Vt' f5 '' 'NsH -" v-cvy? v'"'j-ii':' 'V. ""Jf-J ' "T - - - THB IiANCASTER DAILY INTELiLIGEKCEl SATURDAY, MARCH 9, 1889. 'mW -1 .Vl CT k iMtttl Tan ether day fraigM brakasaaa aa tha litkoSaero read waa eraaraa M M lk( aumber I eight or out la tha trsla takea ea at Wakefield. Ha Meed ea taa platfsra m tbe cut raised by at a aMmit rata af Sjwi and read tba aaaabers, all af whteh wer in the lea thousands. WBheral wti leg them down hs went te tba eoa eea lu ter ami teperud tba numbers, it waa a'terw4td ascertained tbet alt vara orreet Jronweort (JAVA.) Times. Tba Iejh la Atlanta gars Uet. Oonlea a severe cmebslllrs; as be was ietas; te lea epltel last Thursday aaernlBB;. Taa ior ier ior ereor br ggtd hard te be let tfl, la boTesaldne. One boy said teblsa: "WJ eiu't let you cB, governor. As yea navaai dune any tunning aleee '61, yea will bara te buttle." And tbe general bustled, wblla denna n bel.'n took blot la tbe back or tta Beck., Macen (,0a.) Teltgraph. Aneldlady, rutting one of her friends, found a cMUl of the Utter, a mite or Are i i six years, sobbing blttetly, and appar. eniljr In arest rtteuee. i YoniTueiMn'tcry Ilka that," aald tba vlltr; "that's what rnskM little gltla Ugly " Dally leek up through bar tear, and Btr.en at tbe vUltui : What a let you meat have erlsd when you wre a little gtrL" Ptck-MeUp. Yeu may be pretty aura that tba snaa who wlsbee be bad mere money la order te de geed wltb, Is net in tbe baLll of doing as muetj geed aa be might with the money new Intruded te hm.rhiladtlpMa Sun day Scheel Timts. Tula la hew the kangaroo get Its name: Cantata Cook Hrst d ravered the animal la Australia. When he Inquired Ita name of n native the native replied, "Kings tee," wulcn, In tbe Anatraitsn language, If, I don't knew." Pretty mueh aa one el Btrnum'a monstrosities was dubbed tba What Is IlT" rMadttphia Inquirer. Taxes fleas are killing off all tba par tridge near Elberlea, Oa. These laaeett swarm upcn tbe birds In snob numbers that tbey bite them te death. Entire oevlca are apeeillly kllledetf when tbe fleas get among them. Tbey were brought Inte Georgia with aeme Texan pontes. A taestlen in Natural History. "Pa," asked sleepy Bebby, can I ask you a queatlen if It ain't foolish T" Ya'as," almost shouted the old man, a he was trying te read. Well, It a mad had a tall, pa, would It Interfere wltb bis J ampin', or would It help blra like It dees tbe kangaroo T" In less time tbsn It takes te tell It, Hebby was between the abeeta The EpecK Thetnwas laughter and dancing at Heminy 1111, And the ladles were happy but gayest of all 1 he cook lady was as she frolicked around, W hlle tbe nutte lady scarn pored w llh panther- Ukobennd; Tbe wash lady sat at ease In br chair, Whtle the lady who cleaned np the rooms fixed har hi !r. But a'as for their Jey !-lt was brief anl short shert lived. , m rerthu woman whose servants they were bad arrived. Lincoln Journal. Chilliness, dizziness, pIn In the side and bscr, sleepiness, lUtlessness In a word, a feneral torpor ei the system- all these clearly ndteate llvar Oiieiue. Use Laxader In time and be cured. Beld every where, mice only 35Rentsapacksgi. ... p.nntvii vnnr babv' health bv nremntly aamtnltteiteg Dr. Bull's lUby Byrupferthe diseases of early childhood, trice 5 cents a pone Denbt Brightening Inte Bope, w " And bope into certainty, Is the pleasing transition through which the mind of the ueneus, dyspeptic lnvalldlpaises who tries a course of liestcttcr's Stomach Bitters, which la alike incomparaMe and Inimitable. In creased vitality, a gain In weight, tranquillity of the nerves, sound appetite and .sleep are among the blessings which It Is within the ticncucent power of this medicine te