J ? A' . V.A " .-" K'& I'V; IVAUUbV I nt at weck Mk the Mat lew, Aad the whtte-welled street wa utl, Save fotthsreaadof Bay lfBb w loom, ''PKek-a-PUkFUk," threwgh Ik twilight KiOOlO, Anlacsilawcrylnf ibrtll. Ta curlew ciled, and t raised my head, Feri tU the geed folk Beu-! Bllat little ships In the tad lag light. Duk and dim, bat t!u Ir eye gleamed bright AM they batleA m thla and e'.ear. la Ihsy aw apt with a rasUlag aewad, Like dead Imtm blows together Bade ma fashion thalr taint h eon. h O the morrow' a'aa If tha Feast e the Moea, And wa dance ea tha waa whlta leather." e I lock thalr gay ttaffi. woven wall, As aerer a mertat weaves t Fashkraad daintily, feahleaea fair, l.lttle red shorn thatlhe Plxtes wear, Of the bio, d red Autumn letves. Thiy stesd at my knee, thay crowded near, Anlshtllledaplplngtune, Th.tr greet eyee glowed, an! thay whliperad quick!" And ray work went merrily, "He-fee He," By tha light of the yellow moon, Thanks and thanks for thy labor done, And aya when tha Bummer'a o'er. And rtnpera carry the left brown she if, We'll send enr sign e a yellow leaf, A leaf blown In at the deer. 80 shall ye knew that lha time bath come, And marry at bean shall r if, Kb) tand go where we a It ana fleet, fellow thetrackofenrtwlakllngfcet And the g'.e w of our golden eye." . They reeled away through the starlight air And cried "On our crystal shore, 0 friend, yea shall 'scape the Winter's grief, fellow the sign of the yellow leaf, 1 ha leal blown In at the deer I" 80 shall I knew when the time hath come, And merry at heart shall rlje, Kite and go where they nit and fl eat. , The little red shewn en the twinkling feet Aud the glow of the golden eyes. Winter will coma with anew sillied skies, And the neighbors' hearths aglow 1 But Ibe owls will drowse en my cold hearth stone, for I shall be gene where the birds are down And the great moon daisies blew. 1 alt at work 'naith the lintel low, And the whlte-walled street Is still ; The twilight deepens dim and gray, Te-morrow It may be net today Andlwsltthe Pule )' will. tlraham H. Jomien.ln litmgman'i iSagaiint. We have heard many of enr old friendssay that salvation oil eared them et rheumatism. 1 hese who have net tried It should de 89. Onr druggists sell It for twonty.flve cents a bottle ail tne time. Why suffer with a bad cold when one bottle of Or. Bull's Cough ityiup will cure a cough et the worst kind. Dr. Hull' Cough By rnp Is old for at cents per bottle by all druggUts In the United stau. Denbt Brightening Inte Hepe, v" And hope Inte certainty, Is the pleasing transition through which the mind of the nervous, dyspeptic Invalldasses who tries a course et Hestcttcr's Stomach Bitters, which fs allke Incomparable, and Inimitable. In creased vitality, a gain in weight, tranquillity et the ncrres, sound appetite and islecp are among the blessings which It Is within the bencuccnt power of this medicine te confer, and it Is net surprising that after acquiring this new dowry et health the grateful sick should sometimes utter their praises of tha Bitters In terms bordering en extravagance. "Out of the fulness et the heart the raeutn speaketh," aud the proprietors of Ileilctter's Memacli Bitters bate sometimes besn obliged te suppress these cleginms lest they should be accused et blowing their own trumpet tee loudly. Fer constipation, biliousness, kidney complaint ami incipient rheumatism the Bit ters 14 alie a descnedly popular remedy. ttnptnr cure guaranteed by Dr. J. B. Mayer, 831 Arch street, Philadelphia, Base at once, no operation or delay from business, attested by thousands et cures after ethers fall, advice free, send for circular. marlO-lydAw hpkeial aoTiewr. Will It Really Onr Rheumatism. We answer, honor bright, It wUlcure rheu matism, and the severest cases tee. Dr. Thorn