1.1." J-OT i" VJfV rcrVf YT J? ic5P'iRBP .,' . . , -. , ,.' V THB LANCASTER DAILY INTELIilCIENOEt?. FRIDAY. MARCH 8. 1889 MAKCB. Bunny and ainllltig yen ceeae te tae tart h, With i rentlse or plMiMUr daye. Waving ttic burner of blossoms and mirth Far out Iat3 the golden base ; Blue eyed and under, yea bead e'n the bed hare the little sift buds lie asleep. Mitring k'.a coating, till t'ny bright beds r ram eat of tbe brews taenia qnllt ereep j J bio, i lb a frown and wrathful eye. Yeu cover them up In the snows te die. Cruel old Mink I a reedy and trim, with your heartiest wtlea Cru thing thi beauty yen worn with your sttt'.es I Brightly you fit en the bar peach boughs, Andfetlferthe Dulse of the Sewers, Whispering falsehoods OTer their brews or golden and bright green hours Warding their bleed with your treacherous bnalh, And smelling Ue soft pink bloom. Teen wlih your lrjst-werk chill them te dtath, .SHd whittle aud rani; o'er ttaeir tomb l tt Id tbe geld of the April tun, Yeu sob end mean for the mischief you're dene, Billy old March I Fickle and false, with yenr cheat and arte icu are type el aouie who have eenliand hearts 1 J.Ji.AmteiietUnXew Ye'k Werli. l)r. Ball's Cough Pyiup hu been before the pablle for years, and Is pronounced, by then. sands superior te all 01 her articles for the core of coughs, colds, luUaenca,andalpulmenary complaints. I nsed salvation OH for rhenmatism In the feet and alter several appllcst'oes was en tirely rellovedef pun and coo Id walk at ell as ever. AM M K. vf ATKINS, Baltimore, Md. DeuM Brightening Inte Hepe, v And hope Inte certainty, is the pleasing transition through whlah the mind of the nervous, dyspeptic invalidjpaascs who tries a course of Hestcttcr's Stomach Bitters, Which is alike Incomparable and Inimitable In creased vitality, a gain in weight, tranquillity of the nenes, sound appetite and .sleep are among the blessings which It Is within the beneficent power of this medicine te confer, and tt Is net surprising that after acquiring this new dowry of health the grateful sick should sometimes utter their praises of the Bitters In terms bordering en extravagance. "Out of the fulneas of the heart the month speaketh," and the proprietors of Hosteller's btemacli Bitters haie sometimes besn obliged tesuppreis tlioae cleglums lcet they should be accused of blowing their own trumpet tee loudly. Fer constipation, bllleusnesa, kidney complaint anil Incipient rheumatism the lilt tcrs Is alie a deservedly popular remedy. Kaptnre care guaranteed by Or. J. B. Mayer, 831 Arch street, l'hlladelphle, Case at once, no operation or delay from business, attested by thousands of cures after ether fall, advice free, send for circular. marlO-lydAw HPBVIAL IfOTlOMtr. Win it Really Cor Bheamatlam. We answer, honor brlght.lt wlllcitre rheu matism, and thn severest cases I oe. Dr, Tltom Tltem ai' KeUelrlc oil was espee'ally prepared for tie rheumatic and lame. Motlee letters from the people relative te Its m. rtta In nearly every papnr In the cmntry. K. r sale by U. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 north Queen t treat, Lancaster. All UNrOKTUNATK FSBSON. The meat unfertunate person In the world It one affilcled with sick headuche, but they will be relieved alence by using Dr.t-oalle'a Special Prescription. See advertisement In another column (I) Thstr easiness Booming. Probably noenothtnghas caused such a rush et trade at Cochran's drug store as their giving away te their customers el se many tree trial bottles of Dr. King's Mew Discovery for Con sumption. Thulr trade Is slmpiy enormous In this very valuable artlcle from the fact that It always enres and never disappoints. Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchltls,Creup and all threat and lung diseases quickly cured. Yea can teat it be lore buying by getting a trial bottle free. V Kverv bottle warranted. (3) Caasss Astonishment. Completely preitrated for days with Indl- g anion and bilious lever. The etrectx of two ettlts or Burdock Bleed Bitter t astonished me; visible Improvements right en." Mr. Mean Bates, Klmlra, N. Y. rer gale by 11. B. Cochran, diuggtst, 137 aud li'J North (jueen street, Lancasicr. Methan atettiersll Mothers I It Are you disturbed at night and broken el yenr rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excrnelatlng pain of cutting teeth f If ae. go at ecce and get a bottle of MU8, WIN81.0WBHOOTHINU8YUOP. It Will r luive the peer little sufferer Immediately da pond upon Its there I no mistake about It. There Is net a inotieron earth who has eve need It, who will net tell yea at onea that It will ntgnlata the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and rellef and health te the child, operating Ilka magic it Is perfeclly safe te use in all cases and pleasant te the tase, and U the prescription of jne of the eldest and best female physicians and nurses In the United States. Sold everywhere, is cents a bottle. uavlMvflAw Tbe Travelling Salesman Is m Irreilsllbln fellow, brim full et stories, jokes, courage. Bf-lf-ossntance una grit. He Is very taking withal. Burdock Bleed Bitter t area very taking medicine: tbey take every where, and are told everywhere. Fer sale Cy II. It. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 Nettb Queen street, Lancister, Dettctlva and Private OtHcert Usually wear their badges or authority con cealed under their clothing, but Dr. Ttemat' JCelectric Oil wears Its badges In the form of p.letid labels attaened te each and every bot bet tf, se that ail m.y knew Its mission. It Is given luil and complete authority te arrest all V. uches and pains, aud does It's duty every time, rer sale by 11. B t ecbran. druggist, 1J7 and 139 North tiucen street, Laucaitur. Kpucb. The transition from long, lingering and pilnlul sickness te robust heaJlh marks an upecuin thellfoer the Individual, nucha re re re tuarsnbleovent Is treasured In the memory aud the agency whareby the geed health has been attained Is gratelully blessed. Henes It Is that ee much Is heard te praise of Klecu'-: hitters- He many loci they ewe their restora tion te health, te the use of the Ureal Allrna tlve and 'Ionic. If you are troubled wltblany disease or Kidneys, Liver or Stomach, of long or short standing, you will surely find relief by nse et Klectue Bitters. Beld at dOc. and tl per bottle at 11. II. Cochran's Drug stere. 