RRES! 3 v v 5j f-vjlf? I y! &$??. i m ? ? v . JT V"1 VAv w PHE LANCASTER DATLY INTELLIGENCETT, SATURDAY; MABCH 9, 1800. ' jt i& V S ' F. K. ft " m 'K rOally InUlllfftnctr, , MtWCA 1. lTMtalrMFarMWM. VMd)hi JYniM, cemnentlne Iren csapany'a failure, lit flatftk ttet tits texm is given te Iftaw Iren mn tbM tbey roust nt stair their expenses una their ptahti but that tbey LVm te it that thelr leca -Jett right ter tbelr bust .& Jlft. Ik.tl miIiIIa Iwui TBV WOGISUVS u nuue "vu MM low s $13 per ten here the Ml it about tie. It says tbat titlea la the Seuth can produce : 10 par ten ; and seemi te see tNBiwritlBf en the wall for Feun- tfareaeM. ijnteset Is neediest!? alarmed. Its i tbat irenmasters muit study ay, keep op their plants and be Judl- I la tMr location, Is, of course, geed MMm;' but hardly freah enough te offer. are doubtless plants in tne state gklnliiaaafantaceeusly located tbat tbey i-ii La Ahm1I a1.ii- A Thara at &SMB .' uu uunu. .. these that are extravagantly And there are etbers tbat I tee little te keep tbelr plant up te "iMKqalrementaef the times. Buttheie M peer managers and pecr location in VmybMlness, and there is nothing pe Matter in the situation of the iron makers. ', Tm business is likely te be carried en in ' wanajlranla as lentj as any emer, ana 'U1 the last quake shakes the earth nnd .inHniai nnwn T.nn Titrrr-j. L VilAnAMhlnUtlit Ilia nt-arntva PYwL -'-' TY V W UV. IUIUA tUt IUD .... ..-.w vw- v"-5a tnslrlner nlrr Iren In l'Annsvlvnnla ia 110 -- mau tha nMHiiA ittat. In anv Vf9t.WU1 "U4 "" 13.10 Wl - , YBiutbem district as low as $10. At serce HMthern furnaces at some times, tbat w mttr be the cost : and at eome rennsyi pf!rTanla furnaces tbe cost Is net much r:-ere. xne uornwauereis supnuea te im lOwneis at ten percent, of the market t& price of forge pig Iren, or new say at v? $1.60 per ten. Its rent coat te the owners '-f;k 13 cents at the mine : which Is the 'ufMtnf mining. Tlmt the inl of ere te pV.be Alabama f urnaei?, owning their ere KKmlatB, ia net less than that, will be nu- Sh Bitted : that it is net that low is a fact Lf? Ner is the Alabama fuel cheaper than the X. anthracite fuel at Lebanon; and the r'ceet of making lien in the cheapest place 13 la the Seuth cannot be less than at the ' lafaeaDest place In Pennsylvania. L?4S ,;...!, U .. 1. , I,;A xsbb vuas ui iruu ucre ia uuscu upuu if reater valuation nutuDonero royalty; ' -Jl At.1.. Ill 1 - ! I...... I., fltn ,rt u mils wiu uu a K-uwiug item m uiu " fi uth as lime passes en. ' Pk, It la m. frMh nnnntrv. reltli irrAat. miinil. , fj? ttsturlug advantages offset by great dls- S apvaniages, me cniei et which lsiue fbaence of a home market. This dim ':h ulty the railroads nte delDg thelr & bast te decrease. If Southern furnaces ; wtis hoipeu ivjr euuiuuiu luiiiuaua ua rftf . - M . .-1 - r-,-ft Pennsylvania rallreids, '.they would net ; M in blast. The time is coming wlieu our ? railroad minatrera must laarn that cheap , 'freights are the life of the manufacturing "t they will ceme. These managers tinder- aiand verv well that thev must keen their rlleeal Industries alive ; but they de net I; mnt: fnVann tVtem tnnn tlian n1In Plia ijf ywHi rw .mVj ucui utuiu fcuauituiut auv 'e'jjpoer manufacturer Is left te run his fur. pcara or mill until he runs out of money ; yK w.ucr )iuur uevii iu cuiuu m iu ue uiuu j ii' anil will wlrn lilm ttrrnn flint nrill nnnlilH ,' rr v . . :. ... . """-- .-.- bud ie nang en uy me ejciiua waning ler . tower times. They take all the preilt. There is no generosity In the treat- $83 ce it of manufacluring Industries bylthe ' .- "Pnnavltf.inli raltrniila vlfnllt. nn flint 1 1 Bra concerned iu thelr presiHirlty. But ji; all this will be changed iu time; and there m UWIIJ llUUt)UUIh hiiUb MJU U111C1C11UC in dlitauce will net always Biiflice te preserve its home market te I'enusjlyanla Iren furnaces. Saeday. ,Wben geed old S.ituiday night cornea areuntt, many a reader sighs te himself Z ever the long thirty-six hours rest before :'5?f blm, and regularly every Sunday night, v nuuuui wuuc tug uiue una ii'jnu iu ?