gfi?"- ." ' v '" --, -,, ,,,.,.- ,- - ,w--.,-- .,. . ,v-. .x;f ,,,,,-. ,,,, fM&x?&ttXfMBWtJ!&m&&F rf&'-SSBV?, A. JU' . s- i-V, f, 1 TJ'ff n J HE LANCASTER DAILY ISTEIXLGENOER, MONDAY, MARCH 11, 1889. M ES & ' MfcD YODNG DIE. j&j t,MV;Au cevMtr mat a MMf Dataeerat nd MM CMHMbWK-lMTM M $lijWtMfln April. raaret.strer. Jr x-i t te another nl HapremL I ter, the dtatai of William Kcb , jbjab took place altlie residence it la mat town, en Buuasy ;B 4M Ire i wml break- I We Ml CTtC9, Mr. KCB- iMIifNtitdn Md llted all Mb Mm siiktlibonNetl where be died. IM at year M wm proprUter 1 1 ?Mawa OreM Key neiei, in mat .Mtt he retlnd from active dum- nmber of years eta He was a UaaiDerat Md took oeniideraoio la polities yeaia age. He wae a VMNBbtr of Straaburg Ledrje, Nr, it.O.O. F. He wai well-known ud rn parted. twite el Mr. Eehternach bas been iHsd yemra, but be leave eight ennuree. r ere: Mr, v. u. uaaer ana Mrs. juuu ei ibis city; irr. . xj,. jhuuuu I Mr. Edwin Frederick, of milsdei- Mr. Bajes, wife ei ueerge k,?Jiye, oee of the elller ana en of theotfera irets i m", b.v. a, of Whlngten, D. 0.J Jehn Kihter- Of Fnuedeipuia, ana annuel, ui eharsr. h funeral will take place cnWedntaJsy rTjWS o'clock, with Interment at Btrasbarg 5 'askaeaterv. ' $? Datb et Brlfbt Uey. k, Betmeeu. niyer, joeng beu ui uvuirs v 8er. the wen known oattie aeaier. this moraine at 4 o'cieok at me imi. 5 130 of 111 father, Ma 313 East Klcg strc Ot '?W was Uken wltb bomerrhsgo of Ite i en laat Ft Way and that waa ioiiewcu wra keaierrbage of the kidneys en Bun. ' smv. These caused blin te loee a tremen 15. jMiflrtHlH nf htnrwt .ttll miinltfMl In hi ,th. He waa between 10 and 17 yearsef age :tMlwa an unaiaally bright aadpramlsleK . tad. He bad been attending the Miners- y, itIUe Nermal eoheol all winter, and was i for ihe last time en Taesday ei ut iwsk. He wm a member et Trinity Lutheran chuicu and Sunday eoheol acd Vftaaldent et the Yeung Pceplfs Lltertiy , 'sort It J He took s great deal et Interest lu and wm altogether an exempuiy f wxug man. btleTed by all who knew him. ', JHkis rather sudden death, end ttiey bse ifei" synpathy et many friends in their "jtMreaTSBMat. r.'JgT m Bias or hu iPjarw s. ITla MBieney, agea 10 yearn, a buu ui iub isewpxaHi"" "! " - " -" ajfauametner, near uire'in-nana, en oun eun :;dyeTlng, aged 10 years. In April list itkaiiuM man and his father were enEaeed ''ibtm alauitn nnt tha ash tilta of the PennsTl- t' 'itaala railroad at MUI Greek water station. 7A freight train suddenly hacked upon mom. ilm attempting te get out the father waa se B$ v tsklly lojered that he died seen at ter ward a. ' 4,9bat ber bad one leer out off and he never 7iaUrly recovered from the shock, which ilseily caused his death. The funeral will S'laks ptae at the residence et decoised'a aether at 8:30 Wednesday morning. Tee 'hlMalll h hpMieh Inlhl, nllv nnri miH !wlll be held at St. M try's church. AJ m .. a-Lu... u... .....ft. -rX Inha Hnhnnr. lha mn who WH found . v WH. ....., .... -. -mma in Wllliamaiewn, en eiuiuuj, ue i atated In the iNTELLlOKNOnn of that date, F-wn an old resident of that place, ;.,ffc-..t.-.- .1. .. a nna Knn nil.. K'lJWTiaa I1VVU ILSIO IV. WIUIB .unu M.jr 'if year. no WOUin nivu uevn nuvruijr. f v;ms yearseia in juoe neziuaueu iivdu. : "He was apparently Ingoedhotlth ou Satur rif ana ruuui uaiiinib uiuu uww K.'waiitnnttna wtr rlnflet. As he did net P'sa " . . . . - y return a seircti waa made ler mm ana no EH' was found dead In the building. Dsputy Pv Corener Hsnry H. itehrer, of Lesmin V&'S. Flaee. held an leanest en the remains en iM, Saturday afternoon and the Jury rendered Hv m waMIm, rt H.eth from .nnnlitTV. m TW.M.W.w. ..vm. pcwi't..,;! Dtath of Nlcbelas fJardnar. Mlohetas Gardner, au old rotlJent cl fcfcs- Jjsncaster, died at his home, Na 119 Der- ..-i wart street, en Sitnrdny evening of csthma TS; sad dropsy, after en Ulneea et tour weeks. Sacet3d waa born In Germany nnd came te Lancaster S7yorsge; he wa in the V'j;,- S6lb year of htsage and was a laborer, lis ns: llarry, wuniBen cuicer '.gtfthe city police force, Mlchtel acd Tifrela. His daughtera are Mrs. Hunan t Buehnerand Mre. Charlea Uprolerott-. Bnd .11 lt...l.ll.l.An AI,,A In tlila aI Thn ., SUUIIIUU1IU1VU WMW .u .u,e U,J, 1UV ; wosaaee was a memeer ei me neven vtrtse 5h Man and Coneiten Beneficial Hecletv. The funeral takea plice en Tuesday atternecn. TBG OLD cnUitOII AUANUONKO. LMt Ssrvtcss B1U la tna rrcibyleilan Ou Snnaaj Machines Fer tbs Shirt Factory Airlrs, Columbia, Mareh II. The laat aervlcca were held en Sunday In the old Ptoabyte Pteabyte rlaa church, wbleh were of speelsl Intetett ' te tee oengregallon. Oa Sunday morning Bar. G sorge Weill Ely, pastor, preached a sermon from Hag-gal, 2: 3, "Who la lelt aaaeng you that raw tbl bouse in her A flrit glory,1' Tne preacher many peat recollections In the history et tbe i aburcb. lu the evening, alter a short - -sermon by the patier, a prayer and sf seag service was held when remarka were X1. ssde by some members who bive been eecinected with the church for a long time, r TM