5C VOLUME XXV-NO. 171.-SIX PAGES- LANCASTER, PA., SATURDAY, MARCH 9, 1889. SIX PAGES.-PTUOE TWO CENTO. v iHB9ntdligtl ' ..'1 ' 1 a. THK DELLINGER MURDER the oehmonwbi.tbvj nnraeMV in TUB CASE COKCX.CDBD. Evidence rreflaeM By tbe ratenta and Itrethera el the Murder TTnim The -Accnaed llerrgnttsd by MtmiI ret aotsue lh Might cf the Tregsdy. Friday Afternoon 11 was nearly batf past three o'elook when the Jury la tbe Delllneroae returned from the Mens of the murder auU the trial was retained. Surveyor Brtibaker was ealled end lurther explained tbu draft end dlltaneee marked em ir. H. O. FrnntK and Constable Baraheld were recalled and testified te lev un important raeta. William Stouter awern: I aaw Mra. Dalllnger between 0 and 7 o'elook en the Tuesday tnornleg before Her death pasting my house en North Queen afreet, and I asked her II aha had another fly around; u8 neauea nor nema yea ana passed en; nest aaw her that aania evening at Martin Martin Tllle at a political meeting: 1 am a member el tbe Willow Street oerriot band, and the band was at this meeting; Mr. Delllnger was In company with the Mleaea Irwlns; 1 did net tee Delltnger en Thnraday ntght, October 4h, at the Franklin beuse, Key. tone hotel, or any ether plaee that even ing, Anule Irwlu tea titled that Mr a. Dallleger eatne te her hoeso en the Tuetday after neon before ber death; in the craning ehe went with Mm. Delimiter te a political uieetlngand alter It wasever Mrs. Delllnger accompanied her home; Mrs. Delllnger or hur baby did net have aueh a pin enaa found near her body when aba was at her home en that Tuesday; ahe was positive that Mrs. Dclltngei'dld net wear any pin hecsnse abe aaw her atater pin Mrs Delllnger's cellar; the left wit neon' home between 3 and 4 o'clock en Wednesday afternoon te go te her brother's, Will, who lived near Cenestcga Centra Mies Angelina Irwin corroborated tbe testimony of her alster as te the attend ance at the political meetlng at Mar Mar tlevlllt; In addition aba testified that aba slept with Mrs. Delllnger onTuesday nlgbt; aba helped Mrr. Delllnger te put en nor clothes tbat morning and pinned her cellar, and she was petltlve tbat there was net such a ptn, as found near body, en ber clothing or that of her baby. laaae Asten, ftlier of Mr. Dallleger, sworn : 1 lived at C37 Benth CJieen street In Uoteberlast; I went after my daughter en the third of Ojteber, and met her 2yt miles from Mbrtlevllle: abe was going towards ber brother's house; my daughter did net want' te come home, because alie said aba could net live with Cal, ber bnaband; I persuaded her te come te town, and she oame with me te my house ; eba etatd at my beue that nlht; the next day I went te work, and did net again see her alive; ten or twelve days befere ber death 1 bad seen her nose hleedlng; she complained of having bcn abused, and she Bbewed me linr bruised lltnbr; 1 went with her te her husband, and en tbe Frultvllla pike be admitted tbnt be had abuied her. Tne district attorney offered te preve that Mrs Dalllngcr bRd bsen threatened and suffered abuse at the bands of her husband aud he bad admitted committing such abuse, durleR a period of time one year prier te her murder. "" OeulbcI ler tbe prlaener objected te the tBHtiunwy, a brief argument followed and the curt overruled tbe objection. Mr. Anten continued his testimony : My daughter's eyes vere blackened aud she wh bruised several times and Delllnger admitted tbat he had caused It; Iriqnently when Delltnger had quarrels with his wire she was afraid te go with blru and he said he had te go with him, that he fcared neither tell, Heaven or the gallows. Cress examined : My daughterneveraald te me tbat her limbs were bruised by falllug down the s'slrs. Jeseph Asten, awern : Whs atMarllovllle nn thonlKbtei Oi'ober'J, andfawrnvBls er, Mrs Di)limger, there with the Miss Irwlns; DMlluger acknowledged that be had shot at his wife wltbln a year el her death, and that the bullet passed through her drees near her kuce ; 1 aaw htm choking my ulster en ene occasion last May at my flher'n house, and I tried te Interfere ; Delllnger pulle I a revolver f rem bis poeket and dared me te ceme near blm ; 1 was afraid of hi pistol and did net further Interfere; en that oecaMon he called his wliean tiL-lyuamn and mid her he would kill her: 1 havoseeu my slRtur frequently with blackened eyes, ntu sad beay and lltnba: ou another occasion lau July, she ieft him em account of his abuse, pad witness was going with ber te brother's home ; near New Danville1, tulltngnr, who followed, caught up te u and ordered his wire te go with him, ahe refused, be became V6ry angry and tried te alrike his wife ; X Interfered and told him tt he struck hU wife 1 would knock bis tiuttd elT and that Bottled that quarrel; en another noeatlou Dtltluger was refused ad. -unlsales. te the house of bis wile's father aud he awnre tbat If he had te fnrea bis way Inte tbe home It would cost teme people their lives. Orcsa nxamlned : I did net tell th J story abent the sheeting when examined at tbe preliminary bearing or tbe laat nam6d awry about DDlllneer forcing his way Inte the house of the elder Asten; J started te tell It and tbelawyorsebjeoted and I then did net think el them uutll after 1 left the stand. Mr. Kue Hi-yder, swnru: 1 llvei one field distant from inn Dahttgers, en the r-'iultvllle turnpike ; Dalllnuer quarrelled with his wile at my home one day last summer; he wsnted her te go home wltb blm and sbe refused ; be swore he would choke ber end had her ny tbe threat; he pulled her se hard tbat ber bonnet strings snapped ; ea the nfternnen of October 4 u, Mrs. DolllOKer ciuie te my heust., at half past three o'eleok In tbe afternoon ; abe said hu bnd leftOal and had net seen blm that aek ; Mra Dellinger said she was going te ber mother's na as sbe stepped te the deer she aaw her husband nppreachlng and said "My G iJ, tbere Is Ual" ; she oame Inte tboheuHBud locked the deer until atter be was out el Bight ; Mra Soyderdtserlbed Mrs. Delllnuer'H dress wheu sbe left her mouse at & o'clock en tbat Tnursday after. anon and Identified tbe clothes found en her when dead, bs tbe cletbea ahe wero when ahe left tee beuse; Mrs. Delllnger said ahn bad rwwi at her home in tbe after noon and get In at the back window. Jacob truaiua Alten, awern: I heard Delllnger say en one occasion, after hi wife bad left him, that If abe did net return te bis home be would kilt ber and somebody els ; In April, 18S3, 1 vlstted my slater when she lived en Columbia avenueand Delllnger and his wlle bad a quarrel; L)j1 Unger admitted that he bad uaaaulted his WllO CD IU UWAI1UU uuu vvuuu A w UVI shortly afterwards her eyea were blaakenad and swelled nearly abut; at my father's beuae I beard Dilllocer nwiar tbat he (sred nothing, neither Heaven, bell or the galujwH, and that If he wai net allowed te ueuis Inte the beuse It would oest some poeplo their lUei; In July I heard blm say tbat he would sheet his wlfe. Mrs. Barbara A. Miynard, awern: Mrs Delllnger lived adjoining ne at JJonestega Centre; one night 1 beard a oUtel abet In tbe Delllnger apartmenU; ?