Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, March 15, 1889, Image 1

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nassieir or oexraaaBOB.
Greet rvegrtas leads by the MsthesUses Me
rMlTMiwiimMMMU Mill far a
MUi la Bchair ef tee rraUhttfM
OaastHaileaal ihimUhu,
Rev. Win. Mullen oeadnotad tt
rshgleus service at ue epMtag of it
third day's session of US Metbadltt
Eplsoepel oenterenen.
A telegram was reed announcing Ua
death of a brother of Rev. Jehn A Cooper,
s member or the conference. A metkm
was adopted giving hltn laevs of abaaase,
and Km. 0. L. Gaul, O. Reada and a. O,
Grcve were appointed a eemailUea la draft
an d tnd te him a mtunte of oeadoteaoa.
Taa lNu' siaa Saalatr.
Rev. J. P. Miller inbmltted the following
report of the Seamen's Friend soelsty :
Yenr oemmlttea would respsetrally
anbmlt the lollewlag report I
The Pennsylvania Bsamant' Friend
soelety hai well expreaeed lta aim la the
words which have year by year appeared
en the title pge of the annual report " te
ehrlatlanlst the oemmeroe of theoeuatry
and tee world. "
This work the soelety proposal te de by
tbe distribution of the Hely Serlpturaa; the
circulation ct traeta and religious papers;
the lean of ship libraries and the malate
nance of a aaliera' home la the city of
rnuaueipnis. uaring tne past year snore
have bcen olreulated 440 Bibles and Testa
meuta In ten Isnguages, 00 llbrarlea havs
been plaend en vessel leaTtng the pert of
Philadelphia, making a total of 3,894
libraries, oeutalnlng 48,001 volumes la
various languages, alnee tbe oommenos eommenos oemmenos
mont of tbla feature of the soelety 's work.
Tbe value of these libraries has been
manifested In the moral and Intellectual
elevation of tbe sosmee, Improvement In
tnulr behavior at sea and the awakening of
tbe hearts el many of them te a religious
life and a senae of personal responsibility
te Ged.
The home, located at 412 Seuth Frent
street, Philadelphia, la regarded aa cae of
the most at tractive and desirable features or
the aoelety'e operations. Here the aeamea
are kindly eared for when slek ; here they
nod mens of rational enjoyment; here
they are brought under spselsl and positive
religious ltfluenees and are mada te feel
that there Is at least one p'.aee In a large
elty where they have friends and are safe.
We heartily congratulate tbe society la
being se generensly remembered by the
IsWIralab V. Wllllamaen In a noble bequest
of some thousands of dollars whleh will
ceme Inte Its treasury.
It Is our pleasure te note the terms of
approval In whleh tbe managers speak of
tbe labors of our brother, the Rev. Q. W.
Maclaugblle, D, D., tbe corresponding
We most heartily commend the Pennsvl
vants Sesmen's Fund society te the liber
allty of our people, and reoemmend that
tbe Rav. Q, W. Maelaughlln, D. D , be ra
appointed corresponding secretary.
J. P. Millxb,
G. W. K. Graff,
j. h j. mouemnkll,
David McKkk,
N. D. McOemas,
8. O. Qrevb,
W. D. Jenes,
P. 8. Merrill,
At tbe oenoluslon of the tb'e reading Rev.
Mselaugblln delivered an address In lta
Interests. He gsve an Interesting account
of Its workings since Its Incorporation In
IMS and at Its oenolos'.on presented te
Bishop Merrill a oerllneste of life member
ship, whleh his friends secured for him en
North Philadelphia DUttl',1.
8. W. Themas, presiding elder, North
Philadelphia district, presented his annual
report el whleh the following la an abstrset:
Most el the collections will be Isrger than
last year, but better results would have
been attained had tut miner collections
been taken during the first six months of
tbe year.
The home orphanage and hospital con
tinue te command tbe attention, oenBdenos
an j patron ge el tbe uhurcbes In the die
trlet. Even at remote points they are
liberally supported.
New Weik.
In Menree county we established a mis
sion two years sge and Rev. I. S. Custard
was appointed missionary, He opened tbe
new plaes of worship. Four new appoint
ments were located sleng the Poeono
mountains. Arrangements have been made
for an appointment at Trevose Station en
the Bound Broek railroad, and also for a
-Sundsy -sobeol at Oakland, a few milts
beyond. At WisMmunlng a Sunday school
Is in aetlve operation. At Cornwall, nesr
Bristel, a church has been built and the
dedication will occur at an early day. Other
eligible points are opening all along the
line, and while we for lack of means fall te
eater In our sister denominations build the
obureb and supply the preseher. We trust
tbst our Demestic Mlialenary society will
seen be able te aid us.
Tcmptrane. (folk.
The prohibition constitutional amend
ment la new tbe great Issue. 1 find tbe
. sentiments of our people te be that presented
by tbe bishop In these words : "It gives
us pleasure te note tbat Indications abound
that enr people cecupy no deubtlul position
en Ibis subject and will held no seoend
plsee In the pending struggle for censtltu
tlensl prohibition." The liquor traffic ia
si pernicious In all Its bearings, se Inlmleal
te tbe Interests of beuest trade, se repugnant
te the moral sense, se lnjurleas te the place
and order of society, se hurtful te the
homes, te tbe church, te the body polltle
and se utterly antagonistic te all that la
precious In life, that tbe only proper
attitude toward It for Ohrlstlsne Is that of
relentless hostility, It can never be legalised
without sin. Ne temporary ndvlee for
iszulstlng it can beoeme a substitute for
prohibition ; license, high or low, la vicious
In prlnelple and powerless as a remedy,"
CbD'ch llaildlngs,
Summit Hill church Is new completed;
at Landlord tbe people have gathered a
few hundred dollars tewsrds a church;
Nesquebentng has 1 1,000 lewarda a new
church; Mauch Chunk enlarged lta ehspsl
and psld the expenses lneurred; Etst
Msucb Chunk will this year caneel Its debt;
Sletevllle appointment has a new chureb;
Oatasauqua tin erected a new psissnsge
and expeet te build a new ohureh secn;
Batblebem baa ereeted a new parsensge at
a oestoft4,000;tQaskertown the church
nss been renovated and repaired; But
Banger has bought a new personage and
will build a new church; the Banger
ohureh paid off their parsensge debt;
Pen Argyl have paid off the remaining
debt; Rlobmend circuit has repaired lie
parsonage ; Portland have furnished their
parsonage sad improved the chureb ;
Cherry Valley will pay tbe remainder
of tbe debt en tbe church an April 1st and
will build an addition te tbe parsensge ;
ML Poeomo paid cfl tbe debt and has a
bsltnee te make Improvements; Bomsrten
are building a 1600 addition te their chureb;
Helmeaburg paid off tbe debt and put
$2,000 at Interest; Frankford Central cbureb
put In a f 1,200 organ; Paul street spent
12,000 ter repairs snd en the dsy el reopea reepea
lng mera than tbat amount wss subscribed;
Cambria atreet expects te build a new
churcb; Fifth street and New Hepe paid off
thslr debt; a number of etber chnrcbes
reported lmprevements,debtspald or partly
paid and extensive Improvements te be
made this coming year,
spnttnal FieiprltT.