Freabytetlan churelt la the eldest in & tte tewa and mueb historical lntercit Is nt. &g taabed tn the bulldln g alnce It foundation fti Baaday tbe congregation will wetsilp In li-ix.' tnsebaDel bulldleE. which will be Un tied by that time. Tbs Butiday school of tbe Methodist &''? XpUoepal ciureb has decided te Increase f-S Istalr library bv the carebsaj et (300 worth Villfi .l. amw WAl.d A flAM.nltl.D n an,.QMl. ;seh bas been appointed te ralse the isBOiey, piyaeli le en rnevhly piy at. K-tCi-'T Airime ueuhu iiuiiUKU ea a u i i uuriu j .. . . .... ....... ... , yz SjrS)l. ueicegiDK lu .fte mtaiu ui tuujgcj -iP ajf II A wa,i r .1 nn fe' n Bain nn "VTasUlig. It wai purchased by Jehn r"SFlir for 11,010 A let adjoining wai said - slj Jehn Lebergern or int. A letter baa been rte&lvcd by the Metre- "'ff-fsjUtan bsnd icm Curl Fischer, of New ,C-'Yerk. it at Ice H at their new lnitrumenta Mjifwlll be fcbipped in time for the grand ccc t. ?P4 . rt.. . 1 . , ,. wionesiuruay eveniuy, jirgu ju ji. s&t Bamnel M. tl.s'ett, eupeivlier of the I",."'' Keadtcg & Columbia railroad, started at Aa work tblc morning te mate a toprgraphleal tw survey of the read. r3"' njl... nr,tftr r.iB(. r .... VTI.,I. t,tr vnm ,f...i. ti.u-3.L .ur ji .. ivaivjr V I Marietta this rnerclDg en ihe chitrge of V' Urnnkenncrs and disorderly oenduet and J, surety of th piaee preferred by Andrew ' fcUueksui NUsley was ditcbiirgtd by iqBlre Kvns en tnepayment et evi. K Tbe regular monthly mectluz of council X will be bold la tna oeuncll cbamb-r en It - Teeadsy evening. f KiTeeuwing machines were rtelvtil ?kf tlss Columbia eliiit faolery ibis mernlug, a v rreaalttv tuojei a. miwu uiuijuui: unrig swsifOy. y Wrk Witarttd llita morning at lln HMHsw building! wbere the vrj-,eri incvi Ml B 1 poated The neesaary alteratluus irttraei)a be completed. The work et isjn"'" (cr iiulldleif wes I ttBBceet'Cd, A" Ji . I" Town. Ik. i Webster Fex, a prominent cculUt ftflU)4latU, wa la Lmeasur en pro pre pro 'sjfslMataliuileeiioii Bstuidty. He Is tie jnejjjtaW Who suceeulully ttanp'ante4 the ssf'Sjf ratJit into tb biad of a liumin i Mtritiea km attract a a crsat tleae KScltal Te-naerraw Evsalsg A 11 preparation i for tba ttaaereclUl which taksi place la th Court Reuse tomorrow evening fear bean mat and It premises te be ob et l Males! eventi of the leaiesn. rrjf Frank A. Bchecdler li a rising young p'Anttt, he Is dealleed te make hii mark una be will be assisted by Ku. A. L. Wagner, the eminent soprano aoleltt, and Mr. Stanley L. Krbi,an accomplished violinist, who li well known te all levers et musts In Lancaster. ToaAeoo Bayer's Contract Beeks, Ueeetpt Beeks, sample Tagi,aia, printed at tbe Ihthl Ihthl ttnaveiR Ofllce at short notice, irlcei rta rta ssaable. Werk flrst-elaas. fut)7-ttd Don't lergst lbs Grand riaoe Recital at tbe Court Hen is ea Tuesday evening, March 1, h;Mr. IraiikiuScbeedler, late et Conwrva Cenwrva Conwrva ter; et UullMipilr, Qermany, mil ltd Ohnrch Sapper, At St. Jehn's I.nlherxn cbnrcb a lupper will be given this and tomorrow evenlujr. FxfmHe proparatlers hive been made and a geed time and large attendance are oi ei pected, VMATU0, liARnvKK. Match Mb 14), In tbls city, Nleatlai un Jner, In the slat; ntth year el bis tgf. xre relatives and fileodief the farnllr are retpectfnlly Invited te attend the Inneral frum bli late itsldence, Ne. lis Derwait street, eiTncsdsy afternoon at 3 o'clock. Interment at Lancisterccmttery. FTraiL llenday March 1Mb, 18 9, In tbls city, littler, eldest ten of Qoergo W. and 8. Km<ne etyer, In the 17th year or his age. The relatives and ftlendsef the Umlly are respectfully Invited te attend the Itinera! from the rcsldonce of bit parents, Na 313 Kant King street, en liiurtdty tnernlnrf et 10:30 o'clock In'.ctme.t at Woodward 11 LI cemtterr. Kcuterkicii -On March leib, William Belt teruach, in bis Bid veir. irtiDeralfromtbarcaldencenrhlsson.Bamiiol Kcattrnacb, Btrniburg, en Wodneidajr, 13th Inst., at 2 o'clock p. m. Intorment atstrua burgcenietcr;. I'reachln gat the heme. MiLnxr.-On tbn le.b Inst, nt lllrd In Hand, David Malenuy.aged Is yearr, t tunntUs aud 0 dais. The relttlvei and frtondsef the family are rcepecllully Invited te n'tend the funeral from the residence el hit mother near bird In Hand, Wednesday, March, at 8 3) a. A MmHatSL Mary's church at lu o'clock. Innr Innr ment at St, Mat y's cemetery. hrencin. Mirch g.h, 1ES, In Strailiurg borough, miiutu Spuncer, In his seveuty. feurtb year. 1 he rel&tlve and friends of the family ara reipcclully Invited te attend the funeia', from bis lain roaldence In Htrasburg borough, en IneedByaltcinoenat 1 o'clock. MARKKTX. timeagp rroauee nmraet. fn icAoe, M rr h 1 1 , D.M a. m. Mark t opened t Wheat Mnrcb, WXc; May, 9Sii June, vi?,c; jmy, coo. i.ern MarcuSSa i May, t3i0( June, 8JJ0 ! July, &is. out.