Y'-ta"- r : yi.fr, , .a j" itH"" ,- ,M"V"" -?$ 'f"7W :w,.r -vt ( - n':' LANCASTER DATLriNTELUGENCER, TtTESDAT., MAHCH 12, 1880. 'v St- J JntolItiner, , M4MH.lt. I ufM Mm f Matin. of HMter of the United te tar peculiar effect itfctaket. ItbM grown te Im the fwtftBt place In Ibe nation be frntdeacy, owing chiefly te its mtmc hhr the executive, iiM. Mcrei te make ite meatbett v feH sMrtrrs, and te enable them HT the "disposition of the ":'' well m the shaping of the feftey. The Bseabers of the Heuso wIpafneMlfttirea are of comparatively ijNlfMWMt aJ though they freshly repre repre PM&Cfeeefe, The tenaten, conscious yMfhstr power, seattd in office for long lAMkeiM frequently able te held 'mt fcaVthTt, have grown ae arrogant and !, puffed up with self esteem, tkr hey de net fceeiute te adept rules LwaTfMacUcea which testify te the that they consider tnem et be without possible reproach, wfa&e they wear the senatorial toga. lit lswUnce, when the president appoints ; ,Mater te cffl.'e, we are told that the Mites of the body requires that be shall Mfeanflnaed, without reference te the eawHttee. te wham all ether appointees tl'ltnt by aa inflexible rule. An ex s jket receive this distinguished easeMeratiea. It is seemingly considered that after he is out of the senatorial efllce '.fct'Aiay possibly have become assellcd, ',"aad the committee needs te pass upon him :mA meemmend him te the s.'nslbili- $Uitinnuin t.m Iinl tnfk If ntllff dDertvdflv. 8a Senater Palmer, who has fjatt awrendered the Michigan senator- ".lk Mntnlltna In rennrt wrinthpr.Iin L .? At 4a i tnlntelA. frt Gnitn A i V WBW Uk u U w wiuuni u r"" " 5 ; wee rxiere, wueu no wjw sum wuk , - ttteh a reference would have been deemed larelUrig te his senatorial dignity. Ktefe la net that odd V But it Is an innocent ?$ oddity and net mischievous ns is that ,v ewer ruie et senaujnui cuuiwjsy hhwu iferblAfl a Snate committee from consul. :' i King any resolution or bill which reflects FT ka 4t. n nnnilnnr 1it a f A 1 1 A TAT mQmKa1 t9 IK tbe'eoramltteeet a public efllce; and it r ; My go se far as te call for the closing .,!. fellow committeeman's eyes te ins ? conduct In any capacity. It Is hard lXSa u. nltaM Hm ftnmltl tlllnrt) ftf R" TO W"W " MIU.,.....!. tHfaWdW senators ana khew com rlr TukiA ttnem. Thn nnrtlnillr rR which Va. Innnitkl 41,1a Aiittntn f aAnntftvlal OAlir- t4",tesy te our attention was in relation te n tl-'blB that proposed te repay te claimants i veertalttdutles that Senater Sherman,whlle if ecwtaryef the treasury, had exacted by a ruling that was afterwards decided by the ,-- .. - . mi Ba mijKvew court hi ue wrung. xme im 4- twular auirsrers nod paid, however, wiui- ',j4 out pretest and could have no redress .'.V. save from Congress. The bill for their ij relief went te Sherman 'a committee nnd x0rm$M no. actea en. inquiry irem uneiuer '&, member of It brought out the lnterma- ,tlen that it was against the rules of Hie yf committee 10 censiaer any jegumueu Yl that reflected upon nerman'3 numiuis. fjl tralien of the tieasury department. Are f'.tlMY net a Hvlv let of ducks these W senatorial waddteis ? M. 1 T.Hr.lIra l.l...lri.l m "".'"":...: . s.5 An ernameauu ugureei lueuaj is gut- Is ratene eld Admiral Perter, wl e Is con- s tinnally at work with ihh pen as row $f? sailors nave been before blm. He talks itV .... lit.-. 1.... 1.1. . aoeuk wr wuu ueriuauy juaw uuw wnu the Mine confident tone that might be aumtd by a man less familiar with war's a'arms. 1'erter always was noted for selse, and the enormous quantity et written and spoken language lie has produced has considerably Interfered with its etli:Iency. Ife wrote a history of the navy se volumin ous that no one cares te buy it, yet it has been severely criticized for the emission of important mutter. II is novel old as a curiosity, and it was truly mar- Teleuirthat se old a man could produce m tnln nnl.-mf- ntul rn vprv trlllliip. The b ntatm-MniiA nld sallnr la crlvpn tr talk. virf --- ---"" - --- -- beat the state of the navy, nnd what It might de in case of war, nnd theso have mece or less value ; but net long age they b?came ae tiresome that a New Yerk piper published an interview with the ghost of Farragut by way of rebuke. The , ghost et that here might new speak out J?;- with profit, for Perter is heard declaring tut we nave almost surpiui nna rev- id sameeneuch. with taxes new at a miui- be "".. r :. . . i'.l mum point, ie carry en u uetiuuer) war Sv With Germany until we are In HgLtlug trisa. Whatever may be thought of this opinion, it H certainly rather spV .undignified and imprudent for an oacerei rener's sianuing te tali: in luu 'mv way me evcivuiuK uu dhjd win gu iu lt;l Berlin, and they don't knew the admiral $i& wwhp wtvw. ..vj v.j nnun t ? la thn lienrt nt friA Amnrlai t-tw m i-:: "..:r "rr-.rrv. R-." nauwfcuekttiuiHi) ui iuuuti)aiiuieni,Bcu t', AL. . .An.l..,ln tl.Ki 1.1- . l. i amj uw tuutiuue .uw, uia iciuuita urs k.f; Inspired by brilliant Mr. lilalne. That Mleg the case tbey will prebibly see that VThe war, If there is one, will net be de- $ Mltery. Nobody thinks war with Ger- ''T.? M.vtv nrnlllhlA. lint. If it.pntntta Hmf nntrft. 