V v-- fcK? ,srKTv'vy.vw:viy--' ' v ' vV5 V''Viv i. ft, 1 - Ti&yr- - ' - 1 1 IB JjANCASTER DAILY INTELLtGENCETl, FRIDAY. MAttCll 15, 1869. & & V VJr rs- CyA Dally InUHIgneT. .MABCH.IMSBS, itMBtcmartiSM. I miuui ra d ismscd te refer te at wukcc uhum te uu I.WfeMttB ytaM M Ur8Bf 1. it wm yylMtwH flUlng-, wnerenpea JaKPfelftdA Xh it is -very m mj IH( TV Biter jJitune WuBU Frwela WUarten' life Cut ' being that he, dm MWteUd te be examiner et claims rifclttiiiqiMrtment, which was tbe iBi Francis Wbarten Held, xne I BMde Is explained by the Btate- I tat Mr. WbarteB, being a man of hkMettdf Secretary Bayard, re- Ifrom'traetlee and devoted te the rMlatcraaUeaaUair. en which he l tttt greatest authority in the country. liiMioa:eto Washington as the aftrfcwr of the Becretary of state, Bealnkllybuta clerk in the de- lit.' : .- .LI . it - l..n Ia R. -M-f "- - "- -' -" asm aBasa ania DTnianHi inn ia.aa ibb as a 1 , a-is a.u S.tMMaad that Mr. Walker limine, net i expert in international Jaw, pre- i te ceuQne himself te the duties of lelatkahlD and te earn the 13.500 of llalary which he gets as the ten of his 'father. -fXodenbt Mr. Walker Blalnels fit te hm a clerk te his father, and the reiatien- ahldls'ne fair bar te bis appointment. 4WewiU be well pleased, Indeed, It Mr. Blaine eta find place for that etaer son or. . ale who married a Pennsylvania wife and ibaldn't keep her, se that she new gees , the stage te make ber llveiiuoea. If th Hlalnn femllv Ij Doer, the father of ; ftaa .i.t MAvnlifAyl fn tinf nit liln 3ehlldren in office. JC or Train ingum ub(Jicuiiev'' Jdtb secretary te reside in, enais.uwa Vf . .. . ..... l.n M.year aees net pny me exieut ui mu rvhSWUlljr. .EHC1J vuiun. iu . uuu -...- a separate place at the puuuc ireugu. n I'll quite tbe practlce for the officials te it their sons, and even their wives ana ers, In place as their secretat let i IS And. It' is a very comfortable arrange- C.Mif all ariunii Tf.lreAnt af.mnfrerflnnt.nr lil all tbe cash in, the family ; and , J.laiaklAa He flate in. tA hnrnn fjl Hus frnnfc. set "? - ""? "r "?"" . . " . We admit mat we ae net Knew mat. -Slfce elder Blaine' financial condition VJ. ... in. ii r .1... ............. r i,u 4 UHUT,,CU U WW CUIKU I1D Ul "l"'i rVrTvB)l.lAf. ttlja avaIIajI hl..an.fr.nl. enrl WU ?0 net suppose that this is the faet. But &-4f ttiarn wnra env anpli rAAftnn tfsr Ihn ,ji( " ..V.U " W-W- .,U .-. appointment there is no need te concede iVittlnthefaceet the Inadequate salary of ptlw expensive office. I It has come t) pais that ene net a ?S,-lHiesalre can hardly afford te be a . -,? eablnet efflter: and that the milllennlrefl ,"'Sfai this cabinet have crowded in be ea te i LVi linnilir nil Mm ninnAn lllntna Wlnk i . 4em, Procter and Wanatnaker nre nil In LUhli class we believe. It is net a doslrnble Viplace for a peer man. WW . . , rmiee ana lndastrle. uMrt Tnnnpr fftntml for fertv ilnva nml II Ttry much alive today, though be las fftrea signs of mental ehaklnesj, or nt t!' least crankiness. Jehn L. Adams died Rafter a fait of twenty-six dava, under ftaken with the reselve te die. When iTannerwas making his famous experU Vaeat, a Spanish crlmln.il succeeded in ''tarvlnirhtn'K.plf tn ilnnth In nlimit. ttventv. ltrad.ys, and the power of the will in Saasesef the kind, was well illustrated. 'tfltmustbaTflmembered. also, that with eu all these cases there were none of the ail- .rifiiaefrr.nmnt!inrj4 iiniinlltf nrpvnitlnff In ki't eases of starvation net selMmpeacd. Tlie .-'-" Mn rrnrn tint pxhnu.lnd liv hanl wnik Sand exposure, as shipwrecked salleis Pj might be. Tvrrilile scenes are probably tjSl mt tMa mniriMih f ritnanfrlnr i Phlnn !C " "" """""H U.JUIUIJ 4U U.ll.., Tj where theiellef sent from Europe and , Amsrtci, can have but little effect upon l 1L. l .-!. l. 1 l. f.iK ihuiiuu ui u cuiia who u,iuuui uu fc reached by railroads, nnd nre nlrcaily fv,bausled by their long struggle with ;yoercropB and heavy taxes. Tliu notion sf a famine la very foreign te Americans, jl-aed as transportation facilities by rail ami Lx-,,, piuauii aie uctciucu, iv ia imi'tu taat famines will only be known ta history., IrelanJ, however, hns II fca,rallreads and its famines, and the best fr;j; guard against these terrible calamities lnenu te be the establishment of that &fnllnml n.Atenllnn nr.1l.r. '!'.,., liSf-aay teach us te exist en very Httla feed, &--&" n ft rxttrnnA Imtlillnrr mnv (miililn tin In '('t tht HLIlll B1llff hilt. If un Jinwn nnt Lpf,ttn wherewithal te buy it with we will pretty generally starve te death. If we produce a great many things besides feDil K5S."" VMI, UD It 1IIIC, Kc' IUUU 1UI IUCU1, 11 kV?i..MA tia. t . cmml I.m1 m.n ......1 II... l world after1 It. Americans who cany I3?taelr devotion te the absurd extreme of lftt ATJUl.U nil wtn.YlnAnllnn .. nUAnnl..A tAwre-va.uK ui, luuuiuuuuuua ui uu CAUcasivu ltaxatlen, are moving us towards the con ?rdltlea et China. They consider euly the attabliahment and net -the development aTel Industrie, only production and net "k.9. ;. 