HpziSp xv 1Z3SrE&&F&T$gi$ Th a-".! fVj .?-, &-' ,. ftrtdltgM :, X-mtfa; fciii & m VOLUME XXV-NO. 172. LANCASTER, PA., MONDAY, MARCH 11, 1889. PRICE TWO CENTS. Ik U DRAWING TO A CLOSE. NBaKLY ALL THB TBtTTIttONT BI1BO IN 11IB DKIXIMQBB CUE. tha Prisoner cms as Aeeeaat el BU Whsre- ebaats from the Ttiseaar Before th Murder le the Tim Bir Bedy Was Idtntltlsd at lb Dim Haul. Saturday Afternoon Unentbe return of Judge Patterson irem Ida faneral et Jndge Leng the trial at Calvin M.Oelllngsr.fertbe tnn deret htswtfp, was resumed. Tbe first witness called by the defense wm a. K. Hpurrlerand his testimony wm: X am an alderman; en the afternoon of Oalebsr5 1 went te lbs almshouse and tbere ur the body afterwards Identified m tbat of Mary Catherine Belllngeri I wm present at the Brat pest-mortem; 1 law no bruise or out eut waid sign or violence en the u erased. R. W. Bueklun.runnrter of the A'-ramfner, sworn : Was at tbe p aea where Mr a. Bell inger's body wbs tuund ; get there at 9 o'clock ; the woman was en her back, her dress was open tn trout, her neitrlla full of sand and froth waa lu bar mouth ; her cloth ing was wet all ever, front and back, but tbe trout mire wet; her stockings were down ; saw a feet print below wbere Mia. Bellinger's body waa found, few tnehea above ihoeteak ; It waa that or a heel and part of a atioe ; there were no marks of vlo vle fenes ou the body, but en the threat In IroritwasaemalltarBteb ; her bat waa found kerne ditauce from tbe body, lu the under brush. Harry II. Hocscl.eftholNTKLr.iaKNOKn, the first reporter le get te tbe acene of tbe murder, corroborated tbe testimony of the preceding witness, and etaled that all of tbe woman's clothing were wet, when abe lay en the bank or the nrenk. Adam B. Bier, e( Hohteratewit, Bwern : Waa at I lie Little Cone-uega ereek at 'A o'clock en the alternoen of Tuesday, Oato Oate IwrC, near where the bely waa loend : I aaw feet prluta near tbe cteek and reiael my shoes lute the print and obliterated tbm;Ithu remarked te myaanpaulen that I etif. bt net te de that as some detectives would ba along, measure tbe track a and ba fooled. Cress examined : 1 was summoned as a Jurer en tne special ventre In this eass and old net mention wbat I knew at that time ; 1 never communicated tbe Information 1 possessed te the defendant's oeunael, but told ether parties and tbey probably con veyed the information te ceunael ; tbere were no ether prints In tbe neighborhood that I saw. Mr. Baer exhibited tbe shoes he word en that day te the Jury and they were oTered In evidence. Jehn Klehl, swern: Live In Keadlng new and prier te November, at Ne. 525 North Christian atreat, this city; was werklngal K. H. Ksulleian's, en the Har rlaburg plkn, en Ootebar Q'.b ; about 7:30 en tbeevt.mng otOa'ebor 4, as 1 was going out the Heading tracks near Hobreyer'a lane, I raw a man and woman ahead of me, but 1 de net knew who tbey were; I get te or fatbet'a home a short distance away at 20 uiinit'-ea of 8 o'clock. Ore's examined : I nover before w a man and woman travel this path ; It Is net ou the public read but along the Pennsyl vania railroad. Mn Margaret Bewers, sworn : I live In this city at Ne. 26 West New street, and am tbe wile or Christian Unworn; I knew Mary Catharine Balllnger well; abe visited my tieun mica a week ; she was at my hensa en tbe Tuesday before her dealt', at 8:30 in tbe m en. Inn; witness waa shown the horse shoe pin fcuad near the body and asked if she bad Been tbe pin en her pnraen; witness centinued: I aaw that pin en her dress en that Tuesday ; It was open and my daughter leld her about ita belua open and abe said that It did net make any tilUerenoe, that It was an old ede that Cal gave her. Cress-examined: I did net swear at the coroner's Inquest tbnt Mr, Bellinger did net have a pin en ; I did net v te District Atterney Weaver that Mrs. Bellinger did net have n piu en her dress n Tueiday ; what 1 mtd was Ibat Mra. Balltnger had a pin en Tuesday bat tbat she did net notice en Thursday wbether or net she were a p'n. Bavld Hmtl z, swern: Werkel for Kauflman, Keller & Ca, oeal dealers, en UarrlstmrK plke, laHt tall, as a yard hand; en the afternoon of Thursday, October 4, was ou the treitle work In the yard; between 5 and 0 o'clock 1 raw a mau and wemau pats; the woman had en a Jersey" and light hut; themsn worn dark brown clothes and had ublg black meusiacbe;they walked tewaids the oil oempiny works; witnewj Htiewti bat found near Mrs. Bel llnttet'd tKKly, and be Identified tbe hat at the one worn by the woman who passed lu company with this man; at the tlme I described the hat and Jersoy J bad net seeu the dally papers rIvIuk any description of the woman's cletbtng; 1 followed this couple as far as Sohreyer's lane and passed tbeui; 1 then returned te the oejI yard, and fre.u the trestle I oeuld aee tbe couple ke up college avenue; the woman looked te me like ll sue was unaer tben.Uuerjcft of liijaer; It was 0 o'cleok when I saw them go upoelloge avenue. Aunle Miller, swr-c: I live at 210 West Vleeatree ;knear Mrs. Delllnger for six mentba prier te her death; 1 read an ae count of tbe finding of the body In Friday evening" paper; 1 saw Mrs. Delllugoren Thursday evoelng, the night abe was killed, ou Wust Ktug street, abcut three itoero from Ke Ik fir's Ealoen, between G and 7 n'click In tbe eveulnv; there was a geatlemnn with her ; she spoke te me and 1 answered bar; bur had n dark coat, light bat nnd llK'itlsh dress; sue were aucb. H dretB as sbe liai en when found dead ; the man was well dressed and as tall as 1 am ; he bad n dark inouttaebe ; when I last saw them tbey were going towards tbe Marietta pixe. CrMa-examlnid : 1 de net think tl.e woman was drunk wn n she passed mn ; i first made known tbat 1 had seen Mrs. Bellinger with this man tbree weeks age at tbe heiiHu of Mra. Dien; 1 Identify tbe bat exhibited as Mrs. Bellinger's because I have otien re u her wear the hat ; 1 oez-)d particularly at Mra Bellinger as Blepamed because I aw that the man with her was iiet ber husband. Adjourned te 7:30 o'clock. Saturday Evening. Couil met at 7iW o'clock ana the dofense called Coe Mullecn, ifllclal court stenographer. Ills testimony was : 1 took the testimony at the hearing of Alderman Ualbach, in tbe orphans court room ; I made the report et the testl meny and delivered It te tbe district altor alter nej ; he tead tbe tostlmecy or Martha Hurkheldcr, Bavld Btjerand Aaren Buck waiter taken at thnt hearing, which