'WU1 hardly have the kicduess te kf ep Us Klieacuds and Kruno cinueu at home Wsatli we have built our new iuvv. mi . .. .mr- i-n A Ucllcate aalter. L,; We may net believe all we hear from Washington ana paillcularly about the 'private conference of the cabinet, but ir..mm pvvijt uuuui. iuc uuiticuv-u iwivreeu Sj the president and the secretary et state I'; Lid the fl'llng of the great foreign miisleni, ausanatref probability te it which is ; Cset lessened by the fact that tin se i laces "tr net ulled ameni the first h.i(ch of tv appointment, although Mr. lJUIne'sselec- kl for them are well kuewn. , m is uoueuesa awkward for the 'ntuient te rt-ject the nominations et rU secretary of state whn Im lai nslectteDB, save that he prefers ether men. 'Mr. Blaine expect that his selections for ti v1taa In lit. dfnnrtmcnt will tm nilni.tc '" iialew specific objection exIsU letlnui tWWaaeems te be a reasonable expectation iiMKO the pjrt of the real head et thn X,publl:an puty; but It aUthesecre'a fiat Uuntbesimeprlvllege.the president awUeatly will have little influence upon he ppsiBtmenti of his administration. - m m ' , A l'aaima Prepssal. Than la a well founded rumor from fy.Hahirg that the directors of the 1 jaMM Canal company have requested iflUfeMBtapea skip railway company I a Ship rvi.y n place of tha Btaltil?rt of the ranaraa cana'. The estimated cost of building the 42 nlles of the canal en which very little has been done is 1100,000, 000, and French canal estimates are proverbially low. The ship railway com pany say that they can cover this distance with their railway system for (40,000,000, but they want a guarantee from the Trench government before going ahead. This appears te be a very sensible scheme, but it will be strange If it does net excite the wrath of the several gen tlemen in Congress who have been te anxious te kill the French enter prise in Panama. Here we have an American company and invention askleg for French support, though meat of its stock is held In England, and the American Congress has expressed Itself against any operations of the Trench government In Panama. It Is n curious state of things certainly. Foreign Mlalsters. Tlie president usee the diplomatic ser vice te eatisfy the disappointed for cabi net places. The diplomatic efllce Is one ell8iilted for salve. The diplomat getan geed salary and a place of dignity, with nothing te de. It demands no particular talent and gives no power. The value of the appointment steps with the man that gets It. It removes him from the coun try, gives him a geed easy time, with abundant opportunity te cultlvate his Uste,'te travel In foreign places, te have his family about htm te share in liis'en liis'en eyment, and te enable him te feel that he Is the salt of the earth. It 13 n pest that suits many men con stitutionally. Theywere born with an aplltude for it. Places of honor and preQt and ewe and strut fit them per fectly. And in fact there are net many politicians probably who would threw a geed mission away ; even fieugu it takes them out of the nctlve ranks of their party, and gives them no oppor tunity te reward their friends or Increase their Influence. It does net compare in value in this regard te n cabinet efllce, and seems new te be used largely as a fealhctbed for rejeeted secretaries. (Ikrmany I" tulldlng sliteen torpode bCBiR, eutl na he li iupied te be sinking her flit at u, It hoheovei the new seereUry et the na y te je tbnt our new men et-war ero wolltlrllled and equipped for defeme agslntt thiHO Rflft and dansereut little ve.mcIi. JIIkIi abtberltlcs en naval matters have tccetitly deulared agaleat torpedo bccti en the ground tbat exnrlment tiosdpmenrtraleJ that a vessel prepeily tqulpped with inaohleo iiues, light r I Ilea ami protcwtlve nottlejr, aud with well drilled crew, oeuld dety a number of torpode hosts. They would all be do de do ntreyod bofero getting within atrlklng dlfllance. TIimu beats are built with n vlew te st