OTf' . 'XJZ.PTl "IS -fn.'" l U ,?l5 J P ' - , ' tS f &- j r v - - -r Tl I .? . T ' IHK LANCASTER DAILY INTELLTQENCEB, WEDNESDAY; lARCH 13, 1889. . f 4 - .U I (? R-t-Z &-i'. L? & P .COUNCIL MEETS. I v- turn neaecaa me- Mmclam wnuie. T' ;l " I Vive Stills aTsw em Hit wt Braksatau SaMkta M At ractety atarla. y&"-, Marsh 13,-Tae Oral tegular ,! Mf xmsli WM bald UM MMCaptMttt. nporteti a batant e! $U&07 nut MM 4&e,ia in tnt iHIm reported lb at they MUateeUea with several panic r M leetrle fire alarm for tne iMWtr. raiCLtttUWM eleeted deck winder Ifs. itaeen M Ibe Columbia iron ecm- FwtUIMtMUd fe meet tbe highway e Thursday at 6:30 p. m. te i Mm DTOoeaed aew eewer. feflaWMtBwayeemailUeewere Instructed madia ibe opening of seoena siren line te the plana, immediately upon a MMin of the ret nlater. CM lax rate for 1689 waa fixed at tbe rate I eta anlUs; Ave mills (or general purposes, 1 1 mill for sinking fund. Tne eeeretary waa tnatrueted te make out go lx duplicate for 18S9, at a campenia- ief!3 Aa rente of market stalls will remain at fcjfcj eame rate ea last year and will be sold , Heren SOin. As order wm granted for (119 for conpena. Bllli amounting te 1 82 wereerderel te be paid. Brekemsa Injured. "Vteeepn Trego, oraaeman en uimug citaglna 893, of the P. R. R., had tbe Index Wager et me ien nana masnea jiuiupj Meraoen while coupling care. ; Peter Me wery, brakeman en local freignt train of theK. A.C, raiIrcYnict with a t,tsitutenTy ytMaj mi newwvmv. eerrvlDB a case or tobacco irem tne te a warehouse, when he illppcd and Jell, end the csseJell en him. ilia Jawbene 'MM dem were broken, ana ne waa aisu ttjered Internally. (.1 Ofcatlee W. Sievensen, president of ccun tj, emteruined the membera et that body it Warren's reeUnrant last night A Uae taaqnet was prepared. fOMrlee W. Johnsten hat accepted a eterkahlp In the First National bank. ?;Q Jeke Wealey waa aned by Harry i'lndlry 'tar Maaelt and battery. -VTkeahlrtlaotery haa oeminenoed opera- r4OM la a building adjoining Yeung' efeMwerr. Nine machlnea are running and j Ms) operative learning the trade irV ic AMOTHKIt BUBGLAHV. lv,0. B. Hiaruar'a Siera Knurtd and a Ijirgs : !i , Measbsr of Otaats Stel.n. tub O. B. Bherttsr. who keeps a grocery and U visietkiti store at .163 West King street. Is tbe V latest victim of burglars, by whom his store : Swee nteied late last night or early this ;iBenilng. Mr. Bberlcar was In the store 1 ''a.kMI O nAlrMilr lal AVMitni. mnti vrlmn hA w""-.r.'. "" r.. r. .." ,. v weal away every inieg wasaurigni, Mr. fSeertttrdoea net live In tbe store, but In jtkerear u a kitchen, wbleh waa used tbls winter for rtttLlsg oysters. Between Ibis "eavd the etere room proper there la an entry. ftTkle morning when tbe proprietor came te "isee atere he found both ahuttera of the ,?hltehen open, having been ferced with -'nam Wind nf n lenl. After ceLtluir In Iho I ;;tlve went up stslrs and Inte a front nVKlwai wuvia ni.euuii.Btum .'K' " Petgars, having formerly carried en inanu. .aaeturleg. Tbe burglars stele 3,1M el tbcae a in euppu.vu mat kiTilhaT carried them ell In ssckr. several of l 4'whleh were also stelen, Down sialrs a x'S' haaaw aahI aaln In t IhlrllUin liOVAal 7ftU frill ml V BeFBjsk.ws.Ma.-t .-.. .v . v- .T iuiuiu f'ijisgoniuvueor. ua 1110 Rreunu id me C-JrJ ln Km sas n lha ailiii-A A nnrnhAi t " Ikzm were f mnd. Best les tbe clgtrf. two . "H r hama, n nt nff hntlnrv. ainiinn ancrnr f. rr t .t . wannetila t fniien-virt nm rttl.rv nuvfa tntn ('' fVBeea iuiwvvw nuu u.uva B,wua nvau rf,- taken, utbina tne ceunter was between pp B and 5 In a box, bleh was realized from PS waa kent lerethcr bv Mr. Sherfzsr. Thli r, WWIWilVU UU. Ah 19 UffUUflDU IIJHb Bl 1CBBI . ...-.(...a .v t. m M- ...-. -. t. . ,- two men were engaged In tbe burglary, as Rti1 a wai ujiujuk luuawjr uu mj ijjaDy ciKnrp. Mr. Bhertzir has been very unfortunate as ' It baa been but a oeunlo of years tloce bis bf',. etere waa robbed et a large quantity of goods before. An Attempted narglaiy. Burglars attempted te get Inte the home of Adam lloek, en Fxlnce atroet, near tlie upper Readleg railroad atstlen, at an early Bnnr en Tneadav mernlntr. Mr. Ileak tcaa fi' sway from home and his wlle and her i'fj ainHiw-mira aiuuu. eiih. uuuk. was- awakened by a noise at the rear deer el tbe Beuae de am stairs ; she went te tbe window and upon looking out saw two men who seemed te be trying te open tbe deer. Bhe yelled te them te get away from tbe deer, as they wero blng watched, one et them coely told her te kecp her mouth shut Mrs. Heek then bpf.an uereamtng, and this net only awakened the aelgbbers, but frightened ctf the buglars. Metblng was taken from the beuse. They W rrleg la Uiack Stere. IjaatnlgMihlevoiaUemp'.edte break Inte the general atere