- VX - I .u a.i. ..! B.I, it tin Bira. ueiungar iau bin uuu eum uc bnaband haa Bbetat her twles; I fixed her clothes afterward', that were tern in tbe seu 111 9 wltb ber husband, William Asten, swern: On Ibe second el Aneust mv slater. Mrs. De'linier, and her brr.ther came te my house at Coetatoga Centre; her hnsbaud siripcd at the bead of tbe lane; he had squirrel with hU wife and she had eervn te my n'aee te get away from him; I ordered Delileger away from my home and he rfaluaid te go, and I Anally puthtmril; be admltttd tbat he had kicked his wife en tbe limbs and gave as a reanen tbat sne would net listen te him. Mra. Suan Bbenk, sworn : I live en tbe Lancaster and Manbelm turnpike, at the northern end of ttn oily at tbe toli-gate ; Knew Calvin M. Dsillnger aud waa acquainted with bis wife; en the 4.b of October uraa working In town until 7 o'clock In tbe eventug and waa taktu borne In the carriage of Mr. Sbreder, where I bad worked tint day ; It was ttsrltght tbst 7enlng, but net mrenlljbt; at 20 minutes pat 8 that evenlnp, Calvin Delllnger and bis wlfs pased my house, geleg out tne jTrallvllleplfce; 1 wu under my deer they tmi up North Prince straet and weraarju- lag; ttamrd Mra. Delllnger aay "that la net se and yen can't bring no antber ler that"; as Mra. Delllnger paesed ma aba looked back ail aald "geed evening ;" en tba next day aba baard of Mra. Delllnget'a death ; Mr. aadMn. Aaren Buck watwr pasted a few mtnntea afterwards and abenld have been abla te see tba Dslllngers ; a quarter after 12 o'clock that night I neerd a knock at tbe deer and asked who waa there; the man at the deer asked If his wife was there: I recognized tha man aa Delllnger and when he asked about bla wife 1 said te blm, "why de you come here for your wife ; you passed bare with her tbta evening; he aald. Yeu are mistaken.. It was net ma I did net see toy wife since Tuesday;" he then left; tha next morning, Friday, I saw Calvin Delllnger about 7 o'elook; be waa en the Krullvlile pike, en Ibe read going towards town; later In tba day, about 10 o'elook, Mra. Asten and Delllnger with the child In a carriage again ealled. and Mra. Aaton aked If I had seen anything of Kate; X turned te Delllnger and said, why de you ask me tbat question? you passed bare with your wire at 8 o'elook last night"; te that he made no reply te me, bnt turned te bis mother. In-law, Mra. Asten, and said, looking In tha direction of Dlllervllle. " I de net believe 1 aball ever aee Kate alive asaln." Cress examined I did net awcar before Alderman Spurrier at the first bearing of tbla case tbat Delllnger went past ber house, going tewarda town, between 7 and 8 o'elook that Thursday evening. Friday Event ng Upen tbe reassembling of court the Delllnger case waa resumed. Samuel Stewart, oeaohmsn In the employ of Mr. Franels Shreder, testified tbat he drove Mrs. Sesan Shenk te her home at tbe northern end of the city en the evening of Thursday, Ojteber 4, arriving there shortly before 8 o'elook; atter I left Mm. Shenk at her borne I drove te North Prince atreet and down that atreet; about 150 yards distant from Mrs. Shank's I met a man and a woman; tbev were going In the direction of Mrs. Shenk'a house, Simen Snyder, awern : T saw Dilllnger en the nlgbt of Thursday. October 4th; he came te my house at 1U10 o'elook and asked me II his wife wai there: I told him she wainet, but had boeu there In the attorneon and left te go te ber mother's ; he then Raid be would go home and sleep awhile. jboed m. Mayer, awern : l live en tne Frultvllle turnpike and saw Delllnger en Friday morning, Ojtebsr 0, going towards his borne from the city, between the hours or 0 and 7 o'clock. Kudelph Land, awern : 1 was working en the morning of the fi.b of Ojteber, at Jaoeb M. Mayer's and aw Delllnger pass and talk ti Mr. Mayer ; Dalllngsr was coming from tho-ejlreetlou of the city and goteg towards his home. Mrs. Kezlsh Asten, tbe mother of Mrs. Delllnger, sworn : Dalllnger came te my heuie at a quarter nf ten o'elook en Thurs day night, October 4th ; I went down stairs and left blm In ; ha akel where bis wife was ; 1 told him 1 did net knew ; "didn't you meet ber 7" be said no ; I told blm te go te Mrs. Bewers' and te Mrs. Sbenk's; no remained at tba house until about 11 o'elook, when he aald be was going home ; tbe next morning he came again and nmeA ter Kale; I told him she Wis net there; he said, "will you go along wltb me te leek for ber ; " 1 said yea and went wltb him ; we went te Bewers' and Kate was net there; then went te Mrs. Hhenk's and tbere Mrs. Snenk aald te DalllngoVyeu were with her last evening," te whtati he made no reply; Dslllnger tatd. pointing te Dlllerville, "peer Kate, J. don't believe I will eyarae) her" ; we then wett te BterneniBU'e, where another daughter worked and there was told that a reporter bad been there and said tbe body of a woman haJJbeen found at the Iilttle Oonetega creek; there he never uttered wnrd,but steed there erylng; want from there te home; be ate dinner at my beuse aud took a pa'cn of my danghter's dress and said he would go te tbe printing e 111 ee and from tnere te the almshouse te see the holy there; heard nothing mera until bettfeeu 4 and 5 o'elook when a neigh bor told um of my dnughter's murder; X asked where Cal vra-t and this man aald be was in jail; my daughter ate ham, aweet potateos, bread and presnrvei en tbat Thursday nlgbt at U o'clock ; when she left tbe beuse ou tbat Thursday evening after euppsr, she said "If 1 don't see Cal, 1 will be baek at 0 o'clock; 1 knew tbe peer fellow la hungry, 1 will get blm aome Hiipper nod II 1 don't ceme back don't werrv, 1 will be down te morrow"; when 1 aaw D9llinger en Friday he looked worried and vxolted; tbe prisoner admllted having kicked bis wlfe en tbe limbs, when he was In uujjer and 1 told him 1 be did net oeaso bis rtbuse alie cnuld net stay with him; he premised te de better, but In a lay or two wai as bad as ever; In April nu uiacKmiiHi uii who a vyvm nuu admitted te me having dene se; my daugbter slept at my lienw en Wednesday night, and was there en Thursday mernlug up te 11 o'elook; 1 did no', bee ber wear tbe piu found near the dead body. Cresj-exsmlnr.d : My daughter was at her heuse en Thuralay afternoon some time, for I gwe her nema hum and