nudden nnd stealthy attaek by nhjht, but the oleotrlo soareh lights and tbe natural vlRltanbe of a crew In daoger of being blown up niike It almost Irnposslble for iheni te get oleto enough te eperate. Tiote Ij elwaja a possibility that (lermeny liai Homethlns new In the torpedo llue and her activity Bbeuld pur ua te the building of our uavy aed the porftetlon et our own tornetleaoivloallo'ldosllieohlps new build ing thcre are eight vei'olate be built, for which all pUnararoady.rJ(erotaryWhltnoy courleously and very properly left the ap proval of these plans te hta Buccoaier who wnn te be loepoutlb'o for the complete! ablptt. Only ene et the n Is very larae, but all cre te lie very swift ; and It lahoped that If we Rdt Inlo a war our navy will be able, aa In thn war of 131'-', te oheoae lta own tlme 'or tljhllng by eutenlllag the enemy. A nhpenr upon the numbers nnd values et hum niilmnlB Just lmued by thodopitit thedopitit thodepitit monls of sgrlcultura shows an lnoreiao ever lest year In the numbers of all an! inula but ebenp. 'J'iose have decreased 405,070. The statistician, claiming te have n fair count et nulmals ou farms and ranehcu but no r joeunt of theso held In towns and cltlw, plreas the number of heraca en the fArnia et lliriae Untied States at 13,003 91, maltB 2,257,571, mlleh ceirs, IG,i3,Ui!5, ether csttle, 35.03J.417, sheep, 42,099, 079, swlne, &P,"lOIl&Wi Ueiass have lncrojaed 4'.K),363 In tbe year, and the etallatlclivn notes that the luw vatue of utttle htliuulstcs attention te lier.tH and nn lmprnvement In quality as well as numbers " Toe popularity et the large French, end Kngllsh breeds la un abated. Knlarited demand for draught horeer, leuilly, la caused by activity In rullreud building, it Is gratlfyingte notice that In iiouie parte of tbe Ueutb, where nianufACturlug has been Introduced or extccde(I,thcre has arisen an unaccustomed demand forheitm. In the territories tte establlBbnicut of berae ranches has lnoreused Iho numbers et these useful animals. They are found te be thrifty and profitable Rtcck for tbe range. Tbey are net exemp', however, from leises and dla&bllltloe, bb tbeie are local complaints cf fie ilepredatlonaef welvea and mountain lleuc, whleb prey Uf ej the yauug celtr." la January, 13:U, llare were la I'ouudjl I'euudjl vanlaC00D2J horavsetan average prlce of (9j.C0 and a total volue et (57,121,78a Texax, Illinois, lows, Missouri, Ohie, New Yerk, Kania, Indiana all kiirpaaas us In the number othereo, Texas having 1,32.1,607 aud thoethcruIolloKloglntheordornainod, The report oentalna an interesting table et tbe farm antmnla et the world, tutor Mtlng&s arpeolmen et bold gucaalng and nieiiiH Mter, ur mero valua are the Kuropetn orep report, ouetully eoncealed In the eime bjek, with no hint of tbelr presence In tbe title. In France all the autumn sewn grain Is looking well and the land la being propared under exeellent condition feraprlug sewing. In Russia the outlook la net ae cheerful for tbe Rub Blanr, tbe great -cverlty of the winter having prostrated all trade and tbe farmers being dltoeuMgrd by the low prlees re eelved for last year's crops and the high prlce et labor and supplies. iiir. .lOMHi COUNTV VXVV UASK. lwdte scars of I lilgatieii Ottt IS Woith crLtts Veal. A. Waterloo, Iowa, special te the OblcaRe Ti itwne ays : There appears te be proe pree proe pdet for a OiirI a mlemeut et tbe celebrated Jenes county ealf c&te. One et the atterntv u for tbe plaiutltl was In the elty te-day, and Bta'.cd that Judge Lenehsn, bolore whom me laii iriai or tue case was bad, was ex. peeled te be here during tbe term of ODUit whleh beglnB tbU W6ek, and a motion by defendant will be arguodbeforehlinasklDK that Judgment be rendered against plalntltt of tbe special nndlnga of tbe jury at tbe last trial. These special tludlng', tne defense claim, are at vatltnue with the general verdict. It this motion Is overruled, as tbe proebcutloo expect, It U believed that tbere will be no further litigation, and that the last vcrdiotef f 1,000 and ceata egalcst the deffcuilr.nta will be accepted by both partlr. Tua cue has been In the oeurta sicca 1S77 , ana has been tried six times. The anion was ler malicious proaeeutlon, and at eacb irUi, with enn exoeptloo, the plalntltt no. euitd a verdict ranging from 1.000 te 7,WX) Ten last trial was held In tbU oeunty la hitj.tember last, and a verdict of 000 nan reudered ler rlalntlrf 'Ihe vatue el tbe calves out of which the snlt grew waw its. The court costs thus far are about 3 600 and 'jjelawjers' fees run into aemetblng 'like