",- THE LANCASTEK DAILY INTET.LIQEWrRK .TUESDAY -xJ-t'V K MMtBAW. Outward, and, erer away ; B n trr. geed, it 1, nor tttlay t Trembling, unpalss. It the tray. ream fl 'eked, at waves eat tl ma, Mnewy, pu'ttng, and free Keinurd-theday watte ferme! That te hi hone, at It flw, Daring, and tteaiy, and tr.e -Wlacbesttr saved ler Ihsb.ue t V Merely a hush In the night. Simply a fading of light i Ana a warrior gene from enr eight. Fettly, una lightly, and low, Blew je again, bugle blew, for the lelfllcr atleep with the fee I "" DDUIMUeORN. Department of Agilealtnr statistics m te Distribution. The statistical repDrt of the department et agrleultnre ler March rclaKa te the dlatrt - ballen of wheat and corn. The ameattt of corn reported etlll no band la 39 6 per cent. The ampins amounts te 787,000,000 bushels, nf wbluh the eovea corn surplus atalaa bara 499,000,000 basuule. TJie proportion of merchantable urenr! 82 per cent, wbleb la lem than tn 1884, SS0 or 1887. The itw age piloe le 1m tnaa In December, whea It km 31 coma per baehel for the United Btatea and 27 for the aiatea producing com mercUlenppllea Trin March average for inerenantADie corn ie ; i v eeuia per Duanei, for un merchantable S3 8 centa per buebeL The general averaga et the eaves states, Osle, Indiana, llitnni, Iowa, Missouri, Kanasi and Nebraska, la 25 0 eeata per bushel. The proportion of the wheat crop en band en March 1 ia leea than In any Tear alnce 1BS0, except In 1832 and tn 18S7 (thoegh nearly the mho In the latter year). The actual qnanllty en hand la leaa than la any reeaut year, except 1682 and 1880. It ia eitlmattid at about 112 000,000 measured btianeir. The lowest elate percentage are In the principal wheat-growing atatea, aa follew: Ohie, 27: Mlehtgan, 23; Indiana, 21; Illinois, 25; Wliconile, 2S; Minnesota, 20; Iowa, 32; Mlaaenrl, 27; Kansas, 21; Nebraska, 31, and Dakota, 21. In these elates the qnanllty en hand la leaa than In MareU last ey about 21 000,000 buahela, " Hut eh I what damned mlnntes t Ha he ecr" who antren, but waits; who wiltbea, yet me vis ; before he makes up hit mind te una out for Just twenty live cunts worth of ratvatteiOll taHralncurj. aheysay the average politician U getting hearse talklnir about tariff andnetariif: bni he cnrei hit cold every Light with nr. hull's co iRh syrup. nnd begins afresh nextrnezn. tag with U.e lark. Swept by tie Tide el repalarity -Te the topmost pinnacle et auecess, Hestst tcrs Stomach Bitters standi a shining proof of what genuine merit, backed by the living force of proven tact, can attain. The North and Seuth American continents, Europe Australia, the West Indies, Guatemala and Mexico have nil contributed wide patronage and testimony et the meat favorable kind but unsolicited te swell the reputation of this sterling remedy. Among the maladies for which the meat convincing public and Iirofesslenal testimony proves that It Is a icnlgn curative, are chills and fever, bilious . remittent, dumb ague and ague cake, dya pepaia, liver complaint, nervousness, debility, kidney and bladder complaints. It mitigates tbe infirmities of age, hastens convalescence, has a tendency te prevent HI ceuaequences from expeaure and exhaustion. Persona of sedentary habita and laborious LQGcppattgBs will find It an ever useful tonic, Hnpture cure guaranteed by Dr. J. B. Mayer, 831 Arch stroet, Philadelphia. Kase at once no operation or delay from business, attested by thousands of cures after ethers fall, advlce free, eend for circular. marle-lydAw UPHQ1A.L BOriOKBl Will It Kully Care KUsumatUm, Wh answer, honor brlght.lt will euro rheu. mallatn, and th severest casei tee. Dr, Thorn Thern ai' KeUctrlc Oil was capec'ully prepared for t'leib-iuniitlc