w. Vyl" .- .tv i r 4' ' v'i i LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, WEDNESDAY. MARCH 13, 1860. Ui T- f? ItitelltffMCtr, sssassBwsss-i , NABOB. IS, WW. ft FwHMtfea PMce. 9,'WBlehBMbM a law bmhI her ittut books, ilhtklMMl tMaufMtere of liquor, Lm decided net te sank & MffulAilan lale bet Tlte iWibttkm sdveMtei i ItwM pat there It would be L Thejr fasBd that the law was but conceived tbatl tee i would net. be. Upen 1 they trees, this expectation, rlMttrkaawtfacflaKlrea. Trebibly reJM that, with prohibition ttttd t Ik tacdaaeatal law, the LegU- i ad the police could be bandied ta the work et prohibition. I pillli at Yemeni failed te be per- : M Tetei de wb the aaendtneni. Wietrpeet that the people of rennsyU i will be kubed Inte a state of mucti terertbe Jane election upon qaestkm whether tha manufacture IMiealeet Intoxicating beverages shall liMwtbaed here, where the situation is Het from that in New Hampshire ;i. Ike 'fret that liquor is new lawfully til' Meier a high license by persons of I character, authorized by the courts; i in New Hampshire anybody may MM without license who desires te violate the law. f -The Pennsylvania practice hardly nt eds iieDe praisea, as mucn ine Dest practice, te the Intelligence cf unprejudiced mind?. We de net think that the advocate of t4ftOBtbltlea can bs credited with both Irtellitence and Impartiality. We bold .jtbe'docrrl&etebe wrong in theory and Ineffective in practice. viewing its ; practical failure wherever it lias been ,Stail U la vara .tinlnnH. in unrWctnnil 1.-. , .. ,., -....wU.. , -- -- Bewany intelligent advocate or preuiui- L i tn ati fatfnr If mrtti sttfinaMnl Itf lintV tin &..-" -"'" -"-.r"""'..7.." : .saiui tirina rnt inn irdTivA aimninitmn nr I&vtkt. qm of intoxicating b9 vera ires from a W!T Sam ll.t nnln .tt. I lift a flint.. i. .mifdl a"jmh nuwu uuj yiuuiuibe fcucu unuuinu I and sale I a the state and leaves tue 'ai gatea down for their importation Inte it. i4. If a fanatic could see, the fervid rre If'klbUlenist could net fail temte howtbe f Republican governors et this state bave ftf. Bland with his weakness and hew thev jtavB thrown him a atone when he has Mktd for bread. The Republican Legls Legls ktere and governor, professing their RV5. ftlsaatllllv nr Initlfrnreni'A tn TrnlillilH.in. !'-?''' Wax lAliallt nl.anta lt.n T.,. 1 1, 1 1 1 n.. f;5f,Tete by ordering a separate election, for lW SH afjtlal amtarf alnmanf nf tha "lrrt- wi Ublttenlsts, wherein they may ask the rJ- siannlri nf ttin ntntn whaMmr flmw ara In CtTOr Of nrehlbltlnff Ihn mnnufnntnrn nnd S stile of Intoxicating beverages In tLe late nfeSw, . - ..... . . K:"S" u ine neonie rav ves. then it Is still in tthf power of the Bepubllcan state gev kfllllUttr rA ntf ntiAtriAe tlin l.ttta Almlt te 'enacted te carry out the constitution; and te flw them further play, they have de. i-viweraieiy ceninvea mat tne cenbUtu- RMlUml i1a-l(An atmll tia aMt nnnn n J.n r WW.. V.WW.WU WMHI. uu uv.u U'VJU t J ?A'Bnm Vrhlch lha fnnt1tnllnti aeam tn T " w-w .... .... vvi. w ''. hum it uni.wrul tn linld it : as mat tun ltOectienmay bosetaside by the supreme casta of the Legislature because of their a" wiiwii.miiuminfcw ;v jit Is se evident that the ltepubllcnn .3if-Men or me state are playing wtin txiin .iFttefiroblbitien and thellnuer Interest, as p'tj Bake ihelr pretence patent te the Seonstltutlenal prohibitory amendment. Jr-f which is one only in eeemlng, te be voted uuu u ujr ui uuuutiui ifjjuui, nun that'enly can have vitality through their mwciiuDUk uuuuu. jlub uueii iiiuiruauu jV.vpen the strings all the time, uud pect te have both liquor dealers and SPfttllf it Haw lata .Inn A, till... .... tl.nn y vuvinuauwuiukU IUU101UU3 U lUL'J OCt. iit the prohibitory amendment is passed. IS? they will have provided a cellar for the ;s- muer monkey and expect it te dance as taey puu the string; and they have pre. lUted likewise a bone te held before the f "Prohibition dot", lliat he mav amusa lilin. elfin jumping for till he Is tired; but iaailher monkey or deg will get anything ara exercise and worry while the nlav en, and the directors rake In the atcmey. U a. rasume cr Legislators. m The interesting debate in the Illinois lAgialatere ever resolutions denouncing m egiun political party, might be read aUtd theufftit tinnn with nrndf lie Ihn Ien. fe..i. r. .:."". "r.".