was Ulfld'cnt In many particulars from that given lu tbe trial or tbe cause Alderman A. K.Hpurrlerrecilled: Huaau Hhenk was examined as a witness In tbe Bellinger ce beard before me ; Mrs Hhenk was net prevemea irem giving any testi mony en tbat occasion; at tbat bearing she testified tbat en Thursday evening, Ojtober 4. abe saw Bellinger coming In the turnpike and pass through tbe tell-gate alone between 7 and 8 o'clock; ahe at Id nothing In ber examination about Mra. Bellinger having bean with ber husband; tbe witness's were all asked by either Mr. iirnwn or Mr. Hensel, at tbe conclusion or their teitluieny, whether It was net all tbey knew about the cate. Cress examined: 1 took notes of testi mony In tbe case at tbe time but did net preserve mem auer i iiau uismiswu iue ease; the testimony of all the witnesses before Aldermau lUlbaah was substantially the same as before me, except tbat of Mrs. Hhenk. H. U. Henntl, reealled : Was at tbe bear ing before Alderman Spurrier; Mra. Hnauk tbere testified tbat Bhe si.w Calvin M. Bellinger enmeln tbe Krultvllle turnpike alone en Thursday evening, October 4, be tween e ana l ocieoir, goieg lewarus in u B. O. ifrantz, recailed : i beard Susan Hhenk last evening say, "New tbey are trying te make me out a liar; I am going te tell a let mere en blm; 1 esuld have, but 1 pitied the peer fellow " JAiderman Bpnrrler corroborated Ibe tes timony et Mr. Fxantz. M li- Bellinger, brother et the prisoner, awcrn ; 1 heard Mrs. Hhenk testify before Alderman Hpurrier tbat Calvin M Bel. linger pod ber house alone en tbe even ing et Ootebar 4, going home ; I werkei with Calvin en tbe Tuesday before the murder, cutting ern, cear wbere Cal lived ; when C.l and 1 returned te tbe hoeta at neon It was dosed ; after dinner weai back te fie flnd and worked until waa work In e alone In theoerofleld, and while tbere Mra. Asten came ; 1 went with her te the house, called Cal andheeame down atslra i did net work en Wednesday afternoon but ea Thursday morning I did ; ea that aftornoen 1 aaw Mra. Delllnger ; she eame te the Held wbere I was ; It was be tween 2 and 3 o'clock tbat I saw her s abe went from me te the hense and I saw ber Irem where I was, at the shatter. lira. M. Ik Bellinger, sworn : Same time after Oal'a release from J U he brought ta me his wash, among wulch was a pair of woman's drawers; these same drawers 1 aaw In the Are place at Delllnget'a house; after I washed them I gave them te Beteetlve Barnbetd. , At this stage of tbe case court sojourned until Monday morning at 9 o'eIook. Tee oenrtlnatraoted tbetlpstavM te take the Jurer walking en Hunday for exereiaa. Monday Morning. Tee Bellinger case waa resumed at 9 o'clock. H. W. Bocklee, re called : Heard the testimony of Mr. Hhenk before Alderman Hpnrrler; ahe tbere testified tbat she aaw Bellinger passing through the tell-gate alone going towards town between 7 and 8 o'clock en the evening of Thursday, October 4, and tbat abe aaw blm going towards town tbe following morning between G and7o'elosk. Walter Klefler corroborated the testi mony of Mr. Bucklus as te Mrs. Hhenk'a testimony. B. V. Kresdy, awern : Was at the aeene et tbe finding of the body en tbe Sunday following the finding; there were many persons tbore that alternoen. Jehn Suavely, sworn : Was with Adam B. Baer at the scene et tbe murder en tbe day of the finding, and saw Baer place his feet In tbe print en tbe bank of tbe creek, after which Baer remarked tbat he ought net te de te, as sotne detective would ba tbere aud measure tbe track, aud It weu'.d ba his track. Redmond CenyDgbam, awern : Went ever tbe route lesuUed te by Beteollve Nevins ; from Pennsylvania depot te Sbenk'a tell-gate It took 17 minutes te walk ; from Sbenk's tell gate te railroad bridge, 2 minutes, from there te cnlvert at Pennsylvania railroad bridge ever lilltle Conestoga ereek S2 minutes, from tbe culvert te wbere tbe body was found and back te tbe top of the railroad bridge 3' te 4 4 minutes, rrem tuere Dy raureaa te nr- nseurg turnpike, w minutes, along Janata te Cherry Alley and Chestnut street, 35 minutes, making a total of 80 mlnutse, It took te make tbe circuit from the depot te tbe ace ne of tbe murder, by way of Hhenk'a t ill-gate and return by the shortest reu'e ; from Cherry Alley and Cbeatnut street te Mrs. Asten's house It took 19 minutes. .Constable Sides, wbe went ever the route described by Mr. Cenynitbam, en Bunday, testified that It took him 89 mtnutt s te travel it, Underkeeper Oil dwell, swern: Officers Birnbeld and Wutlck brought clothes In a bag te tbe prison and said the clothes were Bellinger's; tbe clothing was very wet. Underkeeper Murr testified te the same fsats. Policeman Beas, ewern : The brldge ever tbe railroad, en tbe Kiullyllle pike la a leafing place for tramps, both men and women aud 1 ha.ve frequently chased them away. Calvin M. Bellinger, sworn : I lived Ust Ootebor en the Frultvllle turnpike ; 1 will be 28 years eid tbe 21st of next November ; was the buabandet Mary Catherine Bol Bel linger ; ou Tuesday morning aba tnsde breakfast, after which X fed tbe pigs aud ground tbe corn knife ; she askud me about going te the stere for grcoerles ; I asked ber hew much meney Bbn wanted, and ahe said ahe did net knew; I handed ber the silver dollar ; she said sbedld net want that much ; tbeu I gave her 47 cents le ebsnge ; I went out tbe deer; Bhe called me back aud said sbe must bave a kiss before she went ; I kissed ber and started te leave ; an 1 was going away 1 aaw siine clothes that bad t-en thrown out of the window, aed when 1 called her attontlen te them she put tbera lu the oeal Nbed ; X asked her when she would be back aed ehe said at 0 o'clock ; shn asked me about what time X wanted dinner, nnd 1 said at 11 o'cleok ; I thou went te tbe corn field and tbat was tbe last X (ew her allve ; my brother worked with me till dinner time and we then wenl te the house; Kste was net there and I raid te my brother "X wonder where Kate la;" after dinner X went tejthefie'dand worked until evening; when I get back tn tbe beuse It was looked; X went le, took 1 11 my old clothes and went te town te my mother in law'; tbere X asked Mrs. Asten If Kate was there and she replied that Bhe bad net been; I waited tbeie until 10:30 o'clock, and Mis Anten said I should gi te Mra. Beweri.' and mske In quiry tbere, and If 1 found her X should come and tell her, and It I did net come she would be out at tbe beuse tbe next day; X