butter, and theae articles were found tbore en Fri day; my daughter did net say when Bba loll home, en Thursday evening, tbat If anything happened te ber I nheuld give the child the watch, aud 1 did net say tbat she said no te anybody ; after Delllnger's release from Jail he caine te my house and demtnded the watch; I mil: "Cal, you ought le leave tbe watch with me for Llllle, tbe baby," and he aald he would keep It ferlldllle. Jacob Warner, awrra : Between G and 7 o'clock en Thursday evening, Ojebter 4 .b, while I was standing at tbe eirner el H juth Queen and linger streets, Mrs. Delllnger passed ; s'ie was walking very rapidly and ahe spoke te me ; she said she was In a hurry, tbat she wanted te go out borne. Aaren H Hack waiter, swern: 1 live In Manhelm township near tbe etty limits, en tbe Frultvllle plkn; my wife and I were at tbef.ilr at Yerk en Thursday, Ojteber4t'J, and returned en the evening train ; I weut home bv way of North Queen street, then te tbe Frultvllle turnpike, past tbe tell.gate where Mrs. Hbeuk Uvea; Mrs Hbenk was standing under the deer ; as I oresBed the railroad bridge ever Frultvllle pike, X heard the voices of a man acd woman en the railroad btlew me ; who the par tlca were X de net knew ; there Is a read from tbe bridge te tbe railroad attbts point; we arrived home about half past eight. Mrs. Aunle Iiuckwalter corroborated the testimony of ber huabiud In every par ticular. Frank Wclgacd, telezrapb operator at tbe Pennsylvania railroad station, Untitled tbat tbe train from Yerk arrived In tbta city, at the depot, en the ovcnleg of October 4, at 7:40 o'clock. Mra. Martha MeMlllan, who lived In Oc teber at Mrs. Astnu'?, corroborated tbat lady's testimony as te X)elllng'ercomlngte tbe house at a quarter of Im that Thurs day evenlng that Kate was killed. Miss Martha Uurkbolder awern: Ou Thursday evcnlnp, Ojteber 4, worked up te abiut 9 o'clock en Maner street, when she left for home; sbe waike I ulea Maner street te Weit King, then te C'dutre Square wnere l mrt Airs. aieMiuan; i men went up North Queen te Cbeatnut, along Cheat nut te Cherry alley, and there I saw Delltnger corns out of the alley from a northerly direction; Xknew Dalllngerwell; he asked me whether I was net afraid te go bems alene aud X Raid I was net; be aakud te take me bnme aud X told blm te go te tbe devil and went an my way hemeward. KateHmlth, swern: X wasatMraAsteu's beuse en Seuth Queen street, en the eve ning of October 4 and bsw Mrs. Delllnger there ; she was at supper and tbere was en the table bam, butter, bread, awtetnotateo andoetlee; I raw hew Mrs. Dallleger was dresaed and am peiltlve that she aid net wear a piu; when Mrs. Ueltlngcr left tbe house ber mother told ber te go up North Queen btreet te m66t her ; Mrs, Delllnger said sbe would go up tbat way and If abe met Cal the would go te tbe house and get rupper for him, "for, peer fellow, beiuuitbi hungry" and If she did net soe blm she would be bick at 0 o'clock and II she saw blm she would net be baek until the next day. I,eula Uansman, awern ; Saw Calvin Delllnger crocs from Hhebet'a e.uner te the oerner en whleh my stere Is located, between 9 and 10 o'a'e:k nn tbe ntxbt of Thursdsy, Ojtebsr lth ; liAtbm went down tbe street towards Heutu Queen street Charles Uflleman, sworn : Lived en Clsy street en ujteber v, was employed as a sweeper of streeta en tbat night, and wblie working In trout of tbe Franklin house Delltnger pasaed between 0 and 10 o'elook; be went southward and was walking rapidly I asksd blm where be waa going, and be aald for bla wife; that ha did net knew tbat hla wife was away until be went borne te supper. Constable Wlttlck waa recalled, and cer roberated the testimony of Constable Barnbeid aa te footprints near the bsnk of the creek, te the raeasnrementa made, te the conversations bad wltb the prisoner, te the search nf Drllleger'a hnute and te the condition of tbe clothing of Dellloger found In the house Mra. Aaton, recalled: When Delltnger eame te my house en tbat ThursJay nlgbt 1 noticed a scrateh en his nesi and ene en bla naek; X bad net observed these ectatchea befere; they looked like fresh ones. C. A. Jcnrle testified tbat he was the first man te get te where the body was found. He went te the plac3 from Dlllerville afier Jehn Kenealy bad made a report of the finding, lie described tba position of the body aud testified te finding some or the bnttens and the handkerchief near the body. Mra. Sephia Burns, awern : Was a neigh bor of Delllnger when be lived en Columbia avenue In November, 1887, and heard him pnt ber out of tbe house; he wanted bis wlfe te come baek te the heuse and aha said abe waa afraid ; Mrs. Delllnger asked me for a bat and abawl and Delllnger aald If I gave them te her be would tear thorn u p t I have beard blm curse ber and heard her cry. Adjourned until Saturday ;meru!ng at ! o'clock. Saturday Aferm'njr, Court met at U o'clock, O. H. Leenard, ro-ealled, testified that be made known tbe finding of tbe dead body of Mre. Delllnger te tbe first person he met, Jeseph Asten, re called : Saw Calvin M, Delllnger wear tbe pin otlered In evldenee: tbe last tlme X remember having seen him have It en was during the fair woek In Hep'.ember. Christian Bowels, awern ; Met Mrs. Delllnger en the evening of Ojteber 4 about 0:30 o'elook ; ahe was going up North Queen street near the tquarn, and I askei her where she was going. Sbe said she was going home. David Sty or, awern : Was at Delllnger'a house en tbe &th of October ; saw n pair of wet Btoeklnga drawu I rem under tbe perch. Daniel Landls. awern: Was at Land is' mill early en tbe morning of October G'.h, and while there C. IX. Leenard told me tbat be bad discovered tbe dead body of a woman en the banks of tbe creek ; that he was seared when be saw 1. and hurried away for fear tbat be might be arrested en suspicion. Mra, Shenk, reealled: I motDelllmzeren North Queen atreet en Friday, Ojteber G, between Clay and New streets after dinner and asked blm if be bsd seen Kate or heard of her, and he said he had net and was afraid ha never would; be said he believed be wenld go down te Asten', that he could net go home again. Cress-examined: X did net say after I telt the witness stand "they made mn mad and I will telle let mereabjutnini"; I said, "X have net aald all 1 knew." Baer's almanae was ettered in ovldence le abew tha state of tbe moon en the nlgbt of October 4. James D. Land Is, of tbe Xtw Km, testl tied te the etlerlng el a reward of (200 by Calvin M. Delllnger for tbe arrest and con viction of tbe party who murdered his wife; tbla advertisement appeared alter Del llnger had been discharged from custody by Alderman Spurrier. Jehn Gill corroborated