l"V,WVV, A Caru.re, Regarding the reported killing of five French tuuriMs la Yellowstone park, related In djtiutehca ou Meuday. General aaaenger Agent Chsrlfs 8. Fee, of the Mertnmn Facifle, makes auuments whlejj dCaTWnstrsta the story as a canard, a eeixwart ruK-weaaif. fr. A.J. rtt ! rttbliaa aa loitltetlea I Wajnc, IMiawara Ceaatr. A prrlset that ha twen contemplated for soma time by Mr. A. J. Draxal, elPblladel. phla, has been put In praeileat abspe by the parebaae et the keualla mteilen at Wayne. Delaware esunty, and tha teleotten et trustee and manager fjr the "Drsxel leduntrlal Uellega for Women." The objeet et the Institution, a aet forth In the charler.li te Inatrnet femalca between the agM et 1.1 and 10 yeara in all dutlts apperulnlng te the eare of a bomehold,and te teaeh sueb trades and butinnaaea aa will make them praotleal women, able te earn a reapsetable livelihood. Tna benellU et the oellxge are te be ftended, flrat, te the diURbtera of clergyman, and, asoend, te datiRbters et reapeetabls parent', who, threiiRb adverse otreumatsncea, are nnable te glve their children proper training and education. Tbe property porehaaed at Waynolawell known a a anmraer hotel. The nrcaent atruoture Is te be retained ai the home or living building, and en litter side Mr. Drexel proposes te erwt onllege and administration building. The entlre expense of the purohae, new structures and endowment will be met by Mr. Drexel, and the amount, It U Mid, will reach f I,. 600,000. In connection with the oellego in in in atruotlen will be Riven upon tbe plan et tbe Cooper leailluia, by whleb pnpila will receive tuition while residing at their own hornet. It will be nearly elghtoen months from the proeent time before the oellrgo will be In full operation, aa the proeent oeonpinl'a lease does net expire until November next and Mr. Drexel cannot obtain poMeeslon until that time. About one hundred women will be accommodated In tbe be ginning, and when the new buildings are oempletod It Is expected there will be room for three hundred. In providing for the msnagement and oenduot of the institution Mr. and Mrs. Drexel have selected a beni et trnatcea composed et gentlemen and a beara cf lady managers. m Senater Mrenii'a Hill. Henater limwn'aantl discrimination Mil la similar te tbe one Introduced by Henater Watrea daring the lat eomlen, The bill embraces tbe "long and abort haul" clause, which prohibits a nigher ra'.e proporllon preporllon properllon alelv for abort dlstanee than for lone, it alae compels railroads te giaut terminal facllltlcn te ether reattt; drawback or re baton are prohibited. It makes It com pulsory en railroad or canal companles te pest oensplonously prlnted nobedule, and tbereli te be no change Vtltheut Iej days notice. The same rostrletlon appltoe te freight rates, and thenchtdulta am te bnilled with the eeoretsry of internal nll-ilr. within fifteen days afler pesIIdk. Ujplc of all oentracta or agreements with railroad or canal companies miHtntsi be tiled with the aecretBry of Internal tll'ilrn, any overoharRO or violation being proved the euipany mint pay te the party overetinrKid three times the amount of the cutlru ehatut made, and for otber vln;atlinithn Irjureil party an elatm threo tlinas the atuiunt cf injury Hiuiureii. Ne company shall be lUhle for the viola tion of aJolntRRieetiitnt by the ether parly te tl)f BKrerment. The bill Keen n llttle further tben that et Hsnnter Watrcs In that It prohibits the lsaulnc of I me piatet or ptnaes nt a dltoeunt te any peraet 4 txcept tUlclals and emptnyea of the read. Tlie bill proaerlbes a line et Hi 0(0 inil Imprlreu. meut nntczoeodlngOOdaNa ler any viola tion of Its prevision i Tim Underareuud Wlre still mmte1. Initie tioeatont I'dnnsylvnnl en Men. UsynUht, the till I tequtrleg olectrle aim. pauleu te pttoe their wires iindurynmnd belere Aunust next was reported with nn amondment oxempllnir rallreidi wbluh operatu wires for their own uip. The Heuso bill repeallng the fonce law el 1700 was rei-ertcid as reoemmlttod. Intholleuiea reioluileu by Mr. Illack burn deelarlng the Ltyialalde Jicceril In -aoeurnto nnd se slew In puulliMtlrm ns te be useleis, and declnrlnK that its publication should be discontinued nt the cloaeottho present centrnit, was rnlurrtil te tlieoem. inlttoe en printing. 