went te Mrr, Bewers' and was told that ehe bad net been there since Tuesdsy morning and she then said she was going te ber brotbei'a In tbe country ; tbat Bhe had lbft Mm. Bnera'at8:301n tbomernlne and aald ahe wnntd be back en Thursday; I was at borne all etths balance of Tuesday nigh' and slept next morning until nearly lu e'cicck, wnrn i was awaicenea ny my brelber; X get up, went down stairs and feuud Mra Asten lberi ; Bbe wanted me te hire a wsgoe and go In search of Kate, but X said I did nt t have tbe meney te spare, I wanted te net Kate a new mess tbe fel lowing Saturday; I remained at home en Wednesday until 1 o'clock when I went te the city water works and from there te McQrann's park; from there te Prank ltn beusa and then home; en the next day, Thursday; 1 lett my home at noec, went down tbe Krultvllle pike te Prluen atrcet, te the furnace and then te the New Bauvllle pike; tbere 1 watted for an hour or ix.e:e, expecting te bbe my wife oemlbe from tun country; I did netree ber, and then went te uiy mother-in-law's en Seuth Queen street and asked If Kale had been tbere; shi replied tbat Bhe was, and bad left at 11 o'clock te go home; 1 tsued her when she came home, and she said the evenlns before with her father; when Kate left at 11 e'cicck, she said she was going straight borne ; 1 then said X sin going straight home and may be I will meet ber ; abe aald X better wait, may be Bhe will come back ; I waltad until 4 o'clock and left, saying If Ka'e came her mother should keep her tbere and 1 would be back before 10 o'elcck ; X went up stree', bought a dally paper and went home ; X re id t e paper until daik and ehertly after 7 o'clock caoie te town and went le Pennsylvania railroad station and was tbere wben tbe first train came from Philadelphia; oreased the track and was at tbe waiting room whoa tbe seceud train went out et tbe depot ;from there went te Franklin beuie, then te Bakei's clgsr store, from there te monument, te Ktat King and Duke streets, whero X spoke te Will Heist ; from tbere X went up Kast Kins te Middle and down Middle street te my first wlfe'n home; X stepped and spike tj ber nnd she raid X bad better net talk tteie but we s'aeuld go ever te the market hnuxe anil we went; we talked trim 3i te 45 minutes tbere and when X left X took a nouen te go te tbe circus aud X walked up Lime te Chetnut street;' tbere I gave a man ligbt from my cigar aud asked blm about the circus and no said mere was de cireus ; 1 then went along Chestnut street te North Q aeen street end down tbat street ; X saw UIHeman sweeping that street and stepped and rpake te blm ;n Orange and NertLQueen street X saw aud spoke te Leuis Clansman and went direct te Mrs. Acdeu's; was tbere told tbat Kste had left the house te go home, and ahe saw ber go up Seuth Queen street ; she said she would go te Shank's tell-sato and watt until 1 passed; I then said 1 would go and bunt Kate; Mra. Asten raid Kate told ber It ahe Win net back at 9:30 o'elock abe would net bs back tbat night, and as Bbe weut out of tie deer Kate eald te ber mother, "If anything happens te me will you keep my baby," and her mother said she would ; Kate then sild : " Keep my watch for Lilly"; 1 waited at the beusa until 11:30 aud then ten ; Mrs. Asten aald 1 should e te Mrs. Bewers', Mrs. Hhenk's and Mrs Snyder's and make Inquiries; X went te Mrs. Hhenk'a and asked for my wife; sbe said "I don't knew your wife -," X then de scribed my wife as tbe woman who passed frequently with a baby earrlage, and she aald sbe ntd been awsy all day and she would ask ber husband; sbe returned after speaking te him aed said "your wife pawed the gate a little before undewn ; I then went t Snyder's and was there told tbat my wife bad b ea tbere tn tbe afternoon when I passed tbe home en tbe read home; after I passed she went te tewL; X went home aed staid there until a o'elock en Friday Bionileg; X dressed myself, attended te some wars, palled some red betmt Itien tnketl my old clothes putting ethers en and went te town; stepped at Mra. Bjenra' and there learned tbat Kate bad been at l.er house from XI o'clock until ', when ahe lefl; I then went te my mnther-ln-law'a and ahe aald she would go with tne after htr work was den te leek for Kate; my mother In-law ard myrelf with tbe baby then weut tn t?,itcli of Kate; we went up near the Eastern uinrke'j tbere Mrs. Asten tald tnele wall, that she knew wbere sbe oeuld find Kstc; xbe remained away about 15 minutes and then went te Mra. Bewer; Mrs. Asteu said I should remain seme distance away from the house, as ahn would learn mnre from Mrr. Bewers II she went there hersslf; we then went te Mra. HtienkV and made lnquliy ; Mra. Hhenk raid she bad been away at work all day and bad bet seen anything of my wife; he then went te Ihn warehouse where Kate's sister werke I nt d tbere learned tbat a woman and a child bad been found dead, but paid no nttenlleu te It because of tbe report el a child being found with the woman ; went frcm there te the Barrel tinrre hotel, ihnn te Mrs. Asten's home ; wblle there Kate's sister came borne and aald tbe woman round dead hrd no child and tbe description given et thi dress of the dead woman by the reporter corresponded wltn tbat of Kate's; 1 aald X would go te tbe almsheuse and leek at the body, and Mrr, Asten said : "I f It l Kate, don't ceme back and tell me, for It will kill me;'' Mrs. Asten pereuuleil me te wait for dinner, after wliljb I went up street, saw the reporter, get a description et the dres, went te the hospital and there Iden tified tbe body as tbat of my wife. The Witness described at length lit visit te tbe cel nn of the liadlngettbe body, In cempiny .with Cjnstahles Wlttlck and Barnheid, and te tlice 11) Mrs foreiug his shoes Inte the track uear where the body waa fount , lie admitted havlnc had some quarrels with his wife ab:ut her neglect et house hold affair, but be dftnlnd having ever threatened te kill her ; be never aald that he f eared net beuven, bell or the sallews and tbat If b rntild net have Kate, no etber man should ; be never said thnt It would cost some poeplo thulr lives, If he wss reluted admittance te his motherlti law's ; he denied having shot at his wile, when he lived at Conestoga Centre, but ad mitted having dltchargcd a revolver lu the house at a deg; be denied having bruised his wife's limbs and claimed that ber legs were bruised by ber from a tobacco wagon ; witness detailed at lenuth the particulars et bis second arrest In Yerk county and te tbi efforts of Wlttlck and the l'lnkerten detective te foreo a confession from htm at tbe point of a revolver. The witness was subjoeted te a lengthy cress-examination and tbe examination was net concluded when cjurt rose te 2:30 o'clock. XXe did net vary any In his croas creas croas examlnatlcn from bis testimony lu chief. 