confer, and tt Is net surprising that after acquiring this new dowry of health the grateful sick should sometimes utter their praises of the Hitters in terms bordering en extravagance. Out of the fulness of the heart the mouth speakcth," and the proprietors of Hostellers htemach Bitters hae sometimes been obliged te suppress these cleglums lest they should be accused of blowing their own trumpet tee loudly. Fer constipation, biliousness, kidney complaint ami Incipient rheumatism the Hit ters Is also a desenedly popular remedy. Maptnre care guaranteed by Or, J. B. Mayer, 831 Arch street, Philadelphia. Bate at once, no operation or delay from business, attested by thousands of cures after ethers fall, ad vice free, send for circular. marlO-lydAw BPKOIA1 NOTIQIIS: Will It Really Cure Rheumatism, We answer, honor bright, It will cure rheu matism , and tht, severest cases t oe. Dr. Thorn Thern at' Jiclectric Oil was especially prepared for tee rheumatic and lame. Netice letters from the people relative te Us nvrlls In nearly every paper In the cinntry. i'.r sale by H. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 1W north gucen ttreet, Lancaster, Ah CNrOUTUNATK l'KUSO.V. The most unfortunate person In the world Is one arUlcted wltb sick headache, but tbey will be relieved at en co by using Dr. Leslie's special Prescription, sec advertisement la another column (t) Their Ueslneea Uoetulng. Probably noenethlnghaseansedsucharnsh of trade at Cochran's drug store aa their giving AWR! ray te their customers ei se many iroe be iruu hniiipj. nf Dr. Klna'i Mew Discovery for Cen ittles ei JJr. King's new uisce rery l sumptien. Their trade Is simpiy enormous In i neir iraae is simpiy this very valuable article from the fact that tt always cures and never disappoints. Coughs. Ueids, Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup and all threat and lung diseases quickly cured. Yea can test It before bnylng by getting a trial bottle free. Kverv bottle warranted. (!) Oaaaes Astenlsnmsnt, Cimpletely prostrated for days wlthlndl wlthlndl gestlen and bilious fever, Tbe effects et two bettlis et Burdock Bleed BUlert astonished mn viathlA ImnreTements rlffht oft." Mr. Neah Uaves, Klinlrs, N. Y. for sale by U. 11. Cochran, druggist, 137 and lS'J North Queen strtet, Lancaster, ether atetners 1 1 Mothers I ll Are you disturbed at night and broken 01 your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain et cutting teetht If se, go at once and get a bottle of MUS, tTIMBLOW'BSOOTHINUBYUUP. It will re lieve the peer little sufferer immediately do de pnnd upon It i there la no mistake about It. 1 here is net a mother en earth who has eve used It, who will net tell you at oneo that It will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic. It la perfectly safe te use In all eases and pleasant te the tase, ana Is ihe prescription of ine of the eldest and beet female physicians and nurses In the United utatea. Beld everywhere, 28 cents a bottle. mavlMydAw Tbe Travelling Haiasinan Is an Irreslsilble fellow, brim full of stories, Jokes, courage, self-assurance and grtt. He Is very taking withal. Burdock Bleed Bitten area very taking medicine i they take every where, aud are sold everywhere. Per sale by U. a. