Air talvra. hadliler Valvu. l'rstfs h intcjiifr Check Vulves. Uraaa Uhrck Valves, rC0.:-..iaiST''' A"H vaivtH. call at jeiiK BUST'S, 333 Kast t niten strtxit. ms-ttd A t REisra. Big Mark Down. InorCerto dlspeurr our stork el Mlnce lleitleiuie tlm uppronchef het wuathur. we this day reduce Has fellows : 120.MINQK MEAT UKUIICKO TO Fc. per ft K'e WlSUn. MKAl UKUUCEO TO 03. pettt. In quantities eUO or morn pnund', a further reduction will be made This ti positively the Dne.t cuiubmlanrt ValUy Mines Mcul, aud U leld upon lu mellis. LENTEN GOODS. ninoked "nlmeii, llalibtit, Bturgeen, Eels, Bpr.t nn. Iliimburt( ItocctlliiBe, i.Hcoe-, vor. mouth lllcater.. tantuit "nimeu. Le'jiUr r.l,l!,,i,u ttiak, Le.ter ra'ad, iot1Ie9 Uiaa ll'h thj-llaj. Itenclesa sardines, Smektd fa'dlnie In Oil. sidlnes lu oil miuUrd. Uieatcr Paste In Jim. anchovy 1'ajte In) an. Anch'tvlna in e'l (bottled I nta.ete OlibCNK-riiieit linporiet Swrltzpr, L'm nurgHr, Mueniur, Itouiuefert Miiisann, rilnm or li u clibtadiulehaiel, ued Het ew Verk Stale lull i ie im rnnluh( lioeie. ttnet litep Heu cedtlab. Ne. 1 acd2 Uuckvrul, l'loklidceaaid White (lib, etc. SPItAIVd PATBST Deit t'alei and Cabin lilicul'i (Hardtack) We urui-ole guu ler the Cabin llltcuita Put up In TlVfi )ienua itn ana b.rr.li. Wb bandla only tbtlrniiibi-it iiiaars rive p-una tins nt 750. ttu. 'two pound fur I3e. (bjrnl KOOda). DRIED BBEF. Kxtriflrj PDUUd. .like ter pound, (loed, Vc per BALT. We gtl our .'alt In wt leu only, and can sat e jren mniuj en bu h flueum t'Oiise ta:t J. FRANK REIST, WHOLESALE ANU KKTAIL .Nerthcaat Career OKOOKU, Ttwt King iad Frluca Htrreta, LANOASTEU PA. AsrXeiephene and Free Pellvery. BBWAD rMBTMBMMTM. n H .if J.a MARTIN A CO. Arlington Decorated Dinner Sets, 139 pieces, for $35.00. Meakins' White Ironstone Dinner Sets, from $3.00 te $12.00. Bridgewood's Porcelain White Dinner Set9, from $5.00 te $1500. Jesse Dean's Decorated Din ner Sets, from $15.00 te $30.00; Jesse Dean's Decorated Chamber Sets, from $2.50 te $25 00 a set. All ware guaranteed. Can be returned if net satis factory. Lewest prices en record. J. B. MARTIN & CO. SAW MILLS, BARK MILLS, COB Hills, LeatLer Boilers. Tan Paekra.Trlpla '..S?! U11,"K and Mining atsehlnery, at J ihn BASi', 333 East rulten street, mllld EBTATK OF WILLIAM BPKNOBR, late of atrasbnrg boreush, deceasea. Let ters tcsumentary en said estate having bean granted te the undersigned, all persona la oebied thereto are requested te maka Imme diate pavment, and tht ae having eUlnu or de mands sgalnat the same, will present them without delay for settlement te tbe under signed, residing in Btrasbnrg borough. "Uiwan silaek szeeuter. Oie M. Itni Attorney. mis etur WHITE COTTON WASTE, COPPKD bv tbe pound, 10a t tn leta et 10 pounds et ever. ve au goeas ae'iverea te any part Uy free call ou JOUM BEAT. NCTm at the cliv Bast rulten street. mitra -TnJRKEt FREE I A Heuse and Let! Every man should have a rich father-in-law te buy him a h use and let when he seta married. Bit aa the right girl does net always have a rich father, It paya better In the end te busile ter ycurewn house ana let, and would say te any man, young or old. who Intends gettlng married, te boy of Clarke, who can tavn him enough money en his groceries te buy a hruse and