11KV. UlttY'd I'AKKWELI. BKllMU. A Itrsams el III Wern Daring the Three Tram' pastorate at tbe Dak. bt. Uburcli. H9V. J. It T. Omy preached en the mis sionary cause at the morning rorvlee, en Hunday, from Ht. Matthew, 5, 13 : "Ye aie tbe rait of the earth, but If the sslt have lest Us saver, wborewlth shall It be salted." After Mi sermon be made au op ep psal for subscriptions for tbe missionary soelety and 30J wan BOOiireJ. The Sunday school missionary annlver airy was held In tha afternoon. The scholars of tin Bnke street church and tbe Last nnd West mts!et:s occupied tbe body of the obureu and the parents and friends of tbe rchoel wete in tbe galleries. The singing was accompanied by tbe Hunday school orchestra of Bnke atreet church and was led by the choir. The exercises con sisted of prayer, responsive reading, sing ing and Bddrewa byKev. Q. W. AdaubH, of Washington boreugb, and Rev. Uray. Tbe elf arlngs of tbe year were as folio wr: Btike street, T32S; Western, f 10.28; Eastern, 183, a total el 1 160 28. Kev. Uray preached his farewell sermon In tbe evcnlng te n crowded congregation. lie has been pastor of the church for three years, and he reviewed bis work during this tlme net In refetenre te generaj events but In reference te bis association as psBter and people. He rpoLe el tbe pleasant as sociation he has bad with the people of Lar Lar caster, aud pnrtlcularly with the members et the o)iii(rei;tleii. This BRsoclatlen bai also been ple-witit ou tbe social slde. He paid a well desnrved trlbute le the hospi tality and ceurieiy of the peeple of Lsncts ter. He referrcd te the delightful memories of tbe public Borvlces end scelal meetings and said the music by tbe cxoellent cbelr bad been an unfiling delight Xle also bore testimony te tbe kindly feeling between the dIOerent denominations and te tbe ability and bretherllness of his associates In tbe ministry In this city, XXe then refcrred with sorrow te the death of his pinshlecera durlag his con nectien with tbe church, and nsmed the following as having dled: William Murray, James X'etta, Lsulas Handorseu, Kmellce EntrlkOD, Barbara Welfersberge, Kllzt beth A. Cress, Eliza Karfoet, Fannie Breck, Msry M. Bltner, Mary C. Potts, Bavld B. Ilestettcr, llenry Shubert, Bsulah J, Stilndle, William (llnre, Ellzi M. Black, Mazle K Ullgore, Dmltl Oktaen, Benjamin F. I'hllllp, Mary Miller, Csrollne B. Ker.'oe:. Thtes probjtlenura hsve dled: Oharle-j W Fry, Taetnn Huhus, Frank E Burst. Xlenext ejuke rt the prep sal oreelinu of tbe new church building nnd uald he bollevcd that ruc-ei li new asMired. lu .conclusion be referred te tbe work done by him, and the fellow lug la a ryuop ryuep ala: Aboentfrom pulpit elght Sunday a lu three ywirs ; held 10 weeks of protruded meetings ; preached 335 sermons ; made 3 'HO pisteral vislir ; attended 01 funerals ; baptlsmw, ailulU 25, children til ; recetved Inte tbe oetircb, by letter 8, en probation 09; Tne membership of tbn churcb, exoluelve et tbe Western, U 528; probationers 29; total 5'0 At the cIiich ct the rormen tbe mis sionary ell irt wai resumed. Tboaell-otion for th9 day amcunted te atom f SOU. linrlKlmrii toiler.. Tbe following 1. a tlt of unclaimed let' ters remaining In tbe pistelQce, LsucAsser, Monday, March 11, ISM): Ladtei' Hit. Mrs 1 Knllen, Kate Ji-uklne, Mies Mry H'mi'iti, MUs AnnleK, . atner. G'ent'3 IasI -It It IInten, J J Car penter, K. O. I2,ctril, Nnsti (llatfeper, Henry Krai I, F. J- Lswlr, M, Lenoy J Mo Me Neely, S. Markley, II E Miller, H. F. Mlnthern, J Menree, Muses Nelan, Win. H. Prcsestr, Jehn Pully, P P. Hentmnn, Jno Shank, Wm. Suutwrly, F. 11. Wlclry, irau. wueur. A Chlnntusu ttbe M; ll Ailiullttd. Colleelor Msgnne, et New Yerk, will de- cldete-tay wbeti.er Ah Foe, a CbluBoiae, wbe arrived en the bteamer Adrlatle yesterday, can Und or net. It appears Frobable that hu will lit allowed te land, (ncim te tblsutuntty vshen he was but 9 yenraeld, and wan marrlud here te an Amer lean woman, by whom l.e hai a daughter 13 ye rseld. Ah Foe Is a cook. He talks EekMlnu, has hud his cue cut oil aaddrebsea lu Uivnem cletbts. Jehn lirlixjiiiet'. funrral. The luneral el Jehn Ilrlmmer, the young man of this city who was killed by tne cars near Mlddlctewn ou WeJu(xday,toek place from the residence of his father, en Locust street, en Sunday afternoon. Tbe attend ance was large, as the deceased ba 1 a great many arqualntsncr. The services were conducted by Hev Pratt and the Interment was made at Lmcaitbr cemetery. Death et a l"ug. A valuable png deg belonging te Samuel Gruel, waa killed en Saturday, Tt 0 ailmal bad followed a gentleman who was en a street car coming up Seuth Qieen street. Xn getting ell at tha corner cf Andrew street the animal fell under the car wheels and wu killed, . G,000 WEAVERS STRIKE. rirtv mill's in rtu, it it kit, massi- UIIUSKTT-, AllB AV RtTBD. Th Operants. Itriixnd an Inert ate In Wf a Manaiactniera Itefnse te Orant an An- vanrr, riot tbe BmpleTf s Cenusant el Obtaining West Thy Ath, FAi.t. ltiVRit, Maa, March II. Th weavers' strike ter an advance In wagea which occurred this morning, Is one et tbe most general In the history et laker troubles here. The weaving departments of fifty mills are praotleMly shut down and 0,000 weavers are Idle. Thoae who refused testrlkn de nnt altogether number mere than half enough te keep oue milt going. Tbe extent of tbe atrlke la qulte a sur prlae te the manufacturers who en peeled that only a few mills lu the outskirts would be Involved. Tbey thought tbe help would be be much divided as te the wisdom et a strike at the present tlme tbat this circumstance would dlserganlre them In a few days. The operatives are very much pleased at the unanimous sontlment of resistance dis played In 'their ranka and predict au early vlotery. Thoye'alm that thny can tfTerd te mnlntatu the atrlke for soverol weeks. It Is tbe prevalllng improislen that tbe mauufaaturers can give an advance at present prices ter cloth nud can HI BlTerd te curtail pioduetlon for wen a short period. The Beard of Trade rays, huwevur, tbat no advance will be gltcti aud n bluer Btuiggle