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North yuean street, Lancaster, Dstcctlra ana Private Omcsr Usually wear their badges of authority con cealed under their clothing, but Dr. 27teias' Scltctrie Oil wears 1U badges In tbe form of ?.lntid labels attaehed te each and every bet e, se that ail my knew Its mission. It Is given lull and complete authority te arrest all aches and pains, aud does It's duty every time. Fer sale by 11. U cechran, druggist, 137 and XS9 North Queen street, Lancaster. Epoch. The transition from long, lingering and painful sickness te TObutt health marks an epoch in the llle et tbe Individual, bueh a re lnartable event is treasured In the memory and the agency whereby the geed health has beenaltaluedls gratetully blessed. Uencalt Is that se much la heard In praise of Blectrte Hitters' Be many leel they ewe their restora tion te health, te tbe use of the Great Altrna tlve and Toale. If you are troubled w Uhlan y disease of Kidneys, Liver or Stomach, el long or short aUndlng, you will surely And relief by use el Klectue Bitters. Sold at 500. and II per bottle at 11. 11. Cochran's Drug store, Hi and ve North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa. (i-a Tbe Kind We Use. The medicine we most like Is Ihtt which does lis work quick and well. Burdock Bleed Bitten aM the quickest kind of a cure for Oys pepsla and liver and kidney affections. or sale by U. U. Ccchran, druggist, lil and 159 North y leen streat, Lancaster, isucklea'a Arnlsa naive. Ten Bsar 8a.lv tn the world for Cuts,Hrulsee Seros, Ulcers, Rait Uhentn, Fever SeresTetter. Chapp6d Hands, Chilblain. Cema, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cores Piles, or -uopayrequlre.1. ltls gnaranteep te give per fect satlslactloe, or money refunded. Price S5 cftnus per box. Fer sale by 11. 11. cechran. Druggist, Mea. I3i ana i norm i Queen street. Luncwuir. Pa, lunBwijsi What Three Applications Did. I wa troubled very much wltb soie feef Tbrde applications el 3'Aenmi' KcltctricOil entirely curee. them. Nothing better.ln th market." Jacob liuller, Beading, Pa. Fer sale by H. B.Cejbran. druggist, 197 ana Its North qussa sueet, LansMtar, QUTIOUBA BsUUUUM. OUR LinLE 80Hf W, afaictM wMk a aalefal sata gta aeesete srtea te ears asaa i an set levse aad wsnee. sjaaaaieseiy earea bysesrtetstiaataslssssatw.easv kagat.75. Oar Utile eon wUI be tear years atasaeathe sttblsst. In stay, Has, be waa atuekea wtta a very palatal breaking aat of tke ssit sailed in a siystetaa, wfee treated bti abeat sear weeks. TkecalHiaealreair no geed f rose the treatsseat, as tbe fen I. w si ter ltutebr frost tke treauseat, as tba break te s; aat, asppessa by the physician la be hlvae In MttniTiin)nB,DWMiiiirnniuMiiui, aadsaoieandaiereautreeeteg. wewerefre qatnUy rbilgea tn get ap bs the alihtaad run fclm wltk soda In water, strensj Itatate ai s, ete finally, waeaiie4etaerabyafclaaa,aatii be less than six had attempted tv ear hiss, all auka faiilag, ana the ehlid steadily getting worse ana worse, ualtl about tbe inn of last July, when we began te give htm ctrncmu staaeLTawr Internally, and tke ctrrienaa.ana l cticcba Eear externallyi and by the last of Aagust he was se nearly well that we gave alts only one dose of the KaseLrsaT about every second day ler about ten aays lengr. andhe has aevtirbMBironbledslaee with ihe kertl ble ssalady. In all we nsed less than one-half of a bottle et ctrriccaa KiseLvaarr, allttlelets than one box of ctmecsa, ana only one cake of CCTTcnaieeAP. H. B, ar a, Caynsa, Livingston, Ce., III. Subs crtbed and sworn te belere me this Ilk day et January, inr, CN.COK.J.P. oneruLotni HUMemt. Last apt lag I with some kind I was very sick, bstng covered et scrofula. Tks oeetors coma aetneinsse. I was adnata te trv the Cen cons, BaseLvsar I did se, aat In a day I grew beti er and better, until 1 am as well ever. I thank yen ler It very much, and weald like te have It told te the nubile. XD n. Hei fmaji, Werth AtUebote, Mats. CDTtcvsi, the great skin cure, and Ctmecaa. Sear prrpired from It. extereally, aa ctrri ctrri evaa BaseLvasT, the new bleed purifier. In ternally, a a paatuve care for every rerm of kin ana bleed disease from pimples te scrofula. .Beld everywhere. Price, Ctmevaa. net 8Aif,aVit KaaeLVBST.Sl.OO. Prepared by the PUZVBB DBU0 AMD UUBMIOaL OO, Boe-ten-Maas. ss Bend for "Hew te Cure Skin Diseases." 