-r v" "" -i imj.cn ui evuer siatei. it lias Decema ult an ordinary thloget late for en. jb thBSiastic Irlsh-Amexicans, or politicians who wish te secure their geed will, te i-Viatreduca resolutions of this kind, and gjS; tfcey de net often meet with serious oppe. fcVaiUfia LecausA thn vmnitlilea nf mnil -7-7. r .77. :. ----.-. l-f-wyra ui luioceumry are yum ine Heme Rule party, and the average member of ttM Iieglslatvra thinks that the resel u tiens I taaSmta Lhn Itih. lIlaillAQOn tlie Ilrltlel. lAaariatneraev ami ilnn't Hn nnu Imrm t., t'ivarage member don't knew anl don't i te knew whether statements et the rf"aav1tiHnna nra trna an.l l.n ln ,...t .t ttiflirwmn 'w ...u unci auu UD u IJUIM3 BHIU- Bte u give uis irlsn-Amerlcan friends a IWe rope, and te let them shout "Erin 2-p- UUUIU, D y.uuuus UlljU 1 " XUe amage memner, however, would preb. tiwmj we greatiy sneexcu una aueered te '; learn that the Uritfc.li l'ailluinent. or thn f'liw-makera of Canada or Australia ld 'weitaken te formally deneunca the of an American political party. te declare sympa'hy with its ents. We were very properly raant ever the British ymiuthy i 'With the tieutb during the war. There ?fc.,just new quite a bretzj et mild leilignatlen against a German paper that i ventured the absurd onienton thit Oitaaniln An.erlciara hated because their Industry. Resolutions of svm. "f ithy are apparmtly harmle3, tiut they nr preauce a creas deal of bid failing l-'jwliw aimed at a foreign ceun'ry nnd waeauii uauers wiut which the people ten them are net at all familiar. lO ar Uw-mikers had better stick clew te rewn work and let foreign countries , aim themselves. Tereenally they an ,at liberty te sympathlzsksvlth 1'arntll uud MNafctefte, but the LtglsUture of mi .n state csually has weik ebeuah laeaw te claim every cejtly mimi'e of It legal Arrests. ( : arlvate dttectlve from New Yerk, cay, met r luguive named a, tvt "UV1U te HH JlJa.ll!L', i tU all eels of l'niladelphia. lie did a wurrant for his arreit, and (.Ui take him without one. retltUd and ran away, Palltdslphla policeman joint d H4 chS'c, npn being ibeirij by tat deteeUve a telegram dlrecU big htm te get the aaan.and the police pelice mn finally caught rnillpsen and knocked him down with his billy. The magistrate before whom he was taken disregarded the unlawful arrest and held htm te await a requisition from the governor of New Yerk, a warrant for the arrest having been ebtnlned after it had been nude. This shows the badly demoralized con dition of the legal knowledge of the Philadelphia police force. Hut a short while age one et the Philadelphia judges, we believe Judge Allisen, took occasion te state elaborately the law et arrest, upon the appearance before htm et a case in which a warrant had been deemed unnec essary ; he Informed the police force that a warrant could never be dispensed with, unless the unlawful act wai done lu the presence et the arresting eillcer. This law Is as old as the law Itself; but is persistently de fled by the constabulary. In this case of l'hlhdelphli there wtB no reason nt all why the efllser who was looking ferPhll'pien should net have pro vided htmselt with a warrant ; and tbere can be no question that if Philip Jen had killed him te get away from htm he would have been Juatilkd ln se doing , unfortunately for him he only ran, and was caught. The magistrate should cer tainly have discharged him; but he could have taken little by that motion, since he could have been promptly re-arrested en the warrant that had then been obtained. If Phllipsen had been an Innocent man, everyone would see that a great outrage had been perpetrated upon him. As be happsned te be guilty there Is no chance of sympathy for him personally. Still the offense of the efllcers