-march, U)c May, EOfc ; June, Ua. July, 2Jf. fnrb-Marth. IllUi May, 112 00 1 June, 12 03 July, 112 5 J Lra-March, 1700; May, IB B7Xi June, I7 03 July. I71). Hhnriulbs-May, l027Ki J tine, 0 25; July, IBJiK. euwiae, Wheit Match, W May, Wi; June, We; July, S7e Cern-March, tit.t May, 8JJ.CI Juik), MXe. July, Wc. uats-Uarcb, 210) May, V)ic June.IOc. July, v,K e. l',irk-Mreb, III 80 1 1 May, 111 WK; June, fllOit Jnly, llJlix. i,iad-Maich. is 80i May, H UJ t June, 8Bli Jul.7t0. tibert nibs-Mar,, IOCS) May, ID 25; June OSO; Jnly, id 3. LITCHIeck HaraeM. Cniaioe, March 11. Cattln Itecnlpts. 2.000 thlpniHnts. l,t U)t market ilnw and weaker; rbeKu ti uxtra beeves, li ec(j)l 2) ; tters, II (Hi 03 90) Blockers and loedeia Kieifjuui cows, bulls and mixed, II 70Q i U0. llei;i-Ut-cut)W, )U,ki bead t ahlpments, 7,(0)t tmirttnt strong nnd .'.J. te 10a. higher: mnfl, it ( ea H) ; tinavy, M UQl 8 ) light, i w 019); skips, 7Jrti 40. -nerp inxtiiuL., '2 me head shlpmenU. 1,003 marketslnw and weaker i natlrM, 13 te UDiut nusiunis, it it ci c); lauiDs, li Tae w. KiBT l.lBiitTT. tiattle Uoeelnu, 1,400 ; hlpmnnu, l.WOj no hlnidelnir ; nil through einilgninents. One ear Citlle shipped te New Yerk te Cay. Hogs ltoeelpt, 1,3)0 headt shipments 1,4(0 market uetlvn medium I'bUaaelpMa. ISO'fiSOS; heavy hoi, 4 9j(4;S; Mifi nud Vnkim, 5iej6i5 3 car shipped te New leik te any HbTOp-llnreipu. 1.0M ; ehlpments, l,2iKij mar ket uuehatigid. Mew tore Maraet. New yena, Murch It rienr nmrket stejdy City Mill mirui', 13 WWHt Mlnnoietu. extra, 3ltGJt5, supurUuu, ll;llne, 12 KQ Wheat IrreenUrt Ne. 1 lted. State, II 04; e. de, til; Ne 2 lied, winter, April, 9IViC t May, UKO June, Mj ,iutvtj,U, uoue stflpimints, noue Ciiui t'.ai no. 2 Mlxwl.ciih, 4a; Mar, 4lXaj prti,43KeMay, tjJict rixeipti, ei.vii; blltpillOIUVJ.B.'Ml. Hats BleudyiMe 1 vhlte State, tvii Ne 2 de, 231 ru. 2 Mtxe.l, Mar, 3t;c May, Ma ra tpU,2J,tXU; .u!mient., SJ. Ityedull. llur.ev umntnal i Na 1 Canada, frsea 1'eik dull t Slum, JlJIUJUtU ferlnniv tncs4. lu dsteudy j Apill,7 27t May, (7 2S( June, 9 1 8 ). ir)las(i flruii New Orleaus, 21e. Turpontlnektrniigat Sie. Itemn iii et at It 13QI 17x- 1'etreleum dull t Ittedned In bbli, 17 IS. KitltiliuauU i grain tn Liverpool, ty. Bntter suindy i We-tern Urmmery, We. Cheote nim t Ohie flit, WHOlle. Kgga wero arm; State, liei weatern, llc. Kukw stendyi Uuflnery UnUeat, 8 ji Untuuu.. ted. 7c; MeuldA., 7',. hIcq nominal i prime city. S 6-10 3. inuew nnn ; primoeiiy, vluc. i;e lice s'.uidy i fair carveee, ter Ilia. ID j. If ear Ter a stecas. Nsw Yeaa, March w.ll p. mMeney eloceJ at '.'H per cent.; exchange steady; poated rates, it fOXON i'JH ; actual rates H b0 ter W days and 14 tu for demand; Gov ernment steaflyi enroney B's U 20 bid; I's coupon, 11 '.'JX ; 4K's da, 11 elfi ld. The stock market this morning cjiared feve-tali, anil during the early doallng,eu a free telling en both acceuuts, prices duclUed i te -!-. p i cent, but tewaid 11 o'clock the selling viiauct ud ei a geed buying which followed pi Icen fully receveied tbe early do de do ellne. At this wrltlug they are K te 1 percent higher tbun tte epeulcg figures, with tbe tone ei siecutatten llrm. Bluet ijuraau. UuciUiUens by i.ubd, ktcUtunu era, l.aucaater, Pa new veuk ust. 11 a. M. ;an tan red no .... a C. C. "a OolertLdo Ceal 31K Ueutral t'obine ti Cauuauf-eutl'iu-u t:K ChtnSl Uasl'Dg Dun, A UK) U Oui.1, Al lUK Krtn , 'X arlefnas lui Jer C vl it. a r....... ..,..,,.,..,, .. LOU, AN tu L. Hheie HlJi A Ce., bank- Um. lr u. 4IU 7' li 7eJ li sift )33 1313 '" 'H IX 9i3 wji w WW 1MX i7 taZ 713; Tit 2J SJ 2JJ.' l3i i,i lOGv, 1NX ion iivi 31 S1V4 81 81 VK 37W 17 2.'. 21 '.Uvj !M U.'s IS i MX 1H U 2fti ti 3-lti JJ SI UlCU. UUD.t , Oi aiuean ractac... Heck Valley .. n.P. l'ref Ma TT tWl istaeeiee N.Y.O , Ne anxland Cut Tcnnossue OuUkha. 3t Ureiren Tiunsporu.tlen. Untorte i W Pacir.e Mill Ulobmend Terminal St. Paul Texas Pauuc....,,,, Union Porttle ,, Wabash Cem. trabasb i'ruf .....,, Western U Whsi8hnre Henda raiLADStrau list. Leh. vel... H..N.Y.A 1'Ula..., Pa. it. U.,. ,...,. .....,,,, lifcidtng , Leh Uav Uesieiv, Pass . a ...........,, N Ciint.. ,...,.,.. ,,,,,,,, I'D9j'ls Pass , i S7H te ' t5 l.'Ji 3; vl 91K 'i ..... vtty. s ty AUVKitriBBMrMj 'I'HK HKHl5 VaLLK POR TUE J M.IVKV Wlia Lherri. BUckberry and Klmreel llran-3ltB,6J-pr quart. Quulliy uuefjualuJ. JtUIILAu'S LlULlUli S'tOUB, Ke, 21 Centre Square. Lancaster. Pa. rjOLD HKON.E. LIQUIDS AND VJ tiling for steam work, at Jell.N HKsi-u, 131 ullea street. n.2-fd 8TATEOFMICHAEL8MITU, LATE of Columbia boreaes.deceseea Litters et admlnlitralloneu salaeitste havlnK been granted title underaigned, all penens In debted tberete era reqnestnd te uihse Imme Clu. )b incut, and the, a havteg clalins or de tnanfla ana'nst the turee, will prutnt them wltbnnt dalay for settlement tu the uuCtr. Ilgntd, le. teleg la Lancutcr city. "una n.iuunELi,, Admintitrater. msru eiau Jenx a.' etir. Attorney. XHOR CAHUNUH. IRON OR BRASS, JV.IIriJt or h'avy, at short JOHMT,Blk,-nt rultOB street. mnid NEW ADVttTlSKslEKT8 XNJKOTOKS, Rtf K LITTLE IbIANT, Hancook Intplraters and Electors, Kber man Beiler rucder. lMibertny Jnjncidr. American lrJfc:er. all In stock . JOHN BKBl'8, S3l ,tulten street mlttd TF YOU WANT OUOJJ BKUMHEUOO Jt te KILBURN, eta. NO.211 luOlmflAw WKSt KtNO STHKRT, l.ancntcr, I'a. TKW.l)KOP OANNKD OOUDM i'O K .A feiueuy n.aiu.Ls.a ihiuiinviii sole bv W. A. Utl3T ft CO.. Urnoers, CnrnrrKut King ana uukuHirect, Iteit In ih Market. inaiSJut OAKHY IN BTOOK UE8T CHAR, coil, Ifamtnered Uarlroe, Donble Heflnet Iren, Kanlen'a Ulvet iron, Klvetx, Het and n , Id Belter lrnn, Meet, flieet Iren 3111 te Ne. H, at JOHN JlKST' N EW I'JOrUREH -AT- CHAS. PL BARB'S, Utci lved tbls day a Urge aisertmr ntef New Copyright Ktcblngs ana atben I'hotegtapbi. New Pictures In tte windows bvnry day, ltd NO SlUBNTHBDQUiiHk. FOR 110LTH, J.AQ UUREWH, HKT tcrewi. 