tbe testimony of Barnbeid and Wlttlck as te the finding nf wet oletbos at Dellliiget's house, en the 5th of Ootebor. James Nevlne, sworn : I am oenneotcd with the Plnkerten deteotlve agency alnce 1874 ; I was seut here by Superintendent Linden, cf Philadelphia, te report te the county commissioners ; X get here en the morning of October Hist ; the dratt made showing rilataiea between points lu tbe case was shown te witness aud from It bis testimony as tn the time taken te walk was as fellows : Oj Tuesday, Msreb b, In oom eom oem pany with Constable Xiarnbeld, walked from Ceustnutand North Q'teen atreets te Shank's tnlNiBie In 14 minutes ; took the route described by tba Buckwallers ea taken by them; we walked a fairly medium fast gait; tbe reads were muudy and Impeded travel ; we went from Sbenk's loll gate te railroad, atralght out railroad te culvert at Llttle Conestnga creek te tbe cultivated patch near where the body was leuud In28 minutes ; from where the body was found te tbe Harrlsburg plke It took 10 minutes; from tbe railroad bridge te Cherry alley and Chestnut stunt, by the wny of IJatrlHhurg plke, James street and Cberrv alley le ICast Chestnut street, It took 31 minutes; from Cherry alley and Cheatimf, te North Queen and Gbettnut,U took two minutes; IrnmOheslnut and North Queen te Mra, Anten's, 037 Seuth Queen Htreet.lt took 15 mluutes; be detalled tue fneta oenrrteg when Dslllnger was arrested In Yerk county en the night of Nevember 4tb; used no force, threats, rr pistols, while Delllnger was In his custody; I treated blm with all kindness, bnt secured blm se he could net escape; Del llnger eald hn had net seen his wne slnoe tbe Tuesday before she was killed; asked blm what time he get home en Thursday evenlng, aud the following wes his story : X left borne about dark; went te Pennsylvania depot, was there a geed while after 7:15 train left, about one half hour alterwardi; from thore te the monument, eat tbere 30 or 40 minutes; from there te Heist's store near the court heuBt; staid tbere about ten minutes, from there te North Queen atreet and then te tbe Pennsylvania depot; there was a freight trutn paising; came up en west side and down en east side; met Charles Ullltuianln front of Kagle hotel, talked te him five or ten minutes; was talking te blm about my boas, wages and ether matters; Uiilamaa was sweeping tbe atreet; I then passed up North Queen street and passed Leuis Uans man Bt his store; talked with him abent the weatber ; I then prcctoded out Seuth Qae9n street te lnethsr-ln-lawV, get tbere at 0:30 and left there at 11:30 ; at toll tell gate tbey told me the tlme ; Mn. Sbenk said It was 12 o'clock ; from tbere 1 went te Snyder's heuse rapped tbein up and aaked If my wife was there ; Mr. Snyder i-ald she net tnore then, bat had been In the after noon ; from there I went home ; 1'. whs a little alter ball-past It! o'clock when X went home ; X then read the papers, mull X get Blccpy ; the roeu wero Boedleg cleae te tbe heuse when I get awake en Friday morning; 1 tbtn get up, worked en tbe outside of tbe beu"ct pulled a peck of red beets, earrled water up te tbe house, fed the pigs ; did net speak te thcie men who were HOtdlng; X had clothes nn pulling red beets tbat X were when soedlng corn; de net knew what became el tbn cletbes; when X get up In tbe morning I put en my weiklng ole'.bes ; I ?;et cletbes wftt In garden gatber ng bcetr; I had no Mocking en ; after cbauglng my clothes went ie town ; X left home tbat Friday between C and 7 o'clock ; It might have been nearer 7 o'elock ; went down Frultvllle plke le New street, ttieri te Mrs. Bewers' beuee ; X asked for my wlfe ; Mrs. Bewers said sbe had net been there from half-pist two tbe day before ; then went te my metnc In-law's, arriving there about 8 o'clock ; X did net speak te any ene that morning ej the read te town ; I did net have tbat pin en for tbroe or four weeks befere tha mur der ; It might havn been lenger ; I de net remember when I straightened tbe heels of ray Bbees ; I knew nothing of the wet stecklnga found under tbe pureb ; X saw no drawers or anything tbat loekoi like drawers under the window or my house tbat Friday morning ; If tbey were tbere X should have neticwl them ; wben my wlfe left en Tuesday she said sbe was going te tbe store; we bad ue trouble and get along nicely; I knew no reasons why she should leave me; did net knew an thing el a woman dead at tbe creek until Friday at 11 o'clock, wben my wife's Mater told me ; X wero tLe shoes that tbe olllcera took from me en the nlgbtel tbe murder, Constable Barnbeid, who was with Detective Nevlns when tbe routei above doterlbed were goneover, corroborated bis testimony ai te the Ujie It took te walk ever them. Kmina Asien teatltUd that sbe was it work en Ojteber 5.n when ber mother Bnd Dalllnger eame te tbe shop; abe told her mother that abe heard a woman and baby bad been found dead at tbe Llttle Cocestoga creek, and Cal begin erylng; abe saw heraU'er tbe evenlng belere at supper and she did net have a p'n rn. Tbta was tbe last wltnesa etllal and tni teatlmeDy for tbe coin -non wealth mm cleaed at 1130 o'elock thl morning. Counseller tba de'ensa were given a lew mlnnlea for consultation with their client. The opening speech for tbe defenae waa Btade by Mr, Hansel, He aald tbe defense would net attempt te lilt the veil of mystery frnm the caime el death et Mary Catharine Delllnger. We will try te oenQne the Issues In this hearing te whether this woman waa murdered, and II se, whether ber husband committed the crime. 1 1 sbe took ber own life, no matter for what cause, be innat be acquitted ; It sbe was lured te herdeath.snd met herduallt at tbn bands of any ether person he tr.tiat rccelvn a verdict et vindi cation at your hnnds; he docs net aland chsrged brre with blseklng his wire's etc, bruising ber Iee, abusing her In any way, or ter his relations wllli bis wire's people ; we will show tbe movements of his wire and himself; tbey were at the mother's lietue en the Saturday nlgbt provleu, were visited by his wile's piople ou the following day ; tbat wben he patted with his wife en Tues day morning he gave ber money te buy groceries for the house ; tbey parte I In per fect unity and from that hour until be saw berdeAd body In tbu nlnibhouse be never aaw ber; that wben be returned en Tues day be found hla deer closed upon blin ; be then went le this city te fccarch for ber and net being able tn find her, he returned home; en Wodnesday lib mother visited his bojse and eared ter his bome ; en Wednesday he attain loekod for his wlfe; en Thursday he again Boataued fcr ber, and went te thu lower end of tbe city hoping te tue her return from the