6i pages, se Illustrations, ana loe testimonials. DA tWO ""In and Scalp preserved and DADI beautified by Curiecaa Mari. caTSDrear. Choking Catarrh. Have you awakened from a disturbed sleep with the horrible sensations et aa aseetsln clutching your threat and pressing the life breath from your tightened chest f Have yen noticed the languor and debility that tuceet d the effort te clear your threat and head of tile catarrhal matter t What a depressing lnfla ence It exerts npen ibs mind, clouding the memory and filling the hiad with pains and strange noises I Hew difficult It ts te rid the nasal passages, tbroatandlnngsofthbipolaon tbreatandlnngsofthbipolaon tbroatandlnngsefthbipolaon one mnens all can testify who are afflicted with eat urh. Hew difficult te protect the sys tem sg Untt its tntther progress towards tbe Inngs, liver and kidneys, all physicians will admit, it Is a Urrl Die disease, and cries out for relief and enre. Tbe remarkable curative powers, when all ether remedies utterly fall, of Paxrean'e jud ical ctraa, are attested by thousands who gratetally recommend It te fellow-sufferers Re statement Is made regarding tt that can not be austanttated by Ihe most respectable and reliable references. Bach package contains one bottle et ths Baoieal coma, one box Catajuual Selvbht. ana an Imtbevbd lxnitaa, wltb treatise and directions, and Is se d by all dragglats for Pettsb Dace A CasaieAt Ce, Bosiea. BBheumatiz About He. IN ONI MENU!- The Cutleura Anti-Pain Platter rellevee Uheu mailc, Bclatle, Bedden, Sharp ana Ner vous Pains, strains and Weakntssee. Tbe Srst and only patn-kllilnsr plaster. Hew, original. Instantaneous, infallible, sale. A marvelleus Antidote te Pain, inflammation ana Weak ness. Utterly unlike and vastly superior te all ether plasters. At all druggists, H cents t five for ll.oe t or, postage free, of rerm Dana asd casmeAL co., Bosten. Mass. lunljdWA8Alyw HMATirre. F LINK & BRENKMAN'S B.OCO Yards fleer oil Cleth. A Ureat Eargatn, At r LINN A UKKNBal Att'S. 201 Dcr. ilroems at 10 cents i worth 13 cent. At rUNN A UHBNBMAM'd. 100 Dcr. scrub Brushes for Be and lOe; weith lve and lBc, At If LINN A BHESKMAN'a 100 Dcr. Whttewath Brushes from 10c te 2.00, At FLINN A JJBBNBUAN'S. SO Dex, llaskets, all kinds and prices, AtrLINN AUUKNKUAN'8. 6C0 Cejk Storei and ltangts. bought at forced sale, selling at less than cost cf manufacture, AtrLlN.NA llltKNBMAN'l. 1.000 Articles In the Itnuse-rurnlshlng Line, In Tin, Woedaudlron,atftc,10oanu 16c, At FLINN A HUINKHAM'S. 2M Baby Carriages at the Lewest Prices, At r LINK A UniNBMAM'3, 152 NOUTI1 QUBBN ST. VLOTHINU. THIS UKKATKST ALL AT. KEDUUTION OF H. GERHART'S. riNX.TAILOBINO. In order te reduce a heavy stock and give employment te my hanes, I will make up te order ter tbe remainder of the winter season, all Ileavy.Welght suiting, Overceating and Treuserlnar at cost price, if ere Is a chance fai get a flrst-clsss article for a small amount of money, special attention paid te Full Dress Suits. U. UKBUAKT, Ne. ts North Que- n Street. JVOnly Direct importing Tailor in the city of Lancaster. me ULOTU1NU BUYERS. Merchant Tailoring DEPARTMENT. Interesting te Gentlemen We start our Spring Business with Unex ampled Bargains, We have displayed in our Stere about COO style of Ferulen and DomesUe Bull lugs and Treuserings which we make te order at the lowest cain prices. All wool suits te order at S12.00. All Weel suiu te order at 115.00. All Weel suits te order at