and lame. Motlce letters from the people rtlulve te Its m rlu In nearly every rapnr In the c iiiutry. V r sale by If. B. Uecamu, druggist, 137 and 131) North Queen street, Lancaster. AN UNrOHTUNATK FKltSON. Tbe meat nnfortunnte person In the world Is en lillllcli'd wlihelck hPudarhe, but they will bp relieved ntonce by using iJr.Loslle's Special inscription. Soe advuruaetnent In another column (4) Eapepay, This Is wbat you ought te have, tnfact, you muat bave It. te fnl'y euley lu Theutands are kearcbtng ter It daily, and mourning became they nndllneL Iheusauds upon thousands of aelliird am apent annually byourpeeplo In the hnue that lliey may attain this been. And yet It ran v be Cad by all. We guarantee thtt Kloctrle ltlttera, II uspiI according te 01 01 rjctiensand the uiu pernlstid In, will bring you (Jeed Uig04tlen and oust the demon Dya ppMn and lnstull Inatead Kupepav. Weree tinmend ulectrle liliurj ler Oyrpenala and alldlaeuea et I.Iver titemarhund Kldnes. Beld utftue and 1100 pnr bottle at U M. Coch ran's Drug Hteie, 137 and 139 Merth Queen st'eet, Lancaster, t'a, (4) Cauaes Aatenlabmant. Completely preitratcd for davs wlthlndl- geuienaid bilious lever. Ibn tnucl9ortwe ettlra of Burdock Bleed lUtlert astonished met alble lmproVHinenta right en." air. Neah liauw, Klmlra, N. Y. for sule by II. 11. Coehran, drugKlst, 137 and 139 North Queen strtet, Lancaster. aietliera aletliers 1 1 Meilttva 1 11 Are yen dUturbed at, night and broken el your reit by a elck child suffering and crying with the oxcruclatleg pain of cutting tee tht It se, go ut once and get a bottle of M US, vyiNALOVV'HOUTHIMUBYUUr. It wlU re lieve the peer little snfferar ImmedUbaly de-p-ind upon It i there la no mistake about It. i lain? is net a mother en earth who baa ere u.ed It, who will net tell yen at once tLat It will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the molber, and rullef and health te the child, ereratlug like magic It la perfectly safe te ne tn all cases and pleasant te the tase, and U ll.e prMcrlptlen of Jno et the eldest and beat fcuinlc physicians and nnr&es In the United Mate, tfeidnvery where, M cents a bottle, rmvUlvnAw Tba Travailing Haieainan Is an lrrelatlble fellow, brim full of stories, Jnaia, conraee, Blf-assnranrnd srlt, Hals very taking withal. Burdock Bleed Bitten area very taking medic! iei they lase every where, aud are roll every where, for sale by 11 U. Cochran, diugglit, 137 and 139 Neilu Quren street, i auctainr. A Scrap of faper,Hvei iter Llle. It wti Just an ordinary gaap of writing J taper, but It saved her lite, the was In the aat Biases of consumption, told by nbvslclans that she waa incurable and could live only a short time i 6 he weighed lets than seventy pennas un a piece ei wrapping paper sne read et Ur. King's New Discovery, and geta sample bottler It helped her, aha bought a la-gM bottle, It helped her mere, bought another and grjw better last, continued ita uaeandUnew attnug, healthy, rosy, plump, weighing 111 rounds. Fer falier particular send gUmp te w. a, Cole, Druggist, rert Smith. 'J rial ilettlfa of this wonderful Dli Dli cevery t ran at II. 11. Cochran's Drug btere, 137 and 139 North Quean a trout, Lancaster, l'a. (4) Detective and I'rlvate oeicer Usually wear their badges of authority con coiled under their clothing, but Dr. Themat' JCclectrta Oil wears 1U badge? In the lerm et p tat .a labels attested te each and every bot bet tx, aj ttat all iny knew Iti mission. It Is glvxn lu.l and complete authority te arrest all aches ana pain?, and does It's duty every time. or sale by 11, It uecbran. drugzlst, 137 and 134 North Uueen street, Lan carter. Tba Ulua wre List, the medlclne we meat like la thu which does lis