131) and I3s North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa. CI-S) The Ulud We (Jae, The medicine we most like Is that which does lis work quick and well. Burdeek Bleed Bitter t ari tbe quickest kind of a cure for dys pepsia and liver and kidney affections, rer sale by 11. B. Cochran, druggtit, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster. Bneklen't Arnle BaUve. Tsa Baar 8i.LV In the world rer CnU,Brnle Seros, Uleers, Halt tthnum, rever Beret,Tettsr, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Cerns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Plies, or no pay required. It Is guaranteep te give per fect satldtuctlen, or money refunded. Price tt cents per box. rer sale by H. B. Cochran, Druggist, Kcs. 137 and 139 North Queen street, Laucaacer. Pa. innen-lyd What Three Applications Old. "Iwai troubled very much with sole feet Three applications el 2Viema' Xclectrlc',Ott entirely cured tliam. Nothing better-In the market." Jacob uutler, Beading, Pa. rer sale by U. B Cesbran, dmgglst,137 audl39NertU Queen street, Lancaster, Mlifammumiiiltimtt MUUIM, rtAl.L AND HUB -TUB- ROCHESTER LAMP aixty Candle-Light i Beau them ali. AnouerLetot cheap olebjU fox Uu aa OU stove. tbb PBaracmeMS ukf-AX, MOULDINO BUBBBB 0U8HIOB WBATRBR STRIP Beats them ril.hls strip outwears all ethers; Aa ent the cold, suid rattllns et windows. Mxelude the dust. lStxp out snewandrain Anyone con apply It no waste or dirt made la applying It, Can be fitted anywhere no holes te bore, ready ter ae. It will net split, warp or shrink a cushion strip la the lntst perfect. At tot stove. Heater sua Batgt ISrt'J -or-: Jehn P. Sehaum & Beng, 84 SOUTH QUEEN ST., f. awn ear km. pa. VOAIj, LUMHKU AND COAU TOH&CCO BUtlOKS AND CABIB. WBSTKll.N 11AUD -WOODS. Wtmles.le aud BeUll.at B II. MABT1N A CO., V n Water stroet, Lancaster, Pa. ni4yd "OAUMUAKDNMil'B UOaifAMY, GOAL DEALERS. Oirica: Ne. IV Nerth.QnaenBtrMt, ana Ne. IM Menk Prtnee street. TAkMi-MerU PrtBM lUMt, aai kafiing M3lld LAJIOAjaTW, rA nOW WILL IT KKD T Ike Aftwaatag Mere at trwaMa Tne It fleavaeteg M reeatM ef AB Oasaees-ss si sjsj weans 1st Mm? Thaaavaeref araauaaat an Ml weasea who hays been dying recently it very large attd, ettaaga te aay, aeatly every one wat tee vietta of en trouble, naately, pneumonia. W hear of thee premlaeat peeate because they are araastaeat, bat tkera are thektand who die of tale eeate dread tal disease sadden ly and et whom Ike world aere hear. It It aafe te say inu during ue cold eeasen, felly half of all deaths artee fresji paeameala. Tktt ts a meet mysterious dleeaie. it comet tnddealy and works quickly. It mast be taken en the start tf at all, and aay person wiie feels attesting In the threat, a tightness or the eketf , a dry oengh. dlfflenlty in ralslag or pain in eenghlntr, shnnid bsware I i hat vttv moment Is the time te aaL and bv Sttmn- latlng the body healthily threw off the terms etiba disease before they grew. There Is emy enecettaln way by wblea that eaa be done, Tic., by the me of pure stimulants, ant It W new generally admitted that Daily's Pure Halt Whiskey Is tbe only reliable form In which par whiskey Is te-day eMred te the pablle. This grand and pare compound Is net a common whisky,' bat a sure and Abselut remsdy. ithae eared atom Uvea threatened by ptenmenta, ehechad mere eotuuavpttea and pieserrtd mera health than hay ether chemical discovery of modern time, its pep ularlty proves this. Car should be exercised te aecare only the genuine, and under ae clr nmttaaca te take a ehetp tubiutat which lsdeelaredtebejuit as geed. Takapnenmo Takapnenme ala IB time, for, even If It Is checked unless taken nremnuv. It may mn into cetunmD- Uea. (4) s CHENOR'H MANDRAKE FILLS. 