lie Uu, 119 CO, S20 00. .'i "P'JL!1 imported Worsted suits at 22bO and 12510. Trousers te Order. AU Weel UaastncerA at taw, ll Ce f se, 3 oe. AH Weel WersUds at l.W, 6 00, rrz.'xi, si w These geed are worth fully double the money. Their valne his never been equaled at the price Loek at our windows te-day. L. GANSMAN & BRO, Tailors and Manufacturer of rine Clelhlny, CO and tt NOBTH QUBBN STBEKT, A W. COS. OF OBAXQK, LATCATKB,PA Bmr aioeMt rnsU raerura eabbi mterm, Opening Te-day AMOTUSK INVUlCB OP French Satines! la a variety of color and desires which Is unsurpassed If tqualled by aty house In the city. AMERICAN SATIEES Walsh rival the French goods tn style end colorings, we sell them at 1H. bold In Phil adelphia at 19c SOMKOHOIOB THINQB1K Scotch Zephyrs I At C 23c, 310 te 450. SPECIAL. BARGAINS IB LADIES' BLACK AND COLORED Silk Taffeta Gloves At a cents per pair. Almest as geed aa these tela last seasen at te cent . Gee. F. Rathven, MO. 86 BAST KINO BTRMT, LAMOASTBB, PA marlt-lydAw w ATT ABU AND. Black Dress Goods! WATT&SHAND INVITK YOUIl IBSPBOTION OK THEIR MKW LINKS OF ALL-WOOL BLACK CABHUtKKS, from ths Best French Manufacturers, at H7Kc, iis, 50c, C2Xc, 67c, 750, te 11.10 a yard. BLACK WOOL IIKNBIRTTA9, superior quality, bright lustre, at wc,7Jc,l.(0, 1 25e yard. PBIBSTLBY'S BILK WA KP UKNUIBTTAS at 73c, tLtO, ti.25 te 2 co a yard. BLACK BLKCTBAL CLOIU at 8JHc ayard. BLACK BENBIITTA KAYEat 62X0 ayard. BLACK 0 AMKL'S HA IB CLOTH at 753 and 11.00 a yard. BLACK VKNITIAN CUAPK CI.OTU at 11.25 a yard. BLACK CKC1LIAN LUSTUXS, BLACK TAM19B CLOTH, BLACK DltAP DK ALM A, At 75 Cents a Yard. MOUKN1NQ DBXSS QOOD8 at very low price. COUBTLAND'U K.(JM3H CKAl'KH from 7tc te 15.00 a yard. BORDBKKD "UNS VC1I.ING3 at 75c, 11.00, 11.55 te 11.00 a yard. New Yerk Stere. e, 8 and 10 Bast King Btreat. TMUNKB TjTHOLEHAIiK REDUCTION. (IAS. E. flABERBUSH, (Sacctsser te II. H&birbush 4 Sed.) Wholesale Keductien. Te enable u te make room for our new geed we are offering Hpeclal bargains In KUK ROBES, FliTJSU LAP KOHKH, HLE1UH BELLS, JPUK ULOVKd, In fact, our Bntlre Winter Bleck. LA.D1KH' POOKKTBOOKM, UARD OASKH, l'UU KH AND BELTS AT COST. Ne trouble te show our goods at Chas, E. Haberbush's 8ADDLE, HARNESS; AMD- TRUNK STORE, Ne. 30 Centre Bquare, LANOASTBB. PA. StY-SIgn of the Qelden nerse Heads sja fllOTOUHAl'UH. SUR II W A .DOV.BN Cabinet Photographs Are Mounted en Vine Geld Serrated Arceil can Mount. Twe sitting Allowed en Al Three Dellar Werk, AT ROTE'S, NO. ee l-a NORTH QTJBBN bt. Next Doer te Use Poitefflce. janl-cmd DRY GOOD jDAKDA MeBLKUT. Bard & McElroy, Net. SS Mi 35 Beitk Qseea BCreet, OftMite FmuiUI Iii. CAMP BTf-Bsfere y en buy your Carpet take a leek through our Una, terrain Carpet, tee regular price 96a t at svi. regular pi lee sec i at sue, rrgalar price 59 t at sse ana I7MS wa have the beet goods and styles that ever was sold at the price t they ate beauties I better grade at ex's, tair carpet at loe, 15c, tee, (Se ana Sle. Ball tut pat from sec up. Hig Carpet at no, sTe, Sc37KetS3,43e,Btc.5sa,5S8,6iHeanaeac. Itsg sutr carpet tn cotton or wuelttrlpe. Beg Carpet. 1M ya'ds wide. In cotton or weel stripe. We c'slrn these goods, st the price, are Use bestvalneevergtven We have marked our profit small, enabileg usteeffsr the best geed for the mosey aver se'd. Better te nave them e out fast, with a small profit, then slew sales with large profit Carpet Rag taken tn exchange. OIL euirru -Table, stair, Fleer and Shelf OU Cleth, the largest arsertsaeat and best goods sua- m money in i ne en y . raATiiaaa we are Lancaster's Feainar FsaihersseldlnLanritstercltv. Wabaveetdars wacaveetasrs te call and see our Feathers and get the lowest price en the best