1 - f,'5.eeatmerce ; but without the latter we ?. :n 9 ft atsaaWA tiAVdi fitinnntl' mm InMsiats-Tnai In m uviwa uivib uui iuuujkiiua iu tkiij .sTTAAL number, Before Cblnt was opened ,?tta commerce she asked the outslde world v ?-;(JacnelhlDg,nnd yetherhUtery la crowded f 'gwtth famine. It either tbe protection vJaaatlca or therara and curious American v.irea traders, should bave their wiy our f.swlrens may some day have use ter the vwaolutlen of Dr. Tanner. - .!. - ,-S ' The Ofllce Dispenser, tc?.''lfr, Clarkeen, et luwa, who wai .icau- 1 for postmaster general, h.ts con I te take the pUce of llrsi'assistaut, ftr which he Is stated te be well iualiQed. Vte duty of the efllce is te keep the satller postefll:ei supplied with pest. , piaaters ; and the qualifications for sue Mafully filling it are sa'd te be great ,mUbility et deportment, knowledge of ,)ktiB&au caturi ant acqmlntauce with jOHltlcuns. rmx, vmiaeur, wi.u uas un all hla llre swtdlterar.il politician, in the wild of i liwAjhas net been able te resist the temp. tfWoate come te civilization ami Wash- ' lfen and enjoy the power of dispensing leemntrypoitelujes. Te seme censtl- ' tUtleaa thla would net be enjej ment ; hut "4tesajseUttclan Ulj probably the hlg'y.Bt, tmiyeewetiuem laneany DJneiit fren ;; The euice dispensing power Is gcaer- raBXmerang. The meu who enjoy . severally short-lived creatures. I In fact there Is nothing of au endur- ts)Sjracter about either the beldcri let public eiiiM. They are al- rfe sirujtgllng, and always truckling, avr knew what the morrow may r.ftrlh. The whe man is he who adi tits eh u future, lie does net anyone's eerraut aet even the He Tehecee far Mlaers. ThaOcnatetlcut Leglalatare has just paasel a law Imposing a fin of fifty dol lars apea aayene lelllBg tobacco in any feres te miners under sixteen years of age ; and imposing a fine of seven dellsrs upon such minera using tobacco. We suggest te the Pennsylvania Legislature that It will be well te consider whether a One mty net be Justly Imposed upon these who sell tobacco te young boys for their use, though a bill for this purpose has already been reported negatively. Nene will dispute the faet that such use Is Injurious, or that the practice is preva lent. It may be that It Is net tbe concern of the state te take care of the physical condition of Its youth; but slnce It forbids the rale te them of spirituous liquor, it would seem te be In line with this policy te likewise forbid the sale te them of te. bacce, which does them qulte as much barm as liquor. The use of tobacco by miners, in their undeveloped physical osndltien, is undoubtedly very Injurious te them. m m m Tar. three crc.t steel mills et CI1IC..0, te Jollet,tbe Union and the North Ohlc.ge, - stKnt te be consolidated and It is said tb.t by this meaiure local competition will be dcatroyed and belter prlee rmlltd ter steel ralta. There la duty of 117 ten en steel rails and a combination of the kind that our sieretary et atnle thinks no ene baa nny business te Interfere with and yet It la found sdvliible te tedncs the number of oempanhs from nine te noveu with the ohrerfnl prophecy that the prlee of rails will be further Increased. ir begin te leak as though the biggage mnasher bud smashed iilmsilf out of exigence, for the Pennsylvania railroad rpertathat out of 6,000,000 pleaea of bng. gag bandied only threo were lest. ' r Tnn lnvontlve genlt of a Plttabnrg miin has beeu aroused by the peril et our navy in Ha in en, and he has devlaed powerful portable turtlo-baekod steam propelled submarine ram, wbleh la torrlble enough en paper te fojre poaee out of lllimarek If he Is aoarable. Mr. William It. Oavetthaa just made puldle elaborate plana whlehaie te ba forwarded te the aeeretary of the navy, and which repreaent what the re porter calla "a wicked little venae)," that ean da can led en beard a man-of-war and with n crew of alx men aent out te Jab a hele In any hostile Ironclad that uity rashly wait te be Jibbed. The beat will be Hash with tbe water line, and will bave turtle-shaped baok,eovored with heavy ateel plates. In the forward part of tbe vessel will be a heavy cylinder, similar te these uped en engines. It will be about fifteen feet long and will contain a platen red twolve or fifteen lnebea In diameter. This piston will extend through tbe bow of the beat and will be the ram proper. It will be propellod by furce of steam ".mounting te from 60 te 160 ten-, and will work with the rapidity of lightning. The fome wilt be oueugh te plorce the aldn nf the heavies', Ironclad nt ene blew. Mr, Cavett premises a apoed of twenty te twenty-two knots sn hour. 11 0 says that he has computed the striking foreo of the piston, ami ostlmates that, with s sixty ten rercfl, It will knock plate from the heaviest man ef-wur nil eat." Usvntt Is a pretnlslne genlus. Ooi'leus. though, that ue ene eyer balore proposed te