et Geerge 11. Trlpple, at Bale Harber. Night Watchman Henry Hamaur was reaklug his rounds hei B discovered nve men standieg In front of tbeitera, He thengbt they were bating SBsploleusly and whea he called te them they fled. He fired hta revolver at thorn tmt it Is net believed that the shot took ef. An examination et the deer vtsa i mad a end It wa fcucd te be full of aaarka auch aa are made by a chisel, lu a BBOrt time longer tbey would have bad tbe deer open, Mr. Trlpple lives eome dl. taaee from the store aid he did net hear tbe BBrglara. Neither did two clerks, who I aileep In the seoend fleer of the s e . Wanted la IJradfard Uennty. James Btnnett, chief of police of Athene, Bradford county, came te IiHecastcr te-day laeearch el (Jearlea Penny, who Is wanted i&f IB that town for falie prctcnte It seems ft ' -" f,flHV CmiRD! U ItnilfcA f,1t wtilnli ha Bve b Bete and elated that be sa worth 8,000, He was found atterwarda le ba , worth cetblnj.', aud he left that part of I he ".fef anete aeme time age. mnam luiermed tM CoMtableKtoboIlr upon his arrival r cte cf r"vauaerraea, ana tuai ciuoer seen I u.i ivnuy ';, BBder arrest IIe was Inrned river te -" WHiDaii, wue suricu uacic wnn liu ibis fiTx mrmiuwu4 DBATII IS TIIK ILKUTU10 SPAHK. l mAAlnl navlma...a . ..... r.. K.-.l . uyir n -" --4...w .u ...b ..v.r .iiuujuu 'Z . Finalexperlmenlawere inadoenTucHlay '(, Bif the New Yerk state auiberliua te satlaly ewMvtvva vuuvuveujtanoiexecuilOt eeadsmned crlmlnsls by eltetririty, The tret animal te leave his troubles behind BUB was a small white enr weighing 21 BBBBds. Ode el the wlies f a wrapped tar aeme cotton waa'e natnrated with water, en hta right front leg aud tbe ether aMeehed in tbe .au.a way te his lt.lt hind t ! . laff. Tbe alternailug current at "00 volts t awaeawie wasapptiea ler ttu sbcodeh, end ;;; tew aalmal died pUnlesaly without nolte r r Oaeweautle. v V wbW atBrvvnil saw at a v-iIhaI nAm.t .... aavaww awwe wa. a !, Ui'iUHlui ilHIf. h-1 Hani weighing 67 peuuai. Uramnj. were made upon the mtddle ul hln eMMB4 wlib a me'Allla plateoevered ul u laataad ucen his right hind leg. Eight J BBSlred Velu of alternating current ler eeeaadt killed him IcHtantly. The dogs, weighing CO and 85 pounds, killed le the eame war with tbe llawasllngcurrentat 600 and 700 volts for JBjBMOUtla. sear calvea, aprrnxtmately tbe weight 4 aaan, weie ktlled In the earns way at few VBtte preaaure for oenlaota ul from IS M aaceBda. An 39 pound horse then 4ak Ike alternating current In tbe same vty at 1.(00 vel pressure for 25 second, Beweueal Uetaatlv. In every cue death Tf Beeltaeeu. (ad without sound or count becbb oenokkt. aUesHeat Vecal a Inahramsatat atatic en Tuesday Bvssuag. About fenr hundred people oeoopled the main room et tee court femes en Tuesday evening, the attraction bets Mr. Frank A. Bchccdler'e concert. Mr. Scbceller appeared en tbe platform a few minute after 8 o'clock, and, after announcing a rearrangement of Ike printed pregramme and Blinding te the compositions, the young plantat began the evening of melody. lie la a resident of this city end perfected his knowledge et muiie at tbe famous conservatory at jip ale, Oeimany. The audlenee rewarded hit eflerte by applauding each number, ana te encores he was compelled te respond. The prodnetlots et the best mastera were very vividly Interpreted by Ibe young mutlelan. The vocal part of the coneert cannot be teD liberally praised. Mrs. A. Ij, Wagner, of New Yerk, who sang In Fnlten opera house last year for the benefit el HU Jeseph's hospital, and then entraneed her hearer, waa In faultless voice last evening. The excellent aconttle properties of tbe room served te produce an effect net se marked when she was heard upon the previous vlait. Tbe fine tempered soprano notes wero Intensely Impressive. The applause wbleh followed Mr Wagner's selections was sufficient te convtnee her that Lancas ter Is very enthualstle evor her ability, bhe responded twlee te the vigorous hand clapping. Mr. Stanley Krebs, et this oily, a violinist who wine pralse ter bit work wherever he appeara In pablle, wat at bis beat last oven evon tag. Ills rendition of "Tbe Bird in tbe Tree" was excellent, end he had te aatlsfy tbe importunities et tbe auditors te appear again. Miss M. Mowery, a pupil et Mr. HoLcoJ HeLcoJ HoLceJ ler, waa reerarded for htr performance en the plana Altogether It was an extraordinary con. cert, and net until 10.-25, tbe close, waa a alngle person observod leaving the room. Following Is tbe pregramme: UuMek Concerto In U miner. .Mr. ectaaier. Usnu OHalutarlj llestla. Mr.. Wagner Violin Ollgate, air. Kreba, Bedard MMmearka. Ml8 M. Mowery i npll of Mr. Hchadier. 