Featheis ever sold. quantity from I a up. WINDOW sua DBB isttroeds.ntlaar ttitures. full site. 5Vi each. BOUSk-FUKNISHlNO UOOUS uen uneeKN at se, 10c, ixHc, 15c, 10, lsc and tee Pillow WIUUJB. STAMPBD GOODS -Pillow Sharea at 203 and 260 per pair. Sp'ashers from 100 up. Wuh stand snd sidebearit covers at ssc. sse, e and soe. aapmns, lea eacn. nan inne nisis Rirecintir vi nu Jeetlf you ran buy a remnant el goods at a lower Ritcv. anrr uingiiain ntmsnis. bht, weri-u oe. vine tiinapam neeinania, ,a wurm eavy Unbleaebed Muslin hemnants,K0. Flne Unbleached Muslin Bemnants, SHC JJUsaehsd Muslin BemnanU at se and SWe. MusinKt-iargalns In ladles', Men's and Children's Heshry. Fas I Black Hosiery for ladles snd Children, 2 pairs for 25a, Bard & McElroy, Neb. 33 and 35 Seuth Qiieen Street, Oppeette Fountain Itin. QS.RPKT8 1 CARPETS. METZGER & ElAUGHMAN llare New Open a Large Assortment of Handsome Brussels, IegriiD, Rig, Hall and SUIr Ctrpets, BOUUlir AT AUCTION AMD D1UKCTFKOMTHK MANUFACIUKKUS.CUBAPFOK CASH. CARPKTS CAKPBrs C'AKPatS CAKPBTS) CAKPATS At 10 Cent I ,Atl2XCenU I ,Atl5 cenu I At 20 cents I At 15 Cents I ......... Straw Mattlnm. ehnvn. Table, Stair snd Fleer and Lace Curtains at Lew Prlcei. unr isneui great demand, always en hand, carpet Bags taken in exchange for carpet u Metzger & Nes. 38 & 40 WeBTElng Street, BgfOPPOSITB TUB N EXT DOOR TO TUK COUUT HOUSE. Interesting te Eeuseekeepers. We have lust received 1 000 pound of the two best grade of Feathers, wbteh will sell at In uuetungiy low prices, 'junte reamer are us eughly steamed aud cleansed and are entirely we de net keep, a they de net give satisfaction. iraciien. very lowest puce uey can de ieia at. Don't our pnee. our Ilcute.rurnlshlrg Stock Is new very full ettbe best things In Ticking. Sheetings, Pillow Casings, Blankets, Comfert (our own make), Table Llnens. 'I ewels. Toweling. Bed Checks, ana everything lu our line pertaining te Housekeeping. We nave special Lew Price en sheetings and Pillow Casings, many of them being lower than the wholesale prices te -day. Tickings by tbe yard or In remnant lower than ever. Don't neglect looking through our immense stock or Heme-Made Hag Carpets, Ingrain Car pats, Brussels Carpete. sVindew Shade ami curtains before buying. FAHNBSTOCKS, Nea. 35 and S7 East King Street, llIABVWAltM. JJUUKEIB, BROOMH AND UKUHUKB, DK1VK8 ts i A Geed Painted Bucket for 10c, Agate, Tin and Fibre. Bucke Breems k Bin Geed Breems, 2 for 25c. Breems at All Prices, Geed Scrub Brushes, 5c. Brushes in Endless Variety. CHOICE CLOVER SEED. Everything in Heuse-Furnlshlng Goods. RE ILLY BROS. & RAUB, Nea. 40 and 42 North Queen Street. M JHWBLHT. H; Z. RHOADH A HON. We desire te cull ntteutlen te our large variety of STABLE WARE.I SterlieK Silver Table Ware, comprising tbe latest patterns of Spoons, Ferks, Knives and Celd and Het Dish Services. BACCARAT GLASSWARE. All tbe sizes of Glasses and Decanters. Housekeepers will find a cheap line for everyday use in the Standard Tinted Wares. Alse Dining Roem and Kitchen Clocks. Repairing In all kinds by competent wetkmen, and all work war ranted, H. Z. RHOADS & SON, JEWELERS, Ne. 4 West King Street. CAXPMT BARGAINS I ..UP SHIRK'S CARPET HALL -FOB WILTON, VELVET. BODY BRUB8BLB. Tipestrj, IngraiD, Damask and Venetian, Rig and Cbiln Ctrpttt, OIL OLOTHS, WINDOW BILADM8, Wa btwe tHa Lurawst and Beat H. S. SHIRK 6V SONS. Ooreir Wei Kir ind WiUr SItnIs, UnctsUr, Pa. CAKH1AUMH. DTANDARD OAHH1AQK WORK. Standard Oarriage Werk, EOW. EDOKHLEy, He. U, V2, M, 45 Market Street, Hear of 1'est- enice, Lancaster, Pa, De net fall te call and tre my splendid stock et Lautt Htyle nuuKles, 1'tiutens, raully carrlasiif, Ac , wblcti 1 new hnve ready (or