'nnuii and llexsirnn Nuts, thmu goeSs In sleck, at JOHN llkST'lt, 3:3 Kast ruU tonstiest. mj-ttd T EHSON8 GIVEN IN FRENCH. OER- JaJ MANandlat'n. Moderate charge! AC- diets i. e. liex ru, city. umril-a.d FR RENT STORE HU1I.UINO. Twe floors tach 12 1 160 fceu and two rnema nn Ibtrit tlnnr. knnwn an ASTUICH'tt I'A1,ACK Or FASHION, leb7ccdlfdU Ne. matt King 8U V OUR MONTHS YET UNTIL VAC A- lmnrove tbe nnurirtiinllv te coinnleto tbe Coutseof trntnlngat tbn LANCAOntlTllUSlNlCH COLI.KGK, lilWKast King Our theory In superior, and tbn Junier and Senior Unpartment In Hurlne)i I'runtiLe fur nUb'S abundant opportunity te put the tboery acquired in prnatlce. 'leriu a,ey Cull en orsdateis. ll.O. tVKltil.Kli, filnaptl. FOR BOILER TUBE URUHUE8, HUUflen I'lpe Wrerchtr, Ipeand Menkey WrnncheB combined, ITU p, O 1 Cniis, etc., go te JOHN, KUaast ruiten gt m2-tld w EHEE YOU UESITA r K YOU ARE worn eut: want intnetblnir und don't knewwbat. Hisltnuinn Iengirl InVe fral ley's liliter Wlne of Iren, The wlfe of a prenr.lnriit down town incichunt says l "1 uovcrteok nny inrdlcine that tiiipreved my gnni'ral health nnd IncivaHdmy walghl llke rtatlay's lllltnr Wlaoel Iren.'' lttijcreAiiM the weluhl, gtvns a tenn tnolteatlon, puts a hue of color In Iheslin and strentfihuns the nervous system, rricu eiciiitd. ritlijKK'U BABThNIJ I'll A It M AC V, M.W.FAw (Opposlte Kaslarn Murtiet,) SLEAOAIN ST1LLSELLINONKW rurnlture chnp, nt HetTinuler's, wli're ttu-ewlllba aueihtrpabllc faloen Maren 13, at Ui 0 o'clock a. in, inarll-2td AUHA.BD PIAHO RECITAL OOURT HOUSP, On Tuesday Krcnlng, March li, ISS'.i, MIE. FRANK SCIIOlHU-DK, I'lnulsl, I.ate et the Conservatory of Mnilc, I.lepile, llnrwany, attUted by Mri A J,. Warner, snji .noselclst, of New 1 erk city, formerly et Mil ion, fa , and Mr. etaniuy li. Kreb9, vle.ln 1st. aumusien tecesia. Tickets for silo nt O. I.. Fen Derimlth's Hook Hoek Heek store, Ne. 43 Kust lilug sir. ur, oppeeltn Court Heuse. II. WOUt", .in, Manager The CJncertQrand t'line wilt lie expnsily furnljlieu for Mr. rchnedlur by Win. Knalie A Ce., ofuutllaieto Md. i20,ni ,3,11,11, 1'it PAHI'IUULAR ATTENTION IAlDTO Meld Maklrg. l'atierns. Drnwlnct and lllun flints, at prices letvmuble, llthl'd. 131 last ruiten Btrett. JOHN Ut2lfd M ARTIN RKO'H. it's the Htylrs in cur Sprlug Overcculs that aroseoyo cttchleff. Kx ccllent Coats, 3, 17, H, 19,110. Y, l acWnlca, Mul tens, Uhovlets, trltnmcd The Surprifip is net all Id the Pries. with Pi Kiei, Mlk and 113 W, IIS te Hi 00 Uatin In Oveic'uts HOW, IJ0(0, neit, emu, handiouie, We nre net done with tdu bargains In bowler Overcoats, they are going side by side with the Fprlng, and nt pileus It Is veur advantage te knew. I.lttle bera' waists, extra biceches, and snlU. Won derful what vailety can ba gotten together f or tbetn, and bare's thu Rlern te get the best for tbi least ccst The " Dayton " Bblrt, mid dle weight uinleruear and hoie. New style Percale thlrts, nor k wear, suspenders and glows, re all anileua for tint spacolntbe jfunilihlng Uoefia d,pattm3uL Htutti acd workmen are retdy te detbeli spring duty lu the Custom Tailoring diptrtnient. Spring Ovoreoitj, Bulls and IreusuM MARTIN BRO Ctutblng und Furulslilug floods, NOS. M AND 'J3 NOUTII QlIKKN ST11KF.T, I.VNUABIKU. PA. OU WANT A. FIRSI'.OLA.SM JL l'e ettubln Knslne and Heller, en nhmli. clii-up, us inn lollewlBg priens shew: 0 bone- tiewer, 1175; H heite pour, 1518; 10 horsu-pewnr sli'i 15 bnr.e-pewer, ib7S; 21 horse-powur, II 173, call ul JOHN llnsi'd, Si3 ist Fulton strut t. in2 tld "VETILLIAMbON iS FOSTER. Symptoms of Spring Are Indicated by thoadvanre tuies in Gent's LtKbt w eight oveie 'auuud chlldreu's aulta appeirtug. We Breulrped for the approueMng season with Neveme. that me uiqul.ttu anaanni anaanni settineul et Kine titudy.Mude cletbliiK te BUtltry every turn of ruuey. We wilt oenitniie te enr ler ai-hert tliw oily our substautlat bargains In buvy uud Medluui iy eight Suits and Overcoats. Mike no delay but come quirk, n every di y tbe kicuriuiomgrena less. 1C uiurked teiu. Te the Lady Who Wears Fine Shies. in lhepurchaioef yine Shoes jeu naturally expect STYLE, TIT AK11 FINISH, along with lb selection of the rlneH material. In alt tbeie reiul.liea they mint be ixirlect. OurShces. In all grad s, are made of tbubet selections of tbe most reliable gieik te bu ob tamed. Oureirens tontyeu have Invarlnbiy tnet with tour approval as proof of tbn v.e Imvu jour cenilnuul iiattenugn A piloellstet some of thu new aplIngucaJs rccblvtdlu our EumisMng Department. sunns. Men's lVrrale