country, and lhu went tn his mether ln-lnvv'a and from thete te tUe Xcw .7i, nml tbat It was nn this day he had tbe conversation with Mr. Mayer ; that he left his heuse that Thursday night and et duk went te his mother-in-law'.', nud passed through the ga'n alene nnd net with bis wife, as testified le by Mrs Hhenk at tbe lint brnrlny; from tbore he went te the depit, then te the monument, te tbe ICastern market, wbere he held a conversation from 8:10 te 0 o'elock; from there he went towards tbe park greuudn, hearlug that tbere was nrircua there; leaving there be went along Chestnut atreet, where he met the young lady at the corner et Cherry alley; then te North Queen street, wbcre he saw Uflleman and Uausrann; thou te his melher-lti law's and Irem there te his home; ou the following mernlug, Friday, be did work? about tbe place and then again went in search et his wife; Hint he went te his mother lu-law's and with her nnd the baby went ever tbe creund ducrlbed by tbe commonwealth's wltnetsss; It wilt be shown tbat Mrs. Sbenk tostllled te an entirely dIOerent state of facta at the first hearing In this caw te what sbe tvjre t) In ceurr, and ebe chnnged ber leallmeny beeauae the commonwealth abandoned tbe tbenrv of ttie murder having been committed late at ulght, and tbat ahe r-Hld alter linr testimony, last night that "they have made her mad aud alie would tell mere things about him;" tt will alto be ahnu that Mrs. Dolllnger wero en the tiny sbe wai murdered the pin found rear her dcid body nnd tbnt the d'strlet attorney knew el such testimony nnd rolueed leciil thntwIincPHtotbeutand; ss te the footprints It will be nbewn that tbey were en tbe ground from 8 o'clock lu tbe morning until 6 u'clcck In tbe eve ning befere they were measured aud that many ether poeplo who wero attracted te tbe rrene et the murder also put their shoes tn the trucks ; It will also be shown that In tbe evening et tbe murder, about 7 o'clock, Mm. Deliitiger was eeen In com pany with a man net her husband going In tbe dlroetlnn of the eoeno et tbe tragedy end at 7:30 a woman answering ber de scription wltb a tnau net her hueband wero aen te pass Dlliorvllle nnd that 2 o'clock of that afternoon she was fern within atrange man lu tbe nortbern part of the city. At the conclusion or Mr. Xlonsel's speech court roie until 4 o'elock. A UISTKIUT CONVKN1IO.V Hemlunrleief Fi9btlrs te no Urprcicated Here Nut Heck. A number nl the theological seminaries el thin country formed nn organization devoted te tbe promotion et missionary Interests at home and In forelr.n lands. Tbla organization bold Its ninth annual convention In Bosten, Masj , Inst fall. Xts name Is the Amerlcan lntor-Semlnary Missionary Alliance. In order te touch mero et tbe tbonleglott fiomlrmrle.i nnd awaken euluslent Intercut In thorn te have them untie with the general orgnntzatleu, dlstrlel conventions hae tn roeoaimomlud by the goneral body. Kueh a district n. invention In le be held In this city, ou thu 11 ti and 15th of this month. Nevenleen theological tjcuilnarlcsbavabcen Invited te send delegates. It H expected tbat thirteen or fourteen of ilium will be represented. The xemtnnrlPH Invited are In the following Malts : New Yerk, X'ennsyl. van I a, New Jersey, Maryland and Vir ginia. Frem fetly te il'ty delegates me expectnd. The convention Is under llie rare of the Hofnrmed theological seminary of this place. FoUertini; la thopregrammo ai It has been arranged. Frem It may be Judged tbe natureuud Impert el the con vention. The evening meeting will be held In the Ftrat Uotnrmed and tbe day sessions In Hi. I'.iul's Htfjrrned church, this city : Thursday, March II 2:30 p. m , Infor mal reception of delLgaleu nud devotional meeting, (St. Paul's ohure') ; 3:00 p m., addrees et weloemo en bnbali of the thee. logical Bemliiary, by K',v. K. V. Qnrbart, D. D , hli D ;U:30 p. m , address of wol wel wol cemo ou Dflhalf FauUlln mid Mainbr.ll en), lege, hv Jlev. Tnee. (1. Apple, I) D , LL X) ;7 30 p. tn., addreiH, " J'l.n Oee Thing Needlul " by Bev, O. L 17y, l.incaater, IM. Friday, March 15 0.00 a. in. Dovitlenal meeting, 0:30, paper, ' Hju h America," Albert BiuudbleM, Be Mullein. 10:15, paper, "Lay r.'omentln Foreign MlrslunH." Hamuli M. .werner, New Brunswick. Business meuting, -:C0 p, rn. Devotional meeting. fiiiP, pajur, "Werk Among Hernl tnrlea," W W Stidti, Prlnoeton. 3:03, paper, "Werk Atnenu colldrfea," T. L. Ureuse, Uattyeburst. 3:30, papsr, " Werk Among OhuicbCH," W. J. Waudlsi), In. tornutlenal Med'l Mlss'y focie'y. 4.00, papnr, "The Call Us Decision," YHnu It Stearly, Ua'ea. 7:S0, addieKF, Ilev. Arthur T. Plersen, I). 1) , Pflltaaelphle. Consecration meeting. The papers are limited te twenty mlnntcc; about the same tlme for dUcuialng etch paper. All meetings will be public. Lloyd K Oeblentr, of this el'y, has ar ranged for epecldl railreul rates. lu, I oeki Afir the Steiinmeul T It Is likely that tee soldiers' uienumtnt, In tntre Square, will bs blddeu from view entirely Lofern luig. The btrcet care mid local dollvery WBBen-i no surround It almost entlrtly t'ur n tt.e day end another car s.ditig Is Miertiy te be put In along oue ulcle of lu Pllm of furniture nre placed Hgalnstthovkes. ftneeeeeb mcrket morning, but the latest decoration is n ragged bill beard which leans ugatnst the fmce and Is kept covered with bleed cnrdllng pictures that would tnake eny brave eeldler taite tliijbt. In tbe future It is rrbabIe that patent medlolne men will oevor tbe fence and ba'iO with their catd. Villi Net llu l Term lllll. At the conference of the Kvangellcal chureli, at l'ottatewn, tbM waek Itev. O. W. Orosi wm aajigued te Torre XXIII, this county. He was taken from ISmauuel eUtircb, et Allentnwn, wberu be bad been butenu year, bwaute the congregation has n light between two faitlens, one of which tbe pattnr ldentlld himself with. Orcis refuses In go teTerre iJ It I beoauie he says he was entitled te three years &t Alleatnwn. The IMd fellows' Itatanr. This at en ng tbe bazaar et Canten l.nn caster, 1. O. O. I' will open In Masoner. chorlallte contlnue un'll next Hatnrday evening. Thu lall bta been beautllully trimmed aud a large attendance Is expected aa the memhsrabave been working hard le make the ktlalr a tuccess. Oat Ilia I'lugrr Calvin M. Smith, residing at 4'.'0 North Concord s-.rttt, olrneit out tbe lira: linger of bis left band ctl wblle chopping weed this morning. IT WAS A SHORT, SHARP SHOCK TUK EA11TII TIlKVttt.KU AND HAHY l'KOri.K Vf KIIB1 VltlllUtKiSslD. rjiinijivama, Maritand and Dataware Have An UeitrsantKsManes On Vrtdaj Even ing snme (llitervattens of Ilia Disturb aure la Thl; Ulty ed Vlclnlif. A shrck rnnembllng that of an earthquake was distinctly