- AUIil lvfiv Ha .Iaab tint foal cuHannrl ku" '.7i-rr...T:... "...j.., .. . Wt u" imuiuk ui auuuay ,i.i,n;ie nuu me Jj eating of Sunday dinners, the habitual iaa neeaiess Hiienuance ut cnurcn, or me (.V. . .. . .. .. . ... ',tv awTieja veiuance or uu miegs religious ,! make Sunday a day of very little actual , value te a great many people. Except f for the physical bentflt tbat may be y .aklalmAil . Ilia A ... f ...t Minnn iiA.nl. .IMawuiiu "J "l EO, tuuae 1'CUIMU fe fcave lest 62 days from every year of their hi ''Tesaed tLe,r life work l3 worth les3 than Wfctt would be by just the value of their g wasted Sundays. Xetthat it would be ' worth any mere if they would work en Sundays, but that it would be of Infinitely - pwr vaiue ir iney weuiu reauy rest and think en Sunday, atd for one day In ;vt .peven, step ine consiaeratlen et nuslness ,j' er professional affairs. A shin may be F wif t and seaworthy, but she will surely i a mIa If 41. e, A..iL r,.ll e..l.n - , ' t www vu Kvt. . iue .UiMiu laua iu lilive i Wl-t--lD .i a t.i . ii c: b. ismiiuKO niiu liniu uul iiih tmirMH. j i. ,Se set work that kills men, it is worry." -gj. Btep worrying, and if your business keeps irw,"" "" MMtuivi w i,t iccb V1USD IAJ , her for an hour or bd. Tnlnk about r,Bwi euiua buau vuyje tuabuie lucaa- VlixM uy money, and remember if clmrlla. hlv ilfsrViftAH. trint piurltu la nnenf tltrca 'lbiBfa. Heading in the Sunday tuners Cf all the wickedness and misery in the -.: ill ill nnn'r. n. n inniriirfl x i.. nnnn r, vvw. wm w mil' wih.ii.Ii)i A UU UJUJ a- I kink bow much geed you could de If wealthy, but nearly alt the benefactors Krtet mankind Iiivp nslilnvnl tlmlr u-nrlr 2,zz;z- . . j v. " . : ' -fcw wa uuicr iiuwern vnun vuose or money, Sn4 often in direct opposition te niener. yitt history of man is net a record of the Ctclumpbs, but et the disasters of wealth. '5 V people would ou Siturday night draw 'RSbarp line en their thoughts of wealth fnl schemes ct ambition, nnd naelve te ,.wtj wuirjr uuiei Bigni ier a uay, mey ,,weuia nave mere room for Inspiring and 9 laSNAiilnl fil.mla-. . . .1 . .- t.. . itmwmanyai muuijuui, nuu DO ungllier On vweaHiaj morn in?. The Kartheuakc. -f) Lancaster has had an earthquake of v)aite as high a degree as she cares te ex. jrlence. Jt will suffice temakea wagon jt.asaUe a Urrer for many a day te ceme. an evidence et power is niilie jtngb Ie make these who have felt it m ilia', iney niana en a treacherous ten, and that their houses mar down tien their head?. We de net bjliuva that there Isanj- berealwut who cares new te live ftmyblgh beuse. Mether Earth is attractive place te earthquake people ; and If we get any mere shocks, we will want te have appropriation made for caves a eentf nlf et places. We also want te Institute earthquake insurance oeapaniea, or Insist upon a claim efalnst earthquake destruction in our lire insurance policies. And this la no joke. The people et this town hue tee much respect for the earthquake te joke about it. They regard it with a feeling of great awe ; and have as little desire te renew their aqualntance with it ai with anything they have ever met. They say we have had earthquakes here befcre and that they are a peculiar institution of this country of limestone and caverns. There has long been a tradition that Lin caster is built upon a subterranean lake; a theory which the I'enn Iren company's eleven hundred feet deep hole, In solid limestone nil the way down, tends te dissipate. We de net held te that theory of oarlbquakes. and de net plead guilty te being much of an earthquake country anyway. It we bave ever had any shocks heretofore they have been very little ones, tee small te make n fuss about. In the memory et the present experience we refuse te dignify them as earthquakes; but this one we acknowledge. An Old Ban's Talk. Simen Cameren naturally at ninety years would net be very profound In hii observations, nnd It was cruel In the New Yerk Jbrahl reporter te draw him out into comment upon the retiring presi dent, who he thought had been " full of tricks" in his administration, like his tariff project, and who had greatly de meaned himself, In, the opinion of the aged Winnebago, by contributing $10,000 te the campaign fund. Simen thought that nothing se btd would have been dene In the goedold days ; which is a very remarkable observation, Indeed, from a politician noted nbeve all ethers et his time for his tricks, and for holding any means as geed thnt would lead him te his end. Blmen Cameren's ninety ycarj explain his cemment and fergetfulness. At an aga nway below ninety years men begin te get god nud retire from the success ful pursuit of wicked neis te the paths et piety and peace. Mr. Cameren thinks new very virtuous thoughts and testifies te his change et heart In hts criticism of President Cleveland for giving 110,000 te the Democratic oranlzitlen that was ia charge et the business et his re election, Te Mr. C.imoren'd mind this smacks of buying the election ; and It seems te him te be a horrid thing for a president te de. Hut net a horrid thing for a man te de who is a candidate for president but net a prte dent; and a very proper thing for a man ti de who hepei te be rewarded with a cabinet etlbe for se doing. Mr. Cameren Is in n condition et senility which makes everything wrong that a Democrat den and everything right that isdenebynltijpublljan. Because of this condition we ure net inclined te held him te account for his words nor te recall the various interesting Incidents et bis career th it would seem te make it impossible that Im should be the critic et anyone's political methods. He has en joyed doubtless the 00th celebration of his birth date. The Lord has given him great prosperity and length of days, and many friends and he stands tee near the pertali et judgment te be judged here. 