is tv f1 .--"-'; . V .?-' .i 'tJ'- Jf.W'V'r'" '.W VilE IAXCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER MONDAY. MARCH 11, 1889. !tr i. Sf .xw !,atABCB.llil tMUfttfiriniuiiM. , 1Hi'M4mUi of Isaiah V. Will- iki mMmnUm natter for re- ita'a sawchlnrftr numb of pec i im fcaMted or two of collateral tin walllDf ever what bai i te tfeam tte aapry end.;They bad no I A jw t lean te abed ever tbelr kins. aVMar. And it was very natura', itoeyahenldBOt. It was net tattaMef ueurnlntr. IKM iffsxted, Mr. Williamson left Mbiad blm. ToaemothU vt ba tha proper end of a r'a Ufa; te come and work and :'Wl Ma laaat dlatarbince and the ) aeaalatlty, belua tbe ideal life. lials) tM which Mr. Williamson seems illtcd, bat whether with phlle- Balk wa de net knew, te ram bla Ufa will seem a failure, Ittetltaenly joy was the accumulation y,te be aaiiably distributed nt ite cold charitable uses. Xe one Nrttt stony the propriety of tbe collection I IM distribution which Mr. William- tadfl of the money, get honestly and I wisely. The interest of tbe which forbids the perpetuity t great fortunes, was follewel in 4fea scattering et this large one sabot many people. These who re- Mred the shower had no particular fdalaa upon it. Mr. Williamson's Pally lnUIHgncr. g. ..iapbews and nieces would hare bad little ,ere reason te object it they baa been 'Mt'eut in the cold than weuiu me ,'sJhKilies that were remembered. v'The money had te be divided, and tlicy sakht as well have it as anyone else; and I It was very proper te give It te them even 'f tafcMgh the testator did net care for them :5 w. rucj iui uim. .. ,, ....c...,-.. ..--.. - '.vMTtl BOea net wear mourning, iney ure V'miiA he lived, elatl he died nnd alad be l L -, C - - ... left them what be had. It was for rltfit fright for blm te get if, te die, them W WSt) UIOpUUU IV, WJUIC, UUU IU1 fcelrs te go through tbe like performance "taperpetulty. Cellestlng and scattering, I laboring and spending is the proper work Nl & i; and it is te tbe interest of nil ; there should be no check upon the G It was easier for Mr. William. -y, - i te collect than te spend, at.d se he v i I rich. It is easier ter most men J3 spend than te make, and se they be- oaaepeor. i-'f Mr. Williamson probably could have bad 'happier ltfe It he bad net bad se pre- enaceda talent for accumulation. We ire tekl that he was quite nn ordinary J?jPOng man In society, while he was KJVtsiaWlRi tat float Anatnt In tsttatneca tn n WS . BW " u. , ... -?WBica no teems te nave oeeu bq aucutuauu t-that finally bis bead became turned with "admiration at his own smartness for Jsuklng money, se that he could give no vtnenght te anything else, and sacrificed ..'aaHm kqu cuioierii lu iue urni luca, ' 3-Pettaps it was enough for hts happiness ; (fct "certainly he de9s net offer a very -? Jsappy pleture te the ordinary Intelligence, 'living and dying alone, in a bearding Jsete, without social life or family en ,'fkjvmcnt. with ten millions in n safulv gj-iiepesit vault. M rrrrr- !,,;" aitlUU Cill'SBUUt :$" Vh ilrnth nf fUntnln .Tnlin Prlnssen Irfrf. .MT m -.y.ijujBes uae ui the most remarkable lives t the century. He is new most widely gscaewnas me inventor or me Monitor, y, bat be lived in a perfect fever of inven- JTialnn infl Avnarlmnntlnrr nml ,lil rigid economy et time, restless energy I'Ktana D0ldnes ana originality et device, jvsaaae mm in uis eiguiy-siziu ycariue wonder of tbe community. He himself It x,f mmnnir tha leant nf liln InvnnLlnnq. the screw propeller 1b the most Important et bis devices new In general sua ; but the closing years of bis life were Ph devoted te a problem of the greatest Im Wi. v . .. .. . ace te tne numan race, me uuuza' f -u meKMium euuruiuua jiuwci awuu up til 1 .'C the rays et the sun. He experimented ; , wimBevenu ingenious lerms or sun meters I'pet bis own invention, and if lie has net . "aaived be has at least taken a long step E.nwarasine soiuuenoc aproeiemoi in- i'..". .f . 