Tbe largest soessslons en the dlatrlet by
poaversrea were n Mygsjui
KeaataglOB, Casaktia etraet, Iwiaawg,
sal Streadsbarg, CaaibeHeart eteaet, Meat
AUagaaay aveaae, Octaatast etraet,
.Quekattewa, Wealey, TaaaareyUla etreatt
aa4 Moarea aeaaty aateatea.
Ua sagetassa wtta whleh ear people engage
teBaadtyaeaoetworkea taa rapM ad
taaesa that are balag mad la taaay
plaetathsra la set room for the enUdreti
who eeek adsajastea, aad we lese vast ansa.
beta beeanae of Improper aoeomatodatloa.
Wheat we rememaer that 441.M1 admitted
freai probatlea Inte the measberehlp of ear
eaurea freas 1884 te 18M wara fresa the
Baadty, aehoel wa should pat forth still
greater (flert te iasprasa taa eaildran wtta
their aeed of Oartst. i.
Marlkwsst ratladalahla DUtrlet.
Following la aa abetraet of the North
wastPaUedalphladletrtet: J. F. Meredith,
israstdlag aider; at Doabero, Bueka oeuaty,
a ehareh baa beea built, dedleaied aad paid
for; a ohureh was baUd at QliardvUle i at
Leasdsle aa aaasx ksa beaa built te the
Sunday aahoel the TJalea PaHsealphU
eharea has beaa aalaksd aad dedleated
darlacthayear.ata oeat of 888,800, all of
whleh waa paid t ' it FoMatewa a aew
ehareh was oempletad ; Columbia avenue
wlUaoea be ready te dsdiesta their bow
adlflea. This bnUdtag when eempleted
will eest 842,000 ; Trinity ohureh wUl be
ready for dedloatlea tbla summtr ; ,1m.
prerements have been asade at the follow fellow follew
lag ohurehes :
Pert Clinten, Valley Ferge, Tamsqes,
Montgomery Square, Tiega, Pert Carben,
Rtdga avenue, Roxboro. Coaabehooken,
QUbertea, Kvanatmrg, Roxboro Central,
mm, buw siresi,Baananey uuy,uiree.
bere. Hatboro and Qraea Pbuadelnhlr.
Mlleetewn, Mt, Zlen, Boyerten, Nertu
Wales. Jl( ' u --'-' ,
The Sunday aoh'eou of' the dlatriet ate In
a flourishing oeadltlon. Many of them are
large and welt conducted. The catechism
la fslthfully Uught la meat of the schools.
In PotUtewn there Is a school of 1.0C0
members. As a rule the pastors are very
aetlve In this department tbat premises
mera for the future ehurcb. Methodism
Is net losing Its held upon the messes, aa , la
sometimes elalmed. it la net being die-"
taneed by any Preteataat denomination. ,t
Want or money prevents the extending
of work where much gctd could be so se so
eompllahed. r
There bsve been extensive revivals In
the dlatrlet during the year and tbe reports
The spirituality of our people le rlsingte ;
a nignsr sianuara, as is eviaeni rrem us
reports of tbe class leaders.
All the benevolences or the chureh have
received the attention of the pastors. The
susteatatlen fund will be larger taaa last
year, but It ie net sufficient te meet the
demands tbat new are preseing npea the
beard. The churches have responded te
the eall made upon them for the hospital
and erpbansge.
The Methodist Episcopal home Iceated en
Iehlgb avenue oentlnuea lta charity work
of caring for the aged and feeble. It Is well
managed under the presidency of Mrs,
Bishop Blmpsen. It dtservee the eympatby
and financial support of the Methodists of
I have held during the year 283 quarterly
conferences, preaebad twice and sometimes
three tlmea en Sabbath, addressed Bundsy
schools, attended love feasts, class meetings
and prayer meetings and been meat heartily
enoeursged and sustained by both the
ministers and people. ' ?
aaneajr leheel Werk. r t
Rev. Dr. Hurlburt deilveied en address
en Sundsy sobeol work. Twenty-one
yisrs sge f 21.0C0 were appropriated for tbla
work, but , last ysar only 818,000 were
eppreprlated. Tbe cause of ohureh ex.
tension, Freedman's aid and missions has
been pressed and the letter cause deserves all
It gets.There should be 82,000,000 spent annu
ally for missions. There Is a vast field In the
West andHeuth tbst needs sttentlen.ln these
fields Methodist Sundsy schools should be
planted. There Is net a cburch In the
United Statee bslf as large aa the Methodist
tbat does net appropriate twice as much te
the Sundsy sobeol as does tbe Methodist.
IiMt yesr the Presbyterlsn cburch gave
876,000 te the Sundsy school esuse. Tbe
amount eppreprlated by the Methodist
cbureh the coming j ear for Sundsy school
work is 150,000. u
Reported Favorably.
The examining oeamlttee reported favor
ably en tbe following and they were con
tinued en trial :
A D Gelst, Tower Olty ; E. E. Dixep,
MUlersvllle ; Hsmnel A. Webbe, Esaten ;
Frank GraerT, Somerton, Philadelphia ;
Orlande O. Burr, Parryvlllr, Georue W.
Bsboeok, North Penn ; Franklin M. Welsh,
Chester ; Jehn G. Wilsen, Fremont.
The following were admitted a traveling
desoens of tbe seoend class: J.lCRsymena,
Prospect park; 8. O. Cirter, Berwyn; U W.
Msgee, Sbaren Hill; H. G. Appenaellsr,
Ceres; O. W. iieadsy, of KUk'e Mills, waa
continued among the traveling deacons of
the first elsas,
Tne following were eieeted te elders
erders: T. P. Newberry, East Maueh
Chunk; A. F. Tayler, Kennstt Square; F.
Q. Ooxsen, MUNebe; H. O. Bewdwln, Mew
Iouden;G. H. liersb, Deylestnwn; C. B.
Johnsten, Qasrryvlllt; J. W. Par ken pine,
Conestegs; A. M. Blrsgnern, Hsrrlsburg.