taKO a aicsui haminer atougalde et a man-tf-war and knock her full of boles, l'csilbly It Is boejusa thore nre ether forces much mero powerful In the shape et torpedoos, prntuelng artlrlalAl earthquakes, but the cliti'f treuble has been te get te the man man el.war without being dc&troyed. PERSONAL. D O. I-AiunuK, of (Jeudeispnrt, Pa, nil ex-inoinber or the Pennsylvania I.vglela turn, nnd n well-known lawyer, dled en beard n rnllread train en Tuursdy el heart djsesse. Kkv. S. V Hmith, new evor 80 yeara old hsi adepted the plan el writing autograph copies of his oelobrH'O'l national hymn, "America," ler tlie benetlt el the Ilosteu Clillclren'H Krlend society, In which he takes n pclnl tntnresr. J. 11 r-uioiteriAnT, of Waterlnwn, Wis, who has voliin'.ueril Ills sorvlcei In tlie Mirmlan iiiIchIeii field, will be ordained te the nilnlatry In llcthleheiu en Huiulsy and Itnve as neon as passage can boar bear rnuged for the mission atatlen at Nrniha gals, Alaska, where be will aetaaaaslstact te the missionary new In charge. The Mo ravian iibiireh will aund additional workera In this field as hoeii aa aultable men ter the work eiii be found. Mum. Ou.sunAi, Qiunt lias sent a check for X'li te the aeeretary et the New Yerk cltlzsns oeiiitnittco, te aid tbe National Uonfederste aehlleiH' home, at Austin, Texas. Krnl. I). Urant, for hla mother, semli the following letter te the secretary nf the cainmlttuu : "Ueneral (1 rani's kindly feelings towards the Hnuthern ino ine ple, though they were oneo hla enenites, la Mrs. u ran is reason uraenaingtue inclesed oheek. Hlie wishes you auccets in your eirerts. " J a 1:0 11 ICefiu, prosldentef the Downing town Nutleual bank slnee May, li05, and for aevtral jears prcsldontet theC'nestcr Ueunty Mutual Pirn lusuranee oempany. also meinl'Or et the Committee for the (Jlvllizttlen of Indian Natien, dled of an Hltpetinii of the lungs at bis home, near DownliiL'tewn, Wednesday evening. Ha wns In his Hlilj ear, and was connected by birth and marriage wlthsomeottheloadlug (amlllcH nt Ihu country. Ue was a promt premt nutit lueinber or the Heclaty et lVtenitu, and was Hlwajs Interes'ed In acts for the amelioration of his fellow in en. He was by tiade a tnnner, Hint In bis early llfn earrled en the tiulnes sueceMlully In Dowulng Dewulng Dowulng tewn. 11 11 leaves two clitldicu, a daughter and son, Jiioeb liif,Q, who la a piomlueut miller. hlity Tlieutauil iiullnii Fuuua lu m llex. Ou l'Vlituy last Oonrge U. llaydcn, nil old mauef 75 eara, dled at a cheap bearding house lu bt. Leuis, where be bad lived many years. As bn was never known te work, lived In equilld quarters and bid nn wiBOelatcs he was suppesed te be very peer. All hla surreuudlngs Indtosted this, but the public au mlnlatrater, In examining llayden'a trunk, found n note adilrwHiHl te that olllelal ard inclosing aaatodeposlt key. It also con tained the name B. C. l'ayne, et Wins low, Mslne." The administrator en Thure. dsy vlalted the safe dopeslt nempauy'a vaults, aud en opening Hsyden's box dla. oevered mero than frtO.OW In cash, stocks and bends, aud has filed an Inventory et taein in the probate court. llayden bad no relattvea here, but la supposed te have aeme In Maine, and an effort will be made te find tberu. Ue had lived in this elty 40 years and was known te bs a raiser, but no ene kuew that he Ltd soy property. A Drauktu Mu Irrlbl l,Juril. Jehn W. Dwyer, an Kegllsh sallor.whlle under the tnllutnee et liquor, staecend Inte a hcuau In Daltlmere, en TuuraJny night A wnuiau who lived there pusiivd bliu out, oauateg blui te fall en the pave inttut. While be was lying there Kind William, aeelng tbe dlsturbauoe, Krabhed a lighted lamp fiem the band 01 the woman and burled; it at the prostrate uiau. The lamp struck him In tbe face, and exploding destroyed tbe aigbt of one eye and lore tbe fiesh from tbe faef, mangling both jiws Dwyer will probably die. Wllllsms was arrested. Catr Met Kutltum te the Ulllca The eepreme court of West Virginia en ruuraday In the gubernatorial quosllen between R. H. Carr, presldent et the state Senate, and Governer Wilsen, dtoltled tbat Carr fad no ground upin wnleU te take tbe titles of governor. This Klvea Wilsen tba chutr, and the centest will haiote bs n-illed between General GaU aud Jndiru 'umlng. v " J-oral option Ualcte4 la Mltcenam, In tbe Wisconsin Senate en Wednesday ennlej.