1.lil nalnn 11 & ln a n a ' et carefully arranged manuscript, ''-ad calculations, and bis name will preb- Wy increase in honor as the years go tp fcy, and bis long life et twelve hours work vij;aiuj uiuekuucAiuun 111 tuts prituiicui Imnfillatlnn nf Vita Havlnaa ti'W Distressed Uruubllcaus. ,v-V; About the most brazen opinion t'mt 0t, ira bave beaid in thla period et depres. i-'riuSlea in tha manufacturing indr.atrv is kitsat the causa is In tbe Mills bill. The ' Ctd-ln.the-voel high protection ltepub- :f Uean who ventured this opinion delivered v" ) undoubtedly from tbe mere force of jitflablt. He bad become se habituated te ..rglng the Mills bill with everything ftlTU in the situation of the country, dur- S?f tbe time when the Mills bill was alive ' tf that be could net change his tune aft r tftftj Mills bill acd Democratic party VMtKi defeated, and Harrison and I1I2I1 .Vjarbtectlen are fairly enthroned. And the fact is that the high protection are iu deep distress ever ILe r3fcuara or the manufacturing Industry te Harrlien'd Inauguration with a first- boom. They all expected It as con- .jtlaBtly as they expected the sun te rUe , Ml the 4th of March; which it didn't; '-. -mmuumr uiu iub uckjqi come. S T-.. e ........ ....... . .fMsi nrpuuiicau mantuticturer3ae net ' Imw what te make et It ; but still cry Mat it is coming. If they wait long . Moegh it certainly will ; but that it will ' ewer come as the leiult of liar- SifUn's inauguration, la iedubilably rJNWted by the coming aud going -;f that iatereitiug occasion with tbe Ikinets weather ia the lowest dump?, Wmk nothing going up but tim Harrison ! lilbt.wbich settled down upon the White JIOtiMtast Light in full force, from the ertfeand daughter that were kUsvd upon latst iaauguratlen stacd te the McKee kfaby that was doubtless epanked -fftta same day upon the maternal knee. p.ubtUai before the summer Iaever ainmlai&aa will fir2.A linen f...v. 1 A la- BU- rwwc"' n... ..u.u iievii tavutcu III 113 M4turai vrroriieus. Theio is nothing lu 'situation te sugeat that tbe ty Is entering upon a period .bualfiesi distiess. The depres- t 'we ate suffering comes from fast that railroad compatitien iketted the watered railroads mere liiwaf eaabcar and pay dividends and same for improvement that thi y ft.tjsKbeut. They have suspeudid ar.d orders. Hut they must sV tsUtTg a Kfp in rni r. a- d w . c -.--- i' t I uwet leagsiay out of tha market. There has beea be particular specula Men in this country for a longtime, tBl there is nothing te collapse. The cepptr syndicate's failure takes the big prcflta from the copper stocks, and puts tbelr holders in misery ; but stockholders have bad a miserable tlme of It for some years new, and it is seen tlme for them te have relief, lieaner's prophesy et a great stimulation et the iron trade this year, whlle net sustained by the present superficial appearance et things, is entirely in accord with tbe views of the most wide awake manufac turers, who cenQJently expect a geed business te set in before Septembar, due te natural condition and net te any poli tical cause. Tuc dredging et tbe harbor at Groytew n for tbe Nicaragua canal will probably te started tbla month. Te thla end notbteg mere la required than te conatruet abort brush and pile pier te divert the shore cur rent eiuaed by tbe trade wind whleh continually tende te move sand west. watdly along tbe beacb, and dredge channel through the bar, When tbe canal la completed this harbor will be deeponed .10 feet. Vngiixtering A'ttcjaays; Offers have been rceelvcd already tiem bankers for tbe entlre proposed ieaue of benda en terms which cannot be called high, It net ae geed a desired, and the prospeet could hardly he better for the early beginning of aetlve work ou tbe canal preper; the flrat point of attack being net tsiarlly the great divide rock cut, 3 mllna