'Iho bill providing safer means of exit from plaeis of ainuso ainuse ainuso ment wai pned te third reading. Thn revenue bill was reed a Urst tlmoei upeclil order. The bills te prevent tbefermatlrn of trusta and prevent adulteration et feed and drugs wero ropcrted noeatlvely. Mr. Walk Intreduced a bill te provent tbe de posit of tbe carcasses of d&td nulmals r ether noxious mat ter In or near the wateis of the ptate used te supply cities or tmvaa With drinking water. Met a l.Kl trade MitrK. The Biiprurae court of Mlunoaeln, three te two, hns doeldod that the duvlse tued by thoelgarrnakot'ii union nnd plaoednn heita of elitarH mnde by uipinbars et the union, Iu net it k'gal triiJe mark. Aru you nHHetcd with dlzzlm-. or ndull, liravy leullntr tbrougheut tbe furclirad and tfiiitile? lldi olteu Indlcitei torpor of th llvur, which Lfiioder will primptly tuie. it only cedta ii cunli. L nnd ttuun una opium mixtures only stuptf and utflem euro, ler Olaausea et liituncy. ube IT. Lull a llaby eyrup, which 1. buIe and mini In Iti etlecu. 1'ricaUeenU. helduvery. whure. M' eliVNb'S MVKlt l'll.l.S. '1I1K UK.SU1NK lUt. C McLANE'S UXI.KUUATKl) LIVER PILLS. READ THIS ntOM OVhOTA. tlemtng Jlret . l)Kiittiua. rern long tlum I surrnred fi.im theurltcti of liidUlliin mid sick luadache, anden trying your Di. u. Melnne's Celebra ted Liver I'llU 1 found nulck and atlsfacterv reiur. A very few anondeua thowerknudl would net bj without them. UKO. 11. HAllUi;. Sioux rail, Bakota. NKVKll KNOWN TO TAIL Uureslek headache, bllleusncM, llver com rilatat, Indlftustlen, dysrciisia, litwnbnrn, ma nia, pimples en thu fncannd bedv, Irupuie bleed, i tc . ty uslngrcgularly Dr U. Mel uan's Celebrated Liver I'll Is, prepared only by Flem ing llroihers, l'ltlsburg, l'n , the markut being full 01 Imitations et thu name McLanc, spoiled ctlluruntly hut et the same pronunciation. Alwajs Ionic for the slRuature et rituilng Uies and C Mel.ane, l litstiur. l'a.eutbi wrapper. All othersara wertUu as when coin pan a v, Ith tha gunuluu McLaue'a. nev2.)-l eea l u, I h,ix w CWIKT Hl'KOIFIO CO. S. S. Our llttle pi I when but threo weokseld broke out with erz:ina. We tried tha pine-rlp lien frntu seurul gecd Oocters, but without any niKtlnl Utmmt, We tried B. a. 8 , and by thi tlme one net tin wai gene, her head besun te beat, nnd by the time fchti had taken six bei ties she was oeuip'otely cureJ. hew shu has a full ana heavy head et hair a robust, hcullhy cblld I del it but my nnjy lanmUe this sute ment. li. T. blteilti, utcb lliil, Me. wBend fir Heeks en Weed ana bMn Dl. ux es and Advice te tmtlsrvri, laatlea liee. rilKBWIKT Bl'KCiriO CO, (1) Drawers, Atlanta, Ua. CUifl-LKXWX ruWHNU. QO.MI'I.EXION ievui:i:. ' LADIES' VfHu VAI Ur A 11KMVIM) L'MUlM.KXIItw itti-ii iik POZZON 'S M-tUlUAlKll COMPLEXION POWDER. It tmnaru a brllllMit trunspirency te tht. skin, iwmevaiall plmpltj, iuh l(w und ou. colorations, nnd makes the skin dollcately aett and buautlful. Itcentalus no llme, whitA lead or artenlc In three saadea, pink or ne2 white ana brunette reu SALB 111 All Druggteta and rnney Oea.-'e Dculere xavorywhero. ", "" OKWAKK Or 1MITATK1WK api-ie-iva wm roHAvae. K KfJIKPlKOKOF CHDWIrVG TOBACCO is i.sntr.1) a t.txetv. FINZER'S Old Honesty. Ccniein nc.arbdtna nnn tlccoef t'l.UCl TUiAUaOaaltlspoailbleto inake It. aid la known aea STANDARD BRAND AUOKO DEAUEUS. We are siiie tint ONK TUIAI. will Oinvlnce ou of IU llcrll. mfl enlr let IteiKlil.tln tagoneich ping J no. Finzer & Bre.'s, LOUISVILLE, KV. 123 10U1 AUK HA1.N OH HKAT. Olt HUNT KKOM APRIL 1, 1830, the lariri tlilrd atery room above He. ti Centra "nuuie. lUlllllfUOl ALLAN A. 11RUK, Ne. US Kaat King BtreeL f 1)14 ua F0RKKNT.TW08T0RK ROOMB AND IJaapinnnt In Poathern Market. Alie one Mern lioem en Vine atr'et, aultable for any liiislncm. inqutm at Lard A MeRlrev'a Dry Uoeda store, beuth Queen atreet. rlS-tfd TfOlt RKNT OR BA1.E-ONK OK THK A? nnntt baalntsa prepertlea In the city ; clfgailly aulu-dte thn butcherlnR buitnnt rent r.aiennhlu. Alie a One awaiting of la rooms within ene aquate of Uemniument leuld hoeHUd te ndvnntagn for orilcea, Call en T. C. WlttTnllN. J 0X K. King St., J20 lmd Ileal Kstnte and Iniurnnce. ORl'HANH' COURT HATjB OF VALU A III.K CITY UK I. KSTATK. DWTnCROUAT VVIMI, II ARC II 14 18 In iiurauunce of hi) order of ttn Orphan' ( ourtet i nncaitercenntv. the folleirtng real (.tin n will In- xnld at public sale, at the Leop Leep ard Hetel, In the city i r Lancaster: I'urptrt Ne. l, all thn certain let or piece el gieuid, lecavtd en the north atda of Bait tirancu streut, hotweon Lima nnaahlppen, en w filch In urecled inline Hey tlrlca UiretllDg, wl'h Mnrole fient, and a twi-stery In lea backhutldliiK ntluclicd. with ml modern lm lm rrevumtnta, known aa Ne. 237 Kaat Orange ttrrut. I'urpaitNn l nil tint cartaln let or ptoreof