-, ceimc oration et the local or tlen bil wax Indefinitely postpenod by a vote of - te H Thsre were several vigorous spetent In Its Unalf, while ue one gave expression te any opposition. THB rAIX. B1TBM WBaTCSU' ITBUU 1 Thaeietlifel Twe ttts ASt Twe k aaaid la theifwnbsf el MHOfmimi. Thursday, the fourth day of the weaver' Birlk'-, opened without asy appraelabt change In the' situation. The weaver! still present an unbroken, front. Tbe annt down et the King Philip and American linen rallla ea Thursday, naa added 2,000 te the number et Idle operatives, and baa brought tbe strike home te the f;reat body et operatives outside of be weavera. There was a meeting la tbe park en Thursday attended by ever 4,000 strikers, who manifested the same en theslasm as at Iho beginning. Tbe mem bers of the executive committee urged the atrlkera net te go baek until all were ready te go. Toe visit of Mr, Barry, of tbe atste beard et arbitration was referred te, and members et tbe executive committee reit erated that It was net their fault the atrlke bad net been settled by arbitration. Toe appealsef tbe apoakern toatlek together were answers! uyenuerw, muuiiwia .iiuniiue opinion tbatthp beard of trade would net aoecpt the preposition te appoint a com mutes of conference te meet the wtavert, Heveral expreascd tbe opinion that they might be willing te meet the members et the state beard et arbitration, but anything llke a recognition, of the Weavera' Union meets with tbe firm opposition of a majority of the manufacturers. They insist, however, that there la nothing te arbitrate, and before a conference ran be arranged tbe atrlkers mnat retnrn te work. Meat et the mills will pay of! te day. The strikers will held mass meeting en (Saturday. The big atruggle Is expected te come next week, whontbere.wlll be no wages coming In. Tbe agents of the mills In Itnede Island and otber atates are engaging some et Ins Idle operatives. Tlis Ueld Kxclltniiiit. Tbe New Yerk H'erM publishes the following telegrsm from Its snet 111 corres pondent dated Tin Juann, Xnwer Ual., March 12, via San Diege, Moreh 13 : I have Just returned from tbe mines In the Mania Clara region after threo days as hard riding aa I have ever dene. 1 left Hn Diege upon receipt of your tolegraphle order, ene week age, roaehlng this point from Han Diege I y stage. Here 1 procured an outfit oenslstli g et two horses and a man te accompany urn, After oensldorablo dlflleulty with tbe Mexican customs ofllelals, I ranile my way down te lteal del Castille, tbonee across the Ban Rafael Valley, through the mountain passes and chaperal. The read was crowded with teams telling onward te tbe suppesed Kl Der oil r. Frem Knneunds, en the Paclfie oeast, also, many etlinr fortune fertune fortune eeekers were and still are Hecking te the mines. In word, Z may asy that nine out of every ten of tlioie foriutieanokcrs are deemed te dlasppolutuient, Whlle there undoubted ly I sonie geld In the H tuta Clara region, Just as thore la geld In North Care Una and Northern Qoerglo, It Is net likely te be a prefitable place te sock for vast rlebta The precious metal In found In pockets far apart, and no positive geologi cal Indications present thenmelvfs te dlreel the aearrb. Water la scarce, se that placer mining cannot be proseeuted with the aa. anrance necessary te develop a great mining region. 1 was shown nome small nuggets, but nowhere did I lled a guarantee tbat they bad been dug In the placea pointed out. 1 saw no Indications of the preolens metal In tbe stratified reek nf the locality. What geld has been found la en the aide hilts, tar from water oeuises, and In plaoes tbat cannot bs roached by Unmes. His Iwina Tru.t. A dl'pstch from Minneapolis, says that slowly but sorely the UlndlngTwIue Trust la tightening the cell about the termers. In Minneapolis, whero most of the twine In nteck has been bought up for the trust and new llea In a warehouse, the price has already advanced. Aung ent of the Dakota Parmers Alli ance, which last year bought lla twine direct from tbe factories, was tcut Ksst te con tract for this year's supply. 11 e discovered that the whele output bad been bought up by the trust, furtner, he aitoevoreu that twine wbleh lait year could be bought for Vesnta pjr pound would cost 25 cents this year. II the farmers get no twlue It Is likely te have a bad oil eel upon the wheat crop, aa that cereal cannot be barvested In u geed condition without the nan of twlne. The Eegluera Itrsimnallile, The coroner lu Hartferd, Connecticut, lias published bis report en tbe recent Park Control hotel disaster, In which -3 perrens were kllled, The coroner finds that the engineer?, Thuer nnd Klaley, were legally responsible for the oare et the boiler, and that the explosion was oaiueil by thelr wilful nogllgence. Thuur aud Ittsley are under bends far trial. Te hi tTii r nnd be plnimiill nlmnal tmpni. atlitnler nn alitlt, unit nulle se f r imtir. viirtiit Is mil eleil Mllli reltc, oiurrhiruer nihtir trniililuanini) tllsnrJeia uie Dr. Hull' l&iuyHyrup. 