loop, containing about 8.000.000 cnble yards of solid basalt rock, overlaid by 2 te i-'O fect of esrth. Tinsnu la a horrible etery from Usytt of the masatore of a large number of helpless prlsonera by tbe drunken troops of Legi time. Tbe Island la In noed of few scin tillations et lllalne'a brilliant foreign polley. It la new said that the atery et a naval e-ulllct In Hames, resulting In tbe sinking of an Amerlesn man ef.war, was atarted by the Oormangevornmont te try the probable effect In America of an Ineldent of thla kind. The ynnng klnK la bent upon pun- lslilutc the Hiuiestm for the German defeat and wanted te learn svhethcr American putjl'c opinion would sustain thothreatenod reslstanes of our men-ef-war te aueh a oaurse. II bis consuls en the 1'jclfle alope advlceJ him truly he must new be fully aatUUed en that paint, as the rumor caused a prodigious rzcltement there and only failed te have tbe aame effect la the Hast btcsus generally dlshellcvedi Uai.ifeiikia. la having a wild time ever tbe new geld Uclila and many a fertune will be made and lest shlelly lest, along with friends, home, lKe and ether things, A few bankers and traders will probably get wealthy. Wim. i: we have been watching tbe In stallation of a new administration at Wash ington, Canadians have been working thomaelvas Inte a great btatoef oieltotnout ever tbelr polltleil condition. When we were Interested in Canada oho was platld and oareloas, hut new that we appear te have forgotten all about her for a tlme, she Is dlspased te ralsee disturbance and attract attention by the discussion of comtnerelal unleu, and a geneial assault upon her con cen con aervatlve rulers. The Hill resolutions bslore Cougresa did net attract much uotleo ever the country, but tbe Canadian papera are full et It, and tbe Liberals eagerly appsal te tha government te accept thla Invitation te a oenlerenbe en msttera of trade and taxea. The Londen, Oat, Ad vcrtistir asya: "Either the Conservative government must aoeept tbe Amerlean in vitation te nogetlato a anmmerclal treaty or tbey inunt stand at the people's bar for Judgment. It li only a (luestleti of two or three years at the eutslda, and It the Con Cen Con aervatlvos de net mtke an otlert meantime te arrangn the basis of cloier trade rotations with the United Htttea the Literals will be called by the poeplo te de aa And en the whele, Wd think It la better that they should " TitB lUrrlsburg .Yiimay Cii;iif(i, put. llshtd by McBirs. Zenas J. Qray, Uurmsn J, Welr. nnd It. M. Nturgeen, Is n geed newspaper. It is only four weeka old aed is i'ewltig hotter Willi each issue. In the dinad Isn Parliament last weck tbe famous and absurd resolution ter the purehaBe el New Kngiand by Canada was gravely ettered by a Mr. Mills, who said that the New Kngiand atates were dlssatls. Hed with thelr poJltleStn tbe Union. Tar tlcularly noticeable were the articles In the Bosten Transcript, wbteb openly declared In taver of a union with Canada rather than that the New Kngiand atatea should con cen con tlnue te eaaupy thelr present unsatisfactory position among tbe ether statca 'of tbe Union, llonten, he oentonded, was losing the bulk of her tiade, which was going 10 New Yerk. PERSONAL. O. it. Hauuktt, aged 73, died at hla home In CloarUeld, l'a, en (Saturday, of laralyRln. Ha was appolnted by President l'ierce, lu 1SJ.VI. tn oeuiiy the revenue laws, and served as judge nf the Tweuty. tilth Ja dlclal dlatilct for 13 jeare, whtn he re signed. Count Ven Mei.tkk en Hsturdey cele brated the Hsventletb anniversary et hla entry into the German army. Aliihe royal famlllvn of the empire sontmesssKeaef een. gratuUtlen nud presents te the count. The emperor gave a oreoza bust of blmself and thoeinpresseslatuettoof William I. Three presents were aoeompaniod by tl.tteiing lettern. B Dli. Okeuuk V. HoeT.authorof Trmn. Traiuji, Txaaip," " The liattle Cry or Free dom" nnd ether