Thern os' JCeleetrie Oil waa especially prepared for tee rheumatic and lame. Netice letters from the peeple relative te Us nvrlu In nearly every paper In the country. F.ir sale by H. B. Cochran, druggist, is; and 139 Merth Queen street, Lancaster. AH UNFOUTUNATK l'KUSON. The most unfortunate person In the world la one afflicted with sick headache, but Ibey will be relieved atenceby using Ur.Loslle's Specie 1 Prescription. Bea advertisement In another column (l) Thalr Business Booming. Probably no ene thing has caused such a rush of trade at Cochran's drug 8 tore as their giving away te their customers of se many tree trial bottles of Or. King's Mew Discovery for Cen. sumptien. Their trade Is simply enormous In tut? very valuable article from the fact that It always cures and never disappoint. Coughs, Celda, Aathma,Uronchttls,Creup and all threat and lung diseases quickly cured. Yea can test It beleru buying by getting a trial bottle free. Everv bottle warranted. (3) Oanass Astonishment. Completely preUratcd for days with Indi gestion and billens fever. The effects et two bettlts of Murdoch Bleed mttert astonished uie: visible Improvements tight ad." Mr. Neah Bales, Klmlra, N. Y. Fer sale by 11. B. Cochran, druggist, is; and 139 Merth Queen street, Luncaaier. ethers atetuersit Mothers III are yen disturbed at- night and broken et your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with tha excruciating pain et cutting teeth t If se, go at once and get a bottle of MBS, WINBLOW'8 SOOTHING BYBOP. It Will re lieve the peer little sufferer Immediately--pend upon It 1 there la no mistake about Ik. There Is net a mother en earth who has era used It, who will net tell yen at once that- It will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te tha child, operating like magic. It la perfectly safe te nse In all cases and pleasant te the use, and te tha prescription et jne of the eldest and bast female phystclana and nurses In the United state. Sold everywhere, 35 cents a bottle. inaylA-lVdAw The Travelling Haieainan Is an Irreilstlble fellow, brim full of stories, Jekbs, soul-axe, self-assurance and grit. He Is very taking withal. Burdock Bleed Bitters are a very taking modlctee: they take every where, and are sold everywhere, for sale by II. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 Netth Queen street, Lancaster, Detective and Private Otticsra Usually wear their badges of authority con cealed under thi-lr clothing, but Dr. Themat' Scleetrie Oil wears Its badges In the form of piteWd labels attacked te each and every bot bet t'e, se that ail my knew Its mission. It Is given luil and complete authority te arrest ail aches and pains, aud doe It's duty every lime. or sale by 11. u cecbran. druggist, 1)7 and 139 Merth Uueen street, Lancaster. Epoch. The trandtlen from long, lingering and patnlul sickness te robust health marks an epoch In the Hie of the Individual. Such a ru mart able uvect la treasured In the memory and the agency whereny the geed health bss been attained Is gratefully blessed. Uencelt Is that se much Is beard In praise of JUectrte Bitters- Be many leel they ewe their restora tion le health, te tbe use of tbe Ureat Altrna Altrna Altrna tlveandlonle. if you are troubled wltblany disease of Kidneys. Liver or Stomach, et lenir orshertstandlng. you will surely And relief by nse et JClectiie Bitters, sold at 60c and II per bottle at H. U. Cochran's Drug Stere, 1!W and l Merth uueen Street, Lancaster, Pa. !-) "" " The Kind W i-Ib. The medicine we most like Is that which docs Us work quick and well. Burdock Bleed Bitten are the quickest kind of a cure for dys pepsia and liver and kidney affections. Fer sale by U. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 aud lsa North tjaeen attest, Lancaster. BnekUa' Arnica sal. Tbb Baar Baxvb In tha world for Cuta,Brntae Bere. Ulcers, Salt Bhaum. Fever Bere,Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, corns, and all Skin XrupUens. and positively cure PUes. or no pay required. It uguaranteep te give per fect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price as cent per box. Fer sale by U.B.Cechran, Druggist, Ne. 187 and VU Merth Queen street, Lancaster. Pa. une27-lyd What Three Applications Old. -1 wai treubled very much with sero feet Three applications el Therna? JCeleetrie, Oil entirely curea thsm. nothing better. in the market " Jacob Butler, Ue-tdlng, Pa. Fer sle byti. B Coehrau. drugUt, 197 aud 1SJ North (Jueea street, Lancaster. NOTIOK TO TKK3PA8SER8 ANU G U N KKBL ill persons ate hereby ter bidden te trespass en any et the lands of the Cornwall and speedwell estates In Lebanon or rjancisler counties, whether Inclesed or unln unln desed, either ler the purpose et ahoeUngor fishing, as the law will be rigidly fnforced against all trespasitng en said lands of the un derslgued alt r this notice. WM. UOLKMAN VUKKMAN, KDW.C.FBKKMAW, Attoreeyi for K, W. Colaiean'i Hctr. Qewm bsbum atJbil Rheumatism AeeertHM iBvatUiteajg M eanaad VTMaflMIUMlalMIMMMftTMlMU atteeketta f atvM Mania. aartleelarty la the joint, and Ik leaal asaalfaatatle et the taeee. sate end aehra la ta beek and ohewMMm, and Mi the JeUt at the knars- aaktea,ki e aad wrist. Thousaadaet people have teaad la Uoedw anaMUlllaapealUv aad permaaaat ear ler rbenaMUsm. Tkl Bsadlclaa,ny tu parifylng aad vluiUlagaeUea aeatraMtu the aeldlty of the Meed, aad also bail ap aad sMeagtaeas the whUs body. Hoed'a VMMptrnift N l wa MM tip ler its raeatk with rheuma tism, aad need many kind et medicine with with with oatgedreeltttllocrmy aalghbera told metotakeHeod'aearaaparuia. Whan I had jed half a bottle I leltbetter.au d after tak ing two bottle 1 think I was entirely cured, a I have net had an attack of rheumatism siaee." kcatn H. Dtxea, Bessvlile, Btaten IsJaad.K. T. Outm Rhewnatkiin "I had attacks et rheumatism which In creased la eevetlty. t took three bottle et Heed' Bereaparllia aad I am pieuedtesay the rheamatie pains ceased, my appetite aad dlgfstten became better, aad my general health greatly Improved, I am firmly eon een eon rUeed Uat Heed's aarsaparuia eared ma, a I have Halt no recurrence ;et this bleed. dU ease." Wa.Ccoea, Oaaara, N. Y. Heed arsaparillft Beld by all druggists, fl ; alx for IS. Prepared only by 0. I. HOOD A CO., Lewell, Mae. 100 DeMM Om DelUr. 0 A YER'H CUBKRY FKOTORAIi. amBBBmaai Every Household Bheuld have Ajer's Cherry Pectoral. It eaves thousands et Uvea annually, and Is peculiarly efficacious In CBOUP, WOOPIDU COUUH andBOBKTBBOAT. 11 After aa extensive practice of nearly one third of a 'century, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Is my cure for recent cold and coughs. I pre scribe It and believe It te be the very best ex pectorant new offered te the people." Dr. Jehn C. Levis, Druggist, West Brldgewater, Pa. Berne year age Ayar'a Cherry Pectoral cured ma of aslhma after tha best medical skill had failed te give me relief. A tew week since, being again a little troubled with the disaue, I waa promptly RELIEVED BY the same remedy. I gladly offer thts remedy for the benefit of all similarly afflicted."-". U. llasiler, Bdtter Argu; Table Beck, Neb. M for children afflicted with colds, coughs, sere threat or croup, I de net knew of any remedy which will give mere steady relief than Ayet's Cherry Pectoral, I have found It, also. Invaluable In cases of whooping cough." Ann Leve Jey, 1331 Washington treat, Bosten, Has. " Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has proved re markably effective In croup and is invaluable a a family medicine." D. M. Bryant. Chlco Chlce pee, Mas. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. raarABBD av Dr. J. O. Ajrer t Ce., Lewell, Masc. Beld by Druggists. Price, II 1 six bottles, as. marStell 8 CUKNCK'8 HANDRAKK PILLS. SOHENOK'S MANDRAKE PILLS fOU Bilious and Liver Complaints. AKETHK OI.DK8T ITAlllLY STAND ABO. A Purely Vegetable Compound, without mercury or ether Inl atleus mineral Sale and Hurealways. rorsale by sll Druggists. Full prtntsd directions for nslng with each pack age. Dr. Hcbenck's new book 011 Tbe Lungs, Liver and stomach sKNT rltKK. Address Dr. .1. II. Mrhenpk A ten. 1'hUadelnbla. mayl7-lydw s OBKNCK'8 MANDRAKK PILLS. SOHGNOK'S MANDRAKE . PILLS VOK BUleus and Liver Oemplaints AUBTHROLDKST FAMILY STAMDAUD. A Purely Vegetable Compeund,wlthont mer cury or ether Injurious mineral. Bale and sure always. Fer sale by all Druggists. Fnll pi luted directions ter using with each pack pack age. Dr. Schenck's new book en Ihe Lungs, Liver and etemach SKNT FUKk Address Dr. J. U. Bchenck A Ben, Philadelphia, maylMyd&w H UMPUREY8' BPK0IF1CS. HUMPHREYS' tin Htmrnaays'SrEomea are sclentltlcally and carrlully prepued prescriptiens: used for many y ears In private practice with suc cess and for ever thirty years nsed by the peeple. Every single 8 peel Be Is a special cure for the disease namtd. These Bpeclncs cure wlthent drugging, purging or reducing the system, and are In fact and deed Uie Sovirsiem Bsmsi)1K80ftu World. . List of Principal Nes. Cures. Price, 1. Favaas, Congestion, Inflammations Weaaa, Werm Fever, Werm Celic s. cavma Colie, or Teething of Infanta. ...38 4. Diabrueu, of Children or Adults 25 6, DTsaiTBar, Griping, Bilious Celic as e. Cbexbra Meaaus. VeralUng 7. Cocees, Colds, Bronchitis 'S a. mbdbauiia, 'xoetnacoo, jeceacue ve . Hbadaehb, Sick Headache, Vertigo 10. DrsrBniiA.Bllleus stomach 25 11. surraassKDer Paiksul Pamei 'A 12. Wuitbs, tee Prefnse Periods 26 18. Caeur, Cough. Difficult Breathing ta 14. Salt Unsua. erysipelas, Kruptlens 26 15. Bubdkatuk, Uhaumatle Pains ..2S Id. Favaa amd Aoua, chills. Malaria te 17. Pilbs, Blind or Bleeding 60 19. Gatabbh, Influence, Celd In the Head... .60 90. WBOoriae Codeh, Violent Coughs 60 24. Gbsseal DaaiLirr, Physical Weakness. .se 27. Kidbst disbabb se 28. NSRVOPB DSBILITV 11 CO JO. Ubibabt Wbabbbbs, Welting Bed W S3- DisbasbbebthbUbabt, Palpitation. ...(100 Beld by druggists, or ant postpaid en re ceipt of nrlce. Da. HuMraaivs'MAiiOAi, (1M peges) richly bound In cloth and geia, mailed free. UUMPUKKYS' MBDIUIMK OOh 1W Ful- "iUI,-X-BM0IFI0B. Tu.Th.8Aw(2) w KAK, UNDEVKLOPKD PARTS Of the Unman Bedy Enlarged, Develrpsd, Strengthened, etc , Is an Interesting advertise ment long run In eurpaper. In reply te In quiries we will ssy that there Is no evidence or humbug about this. On the contrary, the advertisers are very highly Indorsed. Inter ested persons may get sealed circulars giving all particulars, by writing tethe KUIE il KDi CiLiiU., S Swan el, Buffalo, N. t. Teledo Dally Bte. fll-lydw ITIKETHINU UYRUP. TO MOTHERS. Every babe should have a bottle et DB. FAUUNEY'STKBTBlNUBYJlUP. Perfectly safe. Ne Opium or Merphia mixtures. Win relieve Celic, Urtplng In the Bowels and Pro mote Dlfflcult Teething. Prepared by Dlia. D.FAHUNEYABON,l7agerstewn.Md. Drug gUts sell It i Se cents. Trial bottle sent by mall 10 cents. Janl-lydeedAw VAKKiAema. STANDARD CARRIAGE WORK. Standard Carriage Werk, KDW. BDUKrlLKY, Nes. 40, 12, 43, 45 Market Street, Bear of Post Pest office, Lancaster, Pa, De net iall te call and see my splendid sleck or Law st Htyle Buegles, 1'taitens, Family Carriagnr, Ac , which I new have ready ler the Bpi lug Trade. AH tbe latest designs te se lect trem. There are no finer vehicles In the state, A Una line et Becend-Usnd Werk en hand . My prices are .the lowest In the state for flrsvciass