'I in: elllMi) who reads ene paporadey lspibpimd te Admit tlmt tliorenreplonty of tail unci liorrlljle things Iu life, but the newspaper limn, who puts In most e( his lime en the papers (leaning newH and electing Items, must often, If he Is a man of any tooling, grew nick with ery horror at ttie awful monotony of the dally record of Hiillerlng, etltne, depalr, nnd leaat of all HUdden death, lu the record et overy day In erery paper In this lund there nre utorles of mlnry ttifit nre net rerouted in nuy ottier journal but arrcat for an Instant llie search ItiKoyuef the exolmnge reader. They are no far nway Htid re comparatively unim portant that tLy are net copied, and the roider Knows that his paper will he horrerB enough without tbeui. It may he ealy n lirakaman ktlled new and then en tbe railroad, or a froutte sulolde told about with all the dollberate pathos of a loeal ropnrter of aoine far oil elty. These thlugH occurring by the aoero are unnotel beyend thelr Immediate neighborhood, and, a for the aoceunta of orltneand wee that are net glfen double leaded importuned by death, they are often the uiebt harrenlng et the Items thai are never copied. Yet the p. irons of the paper may often threw It down with the pretest 11 why will the papera print such horrertl" As a rule only tboae horror that are ma' ma' turaet nowseroflooil Interest are printed, ItlstboinWrertuoeof the newspaper man te have befere him the dark aide of tbe ro re ro eord et the werld'd llfe boaiuie thore Is llttloef newij In the story et the bright slda The world don't oaie te knew hew a certain man and wife lived happily, but If the wlfe a dosertoj uml neuly starved te death, turns en the gas and Is earrled out the next dayaairpie, that Is printed In the paper, and purhjp i copied la neighboring town. Ilut It alie is taken te the hospital and ro re ro eovert, tun Item hardly get beyend the papBrH of the elty here It happened. It la marvelous that tticre la any humor or galety lu the prea, but mueh la needed te balauoe the uitUnuhely weight of news. IUUU1N.1K Or WtOlllNd, Ob, harU te the tale from the wilds of Wyeralnu, dispatched o'er the wires te the W'erM of New Yerk. Hew a youth from old England, commercially reaming, feugat bravtly te win fair widow from Cerk. l'retty Widow McUoelo was ocgnged te Mart Uuntoen, and they bad arranged te be married lu My. He doubt she was worried te make up her mind aoeu, for women are usarce en the pralrlet, they say. Mew Mart had a ranch and some thousands et etttle, aud Widow McOoele was as thrifty r.H fair. The Dry Uhoyeuno atagea, from Uutlale runnlntr, had be longed te McOoele oie ha lurt for elsewhere. Last week there appeared at the Dry Oi'eyenns ttatleu a handsome young Union, entitled James Kldd, who, with thOMteulshlng cheek of his nation, inad0 leve te the widow nud UkowUeshedld. LH Saturday night, with boldness bu psrnal, he calmly esoerled her miles te a dince and then, when Uuntoen raltei a re w most lnferna),he pulled out hi weapons and steed ler his chance. The bold lirlten'a bullets luvaded the vital of ene Kdwaid Cook, a friend of Uuntoen, who had rashly disputed thts matter of titles, and Mill the revolvers continued the tune. Ills back te a deer and his fece te his roemea, the can dle extlpgulahed at the start et the fray, with the pluck et a Trojan at war for a woman, young Kldd, although wounded, kept bluing away. Heme etbers were In jured lu this entertainment, and tnaueia were get'lnK most serious, ijalte, whoa Widow Mi-Uoele, cllmblei: la through a enaeuum, Just opened the deer and pulled Kldd out of tight Then tla they to te to gether and, mounting his mustang, the Briten rede off with tne Widow McUoeli and Mars must have grinned, ferthebul-' 6t tbey just sing, tad seomed te be say. imr, "(Je twter, you feel 1" Theyrode all the nlgbt, and at dawn the next morn ing, at Uatdnu, Nebraska, were married la form ; the ead of this story meat flttlcg. ly forming, though several with Martin Will probably