work quick and well. Burdock Bleed Bitten are the quickest kind of a cure for dys pepsia and liver and kidney affections, rier ale by 11. a. Ccchran, druggltt, 137 and 139 North I) aeen street, Lancaster. Backlan's Arnica Balva, Txa Bast BALvatn theweTld ter Cata,llnihK Beres, Uleers, Halt unwum. rever Boret.'rettbr, ULapped Ileuda, C&llblalnt. Cerns, and all akin eruptions, and positively euros rues, or no pay required.. It u guarantee? te give per fect satlttactlen, or money refunded. Price K cants per box. for sole by 1L 11. Cochran, Druggist, Nes. 187 and ua North Queen street, l,neter. Pa. 1nne37-lya Wbat Three Applicailuns Did, "I war troubled ery much lth sere feet Thre appllcatlnna et 7iurui.' Kelectrle ,Oll entirely cured them. Melting belter tn tbe market" Jacob Duller, Heading, 1'a. rer sue by II. U Ceshran, druggist, 137 aud 138 North Queen street, Lancaster. VABHIAUMt. s TANDAKD CARRIAGE WOKK. Standard Oarriage Werk, KDW. EUQERL,Ey, hes.i0.IJ; 13, 45 Market Street, Hear of Post Pest office, Lancaster, Pa, Ue net fell te cill and if e my splendid stock et Lawn sty e Buggies. I'lHeni, rarnlly Carrla"', Ac , which 1 new have ready ter the spring trade. All tee latest designs te se lect trem. Ihere are no finer vehicles tu the state. A line line nf eccena-IIsnd Werk en hand. My prices are the lowest In the state for flratrUais work. All work guaranteed. Bepalrtngandrepalntlngpremptly'atUcded te. one set et weikmeneapeclaUy employed ter that purpose. QUKM BIKOMATUiM. Rheumatism by exeaee of leeue aeta ta tie MeaCTWa aM attaeksU Bbrent tissues, aarUealarly la tba jetBta,tuiaeaatetkeleeat aaaalfsatatleaa of tke fstaaee, vatna aad aahae ta the back ana BhMietB, Batt.latAa Jatate at the hnets aakiea,taeaawnata, Tkeusanaa of people have feaad la Heodt SaraapartUaapeslUte aa peranaaant eure fbr rbeumatlaa. This aaadielae,by Its part fylag and Tttallaiag action aentralitoetkeaeldltyeftke bleed, and also balMa ap and rtrengthana tM whole body, Heed's 0MMtpavHla 1 was laid up for its months with rheuma tism, aad used many kinds el Medicine with out geed retail till emeef my neighbors told aie te take Heed's sarsaparuia. When I had n,a half a bottle! felt better, aad after tak lag two bottles I think 1 was entirely cured, as I hare net had an attack of rheumatism alnce." Kcaan 1L Dixea, KestvUle, BUUn uiana, w. x, Onrea Rbeumatlam "I had attacks of rheumatism wMch In. cTeaiid la aeyerttyr I took three bettlee et Heed's arsaparttla and I aaa pleased te say the rheumatle pains ceased, my appetite and digestion became batter, and my general health greatly Improved. I am firmly con. Tlaced that Heed's Bartapertlla cured tee, as I have felt no reearreace of this bleed dlt ate." Wm. focek, Geneva, N. Y. Heed's BarsaparlUa Beld by all draggtitt. II j sU for t Prepared only by O. I. HOOD A CO., Lewell, Hate. 100 Deaea Ob Dellar, s tU ; A'YKH'B SAR8APAKILLA. REASONS WUr ATKR'S SABSAPARlLLAiaFKErgg- ABLE TO AMY OTHBB fOK'TUI CUBE Or BLUOD D1SBABK8. Baeante no poisonous or deKterleut Ingre dients enter Inte the composition of Ayer'a 8arsapartlla. Ayer"t BaraapatllU centalna only the pur. est and meat effective remedial properties, Ayer'a Barttpartlla It prepared with ex treme care, tklll.and eleanllnctt. Ayer'a Barttpartlla It prescribed by leading physicians. Ayer's Baraaparllla la for sale everywherf , and recommended by all first class druggists. Aycrs 8ampai111a la a medicine, and net a beverage In dbgu'se Ayer's Paapartl!a netcr falls toeCecta cure, when persistently used, according te directions. Ayer'a faraaparllla is a highly concoulra cencoulra conceulra todextract, and thercf .rethe most economi cal Bleed Medlctce In the world. Ayer'a aarsapartl'a hat had