let Kemember unit ein give you prleestn Teaa, elTees ana Urocerlesyen cannot set any where else. OUUBTOCKOr LENTKWQOODS 19 WOBTU SEEINO, The Best of Everything at Lewest Prtcaa. Mete a few et our Uanoem Bargains. Balmon aa low as lKe a ean. Lar e else bezej Mustard or Bpleed Bar dlnna lre each. the vines t imported Pardines UWCe. each. Therintat a mui lean sardines In oil. Se. e.ch. rear et the tnest Sugar cured Ueirlnc ler 10c. rouret therinest Helland BerrlorterlOo. Therinest cod rtsh and Irish Matksrel that swim. lha riuest Finnan lfaddies you ever eaw. ' OUEAT SNAP IN CtNBBD GOODS. , Ten csnts for Baker's Sugar corn. Mine cents for ear Bet corn or 9 for 23c teven cents forenrNezt Brand or a for Be. ( Ix cents for our Next Brand or B for Ue. 1 en cents will euya can et our Best Toms tees. Mine cents will buy a can of our Second Vest. I for i;c au of thn above are warranted flrat-elais, Me soaked canned Cern lu onrsteok. Just think, &e. will boy a pound et tha Best r biker com, or S5e. will buye peunaa. and the same quantity et gerd clean ttlceforUe. In Urled Beef, Uam, sausage and Baeen, we knoek all competitors endways. Oiled Beef aDd sausate aa low as Stjje. a pound. Uemeiubcr we still ssli the best Swlrs Cheras nt tli, i-or pound, and we have 1 be finest Cream Cbiete in America. t'LOUttl rLOORI Ten don't knew what geed Fleur is nnUI once yen haie ttlnd our Ureat JtXXX In Linen Sacks. We save von 20e en each sack. NEWCUOP1KAS AND POKE BELEOTED cer FEES. Just received, and In order that every family In Lancaster county gives our Tea and uelTee atrial, we wilt give te any man, woman or child te marrow tmylng a pound of our Best Brand of Coffee or hi B of any priced Tea a JOe box of Btxby'a Keat Blacking. Every per son knows ih's te be tbe best brand of Black ing made, and should make a note of this the Oroa'estef Offers. Jest think of It. a ten eent box nt Blacking given away with Kaies,tromlOeaXupto Be sure and order Marvin's Cakes and Eagle Batter cracke-s, the belt tn the world. California sugar syrup lust In. iae Heney Dew-Drep. AT Samuel Clarke's WUOLESALB AMD BETAIL TEA AND COFFEE STORE, 13 and 14 Beats Queen Street, Telephone and Free Delivery. f7-M.Tu,r,BA w 1JJOR J? Le HTEAM OAUOEB. H1QH OR Lew Pressure. Water Ganrti. Hum cooks, Weed whee's or Weighted, OlsSs cylinder Oilers Plain, Water Gauge Columns, Cocks for t-uatn Gauges, call en JOUN bbt, 333Eist ruitea street. mt-Ud w ILLIAMSON 4 FOSTER. NEW SPRING STYLES -FOB- JUVENILES Jersey Cleth Suits, naed.nmrly llraldcd, full range of lists, price, SI.Oi in 17 uu. Winter Suits and Ovcroeats at Cut Prices. Trunks, Valises and Fateuels. Just BecelTodanether large let of the riexlble cele, 17 Bntten Dongola shoe for Ladles at 11.30 a pilr. Hprlng 11 au et the Youmae, Knox and Dun. lap Ulceus. In U te quality. Broadway iilrek Mlk Ua1s.ss.re and taco Ue'd t:p Umbrellas, engraved stick, fast dye, l W. UNDERWEAR. We have opened In our Fnrnlahlng Depart ment our stock or Sprint Weight Uncerwear ui Miiime, camera Hair ana All-Weel Uar Uar uients (leut's Merine Wcel Shirts and Drawers, ail sU, atsoe. (Jem's Shetland tiray Merine Weel Shirts and Draweis, extra geed value at tee Uent's whlie Murlue Weel shirts and Drawers 7 Je. Oent's WoelGacss Shirt and