tbeepileg rrade. Ml tbe Istut designs te se lect Irem, There are no finer vehicles In the state. A One line of Becend-IIind Werk en baud . My ptlcs are .the lowest In the state for firsvclau work. All work guaranteed. Kc pairing and repainting premptly'attanded te. One set et wetkmen especially employed ter that purpose. Wa be'leve we s41tb majority et the from sotewBtatonotiae. ii win pay you from SO te was atone Usee. It will ni AI ley Plata or Dade. irem ste up t extra qnauty at i'e. ncaieg rat 1 1KB. TlCBIBg Case Musllu In bleached and uubieacaca, in sui Depot. ainas ri nemnanis. veruiiniy you wui bwiew- price ihsn you wenld pay ter same off Ihe CABPBT8 At SI Cent UABPBTS At e Cent UAHPBTS At 50 Cents CABPBTS AtSSOente CABPBTS At 71 Cent oil Cleths, Window Shades. Curtain Poles aimm-unreu aimineiv, lorwrneniaeiwissuoa Haughman, Laneatter, P, COOPKU UOUBB.tm nest proaucea in tni ceunuy. Thsy are ther without odor of any kind. Lew srada Feather wa aeen eniv iiisn t Feathers attne buy Feather until you haveseen our and heard Lancaster, Pa. IN- SilGS Buckets of All Kinds Oedar, HALL. BABUAINH I AC. Bteck In tha Olty, MilA.lSBHY. TDURKrANO WATER. Fire and Water. Bllghtly Cauiged Bteck of Hillineiy, Motions, Etc. I am selling at very Lew Prices TO ULOSR OUT EXTIRE STOCK, P. WEIKEL, miri-tra rVMirtTVMM. w IDMYKrVB CORNER. Fer Furniture! WIDMYER'S FUBurnmE store. t OU UAN'T OO BkirgB I GOOD WOBK I low micas Get. But Heg ind Deke Sts, fVOHBttOIBBe, Ochs & Gibbs, rUHHITUHf, Jd. 3d and th Floers, 1X0. 81 SOUTH QOBBN 8T IF TOU'BK LOOKlNOrOKl tUBMHOKS YOUUASTUOBITTIKUIHK TUAN AlrWBBBBBLSB. BgTIEIl FUBNlTOBB 'MT SlSDR AND CUBAPKK NOWUBBB. SsVCall and make selection new. goods until wanted. We stete OCHS t GIBBS. Manufacturer and Dealer, 11. Id and ttb floors, II south Queen Btresl. aprll'lge s fRINU HTKLKU. HEINITSH'S 27 in. 29 Seeth Qawn Street Tbe variety of rtlKNlTUHB we are show Ing tkts Spring baa never been equalled for Style, finish or Durability. OUBBOLlD OAK SUIT for a small price Is the Bast Bargain ogered, and la aseller, BBD-BOOK SUITS, S te S2S0. F ABLOB SUITS, IMtO SSM. OHAXBS from 8.60 per half de ten upward. BXTBMBIOM TABLES from (3 upward. OUB PKIOBS all through are LOW, VBUY LOW, for Geed, Reliable Furniture, A KKW BAKOAIN SUITS left ever from last rail, te be elesed out ebeap. srsciAL rntcKs te bu ybbs or OUTFITS. Heinltih'i Furniture Depot, LANOASTBB. PA. P UKN1TORB I KUKNITURH I TBB UMDBBSIUMBD HAS BBOrBMBD UU STOBB AT THB OLD STAND, le. 88 East King Street, Wbteh waa destroyed by are some Urns age, and ka a perfeeUy Mew Stock et all kinds el FURNITURE. rAULOU SUITES, BBDBOOM SUITES, TABLES, CUA1KS, ETC UPHOLSTERING ln.ail IU Branehas. Alse minting aad Or aaannUng Old Chair. HENRY WOLF, Nt. 18 East Klmf Street. JIAHDWAMM. M' AHSHALL ft KENQ1KK. Hardware! Hardware! JUBTBEUFIVEO AT MARSHALL ft REHGIER'S, 9& 1 1 Seuth Queen St., A I.AUOE INVOICE Or TOBiOCO TWIN1 & TO310GO PAPER, Beld at the Lewest Matket l'rlces. Alse, large assortmeatef H0U8E-STIRE &00D3 ! AMU A LAHUBLOTOr' PBIUI NMW OLOValR 8B1D. SOLEAUKNtCB rOUTUM Butcher Heuse Bene. tebS-lyd VAHPXTH. Nf'S'''VWNNyir O AKl'KTS. HcOallum & Slean 1013 aad 1014 Chestnut Bt. PHILADELPHIA Manufacturers and Dealer In CARPETS Axmlnster, Wilten Mequette, BruBselfl Tapestry, Ingrain in new Designs and Coloring A Special Line of PEfl YAUD. fTllteBi at Meqaette at Rrasiels at Tsptstry at lagrala at 81.75 1.2& 1.00 .60 .CO 92.00 12.25 1.10 .& ,U5 1.25 .75 .75 ART SQUARES OIL OLOTBS LINOLIDMS lebJ-JindeeaUBW -lM3i 0MOOMMIMK. 7 :pf NtN-s JJVKRr rAMLLT SMOTJLA TJMI "&.- CAM ABO'S BULD OUBSW KAJ1. . 