work. All work guaranteed. Repairing and repainting prompt! yattinded te. One set el workmen especially employed ter that purpose. XNJK0TOR8, RUE LllTLK OIANT, Hancock Inspiraters aud Electors, kber man Beiler feeder. Ptuberthy Injector, American injectors, all la stock '. JOHN BEAT'S, 13 East Fulton street mxttd Si J. BARKY ITABfJCl BTORB, 1 1 Fer OR BIG BARGAINS TRADE NO. Wash Goods ! In the goods we show a wonderful combi nation of brightness, long wear aad cheap, net. Table Linens AtlSHe A TAKP, At SMS A. YAKD, AtlSeAYAKD. These are nur leaders, and bet'.cr values can not ba had ler a tbltd mere. New Bosten rrBia bargain stork. WATOHMO. OTATUHKa AMERICAN ! Watchea, Clocks, Jewelry, spec, Bye-Ola Etc., at LOWEST PBlOEl Optical floods. Telegraph Ttme Dally. Ever Article in thla Line carefully Repaired. LOTJI8 WSIKIt, Ne. IMN If. Uueen 8L, Hear P. B. B. station TKWKLiKR AND OPTICIAN. GILL. Jeweler and Optician. If veur eyes trouble yau attend te thorn Im mediately, Tha use of PHOPEK GLASSES restore sight, gives comfort and pleasure. Lancaster ha long felt the need et a SPE CIAL OPTIuIAN. We are bow prepared te measure your eyes, fit glasses with the PRE CISION OF AS O'JULIBT, having a full and compute outfit et test lense required in per fect measurement flatislactlen guaranteed In every Instance. OEABLES S. GILL, Ne. 10 West King Street, LANCASTER. PA WORD. WE ABE NOWOFFEB1NO A8 LAlUiE AMD FINK A LIMB OF WATCHES AND JEWELRY A can be shown, and at. LOWER PRICES than have ever been quoted for goods et equal quality, COME AND BK YOUR OWN JUDUE. Walter A. Herr, NO. 101 NORTH QD11N BT COBNEBOFOBANUE. UHOVMR1KH. E VKRx7 FAMILY SHOULD UHE CABSABD'S MILD CUBED HAM. The F. Bchumaker Mew Precess Fleur pre nounced the best ever placed upon the mar- We make specialties of FINE TEAB.and Cbolce OLD J A V 4. and MOOU A COFFEKB. The best Wa cotree In the city. All we ask Is a trial order. BKU.Wl ANT, Ne. 113 West King Street, garOoeds del Ivered. AT BURSK'B. lenteinTgoedsi MACKEBEIWe have tha Large Fat Bloater Mackerel. CODFISH- We have the Flneit White Meat Deep Sea Cedflsh BARDINBB-We have Ihe Finest Imported Sardines. Alse the American In Oil ana Mus tard SMOKEDSALMON-SmokedClsceof.Sinnitea Bloater Herring. FRKHH 8ALUON Inbltfh and llat tins. PREBU LOBSTER in high and mt llus. CLAM BROTU In Jam. LltUe MecR Clams In cans, l!letcr paster. Imported MACARONI IN ALL SHAPES, viz: fpuguettt, MezzanL Cenchlglle, Alpha bet. Vermicelli; CHEKSKI CHBE8EI nuuiiheid, Pine apple, Bapsage and Cream C'bueau. BURSK'S! NO. 17 BAST KINO STREET. LANCASTER. PA. -DARUAINH FOR TUK NRXT BIX DAY I REISTS' BIG BARGAINS ANOTHER CIU -CE AT OUU OANNSD GOODS. VK UAVK TOO MANX. THEY MOLT UO. WE WILL HELL, Fer Ihe Next Six Days Only, Twenty-four Cam of Cern for II oe Twelve Cans el Cern for 1 uu Twelve Cans et Peas ler. 1 00 Twelve Cana el Tnnatecs ler. 1 ue fifteen cans or string Beans ler 1 U) Twelve Cans of Pie Peaches ler 1 10 fight Cans of Table Peaches ler 1 Eight cans e! Balmon for 1 U) SOAP. Btxty Cakes Bleacher Boap for 1 00 Sixty Cakes Little Giant eeap ler 1 00 Twenty-tlve Cakes Clicus Soup for 1 W Thirty Cakes KeaHy soup for 1 W Thirty Cakes Lureka Boap ler 1 10 Twenty- fl ve Cakes True Boap (pound burs) ler 1 te Thirty Cakes Belst's Best aesp ler 1 ej SALT. Just In, a carload or Salt, at (5 cents a bag, Farme-s, In dellveileg tbclr tobacco, will de well by cilllug at our place. Five and tea bug lets at special prices. J. FRA1 RE1ST, WUOLEBALE AND BETA1L CROC IB, MtrUeut Carner WMt KlBf bb4 FrlBCd Htreeta, LAN0ABTKB PA. ear-Telephone and Free Delivery, w. 1a FISHER, DENTIST. Particular attention riven te flllln and preserving the natural teeth. 