eiugs popular during tbe war, wai git en a public reception In Chicago ( wheie 1m lua long been a uiusle publisher) en last Friday, and among thnse sending congratulatory uituagna were Jamea Itun. sell Lewell, General Hherman. Colonel F. 1), Grant and Kev. H. F. Smith, author of Ainorlea." Rev. I) it. MKMIK.MIA1.L, oiiltei or the MetUeillst Jieview, lu an ail dress borere the 61. K, uou'ereuee In lUltlniore en Hatur day, said Ihore was net a religious review lu tbe United Hmttathat iaself anppertlng. Tbe wai oef rationalism waa sweeping tbe oeuutry, and Yale cellege waa iu centre, with every profesaeraratlonallsm. II arvard, tee, wasaoentreet rationalism. Toerdltor of the VYMljifenai.RevieuandKev. Heber Newton were both rationalists. Tbe religion of tbe oeuntry should net go te the Reman Citholle, though with their cathedrala and schools and their uulveralty at Washington they were trjlng te take it. Them v.n no denomination mat the Reman Catholics feared te much ai the oenquorlng Mothe dlsU. Murrter acdbulcldci, Jeseph Hesiell, Bged 12yrais, en Muuday ahet neil ktlled his wlfe,and then oemuiltted miiIe de, nt their residence lu Auburn, New Yerk Jealousy was the caute. I. 1. Christiansen, proprietor of the Vleiinn house in Kaneau City, Missouri, waa a iet und fatally wounded by William E. li ill, bid coeL', en Saturday night. Hen s-jtmrjiuntly committed edloide. The toubie wiH ever tbe inllmaey of Hell with Mrs. CtuUtlansen. A hunter and trapper named F.rry, who arrived in Cneyennu en Sunday fium tbe nnttheurn part of Wvemlng tenltrrj, toperted the musacre by Iadlaua of a r mty 0'..ttvQ iench teurUU, M. LftUJalrn anil wife, J. Vlnoentand wlte, and I'ael Q.v f, In the Yellowstone National park. At the house of Judge bnead lu August, Georgia, euHundy, bla teu-year ela be., "whUe playing policeman and aeldir'' with two oelored beya, kllled one Instantly and woundel the ethor. Tbey were play, leg prlsenera and he waa the polite. They made a break for liberty, and he ran In tee house and Neiisd a gun, "whleh he did net knew wan leaded," aimed it at thern and pulled the trigger. The abet entered the lace ard heid u( one et the boys, kllllnir blm Instantly. ' K Protesaer William H. Dsven, vic-vpreel. deal of a Itsltlracrs business college, m Saturday killed blauelf la Dfald 11 1 11 psrk.beoaeseabookon b3ekkpiag,wblcn be had recently published, did net total with SUOCOM. A cut Tariff turermar t. An addrrsa te be Hsned tc-dav by the rfllrsra et tbe MaaaaebnsetU Tariff Iteferm l.aun asya that tbe defeat or the party under tbe lead of President Cleveland mews that the people must be mere fully enllgbt. eed and aroused before tbe era-anlxsd power and wealth of these ler whose bsnetlt tbe preswut tariff la maintained eau be aao aae MMfulljr oppeafK?, "Whi" it adds, "tbe need of reform remains aa urgent aa ever, the Masaaenu aetta TarluT Heferna League will advoeate free raw materials aa the praotleal objective point for future effort. We must continue the work already begun ae well In lbs eltles, and we most carry our message te the farmer, who seem Indifferent te the berdea of taxation thev are made te bear, simply breause no aufllelent eifert has yet been made te expose the fallacies by which they have been ayatematleally doenlvod. Oar ropreecntatlvos In Congress will be given an opportunity te ezplaln why they have ssorlUeed the intereat of New Kngiand te thegteed of l'ennsylvanla." Tha addrtsa olesea with an appeal for centrlbu tlens from theae who aland upon their oemmon ground et redueed taxation in the Interest ofpublle economy, true Industrial preaperlty and sound morals, and la algned by Henry I, Ploreo, William I.leyd Uarrlsen, JtxlsU Quluey and Jehn t Andrews. m I-M than hilt a bottle or Dr. Hull Coeah Bj rup cured me of a severe brec chlut nffacilea. 