5-Xf The r. schamafeer mew rrssass VMataaa nouneet the batterer iteansmiMBa ket. -. i. ws stake speetaltses ar reri giiaVSssl &-, OknlMriLli Jivfiua i,isiiSj7asBSjg -,' - T1m hast lenriflaisttUr 'Aa alr. a inai tamer. . W0.1U ssroeos eaiiverea. W T BURSK'S. j LENTENGOODSl MaCEBBBL-We Bleatar MaGkenl. have tks Laifa s ceDitu-wekavetha rtaestWassa .& VROp (,'OUBSD. SARDlSas.Wt haa Ska aiaasi IMMSSH " ' -IS'. Saraine. Alse taa Assertesa laeflstaf Mas tard. ,'i tiMnrannitiina SManari - - -- - - Bloater Herring. ; Si raasH salIek tnhlshsaa sMMaa. Z' -Si rnaeu LunsTaa in klga ana aat teas. t CLAM BROTH ta jais7 Ltnia In nana. '- l imaertetl MAUAaeMI IB ALL IA?fSL-W ZSLWUSESK' "M,"v v AlfSBV cBEBsai cubbsbi nntatswa, VJ-.-' nFVvi bvhv a vnin vi BURSK'S I NO. 17 BAIT HMQ I LAK0AWKB.FA. ATRBisra t in btibi TsiBT n nnnn t-w jjriraiMiiM iTiiuin. 'vi m ih v rw WK ARH HEADQUARTERS. OBI Bnallsb. Swiss. Llmbnmr. Idas. BUuiceaiel, llouquetertaad Masaster, mekid mi. Smoked salmon, HuibaLStarmea.1 ttnse, snretten, Eds, Tarssenth WeatS! aea. oee ana naiumes. OAWN1D MIAIS. Derlled Oraba faith shall L aalsssatesak Lebster salad, fresh Sanson, Flash faaksty nenelese saraiass, Sssakaa f aratasa aa B P Mustard Sardines. ahrtinn sad PavBsSsssats. Q Bleatar Past tn Bettle, aaehevy rases 1st "-'; Uotue,AnehevteslaoUBottla. itii! OODKIB AXI afafMnBsWsi Thurbers DepseaCf1aellaUsssi u?;j iiuimri iwvpeBia smsa ruswi sat. IWfl MA. I KflVBT.BI. !. MX. '- " ww, mrvmm .w i i i -, ., .w - , w-. JUSTIlt. Fresh MaorenU8p4ruttLVtmkellt)tves, ''V apret, Mushrooms aad flsast fresh rsas. , t; BIT. OurRslra Dry Beef at lSJie. apeaatf. Oar fine Dry Beet at Se a pound, ear rlkBM at no. a peena. J. FRANK REIST, WUOLESALB AMD BBTAIL WOQWm;ffk Msrthaajt Caraar Weal Elaff aai MssM Mrsala, LAMOABTBB TA. garTalenhene ana free DsjUvaty. WATOBM Sh"J1t " -nrATOHKS AMERICAN I "szsisfattiSbar Optical Qoeds. TeiegrankTiBteiMHy. Artele in tats Una Carefully Basal LeuMwaimm, vat- e. USM m. Qaaaa StBsar r.B. B.lklsa 'JX-S TK WKLsW AND OPTICIAN, GILL. Jeweler and Optician. """ If your eyes treuble you atUnd te these Is mediately. Tba use Of PBOPEB OLABSBS nstatas sights. gtTMoestiort and Bteasasa. . Lanoaster baa lenn felt theaesttet aSFsV eattar baa long fel OlAL erriuiAB. we. are aewjifeasjsasa mtaaure your eyes, at sMsnes wij ita saw rsaa cibiem or an esua.uT.aa .Ttuaf aiaiiasta oemnlsu eutat of test leases reqesred fAAt maaanrnBaaat. aatttuouen guaranteed ta every CHARLES 3. GILL, Ne. 10 Wert King fftnst, LABOABTBB.rA. T0 YOO MKED A WATCH ? We can savs you mousy ea aaythlai yea buy, whether Geld, Sllier or Bin littl, Our Bpselal Bale of Silver Wateaas beau anything eter offered anywhere. A ehanee seldom offered for buying a flood Watch for se little money. Herr, Jeweler, ISO. 101 NORTH QTJssaW IT., COBBBBOF OBABQB. QUMBNSWAHM. riUH A MARTIN. CLASS & QUEENSWARE CHINA" HALL. Housekeeper and Bsw Baginnsrs, hata ara a few faeu for you : In the choice of wares see that yea get tha best makes. erasing or Bracking or glazing te Sanaa principally In the low grade of goof. a make u entirely free from It except risash China. Tha reputation of the manufacturer kashas or spoil tba market ler hi ware. We keep the standard Makes. Yeu can select what you want aad gat what you salscw Our wares ara guaranteed or exchanged ll net satisfactory. O ire us a sail before purchasing. High &T Martin, Ne. 16 East King St. ecua-ua 8AUK8MKN-WK WlbH A KKW MBM wseil our goods by sample tattsjwkj. .! n.i neu trade, larsest maaafaetuess In our line, anecee 1 easTt staasf . t3rd. varmanent oetlUon. 0 1 Jf-aWAKlAsSBgW iuni.n. ribla. WW" mwn-m - . isa mx jh it ?it4 yy 1 '-a ' w JS-' ffli 2l v. i ,t ., 'V'JJ Vjfi VX-M V!ii -.a i! 'ssa J9s ljl Jb& m 3 jiMl m H ."'i.X M ZiS M Sa1 VnT" 'ijsa J? ,- m fl a tm i Ssssittj. y'V;