Fhirts In all the luUst stylei and paitureH mil and II . sien's Lattoe Bbtrir, lu select p.iUcrn. at 3 j ana 73a Men'. Unmet t-hlr s, In pla n und laney fronts at tee and "Se. Men's Ueuni ShliH. In plain fronts, at S'c. XkCKWAAli. Frem the leaning lnanuf&cturen we have received a la'gulu voice of Miw xirlnt; eck. we .rtu locks, Feur-lu. Hands and l'nn., wblch wu a-B telling at tbe pepuUr prtCdiet tee and .Se THE HAT DEPARTMENT Is prepunl with all the bprlng styles from the blcnktel the btsiluikeisin the ceuntrv, such ns rtUvtniiun, Yeuman, Knox, iiuulnii nnd Miller, tiurspclat list Is tbe ellveiuiau thu 1 telling fJi 1101 nndls HUirunt(a In every rarllcular a, goea a thureitultr 13 lu Hat. Wu also make a specialty et the inu man. Knox and uuulsp bietas tu a i:&e quality. Willianii fi Fester's, S3. 34. HO Si AH K. KFNfl 8Y.. .M,ABKU, fJw AND His MAUKKT8T.. It iIhkiK(, i'. )RTUERE3TU01' AIR FURNACE , la tba market, go te JOHN, Hi East f Elten street, n2-t td SKW ADVJSRTJHKUKttTa W" 1 ID CHERRY, BLAORBERBY, Ulnger, Klmiael and Orange Btwndy . JACOB F. SBBAKFmn, repl-Ud NO. 1& UKNXKK BUUAKR. fJIOR PUI.LKYM, HI1AFT1NU, COL X lars, llangir.. t lamp tlexea. Couplings, gniOJUMN jih.31.wj kmi rniine iuwi. mi- fd FIRE IIRIOKH, KIRE ULAY, ATLOW flguier, go te JOHN UASr.Ulkast ration strait. . ml t:d XTItUt AMEKKUN HIOHT FKUO JD Oylluflcr Lubrlcstnr', OIiisi till Cnpi ler HfliniiM, ynti ran nt theui kt JU11H llvSl'l, 3JJ SMtriltonsttfet, mitld AORNOY FOR CALLAHAN & CO8 Cement te tahn tbs placnef Keii Iad. in bulk it inakca Ave times tbe qmnltty of red lead and Is far mperler In maatng Bleim Joint) packing man and hand bole pla'cien bilierr, Ac, As. Prlcore cents per pout il at JOHN UJtSlM, 3J3 ktsl rnltnn street. ml-tld FOR HORIZONTAL STATIONARY intact, from 2 te (0 horsepower, and Vfrilcal Knglnen from 3 te 10 hoKP-mjwer.yeii will Undthim at JOHN JlaUi's, S33Katlrnl. U.ii atrtet. mltfd rJAOlATOU". OF ANY MAKE OH DE- Ti slirn. ran be fnrntebed at reasonable Osuies, by JOHN lJltar, tS3J aat rntten suiei. mztra NOTICE TO TAX COLLECTORS. Notion I hircby given that bids for lbs rolleetlmt nf stite and County Tax In tbe Kastand wii,t Wards of Lancaster city will Us received at the emce of the Cnnnty Com Cem Com mlsMnners until 11 o'cieok a in., Wedneslay, Mirth 20, Zil. Ily nrdxr or the COUN I Y ;()MMt1810NKU9. Attest t AV. W.bntiST, Cem. Llerk. me-lwd UfECIAU TLalaslef ear Heavy Weights la Tremors, Sntttngs and Ovorcett 1'atternB mnde te your order at your own prlce. M03BANN 6s NOWLT3t, MlKUUANTTAItOtS, NO. 41 WKST KINOHTUKKr. T au PROTECTIVE POLICY ! New trmt tlenernl Harrison Is 1'reslAent, bacliel up by the 1'retecttve 1'ollcyef tbe He pu til I can 1'iuty, we can think et no better pro pre pro tentlen tlan that or protecting the publle sgilnst the tUnger of nettlna: Dyspepsia by using peer rieur i and ihesnreitway toave'.d such a dlre calamity liby using Levari 8c Sens' Best! You'll nnvf r bive heavy, dyspepela-brecdlag btiiirilr yonuie Levan'a Ooeds, And these bellevlnir In free Trade ae free te trade In this article all I hnv are a mind te It U" rii K l'Ktil't.K's" t'LOUIt, rcgardlcjaef race, color, politics or religion. LEVAN & SONS, deed 1yd MEUCIIANT MILLKU9. I'liir.ADKi.rniA, February 21,138'.). 5 UUNOAltlAN I ( hi:al. j IMl'EUIAL AND ROYAL AUSTRO HUXnARIAN CONSULATE. Aocenllng te the lnstmclleu! of the Hoyal Iluiijfurlau Ministry for Agricul ture, Industry ami Commerce In Buda pest te this Imperial and Royal consulate It is hereby attested te that the Royal Iliiugnriiin Government wine cellars at RtidalVrft were established by the Hun garian Government, February 1, 1882, and that the estnuliahraunt is since under control of said ministry. The aim of these wine cellars is te sup ply thu weild'd markets with the best wines produced in Hungary, free from any adulteration. Mr II. l. Hlavmakcr, luent of Lan caster, I'a., has by the Gevernment'd general ngetitu of North Amerlda been appointed ngent for Lancaster, for the sale of these wines, which are bottled 1 1 11 tula-rest, under the supervision of the Hungarian Government, nnd bear the origin 1 protective label of the Royal Hungarian Ministry for Agriculture en the bottles. LOUIS WKSrEKGAARl), Imperial aud Royal Censul of Austria Hungary. SEAL. & H. IIUNO. CONSULATE, AT rilll.'A., PA. FOR l'RATT d:CAl)Y AUEHTOi DISC Valves, Jenkins Vslv's, Urass cilebe Valves, Lrifs tlatu Valve., Iren Hedy Globe Vulvr. Lever Safety Valves. 