40 Uanerr St., Baltimore, MO. Uen't I t f a aealer offer you a bett'e of sal vation oil without or wrappers, or In a mutilated or OefacrO paekasn, Uen't touch It Oen't liny itat any prien. Imlsi upon getilng a pertei, unbrektitt genuine package. Pi loe 2Heatia bettlf. WAtAMAJOlJt'tl. ""i'HiLADBxrRU, Menflny, March 11, IS a. One grade of French Kid may sell in the skin for three times as much as another grade. It's three times belter. Net one in a hundred suspects the difference. Best French Kid is softest, finest, most plia ble of all the Kids. Here are about 300 pairs Women's Butten Shoes, made from just such stock. Hand Hand eork throughout. Medium con cave heel and square tee. Loek inside they arc clean, net a scrap or careless the button-holes-for a silk dress. scratch; note -finished as if Net an atom wrong, except there's where you save money except the heels ; a grain higher than some folks like with square tees. If these Shoes were where name counts in the cost ; any where they'd be thought well. worth $6, Yeu shall have them at $5 a pair ! We begin the day with a full assortment : Width AA, Hci 2K te t' ' Width a.ilzassiev wiiHb It, s zes'lXteJK WMlh C, slzes tn2K te 1) Width l, alzesStDt, Width K, sizes 2X te 0 Think of saving $i or $2 be cause some folks think a Shee heel is an eighth of inch tee high ! Jlnrkct attuet front, tveit of M ila AHIe, Woven Fait Carpets ! Sounds odd, doesn't it ? A strong, carpety stuff, thickly felted en both sides. Yeu see and feel only the felt. Much mere wear than in ordinary felt. Neatly printed patterns various choice styles. We have just come by 582 of these carpets that you shall have a third less than former prices : Carpeta JO ?,, ll 10 UariieU ii'lii yurdi, SI Til CaroeU 3x1 ynrdj, SI 10 CurpetB n yams, 5 m u&rppti j atflf, tti2 UativMaillf yard', 111 M UurieU3x4KyatdB.rni Just what you'll like te cover the old carpet or straw matting with: Second Sour, Mutlxt ttrvet tide tour ele vators. First of the Spring Straw Goods are en the Millinery counters. Enough te show hew the Fashion wind is blow ing. Revolution in shapes and effects. Beys' and Girls' Cleth Hats and Caps. First Spring pick ing te-day. Thlrteanth mid Chealuut streete cernur. The famous Ironclad Jerseys are here again. First of the Spring coming. Better than ever, cheaper than ever. Fancy stripes. All sizes, $2. Second noer, Lhuslnut slreotalae. ireur ele- VAtOls. The sample Paris and Vien na Fans fluttered out by scores en Saturday. Paper, Satin, Gauze, Feather-edge. Fraction of regular prices. 15c up. Only a day or two mere. Nerlhwut of centre. m End of the Saxen Art Ware, Rudolstadt decorations, will come like bedtime te boys at play. Vases, busts, groups, animals, baskets. Less than half 90c up. Second deer, toceud ga tery. A pinch of money put in the new Sash Curtain Stuffs (by the yard) will give you an unhoped-eor amount of color and prettiness. Fringes and loops made te match. Iin'iaiieu L'btna Slllr. I 'l.. in auasi luiltstten Madru. B 8 lu W Cole'wd riKtir.4 M.rlui. 'uiy tnGlru. 10c ktamtne or Set I m. plain and Jul id. Je . a itaudahel color lu thuatrliw. ,e oil mnchea wide Embroidered Mti,iiii,5e i" WtnchevilCe Dotted Bw'ti Uu.lln.'Jlct 1 luainls nnd Tauibeurud l.acc, netn II s t.'.r" "'LUV Mar,s. from s'c te . 7S Ctllll SllVs, 7Se 10 1 &0 Better te hurry the season than te let theseasen hurry you. Second noer, north of Transept. Keur elu. vu torts We were the first anywhere te sell Guyet Suspenders at 35c. Thousands and thousands of dozens. Twelve thousand pairs just here from Paris. Coming and going se fast makes us sure of WANJ.MAKBKB fresh goods and newest webs. Life is quick te get out of old elastic. Beth ends of tha Stere, men's furnishings. X Phytalia! Never mind the name. It's a Hair Wash. Be thankful if your scalp is se clean and your hair se healthy that you need nothing of the sort. Maybe one in half a million is that way. The ethers are en the leek ler just such a wash as Phy talia. Simple, safe, pleasant, and it gets there. Extracted from herbs, roots and flowers. Ne acids, nothing that harms. Wc believe it will help te healthy hair where any thing can. We pick it from all the Hair Washes. 