A resolution Introduced providing for a
mass meeting In tbe Interest of prohibition
at tbe oeurt beuse en Saturday evening
caused qolte a dlioueslen, the annlverssry
of tbe Freed men's Aid society having been
fixed for that evening. A compromise was
finally agreed upon by ohaeglng the annU
versary of the Freedmen's Aid society te
Snndsy evening at the Duke street ohureh,
and holding the prohibition mass meeting
en Saturdsy evening in the court house.
ABOUT A 84,000 FOND.
The presiding elders geffered the follow
ing': Whsbkas, The general missionary com
mlttee made an appropriation of 81,000 for
use In tbe Philadelphia conference during
the oemlng year, with the following
limitations :
First, That It should be used smeng
foreign population te maintain services In
their vernaculsr languages.
Seoend. That It abeuld net be used
among the Germans slnea tbe East German
oenferenoe covers the territory of tbls con
ference. JUtelved, Tbst there Is an Important field
for missionary labor among the Pennsyl
vania Germans within tbe bounds of this
Seoend. That tbe language used by tbem
Is se different from the German that our
German preachers' cannot de the work
Third, That In thelndamant of this aaa.
ferenee this work may therefore be properly
undertaken with some part of the funds
thus placed at Its disposal.
Fourth. That we request the oemmlttee
en missions and the bishop te arrange for
the inauguration of auch work at aueu
places as they may judge most premising.
H. W. Themas,
J. F. MaaxniTH,
W. Swinublu,
J. F. Crouch,
A lengthly dlsousalen followed wbteb waa
participated la by a number of members.
The resolutions were adopted.
A number et visiting clergymen were
Introduced te tbe oenferenoe.
Vae rroalblttea Ameadment Mats MseUsg
The following are the arrangements
made for the prohibition amendment mass
masting en Saturdsy evening:
Ksv. Bishop Bewman will preside and
addresses will be delivered by Rev. Dr. A.
J. Kynett, Rsr. O. Wilsen, Rsv. W.' W.
Dewasy, Rsr. Dr. E. K, Yeung and
The annlverssry of the Tract society will
be held this evening at taa eeart teaser,
Bar. Dr, T, S, steely wUl aaUrar M ad-
areas en I.Herature aad Methodism." Dr.
Bener Baten, tbe steal of taa peMlsalag
houses et the M. . chureh, Rev O. Ia
sBeawelt, Ret, W.i. Gray will also deliver
Women's aTerslga aUstleaary Aanrversaiy.
The anniversary of taa Weman's Foreign
Mlsstaaery eoetety was bald at Ua Duke
street M. E. ehureh en Thursday aftaraoea,
With Rev. J. T. Satebell preaMlag.
Bishop Cyras W. Fcss, of Philadelphia,
was the first speaker. Ha referred te the
organUitieu of thle aeeiety tweaty years
age this month at Bosten by eleven people.
This email band raised 84,000 for foreign,
missionary purposes taa first year of lta
axletenee. It has grown rapidly. Last
year 8206,008 waa expended ea missJea
work 'aad this year 1280,000 has been eppre
prlsted t and In the 90 yeara It has existed
tre then 82,000,000 wss expanded la thle
Mri Dr. S, M. Burnett, et Philadelphia,
the secretary et the auxiliary la taa
Philadelphia oenferenoe, read the aaaual
repsrt, from which It appeara that 7 aazll
lary eoeletles aad, alae baade were formed
during the, year. 6,(H144 wara eoUeeted
for the work. Messrs. MeBnraey, Dlekln Dlekln
aea aad Jehnsen were eeat le foreign lands
s missionaries by the Philadelphia oonfer eonfer oenfer
aaoe auxiliary.
Mies Emms Knowles,who was a mission
ary te India a numbsr of years, gave aa
Interesting leeture ea the habits and customs
of the people et that country and of the
work' dena by the women mlislouarlee te
convert them te Christianity.
Basday l.hoel TJalea.
Rsv. Enoeh utubbs, of Philadelphia, pre
sided at the annlverssry of the Sunday
Scheel Union, at St. Paul's M. K. ohureh.
en Thursday evening. In his brief ad
dress he dwelt , en the Importance of Sua
dsy school work, for thsre era la attend
anee at the Sunday soheols of North Amer
ica 10,000,000 children, of which, he was
proud te ssy, there were ever 2,000,000 la
the Methodist Sunday schools.
Rsr. Henry Baker wee the next speaker.
His theme waa the sphere of the Sunday
Dr. J. Ii. Hurlburt, corresponding secre
tary of Sunday Scheel Union of Methodist
chureh, made the principal address. He
began by saying that some ensure the
260,000 teaeheri In the Methodist Sunday
schools because greater results de net
come from the Sunday sobeol room. Ha
thought th'ey abeuld be oemmended
because they give their time, attention and
efforts te advance the cause. The advan
tages of Suaday school work are that it
sets Ohrlstlsne te work, brings truth home
.te the Individual, and It teaches Ged's work.
Daring 1887 118,000 conversions were re
ported in the Methodist Sundsy soheols of
the United Statee, and In his Judgment the
Snndsy school la the mightiest wsepen in
the un Iverse for the ad van eement of religion.
Daring the past year there were dis
tributed every Sundsy In the Methodist
Sabbath eoheole 2,100,000 lessen leaves,
Tba American Bible society last year sold
1,600,000 oeples of tbe Bible and he cited
this I figures le show that the Interest In
the geed book Is en the Incraase.
Tne Sundsy Sobeol Union wants 860.000
next, year te properly de lta work. Last
year-21 new Sunday schools were estab
lished trarj Sabbath day. Thle year it is
proposed te establish 40 every Sunday.'
Rev. Jamea Neall, et Philadelphia, said
tbat 61 years sge he took charge of the only
Methodist chureh In this elty and of these
who were his congregation then he has
learned tbat only two survive- He was a
great believer In the Sundsy school and
mid 'Lancaster oeunty wee entitled te the
honor of the first Sabbath school whleh was
established by Ludwlg .Streaker, In tbe
village of Ephrsts In 1742,
Uharch Uxt.oitea Be.leiy.
The annlverssry et tbe beard of chureh
extension waa held In the oeurt house Tours
dsy evening with a large audlenee. Rev. Dr.
A. J. Kynett, the first speaker, said he
thought the conference should be a contin
uous session en the subject of constitutional
prohibition. He thought It should be tbe
mstteref ehlel oencernfor the next three
months, when be hoped te celebrate Its
adoption. There wsa a very Intimate
relation between cbureh extension and pro
hibition, and II prohibition la carried en
June 18 It will be because of the multitude
of ohurehes In our fslr commonwealth,
Rsv. Dr. W. A. Speneer followed In an
address en tbe great work dena by tbe
Cbureh Extension society, and ssld tbat
nsver In tbe history of Methodism were
they se much In need of ohurehes as new.