a successlul eareer of nearly ball a cen'.uty, and was uevtr ta popular aa at preint. Thenrandt el testimonials are en die from these beucflted by thu use c t .Ayer's Sarsaparilla. raaraktb by Or. J, (J. A.yer 6s Ue., Uowell, Muae, Beld by Drugglau. I'tlce.Hi six bottles, ft. msrl2UH QOUKNCK'-S MANDKAKK I'lLLS. B0HSN0rl'3 MANDRAKE PILLS reu Bilious and Liver OemplaintB. AUKTUK OI.HKHT FAMILY BrANDABD. A Purely Vegctabln rompeund, wltbent mercury or ether Inlaileus mineral Bateand sure always, rnrsate by all urugglals. Full prlntiddlrentlenB ferualng with each paok paek ge. Dr. fctencx'n new book ou The Lnngs. liver and mimMi sknt rltKK. Address Dr. J.II.bchenck A con, Vhlladelphla. mayl7-lydAw COHKNCK'H MANDHAKK PILLS, UOHiSNOK'S MANDRAKE PILLS FOIt and Liver Bilious OemplaintB AltETUKOl.TIKST FAMILY eTAMDABD. A Purely VegetabloCemponnd, without mer cury or ether Injurious mineral. Bale and sure always, rer sale by all Drngglsts. rnll printed dtrecttena for nstng with tach pck aiie. Dr. Hchenek's new beuk en 'the Lung, Liver and ntnmach 8KNT KBKK Address Dr. J. 11. bebenck A Ben, Philadelphia. mayU lydAw H UMPHRKYH' VETERINARY SPECIFICS. Fer Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs, and fOULTUT. ' W0 Fage Boek en Treatment of Animals and Chart Sentrrce, CUBKS revert, Congestion, Inflammation. A.A. Hplnal Meningitis, stUk rever. B.B strains, Lameness. Bheumallsm. CO. Distemper, Nasal Discharges. D.D. Bete or Urubs, Worms. B.K. Coughs, Heaves. Pneumonia, r.r.-Collcer Gripes. Bellyache. U.U.-Miscarriage, Hemorrhages. II. U. Urinary and Kidney Dlveases. l.L Kruptlve DIscaaet. Mange. J.K. Diseases of Digestion. STABLB OA8B, with Specifics. Manual, Witch Hitel Oil and Medlcaud 7.0C FB1CK, Slmde Bettle (ever te doses) ee Sold by Drugglats ; or Bent Pn-ptld any where and In any quantity en receipt et price. Humphreys' Med. Ce.. lue rulten SU, N. Y. llampBreys' Homeopathic SpwIBc e,28. In use te yean. The only tucoessful remedy for Nervous Debility. Vital W earnest and Prostration from over-wnraer ether causes. II oeper vuU, or 8 vtalt and large v lal powder, Sote bt DauesitTs. or sent postpaid en re ceipt et price UUMPHKKYS' MKDICIKK CO , Ne. 100 rulten Btreet, N. Y. mam-lydawTu.ThaS iyKAh, UNDKVELOPKD PAHTH Of the Human Bedy Knlaigcd, Develnpfd, Strengthened, etc , Is an Interesting ad verdae verdae mentleng run In our paper. In reply te In quiries we will say that there Is no evidence of humbug about ibia. On the contrary, the adyrrttsers are very highly lnaoraea. inter. eated cersens may vet sealed circulars all particulars, bv writing tnlhe KU1K MKUi CAL CO . 5 Swan St., liuffale, N. Y. Teledo Dally Bte. fit lydAw MACUINHKY. 8 TEAM. HTKAM Knglnes, Boilers. Pipe, Valves and Fittings I Asbestos and Bebber Valve aud Hed Packing. Asbestos and Bubber Sheet aud aim Beard Packing, VDLOABE3TON Sheet and Bed Packings. The Pratt A Cady Asbestos Packed Cecksnd Asbestos Bunewa- bie due Glebe aad Angle valves. Steam users can save money by buying their unnllea from ua. Tha Larireat A aaertment. the Ust Goods and the Lewest Prices A full linn of aaafhlne. Can and Snt Hmin. New and second Ilaad Bnglnea and Boilers en uuih aiuiureusea promptly. LIGHT OA8T1NGR Bytpeclalarrangemenuweareable te fur nlsh Light erey lrea CasOnea of Snnerinr ana rrnrsn at low Bava, In Quanti se Brass cattlnga of every descrtp- ties. tlen flood Wcrk, Ueaeenable Charges. Prompt ness. Central Machine Works 1M a 1M NORTH OHRISTIAN ST., LAaeaim, Pa. dM-A-tia OVAL, LUMBER AND COAU TOBACCO S BOOKS WKSTKKN UABD WOODS. Wholesale and ttetair, at a u.hiutiiiiuu, 124 Water street, Lancaster, Pa. rJ-lyd " 1AUMUAlttlNttK'S OOMPAM GOAL DEALERS. Uhbi Ne. ISO North QueenBtruet, and Re, v North rnnca