45 and 85c the bottle. Ceutie et the store. A Carpet Sweeper that sucks up lint and dust and scattering of every sort; that won't jam furniture and holds its own handle up ; that gees easy or digs in as you wish, and dumps. with a touch, has about all the possible virtues of its kind. That's the " Wanamaker." We picked and named it as the best. When a better shows up we'll. say se. Meantime $3. Basement, netth of eentre. Refrigerator army has wheel ed into sight. IJasoment, northwest of contra. Flower seed 3c pkg. Vegetable seed 3c pkg. Lawn grass seed 20c qt. Tuberose and gladiolus bulbs Sc each. A big counter heaped. Needs te be when you can save half en reliable seeds. ltaieuient, northwest of cenlte. JOHN WANAMAKER. CUMPLKXION PO WDSH. TOMFIiKXlON POWDKK, LADIES' WHO VALUR A UKriNKO CUUfLKXIUH MUSt UtiK POZZONI'S atllUIUATKU COMPLEXION POWDER. It liupnnn a brilliant transparency te the skin, llouieves all pimples, uucklea and dis coloration, and makes tbe skin delicately seu and beMHlful. Itcent&lna no lime, white, Una orarvimle. In three shades, pink or Besh, wblte and lirumiltu. roil bl,K ux All Druggtata and Fftney Ooeda Uealera ilvorywbero. str-KKWAUE or imitation n.-tse aeri'-lvd 1 UllA VVU. A KINK I'IKCKOP CFIEWING TOBACCO IS 1H1ISK1) A MAUh . FINZER'S Old Honesty. Coineae uenr hJtcgu Hne pleracl t'l.UG 'lOlUCCUatlt WposObleto luake It. atd U known as a STANDARD BRAND AMONG PKALKKS. Hi! ate mle that ONK TUIAI. will (J.avlnce Veu el Us Mirtls. Sir I oak icr ice ltd II ttn tsen ouch plutrTae Jno. Finzer & Bre.'s, I.0U1S Il.l.f, KV. ia lOtd enr ueuDii. rUiVHlv. CARPETS! Brusdela, Iugrala, Ritif itud Ohftlu Hall ftnl Btatr Oar pets. Fleer Oil Cletba. CARPET SWEEPERS Aurera Bwerpar, QjM Ucdal Bwerpsr, In'er Ocean Rwoepor, Grewn Jewel Bwoepor. 'lbpnuat' babcsl awctpers mideat Lewest Cu.h I'tUt. JehnS.Givler e .V 0 North Queen Street, !.ANUA?TKU,1'A. w ATPIIHlMtlNn CORSKT. UDV TUKIAMOU3 WATCHSPRING CORSET. Wll.l. Nt-EU 1IUKAU. (iUAIiANTKKn TO OLTVKU AHt CU9 'lOil MAlIK COUJKI'. Mayer, Strouse Ce.,, lUllUOAUWAV, N. V, 0CtH2tU.Th.E6OW PAIS K'S CJCLEKY OOMFOUMa A Perfect sbeti.1 t tei'd, prompt, and plaeat,wttt no griping or purgative afreets It saeuld alie' locus tba liver te a'.tlea, atd digestion, and Hilars lb kidneys. U ka netktag else, i'alae's Celery Ccmpeuad u a perfect laxa tive, and enrts constipation wbare all ether rumeCleafall. "As a gentle laxative, ralna'i Celery Cem. pound ia solely without a ptar. I thlak I ought te knew.iinee I have tried remedy after remedy for about nve or six years and kav found nothing thittiiuala It la say ease of oea- tlvsteii." J u.JBNKtaa.-rwaeher, Cleyd'e Creek, Taan. DIJMOND DVE1 ire the HnipUtt Dyi itadt. A chUU can use (Asm BOOTH AND KHOBB. JJOOTSANDHUOES. D. P. Stackhouse, 28 and 30 East King St. 1 take pleuure in catling your attantlea te my tine of SHOES That I am receiving dally for tbe Bprlng Trade, andn'l are made for these who require great durability and for elegane of style, fit and workmanship oannet be excelled. Prleea Lewer Tbaa tbe Lewest. t'a'l and exttnlne my large stock and we will be pleated te try and suit you. D. P. STACKHOVSE as d( SO HA8T KINO, BT LANUAATBU. FA. aSO-lyd IOOTH AND HQOK3. A Reminder I TAB 11 QkW OR 585 PAIRS or- Ladies' & Children's Shoes en whleh von cin save sss. tee. or 11 .00 per patr, and which we have been advartlslng for IUI he past menln, are selling very tast. Se Don't Blame Us JF YOU GET LEFT, UY HOT UUYINQ Or THIS LOT llSrUHB T1IKY ABB ALL SOLD. Kyery pilr Is worth the price they were made te anil for, but remernbnr weaie telllngthem AT AM) 11KL.OW WHOLkSALKfltlUKB. The Oue-Prlce Caak Howe. ft Thi Lwlers of Let Prices -IN- BOOTS & SHOES Ne. n East KifiR