Drawtra, all Slies,ail.s. Uent's cashmere Weel tn White and Scarlet Bbtrts and erawers at II te Ueut'a camel's HalrtbUU and Drawers at 11.00 and II W. a sDeela't et extra large sixes of Shirts and Drawers In summer Marine. We are also abowleg tne latest abides, sty'ee and novelties in Spring Neckwear and Kid Ulerts. Williamson & Fester's, LANOASTEU, r A. AMD 813 MAEKKT ST, MAxUUSBUCt?, PA, mam a ranTuajtMim. TSXT DOOR TO THK CODRT HOUBfe, A CARPET ABMaUeBtAaaottaMnterCuceBtEilrASuperlugrala Carpeld for 50 cmUi yrd. Joa16eMteysJi4iitstlsBie. W tore mtmj jmjw aUgg la Biff Catpeta, both Cotten and Weel Stripea, wUea web0etB4gttavtteajidavau,.JbaMflt. 25teC0cenUayard. jajiMuisVMWaeeKelBriiaajgQurp6talsulthls tcMen'a atyles, which nut tamteUagafttjUUd. Bea than aad oeapare our prJcea. All Oaretjt tad Wladew Bhada work dose at ahert notice. eSrCarptt Baga taken la tzchasa ba FAHNESTOOKS, Nesi. 35 and S7 East King Btrest, aW ADVgRriBBStrilTS. se ene rEKr egi pipK' from .OVFaVAjylaea tee laeh aitmeter, for ale at a low genre, and lha ealv aenaa tn tha pity with a pip catting machlae, euttlng. up tbataeJidiamatar.atVOBa aasTa, si East il tea etreet. aai-tia e lOZE CALF AND FANCY GOAT BKIHB. and Bummer of llse man fev the a tsaiurs aaa hoes will be made in fancy col cel , I hava Inat MMtvufl &nnnnl theOelebratMOoseeaJf and oeat aklnaina variety of .fashionable shades and colors, wuicu i aeau man np te ue oreer or ay cus tomer. We shall endeavor te kep np te tbe prevail. Ing styles at all times, and would be pleased Jejave our work taapaeud by tba most crlU- We wilt continue te keep a full Ilea of Beady Mad; Uoeds. and will sautbem at the leweat possible prices. QlveusaeeU. BeapeeUuliy yours, WM. H. CAST, EO.106 HOKTB QOKE BT., LAHOABTKB. lunl-lydWar STEAM HEAT IS THE COMING HBAT for dwellings, churches, school houses, etc, though sueersirnlly need one hundred years ajre. When you contemplate a change cell en JOH a bbs r, who will give yen a setts setts factery Jeb, at a fair prien, ms-tfd rnflE DEMAND AS GREAT AS EVER 1 TUB BALKS ABB IMM1NBE I TONS AND TONS OF It SOLD I t Sometimes ter dsys it sells faster than It can be shipped te us. Why Is there such a rush for PEARL FLOUR? .Don't yeti think It Is quality thtt explains the matter T Certainly, and everybody knows " GRABILL, TUB OR1UINAL AND ONLT CASH ti BOOBB IN TUB cixr, DOKE A VINX STB., LANOABTEB, PA.. Bells the ONLY QKNUINX PK1KT. 1LOUU at 73 CENTS. WHITE ROSE BRAND OF FLOUR, A newbrand, full roller process, will net be In until Monday, March 1163 cents, ARBDTUB FLOUR, Alse Beiler Proeess, but of lower grade, 08e sVTBLBPHONB.-a N. W. Ger. Duke and Viae Ste, ml-lvdK.WAF IF IN WANT OF BRANS OR IRON step Cocks, Asbestos Peeked cocks, let and Bib cocks. Lever Ceck, owing Joints, e ll ana get them, or send your order by mall, te JOUN BEST, Kit Eaat Fulten-su ml-trd M ARTIN BRO'tJ. All heights aud all widths cut be nt In our Fprlag Overoeata. Ne word descrlplten neces sary et these Coats. Your ejeiand tha Coats will oeme te an understand. "STOP I." tng very qutek when you tee ttem. Fit, flnlsh and pi tea Is helping the salesmen. Prltei range with qualities, V03 te 133 00. First vlew of Children's Spring Suits ready. very day sales are being made of Winter Overcoats, because