1'rloeiluU wliimtlie Inaicnttuns era Uintft perfeetty reltnblA innOlcliie Ik neeilvit in rrjiulste ihe liver, te alreCRtliMi trio stexinrh unit i.inn vnui itiii tyatuiu, no enu slid 11 la liualuuu te uee Luxaaer. VAl.UAltl.iK KXl'KIUIfiNUK. One el the IIIeil Werth? Sinn el tint hUte tllrILe Tublle the lleiif III or borne Truths liranu front Ilia Luug Lite, 1 was ptseliic along u street In llroeklyn. Wf cently. whmi 1 miw u VLnoralile unci hutieve lent loekliiR old Rnntluinen nmliUnn a joeiiKernna KohleiuunaleiiK thoalreou 'Ihe bcuiiu was nurU un u mi mini tine, that l volini velini volini teeicil my htlptotliaiiltlrlyinan.andlenrnell thai lm was the well kuewu doctor, 'a' h. Wil cox, and Ihu he was helping the ymmijer limn, who w n j a censtiuipilvu, te an Institu tion et which be hs,a charge. I acceinpantea Ilium, asililltiK tis best 1 could, and lukud the ii'deriy Riulleman soma (lut-mlens touehliiK his put hlitery ana hu rich experience el lue. lie nnllcd that hu thnuiiht hu reuia put ttunuuttur mere uleaily w rltlim and ftljiny niijiust khve me the fallowing uii mentt ' l have lireii In the general pruotlce of med- Iclne for Ully yAura. ticln i; new uver anvuntv yuura in aau, unit lll Unit HiHplUl loeated yuars tit ai -.... ...n .-u . ....- ..".:.: " Unit HeiplUl loeated at Me. lui I nwrtuce street, lit nuklyii, N. V. HiirliiK my llfetlinu et linctlce 1 have found thatmiirnthutmmi n.lrrt nui HiTiiiuilKUlH lOUOUUllu. or kit deaths niUe from oenauiniittnn nf Uie litriK or aeinu lung treuble. JTnru century doctors havn tried te reurti ana ovcrcemu this niseaaci bnl bave neser aneceedrd. tow pucple who have lunif treuble knew it t low rntle rvalliu thulr lUiigur until It la tee lite. Altar u tnnreuKh trial nt till known reme. dlOH. I have settled down te tfceusunf tiure sltuiuUnta reriUtlunK dtmeultlsa, and 1 tlnd ueiMim an imre eraltiah)uaa Huiry'a I'imi Mull Wblaky. One ut Uie aupnrter advan. taita, pensesard only hy tnu whlky. Is Ua lenle power. H net only clitic k tbe wume of lunie lUaue, bnt It tours and litiltds vptlia syilum wonderfully, lu thnHitnltuiUn ana in my Kent nil uruolice. 1 tue it ceusinutly una 1 hieutivsr kuewtt it 1 1 fait lue " 1 waaKreutlvluinruaavdbv tlioalneerltv ntit and truth of Iir. tillcex, andbtillevuhtaaiatc. u.ent can be made et gnat value te uu. ah) (1) piLMOMUHYHUr. DR. SOnBNC'i'd Pulmenic Syrup la ihi e'destaml heit establtilicd medtclne lei dlrerttrratinnut of Couaumptlen and all uffoeUous of ltius H I It rtponsandleononsthstuberrlrt, c i KUb th I.uniia et puruleut unilicr. U i leanii and htu'a thuaoreiipoU, Maktia new lilmd and helps ctrculntteu. d I'lnventa ether depmltn et titbirclea, 5 lielpt the return et ilrsh nnd tplrlt, " LCurvs here oiherrouadua tali. He net fall te scud for lit Schcnck'anew and aduilruble treatliu en the Luntt". the liver, una tin Memacb, with thelrdUejca and cure. II ubeaudi in cxcollent Interma tlen, and nlll glve you Idma about thofe vital orKansmiathelawaal hialtUyeu have never hadb&fera. bent free. DU. BOHENOK'S MBDIOINEB, 1'i'itsir VvasTiiav 1'Ui.MU.Nieayitur, HLAWKCUIOMU AMI ilAMUAKBfjl.i.a are for kaie by all lirugguu. rull printed dlriLllena with each uckuge Addnna all comiuuntcvienilollr. J H. tchenck A Hen. l'hlladelphla ! majlMjdAw rpmrruiNu hyhui'. TO MOTHERS. Every tvatie ahnnld have n bnttln nl 1)11 KAllliNKl aTKBtllINU HI Mil' mioet ly aatjj. e opium or Merphia inuiuti- mil !.e,S)muMV!u5.l0-a ,"! &V2XR ft ttffi- - -S' St Trial betUe sent by moil 10 cents. Jontlydeodaw WAlTAMAMMMf. raiLAMLMiA, rrt&ay, ttarafe M, lt. Receptions. This week, Dress Goods. Next week, Tuesday, 19th init, first view Dresses and Wraps. Week after next, Tuesday, 26th, te Thursday, aSth, first view Spring Millinery. Re.neval. The Pollock Dress Fitting rooms have been re moved from second fleer te third fleer, Chestnut street. Take the elevator in Chestnut street entrance. This system is a great success, but we did net build for it with sufficient forethought. The quarters were tee small, the orders tee numerously te be properly cared for, and we have there fore refrained from advertising it. It has advertised itself. A properly fitting waist lin ing for $i is a great been. Hundreds of Philadelphia ladies have already discovered this. Xhtid fleer, Chestnut street. Luster Dress Goods arc a coming guest. Hew that fash ion wheel brings out old friends! There's a whirlwind of favor for iridescent Gloriosa ; there's like te be about as much for the glinty black stuffs. Three weights in the new Black Mehairs three names. Mohair Sicilian, 50c te $1.50 ; Mohair Tamise, 65c te $1.50; Pure Mohair, 65c te $1.25. Horthweit et oentre. Filmy, spider-webby Drapery Nets, $t te $3.90 ; 43 and 54 inches. 