Is anticipated. TWO 8 AUKS OK HtOCU-j Iho rilcss Tbat feepls Gave at Cooper llunaa and I.tepanl IIeikI, This afternoon Sam Malt Ftldy, buo bue buo tleneer, sold at tbe Cooper beuse for J. B. Leng, broker, the following stocks, bends, Ae , for the oatale of the late Adam Lotevrr, of West Lampeter : Five shares of Lancaster County National bank te Martin Biub.iker at f 117. Ten shares et same te Bavld Lsndla at 1117.10. Tbree shares of emtie te same nt (117 20. Twe Bbartsef same te Jehn B. Beth at (110.90. Five shares el F-trmma' National banV.e JehnB Beth, Bt (110 70 Ki-cht sbares of same, te Jeseph Wltmer, at (110 CO. Tan shares et Lancaster &. Willow Street turnpike, teO. K. Ileed, at (.30. Ten shares of heiiip, tn same, at (.10. Fivn blmrrg of Htrasburu A. Millport turnpike, ted. K. Heed, at (IS TenahareHet EiBicrn milker, te A. A. Herr, at (5S 25. Tbe following stocks were sold for ultlor ultler cnt parties. Twenty Bbsreaet the First National bank of Lancaster te Edward McUevnrn at (202 FivesbarAs of Northern National buuk te Gray bill Leng at 1127. Five shares of smuu te (1. A. O eyer at (127. Fivn abates of same, le lleury Smith, at (120 85 Five shares of same, te Herman K. Mlller, at (120 SO Tnrce shares of same, te J. B. Leu g, at 1120. Ten shares of Peeping Nstleual bink, te Jehn X. Harlman, at (110 90. Teu Bbarea of same, te UwUl Land Is, at (123. Ten shares of same le U.N. Herr, at (119 70, Ten shares of same te I'aae V. LeldJgh, at (117.25. Ten shares of Uoucstega bank te J. K. Horsier, at (101 80 Ten shares of Keyslnnn bank of Mau helm te H. B. Becker, at (112 Thirteen Sharen et Lineastar nud Man helm turnpike te E. N. Cinel, at (39 75, Ten share nt Northern umket te Bavld Landiaat(77 70 Flve man s of Western msrket te Chris tian SUlli at (63 60 Twe shares of eame le T. K. Boullnger at (51 Twoehnrosof Heulbcrn msrl.'Ot te U. (1. Bush at (39 O.te Blir of KjHt hnd railway te T. 1j Herr t (01.50 STOCK SA.I.K AT Till! I.KOrAHD. Ooergo Hunter, auctioneer, ler Wm. 1). Weavcr, executer of Benjimln Bswman, deceased, sold the following securltlen at the Leepard hotel, at 1-.30 : (500 Lsneaater city, 4 per cent RCboel bend, at (97.59 per hundred te K. II. Burk holder. (500 Ltnciater elty d per coot, lean, due 1890, te J. Q, NUsIey at (101 par hundred. (100 Ltncasier elty, 4 pur cent, bend, te Jehn E. Snyder at (101. (100 Lineaster elty 4 pc-r cent. bend, fe J. Q. Nlssley at (101 (100 Lancaster ultv. I per cent. boil J, te Jehn E. HoyderatdOl (500 L-tncaB'.er elty, 4 per esnt. bend, te Jehn E Snyder at (507 50. (500 Lancaster city, 4 psr cent, baud te J. N. Weed at (507. (300, Lanonster county 4 per esnt. lead?, te Jacob Mussnimsn at riiui.'i'j Six shares Firal National bank t eck, te J, N. Weeds, rt 202 75 perslinii-. Six aharcH Farmerh' National bank stock, te Jacob Ilaca nan at (110 CO Thirteen Bbarei Lsncaiier Flre Ir iranen oempaoy stock, te Jehn K. Snyder ut 25 centH for the lob (1,000 Lancaster city, I per cent, band, at par te E II Burkheldur. THE KL1.AI1K1IIIOIYN IIAIIV MUUU1CK Me Iljubt That It Wis Tlirunu I reni a Car tt ludetv There U little new In tin. cise of the baby that w m feuud along the track of the Peuu sylvanla railroad, near Kllzabothtewn, en Saturday. Bepu'y Cerenor Mattbl s;-il enk tiled tbe tnquetrt thli morning lu tuu com cem com mUaleni rs' c filer. Mr. Shenk wan notified of the finding et the body by railroad mm and he went te the spot whure the child was lying and heldauluqueut, his Jury con cen blsttng et Urorge WeaUud, Bivld Lewery, JuhnMy ers, Harry B.P.oem, B F. Wcrmley and 0. W. H-irnelsy. Br. Nlinley tx amlued tbe child's body; a large btuleewaa found en tbe back and another en the IJe el tbehead. Tbene werecaused by striking en tbe rough frczen ground, Tuero wan every evidence that tbe eblld wbh born allve and the verdict was ronderod us pub listed en Hatuidpy, tbat It came te Us death from lining thrown from the train. The child waa placed In u hr x and build lu the Kllzibetbtewn cemetery, Tbere is little doubt that the child was thrown from scar window. Had It fallen from the water c'.oeet tbe wheels would have pes ed ever It. Frem tbe child's appearauce It Is believed te have ceme til Fast Line cast, whleh pasxes Ellzibetbtewii between 5 and t! o'clock. Ne eleps te In vestigate the matter have yet been made, Had a toleram been rent te Jtrtey City or Philadelphia at tbe lin-e the body was leund tbe mother might have been eaugbt, but this was net dene Kipr.is llukiuist UiunliiK Although the United express oltlce Lib basil epen tut two waekH In this city, tte stent reports that the btulncss has grown very rapidly aud Is new very beavy. Twe teams are kept busy all the time and another is likely te be put en. Deming le Unrincr 1) It. Cenrad, for many years a resident of PottBtewn, will temove te this city te engage In the wholerale and retail tobacco buBlucrs. Tha frulillililen Ulll Hlene.1 Governer Beaver having signed the bill providing for a spsnial election en June 18, ou the prohibitory and eutlraae amend ments te tbe constitution, Ht-cieury Htene Is rapidly pushing matters In order te have tbe advertisement eat te- day, UKaTOLKAN OVKItUOkT. And Alter Still" II Oot lirntik en the Menty aed tvas Arrested, Saturday evening a aneak thief was eiptnred In this oily, after he tit-it stolen an overcoat from the t fllce of Br. 1). R. MoCermtck, en West King street. A brut two o'cleok In the afternoon a young man with a red tnnuttaehe and fairly well drecd, although having somewhat cf a "irampy" appearscer, went Inte the oyster raloenof AmosLse, en West King street. He had four old umbrellas and one very geed one. Unwanted te soil the beat one le Mr Lee. The latter said be did net want It, and the atrsnger, after becoming eauey, lelt. Mr. I.ee went te tbe deer and saw the fellow walk up thestepsofBcMcCermick's ofneeand leek Inside In a few minutes he walked In, shutting the deer behind him. Mr. Lee did nnt suspect anything wrong at the time and went up atreet. He returned In a couple of hour when Br. Me Cermlck told htm that some ene had stolen a very valuable overcoat from his tflija Tbe doctor bad placed the oeat In the baek room of bl cilice, abertly after two o'elock, and, while he went baek Inte tbe house, ll was stolen. Mr. Lietoldthedccterabcutlhe umbrella man that had gene into his clilee aud It was learned that the fellow had been seen hallooing towards Ceutre Square. Heme time after 2 o'clock, ConsteblaYetslry nd Ames Lee started a arch for the mau but without aueces. Her Her geant Krlsman aud Ofllecr Weavar made a search et the southeastern part rflbe elty after Chlet Smeltz had in formed thorn of the larceny. About 0 o'elcck In the evening the man who was Ktispcoler', ajaln oame lute Mr. Lee's, leaving a ccm ccm panlen outslde en tbe pavement, and asked ter something te eat Mr. Lee seen rccog rcceg Dlr.'