street. YABse: North Prinee street, aeaxceadlag a LAKUAttBla, ra KF B03TOK BTORB. Fer OR BIG BARGAINS TRADE NO. A Few Mere Odd Lets. klKN'8 WIIITK HHIBT8, Unlaundered, tee each; former price, 11(0. tlzei It, letf , 17, 18. MKN'3 II Vl.r atlSHcapalr. HOIK, regular sse quality, WOOI.KN Ounces. iAKN en Balls, 7c a Hall of J. Harry Stamm. New Bosten Stere. CHEAP STORK. OKOOJtKtMl. E VERY FAMILY SHOULD USE OABSABD'S MILD CUBED HAW. The r. Bchumaker Mew Precess rionrpre nennced the best ever placed upon the war- w'e make tppcteJUet of riRB TEAR, and Choice OLD J aV A and MOCHA OerrRKS. The beat tee ColTee In the city. All we ask Is a trial order. eku. W1ANT, .. . M .. Ne. Ill Wet King btrtet, tVUoedt dellvored. AT BUKHK'H. LENTENGOODS! MiCKRBKL-We have the Large rat Bloater Mackerel. CODrisu- We tave the Plnejt White Meat Deep Bea ted B).h BAB1HNAM-WO have Iho rineat Imported sardines. Alte the American In Oil ane Mus tard BMOKKDBALUON-BmokedCtitwer,ueked Bloater Herring. rmtsil SA l& O V In high and flat tin. rtUCMH LOU1 1 KB tn high and ft it tins CLAM Bitet II In jars. Little Meek Clams In cans, Bletter paster. Imported Mvuake.VI IN ALLrtHAPRfi, ylrs FravncttL Mizzant, lench'g.le, Alpha bet. Veru.lcelll. tUtKlKl C1UKSKI nutcbhetd, Pint apple, Saprnge and Lrtum Cbeews. BURSK'S! NO. 17 EAW iU'Q STBKM' I.NCAtlKK, PA. A T KhlST'M. EENTEN GOODS. WK ARE HEADQUARTERS, OHBB8B. KnglUh, wlta, LImburger, Tdam, Baptage Heuiebatel, Kouquefert and Mucnster. BUOSFD FIBH. Smoked Salmen, Halibut, Sturgeon, Uruck llnge. snrctlen, Kels, Yarmouth Blcaters, CIS CIS cetuand saidlnee. OATJNED MBA1B. Deviled Cravs (vtlh ahells), Salmen Steak, I eDatr ea'adi. rreah Salmen, rreah Lebter, Boneless sardines, SmekLd rardlnea In Olli Muatard "ardlnes, rhilmpa and nevlled meats, Bloater Paste in Bettles, Anchovy Paite tn Buttles, Anchovies In OU Bettlid. OODPJBH ANB MAOKBRBLj Thurber'a Drep Sea Ced.rinestln the werld: Thurber's two-pound Hiickr, rinett Plealed Ced, Best Ne. 1 Mackerel, White lib, Ae. JUcT IW. rreahMactrenl,paguettt,Veiinl(elll,01lvei, Caprur, lltuhnxiuii und Klaesl rrcsh Peas, A HIT. OurKxlrj.Ury Beet at 12Xc. a pound. Onr rine Dry Beef at 8c a pound, our Picnic Uamtatilc apeunl. J. FRANK REIST, WUOLE3ALK AMD BET All. UIUKJEB, Northeast Cerner West V!ar and Prlnea Btreeti, 1.ANOABTKU PA avTnlephnnn and Free Delivery. WATVUBH. W7-ATOHES amerTcan I Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Specs, Eye-Ula Etc, at LOWKSrPBlUES, Optical Goods Telegraph Time Dally. Ever Article In this Line carefully BeputreO. LOUIS WEBER, Ne. lK M. Uueen SU. Near P.B. B. Station JEWELER AND OPTIOIAN. GILL. Jeweter and Optician. It your eyia trouble yeu attend te them lm- mediately, ina ue of PBOPKK OLaSbKS restores sights, ulvea comfort and nle.iiur. Lancaster baj long fell the need el a SPE CIAL OPTICIAN. e are new prepared te mrasure your even, flt glaxsea with tbe PBE CI8ION or AN OwULIt-T. having a full and complete outfit el teUlentes rcjuiiedln per fect measurement Satisfaction guaranteed In every Instance. OIABLES S. GILL, Ne. 10 Wiml King Street, I.AJ-CA9TEK.PA, T) -iOO NEED A WATCH ? We can stv you meney en anythtrg you buy, whelter Geld, Silver or Base Metal. Our Bp&clal Hale of t-llver Watubei beats anything ever c He red anywliere. A chance seldom offered for buying a Uoed Watch for se lit' 1 money. Herr, Jeweler, MO. 101 NORTH QUEDM BT., cnBNRBoreitANor. NOTIOK TO TRESPASSERS AND UUNNEB. all persons areherebyfor areherebyfer blilflen totrrapasaen any of the lands of the Cornwall and Speedwell estates In Lebanon or Lancaster counties, whether Inclesed or nnln nnln desed, either tcr the purpngpef sheeting or Ashing, as the law will be rigidly en'erced against all