gieiiml, lecatid en Its south slde of Xait Mnilen u.ley, between llme nnd Sblppan fltr.ihtf, en which ti nrcrted a two itery brick Inilldlnfr. with a two story tulcU halloing at at tncliefl, ujpO us a rtweillinf. thn asiua pieintita lietns known ui Ne. 2.U Kut Marlen atreet. l'urpiire no .x mi tniiceruu utcr piece or ground, lecutd en the neith alde of last tlnitnut Dtr.'tt, en whleh li ervctel atwo atwe atwo atery trick dwelling atiaebed, wlib a two story brick back building, known aa Me. 700 bati ( hestnut tract. J urpartNe 4, all thatcertaln tractor three le'g of ground, located en ths nertheait oor eor oer nerot i hestautundirrankltnatreat, contain, tug In front en north side of Kaat Ohcstnnt strnftt elxtj-ilx font ulht Inch's (00 foots Inches), uid extending that BamewIOtn ninety (IKH IihjI, te n ten Ima alley, being known aa iota Ntb 157, 1W and U9,ef theUhettnut atreet ptnner I ancaxler.l'a l'arratt Ne. fj. all that certain tract or piece of ground, lecujfl en the southeast corner et fulten uid riunklii atroets, containing In (ronten the south ililn or at rulten airtet olgtaty-eno feit'and slxlnch s (SI toetctnohes), niiiluxtindlng that ituie width aeuth ninety (JO) feet te u ten frut alley, the aime being kmwn us Inte Net 181, 1(3, 132, and two thirds et let Nn. lsi or thu Lhestnul strtet plan of l.incaMer. l'iinleaaelilng te view any of the proper preper proper t'elitoro the diyef ate will please call e i I II Itynn, Ile. S9 Kast Urangn street, or r. B. lilirenimugh. we. SS nasi ubrstnut alrent, Bule tocetnmonce nt7o'elock p.m.enaatd days, whnn conditions will be made known by tbe uudnrslgued DAMKl, W. DIKrr.NlIAUUH, KUAMv 11. DirKkNtlAHHII. hiecn'nmer Te er DttTanbiuh, deceased li r" llewir, AiKtleneer. uaiesta ttt ItTtllfft UI'KCU.VU Tb last of our llawp1 V eights In i reuserg, aultlusn and Ovoiceit l'attcrus in ado te jour order ut j em own prlce. Me'JItANN Sb NOWLH, MuncniNT 7ailecs, NO. It WK1T KINOHlllXKr. M- AKTIN IIKO'M. It', tha stylrs in rur Spring Ovcrecau that are se eye cttchlng. Ex cellent Ceals, 16, 17. Id, 19,110. wide-Wales, Mel- The Surprise la net all in the Pricu. teus, Chovlets, trimmed with eergej, Hlk and Hatlu In Oveic-ats Slew, tlioe. 115 00, loe :e co, neat, smut, handsome. We are net done with tun bargains In hevvler Overcoats, tbey are going alde by side with the Pprlng, and at pilcea It Is veur advantage te knew. Little boys' v. alsU, ex t ra bi eecbes, and aulti. Won Wen Ctrful what variety can be gotten together Ur them, and hare's tbe atom te get the best fjrlh' least cct Tte ' Dayton "shirt, mid dle weight underwear nnd hese. Mew style l'ercale shirts, neckwear, auspendtra and gloves, are all anxious for rtrU space In the furnishing Goods department. atutTj ana workmen ure ready te dotheti spring duty In the Custom Tailoring depulment. Spring Overcetti, Suits and Troueera toireisuto. MARTIN BRO'S Clothing unit Furnishing (Joeils, Nel 20 AMI 23 KeKTII QUKi'N STIlKkT, l.VhOAaiKU. l'A MUX WAT,. G" K.T Ki:-U0TlON AUTOHARPS. 'Ilin.eltar , .....UfU Four lUr 3 5e riveliar ft ue Anylady ran liurn tep'ay u tune In niteen mtnutea Drep la t&uateruaud Ukualejkat thuui. te AtlATKUlU and IMlOrFFHION A!. : VVnhaeatp'eent me llnest sttick of It A It MONlCAiuver 8cn in Uiutiater and at sui prlalngly low inters lluvu several eeen1-l'ana Plunej and Organs In 1'ottert Condlllej, which we wUI seu at llargaln Trices, l'Unei, erirans, Hheet Music and kfuMral M(h9 lngoneral In lactevaryihtag pertain ing te a ttrst class musle house, AT Kirk Jehnsen & Ce,, 24 WB3T KINO STREET, LANUASTKll. 1'A T. 8 I'luues aud Fninttu'e Moved (et a copy el 1 rea. T. Uaker'B New Waltz, '1 he ueves Iteturn " iui uaAw MILI.IXBKY. TCT1KK AND WATEil. Fire and Water. fcltghtly Uamaged Meck et fflillineiy, Notions, Etc. laaiitllln at very Lowi'ttces TO CLOSE OVV EXTWE STOCK. P. WBIKBL 1 mrl-tfd A1NKS CKLKKT CX)MFOUND. A Perfect steall be Tstld, prompt, and pleataat, wllfe no iilptnf or pnrKatlva affaat It skenld also Incite the liver te atlea, aid lf etUea, and relieve the kidneys. Xdka aetklag aUa. r.tae' Ctlery Compound It a perfaetlaxa. Uw. and ens omitlpatlen wbere all ether teaadteifatl. g " As a gentle laxative, ralna's Celery Com Cem Com pennd Is attrely wlthent a p:ar. 1 talak 1 ought te knew, i lace I have triad reratdy attar remedy for about Ave or ilx years aad have found nothing th it rqrtals It la nay eaaaet eea- Uvaceii." J n.JSNKtai,Taaeter. Cloyd's Creek, Tean. DIAMOND DVKJ Art the Hmpltit nytlMatli, A tttllit can un (Ann BOOTS AND BHOB9. -nOOrtJANDSUORB. D. F. Stackhouse, 28 and 30 