et the law ngalust it Is just as serious as though they hnd dene harm te the Innocent. It Is net for the efllcers of the law te raise their hands against It at any time that they deem it expedient; and it will be well when a few Philadelphia policemen are persuaded et this by the discipline of the courts. Wiikn nunilloethor. are lutoreatod In what tbey leayu. Tbey are Intercited In wtiat tbey take, I'lgett took his life and left tits lorgerlos both bad, Krlcsaen took his record et talents and time well uied and left Ills lnventtnrn. Williamson took the record et a llfe parsed in the accumula tion of niMiuy, and ielt that money .ter dl dl trlbutlen. itev. Kudei.imi U. Uatki, et Uutler county, hat very Interesting law ault la the common pleai cenrt of Philadelphia. Belnaured hlmtcKwIth the Philadelphia Mutual Accident Kellef Micolatlen and under the terms nt bla policy the aaaoelatlon wm te pay him (23 a week ln cate of acci dent The parten was chopping weed ene day at his weed plle when he let tbe axq slip uRaltiBthii kuce In ueh a manner that he wasoentlnod tehUbed ler four week p. He demanded f 100 In accordance with tbe terms of his rol!ej, but was rotuaed en the ground that chopping weed was net a part of his dnty ah a clprgymar, atd te could only elalm relief for Injur lea that might befall him tn tbe line et clerical work. He baa rotnlned c-ouuell and brought suit, and we wlab him aucceaa as the principle et the company', relueal is capable of alarming cxtenMc n. The locretary of the association aaya that If tbe clergyman lnanred as a clergyman, he had no right te cbep weed, tend te his hers9, or perferin any of the de- meatle duties suppoied te fall te the let of the oeuutry paraeu. Mew It bu lcaured odller should tool, dentally stab himself will) his shears would this BMocistlen retnae him com pensation en the ground that his pioper weiea was the jen, and has ue night le use theabcara7 '1'hla toore teore toere try, by the wr.y, ene J. W. Ceeley, aaya that the llfe of the country parien la net ae quint nnd devoid of danfter as Is generally suppaccrt. Tlie cruntry preacher and the country doctor are considered bad risks aid many accident inauraoce companies cither rotuae te Inaure theiu or rnte them very low. The roverend gentleman who cuthlsktiee In tuppewd te have becn lu wired by an 00ut who was niiw te the bualiieta. Hi:nateu tJu uiim an aaya that the peeple et the United Htvten and Canada wilt grad ually melt Inte ene government Netwltb Btaudlng tha mlldnesi of the wlnter we ohservo that Canada appears te be a pretty well frrzjn country and all the political and phalcal melting, an3ara te be en our si Je et the line. Tim inyaloneua murdtr of Drugget Wauhsung In Hew Yerk and the stubborn refusal et the enand boy In the store te c:niiMeny knowledge of the orlme have excited a great deal et speculation and the boy Kruliacli has oemo in for a large share et ausplclcua orltlelim. Judge Lyneh wculd have hung htm long age simply bcoauae he Hed perMatently and rcekleaaly when hla niestlouera picased htm. The det6etlvcM admit that Ihey did net dream of Ills oenncatlnn with the orlme until thfy eanght him lying and ever unce tbey have been atlmulatlug hi! ability in that line with great Industry and no apparent result Krullaeh continues te Ue auU nlte an stolidly rofuiea te Le trapped lu any a J (illusion et a knowledge et the crime. Iuapoeter Byrnes thought that be could make the boy talk, but even ha wni bitll 'd and like the ethera lnalated tint KrulUub kuowaeraethlng of the crime. All tbii Huaplelpn wm helped along auuz lngly by a llttlu hatchet which was found en tha hocne of the murder utalned with bleed and which n batdware man said the bay had bought from him en tbe day et the crlme. Tne whole cue aeemea plain ai a pike autt. The boy had bought the hstchet, murdered the diujgl't and reaelved te stay where he was uud lie. He wai a par ticularly atnlid aud atupld boy, otberwlae he might bave been ae.red into sajlng aeniBthlug criminating or something that would help along ibeau.plclousef