11, Wlenlawikl Lgende. sir, sctioefllor nd Mr. Krebi. )n Mimurka, Up 0, We 1 Ctieplnlb Noctnme, Op W, Ne l. ) Hchene, in u nt mlner.up. 31. Mr. Hctraller. Oausi Tbe hip peer-will Waltz Beng. Mm. A. 1. iVaitner. Mr.BctrBller. ' at. UauT .....inn Bird In thoTree. Mr. eibadl.rsna Mr. Hreba. Sclmbcrt Waiuni, Damn de Bevllle. Mtts Mowery and Mr Hatudler. l'rcb Air and Variations. Mrs Wagner. (chumftt ..carnival, up , Koj. 1.2, 8 and I. i Ven Wbbur l'olaeca. Up.7i ( vrngno-l.litl,HplnnluKsenrfrom,l7ba ly. (Inft untclitntn." Mr. tctiud.er. Sameana ara fend el Ainsilcana. Mlobael Bulllvan, a sailor from the United Htalei. man-of-war Adams, arrived la New Yerk en Tuesday, lie came e vol vel lind Irem Han Francleeci, leavlng Bsmea In tbe latter part of January. The natives, Hulllvan said, were very fend of Ametl cane, and almost te a man were In favor of Yankee rule. An Instance of tbe native leelingwas Illustrated during the stay of tbe American and German veasela. The Adaum bad scarcely come te anchor whoa Uhlel iiasae, acoeiupanled by his daughter tbe obsuipleu dancer of the Island and twenty temale and filly male natives, bearded tbe man of-war and danced and ang ter tbe amnsoment of tbe sailors. An ln ltatlnn Isjnm the Kuci'a commander te de llkowlaaen the Onrinsn vessel, Hulll vau said, met Willi a lUt refusal, tbecblif sajlng that he would net rocegnlzs the Oeriuau lljg. Ceal Urepa CO Cenla a Ten. The prien of anthraelte coal for domestic consumption rails fiOoents. AftoraMtubbein attempt el MieoeM producing oerporullous In niainlalu prices SKalnst all odds and te Mutt down tbelr inlnea, threw the minera Inte idlruiKH and iqnec73 the consumer, tbe Infcvltatile has faceil tbetu andatamoet andatameet lug of cetmnny rrpre untatlves en Tueadsy In row Yeric n radlenl roduetlon was drntded en. Thurewai a lone discussion evor con flicting Interests represented in the moot meet lug, but it was tlnally deeldel that prleea must be reduced, aud the schedule waa ar ranged as fellows for the trade, in go Inte cflcet en April 1 : Urate coal, ft 76 j egg, 13 00; chflRleiit, fl and atoye, f4 15. The iirloenmllnp; hofere were : UralefJ lJ;cgg, f 1 30, and stove, 1 C5. The roduetlon, therefore, amounts, In the case et novo coal, wbleh in lis domeatle ue Unds most Keiinrsl salu among the gteat body el home ceiniiuierH, tu 60 eenli. Ureaa Hella, lloleio AU6nuau Ualbaeb, Jehn Wall has brought a suit for assault and battery against Thocdeto Ullnger, and Ullnger has brought a similar charge against Wall before Alderman Uershey. It appeara that the men were out together yesterday and ma a row which resulted in the suits dinger's head leeks as though a wagon ran evor him. Beth theugt t tbey could de well by bringing suits. (lone Wear. Matter Herace Inman, eeu et Wm. 11. inmau, started at - p. in, for Youngatewo, Ohie, where he will reside until next fall, Wk uiva IK stock a nne line of He htd feldniH and lllnmlnated cards, especially adopted forOrenlng Catdi, Announcement!, Uilla el run, Menus for private dlnnera, Boek Cevers, uideis el Dnuce, Pregrammes, and Ihellku, which will Uu printed at inisonahle lute, ttjrur lacllllle. for turning out sue ptlnllui; ai (quailed by few beuse, tilve us u call. lonux'e llujers Contraet Beeks, Uecelpt l'oeks, bampiu Tagj, Ac, printed at tbe Iktsl. liiixnuiu Olllce ui abort notlce. frlrei rea sonable. Werk fltat-tlaaa. lebMld y-eiiwlliliig Werib Heading. "A 'lln Uoel" la the title of a little bxk juat Imiied hv Metara. Merchant A Ce, 517 Aich atieet, 1 hlladelphfai. 1 be purpeie of the publlcit'en la te supply te buliaura, arehttecU and the ueueMl public aome exact Inleruiu. tionasteibo beit mutholaef centtructlnga tin reef and as te the right lnaierlala te he med te secure axlltfictcry and permanent re eulta. We especially recommend the beck, wh'ch la Intended forgratulteuadliUlbutlon, t J mill evcura. They are very apt te truat the maltir of roedng wholly te butlderaaul theyuau&lly kDbu really very little about the character of theiln used or the excellence or th dole:tlveneaef the Jeb. TbU pamphlet wllllulp Hern te protect their luteretu. Xt 1 very explicit, perfectly comprehensible, and we think wholly truatwerthy. ltls quite profusely lllustialel und tbe cuu meicate procfeset applying Un tooling which In tureexcelleuce. DBATUH SUKLLT In Meuut .ley. en the Ulh Inat Jehn B. Shelly, In the b.'d year of hla age HollLeel funeral hereaiter ETBiCBAir.