80HMN0K3 MANDRAKE PILLS reH Bilious and Liver Complaints. ABBTBB OLDEST rAMILY BrANDAKD. A Purely Vegetable Compound, without mercury or ether lnlutlens mineral Sale and nure always, forsaleby all urngglsts. Full ptlntsd directions for using with each pack age. Dr. echeaek'a new book en The Lungs, Liver and BtemaMi satNT rursl. Address Dr..l.ll.achenck A eon, PhUadelphta. mayniydAw COHENUK'S MANDKAKK PILLM. SOHBNOK'S MANDRAKE PILLS Bilious and Liver Complaints AUBTUK OLDEST rAMILY 8TANDAKD. A Purely Vegetable Compeund.without mer cury or ether Injurious mineral. Bate and sure always. Fer sale by all Druggists. Full printed directions for using with aeh pack age. Dr. Scbenck's ne w book en Ihe Lnnss , Liver and tstemch SatNT rBKK. Address Dr. J, II. Bchenck Ben, Philadelphia. maylMydAw Q.OLDKN HPKOliflO. DRUNKENNESS -OBTHB- LIQUOB HABIT POSITIVaXLY OUBKD BY ADMlNlSTKHlNa DR. HAINXS' OULDMN BPKCiriC. It can be given in a eup of coffee or tea with out the knowledge of the person taking It s U absolutely harmless, and will effect a perma nent and apeedy euro, whether the patient la a moderate drinker or an aloebello wreck. Thousands of drunkard have been mad temperate men who have taken Oelden Bpe Bpe cine in their coffee without their knowledge, and te-day believe they quit drlnklnget their ewa rreewliL IT NbVIh fails. TThe sys tem onea Impregnated with the Speelde, it be comes an utter lmpesslbUlty ter the liquor appeuva ve euik m us uv ur CHAB.A.LOCHlCB.DrnggUt, Ma BastKlng Street, Laneaster, Pa. kng8-iydM,w,r w KAK, UNDKVKLOPKD PAKTS Of the Human Bedy enlarged, Develrprd, Btronglhened. etc , la an interesting ad verilse verilse mentiens run in our papnr. In reply te In quiries we will say that there Is no evidence or humbug about this. On tbe contrary, the advertisers are very highly indorsed. Inter ested persona may get sealed circulars giving all particulars, by writing lethe BBIB MBDi GAL CO.. 5 Bwan St., Buffalo, N. Y. Toleiie Dally Bee. fll-lydAw mEETHINQ HYKUl'. TO MOTHERS. Every babe should have a bottle of DB. PAUUNKY'S TstaVl'HINU BYKUP. Perfectly safe. Ne opium or Merphia mixtures. Will relieve Celic, Urlplng in the Bowels and Pro mote Dlfllcnlt Teething. Prepared by DBS. D. K A 1IU N K Y A SO tf , U agerstewn, Md. Drug gists sell It I 29 cents. Trial bottle tent by mall 10 cents. iant-lydeedkw QUMKHaWARB. H IQH & MARTIN, GLASS& QUEENSWARE CHINrUsALL. Heusekeepera and New Beginners, here are a few facts for you : In the choice of wares see that you get tbe best makes. erasing or cracking or glazing Is found principally In the low grade of goods. Ne make u entirely free from tt except French China. The reputation of the manufacturer makes or spoils the market ter his wares. We keep the standard Makes. Yeu can select what you want and get what yea select. Our wares are guaranteed or exchanged II net satisfactory. Ulve us a call before purchasing. High & Martin, Ne. 16 East King St. ecU-trd CARPKTH. c AKPiCTS. McOallum & Slean 1012 and 1014 Chestnut St. PHILADELPHIA Manufacturers and Dealers in CARPETS Axmlnflter, Wilten Mequette, Brussels Tapestry, Ingrain In new Designs and Colorings A Special Line of l'KB YAItD. Vf'llleni at Mequette at ilrugsels at Tapestry at lusrala at $1.75 l.UU .