1'ep Hufety ValvH, Jlr Valves, hadiiter Valvu, Tratt's bwlniilng Chuk Vnlvej. lliass Chi ok Valves, ret Vaivx. Angle alvfn, cull at JOHN UKHT'tf, W3 Kast I niten street. in2 tld w ATTA-aUAND. Corsets ! Corsets ! NVkOl'KNTL'.DAY ATTI1I New Yerk Stere A M'ALIAI. DlttVK l.V (.Ol.OitKI) BA'IKttN COUSEld In White. Llack, Cream, Hlun, Tan und Cardinal at Me web. Ttl Corset U told In larger titles at II tv. THKl'AStY COL-iiCl' bargalu at 37'e Whlte or Ccljrcd, a PKUVKTl'lON l.LAMiC "1UK COllSKT, best valuu In any lnsrzet for Mc. M e open to il y nuw lines of popular Cursnts wMchare guaratitoedteglre .ibfictlen lu wear, rKATUKlMtONS COI13K1S are self sap porting uud uubrojikable. WATCH 1'KIV ctHiBk'Isare guamnteed teba; rudtcat and peiKct Uttlrg being worn lur tun days. lilt. HtHO.NtJ'i H-.LT1I6UI'1'0HTKR COKSKT, Willi thn qu'ck detae hableclatp Is an excellent cemt Hr. Warner'd New Lines of rUK.NCllCOUALINK COltlETtl, J. 1-0, FOUU-IN-UANU, COUAL1NE, AUUOMINAL, NUltSl.M), lHa, THOJll'-Oh'S OLOVE-FITIISU COBShre. Ttei: it) cOUSETHarehandssmeCer.ets, meulded uud pi riuctlu HU HAl,L'3C01l4Kia We keeplu atre'e the fareus Imported 1. P. C'UKbKiB, aald lobe the butt lu quality and perfect In atsgn M135R8' nnd very low prices CHil.tlKrN'3 COUSCT3 at WATT & SHAN D O, 8 tad 10 Es&t King Street, vmw ad YMRtamuan. T a MARTIN CO. HOUSEKEEPING GOODS. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. West King and Prince Sts., (uppeslte Stave Beuse), Lancaster, Pa. Ne store In the State is better adapted te furnish parties com mencing housekeeping or re- lurnisning. Dry Goods- ist fleer. Wall Papers 2d & id floors. Carpets 2d and 3d floors. Queensware Basement Every Department is com plete. Dry Goods Department. All of the best Feather Tick ings reduced as follews: 31c te 26c; 28c te 23c; 24c te 19c; 22c te 17c; 20c te 15c; 17c ticking reduced te 14c; 15c te 12c; 12c te 9c. Steam Cured Feathers. The best grade of pure feath ers, no odor, no dust, no auills, reduced from 75c te 65c alb. Second grade Feathers.just as pure as the best grade, only the white and black feathers are at 65c a lb; equal te most 75c grades. Third grade;Feathers,of which we sold ever 1,000 lbs last year, we are new selling at 50c a lb ; regular price, 60c. J. B. MARTIN & CO. SAW M1LLH, BARK MILLS, COB Mills, LealLnr Hellers. Tan PackersTriple nere Powers, tuning and Mining Macntnery, atJTHN IMS C'4, 333 fast fulten street. m2 tld KEYSTONE BUSINESS COLLEGE. 135 for full day course. Kvenlngsesslea, IW. Students rctuiln until qualified In all branehns. Alse tnstrnctlens given suitable te students In penmanship aud conespon cenespon conespen donoo, ote all hour In tha uay. w. i). MeaSKit, Principal, 53 WestKleg su, Lancaster. Fa. WHITE COTTON WASTE, COPJPKD bv the pound, 10s t In leta of 10 pounds or ever. De All goods deMvered te any part of the eS I y Free call en JOUM BEST, Ke. 133 East ruiten street. ui2-tfd THE QREA'lEbT REDUCTION OF ALL AT H. GERHART'S. FINK TAILOB1NO. In order te reduce a heavy stock and give employment te my hands, I will make up te order ter the remainder of the winter season, all Ueavy-WcUht hutting, Overceating and Treusering at cost price. Here is acbanoete get a Urst-clsis article for a small amount of money, special attention paid te gun Ureas Milts. H. UKHHAHT, Ne. 43 North Que-n Street. SVOnly Direct Importing Tailor In the City et Lancaster. a IK IN WANT OF BRASS OR IRON Step Cocks, Asbestos Paeked cook, Fet and Fib Cocks, Lever Ceck,, Bwtnc Joints, e nanfl get t hum, or send your order by mall, te JOHN UKST.SJl Kest Fulten-aU m2-tfd FOR OAST both nlaln IRON PIPE FITTINGS, uud reducing, up te 6-lneh diameter, Mnlleablu Fltttnas, tttnas. rlaveea. jrlanm Intenr. Manl'e'ds. American Unions. Tube Suppeit, Hangers, Fleer and telling Plates, gein.iOttN llasi'.-, 331 East Fulton street, ml tld H ERR'.S BOOKSTORE. Parler Organs A Bargain. If you want a geed Or gan here is a chance. They must be sold by April ist ier want el room. They are actually te be sold at manufacturer's wholesale prices. Fer cash only. L. B. HERR, 51 cl 53 N. Queen St. auglS-lyd mANKS FOR WATER, OILS, ACID, X or lie, etany shape or capic'ty, at fair prices, go te JOHN jJKVT, tss East Fulton street. ml-tfd E OR BOILERS, HORIZONTAL, TUBU. lar, Vertical, Portable, Cylinder, Marine, et any size or power, of the best material and werknuitsulp, go te JOHN BEST, 833 East ruiten street. ml tfd s EAHONABLE UROUER1ES AT CLAUKE'S. Every season has its specialty and the LENTEN eecsen is no exception te the rule. Canned Fish are worth thinking about and it is a comfort te have a variety of feed in this form constantly en band se that one is at all times prepared for un expected KUfS'S. Fresh Salmen packed in one pound cans ready for use, we have from 12ic te 20c a can. FRESH LOBSTER. We keep the best that is packed. Only the claw meat of the lobster has been se lected and is packed se neatly and leeks se tempting, that the most fastidious pal. ate will Und ditllculty In resisting. Klpper'd Herring Is also very appe tizing. Fresh Soused Mackerel Packed In Tomate sauce are considered by many as a perfect treat. Sardines In oil mustard or spiced. We have them at 0c,10c, 15c, lScand25ca can, and every can guaranteed geed. COD FISH. We keep the Deep Sea Rrand of selected i'tire Cedilsh aud Eell it at the same price you pay for common stock. lirUOMRAY GNIRREH. S.inie Herring that you pay 5c apiece for or 3 for 10s. We sell 2 for 5c, or 93e for a box et 50 Herring. CHEESE. CHEESE. We have the lleest quality of Cream Cheese In ttie market. We sell a geed Cream Cheese at 12ic a pound. Best Swiss Cheese, 22c lb, Edam Cheese, Fine Apple, etc. Asparagus lu gloss and tin, French Peas in glasj and tiu, Mushrooms in glasi ut 233 ; also French Caprts and Queen Spanish Olives, Pure Heney in glass only 202, worth SOe ; Imported Pickles by the dez , Evaporated Cern, Rest Shaker Cern, 5c a pound, or 0 lbs for 252, We have the best Canued Cern and Tomatoes In the city. We have them from 53 te 15a a can ; 2 lb Packs Im ported Spaeuetti Macaroni for 25e ; Finest Ne. 1 Rleater Mackerel in the city. Something New Irish Mackerel, end at whlte and f At as a chicken. Fresh Country Eags. SAMUEL CLARKE'S Wholesale aud Retail Tea and Coffee Score, 12 and 1 1 Seuth Queen Street, ANEW PRESENT. P. S. We are giving a very useful preaent with each i lb Tea this week Tea at 10, 13, 16,20, 23 and 25:. Telepnene. Free Delivery. 