.'d him and told him that he had been In boruie that day. The man denied U, but said he was a railroader and had Just oeuue oil the train from PlltBbtirg. Xle seen left, Joining bis companion en the outside. They went up te Mulberry and turned up.teward tbe umbrella factory. The umbrella man went Inte a house en Mltllln street te get something tn cat. Mr. Iee, who had fol lowed them,oame up te his compnleu,who turned nut te be Philip llonee, a semewhat well known cbataolerof Brenemau'a court, tbts city. Mr. L&a began te question Bence, whesald that tbe man was a stranger and that he bad Just met him shortly before at tbe court beuse. Mr. Ij-te asked him If he did net bave au overcoat. Bmoe said he bad, but tin told him that he said It, end his umbrellas were at bis (Bence's) house. Mr. Lee at occe Informed the police and Hergeant Krlsman nnd Olllcer Weaver went te the houe where tbe stranger was and e.ptured blm, while he was eating Tbe fellow as well as Boueo were taken te thOBUIlen beuse, and the former gave hi name as Edward Benabue, The books showed that be had teen a ledger In the station bouse en Frldsy night. On Hunday morning Br, McCermlck ree-ivered his oeat In a rather peculiar man ner from William Htett, an Iren worker In the l'enn rolling mill, who beards In the eastcru part of the ally. A young man, who knew n'l about the doatei's misfortune, heard Htett telling seme oenpanlons en tbe street, Ute Saturday night, of a cheap overcoat he had bought. The doctor was Informed of this, and be wenl at oneo te Htetl'a beuse en Ann street, where he recovered the cost. He get Htett te accompany blm te the station house, and the latter identified Benahue as the man who had sold him the oeat for (i Tbe prisoner then admltted everything; he ssid that he had sold the coat and bought whisky, which maJe him drunk ; he then foil In with Iloneo, and In some way hap pened te get Inte Mr Leu's stere again. Wben tbe oeat was stelen It oentalned a number of papers, wbhh were of great valne te tbe doctor. These Benahue said be threw away, but hndld net knew where, as he waa unacquainted with the streetr, There Is a suit against Benahue before Aldennan Uershry charging hliu with the larceny et the coat. Benahue said that Bonue had nothing te de with the lsioeny, as he merely met him en tbe street atterwards. As thore was nothing sgslnst Bence he was discharged. Ollleer Glass found r-oaie of tbe psper el Br. MoCermtck tinder tha Lime street railroad brldge en Sunday, but theso el most value are still missing. The ptpei were dropped between the Buke strtet bridge end Plum street, and the doctor Is anxious te recover them. In fellllra and dcuinalliiu. Ucerue W. Hourbcer, tbe new chairman of tbe Bamocratle elty c-xocutlve committee of Uarrlsbiirg, U a natlve of this eaunly. He Is also elty editor of the Patriot, The Hun day Capital contains an artlcle which liberally praises Mr, Hourbeer and congrat ulates the nomecracy ler securing aneli a popular young mau te lead In the party's work. Charles F Bstker, the new secretary of the Damecratlneity oxectitlvecnmmlttooof Harrlaburg, waa born In Lincaster 23 years age. The Capital lays : " He came te Hirrleburg In 1801 with his parcntr, hla father belng engaged tn the hotel bualners, which he conducted up tn January, 1881, when he dnd. Before his father's death Mr.Bclker learned tbe butchering business, but since has been oue of tbe malnslavs at the Chestnut street hotel, and at present conducts the business for hi mother. As secretary of the ommtltee he will nover be round lacking in ins worn, snu ins uutica will be dleaharged In tte most efficient and able manner, end ler the test Interest of the party." frlKiiOtr llrethcrs I'ankdxa Furljr, 'lhe Friendly Brethers gave a paokage party en S-turday oveuing, In tbe large re)in ever HtacUheusu'd shoe store, and It wih largely attonded, The following num. Irs wen prizes: Ne. 1121, ten of coal ; Ne. tot, bag el ft lur, wen by Mla Troop ; Ne. 1117, glais set, wen by Philip Glentz ; Ne. 393, rowing table; Ne. 1077, box of cigars, Walter Balr; Ne. 218, dell, Infant daugh. ter of Walter Hair. Tne holder et tlekets Nn. 1421 and "Mi are reqUMted te present them te J. A Uolllnger, sec rotary, and be will glve orders for lhe article ebove natned. InUreiluK Kventat Uevtuant If, li. Church. New Interest was Infused Inte the eervlces at Covenant U. It. church, oernor W, Orange and Concord streets, en Hunday by the Hirlval of thenew pastor, lUv. K L Hughe, of Illabsplre. He pieacbcd both morning und oveiilng sermons suitable te the coca aleu. Be Is a ready speaker, forelblo In the poenthtlen of bis points, logical In the wr wr rangemeat of bis sermon and pleisxnt In his delivery. His reputation is tbat or a popular and successful pastor, and no doubt under bis admlnlitrallen the preireBlve foeple of Ceveuant church will push for ward with renewed activity. Te Try Auetbtr tlu Toe W'rlghtHyudlcstewhlch has been runnlug thu seldlerb' orphan schools, ba met with a reverre. The Joint leglalatlve and Grand Army committees bave decided te try another plau. A bill Is te be pre pared which win plaue the whole matter in charge of a onmmlsslen. Tbe orphan will be cited for In prlvate families and schools. Git en Authority, Tbe comptroller et tbe curreney has authorized the Conestoga National bank of Lancaster, Pi., te lelu business with a capital el llZAQQOi A f.AnOK HAZSS.lt Ot'KNKI). Canten Lancaster tvm Draw fronds te Mtvnnercner Halt fjratVK, A baraar for the l-enetlt of Oanten Lan caster Ne. 25, Patrlareb Militant, a uniform rank of Odd Fellows, opened In Mionnor Miennor Mionner ohnr ball en Saturday evening for a week. Tbere was quite a large crowd In a' tendance, and the occasion was enlivened by geed mnsle from tbe Moiintvllle cornet band. The canton Is com posed et members of the dltlerenl odd Fellows ledge- In the elty, and the erder Is gradually Increasing In membership, Fer some time past tbe membera,aaalated by their ladyfilendr,hsve been making active preparations for the opening et the bsxaar, whleli