(10 .50 18.00 2.2& 1.10 1.25 .5 .75 .05 .75 ART SQUARES OIL CLOTHS LINOLEUMS lebS-SmdeedAlmw NOTIOK TO TRKSPAH3KK8 AND UUNNKBs. AU persons are hereby for bidden te trespass en any of the luids of the Cornwall and speedwell estates In Lebanon or Lancaster counties, wheUaer Inclesed or unln unln clesed, either fcr the purpose of sheeting or fishing, as the law will be rigidly enforced against all trespassing en said lands of the un dersigned altr this notice. WM. COLEMAN FREEMAN. K.PEHOYALDBN, BDW.CrBsKMAir, Atterntyi ler , W, Celman't Heir. J. HJlKBi KtkUUm STORE, Fer big bargains trade with us i . NO. 24 CENTRE SQUARE. Wash Goods ! In these goods we show a wonderful combi nation of b lightness, long wear and ckeap nest. Table Linens AtKKe A TABD. AttteA Villi), AtlSeAYABD. That are enr leader, aad better values can not be had ter a third mer. New Bosten WTBIQ BAKOAIN BTOHB. DRY UUODS. rp: B PKOPLK'8 OAHH BTURK. Opening Te-day ANOTBKK INVOICE Of French Satines! In a variety of color and deslcns which Is unsurpassed If equalled by any house lu the city. AMERIOAU SATINES Which rival the treneh geed In style snd colorings, We sell them at lke. Beld In rhll. adelpblaatlBc SOMECUOICE TUINQ9IN Scotch Zephyrs I At SOC, 23c, 310 te l5e. SPECIAL BARGAINS -IN- LADIE8' BLACK AMD COLOKED Silk Taffeta Gloves At 2 cents per pair. Almest as geed as t hoi. sold last souen at (0 cents. Gee. F. Batuven, MO. 26 BABT KINO BXBWbT, LANCASTEK, pa. marlt-lvdAw w ATTAHHAND. Black Dress Goods ! WATT &8H AND INV1TK YOUU INSPECTION OV TUKIB NEW LINES Of ALL-WOOL 11LACK OASBMEBKS, from tbe llest French Manufacturers, at I7)tc Mc, ciHc, c;c, 76c, te 1 te a yard. BLACK WOOL IIENBIETTAS, snperler quality, bright lustre, at Me, 75c, tue, II 25 a yard. FBIESTLEY'S BILK WJ Kl' UKNB1ETTAS at 75c, Lte, 11.25 te2.w a yatd. BLACK XLKCTUAL CLOl U at 7Xe a yard. BLACK UKNK1ETTA KAYKat62Hcayard. BLACK C AMI I.M II A1U CLOTH at 73: and 11.00 a yard. BLACK VKNET1AN CUAl'K CLOlii at 11.23 a yard. BLACK CKC1L11N LUSTUKli, BLACK TAM14E CLOTH, BLACK DUAf DK ALU a, At 73 Cent a Yard. MOUUN1NU DUESS UOODS at very low pilcea. COUHTLAND'S KNULISU CUAI'KS freui 75c te S3.0U a yard. BOKDEBKDNUNs VSILlNaSat 75c, 1 0J, l.!5te2 Wayaia. New Yerk Stere. 6, 8 and 10 Beat King Strut. itAOHlNMRY. 8 TEAM. HTKAM Engines, Doners, Pipe, Valves and rittlngs i Asbostesaod Uubber Valve and lted Packings Asbestos and Ituliber Sheet and HUMSeard Packing. VULUAllKaTUN Sheet and Ked Packings. The Pratt A Cady Asbestos Packed Cecks'and Asbestos Uenewa ble Disc Glebe and Angle Valves. Steam users can save money by buying their supplies from us. the Largest a sdertment, the llest Goods and the Lewest Prices. A full line of Machine, Cap and net Screws, New and Becend-Uaad Engines and lleUeia en hand and lurntsbed promptly. LIGHT OAST1NQH. By special arrangements we are able te fur nlah Light Grey Iren Castings of Superior quality and rinlsh at Lew ttatrs, in Quanti ties. Alse, Brass Castings of eveiy descrip tion. Geed Werk, Bcasenable charges, Prompt ness. Central Machine Works 1M A 16 NORTH CHRISTIAN HT LAaOAJTU, PA. tdMt-tM . Ik F1SHKR, DKNTIBtI Particular attention given te filling and preserving the natural teeth. I have aO th latest Improvement ler doing nice work at a very reasonable cost. Having years of ex pertanes) la th large, cities lam sere te give Ua beet eJaausaaeUen and save yen money MMariABlasaJtUesUyasjBwse. Dress Goods I .Bright Mew Springy "amir." at Wonderful low price. Dress Goods ! The new things are en enr counters await ing your con venlenue, SEE OUB OfTKIUNUS. THEY'LL PLEASE. Dress Goods I Stere. J. Harry Stamm, NO. 24 CENTrtE SQUARE. DRY UOODS. JjTKW.l.NKW! KKW! NEW! Big