Street, LAMUABTKU. tA. WStore Closed Bvery Kventng at 8 O'clock Kxcart Monday and Batnrdav. MUtUOAL. rj.REAT RKDUOTION IN AUTOHARPS. Three Har .W0O reur liar aa 50 rive liar stoe Any lady can leirn te play a tnnetn fifteen minutes. Drep in tbe store and take a leek at them. TO AUATBUltl and PBOrEBBIOKAL": Wn have ut p-esent the finest stock or 11AU 11AU alONlUAieverseen In Lancaster und at aur. prlalngly low prices. Have several second-Hand Pianos and Organs In Perfect Uondltlea, which we will sell at Bargain Prices. Planei, umans, sheet Uuslc and Musical at see. In genural In fact everythtug pertain ing te a Stat class muale house, AT- Kirk Jehnsen & Ce., 24 WBST KINO BTRaWT, LANUASTBU, PA P. S. Vlanea and Karnltu'e Moved. Get a copy of rred. T. llaker's New Waltz, - The Deves ueturn." nat-iydAw BWYVL.K8. -rl(JYULKM,TRI0Y0LK8, TANDKMH. COLUMBIA Bicycles, Tricycles, Tandems. UUUAHLB, S111PLB. UUAKANTKBU UIQUKBT QUAUB, 1LLUSTUATBUCATALOUUB tUBB. POPE MF'G. CO., TJ rUANKLIN ST., BOSTON. UUANRI1 IIODSKS-U Warren St., New Yerk 1 V1 Waah ava.. :blrauie, yorfaleby JOHN B.MU83KU, Na 2 North Miuet, Columbia. aus-lydaea MiLLlNBRY. gtlKK.ANI) WATK1C Fire and Water. bllghtly Damaged tteck of Hillineiy, Notions, Etc. lam selling at very Lew Prices TO VI.OSK OUT UST1RR gTOCK, P. WEIKEL, mail tfl A TTUUHMri, T UTUKK B. KAOFKMAN, ATTOUNBY-AT-LAW, Second rioer Xshl6mau Iaw UuUdlng, Ne. U Ninth Ilake atnaiu fJb-lvaw w. L. K18UKB, DKNXIHT. Particular alUntlen ntven te fllltna and preaervtnie tha natural teeth. 1 have au the uust Improvements ler doing nlca work at a very reasonable coat. Having years of ex perlenc In the large cities lain sure te give LfcA uesi or as usiacuen ana save IOS BIOU.T bast artucuu ueu emyaa.taijNr SBMlS-lyd & MOI.TV QU I mt JBBB ST. FREY ECKERT Laxative raise's Celery Oevapemnd is prompt aad plaaaanu As a laxatlra It laavaa IHUa te be aeairtd. Ihavagraueeaaiaaeelai'ssaertts." albbt i,ae vase, uee iar jrauer, Sanreat ef Pt&mgegy, Atheas, Ohie. Fer two et three rears 1 aaCartd Utaajssy every sight with severe pales te mybewaU, whtaawerehawtaauijoensupated. MyheweU era aew regular, ana t hare haa be returaef these palas elaee nstag esm bottle et Paint's Clry Compound a, a. anccetrr, Dnggiat. Havaea, Ala. Meral : Vm ralae'a eSStr "uttlii i?iLfS!",H.t intestiaar treat MtaheMk stsArauvapTiia. si oe. lx ter a re. btsisajats. WBtts, feiosuaaeea Ce , BarUsMrteaTVk litllN " 'C upon iAistaU clAestar UraUhy wane j Happy and titarty. II it vtfqvaUtl. creTBitm. fAQKB A BROTH EB. GLOTHING Fpring Season of '89. WB HtVB DETBUUINKD TO LAUtiBLT INOBBA'B OUB BUSINB8S IU THIS UB. rABTMBNTOOBlHU TUB COMING YBAB. TO ACCOMPLISH Tim BK8ULT WB OfrSKt A Large and Better Selected Bleck -or HEN'S. YOUTfl'S AND BOh CLOTHING! 1 han we have ever before shown. All of Oar Own MaeDfdCtnra, AND OUR PKIOKS WILL BE THE LOWEST POSSIBLE FOR RELIABLE CLOTH1NU. Ken's Spring Suits! SsrvlceableQ.ayand Brown ChckCasslmere suiu At B7.SO, B7.0O,SJ7a0, Bzeellest All-Weel Cheviot Butts At, as se, as ae. Stjllih Cheviots and All-Weel Catslmere Suits AtMlO.OO, 810,00, 810.00. rise Bllk-Ulxed Casslmere Suits, All-Weel, At 813.00, 81100, 8100. lne ilair Cord CaaHtnere Suits. Qray fc tracts, adapted for llusluess Wear, AtBlS.OO, 81S.00, 81.0O. Youth's Leng Bant Suits. serviceable Oasstmera Suits, Btyllab Etrlpe atrects, At 80.00, 86.00 and 87.00. Btyllsh All-Weel Cheviot and Casslmera 6ults At 87.00, 88.00, 80.00 and 810 00. BOYS' KNEE PANT SUITS! Union Casslmere Suits in Blrlpei and ai I xtures Atal.SO te 83 00. Servlojahle Casslmere and Cheviot etylUhPUldand stripe affects, Bulls, At 83.79 10 83.00. Spring Overcoats Are Ready. 