He closed by explaining his scheme for
raising money, and secured a considerable
amount in pledgee.
A Fall sf Ceal Bntoiebs Six Miners The
VTetK of Baten.
Patrick Leenard, Mlebssl Buggy, Peter
Nearsbelskl and Vlneent Hucusb, of
Shamekln, and Jehn Hill, and an unknown
Hungarian miner of Mount Osrmel, are
Imprisoned In a gangway of the Black
Diamond mine, near the latter town, and It
la a question whether tbey will come te the
eurlace et tbe earlb alive.
The men were engaged In mining eaal
about 10'oleck Thursday morning, working
In breasts, or ebatnbers, pitching at CO
degrees. ' The cracking el timber In tbe
gsngwsy told thorn tbat a rush and fall et
coal, was about te occur, and, te esespe, the
miners assuea aewn into ine narrow tunnei.
Nesrshelskt snd Kucush wsre ten feet In
advsnee of tbe rest, when euddenly a mass
of coal snd rock dropped In Irent of tbem,
choking up tbe entrauce Inte tbe main gal
lery, As they turned about te eeeape tbe
falling stuff another mass of rock and tlm
bsr stepped tbelr retreat, completely Isolat
ing the men from tbelr comrade.
An alarm spread through tbe mine, and
the workeirescueoommenoed Immediately.
At 4 o'clock In tbe afternoon the laborers
heard faint neunds of voices. Esgerly
pushing tbelr work, two beure later tbe
rescuing miners were eesbled te held a
eonveraatlen with Kucush, who Informed
them et his own snd oempsnlons' salety.
A buneb of i egged top rock Is banging
directly ever the meu'e heade, and may
fall at any moment
Tbe fate of tbe men In tbe seoend fell was
net known late Thursday. Tne work nt
liberation oentlnuos, Shifts of ten men are
8 at en every little while. The month et
limine Is threnKed with excited speotatere
and tearful relatives. It Is thought tbst
tbe first two mea can be reached before
Death of a Verrnar iAacattilan.
William F. Swlikey, who for tour years
past has been clerk at tbe Uersbey beuse,
Hsrrlsburg, dled at the residence of his
slster.Mrs. Calvin Brubaksr,en Wedntsdsy
afternoon. He was oempelled te cease
work six meults sge en aoeonnt et 111
health, but had partially recovered. Three
weeke age he took a relapse. Deceased
was a son oIGetlelb Swlikey, He was born
and raised in Lancaster and went te Hsr
rlsburg thirteen years age. He graduated
at tbe boys' high sobeol In this city and had
a large circle et frlende here. He was
popular also en soeouot of his many geed
Darns named In MarjUed,
The barn of H. H. Smallwood, near
Fulton, Md., wa destroyed by fire Wednes
day night. Leu, fl,600; no Insurance.
About tbe same time a large barn en the
Flelster estate, near Laurel, was burned,
two horse and a oew perishing la the
flames. Less, 1,600; no Insurance,
The barn en tbe estate of Miss Graee
Worthlngten, near Albertea, was destroyed
by fire at aa early hour Thursday meralag.
Lean, 12,000; Insured,
autvaa aad DesBsaty Osteal Thslr Oppo
nents la a Ditpata" Nar Blrd-la-Bead,
Beers f ahseUagMatehtsatMi. Jer.
aatsrs Brjey ths eases at Ospi
There wara plenty et Indoor andnsld
sBtetmmaeeaia ea Thursday. Theshoetlag
matenea at Mt. Jey, fox chase at Gap,
eatekea tight near Blrd-ln.Hand, the show
at Faltea opera beuse and the bsttar at
Misaaeroher hall were all well attended.
Belew la a report of each event,
A Of ewe at LaaeMter vperts Who Mad a
uoed Tiase Last Wight,
Iitat evening quite a number of prominent
apertlag mea et this elty gathered at a reeer
which waa somewhat aew te them, being
situated between this elty and
Hsad, te witness ,a ohleksa dispute. Aa
early ae half-past seven o'elock teams of all
kinds, from the two horse eab te the spring
wagon, began te leave town. They were
all leaded dewnwlth ohleken fseclsrs and
by nine o'clock everybody bad gathered at
the plaes of meeting. The crowd lneluded
all klnda of people and mere gsntlemsnly
and better behaved eet et men was never
earn at an affair of this kind In this vicinity.
Everybody seemed te hsve corns te enjoy
the sport and tbey were entertslned in
geed style for several hour. The pit wsa
mada et tan and waa laid In an old shed,
It was a splendid place for fighting end all
of these present weie able te obtain a geed
Tlew. Tbe betting en the fighting was
rather slew at the start, but It warmed up
and was quite lively at tbe olese.
The fighting began about 10 o'cleok, and
there was no regular main, but five fights
were made up. Thsy were nesrly all geed,
and afforded plenty et entertainment. On
one aide tbe birds were owned and fought
by men living In the eat tern section et tba
oily. Their opponents were men from the
west end, who had birds front different
sections of the town.
Fer tbe first fight the East End men put
down black red oeek that I known as Jack
Dampsey. He weighed 5 pounds 7 ounees,
.ana his opponent wss et almost the same
oelor and weighed 6 pounds 6 ounees.
Dsmpisy, like the men tbst he Is named
after, has a grest reputation as a flgbter,and
la 10 minutes he msde the West End rep
resentative run awsy.
"Irlshtewn" put down a 4 pound 7 ounes
black red In tbe next fight and the ethers a
blaek red of 4 pounds 0 ounces. The fight
suited well, and It looked like a great one
ter a few minutes nntll the Esst End bird
get a oraek In the neck, which knocked
him silly, and he was no geed afterwards.
The fight lasted but a few minute, snd
there waa mers msney up en It then any of
the evening.
The third fight wai between slags with a
spangle from tbe West End against a
domlnlek of about the asms weight. The
spangle was badly injured In the esriy part
of the battle, but he showed great game
neesandmadea wonderful light until he
was foieed te give up from weakness, Tbla
fight lasted for considerable time.
After these fights It was net such an easy
matter te get oblekens of olese weights, and
it was agreed te give and take a few
ounees. Fer tbe fourth go the West End
people put down a blsek red bird,
weighing 4 pounds and 14 ounees, tbat ia
known aa Sullivan, and has almost as geed
a reputation aa a flgbter. The East End
boys hsd a blsek red flve ouness heavier,
The difference In weight wss of little ao ae ao
oonnt, for In a short time Sullivan killed
hie opponent having out him through the
In the fifth aud last figUt of the evening
tbe West End hnd the advanttge In weight.
Their black red weighed 4 pounds 12 ounees,
while the light red of the ether side topped
tbe seslss at 4 pounds 8 ounces. This waa
a geed abarp fight for a time, bat ths East
End bird received a numbsr of bsd cats
about the head aud body. He lest an eye
esrly and was finally killed.