-March 13'h. 1S"J. in thU iltv. ,M.rS-11.nnil.a A rtL01""' daughter et th,' a etlce of funeral bertatter. tfj rrrsL-Uenday Mareh 11th, 18 9 In tht city. Herace Ulller, cldtat ten et ui7 andh. Kmalmu htyer, in the 17th year cl hit lhcr'atlres and friends of the Umllyate ruapectfully Invited te attend Urn luuerat from the residence or hit parents, Ne. 313 at King street, en Tbnrad.y morning ut lliju o'clock, lntermeat at oedwau 11111 cemttery. UmtH-Ir. this city, en the HUi Inst. Maaale Amelia, datiahier of Wllilain and l.eul.i Uehfuia, uged J mentha and 12 days lbs relatives and irtenda of the lam II y are reapectfiUly Invited te attend the inneral. from the pirenu' realdence, Ne. M Ka at Chest, n nt atteu, en Thuraday afternoon at 8 o'clock. lnturmntat ZIen't cematery. 511 I.tiBLrr.-ilareh Jill,. u,J( , tb cj. UT.'' J- 2n el werin and Trieey it Lclbiey. aged 4 year, 7 menthj und s daw. lteiclatlves andlriendaef the family pre reapectluUy Invited te attend the luneial from the residence of hlaparenu. Ne llEsat Andrew atreoien Thuraday niternoen. uta oil ck. Inurment ataujeaeph'a cemetery UKta March 11th, UW.lathla city. Thema.' Uikee, in the b3th ear of bin iie. ' 100tDM 1 he relative and lrlendjer the family are respectiully luvltcd te attend tbe funeral Hern ibe rettdenceef lirt.K. Ueeae, Ne. He Kat CbMinut street, en rlay afternoon, at lo'cleek. la'irmwt at LaneiatercemeUrr. Jtd MAHKKTS. Okisac rteeaae aaaraes. Cnicise. Marrh IS, ;J0a.ni. Markftt epened: Wfeaat-Mareh, V))VH May, tXl June, 93c Julr.STMc oern-Maicu 34Xe : May, tee ; Jene, Ife j ttaaa-Marcb, S.!.'e i May, r;c June, iljic .Inly, 23c l'erk-Martb, SIlCJj May, 111 Mi June, ire-MarcV, iWXi May, l7U)Ki June, I718H1 July, I71S. . . Short Ub-My, Id 15: June, 0iu;Jnir, C til. Haw yere: Sloans. Maw Tesjc, March 13 11 p. mMeney cloael et SH83 per cent.) Bxeaance steady: posted ratea,M(CSfl89X: actnal rates M B8H8M for ee days and a ma SM for demand i wev ernmenta ateadyi enrency 6s d 20 bid : I's eonpen, II ix : de, n mi Md. Tbe stock market tbtt morning cpaccd leldy but seen weakened en selling of the Ueald stocks, rrlces went gradually lower throughout tbe morn Inland at neon waru K te IK Pr cent below the closing of ycaterday. Bat. Paul was abonttbe only exccpllen. That stock waa drmly held acdlta ptlce lull main talncd. ulnee 13 o'clock tbe market uaabjen dull and lealurcleaa. ereta aaa anonnena. rurnlahed by a. K. Yundt, Breker, UaioAeo, Mar. 13, l.oe o'clock p. m. Wheat. Cern. Oat, fork. Lard. aaarna . et;i u v, April Mtf May :mtc s.m 11 ar 701 June. uifalUM 'iVji n ti Hi July.... .... B7X 10 10 12 37 7.W AUglllV RAntfinbar. .... .... ureae iju......................................bjM) Consels ........47 8-10 Closing I'rlees 1 15 ocleck p. m. Wheat. Cern. OaU. i'erk. I.ard. March M SiH SIX .... 0 91 April un BA)2 May Ofti WW I'V. 12 S7 1M Jane l rv'ii Wi U.'l 7 J7 July B7 SX Vi 12.37 7.12 Auguat ............... .... .... .... .... eepiember .... .... .... .... .... Year............ .... .... .... .... .... Crude Oil... ................................... .81 Consels. i. necelpta. car iu. Winter wneet. a............ ...... ..... 39 aprlng Wheat... ...... ............ ........ 1 Cern ..(,............................... 11 s Cats........................................ V- Rye...... ataxic ...................,...,......, .... uead. OeMlpts Uees UecelDts Catue NKW ADVKUTISKUKN18. mllK BKST VAIA'B FOR THK A- HOHKV, Wild Cherry, Blackberry and Klmmel Bran dies, 60s per quart. Qunlliy uncnualed. aeuhcu'a Liyueu bteuk. We. 22 Cnntre Bqnare. l.ancaatnr. fa. XNJKOrORS, BUlfi IilTTtiK OlANT, llancenk Inaptraters and Klectera, Ktier man Beiler Seeder, r. ulierthy injector, American lnjec'nra, all In itcck ' JiillN BBSX'8, 331 Bast r ulten street mi tfd WANTKD HKVKIt&Ii OARUIAUK Blackamltha. Apply at ltd b. at. Ball.Y .1 COB. FORTUKBICSTHOr AIR KURNAOE In the market, go te JOHN UI-.s r, 3(3 Kaat Knlten slraet. ms-tld (Ji)0 Oin T0 i-OAN ON FIRST $lliGiJJ MortRane en City Real kg. tatfl Initmeunta aa fellows! 11 fix) Jsee, HMO, rei, v tee. 12 (J01, II.OCO, II ! 0. J OKI 11(10, aej. t7.UX,tl,0C0, 1000. JUKI, L. UAlNkM. marUlwd OABUY IN HTOUK BKBT OllAR. coil. Hammered liar Iren, Itfinble Uennei Iren, Burden's ktvet iron, ltleta. Het and Held Beiler Iren, Moel. Mimt Iren SIS te Ne. 10. at JOHN IlKST'd. 833 Batt rultnu atr.ct TK YOU WANT GOOD IIRVIHHKSOO KILBURN, NO 211 WEST MNU BTUKRT, mOlmdJtw l.uncatlci, l'a. KHH0N8 GIVEN IN FKKNOH, OER U AN and Latin. Modeute chargei Ad dru,a i'. O. Bex VM, clly. nmr 1 3,d FOR HAlii:, OHKAP llKFORB Re moving te Ne. 7 W nit King aireet, I will Ml pirtnf my mock und nil store Oxturea conalallngef a hew cases, oeunlers, ahelvlng, stave, Ac ,t a biigalu ero m. liner. kr, umrinetilWA9 ) kaat King Street. FOR IIOI,TH, I,U BUBBWH; Bril Kcrcwa, 'iiuare and llnxairm Nuts, thete peel In .took, ul JOHN HBOT'8, 3:1 Kaat Hil Hil eon fltiiflt. tn2tld Sl'KUlAl, NOT1UK THK M KM 11 KKS or Monterey 1 e age, Ne 21:, I e. e. r., are lcauHDied te uiet nt their sail, en Kriday evening, March ISth.et H o'clock, fortbopui fertbopui fortbepui poaoof attending Mm (air. lu a body, of Lan caster CanUm, no 23, l. M.. new being held at Mironetchet Hall, North Prlnce alreeu C MLMSON, N O. ! Katbven, 8ec'7. ltd UHUt CAH11NOM, IRON OR 11RASH, ? light or havy, at short notice, go tn .inn jticar, 8.11 icnat rnlten ttrret mi tld TJOUK MONIU8 YKT UNl'tt, VAOA- Improve the eppcituntty te cemplete tbe Coutse el trntnlug ul thn l.ANUAdl'KUIIUEHNKH COI.l KUK, PIH Kaat King Slieit. Our theory la anpurler, and thn Junier nnd Eenler Department In lliiatneis i'ramice fur- nUhraabundaut opportunity topulthetheory acquired lu praatlce. Terms iiy. Call en erauareia. 