1 have all the Tateat Improvement ter doing nice work at a very reasonable cost. Having years of ex pertence In the large cities lam sure te give the best of satisfaction and save yea money beat aruaataj tth oaiyjuue per set, EMuru-Iyd a. m auaxa iuaaa it. 24 CENTRE SQUARE. Dress Goods I . Bright Mew Springy "3lutr," at Wonderful Lew Price. Dress Goods ! k The new things are en enr counters await lag your con vealenea, BEE OUB OFFKIUNOS. THEY'LL PLEASE. Dress Goods I Stere. J. Harry Stamm. NO. 24 CENTRE SQUARE. DRY UOODH. v- , v- e A.RPET8 ! CARPETS. METZGER &. HAUGHMAN Have New Open a Large Assortment et llandsome Brussels, lngr.iD, Rig, Hall and Stair Carpets, BOUUUT AT AUCTION AND DIRECT FROM THE M ANUFALTUU11B",CUBAPF0B C ABU. CARPETS OAKI'EtB C'ARPBtB CARPETS At 10 Cents ...... At l.'K fonts AtlS fonts At an cents UABPET8.. ..Alte cents Straw Mattings, chetp. Table, Stair and Fleer OH Cleths, Window Shades, Curtain Poles and Lace Curtains at Lew Prices. Our Famous Steam-Cured Feat hets, for which there Is such great demand, always en hand. Carpet Rags taken In exchange ler t'ai pel l. Metzger & Haughman, Nes. 38 & 40 West Kins Street, Lancaster, Pa, AVOPPOSITE TUB COOPER HOUSE.- N KWJ NEW ! NEW ! NEW ! Big Bargains! All 8111c Satin Rhadamas, 60e a Yard. Ohangeable Ellka, All Celers, 87 l-2e a Tard, Heavy Black Bilks, All Silk, 60e a Tard. Blaek Meire rodueed te 76e a Yard, Stripe Velvets rodueed te 17e a Yard. Blaek Honrletta Cleth, 71e up te $2.25 a Yard. Freneh Sateens, 20e, 26e, 85e a Yard. Dress Ginghams, 8 1-Se, Be, lOe, 12 l-2e, 20e, 26e a Yard. Table Linens, IB l-2e, 16e, 17e,up te S1.00 a Yardi Charles Stamm, 35-37 North Queen St, (Ol'PO.SITK BOSTON 5TWKITK B ARDdt MeKLHOY. Bard & McElroy, Nes. 33 and 35 Beut h qneen Htreet, Opposite Feuntals lsn. DUESB (11NUIIAM8 We have new In stnak for veur Inspection Om best Una of patterns In Dress Utrghams and Tnlledu Nerdln the city of Lancastur. le net buy your Dress until you have saUsnedjenrielf by looking thorn evor. We start the line at GVc, nest grade at te, next at 10c. Berne sttles we show you, you will net be able toseeelsowbeio We claim we have tha choicest, tbe newest puterusuud blending of shades that have been put ou the market this season. TOILK PU NORD In Totled'i Nerd ut 12K what a quantity were sold last season, and hew someef the beststyles woresnld euteariy In tboseasen and unable te gut them later. Yeu will be surprised at the beantltul stylus tutlita very desirable liress Fabrle that we can show you. In the Ulngbam Remnants, lb l we have sold se many of at &Xe and 7c, we would only say that we caii new accommeduto jeu aguln with any tuantliy you may want, BUIRTB-Men'a Untaundrled White BhlrtsatS7Ke, Wo,75e aud up. Men's Lnuedrlcd White Shirts at 60c, 75e and ll.OU. Men's Calice Hblrta at &ks. HOSIKKY in Urwlery we are boadiuartera for His best value In the city for Ladles, Men aud Child idii In cotton or Weel, FEATUEBS-Ue net fall te Uke ailvantai;e of llie low prlce wn are giving en the Beit Featheis. Bard & McElroy, Nes. 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, Opposite Fountain Inn. JHWBI.Hr. Hi Z. HHOADH A HON. We Jealre te call attention te our large variety of STABLE WAREO Sterling Silver Table Ware, comprising tbe latest patterns of Spoons, Ferks, Knives and Celd and Het Dish Services. BACCARAT GLASSWARE. All tbe sizes of Glasses and Decanters. Housekeepers will find n cheap line for everyday use in the Standard Dated Waies. Alse Dining ltoem and Kitchen Clocks. Repairing In all kinds by competent weikmen, and all work warranted. H. Z. RHOADS & SON, JEWELERS, Ne. 4 West King Street. VAMVMT HAKUA1NH I -GO SHIRK'S CARPET HALL WILTON, VBLVET, BODY BRUSSELS, Tapestry, lagriin, Damask and Venetian, lit ted Gbile Carpets, OIL VLQTHB, WINDOW SUADMH, V. Wa aava taa Largaat aad Baat Btoek la taa Oltr. H. S. SHIRK & SONS. OoretT Weet Kin ui Wtter Blmta, Uneuter, Pi WITH US I Odd Lets at Half Price lxt el Children's scarlet lUnUalSOC) lormer price, bee. Ladlei'Mkltti, All-Weti. tee i former ptiee, itu. Ladles' Jerseys at tic, 50c and 75e t were 67r, 71c and f 1 10. BBM.HAHTSOr Table Llneni and Miulini. I CARPKTfl At 31 Cent j I CABPEra t 40 Cents I OARPBTS At (10 Cents I CARPET At 6.1 Cents i UAarcn amtean rOSTOFFlUK.) STORE. VOW. HAMI'LKS. HALL. KAKOAINH! 