A Larg Numbs el aaanar Wbe alst at
alt. Jey Tssurdar.
At Mt Jey yesterdey a large numler el
gunners gathered and a two-days sheeting
match wss begun. Among these present
were gentlemen from this city. There wsa
a great deal et geed sheeting d urlng tbe dsy,
and no leas than seven matches were ehet
One et tbe matchea waa at pigeons, snd
each man shot at nine. Clsik, of this elty,
did fine work winning tbe msteh by
killing his nine straight. There were
thirteen gunners In the match, ineludlng
geed ones, and tbe score wss aa fellows :
Kreger e l l l e l l l e-e
rciu e e e 1 e e l e e t
Kaeee 0 0 0 1110 0 01
Franclicus t 0 1 1 e 1 l 0 1-8
Hetter 1 e l i i l l l i a
ilepler e u e e 1 l l l i-6
'H.t l l l l e i e u 0-8
Kensb e oiiieio e-e
''Muter e Illicit e i
Jacobs 11110 111 1-9
ftpeekt t 1 e l l l i l i-
Cam 1 11111111-0
AUdarieu 1 1 0 u 1 1 e 1 1-8
The etber matches were at blue rocks.
Tbe first wss at ten each, and liepler suc
ceeded in breaking nlne. The aoeres of the
eight men In tbla match were is fellows :
rietes l lioieiii l-R
Hetter 1 1 1 J 0 1 1 1 0 0-7
dress 1 110 0 11111-8
witiuan e oeooooii e-i
Velslnger 1 oueoulll l-e
Kenny l 00111001 0-0
Liedematb 0 ouuuieoo e-l
Hep;r 1 1 1 e l l l i l i-
The seoend match bad eleven entries,
and tbe score was as follewr, Jacobs wen,
hitting everything,
ruies e oiiieioiis
Urew 1 10110101 1-7
witman u i e e e l l e e e-s
Muselman e oeoooulo 01
K-rsey ....0 1 1 1 u 1 0 1 1 1-7
Metver l 0 10 110 10 e-e
Krnger.. 1 010110111-7
Jacobs i 01111111 1-tt
Mepler 1 111110 0 11-7
reulefier 0 oeillllll 7
i.ieatu,utn e 11111101 i-8
Tbe first match In the afternoon was at
five each, and Kreger and FJelcs tied, The
soere was :
Andersen 0 0 0 0 1-1
Kiuger 1 oil l-t
Steles , , ...1 110 14
MUSJlUlSU 0 0 0 0 0-4
liepler 1 1 1 U 03
The seoend match a aa ler tbe same num
ber and Kruger again did wsll. Tbe soero
wsa as fellows :
Andersen e e e l 01
Kruger.... 1 111 1-5
feliea....... 1 I l 1 04
Muiclman 1 Oil 0 s
Ilepler 1 10 1 0-8
Ueess....'. I 1 1 0 14
The third mstch was also at five, and
Kruger again came te tbe front, killing all
tbat be abet at. Tbat acere waa ;
rieies l 111 04
KrUKT. 1111 1-&
Andersen. 0 e 1 e 1-2
In the fourth match Fleles, of Christians,
did splendid work and did net have a mlas
out often. The fall score was :
Krnger 1 0
Jacobs , e 0101 1000 1-4
Miller 1 0110011117
f-cllss 1 11111111 1-lu
sptcat e ileiii iiis
Tb. lArga Crowd lhat Oalbsrel At
Gap en TtaBrsdsy,
Probably the last fox hunt et the season
took plaes en Thursday afternoon at tba
hotel of taa veteran Beater Brlsbw aulas
at Gap, a tewa that Is aeted fat tperf.
Haatata from all parts of taa eeaaty wara
ea head, and Ua dategeMeR that went
down from thle city ea the 12:58 tram waa
very larg. Allet tbe huaters seemed te
be la tbe beet et spirits, aad old BrisMa
waa parttealarly happy. The prtaelpal
mans for his geed spirits waa thai ea
Wednesday ha eaaght another fox, which
ran his number ap te exeetly tweatyv
Thaee animals were en axhlblUea daring
the day, la a abed lathe rear of the hotel,
where tbey are kept by Mr. Sfcliee aad tba
people present took a great Interest la them,
Probably be ether maa la tba oeuaty aaa
aver had sueh aoellcotloaot these pretty
aalaaale, aad It la a eight worth wtlaeastng.
After everybody had enjoyed theasselvsa
looking at the foxes aad la ether ways, a
spleadld dinner waa served at 8 o'cleok,
aad everybody eat down, doing Jastlea te
tba ataay geed things whleh had beaa ae
wall prepared by Mr. Bkllea' family.
At halt-peat four o'clock ua largest fox
of ua twenty waa taken eat aad liberated.
Ha ran directly eeuth aad la a abort time a
pack of ever one hundred dega wea started
la pursuit aoeempaated by forty bereeaaea.
The fox waa holed ea Ua farm of B. B.
Williams, about two miles from Gap, aad
these at tee hotel had a geed view of Ua
ehsse te the close, Ths whole affair was a
big success and a very eredltebie winding
ap of one of Ua most axeltlag asaseas
haewa among Ua hunters of this oeunty
for many yeara,
Tbey Otvs a lias retfaraaaaes se a Vat'
iAige Aadiea.
Tliere wsa quite a large audlenee at the
opera house last evening, te witness the
opening performance of Austin's Austra
lian novelty company. Owing te the de
lay In putting up the netting, &c, for the
trapeze performance, tbe doers were net
opened until late, and in oensequence a
large and very angry orewd gathered and
became neUy In front of the opera house.
When the doers were finally opened there
waa a nub, and the house was seen filled.
The oeaapany deserved a large audlenee, aa
It Is very atreng, and one, of the beet spe
cialty performaaeM te be seen anywhere u
given ey them. Every feature Is geed,
and tbe audlenee was highly pleased.
The show opened with very creditable
rifle sheeting by Ament and NloheUon,
and they made room for Reslna, a neat
male Impersonator, who introduced oharao eharao oharae
tar songs. Charlie Schilling made himself
a favorite In Laneaater a year age, when
be waa with Teny Denier, and he baa at
ways kept up hie reputation aa a oemedlan
aa well aa a musician. Last evening he
waa as funny aa ever, and his old friends
made It pleasant for him. Twe of the best
acrobat before the publle are Beb and
Dick Gamella, who have been traveling for
years, but have net been In Laneaater for
some time. Their acting last night waa
remarkable, and many In the audlenee
thought it scarcely possible that men oeuld
Krferm feats ae difficult aa theirs. Minnie
a pleased tbe boys with her songs, whleh
were well rendered. Bheeban and Coyne
are a rattling pair of Irish oemedlans, and
thslr act, "An Evsryday Ooeurreaoe,"
went with a rush. Barrlgan la a very
clever equilibrist, and Janus H. Cullen's
motto songs made a hit. The Austin
Sisters, Rese and Almee, are tbe big fea
ture of the show. Their thrilling flying
trapeze performance la really wonderful.