mourn, Mm USietal Tutt. Htala VloeOounolllor J.f.Wlnower.ef the Jr.,u U. a. lVL.pald an efflelal visit le Empire Couaell of this oily last evening. One new member was Initiated and the vlee conn cenn conn eilier spoke en the progress of tbe order which Is IncreMlng very largely In the state. Hloee July 19 there have been mere councils Instituted than there were In the Jtlre prevlcua year. " l)lime, flcfi'rmte giewn, by oxiitrate arpllnnrf are rullBTnl or net at all " 'J he p jlntef wlademlstn theckthnm boternthoy traohse tar by buying u bottle et salratleu OH. 1'rlcoSScenti Conspiracies no 90finr should be formed than pifcnted," ami a cold alinnid noaeoner be taken, thin a bettln of Dr. null's tnngb Byrnpsheu'd be bought and used according te the directions. MKLUIIUVJ, , R KMOIOUS HERVIOKS AVILfj BK held In tbe follewlnir clinrchosen Bun- day, In the morning at leX), In the evcnlng at'.lfk Sunday ncboelat 1 1!) p. m. When the bourladirrerantlt Is apeclally noted! Chuiu-h or Oed Cerner et l'rlnee and Or anpn. 1'rayer leeettnK atop. in. Cbsist Lctii sain L'Buncn Wist King street, K. I. Itoed, pmter. 1'KBSlTTSItlAlf USKORIAL C'BOWH, Benth Quevn street, Themas Thompson paater. esoesiiKvAircisLicALt'airacir Sunday school atht'J p. tu. Yeung poeplo's ineellngatc 0 p.m. Ourrr lUrrisT Cnoaen. Keat Vine near Duke street. Communion In the morning. Sunday school at! p. m. St. r.css's lteMsr Marietta Avenue, Het. Win, r. Llcbilter, paater. Sunday school at 1 p m. rerrlce In the tlertnan language at dje p. in , Prof. B. c. Bchludt, eniclatlnc. tlKITID JlaBTHSBH IK CHRIST (COVSK1KT), West Orange and Concord streets-Un v. K. b. II ti i hoi, pastor. I'raise meeting at 6:15 p. m. RvASesLiOAt First Uhnroh(uermanlMerth Watersireet, Het. W. V. I.chr, pastor. Preach lngln tbe morning In the Uerman language, anaevenlngln the Kngllsh Unguage. Hun day school at B a. m. 1 eung poeplo's meeting at s p. m. St. Paul's KtreansD-llnv. J. W.Momtnger, paater, reng service st e 15 p. in. fiMT HsfeRHSD Uuuaen. Itev. J. 11. Iltrel, 1). I)., paater. ftBMT Uaitibt. Kast Chestnut allot. Bun day school at 2 p. In, Hr. BTBrusri's (ItsmaiisD) Cnnncn Cettscis CitArar Iter J. II. llubbn, l 1). Wkstbrb- M. K. Ciimuin-S. W. Ilurke, pister. l'reschlng by Itev. H.W. A dims, chris tian endeavor prayer meeting nt G . ast Hissieb 11. K. cutraeii.-Sunday school at a p in. ht. Paul's H. R. CnuacH-Uharlrs Ueads,pis ter. Yeung poeplo's mauling at Op in. riRST M. K. Church. Het. J. IL. I . Uruv. naa ter. lllaslenary day Ulssa meeting at Si a. ni. 2 p. m. (Sunday school ralst teuary an nl vernary, 6 Id n. m. Christian nndeavnriirnvcriuiMitlntf, Cleifng sermon In the evening VanBTTBRiAH-Uey. J. Y. Mttchell. U. V. pastor St. Joint's l.UTiisrtix. Itev. It. r, Alleman I). U. panter. halitmth school ntHt Jean's at 1.13. and at Uetwaia lumerla! chupul at 1 r. in. Jhibitt LuTnmtAif Itev. U I. Fry. pastor. Uraeb Luthbrah. Cerner el Nerm guettn and James stroet. llev. C. Klvln lleupi, pas tor, llernlng Ulble claasattf Ifta m. aunday school at 2 p. m. I'mter'sadutt clnisat 4 p in. Meraviaw J. ltux Ilnrk.u. II.. pastor. Bun day school at 1 p. m .""S) p.m. Hely Commu nion. Moavenlngservlce. H( OW TO HAVK 1-1 KK. What lsaeueht It Isau liiltitlei of the threat and lungs. What causet 117 Conpes lien. Btep the cougistlen, llm l'rltallen ceaaes and the eaugh I. cured. Jlut hew te a'ep the con g gl I in I Ah,threls )u it whom phjstclana utvn always been pnr.7la. Ilut It must be chockeO.or pnuumenia, iiulck em ail mptlen or aome toirlelo pulmonary trouble will Inllew. Heme doctors lvn oed liver oil, otbtirsceuKh nyrupH, but the meit ndvnnced pratctlbe silmulanls. Naiure mint bit ea Nisted. J'ure whlikey will de It. Kte what phyalclans sty : Vref Auttlu Flint, of llollevuo (Mew Voik) Rollego, seyst "'Iho Judlrleua ue of alco holic Htlinmnnts U ene of the striking charnc charnc teilitlcs or progress tntte practice of iLidl cine during the hist hair etntury." J'rofMserllonry A. lletr, or New Yerk, Bays! "Thepnrlty et J.uny's l'nie Malt Whisky (as stinpieaualytlcal tests will readlly convlnce a physician or an expnrt) should rorminlyreo emmnnd It ti the hlghr'. puDlle fnve-." nulTy's I'ure Malt WhUky Is acerUIn euro andpievrntlve of centjuttlau nud nlmu'rl ha knptlni'Miry ftnlly. it lj sold ny ull drug t;lti nnd dualeis. lle Btire aud mcciiie the reif nine. (,) yH. O. MuliANl.'ri CKLEllltATKII Vermifuge, for Worms. UOrilKUS ItKAI). Andrew Downing, or (irnnlmrg township Tuminge county, gave his child nne lennponn lennpenn tul rrihsitunulneDr. U. Mcl-nnc's Ce obratel Vurmltiige, and she paased 177 worms. Next innrulug In repetition el