1 0-M.Tu,F,SAw QTl Cnf KUET OK PIPE, FROM tJXjAjyjyJ Inch te e Inch diameter, lur sate at a low flguie, ana me eniy neuta in in city with a pipe cutting machine, cutting up JOUM JJEbT'fl, MJ Kaat kulten ilrsjtt, pS-tl , , W ADrMRTlBKUMNTS. jywrr wait, runt ae ran.; SAVED FROM A FIRE! 500 PAIRS Heavy White Blunlels ! Lrg Bli at $1.05 a Pair ; Wer.h $3 00. -AT- METZGER & HAUGflMIN'S, Ne. 38 ft 40 West King Btt-wtt, SjVOPPOSITI TBB W ADVAKTISKMSNTS. PUMPS, BOILERS, MINING, CEN . JlrAi53.,teani?uBip,efanyeapacity, at JOHN BEsra.aieSastJ'uiMiBstreei. mx-ttd FR Leu STEAM GAUGES. HIGH OR Lew Pressure. Water dan. Bun Cocks, Weed Wheels or Weighted, Olass Tnbea. Whistles, syphens for S earn tiauget, Cylinder eiler Plain, Water Gauge Columns, Cerks for Stram Qansjea, call en JOHN BT, S'S But rntten street. ini-tfd T BTARK.AGKNTACO, MaausAOTtrassa or NEAT8FOOT OIL, Alse dealer la Hides. Tallew, Benes and at ease. The highest caah price paid ter Hides. Alse manufacturer of Fur Hen Meal ler cbleken feed ana fertilizer Testimonials lurnlihed li neeesiary. Tele phone connection. LOOK BOX 77, meiSlmd Lancaster, i'a. 8 TEAM HEAT IS THE COMING HEAT for dwelling, churches, eehoel henscf, etc., though succs.iully used one Hundred years are. Wbonyeu contemplate a change eau ea JOim Jsatsf, who will give you a satis factory job, at a fair price. nri-trd mflB DEMAND AS QREATAB EVER ! THE SALES ABE IMMENSE 1 TONS AMU TOKB Or XT SOLD I Hemetlmes ter days It sells fester thin It can be shipped te us. Why Is there inch a rush for PEARL FLOUR? Don't yet think It Is quality lht explains the matter t certainly, and everybody knows It tee. GRABILL, THE OBIQINAL AND ONLY CASH UUOOKB IN THE CITT, DUKE VINE STS., LANOABTEK, PA.. Belli the ONLY GENUINE FKlltl. FLOUR at 73 CENTS. WHITE ROSE BRAND OF FLOUR, A new brand, full roller precets, will net be In until Monday, March 11-03 cent. ARBUTUS FLOUR, Alse Heller Precess, but of lower grade, ose -TELEPHONE.-S N. W. Oer. Duke and Vine Sts, ml-lydM.WJtr' PACKINGS, AS FOLLOWS: DIMtGO, for steam and Hydraulie Packing. Asbesi Hepe, Woven acd Wick Packing, Hemp Pack ing, Asbestos Milt Beard, Asbestos Cement, Asbestos Sheathing, eiuni Picking, Bum Rings for Water Gauges, Plumbago J?ackt g, steed's Patent Asbestos, Llred Sectional Pipe Cever, at J OUN BES t'd, SIS Hast Fulton-el. mt-tld A 8TRICH BROS. ASTRICH'S PALACE OF FASHION 13 East King Street. Lancaster, Pa. Winding-Up Sale of our Stock of LACES AND DRESS TRIM MINGS. One let of Braid Sets and Panels, at 25c ; former price 75c te $1. One let of Panels at 50c ; former price $1.50. One let of Dress Trimmings and Braids at 3c a yard. One let at 5 c ; iermer price 50 and 75c. One let ei Beaded Leeps at 5c apiece; former price 50 te 75c One let of Black Menkey Fur at 25c a yard; former price $1.25 te $1.50. One let el Grey Fur at 10c a yard; former price 50c. Three Grey Muffs, at 25c a piece ; regular price 85c. Four Grey Sets for Children, at 49c ; former price $2. One Fex Muff at 79c ; regu lar price $4. One Beaver Cellar at 50c ; regular price $1.50. One Black Fur Cape at 50c ; regular price $3. Twe Black Fur Cape Heeds at 25c; regular price $1.50. Three Children's White Sets, at 15c a set; former price 37 te 50c. Black Spanish Guipure Skirt Laces at $1, regular price $1.20 a yard; at $1.29, regular price $1.87 a yard; at $1.48, regular price $2; at $1.69, regular price $3 a yard. Black Silk Chantilly Dress Laces at $1.25, regular price $1 62; at $i.4S, regular prire $i.7S; at $1.69, regular price $2; at $1.98, regular price $2.50. A large let of Colored Silk Cord Dress Trimmings, at 25c a yard ; formerly 40 te 50c. One let at 50c a yard; for merly 75c. WILL REMOVE On or About April ist -te our- NEW BUILDING, Nes. 115 and 117 NORTH QUEEN STREET. ASTRICH BROS. Lancaster, Pa. COOI'KR HOU8B.- , rOJiBALHOH xxur. FOR RKNT-FROM APRItT 1 1880, the large third story mom above He. M Centre square. Inquleef ftibU tfd Ne. 1(8 East king Street. FORRENT-TWOHTORE ROOMS AND Basement In Penthern Market. Alse one rr.Be01? en. v,ne r et, anltab'a for any bnslnrss. lnqnlrn at I ara & McKIrev Dry Uoed store, booth Queen street. tiixta7 HOR HUNT OR SALE-ONE OF THE ... .flVMt tjni'ness prepertlea la the elty 1 elegaitlv suited te the butchering business : reut nauonable. Alse a Une dwelling of II !?"