They tuna somersaults and give a number
of startling leaps, dte., In the air, while
Aimee bun hsr Isaps in an upward di
rection, whleh la very diffleult This act
can only be appreciated by persona who
see It. The olio la wound up by MUle
Almee, who appeara In her eellmg walking
act She walks wUh her head downward
and her feet te a plank twenty-four feet In
length, whleh runs across the top of the
theatre. The act Is remarkable, and this ia
the only lady tbat has done it with suceesi:
at least In this country. The show closed
up with a very funny oemedy entitled
" Luekman'a Fortune,'' in whleh a num
ber of comical roller skaters are seen.
Many persons were disappointed at the
failure of Fred. W. MU1U, who was billed
with tbe company, te appear. Manager
Austin In a little apeeeh explained that Mr.
Millls waa taken very HI In Newark during
their engagement I last; week and he was
obliged te remain behind.
The Oaatea Laaeutar Baa ear.
The bsxaar of Canten Lancaster had a
very large orewd last evening. Ths Canten
headed by Ua Meuntvllle bead saeerted
Lancaster Ledge Ne. 07, Hsrsehsl Ledge
Nc, 128, and Waehlagtea Enosmpmeattetbe
baisar la Us evening. Tbe band rendered
geed music, aad Ua Laneaater Mstaasr Mstaasr Mstaasr
ober, undsr Ua leadership of Prof. Carl
Mats, aang a number of songs, in us
luneh room sxeellent mock turtle soup
waa served.
This evening Mentersy ledge Ne, 243, aa
wsll sa Ue Lancaster Bicycle club, will
attend Ue bsxaar. Thsy will escorted byUe
Canten with Ue Iroquois band. On Satur
dsy Ua pupils of tbe schools ars te be
admitted te Ue bssaarat very low rales.
Qoed Walking reraa Old Maa.
Jacob Gall, of Naw Danville, who will be
78 yeata of age In Jnne, did some geed
walking yesterday ter a man be old. He
left home at 7 o'cleok and walked te this
elty, a dlstanee et four miles. He stepped
20 minutes alHarnlah's store en West King
street, 16 minute at A. M. Fraata'a efflee,
6 minutes at Martin Hart's en Seuth Qassn
atreet, snd was hema by 9:40. This wss
eertalnly msklng geed time even for a
young man.
Tbe Clovar Olab flail.
The Clever club, et Quarryvlile, whleh
bsa become quite a famous organization,
will alve Uslr last grand ball In Ue Quar
ryvlile opera house un Frldey evening,
March 29'Ji. This club, whleh Is a social
organisatien, bas leta of run, and thslr balls
are very successful. Tbe Intklliexkceb
has Just roeelved one of their pretty Invi
tations. i m
senag SJg.l rlead tlullty.
Kebert Slgsl, son of General Franz Nigel,
ande'.erk In Ue pension ageney In New
Yerk, charged with forgery la signing
penslensrs' namee te checks and pocketing
tbe money Intended ter veterans of Ue
Iste wsrer their families, pleaded guilty
before a United Statee commissioner ea
Thnrsdsy snd was remanded for sentence
en Thursday.
The pen sity for tbe two forgeries speci
fied in bis arraignment Is twenty years.
m i
A I4ttl Bey IdJ ored.
This afternoon a little son or Letter.
Carrier Blmen Shlaslsr was riding a bleycls
down West King street, Iu freai et Kirk
Jehnsen's store bis machine struck sgalnal
an organ box before the boy oeuld atop It,
He bad bis Up cut vsry badly, and was
taken Inte Houghten's drug store, where
his Injury was attended.
mid te Us a Bad Bey,
Cenrad Kempt, Is a flfteeen-yesr-eld son
of Cenrad Kempf, of Maner street The
father la away from home a great deal of
time and the youngster thinks he should
be also. He refuses te remsln at home,
but gees off en trips. Week before last bs
wsat te Washington te see Harrison Inau
gurated without the knowledge or consent
et his parents. Complaint wee made agalnat
blm for being Inoerrlglble and Alderman
MoCeaomy committed him for a hearing
before Ue Judge,
Tb New lUiland Kallreed.
On Monday Ce), S. C. Blaymeksr will
begin Ue final survey ter Us railroad
between Uls city aad Ns w Helland. 1 1 Is
believed tbst work will ha oemmeaoed
The BMssaralateaded te I a tempt the Prog
ress fan MeaieaitfataaasBseept All,
potate-omss Lagistatlea iMaeaased.
Ula commonwealth are maeh ladsbtad te
talirra t, hobnobs for soandlagUeal arm
ea alloeeasioas whea danger from moaep.
ellee, oessblnee and elaes leglslsttea
sarastea. It Is tba pnblle's ewa fsalt It
timely measures are net taken te Uwart
Ua schemes sad avert the svlls designed te
be Inflleted by wreng-hesdsd aad worse.
hearted Individuals and organization.
spaatally are the people under oblige eblige oblige
tteas for exposing Us hypocrisy et pro pre
tended frlende, inasmuch aa us epea
saaehlaaUens of avewsd enemies are less te
be dreaded than the oevsrt acta af falsa or
UBeerteln friends.
Whea mea fall In aa attempt te demolish
aa enemy by epea hostility, human nature
develops Its reeoureee and indicates Its
versatility by Immediately assuming Ua
ether eharaeter la tha drama,
la keeplag with the above Is Ue attempt
balag saads by Dr. Walk te get Ureugh Us
Leghuaturs a bill ersetlng a beard et medical
axamlaeraaad llesnserst a bill whleh hssays
has beea carefully drawa" (cunningly
drawn would lta oharsetsr).
If Ue framsr et UU bill were aiming te
elevate tha medtesl profession and promote
Ua publle geed he would have convened a
oeunall of members from state medical
Boeteses et Us different soheols and dratted
a bill whleh would have done Justles te all,
allowing equal representation en the beard
or each a representation as wenldgtve te
ae one sobeol ft msjerlly ever ail ethers.
This Uey refuse le de, end demand a
majority of Ue membsra oempoalng tbe
beard, whleh vlrtuslly constitute thorn the
prosecutor, Ue oeurt snd tbe executioner.