45-inch C h a n 1 1 1 1 y Fleuncings, $1 te $3 75. Span ish Guipure, 40 Inches, 75c te $2.50. La Tesca Net, 50 Inches, 1 te $2.75. That's the prosaic price part. Words only suggest their fancy ele gance. All sorts and all widths. Real and imitation. Chestnut stroetslas, east of Main Alsla. Linens are marching te the quickest sort of price-step. Take the first we come te a generous Damask Tewel, knot ted fringe, and the price 20c. Step again Hemstitched Linen Sheets, $4.50 te $12.50 a pair. The one for least is bang-up geed linen, and qual ity keeps pace with price all the way up. Pillow Casev Linen, fine and snowy as you care te pay for, 38c te $1 a yard. Anether step Turkey Red Tablecloths. They run from 6-4 te 8x1 2 at $1.50. A very few of the special 8-16 Cleths at 1.50. Matching Doilies at 75c and $1 dozen. Damasks, Handk erehiefs, what you will all leaning one way. Southwest of ccatte. Teach the child te draw. Beeks of Drawing Medels, " New Scheel of Design." Be ginning at the simplest and ending with elaborate studies. If there's any drawing talent in the youngster (or oldster) these books will help it out. Five cents each made te sell at 1 5c. A carload perhaps hence the 5c. Jutlperand Markotstreots corner. Whenever your Furs are done with we'll take care of them. Nothing packed away and wrinkled ; everything hung in moth-proof closets. Insured. Desk en aecend fleer, evor mlJdle Chestnut btietslculraucu JOHN WANAMAKER. VOAU-1.KXWX rUWVHH. QOM1M.KX10N lHlWDUK. LADIES' WHO VA.LUK A ltrcriNEII CUMl'l.BXlOM must van POZZONI'S MKUIUATKU COMPLEXION POWDER. It imparls a brilliant transparency te the sklu. Uetuavea all pltnpleis, I ruckle and als als als oeloratlons, and miktva the skin dellcaUUy salt and beaatiral. ltcentalna no lltne, whlta, Ituid or arsenla In threo shadea, pink or tleah. whlteand brunotte. reu aAi.e ui AU Drugs-tats and Fancy Ooeda Doalera flvorywhero. avuswAUK or ishtatiemu.-bss anriUvd MUalU "OKK11S UUUKSTOHK. Easter Music. New and Sparkling FOR Ciiuui it and Sunday Scheel. Come and examine our choice collection of Easter Services, Carels and An thems. Come and try them, at L. B. HERR, 5i 53 N. Queen St." auglb-lyd lAlKaVfl OJ1LJBHT OOMFOUSn. A Perfect abeaia be. mild, prompt, and pttaaBt,wMk no griping or purgative aCMta. It steal also taelte tba llvsr te actlea.aJtldJfaaUe, and relieve the kMnejs. Like netklag eiat Palaa'i Celery Compound is a pertaatlaza. Uvs, and cores obstipatien where all etfcar re met las fall. " As a (anile laxative, ralna's celery Com pound Is anrely without a peer. 1 Ulak 1 ought te know.ilece 1 have Uted rented rafts remedy for about five or six years and law found nothing Out equals It la say ease of etos etes Uvsness." j, 11. Jf KKtit.Taa&Mr, Cleyd'a Creak, lean. DUMOND DYES Are the Umpltit DttlMaJt. A child can tits Mms JjMBAt, mUKSVM TIHsTATK OK XDWIN HOPXOM, All late of West BeraDflnd. dseeasaA. Urs or adalnlatratlen,wltkwlUaaaa .ea said MtaM baviat beea traat te skaaar-sts-Bd. ail parseaa, Udebtaat tharateaN rs Suested te meke lmmeduta aayatsat, aa lese havlnt claims or deaaaaeta aaataat tka aa-re, wlU present them wttfeeat (Utf far astUeaient te the ndersltaaa, rasMlat ta Silver Sprint biisak iropiear, Aamlalatratrtx, a.t. a. A. O. M aw raaa, Atterat y. fsbai td r s ESTATE OF ANNA If. WEIQAMD, uu of Laae tar eity, tsesassa. tat ters testamentary ea said estate havlat baaa araated te ths underahrnea, all parseM ta ta debudthsreieararrqaMtaa te asaka raima dlate payment, ana thesa kavtav alaltas or demands anlnat ths same, will prtsaat tkem without dflay for settlamnt te tka traftar sltned, Rsldlntjn Laeeastar city. Jeaa A. CerLB, Atternaf . ai as. wauuajeu.kzacminx. febsttsur BSTATK OF BEKNHAHD HAMMBIa, lata of Lancaster elty, dsesased. Lat Lat ters testamentary en said estate kavtat baaa 8 ranted te the nndarsltnad, all parseaa la la ebted thereto are requested te asaka Im mediate payment, and these havlnt claims or demands at stoat the eama, will ptaeeatlkam without delay .or asttlameat te tka aaftar signed, residing In Laneister elty. JOUNA. BAOSaf AW, B. FruHi EsntsmaB, alzecater. Attorney. maauUT ESTATE OF ELIZABETH HENBLKB, late of ths city of Lancaster, deceased. Letters or administration en eald estate hav lnt been aranted te the nndsralfnad, all par sons Indebted tnerete ara reqassttdtemaka Immediate .y ment, and these having alalma or demands against the asms, will present them without alay for aettimeBt te the an dersigntd,resldlagln Philadelphia. .lOlW W.HKNBLKt, Jerne A. Cevlb, Atfy. Administrator, mars ttdr TPBTATE OF ALBERT F. X BER It AN, X!i late of Lancaster city, deceased. Letters testamentary en said .aetata having baaa granted te the undersigned, all parseaa lav ueotea uwrnw ara requesiea 10 raas 11 dtata payment, and these bavin claims demands against the same will present them without delay ter settlement te thaaadar- aianea. Tit a riDBT.ITT 1R8. TBU8T AMO iAfB xiarusii uuarAM, MAKY VIKGINIARAWTBOB, w J. L.BTBUNMETZ, Kxecuters. Adildresa, J . It. BiKivBSTX. Attorney, We. M North Duke street. fabl Star BBTATE OF FRANCIS X. H1EMENZ, late of Lancaster city, deeeaeed. Lat Lat ters of administration en aald estate kav Int been granted te the nnderalgBad. all persons Indebted: thereto ara requested te uiaka immediate payment, and tke havlnt claims or demands against the same, will pre sent thorn without delay for settlement te ths) nderslgntd, residing In Lancaster, Pa. FHANCISBIBafaKZ, JOHN UIKktBNZ, WILLI M U1IMBNZ, JKUUMB ntKMBMZ, Admtalstraiers. A. II. Karres st, Attorney. lis sir MOOTS AMD HHOK&. B OOTO AND BHOE8. D. F. Stackhouse, 28 and 30 East King Bt. 1 take pleasure In catling your attontlen te my line of SHOES TbatI amrocrdvlnKdallyfertheSpringTrade, and all aroin&detor these who require great durability and (or cirganee of style, fit and workmanship cannot be oxeolled. Prices Lewor Than tbe Leweat. Cft'l and cxamlne my large stork and we will be pluuied In try aud suit you. 1). P. STACKHOUSE, 88 Ai 80 BABT KQiS, BT LANOABTBK. PA BSD-lyd MUSICAL. fiRKAT KEOrjOTlON -IN- AUTOHARPS. Three leir. at 00 tour liar tsse rtvellar MOO Any lady can leim te play a tune in fifteen minutes. Drep in tbe store and take a leek at them. TO AMATKUIIS and PROrBBSlOHAL : We have at present the nneat stock or UAH UAH UAH MONICAttoverseen in Laucaster and at aur prlatngly low prlees. 