'J' rommrenm W IDMTKR'S OORHER. Fer Furniture! WIDMYER'S FTOHITUfiE STORE. YOU CAN'T 1)0 BKTTEK I' GOOD WOKK I LOWrUIOKI Ger. East King and Dnke Sts, e UHHAUIBBl. Ocbs & Gibbs, ir YOU'UK LOOKlNUrOU rUBNITUUV, 2d, 3d and tth rioers, NO. BOUTU QUEEN 8T rUKMlTOBB YOU CAM DO BKTTEK UEKK THAN ANrWUKBKKI.SK.1 11KTTKK rUKNITUBE IS'NT MADK AND CUBAFBU NOW1IBEE. ar Call and make tolectlens new. We store goods until wanted. OCHS A GIBBS, Manufacturers and Dealers, 21, m and tth rioers, 81 fenih quoen street, aprii-tm Ql'KINU 8TYLK8. HEINITSH'S 27 ml 29 Seuth Qam Street. The variety et rUBNITUKB woaretbow. Ing this Spring ha never been eqttalled for Style, finish or Durability. OUB SOLID OAK BU1T for a small price li the Best Bargain effered, and Is a seller. BBD-BOOM SUITS, te S30. VABLOB SUITS. U te S3S0. CHAIB8 from t3.B0 per half dcien upward. BXTBNSIOM TABLES from IS upward. OUB 1'ltlOKS all through are LOW, VKUY LOW, ter Geed, Reliable Furniture. FKW BAHQA1N BU1TS lelt ever from last rail, te be closed out cheap, aPBCIALl'lttOKS TO UU YKBS OF OUTFITS. Heinitih'f Furniture Depot, LANUABTEB, I' A. F URNITURB I FUHNITURH I THB UN DEB01UNED UAB BEOrEMED UIE TOBB AT THB OLD STAMP, Ve. 38 East King Street. Whleh waa destroyed by Ore some Utne age. aaaBaaaporiectiyMawSteck of all kinds et FURNITURjB. VABLOB SUITES, BBDBOOM 8U1TEB, TABLES, 0UA1U8, BTO, upHOiixEmNa In ah iu Branches., Alse rainUng ana 0 nauienting Old Chairs, HENRY WOLF, Ne. S8 EMt KlBK Street. n leatra JIAHDWAKH, jyTAKHUALL A ItRNUlKK, Hardware! Hardware! JUST UECEIVKI) AT MARSHALL ft RENGIER'S, 9& 1 1 Seuth Queen St., AI.AUUEINVOIUKOr TOBACCO TWINE & T03AOCO PAPER, Sold at the Lewest Marktt 1'rlcer. Alse, large asaorlmeatof H0U8E-STIRB GOODS ! AND A LAUUELOTOr PRIMS NBW OLOV1B QBBO. SOLEAUKNTH rOUTIIK Butcher Heuse Bene. tebs-lyd JIATU, AV. V Hl'KOlAL XNTERKUT TO YOU. PRICES THAT TELL 1 A Genuine Fur Stiff Ua, fl . A Urade Better, II W. A Very Fine One, tL A Saxony Weel Stiff llat, we te II. A Saxony Weel Seft Hat, tee te lie. Men's Genuine Fur Belt Hats, All Shires and colors, "50. Men's Bilk liata from II W up. Men's Caps from Wc te II. Gent's Fur Cellars, wc te i Gent's Fur Caps, Boe te lie. Ladles' Mulls, 60c, up. FlneJaiian Well Bebes ( Large Sire). II S5. Bebes-AU Grades una aii rrices. Trneks and Traveling Bigs At HlgBaigilns. Carload Just liectlved. A Nice Trunk, II 13. A Ztnc-Ceveiel Trunk, l. Traveling Baas trem aec up. aayillgbest XCash i'rlces rer Buw Furs. Muskrats.'.'ic. W.D.Stauffer&Ce., Neb. 81 83 North Quaes Street LAMOABTEB.FA. rii wsiMkaadssiaAsbBaakakaaiaiBB.aJBBBBBBBBffiBBl T.flSAJtOsT A a-l lAMflBAIUKIAM. . MOETMWAJU. ,tJATe A.M. . 8?rrviile......... I ABeaita?,, -, &5 jw"'i .JJt iai . .Antra at eeaiajBi.,,,,,,,,,, BfllIliiAiin . JM1I A.BI, 'r.M. ftfW' T.M Ut FiSSesjBi,,,, ,,,,, TM Mi lMS!2'V Arrtreat - ing street, juaa. tM art waij-,M RRADINO COLUMBIA . w npaiLAOBLraiA a jiaa rVin?KJi""?i JjBkUNM i wlwaA'uVVMXJUU bV ;t'X wmm ainiii ea as aw bbi ainBn b BmaB- at .i baavixb1aJ4;? ur vmnmBWBaaUUMaaMWaatJiB.1 p m and MO pi. "",m!!SfJ iusa lssvs mr.iratwsa. -, '? ?adlngat7.)aBs. lieiaaa aa.Bm aa.Bm rer Lebanon at ll aa em ,..?. TBAlMBI.KAVB10ITawVn.ai: . rJm?n0M,cr " aBlU8' ?' Keding at bio. S.S a as. tM ,.. vraDanonatf.egaBdlyB8pg. '," - - . nmmms . eTKeaaingat7.am,HJaaa:i4im.Ba. r rexLebacat7.eaaBiLtsuX& ' Fer guarryvmaat tMMlmUkt LBAVaFBXJTOaETBBBT (1 ZZ "fing at 7.40 a aa. UM aaA wm for Lebanon at 7 07a m. list aaiMi or Vluarryvllle at l7a bTbsTSK TBAIN8 MAVB LKBAMCMf rer Quarry vuie at 7.U am aZl UM aaaf 1 "" i.3.