This doelor imagined, doubtless, that be
waa executing with great adroitness an
admirable "llsnk movement," because
while Ue bill professed le bs gotten up with
ua purest et motives ana an evsrwneimlng
gush et philanthropic and petrlotle feelings
It Is without doubt Intended te be e halter
whereby te effect Ue early strangulation el
all Independent physicians.
Tha bill having enes passed, the applies applies
Mea et Ue rope becomes one of the sealaat
Ulags la life; for although the ether soheols
may be represented by a minority la Uls
eeaaell proposed te be Instituted, still they
may net bs allowed te exsmlne Ue candi
dates touching Us doetrlnes peculiar te
themselvss, snd ws should Usn havs a
member of Uls oeunoll from Ue allopsthle
school filled with ranoer and ever-flowing
wlU aavy and prejudlee conducting an
exaralnstlen of hemcespethe and eoleetlos.
Who can doubt Ue rtsultt Tha candi
date will be rejected beeause he does set
cheese te have his head tilled with what he
believes te bs ths dogma et Allepath le
Ueery and ths Bbsurdltlss or Us old
sobeol prsctlees. Besides It would fnrnlsh
a pretext for hie re J action, because, while we
admit a Uoreugh knowledge et anatomy,
physiology, ehsmlstry, botany, toxleology,
dte., are psrsqulsltes Indispensable, still a
Uoreugh hnewlsdge of Ue Uerapentlcal
agents employed In the treatment of dis
ease, and of tbe bearing et the law upon
whleh Uey are te be admlnhtired, osnstl esnstl
tute Ue part et bis qualifications most vi
tally Important In actaat praollea. And here
his quallflcatlena oeuld net or would net
be known, beeause no Allopathle physi
cian Is eepabla of making aa examination
en Ua eoleetto or homeeopathic materia
medie, The different soheols sr dls dls
maUleally opposed te sash ether i Uelr In
terests are antagonistic In the propor
tion In which one is benefitted tbe ethers
ars Injured.
I Ulnk it Is very plain that Ihs power te
crush down all who are net In whst la
termed "regular line of succession" would
be possessed by sueh a oeunoll.and tbat the
will te de se would net be wanting the put
history el medielne amply demonstrates.
Who forgets bow the announcement of
Ue olreulatlon et Ue bleed, Ue vaoelnatlng
of patients aa a propbylaetlo egetnat small
pox, eta, were leeelvtd by the medical
fraternity T
Their authors were denounced, and reso
lutions condemnatory et them and their
dlaoever lea were passed by mdsieal ooun eoun oeun
oils snd olreulated among Ue "dear people,"
whose Interests thsy were bound te protect
Nearly every Innovation and improvement
la medicine, alnee Ue time of Hippocrates,
has beea received la tbe same spirit, and
ua most determined efforts bsve been
mada te destroy Uelr advoeatea and te
secure Uelr annihilation by tba foree of
legal enaelmeats. This la the lessen taught
by history, aad we have no assuranee that
human nature has recently and suddenly
undergone any radical ohaege.
I havs net a word te my In favor of tha
extenuation of Uat grievous offense agalnat
society, Ue granting of Uoensee te parsons
net duly qualified te praetie, nor yst In
J antlnoatlen el Uat etbar elaas wbe praoties
without say Isgal auUerlty at all.
But Us people of the oemmon wealth are
Intelligent enough te knew what they
want. They claim Ue privilege et voting
as Usy please, of exerelslng Ue liberty of
oeuBolenoe In thslr religion, end of cheesing
thslr medical sdvlsera as well. They went
no lawa or system el parental government,
whleh selects doctors snd pap ter Ue
people under tbe guise of protecting tbe
"dear people" "promoting tbe Interest et
science," j.; no lew wbleb will protect
one polllleal, religious or medlesl sect te the
exclusion of all ethers, no clam legislation
Uat will compel Uem te ahut tbelr eyes,
open Uelr meutha and swallow one kind
of remedies prepared by one school et
doctor, without asking any questions and
without regard te results.
Te every enlightened understanding aueh
a law mutt appear a grew infraction of
human rights, Is Intended for the benefit of
one clam of doctors inslesd of the people,
and Is evidently designed te be a blew that
will effect Ue demolition of ell systems et
medicine opposed te allepathy.
It a alngle doubt remained in regard te
Its true Intention, Ue manner In whleh It Is
spoken of by Us 'stlopetble brethren
through the country would be sufflelent te
dispel Ik Tbey leek upon It as Ue precursor
et better days by bringing te Uem a
monopoly of power snd practice. The
secret et tbe whole thing Is Ue self oompla eompla oempla
oency of these doctors Is disturbed by
witnessing the rapid advancement ether
soheols are msklng In publle estimation ;
otherwise Uey would be willing te stand
en Uslr merits, In an open field, with free
aad fair oempelltlon, accepting the verdlet
of an enlightened and discriminating
public Y.
Bomcepatlis Pretest.
The Homeeopathic County Medical sceltty
et Philadelphia en Thuraday evening
adopted resolutions declsrlng tbst as Ue
bill new pending in the legislature, oreat ereat
lng a beard of medleal examiner, gives no
security te Uelr school of medicine of cqusl
representation and fair treatment, and as
an amendment submitted by Hoaceepatha,
providing that tbe governor should net
appoint a majority of examiners from the
physicians ofeycne icboel, is strongly
opposed, thsy pretest against the passage uf
tbe bill. Toey essert tbst the object of tbe
bill ean be better eeeured by a mere rigid
supervision et medical college, snd Uat
thy believe that the bill can be uaed te Ue
detriment et any school of medielne sol
equally represented upon tbe beard.
A Lecter at Xpbrata.
Dr. Samuel A. Beer, of Reading, will
lecture en "Heme Influences" In Reddlg'a
ball, Kphnta,ea Saturdays vexing. There
will also bs voeal aad mstraasatsl masle.
Bpeetal gerviees ia
at, B. Oharsfe ea
sag Over ea
Brvsr Br a Vara
Colombia, Marea lk-Tha
aaalversary of taa Ocaki
sobeol will be misstated ea I
lag, rseitaueas, atarasai
Meaat zten a. M. E. ehareh wtu aU
grand rally ea Baaday whea Mer.U.
Cema, editor of taa CAareA MnUm, WtU
Bervlees will be held la St, PsaTa V. U.
ehareh this svealag with preaahlag few
Rsv. F. J. a Moras.
Tha remalas of Deals! Zaaaa
brought te tewB this saeralag asm
inis aiisrnoeB ia meant a
Ml Fanny L. Clark.
late Jehn W. Clark, at Msrattts, dam aft
Vlaslaad, M. J., Uls asaralag. la,
meat ea aadayat lp. as., saTmsmM.
Tba deceased was haewa heta.