thu deau the pissed 113 mere. Jeseph O. Allen, of Ambny, gave a deie of the genuine Dr. u. llclihiie's Celebrated Ver mUugn te a child of six years old, and It bieiiKhtuway tuwninm lle seen niter gave another Ooee te the nan n child, which Drought nway te mere, making is weims In ubeutli hours. llrs.Ouliihy, Ne lbiKsrexatreet, New Yerk, " i lUm uh thai she had I. child which hud been unwi'll n,r better than U n month. Mho pro pre pro eurodalotvonrtliogoiiulne Dr. U. MeLaues ermiriiKe and ad ulnlutemd It. aim child pissed it large iuantlty cl worm), nnd la a lew days was as hearty as ever t had been. Parents with such tendency holo-e thorn should net husllate when theiets any reason le Hiiapect worms, ana leju no time lu nflmln ltliutng thegunuiuu Hr c. Mel.anv's Verml. Iiige. it never lulls aud Is pel leclly Bale. 'lhlslstarnrtlly that 1 was troubled with a tiipu worm for mere than six months. 1 tried all the known lemndUs ler this tnrrlblu ullllc tleu, but without being nble te destroy It, 1 froiabelllo et the geuuliie Dr. C. MoL.are'8 rrmllugo,irepaioa by leinlng Ures , rttts burg, I'., which 1 leek acoerillng te direc direc teons: and the rnault was 1 dlarhargedone large ttpswerm, moasurliigmeiu th in a yard, beslaeja uumborel small enei. HUB. M.ECOTT. l'rl'osicenlinliouio. insist en hixvlegihe geuuluu. (t) s. H. H. SWIKl'Sbl'KCirie cured moor msllgnant llloed Poison after I had bren treated In aln with old soctlled reiuedlcs of Mercury and 1'etab. 8 . H. net only cured the llloed Pel son, but relieved the Jlheumailtm which was ciaed by th polaenou uiinurals. UKO. ltOVKbb,2IJ5 1ia Avonue. N Y. Bcrofuladnvelopodonmy daughter-swell-Ing and lumps en her nick. We oave bur nwiri'd tiiaciriu.ana ihu result was woo weo woe derlul and thu euro lirempl. B. A. la.AKSluj.D,Clovelaua,Tonn. HWiriM PfKUiriu Is entirely a vegetable remedy, and Is the only re.nedy which per maueutly cures Bcrefuis, Illerd liumeis, tfun tfun cer and ContaKleus Uloed l'olien Bend ter books en llloed and Bkln Diseases, milled tree. IIIK BWlKr BI'KUIFIU CO. lanl0-Tu,Th,8 unmers, AtlauU, Oa. UOMVl.NXWN ruWUHR. QOMPJ.KXION l'OWUKK. ladies: WHO VAhUK A HKriNKI) COMPLKSIOM MUbl' UtJK POZZONI'S MBUlUAfh-D COMPLEXION POWDER. it imparts a bMlllant trauspireucy te the skin I'.uinoves all pimples. I ruckles and OU oeluraunos. and mikei the sktn delicately settaud beautlluh It contains no llme. whlul lead or arsenic. In three shades, rink or nosh, white and bruuutie. --h feu BAbit nr All DriiHRlatu and Fauey Uoeds Donlers flvorywhero. anrS.teWA,l,t "r IMIT'"0''J.- flOK UOKI.ONTAL. WTATIONAltY v .u?,"u,'.u"" le ' horsrpe,r. and .' mV.1. i ?8lu " Irem '.' te te hoi je i.ewer. you u,ll 'rf t'mMJUUN "am-. a f"i fS" lu" ttrlit mi lid OIMX'IAU ' 1 he last el our lleavy eights H irouser?, Buttings and Overcen Patterns mada te veur erder atyourewu prlce, MeanANH A: NOWLUN, MsrlOllAr lAiteis, NO. U WKST KINtlHlUKKr. FOK 1'ULIiKVH, MIlAKriM; COI lars, II an uiir i tdamp I'eies. Cunllnirt m.tt?aOJU"N UK'ir',ii lVulte" atutl: rolleclleo el Hutu and County 'lax in the Kast and e,t wards et JiciWr ctiy w li be iectlv.J a. the offlceef ths Cmnty Cem ai5!isniJKi,i.y ssxstti? && Att.it, w. Yf?M&yffilo"lfce. WAttAUAKBRB 1'BiLADBt.rau, Satntday, Marek 9, 1KB. A Bordered Dress-Stuff sea son. Of course se pleasing a style mns into Black goods. Surprising what grace an along-the-edge banci of otto man, or tape, or cord, or camel hair effect gives te the somber est stuff. You'll find the Bor dered Blacks mostly among the Serges and Armures $1.25 te $1.50 a yard. Northwest of centre. Saxen Art Ware, Rudolstadt decorations. The exquisitely graceful cre ations that delight a connois seur Old Ivery, Princess, Gebelin, Emil, Ceral. They came te us en the great trade-tide that is all the time surging through the store. Fresh from the shops, every outline, every tint perfect. Yours the first world-fingers te touch them. Will you care less for them because they're third or half the usual prices ? 127.60 Vases for 112 i2Vnses!er3 7 17 7r Vases ter K.5 13 Vases ler '. 