11. u. wkiiiliKU, rnneipu. OR BOILER TURK llUUHHKS, Btliiien I'lne V rorehrs, Ipe and Menkey Wrenches combined, Kll e, Oil Cans, etc., un te JOHN Baar, su aaat rulten-at ui'l.ttd G OLD BRONZK, IjIQUIUH AND Sizing forsteamMork. at Jull.s IIKkt's. 833 East rulten atreet. u,2 tfd S PUOIAI The laat of our Heavy Welghta In Tioueerg. Suitings and Uverceu 1'atlerna made 10 your order at your own price. Me OB ANN As NOWLBN, Mkreuint Titeaa, NU. 11 WK9T lilNUSrUKKl'. e 1)1) KKLLOWH BAZAAR. Uusn evurv evenlns and en 1 hiirnimi md Batuiday ntlernoeni of this week, m m i:nneroher hau New uttiuctlena una lela of mnile each even ing. Ne boring" for votes. Aduilaalru lu eenta. marl3 4ldlt w AIT.vHUAND. NEW SPRING GOODS -A1THK New Yerk Stere. Wehaer cdveddurlug luepwl te dy upAimWul liMlatgaraiej and bikael Uew Spring Dry Goods At h'eidy C&au 1'ilcea NKW al'KINU UUK93 UJOUi, OUK3S hlLKS, 11, VCK UUKS3 (1001)2, UUKS8UINQHAU3, T011.K HU NOUU8, COttUKl) Q1NUUAMU, l'lUNTKUHATKKNS. 1'UINXCU CHALUK1, l.vllu.', flenfa nnd Chllflun'd UOSimtv and UNHhUWKAlI, ULut Ki, llNUKeri. ciiiKra. Lacs?. uMBueiufcuihi NKWil'UlM, ST11.KS1N COBaUTS, TUL LINKSb, aUWlll, NAI'lUhB, IJU11.T3 Special Bargains. 6J l'lecea WOOL HENKIKTTAS, IS Inches wide, AH Colera, 37X font-, O.VK CASK WOOL BU1T1NU3. bile llaud THmmlngt, UCenualara ALLSILKHATIN liHAUAUAB, in colon), only Wi u, Vaiu. 00 I'lBCes DAMASK TAHLKLISK.se, 37K'. Ucet Vklue In tin Country. 10a riecta iHtuss qinuuaus, 6HC 1 former Price, 10c WATT & SHAN D e, 8 snd 10 Hat King Street, I MKW inVgltTlllMBIITa. WILD (JI1KKKY, BIiAORBKBBT, Qlnger, Klmmel and Uraege Brandy. jaoeb r, BHiArnm, (epistfd NO. U UEKTKK aQUAKK. F OK PUL1.KYH. RHAFTINO, COL lara. liana-art. tjiamn Resa. Cennllnii. etc., go te JUMM JlKSr, lit hast Fulton street, mi-ifd F IRK BKICKH.KJBE CLAY, ATI.OW flguies, go te JUUN BE8T.S3I inat rnltnn street. m2-tld F)l c IU AMRUK1AN HlnllT VtCkD nwllHAa. I nh.l..lnvi tllmmm fill f,.a In I'nannsa.ynn can tot thorn at JOUH BaBT'e. 1 Baal rnlten street. 2tld AQKNOY FUK OALLAHAN & CO'H Cement te take the place of Bed Lead. In bulk It makes flva times the quantity et red lead snd Is far superior in making steam Joint; packing man and hand bole plaionen Unllerr, Ac, Ac J'rlee Sectnlaper pound at JUUN iijcai'd, 313 Kast rtilfnn street. int-ua yOK HOHIZONTAI, STATION ABY v Knslnea, from 2 te F" horap.pewer, snd Vertical atnglnts from i te 40 heiat newer, you will II nd tbm at JUUM Baai'e, !B3 JCaat rnl rnl eon street. tn2Ud TJADIATOKf, OK ANY MARK OR DK- S- sign, run tin furnished at reasonable ngurea, by JOUN BBD1-, usi Cast rnlten unit. mltfd PUIILIO HALE OK VALUABLE Hmitphnld and Kttrhsn Furniture. On Mareh H.ltsi, at Ne 11 Minim atroet, belwern Christian and Seuth unke atreets. oenalatlng of four bed-room suits and tour mattreaiea, four bed springs, wardrobe, alnk, Brussels and rag carpet", atoves, ttrat-e bm refilgerater, tnea, wringer ana many ether articles net enumerated Iheaegoedaaroasgoodasnew, Nole at one o'clock sharp. JACOB GUNDAKIB, mar!2 2td Ancuece or. PAOKINUS, AS FOLLOWH: D1BIQO, for Steam and Hydraulic racking, A ahem Kepo, Woven and Wick racking, Hemp Tack ing, Aabestes Mill Beard, Asbestos Cement, Aiibestes Bheithlng, Unra Facklng, Gum Minna for Water uanges, 1'lnmbage racklrg, Keed's l'stent Aabcatea, Lined Sectional ripe Cever, at JUUN BKSi'd, 313 Kaat miten-st. mltld S PEOIAL NOTKJK TO HOUSEKEEPERS ! Bargains in Table Linens I NAFKINB, TOWKLS, BIIKK11NUI, riLLOVT MUSLINS, IILKACUKU and UNUI.KACUED MUSLINS, llCKINUfl, rUUNltUUK CHECKS, MAUSKILLK3 QUILTS, COM F OKI'S, OUlli ANUCBADLK QUILTS AND HLANKKT8, The nezt thirty days we will sell UI.ANKETH KKOAKDXiESS OF COST. l'UIUK BTKAMKD KKATUKUU, Warranted Never te Omell. Brussels Ingrain and Rag Carpjls, KLOOUOIL CLOTHS, UKBl'MAKEHOr CAUPKT BWKKPKUS. KvcryllilDicut LotreitCaah Trices, JehnS.Givler O Si 8 North Queen Street, LANCASTER. PA. en nnn ki:et op ,i,ri from yt JJfJJJ Inch tee Inch diameter, ler anlent alew Ognre, and the only home In the rltv with a plpu cutting machine, cutting up teSlachdlninutcr, at JOUN AIKbT'8, 331 Kast rnlten strett, tn2tld M ART IN BHO'M. 1 prlii k Overcoat l are in the laid. Uur's Inst a pice ebsad