tell In this city laat evening. The whele enrlli seemed te tremble or quiver. The vibration wasacoenipanled by a tumbling nelle. Xt waa exactly 0-J7,'f wben tbe shook waa Hist felt at thelw Ti:i.t,uiRNCKn ollleo, and tbla observation, with a number of othera, taken wltb great care and corrected te observatory time by Protester J. B. Kortehner, give an avenge of 0:10 3. Mr. F. M. 8 te wert, the telegraph operator el tbe United Pesa In tbe In Tnr.t.tOKNCKn t lllce took out bla watcb at the first tremor et the earthquake, and timed It at exactly t5 seconds. This ap pears le be tbe arcurate record et the dura tlonef lire shock, and Is of great solentlflo value. Kstlmntia of the duration et the tremor vary from five aeoenda te several minutes, but te most people the time would seeni te v very rapidly under tbe clrcumstances. Mr, Stewart waa at bla lodgings, 117 College avenue, and aa tba neighborhood la very quiet waa able te nbaervothe phenomena closely, lie aaya the shook dled gradually away. Mr, Wra. B. Mlddlolen, of the Penn Iren work, alto took a very oarelul and accurate observation. Poeplo living near tbe railroad Imsglncd at first tbat a very heavy frelcht train was passing, and in the neigh, borbeod etitic electrle light works the Jar ring was ter the moment aaerlbcd te the machinery of tbat establishment At the time many nt tbe poeplo of tbe oily were eating tttppvr, aud nolse le these Inside of build ings waa mueh greater than te persona eh tbe atroelH. Dishes en the tablea and glass lu the windows were rattled. Furniture was moved and at pieces almost toppled ever. Sick peel le In bed felt tbe sensstlen very plainly. The nolse sounded aa thetieli a wagon et tremendous slr.s waa rushing through tbe i-troets. As seen aa the rumbling bad eeased people, many et whom were terribly frightened, ran te the frontdeor te Inquire what It all meaut, only tn be met by tbetr nolghbera who wanted nu auswer le the same conun drum. Xu aome squarea there were people at every deer for a time, but none could explain the mystery. A report was seen en the town tbat ene of tbe powder houses near the city had exploded. Anether waa that the cotton mills bad blown up, and a third wan that the bollcralniheMIUeravlIle Nermal tcboel bad wrceked tbat building. Tboee rumors wero toen found te be untrue and In a tew minutes tbe Intki.mubneer recelved teloptieno meatagea from New Helland, LIIU7, Columbia, Quarry vllle and ether pluoes. They atated that the aboek had been distinctly foil lu these places, but 'tbe poeplo were at n less te knew what It was unless there had beeu a ten I bio oxplo explo oxple elon somewhoro. Telegrams from Yerk, Harrlsburg, Cbambcrsburg, Goaleavtlle, aud ether places brenght murenewa of the shock, and psople were then pretty well satisfied that It was an earthquake. The shook was tbe principal tople of conversation ou the streets last evening, and although teme people bad net felt It, tbey were very few, and these who did Boeraod se very anxious te tell tbetr exper ience tbat tbe chestnut bell would nave dene geed sorvleo. Many people noted It nt tbe time, and gave It no further thought until tbey heard au earthquake spoken of, when tbey suddenly remembered alt aorta of alarming things, and conversation like tbe following were frequent : "Did you feei the earthquake 7" "Ne. An oartbqeake why, yes I certainly, was It net terrible T" Tbe wildest et tales wero given out and In most cases wero Lelltved, Thoeountry poeplo In attondance at the different mar IteU te day wero all talking of the shock, and thore Beems tn have been no part of the country In which It waa net felt. Tire gontlemen v. he drove from Mt. Jey te Lancaster, felt the shock en the read aa they passed along. They sold their buggy seemed le mnve up and down. They wero near a railroad crossing at the time and supposed that a train was approaching but upon finding ihatlhls was net thoefse were mystified. Tbe shock wns telt with varying In tonally in Pennsylvania, Dolaware aud Maryland, but &ttnn te have been meat sovere at Yerk and Lancaster, lu Yerk a proneuncod earthquake shook was felt therein tboevonlngat 0:10, which bad tbe etTuct et Irlgbtenlug nearly everbedy In the city and suburb. Houses trembled ferncarlya minute aud artloieieffurnltuie were inoved Kich cltlzeu thought an ei plosien or nune such accident bad happened In tbe heuse of his neighbor. It was net until tbey ran out of their beuses te find everbedy tUe outalde tbat tbey found out tbat It was an earthquake shock. It was a loud report with yety distinct vlbratlenr, and was tbe most violent shock ever felt there. Women ran shrloklegfrom their houses with tbelr Infanta In their ariUH, aud for a while In seme sections e tbe city tbe excitement was Intense. Ne damage resulted tbere. In PotlsiewD, (Jettysburg, Lebanon, Headlng, Wilmington, Havre de Grace, Baltimore, aud lu Philadelphia, the shock la described as very fcllght. At Carlisle, numbers of buildings wero shaken and tbe tcejpants frightened, but no damagelai be in reported. Oa Seuth Mountain, Burks county, the reildents hay that tbey Imagined that a heavy railroad tralu pante 1 underneatb them. Windows rattled, plcttire frames shook ou tbu walls and tbe liounea seemed te rock. Ie tbe country districts tbe people wete greatly excited and ran out of tbelr liemtK. Tbore are several tensatlenal re ports from near Beading. A report from Moelom s'ates that a Mra. Davis wai threwti Inte oerivulsloas, from which sbe roenvero.i an luetne woman, A meiasge from Mohrsvlile states that many building woie moved from tbelr foundations, and tbat every heuse In tbe place was eeveruly shaken. In Carrell, Baltimore, Harford nnd Cee 11 cetintlei, Maryland, windows were rattled sharply and crockery was lu some casea thtewn from the shelvca. In the town of Westminster a number nf women were badly frlgbteued, aud ruabed pante-stricken Irem tt.eir homer. At Towsintewn, Buitlmere county, the beuses built upon thu ledges of recks begin ning th ere and extendlng along the line of tbe Maryland Central railroad were eoveroly shaken. Mantel ornaments, pictures and mirrors aie reperted te have been thrown down, and tbe occupants, fearing that tLelr homes would tumble about thelr beadv, hurried out Inte tbe read te escape EN THK UOUNIV, Mantitare llancaa Upen 111 Htitltes lu a Stall helm tjtere Alt, Jujr startled, Manuuim, March 0, Toe earthquake rocked this bercugb at exactly 0:10. The vibrations wero ery distinct and thorumb therumb ling loud, lasting about 3 anceuds. Steves, dlbbea and all inoveable articles rattled In tbe heu ea, aud insny eltlzms rushed out Inte tbe stteeta In alarm. At Kline's hard t ate ature tbe war6s danoed upon