his cjues cjues tlenera. Tne ease does net seem te be very premlslng.aa the boy will probably continue te refone te aay anything calculated te have hlmiett hung, acd the polies den't atom te be able te de anything but atk him tn various reunjabsut ways te talk his Ufa away. They call tbe lad dull, stupid, stolid, but the couiae et the New Yeik police seems anything but brilliant KOll ILLINOIS OK lKkX&NP, l.liely liluaieuut Maaolutleta Ucuuuuc lug tb Tery ee Icy. A lively dleouaslen was prtelpllated In the Illinois Ueuie of KeprtBtcuilvea en en Monday evening. KepreBantattve Jonei introduced three wbereasca and retelvcs denouncing the Tery pollev of Ireland and declaring sympathy with Uladslene, Par neli and the lian people, and moved tbelr adepiicu. "I would like te Inquire," aald Mr. Bparka, "Whether we are bere fur the rmr rmr peae et l-gisiailnp for the state of Illinois rr ler KnRlscd f iughter, or the lrlU prenletn liolnneT" I Btrlkw ine," aald Mr. Mirlle, "that i "Imply dcolaratlen of war against fcegland. tLaugbterj J think from IIiIhMuk te I ha readlne. ii i .. ... '12, b,Mtlitr!:,,Ul,lc,,t P"Kd a.w aided by 'Yea, that Is what It says,'1 retorted Mr. fcheuted Mr. viiMvaj, 'And If. tte truth, tee," Carmedv. "Well, that la a pretty serious charge te make agilast our nolgbberV lOB.s'.ed Mr. Martin. "1 move the resolution be referred le tbe committee en foreign rela- Ji don't," shouted Mr. OToele. "I te aV the aaotlesi ca she table," Mr. Martin attatnpMd te withdraw lite notion, bat Mr. Miliar objects. When, later, he fatted te Insist upon hie ordsetien, Mr. Kretsleger renewed tbe motion te reftr. "I want te say that 1 prepared these rese. IuiIebs la geed fallb," aald Mr. Jonas. "There Is nothing In them tbat ought net te meet the Indersement of tbe Ifeeme, There is nothing In them tbat will bring tbe state of Illinois Inte war with England, as some gentlemen aeem te fear. Laughter. There Is nothing In tbece resolutions that " It there Is nothing In the reeo'.uttens," Interrupted Mr. Kretcinger, "why should tbayoeonpy tbe attsntten of the Heuse?" I asy there Is nothing In them tbat any body here engbt te object te," asld Air. Jenes. "I atn opprera te thelr reierene J te a commute." Mr. Brown Jeered at the Rspobllesns for peaking a weelly of the Irish en the stump. "New, tbat the election la past," he aald, "tbe people who ate In power, will retuaa te give tbe Irishman any till co, ae 1 hope they will at least consent te letting this Heuse pass these resolutions." Appisuse. Mr. Jenes finally eoewpled tbe motion te refer, and, by unanimous consent, they were se aispeara or. .ts B. Mumhr. M. . U Company's Sheps, N, C. writes. "l tell aareu ami or nr. unira Rengh syt u r, for every one w ba trio i It. likes it " " There are mere tblnga In heaven andrartb, Tloratle, than aredrcatt et In yoarphtliwe- Fihy." Olcoarael Wbyihose elddnrft-rj suf red horribly with arbrs and palnai and anniana eaian'i Kaeir tui eaivaiienuu Douldcardlhein. UUOD'H HAKSAl'AKIliliA. THE PLAIN TRUTH la that lioed'a Baraaparllla '.has cured thou sands et TMiopIe who anffered aeverely with rhenmattim. It neutralises tholaetloacidlu tha bleed, which catiiei tleji terrible pain and aches, and also Tltolltes and ourlcbei tbe bleed, thus pre ventlnR tbe rocurrerce et tbe disease. These facts warrant tu In urnlnij you, If yen suITer with rheumalnin, te give Heed's Earsapartlla a trial, "for 21 years 1 have suffered wlthiflatlc Bheumtlam. Lest November 1 was taken wone than ever, and wai unable te goleutof the home. I waa a1rnet UXT.fLKSB FOtt 40 HAYS suffering great agony. In Dccetnber 1 coin cein coin meneed taking Heed's Barsaparllla. Alter the second bottle 1 was able tn be out and around and attend te l)ii jlness. 1 took five bottles, and am new se free from rheumatlsm that only occjutenally 1 feel It allK&tly en asud den change of weathjr. 