tbe prlees have been made ae low and dollars te be saved by buying them new. We don't want te have a coat te put away for the season. The new shades of aeekwstx et pearl, peach atone, Prussian blue and partridge grey, are represented In our steek. Men's, Beys' and Children's extra panta loons. Any person and pcue ean be Ot In them. Bee our boys Shirts, Waists and Men's "Dayton" Shirts. Bee wheUisr yen won't change your mind trnm having them mtfle. Bny ours and save money. MARTIN BRO'S I'leUUg aud Furnishing aorta, Nea. 20 and 28 North Qubkx Street, LANCAS1EB.PA. XNJEOTORS, RUE LITTLE GIANT, Hancock Inspiraters and Eleoters. Eber. man Beiler Seedur. Ptnberthy injnoter, American mjeoters. all tn stock '. JOHN Baars, 131 just Fulton street umrd 1HOR CASTINGS, IRON OR BRASS, t ahert notice, se te Ml light or hravy, at ahert notice, go te JOHN BBST, 133 East Fulton street. mx-tfd TTIRSH X BROTHER. SHIRTTALK BUKT'S Themedet from which Burt's Improved Shield Shtrt Is cut, Is the result et S3 years' expert- IMFP.OVED enee by aprscue! custom Shirt cutter and fitter. Therefore, all or the aimeuity neretorere naa by ether makere In securing a pert cot fitting garment has been overcome by our arllit i hence the improved shield shirt. BOLD BY 8UIELD til IB r. HIRSH & BROTRER la admitted by al who have tiled lhm te be tbe mast perfect flt of any shirt ou sale, and are net even excelled by custom madeguedr. The best of material (New Yerk Mills), Is used In thslr construction. The besoms sret-ply, made et tbe finest Itnen, (4,100) ihe shirt body Is eat te the form and Is heavllv re-en-forces, thus Insuring oemtortasd ease le the wearer t and te give tnesegoedsextrastrength the Patent Pisoseter continuous Facings en back and sleeves has been adopted. Ihese celebrated Improved Shield Shirts are finer, batter made, stronger and mera perfect In every rested, than the crdlnarv hiifl shirt en rale generally. Frloe.lieuiaoh, uulaundered. 5 40 per half dexea. The Burt Standard " Bhtrt. 73e each. The Ulrt b A Bra. " Vatnmii " nhirt. file each. Caiioe aud Percale shuts, t c, 7. wc, n.ie Flannel Bhlrts, (03 te 3 te each Shirt Waists Tbat Fit HIRSH if BROTHER, ONH-PRIOM Clothier and Furnibher?, OOBNBB 07 M. QTJanM OaTMTBB BQUARst, LAMCASTEB.FA. aay-BAW fobfeiees First-cussuidej-Mnsk Bats, lie and no each. Skunk, eue. BARGAIN! LaccMUr, Fa. HEW ADVKBTIBKMEHTS. PUMPS. BOILERS, MIMING, OEN trttmal and steam pump, of any capieuy, at JOUN BKSrs, S13 last Fnlten street. mx-tfd I FflHE GREATEST REDUCTION OF A ALL AT H. GERHART'S- FIEB .TAILOE1NO. In order te reduce a heavy stock and give employment te my banes, I will maka np te order ler tbe remainder of tha winter season, all lleavy-Wtliht tuning, Overceating and Treusering at cost price. Here la acbaneet.1 get aflrst-cisse article for a small amount of money, special attention paid te Fun Drees knit afwBBBAKT, Ne . ta North Queen street. AWOnly Direct importing Tailor In tha Olty of Lancaster. PACKINGS, AS FOLLOWS: DIRIGO, for ateam and llydraulle Faektng, Asbest Hepe, Woven ad Wick Packing, Hemp Pek ing. Asbestos Mill Beard, Asbestos cement, Asbestos Bheatblng, Oum Pscatng, Sum Blngs for Water Ganges, Plumbago packiig, Bead's Patent Asbesves, Lined Sectional Pipe Cever, at JOUN