trespasi leg en said lands of the un dersigned aitr this notice WM. COLEMAN PBEEMAN, B.PEBCY ALUk.V, EDW.CrBEEMAjr, Attorneys for K, ff, Celemart't Hairs, 24 CENTRE SQUARE. ,H0 1WZBKS Pearl Buttens ! W htte and BtxekcO, at Sc a Deren. BOLD IN NO LKM gUANTlTY TU1NTWO DO.ENS. Thty ire Werth 10c h lKiei. Wl.l lattihnrtwhlloenly. NO. 24 CENTKE SQUARE. DRY UOOD8. JTEWJ NEW I NEW ! NEW t Big Bargains! All Bilk Battn Rhadamae, 60e a Yrd. Ohangoable Ellka, All Celere, 87 l-2e a Yard, Heavy Black Bllka, All Ellk. 60e a Yard. Blaek Kotrercduoodto76o a Yard. Bttlpe Velvets rodueod te 17e a Yard. Blaek Hern letta Oleth, 7e up te.tS.SO a Yard. Pf oneh 6atoenp, 20e, 26e, S5e ft Yard. Drcea OiDRtaamB, 6 l-?e, 8e, lOe. 12 l-2e, 20e, 23e a Yard. Tabla Lluens, lr l.'Je 16e, 17e,np te $1.00 a Yard, Charles Stamm, 35-37 North Queen St. . (Ol'FOiUTE BOSTON RTWH1TE FOR DAHUA MeEUROY. Bard & Nes. 33 aad 35 Benth (Jaeen Btreet, O ABP W- Before yen buy your Carpets take reurnlar nrlce SSa 1 at Via. rusui.r m Ice SCe i at the best geed, and style, that evr was sold at at sroed. ana ttvles that evr waa sela at 6. Blair Carpet at loe, llo.iOc.Jie and 3ic. Hall nail Sio.S7Ua.40a.SAe. fite Me. Ue.eiUaandCftB. Ksir carpet. IK ya'ds wide, In cotton or wcel stripe. We claim these goods, at tha price, are tha best value everglvt n We have marked our profit small, enabling us te offer the be it goods for the money ever su d. Better te have them go out fast, with a small profit, than tlew salet with large profit Carpet Bag laken In exchange, OIL CLOTH -Table, stair, rioer and shelf OU cloth, the largest assortment and best goods ter the money in the city. FKATHBBS we are Lancaster's Peatber Depot We be'levewetall the majority of the Keaibersteld In Lanenterclty. We have orders from M te no i atone tlrre. It will pay you te call and tee our leathers and get the lowest price en the beatr.athei. ever told. Aay auantltvfmral un. ..-....... k. . ,... ..... . ... IlOOSE-rUBNlSlUNOUOOUSBee Check at sc, 10c, lKkc, 15c, 10, le and 20c. Pillow Pillow wietbs, ai'aMI'ED OOOOS-I'lllew Shams at 20n and niniiunr nuauifl-neat goeas, spring nziures, iuiisieb, oreaaou stand and sideboard Cevers at 29c, Me, !5e and eoe. Aprons, 9)0 escb. BKMNANT4 tVemakeasreclaityefallklnds of Bemnants. Certainly you will net ob ject If you can bify a remnant of goods at a lower prlce than you would pay fur same off the pifce Heavy Olngham Bcmanta, Ske, worth 8c. rine Olugbam Bemnanls, 7c t worth IM. neavy unDieacnea nusun nemnanis, e &XC rine aiuaiin nemunuu aieeanu oe. HuSIKBY rargalns In i-adlcs', Men's and ladles and Children, 2 pain for Me. Bard & McElroy, Nes. S3 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, Opposite Fountain Inn. ON'T WAIT, THE UO FABT. SAVED FROM A FIRE! 500 PAIRS Heavy White llinfyts Large Slza at $1.65 a Pair ; Werth $3 00. METZGER & tfAUGrlMIN'S, Neb. 38 & 40 We&tElng Street, tVOPPOSITE THE JMWMLHT. H. A RHOAUM A HUN, We desire te call attention te our lare variety of STABLE WARE.I HterlltiR Silver Table Ware, comprising the latest patterns of Spoons, Ferks, Knives and Celd and Het Dish Services. BACCARAT GLASSWARE. All the sizes of Glasses and Decanters. Housekeepers will find a cheap Hue for everyday use lu the Standard l'lated Wates. Alse Dining Keem and Kitchen Clocks. Kepalriug 1b all kinds by competent weiktnen, and all work war ranted, H. Za RHOADS & SON, JEWELERS, Ne 4 West King Street. CAMPMT KRUAJNHI -UO SHIRK'S CARPET HALL FOB WILTON, VELVET, BODY BRUS8KLB. T&pestrj, Ingrain, Damask aad Venetian, Rig and Chain Cirpeti, OIL VLOTHB, WINDOW 8UADM8, tV. W r.nve tba Largeat and Bwrt Btoek In tba Otty, H. S. SHIRK & SONS. Cenur Wnl Kiec and WiUr Btmis, Lueutai, Pa. OHKT BAV1S9 STORK. WITH