Bargains! All Bilk Batin Rhadamaa, 60e a Yard. Changeable Ellka, All Colen, 87 1-Se a Yard. Heavy Black Bilks, All Bilk. 60e a Yard. Blaek Meire rednead te 76e a Yard. Stripe Velvets reduoed te 17e a Yard. Blaek Henrietta CHetb, 7Ce up te IB.SS a Yard. Freneh Sateens, 20e, &6e, S6e a Yard. Drees Ginghams, 6 1-Se, Be, lOe, 12 l-2e, 20e, 2Be a Yard. Table Linens, 19 l-2e, 16e, 17e,up te 91.00 a Yardi Charles Stamm, 35-37 North Queen St. (Ol'fOHUK POBTOKJ-'IOK.) BOSTON STORE. SrWKlTK KOK QA.RPKT8 I METZGER & IIave New Open a Large Brnssels, Ingrain, Rig, BOUGHT AT AUCTION AND DlltECTrROM OABPKT8 AtlO Cent CAKHKTB Atl'JXCenU CAKPEI8 At 16 Coats CAItl'KTB At 20 Cents OABPATS AttS Cents Straw Mattlnirs, cbetp. Table.Btalmnd Fleer Oil Cleths. Window Bhades, Curtain l'elcs and Lace cnnalns at Lew rnccj. our raurens steatn-cured reathers, ler which there Is such great demand, always en hand. Carpet Hags taken In exchange for Carpet i. Metzger & Haughman, Neb. 38 & 40 West King Street, Lancaster, Pe, aTOn'OSITK THE N EXT DOOR TO THK COURT HOUHK. Interesting te leuseekeepers. We have lust received loeopounds el the two best grades el Feathers, which will sell at In teieatlngly low prices. Thean reathers are tbe beit produced In this country. 1 bey are thor oughly steamed and cleansed and are entirely wliteut odor or any kind. Lew grade reathers we de net keep, as they de net glve satisfaction. We keep only High Grade reathers at the very lowest pilcea they can be told at. Don't buy rtulbers until you hay e seen ours and heard our price. our Hcuse-rurntahlDg Stock Is new very full et the best I hlngs in Tickings, nheetlngs. Pillow Casings. Blanket. Comfert (our own tnake), Table Linens, towels, Toweling,, Bed Checks, and everything In our line pertaining te llouiekeepin. Webave Speclal Lew 1'rlces en Sheetings and 1'lilew Casings, many of thuin being lower than the wheluin.lt) prices tedsy. Tickings by the yard or In remnants lower than ever. Don't neglect looking through our Immense stock or Heine-Madu Uag Carpels, Ingrain Car pats, Brussels Carpets. rTlndew Shades and Curtains before buying. FAHNBSTOCKS Neb. 35 and 37 East King Street, JHWHLRT. H.' . KHOAD8 A HON, We desire te call altontlen te our large variety of STABLE WARE.t sterling Silver Table Ware, comprising the latest pittema of Kpoens, Ferks, Knives and Celd and Het Dish Services. BACCARAT GLASSWARE. AU the sizes of Glosses and Decanters. Housekeepers will find a cheap line for everyday use in the Standard i'Uted Wares. Alse Dining Dining Dining ltoem and Kitchen Clocks. Repairing la all kinds by competent workmen, and all work war ranted. H. Z. RHOADS & SON, JEWELERS, Ne. 4 West King Street. CABPRT HAiUtAINb I -QO SHIRK'S CARPET HALL reK WILTON. VELVET, BODY URUS3ML8. Tipestr j, lagTAlD, Damask and Venetian, Rat and Gbain Carpets, OIL QLOTHti, WINDOW SHADES, V. V7e bnvs tb Largcat and Bust Btoek ltt the City, H. S. SHIRK & SONS. Oeratf Wirt liag lui Water Struts, UucuUr. h. Odd Lets at Half Price Let ei Children's Scarlet l'nu at 90c; lermer ptlce, SCO. Laalci'Mklrtt, All-Wecl. loc t lettner ptter, II oe. l.adlts' Jerieyt at tie, sc and 7&3 1 were 6?r, 7!r and 11 te. HtU HANTS or Table Linens and MusIIdi. 