1 have ureut conn cenn conn duneeln Uoel's Barsipirllln. Cuavliu Uar. kaii, tJhrlstle, ejlorke Ce., W Is lNriiAUUATOItY UtIKUUATlSK "Uavlngbeen troubled with linllamniatery meutrntUm for many years, my faverable attontlen waa called te Heed's earsapartlla by anadvertlsomcntef cures It had elXected. I have new used thrce bettles of Heed's Sana. pailll and can already teittty tobenclltlnl rttsulls. 1 blgbly recommend It as a bleed pu. rlfler." J. e. atbrs, west lllromneic, N, Y. Heed's Sareapai ilia Beld by all druggists. II I six forts, t'repircd only by C. 1. .HOOD CO, Lewell, Has a. 100 DO300 One Dellar. A VKK'H HAltaAl'AKU.I.A. REASONS WHY AYKH'dSAUSAl'AUlM.AlSI'Ur.riStt. AIII.K TU ANY OT1IKII FOIl THK UUUK Or JII.OOU DISEASES. Uociuie no polaenoiu or del tcrloiulngro tcrleiulngro tcrloiulngre dlonts enter Inte tbu compealtlon of Aytr's Kartaparllla. Ayer's Sargaparlllt contains only the pur ett and most effective remedial properties. Ayer's Barssinrllta U prepared with ex. trcme care, skill, and cleanliness. Ayer's Barsaparllla Is prescribed by lending physicians. Ayer's Bartapaillla Is for sale overy where, and rccominended by all flrst-clens drugglits. Ayer's Barsaparllla Is a tnodlclne, and net a boverago In dlagulse. Ayer's Bariaparllln never falls te effect a cure, when persistently nsed, according te directions. Ayer's Barsaparllla Is a highly concenlra cencenlra concenlra tedoxtnet, and thnroferotbo must economi cal Weed Mndlclne In the world. Ayer's Barsaparllla has had a flucccssliil ciircer of nearly halt a century, and was uover se popular as at present. Thousands et testimonials me ou me from Uiesu bjneflted by tbe tue of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. msrABSDBr Dr. J. O. Ay or b Ce., Lewoll, Maeir, Beld bv Dnigclst). X'Uce, Hi tti bottles, K. miiliteU ipKKTHINU HY1UH TO MOTHERS. Kverv babe should have bottle nl UK. Jl. l'ertdetlv FAIlUNKY'd TKKTUINU HYlltJl' sure Ne opium or Merphia mixtures, will mllove Unite, urlptna; In tne UewuIh and l'rtv uiote IMlllemt leethlnif l'reiiund by l)KS. 1. KA1IUNKY ABOM.llllKor.teHn.lld. Utug gtstssell It 1 1 cents. Trial bottle lenl by matl 10 cents. Jan4-lydeedw aeuri.nxwif fewdkk. QllMPI.KXlON I'OWDKIt, LADIES wiu vm.uk a uxriNKU com-i.tiieN MUST U3K POZZONTS MKU10ATUU COMPLEXION POWDER. It luiparu a brtlllant trausiarency te the skla. ttomeTcs all pluiples, truckles und QU QU QU oeloratlono, nnd uiaLint the sklu dallcatelv yen and beauUlul. Itcentatns nellme, whlul lead orerannlo. In thruu ahades, ptr.k or Bwh! whltu und brunotte. reu SA.1.B i:r AH OmsHlata and Fauey Ote.'n Daalore flvorywhero. aer45Tlvn:WAl1 r "'NATION B.-M TOHAVUO. " A 1'lNKl'IEOKOP CHEWING TOBACCO IS INDSEl) A I.UMJm . FINZER'S Old Honesty. Come. as near balcg-anne pleiecl 1'i.uu fOUACCO ai It U poj.lDle te inate It, ar.d 1 known as a STANDARD BRAND AMO.NU DKAI.KU3. Wciiru.uretbuONK TltUl. win u.nvlute Yeu of its Sttrlis. wt-oetIcritorfdilumaionujtlipiDf 1m Jno. Finzer 8c Bre.'s, pUISVILLi-, KY. 1131014 WAlTAMAMMJtt. ar -- AK,mjtf. a ran-AMavrau, Weaaar, Mscs Uk Mas. A series of events, present and te come, are planned for this month. Yeu should carefully note them. March 12th, yesterday. Stere Anniversary. A great exhibi tion of Dress Gbeds. Having gathered the largest varieties In the world, we are showing them freely. It is a great exhibition. March 19th, Tuesday. The first view ei Ladies' and Misses' Wraps and Dresses, also In fants' Garments. March 2 6th, Tuesday, te the 28th, Thursday. The first view of Spring Millinery. France and America will contribute their best te this display. Net a bit tee early te get a peep at the new Ribbons. The fresh styles are all marshaled. A gorgeous array. Mere gay ness and brilliant loom work in them than you've ever seen. It's the Directeirc style of dress that does most of it. Like getting a glimpse of a flower garden in a setting of grain and grass fields te see the Directeire Ribbons. Was brocading ever mere exquisite? On delicately tinted faille grounds you see handfuls of wheat heads, scatterings of leaves, columns of daisies, bunches of grasses, drooping clusters of willow catkins, and flower forms by the dozen. Each one colored as if Nature's brush had laid the pigment. These are