12 Vsses for tre S. '5 Groups ler llOaralr tre llnsts for IrO a pair I". Vlguies for as a pair. IS 7s siguresferM aralr tin 1'ltcners for 17 . UKIeiihanlsrertl2 lilllrdsiortSe. as TJ 11 iskfcU fora fera Art has crowded Nature in many of these shapes. They are the sort that become heir looms. Secend fleer, second ga'ltiry. Time te think of Fleer Lin ens. Loek around. If you don't knew what they should be, take plenty of time. Ask questions, compare. If you are Linen-wise, the looking and comparing won't take long. Ne doubt about where you'll bring up at last. New patt2rns, gray and white, 54 te 180 inches, 40c te $1.75- Red cress-bar, 86 te 176 inches, $1 te $2.25. The season's novelty is Turkey-red and brown, in neat figures, absolutely fast colors, 86 and 176 inches, $1.10 and $2.50. Reems measured and esti mates made free in town, car fares out. Near Women's Watting Itoem. Three smooth, strong, hard wood reds, say six feet long, knobbed at each end and steed up tripod shape, like muskets stacked. Heeks, shelf and chain attachments. Yeu can hang things en and inland around it till you're lest in won der. Fer the hall, for the bed room (beats a dozen chair backs), for the sewing-room, for the parlor tireless arms te held, held, held. Neat, snug, handsome. At $2.25 they slipped out right merrily. We take 1,200 in a bunch and make the price $1.50. llueiuent, north of centre. Photepranh Albums at half the first cost, $1.50 te $3. Leather bindings calf, mo rocco, and fancy styles. A let went out in one day a week age. Manufacturer's samples. .Northwest et centre About once a year we are likely te get held of such a let of fans. Mere than a thousand Samples picked by the Paris and Vienna makers te sell their stocks by. Be sure they did net cheese the worst. We hand them along te you at a fraction of the regular retail cost. Taper 1 ans, Ue te 30c. Hmtn Fans, Me tell II luxe tun., si te I J (0 leilher edge Kana.dOe te 11.50 Painted and plain ; bone sticks and olive weed sticks. A very few sorts two alike ; mostly one of a kind. First choice is worth being quick for. Northwest or coutie. Will you wait for Furniture Slip Cevers till the Spring rush starts ? Stufis and workmen are ready. S'ttylcshti-lnnh Linen 15 stiles Dbnlllcs, Ule3s New Fruech Cieientci, single ana double widths Becend Meer, north or l rauscpt. Four ole ele ole valers. A counter for Writing Paper by the pound. 2(iepciiDdatbc, various tints. S,wu pounds "all rate" commercial, rulrdorpltttn.allSe. Fuielgn coireaeondence, ymckst slxe, 'all linen," 2oe a peuud, bte a ream (( pounds). Of course such prices make a buzzing about town. Juniper street (lle We've skilled lens grinders in the building, and can put you in the way of having your eyes properly cared ler. Spectacles $i te $12. Juniper stlrst lda. JOHN WANAMAKER. XjWJK l'UA'lT A OADY AllKHTOS 1HHO -' aln, Jenklnx Vlv s Hrajs J lobe ahes, Irajs Unto Uix, Iren Jledy (J lobe J.ttlvfa, lever Bafuly ale, l'ep Unlet y Jalvn, Air alvs. HadUter Valve, l'ratfs MtlnglngUiuk Valve, llcass Chfck Valves, FietVai , Angle alvts, call at JOHN 11 aSl'B, JXI hast utlei snoot, ui2Ud JJOUH MONlHSjnCT UNTIL VAUA- Impicte the opportunity ti complete the Couikeol tmtnliiKUt be tiANCjiblfcll IIINIMCH COLI.EUK. MKKaal Klug Slid.it. Ourtbeery It supaTter, ana th Jnnlerand cenler Duiarlmuntlu iiutlneis l'ramice lur Mthrs abundant opportunity tepul the theory Bcqulrea in praoilce. Terms sujy. call en eraddreis. II. c. WKiULIK, tWeipil. lAIKK'S OJCLBKT COMPOUND, Sleepless Nights " for nearly a month t tu net able te alee. but alter using Pilaris cblmt rosrreoaD tar two days. Insomnia Ils4 aatt teMgih re turned." K. U. s KITH, Claussen, . C. " 1 have tiktn rnly a part of bettla el Palne's Celery Compound, an tt baa entlraly re'leved me er slMpleuaess, Itesa wbleh 1 hare suffend itcatly." M1U. B. AUTCLirr, Faetfa, IU. Palne's eary Cesr pound proslueaa aeaasl and refreshing- sleep. A pbystcUn'1 prescrip tion, it deta net cin'aln en harmrel drnar. llkenotbina?aia(i,ttlsagaaraatesa euro for simrlssn(si,ir dlraotleiis are Ulthtuily Al lowed, II te. 1 Ix ler HO'. DiufiUti. Wblu Bichasdseba Co.BarllOBlen, vt. DUMMD DYES ffi&fWyjflsXS: NBW At VMM TJBBMMjnS, KVAN'H KLOUH. NOTICE ! Astbetlmalsathandforthesa who lntasa te start oet in Ilia en their own acoeunt te buy their outfits, and a all young houee heuee keepara who wish te b happy must expaet te use Le van's Fleur. We would therefore advise them te get itevea or ranges with geed-sized ovees.se that the tops will net be forced off or broken by the raisins; of the bread, aa we will net be respon sible for dimaaei. LBVAN a SONS. dtc3 lyd UKBCUAMT MILLBBS. rAQEB BROTHER. CLOTHING! Fpring Season of '89. WJC H1VC UETIBMIN.CD TO LAUSBLT IM0BKA8B OUU BU3INK88 IN THIS Dl FAUTUXNTOOBtttO TUB OOMlrta VBAB. TO ACCOM PIilBO TB1S BKBULY WB OFFKBi A Large and Better Selected Stock -or MEN'S, YODTB'S AND BOVi' CLOTHING! '1 ban we have aver bofero shown. All of Oar Own Manoftcterd, AND OUU PKIOK8 WILL UK THE LOWEST POSSIBLE FOR IILL1ADLE CLOTHING. Men's Spring Suits I Ecrviecabla u. ay and UrewaChjckCasslmere suits At B7 .SO, BT.SO, 7 SO, Kzeellent Ail-Weel Cheviot 8uIU At se, aa se, as se. HtjlUb ctwvlets and All-Weel Caistmere Butt. Ataio.eo, ato.eo, aioeo. Vict- blllc-Mlxed Casslmere Suits, All-Weel, At aia.oe, aix oe, six oe. fine llalr Cord caailmere Suit, tiray Ktrecta, adapted for Business treat, Atsm.oe, tiig.oe, auoe. Youth's Leng Bant Suits. Bervlceable Casslmere Bulls, Stylish Etrlpe a. Heets, At se oe, ae.se and a7.oe. Stylish All-Weel Cheviot and Caislmere Bulta At SJ7.80, ma oe, au.oe and aie oe. BOYS' KNEE PANT SUITS! Union uastimeru aulu in Btrlp.sand Mlxtnres At ni. se te asoe. Bervlccable c&stlmera and Cheviot Bitti, BtylUh flsld and btrtpe HBccta, At 3,78 te as.oe. Spring Overcoats Are Ready. 