US I Dress Goods I Bright New Catchy "JtutTa" at Lew Prlcer. Dress Goods ! The new things are here, 'Sunny and Smil ing, ' with premise et leeg wtar. Dress Goods I Over which wa wave the banner of ''Weed Heed a and Lew Pilots." OHBar BTOBK. P03TOFF1CE.) STORE. SAMPLES. McElroy, Oppwite FehbUIb Ism. a leek through our Hue. Ingrain Carpet. We SOc. rrvular nrlce 3e r at Ue an ia IIMO have the nrlra t thev are beauties better a the price t they are beauties I better radae at Carpet trem JOc up Kg uarp.t at Ue, sTe, Carnat from 20c ud Kiir uareat at I3e. ST.. Stair Creat In cotton ur wool atrlna. Bar .... .. .. Plain or Dade. ailtvatliUe. Tlcklna- from Ge up) extra quality Case Muslin In bleached audi Case Muslin In bleached and unbleached, la all 2Sa ner nalr. Bnlasher. from 10c un. Wash- Unbleached Muslin Bemnants, &e. Bleached Children's llealtry raat Black Hosiery for i COOPEB MOUSE.1 Laneaattr, Fa, UALi HAHUA1HS! M rumriTvmm. rriDHJtwa corner. Fer Furniture! WIDMYER'S JOTffllTURE STORE. 10U04N'TOOBETrEHt UOOD WOHK I LOrVl'BlOES Ger. Ea&t Kieg and Dele Sts, O .OHBAQIBBP. Ocbs & Gibbs, tUBMlTUB. id, M ana tth Floers, MO. 31 EOUTU UUEEN BT ir TOU'BE LOOKINUrOB rUBNITUBE rOU CM 1)0 BETTEll 11EKE TUAN ANIWHEBEEL3E.I BET1-BB rUBNITUBE IS'MT IliDK AND CUEAPEIl flOWUIBE. mt Call and makntoltctlens new. We store Boeus unni waniea. OCHS a QIBBS, Manntaeturert and Dealers, , $4 and 4th floors, 81 r-eulh Queen Etreel. aprlMye OfHlNU HI) LEU. HEINITSH'S 27 md 29 Senlb Qaeea Street, 1h variety of rUMNlVUlia wearaihew Ing this Spring lias never been eqiisllvd ter Style Finish or Durability. OUB SOLID OtK SUIT for a small prlce is tha Bsst Bargain offered, and la aw ller, BED-BOO t( SUITS, IX) te KM. FABLOB SUITS. 131 te 1X0. OBAIES from 13 ee per half deien upward. XTKRSIOM TABLES from 1-1 npward. OUB I'UIOES all through are LOW, VEIIY LOW, for Geed, Miable Furniture. A VKW BARGAIN BUITS left ever from last Fall, te be closed out cheap. SPECIAL IMUUKS TO IIUTEB9 OF OUTFITS. HelnlUhY Furniture DeDOt. LAN0ASTEU.VA. F UHNITOKK I KUUNlTUKlt I TUEUMOEBIllUnED HAS BEOFENEU HIS STOBE AT TUB OLD STAND, Ue. 88 East Sing Streot, Which waa destroyed by Are tome time age, ana tea a perfectly Mew Stock of all kinds el FURNITURE. FAULOB SUITES, BEOBOOM SUITES, TABLES, OUA1BB, ETC UPHOLSTERING la All Its Branches. Alse ralntlng and Or Or aamentlng old Gnairt . HENRY WOLF, Nt. W Burt Klag Btreet. tea ua rutin km U-2.'1 jattOtlKNAi.K REDUCTION, CMS. E. IaBERBDSH, (Satetuer te M. Hibirbush 4 Soe.) Wholesale Reduction. Te enable ut te ma, room ter our new reeds we are ettering special Bargatnt In FUR R0BK8, FLUHH LAP R0BK8, BLKIUH BELLM, sTUR OLOYKd, In fact, our Entire Winter stock., LiDIEH' POOKKTBOOKH, OARO UAH KB, PUR KB AND BKLTB AT COST. Me trouble te thew enr goods at Chas. E. Haterljuah'B SADDLE, HABNRH, AMU TRUNK STORE, Ne. 90 Oentr Squore, LAMUASTEB. FA. aWBIgn of the Oelflen Hene Heads ta PHOTOUHAl'llH. QDR 1 00 A (.DOZEN Cabinet Photographs Are Mounted en Fine Held Serrated Amert can Mounts. Twe sittlugs Allowed en Al Three OeUar Werk, AT- ROTE'S, NO. 60 1-2 NORTH QUBKH hT. Next Doer tet'ue 1'ostetnce JanTmd CIUBLKVB VKQKTABL.K VKRMI- 'Xa fug Is a safe and ttUtlent remedy ter worms In children. Bubley's Santenlne Vorm Tablets are agreeable te the taste and easy te admlaittar. HUBLET'BDBUOaTOEE. ssWeatEUgitreet. rjumm mtmwr L'ataVjV'01 . pi ArrtaiBeai af fmeagat Tn after, waAT, hey, li, i 3?TyTH m a a a a. OsniwS.V.V.V.'