- 'vr BUN DAT TBAIMS. TBAIMS LBAVB RKADIMO. w rnr rAnM.lMi.l ,n. . mm m .a i"i rr-T-rr0"';." ?". b! bib. VfBXICBaJIIJtr mi 7 . tM for UuarrrTlDe at 8.10 n iarrvviiieat.a.ien . - , AINS LEAVE QUABBTVIUJi V Fer Lancasur, Lebaaea and "-rttg M 1M ' Ml III,. A..M MM ... .. . 'rtl Fer KAftilln ttnA TAh..M. a, SOB. ..... aM v " ---""""""""""as.: "erQuarrrvllla at 8.10 b. 3k" i lainaiMM iEealiii 'r?3 fJ TS aajapuaM bVbbbbbbbb 'IbbbMl. AaaJpr'V raBBBBBa ' tM UBMtftM i.alLat'p"t'3gl UaVaBBaVlKl U.JS.B.' ;ki 3! TBAINS LEAVE PBINCB BT. (I lEKUHii -A IMpmT"' " a,Bia; rerQnarryvllleatB.Oipm. Vi TBAINS LBAVB LEEAMOV. V'. Fer Lancaster at :i nt ui a e ''.. FerUnarryvUleatasSBBs. Fer connection at oelambM, MartMa uun, ..ncHsir UaOeau BIBB and Lebanon, sea time taaii eat all A. M. WILS ION Bui Vjti, mi? f PENNSYLVANIA KAIUWaaS) SCHEDULB.-U aflMt tri Vv7V 188B. Trains taiva LABvaataa aat Mam aaa ' rive at rhiiadeiphia aa louewa i Tr' Leave WBBTWABD. racuie Express t.... Nawajlxpreest Way Pasena-ert , llalaaa. U:,. aja.BB. 40a.BI. 7 a. i. Man train viaMtJeyf MalMaUTralBti..,. via niagara xpreea.... Hanover Aecem ... .. 7:ea. m TtapelBBsl TtaOelBBStB Uawa. aa. fast Llnef rredarleh Acoem.... Lancaster Aecem.... TlaeelBBaBa via M Jew.. HarnsDurg Aoeom., , Columbia Aecem..,, Harrtiburg Ezpree WMtera Aspreatt... BABTWABD. EUB.H, rm' ljaMg, iuea.Bi. Ma, SB. M0B.BI. rhiia. Bxpreesf Fast Line).... Uaxrlsburg Bxpreaa. uuuwwaDcesi,,., oelumbla Aceem.... AUaatte Expresst... Beaahere Expraaa.... raiiaaaiBhia Aocem. eunaay auu..m..., Day Exvreesi Harrtabnrg Aceem (The only train walehraa & wn OBBBfty.sae BSU tlBBB of oelambla.' J. B, WOOD, t euasTb. ruMU, l. TMVHK9 w UOLKHAIJb RIOUOTlOir, . .M1 "- -vv" -w CHAS. I HABERBCSI. (SQtciswrteM.HiWfkiiklSii.)!' '- 4i. Wholesale Seduction .? j : Te enable u te make roost for ear MW we are offering special Bargain la FUR ROBRB, PLDBHL-APROBRH, J .. L iSry HIiEIQH BRLLN, JfUR UUBTE. In fact, enr Entire WlnUr Bteek. -M.: ,f?4 LAUIK8' POOKETBGOKS, , r- OARD UAHU, PUB AND BKLT8 AT COST. TT, fk-l Htf' Ne trouble te show our goods at t- m Chas, E. Habertusli'i BJBDDLB,IUUmBfc 'Ci '4: -AMU TRUNK BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBt IS a, f JJBa,g . 4bVmbV eMfcT I XsSaW BBaa ' mkT'i fiTnRy "P " BM4J BBBbTT, Ne. 90 Otntn) stuwt, LAN0A1TBB, rA. ..m .' rsign of Ue Gelden lierse Mi MO taMWVMMlBMtWm e UU AMD BBB ROCHESTER LAMP sixty eaaaie-Light i AHOtMgLOtOf CHBAFSLO; WUBMIISBi TBB "PBBTBC METAL MOULDWa A BUBBIB WEATHERSTRIP Beau them all.nraMspctwaieaU Eeepa out tse oeio. Biopraeuagea Bxcinee tne oust. esp eas ai Anyone ean apply Itao waste holes te bera, ready tee a. It, iBwa -4MH Jehn P. Seliaum & Seuv 84 SOUTH QUMBW Wtm UAMOUmM,TA MUSICAL. G RKAT RUDU0T10N IN . AUTOHARPS. Tbroe U&rMsiisssMsiMM,tMMtiMiHi :f: reur liar.. s,t ee BlVa liar.............. a a ee ' . i.. ln.nla m nwAlaflftAaal eBBjBBflBaK ."i. -J 'waawisBBBtef' PC BfJtBBBBBJ'A " , fB IP BMEfs t v wmmm bbbbbbBBB tf- ......, n.nn l thalnru aintl lakiia UWBt Mm c them. ... t?i TO AHSTIUK1 ana rsusaHiu.aii'i We have at present the finest stock of MAav MONlUAteverseen in uutcasier a &. prUtngiy low prices. -.. .i H hhy5 several second-Haud riaaes aa J Organs In Ferfect Condltlea. which wa Wbb 4?t Bargain Frtces.t -ic Mdea.ln'generai-ln fact everyihlag ftHuwA. ... .A stu nUaavnualM tAFfenBaea. Vv" U4f W B VVAag4BB BBIw wv-w-w CviV. mi"""i . Kirk Jehnsen Ce., 34 WB8T KIHO BTTMBT, i iwninritlLPA p 8. r lance aad Furniture MemE. OeJaT copy of Fd. T. aher'aNwa3lBk Sr DevaaBaturn. ? y) JH ? ft.' 9 4.J.-: fj itsr3 ztm 'mi ; jfL i- .irTj ."1 v. ,sgvM-,giavvtviss-.. .4-- r .& $at - t . J .. t- J JalTw'ltV'JM