East Klnff Bt. 1 take pleunre in railing your attention te my line of SHOES Tint I am receiving dally for the Spring Trade, and n't are made for theee who require great durability and ter eleganr of style, lit and workmanship cannot be excelled. Prlees Lewer Than ths Lewest. Ca'l and exainloe my large stock and we will be plenied te try and suit you. D. P. STACKHOUSE, ua ae hast srma, m LANOaHTKU. PA. a30-lyd B 00X8 AND BHOK9. A Reminder ! TH3 M OASES OR 535 FilBS -or- Ladies' & G&ildren's Sbees en which yen cm save M, (0s. or II .CO par fatr, and whldi we have been advertising ler be past month, are selling very last. Se Don't Blame Us IF YOU OKI' LEFT, BY MOT UUY1NU Or TU1S LOT UaTOHlC TIIKY AttK ALL BOLD. Kyerypttr la worth the price they were made te sell for, but lemeinbrir we am telllnglhem AT AM) IIKlOW WHOLaSAl-KfKlUKa. The One-Price Cuh Howe. & The Leiden of Ldw Prieu -IN- BOOTS 8i SHOES Ne. S KMt King Street. LAMDAHTKU. PA. WStere Closed Kvery evening at 8 O'clock Kxcept Monday and Batnrday. CARPBT8. nAHFKTH. McOallum & Slean 1012 .nd 1014 Chestnut Bt. PHILADELPHIA Manufacturers and Dealers la CARPETS Axmlnster, Wilten Mequette, Brussels Tepastry, Ingrain In new Utelgna aud Colertngs A Special Line of I'Ell YAIID. Wiltens at Mequette at llrussels at Tapestry nt Ingrain at 81.75 l.su l.tMl ,(i0 .GO 98.0U 92.6 1.10 .65 .(15 1.26 .75 .76 ART SQUARES OIL. OLOTHS LINOLEUMS !tb9-3mdeed&mw QUXKNdWAKM. TT1UH A MA.KT1N. GLASS & QUEENSWARE AT CHINA HALL. Housekeeper, and Mew llegtnners, here are a ldw facts far you : In the choice of wares see that yen get tha best makes. frizlng or cracking el glazing Is found principally In tbe low tirade el goods. e make i entirely tree Irem it except Trench Ihtna. Ihe reputation el tbe manufacturer makes or spoil, tbeuurket ler bis wares. We ktup the standard Makes. 1 ou can select what jpu want and get what you select. Our wares are guaranteed or exchanged If net satisfactory. (llveuaacall before purchasing. High & Martin, Ne. !B East King St. ectmra JLTTUHHMrt, J UTU Kit 8. KAVimiiAV ATTOKHEY-AT-LAW, Second rioer aUhlaman Law Building, Me. tl Menk Daka street. MsTyf FREY ECKERT Laxative ratMs Catatv eesaaeaad i prertpt and pteaeaat. AsauxaWvat leaves mtta te be aalrtd. i kaTetrMteeaaaa-MalafssMrtts." ALMOT LleA, Altettatt Mdifr. Journal ftOmgegy, Atkeaw, Ohie. - Wet two ec tkna wn 1 lataaaal every aicktwHkMTas palae la ray bowels, wide, wet fcabttaallycenstlpatad. Mybewela araaewratnUr.andikaTakaa no nturaef these palaa slaee ula ca bstUa et Paint's Clry Compound .. T. S. Btica aar. DnifkL ItaTaaa. Ala. oral i Use ralaa's OatMy coaapenaa and step ramtaa-1 rjaMva pule, te en. eix ter ss te. uracaiau. Wblu, fcicwaansea A Ce . Aaruajriea vr. 11UI3 cii VP) InttaUdrecd art Htalthy awM Happy ana Marty. Jt it untquaUd. DMT UOODB. c IAKPKTS. CARPETS! BrnaMla, Ingrain, Rag nd Oksvln MU ma& flUlr Oar Pta. Fleer Oil Oletba. CARPET SWEEPERS urerst Bwatpir, Geld li)! wMpar, In'er OetMtn Sweeper, Grewn Jewel Sweeper. Thaae are be best Sweepers mads at Lewest Cash frlcea. Jehn S. Givler 0B North Queen Btreet, LAJtOASTKB, PA. w ATT A HH AND. Oersets ! Oersets ! WKOPCNTO'DAY AT TUB New Yerk Stere AtIXCtALDBlVKlN COLOSK1) BATKKN COUBKTS In WhllO. lack, Cream, Bine, Tan and Cardinal at c tsach. This corset is sold la larger titles at O.00. THKPANtYCOLSiCl' White or Cclsred, a bargain at 7Hc KKrKCTlON KLAVTIG S1DK COKB8T, beat vatue In anr market for 6oe. We open to day new lines of popular Corsets whteh are gnarantwee te give aauaiacuen in wear. rBATOIB-BOMR COUSKTS are self sup sup penlng and unbreakable. WATCH apBIWQ OOISTSare guaranteed te be practical and perfect nttlcg after being worn for tea days. DR. BTBOXO'S UALTB-BUri'ORTKB COUSCT, with tbe quick detachable clasp Is an exeellent corset. Or. Warner's Mew Lines el rBBNGH COKALINK COItSITS, Alse, rOUB-IM-HAMl), COUALINX, AUDOMINAL.NUHS1NO, hte., TUO Ml JOS '8 eLOVX-riTlINQ COBSKIS. TkeB AO. COBSBTSarehandsomsCerMts, meulded and peneet la flu UALL'SOOBSKtH. We keep In stock tbe famous Imported I'. D. COB8Kl8,aaldtebetbebett In quality and perfect in design. MI9SK8' and very low pilcea. CUILDUKN'd COKSBT8 at WATT & SHAN D 8, 8 and 10 Bast King Street. T HE PEOPLE'S UAHII HTIIKK. Opening Te-day ANOTUfcU IN VOlCK OK French Satines! In a variety of colere and fleiUns which Is itv e edit uniurpassei equalled by any house In the city. AMERICAN SATINES Which rival tbe French oeods In atvlesnd oeloriag. We soil ttein at 1H- sold In Phil. oel or in gs, wei adelpblaatlSe, SOMKGUOIOK 1U1KQ9 1.V Scotch Zephyrs I At 20C, 2JC. 