25,27 & 29 Weat King St., IiANOAHTKU, PA. JIATB.SC. VKaPKOlAL INTEREST TO YOU. PRICES THAT TELL ! A Genuine Fur Stiff ila 11 Si. A tirade Belter, II 50. A Very rtne One, I?. A Saxony Weel Stiff Hat, wa te ll. A Saxony Weel (oft flat, 2Ac te 76c. Men's Genuine Fur Boft Hats, All Shapes and Celers, 76c. Men's BUk UaU from 11 60 up. Men's Caps from Boe te 11. Dent's fur Cellars, We te li Ueut's Fur Caps, coo te 7Jc. Ladles' MnlTs, 6O0, up. Fine Japan Welt Vebes (Large Size), 11 8S. Kobes-AU Grades and All Prices. Trunks and TraveliDg Bags At Big Bargains. Carload Just itecctved. A Nice Trunk. II ts, A ZtncKJevered Trunk, 11. Traveling Bags from We up. arllbrbest Cash Prices for Baw Furs. Musk rats. Sic. W.D.Stauffer&Ce,, Nea. 81 83 Uerth Qneen Street .LANOASTBB.PA. miu BROTHER CLOTBUtU. rne OLOTHlNaBTJVKtW. Tailoring DEPARTMENT. Interesting te Gentlemen We at ait our Bprleg liustucas with LTnez atrpled Uatgalns, Wa have dltnlavd In enr Rtnrn .hnnl Ma Utiles of rerutan and UomrstleSntMngsaud TTeusennga wnicn we nuae 10 order at tha lowest case prices. All Weel aulta te order at tl&ee. All Weel sntu te order at All Weel salts te elder at SIS 0", 118 (0, (SO 00. Alt Weel One imported Worsted suit at 1:2 CO and t23te. Trousers te Order. All Weel Casatroeroj at 13.50, 14 M II M, J 0.. All Weel worsteds at 15.53, te 00,, as 00 ta.00, (10 ej. These goods are worth fully double taa money. Their value hts never been equaled at the price Loek at our w Indews te-day. L. 6ANSMAN & BRO, Tailors and Manufacturer of Fine Clothing, 61 and M NOUTH QDBIN BTBEBT, S. W. COB.OF OUANGE, LANC8TKU,PA. H IRSH A BROTHER. OUR SPRING DISPLAY OF Children's Clothing! lSWllUOUX KXCKP11UN TUBIINK1T, TUB PltKITISHT, TllaBKBl'MAOB, TUB CUBA PKrtT, TUBUKSTTUIMMKD, TUKLAhUKSP Byer shown in Lancaster. The above statement Is very bread In Its nature, uur Wjcuam pkevb it. We Invite and Bequest the L&dies of Lancaster City and County Te call and Inspect the above line, and we are euro thev will be delighted end as well pleased ss these Gentlemen who have examlnea 0UK SPRING STOCK Or' Made te Order Goods PANTAL00N1NGSII SUITINGS 1 OVKBCOAT1NUS I BVBUY IMAGINABLE PATTEBN. CALL AND BKK THIM. H1RSH BROTHER, ONE-PBIOB Olethicra and Furnkhcr?, CORNER OF N. QUBBN & OHNTRB BQUARH, LANCASTKll.l'A. AaVUAW FIJH 1'ltICKB Flrat-Cltss Hldoi Hldei Musk Bats, 2!e and 'J3c each. Skunk, 11 10. M7 BHH A KATliFOW. It's Net Profitable FOR US -'IO- SELL CLOTHING -AT A- REDUCTION. Yet we're doing Just that very thing. We're giving you ler 110 what originally sold for 114, for tit what originally sild for 116, aud at 112 what originally sold ter 111, and se en through the whele line of deslrable Suits and Overcoats I fjThls Is a reduction that I taking our profits and giving you Handsome, Stylish clethlug atVKUVMODKBX PltlCB', Avail yourteit of tbe opportunity, lust as many ethers havei and we'll bave your trade right along. Myers & Rathl'en, UKLIAlll.K 0LOU1IKKS, NO. 12 ttAST KINO BT.. .ANOanTKK ilAOMXMRr. 3TEAM. STEAM Knglnes, Hellers, Plpe, Valves and rulings ; Asbeaunaed Unbber Valve and Hed Packing, Asbeates and Unbber bntxit and Mill-Beard Tucking, VDLOABE8TON Eheetand Bed Packings. The Pratt A Cady Asbestos Packed Uecka'a.nd Asbestos Ueuewu ble Ulse Glebe and Angle Valves. Htcain users can save money by bnylug their supplies trem us. The Lararest Asaortment, the llst Goods and the Lewest Prices. A full line of Machine, Cap and et Screws, New and cocendlland stnglnea and Hellers en hand and lurnlabed promptly. LIGHT CASTINGS. Hy special arrangements we'are able te fur nish Light uray Irea Castlnirs et Superior Quality and rinlsh at Lew Itaus, lu Quanti ties. Alse, Brass castings of every descrip tion. Geed Werk, Seasonable Charges, Prompt ness. Central Machine Works lit A ISO NORTH CHRISTIAN BT,, LaaaasraB, Pa. lr.t) VOA.L. LUMBER AND COAU TOlllCCO UIHI0K3 AND CA8K8. WESTKltN 11AUO W0OU3. Wlinlesalu and Betall, at H B. M AUT1N A CO, lit WaUrsUeet, Lancaster, Pa. nS-lvd 13 ATJMGAItPK15ltr l'0M?4."Y COAL DBALSHS. ursiea: Ne. m Nertn tacuntrent, ftnd i-ti M Merlb Prlnce street. Nerui Prince street, near waning atyuba LAjfOAavss. pa Merchant kr..!- . - x -.