among the sea son's richest novelties. Bro cade effects run into many of the ether lines. Then there are Otteman effects Satin Cords rich Failles and a hundred or se sorts that won't be wholly strangers. All of them for dress garniture as well as for millinery. There's a dainty daisy-spriggled pat tern that would make up charm ingly with a plain India. One such ! Maybe fifty. Many of the patterns shown are already scarce in the wholesale market. They'll seen be scarce every where. Manufacturers can't ring a bell and turn out such Ribbons. We are showing nearly three hundred distinct styles of Rib bons. The plain and moire satin edge, y3 te 3 inches, lead in favor for ordinary dress trimming. Picot edge is the popular style for richer effects. Meire and plain gres grain and satin and gres grain, all widths, held their own. But no matter what sort of Ribbon may ba uppermost, we have a place for all the ethers. The ttifling " Daisy " or Ne. 1 h s as much care accordingly as the most imposing Sash. Sashes grew en your liking. They keep pace with the rich Fringes that in three months have jumped se far into favor. Velvet Ribbon is the kind that "gees with everything." Think of Black Picet-cdge, Ne. 9 at 1 5c, Ne. 1 2 at 20c, Ne. 1 6 at 25c ! Half price. Kast Transept. We take occasion every week or se te nudge you with I a thought of our Boek Stere. ui course you knew its here, but de you knew that the turn over of Beeks in it every year is mere than that of any ether Bookstore in America? Such a state of things isn't a happen se. Business doesn't grew that way. There's a reason for such a trade success. Every Boek in the store has its price plainly pencil-marked en a back fly-leaf. The lowest possible price; likely as net half or quarter of what the Boek was published at. Wherever you are, you are in reach of our Boek Stere if you are in reach of the mails. Boek News (50c a year) will show you if your bookseller is treating you fairly. MearTblnecnlb street entrance. Easel Stands, no rim, plain plate-glass, iSc. A counter lead of ether photo holders, all sorts, at just as lively prices. Noithweiter centre A little let of Marseilles Spreads at $2.50 each. They were geed value at $3. Near Women's Wultleg ltoem JOHN WANAMAKER. G elDHN bl'KOlKlU. DRUNKENNESS -OUTUE- Liqueu u a hit l'earriVKLY oereo by AUM1NISTKIUNU lilt. HA INKS' tiOLDKN SI'KCiriO. It can be kiveu lu a cup or ceswi or tea with, out tbe knowledge et thn person taklnir It : la absolutely bannlnw.and will effect a perma nent and apedy cum. whether the patient U a 11104611110 drtnkxr or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of drnnlunla bave been made Unopraie men viba Li.vb taken Gelden fine. cUL0.,n. Uuiu ,fea'' without thelr knowledge, and tOHlaybltui e trvjv quit drlnklnir of thulr own true will. IT NKVfeu FAILS. Trhe sys tem once lrr.prejtnntl iuj the bpeetflc, It be comes an utter luipetslMtlty ler the liquor appetite temtaU Fcrsaleby -"' CIIAB. A. LOCHKU, DrugUt, ..miSM.wS "" "" '" pAlKK'S OJCLEstY OOMPOUWD. A Perfect sboell be leiid, prompt, and pltatant, srttfc no griping or Tmrgatlfe sftfect. It skeuM also tacit e lbs llrsr te atllea, alt sUgMUen. and rtllere tbe kidneys. Mka nothing Sis, Pilaa's Celery Compound It a psrfeetlaxa Ut, anfl cons constipation wkera all etkar remedtaaiAil. "AsagenUalaxatlT, ralne's Celery Cem. pound Is surely without a peer. I thlak X eubM te knew.ilnce I hara tried remtdf after remedy ter about lire or six years and kare found nothing tli it equals tt la my ease et oos eos oes UTeneta." .1 li.JjNKUi.Testtfeer, CleyeVs Creak, lean. DUMOND DVE) Art the ttmpliit DytUadt. A child can use (Asm DRY UOODB. H AUKK .V UROIUKK. 