8AMPI.KH. HAUGHMAJS Assortment of Uandsome Hall and Stair Carpets, TUB MANUrAtTUltitlie.CIIEAP fOU CASH. CAUPET8 Atmcenu CAUI'EIB AtSOCenU CAKl'ETS At D0 fonts CAKPETS At M Cents CAUPCTB At 75 Cents COOl'EB UOUSE.a ) Lancaster, Pa. HALL. KAliUAlMMI 1'C rummreMM. H.lAWVWV V vr DMSER'B CORNER. Fer Furniture! WIDMYER'S EURnTUKE 8T0RB. YOU CAN'T U0 BKTU I U00U WOKKI I.OrT fHlUES Cor. But King and Dnke Sts. O OHaAQIBBff. Ocbs & Gibbs, VUBMITUKt, 24, ii ana 4th Floers, MO. SI COUTll QUKKN ST IV YOU'UK LOOKlNUrOB VUEMtTUEK YOU OAN 1)0 11KTTIII UEBK TUAN AN(WUEEEEf.9E, UKTTEH rUBMTUEB IS'MT U1HK1ND CUEAPKUN0W11EKK. srcallanatnaknsetcctletis new. Westoie goods until wanted. OCHS a GIBBS. Manufacturer! ana Dealers, tl, M ana 4th fleer, Si Seuth queen Btreat. aarll-iya s PK1NU HIlLKS, HEINITSH'S 27 and 29 Seuth Queen Street. Ihe variety of rUKNiTUKK we are rlie w tug this Spring has neyer been equaJled for Style, rinlsh or Darablllty. OUB SOLID OAK SUIT for a small prlce 1 the Btst Bargain offered, and la a seller. BED-BOOM SUITS, ae te KM. FABLOB SUITS, IS te 1880. OHAIBB from I3.M per half der.en upward. BXTEHBlOft TABLES from (t upwatd. OUB 1'UICKS all through are LOW, VEItY LOW, for Geed, Reliable Furniture. A FKW UAHQAIN BUIT8 left ever from lut Kali, te be doted out cheap. Sl'EOIALl'ltlOKSlOIlUYKKBOr euirus. Heinitah'i Furniture Depot, LANOASTER. VA. F UHN1TUKK I KUKN1TURH I THE UMOEU81UMEO HAS BEOfEMEU UU TOBB AT TUB OLD STAND, Ue. 38 East King Street, Which was destroyed by Bra seme time age. and tas a perfectly Mew Stock of all stinda of FURNITURE. FAULOU SUITES, BEDBOOU SUITES, TAULEB, CUAIUS, EfO, UPH0LSIER1NQ In All Its Branches. Alse fainting ana Or namenting old Uhalri, HENRY WOLF, Ne, 18 East Klftg Street, leUd UARDWARM. TLf-ARHUAIili A HENOIKK. ' Hardware! Hardware! JUST UECIIVKO AT MARSHALL & RENGIER'S, 9& 1 1 Seuth Queen St., A 1, AUG E INVOICE Ol" TOBACCO TW1NB & TO3A0CO PAPER, held at the Lewest Market I'rlcei. Alse, large aatortuieatet HOUSE-STIRE GOODS ! AMD A I.AUUELOTOl1 PRIMB NDW OLOVflU 8BED. SOLEAUE.NTS rOUTIIK Butcher Heuse Bene. tebS-lyd J I ATS. if. rxKbrKClAL lNTKREHTTO VOU, PRICES THAT TELL! A aenulne Ear sttrr ilat, 11 it. A Grade Beltur, II 60. A Very Fine eue, li A Saxony Weel Stiff Hat, Me loll. A Saxony Weel Boft list, 25c te 75c. Men's Genuine fur Belt lists, All itiipes aud Celers, 7&e. fA Men's BUk IUU from II W up. Men's Caps from We te II, dent's Fur Cellars, We te 12. Gent's Far Caps, coo te 75c. Ladies' Muffs, 60c, up. rine Japan Wolf Bebes t Large Size), 1 5 Bebes-AU Oradai and All 1'rlcea, Trunks and Traveling Bags At Ulg Bargains. CaileadJust liecclred. A NleTrun,l a. A 'line-Cevered Trank, 1. 'iravellng Bags from aec up. Wlllgheat "Cash 1'rlces rer Haw fun. MuskraU, vie. W.D.Stauffer&Ce,, Nea. 81 6s 33 North Qaeen Street LABOASTEB.fA. wmArmtmtm 'mwtmm. ' w LBBANOK st liAMrjAjmn LMBAAlUsOAn. ArTMsgsjSMflt et nw. lTi Het. ... BOETHWABD. Ulv. set,Laae7Jt ST. ........ TJf l... .,,.,, Tas I. .......... 7JS J!"kMa Uannli ltee AttlTSM Lahaaaa SOUTH W Jbe. A. V. . IS. . .""a Measraev i. .......... t.is rij a I,,,,,,,,,, MB 1.S Manhatai , AntTeai Elng street. IaW4UMi If .SlS9T, JiUBV B, 0. ""Wi aapi. U. . PS Mnrfiiti5Ii?WA A BB rAHOMSrmifS IBsVABD LBI ON AND Witr nnlni !lB.?"TSsMsKMtBsm1stssy n m twirl fllnn J2JaSr".lJ.lll: 53TtSV,rSKS'JR.,fl!H15J1tt,' Fer Beading at 7J0 a bl it asvt US 4 stV'V MaTav.srJL,ss7AS . aa !. .-?K& $ fjmJaSIB - j sSL - '! Bftw BfltBt...Aat.As as. - . WiV Sl FSCbe;tl3Jffilv,"-, & LBAVB irttm asisisM 1 1 i ' -iV: - F0rBeadJacUTJDkaB4IMlsaslt.etB.Ka, & ruTJDaaB, itaaai.4M. aat7.oeam.lt.MaaAlA4au rilleu fajeaavMfisMt i"T7"-"""..WM,l.)WBBP1,.M, "t . Fer Unarmflia M. D.nu LEAVBPBUTCBBTBBBT ( A-Sfcj SStita5.!