?.? .w,Ull2 .ea' eiuate of tie m mutnent. Louldbensadto advantegn for eftlces. Call 5,., r-V WHITn7jOXE. KlngeC ne-lmd keil Estate and lmuiance. DS.1RY FARM FOR RENT-THE MA. . . lV. r,m containing 103 aorta tillable land, adjoining therlty of Lancaster. Water and shaue in evety field. Apply te MUKTIMEK II ALONE, Va'k Heu'. MORTIMER MALONE. U letter Heuse. J. L.BTINM1Z. IS North DukeSt. mari-s.MAIhtld ErOR SALE A VERY SUPERIOR UUAZINO ANOBTOGK FARM, In Fau quier county. Virginia, situated en the Hie et the Pleoment Air Line railroad, forty miles south of Washington city, and one mile 7. "-. tfunuuua 1 Virginia juiurana tall way.) This Tract contains 1,003 ACRE?, ever ree of which Is highly lm roved, is f Superior Qual ity for tiras and Qraln, Js well watered, has a Handsome nnfl Cotnmedlius Hestdence with modern Improvements, all necetrary out eut bnUdlDgs, ctene Grist Mill. Cattle Heuse, Ae. 1 we large stn ami run through the farm. ihUflne body et land will be sold at a sacri fice as a whole, or In two or three parts. f or lutthtr lnfermat en address, A.N. BASl-ArtLie, ,., Ne.S7 W; Ferth Avenue, Baltimore. JoblJ-lmeodAw UilLlOSALEOF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. Ok Texan r, March 12, 1839, will be sold at the Franklin Heute, North Queen street. In tha elty of Lancaster, the tot. lowing real estati, situated In said elty, late the property of Jehn A. uehnian, deceased, te wit I Ne. 1, a let of land, situated en the northwest corner of ilea vor and And raw streets, con taining In front en Heaver atreet 91 leer, and In depth a'eng Andrew street 120 1, or. with a IK story frame dwelling home, fruit tree,, well with pnmp and ether Improvements. Ne. 2. a let of land, situated en the norm side of St. Jeseph street, containing In front ou St. Jotenh street 2) leet. and in dnnth ist f.t un. Joining land, of Jehn MarUn mown, Jehn Flick und Smith. Sate te coTimence at 7 o'clock p m en Tuer dav, March 12tn, whn attendance will be given and terms made known by W. K. UIKSl'Kii, CA1HA1UNK K. 1IOUUAN, Fxocuteri et Jehn A. Hebaian, deceased. Jekl v. UiiNsa, Auctioneer. m2 91ld Rl'HANS' COURT HALE OF VALU AliLRUlTYKKAl, KSTATR. OK TBCnSDAT VENINO, MAKCIt It 183H In pursuauce of nu order of tte Orphans' lourtel Lancaster county, the following real esta e will be Held at publle sale, at the Leop Leep ard Hetel, lu the city of Lancaster : rurpirt Ne. I. all thu certain let or pteca or grout, d, located en tbe north Md8 or ast tiranee street, between Lime and eblppen, en wnlch Is erected a Uiree-stcy llrlek 1 welllag, with Marble rrenr, and a twr-stery biluK backbutldlng alhtcbed, wlih nil modern tm tm prevemtuts, known as Ne. 237 East Orange street. Fnrpart Ne. 2. all tbn certain let or piece of giennd, lecatsd en tbe south stde of hast Marlen alley, between Lime and Sblppen streets, en wblch Is erected a two-story brick bulldtug, with a two story bilck building at tached, used as a dwelling, the same prciulMs ueiuji aiiuwu u nu. 2u can nanen streei. Furpart Ne . all that certain let er piece of ground, loeUcd en the neith slde of fast iheitnut street, en -wbleh Is erected a two story trick dwelling attached, wlih a two story brick back bulldleg, acewu as Ne. 709 East Chestnut, tree t. Furpart Ne. 4, all that cerlnln tractor three leis et ground, lecat'd en tha northeast cor ner et i hestnut ana Franklin streets, eontalu eentalu lug In freut ou north side of Kest t hestnut street slxty-jlx feet cluht Inrhis (83 fet8 Inches), and extending that same nldtn ninety (UOi let, te a tn-tet alley, being known as lets Ni s 157, 153 and lW.el thu chestnut street plan of Lancaster. Fa Farpatt Ne. B, alt that certain trict or pt'ce of ground, loeit.-d en the southeast rorneret Fulton and FranklU streets, containing In fronton the south tlde of i-ul ruiten aireel etghty-ene fettand six Inch s (81 feet 0 Inches), a.d extending that buuie width south ninety (90) feet te n leu fet alley, tbe sime being known as lets Nes 181, 113. 181, and two-thirds "tlotNe. 181 cf the Lhtsslnttt street p'an et l.ancater. Fartles desiring te view enyet the proper preper t'es before the day of fate will plea.e call e 1 it ltyan, Ne. 29 Fast Oranttn F. H lilrrentaugb. Ne. sei n est Chestnut street. Sale te comunent'e nt 7 o'clock p. m.,enstld days, when condition will be made known by the nnderslgned. UAMlKt, W. IHFFr.VllAUaU, FUA1VK II. lIlrFKNIUllHIl, Executers of Peer l)lMeab.iUh deceased It. F. Hews, Auctioneer. main 5ld DRY (JOUDi. mUE PEOPLE'S OASU STORE. Opening Te-day ANOTUUt INVwICK OF French Sati&es ! In a variety of colors and CesUna wblcb I, unturpasscd If i quailed by ar y lieuie lu the city. AMBBIOAU SATIRES Which rival the French urieds lu strlernd cn'eringf, Wei adelphla at 15c. cn'ermgn, Weabll tleji ut lXc. bcldlnl'bll- SOMBCUOIUK '111I.NUSI.V Scotch Zephyrs I AtSCc, o,3lcte fc. SPECIAL BARGAINS -IN- l.AtllfcS' 1ILACK AMI CULOHKtl Silk Taffeta Gloves At 21 rents rtr pair. Almett as goea as these sold last souen at CO coots. Gee. P. Rathven, NO. 26 EAST KIMS BTnEET LAN0A8TKK, FA. tcarll-.nlaW ; 4S- -,., tt'SQ. 4-- V a-JXr