25,27, 29,31 WeitlDng St., LA.NCASTKK, PA. Black Dress Fabrics -reu SPRING AND SUMMER. CAUKI. HAIR OtttNAUINM-AU Weel, very sheers much mero durable than silk (Irenadtnu. FRINCKTrA-SIlk Warp; lighter weight than Henrietta. WOOL CHALLl-Abent Iba weight Of Ba lls te; different ln anlsh. wool niTiSTK-siigbtty tesTlsr than Nuns Veiling ; mere like Weel De Lalne, , BOBDKllKDNUNBVBILlKQ-HanQSOmMt Vabrle for ilenrnlng Uewns t the "Bape Edge" isusedasastlrege. TAktKSK-Sllk Warp and All-Weel ; mers satisfactory than any ether light-weight ssa ssa tenal ; will net catch the dust. rOULK BKBQIC, ltlPKUIAL BKBQK. CMBbUAlUSKKQK. IIOIIAIU-Ocoef theNereltlei el tbe Sea son. UUAr D' ALUA-All Weel and Silk Warp. VINKTIA ciikPK-Mere durable ler Trimmings than 8Uk Crape. HKNKlKTr A-All Weel and Bilk Warp ; 40 and i S inches. CA;ilUEUK-Ail qualities la Bine and Jet Black. AVTbs abeve weaves comprise alt the Sta ple as well aa the Novelties of the Season. They are nearly all of the Celebrated. FB1KST I.VACO.MANUKACTUUK.and are guaran teed In regara te color and quality. fAOERA BROTHER. White Goods Department We hive KU1ar;el enr White QoeJs 1) jpatt jpatt ment, and new have a Complete Line of All Goods appertaining te Ladles' ana Infanta' Wants. INDIA LINEN, VICTORIA JtiAWM, BWI8SMULL, INDIA MULL, MEU1UM-WEIQHT FRENCH NAIN 7.U0K, aUKKU FRKNOUNAINZOOK, ENGLISH NAINZOOK, 4-4 AND 0-4 PURE LINEN LAWN. ALSO NOVELTIES IN INDIA DIMITY, MULL CORDS, NAINZOOK UHEOKP, NAINZOOK PLAIDS, LAWN PLAIDS, LAWN CHECKS, EMUK01DERED PIQUE WELTS, K1UUKED PIQUK WELTS, HEAV I WELT PIQUE, PINE WELT PIQUE, LONSDALE and BERKLEY CAMBRIC, LONG CLOTH, Laces and Embroideries, Hager & Brether, 25, 27, 29, 31 West Kieg St, LANCASTER, PENN'A. r'''''swssw.wsawsss..J-. OARMAtM. S TANDAUD CARRIAGE WORK. Standard Carriage Werk, EDW, BIXJERLEY, Net. e, a, a. a Market street. Bear of rest- onleo, Lancaster, Fa, Ue net tall te cill and sre my splendid stock of i.atest sty.e hukkIcs, l'rsetens, Family catrlairn-. Ae, which I new havavready (or thebpilng trade. All the latest designs te se se lectlrem. There are no finer vehicles ln the state. Aflnellneef Secend-nsnd Werk en hand. My prtees are the lowest In the state (or n rsv class work, all work guaranteed. UtpsJrlngandrepalntlngpremptiyatUnded te. one set et workmen especially employed iur Utat purpose. JilOruLKS. -D1CYCLES, TRICYCLES, TANDEMS, COLUMBIA Bicycles, Tricycle., Tandemi. UCUABLB, SIMPLE. UUAKANTBKU IUQIIKST QBADE, 1LLUSTUATXU0ATAL0QUB fBBB. POPE MF'G. CO., 79 rUANKLlN BT., BOSTON. UUAWCIl 110DBK3-H Warren BL, Mew Yerk t sal Wahash Ave- cmleace, rer(alebyJOUM8.MrjHB,sta 1 WerU street, Columbia. ss.iraa HA6ER g BROTHER Laxative Fatae's eatery OetnpenBd it prompt and ptaateaw AsaianutwH lasras UUI te be SMstt . sksTMifl swsiHitamrtitMrHs." iLeaar Lsebaisl Auetialt Jiler. JUrMl nt PtAMHnu --- nhin fef two c tkfMmr l esSTarsd Ulsssely trsa7sktwMhMTSM palaa lav ssybowale, rdAwtwkktMllyoeasUMta. MybewtJs aMaewratBlar,anaikraha no rstuniel UMM palas ataee mttac ens bettls ei pAlnc' Celery Compound J-o-tTrat-ec'en.ToSd supruta U. intssuaal'trmet wtUkanh lwrnUTsipDiirti oe. six ter ss ee. Dratfitta. Wblu, SioaASjDSea co , BarllBiten, VU 1111X4 -M?'"? uPn TxxctaUdroed an Healthy """ J Happy and litany. Jt is unt guaisd. MOOTt AND BBOB8. nOOTS AND SHOES. D. P. Stackhouse, 28 and 30 East Kins St. 1 taka pletture In calling yenr attention te my line or SHOES ThatlamreeainngdaiiyfertheSpringTrade, ansl all are made (or these who require great durability ana for elegance or style, fit and workmanship cannot be excelled. PrlOM Lewe Than th Lewettt. Call and examine ray large stock and we will be pleated te try asd suit yen . D. P. STACKHOUSE, aa a. ae masr kine, bt LABCABTBK. FA. aSO-lydA -ROOTS AND BHOKS. TBI 14 OASIS OR 585 PAIRS or- Ladles' & Children's Shoes en which yen ein tars tts, pair, and which we have beer ft0e.nrSl.C0iMr leh we have been adrertlslng (Or the past mouth, are selling very fast. Se Don't Blame Us IF YOU QET LEFT, BY MOT BimNQ or THIS LOT BSreUE TUKY ABB ALL BOLD. m Byery pair Is worth the price they were made te sell for. but remember we are telling" them At AMD 11BLOW WUOLBBALB fKlliKS. lie 0.e-l?klce CnA HeaM, Thi Utim of Lew Prices -IB BOOTS & SHOES Ne. S East King Street, LAKOASTKB.FA. SBTBtere Closed Byery Evening- at 8 O'clock Bxeept Monday and Saturday. jmr qoedb. T HE FKOPLE'H CAHH HTORE. Opening Te-day ANOTHEB 1NV01CK OV French Satines! In uni