-' m? rer Lebanon at T.OTa m. laat r' a w weanrruie at BLBT, Mi s km, pm w TBAIMB LBATB LBBABO. KJ ,T?iSf, 'Mi . a mm T.ta iv pm. -.,u..1u,,uBHI ItHSBSMS BOBDATTBAIBS. TBAIBI LBATB BBADIB0. rer Laneaster at 7.W a ta aasl US B at. rerUuamrTUle at AW pmT Vlf) TJISUHS LBAVB QUABBTVILLB btTM TtlasBila f AhAsiaaas ttuJt.-.asu ' w ajiasiiajaa waismmaam masem wsSKSBsBsaBkSr aBsBt V.asfl .. TRAIKHT.siaVBsriariav irmi ''C'RA rer Ueadlng and Lebanon at .eaaHajaAABl 3l fli tn tw. " 1 rer QnavmrwiUA At Kin m TBUKB liKAVJB PHIKOI 8T War MsBsBillBiaV STIfl TflanBsSaM aft Iff - VS. Beam 1 !&& ma"JZ sa.aiaas.sjssa j sWsftaaBl jJ"?! BkVt n DI , ?.. . rerQnamrnileatWipm. TRAIBta T.siavsi i.ins V . m.m .M.vi HHVUIVn, Laneaatarat 7 Ji am and Ml as. rqnarrynileUEteBBt. w oennttoa.atOola4a, MatlasAaj rer rer uen t .. .mSt-JXTrzSLES for Laneaster at 7Jiam and Ml a . 1.. zm-d a.mTwilseii im TJKWWBYIiVAWlA. B kUMOA a. ujuwubBb-'UB SBaatt nasa ajar. a Trains laATaLaaxuana sat rtT at rhllaealpaia at loOewa t WB8TWABD. faeise Bxpraast..,. Mm ipsr Tray raaavasTNT......! Mafltralnrlaa1t.Jeyt aalatallTralBf..... Btagara ETnraas HaneTar Ashqeibi. .. . Mm,m. 7Ma.ni. TaClaaM Tite a. s: rnssKf? Fast Llaef ....... FredarlokAeooBi.... Lancaster Aeoem..,. nauetumasa ran ey, uarnsDurg Aoeem.. Columbia Aeeem... wa'ZUSS" WMsan ipraafr..i ABTWABD. BHS.S1, 4i4e,ai. MsCai. iMlval. Mjmnw reua. snnaiHiHi Fait jUlnef. ........... at narruDurg jinisas Lancaster Acoem... Ma, at. Sswas. uhbbhm mveun.f. aussus sixpresst. mill mD rsussaisBia, Day Bxvraatf ....... Harrtsbnrg Aeoesn. llv,Bt tela, at Tna anlT trains wklehnaa sntBw. On saatey.tha MaU tnaa watt rimrytj of Oelnm mMsV j. a OHAS. ". i H. WATOHt w AT0HK8 AMERICAN I WaUtM.aw-.lJMH. a m m- - - - -S- upurmi wrxBaa xaBiia.ytB i jbbpbj iiBaBiirt mjm y avruei la uuf isiM xmsmimuy mmmm-mmmM LOUIlWBiim, be. inm m. Queee il, Bear r. B.B.WaWisi fEWKLBR AND OPTIOIAN. GILL. Jeweler and Optician. If yenr eyas trouble yen attend te mediately. tub use or rsuru sutaaasB) Ishtj, riM MmfArt AM4S !! Laneaster has long felt taaaeatalBl niAt. uptiuiam. are wow pre new msainreyenr eyea. flt arlsassi wHB VUnM-iA CisiOM OF am OQUCUTVaaTtagalaaasiil m M . ijtf ,' (rBsBsBaBaHi't W Cj .w asasBBias-. taa StSI BBBBJ sVkBBBl 'Kt tk,' MiKas..' t EKErZ- - "is XT&, ?, lewsasav ti "V r complete entat of test leasee nqasaaa sb asa : . feet meaaurament Batuiactien guaranteed U every ITT ADTHQ O flTTT VUJXMMIUa 0s UXJUtj Ne. 10 Wart King Start, LAB0AaTBB.rA. rmenjca w UOLKHALK RKDUOWON. CIIAS. E. UABERBDSB, (Saeccsser te M. HiktrbaBB 8m) Wholesale Eeductien. n... ah.U. ..a . m... mit.w. fr.9 w. m waaraeSTarlntfBneclal Hararalna In VUK ROBEB, fLTJHH LAP H0BK8, HLKIOH BKI.LH. -nn'nrnu it fun u4utu in fact, our Entire Winter Stock. I.ADIHH' POOKKTBOOKH. UARO UABBB, FOB atB $ AND BELTS AT COST. Ne trouble te itioweurgood at Chas. E. Eaterbiish tUDDILAJUnBIs TRUNK STORE. J Ne. 30 OentTB BqtiBrB, LABOAMBB, VA. -Sign of tbe Oelden Hene riiOTOuRAPim. QUK II 00 A IDOZKN Cabinet Pbetei.plu Aw Meunled en Fine Geld Serraii AaMJ A ran Unnnti. Twe SlttinSB AUOWed A4 il TbroiUeUar Werk, ROTE'S, NO. 60 1-a NORTH QUaUaH Kext Peer te t'ue roetefaoa. lanHmd ' w M A i&S'i1 M &'A -rjft s (.' 'S t ' j'a t"3E sia K-,1 -'ifcM m m Ti ifi .1 t - .. J.i ilM L . ... fc:. '.-r,w:j.