ct most for nlyln, btuuty, llalah, dt and lewn?9a of price. That's became neiU'nir sheit of beat workman Spring Signt Showing Oat. ship Is nllevrea te creep In. Hen Laccuter tailoring, but New " orktillerliiK side by alde. Thelaltitfad fertheetyllah.th') plainer coat fc.ru iiuloter tusteslile bystde A plenttens cholcsefel herl'JCu, liowiise), ;u(0. in the custom department, the coating and the cut ter are oil rcudy te suit and fit you exactly If )ou peter a Spring Overcoat te measure Spring lroiuers, bpilng Trouiers, Spring Trouaeif, ready nude, teady uade or te meaauie. We tuku occasion, tee, te nudge you with a thought of tte money you can save In buying a winter coat yet Lets ate net large but values ure. MARTIN BRO'S I'iutliliiK una Fnrulgliliig Hoeils, NOS till ANI 3 NOKTH (Jl'KKV HTRBRT, 1.ANCA81KU. PA. TANKS fOli WATEH, OILS, ACID, or Om, of any Hhapn or capic'ty. at fair prlrj-i", no te JOHN isKsT, til Batt rulten eliiiiit. mstld Tir,,'I'UMh()N fOSTKH. COM4 ANU tltniOlSK OUU AliUAY OT KI.Ef, A.NT LIQHT WEIGHT rerceats (or Spring ! THK1 AUK Ml)K SUUJTA.N T1AI , 'IHCSrVLKl AUK A'll'UACTlVir, iHK QUAL11 iUl'KUll, 11IK I'ltlCKSTHtt LOWKJT. Winter Weight Salts & Overcoats AT UEDVCK1) PUICKS. SILVERMAN HATS reiisi'ui.su. Gent's Derbys, $400. A PUUI KCT rlTl'lNO WLHu Dress rlilrt for Ueutt. THE .W. & F. IS UN(CKLLKU. PKICR II W. OU I' 40 l'KUS l'0.KN. The LHdtfB FuvorUe, A IIHIflllT DOXGOLi DRESS BUTTON BOOT lu Common Scnse and OpeiaTee, FUICK 2 w. Williauiseii & Fester's, 3.'1t,XUaN&KlriGrsT.t 'i sruit, pa ami aid MAttKEi'ar, uaukisiiulp, ca. EOKHOILK!18,HOK1.ONTA1J,TUHU. lar, Vertical, Pertal lc, cjllndT. Marine, nf any ttza or power, el the bet maienal and werkunesbip. go te JOHN bT, Sis Saat ulten street. mtifj timw ad rumtmrnumrm. J. B. MAKTIN A CO. OIL CLOTHS, CORTICENES, LINOLEUMS. A stock te select from equal te any retail stock in Philadel phia. All the newest patterns in Certicenes. Lineleums that will give three times the wear el the best Oil Cleths we are selling at 50c a yard. Oil Cleths from 20c a yard up. Stair Oil Cleths. Shelf Oil Cleths, in all grades. J. B. MARTIN & CO. FOR RKNT A FIRST CLASS BLACK SMITB shop, with dwelling beuse, at Greenland Mills tn Kaat Lampeter township, from and alter the l.t of April next. Inquire Of If KB. BATBB, 111 North Duke Street, Lancaster. marzdAwtt IK TOD WANT A FIR8T0LASS Pertable Xnalne and Beiler, en wheals, cheap, aatha following prices ahew: 6 herae- fc73; call TDZ-ttd SAW MILLS, BAKK MILLS, COB Mills, LeatLer Hellers. Tan FarkereTTrlple Horae i Powers, MUllng and Mining Machinery, at J 'MM lias I'd, 333 Jiaat fulten street. Ul2Ud KEYHTONK BUSINESS COLLEGE. 35forfulldaye3iire. KTanlngsesslew, tat. Studenu rtinUn nntll qualifled In all uranebna. Alse instructions Riven suitable te students in penmanship and cortMpen UUW, M kii auun m uiv HIT, W. u. MesSKft, Principal, iu West King St., Lancaater.Pa. WKHKK YOU HK8ITATE-YOU ARE wornent; want something ana dent knewwbut. Hr Dilate no lengerl Take Vral ley's Bitter wine of Iren. The wife of a prominent down town merchant says: "1 never took any mrdlelne that Improved my general health and increased my weight like rraltey's Bitter Wlaaet Iren.'1 ittnereaaea the weight, gives a tone te digestion, puts a hue of color In the skin and strengthens the utrvnns system. rice 69 eenta. riiAlCKX'B BAST JSNli PHABMACT, M.W.FAW (Opposite eastern Market,) WHITE COTTON WASTE, COPPED bv the Deund. 10a: lu leta of 10 nennd or ever, r, 9e All goeda de'lveraa te aur part ctiy Free call en J OU BKST, Ne. 333 of the Bast rulten street. lnJ-Ud IK IN WANT OK BRASS OR IRON Steo Cocks, Asbestos Packed Cooks, Pet and Bib cocks. Lever Coekt, awing Joints, e H and get them, or send your order by scaU, te JOHN UKST.ni Kast rulten-su at-tM DOR OAST IRON PIPE F1TTINQB. V both plain and reducing, up te e-lceh dlaveter, Malleabla Fittings, rlavgea, Flanga Unions, Maut'e'di, American Unions, Tuba aoppem, nangeis, rinerana ceiling PiatM, go te je un u.si'.,3Jl Kaat ifulteu street. mMId yALDK I Satisfaction Is what has givn me the extensive patronage 1 hive received fiem the public. My line of aeieigu ana ueueiuct ia unaurpatssa in me vny. PUICKU AWAY UOfrN, AS USUAL, TROUSERS I r-ptclnl attention la called te my Trousers, In wnich lleid. ASKEWI awTAiLeii.-e NOS V3I AXO 13) WIST KINU STUKKT. mariumd e OZK CALF AND KANOY" UOAT BK1MB. for the Spring and Summer et 1899 many Callers and Bheeawlliba made In taney col ored leather. 