25,27&29WeBtKingSt,, LlNOASrEll, PA. NOTU1K TO TKKS1-A8SEK8 AND k. .- OUNNK " persons aiehereby for fer for blddeu te trespass en any el the lands of the Cornwall aud siwcdwell ralates In Lebanon or 1 uncatler ceunUs, whethar tndeaed or unln cloud, clther Icr the purpose or sboetlnKor Jshlnir. as the law wilt b rigidly enforced against all tr.uipaa.lntf en said Undsef the ttn derslirned aitr thU notice. "" WB. CULKMAH VBKBMAN, H. I-KKOY AX.UBN, ' KUW.C.VBKiJBfAjr, Attora.yifer H, W.OeseaBM1 Bsira. HAGER & BROTHER, M JbTAPsbV lnflsV tlmn t sw. . u miA wiri tastt I cel as werar. 1 trtaa many aecll "A J? ,ts) saaralisji aatti I use Paiaaf .Oatery Compeun. wMek at oaea attaagtaaac aad lavlfensaa toy rMtrea atARUCK SUauAaN, BoriUatea, Vt. FIM' Ocltty OomDeand StSS'La"!?!? tBd uaatUasii th aatrss., Mwaserwkaiaab oranrerst. ax ."" "r huce. i cures bbtveus s(dioli,aa'le-ikrSlteTars et Ua netveu yatssB. Tebm Up ths 8httrd NtrrM Wllty,aaJlttaBBitJesl and tha dlaeerarar ermevalaabl ramaar, that Fslna'a Oclery fffralR?fS? cnt " t anyena wittc te me veeaaa W. Foctest, auarerd, cenn. UCT1TII FOOD asTCis utth Weak ttemacfi, Buter Invalid!, JtKW ADVKIlTISKMINTa. O AKPKT8. CARPETS I Braaaala, Ingrain. Ra and Ohala Hall ana Stair Oar- pata. Fleer Oil Oletba. CARPET SWEEPERS Aurera Bweaper, Qeld ICadal Bwaeper, In'ar Ocean Bwaeper, Crown Jawel Sweeper. These ara be beat Sweeper, made at Lewest Cash rrlces. Jehn S. Givler 0 B North Quaan Street. LAHOA-JTBB, PA. M TRBH BATHFOI. It's Net Profitable FOR US -TO- SELL CLOTHING -ATA- REDUCTION. Tat we're doing J ast that very thing. We're giving yen for 118 what originally sold for 119, ler 111 what originally sild for 118, and at 112 what originally sold ier 111, and se en through the whole line or desirable Suits and Overcoats I This Is a reduction that Is taking enr profits and giving yen Handsome, Btyll.h Clothing atVXBT MODKST PH1CK, Avail yourself of the opportunity. Inst aa many ethors have, and we'll hare your trade right along. Myers & Bathfen, BKLIABLB 0LO1I11KB8, NO. 12 BAST KING ST.. LAJIOABTBB PA. TOUA.VVO. KINKP1KCKOF CHEWING TOBACCO 18 1NDKKD A I.U.XUBV. FINZER'S Old Honesty. Coinesas near being a Une plcoe of l'LUQ TOBACCO salt la possible le make It. and Is known aa a STANDARD BRAND AMONG UBALBB8. We are sure that ONK TB1AL will Convince Yeu of IU Merits. A-Loek ferine red U.tln tag en each plug,fa Jno. Finzer & Bre.'s, LOUIS V1LLB, KIT. iSdlOOl BXOUHBIONB. rAUATlON KX0UR810NH, RAYMOND'S VACATION EXCURSIONS. All Traveling Bxpcnaes Included. Afarly will leave Philadelphia, Thursday, May x, for a Tour of M Uajs throegh Colerado and California, with visits te all the leading cities, resort., and places of plcturesque luureat, and a re turn through Utah, and eer the Denver A Ute Urande Hallway the Uieat "ecculc Beute " en the Mine date-Thnrsday, .May 2-a party will leave fhlladelphta for a 'lour of 11 laja ever the same leutci through COLOBADOANU CALirOBNIA, Tbenca through the flctureique IIpjIeus of the PACIFIC KORTHWEST, And homeward ovrlhaenllr leuslh et the Northern raclflc Utllruad, with a lu tha Vellowatenohatlonal ytk. . , Beth the partius will tiavnl In Hiclal Trains et Alssiniaci-nt Ve.uliuU.l fulimsu l'slsce Cars, with Hulluun 1'alaiM IHiUiim Cas Included. Jnelduntal Trips le the tern Bite Valley and Big True ilrevua Lau calirnrnla Bxourslens In Wlu'orBerle, March 7 and 11. AWSenfl for descriptive clren'ara, drsUust tng the particular trip desired, RAYMOND WHITOOMB, 111 Beuth Mtnth Btreet, iTjndar cenUnantal Hetel). FatwpiitJraiA. pa. ' aeajSStdTu.lb.a reM BALBOR aatiT. OR KBMT-FKOaC APRIL 1, "lS8s t..iHUr thi.n ifitT nn above 0. M Cestia fcjBare. inquire of ..,.. u - AL1.1WA.UBBB, Usl o.ieiBaatBlatrBUeeV -DORRBMT.TWONTORK KOOM8 AND iV,ttS.mM,t,,,J.on"ernM,et- Alse one ft0.?? Viae slr'et. anltablaferaar h!lli?f Jt-inSn,rS Jil ta atcsUreT'a Dry UoeHa Stere, benth Qnaan straet. Ils-tra OR HBMr ORBAliE-ONKOVTHK flnst bcslnrss prepuritas la the elty j eltraitlv snltd te the bulcherlns; business t rent nasenabls. Alse