1IHVU MJYri Dccunii'nKau ruiiiu .uu Organs tn ferfect (xindltlea, which wa will 11 at Banraln frlces. IManej, Onrans, bheet Uuste and Musical MdMB.ln ireniiral-In faet uvervlhtnir Dertaln- tug te a trst-claas muate hoese, AT Kirk Jehnsen & Ce., 34 WEST KINO BTIUPsT, LANOABTBK, PA l'.B.l'lanea and rurnlture Moved. Ueta copy et Fred. T. ltaker's New Waltz, "The Devca Ueturn." nlt-lydAw OAMH1AOJU. s TANDAUD OAHIUAQK WORK. Standard Carriage Werk, KDW. EOQERLEz, Net. 40, 42, ts, 43 Market street. Bear of Post Pest office, Lancaster, Pa, Ue net tail te call and see my splendid stock of Latral ftlyle nuggles, l'tsstens, PamUy e;errlan-, Au, whtc new have raedv ear thoeptlngirado. All the latest designs te se lect from state. There are no nner vehlcles In the A line line of Beoena-Usnd Werk ea hand. sty prlcrs are the lowest In the state for Crst'tiass work. All weik guaranteed. Urpelrlng and repalntlngpremptly'atteQded te. oneaetot weikmen especially employed ter Umt purpoae. JIlOrCLKS, T? IU YOLKS, TRIOYCLKH, TAN DBMS, UOLUMBIA Bicycles, Trioyelos, Tandemi. DUKABLK, B1MPLB. UUAKANTBBU UIQUKST QBAUK, ILLUSTltATBOOATALOUUB FKBB, POPE MF'G. CO., 79 tKANKLlN ST., BOSTON. liUANCH HOUSES - 11 Warren Yerk i Sll Walaah Ave., nhtnura Bt, Mew roreelo by JOHNS. MUS3KU.He. a North Streot. oelumbla. u-lvdea WEAK, "" UNDEVELOPED FARTH Of the Human lledy Kularged, Developed, Htrungthened. utc , Is au Interesting advertise ment long run Ineurpapar. Inraplytetn. iintrtes we will say thai there Is no evldence el buuibug about tnla. Ou the contrary, the advrrtlaera re very highly Inderaed. Inter- eated persons may get aoAleo eiraulars ail particulars, uy writing ioibe bib KOl uai. ue. a swan et, nunaie, s Y.-rotde Vailv Bte. niijdAw Laxative rata Oslacy Oosapeaad is preapt and Bteesaat. AaaiAsaUratt Uaves auto t slaausc IkaraisWMSMstaaasMalaliatMrHs." Atmmt LaesuMv sssssass JMMsr, Asanlal e .Watery, Atksma, Okie, "rottweerUraayaarslMasndtatsassJy varyalchtwHkaSTSM sIm ta aaybesrabj, whUli wars akltaallyeemsitaataa. Mykewate aswawratalr,aBtXlaavslka aat mera of Ue Balaa Ha tag erne fcatua el Palns's Clry Compound r. .jsnenar, Dnnkt, Ravaaa, Ala. Meral i Ua rilaa's Osaaiy Cesarxmaa aatt lop ntttiaw a utaatiaal teaet witakank step BramUTairiUa. waata, Btoaaaaaea eea tTe , BarUatvrawt. lltTN Uttng vpen VattattdPUd art rattAy Ataav Jt0ppan4Htarti.XHuntffuU4H. PUT (UOODO. aFKOIAIi MOTIOM TO HOUSEKEEEERS! Btrftim in Table Lineni I XAFJCUn. TOWBLS, sHBsnuas,riLLesr MtiiuMt, BUAOUD Bad ONBbBAOHBO MU8L1MS, XICKIJIM.VUBNttUBI OBSOKI, MAJUK1LLBI QUILTS, COMtOkTS, OsUBAHOOkADLBQDlLT AMD BLABKBTB, Skeaazt thirty days wa wUl sail BliAHKKTB RKOABDUD98 OF COST. FBIatB BTBAMBO FBATBBB8, Warraated Kever te Small. Brawls, Ingrain ud Big CirptU, riOOB OIL CLOTHS. BUTMAKIBOrOABrBT BWBBPBB8. Kvarythtng at Lewest Cask Tttem, Jehn S. Givler 08 North QutMB Btreet, X.ArOArTBB.rA. w ATT 4 BHAND. NEW SPRING GOODS -ATTUK- New Yerk Stere. We have received during the put two days apwaids of loe large cates and bales of lew Spring Dry Goods At Beady Cash l'i Ices. NBW BPHIMO DBBBS GOODS, DKBBS BILX.S, BLACK DBKSS GOODS, DBBU GINGHAMS, TOILB DU NOBDS, COBDBD GINGUAMB, PBINTBDBATKBKB, PBINTBD CHALL1BS, Ladles', Gant's and Children's BOBlltlT aad UNDKHWBAB, OLeVBS. HANDBBB OB1BFB, LAOBS, BMBBOIDBBIKS. BBW BPBINU BTI LIS IN OOBBBT8, TABLBLINBXS, lOWIM, NAPKINS, QUILTS, Special Bargains. te Pieces wool ubnuibttav, S Inches Wide, All Celers, I7H Cents, ONBCA8BWOOLBOITINGS, Etdc-Band Trimmings, S3 Cents a Yard. ALL BILK a ATIN UU ADAM AB, la Celers, only 60s a Yard, BO Places DAMASK TABLB L1NKNB, 37Xe Best Value In the Country. 100 Pleats DBBBS GINGHAMS, SHct Fermer Price, 10c. WATT &.SH AND 0, 8 and 10 It at King Btreet. BMATIHO. yu NN k BKKNKMAN'H S,0iX) Yards Fleer OU Cleth. A Great EargU At t LINN A UttBNBMAN'S. BM Des. Breems at ID cents worth IS cent, At FL1NN A IIBBNBMAN'S. 100 Des. Scrub Brashes for S3 and 10cj worth loe and Uc, Attl.INN A BltkBKMAN'S 100 Dec. Whitewash Brushes from 10c te .no, At lLtNfl A BBBNBMANU 90 Dec. Baskets, all kind and prices, At fLlHM BBKNBMAN'S. tee CeDk Btovet and Kanges, bought at forced sale, selling at leas than coat or mannlactura, AtFLlNN BKENBMAN't, 1,000 Articles la the Ilnuss-rurntahtng Line, in Tin, Weed and Iren, at Be, loe and ise, At FLINN A BBBNBMANU, tee Baby Carriages at the Lewest Prices, At r LINN A BKBNBMAN'B, 151 NOBTII QUBBW BT. rOMIfJTUMM. VV'' w IOMYER'S CORNER. Fer Furniture! WIDMYER'S FUEBITUEE STOBE. YOU CAN'T DO BBTIBB I GOOD WOBK I 1.OWPU10BB (te, M llii ud Dike Sts, TMAVttmma mutem. T MAJJON A UAMUABTiat fMKl a m Paaaaatar Trsiaa ea, a ariat, tsnrT, a ev. is, uss. ... "HHtxaTWAKD. BBBStar. P.BL a. si. r.a. LOS 1U0 it as MS Las AU1H US MS ASS aenais casass as SnWMU. ....., a MS aer aunvaas Latsaa ............ aj us aeuTUWAKD. rata v A.M. r.BU .,Bt teaaaeti j.n is as t.ss a-x r.a, TJB SL ecarawau , f.n lts t.sm.w aaauawsn..... 7JW l.SB aiwaae Isjsaaatar. an aei kasKu Am vast Ktatraat,Laaa.SJS tus aJSJUSB Ul a. m. miaew, Sunt. at. e. AaUreasV RBAD1NO COIiUM Bf A DIVISIOB, .w PHILADBLPH1A KBADlBt) B. B.) AMD BltANURBS, AMU LBUAMOM AMD lanoabtbbjeintlinbb.il en and avtbr be wd at, met. 18, ism, TKAlNSLBAVBBBADlNti. Fer Celambia and La&castar at 1 te a at, IMS p en aad e.10 p m. or QaarnrVtlie at 7. lias p m,BadS M p as. w vuuhs at m iu p bi, ass i.w e. Bk TBAINB LBATB COLUMBIA. Par Beading at 7.S0 a m, ltS and US p. aa. tct-Laoancmatlltfandl.lep at. TBAINS LBAVB qUABBTTlLLB. Fer Laaaaster at 6.40, . av,aadi.B0a reTBeadtatate-40.B.aam,aadU0pBi Fee Lehaaen at kseaad S.08 p m. LBATB KINO BTBBBT (lAWeastar.) Fer Beadlag at 7 JO a m, 1U0 aad t. top. as. Fer Lehaaen at 7.00 a m, 11 .ss aad SAt p m. Fer qearryvuiaat ajs,MaBi,fceiaaAt ' LBATB PB1NOB BTBBBT (Laaea tar.) Fer Beading at 7.40 a m, lifts and U pa. Fer Lebanon at 7.07a m, 1 IBS aad OS p aa. Fer Quaxrjrvilie at A7, .am,iai aad S.e TBAINB LBATB LB B ANON. Fer Lancaster at 7.11 a m, ltse and 7.10 p as. Fer yuarryvnie at 7.13 a tn and UIO and 7JS SUNDAY TBAINB. TBAINB LBATB BEADING. Fer Lancaster at 7.10 a ta and UO p tn. Fer QuarryvUle at s.10 p ta. TBAINB LBAVB QUARRTVILLB Fer Laaeaster, Lebanon anff Beading at 7.10 TBAINS LBATB KING BT. (Lancaster.) Fer B ding and Lebanon at An a m and S.M pat. Fer cjnarryvtlle at 5.10 p m. TBAINB LBAVB PBINOB BT. (Lancaster.) Fer Beadlag and Lebanon at 8.13 a maa 4.04 pm. Fer QuarryvUle at B.01 p m. TBAINB LBAVB LBB4NON. Fer Lancaster at 7.H a m and S.4B p in. Fer Qnerryvllle at 8.44 p m. Fer connection at.veiumbta. Marietta June June tlen, Laneaster Junction, Manhelm. Beading aad Lebanon, aee ttme table at all stations. A. M. WILSON Bnvenntendaat. PKNNSTIiVANlA RAILROAD BCUBDOLB.-ln affect from Nev. aa, uss. Trams lbatb Lastclistbb and leave and ax rtva at Pknadelphia aa fellows : Leave Leave Laneaater lmsa. aa. fctsa. as, 8'JOB.XB. WBSTWABD. Faoue Bxpresst.... Philadelphia. urep. m. 4 J0 a. m. 1:90 a. m. 70 a. ra. mwi AAiiiuBar.... way raaaenaert... Mafl tralnvteMt.Jeyt 3l a. m tjsa. -J0a-ia. smb. aa. fc00p.BL. 1:10 p. m. tcflep.m. BsS0p.Bai 7:40 p. m 730 p. n; IH10P.Z ArrlvaT Phlta. lasa. an. 8Mb. m. ma. a asau aiminri.... Niagara Bxpreaa BanoverAecom fast Llnet via Columbia! 7:40 a.m. via Oelumblal ii:6ea. m rrederlck Accein.... via Columbia Lancaster Accein... Uarrlsburg Accem.. . UelumbiA Accem... Barrtshurg Bzpress Western jaxpresst... BABTWABD. vlaMt. joy, KiDp.m. 4:40 p.m. BA)p.m. 9-.10 p. m. Leave Lancaster. f:M a. m. 66 a. m. 8:10 a. m. 8 Aie. in. we a. m. ll:a.m. lit 58 p.m. Wp.m. 8.-09 p. m. 4:45 p. m. fl:45r. m. reiiaw DxprcHi...... raat i.inet Barrlsburg Bxpreas. Lancaster Acoem.... Oelnmbla Accem.... loaea-m. vUMtJey 11:45 a.m. Atiaaue Bxaresst li p. m. 8:15 p. m s.-oep.m. 5:45 p. m: 6:60 p.m. 9:45 p.m. Seashore Express.., Philadelphia Accem. Sunday Math WT spnssr....... & . KB Harrlshnra' Accem Irhe only trains which run dally, in Bunday.the Mell train west runs by wa of Columbia. J. a, WOOD, General Passenger Agent. OH AS. B. PUGU. General Manager. JtAXXESS H ARNESH. HARNESS. FIABERBUSH'S, Ne. 30 Centre Square. LANOABTBK. PA. Harness, Saddles. LAP BLANKETS, Trunks, Bags, Harness Oil, AND OKS ERA L S1ARI.K SOPrLfES, AT Chas.Es Haberbush'?, (Sfltttsjer te M. Uibitbash . Set.) AWPIgn of Ihe Gelden llorte Heads -wk 11 ATS, AV. ri ' HFBUlAli INTEREST TO YOU. PRICES THAT TELL ! A Genuine Fur Btlff lla II !!. A Grade Better, II 50. A Very Fine One, as. A Saxony Weel BUS Hat, 50a te II. A Saxony Weel Eelt llat, 25c te TSe. Men's Genuine Fur Seft Hats, AU Shape and Celers, 75e. Men'ssuk Bate from II SO up. Men'a Caps from SOe te 1. Cent's Fur Cellars, P0a te i 'tient's Fnr Caps, 50c te 75c. Ladles' MufTa, 60e, up. Flue Japan Well Bebes (Large Sire). 115. Bobea -AU Grade and All Prices. Trneks and Triyelieg Bags At Big Bargains, carload Just llecelved. A Nice Trunk, II 15. A Zinc-Covered Trunk, 11. Traveling Bags from 50c up. aIIIi(hnst .Cash Prices for Baw Furs. Muskrats, -.'lc. W. D. Stautfer & Ce,, Neb. 81 St S3 North Queen StrMt LANOAaTBU.l'A. rTlOTOlMAPllS. ?VeR ifoe" A .DOZEN" Cabinet Photographs Are Mounted en rins Geld Serrated Atnetl can Mounts. Twe hlitlngs Allowed en Al Three Hellar Werk, AT ROTE'S, NO. 60 1-2 NORTH QTJHHN BT. Next Doer tothe Postefflee. juT-Sad .W.- -ir-