1 have last received a fine of the Celebrated Ooze cal( and Geat Skins In a vnrieiy 01 laamonauie snaaes ana colors, which 1 ihall make up te the order of my cus tomers. We aha.ll endA&vnr te keen nn f n thA ntwv&ll. Ing styles at ail times, and would be plraaed iu iiivi, uur wu luspvfcitu uw uia most cnu' cal. We will continue te krenafnllllnenf ReaAv. Made Uoela. und will tell them at the lowest poiaieie price, (live us a call. Hoapectfully yours, WM. H.QA8T, NO. 1U3 NOUTH U.UKKN 8T LANOABTKU. lunl-lydWAF T UK PROTECTIVE POLICY ! New that Ueneral Harrison Is President, backrlup by lha Protective Pelley of the He publican Party, we can think et no better pro tection than that of protecting the public against the danger of netting Dyspepala by using peer rieur and the surrit way toayeld such a dire calamity la by using Levan 8c Sens' Best! You'll nev, r hive heavy, dyspepsia-breeding bleidlf yen uie Levan'a Uoeds. And these believing In Free Trade are free te trade in thla article all they are a mtnd te. it la "rHK PKuPbK'a" t'LOUK, regardtsisef race, color, politics or religion. LEVAN & SONS. decs lyd MKBCHANT MILLBKS. rpUK DKMANU AS QKEATAS EVER I -IHK BALK AUK 1MUKNSK I UO.Si ANU TONS OF IT 10I.D I Simetlmea for days It tells faster thin It can be shipped te ut. Why la there auch a rush for PEARL FLOUR? Don't yen think It la quality thtt explains Ihema.ierr Certainly, and everybody knows It tee. GRABILL, TlieOKiaiNAI. ANUONLl CABHUBOOKU IN THK CITY, DUKK A V1NK STS., LANOABTKU, PA.. Bella thi ONLY UKNUISK I'Kalll FLOUU IH7JCKNTB. WHITE ROSE BRAND OF FLOUR, A new bran, lull roller process, will net be In until Mendty, March 11-03 eenta. ARB0TUS FLOUR, AUoUeIlerProiWi, but of lower grade, 38e arTKLKPBONS.-C BMW AD VMUTMItMltTa. JBWI KW! KBWJ KBWJ Big Bargains! Black HmtmHU Oleth,' 89.26 a Yard. Black Henrietta Oletb, $2,00 a Yard, Black Henrietta Oletb. $1.76 a Yard, Black Henrietta Oletb, $1.60 a Yard, Black Hanrlettsi Oletb, $1.25 a Yard. Black Henrietta Oleth. $1.00 a Yard, Black Htnrlctta Oletb, 7fic. a Yard, Black Henrietta Oleth, 50e. a Yard. Black Charles Stamm, 35-37 North Queen St. (OPPOSITE P.OSTOFF1CE.) BOSTON STORE. JTEXT DOOR TO THE COURT HOUSE. A CARPET An excellent assortment or C5 cent Extra Super Iugrain Carpets for 60 cents yard. Juat 1 " cents a yard under price. We have many new things in Rg Carpets, both Cotten and Weel StripeB, which we bought at a bargain and give you tbe benefit. 25 te O) cents a yard . An entirely new stock of Brussels Carpets, all thla season's styles, which must ba aeen te be appreciated. See them and compare our prices. All Carpet and Window Shade work done at short notice. sMfCarpet Rags taken in exchange. FAHNESTOCKS, Nea. 35 and S7 East King Street, NKW ADVKItriBKMrNTS. XNOR STEAM GAUGES, HIGH OK a? Lew Pressure, water Gauges, Gauge cocks. Weed Wheels or Weighted, Ulasi Tnbea. Whistle, Byphnns for Steam Gauges, Cylinder Oilers Flatu, Water Gauge columns, Cocks for Sttam Gauges, call en JOHN Bkhi, SJS gut rnlten street. mz-tfd STEAM HEAT IS THE COMING HEAT for dwellings, churches, school houses, tc, though auccrsiiully used ena hundred years age. When you contemplate a change call en JOUR BKs r. who will give yen a satis factory Jeb, at a fair pnee. ma-tfd- A BTRIOH BROS. ASTRICH'S PALACE OF FASHION, 13 East King Street. Lancaster, Pa. Wonderful Bargains in Black Silk Dress Laces. Spanish Silk Laces, 45 inches wide, at $1 a yard; regular price $1.50. Warranted Pure Silk at $1.29, regular price $i.Sy; at $1.48, regular price $?. These are all Spanish Gui pure Laces, and are the great est bargains ever offered in Spanish Dress Laces. Special prices en Black Silk Chantilly Laces, 40 inches wide, at $1.25, regular price $1.62 a yard; $1.48, regular price $1.75 a yard; $1.69, regular price $2 a yard; $1.98, regular price $2.50 a yard; $2.50, regular price $3. These prices are selling out fast, and we would advise you te buy them, as you will see such bargains again. We are also showing the fin est line of Cream Oriental Laces ever brought te this city. We are selling laces at 10 te 15c a yard, which never sell at less than 18, te 25c. Come in and leek at them. Our 7 and 10c Torchon Laces are sold at 10 and 15c else where, but they are selling out fast, and you will never see them at such prices again. Our line of finer Torchon Edgings at 8, 12, 15 and 20c a yard, is the best we ever had. A few mere strips of these cheap Hamburg Edges, at 5 and iec a yard. Ii you want any you will have te come seen. We are selling again to-mer row, 12 yards lorchen laces for 6c. 1 2 yds Torchon Laces at 8c. 12 yds Torchon Laces at iec. 12 yds Torchon Laces at 12c. 1 2 yds Torchon Laces at 15c, warranted pure linen. One let of 10 pieces of 22 inch fine Swiss Embroidery we are offering at 25c a yard; regu lar price 50c. Will Remove On or About April ist -te our- NEW BUILDING, NOS. 115 AND II7 NORTH QUEEN STREET. ASTRICH BROS. m K PKATT & OADY ABKHTOS D1HO mj t&lTcs, iwi.1111 ,""ii "'"V ;"r Valves. Lever Safety Valvea, Pep Salety Valves. Alr,Valvaa. kadlaterValva. Pratt's SKraaiiiMtaltea (. M1 Hecrletta Oleth, 37 l-2c Yard. BARGAIN I Lancaster. Pa. NKW ADVKllTlBKatKNTB. PUMPS, BOIL.KRS, MINING, OEN trlliKDland steam pump, of any capacity. at.UUIN IlESi's, J33 unit Jfttlten ktrceu m2tld THE GRKA'IKST ALL AT REDUCTION Or H. GERHART'S. riNK.TAILOBINQ. In order te roduce a heavy stock and give employment te my hands, f will make up te order inr tbe remainder of tbe wlnterseaaen. all llnavy.WtUht eulllng, Overceating and Treusering at cost price. Here is acbaneett get anrst-els, a article for a small amount et money, special attention paid te run Dress emu. U.UKUHAUT, - . ... Ne. 43 Nerlh Que n street. 