a one awe Una of tt rooms within one sqnsre eruem-nument Could be used te advantacrn for erlleaa. Call en X. C. WUlTAHN. J0X R. Htea Bt, H81md Heal Kslate and inimnnce. DA1RY FA KM FOR KKNT THE MA. Iebe Farm containing 105 acres tillable land, aojelalns; theetty el Lancaster. Water and shaue in every flelit. Apnlyte MUHT1MCK BlALURB. ratk Heuo. MUKT1MIK I AI.UNK. Illf-Sler HeUSO. J. L.BTtlHMaiZ, 8 North l)ake at. mar.8,llAThUd FOR RENT ON APKtI. FIRST TUK Btoreresm, Ne 16) last King street, and the two rooms ea the scceid fleer eversamn, with tna cellar room, will be torrent en April 1. The s orereom will be remedulled and en larged, for terms apply te WAI.1KK M.FBANKLIN. Atternay-atLaw, 12 1 Bast Ulna Btreet, Jant3 S0,l8,30Ib2,.l0.i3mar2 9.18,21,1) F OR KKNT. AI.AUUK Tkrae-Blery Brick BwelliBg. With basement attached, allnated en the corner of Bast urant and r berry atreeta, wtth a se-horse power boiler and an elevator. rersens wisning te view tne same wnip;ease Ballen docs tfdB ii.ass t-r. Ne. IIS Kast King Btreet. FOR BALK A VERY 8DPKRIOS GBAZlKG AND STOCK VABM, In Fau- qnler county, Virginia. Situated ea tha lire et the Piedmont Air Line railroad, forty miles south or Washington City, and one mUa trout Wairenten Junction (Vligtnla Midland tatlway.) This Tract contain 1,008 ACBXB, ever tee or which Is highly Improved, la or Superior dual ity for Brass and (rain, la well watered, has a Handsome and Commodious Kesldence with modern Improvement, all neceitary out buildings, btene Orlst Mill, Cattle Heuse, Ac Twe large streams run through the farm. Thla flne body et land will be sela at a sacri fice as a whole, or In two or three parts. rer further Inferinat en address, A. N. UASrABLK, Ne. 27 W. North Avenue, BaiUniore. feblZ-lmeedAw PUBLIC BALK OF VALUABLE REAL K8TATK. On Tuisrur, MAitcn 12, 1S39, will ba .old at the Franklin Heme, North queen street. In the city or Lancaster, the let lowing real estate, situated In said city, late the property et Jehn A. llehman. deceased, te wit i Ne. 1, a tot of land, situated en the northwest corner et Beaver and And i aw streets, con taining In front en Heaver street 91 fear, and in depth along Andrew street ISO ftet, with a IX story frame dwelling hente, rrult trees, welt with pump and ether Improvements. Ne. 1 a let el land, sltnated en the norm aide of St. Jeseph street, containing In front en St. Jeseph street 2) leer, nnd la depth 191 feet, ad- Ietntng lands et Jehn Martin mown, Jehn nick and Smith. Sale te commence at 7 o'clcekp m en Tues day, March 12tb, whn attendance will be given and terms made known by W. K. HIKSTBlt, OATltAKINK K. 1I01IUAN, Xzocuters et Jehn a. Hehman, deceased. Jeit L. iUixss, Auotteneor. tn2 91ia BOOTH A ND BHOKB. J300TS AND SHOES. D. P. Stackhouse, 28 and 30 EaBt King St I tike plouure In calling your attention te my line or SE10ES ThU lam receiving dally for the Hprlng Trade, and all aromadefor these who require gieat durability and ler elegance of stjle, Aland workmanship cannot be excelled. Prleas Lewer Than tbe Lewest. Ca'l and examine my large stock and we will be plcnied te try and suit you . D. P. STACKHOTTSE, 88 & 80 HABT KIN a, 8X LANCASTER l'A. a20-lydA B OOTS AND SHOES. A Reminder THB 11 GASES OR 5S5 PAIRS -or- Ladies' & Children's Shoes en which you cm save 2.1:,, tee. or 11 toper Balr, and whlrh we bavu bisn advertising ler 10 pest month, aie soiling very last. Se Don't Blame Us IF YOU GET 'LEFT, UY NOT BUYING Or THIS LOT UKrOltK TUEV AUK ALL BOLD, Byery pilr is worth the prlce t hey were made tesell for, buiiitmembnr we are telllniMhem ATAND 11KLOW WllOLEbAl.K I'UlUltS. The One-Price Cash lleune, d Tin Leaders of Lew Prices IN BOOTS 8c SHOES Ne. S Eist King Street, LANCASTER. I'A. T8tere Closed Every Kvcnlng at S O'clock KTeapt Menflsv anrt Hatiirdav. B1UYOLKS. tSlkhTtrioyei.eh, tandkmh. OOLUMBIA Bicycles, Tricycles, Tandems, DUUAISLK, BIMl'LK. UUAUANTKKO HIUIIUST UUAUK, ILLUBlltATBUOATALOUUK ritKg, POPE MF'G. CO., T-J rUANKI.IN ST., 1103TON. lIUANlill IIOUBKB-12 Warren St, Near Yeitf i en vvsi.iuh A vii. i.hlravn. r.irrnluhy JOHN HUSiKU, no. 2 North htllHlt, UOlUUillllU &U-fdtt04 fJIHTATU OK FUILIPI'KNA BIB81N Wit Kir, lata et Lancsater ctty, dereisrd. litUira ttistumuntary en said estate having been gmnudui tbnunilerslgued, all perrens ludbled tliurle am reqursied le mskn Im mediate pa) maut, and these bwlng claims or demands aicslnat thesiu-e. will pieaeut thfin without duay for settlement te the under signed, residing In I ancaster city. " JOHN U. tUSSlNQKU, J.J. WJtH, fsblMWS Incnten. FREY MM H rr tfWba., VSftg. &! iaSfcsssJ' -ys - V"5 -sW - fm -r J.t-j"W 'Jr , r iA J ,