William U. Bsrr, left town this i
ters short visit le his sastsr, Mia, I
user, at Bellas. Onte.
last night by Ue U. B. ehareh,'
weUattsaded. Tha festival will hahsM
Uls even lag aad Bataraay areahsf,
Barlew Mre.'e miaetrels failed te aa-aaat
In Iowa yeaterdey. Tha eesipeay am
banded at Middlstewa.
TemOrval, et Yerk eeaaty, eeaghta
earp la the river yesterday.. Tha aaa
wsighsd ten peaada aad two eaaeea. aad
was bought by Adern Kedeahaaaic.
About iwsaty members of ua Cemmase
flrsoempany went te Bssdmg te-day, la
attends ball given by Ua Sambas att
Jeha Melntyra, saglsssr of the P. X. K,
running from Philadelphia, ha iilarsH
horns slek.
MlohaslFelsy.e yeuag aaa af William
Feley, fell agalast a store lyiahiaar,
eutting a deep gash ea Ua fersasad.
Sheets Reese, a veteraa of aw Maalssa
war, has had his peaslai
110 te TO per month, Tha
almost satlrsly lest his hastiag,
A Tsrrtbl Tragedy la I
Maurats, Taaa., Marsh Is Oa
Blantea plaBtatlea asar Qrsaavllla, !
yesterday, will boom aad a
nsmsd Geerge, both whits, hai
row wlU Isaac Weeds, osterad,
armed wlU knives aad mom
hsd a shotgun. Ma ehet Wa
la ths leg, hat Ua latter
with him aad eat his Ureas
ear te ear, from whleh SJeeM dmi m a
fsw minutes. Tha boy Geerge wsa aiaa
frightfully eat, bat will live.
Ue woman ars la JaU.
HAaaiaaeBO, Pa, Marsh U.-At tha
aesstea et tha Hoase te-day Bsvaassay
aaa, M-
passenger railway bills, Ualadlasj aetata'1 '
rer taa laoerporaiioa at stress vaBsrajr p
oempsaies, wara asgauveiy tagartu,
Aspeetalerder WMBsadlMtwBrtTlHMB-
imj -vt taai ubh wnrnnwa sssa Mij,
grangsrs hill te Impose taxes ter lasm rM
A resolutlea te lavasUgata tha aUagaft
mtsoenatlng of votes la naaastlaa waa aha
passage of us bill aatharkdag spiahi gfagg
sessmmsat of oeuaty seasmBsesaas wag
slmest unsnlmeaaly defeated.
The Ssnste bill was reported favorably fat
renewal and sxtsaslea of ohartereet bsaha.
Adjourned antll Meadey,
Mte.r erashea By a atsb at Baal.
Sobamtek, Pa, Mareb 1& Theaasa M,
Evses aad Jehn Walsh, mlasra ssaplaysd
la Ue eentrsl shsfl asar Hyde Para, saat
, -
a tsrriws aoeidsat lata last arsamg
sngsgsa ia inrewmg aewa
Iry lng te detach a large Blab of seal taa I
alipped and tall npea Uses, vaaa
erushed te dmth. Walsh jajtaaft :
amy latai injurus. Aivsas
arrived la Ule oeaatry. Ha -saves a Wfm
and large fsmuy la dsstwate t
An Arkaaaas rataist Bills BUS i
CtAaxsviUB, Ark., Marsh !. J. F.
Uodsrweod, a premlasat plaatar, wag sav"
saultsd yesterday by Jeha WlUlsiil.a
tsasnt, who tired two toads from a sSMSgaa
at him aaa Usa aaad hMsuMaatah,
bat Underwood finally saeeaedeg la aaaag
his maa aad eat his Urost. Uaaarwaad'a
left sheuldsrwM shot oft MssaTSsuamatt
Taey'r Ia a alBla.
TerxxA, Xaaa, l&--4tararaay avsamg,
Maroe Hellmaa, a yeuag Osuiferalaa, axva
awlna supper at Us Oepalsad te wimttm.
soelety msa of Uls elty. Tha W. O. T. 17,
reported Ue essa te a grand Jaryaawla
session and all ths guests ha va bssa saaa
moned te appear befera Ua Jary, BUtlaasa
has left Us elty. It Is said a rsqsatstlaa
has been taken out for him,
Btaia By Me Masaaaa,
WASBiieoTew, D. a, Marsh IS. -A 3
young colored wemaa asMSd Cam iM,
Hawkins, wsa stabbed aad almost tasmaay , m
kiusd last nigbl by bsr basaaaa, Hmjsmm
Hawkins. Tbe murder la said te hava
been Inspired by Jealousy. Hawkins was
8etBc4 te Uls Iraprta tst.
LA24sie, Mleh., Mareh 18. i
Tante, who attsmptsd a triple
this oeunty la February, aad saseeeaed la
killing one of hte vletlms, was asataassd te
stats pr!sm for Ufa ysstarday. Mhisal
excuse was Uat Ua family had tslksd aa
kindly about him.
Tbre Mrarr Msagsa.
CHioAae, IUs., March 15. Tha Mail's
LHtls Reek, Ark., epeelal ssys : Wttlla
Green, Andersea MltebsU sad Dam Joasa,
(colored), were hssged at Arksdslphhsj
Ark., te dsy, for Ue mnrdsr af a aapra
prescber named Arthur Hertaa, aa May
21,1838. ThssxmuUeawMBsiTats.
rearlag War Bttstta AastrCa
Lew de, March 15. Feara of heaUllBas
bstween Austria and Sarvla has hat a
dampening effeet ea Ua ateek
aid at 1 p. m. Us stock market la tat,
An Opsra Beas for QeatssviHa.
HABBisacne,Msreh 15. Ths OealssrlUs
epsra beuse was chartered te dsy, Oapsht
sicck 1100,000.
MaMsas Bartk.
Harbisbcbe, Mareh 15. Tweaty two
girls employed la Ooevere everaU
went out Uls meralag i
et two cents ea eaeh germsal
Tbs firm refused te gnat I
is mm-m
WMAVfJHM aTVaalaxaVl
BsmasssB BMrSSBB .1?
aywaaj sBBBBBamaB y
WASHtRQTew.D.a, hfamhlA-Far
Kuum PeBBSVlvrusta I EaBB. BBB 'l-'A
ceded by fair, warmer, aattt
gales. '
Hecter ea "Jeha Beaye"-'
Rev. Levi Hughes, of tha
fannM. wilt deliver his aa!
en "Jeha Baeysa,"aaaarthsasB4ssasl
Yeaag People's Greup, UCiviaaatPaslsal
BiaibiWsharshBttasTasJaf. "
A VL't
.' .'
' H,
-f Jl
- '. rl0i.'
- T-A!&- m