tbe shelves. The aboek seeming sim ilar te a heavy expleslnr, some of tbe empleyes thought the large boiler In tbe Jenes steam mill bad exploded, In Dr Seavely's ollleo the tettlea and ateve rattled, alarming aoveral callers who rushed out et the oflleo, among them a visiting clergyman who In bla hasle rushed out with tbe doctor's bat. The high ateeple of the Kvangellcal church was seen te sway te and frr. At J. P, H watt's n'ore tbe qneeuaware rattled en tbe shelve, while In some beuies household articles slid liem tables (e the fleer. Columbia, March 0 About 0:10 o'clock last evening a very perecptlble shock of earlbqnake rawed ever tbla tewn.caualng a treat deal et excitement- Tbe first Indica tions of the eattbquake was very faint Whleh gradually Increased until Ibe shock waa very distinct ; It lasted abent one minute and appeared te ceme from the northeast going southeast. It waa seen ever. Tbe shock was llke a heavy wagon rumbling ever the atreet, In many houses pletures fell from tbe walls, dishes rattled and tbe ehandeltera were aweyed, Several ladlea were ae tnueh frightened tbat they fainted, In the drug atores tbe bottles shook and came very near falling from the shelve. He eorleue damage resulted. Mount Jey, Pa , March 9, The oarlh earlh quake shock waa felt here very percepllbly. Nodamsge wim done, bnt It was tbe went aoare the town has experienced for a long Mulct xubujt aru,iu ihii uu, in tuu iiuunvp gocdaentho shelvca rattled, and many atoves threw dust. , MlLt.Knsvti.i.K, I'll, Mareli This evening shortly befere 7 o'clock an earth quake aboek passed ever our vlllsge. It waa felt by all the Inhabitants, Ir was perbapa most sevore In the Nermal sobeol building, where It eaused wlndewa te rattle, lampi te shake and tlcera te tiembie. Tbe quaking lasted about coven aeoenda and waaacoempanled by a low tumbling noise. Ne datuage has been done, as fat ta known. GAr, Pa, March 0. A tovero shook of 10 or 15 aeoenda duration waa felt here last aveulngilO minutes before 7 o'elock. fioteaaer Krnchnsr en Time. (net l OuisnviTeuv. FrttNKiiN amu atansnaiL cellbub an itc h e. lmj. KDITORS iNTKf.t.IUKNOKIl 1 fOUUd aeven persons who looked at thelr watches during or very seen alter tbe earthquake took plaee. Tbe average or most probable value derived from these comparisons, alter all possible corrections are applied, la 0 beura 40 4 10 minutes p. m. Twe of theae are quite ditTereut from thoethoraand from eaeb ether, Leaving theae out as very deubttul or aa prebable orrera lu the read ing of tbe tlmopleeos and then taking the remaining five, the meat prebable value of tbe time Is 0 hours 40 1!-10 nilnntes, with a probable error el 1! 10 minutes or about 12 aeoenda. It la also worthy of nole that Mr. Middle tin and Mr, Stewart dlller only by ete second In tbelr estlmatee of tbe time, after tbe proper corrections are applled te tbetr watches. This average la il beura 30 tntnutea 10j; seconds. J. B. Kkhsuunku. TUK HtnTliqUAUK or 1880, On Tuesday, August 31, 188(1, at 9.50 p. m. a vary alight earthquake waa felt In this elty and the next morning tbe oeuntry waa alartled by tbenewa of the great Charleston earthquake, which domaged or tctally wreoked seven-eighths et tbe houses et that elty, killed 35 people and caused a lese of about 110,000,000. Tbe clock et tbe Penn Iren company, tbla city, waa stepped by the naeck and furnlahed the only accu rate record of tbe tlme In this part et tbe oeuntry, In fact tbe only ether record out of the Allegbonles lu tbta latltude was given by tbe atoppige et a clock at tbe Stockton hotel, Cape May. AUIIKSTKU ON AN OLU Oil A 11(1 K. A Mau Who Is Bald lu Have Committed Pur aery Nine Tears Aa". Jehn S. Piaee, a young man of this city, waa arrested here last evening en a obarge of torgery. The man who aejussd blm of the crime la S, D. Bean, a resident of Iteyera' Ferd, Montgomery county. It appeara that Place formerly resided in that neighborhood, and waa a farmer, Bean aaya that In 18S0 be purchased aome eattle from blm, ami gave in payment notes, te wblobbe forged the names of Elijah Piece, bla father and Jaoeb Buati aa endors ers. Tbeaa notes amounted te 275, but Bean thinks Place oenimltted ether lergerlea In tbat neighborhood. Piaea seen after wards left these parts an! went te Philadel phia. About two yeara age he came te Lancaster and haa been living en North Water atreet lately. Bean dotermluod that be would bave Piaee arroated If across blm. The Lancaster yesterday tbe evening attended be ever oame former came te en bualoeas and In tbe performance et "True Irish Hearts" and aaw Plaee. Atter the performance Bean Informed OOlc ;rs Flenuard andCraw andCraw ferd of the affair and found where Place llved. He then made oetnplalnl against blm at Alderman, Spurrier's and thectll. oers took blm Inte custody at bis beuse. In crimes of this kind tbe statute et limitation proteela an cirender alter a lapse et five years, provided he has net been a fugitive Irem Just loe, and a true bill baa net been found. Inthlscase no bill waa ever leund. Bean claims that Place was a fugitive, but the latter saj a that he waa net, Tbls afternoon the care v,os tettled ly the parties themsolvei Tbe suit was w lth drawn and all costs paid. White Daps Aller a JteraeDitianca tilguir. Among tbe signers .te the raoienstranco against a het6l ltceuse for Herace Myers, elStrasburg, was Frauk Ingram. Nlnce signing the paper Ingram has received a long letter which purports te ceme from the White Caps. It is well wrttten and In II all kinds of threats are made aga'nat Ingram, who, tbe Wblte Caps think, has no buslnesa te meddle with llcenses. Tbe letter starts out nnd closes with well known quotations and the last ene Is In Latin. The paper ladcueratcd with knives, pistols, ropes, A j. Tbe teller was filed with tbe remonstrance in court tbla morning, m A ret uhaaeat Lulu. Yesterday tbere waa a fox obase from tbe Warwick beuse In tbe town of Ltlltz, which was fairly attended. The fox was caught by Wllllem Uresh near Kissel bill, about 300 yards from the turnpike. A deg of Mr. Oreab waa tbe first at the fox and the owner eame up befere tbe hound bal killed blm. This fox Is an old timer. .Some thing ever a week age he was let go at Peteraburg and was caught alive by David Kemper near Manhelm. The chase of jr terday waa arranged by Kemper. An Did Mau Found Dead. A special dlapatcb te the 1ntki.liuk.s ukh, received at neon te-day, from Leaman l'laee, stalei tbat Jehn Hosbeur, a mart aged about teventy years, wai found dead in au out-heueo st tbat placi at 10 o'elook tbla morning. Daputy Corener Henry IT. Bobrer was notified of thefuet, and he held an Inquest this atteruoen. Heath or A Mt, Jey U