gives every premise of belng rt great success. Fer sevorel days prier te tbe opening the members of the canton were very busy getllng the large room, which by the way, Is ene of tbe best In town for an ntlalr of this kind, In order. Itsappearance at the opening showed that their work was net In vain. The hall looked pretty en Saturday evening. Along the sldei end at the ends haug beautlful flag of almost every sits and kind, whtle ether are surponded from the cell ing. The gallery Is literally oevetcd with Hags and the very hanilaome banners of dltlerenl OJd Fellows' organlr.itlen are displayed en the walls. The decorations tn faet are all very prelty. Oa cltborelde of the room there are twd lintuonse tables which bear the names et tha dlllerent ledges and oucampments of the erder In the city. These are filled with handsome and useftil artlelcs of every doa-trlptlen, many of which have been umlu by the ladles. They will be sold or ohaneed oil, aud poisons In seirch of prelty things oannet go amiss hoie. In addi tion te these tables there Is a ll thing pond and lunch tables whero the beat " bites" can be obtained, wheels of fortune, Uypsy fertune tellers, it J. In the centre of tne Mem Is a well where lomenado Is dispensed and en olther Blile of this are tables where Iej cream, confections, cakes, , can ba ob talned. The bower ever the well and the tables are all taslefully trimmed. The per son whobaveohargo el tbe ullHtrent tables, Unde, Aa, are as lollewa : Ltnoaster Ledgo, Ne. 07 Mrs, Mary llerngesser, Misses Emma Musser, Llrzle Stene, Mamle Slene, Llra'e Peyton, Ida Yaekley, Ella Godfrey, Mrs. Clara Hllleu and Mrs. Margaret Musser. Monterey Ledge, Ne. 212 Mrs. Allen Oulbrle, Mrr. C. Fisber, Mrs. A. M. Oorreeht, Mrs. Heah Oorrceht, Miss Alloe Unnney. Miss Rnbrcr. Washington Kncampment, Ne. II, and Kldgeley Encampment, Nn. 217 Mrr.Llrz'e Winger, Mrs L Slugle, Mrs J. Helbor, Mrs. E. Uolwerthy, Mrr. ll, Llntner, Mlssea M. Andersen, L, Selbur, U Geed and B. Yesger. Heraeliel Ledgo Ne. 12.1 Mrs. Jeseph Hatcb, Mis, Cumins Ullgere, Mrr, U. Charles Hhaub, Mrs. Mary Ysckley, Misses Kllle Furlow, Alloe llauf, Jennie Netr, Llr.ile Oecke and Charles X Gmger. Among; the article en the table Is a prelty cress with Old Fellows emlilatu-. It waa made of Ohie fnm atone bv Charles A. Uruger and will be chanced oil. The Ihhlng ponds ara In otiarge of Jehn (I. Helbor end II. U. Uhoekors, whlle A. B. Uarr and . W. Winner oenduot tha wheel et fortune. Miss Emm J. Leng snd Martha BelUel are the gy pilot who tell the fortunesof theso wboetll upon them. The oeufoollnnory table Is all rlaht In the care of Mlsaei Mary Wolf, llattle lCauirman, Kalle Geiter and Amanda Palmer. At the eake table Misses Emma Adams, Ljna Benner and Mlnnle Kloller nre found, while Mia Mamle Mowery and Llrzle Ollne have tbe flower stand and are ready te supply tbe want et cuitomers In tbat Inc. The Ice cream table has Mrs, Mary Gil Gil Gil gere, MitH9s Emma Mowery, AnnleAuxcr, Ida Leng, Ada aud Ellle Gllgnre. Thore are no less than tbrce "Hobeocas at tbe well" and I boy are Misses Ella Andersnn, Ida Monre nnd Maggle Hart Down stalls an excellent supper can be procured, and the room In whleli It Is turved leeks very Inviting. A. P. Fulmer has cbarge of this department, assisted by Mrs, Kebecea Tayler. In the room Immediately te the loll of Ibe entrance 1b a cigar stand whero geed smokers can be precuted from Hiebman Blller. The general commltleo of nrrangemenla for the bazaar consist ef: Jehn Benecker, K. J, Erlsmsn, O, 11. Ullgere, Cisyten Boldemrldge, Harry Kill and Charles Beltzel, BULLIONS IIIHrlllHtiTKI) A rjuraatsr Man Una ut tha llslia UmIit Wltllmiaeii's Will. The will of Isaiah V. Williamson was etlered for prebata te-day In Philadelphia by Franklin B Gewen, wbe opeood and read It after the luner.il en Haturday. It was signed In 1674. It waa stated by ene wbe was present at tbe reading that the will provides that lhe Interest of (00,000 shall go te each of hi nieces and nophewr, the principal te go te thelr children atdnatb. Thern belng 23 r.f these the scizresnte would be 1 1.330,000, Te bis brother Jnsse the will gives 10 000 Te various charities there Is bct-neathed about (1,300,000, and the remainder, exclusive of the grant of (2,100,000 ter the Industrial school, gees te the grandnlcres and grand grand grand nophews, et whom tbere are S4ld te be about 60. Estimating the oatste tn be worth aslde from the school gill, (10.000.COO, eaeh of lhe grand nelces and nophews would rocelve about l&0,t 00. lu addition te this would be tbe (00 000 prlnelpsl, which would royer upon the parents' death, making lu tome easia a lozaey te grand grand nelecsand nepbews ever (20O.OCO. The lntcrest en the (01,000 legacles Is te begin eneyear alter death. The Instrumeut provides tbat the glftH te grandnleees and grandnephews were net te bsoeme opera epera opera lhe till 10 years after the tojtster's deatb, but ttil, It Is tm'd, will net held geed In Jaw, as a trust can only bu bold for a miner, Mr. UenryH. Williamson, of Wllllamien ,V Fester, this city, is a eon of Jesse Williamson, of Trenten, a brother of tbe deceasad millionaire. He has two llttle girls' the eldest belng eight yetrs et age. Jesse Williamson has two M'ster-, Mr. Harah Buehman, who has 8 children and Mrs. EllztbothMeon, whehasfivechlldren. Jease Williamson hud three sons end two daughters. One daughter deceased, Mrs. Tanturn, of Trouten, left one child wbe will recalve both Us own and U mother's Bhare. The ether ohlldreu of Jcsie are ell living end bave cblldien. UensUble U-tru w. iheUuuuty A ease statpd hat been filed In the court cf common pleas botween A, K, Baru, censtable et Maner township, and tbe county of Linoasler. Bern arrested five trsmtmatMIIIeriiVlllOBome lime age and Aldermau Birr ojmmlttei them te tbe oeanty Jail. The men worearrested at one time, heard together and takuu te jail to gether. The censtable presented his bill for servicer charging a warrant, Bubuna and oemmitmeut lu eaeh case and the same mileage en each et tbe five eases, Tbe county solicitor tikes the position tbat the constable is only eutliled te one mileage for the five arrests, one mtleage for the subpessa terved and oue mileage for the oemmltments. Te determlte the matter tbe opinion of the esurt la aktd. Prepped Deait by Her UauEiilrr's Cettln, Klliabeth JobLsen, a widow, ged G5 ycarr, died Haturday alternoen at her home. Ne. 310 Fourth street, Jersey City, et heart failure, while standing beside the evtlln of her daughter, Mrr, Laugdeu, wbOMtuueral waa about te uke place, FILLING TBE OFFICES. SEVERAL mrORTANT MORlMATlOSiB -VltKSlDSMT BARRHOIT. Mlnltlar Itstmenl's Baeeraser at tfsf)attr Spatn-MlaUlsrs le .la-ran ana BwHssttasat f. ( Alie Mamed-Tba Msw AstlMaatBssrs. tary et the Ttsas-ary resa IMasets, Wahuinoten, March 1L The piwMif ent te tbe Senate te-day the lellewhtf g nomination : ' K xnea. w. palmer, et Micbigea, te be mv ;?,'. extraordinary and minister plsBlBOtMtary ei me united states te Spain. . wuuu Kjf,i, ui usiiiuruin, ie uw wusuj;'- exirauruiuary ana mieister piBjpesstBWJ Jl nl lh llnllaH UIbm m I.mm &.h Jehn D. Washburn, of Matsaeheeaiss. la W3 .a .