.V.V.lS IM ivaha... . tJl u. laava a-tr, f.b. mssssf.'"" hi p TiunffiZ' 15 I i yar.....,,,,., atv I it8 MB AmW.t aai tagatNsN.isiM.iJi VI -ja.wi: 3WWkVg: en AvTi&VLKmiA2k "', Fer ceiatabia aa Laaeavtat al t a aa. hiai -pm and Me pta. v""",r Wnr fin at an ta m a tatata sjw i FocM..;M,ePviTi:L,, r Fer Lebanon at 11 as us s ta aS. m TBA1N8 LEAVE OnaWTTVIT.T. i ? Fer BeaAragatS'te.aSaH.aaauiwsa "" FoTItJaaeni"lStidUsSa!,," W LIAVE K1MO BTv i &, for Refdlag at T40 a m, lua ta.iUiaMi.tjB.aB, SB,lt.aiMtilyMaiU : Ma at, M Ml Fer gnarrrnilaM tS, V"l TBAIMB LEAY l.watwna Fnr I anettter at T.lt a ta, IUB aa T. & Fer guarry vtue at T.U aataaa it J 'ZIlM pin BUMDATTEAIKB. TBAIBSLEATBBEADIEO, Fer Lancaster at T.tt a at aat AM as. Fer quarry villa at 1.10 p bu THAIHB LEAVE QUABETVILLS " Fer Lancaster, Labaae aa iTTlliar at T.1B? tkaimb LEAVE KIMQ BT. (LasaaMar 1 .'JE aaaaf.' m i I f iarUtl UJ -y I , 1 M ANOABTMjejtWffljfsl 1 "t"W, T leave FBUrcBiTMsrr (isvaaa tm' IS! "efnf at 7.40 a at, itts aa & aa. 1 . , Fer Lebanon at 7 07a in, UtS aaaaM S av - w f Mnarryvtlia at uaX a atTa aIM vt aseaeing ana Lebanon at s.a asaafl Etffs Fer Qnarryvtlla at M m. TBAIMS LEAVE FE1NOB IT. (LaasasMr.) aXJJ?ata taaaaeBt at EUaataa ft ' Fer QnarryrUle at i.91 p at. xatMI LIAVI LintEea. ForLaecaateratTJSaBiaal.stB. - 1 FerQnarryvlUeataMpta. ""'", Fer coneMlon at Columbia, Marietta Jaaa; Hen, l.aneaiter Juacttea, ttMktiatVtVtlSS and Lebanon, see ttmetableatall mitsaa. A PRNNBTLVAN1A KAIUUAI7 BUHEDULE.-U a4Mt ttea BKTfV, 1898. TrainiLava .LABeiana aa laava aa mtifi'i nTe at a-miaaeipnia aa tetiewa i Laa WE9TWAED. Facirlc Rxprmtt..,. Mewt EapruMf Way Fasten art.... PtdUUWpMa. naTaa. t:ae.ta. imm. at. alSaTSX ' Mall tmtnv1aMt.Jey rUCelaBibsa St; Niagara Erpreas.... Hanover a ceem , ft LJnef. Frederlek Aece m... Lancaster Acoem... flarrlsburg Aecem., Veinubia Accem... M artltburg Express Western axprestf.. EABTWABD. rhiia. Expratsf I Tisea. at. "fiSSV VUSOMBBlBIa raa ait. way. ; ih SB. S'W IB.I fctSi Leava Marrlabniv tiniwi mmm A,nT, t:ina.ta, MS a. at, tdBa.at, II J0 a. at. .. p.tB. Cat. MM. An.a. Lancaster Acoem.... Columbia Acoem.... AUantle Expreeaf... seashore Expreea.... rhiiadeinhit Accem ftnnflt If at. gay Exnreast I Harrlsbnrsr Ammm..! tine only trains wMearaa aHr. ,,, ", On Bnna tka stall taata - "SF-- m lT h Jn Bnaea; Celnmbli Ot celumbii.' - .. - &, cAuems BBATxam, JJ1MNN A BRKNEbkAN'H s,ece i arJt Fleer en cleu. A (treat caraaki; At FLIMN A BBEMEMAE'A f&l ... 1 .uj ucr, u rooms at in cents warta la At F LINN A BEEN IMAM 'A. lfW Il.r. 'ffrttti Rrnthat font Km aaaaJ tn. ' "" Tee aaaileT """ "" W"""J AtFf.INN BKKBEMAN'a IX) llfz. Whltawuh Hrnahaa frnm taata mm. " At FUNM A BBEMMMAN. m Det. Bukett, all kind aadprlaea, AtFLlNNABEKMEMAMTI. tee Ceak stoves and Hangtt, benth t at sale, aelllna at ttss than oeat of manufacture, AtFLlN.VA BkEMEMAE'l. l,cw) Artless in tha Unnie-FurnUhiag Ltaa, lnTin,Woedanairoa,at(o;ioeaa1ktt4 ,. At FLINN A BEBMEMIM'S. n I'uby canlages at lbs Lewtat Frseat,ri At F I. INN A BBBNIMAMV, UJ MOETU QUBtUI n. HARDWAUM, M AHHUALli 4 RBNQ1KR. Hardware! Hardware! JUST BECI1VKD AT MARSHALL ft REKGIER'S, 9& 1 1 Seuth Quetn 8t A LABOE INVOICE OF taaraa a rtf mtnittn b aartsa a aha a a kamam 7 iujauiu iwina a tujauuu rin.rf held at the Lewest Market Frleat. Alte, large atiortmeatef HOUE-STIRE 600D3! AND A LAEOELOTOF PRIMB NBW OLOVsit I BOLE AGENTS FOB THE Butcher Heuse Bene; iaM-iy e 11. 1. ArTO HB 4MB ROCHESTER LAMP sixty Caseia-Llght i Beau taata aM. axT' ifcltt.M saotxLetof ew.BAFaLOBaaMrMaa i ran ii PEnastrmtiia ! saarxsvu buukuui at mvmmmm vvwn WEATHtiRSTraP Beats ttett all rralsetttpealatasasj EeepeoBttAaaeia. atepraatilafafa xeinaa taa ink. Keep aVaiawt ABlwaa enai ww w ! warn or paratat. aa.riWAr-! "L" '1JCT ' atevA WT. la -lF Jehn P. Sehaam ft Beu 24 SOUTH QUBxtN STm ; LAMQASTEA, r. jJ5t3K:3 i?" a rajsaB-1? avnsa a X 1J i 1 i m "fe :t?4 11 -i CJ m y fc; " v.v a.S J--V.'' i .. V. y -i. r . jtetj. Xa, Vifeife' Hi