variety of colors and designs which Is unsurpassed If equalled by any beuse lu tbe city. AMERICAN SATINES Which rival tbe French soeda ln stvlesnd colorings, wei adelphla at ISc, coloring. We sell them at lvH. bold In l'hll. BOUKCUOICE T11INQ3IK Scotch Zephyrs I At 2CC, 210, SIC te tie. SPECIAL BARGAJNS -1N- LAU1KS' BLACK AMD COLOKKO Silk Taffeta Gloves At n cents per pair. Almest as geed as these sela last season at w cents. Gee. F. Eathven, NO. 95 BAET KIKO BTRBBT, LAWCASTKE. P A. , marte-lvdAw STARE, AQENT& CO., VlKCrACTUBllS or NEATSFOOT OIL, Alse dealer la Hides. Tallew, Benes and Orcaae. The highest eaah price paid ler Hides. Alse manufacturers et Fura Bene ileal ler chicken (ted and fertilizers. TMuatemiau lurnisasa u newiesary. xeie IllllSBS IMSlliaSIIUH. LOCSt MUX 77. Laasastr,ra. A Remmder ! FREY ECKERT CLUtBIlW. rTOCLOTHlNa BUYERS. Merchant Tailorieg DEPARTMENT, Interesting te Gentlemen arMaBtu.8.pt,D Ua,laeu "h V- iwSWa'ffliSaS SSJ.fSSS'prlee.? me te -SS."-J! 200! "s te order at llire. a!! tEl.",UtB '? nrJer atsl80(nce,wn(i. WB?0t.i lmpor,ea W"ta suits at Trousers te Order. 4!! Weel Oaaalnierea at HSO, W W le an 8 oe. IWSJeS, Weruds at n I8 00,(?7!wlw .i52t6 :oea re worth rally double Us money. price T,lB hM nev6r been lealea at Us Loek at enr windows te-day. L. GANSMAN & BRO., Tailors and Manufacturer of Kins Clothing', CO and C3 MOUTQ QUKIN HTEKKT, 8. W. COB. Or OBAKQK, T.AKCABTKR, PA. H IR8H & BROTHEK. TUAT .UK L-DIKS Ol LANUASTKR AP 1'llSCIATK HANDSOME MADE Children's Clothing! la shown every day In ear NUtlSinUSBALKS ei i upkinu suns for the liitlk enssh. The varled atsertment and excellent quali ties are a few of our Inducements. INOUK . Mertliant Tailoring Department We are and have bean showing the largest and Buest aieertment ever seen In Lancaster. It basetrtcUd a wenderrul iLcreaie In enr Made-te-Order Werk, And bids falrtocentlnuolrcm new en. THAT $li WIDE-WALE C01T AND VEST, MADKTOYOUU OBDIlt, Is one or tbe notab'.e features et this Ueput ment. Iu rUBNlSHINU i we are up te tbe mark In every kind et Men's Wear. WflaTe closing out our stock el TBCNBS and VAMSKtsat prices below cost, uallenly and Becure a Uargalu. fllRSH ilROTflER, ONE-PBIOB Olethiers and Furnkher?, OORNBR OF H. QUHHN Ss OHNTRH SQUARE, LANCASTKB.i'A. ..SWUAW FOB PIlICKS-rirst-CHss Hldej Alusk Bats, 2'.c nnd 3c each. Bkuulr, II 10. MT EKS A KAT1XKON, It's N FOR US -TO- SELL CLOTHING -AT A REDUCTION. Yet wo're doing J ust that very thlnir. We're giving you ler lie what originally sold ler IU, rer lit what originally sild for lie, aud at tit what originally sold for 111, and se en through the whole line of iTeslrable its and Overcoats I This Is a reduction that U laLlng our preflts andglvlngyeu Handsome. Btylleh Clothing utVKBY MODK8T PB1CKS, Avail yeurielf of the opportunity, Just as many ethers have, and we'll have yenr trade right along. Myers & Rath ten, BKI.1AB1.K CLOIH1HU8, NO. 12 BAST KING ST., l.tKntSTCR V J TATS, AC, fV SPEOlALTTNTJiui.ai- xj iuu. PRICES THAT TELL ! A Genuine T nr Btlir lla 1 :b. A Grade Better, l sa A Very rine One, 12. A Saxony Weel 8 tin Hat, GOa te 11. A Bazeny Weel Seft Uat, Vc te 6c. Men's Genulne Fur Belt Uats, All Hhspc and Celers, 75e. Men's Bilk Uats from 12 SO up. Men's Caps from We te $1. Gent's jrur cellars, We te li Gent's r ur Caps, tee te 73c. Ladles' Muffs, 60c, up. Vine Japan Welt Benes (Large Sire), 12 43. Benes -All Grades and All 1'ilces. Trunks and Traveling Bags At Big Bargains. Carload Just llecclved. a Mloe Trunk, 1123. A Zinc. Covered Trunk, 1. Traveling Bags lrem 50c up. aarlilghest .Cash Prices for Saw furs. Mnskrats, sic. W.D.Stauffer&Ce,, Nea. 81 & 33 Uertb Qnoen Street l.ANnAHTKR.PA. -tar A riant.iv, i-r-niinx. TV particular attention given te filling said preserving the natural tAeth. 1 have ail tha latest Improvements ler doing nice work at a very reasonable cost. Jlavlngyearselex petlaoee la the large cities lam sure te give Uka best et aauameuen and save yen money sjsjt antawaai aswta wip.wiw ask gSUTflrl S.SSHOBTslQV JUMBiT, et Profitable M,. .,