Ir. Mrs, Curtln Matcer, a well knevn Mt, Jey lady, died at ber roaldeuco en Kast Denegal atreet, that place, this morning. A husband and aeveral small oblldren mourn her untlaisly deatb, ,i. CAUGHT IN THK ktttrtgi A BDRat.R RDStrRHHCD IK TBB Or BHKAVTRK at BaWnOUMl Oltlaaaa Welch Tfelsvsa Meal Teats te BargtaryaadTkM Psaaee Uvea Tha Dalit rallies New ta kM Jail ret Trial at im Heat Between 2 and 3 o'clock Uln bnrattatrW Wat aVtfaIMAal v ftJa. ri MOJBjsa- 4 3 ftaees. J4w) :&m Beat ?i NhMftaW . Uletftaa-,l,t aa .V .. TTkA -asiA S A -- aJ the burglara waa canght la tAawa,eaa1 n4 sear In the Lancaster county Briees, aaaV. ; milted tn default of ball for trial HbsJ' April aesalena, J. Mra. Nelaataa-er. who llvaa ea aa aitsa4 near Church atreet la tbat vUlegvwaBJt" awakened at aa early beurUleaaefalat and abe aaw thlevea breaking taff Bat' wheelwright ahep of David Troop, aaaw Bar beuse. She awakened bar haaaaaa, a ,' ,' get up and eecurad tba tsilataaeeet Jeaat. it Spare, Harry Uemperllng, Walter aCeataer A and Jsoeb Kslnheld, one of tbe proartKew S of the store, te wateh tbe thkrvm tlsaw X followed them from tbta wheelwright eaee) :"fv te Sbeatrar A Rolnheld'a atere. ,i?: The pursuing party knew at oeee tbat taa ,.) men were inalde tbe atere aad tbey re- f solved te capture them. Itwaeaetdeeaiea' ' ';; advisable te go In the front way ae taera v;i waa a light In tbe atere and tba taame 4" would aee them. Qenaeiaer weat aa J, the railroad and tbea crawled aVeag a fenee leading te tbe atere. Uaaar ." an apple tree Immediately bealad tf the atere be aaw a maa who batf a let et aheea and waa etaadlet bat atx feat '4 from blm. OensemertbenibtltwaaNsta. ' ': aleger and ealled "Ul, la tbat yer Ha -? mumbled aemethlng aad QeaeeaMC bbmI , i tbe revolver ever bla bead. Tbe HUew ,'i ran toward the Reading railroad get away. After Qtaaemer aad another maa ran out et the or the atere. Kstnbeld, wbe bad up lu tba meantime, tbea triad la fire bis revolver at tbe man, but the WeaBaa would net go off. He tbea threw tba fta at the folllew, telling bits tbat be kaear -htm. Aa Rslnheid wae betweaa aba burglar and Ueneemer tbe latter; WMaaaMa te aboet and the thief get away. At tbla tlme tbe third burglar eame eat et iaa store and tteuaemer told blm te threw up bta bands. Tbe burglar oerapUed wMa hlsreciaest. Uanaemer tbea Jaatned aa en tne poreu ana captured tae fellow wita me assistance of Walter Meatetr, waa oame up. The burglar bad aet tbe approach of tbe eUlttaa bla oempanlona run away aad be very much aurprleed whea ht ttm bhI a prisoner. He made aoreatetaaeeaad waa Uken te tbe cfllee of Squire Keller where be gave bis name ea Charlea WMater. He waireoegolztdaaaraaawhobad aeaa leafing around tbe town ter aeveral data, He aaya be baa no bome bat la a tramp. Ue speaks Qermaa aad Kaglltii very well, after warda another traaaa wbe bad been aeen speak lag wHb iv Wltmer yesterday waa arrested aa watt $ aa a third party, wbe waa a.natand. Jh These, men gave tbelr aamea aa ' Kudelph Wayne and Jeba Maraa..r,'f Tbey are beld aa aoeeaipllooa, Ceea'aMa J -' Header and Heery Usnarmer brought the 'A- u.vu m Minn m a weaiua wiui aauww 2 wbe bad been arrested ea auipletea, Bat i.l were atterwarda sent te J ail for flfteea day eacn. The atere of Bheafter 4 Retnaeld robbed once tbla winter et betweaa f209ual I30O worth of goeda, Ualh el Oengreesmsa Towaaheae). Wahhinoten, Mareb 0 Coegraaaaaaa Tewuabend, of Ills , who has been lying Ul wltb pneumonia the put few days, died at 11:50 tbla morning. Klebsrd W. Tewnshand waa bera ta Prlnee Qeerge'a county, afarylaad, AarU 30, 1810; came te Washington elty wbea tea yeara of age, and wae there edueatedi re moved te Xtllnela In 1858; taughteebae); atudled law and waa admitted la tad bar In 18C2; waa cUrk of .laV court et Hamilton county 1863 68: prosecuting attorney ter tha Twelfth Judicial nlreult 1868-72; removed la UTS, waa an officer of the UaUatla NaUeaalbaahs waa a member of tbe Dnaeeratta elate central oemmlttee of llllneta 1884, 'aV7r and '76; waa a delegate te tbe aaileaal Demoeratla oenventloa at Baltimore ta lb72; waa elected te tbe Forty fifth, Forty si it b, Forty-seventh, Fertyelgblh aad Forty ninth Centra aee, and waa re-eleetsd te tne Fiftieth Congress aa a Dsaaeerat, receiving 10,310 vetaa against 11.073 vatea for Martin, llspubllesn, and 758 vetaa far Link, Prohibitionist Peddllsg witboet Lleaasav, Constable Hnader, of Kphrata, while ea the loeaout for burglara tbla morale; eame across B. and J. Dnole,tweof theRae slan colony living en Middle atreet. Taey were peddling goods, bad no lleeaea,aad the constable arrealed them. Hobreaght them te tbla city, took them before Alder man Halbaeb aud brought autt agalaat them, Tney gave ball for a hearing. m Death el a fuutnaMar. Allen B. Lswls, aged 58, yard dlapatcbar for the Reading i Columbia read, died at bla resldenee In Reading en Friday item Injuries received by railing down atatm en Feb. 25. He waa In tbe employ of the P. & R, company about 31 yeara. Mr. Lewlswas a passenger conductor ea laa Beading A Columbia read ter 18 yeaia, A widow and seven eblldrea survive. Menty Up en a fedeeulaa Contest. Heme days age Geerge Lawreoee laeaed a cnailenge te walk a number of rjedetirtaaa, named by blm, for f 1C0. Yesterday Harry Resh placed f 100 at tbe Jfxamfnsr te walk Lawrence. Te day the baekere of Abraham Nelan brought 8100 te tbe iNTXLUaaNCBB ofilee te put tbelr man agaleat either Law renee or Resb or both provided each poet 1 100, tbe winner te take all, Nelaa'e meaey wUl be at tbla ofilee until Tuesday aext. A atigbt Knaaway. A tobacco team of two beraaa, bXtebad ta a tlat wagon, ran away en North Qseea fcticet this forenoon. Several lighter Taht Taht elea were struek and allghlly damaged. Tbe horses were caught, attar one had ten from the wagon, near Walnut atreet, Stndlag Mosey te Italy. Twe ltallanr, who work at tbe nickel mines In this county, eame te Laneaeter la day and aent fl.OOO, by mall, te Italy. Kvery week tbe men employed la taeea mine a send Irem 2CO te 1600 te tha eld oeuntry, where tbey bare It kept.fer An Aged Minuter DUs. Farminoten, Me., Mareb 9. Rev, J. Bnrnbam, aged 91, died tbla ueralag. He waa a graduate et Biwdela, claseef 1483, and a prominent Ooegregatloaal elergje man. Can Kslurn from BXUa. l'AUta, March 0 Tbe CiWcfef Jeuraai publlahe tbe decree atgaed te-day fey Fresldent Carnet, autberlslng Due Ot Atimale te return te Fraae. WBTHKH INUlDAriOKL PWasuinqten, P. a, March, a Far Eastern Pennsylvania t Fair, otaMea. ary temperature ea tbe eeeat, altghlajr colder la tbe interior, awaafammly wlaVBa " if m 4); m ,. .s i 3b fn' t T . . a J' hV3 .3 i lSI m II -y f$ a j1rt7T ' ct - r ' ' J Nr --- "l ", -.