49-0nlv Direct importing Talier In the City of Lancaster. He RH'rf BOOKSTORE. Parler Organs A Bargain. If you want a geed Or gan here is a chance. They must be sold by April ist for want of room. They are actually te be sold at manufacturer's wholesale prices. Fer cash only. L. B. HERR, 51 a 53 N. Queen St. augie-Iyd FW OR RENT FROM APRIL 1, 1889. the large third atery room abeve Ne. 23 Centre Square, lnquliuet ,,. . ALLAN A. IIKKU, feblltfd Ne. 1C8 Kast King Street. ORRENT.TWOHTORE ROOMS AND Uascment In Eeuthern Market. Alaoene Stere Uoeui en Vine slr-et, sultab'e for any bnalness. Inquire at I lira A MoKlrev's Dry Uoeds Stere, benth Queen street. fls-Ud OR RENT OR SALE-ONE OF THE Dnnst business properties In the city ; elpguntly suited te the butchering business: rent reasonable Alse a flee dwelllug of i rooms within one squaie el tteinmument Could be used te advantage for cilices, Call en T.C, WIHTailN 10XK. Klnght, KBlmd Heal Xstateandluaurauce. TOR SAI.KA VERY SUPERIOK JD GKAZtNU AND bTOi,K FABM, lu Fau quier county, Virginia. Situated en the Hi e el the Piedmont Air Line railroad, forty miles south nt Washington clly, and nne mile irem Warrenton Junction (Virginia Midland railway.) this Tract contains l.OOd ACItEH, ever FOO of which is highly Improved, la rf Superior Qual. Ity for Urasa and Uraln, Is well watered, baa a liandsome and Comtnedlnui liesldence with modern improvements, nil neceiiaty out. buildings. Mone Urlat Mill, CatUe Heuse. Ac two larae strrutns run through the tarui This flne body el land will be sela at a sacri fice as a whole, or In two or three parts. for lutthcr Inlencat en address, A.N. UASl'AllLie. Ne.27 W. North Avenue, Uiltlmere. feblMmeed&w Rl'HANS COURT SALE OF VALU. AllLK CITY UK ), KSTATE. OK TECMDiy KVEMSO, MARCUll 1SJ4 In pursuance of un order of tte Or(.haei' tourtef Lancaster county, the following real esia'e will be sold at publle sale, at the Leop Leep ard Hetel, In the city of Lancaster : Purpart Ne. 1. all thtt certain let or plfce et greutd, located en tbe north side of mail orange street, between Lime and shtppen. en welch Is erected a threo-steiy nrlck It welling, with Marble Frent, aud a two-story btleg. backbulldlng attached, with nil modern 1m 1m 1m provemsnts, known as Ne. 237 Kaat Orange atreet. Purpart Ne. X all tint cartaln let or piece or giennd, located en the anuth aide of kail Mat Ien alley, between Lime and Htlppen streets, en which Is erected a twe-atary unck building, with a tve story bilck building at tached, usedasaelweillnir, the same premises being known as Ne. i'O Kaat Marien sueet. Purpart Ne S. all that certain let r pleee of ground, lecaUd en the north side of sast Chestnut strict, en which ia erected a two. story t-rlck dwelling attached, with a two story brtctc back bulldlcg, known as Ne. ;uu asi (.ueatnut. iLru u Purpart Ne 4, all that certain tractor three let s of ground, iocaua-en tue nenheait cer. iHref ihestnutandFrankllnstrefts. rnntnln. Ing in front en north side of Kast chestnut street slxty-llx leet eUht inches (6d feet S Inches), aid extending that sameuldih ninety (Ml feet, tn a tan-fet. alley, being known aa leta Nf s 1S7. 1M and 150, of thecheatnut street planet Lancaater.Pa Purpart Ne. b. all that certain tract or plree of ground, lecit-d en the southeast corner of Fulton and riankltn streets, containing In Iroetontba south tide el eat Fulton street olgbty-eneletPand six inch s (Slleetetnchet), ai.d extending that sauiu width south ninety CO) feet te a ten fret alley, tbe lime being known as leta Nes IS I, US, Isi. and two thirds pilot Ne. Ul of the chestnut street plan el l.ancaater. . . partus desiring te view envoi the proper ties betere.the dtyef tale will please call ei 1 It Kyan, Ne.M Kaat Urange t'.leet.erF. B. UHTentaugh. Ke.iiA seat cb slnut street. sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. m.. en said days, when conditions will be made known by the undersigned. FttAKK B. UirFKNIIAIIUH, Kxecutera of Peter Uiffeebangb, dscsaaed. K. r. stews, Auctioneer, seai 5td y , u,v.ii r..