310 te 5C. SPECIAL BARGAINS -IX- LAOlaS'ilLACK ANU COLOHKD Silk Taffeta Gloves Atnceutsperpalr. Almest as goeduthose aeld last suasen at 50 tenia. Gee. P. Eathven, HO. 35 BABT K1KO BTBKBT, LAMOATKU, PA. ai&rlt-lvtAw WUK18UKK, JIENT1BT. particular attention given te flUlng andpreaervtng the natural teeth. I have aQ tha latest Improvement ler doing nlea work at a very reasonable coat. Having years of ex pwleaes) in tha lain aides lata sura te give Si kaat el BaUafaelten and save you money OTBtNQ. me CLOTHING BUYERS. Merchant Tailoring DEPARTMENT. Interesting te Gentlemen We start our Bprlcft lluslness with tlnfi arnu'tailirKstna, We have displayed In enr Stere about Me atylMOf FcreUn and UemrsllcSulilncaana Treuacrtngs which we make te crderatihe lowest cass lltlOPB. All wool autta te order atlll.re. Alt Weel snlta te order at llS.txi. All Weel anlu te order atSiSOj.tl3C0.SV00 All Weel nne Imported Worsted suits at az wants fraiu. Trousers te Order. All Weel Caaalmerai at H.M, M n t 80, 5 00. All Weel worsteds at sh ts oe, ST.w, is oe SB.08, 1 10.0 J. Tnsae goeas are wertn rally aenbie us money. Their mica value hta never been equaled at tbe Loek at our w Indews te-dty. LGANSMAN & BRO., Tailors and Manufacturer et rtne Cletbtny, 63 and CS MOKTH QUBIN STBEKT, 8. W. COU.Or'OBAKUB, LAWCA8TKB, PA. trriLIilAMSON A ITOSTKK. Symptoms of Spring Are Indicated by the advance sti let in Gent's Light we'gbtovcie auaud cblldrtn's suit appeirlng we am equipped for the npprracMng seuen with NoveIIhCj that ate exquisite and an as sortment et Kine lieady-siuCe clothing te aatltfy evtry turn of rancy. We will ecmtlnte te aanr for atherlllte esly our aubatantlul bnrca'nB In i uavy and aledium Weight Suits and Overcoats. U ike no delay but come quick, as every di y the uisortmeLtgrewa less, lit) marked teiu. Te the Lady Who Wears Fine Sh:ea. In thopnrchjieot Fine Shots yeti natural y expect 8TYLIT, riT At-1 IStSlI, along with thi selection of tbe flneit ma'erlal In ail Ihe.orequMies they must be rxiilect Our She ei. tn all grad- s, are made of the brst selections of the most reliable g'eck te be ob tained. Oar efforts te fit you have Invariably met with jour approval. Aa a proof uf this we have your centlnned patronage. AprloeUstel Bomeof ihouewsrrlDggceas received in our EuTnishing Department. SHIRTS. lien's Percale Shirts In all the latest styles and patterns at It and 1 'a. Men's calico Uhlrir, in select patterns, at 5)e and 75e Men's Dcmet Shirts, In pla'n aud fancy fronts, at fee and 75c. Men's Demet SbliU, In plstn fronts, at 3sc. NKCKWEAU. Frem tha leeOlng manufacturers we have received a large Invoice of Kew spring Mock Meck wo ir la Tecke, Kenr-ln-Hands and Pell, which we are selling at the pepuUr prlceset tee and "Se. THBHAT DEPARTMENT la prepared with all the Sptlng styles from tbeblocksef thu bcstmakeistu the ceuntrt, such aa Silverman, Yenman, Knox, Uunlap and Miller, our special lHtlsthe tllvermau that la selling for 11 0l. and Is RUtranleed In every parlteular as geed as the regular se no Uat, we also make a specialty of tbe You Yeu man. Knox and Duulap bleLka In a SIM quality. WUliaraseu k Fester's, 82. 3, 36 A: 38 . KINtJ HT I.ANUAbTKK, 1'A. AMU 31d MA11KKT ST., U-.t:uiaH, ,r-. M YKK8 ft HATKKtW It's Net FOR US -IO- SELL CLOTflIM -AT A- REDUCTION. Yet we're doing Just that very thing. Were giving you ler lit) what originally suld ter IU, fersu what originally sild for 116, and at 111 wbn originally sold ter 111, and seen through tbe whole line of demisable Suits and Overcoats I Tbls Is a reduction that it taMug our proets andgtvlugyeu Handsome, btylhb Clothing at VKUY MODKST PltlCK. Avail your-elf of tbe opportunity, Inst as unny ethors have, and we'll have your trade rljbt along. Myers & Sathlbn, HEL1AULK OlO.lllKUS, NO, 12 J3ADT Si.NU .AMLAATAU. JIA T3, S V. rV Sl'KOlAlilNlfc.nt.si. ie tuu. , PRICES THAT TELL ! A Qenutne rur Stiff Ua', II . A Grade Better, 1160. A Very Fine pne, ti, A Saxony Weel Stiff Hat, 503 te II. A Baxeny Weel Helt Hat, 25c te 75c. Men's Oenutne rur Seft Hats, All Shapes and Celers, 75e. Men's silk Hats from 12 50 up. Men's Caps from 50a te II. Gent's rur Cellars, POc te li. Gent's rur Caps, tee te 75c. Ladles' Muff', 50c, up. rtne Japan Well Eebes (Large Size). I.'tt. Kebe s -All Q rides and All Prices. Trunks and Traveling Bags At Big Bargains. Carload Jnst Ilccelved A NlcaTrunk.ll 25. A ZlncCerered Trunk, II, 'lravellcg Hags fromsueup. SVUIghest Cash Prices for Haw run Muskr-ts, lie W.D.Stauffer&Ce,, Nea. 81 te S3 Herth Queen Streot LAH0ASTKB,rA. &1 Prentable . -J,.