(--k-u-. . --- -... m .-it '7. we uiiuuh)( miuBei inu D-jaaai gs-sssrat SSI me united state te Switzerland. Geerge O. Tlehner, of llllnel, tebe kui vuieinry ei lueue-uurar, vwa abswb js ie Zf. ' - " " . '-V-firi The senate met at 12 o'clock HdMSMia " itt feAsBBilrtn t9 HflaaamM Mlsintaai - & :"v..ri "''rrv..,r"'.'mm. ttt? i-je trainininLinir nv iinn m nnunswam. m -w-rv receii wia taken until 1:30. " Jjjf At 1:30 tha Hnta mi twiiln abIImI ftvr4 j npftnr. Mm. TnAm rsnm . f" Jsl ww. & suueui wusj wi wcissj rniin- .95, VJS elerks, entered with message treaa Itw) president, and tbe Senate at oaee wsmt iBkt' soerot session. Xf five minute Bftarwaralfl .-. (& the doers were reopened, and th BibbH "-!? adjourned nntll te-morrow. h In tbe exoeutlve session the nomlBUeM 'K. rcaslved were referred te the priate committee when completed. Meat) of the nominations war oetslroissj. It was gonerally expected tbat the U!sbsBsV tlen ottxHecater Palmef, et Mlntilgsai. would have been Immediately ecaflrassw. but It is explained that this rnleapBtsM' that ex-senatera take the usual eesuaa. 7:i Tbe Waattasr Hade Bfaajr III, f- As a result of exposure en lnaeg iraUtam I-' uaj, uver ju txiDgrvawinvu worn mera tur amm III aatiH n.titflnsiH t hall iABei rAJT if a " TJ. 0K...-H.a.lK u. .irt.Uu.iA 31 A-aa.7DU'rOslUUlslllTa OUllUCVf UlVWUIsWf -VJ J li dangoreutly 111 wlia oemplieUou m s. a"?- . .. ,... m itvi'imiimiiTO mwi wi T ''Ms sw Jx ported as Improving tula meralag. Ha ki, till qulte slek of pneumonia. '$ Itenreasntatlva Buehanan. at Naw Jawp '-. Bey, who has pneumenls, 1 bstear tklii morning. . 4& ltepresentattve Laird, et Nebraska, It- sun very ui. . ; . itoptesontative Uiitobeen. et MlcnlBaa, a v; mueti better, and will be eat la a day or mxi Ex Hepresentstlve Yoder tut neuimttlf inilU UIIBI IIIUS-H IUU H BUW SlUtW IW . i. cut asaln. -e-t'7 -r-rr-r r-ii nnei nn (luiirspsreas s-sajr. ,.; wanuinoten, D. C, March ll. sVtsS B. Cunningham, dlabnralag eteik el MW' Heuse of Bepteaentatlvea, te-dy, (x' hi offlee at tbe oapltel, abet at' but missed T. K. Haekmia, a rtta page. Tbe sheeting waa Immediately byyounKlUekmanattaoktng Mr, Oaaa'lg : bam for an assault committed e IM a low dsys age. Mr Cnauingbasa reerti4' a out en the faee and Immediately rsst at young Hsekmsn. Cunningham la a Uif) man, wblle Haekman Is small. Tk at tempted sheeting la e-nsldered aejaai tf abla & . Ktcapeit la Th.l-r Mlgkl OliUias. ': LA.KKWO0D, N. J Marek II. OlUteat 1U1I, one of ibe largest hotel Bare, was burned te tbe ground this merntag abewt 4' o'elock. There were ever sixty gveasala)', tbe house at the time, wbe all aaeapaA bb their night gsrmentr, wllhtbe txopUostat txepUostat txopUestat Br. E. Wallace, e! Philadelphia. WhaV'. Jumped fromaseoond fleer window aaat'4 broke bis leg.but waa otherwise naltJareaVt" -Tbe fire spread te tbe Presbytarttm ebareJlv and six adjoining bona, but waa qulekl; , extinguished by the firemen. Tha total , il less Is estimated at 135,000, only ssnlAl insured. Tbe guest lest all uair property, and war housed la thai local hotels. '& . i,a Killed al tne Church Deer. Walieiid, Ont, March 11 A fearral tragedy occurred last evenlsg, aftfTr-nsj servlees in the Methodist ehnrcbTin tk',-' (ewnsnip or norm vvarwiesb Harah Marshall bad Jut out et tbe church, by a friend, when Albert WlUekdrewBN. velver saylng'Hake tbat tee, tbsa," aadflrai The bullet entered ber bead aad aba M, Insuntlr. Wilsen ttd and aat iraskBV: straw stack aea te draw en thai People are out in all dlreotleaa for blm, bnt ae far wltheat aoeaat. fp- van rix At ati,ee. ,,V Nkw YettK, March 11 Baeerdkr I te-day fixed ball In the easea et tka eteattkv sugar swindlers at $21,000 la tbaeaMCt. each of tbe prisoner. Wa-ATHBH UfUIUATlO nWAsiiiNOTOif.P, C, Marek IL Jtav Eastern Pennsylvania : Fair, ' M ' f 'decided change In temparaaaMf. north westerly winds. -5P,' . :sz$i A New lias Ball league Talk at !?i ThaM ( ft inhfirna tn tnnt mk MAAttmS im' form a cow bie ball league le laeltaMl town of Chester, Philadelphia, Norrlstewn, Lancaster, PetUvlll. Pa town and Bethlebem. Tba Ida la te I the salary of player te a beet fflOO fer'sas season, and take In amateur from tka where clubs are loeated in order tot ptayera. A club et that kind might sMat ' with success here. Geerge W. OneikataL new with the Baldwin dramatle oeaM)ffri - ".V-1 Nat Oat ollieublsTsL This morning Andrew Jen, a y man wbe served a aentenee of etgfctaMt' mouth for breaking Inte tba koeaa m& the late Colonel Bafly, et Mariaabk was released from prison, unaai' eetved his term. Hergent MeOaue, of lVtfc Harrlaburg tiellce force, arrived beta l aud took Jenes te Harrlaburg, wkara Mil J wanted for stealing a wateh and ether HtV f'.er. i The Opsoleg or Bread Btteet. The court en Haturday atternoea in a tule te show cause whys order BaassWi net ba made en me oemmiiaiooer w the damagea assessed te land cwaera I propeity taken for tbe proposed epaabfg at i Bread street. - Tbl 1 ene of tbeeanaka which tbe county claim that tbaelty t the law Is Uable for all damagte aaaait , opening et street. The matter will M4 n--..a,l .1,. nmnlh J J 1 &UDU IU1H U.U-U,. . Th BettU Uuwnsa Him. William Haines and a bottle of wkaatjf,i went out en the Philadelphia turnpta have a geed time en Saturday atteraaasV j William seen bad tbe content et tka I lnslde of him and he became kil drunk. Constable Hhaub arrested bias I he get 5 dsys In prison, m i ti.fer IM Buyer, Tbe mayor bad three eatea thl Bernard Hlater, a alek WfcO be sent te the almshouse, bad bt granted, and two ledgera were ai Itltcted Tfsaserec. Vj, 1 J s GeerKO K, Keed baa been eleeted uier of the Conestoga HsaefieUl te fill tbe vaoaney oaesed by tka M. O. Kline, m i 3 1 M-i M m "X.1 & AL-: ire j& . iL -J -.. vt - V A -,