BESI'd, 818 East Fulten-st. mx-tld ATTENTION I lrespcctinllycall te my Purehascs for BprtBg. The Latest Novelties tu SPRING OVERCOATINGS. ' The Latest Styles In Suitings and Treuserlnes, Mr prlcei are the lowest, consistent with geed work. MY REPUTATION ESrABLlsUED. MY AIM IS, HOLD IT. ASKEWI BOS. SSt AVD S3 WEST KINO STBEET. mariwmd Tw OK .PROTECTIVE POLIGY ! New that Oenenl Harrison Is I'resiasnt, baeked up by tha Protecilve Policy of the He publican Party, we can thtnk et no better pro tection than that et protecting tbe public against the danger of wetting Dyspepsia by nslng peer rieur t and tbe sure it way te avoid such a dlre calamity li by nslug Levari 8c Sens' Best ! You'll never have heavy, dyspepsia-breeding bread If you use Levan's Goods. And these believing In Free Trade are free te trade In thla anlele all thnv are a mind te. It Is 'THE 1-kePl.E's" r' LOU It, regardleis or race, color, politics or religion. LEVAN a SONS, decS-iyd 11EBCUANT MILLKB3. A STRIOU BROS. ASTRICH'S PALACE OF FASHION, 13 East King Street. Lancaster, Pa. w WILL REMOVE On or About April ist -TO OUR- NEVV BUILDING, NOS. 115 AND II7 NORTH QUEEN STREET. We are constantly nddlDg New Bar gains te the already large list of Removal Bargains. Te-morrow we put en our counters the Greatest Bargain in Handkerchiefs ever seen in this city. We start en a let of Ladles' White Hemstitched Linen (warranted) Hand kerchiefs, 2-lnch hem, extra tine, regular price 20c; at 12, e apiece. One let of Embroidered Handkerchiefs, hemstitched, embroidered in four corners in flowers and dots, at 10c apiece; regular price 18c. One let of fine Hemstitched Embroid ered Handkerchiefs, worked in four corners, at 12sc ; regular price 25c. One let of extra One Linen Hem stitched Handkerchiefs, 2 tucks, at 103 ; regular price ISc. The same with three tucks for 12ic ; regular price 25c. One let of Colored Bordered Handker chiefs, 2-inch hemstitched, at 0a regu lar price 10c. One let of Lawn Handkerchiefs, flowered and colored bordered hem stitched, at 10c ; regular price 20c. One let of fancy hemstitched fine Linen Lawn Handkerchiefs, emhreideied comers and colored bolder, at 12Jc; regu lar price 25a. B One let of 3-row Havered Handker. chiefs, at 7c; regular pilcel2c. One let of Ladles' Initial Htmstltcned Handkerchiefs, at lle ; regutar price I5c. One let of Una T.lnpn I. awn Initial Handkerchiefs, button-bole edged and scalloped, at 20c ; regular price 25c. Gents' White Hemstitched Handker chiefs at 10. 12, 15, 20, 25, 80, 35,40,41, 45, 60 and 75c. Gents' Colored Bordered Handker chiefs, at 6c, woven border. Gents' pure German Linen Hanker chiefs, woven border, 10:; 60c a half dozen. Gents' White German Linen Handker chiefs, hemmed, at 65c a half dozen, worth 12,c apiece. 70e " " ' 15e " K-ln 20c 11.10 " " 1.40 " 11.63 " 25c ' SOe " 352 " One let of Ladies' Hemstitched Cel- ered Bordered Uunderchlefs, at 2e apiece. au uui uuiuicu una inuu&ercuif U, m 60b apiec? ; regular price 75c and (1. All our best Cream Silk MuOlers, at 75c ; regular price el. 25 te S1.75. It you wish any of these bargains come at once and get your choice. ASTRICH BROS. RADIATORS, OF ANY MAKE OR DE sign. can be fnrnlabed at reasonable figures, by JOUN BEST, ta Xast Fulton ueet. anfd , - ..